A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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What’s going on with Twitter?
[JC2 note: As most people are now aware, you now need to log in to watch videos or read content for “watch on Twitter” links.

I normally save Twitter videos but now I need an account.
So I now use an Android app called XRecorder to record (screen region selectable) videos being played.Nobody beats JC2.
You can still watch embedded Twitter videos on sites that have Twitter accounts (and cookies
Starting today, Twitter is no longer accessible on web and mobile apps if you don’t have an account, forcing all users to log in if they want to get access to the platform.
If you’re not already logged in, you will get redirected to a “Sign in to Twitter” screen, where you’re prompted to either sign into your account or sign up for one.
If you dismiss this sign-in screen, you’ll be sent to the social network’s homepage, where you’ll be once again asked to join Twitter by creating an account or by signing up with Google or Apple.
Twitter has yet to share a statement via its official support account or the company’s blog regarding the motives behind this change.
Back in April, Twitter disabled the search field for unregistered users and only showing several suggested tweets when going to the homepage.
Twitter also capped its free API in early February, asking for at least $100 per month when requesting write or read access to large amounts of tweets.
While there is no official explanation from Twitter for this recent move to close down the platform even further, some believe this might be an effort to block data scrapers from accessing tweets.
After the change rolled out today, some users who were not logged in reported being caught in a redirect loop, preventing them from accessing the login page.
Similar reports on DownDetector confirm that many Twitter users have been logged out and cannot log back in, while others report seeing “This page isn’t working” errors.
“Keep getting errors when trying to access on my laptop. Says this page isnt working,” one report reads.
“Why is twitter not logging in,just keeps on loading …,” another user said.
Last month, Twitter also rolled out encrypted direct messages, a feature currently limited to Twitter Blue subscribers. On May 1st, a worldwide Twitter outage logged out users en masse, preventing them from signing back into their accounts.
Of course Twitter is not the shining white knight we believe, and there’s Twitter’s blocking Bitchute and Elon’s ongoing feud with Substack.
Then there’s the user exodus & Twitter’s forced compliance with EU “hate” (ie anything that counters gubermint narratives) laws.
Of course, logging in now will produce a nice list of who watches what, when and how much.
Maybe forcing people to sign up/sign in will increase revenue.
Maybe Twitter was a really bad buy for Elon.
Well, I did say he should have bought a small country.
Maybe Australia? No…the NWO already bought it.
Remember Elon hired a World Economic Forum person to be their new CEO. Linda Coco etc.Klaus Schwab people are involved
I am very disappointed that Elon did that.
What choice did he have? Nothing is free. And it’s time the left of politics paid their way with their own money.
Saturday entertainment: Great Reset King Charles III Warns: ‘Humanity Has 6 Years Left Before Climate Armageddon’
‘Great Reset’ King Charles III has issued a chilling warning to humanity: commit to the net zero goals of the WEF or face armageddon in just six years time.
Charles joined London’s far-left Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan this week to activate a a “climate clock”, warning that a “climate catastrophe” will be triggered by 2030 unless the Paris Climate Agreement’s extreme green agenda goals, as dictated by the Davos elite, are adhered to.
“Today with His Majesty King Charles III we launched the Climate Clock — a visual reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis,” Khan declared in a post on Twitter.
“The climate emergency poses a threat not only to the future of our city but to the future of our world and that is why it must remain a key priority.”
..adds bs prediction to already long list of wrong predictions..
2028 btw, not 2030.
I’ll explain before long. Promise.
How many times is that now.
Gasp! Not time enough to build nuclear reactors in Australia! Are well time to stock up on fire wood and candles!
I was wondering if this pattern of end of world predictions would continue. Really, how many times can you warn of the imminent end of the world and put a date on it and see the time expire? There is a real lack of self awareness in Charlie III. As for Mr Khan, he embodies the idiocy of substituting equity for expertise.
I thought it was only the religious nut jobs who used to say we’re doomed, repent your sins, the world will end by XXXX and those who believe in the saviors of the lord Jesus Christ will be saved and can join Christ in heaven. Religious nut jobs, wait, oh yeah, right…
It is …. The climate change cult
I thought we ended last week?
It depends on your source.
2009: Prince Charles says only 8 years to save the planet
2014: Only 500 days before ‘climate chaos’ French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius
2015: Prince Charles says only 35 years to save the planet
2017: Prince Charles says Only 4 years to save the Planet
2018: Only 12 years to save the Planet, 15 year old Greta Thunberg
2019: Prince Charles says next 18 months to keep climate change to survivable levels
2020: Prince Charles says ‘we are literally at the last hour’
2020 is the deadline to avoid climate catastrophe. former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres and 3 top Climate Scientists.
