A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Just a reminder:
Reject W.H.O. & International Health Regulation Amendments Campaign
write a letter to your MP or talk to her/him. The best choice is the personal communication.
Why not a hand written letter?
Covid mRNA vaccines banned in Iceland:
More push-back against the W.H.O. and Pfizer
1. New Kiwi Government to Challenge WHO’s Pandemic Treaty
2. Pfizer has filed a lawsuit against Poland because the country doesn’t want to buy more contracted doses of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine.
RobB, Thanks for the link. Blog comments like yours are so useful to me. I’m about to buy a new external drive to cope with the down-load quantity.
For those of us in the USA here is the next example of extreme government overreach starting 2024:
Department of the Treasury “FinCen” (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) and their soon to start rolling data collection plot “BOI” (Beneficial Owner Information)
Peruse at your leisure and don’t miss exactly who is exempt….
Let me guess first. Those whom take bribes from foreign entities and green ponzi schemes, I mean who sell influence, are exempt, but those involved in honest enterprizes such as real estate development and building things are not.
The following FACTS needs to be repeated over and over until the climate crisis liars stop pushing them.
FACT: NO “hot spot” exists even after 30 years of waiting for it to show up.
FACT: NO Positive Feedback Loop exist even after 30 years of waiting for it even though it has NEVER happened in the last Billion years.
When are the warmist/Alarmists going to stop pushing these massive lies filled AGW prediction failures?
Vee vill stop ven vee haff ALL your souls in a tiny little jar, yah? [insert maniacal laughter *here*]
This weekend coming, the (meteorological) start of summer and – oops! why won’t our climate hurry up and change! – cold Antarctic southerlies and S.N.O.W. for NZ’s mountains… maybe next year it’ll get warm? Maybe even hot?
Suggestions for the meaning of the acronym ‘SNOW’ are most welcome: the winner receives an all expenses-paid junket at COP### to observe the ‘saviours of the planet’ [SOTP] exposing their double standards and hypocrisy. Tease and seize apply.
Supposedly Non-existent Ordinary Weather
“insert maniacal laughter *here*”
Herr Schwab and fellow crackpots:
I am the only competitor so I must win. Where do I line up for my prize?
Scaremongering Nonsense Omitting Wisdom
I see alarmist-in-chief, Greens leader Adam Bandt was out in his (hydrocarbon) canoe with his (hydrocarbon) paddle, wearing his (hydrocarbon) life jacket to protest against hydrocarbons threatening all planetary life. I wonder whether it occurred to the dullard that, had his canoe capsized, hydrocarbons (life jacket) would have SAVED his (worthless) life.
“hydrocarbons (life jacket) would have SAVED his (worthless) life.”
Bandt Lives Matter.
Even if Bandt Opinions are off with the fairies ….
“The handsome boy from Australia”
China is giggling.
Albanese looked like he blushed.
Anthony is no Elvis.
They rate him as a useful idiot.
I wish he would have said something intelligent to let them know that the comment was laced with sarcasm.
At least when he got home.
“Handsome boy” translates to “A nice boy” – homosexual!
It is beyond Airbus Albo to say anything intelligent – a useful idiot for the UN and WEF
The prediction of the return of the Messiah “ is nigh…….
The Australian Prime Minister will travel to Australia in the first half of next year, it has been confirmed. It will be the first visit by the globe trotting Australian leader since late 2022.
A spokesperson for Mr. Albanese said the PM always enjoyed travelling to Australia. “Mr Albanese has a real affinity with Australia – he grew up there (in a housing commission flat with his single-parent mother), he spent some time working there, he knows a lot people there. It really is his home away from home,” the spokesperson said.
Government officials in Australia said the trip would be a chance to hold high level talks with the Australian Prime Minister on issues of national importance. “We’re hoping to grab some time with him to discuss housing policy, cost of living, climate change, immigration, workplace relations. We’re aware that his international commitments will make his time here very tight, but it’ll be great to get his input on these issues and hopefully work towards some solutions”.
In Related News:
Where in the world has Anthony Albanese been?
Japan – May 2022 = 15,904km
Indonesia – June 2022 = 10,780km
UAE – Spain – France – Ukraine – June/July 2022 = 35,531km
Fiji – July 2022 = 6910km
UK – September 2022 – 33,942km
Japan – September 2022 = 15,904km
Cambodia – Indonesia – Thailand – November 2022 = 19,917km
Papua New Guinea – January 2023 = 5748km
India – United States (San Diego) – Fiji – March 2023 = 35,692km
UK – May 2023 = 33,942km
Japan – May 2023 = 15,904km
Singapore – Vietnam – June 2023 = 16,189km
Germany – Lithuania – July 2023 = 32,124km
New Zealand – July 2023 = 2325km
Indonesia – Philippines – India – September 2023 = 23,361km
United States (Washington) – October 2023 = 31,868km
China – Cook Islands – November 2023 = 25,175km
United States (San Francisco) – November 2023 = 24,370km
Total: 385,586km *All distances are calculated return to/from Canberra
Just wondering when Australian politicians of the left & the right will fully wake up to the history of Europe & their migration policies. The left have a particular love of 3rd world migrants. Time to wake up, before it’s too late as Europe is now discovering!
It’s time too for the electorate to wake up & realise the folly of the politicians they elect.
*Europe died at Auschwitz*
Who or what really died at Auschwitz? Here’s an interesting viewpoint. The following is a copy of an article written by Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez and published in a Spanish newspaper. It doesn’t take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest of Europe – and possibly to the rest of the world.
*I walked down the streets in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz !! We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million [SNIPS]
*In Auschwitz, we burned a group of people who represented culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who made great contributions to the world, and thus changed the world* .
*The contribution of today’s Jewish people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. Look at any donors’ board at any symphony, art museum, theatre, art gallery, science centre, etc. You will see many, many, Jewish surnames. These are the people who were burned. Of the 6,000,000 who died, how many would have grown up to be gifted musicians, doctors, artists, philanthropists* ?
*And under the pretence of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the diseases of racism and bigotry, Europe opened our gates to 20 million [SNIP]
*They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free money from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts* .
