A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Monday, Monday
So good to me
Monday mornin’
It was all I hoped it would be
– The Mamas & The Papas
“Farnsy” might see it differently:
Monday I’ve got Friday on my mind.
How Klaus Schwab has chosen narcissists to be our political masters:
Explains why Western politicians are all useless and the Uniparty is really the WEF.
Darwin’s theory ofevolution is dead. Long live the modern synthesis.
No. Darwin’s theory is a 19th century idea. It reeks of thermodynamics but aspires to relentless competition where fitter is better and the noise of mutation is special.
Sorry. No.Perpetuates an old idea which has been superceeded by a more modern understanding which hasn’t yet permeated into the modern catabolysis
Proof:: One wouldn’t say that ‘thermodynamics’ (2nd law) edplains emergent qualitiesi in physic and chemistry. More precisely thermodynamics explains everything and nothing.Put blandly it is beside the point.
So too is selection mutation and population dynamics in biology. Everything follows these rules of large numbers of interactions but there is nothing in it which guarantees a a relentless rise in complexity
.. as’survival of the fittest’ and ‘divergence of kind wirhout limit’ aspires to claim
The IMPORTANT THING is to appreciate that evolution is about the expansion of possibility space
Jumping from Klaus Scwab to Darwin’s theory of natural selection to ..Climate change and political science seems to be a huge drift …. but it isn’t. It’s all very muvh interconnected.
In our present world view misanthropy is the king. We hate being human. We dispair of the societies we have created. We fear Russia China communism wokism and on and on and on ad nausea.
Frankly humanity should be optimistic as to what we have accomplished and where we are going. To get there requires moving beyond 19th century ideas.
Darwinism, climate change , fear of Ai and warring populations are rooted in those 19th competition and selection ideas. It’s important to move beyond that. Physics and chemistry have already done so.
Competition in evolution is competition to be best.
Competition for Klaus Schwab selection, to the extent that this is actually a form of competition, is competition to be worst.
And that is the opposite of ‘expansion of possibility space’. ie, it is contraction not expansion.
Exactly. Huge grin..
The freedom to do one’s own thing (linertarianism) goes to crux of biological process. It emphasiszes the ability to drift outwards and explore all possibility space.
The bigger is a huge dividing line in physics chemistry and biology.
The paradox is that biological process gets more complex yet the arrow of time suggests thing should get simpler (more disordered)
Darwinism tries to explain away the contrasiction by suggestig that simplifying processes lead to complexifying processes.
… just as emergent process such a turbulence do in nature … or cobection cells or onset of chaos, etx.
Trouble is that these physical emergent processes are accompanied by an overall increase in disorder. The localized emergent quality is a local tempory abberationnat the expenss of a global loss.
So how does life continue and comtinue and continue to emerge even if it is powered by thermodynamic (entropy increaing) activity.
Surprise, surprise! Entropy increase (thermodynamics) are sort of beside the point.
Remember mutation, selection, population dynamic are overwhelmingly thermodynamic, entropy increasing qualities. (Replace biological species with chemical species. Replace biological populations with molecule populations)
The fossil record has a difficult time detecting an (inverted) arrow of time towards increasing complexity. At best a random drift over possibility spece.
The AAROW IS NULL. Neither point torwards more nor less complexity.
Hmm.. where have I heard this pattern before?
It means everything ccpllapses to evolve aross low dimensions (low because it is constrained in dimensional possibilities by collapse) 20 dimension rapidly reduce to an interaction of two specific aspects)
New theory of evolution is just like a a theory of turbulance or convective flow or other nonlinear process.
New theory of evolution requires getting involved iin the nitty gritty fabric of the dynamics to understand how local emergence can arise in an environment of a global loss..
How far can this type of analysis be taken? Answer: Not very far at all. You cannot build a pie in the sky with a few small structual elements.
TO build those pies in the sky you need to look at how nitty gritty emergent structures build upon notty gritty emergent structures.
Almost immediately one jump from dynamical,systems to symbolic dynamics … but I hardly understand dynamical systems …
Fortunately the fossil record saves us and says that it doesn’t really matter ….
Suddenly the mythical biological directional arrow to increasing complexity saves the day.
God bless AI and it’s failings
All life has 2 main imperatives : survive and reproduce . When either of those is absent extinction follows . Competition for resources and mating partners is at the core of our day to day existence . Humans are resourceful and adaptable but gullible .Regardless of what we look like we are all one species and yet we are our worst enemy . So much potential wasted .
Good good and good.
Darwin’s theory of natural selection aspires to create a biological “Arrow of time”. The thermodynamic or entropic “Arrow of Time runs in the opposite direction to increasing disorder
Darwin’s theory aspires to describe increaing orderliness/complexity through thermodynamic processses of increasing disorder.
Nice try but very 19th century style thinking.
Enger RUp and the phylogeneticists circa 1980. They demonstraded the fossil record was a random walk. This means that the biological arrow of time is exceedingly slow to nonexistent.
Darwin was trying to demonstrate something that state of the art science says does not exist. No biological direction through time, just a random drift. Hmmm …
As all this was happening in theoretical biology chemistry physics and cosmology were undergoing their own revolution. The universe was teeming examples of emergent organisational activity which come to be notwithstanding the immutable law of thermodynamics, of increasing disorder.. Eventually physics came to understand how emergent behavior came to be despite increasing disorder in the universe. The arrow remains firmly increasing in disorder.
Biology is a curiosity where no discernsble direction (arrow) to evolution can be measured.
I wasn’t prepared to give up on the biological directional arrow and a random drift through possibility space explained things but was flat and unsatisfying..
In short I strongly subscribe to the physicality of ecology and evolution but intuition strongly tells me it is ‘hollistic’ (magic action through distant artifacts /sarcasm)
The realization that this pond scum called life is on the verge of expandinging into the universe came as a shock. Suddenly living pond scum was orders more important than dead pond scum such a rocks and ice.
What enables this extraordinary jump in drifting through possibility space?
Look back in retrospect and one sees it is the nonexisting ‘biological arrow of time’. Wow and wow again!
But look more closely at the dynamics of what is going on and it really is so.
It is not just advancement through the phyla. There is also the rise of sentience, socio biology, economy, political structures. Cognitive qualities richly diverse from just awaness of laws of nature. Many of these ancillary sentient qualities didn’t arise overnight.Some have been evolving for millions of years.
