A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Wow, so why are we having the worst inflation since Jimmy Carter days?
AS OF AUG 4, 2023
Here are the top seven line items from the withdrawal(spending) side of the P&L and notice Defense is not #1 and neither is Social Security!
HHS = $1.63TRIL
Your first question would be … Why are nearly $1TRIL in spending listed above as “unclassified or other”? That would be a good question. Maybe that is the main reason Fitch downgraded US Debt. It would be for me!
There’s another 47 other spending line items I did not list. All total for ten months of spending the US government hit …
And we have another two months to go in the fiscal year!
Total taxes collected during that same time period …
Uh oh! Houston we have a problem! Too much spending and not enough taxes. DNC to the rescue right? Who better to tax us all into oblivion than the democrat party? Climate Change Tax and CBDC locked and loaded!
The biden idea of hiring another 87,000 IRS agents to make up the difference is a lark. The constant DNC harping on taxing the rich is a joke. Add in the part about going after inheritances is a farce also. Total taxes collected from Estates & Gift over the past seven months is a paltry $19.5BIL. We will only have prosperity with less US government and less taxation. The three years of the Trump policies showed that to be true. I say three years because the pandemic year was an anomaly that nullified that 2020 year economically.
There are so many new agencies and spending line items on the current Aug 4 2023 US Treasury Statement that di not exist three or four years ago. For instance we used to just have one line item for HHS, now we have 14 line items that total $1.63tril.
While everyone is amazed at $1tril in student debt and credit card debt almost nobody cares that our delightful government has spent over $1tril in social security benefits in ten months. The Greatest Generation has passed away and a good deal of the Boomers, helped by the pandemic, yet more spending on social security. We do know the biden WH gave out a 8% COLA raise. Will they now cut COLA by 3% since CPI is down? That’s the fraud part of it all. No politician would every say “cut” social security for fear of losing their precious careers.
One party is the “tax and spend” party and that is the DNC. Vote democrat at your own peril. We need to have a serious debate on government freebie spending! We need to end all US government departments that are duplicated by States. We need to fire half the bureaucracy who have been greasing the skids on more spending for five decades. No more marxism!
As America leads so Australia follows.
Why did we spend decades working and saving just so governments could use our efforts to buy influence and votes.
Aloha! Righto! In the 1975 I had my first paycheck where I got to see how much they deducted for Social Security and Medicare. I was horrified as I realized I did not net as much as I thought and so I had to look for a second job! I asked my boss and he told me I’d get that money back when I retired in my GOLDEN YEARS! He forgot to tell me the $10 deducted in 1975 wouldn’t buy me more than four gallons of gasoline today! I want my Social Security paid in 1970s dollars. If they did that then my $10 deduction in 1975 would buy me $57.00 today and I could afford a tank of gasoline! Here in Texas gasoline is $0.79US a liter.
In effect the US government and I am sure Oz too have stolen billions from workers due to inflation. Its not only just a “tax” as they say, but its pure 1000% THEFT!
$1.97 a litre here yesterday.
Len, How much of that gas price is government tax?
All government employees should have a time limit on their employment with government. It was a smart move to limit presidential terms to a maximum of two. The same should hold for every government employee and voted representative. The Trump experience highlights the value of bringing in people who have not been contaminated by the swamp. Trump’s major failing was underestimating the depth of the swamp. He is now more aware of the depth of the ooze that has accumulated over generations of swamp dwellers.
It’s politicians that should all be limited to two terms. Employees are supposed to do as they are bidden.
Two X Two year terms. Compensated not remunerated.
No party funding.
Magistrates appointed from Clerks of Court.
Problem solved
sorry, but government employees need to be rotated.
At least drunken sailors on shore leave blowing money on booze, whores and tatts and wasting the rest, are at least spending their own hardearned, unlike this bunch of a…holes.
Very amusing!
But – accurate.
And, in my 70th year, I’m still getting ink.
Next one – TINSTAaFL.
“I spent a lot of money on booze, birds, and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.”
― George Best
THE USA used to use ‘Zero Based Budgeting’ where every Feral Guv’ment Department used to have to do a new budget each year and have it approved by Congress.
Then, they changed the system whereby each Department’s Annual Budget is increased each year by the Annual CPI.
Well guess what? Guv’ment Spending and Debt has exploded since then especially with all those new Programmes since the time of that change..
Not too sure how Australia does it but I bet that it something similar.
Replace all taxes with a transaction tax automatically collected on all payments (transfers) (like a Visa card fee). Payments to companies and businesses – 1%. Payments to individuals – 10%. The point of tax payment being at the companies and businesses – to and from accounts. No exemptions. Nice and simple and effective. No paperwork required. No taxation returns. You would save a massive amount of money.
..and ban cash to make it work. The UN have been pushing for the Tobin Tax for decades, they know how it brings in trillions of dollars at the stroke of a pen. Are you sure you don’t work in a Govt Dept Kim? Got any other good leaks on what is coming up?
A big chunk of house mortgage and property taxes are tax deductions in the USA
I am attending the CPAC conference in Sydney and it is excellent. There were numerous excellent speakers, the only unworthy one being the Federal Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Ted O’Brien. The instant he used the phrase “decarbonise” (sic) the economy” and talked about a “future for his children” it was obvious he was a dud. He is clearly a “true believer”. He spoke mainly about how he supported nuclear power, primariy small modular reactors and even smaller so-called nuclear batteries.
Nuclear is fine, but so is coal and gas which he obviously didn’t support but at least he said that coal power stations shouldn’t be destroyed until there is viable replacements. So he dies have slightly more of a clue than the Government. Econimicscalone should decide whether nuclear or fossil fuels are decided in any particular situation.
It was however a mistake inviting him as all other speakers were excellent.
Jacinta Price also spoke, her speech in Parliament opposing the apartheid The Voice was censored (removed) by Facebook. And CPAC’s Facebook page opposing The Voice is blurred and no doubt its “reach” and visibility is reduced. Warren Mundine also spoke on The Voice and other matters.
