A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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USA Today’s Nicole Fallert posted that ‘Climate breakdown has begun’.
She mentions the warm June-August for a start, and then two totally unrelated issues – the southern border and aid to Kyiv.
Back to temperature of the atmosphere and ocean water. Then the new disturbance, Hurricane Lee, in the mid-Atlantic.
For context, this coming weekend is the historic peak of the Atlantic hurricane season.
Nicole seems not to understand the concept of summer.
Having read her “reporting”, I am still wondering what “climate breakdown” is.
John, it is just another word to create panic and fear so the communist controllers can squeeze everyone harder. It’s not quite as bad as the “boiling oceans” but it will affect some. I cannot see it anywhere around SE Queensland I have to say. A bit dry, but spring often is.
This must be the new post “boiling planet” phrase that has been handed down to the compliant MSM.
In todays media in Australia –
Africa Climate Summit Demands Reparations via Global Tax on Fossil Fuels, Aviation, and Maritime Transport
Was that last week’s African governments, this week’s or next week’s?
I watched part of an al Jazeera news bulletin . It left me wondering if Putin has plans to make the whole of Africa a war zone.
WE should be worrying about it.
Yes, let’s all worry, that should stop it.
If worrying doesn’t stop it, we should all get on a blog and demand justice for Ukraine.
Back to the Future of the 1970s and ’80s?
When the Soviets and the Chinese were running proxy wars across the entire continent to gain “leverage” as well as access to the potentially vast resources on and under the land.
The soviets were into this game immediately WW2 ran down. Their idea of “decolonization” was to “support lots od “liberation” groups with weapons, training and propaganda. They started with some of the “Arab” countries, many of whom (as colonies) had been very keen on a previous “strong horse”, Nazi Germany, which had “tumbled” at the final hurdle.
The soviets even set up an institution called the “Patrice Lumumba University” to train all these “enthusiasts”, in Moscow. It was named after a “martyred” revolutionary, as one does, apparently.
The fall of Cuba to Castro provided the impetus for the Soviets to employ their own “colonial” troops to Africa. Preferably the “melanin-enhanced” ones, who were apparently thought to “blend-in” with the “locals. That these troops only spoke Spanish and Russian was, it seems, not seen as a “problem”.
China’s activities on the “Dark Continent” became apparent not much later in Kenya and, in the madhouse of Idi Amin’s Uganda. In truly inscrutable style, China “sponsored” a large number of troops from Kim’s North Korean “paradise” to upgrade the Ugandan military. While this was going on, Chinese influence became very obvious in Mozambique and Rhodesia. Here, they were ultimately more successful. In the case of Rhodesia, both the Soviets and the Chinese “sponsored” competing “revolutionary” groups. Occasionally, when not murdering farming families and less than enthusiastic tribal leaders, as well as blowing airliners out of the sky, they fought each other.
Eventually, due to the “creativity” of the Untidy Notions and the intrigues of characters like Lord Carrington and some Oz wannabe named Malcolm Fraser, the “Chinese” faction won the “free and fair”, one person, one vote, one time, election, the murderous Robert Mugabe got the nod. And the food-bowl of the region was headed for the same cliff as so many others. The rice-propelled cousins have seriously “upgraded” the Zimbabwe military, with lots of new toys and training over the recent years. They are likely NOT going away, any time soon.
Well may the usual suspects chant that “One man’s terrorist is another man’s “freedom fighter”, but, just as true is; “One man’s colonial master is another man’s “fraternal benefactor”.
The dialectics of Death.
Yes, and if a crime fighter fights crime and a fire fighter fights fire, then what does a freedom fighter fight?
Not sure Putin could get a foot in the door, the US has been at it for many years
Yes, the West is having a big whine about China and Russia doing exactly what the West has done for all my lifetime.. The difference will be that the woke West will drive itself back to the pre-oil age while the BRICS accelerate their energy usage and uptake of minerals to drive their economies.
