A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Jason Chaffetz Fox News (web) has an interesting article giving his 5 reasons why the current USA president won’t be on the ticket next year. He examines what JB and crew are doing and not doing now as others are ramping-up campaigns. That is, hiring office staff and others that would normally be underway at this point.
Related: “The Donald” claims he will not do debates at this time.
Is this the article?
Biden probably doesn’t need to do anything – like the last election.
Your protected in a ‘Steel Enclosed Condom’…
Death Proof (2007) – First Victim —
King Charles….not so much…
Well, I havent been able to find this report, or ‘fact check’ it myself, but it could be interesting reading, given that RFK jr has documented bioweapon/vaccine links to the military/deep state.
Yesterday el+gordo posted:
The full article is here:
I agree, and had already stated that Ted O’Brien was a dud and a huge disappointment, as was Keith Pitt, one a Lib, one a National member of the Uniparty.
Both support nuclear power (so they say). That’s wonderful of course. I have no problem with nuclear power.
But both of them advocate nuclear power because they and the Coalition faction of the Uniparty are True Believers in the Anthropogenic Global Warming Fraud.
The Lib/Nat Coalition faction, under Dutton, are not prepared to or brave enough to reject the hypothesis of anthropogenic global warming and will thus continue to lose elections. In fact, the Liberal Party hasn’t been conservative for decades.
The CPAC conference was overall excellent but it was a huge mistake by the organisers to invite Lib/Nat Coalition members, known to be true believers.
Nuclear power should of course be part of Australia’s energy mix, but the only factor that decides its use should be economic.
It would be silly to build a nuclear power station on the site of a destroyed coal power station as O’Brien and Pitt advocated. These tend to be built on top of or near coal mines and are inexpensive to run on coal.
A nuclear power station might be more appropriate for an Outback or other remote community away from cheap coal or that currently runs on diesel generators.
Both O’Brien and Pitt pushed “small modular reactors” (SMRs) which are fine, but they only believe in those because they think they are “less offensive” than full size reactors. Obviously SMRs also have their place, but not being offensive shouldn’t be a reason to use one.
Note also, that even though the Lib/Nats claim to support nuclear power, the reality is, and they know it, that getting approval for a large useful project in Australia is essentially took 50 years to decide on a second Sydney international airport. How much longer would a nuclear reactor take? Useless projects like SH2 or on shore or offshore wind subsidy farms, approval is automatic even when they involve destruction of forests or the marine environment.
(I wrote an article on SMRs at )
If the Lib/Nats want to win an election they have to extricate themselves from the Uniparty and start thinking independently. Sadly, I can’t see that happening. The Lib/Nats try to compete against Green Labor by being even more Left wing as shown in all the last elections like VIC, WA and NSW with disastrous losses.
That’s why I don’t waste time on Liberals any more but support the small conservative parties like United Australia Party, Liberal Democrats and One Nation. At least they are unafraid to discover the truth and say it.
Goolag is trying to lock down access to the Internet.
Potentially this means only sites they approve of will be able to be accessed with browsers and hardware they approve of.
This is very serious but will no doubt be supported by anti-free-speech governments like China’s and Australia’s.
See 13 min video
Google (and others) would effectively and entirely control the internet if that sort of thing really happens, and of course the evidence is that Google etc strongly favour the globalist left. Conservative voices will be absent from the international town square and leftist programs and policies will receive even less challenge than they do now. Stamping out dissent will create a huge but fake consensus on every issue the left cares about, further strengthening their hand. Conservatives will also have zero organising options compared with the already formidable organisation on the leftist side.
At that point, the smoking embers of western democracy will flicker out and die.
The pervasiveness of their Android Operating System makes Goolag a serious threat. They’ve become the flagship of Evil in our time. (Pre-Musk Twitter was another one…. er… how many flagships are the bad guys allowed? )
So what can be done? They’ve learned how to buy off politicians.
Here’s an idea: we pass laws to recognize that being banned or blocked, is an implicit smear on the reputation of the person banned. . . and there should be a penalty for that.
