A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Friday was very generous, but I can’t help feeling a bit short-changed by Saturday.
Saturday in Somerset had lovely sunshine after a night temperature down to -3°C.
However the wind has gone AWOL and only providing 2.22GW out of a demand of 36GW on a cold cloudy Sunday. I wonder how they’re getting on in Scotland with temperatures down to -10°C
Heaven help us when all the politicians’ plans for Net Zero reach fruition.
Maybe they should do a test run to show how it will all pan out, with EVs, heat pumps etc all run on renewables?
Winter cold is upon us in my mid-Atlantic US location.
I would like to express that AGW has been a disappointment, as I do not own a winter home in Florida.
I am expecting Bidenomics to produce as predicted.
Making that winter retreat possible in the future. *
*( If you require a sarc tag, I wasn’t talking to you. 🙂 )
Also, this is fun.
I had not known Martha Stewart was Samurai.
Get yours before they run out.*
*( If you require a sarc tag, you are probably already a consumer of this product. 🙂 )
Hopefully Pfizer vaccine production knowledge is superior to their sword sharpening knowledge.
Nor should anyone make any association with COVID vaccination and hara kiri.
Alistair Cooke writing about his earliest days in New York in “Letter from America,” commented of the constant threats from Russia and the escalation of arms. Also of his knowledge of Anwar Sadat and General Dayan and Jimmie Carter and wished they could calm down, “ but they can’t sit down to talk about Israel or the possibility of a Palestinian homeland as they are obsessed with their own ideologies. They are like a man who agrees to play a game but only on the understanding he shall win. Consequently they have no disposition to begin by saying “what and where are you prepared to lose ( and compromise)”
In his apartment looking over Central park he commented on how, when he was first there, he could watch people strolling, chatting, sitting, eating ice creams and how in later years that had changed to joggers- “jogging jogging jogging around the long circumference of the reservoir.“ “They are all very earnest and so they are all ideologues, for earnestness is the only soil in which ideology can grow.”
This was written in 1977 and 3 things struck me. The first being of course that here we are over 45 years later and still the Palestine question remains, by all accounts Israel have agreed to share territory four times and Hamas have refused to play the game, wanting only an outright win, not compromises. The second is that Putin is an ideologue, so as regards Russian leaders nothing has changed there.
The third thing was the remark about the joggers. We can readily relate this earnestness to Climate activists convinced that not only are they right on the science, but that theirs is a moral crusade to save the planet and humanity and refusing to listen to other points of view. Having a rational conversation with someone neutral on the topic of the climate is one thing, but having it with a climate ideologue is quite another, as they are convinced it is invariably “catastrophic climate change” and the planet and humanity need to be saved at all costs.
Alistair Crooke on the latest extremist politics in Israel and Ukraine:
So will Wilders gain power in Holland or will other parties deny it to him? He needs the support of several other parties one of which has already turned him down, so his policies may need to be watered down to attract other parties.
Wilders is surprisingly liberal on many social issues but his stance on immigration is of course what splits people.
Geert Wilders has offended so many “peace loving” supporters of terrorism that he and his family require 24/7 police protection and have done so for years.
It’s great news he was elected. The Left is in melt-down.
…but he has yet to undo the damage caused.
Will he? Will he be ALLOWED to?
Always entertaining that the radicals threaten to kill their opposition.
Next level ad-hominem.
“We’re saving the planet by killing anyone who talks sense and reason.”
That’s the way!
5 years later, they’ll be eating maggots by candlelight.
On December 8th the German govt will have been in power for 2 years and on that date generous pensions of 4600 euros per month are triggered for ministers
As the article notes, its no wonder no one is resigning over the many issues Germany is currently facing as they slide into recession whilst being overwhelmed by migrants. They are waiting for their pension bonanza
Zugspitze in the German Alps hit -19.2 C yesterday (yes that’s 19 BELOW zero) as a frigid northerly blizzard – Storm Dr Thunberg? – slammed alpine regions, with more on the way this week, and it’s not even winter, ouch.
The EU ski resorts are opening early with high snowfall – not yet setting new records though:
There is a lot of incorrect assumptions made about weather and climate. A record warm September in the NH is going to lead to record snowfall come November and December.
