A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Reminder: More censorship on the way.
YouTube/Goolag plans to censor all medical Information not in accord with the Official Narrative as determined by the World Homicide Organisation.
The Left claim to love “diversity” but are terrified of alternative ideas or opinions.
See video:
Here is the Left’s idea of “diversity”.
Seven degrees centigrade here in Melbournistan overnight.
Hottest September eeevvveeeerrrr?
Climate Breakdown?
Once you accepts the concept of weather, the only thing abnormal about it over the last number of years is just how NORMAL it has been, at least here.
The change seasons, spring and autumn, by definition, are variable so it doesn’t mean CC™ if there is an early warm day or a late cold day.
There was frost with a low of 0C at about 0630 here today. It’s now 14C and a beautiful sunny day. I’m hoping to mow later.
We are in Nth Central Vic.
All the CC propaganda ceased completely here in tropical Queensland. Temperature sat at 24 C all day & it’s considerably cooler than the threatened 35 C. A cold wind has howled all day . Nobody has mentioned boiling planets, fire or brimstone. Too embarrassed or stupid. More likely they suffer both maladies
Big failure from the “ EXPERTS “.
Tomorrow, Saturday, won’t be any different.
Video, 2 min 18 sec, the Demon from New Zimbabwe and new poster child of the Left/Elites addresses the UN and explains how free speech is a weapon of the “enemy” in the present “war”.
We, the thinking, freedom-loving community are the enemy.
She proved her worth to the Elites as NZ dictator, she didn’t really resign as PM, she was promoted to a higher cause for them.
Went for a stroll this morning, feels like it’s back in July, brrr.
Ronin. Out with the dogs at 6AM near Bega (NSW south coast…about 20ks inland). 2.0 Degrees according to BOM, possibly due to the El Nino, the ENSO, the Global Boiling….otherwise it mighta been cold!
We all made it back alive and thankful the God of Heat (6.6 now) has finally shone down upon us. Praise be to Al Gore, Bill Gates, that commie at the UN, and whoever else saved us from the cold!
Hi MT, bayside Brisbane here, it should be warmer than this in late September, I guess the breeze that brought the warm air yesterday, took it today, called weather , I think.
Jacinda Ardern – the epitome of a lost soul who can not see that before she can contribute to fixing the external societal chaos she first needs to address the chaos raging within herself. While the venue of this September 2022 speech was the UN General Assembly the messages behind her words, as time has exposed, would suit any counselling session designed to save a person from themselves ie addiction/self-doubt therapy etc.
“I can certainly understand the desire to leave it to someone else” – how prophetic given her sudden departure from the NZ parliament a short four months later in January 2023. This sad little girl visited the UN in September 2022 and put on such a brave face despite her own inner torment by suggesting she had it “all together” and didn’t blame others for not having the where with all to act, or as she put it when she resigned “…not having enough left in the tank…”.
“How do you ensure the human rights of others are upheld when they are subjected to hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology”. In October 2021 it was this same sad little girl lost who acknowledged that due to her governments covid policy New Zealand was moving to a two-tier society with the “unvaccinated” an underclass. Once again time has exposed the “hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology” that covid policy was. How could she reconcile her September 2022 words with her 2021 actions and consider herself a caring person capable of balancing the diversity of the country she was supposedly leading? Wow she spoke all that Maori in the opening to her general assembly speech so she must be compassionate and feel at one with minorities. Or was that too just global grandstanding?
And now this worn out sad little girl lost is straight into an even bigger global fight where the protections of awe, and majesty she once enjoyed are no longer as readily available and she will be more immediately subject to close and actual challenge – despite her “Dame” status.
But then the left use up and spit out individuals, they only care about the end result and this will no doubt become more and more apparent to this sad little girl lost.
Funny how the stress of being a global censor monger is weighing on her less than being the PM of NZ
How Goolag shifted six million votes toward the White House Resident, apart from the fraudulent votes he got.
It is an outstanding video. If you can find 42 mins to watch it, please do so. Even the first 20 mins is excellent.
The manipulation of public opinion and election interference that Dr Epstein exposes and documents is almost beyond belief.
Here is Epstein’s website.
Incidentally, Epstein voted for Biden and is not a conservative but a rare instance of an honest, pro-free-speech Leftist.
David … appreciated.