With the advent of conscious awareness these considerations such as society economy language and politics take on mcuh broader dimensional meaning. Life is what it is because of meaning burgeoning independent dimensions of explored possibilities.
Thus with life, the ability to reach away and explore increasing diverse possibility space now has strong significance and implication..
It much much more than random drift.
Biological evolution is about reaching out to engage the full service package. That is the arrow of bioligical time. Selection and mutation are small organizing elements in this game.
The writer doesnt mean natural selection as in evolution, he means Klaus Schwab/WEF does the selection.
I know but the notion of selection and competition are deeply ingrained in the ‘attitude’ of the writer.
…as in competition between ‘this and that’.
The notion of competition with the better idea/system/structure being victorious.
This is basic basic ideology which is a throwback to Darwinism ehich is equally a throwback to thermodyndamicsnd other notions of competition in the 29th centurury.
We fight wars because we are better thsn them … because goodness must prevail,etc, etc.
This is antique style thinking, not relly as it is in mordern physics or chemistry.
WHEN IT IS DIFFICULT TO SEE ANY ALTERNATIVE, the antique paradigms persist.
We are shacked by antique paradigms. Misanthropy goes hand in hand with the pessimism.
“We are shacked by antique paradigms. Misanthropy goes hand in hand with the pessimism.”
Nope! This pessimism is only a generation old, from the 1960s until now. We were optimistic, forward-thinking, knew the world was about to deliver flying cars and a two-day working week, we would expand from the moon to the planets and next year’s V8s would be even better!
Then psychology took over and everyone had a personal shrink, and here we are…
Don’t worry, thermodynamics hasn’t changed at all, just some people’s opinion of it has.
The tmissing ingredient to AI is evolvability.
Suddenly the significance of sentience and awareness of phsical laws is revealed as being exceptional evolutionary developments.
But what is also important is the scoio biologigy the biocultural and political evolution.
These hidden smarts in evolution have been a very long time in the making. They are the reason that life is evolvable and can expand oitwards through possibility space.
The feckless biological “arrow of time” has gone from 30 years ago as being nonexistent to now pushing organization off this planetand through the universe.
Key is evolvably of AI, not it’s superiority..Any half intelligent AI that’s stands a sliver of hoppe in suceeding appreciates evolvability is crucial andd that selection isFraught with liability.
We are obcessed with competition. We are remarkable because we arr rich in diversity and cherish individual development.
Selection is a spoiler and ultimately inescapable reality.
Strange how life is aimed at escaping the ravages of selection mutation and population dynamics., yet that is the process which works towards ever more diverse and viable possibility spaces.
Thermodynamics hasn’t changed but neither have people’s understanding of it.
The arrow of time usually means ‘thermodynamics of increasing disorder’
Darwin succeded in making a silk’s purse out of a sow’s ear. People bought into it because it was a very popular concept inthe19th century.
Great trick: The biological arrrow of time runs in the opposite dirrction to thermodynamics.
Except it doesn’t and everything revolves around the evolution of evolvability.
The evolution of evolvability only takes on extraordinary meaning when it seen as being primed to move off beyond planet earth.
Counter arguments may evolve briefly until a rapid reversal occurs leaving compressed thoughts packed tightly in the lateral central nervous system where they await release.
That may contradict normal views but conversely the inverse of those ideas can often be retrieved using delayed neurotherapy under a low intensity IR projector mounted inconspicuously on the wall.
Care is needed to avoid causing alarm to the subject.
Should thoughts and images become permanently lodged their retrieval is possible through the use of mild application of liquefied fruit juices containing C2H6O.
@ Kalm Keith
Parody of convolution! One message is folded into another. Think of it as printing a picture on a towel and then wrapping up the towel in some kind of way.
The picture and the towel it is printed upon get convoluted in whichever way.
I suppose the are many types of ways to mix 2 functions in a convolution of functions.
Reads more like a discombobulation.
Parameters always must be expressed in the correct units to avoid disambiguation and reader confusion.
Just look at the big, gaudy Yank cars and happy music of the 60s. Nowhere was there more optimism than in the US and Australia. Even the Poms were unaware of their pending collapse, the Beatles showed that.
A veritable renaissance at the middle of the cold war.
Maybe we thought we were winning.
We didn’t lose. But sad people might think it better for the US to be destroyed.
We were happy because times were bad, and our music was great. Now we are miserable because times are good and our music is rubbish. It’s actually logical, because the future looked better then, but we are already on the decline now and heading for a new period of serfdom. Even those who think they won’t be serfs are b miserable. Humanity seems unfathomable at times.
I thought Schwab and the WEF were self selected. A new version of Darwinism.
You’ve come up with the theory of Evil Genius Design.
AI alert
How can you know the difference between AI and humans?
Geoffrey Hinton got lost with that test.
A new theory of evolution explains why it will not happen soon. (relatively speaking)
AI is dumb. Do you know why?
Humans have obvious gender specificity.
As do most animals and plants. It’s called sexual dimorphism and segregation takes place at the genetic, physical and cognitive levels of expression. Then there is the question of binary trinary quartenary or spectral groupings
That should tell you what’s wrong with the current craze ofcelebrating sexual diversity.. It outweighs the emphasis of special interests. It attemptsto be strongly selective contrary to the prevailing distribution.
Sex is fun and the best selection is null.
Don’t Worry, Be Happy. 😁️
Very good article RobB. Thanks for posting.
I guess Trump’s excellence at diplomacy is another reason the Elites had to get rid of him.
E.g. he:
Renegotiated NAFTA
Shut down the open southern border
Abraham Accords that the Left said were impossible
Visited North Korea
Withdrew from the TPP
Withdrew from Paris
Stopped funding the WHO
Told NATO to pay their way
Warned Europe about dependence on Russian gas
Rolled back relations with Cuba promoted by Obama
Met Putin
Warned China
New approach in Afghanistan
Addressed the UN
Revisited JCPOA Iran deal and withdrew
Withdrew from useless UNHRC
Killed Baghdadi
He threatened the comfortable, corrupt and immoral status quo established by the Left/Elites.
Next project……
Clean out all those treacherous swamp creatures, RINOS & financiers seeking to install the New World Government.