And for Today’s Ray of Sunshine
The Daily Mail, quoting 2009: China will cut emissions 40-45% below 2005 level by 2020. India will cut emissions by 20-25% by 2020
NASA Climate Model Fails at Basic Physics, Report Finds
What if climate models were actually junk? A new paper from Net Zero Watch shows, somewhat alarmingly, that this is indeed the case.
The author, Willis Eschenbach, is an experienced computer programmer and a long-time writer on all things climate change. His paper, entitled Climate Models and Climate Muddles, reports on what he found when he examined the computer code inside NASA’s Model E climate simulation. It is positively astonishing. While programmers have indeed attempted to base the model on basic physics, time and again they have run into problems. For example, Eschenbach describes the problems they have had with polynyas, pools of meltwater that sit on top of the polar ice caps. These are important in determining how much of the sun’s heat is reflected straight back out to space again, and thus how much global warming affects the earth’s temperature.
Being made of water, polynyas should of course freeze once temperatures fall below zero. However, the code reveals that, in the artificial world of the simulation, they failed to freeze even at temperatures far colder! Imagine that – fresh water that refuses to freeze. However, instead of working out what was wrong with the physics, NASA’s scientists simply decided to insert some code that forced it to freeze if the temperature fell too far below zero. So, in this area at least, the model is not based on physics so much as on fudge.
The problem with the polynyas is just one example. Eschenbach shows that in another area of the model scientists were forced to insert code that dealt with the problem of cloud cover becoming negative. Clearly, if a model can have less than 0% cloud in some parts of the world, the physics on which it is based is very faulty.
Can not trust NASA better thought of as a Disney subsidiary peddling Apollo missions and such.
“not based on physics so much as on fudge.”
Absolutely! Computer “climate models” are reverse engineered on a best fit basis. Fudge is indeed the method.
The reason why multiple models are often cited is that not one of their models is sound.
Yes, the climate modelling uses unphysical fudges. This is because they are trying to model the role of CO2 in a net radiative greenhouse effect that does not exist.
It matters not the LWIR radiative exchange between the surface and gases in the atmosphere with three or more atoms to their molecules.
The big issue is solar thermal gain in the true surface materials of the surface of our ocean planet.
Otherwise brilliant mathematician, Joseph Fourier, stuffed up in 1824, and the entire radiative GHE edifice is built on that mistake. (The “great man” scientific fallacy writ very large).
The entire assumption of a net radiative GHE raising surface temperatures by 33 degrees is based on the misuse of instantaneous radiative balance equations (such as S&B) which cannot be applied to SW translucent/LWIR opaque oceans which cover 71% of our planet’s surface. The simplest of empirical experiments prove that solar thermal gain in SW translucent/LWIR opaque materials cannot be modelled by this type of calculation. Most certainly not if said material is liquid and intermittently illuminated with SW radiation.
The unphysical fudging in the climate modelling is because the climastrologists are trying to model the role of CO2 in an imaginary 33 degrees of atmospheric warming, when they should have been modelling its role in 26 degrees of atmospheric surface cooling.
It’s not “Turtles all the way down”, but it’s Turtles all the way down to Joseph Fourier.
Manabe was awarded the Nobel prize in physics in 2021 for his work in modelling the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 warming the planet. That shows how deep the rot has entered the science community.
Chiefio did a similar exercise when the coding for Gistemp was released
His conclusion was that “it was dumber than a tomato”
Anything can happen in the world of climate phiisics. They have photons zooming about in all directions completely oblivious to the electric field where their energy is transmitted. They have tropical ocean surface sustaining temperature above 30C when that is an impossibility on this planet with the present atmospheric mass. They have the atmosphere creating water from nothing with precipitation perpetually exceeding evaporation.
Climate models can do anything they want to imagine because that is how climate phiisics works. Mere mortals should never question the phiisics.
‘Chilling’: Journalists warn against EU legislation allowing press surveillance
Members of the press are warning about legislation being drafted in the European Union which would give the government carte blanche to spy on journalists to uncover their sources.
In its original text, the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) proposed last September would allow the media certain safeguards against the government. That includes protection against state surveillance to uncover journalistic sources, particularly with the use of spyware. According to the bill, “the Act will add a targeted robust safeguard against the deployment of spyware in the devices used by the media service providers or their employees.”