Various woke companies including Qantas and BHP have given $30 million to the Yes vote for Apartheid. The No vote proponents have essentially no finding.
Alan Jones was the last speaker for Saturday’s session and was outstanding.
I believe you will be able to watch a live stream of Sunday’s (today’s) proceedings here when the event starts.
I think all the talks from Saturday and Sunday will eventually be placed online.
I wasn’t there and I didn’t say that!!
And it is live on ADH TV –
I am watching it now.
Some of the speakers are listed here.
A veritable who’s who of public conservatives, fellow rational thinkers, Australian, US and Japanese, except Ted O’Brien.
Many speakers warned about the extreme danger of the proposed Australian Government censorship legislation.
Don’t forget to have your say. Today is the last day.
Your submission can be short and no more effort than a blog post. It can be a submitted file or you can just fill in the box like doing a post here.
Beware of greens pivoting to nuclear, they will see nuclear as the ultimate weapon to bury fossil fuels and electrify everything, justifying the eye-watering expense of rewiring of the nation to get all the wind and solar projects connected.
It also enables them to perpetuate the climate fraud and the phobia about plant food and the carbon atom (the basis of life on earth).
They especially want to ban gas and take away our gas stoves, without bothering to notice that gas is a feedstock for important industrial processes.
They will do their best to bury oil as well despite the role that 6000 products of petrochemical industry play in our lives.
For more on the petrochemical industry see the fourth link in this blog post on changing the narrative and the game.
Yes, Nuclear is the path to centralisation of energy supply, and centralisation of power.
And coal generation of electricity 20 years ago (pre roof top solar panels) was not absolute centralization of power?
And the costs of having an off grid system (outside the cities) has become competitive with attaching to the grid unless the power line is already through or next to your property.
When there’s no gas and no petrol cars?
Although it invariably is, Nuclear doesn’t have to be centralised in one or two massive, overpriced facilities. A decentaralised/localised approach based on SMRs would enable cost effective supply of baseline power needs. And, strategically it could provide a more secure power infrastructure that is more easily maintainable and upgradeable.
Rafe. I still think most people believe the Greens are just a fringe party that want to protect the trees and the animals. They do not realise the Greens descended from the East German Communist Party and are committed to the eventual subjugation of the world to a communist state. They are evil personnified and are never to be trusted. The fact that Labor falls over itself to placate their madness should tell people that the ALP cannot be trusted either. Both are very left wing and believe the collective has more rights than the individual which should frighten the cr*p out of every thinking person.
Don’t forget to eat your (Soylent) greens.
Indeed, CPAC last year had such a green as a guest.
I am there as well David, contact me on and we can exchange phone numbers and get together.
Done, Rafe.
Did any speakers acknowledge that the climate will continue to warm until net greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to zero or does the denial of scientific fact continue?
Meanwhile, highly improbable weather continues as all of British Columbia is in a state of emergency from fires as Baja and California is hit by a hurricane that could deposit a whole year’s rainfall in just a few days.
No Simon, it was and is (ongoing) a reason-based, freedom-oriented, rational and science-based conference. No such junk science was entertained. It wasn’t even mentioned by the one dud speaker, Ted O’Brien whom I mentioned, and an apparent “true believer” just like you.
And on the topic of “acknowledgement”, no fictitious “welcome to country” ceremony either. Most people were born in Australia or naturalised citizens and therefore indigenous to Australia and don’t have to be welcomed to their own country, which of course, is logically absurd anyway.
“In Curry’s view, the recent warming in spring/summer 2023 is associated with a spike in heat flows at the top of the atmosphere. The warming is said to reflect an increase in incoming shortwave radiation – essentially the sun is a bit brighter – a decrease in high level cloudiness, the impact of reduced ship sulphate aerosols, reduced snow and ice extent and the Hunga Tonga eruption that propelled 13% extra water vapour into the stratosphere.”
Will it ? And even if, greehhouse gases ?? Really ?
As the speakers are all but not idiots they won’t acknowledge false information not based on scientific facts.
Unfortunately you are not able to learn and to understand what real scientific facts are 😀
No Simon, it was a serious conference for intelligent adults. I’m sure you’re invite is ‘in the mail’
Not improbable at all Simon, just not common in your limited experience. Do you realize that Canadian firefighters work out here on contract during their winter and return to Canada for their well known fire season?
One of our friends accommodates one of them over our summer months.
Simon >”Did any speakers acknowledge that the climate will continue to warm until net greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to zero or does the denial of scientific fact continue?”
Except that is demonstrably NOT “scientific fact”.
From Open Threads yesterday:
SH hottest day [Mean] was Feb 6 2003: 17.08
2023 SH only reached 16.84 on Feb 12, 20 years later.
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature
No climate “change” – your theory is busted by absolute temperatures.
Simon >”the climate will continue to warm until net greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to zero”
Me >”No climate “change” – your theory is busted by absolute temperatures.”
Southern Hemisphere peak summer
1980: 16.80
1983: 16.79
1998: 16.92
2001: 16.81
2002: 16.88
2003: 17.08
2004: 16.88
2005: 16.89
2006: 16.85
2007: 16.90
2010: 16.97
2016: 16.87
2017: 16.92
2019: 16.89
2020: 16.91
2022: 16.92
2023: 16.84 Rank 14/17
2023 doesn’t even make top 10. Why didn’t “the climate continue to warm” as you said it “will” Simon?
Do these dimwits realise that even if you could lower CO2 to whatever level they deem ‘safe’, there’s still water vapour in the atmosphere.
Ronin >”there’s still water vapour in the atmosphere”
And WV is by far the “dominant” GHG:
Global atmospheric downward longwave radiation over land surface under all-sky conditions from 1973 to 2008
Wang & Liang (2009)
CO2 is a bit player. Simon goes into denial when confronted with actual science like this.
Best example is Darwin. Total Ld fluctuates around 400 W m-2 24/7 but CO2 only contributes less than 7.5 W m-2 (0.0189) of that.
