The European rebellion against the Sacred Quest for NetZero spreads — Green investors “shocked”

Turtle, fantasy, dystopia, city, surreal.

Turtle Castle image by SAIF 4

By Jo Nova

Rishi Sunak’s delay in the NetZero Quest was the crack in the Uniparty Wall

Thanks to NetZeroWatch

It threatens to ignite a climate election.  It matters, because now, suddenly, one party can point out the absurdities and the costs. They can be an Opposition, and mock the sacred cows. That doesn’t mean Sunak will do that, but the fork in the road has opened, the world is watching — and his party is suddenly up four points.

The Green funds cartel is “in shock” sayth Bloomberg, at the Sunak shift — so it must be pretty serious.  Green investors are using the words “dismay” and “bewilderment”, which they almost never use. Green investment relies almost entirely on crowd psychology and government subsidies, so normally bad news is padded and fluffed so it doesn’t look so bad. We wouldn’t want to lose momentum would we? Boy are they losing momentum.

Meanwhile Sweden has not only cut climate money a bit, it’s unshackled some taxes off fossil fuels as well, leaving the centre left apoplectic and threatening to move motions of no-confidence. It is unthinkable, apparently, but Sweden might even increase emissions.

Germany has suspended draconian building efficiency standards and stepped back from their full gas boiler ban. They had wanted to ban all new “fossil” heaters from 2024, but after fierce protests, have instead brought in a much diluted and delayed version due to be adopted in 2028.  President Emmanuel Macron must have been watching the German and British debacles. His new plan rules out a complete ban on gas boilers, and talks about protecting vulnerable people in rural areas, and even how the French love their cars.

What’s more scary than climate change? —  The rise of the far-right

The quote of the day is from a German politician who sums up the major driver of these policy shifts.

Earlier this month, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner told Politico that stricter energy efficiency rules for buildings could fuel the rise of the far-right, amid growing apathy across Europe over plans to reach net zero.


So Climate Change might cause the sixth mass extinction of life on Earth, but nothing is more frightening than the possibility of the far-left losing power at elections.*

Polls have leapt for the conservative government in the UK since Rishi Sunak slowed the NetZero train

This is what all the Climate-believer politicians are afraid of. Deep down, they know the NetZero quest is not popular with the masses, even though they say it is all the time. If they thought climate policies were really winners with the workers, they wouldn’t be so afraid of their opponents catching the skeptical train would they? Instead, they are aghast when their opponents dare suggest other priorities might be higher than changing the weather.

Nightmare for ‘unpopular’ Starmer as lead over Tories plummets in shock new poll

Express, UK

Deltapoll polled people from the 22nd to 25th, and saw a four point swing from Labour to the Tories compared to their last poll 10 days ago. Labour are down three points, with Mr Sunak’s party rising five points. While Labour is still ahead of the Tories by 16 points, this is a significant swing in a short amount of time.

The poll was of 1,507 adults from Great Britain…

This is a very good sign. Financial types almost never speak unguarded, out loud, lest they scare the horses. This is panic:

Green fund managers in ‘complete shock’ after Sunak’s Net Zero rollback

Some of the world’s biggest green investors are voicing dismay and bewilderment as they struggle to digest the UK government’s stated intention to wind back key climate commitments.

“It was a complete shock,” said Ian Simm, founder and chief executive of London-based Impax Asset Management Group Plc, a low-carbon fund investor overseeing close to $50 billion in assets. Britain’s official policy now represents “a risk for anyone considering an investment in the UK that’s dependent on government policy,” he said.

Investments in “government policy” are always riskier compared to investments in essential goods and services. They’re shaking, because the magic spell has broken. The cash cow might evaporate.

Unthinkable — Sweden has not only cut funding to climate action but cut the taxes on fossil fuels too:

by Miranda Bryant, The Guardian

Sweden’s government has come under criticism after unveiling a budget that will dramatically increase carbon emissions.

The budget, unveiled on Wednesday morning, includes a 259m krona (£19m) reduction in funding for climate and environmental measures next year, and tax cuts on petrol and diesel.