The government would, however, have allowances to spy on reporters on “a case-by-case basis” in the interest of “national security,” or to investigate “serious crimes,” which could include theft and music piracy.
But for some countries, these allowances do not go far enough. Last month, France proposed a blanket provision that would allow any EU country to deploy spyware on members of the press “without prejudice to the member states’ responsibility for safeguarding national security.” The measure was backed by Germany and the Netherlands and is included in a litany of amendments to the EMFA.
In an open letter to the Council of the European Union last week, 62 organizations including Reporters Without Borders warn that the law threatens freedom of the press, who are “the public watch-dogs in our democracies.” Allowing such state surveillance, they explain, will have “chilling effects on civic spaces.”
I must be missing something here.
Journalists actually engaging in investigations and research
and not just blindly regurgitating gubermint PR releases, lies and fake science?
Saturday funny: I just bought a chinese fridge
Needs gold or red stripes or both.
But no “beckoning” paw..
The Paw Paws are inside.
I’ve just had to Oh-Ah about a friend of a friend’s new Tesla.
He lives in the Gold Coast and works from home so it would suit his lifestyle – Go for it, but he talks of the thousands of moving parts in my ICE as if one breaks every other week and confidently predicts there will be charging stations EVERYWHERE in ten years, even in the north, so “we” won’t need to plan our trips as we do now. Talk to me again in ten years if I’m still driving.
In 10 years your friend might be on his third Tesla.
I’ll still be driving the Ford150 I now have.
If I’m still driving.
I love the hundreds/thousands of moving parts ICE meme. Its like its not a totally mature system and materials science has gone nowhere in the last 100 years and you see cars broken down on the roadside “all the time” But they believe whatever rationalizes what they have already done.
Just remind him of the “hundreds of thousands” of individual electronic components, and soft/firm ware programms his Tesla relies on functioning perfectly , for it to move !
……and a few more thousand individual battery cells !
Noneof which are needed in an ICE.
and the software, that at the push of a button and at the whim of the elites can restrict your speed, where you travel and how far you can travel.
And the camera system sending images back to uncle Sam.
Yes Yarpos. Nearly all manufacturers of ICEs offer 7 year unlimited ks warranties on those moving parts…Mitsubishi 10 years. Thus I am really really afraid when told there are lotsa moving parts. Will ANY EV still be running in 7 years time?
BTW: Quite right about the “mature” systems. How well I recall my parents with their unimaginably totally-guaranteed Hillman Hunter with 12 months and 12 thousand miles (12/12 Looxury) warranty.
How many independent service centres are there for Tesla? None.
Is Tesla service data available to repairers? No.
Do scan tools accomodate Tesla? No.
A whole ICE engine would typically cost less than a Tesla battery, but will last 5-10 times longer.
High parts costs, high repair costs, long parts delays, mediocre build quality, no towing capacity, limited range, affected by cold, battery life, “refuelling” time, queues and lack of stations, power steering/self drive/blind spot detection chronic issues.
In under 10 years, the green agenda will have imploded, EV’s abandoned and recharging stations in cobwebs.
Tell him to wake up and buy a WRX.
I agree completely John. I’ve felt for some time , that EV’s are a solution to a non existent problem, and with all the hidden problems they have that you have accurately pointed out, are doomed to failurealong with quite a few of the companies that make them…it’s going to e a big implosion in my humble opinion.
My favorite car has a lovely little handle on the doors. Rotate it one way the window lowers, the other way & it rises. No problem with batteries or connections. Unlike our other cars, it has never left us with a window down, refusing to go up.
It also has this brilliant system for locking, & unlocking the doors, It’s called a key, & also does not depend on a battery, or electrical connections. It doesn’t even have a fob.
Even better the radio has this brilliant intuitive control systems called knobs, & not a touch screen in sight. If ever I am silly enough to change from my 1980 Triumph sports car that radio is definitely going to the new car.
And – second-hand value goes to zero as the battery nears its end.
Mike Jonas:
Which battery is often ‘written off’ after a minor collision. Hence NO CAR!
And Volkswagen has reduced EV production because of “extreme reluctant” of customers wanting to buy. Possibly due to
Or the depreciation over a few years which makes EVs more expensive than IC cars.
Ask him how many components does he think are in the charging system and the inverter…there are thousands and if just ONE fails, things can stop working. The high voltage inverter is a complex bit of electronics, working at high voltages and significant current. I’ll stick to ICE till I cannot drive anymore or some Marxist moron stops me using it.