Maybe our conservatives here will learn how it’s done
Anyone else disgusted by the spectacle of the Canadian Parliament giving a standing ovation to an old Waffen SS guy ?
A professional courtesy of the Left toward an old National Socialist comrade.
What makes that particularly disgusting is that many Ukrainians eagerly participated in the Holocaust, some of the worst massacres happened there such as Babi Yar, and the Ukes were so enthusiastic that they even shocked the National Socialists. Ukrainians also served in all the extermination camps and the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto.
The timing of Canada’s welcome of the old National Socialist is particularly bad (and possibly deliberate) because it corresponds to just a day or so before the holiest day in the Hebrew calendar, Yom Kippur.
I guess most people don’t know about this these days because of the deliberate dumbing-down of the education system and rewriting of history.
Zero Hedge all over this:
Zelenskyy, Trudeau Honor Actual 3rd Reich Nazi With Standing Ovation
[Also photo essay]
Canada has always been on “the bright side of history” – Zelenskyy
But is that side salt or scum of the earth. I see both in Canada – the latter concentrated in Ottawa.
Zelenskyy’s “bright side of history” (Marina Abramović)
I really don’t want to sully the thread with any more than just the name.
Finally, the masses can see their leaders for what they are.
Pull those “I stand with Ukraine” stickers off your SUV’s and hang your heads.
More hanging coming.😎
As you probably know the continued influence of national socialism within the Ukraine armed forces has long been called out by Russia particularly in regard to Ukraines suppression in the Donbass region which have been pursuing self-rule with greater alliance toward Russia causing not just Kiev but USA great angst.
Excerpts from this excellent June 10 article in the Executive Intelligence Review further highlight national socialist leaning actions by the Ukraine government regarding the Donbass conflict in 2013:
– In many instances, the regular government forces would not attack fellow citizens, so irregular formations grew. Billionaire oligarch Igor Kolomoisky privately funded neo-Nazi militias.
– The Azov Brigade became officially folded into the Ukrainian National Guard and henceforth known as the Azov Regiment, though unofficially they maintained significant autonomy. Other neo-Nazi groups were treated similarly.
– Poroshenko (Ukraine president) declared Oct. 14 the Defender of the Fatherland Day, honoring the day of the 1942 founding of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), notorious for its collaboration with Hitler in butchering Jews and Poles.
Not all of the Nazis escaped to South America.
Canada has several graveyard memorials to Nazis as well as Christa Freeland calling the shots in government. Canada is supposedly Liberal, we all know what that really means !
>Freeland calling the shots
Hence this:
Trudeau Pledges $650 Million More in Military Aid to Ukraine
The Waffen SS were the military branch of the SS and it’s soldiers were fighting to defend their country. This fellow was 20 at the end of the war so perhaps 17 when he joined. I am not defending the atrocities conducted by the SS political arm in the slightest. They were inhuman to say the least but the Waffen SS by comparison were the best trained and equipped units of the German Army. They were the firemen sent to the most dangerous fronts and were involved in the most critical battles. This fellow may have been just a good soldier doing his duty.
We often in this blog bemoan how people are sometimes grouped by our enemies on the left but we should not do the same. The left claim every Catholic priest must be a paedophile but we know that is not true and so it is with this fellow.
Just reading up on this group and note that in 1986 there was a commission of enquiry in Canada about the allegations and a judge ruled that because of the vetting process that happened before Canada accepted these people after WW2 merely being a member of that group didn’t constitute a crime .
Was this man or wasn’t this man personally involved in atrocities? There has never been any evidence to confirm it so like you Lawrie it’s a hard one to judge .
That said, he should not have let himself be used by Justin Castro and the actor Zelenskyy.
He failed the test of character you have set for him. As with Trump, we should judge people by their actions not by what someone has said about them.
Sorry , they were not defending their country – they were fighting for the third reich . Hardly “patriots” – and that ideology is alive and well in many places . Fascism is back .
Why Germany invaded Poland.
How many millions of your people have to die before you want to join the killer’s enemy? 2 million? 3 million? 5 million? 10 million? Give us a number.
What did this man in the SS do to deserve a standing ovation? It’s not clear to me why that occurred. Was it because he did something extraordinary?
Or was it because he was in the SS ?
Or is he a famous butterfly collector perhaps?
After WW2 my parents applied to immigrate to America (first preference) Canada (second preference) and Australia was third preference, because my father had a criminal history they were denied entry to America . His criminal offence was the soviets wanted his parents to sign over their farm and they refused . So every family member were thrown in jail until finally his father relented after 2 years and they were set free , hence the criminal conviction .
My mother told us that in her village at election time there were forms on either side of the street with the candidates name and what party , you wrote your name on the form for you you voted for . All those who chose the wrong candidate disappeared.
My point is life over there was complicated and to what extent this man was involved in any atrocities is unknown .
If I was being attacked by communists, I’d fight for fascists any day. Far preferable to communism.
But of course the hypocrisy is loud and clear. Especially pungent since we are all told to loathe nazis, and its use as a slur by the left. But hypocrisy is endemic to the human condition. This is why I would never fight a war (well, almost). The enemies are often allies next year.
If only life was so black and white …
Let’s remember that Russia and China were our allies during WW2.
Lot’s of politics in play. If you don’t use your brain you’re liable to be deceived.
If I recall my military history the Waffen SS “Galician” Division was engaged primarily in battles against partisans in western Ukraine. My great uncle was in the 2nd SS “Das Reich” and killed in Russia in 1943. Such were the times.
Viva: Canadian Parliament Gives Two Standing Ovations to an Actual NAZI Soldier!
Report on the background:
Biden is packaging AGW with environmental conservation in creating his new hitlerjugend, the Amerikanishe Klimat Korps.
Slay news a bit of a fringe site but posted
wonder how reliable
OK, what’s next then, the alien invasion hoax?
In 1938 Orson Wells faked an alien invasion on radio, but these days we are more sophisticated, totally wired up and ready for any eventuality.
The US military establishment is saying the speed and agility of these UAP is no hoax.
All claims of alien spacecraft by the woke US military establishment have been fully explained by natural phenomena and standard physics. E.g. see videos of YouTuber Thunderf00t and others.
The question I have is about all the radar tracking of “their craft.” It’s super advanced technology but they can’t do stealth?