Yes. . . and do they realize that the Tongan ‘undersea volcano’ released a massive quantity of water vapour into the upper atmosphere? Enough to raise the normal level in the stratosphere by 10-30 percent.
Since the levels are projected to be elevated for at least a couple of years, that MUST have an impact on our weather, outside of whatever mankind is doing.
But that impact will be studiously ignored by the BBC (or CNN). So their dumbed-down audience will continue to be told everything bad is the fault of Climate Change — that’s every wildfire, “the Hottest Month Ever!”, every flood, every hurricane….
C van C >’But that impact will be studiously ignored by the BBC (or CNN)”
BBC and CNN so far but how much longer can they hold out?
One AP article, by Seth Borenstein no less, went against the grain (after obligatory burning of coal, oil and natural gas statement):
Scientists look beyond climate change and El Nino for other factors that heat up Earth
That AP article even made it to ABC (US) and One News (NZ). Also Yahoo News and numerous smaller press outlets. Axios had a similar article.
Even MICHAEL E. MANN linked to the article
And water in clouds, in plants, and in oceans and lakes and rivers.
And water does its three phase magic taking up some as it goes from solid to vapour, and giving it out as goes into reverse. Might it not be that those phase changes are more significant than any radiative effect it has?
Is the label “Green house gas” really applicable to H2O?
California had an unprecedented drought in the 1300s. It lasted about 200 years. National Geographic did a feature on it in the 1960s before the GW scam dessolved their collective brains. How did they determine the length of the drought you ask? Well they studied the tree rings of the trees that were found still rooted to the bottom of a river. i.e. they had time to grow in the streambed and mature before rains returned and drowned them. I believe there was a similar long lived drought here in Australia about that time. Might have had something to do with climate change and before Henry Ford and Bayswater. To think that the climate changes all by itself. Marvellous.
That drought or previous is likely what caused the demise of Anasazi Native Americans.
When reality finally catches up with the climate alarmists and loons:
Did any speakers acknowledge that none of the warmist claims have actually happened? Or, does the denial of history continue?
Meanwhile, no AGW hustlers have historically claimed, or proven, in 84 years, why California might have excessive rains because of a hurricane that hasn’t happened in almost 100 years.
Simon, your Church needs a new Liturgy as the old one has failed the test of time and provenance. Good luck with your climate dice and failed predictions as well as nonsensical attribution and association. It must be difficult to wake up each day and wait for the collective to inform your mind exactly what to think and why the conflicts with yesterday’s truths are explainable by today’s truths. I’d call that mushbrain avoidance of reality, a Faith in the ignorance of the GateKeepers. Have it your way. G’day.
This story, paywalled, is about Hurricane Hilary, forecast to hit LA and southern California Sunday:
” Bustling Los Angeles goes quiet, shelves empty as once-in-a-century storm approaches “
‘ … highly improbable weather continues …’
Its the Hunga Tonga Hunga Effect.
If we accept the notion that atmospheric carbon dioxide drives the Earth’s climate and temperature, we must also agree that the current measured CO2 1evel is 420 ppm, having increased from 300 ppm in 250 years since the industrial revolution.
While this represents a 40 % increase, when it is applied to the tiny amount of CO2 in Earth’s atmospheric it is an almost unmeasurable increase in quantity.
For example 420 ppm (molecules per million in air) is exactly the same as 42 molecules in 100,000 or 4.2 molecules in 10,000 or ONE MOLECULE of CO2 in 2,381 molecules of air.
Climate activists claim that this single ONE molecule in 2,381 drives the Earth’s climate, temperature, bushfires, sea levels, polar bear numbers, and anything politicians can blame on klimate Change. I disagree.
Terence M
To the nearest one-tenth of one percent, there is … wait for it … Zero CO2 in our atmosphere.
And if you ask a true believer, they haven’t got a scooby-doo.
The climate will continue to warm, if it is warming, until it starts to cool. Then it will continue to cool until it starts to warms. From time to time
it gets very cold and we have an ice age. Then, for some reason, the ice melts, and we have a warmet period. During that period the climate sometimes sgets
warmer, and sometimes gets cooler. I see no difference in result from those who pretend to be able to manage the climate today from those who threw virgins into
Simon, surely with your scientific and statistical knowledge you can plainly see that given the vast multitude of variables which affect wildfire frequency and intensity, that those measures cannot be an indication of anything useful at all?
And, that comment on one storm is equaly meaningless?
I wrote to Minister O’Brien and asked him to explain ” decarbonisation ” to me. Still waiting for a reply. I also asked him why he was getting his knickers in a twist over a trace gas that promotes plant growth.
If more people did what you have done Glenn there would be an awakening among at least some politicians. David Gillespie is my local member and I keep him in the Jo Nova loop. He often writes to thank me for the information. The basic trouble is that these members are being advised by know nothings straight out of university with a degree in stupid.
Good point.
I will make sure my local (Federal) member gets the same query.
Ask him how reliable generation ought be costed with the impacts of non reliable generation. And how the transmission, distribution, and service entrance costs ought be costed to anyone but the wind/solar hucksters. Bet he doesn’t know that answer. Among others.
Saturday’s talks have been put up on CPAC’s FB page. Hopefully FB won’t censor them.
I don’t believe you need a FB account to see them.
Hi David,
I believe David Burton aka Inigo Jones is attending as well. Well worth a chat if you can.
Australians, remember the expression of surprise, “By Jove”? It is an old English expression once used in Australia and with origins in the 14th century in England, and a part of a Romam oath in Latin to the god Jupiter before that. You rarely hear it these days. Shakespeare used it in Love’s Labors Lost, 1588: “By Jove, I always took three threes for nine.”
I’m not sure of its former use in other Anglo countries.
I certainly regularly use the phrase ‘by Jove’ It was much used by Bertie Wooster often when talking to Jeeves
“By Jove, I always took three threes for nine.”
And the report of the two unemployed Irish brothers who were looking for and were disappointed to see one opportunity needed “tree fellers”. So they never applied.
