A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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How many stories can the ABC link to climate change? This am we had 3: CC linked to Hawaii fires; CC linked to higher insurance premiums; CC linked to Bankok sinking beneath the sea. It’s worse than we thought!!!
When a growing city like Bangkok (also Jakarta) is built on a floodplain of a major river there are a number reasons they sink;: 1) sediment compaction; 2) depleting aquifers due to water bores; and, 3) a transgressing sea since the LIA.This is well documented by hydrologists and engineers throughout the scientific literature. Just shows how ignorant the ABC is of science.
The same thing with Venice. The sea is not rising. The city is sinking into the mud. QED.
During the 1960s, Venice pumped water from under the city, and only stopped when it was realised that the city was sinking as a result.
Also the freight terminal close to Venice wanted to allow larger cargo vessels to come in through the offshore barrier, so they dredged a deeper and wider channel through the barrier. The result is now that Venice suffers more from tidal effects than it used to, when the barrier had only a small number of narrow shallow openings.
In summary, most of Venice’s problem are self-inflicted.
Italian infrastructure is always interesting to say the least. It once took us 11 hrs to complete a 4hr train trip.
Having said that the company I last worked for had its factory production equipment and systems provided by a very competent Italian outfit. I think the trick is to keep the govt out of it.
The week I worked in an Italian company was interesting. When I asked the other non-locals where everybody was, I was advised that it was lucky to obtain two hour’s work a day from them. They seemed to spend a lot of time at the cafe across the road, sipping on coffees.
I never listen to ABC (Australia) in general but on this morning I went to the TV to see a Freeview comedy on ABC but while I was searching the ABC TV channel was playing in the background.
They probably mention “climate change” or equivalent about every minute or two on average.
And I posted this on the Sunday thread.
The cluelessness of ABC’s journalist-activists is staggering.
I was involved in risk assessment for the new Bangkok airport. The airport is built on a reclaimed swamp. The construction issues due to ground settling were horrendous. The whole of Bangkok is sinking due to the ground water being extracted.
Sea level will be falling in a few hundred years once more of the northern hemisphere land mass starts accumulating ice again. If Bangkok can keep the water out till then, it should be OK for another 100k years or so.
From what you say it sounds like they should be putting water back.
Yes, absolutely.
But only for the next few hundred years.
I looked at what they mean by demand side managment.
Demand Side Energy Management (DSM) is a strategy used by electricity utilities to control demand by encouraging consumers to modify their level and pattern of electricity usage.
Liked this bit,
Demand for electricity can sometimes fluctuate wildly because of sudden changes in weather, a surge in economic growth, damage to lines, or other factors. In extreme cases, sharp fluctuations can result in power blackouts. The transition to renewable energy plays a role in these fluctuations too, because power demand may peak at a time when the unpredictable supply of renewable energy is low.
It’s like BP telling customers to buy your fuel on Friday because sometimes our delivery tanker won’t start on Monday mornings.
The scenes out of Lahaina on Maui are horrific, but naturally the climate cult is rushing to say the inferno that engulfed the town is yet more proof of climate change, and hand over your car keys and gas stoves now.
“Yes, I Blame the Climate Crisis for the Horrors on Maui,” says a writer in that premier science journal Esquire.
Never mind that Hawaiian officials have been warning for years that overgrowth of non-native grasses on the dry side of Maui and other Hawaiian islands was creating a severe wildfire risk. (For an antidote to the madness, see “Stop claiming that fires in Canada, Greece, and now Maui are due to climate change.”)
Much of the summer’s news has been about heat waves, which are also said to be proof of climate change, even though very few record high temperatures were broken this summer. Heat waves have always been big news for the media, but decades ago no one thought to blame them on human sin.
It is worth following a fellow named Don Penim on Twitter. Mr. Penim appears to have sufficient leisure time on his hands to scour old newspaper archives for articles on heat waves and extreme weather events, and he also turned up headlines from a few decades ago to remind us that wildfires are not unusual for Hawaii:
…and now the conspiracy theories.
Or are they?
Steve Kirsch:
A submission to Sasha Latypova:
Given the 100% success rate of “conspiracy theories”, can we be sure?
Paul Homewood on notalotofpeopleknowthat is very good at debunking this rubbish hype, so too, notrickszone.
Thanks – these are two sites I have been to via other people’s links in recent times, but now I have added them to my faves. Both look excellent – factual and on “our” side.
As long as authorities, such as the governor of Hawaii, can blame climate change for the fires they don’t have to actually do anything.