Many will have great difficulty contemplating this man’s work and the price he has paid, and may pay.
I’m not particularly religious, but feel compelled to pray for his safety.
Feeling like we all may need divine assistance before long.
Reminded of Googly’s original slogan.
The more that see this, and know of his findings, the more difficult it may be to exact the same fate that may have befallen his wife.
Murder by automobile. ?
See the odd story of the car crash death of Harrison Deal 20, boyfriend of the daughter of Georgia Governor 4 weeks after the 2020 election. Locals say they heard what sounded like an explosion.
He car was hit from behind by a flatbed truck.
Follow the money. That is the underlying philosophy Jabcinda is whinnying about. Don’t ask why there were no sirens wailing in the Tarrant livestream or we will Jail you for 5 years.
Donald Trump Jr has been delayed on his visit to Australia.
Firstly it was due to the censorious Australian Government effectively banning him by not issuing a visa until the day he was meant to speak, making arrangements impossible.
What are these alternative opinions that the Government doesn’t want people to hear?
Then the event was rescheduled but now there are other scheduling issues with him and it is delayed again.
So if you want to hear whatever alternative opinion he has that the Left/Government don’t want you to hear, you’ll have to wait until December. I won’t post the dates, just to make it a little bit harder for violent Leftist blackshirt-wearing protesters to organise themselves.
What is the “time-frame” and what are the”markers”?
All this totalitarian global lunacy is NOT just “happenstance”.
There is a “convergence of interest”, as Sir Les Patterson would say. The “guidelines” are ancient; NOBODY needs to send out office memos.
“What is the “time-frame” “
This is basically the anniversary of Jacinda’s speech to the UN General Assembly which was delivered in September 2022 (see my #3.2 comment above).
Why is the speech suddenly being simaltaneously rehashed now by illuminatibot and Jonathan Turley? Maybe consider the following:
Infiltration is the best game in town and disinformation is the halftime entertainment. The left are expert at both. So whats the background of Illuminati and Turley as in are they really as they appear/suggest ie more right leaning than left? Throw up the horrors of free speech clamp down – even if it is a year old – and grab the headline space then use the furore to launch your agenda which is: loose cannon Jacinda (coincidently the speech giver) resurfacing on the world stage….. by going to Canada and (headlines) meeting the cuban love child who…… who just happens to be stirring it with India over a certain Sikh assasination. Now Jacinda is being groomed to lead the world for minorities given her Christchurch Call after the (Australian) shoot up of the muslim temple…. Oh and of course emerging potential world power India is getting too close to Russia so.
NB If you are not subscribed the new X makes it impossible to read tweets as far as when they were first posted. Turley (and others who have run with this year old speech story) may have taken the story from illuminati who may have taken it from somewhere else and indeed both are maybe as much victims of manipulation as the rest of us. You cant be too careful with “dis”.
“Oh and of course emerging potential world power India is getting too close to Russia so. ”
Very much so! This is a warning from the Yanks to Modi.. “We can make life very uncomfortable for you, behave or we will just get rid of you.” Imran Kahn found out-
A UN Bullet dodged –
There was more terrific news this week — this time, about something that didn’t happen. On Monday and Tuesday, the United Nations was poised, literally on the brink, with no further action required, of approving a gigantic international agreement packed with horrifying, civilization-wrecking, dystopian measures collectively called “Agenda 2030,” which included marxist bon mots like Smart Cities (*formerly known as ’15-minute cities’), farming reductions to save the climate at humankind’s expense (i.e., kill the Kulaks), draconian limits on fishing, family-abolishing trans policies, Orwellian “emergency pandemic health powers,” and more.”
“It was all arranged. The cowards in our collective governments organized a vote by silence. Agenda 2030’s massive collection of marxist policies, that would have instantly affected every man, woman, and child on Earth, was to be approved by “non-objection.” That is, the ‘package’ was dropped off with member states on Monday morning. To approve it, all the officials had to say was: nothing.
Once regular folks like us realized what had just happened, and the fur started to fly, it would be too late. There would have been nobody to blame. There would have been no record of an affirmative vote by anybody. It just happened! Don’t blame us, WE didn’t vote for it. True, they didn’t vote for it. No vote was going to be taken at all.