*And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs. What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe* .
*Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it ‘offends’ the [SNIPS] which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it* .
*It is now approximately seventy years after the Second World War in Europe ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, twenty million Russians, ten million Christians, and nineteen-hundred Catholic priests who were ‘murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated. Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be ‘a myth* ,’ it is imperative to make sure the world “never forgets.”
*How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Centre ‘NEVER HAPPENED’ because it offends [SNIP]
*We must wake up America, England, Australia & Europe before it’s too late* !!.
” *If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools* ”.
Please do not just delete this message; It will take only a minute to pass this along.
This e-mail is intended to reach 400 million people. Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world
At least Albanese is doing something useful for the planet by producing all that life-giving CO2 on his VIP jet flights.
Graham, who are your “we”?
WE , the people! It’s not really that difficult to understand . Do try a little harder,
Graham Richards,
You might try a little harder yourself.
You say “we” is “we the people”.
Which people? The people of Paraguay? Probably not. People of Australia? Bit peripheral. The people of Germany? Hardly the ones born after the war, and not all that many of the ones alive during it.
The reason this isn’t just pedantry is that there is a lot of special use of “we” for collective guilt and collective virtue. Aboriginal activists say “we suffered colonisation”. Colonisation happened 235 years ago, and the people making the claim don’t look all that old. For that matter, they don’t seem to be suffering all that badly either.
Strikes me as foolish to put Europe’s decline down to Auschwitz. Since the evil done in that place can’t be undone, nothing can be done to prevent Europe’s demise.
My counter-thesis is that Europe’s decline is, in fact, nothing to do with Auschwitz, and everything to do with stupid actions taken today. To be sure, those actions include suppressing national pride, and open immigration. You might argue that that’s so we won’t look like Nazis. That rationale does *not* explain other bonkers policies, like renewables or the phasing out of ICE vechicles.
The regrets about Nazis of 80 years ago are a smokescreen. Nothing can be done about them. The danger is in *today’s* authoritarians.
Robert Swan is technically correct but too severe. Poetry should be judged as art not as fact.
However, if poetic sentiments are used in laws and constitutions, that is another matter, much unintended harm can result.
Related. Immigrant groups can be of immense benefit to their host nations as described in Graham Richards email. I am thinking of the Huguenot driven out of France by religious persecution and who settled in England.
More recently, England has taken in two main types of migrants from India, in large numbers, those in the Hindu (and Buddhist and Christian) group have proved to be of great value, another group, well not so so much..
The important thing is to retain control, attract the productive who love life, keep out the destroyers whose aim is death.
It wasn’t poetry, it was a chain letter. Appears to be based on this 2010 article which is itself a translation of a Spanish article from 2008.
Chain letters deserve severe treatment. What will this one achieve if it reaches its 400 million reader target?
It’s better to see what can be done about the new evils brewing today than to be convinced it all stems from the evils done 80 years ago.
I have re-read Graham Richards’ post. Thanks for the push.
In it, the word “we” means European governments and societies of the time. Those not in government or not alive then may still want to associate themselves with events even if they would have opposed the decisions made, no blame or praise is due.
The events under discussion are not “new evils”.
They happened before, and are happening now.
Now, with that knowledge given in the email, or chain letter, to repeat the evil, by acts of commission or omission, is worse than if being ignorant.
The purpose of the communication is to warn and prevent. My hope is that it gets or exceeds the target circulation.
Yes there is collective blame to be laid- it does not go to the past but to those today even if they are silent.
Thanks for your considered response. One unfortunate thing with Jo’s blog is that threads tend to die too quickly for a proper discussion. Good to see this one bucking the trend.
By “new evils” I meant today’s evils — newness in time, not in concept — the key thing being that they are evils we might do something about. There’s not much can help the Jews in Auschwitz, but the Jews (and others) in Israel today deserve better support than they seem to be getting.
If I were audacious enough to try to address 400 million people with an e-mail, I’d be pretty careful about wording. Your interpretation of “we” is reasonable in parts of the letter, but not in others. Yes: “We burned a group of people who represented culture, …”. No: “We must wake up America, England…”. There is also a glaring in-between case:
(I do like the “SNIPS”: so coy!)
where the ones doing the burning were in the past, but the ones doing the replacing are here today. Two evils in my book, and the second was *not* entailed in the first. To lump them under one “we” is misleading. I think that’s what pushed me to back up Ted1 and give Graham Richards a bit of a serve for his shallow response.
The letter will reach the people it reaches (and good luck to it), but it’s message is a bit “preach to the choir”, I think. People who already see it that way will say “Hell, yeah!”; more woke people will just put it in the “right wing loonies” bucket (and then have a lie down in their safe space, I suppose).
What is really needed is for the woke to wake up. To realise that there is serious danger in virtue signalling, especially when it comes to immigration policies. Maybe turn to Aesop rather than Auschwitz. It’s not my favourite fable, but The Scorpion and the Frog could be a basis for a clearer warning.
The “we” is a translation from the Spanish. Maybe the original has a slightly different inference as to the perpetrators of the horrible events of WW11.
“Largest protest against anti semitism” since 1936. 100,000 crowd march through London, including Boris Johnson
Anything involving Boris is a publicity stunt . Hell is too good for him . He should be handed over to the Ukraine widows (the ones who haven’t been sent to ze Russian front). Daily Mail isn’t fit to wrap fish and chips.
Boris Johndon scuppered peace deal between Russia and Ukraine
How on earth could a British prime minister scupper such a peace deal?
Because the West wanted a war with Putin and they own Zelensky. Wouldnt be the first war a British prime minister helped start – just ask the other Tony B !
Boris joned tye march after it was organised and his presence was only known shortly before. So it asnt a publicity stunt but anything that can counter the pro Palestinian marches is t be welcomed.
The mail online is now the largest online newspaper in the world and it would be difficult to wrap fish and chips in, although that type of wrapping has been illegal for 30 years
Great interview of Egyptian comedian by Piers Morgan about Israel-Hamas War and Palestine’s Treatment
Ok, I’ll bite. The interview is a month old. The guy only had scorn to offer. The discussion went nowhere. What was great about it?