They get good photo-ops and ask for contributions from others. Next election: “I was the leader in recovery.”
We know they lie etc.
A politician’s life gets a lot easier when climate change is the accepted scapegoat for every adverse event. All the good things that happen are through good governance while all the bad rthings can be sheeted home to climate change.
Record crop yields due to good governance. Record wild fires due to climate change.
Most definitely. In Australia they can blame CC for big bushfires rather than their own incompetence for not organizing fuel reduction programs in forests.
Beats blaming a racial minority.
But, the strategy’s the same age old dishonesty.
Munk Debate “Be it resolved, ‘Do not trust the main stream media.’ ”
Matt Taibbi and Douglas Murray arguing in favour of the resolution…
Won by a large margin.
Clown world in reverse: UK New building requirements for separate male and female toilets
Government confirms measures to reverse the rise of gender-neutral toilets as part of wider efforts to protect single sex spaces.
The Government has announced today it is acting to bring forward changes to regulations that will mean all new non-domestic public and private buildings will be required to provide separate single-sex toilets for women and men and/or a self-contained, private toilet as a minimum.
The change comes amid dignity and privacy concerns from women and elderly people who feel they are being unfairly disadvantaged as publicly accessible toilets are increasingly being converted into gender neutral facilities.
Concerns over the rise of neutral gender facilities has meant that public have been forced to share cubicle and hand-washing facilities, leading to increasing waiting in shared queues, decreased choice and a limitation on privacy and dignity for all.
New regulations and guidance will mean women, who may need to use facilities more often because of pregnancy or sanitary needs, will now be guaranteed appropriate facilities either through a separate single-sex space or through a self-contained, private toilet.
The action taken today builds upon the Government’s commitment and wider approach to the protection of single sex spaces.
Why was there EVER a problem with this?
In the 1960s of the USA South, there were places with 3 restrooms, with 3 keys. Key #1 was for white males, Key #2 for white females, and #3 for Others.
Being naive and not from the South — I had to ask.
Even funnier is that when people say the want a house with a bathroom, these days most houses don’t have a bath. They have a shower. So maybe they should be called shower rooms.
And when people say that they need to go to a bathroom or a rest room to do a ‘jimmy riddle’ or a ‘tom t*t (a number 1 or a number 2), it is actually a toilet that they need. Gentleman, Ladies or Unisex.
The English language is fast being hijacked by people who don’t understand specifics.
Correct! I always refer to such facilities as “toilets”.
I thought we were now at gender continuum rather than neutral; all the colours of the rainbow.
Sadly for progressives when all colours in the spectrum are merged – as they so fervently seem to want – the result shall be white! Now that simply cannot do.
Japan trying to get it right with national digital ID, public losing faith
After a series of high-profile data leaks and registration errors in Japan’s digital IDs, the program is undergoing a government inspection to prevent further problems and public backlash.
Tuesday, government officials issued an interim report that found 1,000 new cases in which the My Number national identification cards were mistakenly linked with the medical information of others. Kyodo News reports that 7,400 cases have already been made public, .
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida instructed ministers to examine all data on My Number cards by the end of November.
The troubled digital ID system, which provides citizens and foreign residents with a 12-digit number linked to their personal data, has been one of the factors behind a significant drop in Kishida’s cabinet’s approval in recent months, according to Bloomberg. Last week, the prime minister apologized for problems with ID cards but said that he wouldn’t necessarily back down on plans for integrating them into the healthcare system.
“What Japan is aiming for is to become the world’s most advanced, smart government,” said Kishida. “To that end, we must work on digital infrastructure and government systems.”
My Number includes data such as photo and names and can be used to access government services, including tax and social security records, as well as some bank accounts. Citizens can choose to use face biometrics provided by RealNetworks.
As of late July, 77 percent of the population, 89 million people, had applied for the cards. But the system has met resistance, especially among Japan’s aging population.
Google Announces Worldwide BAN on Independent Media From Search Results
Google has announced plans to completely ban all independent media outlets from appearing in their search results.
Google has has partnered with the UN, WHO and other globalist organizations in a new censorship tool, according to LaToya Drake, head of Google News Lab.
Last week, Swiss software developer Dejan Georgiev tweeted: “Google’s new global censorship tool was introduced today [7 August] at 9:10 am via an email press release.”
What is GNI’s true purpose? Its purpose is to eliminate dissent on any topic Google chooses. “The algorithms are Google’s last-ditch attempt to control the internet before people worldwide can no longer access it.
F*ck Google!