But late Tuesday, at nearly the last minute, eleven countries out of 160 filed a formal opposition to the pending proposal to accelerate Agenda 2030. They complained about “unilateral coercive measures,” human rights issues, lack of transparency (secret agendas), and procedural complaints (rushing it through).”
“Now, take a look at which countries stopped Agenda 2030, the unlikeliest group of countries to which you’d think we’d ever owe a major debt of gratitude:
The Russian Federation, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Eritrea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nicaragua, the Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
Russia! Those devils! Ukraine’s representative at the Summit was the first delegate to sniff out that something was brewing, something bad, and he didn’t like it one bit”
And other things there”
Further reading in that Covid and Coffee
Texas has just invoked the “invasion clause” of the US constitution
Meanwhile, across the ditch:
Provocation, humiliation; the usual.
It’s almost as if they have a “backup Tarrant” on call.
Eggs, omelettes and all that.
Zelensky is warning the West that “we’re failing on our climate change objectives”.
Don’t you think he has more important issues to worry about?
A change in direction for any politician who has completed their agenda. Expect to see him in a UN climate position in the next year or so..
They have to vote him out to save face when they sit some new patsy down at a negotiating table with the Russians.
* The witch across the ditch admits she is a communist.
* Ardern uses the word “comrade” 15 times in 7 mins.
* Ardern says her government “will continue to be your single source of truth”.
* In 2008 Ardern became president of the International Union of Socialist Youth.
* Ardern was spawned from the WEF’s “Young Global Leaders” program.
* Also see
And now she is an anti-free-speech activist and speaking to the UN. Why am I not surprised?
NZ, how could you do this to yourselves and the world?
Winston did it. And he has the gall to stand for re-election.
“L A Times “Green China” Latest News”
What the LA Times didn’t say –
“Stated another way it would take about 200 PV projects like this each operating for 25 years to save an amount of coal equivalent to the yearly increase of China’s coal use just between 2021 and 2022.
Given the continuing growth of China’s huge coal use that has occurred over the last 5 years it is abundantly clear China will continue to depend and rely upon coal as its primary energy resource for the foreseeable future. “
“Germany’s Energy Crisis: The Perils of Delusional Virtue Signaling”
Did Germany actually decommission their nuclear stations or are they under care and maintenance?
Interesting news out of the USA where a teacher was denied compensation after being shot in her school. The reason is that it is now considered an occupational hazard.
Here is the link
Why would anyone look to the USA as a world leader is beyond me
“While in kindergarten, the same child was accused of strangling another teacher a year prior. (5 yo, can’t have the woke without the choke) The complaint also says the boy pulled the dress of a female student who had fallen while on the playground and “began to touch the child inappropriately until reprimanded by a teacher.”
Seems he is a result of your woke society, this is what you want in your brave new world. Now you complain?
nice of you to miss the point. getting shot in school is an occupational hazard, then means that it is so common that killing and maiming teachers is considered normal
should that be exported to the world?
Nice of you to ignore the glaringly obvious.
These are self-inflicted wounds, there is no victim if there is no perpetrator, it is your teachers jamming your wokie dokie filth down these kids throats that create these monsters.
Stop trying to fix the result. Gun free London has more murders than New York. Was it the gun that made him do it?
And the rest of the questions.
The woman shot herself?
Gun free London has more murders than New York – notice you have no link.
Shall I continue on, or is four enough.
Had nothing, got nothing.
Occupational hazards are still compensated.
So PF logic is that world leadership is decided by the outcome of a specific school incident in one State in the US. Got it.
“Succession: Rupert Murdoch Stepping Down, Hands Fox and News Corp. to Son Lachlan”
The main page headline –
“Ironically, this week author and Murdoch biographer Michael Wolff is publishing a book, The End of Fox News, speculating on the future of the network when the patriarch is gone after seven decades at the helm, AP notes.”
As Flanders and Swan had it
“Left, right, what a disgrace
Or it may go straight up and fall flat on its face”
FWIW – Canada
Remember “Maos Little Red Book” Well we now have this on offer (Also in a red cover) “Mayos Little Red Book”?????
The Voice to Parliament Handbook by Thomas Mayo, Kerry O’Brien (9781741178869) – PaperBack – Politics Australian
We invite you to walk with us, in a movement of the Australian ‘people for a better future.’ These words from the Uluru Statement from the Heart are a heartfelt invitation from First Nations People to fellow Australians, who will have the opportunity to respond when the Voice referendum is put to a national vote by the Albanese Government.