We arrived at Dublin airport on an Aer Lingus flight one afternoon and the flight attendant was giving the usual welcoming announcement which included “…….where the local time is tree turty tree” My wife just looked at me and said well sure , of course it is.
Back in ye olde England in the 19th century I think, if there was a riot happening, it was illegal to NOT join in.
These days it’s called BLM.😆
At the CPAC conference I was very impressed to meet other conservatives and fellow rational thinkers to realise there are a LOT of us out there, not just the conservatives on this blog and in the minor parties like United Australia Party, Liberal Democrats and One Nation.
I was also impressed that both speakers and attendees understood the deeper issues. All except for Ted O’Brien, as I noted above. I’m not sure how he managed to slip through.
In fact, there are probably enough of us to swing an election if only we had enough worthy people to vote for.
The Left know there are a LOT of us.
That’s why they are more desperate than ever to implement censorship and people-cancellation policies.
Here’s the post I put up last night about how few people it takes to influence others with the truth-
“Thankyou Ian. The Solomon Asch experiments were fascinating- If you put one subject person in a room with seven actors who are all paid to agree that something obviously false is true, the non-actor will agree with the consensus due to unmentioned peer pressure on an average of 60% of the times.
However, if only one other person said the rubbish was rubbish, the subjects that agreed with the consensus fell to 5%.
Turning the herd is why irascible, non-conforming, don’t-give-a-damm old farts are so important, and so hated by those in power.”
Replying to Ian’s link here-
As long as the elected get plenty of support and as long as they can think and are prepared to listen then it shouldn’t be so much of a problem.
A while back I went to a speaker night with (State) lib candidates and their position was “because so many people believe in it we have to pay lip service to it” . If they didn’t have double standards they would have no standards at all. Political jokes the lot of them. I hope you and the speakers are enjoying their last unfettered speeches. The indigenous issue just creates apartheid…. literally .
You had Tony Abbott. What happened?
Peta Credlin killed off Abbott by trying to get him to be loved by everyone and ended up being hated by everyone.
As I said, you had a good man but didn’t care enough to defend him.
Bad Government, Not Climate To Blame For Maui Wildfire Disaster
The Lahaina Fire – Jeremy Lee Quinn on DarkHorse
Forest fires generally require forests.
“The ABC finds a new way to further kill “The Voice” ”
They are always “proud man”, or “proud woman”
I’m proud of my heritage in sole way, but I don’t need to ensure I include it in everything I do.
If you are white and heterosexual you are not allowed to be proud. If you are, that makes you racist and homophobic/transphobic.
For all other races, cultures and sexual identities it’s OK to be proud.
I’m not up with the finer points of rainbow consciousness, so I can’t remember when is Pride Week, but it’s well to remember Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before destruction and haughtiness before a fall”
Maybe it’s queer Aboriginal men that are causing the genocide. Lack of breeding will do it. Ben is not doing his share obviously.
Here is an extract of an email I received from the US.
Why would any genuine reporter want to go to the White House Briefing Room?
What would they expect to achieve there?
‘……keep your enemies closer.’
The Labor Party has the numbers, with or without their Green partners to pass the censorship bill.
Since the Labor faction of the Uniparty all vote in unison as the mindless drones they are, the only hope is that enough Labor members see that this bill might one day be used against them if they are ever removed from power.
And never forget it was the Liberal faction of the Uniparty that first initiated this bill under the Morrison Regime.
But the Gillard regime had a go as well. Article PAYWALLED.
Bl@@dy MSM paywalls.
Not the article, but…
Hedley Thomas – How Julia Gillard censored our free press & neutralised journalists
The trolls are up early Sundays too I see. 😆
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
PyConAU, a conference about the programming language, Python is on between August 18-22 in Adelaide.
Not being there, I watched a few minutes of a session they published on YouTube, and it was….insufferable.
First, they had their usual pointless acknowledgement about being on “stolen” land, then they started going on about having to wear masks unless on stage. I genuinely checked to see if it was from the 2023 conference. I had no idea such things were still in place.
Their website is similarly disappointing and hypocritical, with a “enforced code of conduct”, and an “everyone is welcome” message. dont forget also, the use of “gender neutral greetings”.
It’s amazing how easily they take something that could be fun and educational, and just crush the spirit right out of it within a few short minutes. Some of the sessions look interesting, but I don’t hold out too much hope.
You must have a strong stomach. Clown world.
If you see or experience inappropriate or exclusionary behaviour, get in touch with our safety team. You can call them (during the event) on 0420 464 117, or email Safety team members will also be wearing red badges with “safety team” in the corner.
This year’s safety team is:
Benno Rice (he/him)
Ned Letcher (he/him)
Maia Sauren (they/them)
Christopher Neugebauer (he/him)
Amber Brown (she/her)
Elliana May (she/her)
Rhydwyn McGuire (they/he)
Amanda Hogan (she/her)
Caite Macleod (they/she)
All except three use conventional pronouns that match their names.
Are they some sort of -phobes?
They appear to be mostly excluding of trans- and non-binaries. At least 90% of the “safety team” should be trans, non-binary or the other 87 genders.
Where is their diversity?
And wouldn’t a “non-binary” at a computer conference be hilarious…
nice work
Do you sleep?
Very little.
There are 10 types of people that understand binary – those that do and those that don’t.
01001100 01001111 01001100
Although I’m more into hex, so 4C 4F 4C
01000011 01101001 01110110 01101001 01101100 01101001 01111010 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100100 01100101 01110000 01100101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110101 01110000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01110010 01100101 01101100 01101001 01100001 01100010 01101100 01100101 00100000 01100101 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100111 01111001 00101110 00100000 01010000 01110010 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110111 01110010 01101111 01101110 01100111 00101110
110 157 167 47 163 40 164 150 141 164 40 162 145 154 145 166 141 156 164 77
Would all Cicada 3301 contestants take one step forward. 😎
Very clever John C
They are qubits 😉.
That woke bs just drags programmers down…
I suspect most Python programmers have one. 😁
It would have had the same reaction; is this really from 2023? now?
