- JoNova - -

“Big Pharma is the worlds biggest lobbying organisation”

By Jo Nova

Vivek Ramaswamy worked in the pharmaceutical industry. Now that he’s free to speak, he distills the utter corruption of the FDA in under four minutes, it is beyond redemption, rotten to the core.  “That’s’s why I favor a dramatic drastic gutting of the FDA…” — he says. Exactly…

He’s a great speaker:

From his Twitter feed:  “The corrupt FDA says you don’t have the right to even *try* medicines that haven’t been through 10+ years of testing, yet the government *mandated* Covid vaccines that sailed through FDA approval in less than 1 year.  You can’t believe both things at once. Countless FDA regulations and actions are hypocritical, harmful & unconstitutional. I will rescind them accordingly, using the Supreme Court’s holding in West Virginia vs. EPA as my legal basis for doing so. For years I was coached by industry veterans not to speak out against FDA. It’s well known that if you anger FDA, they will punish you by blackballing review of your drug review applications. “FDA never forgets” is a quietly-whispered, well-known pharma industry adage. Well, they could only shut me up for so long. Now I speak freely as a citizen.” — @VivekGRamaswamy

Meanwhile — circulating somewhere on the web, sent in by Charles:

FD, Pfizer, Revolving door.

h.t Charles

  Scott Gottlieb (Pfizer)  | James Smith | Stephen HahnAnthony  Fauci


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