Indigenous leader Thomas Mayo and acclaimed journalist Kerry O’Brien have written this handbook to answer the most commonly asked questions about why the Voice should be enshrined in the Constitution, and how it might function to improve policies affecting Indigenous communities, and genuinely close the gap on inequalities at the most basic level of human dignity.
A handy tool for people inclined to support a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum, The Voice to Parliament Handbook reflects on this historic opportunity for genuine reconciliation, to right the wrongs and heal the ruptured soul of a nation. This guide offers simple explanations, useful anecdotes, historic analogies and visual representations, so you can share it among friends, family and community networks in the build-up to the referendum.
If the ‘yes’ vote is successful this book will also become a keepsake of an important and emotional milestone in Australia’s history.
Commo Thommo and Red Kerry, what a team.
” The Voice to Parliament Handbook reflects on this historic opportunity for genuine reconciliation, to right the wrongs and heal the ruptured soul of a nation.”
LoL! Sure sure.. just like the Maoris in NZ, or the Xhosa and Zulus in South Africa. Temporarily unite to take the wallets off the white man, then the infighting will start and it all leads to a free-for-all between factions and warlords.
The authors should be arrested for misinformation and blatant lies!
We have just received by mail two postal votes for the voice referendum that we did not ask for. Hope this is not the beginning of dirty tricks in Australia.
Unlikely to be anything else.
I flicked your comment to several politicians. One reply so far –
“Thank you for your email to the ************ MP raising your concerns about receiving ballot papers without request.
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) are the responsible agency and they have advised that if you are a registered General Postal Voter on the Electoral Roll, you will automatically receive a postal vote pack in the mail – you do not have to reapply for a postal vote for future elections or referendums. You would need to contact them if your details change.
Please let me know if you require further information.”
That sounds like there might be “plenty to go around”?
Thank you for doing that Ian. We haver never registered for a postal vote! This has never happened before and I am suspicious of the bit about future elections!
Topical (so to speak) song from 1979
I’ve always known that as The Logical Song by Supertramp.
The Barron Knights were “Weird Al”, long before there was a “Weird Al”.
They specialized in parody versions of popular songs.
I didn’t listen to the lyrics. So I should have.
Topical due to OPEC shenanigans.
Browsing further I thought their MASH theme parody was perhaps topical to our post-2020 situation, although the analogy doesn’t fit exactly as I’m trying to identify what the “going private” equivalent would have been in 2021.
The Anthem of SADS Victims
Vaxxer, Vaxxer, so obsessed, wore your mask and took your tests
Still got Covid, every strain – spike proteins in every vein…
Short of breath at twenty four, “Dr. Fauci, give me more!”
Swollen heart at twenty five, “thank Moderna I’m alive!”
Heart attack at twenty six, prayed to Pfizer for a fix.
Vaxxer, Vaxxer, death is lurking,
Doctor says, “That means it’s working.”
Died of SADS at twenty seven, all good Vaxxers go to heaven
Obituary headline noted: “Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid.”
Family is quite dismayed, but they don’t feel one bit betrayed
They all claim, “Its for the better – Without the vax, he would be deader.”
—Anonymous (Modified)
The Spitting Camel – Also Known as Emerita Professor Denise Ferris, Head, ANU School of Art and Design
Comedy still exists in Australia – Qantas – Pauline’s Hanson Please Explain
Love the Wall Decorations at the end!
“Critics Aren’t Buying Story Of Why Pilot Ejected From $100 Million F-35 Fighter Jet Before It Crashed—Here’s What They’re Saying”
“Mainstream “Newsweek” Wakes up to Reality: “$113 Billion in Modern Arms Hardly Dented Russian Lines” ”
A song for that?
Or: $113 billion in arms have been used for its intended purpose – Defeating the Bear and it’s working, so far.
I am 80 yrs old, having lived my life under the cloud of Russian threats. My mother lived to see the Berlin Wall pulled down, I hope to see Russia brought down. I make no apology.
It will be worse in the future if the Bear’s pack of China, North Korea and Iran combine forces aggressively.
So you advise cowering while the despots do as Hitler did in the 1930s.
Of course not, not enough other people’s children thrown under the bus to quench your blood lust yet.