In the case of Big Tech, a massive fine will be payable to the victim. Compensation for damage to one’s reputation.
All a ‘banned’ consumer has to prove is their speech was acceptable within the bounds established by historical Case Law and Precedent. If the plaintiff wins then massive compensation will be awarded. That’ll teach these ‘pryx’ a lesson.
So people, get behind the smaller non-Left parties like David M mentioned earlier.
That’s IF you want Big Tech reined in . . Otherwise, accept being herded into the digital Goolag…. Fight back, or say Hello to 1984, AGAIN.
The Institute of Public Affairs is hosting Professor Will Happer, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Princeton University and an expert on atmospheric radiation, at a series of public lectures in Australia next month.
Prof Happer served in two administrations, as Director of Energy Research in the Department of Energy under President George Bush (Snr) in 1991, and in the Trump administration as Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director of Emerging Technologies on the National Security Council.
The dates for the events are as follows (all starting at 5:30pm):
Perth, Tuesday 12th September at the Ritz-Carlton Perth
Melbourne, Friday 15th September at the Ritz-Carlton Melbourne
Sydney, Monday 18th September at Four Seasons Sydney
Brisbane, Wednesday 20th September at Sofitel Brisbane Central
You don’t need to be an IPA member to attend, although cost is higher for non-members. (might be worth becoming a member for the discount given its about half the cost of membership and membership has other benefits)
Details and tickets here
Together with Prof Richard Lindzen, who authored a very insightful chapter in Climate Change: The Facts 2020 [Check out the book here], Prof Happer recently testified against a new rule by the Environmental Protection Agency in the USA – a rule aimed at cutting carbon emissions in electricity generation. Profs Happer and Lindzen argue that there is “no scientifically justifiable reason” for the imposition of the rule.
They decry the increasing emphasis of policy-makers and key institutions on scientific ‘consensus’ as opposed to a strict adherence to scientific methods:
Profs Happer and Lindzen’s extensive expert analysis, contained in their full submission to the EPA concludes:
[the Happer Lindzen submission to the EPA can be viewed here]
It’s tragic that the Left have now successfully corrupted the Scientific Method and promoted this as the way scientific fact is established.
Thanks for letting us know, Strop.
From the IPA
Excellent video.
I think it was Ben Shapiro that said you can’t win a debate against the Left with facts (because post-modernism on which the modern Left is based does not accept objective reality) but you have to humiliate them.
I think Professor Ridd has done both.
Dennis Meadows, Club of Rome member and co-author of the 1972 book “The Limits to Growth” is still telling scare stories and in this 2022 interview advocates population reduction to about 1-2 billion and a dictatorship and reduced standard of living.
This is the type of “intellectual” from whom the Left get their ideas.
2 mins
“One Big Game Of Pretend”
“Beyond that, it is just not possible to:
a) Know in advance what someone ELSE prefers, so error is guaranteed.
b) Canceling folks for errors is fundamentally evil.
c) It is not possible to store and remember a full map of all people to all pronouns, especially the crazy ones.
d) That is made worse by folks who swap “gender” & “pronouns” at will and often.
e) Endorsing crazy talk does not help the ones who are doing the crazy talk.
f) Doing things to “fit in” or “get along” is the path to ruin.
g) Truth just is. Embracing truth, even hard truths, is the path to a tidy mind.
h) Those who do not live their principles, do not really have principles. Live a principled life.
i) There’s only biological innies, outies and oopsies. Do not embrace the oopsies.”
“Mainstream Australia well represented on the ABC’s Q&A”
Post-modernism is the basis of modern Left ideology.
A summary of post-modernism from :
Many postmodernists hold one or more of the following views:
(1) there is no objective reality;
(2) there is no scientific or historical truth (objective truth);
(3) science and technology (and even reason and logic) are not vehicles of human progress but suspect instruments of established power;
(4) reason and logic are not universally valid;
(5) there is no such thing as human nature (human behavior and psychology are socially determined or constructed);
(6) language does not refer to a reality outside itself;
(7) there is no certain knowledge;
(8) no general theory of the natural or social world can be valid or true (all are illegitimate “metanarratives”).