If I ever bought an EV, I think I would just keep my trap shut.
He’ll need them in ten years as he will have to charge his car twice as often.
Ask him what he is paying for insurance and post the number on JoNova. I am interested in an actual figure.
When I visited Tasmania in March, there were 5 unregistered Tesla’s lined up to come back to Victoria. They did not board with us. I expect they were waiting for low cost space on a return voyage. Made me wonder if an agent thought it would be good to arrange test drives in Tasmania. Maybe little interest in Tasmania.
Happy 1st of July everyone:
if it looks like winter,
if it feels like winter,
and my bones tell me it’s winter,
then ™the climate™ is OK by me.
Roll on summer…
As reported on last nights weather report, Victoria while being wetter than average has reported an average 1degree rise in temperature since 1970. They even flashed a graph on the screen to emphasise the increase. Wow, so little reporting on the below average temperatures this year, just note even though its cold its hotter cold than what it used to be. Meanwhile the BoM hasn’t manage to explain how a hotter and drier than average winter is turning into a colder and wetter one. Its now predicted to be hotter and drier from August
Roll on hotter and drier. We were silly enough to come home instead of idling in Dubai. It’s cold, wet and horrible here. When we left nearly a month ago it was bucketing with rain until we were past Healesville and it was all there again last night! The rain recorded here indicates a plentiful downpour in our absense.
I’m jetlagged too…sigh!
Welcome back to sunny Straylya. Sunny here now after a cloudy morning, but the wind is still cold.
Dave B
Thats not rain, Mr. Flannery said it would never rain again.
Sambar, they should have shown the temperature change since 1940, not 1970. Without checking the temperature data I would suggest that there has been no temperature rise and probably a fall. It all depends which year one chooses as a base line. We on this site know that temperatures fell from the 40s to the 70s, them climbed again to the late 90s and have now levelled off.
Why does Global Warming only make summer hotter? And frankly summers in the last decade have been terrible. I’m going cold on this Global Warming. Maybe their side of the globe. In which case why are we paying for it?
There has been a succession of tropical depressions sweeping across Australia from the Pilbara to northeastern Victoria bringing lots of water to the middle. If the water hangs around for a few months, the current El Nino may be short lived.,-25.92,336/loc=133.465,-20.940
Isn’t it such a total failure of the allegedly infallible computer models on which all of this massive waste and damage is based? The atmospheric models can predict everything allegedly except the biggest single cycle on the surface of the planet. That is a complete mystery.
Something to do with the oceans which contain 99.9% of all surface heat.
And no one seems to think there is anything wrong with the models?
So can’t match the past and now 35 years on, didn’t predict the future. And still we are listening to predictions. You may as well believe King Charlie’s prediction of doom. At least he is consistently and totally wrong, so we have nothing to fear.
Paris on fire
Fires and riots in Paris:
How’s that gubermint sanctioned illegal immigrant flood and obliteration of your culture working out for you?
Not well…
Why does the MSM always fail to report the criminality of police ‘victims’, why does it fail to report their aggressive non-compliance with police instructions, why does it have such an anti-police agenda, why does it paint these people as loveable sweet persons and whip up protests/riots?
The media is exaggerating somewhat. Yes, there are people destroying things, but this is fairly normal practice for France.
What is unusual, is the complete stoppage of all tram and bus services in Paris after 9pm for the last few nights. The claim is that this is for the safety of everyone, but it just makes it harder to travel into Paris itself and cause trouble. Much better to keep the riff-raff in les banlieues (“the suburbs”, but with a negative connotation for most Parisians).
As for the shooting that started it all off. It’s really hard to know what actually happened. A lot of the media are painting the victim as being nothing short of a saint. The more they do this, the less likely I think it is, but that is just my opinion.
It does seem like the police officers involved in the shooting lied about what happened until video footage appeared, so they are not innocent either.
Macron is trying to be tough on this, but I think it could backfire. French people, even ones with no specific grudge against the police, will rapidly tire of the para-military approach taken so far, if it is to continue.
Seen the clips of the guy carrying a shotgun, someone else shooting out the street cameras and a rioter letting loose with an AK47??
Looks like the Police won’t be the only ones shooting.
Yes, the young man who was shot was no angel, apparently. He had a history of traffic offences, including speeding and other offences of petty crime. No reason to shoot him dead, of course, and goodness knows why they did. He was well known to the local police and they could have picked him up at home at 5:00am the next morning!