Ukraine (peace be upon them) are taking foreign fighters now, low on males at the moment so the girls can now enlist. How about you send your grandkids over to chip in on your behalf.
You could of fought Russia in Vietnam, War Pig, could have saved us from the whole cold war nothing, fear porn.
Too young for Korea,<a href=""1950-53. You were 7 at the start and 10 at the end.
Too old for Vietnam 1962-75 you were 21 at the start. Prime killing age. (What happened?)
11 years between the wars, your 80
Glory to Ukraine.
Open this link
You will see the bombers of the Strategic Air Command, bombers designed and built with one purpose in mind: Mutually Assured Destruction of the then USSR to prevent a nuclear war. Worked so far. Add to that the fleet of “Boomer” submarines [SSBNs]. The cost of defeating Russia in a “limited” war is but a drop in the bucket by comparison.
Again I make no apology for wanting Australia to remain free which can only be guaranteed by America.
I was in active service during Vietnam, as were my brothers, the oldest got his wings in ’45 but never flew combat. Next oldest did go to ‘Nam building Da Nang airstrip. My father and both his brothers fought in France during the Great War.
How many wars have peacenicks won, or avoided? Your failures are continuous, the world has never known peace.
“Again I make no apology for wanting Australia to remain ..under the boot of… America.”
The freedom you refer to is merely an illusion, you enjoy the loot from America raping the world in exchange for your slavery.
The world has never known peace because we have politicians in power and the gullible believing in them. War should be purely voluntary with those who want it at the front, not sitting in their comfortable retirement home or in a Parliamentary restaurant.
The US is the most self contained nation on earth. They have no need to loot anyone.
Investing in ventures is not “looting”. I don’t apologise for google but they aren’t the US government.
BTW You called me a coward. I hope you won’t shirk your duty to defend the women of NSW when being discriminated against. A simple arrest is far less painful than fighting Russia, as you say I should have done.
Nobody called you a coward, you’re self-identifying.
Gullible is the perfect term for you.
Woah a big plane, can’t argue against that.
The USA had nuclear first, Russia had to catch up to allow MAD to be installed.
You’re the one that continually spruiks, too young for Korea, too old for Nam, I am just pointing out with math’s your FOS. I had relies who fought in wars, is a BS cop out, you don’t seem to have a problem as long as it’s other people fighting your wars.
The Ukraine government killed 14,000 of its own people before Russia said enough, while the rest of the world did nothing, the UN’s mandate is to prevent wars, not weather, they have prevented none and the weather is the same.
No wars are started by the people, it’s always the governments at the behest of the bankers, the very people who never fight, but like you are more than willing to throw other people’s kids into their only solution.
Nam, bay of Tonkin.
Iraqi 1, Sadam is throwing babies out of cribs. Kuwait was slant drilling into Iraqis oil reserves. Quote from an oil baron “slant drilling will get you shot in Texas”.
Iraqi 2, WMD’s, none found, never existed, 1 million dead mostly civilians.
Afghanistan, Old man in a cave created by the CIA, morphed into the world’s longest war, ran out of Arabs so started on the Taliban, another CIA creation to fight the Russians.
Libya, No reason really except Gadhafi bad, CIA funded the foreign fighters, ISIS formed from this. After killing Gadhafi the ISIS crowd moved to Syria, CIA funded attack on Assad.
You’re a war pig, sitting in front of your TV screaming Kill, Kill, Kill.
Can’t see the trend here through your blood soaked eye’s.
Seven countries in five years.
Exactly how on gods earth is it “working”? Untold Ukraine dead, wasted resource, failed sanctions, rising BRICS, decline of USD hegemony.
So you are the coward. You advocate throwing Ukraine to the wolves so your comfortable life with a bloody big moat around you won’t be interrupted.
Take up a bible and go knock on doors if you want to preach turning the other cheek.
All Ukraine had to do to prevent the war, was stop killing it’s own people.
Your the one with the big moat around you, spent your entire life hiding behind it.
Room for speculation here!
“Stop Sale Order
All BMW Internal Combustion Motos Are Currently “Do Not Sell”
And here
“Thousands Of ‘Bogus’ Jet-Engine Parts Sold To Global Airline Fleets: Report”
One nations latest cartoon. Qantas
I’m afraid my response to QANTAS and the wokies is this.