It appears not many people make the connection the show is made from water that comes out of the ocean. Warm ocean means more atmospheric water leading to more snowfall.
The ,modellers are starting to realise they have snow wrong in their models:
But then they cannot connect the dots and come up with this nonsense:
You only need to give its a moments notice that more snowfall will result in fall overtaking melt such that ice becomes permanent. Once the ice becomes permanent, where does it go? Well, it slowly flows down into those warmer valleys causing them to also cool because it is not easy to warm over 0C and any fresh snow is highly reflective.
Warming northern oceans is the harbinger of the coming glaciation.
NOAA has changed its warm forecast for this European winter, its now going to be closer to average.
Is it cynical or observant to anticipate a homogenisation of data, in the not-too-distant future?
When the facts change, I change,
(the data.)
But, But, But they said there would be less snow…
That was before there was more snow.
Now more snow is a paradox that they always predicted in a warming world.
I know reporters are not able to think but if there was one, they might ask how much more snow!
Of course the ultimate paradox means that warmer oceans in the northern hemisphere means glaciation cometh. In a decade or two, this will be obvious to climate modellers.
And if they think burning more coal is the answer to avoid it, then they will still be wrong about what CO2 does.
The modellers are starting to realise they have snow wrong in their models:”
…Like clouds, They just don’t know clouds (or snow) at all.
That’s normal there at this time of the year. In mid winter in Munich it’s like that. Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey – no moderating Gulf Stream.
“generous pensions of 4600 euros per month are triggered for ministers”
Pffft, mere peanuts, now if you want a parliamentary pension Victoria (Aust) is the place to be. Our recently departed Dear Leader is on three hundred thousand dollars, yes $300,000.00 , per year for life. At an exchange rate of .60 Euros to $1.00, Dans on Euro 15,000.00 a month.
Now that’s what we call a pension!
But might it be worth 15,000 a month – simply to see the back of him?
Offshore Wind cannot be justified
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
Paul Driessen and I just finished a study on the impact of offshore wind developments on CO2 emissions, since emission reduction is their primary justification. Turns out global emissions from mining, processing, manufacturing and transportation offset any reductions from power production. We use New Jersey as an example.
How Offshore Wind Drives Up Global Carbon Emissions
By David Wojick, PhD, Paul Driessen, JD
The full report is here:
This article is our Executive Summary. Please share it.
DW: Conclusion 3: Offshore wind projects and infrastructure inflict numerous other costs that
thus far have not been factored into any cost-benefit analyses for the industry.
Yes as demonstrated.
i.e. ignored for the benefit of narrative and short-term profits
Such factors were known. And documented.
The vast emissions brought forward pulse has significant impact on the environment than the “saved” emissions being trickled out over a decade or more. This was obvious early on; and I mean 1970’s when such technologies were initially ruled of general application on scale; only justifiable where the costs of delivering energy by conventional means was too costly.
Yet people are surprised to learn this. Often the same people who are surprised that cleaner air from sensible emissions controls leads to higher temperatures in summer.
Welcome back Bernd!
And often the people surprised to learn that solar panels are ineffective at night [except in Spain …].
Re-posted this at Cliscep.
National apology and recognition for Thalidomide survivors and their families.
I wonder if during this any of them stop to think if history could in any way ever repeat itself. Perhaps Dr. Frances Kathleen Oldham Kelsey would not be invited due to recent events if she were still alive.
“Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey took a bold stance against inadequate testing and corporate pressure when she refused to approve release of” [insert anything at all here}—-
Where was our Dr Frances Kelsey in 2020.
“Where was our”. Ignored, fired, banned from social media and not allowed to enter many premises, with all the other diligent and decent like her would be my guess.
Maybe in 60 years they’ll do the same for Fakevax ™ victims.
As I mentioned recently, Thalidomide is still in use but repurposed.
In Brazil, tragically, a new generation of thalidomide-damaged babies has been identified recently, resulting from patients sharing medicines.
‘Covid linked to deadly diseases, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, bowel disease’
As Australia enters its eighth Covid wave, alarming new research suggests catching the virus could have long-term health implications.