I’d say the most pertinent point is what happened in every single one of those african countries when they kicked out their white colonial oppressors, and how Aussies can’t see that happening when the natives take charge here. Does anyone REALLY think the power takeover will stop at the voice?
My African wife complains the West cannot see that there are countries where democracy is not a good thing and will never work. I figure its never a good thing and will never work anywhere!
“Researchers from Canada and Australia have predicted a remarkable one billion deaths from climate change over the next 100 years.”
C & A researchers are a funny lot.
About 60 million folks will die this year. By 2090 that will double (some say). By then approximately 9,000,000,000 people will have died — including me! 🙂
Can some of you OZ folks explain how one determines which ones die of climate change?
Not only that, but maybe around 12 billion people or more will be born over the next 100 years despite ‘Global Boiling’.
Not considered in the ‘Report’ of course.
BTW I made the 12 billion up as I have writer’s licence.
I project 8 billion deaths – from old age – over the next 100 years. . .
I predict the possibility of four billion deaths – from famine, over the next four years.
“Old age”, is there a vaccine for it? Where’s Phizer when you need them?
They turn orange, global boiling does this to my prawns.
How do you change your avatar or whatever the picture is called?
Can Trump Run for President From Prison?
“By no means is Trump the first to find himself in the crosshairs of the wrath of government because he sought real change. Eugene Victor Debs (1855–1926) was an American socialist, political activist, and trade unionist and a founding member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). However, he was also a five-time candidate of the Socialist Party of America, running for President of the United States in 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920 when he ran for president from prison in 1920 thanks again to the Democrats. That’s right! It was the Democrats who also imprisoned him, and he still ran for President in 1920.
Debs ran for President from prison in the 1920 election. Many people voted for him; he received the most significant number of popular votes ever received by a Socialist Party candidate in the United States. It is important to clarify that there was also the Communist Party, which was separate and distinct from the Socialist Party at the time. It is Ironic that FDR running as a Democrat, was really advocating socialism, which Debs had advocated, except for war.”
Much has been written here at Jo’s recently about “excess deaths due to covid”, especially amongst the vaxxed. However that is only the tip of the coming iceberg. There is now a growing avalanche of vaxxed women flocking to fertility and IVF clinics because either they can’t get pregnant at all, or they are repeatedly miscarrying if they do conceive.
In short, over 90% of Australian women over 18, plus over 60% of girls 12 to 18, plus at least 50% of girls under 12, have now effectively been sterilised. This applies specifically to Australians of Caucasian and Chinese heritage. For Indigenous Australians the vaxx rate is even higher. Put bluntly the typical Aussie family has now effectively been exterminated, they just don’t know it yet.
But not to worry. The much reduced replacement population is already here. In 2013 Tony Abbott campaigned on “Stop The Boats”. And stop them he did. And flew them in instead. 160,000 in the first full year, 2014, increasing to over 300,000 in 2019. And that’s not counting kids. Over a million Muslims in six years. Now perhaps you understand why we have a critical housing shortage.
Finally, these Muslims have tended to congregate in enclaves, so it would be relatively easy to ensure most of them got harmless saline solution instead of a sterilising mRNA shot. When was the last time you saw a video of a woman in a hajib suffering from a vaxx adverse reaction? And as a result of generational interbreeding at the first cousin level they have an average IQ of around 90+ and so are easily controlled.
As you read this in disbelief just remember that Bill Gates has been caught out using vaxx programs as a cover for mass sterilisation in India, Pakistan and several African states.
Peter S
I was talking to my wife the other day about the lack of parents pushing prams, just don’t see that anymore.
Maybe you need to get out more..try the local park or coffee shop on a sunny day .
Or maybe you just dont live in a “young family” area these days ?
..Oh, and few use “prams” these days…..buggys are the norm ,….when they are not in a car !
My stepdaughter has had a child since being double vaxxed.
The child is healthy in all respects.
I don’t doubt that there are fertility problems from the vax but it is not a very effective mass sterilisation program.