Twenty years of groundbreaking solar panel development work destroyed by a cleaner
A cleaner destroyed decades of “groundbreaking” work by shutting off a lab freezer containing key samples over an “annoying” alarm sound, US lawyers have claimed
A sign explained how to mute the beep, but a breaker was reportedly switched off after a reading error.
Samples stored at -80C (-112F) were left “unsalvageable”, causing $1m in damages, lawyers said.
The lab’s school is suing the cleaner’s employer for improper training.
The company held a $1.4m (£1.1m) contract to clean the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York back in 2020 which is when the alleged incident happened, paper Times Union reported.
Research on photosynthesis, headed by Prof KV Lakshmi, had the potential to be “ground-breaking” in furthering solar panel development, a lawyer for the institute wrote.
A few days before the freezer was turned off, an alarm went off to alert a 3C temperature rise. Though the fluctuation could have been catastrophic, Prof Lakshmi “determined that the cell cultures, samples and research were not being harmed,” the legal case read.
Groundbreaking? No, not really…
A bit like the cleaner plugging the floor polisher into the lifesupport system, docs wondering why so many deaths occur in the bed nearest the power point.
On Thursday I hired a jet and flew to just over 11,100 metres altitude.
As the pilot took me up I recorded external temperature at each height and will put out the results asap.
Increasing altitude saw reduced temperature but the one thing that I couldn’t check was the influence of changing distance from the equator.
At the moment I don’t have access to stuff that would let me check things accurately but most definitely altitude is associated with lower air temperature.
I was shocked, because the IPCCCCC had me believing that air temperature was controlled by CO2 and yet last time I hired thicket in summer the temperatures were 12 degrees higher: i.e. -34 vs -46°C.
In these days of Uniparty politics, voting is an illusion of taking action and thinking that by doing so you have a say in controlling government. It is not an effective tool for taking charge of government ministers and getting them to be the servants of the public most of them should be. Rather, when we vote, we become the servants of the government and the ministers who are meant to serve the public.
St John,
No matter who you vote for you still get a politician. The only way to get your hands on the levers of power is to become a sociopath without conscience . Look at who’s in power worldwide . Anything else will result in failure . We have to change the system and we have to make it accountable.
I remember people telling me 20 years ago that aspartame was carcinogenic. I didn’t take in much of the stuff, mainly as I did not like the taste of anything that used it, but not because I did any specific reading about the problem.
Here were are in 2023 and only now is it going to be listed as potentially carcinogenic.
If people knew 20 years ago, why did it take so long to regulate accordingly?
“why did it take so long to regulate accordingly?”
Simples, $$$$$$$$
Aspartame has been under a cloud for decades. I have never drunk it.
But is there any actual evidence for it being a carcinogen?
Or is this just part of an endless list of scary stories to keep people in perpetual fear?
What does a “possible carcinogen” mean anyway?
And given this classification comes from the World Homicide Organisation, how much should it be trusted?
As well, if people stop using aspartame, they will consume far more sugar leading to serious consequences for over-consumption of that.
The proposed group 2B classification for aspartame goes alongside other “possible carcinogens” like aloe vera leaf extract, Asian pickled vegetables, low frequency magnetic fields, carbon black, kava extract and other things we live quite happily with.
Classifications are:
Group 1 – carcinogenic to humans. Includes alcohol, certain types of HPV and ionising radiation.
Group 2A – probably carcinogenic to humans. Includes red meat, working overnight, and outdoor air pollution.
Group 2B – possibly carcinogenic to humans. Soon to include aspartame.
Group 3 – not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (there isn’t adequate evidence of carcinogenicity in humans or animals). Includes some kinds of anaesthetic, silicone breast implants and hair dyes.
I remember (years ago) when labelling on chemicals became the thing.
California had quite severe demands, including that any product with ANY claim that it was carcinogenic had to be labelled as such.
One supplier listed their product with every known warning as possible, with the last as “known to Cause Cancer in the State of California”.
The expert on safety and labelling was on leave and the factory had half a warehouse isolated off to hold a single drum. When he came back he explained that the carcinogenic property was only confined to California. They then complained about the LD50 rating, which he pointed out was still 100 times more than retail chemicals at garden shops. I’ve lost count but the chemical was being used freely for nearly 30 years later.
And O/T but about 50 years ago the CocaCola bottlers suddenly found that CocaCola could only be sold in Qld. in black plastic bottles embossed Poison and a label saying “Keep out of reach of children”, “Not to be swallowed”, and “If ingested seek medical advice”.