Rickard Nordin, the climate and energy spokesperson for the opposition Centre party, condemned the climate cuts, which he said were unprecedented.

“What has happened is that the Swedish government is consciously increasing emissions,” he said. “No Swedish government in modern times has consciously increased emissions. Few countries in the world have done that and it’s extremely serious.”

Amazing he could say it with a straight face — few countries have consciously increased emissions, he says, as if China and India don’t exist.

Macron is changing his tune too:

“We will not prohibit” the installation of new gas boilers, he said, “because we cannot leave our compatriots, particularly in the most rural areas, without a solution,” said Mr Macron.

Mr Sunak pushed back the ban on purchases of new gas boilers to 2035.

The French “love their car, and I do too” said Mr Macron on Sunday in a prime-time TV interview, acknowledging public reluctance to switch to electric vehicles with higher purchase prices than combustion-engine cars.

So many key words repeated in so many countries at the same time.

*We breathe a sigh of relief that some elections still matter. This is good news.



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80 comments to The European rebellion against the Sacred Quest for NetZero spreads — Green investors “shocked”

  • #
    John Hultquist

    What took them so long?

    They should have been reading here and at a couple of other blogs for the past 15 years.


  • #

    What’s more scary than the rise of the far-right?

    The rise of an expanded BRIC++ which holds climate as a more minor concern.

    The global shift in trading patterns ought to terrify Western interests.

    Recall that the UN works on a consensus of opinion and support. It will intensly struggle to amalgamate the divide – world government with BRIC++

    Interesting times.


    • #

      The Far Right (whatever is far right, presumably proud of ones nation) gets the pile on from the media and attempts to terrify everyone. BRICS+ are a sensible bloc set against the corruption of the western monetary system which holds great sway over nations. Bullying. The concept of Net Zero has to be demolished.


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        Mike Jonas

        There is the Far Left, and then there is everyone else. The ‘everyone else’ is called the Far Right.


        • #

          Far right is a socialist term…their idea of far right is Nazism. Nazism is an equally nasty sister of Communism and Fascism. Conservatives and Liberals (small l) are not socialist. The collectivists fear the rise of individual thought and freedom.


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    David Maddison

    The term “Net Zero” is missing a word.

    It should be:

    Net Zero Intelligence
    Net Zero Productivity
    Net Zero Wealth Creation
    Net Zero Freedom
    Net Zero Independent Thought
    Net Zero Free Enterprise
    Net Zero Progress



    • #

      Net Zero is an average, made up of over and under net zero, so net zero CO2 emissions, means that, if the elite and the rich and the political and their hangers on don’t achieve net zero, the rest must achieve negative CO2 emissions.

      Perhaps something similar to the other Net Zeroes.


      • #
        David Maddison

        Yes, it means the Elites will still be able to fly their private jets to Climate Crisis Conferences and eat the finest meats while we serfs will be confined to a Medieval feudal lifestyle only able to walk within the confines of our 15 Minute Cities and eat poverty food like insects.


    • #
      John Connor II

      We need:
      Net zero politicians
      Net zero health experts
      Net zero adjusted temperature data
      Net zero WEF and climate loonies.


  • #

    Politicians are driven almost entirely by popularity because popularity enables sustainable power. Ironically popularity of policies are often facilitated by the narrative created by governments in cahoots with activists. So the cycle goes create a (false) narrative, market and promote the narrative, poll the population. Because it’s popular people will vote for you and the policy no matter how bizarre that policy will be.
    Whilst Climate policy has been a central beneficiary of this political creativity the pandemic measures in paricular vaccines had a similar circularity in their promotion.
    But when cracks appear in this circular process it can spiral quickly the other way. The argument on the Voice is classic by having genuine conviction and principals despite all the media institutions and corporates trying desperately to establish their narrative the opposition changed the direction of the debate dramatically. And momentum is a powerful influence. Everyone prefers to back a winner.
    Hopefully the correlation between doing the right thing and winning elections will ensure that conservative politicians will start to differentiate policies that will be beneficial for most people and not just select wealthy elites. It’s a global revolution that is being conducted through social media to circumvent the power of control that has been suppressing the population through main stream media, academia, corporate boards, unions etc.
    The fightback is just starting and if and when Trump or someone of similar ilk gets into the White House a new wave will be well entrenched and the woke leftist nightmare will be receding fast.