Well it is only 95% effective.
Wonderful news.
James ‘Two Mums’ Shaw, half-leader of the NZ Greens Watermelon WEF Party, busted for not having a degree after 10 years in parliament saying he had one. Somewhat like his carbon auction scam – up in smoke. Poor little Jimmy, off to the salt mines for you… or cobalt or lithium, I don’t mind, just go.
In other kumara republic gossip from New Zimbabwe Inc., the prime minister (not for long) states gene therapy shots were NOT compulsory – people simply ‘volunteered’ to get them: and the moon is made of cheese and fush’n’chups.
That explains the burning man festival- Mr Clinton saying he didn’t have sex with that woman, while his pants are on fire, and Boris Johnston saying there was no party at #10, similarly, and the boy with his teddy saying everyone who got vaccinated did it of their own free will..
Garrick Tremain is a national treasure over there!
One Nations latest cartoon, 60 day dispensing.
Neil Oliver: ‘…fixing the mess we’re in, is going to hurt!’
nteresting legal case against the Voice referendum:
Any legal minds on here able to verify that there is any substance to Dr Bay’s claims?
It’s BS.
GA will be along shortly to explain it.
Refused to issue or file.
Bay is claiming the Judge’s refusal to issue or file is a win because it means the Referendum can now be challenged as being unconstitutional.
Malcolm Roberts explains.
Dr Bay is an establishmwnt plant or just a plain nutter. It’s one or the other.
An analogy of that explanation, in advance:
Where did the advice to fire Viktor Shokin come from?
The official position of the U.S. Government seems to have been that Ukraine could have ‘the billion dollar’ loan guarantee. Tying it to firing the Prosecutor wasn’t mentioned in any communications . . until after Hunter was asked by Burisma to get involved.
“Nov. 2, 2015:
“Burisma adviser Vadym Pozharskyi emails Devon Archer and Hunter Biden [. . .]. Pozharskyi indicated that the work should be conducted with “ultimate purpose to
close down [any cases in Ukraine against Burisma’s owner].” Pozharskyi [suggested] high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US Ambassador) and in US publicly or in private [be asked to express their support for the Burisma owner] to the highest level of decision makers here in Ukraine.”
“Nov. 22, 2015:
“A Ukraine desk officer at the State Department forwards Vice President Biden’s talking points for meetings [with Ukraine’s leaders]. A condition to fire Shokin has been added to the requirements for the reform of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine).”
John Solomon (sometimes appears on Hannity) lays out all the events here, starting June 2015:
Anatomy of an Ukraine prosecutor’s ouster: the Joe and Hunter Biden timeline | Just The News
Joe Biden advised Poroshenko that if Shokin wasn’t fired within 6 hours, Ukraine would lose USD 1 Billion in foreign aid money.
Biden’s own words: first 30 seconds:
So various church groups are planning to pray for a successful yes vote. If the yes vote fails then does that mean 1. Gods not interested in a yes , 2. there is no God 3. God wants the no vote to succeed 4. Something else entirely?
The alternative is worse.. The Yes vote succeeds and the church claims they have a direct line to God and its all their doing!
I’m sure churches were not meant to be involved in politics, but I figure they always have been.
When the christians lose they say god works in mysterious ways.
The NO is fighting back
A street in Berry NSW displaying six YES’s ina row, all smashed
That’s ok then
Don’t take it to heart, Berry is known for its bogans.
Here’s an odd one-
“Lithuanian authorities canceling the fireworks festival in Vilnius due to supposed concern for Ukrainian refugees who would be traumatized by the sounds of explosions looks like a reason to train everyone’s wit. If only because a considerable part of them came from areas where no hostilities took place at all. However, the real reasons rest on a different plane. Some members of our team, together with colleagues from the Tribaltic Extinctions, once worked with government procurement in the Baltics…
The situation is similar with the cancellation of the commercial fireworks festival Vilnius Fejerija. …earlier they tried to ban it not because of the suffering of Ukrainian refugees, but under the pretext of damage from fireworks to the hearing of pensioners, pets and simply damage to the environment.