“It’s kind of a silent killer, because you don’t see any outward symptoms for many years,” Dr Albornoz Balmaceda said.
“It may explain why some people who’ve had Covid are more vulnerable to developing neurological symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease.”
But researchers all agree it is early days.
“We don’t have definite proof … but certainly that is the concern that being exposed to this virus may increase the risk in future,” Prof Woodruff told”
We are lied to, so how do we know who or what to believe now…
? a possible headlines in the future:
‘Covid vaccines linked to deadly diseases, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, bowel disease’
(“On Wednesday, 29 November 2023, the Australian Government will issue a formal national apology to all Australians impacted by the Thalidomide Tragedy.”
On Wednesday, 29 November 2067, the Australian Government will issue a formal national apology to all Australians impacted by the Covid vaccines Tragedies
“It is difficult today, to think a tragedy like thalidomide could happen, and it’s a sobering reminder of our duty to put in place measures to protect people from harm.”)
“The vaccines are safe and effective” :
Report Prepared by Worldwide Safety Pfizer
-Cardiovascular AESIs Search criteria: PTs Acute myocardial infarction; Arrhythmia; Cardiac failure; Cardiac failure acute; Cardiogenic shock; Coronary artery disease; Myocardial infarction; Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; Stress cardiomyopathy; Tachycardia
Number of cases: 1403 (3.3% of the total PM dataset), of which 241 are medically confirmed and 1162 are non-medically confirmed;
Reported relevant PTs: Tachycardia (1098), Arrhythmia (102), Myocardial infarction (89), Cardiac failure (80), Acute myocardial infarction (41), Cardiac failure acute (11), Cardiogenic shock and Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (7 each) and Coronary artery disease (6);
-Musculoskeletal AESIs Search criteria: PTs Arthralgia; Arthritis; Arthritis bacterial ; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Polyarthritis; Polyneuropathy; Post viral fatigue syndrome; Rheumatoid arthritis
Number of cases: 3600 (8.5% of the total PM dataset), of which 2045 medically confirmed and 1555 non-medically confirmed;
Reported relevant PTs: Arthralgia (3525), Arthritis (70), Rheumatoid arthritis (26), Polyarthritis (5), Polyneuropathy, Post viral fatigue syndrome, Chronic fatigue syndrome (4 each), Arthritis bacterial (1);
EMA (European Medicine Agency) November 2021:
– Missing Information: Use in patients with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders
Risk-benefit impact: There is limited information on the safety of the vaccine in individuals with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders and a theoretical concern that the vaccine may exacerbate their underlying disease.
-Missing Information: Interaction with other vaccines
Risk-benefit impact: COVID-19 mRNA vaccine will be used in individuals who also may receive other vaccines. Studies to determine if co-administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine with other vaccines may affect the efficacy or safety of either vaccine have not been performed. One protocol study (C4591030 – Co-administration study with seasonal influenza vaccine) is planned.
-Missing Information: Long term safety data
Risk-benefit impact: The long-term safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is unknown at present, however further safety data are being collected in ongoing Study C4591001 for up to 2 years following administration of dose 2 of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and 2 non-interventional studies (C4591036 and C4591038) are planned.
from 8 Dec 2020
Department of Pediatrics
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee
RE: Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments related to
consideration of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
Dear Colleagues,
I am a pediatric specialist caring for children with the multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). I am concerned about the possibility that the new vaccines aimed at creating immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (including the mRNA vaccines of Moderna and Pfizer) have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in a way that is not currently being assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs.
….While there are pieces to this puzzle that have yet to be worked out, it appears that the viral spike protein that is the target of the major SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is also one of the key agents causing the damage to distant organs that may include the brain, heart, lung, and kidney.
Before any of these vaccines are approved for widespread use in humans, it is important to assess in vaccinated subjects the effects of vaccination on the heart (perhaps using cardiac MRI, as Puntmann et al. did).
Vaccinated patients could also be tested for distant tissue damage in deltoid area skin biopsies, as employed by Magro et al. As important as it is to quickly arrest the spread of the virus by immunizing the population, it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on these other organs.