“I quit my job as CSS/Javascript developer and became a contractor. It’s a peaceful life.”
OMG!! ROTFL. 😆😆😆😆😆😆
This Well Known Effect Breaks the Climate Narrative
He still thinks there is a “Greenhouse Effect” that alters the energy balance. So only half right.
It is quite obvious when looking at weather around the globe today that ocean temperature cannot sustain a level above 30C. All the regions that have convective instability going into overdrive like Hilary off Baja and the numerous cyclonic events in the west Pacific, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea a few months back all occurred over 30C warm pools. Once convection is in overdrive it rips about 4C out of the ocean surface temperature.
The primary control on heat uptake on Earth is the open ocean sustainable surface temperature limit of 30C. Sure there is more ocean surface getting to 30C as the peak solar intensity moves into the NH and there will be a lot more getting to 30C but none of this is influenced by CO2 in a measurable way. The influence of CO2 is its carbon contribution to the atmospheric mass and would shift the regulating temperature limit a few thousands of a degree so average even less..
“Democracy in its death throes”
For over 3 decades I have been concerned that the PTBs \ Elites \ Establishment want to plunge the country and the world into a new Dark Age. We are going through the 2nd Reformation and based on the 1st Reformation that may be our saviour.
Are they simply wanting to depopulate the earth so that there will be fewer plebs spoiling THEIR environment?
They will have a rude shock when everything breaks down and crashes. There are many businesses that can only exist with a large population base.
“Most Intensive Ivermectin Use Had 74% Reduction In Excess Deaths In Peru: New Study”
Bad News: Its Starting…
Groan. Canadian Prepper again with another emergency.
Be sure to buy some stuff from his store.
Ford Motor Co CEO gets ‘reality check’ on EV ownership.
TGP provided the following partial transcript of the X video:
Charging has been pretty challenging … I went to a low speed charger and it took me about 40 minutes to 40% (charge).
It was a really good reality check of the challenges of what our customers go through and the importance of fast charging and what we’re going to have to do to improve the charging experience.
Perhaps he should next consider the effect of fast charging on battery performance and longevity.
In the workshop we’ve been told to try and not use the Milwaukee fast charger for the 18V batteries, use the slow one. The faster degradation of battery life has been enough to be noticed over 12months.
Notice all the wind contraptions in the background.
Not even one of them is generating ANY electricity AT ALL.
It’s amazing how many are up at obscenely early hours on a Sunday…
China. No digital id = no food
Just back from China, after a 3 week trip, this story is bogus
Why do you say that?
What did you learn in your 3 weeks that makes you so sure it is “bogus”?
instant expert in so many other categories , why not this one?
Please go back.
‘Just back from China …’
The economy is crumbling and the people are demanding answers, there is even wild talk that the CCP dynasty is on the rocks. Did you see or hear any of this?
I saw lots of construction, trains that were fast and ran on time, food that was plentiful, cheap, and delicious, generous hosts, clean streets, and panda’s, lots of panda’s (was a volunteer at one of the research centres).
On the political side, there is a distrust of the USA and abiding abhorrence of Japan due to the Japanese actions in WW2.
On the economy, there are problems, as in any economy, but crumbling it is not
Imagine what Peter’s report would have been having visited the USSR in 1955.
Did you hear of the floods? The Netisans showed the destruction in plain sight, how the authorities saved Beijing by flooding the villages all around, with barely any warning. Collateral damage.
The foreigners left Shanghai through the Covid years and they haven’t returned.
Tourism is down because of the threat of arbitrary detention, the CCP couldn’t run a raffle.
People have trouble getting money from the banks, the authorities are playing hard ball to prevent a rush.
I trust you ate at a lot of restaurants.
..just like keeping a herd of animals to be worked to death or eaten…
WHO designates Covid-19 variant BA.2.86 as a ‘variant under monitoring’
World Health Organization (WHO) designated COVID-19 variant BA.2.86 as a ‘variant under monitoring’ due to the large number of mutations it carries.
The WHO said on Friday that they are tracking 3 variants of interest and 7 variants under monitoring at the moment.
Recently, the latest variant, EG.5 (also known as Eris), has grabbed the attention of public health experts around the world and is becoming a dominant strain in countries including the United States and Britain.
The variant is causing about 17 per cent of the new Covid-19 cases in the country compared to 16 per cent for the next most common lineage, XBB.1.16, according to the latest estimates from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CNN reported.
Here we go again.
Will we all meekly follow mask mandates and vaxx “mandates” THIS time?
Deagel’s looking more prophetic by the day.
I have recently returned from Europe, where I spent all of my waking moments in crowded planes, trains, buses, restaurants, shops and cable cars. No problems, and I encountered no one with medical issues nor heard any coughing in the throngs around me. Nor can I recall seeing a single mask.
The linked article says:
The variant is causing about 17 per cent of the new Covid-19 cases in the country compared to 16 per cent for the next most common lineage …
Note that there is no mention of the number of cases nor the most affected cohorts.
Pretoria High Court (South Africa) orders public release of vaccine conttacts
In a significant legal win, the Pretoria High Court ruled that the Minister- and Department of Health must release inter alia its Covid-19 vaccine procurement contracts within 10 days
Court judgement:
Can’t wait.
It seems, if I trust a maybe not so truthfull German site, that Australia suffers an influenza B wave worst for younger people. No idea if that’s true, but it’s said, the same problem had Canada earlier.
Yeah something going around, call it influenza B or Vaxxine induced immune depression.
Sunday morning sickness (subtle pun) : Pregnant Dad Explains Why He Chose To Be A Surrogate For Himself
If you have the “working parts” to achieve your goals, you might as well use them! At least, this is something that one pregnant father is preaching after he was flooded with questions about why he chose to carry his child while undergoing his gender transformation.
Maxwell (@ledpaintsoup) is already a father of two and carried his children himself. His third pregnancy is no exception, and in a video that has been viewed over 380,000 times, he is shutting down those who are rudely assuming that he cannot carry a pregnancy since he is a man.
Look – it’s really effing simple – you’re a WOMAN!