Another funny thing is that this time the event was canceled shortly before the scheduled date and after all organizational issues had been resolved and the necessary contracts had been concluded. That is, the funds already allocated for the festival ended up in the right pockets.”
Actually, I was reading Rybar to see how the trouble is brewing between Azerbijan and Armenia once again. I expect America and Russia will be lining up their respective poodles on a leash again, and it will be another pair of 3rd-world countries wrecking each other on the behest of the big boys. Israel is supplying arms, as is Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, and I’m sure John Kerry or Madeleine Albright will be seen down that way..
Ophidascaris Robertsi on the Brain- a new sign of Climate Change
Or something!
A Canberra Neuro surgeon removed a worm from a woman’s brain a few days ago. It is said to be a world first. The doctors indulged in speculation that such infections could become more common for a variety of reasons.
When I saw a picture of the worm I thought it was Ascaris Lumbricoides, which is quite common in tropical regions and areas with poor sanitation. I am not sure how the worm expert tells them apart.
Premier Xi rebuked by party elders over the economy.
Stuff that lands on my desk:
If You’ve Got a New Car, It’s a Data Privacy Nightmare: Makes you really wonder WHY, or HOW? If my vehicle is driven by multiple users, or used as a taxi, or Parts delivery, or as workshop tool, what a lot of useless (?- really ? ) data would be collected. Delivering fuel to the Combines, Collecting the shot Stag, bringing the dead calf tothe Vet Labs, taking the dead Ewe to a hole in the ground. etc.
Surely this is just scaremongering, or is it being used a a data sourc for the great A I …. Dunno what the Bulls would say about that: They’re all off to Sea this now.
from the My Brother’s got the fizzles ( translates to My Brother is cutting thistles) Department, I was speaking to the neighbour’s Grandchild on his ( their !! ) way to school … ‘ and I’m gonna be a Snow Patch Researcher.’ Wh@ ? Oh? How ? … Parent tells me there was a report on Radio Scot/Highland about a patch of snow in Cairngorms ( Phoenix ?) which is melting away. Never used to melt ( so I wonder did it ever?) but now is and will be gone in 2 or 3 years… Really interesting! Reminds me of the phrase whereby people die now who never used to die….discussion continued…So why a snowpatch researcher? Well with global warming, there won’t be any left so I will have a good job waiting for some snow….etc etc … Oh mann! Ye cannae make these things up! Bairnz!
The yearly rehashed ‘last ever Scottish snow patch melted’ story is a BBC regular. It’s right up there with their rehashed sunfish sighting due to warming seas story, and random exotic bird sighted/nesting due to warming climate story. Please pay more attention!
Yes Dad, I do pay attention! Just wanted to lety’all know they’re still at it, last time I heard was several years ago: but look what it’s made me do: somuch for engaging with wee bairnies with something to say.
They even have links to similar stories from 2022 and 2021 at the bottom of the page!
Dad, dad, dad! You’r right again! THis morning before I hit the red button.. a Birdie from possibly the Caribbean was spotted around Redcar. ( Don’t think it was our Heron looking for WIND – hardly ANY this past week ) This tractor needs battery recharged to get the harvest in.
Always remember your government does not give a toss about you
Brutal story.
I did remember that though, which is why I didn’t take it. The very reason actually.
The cover-up and denial of her death shows they are never going to admit there was anything wrong with the RNA jabs, they never did anything wrong, and they will stand there and tell you that anyone who says otherwise is lying.
“To this day, all Freedom Of Information Requests are denied as “Not in the Public Interest”.”
BBC disinformation figurehead prepared to lie for personal gain? So the question arises, how trustworthy is her analysis?
September will no longer be as warm in Australia as August.
Its only a cold air outbreak, it should warm up again as the blocking high gradually moves east.