So next time you get frustrated trying to explain something to a Leftist, you can see why it’s so hard for them to understand anything.
as its evolved in recent years , I have trouble arguing with (3) in any absolute sense
dont have a big issue with (7) either really. I regard any knowledge I have as the best I’ve got at that point in time rather than being certain.
“CPAC Australia – Coal Overboard, Nuclear to Appease the Greens?”
“To say I’m disappointed with this year’s Australian CPAC would be an understatement.”
More at
And comments
CPAC was excellent overall.
It is unfair to characterise the entire event as a “disappointment”.
Dud Lib/Nat speakers like O’Brien and Pitt were just two of about 45 speakers or 4.45%. It was also notable that neither got much applause or a standing ovation like the other speakers.
There is, of course, nothing wrong with nuclear power. Just not if it is to appease the Greens as a substitute for coal.
See my comment #4.
You can watch the speeches online for free to see how good the rest were.
sort of starts to sound like the lefty argument of it cant just be good, it has to be my kind of good. I would be happy for Australia just to have reliable and adequate baseload power as we had for the last 50 years. Dont care that much how its delivered. If we don’t have that we don’t have much of a country.
Must have been pleasing though to see the younger generation coming through.
“We Won’t Be Fooled Again”
“Of all the vicious lies spun around the Covid-19 operation, among the most damaging was the campaign to demonize ivermectin, a Nobel Prize-winning true wonder-drug, among the safest known pharmaceuticals ever, effective against disease-causing parasites and also a potent anti-viral agent – which was exactly why the CDC and FDA turned on it. It very effectively subdued Covid-19 infections.”
More at
Start with The Voice and end up with this-
“The Green Party proposes to empower the Waitangi Tribunal to make binding recommendations on the transfer of public lands to Māori. It also proposes that the Tribunal be granted powers to make findings and recommendations in relation to private land. Māori would be given a right of first refusal for private land sales, undertaken at the point of sale.
The Green Party supports amendments to the Public Works Act to prevent Māori land being taken in future. It also advocates ending perpetual leases on Māori land.”
Maoris have already used thuggery to drive farmers off their land and then claim it. The Greens just want to set it in law. It won’t stop there either, there will be more in the pipeline.
Australia’s Misinfo Bill Paves Way for Soviet-Style Censorship
Excellent article.
At this point in time I have no confidence that the bill won’t be passed.
Don’t forget, most Uniparty politicians, senior public serpents and the Left in general look to totalitarian regimes like China for inspiration, not the traditional values of the once-free Anglo representative democracies.
One submission worth reading:
Given that’ll it be circa 2030 for 2/3rds of the masses to wake up and smell the roses and eliminate the obsolete, corrupt, sociopathic political systems worldwide, and given the rapidly accelerating events that are far more important that aren’t really on anyone’s radar just yet but will fully manifest well before 2030, any hopes of all this insanity ending the easy way rather than the hard way, are misplaced.
ie history will repeat, although there are no true historical comparatives to what’s happening now, for if there were tbere would be very few here to read this.
People always thought a communist/socialist take over of Australia (or any other Western country) would be obvious and violent.
But the commies/socialists knew this wouldn’t be tolerated. So they went quietly and gradually in accordance with Rudi Dutschke’s planned “long march through the institutions” from 1967.
So here we are, it’s almost a done deal and done without almost anyone noticing or caring (present company excepted). We have just about lost control of our country in favour of Elites and minority special interest groups.
But don’t give up hope yet. Make everyone you know aware of what’s going on and support conservative parties (not Liberals) at the next election.
Communists never needed to lift a finger, the rot of democracy is built in from the start. Once a Govt starts giving away money they are guaranteed to destroy the whole self-reliance ethos of a population. It took them no time to realise you buy votes with someone else’s money, and it took the same time for the public to realise you vote your way into some else’s pocket.