A mentally ill one, granted, but it’s the only way you can pop out a sprog.
Thought you might find this of interest . . . .
Seen it.😁
Sunday early bird extra special freebie: The fourth turning is here
Twenty-five years ago, Neil Howe and the late William Strauss dazzled the world with a provocative new theory of American history. Looking back at the last 500 years, they’d uncovered a distinct pattern: modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting roughly eighty to one hundred years, the length of a long human life, with each cycle composed of four eras—or “turnings”—that always arrive in the same order and each last about twenty years. The last of these eras—the fourth turning—was always the most perilous, a period of civic upheaval and national mobilization as traumatic and transformative as the New Deal and World War II, the Civil War, or the American Revolution.
Now, right on schedule, our own fourth turning has arrived. And so Neil Howe has returned with an extraordinary new prediction. What we see all around us—the polarization, the growing threat of civil conflict and global war—will culminate by the early 2030s in a climax that poses great danger and yet also holds great promise, perhaps even bringing on America’s next golden age. Every generation alive today will play a vital role in determining how this crisis is resolved, for good or ill.
Format: epub
Available for: 30 days
Use if you want pdf or something else.
Burning coal is warming the atmosphere!!
Or atmosflat if you’re a flat earther…
Good find.
Really good.
High potential.
Gonna be been musing on that one all day.
Weird after effect of COVID … the impulse to mock virtually all of ‘Science’.
But I guess women will be men.
Amazing, in 3 short years ‘Science’ went from Einstein to Cardinal Richelieu.
We ain’t seen where the burning airplane is gonna hit the ground yet.
-Robert L. Peters
So people are finding the cost of living far more important than the cost of climate change:
“Fewer than half of Australians consider climate change to be an urgent problem that requires immediate action even if it comes at a cost, as economic pressures dominate voters’ concerns, adding to the federal government’s challenge in pursuing its emissions reduction agenda.”
“just 12 per cent of voters nominated the environment and climate as their top priority, on par with health and aged care, while 48 per cent said keeping cost of living low was their primary concern.”
“mounting pressures on household budgets driven by high inflation and rising power bills appear to be outstripping environmental concerns in voters’ minds.”
And they keep blaming the war on the Ukraine for high energy bills:
“Instead, power prices have soared due to a global energy crunch caused by Russia’s war on Ukraine” I said in a comment elsewhere that, that war gets blamed for a lot of thinks, wont be long and it will be responsible for climate change and the fire in Hawaii,
Our high energy bills have noting to do with that war, it may have pushed up gas prices, but not much else. It’s our free energy from renewables that’s done that.
Surely even the dullest of people must be looking around them, noticing that apart from development [which MUST happen] nothing much has changed in their neck of the woods, in spite of a couple of decades of scaremongering.
Here, apart from more sand on the beaches than I have ever seen, things are Normal here, and cyclone Althea was 50 years ago.
When I was a teenager the weather was soo bad they were blaming it on The Bomb!
Dutton should take notice, there are votes to be had.
A whine from the Modern inner-Melbourne non-men… SMH at it’s usual lows.
“The messages that male toiletries send in relation to ideas of masculinity are in need of reassessment. Why do we persist with imagery of the outdoor bloke who is tough and strong and physical? It’s an antiquated and narrow image, a ludicrous caricature of the modern Australian male. It also negates men who do not fit this image.”
No wonder the Russians are winning! Even the mainstays of the military-industrial complex, the New York Times and The Washington Post are now admitting Russia is winning and its time for talks. It seems the Ukies are risk-averse to dying needlessly for America and instead are using Himars missiles & artillery shells faster than the USA can make them.
““American officials say they fear that Ukraine has become casualty averse, one reason it has been cautious about pressing ahead with the counteroffensive.
The Washington Post cited anonymous “U.S. and Western officials” to report that the massive losses Ukraine has been suffering in this counteroffensive had been “anticipated” in war games ahead of time, but that they had “envisioned Kyiv accepting the casualties as the cost of piercing through Russia’s main defensive line.””
Looks like they are getting the public ready to abandon those cowardly Ukrainians and walk out of the country leaving a smoking ruin.. On to China folks, ‘The West are at war with China, we have always been at war with China!” or whatever George Orwell said.
The first article is about emasculating and feminising men.
Barbie girls rather than Barbie men is how it should be.
When the SHTF or in any emergency, who’s going to be looking for a mentally ill, lipstick wearing guy in a dress over a “real” man to help you?
Not me.
Barbie man: “Oh no! I’ve been cut helping you lift that beam off the injured man”. Cry..cry..blubber..moan.
Real man: “I ain’t got time to bleed”. 😎
Is El Nino 2023 a fizzer?
Some months back I observed a 30C warm pool off the west coast of Panama that has now progressed northward to Mexico and into the Gulf of California.
This warm pool is diverging cooler low to mid level air from the south west and preventing the El Nino from forming across the equator. The water temperature in the Nino34 region peaked in July.
The warm pool has spawned four cyclones now. One of those influenced the conditions that intensified the Maui grass fire. The latest is named Hilary and heading for Baja. The Gulf of California has high atmospheric moisture so could now track east over the Gulf:,22.08,623/loc=-111.705,27.247
Note there is also a cyclone developing off Africa that will likely head west to the Caribbean and Florida.
We are getting a better glimpse of the future of the NH this year than I have seen this century. The shifting peak solar intensity is beginning to make a difference. The atmospheric water over the NH could very well peak in September this year. Give it a month to find its way over the land and it will arrive just as much of the land surface falls below 0C. I expect more record snowfalls this year.
The northwest Pacific is also reaching impressive temperature. The water east of Japan at 37N is just under 30C. There is a band of 30C warm pools stretching from the equator to 30N near Japan.,21.31,623/loc=142.894,37.003
To put 30C at 37N in perspective for open ocean, I live near 37S just north of Bass Strait. I have never seen Bass Strait warmer than 20C.