Pizza Hut Australia warns 193,000 customers of a data breach
Pizza Hut Australia is sending data breach notifications to customers, warning that a cyberattack allowed hackers to access their personal information.
The notification warns that the hacker gained unauthorized access to Pizza Hut Australia systems storing sensitive info for customers who made online orders, as well as partial financial data and encrypted account passwords.
“We became aware in early September of a cyber security incident where an unauthorized third party accessed some of the company’s data,” reads the notice sent to customers.
“We have confirmed that the data impacted relates to customer record details and online order transactions held on our Pizza Hut Australia customer database.”
Full name
Delivery address
Delivery instructions
Email address
Phone number
Masked credit card data
Encrypted passwords for online accounts
193,000 people with no taste. Amazing. 😁
Testosterone Drugs Linked To Severe Cardiovascular Events
Millions of prescriptions are written for testosterone in the United States as it is touted as a way to combat muscle loss, decreased libido, and lowered bone density. However, most men are unaware of the associated risks. To make matters worse, in many cases, the men undergoing these treatments do not even have low testosterone.
Thousands of men who undergo testosterone therapy have reported adverse health effects shortly after starting their treatments. In truth, many men who undergo testosterone therapy treatments increase their risk of stroke, heart attack, and premature death.
Two studies in particular raised the alarm bells, one published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The results showed that testosterone therapy users experienced a two to three times higher chance of a heart attack within the initial 90 days of starting treatment. In addition, risks were present in men over age 65 and those under 65 that had a history of heart issues.
The studies also indicated that most men who undergo these treatments do not even actually suffer from low testosterone—as many as 43 percent showed normal testosterone levels.
Unfortunately, they were misled by the marketing of these treatments, believing they would offset natural aging effects such as muscle loss, decreased libido, and lowered bone density. Previous studies found similar results of a higher risk of heart issues in testosterone therapy users under age 65.
Join a gym and do weight training instead.
Taking T alone just upsets the body’s hormone balance.
Doctors should know that…
The Growing Threat Doctors And Patients Are Creating
The statistics on antibiotic use are jarring. Five prescriptions written each year for every six people in the United States. One-third of those antibiotics not needed at all.
Overuse of antibiotics has been a top concern for decades, and public health officials say the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is picking up speed.
More than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the United States annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Of those, about 35,000 people die.
Because the gut is home to at least 70 percent of the body’s immune cells, it makes sense that nurturing good gut health can be protective against infections.
It’s in our gut microbiome—home to the largest community of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the human body—where cross talk between microbes forms the intestinal epithelial layer and mucosal immune system that protect the body from pathogenic invasions.
Chronic dysbiosis, an imbalance of microbes that can be created by antibiotics, can cause dysregulated immune responses, inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance. It puts us at risk for more than just an infection but also other diseases including cancer, according to a 2020 review article in Microorganisms.
Look after your gut flora by not taking antibiotics…
keep that in mind if you are ever peeing blood from an bad UTI
“Rishi Sunak’s ‘watering down’ of certain Net Zero targets is the first time that the green policy agenda has had ANY scrutiny of any consequence, despite many failures, starting with the ruinously expensive Renewable Obligation, extending into the totally failed CfDs that allowed wind farm developers to lie to achieve planning consent over rival generators and technologies. Not one part of the green policy agenda has lived up to any promise to deliver good to the British public.”
Don’t vote for them. Don’t encourage what will become your own hangman.
How do we halt the march of health & climate fascism?
According to a recent report by Kings College London, a significant minority of UK citizens already hold highly sceptical beliefs about the dominant globalist narrative. For example, around a third of the population already believe that: centralised digital currencies will be used by governments to control people’s money and restrict their choices; 15-minute cities are an attempt by governments to restrict people’s personal freedom and keep them under surveillance; and the Covid-19 pandemic was part of a global effort to force everyone to be vaccinated. Predictably, the mainstream academics and media dismiss these ideas as ‘conspiracy theories’, failing to grasp the fact that – despite their unprecedented propaganda drive – a sizeable chunk (about 1-in-3) of their fellow citizens are not buying into their narratives.
If around a third of the UK population already harbour sceptical views about the globalists’ motives and actions, why are more people not openly challenging the imposition of health and climate fascism?