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      We can only hope… However we will need a giant change in opposition policies in the Western world, these days they just parrot the party in power and promise “more of what they promise”.

      We will need parties to stand up for individual responsibility, smaller Govt and less interference in our lives. Lower taxes and less welfare handed out. Fewer subsidies and grants and bail-outs for business, Govts that burn thousands of pages of regulations… can you see this happening?

      Otherwise its Tweedledee and Tweedledum pretending they are different.

      On top of policies we will need a Govt to fire some top bureaucrats as a warning to the rest that things have changed, and I feel most countries have separated the two so politicians can’t control the bureaucracy. The fight-back that Trump had showed the effects, and the speed and effectiveness that Roger Douglas had in NZ shows what is needed.


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      Old Goat

      The media is largely responsible for the current state of debate on most issues . Misdirection and outright deception has been used to keep most people fooled . Because most people are too lazy to do research they swallow the narrative . The narrative is now under pressure because the underlying reality is showing through . Most of the pieces for “1984 scenario” are in place now and the first attempts to “go live” failed in the UK which is encouraging . I suspect this will continue until someone devises a way to take down the internet . Imagine billions of people unable to look at their “feeds” and actually observing reality first hand .Flame on….


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    “Investments in “government policy”

    See also:

    How can you identify an honest politician?

    “When they are bought, they STAY bought”.

    It’s a BLOBAL thing.


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    David Maddison

    Like the terms “racism”, “sexism”, various forms of “phobic” etc. which the Left have rendered meaningless due to over use and the fact that they use those terms on anyone who disagrees with them or the Official Narrative, so too is the term “far right” also rendered meaningless by them.

    To the Left, “far right” is anyone to the right of the Maoist Pol Pot. Anyone who believes in reward for effort, free speech, medical choice or freedom in general is “far right” to them.

    In any case what they typically call the worst of “far right” is generally those of the National Socialists persuasion. Those that wear black uniforms…like Antifa actually…

    National Socialism, as implied by the name and with its party the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, is in fact of the Left. National Socialism is a form of fascism as conceived by the Hegelian Marxist Giovanni Gentile. Fascism is just a different form of socialism based on a public-private partnership with private corporations only allowed to exist if they carried out the wishes of government.

    Just as Maoists, Trotskyists, Stalinists, Titoists and Marxists all hate each other so to do the National Socialists hate all of them which is why the former didn’t fair well under the National Socialists.

    The idea of public-private partnerships with favoured private corporations carrying out the wishes of Government and doing its (dirty) work like censorship is essentially what most Western countries have now.

    Also, both Marxists and Fascists hate Western liberal democracies and freedom in general.

    On Giovanni Gemtile:

    For Gentile, private action should be mobilized to serve the public interest, and there is no distinction between the private interest and the public interest. Correctly understood, the two are identical. Gentile argued that society represents “the very personality of the individual divested of accidental differences … where the individual feels the general interest as his own and wills therefore as might the general will.” In the same vein, Gentile argued that corporations too should serve the public welfare and not just the welfare of their owners and shareholders.

    Society and the state – for Gentile, the two were one and the same. Gentile saw the centralized state as the necessary administrative arm of society. Consequently, to submit to society is to submit to the state, not just in economic matters, but in all matters. Since everything is political, the state gets to tell everyone how to think and also what to do – there is no private sphere unregulated by the state. And to forestall resistance to the state, Gentile argued that the government should act not merely as a lawmaker but also a teacher, using the schools to promulgate its values and priorities.

    Also, see Dinesh D’Souza “The Big Lie: Exposing the (National Socialist) Roots of the American Left”.


  • #

    If one takes green thinking to it’s necessary conclusion, it becomes something that seems mildly pleasant (benevolent dictator) but is actually unspeakably horrible …. WORLD GOVERNMENT

    Imagine a global governing body controling population level, migration, trade and energy use. It would be a single global empire.