How would you know if and when they are doing stealth.
Military Radars work at specific frequency ranges. Stealth technology is aimed at these frequencies. So if you use a Radar system at different frequencies you can easily ‘see’ the stealthy craft – as the chinese, russians, iranians, etc. know.
BTW you don’t turn stealth technology on/off – thats hollywood.
Watch any made for TV program on UFOs;From the late 40’s up until now, there are scores of incidence which involved tracking their craft on radar (usually airborne tracking radar), where they do impossible performance things. It doesn’t matter what wavelength is used. If they are real, no stealth is being employed in those cases.
Ah, but radar is not infallible. In 1943, the USN engaged several Japanese battleships and cruisers in night battle, with radar directed fire. For over 20 minutes the enemy was pummelled. The enemy was first registered on the screens at 30km range. Fire was opened at 23km. Different radars, of different wavelengths, on different ships, confirmed the contacts. But the enemy ships could not be sunk even though shells could be tracked on radar merging with the target pips. That was because there were no enemy ships. The contacts were all phantoms.
What was happening was that echoes from a previous pulse train bouncing off objects hundreds of kilometers away were being registered on the scopes. This can happen when too high of a pulse repetition rate is being employed. Tracking radars and firecontrol radars often use very high PRF so that the target is being “painted” often. Because the actual echo is coming from a far distance; rapid and sudden changes of azimuth can register on the scopes, especially if it’s a PPI type. It may just dissapear. If there is change of PRF the target pip may suddenly “jump” to a different position on the scope then dissapear.
Is it coincidence that radar UFO cantacts began to multiply when tracking radars were deployed during the late 40s and early 50s?
That’s at our level of technology. Stealth technology was itself once Hollywood.
‘ … fully explained by natural phenomena and standard physics.’
The US military doesn’t lie to its citizens, these things are extremely fast. Top of atmosphere to ground level in the blink of an eye, the G forces would kill us.
Just when I thought you had hit peak stupid, you find another level.
First up – bwaa haa haa.
Second- you have a lot of reading to do on the history of covert & clandestine ops.
Third – the US military don’t own the citizens.
‘ … you find another level.’
Thanks, it was meant as irony.
‘ … covert & clandestine ops.’
Ah yes, the covert wars, puppet governments with fascist inclinations, too many wars of adventure to bother with.
The Alliance leader is seeking help from members of the military to report UAP.
From elsewhere –
“I’m putting my tinfoil hat on and throwing an idea out there.
Bill Gates now has $100 million in Anheuser Busch, Busch light is probably number one beer in America drank by conservatives. He was all for the vaccine and he’s all for for depopulating. Whats going to stop him from putting something in the beer that drank by conservatives to wipe them out?
Tinfoil hat return to shelf now.”
Stands to reason. I’m sold! Then again, I was reminded of a line from “Rangoon to Grafton” which stated that if travel really broadened the mind why send astronauts into outer space when at a fraction of the price you could send heads of state into inner space. Presumably a reference to LSD.
You do know that drinking that muck will turn you gay ?
Von Der Leyen Speech Suggests Russia Dropped Nuke On Hiroshima
“especially at a time when Russia threatens to use nuclear weapons once again“
The war-mongering Leyen might be out of a job if the rising animosity in Germany is anything to go by. Same with Baerbock and that fool of a chancellor. This schemozzle in Ukraine sounds like the VietNam war in 74 and 75 when we were told that the Republic was winning even though the north Vietnamese tanks were on a roll. Pure poppycock from Zelensky and his masters in the Washington swamp/ State Dept.
2023 is now an outlier by so much that the climateers are forced to focus on natural factors that we never heard about before.
Following article features Berkeley Earth’s Robert Rohde and Zeke Hausfather. Of the two I find Rohde reasonably objective in communications with him and in the article too. Hausfather not so much:
Earth’s average 2023 temperature is now likely to reach 1.5 °C of warming
The Nature article presents this Berkeley Earth graph plotted (finally) in absolute terms:
Global Mean Temperature seasonal cycle all years 1850 – 2023
Oddly, I cannot find that graph anywhere on the Berkeley Earth website. It corresponds with this graph of “hottest day” fame:
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature
Thing is, if everyone stepped back for some perspective and looked at the “limit line” which if the base 1850-1900 is 13.5 would be 15.
So all recent years are over the limit from late March to early October.
Even 1850 was over the limit from late May to early August.
>Daily 2-meter Air Temperature
The anomaly today is #1 and more than the anomaly on the “hottest day” which is only #3:
1.11 – Sat Sep 23 2023
1.06 – Fri Mar 10 2023
1.02 – Thu Jul 6 2023 “hottest day”
I’m not feeling the heat here though – it’s 13°C at 1:30pm daylight saving 12:30 real time.
So this is pointing out that the Northern hemisphere rules world temps, as they are so much higher in summer, and so much colder in winter than the South’s. Otherwise the graph would be flat? If Atlantis popped up in the Pacific we would be cooked.
F C >”So this is pointing out that the Northern hemisphere rules world temps, as they are so much higher in summer, and so much colder in winter than the South’s. Otherwise the graph would be flat?”
The SH is dominated and modulated by the ocean. The NH is dominated by land which, not being a heat sink anywhere near ocean, provides little modulation.
Also highlights the nonsense of averaging two disparate datasets – NH and SH.
‘The New South Wales area-averaged maximum temperature for August 2023 was 3.40 °C above the 1961–1990 average, the 2nd-warmest August on record (since records began in 1910) and the warmest since 1982.’
I ran through the summary statistics to check if his could be so.
There are 140+ sites listed in NSW with the av max mean recorded. Only 14 sites (10%) were above 3.4C and three were 3.4C. So obviously can’t have used those figures.
Then I came across this statement.
‘Where temperature area averages are mentioned, they are derived from the ACORN-SAT dataset.’
So I checked the NSW ACORN sites’ averages which came out at at an av max mean of only 2.5C.
So the BoM managed to squeeze another degree out of the averages by comparing to the 1961-1990 averages and their smoothing methods.
Data here.
Should there be a fair days wage for a fair days work? Take nursing for example.
Or should profits guide wages, using Qantas as an example
The NSW government is leading the charge.