Robert its a message I believe some people havent heard. I like the way he takes the p*** out of all the ‘Israel just defending itself’ propaganda and draws the analogy with the conquest of native Indians of North America. On another note, why are we being propagandised? Its not my war. There are lots of wars nobody cares about, why care about this one?
RobB – Palestine’s Treatment
Israel is accused of genocide.
Take a look at the data for Gaza from year 2005
for population and birth rate – some genocide!
Well I didnt accuse Israel of genocide, and neither did the comedian.
Boris is only there for the publicity and “joined” for that reason . If advance notice was given he could have faced the consequences of his machinations . The “mail online” is a propaganda outlet that promotes “magical thinking” . How many people have now died or been horribly maimed in Ukraine and the middle east ? If you stop supplying weapons what do you think will happen??
Artificial Intelligence is claimed to be far left in nature and inherently “woke”
That’s also an essence of wokeness 🙂
Worlds largest cricket processing facility for human consumption to open shortly in London.
Fortunately that’s London Ontario. Hope Colonel Sanders doesn’t get to trademark the name “Kentucky Fried crickets” Before I do. Its leg licking good.
They already serve insects to Aussie “school” kids.
Got to start ’em young!
(PAYWALLED but you might get a free first read.)
Perhaps we can do a deal between the Canadian cricket supplier and that school?
Why the big, infantilizing push for eating “bugs”?
Deliberate, calculated humiliation, for starters.
And ones the sheep are all bleating in programmed concordance, MORE humiliation and degradation will be applied.
The major desired goal is to identify and isolate any “dissenters”, then “remove” them, permanently, from the herd.
The flock!
Onya Annie.
It’s poverty food, if you can call it food at all.
Designed to humiliate as you say, Bruce, and put the serfs in their place.
Do you think the Leftist Elites will be dining on this garbage while they fly on their private jets to Klimate Krisis Konferences?
I don’t think so….not even the Left’s finest intellectual, Dr Greta Thunberg would eat that garbage I don’t think.
(Yes, she has an honourary doctorate from the Theology Dept, University of Helsinki, the same university that once produced an actual useful person, Linus Torvalds.)
Gotta save the planet from the poor so the rich have it to themselves…
Maggot meal is the latest food coming btw…
The politically correct term for a maggot is a Gent believe it or not , well here in Oz anyway and I won’t be eating any bug burgers anytime soon with a freezer full of venison.
A recent Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) publication gives an overview of various food safety issues that could be associated with edible insects.
Safety and allergen risk
Possible food safety hazards for edible insects are biological, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, chemical hazards including mycotoxins, pesticides, heavy metals, antimicrobials, and physical hazards.
I will not be switching from a Big Mac to a MacBugger!
There is now 2 different numbers that have been added to the ingredients list on the side of nearly every food stuff we buy , both refer to bugs .
Yesterday I replied to CO2 Lover:
I forgot to give a reference. Here it is:
The breadth of your knowledge never fails to surprise me . Human google…..
Thanks Old Goat.
Thank you for the follow up.
The whole “The White-Fella stole our land” narrative of Aboriginal activists falls apart when the truth that they are not Australia’s “first peoples” is exposed.
Over 60% of Australian land that should be owned by ALL Australians has been handed over to a minority based on a huge lie.
“If you tell a Big Lie often enough people will tend to believe it” – Joseph Goebbels
Likewise Mungo Man David. Intitial DNA testing suggested that he was not related to known aboriginal tribes. Subsequently it was suggested that this first DNA sample had been contaminated. Further testing indicated that he was an early relative of the current people native to the Lake Mungo area. The problem was then solved by reburying theses significant remains so further testing couldn’t be carried out. Interestingly the remains were “claimed” by two opposing tribes as being their forebear.
Also Kow Swamp man.
We will never know the truth when science is mixed with politics.
From Wiki:
So the data was just reinterpreted to fit the narrative. Only one Homo migration to Australia. No Homo erectus.
Do they have an origin story?
Such stories are usually quite amazing and raise interesting questions.
For example, why does the Navajo (SW USA) story rely on Water Buffalo?
Something about some naked people in a garden with a snake and an apple. Kind of ridiculous.
Been to the Kambah pool lately ? Fig leaf’s optional and plenty of snakes .
Ha. Turn left and it is full of families. Interesting you know about it though.
“Interesting I know about it” – back at ya !
As an avid fisho who worked in a sports store at Belconnen but new to Canberra someone said the Murrumbidgee was a great place for a fish , turns out Cotter river was better .
Anyone with a family knows not to turn right.
Wasn’t in Canberra with family was told the best spot was to the left but after no luck over several visits went for a wander flicking a spinner downstream but didn’t really get too far .
Thanks for the warning about 40 years too late though .
Got a similar unwanted surprise at Cable beach in Broome , and funnily enough it’s the same don’t go right although that’s where the camel rides start from .
They dont need another hump
GA, anyone with a brain knows not to turn Left.
In this case it is not a brain you need to turn right.
Also, your comment was already there in subtle form. It didn’t need to be made glaringly obvious.
When you approach the topic in whatever manner you do, you miss the amazing stories and interesting questions. That’s sad.
Raven –
Consider the Haida people, who inhabited – and still do inhabit – the coastal Pacific Northwest region.
In the beginning, the world existed, but in darkness. Raven existed from the beginning of time, he was on of its first creations. Raven, the trickster – brought light to the world.
There is lots more.
Without a supremacy, then anything is valid, eh? Your snarky claim implies that there is no God, no baseline Truths and no absolute references. If everything is relative, then nothing is reliable. That’s what you say.
That leaves all things wide open. Nothing is immoral or amoral in your system of values. Nothing at all. No limits.
Ever think about how those things might be visited upon yourself and what might be the outcome? No laws, limits, recompense, apology, etc? It might seem empowering to challenge all organized systems, but how might it be without them? Do radical thinkers ever think about that? Do they ever take responsibility for their ideology?
GA is disconnected from reality and lives in a protected world of irresponsibility, by all evidence. The real world begs to differ. Nothing you espouse has any relationship to reality.