Brownstone Institute:
‘Dr. Fauci Comes Clean on Vaccines and Respiratory Viruses’
FEBRUARY 21, 2023
“Attempting to control mucosal respiratory viruses with systemically administered non-replicating vaccines has thus far been largely unsuccessful.” ~ Dr A Fauci (former director of NIAID), 2023, commenting on vaccines for Covid-19.
-on substack, Dr.Byram W.Bridle
“It Takes at Least a Decade to Be Sure a New Vaccine is Safe
After Twelve Years You Could Find Out That All Hell Broke Loose, Then What Have You Done” [Source: Dr. Anthony Fauci]
In a certain way I hate EXCEL, as for climate data timeseries starting earlier than 1900 there is no useful way to work normaly with these dates as dragging for expanding the row, just when getting the dates with Julian days.
Correctly spelled “Ex Hell” I heard
Every time I point out the FACT that there is NO “hot spot” after 30 years of waiting for it to show up the warmist/alarmist trot out the long discredited Sherwood papers, then I counter by pointing out the NOAA hasn’t accepted the made up data Sherwood cooked up to claim he corrected the Radio Sonde data, this FACT gets ignored which is why they have no credibility when it becomes clear they knowingly pushing a lie thus it is a CULT they are in heck I even posted the link straight to the NOAA Radia Sonde data website they ignore it.
These people are fully programmed climate cultists who can’t see what a fool they have become so deeply programmed to defend something that doesn’t exist.
It is really sad.
Lots of them out on the Hunter River yesterday blockading the coal terminal.
I wonder if they will be protesting if an offshore windfarm goes ahead?
Well fancy that….
A new outbreak of a “mystery respiratory illness” in China.
Nothing to see here…
Don’t worry with enough time Chinese authorities will be able to explain it as evidenced by their latest discovery further proving the original covid wasn’t a lab leak.
[Chanting] “All pangolin lives matter”
The real concern now is the obsession with vaxxing kids and babies no matter what, and Bill Gates’ claiming 2024 will be a bigger-than-Covid p(l)andemic outbreak mainly affecting kids.
As I said, it’ll have to be born of man (we created the environment (or destroyed the environment. Wink.)) for the next ‘demic to run wild. There’s nothing in the wild of concern.
Well before POTUS kiddy-sniffer’s election demise…
Amend that to read:
“or destroyed the microbiome environment. Wink, wink”
More Aussie freedoms gone.
In this case the right and the freedom to film walking and camping off-track in the wilderness in the process of gold prospecting.
Just read an item about declaring any medical condition that may affect your ability to drive. Specifically, it was about autism.
This set my mind to thinking about all the kids that are currently being diagnosed with autism/ADHD to get them registered for NDIS benefits. For some children, such a diagnosis will be beneficial. Still, there will be others who may be simply travelling through normal childhood development but will forever be blighted by a questionable diagnosis by a well-meaning system. You can bet that insurance companies will use an undeclared diagnosis for any of the numerous childhood temporary afflictions as a reason for not paying claims.
My hearing has been going downhill for thirty years, maybe longer. I now can’t take part in a conversation with more than one or a noisy background. Now I am fighting to get back my driver’s licence because somebody in the medical chain has put dementia on my list of comorbidities. I do have a cognisance problem, but it is deafness, not dementia.
I felt at my last consultation that my neurologist didn’t see me. He only saw the notes he wrote last night in preparation for seeing me. I think Australia’s health system will never recover from the damage done to it by the mismanagement of CV19. People are broken.
I have come to the conclusion that you shouldn’t tell the quacks too much. It might get used against you.
Our small town medical practice is these days more akin to a medical rotisserie as you rarely see the same medico. Which means you better be up to speed on your medical history as the person you are to see might not be.
One appointment I had was on a not so busy day and the medico was reading down my record when I heard him say – “Impossible!”
He turned to me and said “It says here that you have had a heart attack!”
Answer was “Not that I know about!” – or that I’ve been told about since
My 97year old mother had a coclear ear implant last year – greatly improved her hearing
One of my hundred or so regular uselesstube channels is Dave’s Garage – a former M$ developer back in the DOS/early Win days.