‘A 4.5% increase under the government’s Fair Pay Policy is the biggest pay increase for NSW nurses and midwives in over a decade. The government is continuing to work with other public sector unions on the resolution of other negotiations.’
Enterprise bargaining gave Qantas staff good wages and conditions, its all part of the free enterprise model and should be left intact.
The other day six Netizens in China had the audacity to ask the authorities for an 8 hour day and it went viral. As you know 12 hour days are the norm, however that is about to change.
please read links, if you are below the median you are, and have been, going backwards in terms of wages.
So I take it that you do not support the proposition of a fair days pay for a fair days work.
You might have saved time and trouble and just hit the red thumb
In the real world there is a minimum wage and a safety net for those unable to cope. Socialism with Australian characteristics must give expression to the free market, it works best at a societal level.
A nurse is not a doctor, qualifications determine the pay rate.
I have never given you a thumbs down, always a tick for having the courage to turn up.
What would guide it if you owned the business and you had to spend your own money?
Who is best to decide if a fair days work has been done?
Dentists are understandably silent about this 1985 invention.
The fluoride producers will get it banned! Imagine having to pay to dump the hydrogen fluoride from aluminium smelting.
The by-product of these genetically altered bacteria is ethanol. That will have its own problems, making people permanently intoxicated.
I guess it depends how much is produced.
Some people produce ethanol naturally which is why I assume the FAA in the US and CASA in Australia allow blood alcohol of up to 0.02% for airline pilots.
It may be of interest… Re the 0.02% for pilots.
On October 25th, 2007, the first A380 (Singapore airlines) flight in/out of Sydney’s Airport occurred (Australia).
There was a turnaround period of 14 hrs where we were required full access to the aircraft, as part of the A380 certification for operations (Kingsford Smith).
As such, emergency response personnel were given a 3-4 hr, full familiarisation tour of the aircraft.
That Included all accessable areas of the aircraft. (internal/external)
It was interesting that directly behind the cockpit was a room for the pilots exclusive use, containing a 1.5x size bed, lockers and sml cupboards.
In one I found a half empty bottle of scotch, opened bottle of whisky, and an opened pack of cigarettes and lighter. Used butts were floating in a half full water bottle.
There was no smoke detector in the room.
At that time there was a 0.02% alcohol limit for pilots and no smoking on flights.
Seems the 0.02% and no smoking rules didn’t matter, once they had taken off and the aircraft was in flight.
They only got out the smokes, the booze & the hosties in international airspace, just like the rules when ships are in international waters…
How extraordinary! Bacteria that stop teeth cavities? Yes please.
20 Robo-Taxis Cause Traffic Mayhem In Austin
Our whole society seems to be built on deceptions, some might say lies. It is not just climate disaster and safe & effective. There are many other deceptions, all designed to influence our thinking. To turn our minds away from reality. Is anyone following the imagers from the James Webb telescope? These images don’t seem to follow the narrative. The astronomers say they might have to rewrite the fairy story of the Big Bang. When in history have so many deceptions been foisted on the whole world. When in history have the governments of the world worked in such unison to do evil? Are we headed for something really serious?
I don’t think the ultimate goal of the climate push has yet been disclosed. They are like a dog with a bone, there must be more to it.
Regards to all.
So many moving pieces to the current issues . The internet supplies as much fact , opinion and outright lies as you could possibly want . With AI’s able to generate plausible fictions and endless output you have drill down to bedrock to discern reality . One of the easiest ways is to follow the money . It would seem the idiots in charge are somewhat worried.
Once enough AI generated stuff is on the net they will become increasingly self referential. What could possibly go wrong?
IIRC there is q saying about where ever decreasing circles get uou
International Climate Science Coalition Executive Director Tom Harris discusses how he was once a climate alarmist but now sees it as a scam on ‘The Ingraham Angle’.
Tom Harris is an extremely rare example of a former climate alarmist who was open-minded enough to explore alternative interpretations and not dogmatically stick to the Official Narrative.
There is no climate crisis: Tom Harris
Under 4.5 mins
Cory Bernardi: Climate change alarmism is a ‘cult’ which logic cannot ‘cure’
This is from RobB at # 2
“When the narcissist has been brainwashed with these belief systems, these systems will have become internalized. They have become a part of the self and must be advanced and defended. For this any action and lie can be justified. Any challenge will be personal and must be crushed. Abandonment of the beliefs cannot be allowed because it would damage the self, resulting in emotional turmoil and anxiety. The narcissist therefore cannot back down once committed. He has no reverse gear.”
“The narcissist therefore cannot back down once committed. He has no reverse gear.”
Like a sheep hooked on Darling Pea. The term is “peastruck”. As a result, when they run into the head of a fallen tree or a fence they just keep trying to push ahead.
““Public anger at the hidden costs of net zero energy policies” ”
Euan Means
Plus comments there
Just thinking –
Seeing as wind and solar need almost as much power available from other sources as back-up wouldn’t a good approximation ot their true levelised cost be
(Levelised cost of wind and solar) + (Levelised cost of back-up) ?
You’re displaying too much common sense.
The brain washed fanatics don’t deal in truth.
Was former Qantas CEO a diversity hire based on sexual orientation?
It seems so.
Like all diversity hires they said he was wonderful but the truth is otherwise.
And many customers were offended by “welcome to country” pronoucements on flights and being told to support both homosexual marriage and Australian Apartheid.
Like all diversity hires he made a mess of the company. So much so that the new CEO had to apologise.
Profit results were inflated by the taxpayer gift to Qantas of $2.7 billion during covid and Joyce’s failure to purchase new aircraft for an ageing fleet.
As Donald Trump said “everything woke turns to s–t”.
Get woke, go broke.
Glad he’s gone.
Most nauseating person in Australia. Definitely a diversity hire. And not even Australian lecturing us on us.
“Allison Pearson: The public is wiser than the net zero hysterics”
“What the past 24 hours of toddler tantrums from Westminster, business and the media (poor Justin Rowlatt crooning green mantras to himself in a darkened room!) have revealed is how much wiser is the common man than the supposed elite. A YouGov poll found that some 44 per cent of the public support delaying or dropping some of our net zero commitments against 38 per cent who say the Government should stick with its current climate change plans. See how woefully disconnected our leaders are from actual public opinion. They need to get out more, although not to Wales where the fastest form of transport is currently the pit pony.”