Christians / Jews / Muslims may point to god to support their idea of morals. But that doesn’t mean they are the only ones with morals, simply because of an old testament connection or belief in god connection.
I think there are enough examples of groups of people (remote tribes) living in the world without a belief in god or a copy of the bible, who live by a set of morals or a concept of “right and wrong”.
There are certainly variances in morals. Even amongst those who have their moral basis in God. But the idea that there are no boundaries amongst those who don’t believe in God or creation would be wrong.
To the scoffer.
David, we were taught about the “little people” in primary school in Vic in the 50’s and 60’s . We also learnt that the “long boned” aboriginal people came 7000 years ago and bought the dingo with them. The new arrivals chased and hunted the little people who hid in the jungles of Queensland.
There is a photo of Truganini ( the last Tasmanian aboriginal) sitting on a dining room chair which shows her feet do not reach the floor.
The dingo came to Australia when Indian refugees, fleeing climate change, brought them here on boats.
These new arrivals, vastly out numbered by the locals, apparently settled in quite comfortably.
When Australia was joined to New Guinea, at the last glacial max, the little people set up camp at Cape York down to Cairns.
In the 1960s a UFO landed near a primary school in Victoria and the children ran down to greet them. They were the same size as the students and seemingly unafraid.
These little people you talk of might be Denisovans, their DNA is relatively abundant in the area.
Further to that, ‘these findings “are consistent with a model of an independent interbreeding event between Negritos and Denisovans within the Philippines, suggesting that Denisovans may have been in the islands long before the presence of any modern human ethnic group,” Larena tells Gizmodo.’ (The Scientist)
I attended Westall High School, arriving there in 1968. My wife and her sister were there in 1966 when the incident occurred.
We know some of the witnesses in the video linked below. Like it or not – it DID happen.
OMG. What else did someone tell you that you from 70 years ago that you’ve never thought might not be correct? Also, 7000 years is wrong.
UFO. Seriously?
Amazingly enough there were reports of a UFO .
Some people believe that CO2 changes the weather though Gee Aye and the proof is lacking for both although belief is something that both camps have in common!
Amazingly I have heard this story, and the veracity of is neither here nor there. It was bizarre to bring it up, seemingly because the beings were small. Of all the things to associate with the other story…
Do you recognise satire.
‘Also, 7000 years is wrong.’
The exact date is 4,230 BP and the Indus Valley refugees probably picked up the dingo in Borneo.
The universe is 90 billion light years across but life only exists on Earth. What wonderful arrogance.
Clearly you read more into my comment than just two words – also explained later.
But anyway, it is not arrogant to be skeptical. Just because there are plausible reasons for thinking there is some or a lot of life out there, is no reason to accept every report of it.
What university gave you a science degree?
Quite a few well regarded scientists didn’t have science degrees.
I’m guessing the scientists and educators who compiled the syllabus and course material for the first science degree didn’t either.
(I’m not implying John Connor II doesn’t have a science degree. Nor am I implying that he is a well regarded scientist).
I assume those well known scientists without degrees displayed signs of understanding science.
None, but I have significant technical qualifications nonetheless, and awards for outstanding achievement.
Neither did Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Ben Franklin, John Rockefeller, Sir Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates, Mike Dell, Zuckerberg, Ellison, Dorsey, Faraday, Henry Ford, Mendel and more.
Does a piece of paper from a rote-learning mill form the basis of your assessment of one’s entitlement to speak?
Do you have one?
Do you believe in a god or afterlife?
My objection lies in your out of hand dismissal of UFO’s, without evidence or a science degree presumably in UFOlogy, closing your mind to anything beyond your current perception of reality, as you have demonstrated before when confronted by more advanced concepts.
Scientific advancements do not come from closed minds – religious and cult mentalities do.
One could argue there is more evidence of UFO’s than anthropogenic climate change .
Similarly I was a mere communications technician and then an electronics technician with the ADF. No degree there, but a lot of applied science. Later I worked in an environmental role and one of my jobs was to take recently graduated Environmental scientists and Environmental biologists into the environment in which they were assumed to have some expertise.
The reality was that they had the opinion of their lecturers who clearly had the opinion of their lecturers. Some of them changed their ideas about the environment on which they were supposed to be budding experts. Some however, when what they saw that in the environment differed from what they had read in peer reviewed literature concluded that the environment must be wrong. I could have shown them plenty of peer reviewed literature that agreed with the environment. The latter group will no doubt be the next generation of lecturers. the others will be smart enough to be researchers.
I must say that I worked with some very good scientists during that period, and was co-author to two published papers. No degree though.
If you are so capable how can you justify no skepticism?
Not just a few photos, either.
Once upon a time, the Internet hosted someone’s posting of quite a bit of (black and white) movie film of these people
Interestingly, they seem to be very physically similar to “little people” on the Indonesian island of Flores. The significance of the “Wallace Line”, has been suppressed to some extent. Serious, open study of Geology will reveal all manner of interesting things happening over colossal time frames, interspersed with globally catastrophic events.
And then, there is the interesting range of differences in physiognomy between the Tasmanian group, the “Mungo People” the tall, “blue” desert tribes, etc
You know things are bad when there is even a “fact check” (sic) from the Australian Museum denying the existence of the pygmy Aboriginals.
From my perspective the following article isn’t even written in the style I would expect of an academic. It sounds like it was written by an activist.
Met the people and have the book and the Children’s book.
Mum visited one of the ‘old people’ in Hospital referred as a source for the Reynold’s missives. He was sick of being bashed to tell the new activist whitey history as well as being skimmed of his welfare by the young drunks.
I still love my memory of the old Kalkadoon saying, Marandoo? That’s his whitefella name, we call him ‘Jason’. I wonder what happened to that old gentleman?
Unfortunately, David, Manning Clark was not the historian that he thought he was:
“Reading Clark’s little book I assumed that the history he told was accurate and fact-based, but read today the following paragraph is astonishing:
By the 1870s the behaviour of both sides [black and white] sank to a new low in human callousness and brutality. Near the Palmer goldfield in Queensland in June 1875, the Aborigines butchered all members of the Fraser family. The white men took this as evidence that no matter with what unvarying kindness you treated them, you never kindled one spark of gratitude in their bosoms. The young Fraser, shattered by the murder of his mother with a tomahawk, took the old Aboriginal woman who had lived with them for some time out to the verandah, outraged her there and then dashed out her brains against the verandah post. Terrible things happened in our country.