It started with a widow’s benefit in the 1930s in NZ, then an unemployment benefit, then handouts to the poor and the killer was paying unmarried women to have children.
That has decreased the IQ and educational levels of the population, taught generations that you never need to get a job and multiplied the number of women living with their boyfriends while claiming a $1000 a week. Lindsey Mitchell in NZ is a campaigner against it with some startling statistics.
Welfare reaches up to families earning $65000/yr, and that was 15years ago when I left. Taxes have reached their political limit in most democracies, so now Govts just borrow and print money, its not their problem, its the future’s.
Democracy is a failed experiment, taken over by the big businesses and run by the worst sort of people in the population.
You may have noticed the Beijing fascists embraced capitalism (greed is great) and now they are becoming unstuck. A property crash usually leads to economic depression and war.
I figured their problem was the 5-year plans of Communist’s central command, coupled with China’s new ideas of public-private partnerships. A free economy wouldn’t build a new town of high-rise apartments that nobody wants to live in.
Modern economics don’t let properties crash or big banks go broke, everything gets bailed out! China seemed like it was doing well with a Communist Govt & a capitalist economy, but it still gives them mis-allocated capital and poor planning decisions.
The hundreds of electric cars hidden in the weeds is pretty typical too.
Its a hybrid model full of corrupt practice.
Golly yes!!! China should go back to Chairman Mao and his Great Leap Forward then the Cultural Revolution … murdering about 100 million of their own people and keeping the population hanging on the edge of survival.
So much better than “greed”.
The emergence of Labor parties was a way for the elites to remain in power, democratic socialism came about to stop Marxism and it worked out fine.
Serpentza on parts of China now banning Teslas!
Pedo Joe finally goes to Maui, but shouldn’t have
And he’s told the same lie over and over for EACH of the multiple kitchen fires he’s had over 20 years.
What a pathetic sad excuse for a human to do it again at Maui.
And, as usual, the MSM is covering for him. I have looked at several of the Democrat-supporting ‘news’ agencies and that have completely ignored his appalling speech and instead roped in talking heads from the likes of the Red Cross to tell us how incredibly helpful it is to have Biden visit.
…and the locals are NOT happy!
**Repeated F- word warning ** 😁
X Blue Subscribers Will Be Required To Send Selfie, ID To Israeli Software Company For Verification
Elon Musk’s X, previously known as Twitter, will now require X Blue users to provide a selfie and government-issued ID for verification purposes.
The verification process will be carried out by Israeli company AU10TIX software, which will also store the information for up to 30 days.
However, X users have expressed their discontent with the new move by the social media platform. Some have pointed out that they feel uncomfortable allowing the company to store their data — a company whose employees apparently have ties to Israeli intelligence. But others have noted that their information may not be safe, given the number of security breaches that have taken place in the recent past.
One X user posted: “Naturally AU10TIX — the Israeli tech firm @elonmusk wants to deploy for users to hand information over for verification purposes — have engineers who worked / work in Unit 8200, the intelligence unit of the Israeli Occupation Forces.”
Don’t send critical id to anyone!
Time for your EIGHTH dose: Pfizer says latest booster won’t be tested on humans but it works great on mice!
Pfizer announced Thursday that their new shot, which targets the Eris variant (whatever that is) of the cold/flu rebrand sickness that is commonly referred to as Covid-19, is showing great promise in mice.
And given that Big Pharma heavyweights like Pfizer pretty much control America’s Government Health institutions, we should expect to see FDA authorization for another “emergency use” shot in the coming weeks.
For the True Believers who are on schedule with “the science,” this would make for an eighth dose of mRNA in under three years.
In April, the FDA authorized a seventh dose of a new shot labeled the “bivalent booster.” When the new “Eris” formulated shot comes out, it will make for an eighth shot.
Roll up those sleeves suckers. Remember, your demise is for the good of the planet!
Meta Pays Supposedly Independent Australian “Fact-Checkers” 800 Dollars Per Fact-Check
Those who doubt that “fact-checking” is an industry created around the push for internet censorship that’s been going on these last years might be persuaded otherwise by information that emerged from a lawsuit.