Human beings possess a very limited attentional capacity and, consequently, can only focus upon a tiny part of their environment at any one time. Understandably, after enduring years of Covid restrictions, people want to believe that life is now back to normal and are disinclined to think too deeply about what their political masters have inflicted upon them. It is as if the implicit rule for many is ‘Let’s not dwell on the past, but – instead – look to a better future’. Accordingly, they fail to recognise that the unelected global elite, through their control of puppet national governments, are continuing with the imposition of their new-world order under the banner of fighting climate change.
Critical mass and action have yet to be achieved…
Interesting interview on Credlin yesterday about bushfires, acknowledging the wet years since 2020 and now drying out and in between not a lot of back burning and general land maintenance.
Worth viewing at Sky.
He said that if the National Parks and other areas were put in the hands of Indigenous Australians who would like to do that work the danger of bushfires would within years be diminished and they would not need all the fire fighting equipment assets now kept ready for action.
Another point was the changes since 1788 as farming lands were created changing the risks of bushfires, but not complaining, just pointing out how different conditions now are to before white settlement.
He also mentioned that within six more years we can expect the biggest wild fires since white settlement and to minimise the risks based on evidence today management must begin immediately.
I doubt that the “abos” could put out a fire once it took hold!!
I guess it just burnt by accident (lightning strike) and finally ran out of
No way could they manage it!
Australian supermarkets should use ‘shrinkflation’ labels to warn shoppers and shame brands, advocate says
Australian supermarkets should follow the lead of French giant Carrefour and shame brands by alerting shoppers when a packaged food product has reduced in size, a leading consumer group says.
Known as “shrinkflation”, food companies have been cutting the size of their products but not the price, angering consumers already grappling with surging household costs.
Ian Jarratt, from the Queensland Consumers Association, says shoppers could make better buying choices if downsized products were more easily identifiable on supermarket shelves.
Guardian Australia has tracked instances of smaller products appearing in a supermarket’s low price promotions, despite them being more expensive than their predecessors.
Shrinking jam jars were among the most complained about food items by Guardian readers after a decision by well-known brands Cottee’s and Rose’s to reduce their 500g jams to 375g without an equivalent price reduction.
The French supermarket chain Carrefour is trying to combat the shrinking trend by putting labels on shelves warning shoppers of the practice, pressuring packaged food suppliers.
My local Coles has been “redecorating” the store for the past few months; new flooring, lighting, fridges etc
Move everything around p#ssing off everyone who used to know where everything was, and now has no idea.
Good to see that their $1B plus profits are being that way rather than focussing on reducing the cost of goods as their CEO claimed recently.
Be sure to charge us more for less, drop our favourite product lines, do weekly 1/2 price sales proving your high profit margins and get to checkout yourself, with security gates to stop you robbing them even though they’ve been doing that to you for decades.
This week’s special was last year’s normal price AND the goods have shrunk too. Bonus.😎
Oh, for opposition to the big 2.
If our major chains did that the suppliers could sell to IGA at the same price they get. That would never do.
Meanwhile in NZ the trans wo(men) are marching
But the police are there to protect the real women from the wo(men). [Or should that be “Whoa!Men” 😉]
What do we want? Mental illness.
When do we want it? Now.
Once were
Will we see you being arrested while picketing NSW Parliament?
Going full retard now, I am north of you.
I do know one thing, we won’t see you there, you will allow others to do that.
No, you won’t see me there, but I’m not publicly wringing my hands either. I don’t feign concern, even for Ukraine.
Alan Jones: We are sick to death of the rank ingratitude of indigenous activists
Activists are trying to ‘re-racialise’ Australian public with Voice debate
Labor cannot explain what ‘difference’ the Voice will make
7 news just told me the blue comet will be in view until Monday, best time at sunrise and sunset, they then told me not to get my hopes up because comets are fiercely un-predictable.
Check the breakdown of the price –
“David Brooks is laughing at you, peasant”
Another “come by chance” read –
Charles Miller, “Khyber: British India’s North West Frontier – The story of an imperial migrane”
Published 1977.
Might have been handy reading before a certain military campaign.
maneco64: How Kleptocrats Pillaged America. Interview with Susan Bradford author of TAKING BACK AMERICA.🇺🇸
At 13 minutes onwards information on the American Indian Tribes is discussed. Relevant to The Voice?