It is Clark who has done a terrible thing to our country, and the same account appears in the fourth volume of his History. Of course, there are superficial errors. The year he gives is wrong: the massacre of the Fraser family occurred on October 27, 1857. The location is wrong: Hornet Bank, the family station, is not near the Palmer goldfield but much further south on the Upper Dawson River. He probably placed the event in June 1875 because a paragraph from the Queensland Times (June 19, 1875) recounting what had occurred almost eighteen years before is the source of his account.”
Read the rest and make your own assessment.
Manning Clark was a lefty. Lefties have no regard for the truth.
Had the development of the solar system been slightly different, Venus might have been habitable and evolved life, even intelligent life.
Wouldn’t that be interesting?
Venus and Mars are surprisingly similar – that is interesting
Indeed they are.
Maybe it was different given that the new theory is that the universe existed before the big bang.😉
Here is one of a long line of active covid conspirators that will soon be begging for forgiveness.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Mr. Maddison: Thanks for that report, I’m gratified to hear at least one of them loses sleep. Did I read correctly that he says the lab leak “turned into a conspiracy”, or were those your words? It would not surprise me if he says that even while admitting it was Wuhan lab leak, that these “doctors” knew it was a lab leak from the jump, and didn’t trust us to handle the truth. He hid the truth even as he watched the CCP refuse to cooperate. He deserves to suffer mental torment for his part in the vast lie.
I think an even greater crime was pushing the vaccines and not being up front about the risks. Something that is still being done.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
There may be some action coming!
Julian Gillespie and his team have been working hard behind the scenes. There have been many disappointments so far and the legal system has seemed impossible to crack but maybe this time they have found a fissure which might be prised open.
““Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available for Lawsuits Against Vaccine Manufacturers”
“Pfizer Failed To Disclose Risks Of Preterm Birth And Neonatal Death To Pregnant Women In RSV Vaccine Trial”
One might wonder if they’re working hard on getting the company name on “The world’s shortest book on business ethics”?
The Australia Government published posters of a pregnant woman with the caption “I have armed myself for my family” to promote an EXPERIMENTAL “vaccine” when Pfizer knew of the risks and when it normally takes a decade to fully test and approve a new vaccine and not 6 months
Even if the the decade-long process is followed, there can still be unintended consequences. Thalidomide being a well-recognised case. The concept that a new ‘vaccine’ (only to be known as a ‘vaccine’ after the definition was diluted) could leap all the safety testing in six months was and is ridiculous. Gaming of the trials was rife – refer to the ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ by RF Kennedy Jr. for lots of worrying facts re the pharma/industrial complex.
Friends on Science Newsletter #399
Topics include:
New Modeling Gives Lower Predictions on Antarctic Ice Sheet Melt
California’s Electric Truck Mandate: 19 States Sue
Can Metal Mining Match the Planned Electric Vehicle Transition?
Offshore Wind Drives Up Global CO2 Emissions
Polar Bear Sea Ice Habitat Update
Impact of the Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption
North Atlantic’s Marine Productivity has been Stable
More settled science .
A comprehensive video of the lies and orchestrated politicisation of the death of George Floyd and the ongoing and ultimate destruction of civil society in North America. It’s long but worthwhile. Minneapolis will likely never recover.
Mr. Penguinite: Indeed. I don’t see how the U.S. recovers, cops everywhere are forced to duck calls. If you’re a cop today in (fill-in here) big city, and you get a call that man trying to pass fake bills acting crazy is up the street, what do you do? I’d pull over the first car I see driven by caucasian and say a tail light is out. Don’t wait for the light to burn out, btw, do it now and avoid the Floyd.
Chiefio has a look at the world –
“Dear Euro-GEBs & NeoCons: It’s Called Losing…”
This prediction has been around for nearly a year now-
” So Putin will take all of the historically Russian parts of Ukraine. (By treaty or by force, depending on which our rulers can accept) and what happens to the historically Polish or Hungarian or Romanian parts of Ukraine; I suspect he does not care. …NATO wanted to be on the border of Russia? Well, OK Russia will come to you… ”
Poland is keen to get the parts of Ukraine that were Polish back, Hungary would easily make the border areas work again, and Romania doesn’t have a lot of land in Ukraine. What happens to most of Western Ukraine when the men between 18 and 60 have been decimated? How long before the country can operate above the level of wheat farmers again? Will the Yanks and the EU care?
The Irish are a warm and hospitable people, a fact confirmed to me during a recent visit. So it truly means something when 75% of them say that Ireland has taken in too many ‘refugees’. Of course, we could say the same thing about France, Sweden, America, Australia … But do our leaders care what the plebs think?
Mark Steyn put it this way:
“That seventy-five per cent poll response ought to be the baseline in the nations of the west. The political class has embarked on a mad and unprecedented experiment that discards all the most basic maxims of prudence: They have determined to transform our nations into something other. You can vote, as Britain did, for a party that promises to reduce immigration to mere thousands only to wake up to hear that its wretched and traitorous leadership have admitted 1.2 million migrants last year alone. That’s over four times as many immigrants as the United Kingdom took in during the nine centuries between 1066 and 1950 (about 200,000 Jews, 50,000 Huguenots, and a bit of flotsam and jetsam from hither and yon). What western governments are doing to their peoples is not normal, and should not be treated as such.”
Coming Soon: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances
“Big Bang Is Dead? That’s Gonna Hurt…”
Try this on for size – a thought experiment to start with: Gravity is the repulsive force between space time – the ‘ether’ – and mass. Electromagnetic waves are ripples in space time – ie essentially variations in gravitational strength, size of space and rate of change of time. EM waves go left & right \ up & down. Light goes in & out. The closer space time is together the slower time goes and the smaller the spatial dimensions are. A gradient in space time produces a gravitational force. Mass displaces space time thus creating a gradient that produces gravity. The density of space time is not constant.