The peak solar intensity in the NH has only been increasing for a few hundred years. It has 10,000 years of warming to come. It is already having a significant impact on climate in the NH. Meanwhile the SH is getting less sunlight. The solar EMR at the South Pole has dropped 7W/m^2 below it summer solstice peak of 566W/m^2, 2,600 years back:
The Southern Ocean continues its cooling trend. Sunlight over central Australia is yet to peak but a sustained cooling trend is not far off. The Southern States will experience that first.
El Nino is a fizzer because the Western Pacific Warm Pool cooled off?,3.08,2114/loc=141.420,-6.019
We are experiencing an Eastern Pacific El Nino.
Resveratrol Revisited: Protecting DNA and a SARS-CoV-2 Antiviral/Spike Protein Injury Therapeutic
Resveratrol continues to impress. It is a nutraceutical which has, deservedly, garnered a lot of attention recently due to its wide range of hypothesized and proven beneficial effects in treating human disease.
Resveratrol is a nutraceutical with several therapeutic effects. It has been shown to mimic effects of caloric restriction, exert anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects, and affect the initiation and progression of many diseases through several mechanisms.
Please note that these effects have independently been proven to contribute to beneficial outcomes in SARS-CoV-2/Spike Protein disease. Therefore, it is immensely logical to conclude that any therapeutic which enhances these outcomes would be desirable.
Given the DNA damage that the Spike Protein has been shown to cause, the ability of Resveratrol to activate SIRT1 is significant as a prophylactic and therapeutic for Spike Protein injury. It also shows great benefit via regulating cellular senescence, endothelial functions and circadian rhythms. Again, all dysregulated by the Spike Protein.
I’ll drink to that! 😁
Me too.
The resveratrol in red wine comes from the skin of grapes used to make wine.
US Seeks ‘License’ to Encircle Russia, China, With ‘Offensive Strategic Bio-labs’
Documents uncovered during Moscow’s special operation in Ukraine have revealed that the US was deploying an extensive biological research program there, spending more than $200 million on 46 biological laboratories researching highly dangerous pathogens. Russia, China, and some EU states are still waiting for Washington’s answers on these biolabs.
The new Pentagon report claiming that America is facing “expanding biological threats” from its foreign adversaries is no more than an attempt “to seek license” for the US to continue developing offensive strategic bio-labs in countries that surround Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, Scott Bennett, a former State Department counterterrorism analyst, told Sputnik.
“These labs will be used to develop bio weapons that target specific DNA and genetic vulnerabilities of people of Slavic, Asian, and Persian-Hindu descent. Of course the external cover explanation for the purpose of these labs will be as ‘defensive’ or ‘proactive’ countermeasures against the bio weapon development of other nations the American government defines as ‘uncooperative’, or ‘unyielding’, or ‘hostile’ to being an American vassal or slave state,” Bennett said.
More on that Russian biolabs submission post the other day:
Believe Russian media at your own peril.
The Multivariate ENSO Index is another meteorological aspect that casts doubt on CO2
“Climate crisis” is an exercise in mass hysteria
Residents’ Fury as Ulez Camera Is Erected in the Middle of Their Quiet Cul-De-sac Leaving Them Facing £12.50 Charge Simply for Leaving Their ‘Little Road Nobody Knows About’
A low-emission monitor erected in the middle of a secluded cul-de-sac has infuriated residents who now face a £12.50 ($25 AUD) charge every time they exit their driveways.
I’m offering free bungee jumps for Aussie pollies.
No strings attached.😎
Only Aussie Pollies?
To avoid any suggestion that you are Ra-yy-seest, please include pollies from other countries.
I’m thinking of the UK – we’d ship them to you [one way ticket] …
Sunday funny: woke maths: 7 into 28
Aliens have analysed earth for invasion. They found the planet’s climate may possibly increase by 1.5 degrees C, so have decided to leave it and find a really good planet somewhere else.
Eating meat reverses aging
Real men and real women eat grass fed beef.😁
The humanoid robot that can safely pilot an airplane better than a human
The robot’s memory is so large that it can memorise all Jeppesen navigation charts, a task that is impossible for human pilots.
Both artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have made significant strides in recent years, meaning most human jobs could soon be overtaken by technology – on the ground and even in the skies above us.
A team of engineers and researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) is currently developing a humanoid robot that can fly aircraft without needing to modify the cockpit.
“Pibot is a humanoid robot that can fly an aeroplane just like a human pilot by manipulating all the single controls in the cockpit, which is designed for humans,” David Shim, an associate professor of electrical engineering at KAIST, told Euronews Next.
With the benefit it won’t have a heart attack from climate change mid-flight.
Do you reckon it might be powered by lithium batteries though?
Given the history of Korean Airlines, I can only concur.
“With the benefit it won’t have a heart attack from climate change mid-flight.” it may not be called a heart attack but computers die suddenly at times and/or lose functionality.
My company, rather, the Australian arm of the company that employs me, has a “Reconciliation” committee. There are about 10 members, only 2, maybe 3 of whom are Australian, and none are Aboriginal.
I’m not entirely sure what they are supposed to achieve, but I imagine there is an employment quota there somewhere. I also feel it’s another sign of the bigotry of low expectations, and all the other inherent problems associated with focusing on physical traits instead of hiring/promoting on merit and aptitude.
Meanwhile, they shamelessly use a large expat workforce, likely paying them less than the Award rate, often bringing them in on student visas instead of some sort of skilled worker visas, and not informing them that they can join a union if they want to (not that the union is useful, but they should legally still be told it exists). (If I had hard evidence of this, it’d be reported, but alas, I do not, as the employees are still getting paid more than working in their home countries, and will not rock the boat).
Science does not back ULEZ.
So ‘The Science’ must support it?
Despite a lot of misleading ‘air cleansed’ stories planted in the press as propaganda at the time, the total loss of traffic in the lockdown made little difference to air quality anywhere in the UK, except in bus/taxi hotspots, so clearly ULEZ can’t possibly achieve anything meaningful.
And so it began, just a few months earlier than usual.
But please don’t blame climate change. Nova would cry.