It seemed that the bureaucrat preparing the legislation either didn’t read the exception for those drinks with less than 0.5% phosphoric acid or possibly decided to tighten the legislation to avoid future complaints.
Group 4. Carbon life form.
Dangerous to the planet. Which weighs 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kgs at an average of 5,200C.
Group 5. CO2. See above.
And it is interesting that the average temperature of the planet is that of the surface of the sun *5,700K which is 5,400C. Meanwhile we are being taxed to death to prevent global Warming. That does seem on the surface quite idiotic.
That rings a bell about something I buy, perhaps for guitars, might even be strings, I dont know, but its something that comes from America somewhere, and it says “this product may cause cancer”. Its so innocuous I ignore it immediately, so odd it can only be some requirement of legislation. Wish I could remember exactly what it was now.
It seems like the allergy warning on packets of peanuts: “Caution, may contain nuts”.
Posssible risk to rodents, so pollies need to watch out.
The WHO should have said it IS proven, thereby providing yet more cover for the looming cancer tidal wave caused by climate change.
Spot on . What classification do you think they should give the vaccine ? Group 1AA I would say……
When I read this, I immediately thought of all those Americans who used to chew gum all day every day. Plenty chose a non-sugar gum.
Somone told me 30 years ago, that diet coke would kill a brown dog.
And how many million brown dogs have died in 30 years?
Haven’t seen any around my village recently, so it must be true!
Is anyone familiar with The Champions TV series, 1968-9?
Starring Stuart Damon, Alexandra Bastedo, William Gaunt and Anthony Nicholls.
Great series!
Ah, I remember it well. I, almost literally, bumped into Alexandra Bastedo when she exited a shop near the cathedral, here in Lincoln, uk. As stunning in real life as on the screen!
I can still sing the best bit of the theme tune.
It’s been rerunning on one of the many UK Freeview channels recently.
“new book: “The War on Ivermectin” by Pierre Kory.”
Via a comment at Chiefio
See Pierre Kory and Bret Weinstein interview about the book.
12 mins
Ventusky is predicting a total cloud white out of solar, on Monday and Tuesday, for Australia’s whole eastern seaboard.
Burn more coal.
Think of the poor phytoplankton at the bottom of the food chain. Will no one think of the phytoplankton? Just because they are not white and cuddly like Polar Bears. It’s amazing how whole governments think Climate is now a government problem and so massive taxes are necessary. Are they just taxing breathing?
Bret Weinstein’s brother Eric is interviewed on Triggernomitry a couple of days ago. I think it demonstrates what is possible in a real, in depth interview, with a genius. It’s 1.45, and touches on among other things, just what it is to be human. I think it is magnificent. I’ll be watching it again.
It is now law in Michigan that you can be fined $10,000 just for making someone feel frightened. They are criminalizing such speech.
I am waiting for the law suits against Al Gore and Greta Thunberg and the rest of the fear mongers. Even King Charles III. And the entire United Nations IPCC.
reTyre claims its rubber-free tyres are 100% recyclable – and longer-lasting
Because they’re made of vulcanized rubber, old tyres can’t simply be melted down and used to make new tyres. Such is reportedly not the case, however, with new rubber-free tyres made from eco-friendly elastomers.
Although conventional tyres can be recycled, they’re typically ground into rubber crumbs that are utilized in materials such as asphalt. Since the vulcanisation process is not reversible, using them in the production of new tyres generally isn’t an option.
It has started making tyres out of proprietary bio-based TPEs (thermoplastic elastomers), which are claimed to be 100% recyclable. In other words, entire tyres made from the material – including both the casing and the beads – can be recycled into more tyres.
Total manufacturing costs are said to be comparable to those of rubber tyres, as the company’s “advanced production technology” allows the tyres to be produced at relatively small regional factories as opposed to larger far-away plants. This should result in much lower shipping-related CO2 emissions, and lower shipping costs. What’s more, the production process is claimed to use up to 90% less energy.
Importantly, Ohse also stated that the material lasts longer than rubber, and has better abrasion resistance.
Sounds good. No more gigantic tyre graveyards.
Wonder if they do a “W” speed rating?
Generally, abrasion resistance is acompanied by reduced grip !
( like those “hard” , long lasting tyres , that F1 cars cannot use in the wet !)
I note that the tyres are only for small vehicles, not cars…
The BOM trying to find away to explain why their winter forecast was a little off. While its only 1 month into our winter is appears the outlook was a little off for the start at least…
Love these quotes:
Mr Chua said the wetter outcome of June for some showed the chaotic nature of weather, and the elements that the models weren’t able to capture yet.