Could you repeat that?
But, but, but “mass” (matter) doesn’t actually exist, it’s just “hard light” or solid photons.
What about Tachyons, FTL instantaneous transmission of potentially temporally-variant quantum entangled energy across the universe, and anti-time where an event begins in the future and grows backwards through time?
There is no gravity, the Earth sucks. 😁
But they don’t know that they’re stupid.
On food etc, as I say to our wee dug, ” Did YOU do that ? ” Calif. tree nuts under attack by new beetle
Known in Australia, the new beetle overwinters in mummy nuts.
Just thought you may like to know – how did a beetle get to fly so far?
Maybe they are part of the mass migration program, not only of human pests but insect pests as well?
But it’s like the Black Death, popular in Europe at one time, historically but totally incorrectly blamed on rats for transmission. The rats were just victims not primary carriers.
Rats however typically never roam more than a short distance from home and move slowly, FAR too slowly for such rapid transmission of Bubonic Plague.
Try people and ships…
Probably imported food or plants, or if you have ever watched ‘Border Patrol’ you will know that thousands in visitors bring food and plants into Australia every year and I bet not all of them are caught.
Green Hydrogen Needs Vast Subsidies
An article by Steve Goreham in Master Resource — October 19, 2023
Eventually, they will run out of money. Good – but …
Unhappily, it’s our money that will run out.
Applies to Wind, Solar, too.
What Are The Saudis Really Preparing For?
Blustering Bowen !
Whilst “multitasking” and distracted , yesterday i accidentally let my TV run on into the ABC Insiders prog’. I would not have noticed , but Bowens face cought my eye as he was interviewed, so in the interest of letting your enemy tell you his thoughts,..i listened as he was questioned about his energy policy and progress.
Surprisingly, David Speers press some pointed questions regarding missed targets, overspends, undisclosed budget for future RE projects, “impossible “ transmission line plans,…etc.
Bowen squirmed and avoided most key points, yet still believes that electricity prices will reduce when the wholesale price reductions are passed on to customers.
The man confirmed himself as a delusional fool !
Gold star to you for watching the ABC. You have ventured where others fear to go.
I can remember Bowen offering similar type answers when he was informed the then opposition (led by Tony Abbott) had a plan for stopping the refugee boats. Back then Bowen was big on “push/pull” factors and lack of co-operation with certain Asian countries. Sometimes if you look at the word “Bowen”, and squint a bit, you can see the word “clown”. Chris Clown, that’s who he is.
NATO’s Proposed “Military Schengen” Is A Thinly Disguised German Power Play Over Poland
Escobar: The Eviction Notice Is Being Written, And Will Come In Four Languages
Will Russia-China Strategic Patience Extinguish the Fire in West Asia?
Dear Euro-GEBs & NeoCons: It’s Called Losing…
Would some learned men here estimate the amount of that murderous gas “carbon” produced by 5 weeks of current ME War?
If you do, can you please express the volume in the typical Green Labour format – like so many extra cars on Australian roads.
Be quiet … the Emperor is exquisitely clothed.
Don’t you not know there is a Perpetual Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?
You may be a victim of …
Disinformation …
Misinformation …
or Mal-information.
You are only allowed Information.
It is specially marked and comes processed and ready to consume, kinda like an MRE.
It is recognizable if it is contrary to the input to your eyes an ears … which are not peer reviewed.
Only then is it Safe and Effective.
‘Vladimir’ … that’s suspicious.
Are you friends with Donald Trump?
Definition ‘Mal-Information’…
“Truth used used to harm a person, organization, or country.”
Truth is only allowed when it doesn’t hurt.
So relax and and have another Twinkie, free with your booster.
You look great in that speedo.
Some strangeness from a paper on aboriginal genetics.
Scholars have long been flummoxed as to why the language spoken by 90 percent of Australia’s Aboriginal people is relatively young—approximately 4,000 years old according to language experts—if their ancestors had occupied the continent so much earlier. One possible answer has been that a second migration into Australia by people speaking this language occurred around 4,000 years ago. The authors of the new study, however, say a previously unidentified internal dispersal of Aboriginal people that swept from the northeast across Australia around that time led to the linguistic and cultural linking of the continent’s indigenous people. Although they had a sweeping impact on ancient Australian culture, these “ghost-like” migrants mysteriously disappeared from the genetic record.
“It’s a really weird scenario,” said evolutionary geneticist Eske Willerslev, a lead author of the study and a professor at the Center for GeoGenetics at the University of Copenhagen. “A few immigrants appear in different villages and communities around Australia. They change the way people speak and think; then they disappear, like ghosts. And people just carry on living in isolation the same way they always have. This may have happened for religious or cultural reasons that we can only speculate about. But in genetic terms, we have never seen anything like it before.”
So what type of language is Aboriginal? By that I mean is it SVO (subject/verb/object) or is it SOV, or some other?
SVO is like: “The dog chased the cat.” Most modern languages are SVO. Most European languages, such the Germanic languages and the Latin languages are. So obviously English is (<<<usually). The order is crucial so that it makes sense. But that hasn't always been the case. Prior to about 2300 years before present most languages were SOV. And Japanese doesn't care much about word order other than the verb is last because the roles of clauses and phrases are marked by post position particles. Very ancient languages tend not to be SVO. So I'm just curious.
Have heard that from over 500 different tribes most are similar but some are as different as Swedish is to the English language.
Does this point to at least two different origins I have no idea .
There are no “ancient languages” except in the past.
Languages evolve – the English from 1000 years ago is unintelligible to the average english speaker and the evidence is overwhelming that this is true of all languages. The rate of change plus the fact that languages don’t evolve like DNA does (words and phrases can jump across or between continents via trade for example) means that the language evolution tree is very hard to create for more than a few thousand years of evolution. So relating say a Tasmanian language to north QLD or WA languages, is impossible as the amount of difference is pretty much saturated, and the shared similarities tiny or coincidental.
Words and phrases can jump around but deep structure to language can be much more enduring.
What do I mean by this? Am told that some Oceanic languages have very strong chaining of verb tenses (moving around in perspective). This is a whole different way of linguistic thought pattern.