Watch a few of his videos. Does he look fit to drive?
He has Autism.
Autism is more of a social perception issue than intellectual/real world functionality issue.
The new standards state that autistic people may struggle with “managing attention and distraction, understanding non-verbal communication from other drivers, planning and organisation of the driving task and adapting to unexpected change, sensory sensitivities (e.g. glare and sound), emotional regulation and input overload, repetitive behaviours such as rocking or hand flapping”.
BPPV however IS a rapidly growing problem and CAN seriously impact on driving but not being discriminated against as we see here with Autism.
They have generated a whole new industry. An industry eating us for breakfast.
Methinks that was Julia’s intention.
Most thinking people know about the “renewables” rort but how many are aware of the massive rorting of NDIS? It is a disgrace.
Surprisingly however, the Kanberra Kommies do seem to be aware of NDIS fraud in relation to autism.
David. With all due respect but you are a few rorts short of a full hand on human dishonesty. Anything AND everything that has a government policy or agency attached/involved is open to rorting. LOL.
A few years ago all the rorting of government childcare support was exposed – particularly in Adelaide – where some enterprising families swapped their children for after school care. Family A kids went to family B and family B kids went to family A. Both family A and B could then “honestly” qualify for the government subsidy on after school care. Channel 7 had a great clip of one of their reporters being chased down a driveway by a woman with a broom who wasn’t too happy having her involvement in this rort exposed.
As far as NDIS thangs go being in retail I noticed a sudden rise in elderly people, particularly in wheelchairs, start coming through the check outs being accompanied/pushed by younger people who were obviously acting as carers ie not related. One early transaction stands out as the carer was dressed particularly garishly and very nervously asked me if she could get money out as part of the transaction. When I said yes, she asked for $20 cash back.
Apart from her garish make up and dress-sense and her nervousness concerning cashback – a well-known standard offering and often used part of some transactions – I noted the wheelchair had been pushed some distance from the counter.
Without a word of a lie the following week the same wheelchair gets pushed past me away from counter, the same Ms Garish places a couple of items on the counter and confidently asks for $300 cash out. Glad to say never served her again after that so just maybe this amateur rort got stepped on early.
[To avoid overlong initial response here part 2]
Then there are rorts within rorts. Of course the original rorters dont like it if they are rorted so the johnnie come lately rort is closed down.
This one seems to have gone straight through to the keeper.
We all know insurance in superannuation is a massive rort for the funds and a great source of income for the unions who have paid representation on industry fund boards to “safeguard their member’s interests”.
Seems individual Disability Income Insurance (IDII) became a problem from 2014:
“…which saw life insurers lose more than $3.4 billion on individual disability income products over the prior 5 years[2]. (Alarmingly, a third of these losses – $1.1 billion – came in the last 12 months alone.)”
The linked article also notes:
“The combination of these factors meant that claimants could quite literally be financially better off on claim, significantly reducing their incentive to return to work.”
and to be sure:
Yep- The Govt only exists to make politicians rich, so corruption abounds in anything they do. That’s their only incentive, and incentives are what drive people.
They wouldn’t pass any law that didn’t have money in it for them, either directly from buying the land before announcing the developments, or indirectly through passing a law in return for bribes. The best ones can get a fat pension based on their complete lack of honesty plus a sinecure on some semi-Govt board somewhere.
Then it spreads down into the bureaucracy and their public mates. Bureaucrats need a bigger empire from more ‘clients’ and the spivs need a rort they can use to get rich quick.
I think most Western countries have passed laws to ‘bail-out’ the mainstream media, which is just buying their cooperation, and ‘misinformation laws’ are there to make sure the media stays bought. The ever-increasing billions spent on publicity by the State means all those ads buys cooperation from the media too. Don’t expect much in the way of shock horror revelations of dodgy dealings.
There’s a lot to be said for the complete collapse of a society every now and then to reset the system.
I haven’t paid close attention, but it looked to me that some people were in on the ground floor with this particular rort, while real people were still reading the paper.
Could it be that Julia’s primary motive was not to render any service, but to bust the system?
David – thanks.