Disinformation Program Complete When Everything Americans Believe Is A Lie
William J. Casey, Director of Central Intelligence 1981-1987
We are in the times of the great deception, brought to you by the great deciever.
Everything we are told is a lie, everything is corrupt.
OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return (Official 4K NASA Broadcast)
The great deceiver, the ‘father of lies’.
Oh I dunno, the recovery seemed pretty real to me.
That means it’s time for… I-Man!
“The Global War on Farming: ‘Net Zero and the American beef industry cannot coexist’ ”
Only the serfs will be eating insects.
The Elites will continue to eat the finest steaks on their private jet flights to climate crisis conferences.
And Australia being one of the most fanatical followers of the UN, WEF and the anthropogenic global warming fraud is especially eager to start insect consumption with the children.
How many people know Aussie school kids in 1000 schools (at time of the following article, it’s probably more now) are being fed insects?
They start the indoctrination at a young age.
Gates …
I just can’t see how the Australian beef industry, mainly grass fed on what would otherwise be unproductive plains isn’t a closed CO2 loop.
It’s not about CO2, it’s about destroying the standard of living of non-Elites and forcing us to eat poverty food like insects.
Not a problem either but you might as well be on right page.
OK, methane is a closed loop. What is farted/belched on the plains stays on the plains. Apologies to ‘Vegas.
This is Dr. John Campbell’s latest on excess deaths.
I suggest taking note of his less the subtle allusion at the 7:40ish time mark.
Guessing he may be russellbranded soon.
I think we’re at the end of the Yellow Brick Road and soon to meet the Wizard.
The new policy of YouTube is that if they can’t find any other reason to cancel scientific medical information they say that anything not in conformity with the WHO Official Narrative will be cancelled.
Roman Balmakov discusses:
It will have to be something big as he’s a hard target . He has been very careful NOT to say anything that might get him banned and has become expert in presenting facts and allowing the viewer to join the dots . Balls of steel .
You’re forgetting that young woman he sexually assaulted back in his university days. They haven’t found her yet, but they’re looking VERY hard.
Dr Campbell has become increasingly angry as things have been exposed. He’s a fabulous educator who has tip-toed around the Ofcom line but probably realise that he’ll be next and wants to go out with a bang.
A lot of people are very critical of Dr Campbell. Mostly because early on he pushed the COVID vaccine narrative. Also over time he has earned a lot of money from YouTube and especially during the COVID bollocks time (2020- 2021). It’s only in the last 12 months he has started to see the light.
Reformed sinners/alcoholics are the best evangelists. The fact that his understanding has evolved makes him more believable than an anti-vaxer™.
As variously attributed to several people, “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”
Campbell was a cynic from the start, as far as government handling and ‘promotion’ of the whole Covid disaster goes. He did indeed believe in the vaccines originally and had I think two jabs himself, but subsequently, following very extensive research with an open mind, he eventually came around to viewing them with suspicion and confessed that he had been mistaken when he trusted them. He then continued his journey toward the light as he started to question, not just politicians and officials, but the pharma industry and – eventually – the scientists involved in developing, testing and authorising treatments. As a medical professional himself, that must have been hard. It sounds like a similar journey to that followed by several experts frequently cited on this site, who originally supported the AGW ‘science’.
What’s to fault in that? I won’t cast the first stone, especially as he has most certainly redeemed himself by providing us with some of the best-researched information out there, in spite of harassment from YouTube.
I credit Campbell with helping me understand also the potential importance of Vits D and K. While under assault from others, he persevered in pushing Ivermectin.
If in the course of doing this he has made money, good on him. He might need it going forward, when he gets unpersoned or targeted with lawfare.
Iirc Jo was a CC™ believer once.
If a supposedly educated medical professional takes two years to figure out that the covid pandemic is a hoax you have to question their intelligence, morals and honesty.
Ass covering seems more likely!
It didn’t take him two years. He began by offering advice and support for those concerned and, initially, that was everybody.
I don’t agree it was a hoax. It was very real but not as dangerous as some wanted us to believe. It was hijacked for political and financial reasons but Covid was and is real.
Surely if anthropogenic CO2 was genuinely bad, the world would stop China producing it?
China is the world’s biggest CO2 emitter (CO2, the substance the Left call “carbon” (sic)). They produce more than twice as much CO2 as the next biggest emitter, the United States, and it’s increasing exponentially while CO2 emissions from the US and the West have been decreasing for many years.
They keep telling us that wind and solar is the best, most reliable and cheapest form of electricity production so why aren’t they doing that rather than building two coal power stations per week?
CO2 is good for us and the planet.
AGW is entirely about wealth transfer and laundering of funds.
China knows a good business opportunity when it sees one.
Buttigieg gets schooled on EVs. Denies folk are being forced to buy them. If he thinks they are good, why deny people are being forced?
Transgender is passé.
Now you can be transage.
At least it’s not sterilising and mutilating like transgenderism.
I guess it’s as legit to feel young as queer. If “feelings” are all that matter, go for it.
I feel 20 yrs younger, so now I don’t need an annual health check for my licence.
Well I filled up with petrol today (at $2.26-) and it made me feel old — I recalled when petrol was $0.77.
You arent old, I remember when I was warned that very soon it will be a dollar a gallon!
I swore off beer when I couldn’t get two pots for $1. When I was underage it was 11 pence for a beer. The first 1d change we’d bend and pass on. Whoever had the bent penny bought.
I also sold thousands of gallons of petrol @ 3s and a few d.
USA 1964 US$0.26/gallon (3.78 liter)
Yes I am “old” (in body at least)
Has he met Mephistofeles like Faust.?
Has there been any more information about whether the Australian Electoral Commission is going to allow ticks and/or crosses as answers to the referendum? It seemed to suggest that a tick would be accepted as a yes, but a cross would be invalid. That’s not at all dodgy is it? It also seems that it is up to the discretion of the AEC. Here’s hoping that as stated on the dummy ballot paper in the Voice brochure to write “yes” or “no” in the box are the only acceptable options. ToM
Ticks will be recognized as yes, you will have to write No for a no vote and crosses will be an invalid vote. So sayeth the EAC
That should be AEC. Doh!