It’s the sublty of how words are used rather than the specific tokens employed.
“I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.”
“Can” is the important word. It also does not preclude a language being replaced in a region -by invasion for instance – so that related languages are either side of an unrelated language. This new language can have an unrelated structure.
FC – this is the 2016 study you are referencing? I think you have the wrong end of the stick. His comment is that a pattern in the data is not explained by any scenarios (ie models) that fit the data. It is a pretty unexceptional admission that they’d like to study this further as clearly there is an influence they have not nailed down (they are not actual ghosts you know).
I could give you some examples of the language Aboriginals use up here in North Queensland but I’m pretty sure my post would not survive.
“One possible answer has been that a second migration into Australia by people speaking this language occurred around 4,000 years ago.”
It is estimated that dingoes arrived in Australia around 3000 years ago. There are only three possible ways dingoes could get to Australia:
a. Descendants of earlier arrivals could have travelled out and bought the dingoes back;
b. New arrivals could have bought the dingoes with them; or
c. The dingoes could have arrived independently.
New arrivals could support a second migration theory.
They say they haven’t found new genetic markers arriving in Aus for 37000 years, when Aboriginal and Papuan/New Guinea strains separated, even though there was still a land connection.
Doctors Warn Millions Of Patients Experiencing ‘Lifetime of Bone Loss’ One Year After Jab
Dr. Amy Hartsfield, an Alabama-based orofacial pain and dental sleep medicine specialist, says she has seen a massive increase in patients as of late who say their otherwise healthy teeth and jaw bones are hurting and even deteriorating for no apparent reason.
“I’ve seen patients with no previous history of health issues [who] have perfectly healthy teeth and now have pain syndromes associated with these healthy teeth,” Hartsfield told the independent media.
Many of Hartsfield’s patients are suffering with head and facial neurovascular and myofascial pain that includes headaches, toothaches unrelated to the actual tooth or teeth, osteonecrosis of the jaw, sleeping problems, tinnitus, and oral and facial autoimmune conditions. Such conditions are linked to the propensity of Fauci Flu shots to cause “micro” blood clots throughout the body, Hartsfield explained.
One such person who started suffering severe bone loss after getting injected with Moderna’s mRNA injection is 79-year-old Cheryl Alverson, who had to have all of her lower teeth extracted due to a massive recurring infection caused by extensive, post-injection bone loss.
Alverson went to see Hartsfield, who ordered multiple blood tests, including several specifically associated with blood clotting. They showed that Alverson’s body had become overloaded with microclots from the shots.
Pubmed and NCBI have articles reporting the same problem going back to last year.
Fancy having full upper and lower dentures from a Fakevax ™ jab regime?
Perhaps the spike protein is (yet again) guilty?
Teeth becoming brittle with no mRNA injections?
Does a ‘Detox’ Really Work?
What is a “detox”? It’s a process that involves using particular products, diets or other detoxification methods to try and rid the body of so-called “toxins”.
Detoxes are prevalent on social media and spruiked by brands offering detox products, celebrities and influencers.
The “detox” tag is appearing on a growing range of teas, coffee, infused waters, drinks with added fruit, vegetables, herbal mixes, nutrients or added blends of “natural” ingredients. These products often claim to flush toxins from the body, or to boost immunity.
Global predictions indicate the detox drink market, estimated at more than US$5 billion in 2022, will grow in value by another 50% before 2030.
A survey of detoxification therapies used by naturopaths in the United States reported that more than three-quarters recommended dietary measures, including “cleansing foods” (such as beetroot), vitamin, mineral or antioxidant supplements, organic foods, elimination diets and probiotics.
Do detoxes work?
The short answer is no. A review published in 2022 found detox diets failed to identify plausible pathways by which toxins could be eliminated, or the specific toxins supposedly removed by a particular diet.
This review also pointed out that detoxes defy the general principles of human physiology, in that the liver and kidneys are quite efficient at removing toxins from our bodies.
A previous review from 2015 similarly found studies did not provide convincing evidence to support the use of detox diets.
Detox products don’t have to prove they’re effective to be on the market. In Australia, complementary medicines sold over the counter are regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, with ingredients assessed for quality and safety, but not whether the products actually work.
That’s right, “celebrity” promoted and all other detoxes are just scams to be avoided.
Controlled fasting (autophagy benefits) and healthy food is not the same thing though. Beetroot is an excellent blood pressure lowerer, better than drugs in fact but it’s not a detoxer.
The body can regulate itself (homeostasis) to an extremely high degree, so some old codgers on tv asking “do you suffer from too much acid?” while dropping a Mentos into some Cola should be laughed at. And I do.
I’ve seen the fallout, on a technical medical level, from people following these idiotic social media fad detoxes and a lot of people are dicing with death or worse (alive but a vegetable).
Avoid detoxes!
“Beetroot is an excellent blood pressure lowerer”- is that one of those situations where you have to eat a can of beetroot per day for a year before you notice results? I could probably do a Dr Google, but if someone has already done it……
Mr. Connor: “found detox diets failed to identify plausible pathways … or specify toxins supposedly removed by a particular diet.” Sounds like Climate Science! CliSci fails to identify plausible “feedbacks” causing catastrophe (they do have some implausible ones that they find very reliable), and they don’t specify anything good resulting from less CO2 (well, they think cooler is better, again an implausible point that they cling to).
Europe’s grid is under a cyberattack deluge, industry warns
Thousands of cyberattacks have inundated Europe’s energy grid since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and a top industry leader is calling for help as officials and researchers fret that not nearly enough is being done.
“The crooks are becoming better by the day, so we need to become better by the day,” Leonhard Birnbaum, the chief executive of E.ON, one of Europe’s largest utilities, said in an interview. “I’m worried now and I will be even more worried in the future.”
Birnbaum has reason to fret. A recent report from the International Energy Agency found the average number of cyberattacks against utilities each week more than doubled between 2020 and 2022 worldwide — with 1,101 weekly attacks registered last year.