ABC well done, here is another ABC link to a similar theme.
Dutch dairy farm gets raided by government.
Link (in Dutch):
Google translation:
I have a strong and sad message: Our dairy farm Kolhorn Dairy farm is on the nomination to be shot by the government. – We are a peak loader, ie too polluting for the Veluwe at a distance of 25 km – PAS reporter ie our environmental permit has been taken away because according to the government they should not have given it 11 years ago. Legally obtained according to all procedures, but that no longer applies. – PAS reporter from before 2015, so we are no longer eligible for legalization. This week we had a consultant from the ministry visit to find out how they want to buy us up . We may be able to get a bag of money but the conditions are catastrophic for our wonderful company. It will have to be broken down to the last stone and we can no longer be farmers for here and for the whole of Europe. Selling the company without this arrangement is also impossible for dairy farming because we are illegal and peak loaders. No bank finances it for a buyer. The buy-out arrangement is on a voluntary basis, it is emphasized. But what does that mean if you’re standing in the corner with the gun pointed at you and you can’t move? Voluntary in our case means we get to ask when they pull the trigger. Our company : – one of the most beautiful in the Netherlands – on the most fertile soil in Europe in the Flevopolder – green label built with all permits legally obtained. – modern – durable – working efficiently – animal friendly And a film of our company has been taken abroad several times by the king and queen as an example of a company based on innovation, efficiency, sustainability and animal friendliness. Now this same government wants to wipe out our company with a stroke of the pen and really pull the noose on us as livestock farmers. We are devastated and don’t know what to do at this point
How disheartening, and shocking.
I understand you cannot farm in Europe, after taking what the Government will graciously offer you.
Is there anywhere else?
Argentina [seems there might be a brief interlude of sanity there after the last primary]?
The UK is in the grip of the watermelons – green outside, but a concealed bright communist red inside.
It has an illegal – and murderous – invader, but might Ukraine – non-EU – be a possibility in a year or two?
Thinking of your troubles.
To clarify, this is not about me but about a dairy farmer in Biddinghuizen. I am Dutch and live in Australia and a good friend in the Netherlands pointed me to this post.
Here’s the link to the original Facebook post (in Dutch):
After championing renewables for a long time, the AEMO is set to issue its 10-year outlook soon, which will flag its concerns about energy supply and the increasing risks of blackouts.
South Australia, the poster child for renewables, is said to have the highest of running out of power, perhaps by 2024.
The list below shows those important measurements that we have available for the next Ice Age shift to occur in the 2050s
1. The carbon 14 historic isotope ratios produced by Solar cosmic reflux certify fundamentally that the sun is a variable Star.
2. The Beryllium 10 historic isotope ratios, also produced by Solar cosmic reflux certify that Solar cosmic reflux changes with Solar activity.
3. The statistics of sunspot numbers certify that solar activity has peaked in the 1960s, leveled off, and is now fast diminishing.
4. Our the measured magnetic pole drift certifies that the entire Solar system dynamics are diminishing.
5. The collapsing Solar wind pressure measurements by the Ulysses satellite certified that the solar system is heading towards its first major phase shift in the 2030s when the Solar wind potentially stops.
6. The increase in cosmic reflux measurements, which also had been measured by the Ulysses Spacecraft, certify that the diminishing Solar activity is real.
7. Of the neutron density measurements by the Moscow Neutron Monitor certify that the cosmic ray increase that Ulysses had measured up to 2008 still continues and still continues at the same rate of increase.
8. The Solar Radio Flux measurements, such as we have measured by the Dominion Observatory in Canada, certify that the Solar activity collapse is momentously ongoing as if the sun was dying back to a low activity level.
9. The diminishing periodic warming cycles that we have measured in ice cores certify that the interglacial period is nearing its termination threshold.
10. The diminishing grand Solar minimum cycles that have been measured in numerous ways certify that a recovery of the now ongoing Solar collapse is not possible. The diminishing cycles measurements certify that the dynamics that have rescued us from the previous Little Ice Age have themselves diminished into insignificance.
11. The slowing heartbeat of the Solar cycles certified that the end of the interglacial Sun is not far off.
12. The delayed and missing magnetic polarity reversals in the polar regions of the Sun certify that the slowing heartbeat of the Solar system has a deep connection with the fading plasma streams that power our Sun externally as a plasma Star.
We have none of these types of hard and fast measurements available to support the planetary plasma core theory (i.e., The bare Sun). Nevertheless, the circumstantial evidence that we do have for the plasma core theory is so numerous that the plasma core theory may be regarded as an extension of the list.
But why should we let it come that far to the point of our self-extinction on any front? We have the power to respond on the whole front and build a gigantic new world in an ice-age renaissance setting. This can be easily created by us simply raising up the recognized value of our humanity as the tallest and most creative and productive species of life on the planet in terms of the capabilities that we have and what we can accomplish with them as human beings.
Is This The Real Reason “Eris” Cases Are Spiking?
Eris – the most recent “Covid variant” – is supposedly causing spikes in cases all over the world.
The story goes that England, Ireland and US are all being hit hard, it’s reached Australia too.
In yet another blow to the “BRICS will save us” crowd, India and China are playing along.
“Scientists” are even clamoring for the return of masks.
We’ve already been over everything you need to know about “Eris” here. Long story short, “Covid” is just another made up name for the flu, and the “variants” are coats of paint they slap on the narrative to try and keep it looking fresh.
In that same article I theorised Eris’ existence was a need to keep Covid alive, and that is part of it…but I also missed something obvious: The next round of Covid “vaccines” hits the shelves next month.
This “updated vaccine” is nothing to do with Eris, of course, as much as the language in the headlines implies it’s been “adapted” for the latest variant, it hasn’t.
You have to appreciate the huge amount of effort that went into hypnotizing millions – maybe billions – of people into acting against their own best interests, it’s a spell that’s easier to maintain than restart.
Put those worthless masks on and get your Deagel-shots .
It’s for the good of the planet!
Sheeple first…obviously.
“We will not be free of the virus until we are free of the vaccinators.”