The lawsuit was filed by Australia-based reporter and commentator Avi Yemini, and it reveals the amount of money changing hands between Facebook (Meta) and its notorious “fact-checkers” whose purpose is supposed to be weeding out “misinformation.” And who are supposed to be “independent.”
According to a deal cited in the court documents, the figure went up to half a million dollars annually – and that’s involving just one “fact checking” operation, RMIT University’s FactLab, also based in Australia.
The agreement was kept confidential, but surfaced in Yemini’s defamation suit naming RMIT FactLab as the plaintiff. Yemini claimed that this group subjected one of his reports to a false “fact-check.”
But, whether that’s true or false, RMIT lab was given 800 Australian dollars per “check,” up to 40,000 per month – with the contract stipulating that RMIT would run up to 50 articles through its “fact-checking machine” each month.
Now what does that word mean. I don’t know. 😆
The mainstream media does not want the West to know what is happening in China because the people would be frightened and begin to rebel. The media wants you to believe that China is “experimenting” with digital IDs that are linked to bank accounts and impacted by social credit scores, but they’re already there. TikTok is one of the last platforms where users throughout the world can share personal news without censorship. In the video above, a Chinese woman is explaining how she “once again cannot buy food.”
Her story is one example of how the digital ID program will work. She attempted to buy a new phone linked to a Chinese bank account to bypass the digital ID, but since her cousin purchased the phone, she was unable to log on because the phone was flagged. China has been testing this system since 2018 and had a soft launch in March, when Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced that 100 million citizens would be issued digital identification cards. As always, they market this as a mere convenience. “One policy from the government this year is to make ID cards electronic, so that relevant information can be accessed by a simple scan of the code on the cellphone,” he said.
I guess Peter F. missed the reality on his trip (how unusual for foreigners), but at least the food tasted good. Thst oil though… 😎
If you order an Internet connection in Singapore, even if it’s just a temporary connection at the airport, you have to provide ID – your passport details.
Tucker Carlson Talks To Colonel Douglas Macgregor About The Ukraine War
I wouldn’t take too much notice of Macgregor, his rhetoric that Russia will crush Ukraine hasn’t changed in spite of him saying it since the outset.
His claim to fame is being a tank captain during 73 Easting and narrating a video on it. He was not a general with theatre planning experience.
I found his arguments convincing. From his bio: Douglas A. Macgregor, a U.S. Army colonel, served from November 1997 to December 1999 as the chief of strategic planning and director of the Joint Operations Center, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe. In 1995 he developed the zone of separation that became part of the Dayton framework agreement. He is currently a research fellow in the Institute for National Strategic Studies National Defense University in Washington, D.C.
He’s correct. The Ukraine war is indeed a catastrophe, and will only get worse if it continues.
Hardly a brilliant insight.I’m sure we can all agree with that.
BoM hints that this El Nino won’t be strong.
‘Australia is being warned to prepare for an unusually warm and dry spring, despite the Bureau of Meteorology continuing to hold back on declaring a fully-fledged El Niño.’ (Weatherzone)
‘New studies find recent non-warming and/or a warmer Medieval Warm Period.
‘From 1785-2015 (231 years), the warmest 21-year period in India’s Himalayan region occurred from 1890-1910.. The years spanning 1995-2015 were the 4th warmest and 1946-1966 was the 2nd warmest period.
‘So, overall, the region has cooled slightly since 1890.’ (Notrickszone)
New Zealand: Deaths up 14%, Natural Birth Increase Down 28%, Disability is up 37.5%
New Zealand official birth and death figures for 12 months to the end of June 2023 released.
Stats New Zealand released the official figures for births and deaths for the period 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023 today. The short summary accompanying the release of the horrifying figures compares these to the previous 12 months and reports increases in deaths and reductions in live births. 2022/23 figures would have best been compared to the July 2018 to June 2019 totals, the first available pre-pandemic period.