    A single political structure becomes the global winner. People will hate it. Diversity implodes..


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      David Maddison

      Diversity implodes..

      The Left claim to support “diversity” but only if the “diverse” opinion rigidly agrees with them and the Official Narrative.

      As Orwell wrote in Nineteen Eighty Four.

      The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering—a world of steel and concrete, of monstrous machines and terrifying weapons—a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting—three hundred million people all with the same face.


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia

        Diversity is something being used to create unrest and division. They don’t actually want a peaceful, diverse society.

        Likewise the whole LGBXYZ thing, trans rights, gun control, renewables, the persecution of conservatives, etc


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    Honk R Smith

    We may have reached a pivotal point in the perception of spatial physics in our current Universe.

    Up and down both have ‘far’.
    As does front and rear.

    It appears that only right has ‘far’.


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    Leo G

    So many key words repeated in so many countries at the same time.

    Add to those the words of Seymour Hersh from the latest article published on his Substack and titled “A year of lying about Nord Stream”
    The conclusion of Hersh’s article summarises the purpose of the sabotage:

    The Biden administration blew up the pipelines but the action had little to do with winning or stopping the war in Ukraine. It resulted from fears in the White House that Germany would waver and turn on the flow of Russia gas—and that Germany and then NATO, for economic reasons, would fall under the sway of Russia and its extensive and inexpensive natural resources. And thus followed the ultimate fear: that America would lose its long-standing primacy in Western Europe.


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    This quote from the Swedish opposition spokesman on energy is the most delusional lunacy we could quote over the last 30 years.

    “Few countries in the world have done that and it’s extremely serious.” BTW the NON OECD population is well over 5 billion of the Earth’s 8 billion people.

    AGAIN here’s the global co2 emissions from the OECD and NON OECD and you’ll note that the NON OECD countries have emitted 14.4 BILLION TONNES EXTRA to the atmosphere over the last 32 years.
    And the OECD have emitted ZERO EXTRA co2 emissions over the same period of time.
    These left wing loonies don’t understand anything about the real world DATA. YET it only takes a few minutes online to learn and understand the truth.
    So why do the voters continue to elect these crazy, pig ignorant fools?


    • #

      AGAIN here’s the World Bank data on the 38 countries that make up the OECD.
      The OECD countries’ population in 2022 was about 1.4 billion people.

      Yet Africa’s population ( 53 countries) is about 1.46 billion.
      China’s population is about 1.4 + billion.
      India’s population is about 1.5 billion.
      But the full population of the NON OECD today would be about 6.6 + billion people.
      But according to the Swedish opposition energy minister loony these people don’t exist?


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      The left wing loonies probably believe that CO2 emissions in NON-OCED countries stay in NON-OCED countries


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    David Maddison

    For the Left this is only a temporary set back.

    They are still committed to destroying Western Civilisation by the instruments of the anthropogenic global warming fraud, covid and creating gender and racial division but they have discovered they have pushed too far, too fast.

    They will temporarily back off.

    But they will will relentlessly and ruthlessly pursue their objectives.

    They still can’t be trusted.

    It will only stop when the West has a pro-freedom leader like Trump. The Left know this which is why they are so determined to destroy him.


    • #
      Peter Fitzroy

      The Trump that has been convicted of fraud, that Trump.

      The fact that climate change is real, and poses a threat has been clear for 30 years.

      But I know, profit before planet. Selfishness before community.


      • #
        Richard C (NZ)

        >profit before planet

        British Petroleum (BP) coined of the term ‘carbon footprint’

        Tripled their profits last year to $28b

        So, despite their greenwashing, someone purchased their product


        • #

          So, despite their greenwashing, someone purchased their product

          That “someone” is the world, that’s who purchased their FF product, and will continue to do so for many, many decades to come.


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        Graham Richards

        Trump has yet to be convicted of anything!! PF you are not judge & jury, you’re not even the media pursuing him. Two bit critic at best!