Russia, China, NK, India, Ukraine, USA (#1 spot), Germany, France, Vietnam…
Take your pick. They’re all top SOURCES of cyberattacks, state sponsored or not.
Unlike Hollywood depictions where attackers only require 5 minutes, cyberattacks can take months or years (Stuxnet took 3 years) to succeed.
What you see now is just the beginning, as the great spiral-down continues.
But replacing energy sources that work – are ‘dispatchable’ – like coal, gas, [& nuclear where permitted by the wokerati] and even oil, with energy sources that are liable not to be there when you need them – wind and solar – though a mention for tidal – is not a cyber attack.
It’s an attack by useful idiots, out to destroy our civilisation.
And our culture.
And succeeding, I fear.
And our elected politicians are actively abetting it.
Mostly because they have no technical knowledge at all. Yet ‘we’ elected them.
We get the pollies we elect, I suppose.
Ireland: prime time climate propaganda
Our National main TV station just aired an INSANE piece of WEF/UN-style propaganda – it’s a parody of itself!
In this video, Ivor Cummins presents us with a piece of propaganda aired on his country’s prime time television. If you ever needed proof of the colossal scam that’s going on right now, it is this piece of media.
Sitting in the skin cancer clinic this morning, TV was on, SBS..something.. too many channels now to know or even care, add came on for “save the children fund” tag line was something along the lines of , with extreme weather being cased by climate change, “millions of children are struggling to survive because of the climate crisis. All over the world children are facing devastating natural disasters that are happening more frequently than ever before” Yeah OK, new ways to elicit donations to save the children, give us money to help the children devastated by this climate crisis. NOT, going, to, Happen.
Just think what could be done for poor children with the trillions that have been wasted on climate action?
East Coast of Australia is surprisingly wet in the lead up to the summer.
Not quite so in the East Coast. So where is the El Ninio?
Eastern half, not just the coast – which is often wet, especially at this time of year. The western bit (not half, a fair bit less than that – for example western SA is currently bordering on cold for late Nov) is hot due to persistent high pressure well south of about Esperance driving E/NE winds over Perth. Maybe this blocking high will move east and the centre shall become really hot and the east even wetter. The main point is that all we have been told for months is that the combination of El Nino and +ve IOD shall mean HOT and DRY. As you imply, it has yet to materialise.
“Bone chilling”
“In bone-dry language, the report “Inquiry into Bulk-Power System Operations During December 2022 Winter Storm Elliott,” explains how the gas pipeline network in New York nearly failed last Christmas when temperatures plummeted during the bomb cyclone.”
“The report explains that if the gas pipeline system had failed, the recovery process in New York City would have taken “months.” In addition, the property damage due to damaged water pipes in homes and buildings would likely have caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.”
More at
From CNN …
New maps show where snowfall is disappearing
Guess where snowfall is increasing? Climate change brings glaciation depeding upon whether the ice cap increases or decreases
A scoring system to rate “Elbow”
“The recent events in Ireland clearly illustrate the global elites’ modern playbook:
1. Introduce policies that do not benefit the best interest of most citizens.
2. When, as a direct result of these policies, something very bad happens:
1. Don’t accept any responsibility.
2. Refuse to blame the actual culprits.
3. Instead cast aspersions at anyone who dares point out the obvious connection.
4. Be sure to make use of any/all of these terms when squelching your opposition:
far-right, hater, Nazi, deplorable, extremist, denier, conspiracy theorist
5. Encourage your legion of “journalists” to support your narrative.
3. Fine and/or jail anyone who dares to keep complaining about your
4. If/when you kicked out of office in a future election, move onto another job
provided by your fellow global cretins. ”
Here’s another interview from Tucker if you have the stomach for it.
This Obama story is well known, but Tucker now interviews the other participant in this story and he takes us back to 1999 and Obama and his time together.
Link – for me – in the UK – goes to: –
“Video unavailable
“This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.”
Did the link suggest that Obama was – um – less than god-like, perhaps??
Auto – intrigued, a bit
Can a fly twist its own head off by accident?
There’s actually a very rare human disease that can result in self decapitation of a kind.
Best not to ask. 😎
Dr John Campbell and Dr Clare Craig
“Expired: The untold covid story”
Another new tech goes down in flames, this time it’s Aussie and Albo backed!
I want to know how much of my taxes went into or will go into this.
If the product was so superior, surely Tritium would have no problem securing independent investment. The green billionaires should be elbowing each other out of the way to get their wallets out. Where’s Twiggy when you need him? Obviously they are only interested when there’s a bottomless pot of taxpayer subsidies on offer.
There are more subsidies in the U.S. And so 400 Qld workers may lose their jobs.
Mr. 4: Well, temporarily, yes, but those 400 jobs won’t last here, either, for very basic reasons that can’t be wished away.
Industry Giants Bet Big on Sodium Battery, Major Shift Looms in Energy Storage Tech, EVs
In a move that could redefine the energy storage and electric vehicle (EV) landscape, industry giants are placing their bets on a revolutionary technology: sodium-based batteries.
As Bloomberg reports, this strategic shift signifies a potential game-changer, leveraging sodium’s abundance and cost-effectiveness to challenge the dominance of lithium in the battery market.
Sweden’s Northvolt AB has announced a significant breakthrough in sodium battery technology, while Chinese EV manufacturer BYD Co. inked a staggering $1.4 billion deal to construct a sodium-ion battery plant.
Adding to this momentum, China’s CATL previously declared the utilization of sodium-based batteries in vehicles starting this year.
Still some way to go to compete with Lithium products but that’ll change quickly.
Hmm ? …….
…Strange , since Sodium based rechargeable batteries have been in commercial use since 1995.. ( almost 30 years !,)
Infact one of the worlds largest capacity grid storage batteries is a Sodium unit !
“Use Pormo Code “George Floyd” and get 100% off”
Senator Pauline Hanson: Rejecting Division: Australians Say No to Uluru Agenda and Racial Separatism
“Net Zero Electricity Fantasies to Cost British Consumers £100 Billion Over Next Six Years”
Not worried because you’re not in Britain?
“Billions of Dollars of Aussie Retirement Funds to be Gambled on Britain’s Failing Net Zero Push”