Alarmingly, natural live birth increase (births minus deaths) fell from 26,500 in 2018/19 to 19,185 in 2022/23 a decrease of 7,400 or 28%. This is an absolutely unprecedented drop. Nothing even remotely like this has been recorded previously.
Did NZ fudge the deaths like the ABS in Oz did?
Well at least Ardern has resigned and fled NZ for a cushy role well outside the fallout zone…
Well, France incensed that Victoria Nuland has done another ‘Fk the Europeans’ by going to Niger and talking to the coup leaders.. The Yanks will do anything to get that gold and uranium!
“U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s visit in post-coup Niger has incensed Washington’s NATO ally France, according to a weekend report by French news outlet Le Figaro, quoting a source within the French Foreign Ministry.
The United States “did the exact opposite of what we thought they would do,” the French daily wrote, according to the diplomat’s remarks. “With allies like these, we do not need enemies,” it elaborated.”
With America as your friend, you don’t need enemies indeed!
Aside from the lie that the US is motivated by gold and uranium, I suppose you’d rather Wagner get all the gold and uranium mining concessions in return for supporting dictators and corrupt govs., as per the current situation in neighbouring countries?
Certainly having France and America with thousands of troops in the country for decades has done nothing for the people of Niger,
so Wagner couldn’t be any worse. They are hunting down the ISIS terrorists as the Americans train them, its another background battlefield for the big powers.
London mayor tried to suppress report questioning climate mandates, emails show
London Mayor Sadiq Khan suppressed a report showing his ULEZ climate mandates have little impact on the climate, newly obtained emails show.
Emails obtained via a Freedom of Information request reveal that Khan’s office tried to suppress a scientific report showing the ULEZ mandate is largely ineffective against pollution. The report, published by the Imperial College of London, found that ULEZs cut nitrogen emissions by less than 3% and “had insignificant effects on ozone and particulate matter.”
Khan’s office reacted to the report by trying to block its release in British news media. Environment and Energy Deputy Mayor Shirley Rodrigues immediately contacted Imperial College of London Environmental Research Group Director Professor Frank Kelly, whose group had been paid over £800,000 ($1,018,720) by Khan’s office since 2021. One of those payments was a £45,958 ($58,523) grant for a report on the “future health benefits of mayoral air quality policies.”
Rodrigues told Kelly she was “really disappointed” with the “misleading” report and “deeply concerned” with how it would damage the ULEZ mandate and the mayor. She reportedly thanked Kelly’s team for trying to stop it from being released.
There’s no corruption in the UK, that’s for dictators and backward Eastern countries..
“Fat Bottomed Girls” Allowed Back On Queen’s Greatest Hits After Being Renamed “High-Calorie Bottomed Birthing People”
…and that’s the polite version! 😆
Big bottom
Big bottom
Talk about mud flaps
My gal’s got ’em
Or maybe that was Spinal Tap….
“It is time to devalue the software research of climate models”
“When the table of contents of the most recent issue of the American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Geophysical Research Letters was released on August 16, 2023, I could not help noticing it contained a string of papers repeatedly showing that the models used to prove the coming fire of global warming continue to remain untrustworthy and unreliable. All of the following papers indicated biases and uncertainties of both climate models as well as the data they used, and each did so in their titles:”
More at
A bit of digging
Maybe “ElBowen” might get some ideas?
So, the solar cycle messes with cloud cover in the distant Neptune, but, since we are much closer to the Sun, it doesn’t affect us nor has any effect over global warming/climate change/whatever hoax.
The death of a family member earlier this year has been confirmed as a case of ‘glioblastoma’, the most aggressive and deadly brain cancer. We knew he had a brain tumour, diagnosed in 2022, but now have confirmation of his cause of death.
We were surprised though to read that he also had various clots, including DVT and arterial clots elsewhere.
He was fully vaccinated.
At present, three other family members have terminal cancer diagnoses. I don’t know their vaccination status.
We also learned, while in the UK a few weeks ago, that another relative by marriage had a stroke early this year. Thankfully, she seems to have made a 95% recovery.
My sister meanwhile, still has no answer for her blackout three months ago.