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        PF you’re a delusional fool and the DATA proves we’ve just seen the greatest Human flourishing EVER.
        But please go to China and tell them they must reduce co2 emissions and see how far you get.
        Or India or Africa or the 6.6 billion people who make up the NON OECD countries.
        You live in a fantasy world and don’t understand very simple DATA and evidence.


      • #
        Richard C (NZ)

        P F >”The Trump that has been convicted of fraud [hotlink]”

        From your link:

        The trial against Trump and his business allies is set to begin on Monday and run until December

        Conviction first, then trial ?


      • #
        Old Goat

        The same “justice” system that ignores the Biden family corruption ? Climate change is a hallucination and the sooner reality rips off the scabs of that festering infection the better . Sorry, the sky just isn’t falling .


      • #

        Yes. NATURAL Climate Change is real which is why it was quite warm to hot during the Age of the Dinosaurs and the planet had those Ice Ages. Now what caused all of that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


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        David Maddison

        Oh come on Peter. If anthropogenic CO2 really was a problem, the world would be stopping the world’s biggest producer, by far, China, from making it.

        China produces more than twice as much CO2 as the world’s next best biggest producer, the United States. China’s CO2 emissions are increasing exponentially and they are building two new coal power stations every week.

        Meanwhile emissions from the US and the rest of the West are decreasing.

        Why isn’t China progressing with what you keep telling us is the cheapest and most reliable form of electricity production, wind and solar? Why are they proceeding with what you tell us is expensive and unreliable coal?


      • #
        David Maddison

        Peter, on your recent visits to China, what did they instruct you to say?


      • #

        Misanthropic doomerism above all!

        You must really hate humanity. Nobody expects the climate inquisition. Go wear a hair shirt and put down heretics who question your dogma and the New Puritanism.

        Human existence is a triumph of adaptation. We want to survive in challenging environments

        I have no problem with going green. Just better do it because you love humanity, NOT because you are full of selfloathing.

        Humanity is the best biological evolution has to offer. It will be a million years before another species with sufficient sentience arises again. Don’t screw it up by hating what you do. Don’t low ball your own significance.

        Biology has no problem with humanity going extinct. Extinction as death is a part of life.

        Don’t be a misanthrope! To hell with the green doomer lemmings who would rather jump over the cliff than struggle to survive.

        Loose the hubris Peter. It doesn’t become you.


      • #

        A decision without a Trial or Jury.
        No one was defrauded. All loans were repaid with interest.
        No Bank ever loans money to anyone without the approval of their own appraisers.

        Peter, stop cheerleading corrupt prosecutors and politically motivated judges. Unless you want them turned on you.

        This is nothing but Lawfare and Political Theater. That you applaud it is telling about yourself.

        Gullible Peter. Quick to accuse and convict, without evidence, when it suits his ideology. Slow to admit reality.


        • #
          Richard C (NZ)

          A victimless “crime” and Vexatious litigation:

          Vexatious litigation is legal action which is brought solely to harass or subdue an adversary. It may take the form of a primary frivolous lawsuit or may be the repetitive, burdensome, and unwarranted filing of meritless motions in a matter which is otherwise a meritorious cause of action


      • #

        But I know, profit before planet. Selfishness before community.

        …De-carbonize the world, without companies making a profit? LOL!!

        You gotta know your profits. Fossil Fuel profit, oh, that’s BAD – Green Energy profit? (is there such a thing?) that’s good profit.


    • #

      David you need a fall back position in case Donald is sent down.

      My choice is the youngest candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy, he is the only one with a scintilla of intelligence.


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    Robert Swan

    Love how they say that evil Sweden has declared:

    a budget that will dramatically increase carbon emissions.

    Dramatic? A quick search shows that if they multiplied their annual CO2 output (41 MT) by 10 they’d only be approaching Australia’s piddling output (464 MT).

    Interestingly, the equivalent figure doesn’t come up so easily for China. Multiplying the per-capita (7.61T) by 1.4 billion people gives 10,654 MT. Apparently that went up by 10% last year. Now that’s dramatic.


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      So, if AU is 1.32% of world CO2 emissions, then Sweden is 0.0132 % of CO2 emissions.