Well that is very very worrying and staggering that it hasn’t been broadcast far and wide. ToM
All the answers are in two official publications downloadable from the AEC site.Their existence has NOT been revealed from the AEC themselves but they are the INSTRUCTIONS for scrutineers working at Aus Elections. ” Scrutineers Handbook”and “Ballot paper formality guidelines”” Both readily downloadable
20 and
Thank you Destroyer. Page 34 of the Formality Guidelines explains exactly the tick and cross issue. Many thanks. I still think it should be mandatory to write either YES or NO to remove all doubt. ToM
YES or NO are the only answers with NO opportunity for “Adjudication” The AEC documents do not (I understand)have any superior value over the actual referendum LAW “The Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Act 2023 amends the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 . The bill replicates current electoral machinery provisions into the referendum context . This ensures that the voting process and experience is similar to that of a federal election. The bill also ensures that integrity and transparency measures that currently apply to federal elections will also apply to referendums . The act contains a transitional provision requiring that the disclosure threshold for referendums not be updated to a new indexed value until the next general federal election .
On Saturday Kim linked to the article Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative?
Forestry is a huge component of the NZ economy. I live next to NZs largest port by volume and there’s a lot of logs go across it. There’s been downturns before and it goes from the port workers to logistics workers to planting, pruning and harvest contractors that have $100s of thousands tied up in capital.
And some scrambling among forest managers I’m guessing.
I will never forget when out for a run up Mt. Maunganui which overlooks the port seeing a log ship sailing out empty. This was due to the 1997-98 Korean Financial Crisis when Korean banks could/would not honour trade finance documentation. There’s a time lag between an event like that and when the issue breaks in the news, meanwhile people were being laid off.
I can’t get a handle on it but I suspect there’s a double whammy hitting NZ forestry right now (which may explain the absence of a certain forestry manager from comments here).
1) China – NZ Log Exports: 12-Month Low Amid China-led Timber Downturn
2) Carbon forests – Green initiatives under threat as carbon-credit slump continues
There has always been land conversion from forest to dairy and sheep to forest etc and overseas interests have been piling in to sheep-to-forest including Ikea for secure wood supply and others for carbon forests.
But now carbon forestry is under threat like never before and not just from the likes of Bill Gates – the whole carbon offset concept is under threat. So now I’m seeing headlines like this (paywalled) – Two of first three farm to forest applications under new rules declined
I’ll know in a month or so just what the situation is but I’m guessing there’s a lot to come out given the time lag between early indicators and major news headlines.
>”But now carbon forestry is under threat like never before”
The significance of this may be lost on those unfamiliar with forest values.
Firstly, many new carbon forests, as a cost saving measure, will not be thinned or pruned i.e. they would have limited marketability as harvested logs (particularly if say, carbon credits go belly up).
NZ log market details here:
But there’s a far greater overhang (out of date prices):
Crippling carbon liabilities attaching to land that is carbon farmed will be all that is left after foreign investors harvest the first cycle gains
Given the implosion of China and the threat to the entire carbon offset concept, I’m inclined to think there’s a massive boondoggle developing in the NZ carbon forestry sector.
The news from the clot shot keeps on getting worse.
Podcast Interview: Embalmer Reveals 50% of Bodies Containing “White, Fibrous” Clots Since April/May 2021
More Get woke, go broke.
It looks like Senator Penny Wong has been meeting with The Director of the World Homicide Organisation. No doubt preparing for more covid lockups for the imminent release of the US Election Variant of covid.
Mr Wong’s Tweet was:
Senator Wong is a very serious, incredibly heavyweight politician whose gravitas knows no bounds. You can tell by listening to her and watching her furrowed brow and pursed lips.
Also on a road to somewhere
“Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective”
A lot of organisations will now try to weasel out of their former denials and bans of HCQ and IVM, including the FDA itself who now claim that their ban wasn’t really a ban.
Evidence for the efficacy of these substances, when used in accordance with appropriate published protocols, was known before they banned them.
Don’t let anyone say “we didn’t know” or that they were using “the best available data”.
They are lying. Their lies killed people.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
As for covid vaccine proponents, please hurry out and get your 17th dose.
But the “baa baa” sounds keep coming back.
Half of Americans interested in getting updated COVID shot, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows
About half of Americans are interested in getting an updated COVID-19 vaccine more than three years after the virus infected millions and upended daily life across the United States and around the world, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.
The results suggest that more might be willing to get a booster shot than a year ago when only around roughly one in six Americans opted for an updated shot, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The nationwide online poll, which concluded on Thursday, showed that almost 30% of respondents were very interested in getting the vaccine and another 24% were somewhat interested. Almost 17% were not very interested and 30% were not interested at all.
If natural selection won’t eliminate them, then natural stupidity will.
The 35 injections they had to get before 5years old have already guaranteed that natural stupidity..
Not that anyone would be interested in comparing the health of Americans against people who weren’t vaxxed to the eyeballs before school age. Finding out the vaccinations had no effect would be disastrous.
Unfortunately the vax does have an effect – but not beneficial.
Here is a training video made in the US in the 1990’s in response to a real incident in which police arrested some other police in an unmarked car. Even though the police in the unmarked car were uniformed, they had trouble convincing the other police that they were genuine police.
Eric Worrall disects a new study on climate change.
‘I get a strong impression that young people who participated in the study think talking to older people about climate change is intolerable, if the older people do anything which remotely challenges their climate beliefs. Even nodding, smiling and trying to change the subject is enough to arouse feelings of betrayal.
‘Young climate fanatics demand complete attention, submission and enthusiastic affirmation, otherwise they “feel betrayed”. (wuwt)
I reposted this earlier from #2
“When the narcissist has been brainwashed with these belief systems, these systems will have become internalized. They have become a part of the self and must be advanced and defended. For this any action and lie can be justified. Any challenge will be personal and must be crushed. Abandonment of the beliefs cannot be allowed because it would damage the self, resulting in emotional turmoil and anxiety. The narcissist therefore cannot back down once committed. He has no reverse gear.”
This applies to most children, the last sentence especially.
‘People with low self-awareness cannot evaluate their own thought processes properly and they, therefore, cannot evaluate if they are doing a good job or not. When it comes to complicated or creative work, a low self-awareness person sees little difference between utter nonsense and something of substance. High self-awareness is an absolute prerequisite for that kind of work.