Use Duckduckgo or Yandex.
Ooh, look at the latest excess death graph from the USA.
Can we spell “parabolic”?
Or even Dr. J. Campbell’s latest – UK deaths reported only 2% of actual.
Now why would they want to censor that?
Or Brave
And in breaking news, a new study reveals that hearing an opposing viewpoint causes no real harm.
Sales of crying booths and safe space products were unaffected by the news. 😄
Apologies to family and friends. My intention is not to turn the death of Mary-Louise McLaws into a “political football” however those who remain deserve to be given the full and honest truth so they too may take action to mitigate the “in harm’s way” position that potentially many, unknowingly, may have been placed.
Mary-Louise McLaws has, as reported by the Daily Mail, died after a “long illness” battling cancer.
“Ms McLaws was a respected professor of epidemiologist, having worked for the World Health Organisation (WHO) as an advisor to China and aiding in disease control in 10 countries outside of Australia including Bangladesh, Cambodia and China.
Mary-Louise McLaws dedicated her career to preventing diseases and led Australia through the covid-19 pandemic.”
(“epidemiologist” as per original article).
A quick internet search provides copy of the initial reporting of her illness, diagnosed as a brain tumour, which was first announced in January 2022. On Jan 15, 2022, Mary-Louise tweeted “After a severe headache Thursday I was diagnosed with a brain tumour”.
The article that quoted this tweet also (very poorly) reported:
“The Professor of Epidemiology said she was experiences severe headaches, which led to a diagnosis of a brain tumour.”
Perhaps there was a series of headaches with the Thursday (13, Jan?) headache so severe that it prompted a Friday (14, Jan?) examination that identified the tumour resulting in the Jan 15 tweeted announcement. If this was the case over what period did these headaches occur? It would seem reasonable to assume that a very well qualified and experienced health expert would realise the dangers of not investigating symptoms in the shortest possible time and would act quickly – which a 13-15Jan timeline suggests. Such a short timeline also suggests a very quick and unexpected onset of illness. Perhaps the presence was benign until a trigger occurred.
“The general COVID-19 vaccination in Australia program began on 22 February 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the goal of vaccinating all willing people in Australia before 2022.”
The call for truth, honesty and acknowledgement of wrongdoing is not going away, and unfortunately, like the crime itself, can have unintended personal consequences.
Again, sincere condolences to the family and friends of Mary-Louise McLaws, may you rest in peace and thank you for your dedication and work toward preventing diseases.
Lots of coincidences around eh?
Just a theory
You one of them conspiracy theorists?
Coincidentally… Cheers.
A lot of mentions on social media with references to “ turbo cancer” caused by *#@%&$es. People not being terribly kind, you might say. Prior to today , I’d never heard of this lady. Jane Halton yes , but Mc Claws no. Would appear she was one of the epidemiologists we SHOULDN’T have listened to regarding COVID.
Like Earl, I am deeply sorry regarding the passing of Mary-Louise McLaws. However, I do recall – very well – when the sad diagnosis was publicised. Like many others, I noted the temporal proximity to the rollout of the mRNA vaccines.
In case anyone here doubts that there is a possible link between the vaccinations and brain cancer – see this article:
Unfortunate coincidence. Condolences to her family and friends
She lived faithfully to her vocation.
Do we have ‘Pandemiologists’ now? (Unis are always on the lookout for new products.)
I know ‘weather’ and ‘climate’ are two totally different things.
And just because the weather seems fine, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be locked down to save the climate.
Even if we save one climate, it’s worth it.
(Is weather the singular of climate?)
Climates of color, and 2SLGBTQAI+ climates, are the hardest hit.
Like, just because I don’t see any sickness or death around me doesn’t mean I’m not in a Pandemic rockin’ like it’s 1347.
(Jo said, “all we have is mockery”.)
Seriously, isn’t ‘Pandemic’ a made up label to ramp up the scary from the pedestrian ‘Epidemic’?
We’ve had epidemics before, but a Pandemic … whoa, run for the hills.
Like in the 60s in the US, it was college, or fight the Viet Cong.
Which sounds way better than fight the Viet Minh.
Cong is scarier than Minh.
Pan is scarier than Epi.
Besides, so yesterday.
I’m scared of aliens and AI now.
Important disclaimer:
Being highly influential like the FDA, and accordingly as in the case of FDA, any public statements I make are ‘merely quips’ …
and do not represent in any way the official policy position of the administration of me.