      And if the target of world emissions is 350 ppm (0.035 %) from the current 0.042%, of which 96% is naturally occurring, then the Swedish mandate of CO2 Reductions is 0.0132 x 0.007 x 0.04% = 3.7 ppm % or 3.7 parts/Billion of the atmosphere by volume. It would be lovely if anyone, anywhere, could show how 4 PPB of anything controls an entire system that is chaotic, coupled, nonlinear, and poorly formulated. Especially when the oceans comprise a thousand times more heat capacity.

      It doesn’t matter what AU or SE does about anything, emission related. The Earth doesn’t care a whit. Politicians do. As do hucksters, thieves, liars, cheats, and manipulators.


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    It will be interesting to observe the continuing EV sales in Sweden with lower petrol taxes, and will the reduction in CC™ funding include the bonuses on Evs?


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    White Pill day. I saw a clip of a British politician stating “multiculturalism has failed”. I fell off my chair.


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    “Amazing he could say it with a straight face — few countries have consciously increased emissions, he says, as if China and India don’t exist.”

    That is exactly what the rest of the world complains about, the white Westerners behaving as if the rest of the world aren’t humans. Such arrogance will be punished, but sadly we will be included in that for what our leaders said.


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    Green fund managers in ‘complete shock’ after Sunak’s Net Zero rollback

    Don’t believe it. I suspect the media are over-hyping the small, trivial changes to give the appearance to the voters that they are being heard while the main policies remain in place.


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    Graeme No.3

    And Nature (the real one) isn’t cooperating either. From NoTrickZone

    In view of the extreme summer, the question arose in advance: Will the Arctic also see a new negative record in melting ice this year? German research vessel Polarstern of the Alfred Wegener Institute is currently underway again in the Arctic. where a decrease in sea ice had been expected there, or, probably hoped for.
    This time, the Arctic has been spared
    . AWI director and expedition leader Antje Boetius tells Tagesschau that an unusual weather phenomenon prevented a record melt of Arctic sea ice this summer. According to Boetius, a sequence of low-pressure systems has led to an entirely different ice.
    I wonder is this a far right ice?


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    Whilst the ‘apparent’ push back is welcome, there are still some crippling net zero restrictions mandated that haven’t changed or been relaxed. For example the mandate for EVs to be produced by automakers remains in force. ULEZs remain in force. The 2050 full adoption remains in force.
    With an election next year, I remain pessimistic.


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    AGAIN, even the CSIRO tells us that the entire SH is a co2 NET SINK and the NH is a co2 NET SOURCE.
    See under CSIRO seasonal variation at the link.


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    The left wing loonies have already escaped and are now running the Asylums.
    Bloomberg and the SMH now demand that we WASTE another 300 TRILLION $ to achieve NOTHING by 2050.
    YET our CSIRO tells us the entire SH has already achieved NET ZERO.
    And they demand this DELUSIONAL lunacy during the greatest period of Human FLOURISHING in recorded history.
    Sure we know the voters are stupid, but are they really this stupid?


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      September 27, 2023 at 9:46 am ·…….
      YET our CSIRO tells us the entire SH has already achieved NET ZERO.

      Neville, can keep saying that, but you know full well that is not the definition of “Net Zero” …ANTHROPOGENIC CO2 emissions…that the IPCC are specifying .
      We all know that none of it matters, but you do not achieve anything by distorting the facts.


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    Brenda Spence

    The “greenies” are starting to panic….not about the climate but about their cash cow!

    I suspect that so many have invested in green projects that they are conveniently blind to the truth.

    Its all about the money, just like big pharma, this is “big green”


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      Tom Sash

      However mad the West, the rest of the world is not going to follow. Here is yet one more piece of evidence there will be NO transition to hopelessly non-dispatchable, hopelessly de-stabilizing, hopelessly intermittent, hopelessly expensive wind and solar impoverishment vehicles.

      “It could be argued that the lesson that most European countries took from the surge in fossil fuel prices and the concern over security in supply from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was that they would accelerate the move to renewable energies.

      European nations may be able to afford to take such steps and commit billions of dollars to build wind, solar and storage solutions at an accelerated pace.