Secondly, it is their emotional neediness and high emotional “salience.” Narcissists are emotional creatures, and overwhelming emotions and emotion-based motivations simply block the brain’s ability to think logically.’
Surely you exaggerate, Australian youth is more resilient than their American cousins, nevertheless they are all throughly brainwashed.
You may not have heard, China plans to build a giant chip factory driven by particle accelerator.
Albo, by any chance.
From the “Terms of Reference” for the COVID ENQUIRY,….The Inquiry will consider the findings of previous relevant inquiries and reviews and identify knowledge gaps for further investigation. It will also consider the global experience and lessons learnt from other countries in order to improve response measures in the event of future global pandemics.
The following areas are not in scope for the Inquiry:
Actions taken unilaterally by state and territory governments.
International programs and activities assisting foreign countries.
Classic “Yes Minister!!!!!!!
Remember when the government insisted that the Quackzines didn’t contain DNA? That they weren’t gene therapy? That they couldn’t alter human DNA?
Whoops! Their bad … (and it’s very bad news for them).
In February of this year, Kevin McKernan (fmr. Human Genome Project scientist) deep sequenced the Pfizer and Moderna products and claimed he found extensive DNA contamination, including the promoter from the SV40 simian virus. These claims sparked considerable controversy, lashings of censorship and attacks by the 77th Brigade and Project Halo propagandists. (McKernan’s initial findings )
But subsequently other scientists have replicated his findings, most notably by Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, a pro-jabber that set out to “debunk” McKernan’s claims. He has now testified in front of the South Carolina legislature (video ). (Transcript of subsequent interview ).
So in addition to existing harms due the cytotoxicity of the spike protein and the systemic biodistribution of the LNPs causing autoimmune attack, we now have the probable explanation for the extended production of the spike protein in some victims and the rise in aggressive cancers. The problem is not only did the DNA contamination far exceed levels set for previous vaccines, the LNPs have delivered that DNA into cells so that it can reach the nucleus.
The bad news for the Vaccine Passports governments is twofold. First some Slab Jab injuries could continue for years even if people no longer take boosters. Second Kevin McKernan has developed a simple sequencing method that can determine if spike protein found in the body is from the virus or the Clot Shot, and Phillip Buckhaults has pointed out that DNA sequencing cells from a biopsy (say from a cancer) can determine if DNA contamination has caused mutagenesis of human DNA, as the SV40 promoter is an obvious marker.
So governments little games of altering ICD codes in death records, blaming “missed screenings” and claiming Jab injuries as “Long COVID” are dead in the water. I see a very unpleasant road ahead for those that created the worst medical disaster in Human History. I don’t think they are going to like the “Great Reset” coming.
Why shouldn’t reparations be paid in sea shells, ochre or sticks? What place does money have in traditional culture?
Good point. But did the tribes barter ANYTHING? It seems they only threw spears at each other.
Lapita pottery?
Speaking 500 languages they couldn’t even trade insults
UK net zero ‘delayed’.
Courageous being forced to see the future reality for nations stampeding down the anthropogenic climate change route.
Once a few more Western leaders are forced to the same conclusions, it can’t be far off before a leader gets a little more courage from seeing the future destruction he or she is bringing down on a nation and slowly raises the hand, asking : ‘Perhaps, after 40 years of being proven totally wrong in forecasting and after such huge funds have been exhausted, we need to take a step back and throw open the entire science debate on the theory used to drive such a demolition job on our societies.’
The end is nigh?
This from Alan Jones on The Voice. 9 minutes and packs a punch. ToM
So sorry, forgot the link. ToM
The committed “Yes” voters are down to 36%.
With so much skin in the game, will this be a serious blow for Elbow? I am under no illusions that it will be fatal, but one can hope.
I recall everybody pointing to dismal polls for Biden, just before he got ‘elected’.
Perhaps a tick is easier to forge than a written “Yes.”.
What is a woman? Election version.
A grassroots campaign in the U.K., fronted by Sharron Davies, plans to ask politicians a simple question: What is a woman? They’ll record the answers and create a website so voters can see where their representatives stand on the definition of a woman.
An “army” of volunteers in an apolitical new grassroots campaign is gearing up to meet all MPs and parliamentary candidates at hustings events and on their doorsteps to ask each one the question: “What is a woman?”
Their answers will be video recorded and uploaded individually to a website which is being launched in the coming months.
It will allow voters to find out instantly whether their next MP thinks women must be born female and that binary biological sex cannot be changed, or whether they believe that male-born transgender women are women too.
Sharron Davies MBE, the former Olympic swimmer and feminist campaigner who has been appointed as the campaign’s first ambassador, said it would let voters “know if their MP will stand up for women”.
This should be good for a laugh or 20.
Even 1.4 billion people can’t fill all of China’s vacant homes, ex-official admits
A very good interview with Michael Shellenberger on yesterday’s Outsiders program on Sky News.
The pig ignorant Albo govt are now whale killers as well as eagles, other birds, bats, dolphins, etc.
These left wing religious fanatics should be locked up for the damage they’re doing to our environment.
The TRILLIONS of $ this will cost us will not change the climate at all, but they don’t care, so long as they can promote their BS and FRAUD.
Dr Jordan Petersen and a Science writer proves you can write FAKE articles and get them published as genuine studies.
I think Micky Mann must have studied the same material for his hockey stick nonsense.
And it is now official!
“Federal Labor MP urges YES supporters to make multiple early votes “Vote Early, Vote Often”
I see Kamal has changed his mind again and is back to voting no , good thing Albo pumped him up as a role model for the yes vote .
Good citizen opportunities –
“Objections to wind and solar facilities”
Tucker Carlson interview
“Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time”: Tucker Carlson Gives Bombshell Interview”
How a Storied National Airline Became Reviled in Its Own Country
This is a NYT article about Australia’s national airlines sticking it to Australians.
Popular theme as Canadians criticize our own beloved Air Canada sticking it to passengers. Note: I do not emphasize Canadians. There is more competition and transnational competition here.
You Won’t Believe the Truth Bombs Tucker Just Dropped!!!
Canada news –
“Just Putin It Out There”
“Matt Taibbi: Canada’s Prime Minister solidifies his status as the world’s most nauseating pseudo-intellectual”
Will “Elbow” crank up the competition?