“There’s always that inherent chaotic element where, even if you have a perfect simulation of the atmosphere, you’ll probably still see areas where the forecast doesn’t pan out.”
“The models, they’re not perfect,” Mr Chua said”.
Yet we believe in climate models so much that that have resulted in trillions being spent on wind turbines, solar panels and batteries, because the models say so.
Ya think!!!
Their models are not useful or based on anything to do with physics.
I was looking at Roy Spencer’s site today and noticed he gives a comparison on the real temperature rise across the US corn belt with the modelled rise:×465.jpg
One thing the CISRO mentioned to me a couple of years ago was that their ACCESS model gives middle of the road results – and if you look closely, they were actually right – smack bang in the middle of all the model results BUT still light years from the actual measured data.
BoM/CSIRO never let model world intrude on the real world. For them\, only the models matter.
A model isn’t a model unless it’s been validated.
As I noted in my comment, the CSIRO ACCESS model is middle of the road. What more validation do you need than that? The middle is the consensus of all the other models so the perfect result.
Sounds like the IPCC, who for some strange reason, believe that obtaining an average of 100 wrong climate models will result in a good model.
They are confident that the IOD will become positive and El Nino gradually appear, I have serious doubts.
BoM has a reasonable handle on SAM, but they still can’t forecast its behaviour. They also failed to mention that this stream of tropical moisture from the north-west is reminiscent of La Nina Modoki.
Some models are pretty close to perfect, but they still have the odd malfunction. Consider this Australian one:
Model malfunction
Comment at #10 is still in moder ation.
“IEA’s Net Zero Dream Was Just Debunked as a Nightmare”
mrpete222 wants to hear your comments on this Part 1 of 2
part 1 of a 2 part video concerning the demolition & rebuilding of an entire windmill farm, Be sue & watch part 2 on Sunday (july 2).
Leave unbiased comments by the 100s.
“Seed Oils and Statins”
The Energy Transition Isn’t
Despite $4.1 trillion spent on wind and solar, they aren’t even keeping pace with the growth in hydrocarbons
In this article, Bryce claims that the solar/wind share of energy was 5% in 2022, but it’s not clear where he is obtaining this figure from. However, he also has the same 82% for FFs as other recent articles.
Nigel Farage has been cancelled. His bank count has been closed and he cant open a new one:
So much for democracy. UK – failed state:
Closing bank accounts is the new weapon being used by the Regressives/Elites against anyone who doesn’t follow the Official Narrative.
It started with Dictator Trudeau in Canada who closed bank accounts of the truckers and even people who donated to them.
It’s an extremely dangerous development.
Given that these same Regressives/Elites want a fully digital currency system and no cash, where will it leave people whose bank accounts get cancelled?
Since the Australian Government has an extremely bad habit of adopting the worst ideas of others, I wonder how long before bank account cancellation of conservatives is allowed to become a trend here?
I understand that Maria ZZZ had her bank account cancelled. It was the ING Bank from memory
Greta a “world leader”?
Climate activist Greta Thunberg latest world leader to meet with Ukrainian president
What a poor brainwashed child she is. (Yes, no longer technically a child, but may as well be.)
Zelensky sent her to The Front? ‘Conscription’ now includes anyone of military age, which is late teens to retirement there now, enforced by snatch-squads on the streets.
YouTube Bans Australian Politicians Maiden Speech to Parliament
It’s now on the Liberal Democrats site on Twitter but you can no longer post a direct link. You have to be logged into the Twitter App.
I hope that wasn’t the doing of the new WEF CEO at Twitter.
“Elon Musk Is Self-Immolating on Twitter and Being Disingenuous About the Reasoning
July 1, 2023 | Sundance | 67 Comments”
Very interesting.
Not sure about that – Musk’s reasoning sounds valid. And it appears Reddit is also adopting the same approach as Twitter.
FWIW – another journal whose articles require “scrutenising with a very intense scrut” by the look of this –
““Study published in the journal Earth’s Future”
It exists. Hosted by Wiley, sponsored by AGU. “Trans disciplinary open access journal examining the state of the planet, its inhabitants, sustainability and resilience.”
So I browsed other recent papers summarized below:
Mass extinction relationship to atmospheric CO2–correlated so we are causing the next one now. Sounds a familiar alarm, but simply not true. See essay No Bodies in ebook Blowing Smoke for details.