      The lesson in Asia seems to be the exact opposite, with the main concern being the cost of energy.”


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    BTW even the loonies BELIEVE we could STOP all co2 emissions today and we wouldn’t change co2 levels in the Atmosphere for THOUSANDS of YEARS.
    Here’s their quote……..

    “Slam on the climate brakes”

    “What would happen to the climate if we were to stop emitting carbon dioxide today, right now? Would we return to the climate of our elders?

    The simple answer is no. Once we release the carbon dioxide stored in the fossil fuels we burn, it accumulates in and moves among the atmosphere, the oceans, the land and the plants and animals of the biosphere. The released carbon dioxide will remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years. Only after many millennia will it return to rocks, for example, through the formation of calcium carbonate – limestone – as marine organisms’ shells settle to the bottom of the ocean. But on time spans relevant to humans, once released the carbon dioxide is in our environment essentially forever”.
    The Royal Society also BELIEVE the above statement. So if you also BELIEVE their message you must also BELIEVE you’re WASTING 100s of TRILLIONS of $ for NOTHING. So do you really BELIEVE their loony message or NOT? Here’s the link.


    • #
      Peter C

      Do I believe their loony message.
      No of course not, especially this line

      You can trust this article because it’s written by academics.

      TdeF has shown many times that the CO2 residence in the atmosphere has a Half life of about 5 years. If they get that so wrong nothing they say should be believed!


      • #
        Mike Borgelt

        The residence time of a particular CO2 molecule and the decay time of the atmospheric concentration are two different things.
        Currently it is alleged human emissions are about 4 ppmv per annum. About 2ppmv are removed by various natural sequestration paths. So if human emissions suddenly stopped, 2 ppmv would be removed per annum in the short term on the way back to pre industrial levels. Very roughly the decay time of the extra CO2 concentration is of the order of around 60 years if we assume the removal of the extra stops when we get back to the 300ppmv or so of pre industrial times.


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          Kalm Keith

          Can you add a bit more background to that Mike?
          e.g. The human “emission” of 4 ppmv pa and pre industrial times?


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          Kalm Keith

          Mike why do you assume that there is a natural atmospheric CO2 “equilibrium” at 300 ppm?


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            Mike Borgelt

            I’m not assuming that. I had a couple of email interchanges with Ernst Beck while he was alive about the 18th and 19th Century wet chemical CO2 concentrations showing higher than 300ppmv back then. There likely were confounding factors though and around 300ppmv is generally regarded as the pre industrial level for the purposes of this argument.
            As I said “it is alleged” human emissions are of the order of 4ppmv per annum at present but the atmosphere is showing only an increase of about 2ppmv per annum so the rest is being removed (maybe it is the planetary greening going on?), so if human emissions stopped we’d likely see a decrease of 2ppmv per annum in the short term.
            I’m making the point that residence time of any CO2 molecule and the decay time of concentration in the air are two different things. Certainly the decay time ISN’T thousands of years, nor is it 5 years and it is easy from actual observation to derive that it is a few decades.


            • #
              Kalm Keith

              Thanks for that Mike.
              I do recall the name and looked him up.

              One of the pdfs about his work was heavy on the CO2 variations resulting from change of seasons, night and day and the very deliberate misrepresentation of CO2 levels by hired hands of the climate club.

              The two issues for him were the natural diurnal and seasonal changes and the “cheating” and misrepresentation of the science.


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    If anyone has the time, here’s Sunak’s net zero speech:

    I got as far as this bit and then lost interest:
    And that starts today, with a new approach to one of the biggest challenges we face: climate change.
    No one can watch the floods in Libya or the extreme heat in Europe this summer, and doubt that it is real and happening.


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    So many key words repeated in so many countries at the same time.

    As the saying goes: ‘conservatives’ do the talking while the Left do the do-ing.


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    “ Not one part of the green policy agenda has lived up to any promise to deliver good to the British public.”


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    Wow, apparently now I’m part of the “far right”. Ross, Climate Boiling Denier.