Lesbian Speed-Dating Denounced As Transphobic
The progressive quest for ultimate depravity never ends, because each new milestone makes it possible to envision new extremes of moral derangement. Already we have reached the point where lesbians are guardians of relative sanity and wholesomeness:
A lesbian speed-dating event is at the centre of a transphobia row after the organiser insisted that only ‘adult human females’ can attend.
Jenny Watson, who runs the weekly London event, responded on her website to cross-dressing men demanding to take part.
‘If you are male, please refrain from coming to the events, you are not a lesbian,’ she wrote.
I believe Sesame Street summed it up so well:
Bwaa haa haa..
Did I hear an echo.
Meanwhile, in other North American news:
Some of you may be interested in attending the CPAC conference in Sydney this weekend.
Conservative Political Action Conference
Do these rights extend to indigenous peoples?
Certainly but various groups don’t want Indigenous peoples to have all the rights.
Examples of the Bureaucrats who have built an empire that mightn’t do much for the disadvantaged but keeps them (the bureaucrats) in comfort with ever increasing funds, job security and empire building. Check the ever increasing expenditure and wonder where it goes.
And the “Activists” who get appearances on the ABC etc. increased funds (some of which are distributed after air fares to overseas and internal conferences, transport (e.g. upmarket SUVs for important people etc) and expenses.
And the Politicians who pose with Indigenous peoples promising wonderful events coming real soon (and have for 25 years – it’s a good piece on the TV news).
Simon. Greetings. Nyunggai Warren Mundine AO is Board Chairman, so the answer would be a resounding YES not only to the question of whether “these rights extend to indigenous peoples” but also to the fact that their voice is not just respected and heard but, in the case of Warren in particular, is actually a guiding power of how the whole organisation functions. Sincere best wishes and thoughts to Warren given the unrelenting pressure he is experiencing both because of CPAC and the NO case.
How many generations of my ancestors need to be born in a geographic location before I get to be indigenous?
Like, I’m not even sure where I should be returned to.
You know, when the great crimes of history a properly adjudicated and justice is restored.
Oh wait, continental or ‘indigenous’ genetic origin can be determined by complexion, eye color, hair type, and in same cases religious belief.
I think there are preexisting guidelines from the 1930 and 40s to make this determination.
My bad.
Another tropical storm will pass Hawaii from the south. The winds will pick up again. Fire danger will increase.
At 3.4C in Melbourne this morning (2.5C at ours), it was surely the coldest Melbourne morning for 120,000 years!
Ring Bruce Pascoe – using a magic formula involving carefully graded rainbow serpent teeth, the First Nations folk kept meticulous records of temperature in their cities dating back the entire 65 trillion years of occupancy.
It doesn’t look like a strong El Niño.,5.09,699
Main suspect in Hawaii fire still appears to be the power company.
It’s tempting to think that it was ‘unlucky’ that fire coincided with very strong winds, but the wind downed the power lines that caused the fires, entirely predictable consequence, not coincidence.
Blaming climate change is a smokescreen for human incompetence.
I see what you did there. Keep doing G’s work. Coincidence may become as well known as Eternity. After all they both have the same source.
Inadequate and underfunded fire defences nothing to do with it either.
Contrary to forecasts for El Niño, hurricanes are skirting Hawaii, so strong winds are increasing the drought.
Gotta be the effect of all them windmills stirring up the atmosphere …
Enough already with the Matildas. I watched the last of their game starting in overtime, and no way did they convert me.
Have we never had a team get to the quarter finals of a tournament before?
I thought the Womens Cricket team did that .
..and the Hockey teams ?
Women’s hockey won world titles and Olympic gold. They DID impress me, they hit the ball hard – no hit & giggle stuff.
Netball won the world championship. Crickets (serves them right for refusing “carbon sponsorship”.
From 2015, a look into the future
Interesting article on the sellout of Australian sovereignty to the USA. Some might think this is good but I fail to see benefits to anyone other than the USA ?
Biden has just signed an executive order to put about 1,500 sq miles of prime uranium deposits out of reach by declaring it an Indian reserve. I bet if old Trumpie gets in that will be gone.
We will have to see how Niger pans out before America can feel secure in its uranium supply. I imagine the wheels were in motion for that law before Niger blew up. Then again, I expect they will just ban us selling uranium to others so they can have enough.
The yanks have to much uraniun, Obuma and Clinton sold 20% of the resource to Russia in the Uranium one deal. They had spare time in between starting wars
A lot of people think Australia should be a nuclear free area.
Mine all the radioactive ores and sell to overseas buyers….