Anthropogenic intensification of hot+dry summers—meaning intensified crop failures. Except there is ZERO evidence for this as almost all yields are increasing thanks to greening. So more models
Proactive Wind/solar complementarity. Maybe they figured out how to get the wind to blow more at night? Nope, just run a gabillion more miles of transmission to hook intermittent stuff together better. Except that already doesn’t work in Europe given the size of its weather systems.
Agrisolar benefits. Except crop plants don’t grow under solar panels because not enough light. And if you space solar out, then the crops between get trampled when you have to go clean the panels so they can keep producing green electricity.
All just as nutty as the NYC sea level rise paper. Speaks very poorly for the AGU.”
And further down in comments there
“Willis, in your acceleration graph, I note the two most recent peaks coincide around 1998 and 2015 coincide with the two biggest El Nino events of the last 25 years. Basically winds piling up water, and water expanding somewhat due to heating.
Here, NOAA talks about the El Nino effect on sea-level:”
More there“\
White House says it’s open to plan that would BLOCK sunlight from hitting surface of the Earth in bid to limit global warming
Hubris. Remind the Elites of the French Revolution connection to the Year without a Summer.
Good plan if the intent is to retard the growth of food crops.
Given that it appears that the world is already cooling, I would think that any extra cooling by blocking sunlight could actually trigger a negative feedback loop leading to a glaciation event.
“World Now Wasting $1 Trillion Or More Per Year Investing in Useless “Renewables” ”
And comments
Can’t see this ending in anything other than a massive DEPRESSION.
All that money and waste, producing almost nothing.
This is insane:
A Shocking Analysis of [US] Election Night Reporting and the Companies that Manufacture Election Results
Long read but if nothing else scroll down to (and paragraph immediately prior) an explanation of this particular election manipulation (farce):
PID Control [proportional-integral-derivative control function]
Carry on down to a MUST WATCH VIDEO:
The video explained in the article:
More Proof of an Algorithm Reset
More evidence that the ENR (Election Night Reporting) is controlled by an algorithm was discovered by Jeff O’Donnell in some county-level ENR data that was reported by Scytl-Edison on election night in Chester and Philadelphia Counties in Pennsylvania; Fulton, Macomb, and Bibb Counties in Georgia; and Chatham and Surry Counties in North Carolina.
The videos below graphically depict the numbers of ballots in the in-person and mailed categories performing impossible feats of increasing and decreasing how many were in each category from the evening of November 3rd and for several days following. The data is showing an algorithm that is attempting to solve itself but cannot do it with the original constraints:
[See video]
All the evidence points to the fact that the ENR data Americans see on election night is an algorithm that is set up ahead of time with a pre-determined set point of percentages to each candidate that every state is expected to reach by the end of election night. Support for Trump on November 3, 2020, overwhelmed whatever “Plan A” was, necessitating a complete re-boot of the reporting of election results, which required the swing states to all “stop counting” at 10 pm so their set-points could be changed to give Biden a win.
# # #
The video of the vote “count” over 15 days is absurd. Anyone that thinks US elections are actual votes needs to watch this video.
Philadelphia’s estimated 2023 population is 5,785,338. For comparison NZ 2023 est pop 5,199,100.
Philadelphia took 15 days for the bulk of the “count”. New Zealand’s manual count national election is effectively wrapped up in the same day the election closes with the release of preliminary results:
How are [NZ] general election votes counted?
“We publish the preliminary count results as they come in
After 7pm on election night, the results are phoned through to headquarters where they are recorded in a spreadsheet. We enter the preliminary count results into our national election results system. We then publish the results on
and give them to the media.
Our target on election night is to have:
50% of results available by 10pm
95% of results available by 11.30pm.
Official count gives the final election results
We start the official count the day after election day. The chief electoral officer declares the official results 20 days after election day.
We need to allow time for counting the special votes, which can come in up to 10 days after election day.”
# # #
There is none of the algorithmically-driven computerized election manipulation in NZ as there is in USA.
Tiny South Pacific backwater maybe but at least we have fair elections – unlike (supposedly) the most advanced country in the world.
Kim posted a comment this morning on yesterday’s thread, I don’t think it got the attention it deserved.
I have only read the article and will read the actual 44 page document from the Whitehouse. (Bottom link)
“The fact that this report even exists is probably the most consequential component of this release,” said Shuchi Talati, the executive director of the Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering, a nonprofit that seeks to include developing countries in the debate over solar modification. “This report also signals that the U.S. government is supportive of well-governed research, including outdoor experimentation, which I think is quite significant.”
Another conspiracy theory lost to fact.
These people are sick.