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    In Victoria today ( apart from getting rid of “he, who cant be named) the Independent Ombudsman has presented a report into fees for EV’s in this state. Apparently, a lot of EV owners or supporters have complained to the government because they are being forced to pay additional fees for using EV’s on the road. Victoria has actually for once, done the right thing because most other states haven’t implemented any road users fees etc. The media are making out this is a bad thing and was reporting as such. Whereas, I believe it’s a rightful and very practical policy. Let’s hope there’s no knee jerk reaction and they scrap the fees. Because, most of the EV’s tend to bought by wealthy people anyway so far. Its not as if they cant afford it 🙂


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    Mike Borgelt

    Because of the battery mass, EV’s will damage the road around twice as much as an equivalent IC vehicle. Road damage depends on the fourth power of the axle loading so road charges should be higher than those paid by IC drivers.


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    Serge Wright

    This is amusing to watch, because it’s inflation and more importantly, energy inflation that is the real economic killer and the west has been adding to the inflation fire by curtailing their oil, gas and coal production and mandating expensive imported RE, rapidly driving up energy prices. Now, at the 11th hour, there is a realisation that economic activity grinds to a halt with high inflation and that’s an even bigger problem if you have a high debt level. The only way out of this mess is to drive down energy prices and get inflation under control and that means significantly more oil, gas and coal production.


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    John Watt

    So how will this impact on Forrest, Cannon-Brooks and Co? Maybe Australia can get some reality back into the energy industry so we can re-develop a functional economy. Pity no one bothered to listen to John Nicol a decade or so ago. Poor fella my country!


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    Hi Jo – It’s been ages… …hope all is well.
    Political extremists have created and promoted the two great frauds of our time – the Covid and Climate scams
    Best regards, Allan MacRae in Calgary

    My New Book:
    MURDER OF MULTITUDES: Covid And Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull
    by Allan Malcolm MacRae
    75 pages, ~$10 on
    My new book provides, in an easily readable style, the irrefutable scientific evidence that proves both the alleged Covid and Climate “crises” are false, alarmist frauds that have squandered trillions of dollars and wasted hundreds of millions of lives.


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    Phil O'Sophical

    They have also given the go-ahead to begin development of the largest untapped oilfield in the UK, the Rosebank Field west of the Shetlands. Another move annoying all the right people.

    If merely delaying the ban on ICE cars brings a 4 to 5% bounce in the polls, think what a few more steps on the long road back to Conservatism might do.

    * A vow to remove any current Ultra Low Emissions Zones and ban them thought the country.
    * Start fracking for energy security and genuinely lower prices.
    * Leave the ECHR and stop the migrant flood.
    * Cancel HS2, the lot, not just the extensions; it was a European initiative from a previous age. Huge advances in communications and working practices have rendered it redundant. You know a project is a white elephant when the reasons for it’s existence keep morphing; we are on about the 6th; now it is all about levelling up the North with the South, so cancellation can be damned as hitting the northern working classes.
    * Remove Inheritance Tax, iniquitous per se, but hugely unfair to southern householders.
    * Stamp out woke indoctrination in schools, business and the civil service, especially the cowardly modification of civilisational norms for a tiny vocal minority from a tiny minority that is trans people. It is akin to the US Congress changing their dress code just so Fetterman, or whoever is playing him this week, can wear shorts.
    * Disavow any repeat ever of the futile yet financially ruinous and catastrophically damaging to health measures used during the so-called pandemic.
    * Stop wasting money we don’t have, and military hardware of which we we have little, in supporting a completely misrepresented war. Those missiles we supplied that blew the roof off a Russian building? £2m each. Yet they want to cut my state pension.

    If each of these brought a 4% return of voters Sunak would be back in with a shout at the next election. Not that I trust him, or his party. My country is fading away before my eyes but Labour would be the end of it in any recognisable form as the place in which I grew up.


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    The imposition of unreliable energy upon the people of the world, sold to the stupid science-challenged ignoramuses as Net Zero is nothing but a new name for an old discredited economic system, the Command Economy practiced by the Soviet Union and communist states.

    A command economy has been proven to be a failure many a time, in many states, that’s why it has been rebranded in a different wrapping paper.