I sort of got the gist – but for other non-Aussies, NDIS is National Disability Insurance Scheme; I think a Government [=Taxpayer] subvention to those differently-abled, as decided by government, if seems, from a quick scan.
Blockade of Newcastle Harbor
Climate activist group Rising Tide has vowed to stage the largest civil disobedience action in Australia’s history by stopping coal ships with kayaks.
Kayaks are commonly made of polycarbonate which is made from fossil fuels!!!
Yes, you would be hard pressed to find one made of birch and deer hide.
“The “Appeal to the Noble Savage” Fallacy”
“If that’s the “Appeal to Authority” fallacy, let’s call this new thing the “Appeal to the Noble Savage” fallacy. It holds indigenous people to be the most worthy among all peoples, and incapable of engaging in human acts of cruelty. It holds them on a pedestal. The Appeal to the Noble Savage fallacy imagines indigenous people to be, well, not exactly human.”
And comments at SDA
The Aboriginals (aka First Nations Peoples) were never a nation just are 500 warring tribes who took females as the prize of war.
Aboriginals were not the first to inhabit Australia – the Negritos were here first (History of Australia by Manning Clark)
Fabrication of History by Aboriginal activists who have a useful idiot in Albanese.
‘ … the Negritos were here first …’
The Tasmanians may have come down from New Guinea.
The rewriting of History
The Australian Museum is hardly a credible source funded by woke government
Here is the argument to support the theory, authored by Windshuttle.
I thought the final para was interesting. “Always ask ‘First Nations’ people” about the history of occupation of this land, as if they would know any better than anyone else who occupied Australia, 60,000 years ago, or before. What hubris!
There are a few tribes that refer to a people that were here before them as the old ones , the Bradshaw style of rock paintings is often referred to in this way .
After claims about antiquity it has now been dated to 18,000 years ago.
Then there is the demise of the Diprotodon, supposedly claimed by one group to have been wiped out by newly arrived aborigines about 45,000 years ago (thus stressing their early arrival) whereas another lot claimed they were the victims of the magnetic ‘pause’ 42,000 years ago (Chris Turney, a professor at UNSW Science and co-lead author of the study**) and/or unable to survive the ‘new’ advent of hunting techniques of new aborigines.
It now turned out that the Diprotodon survived to 30,000 or even 25,000 years ago.
And with the different physiology of the Kow swamp remains there must be some doubt about “we’ve always been here”.
** Of the Ship of Fools Antarctica expedition 10 years ago.
Let’s not forget about how pygmy Aborigines have been unpersonned by the Left and written put of history because they don’t fit the Official Narrative. Also mentioned by Manning Clark.
“Luxury Beliefs”
“Climate Change” is a modern day religion with Net Zero being its gospel
Cambridge University academic and social commentator Rob Henderson has explored the concept of “luxury beliefs”, which he says are ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class while often inflicting costs on those less well off. Henderson is controversial for his views on a range of issues but it is possible to see the public swell of support both for renewable energy and climate-change action in terms of them being a luxury belief.
Pro-climate action helped propel the Albanese government, together with a raft of climate-focused independents, most notably the Teals, into office. The danger for the political class is that once a specific luxury belief loses social value, people are eager to discard it.
Net Zero is not economically feasible or even possible and attempts to achieve it will cause massive environmental damage
Please note that here a “stolen election” in US is not compared with 1922 Australia.
Our election was honestly won with help of rape claims by innocent young girls.
“The Limits Of ‘Science'”
Various things in there, including
“How about so-called “climate change”?
Well how is this all working out? We were told that the price and stability of “green” energy would be superior to fossil fuels. We’re also told that we’re dirty pigs for using said fossil fuels.
The latter is absolutely a lie and the former is proving to be one.”
Since my wife’s cancer diagnosis I have been researching the condition and treatments. In so doing I came across a blog for ovarian cancer sufferers, which has been helpful in several ways. One of the things they do is publish medical resources such as advice from health professionals.
This morning, they have put up an article from a doctor advising cancer patients to get vaccinated against Covid and/or keep up to date with boosters. In the article, he claims that the vaccines are safe and effective. He advises women with OV, who are currently receiving chemotherapy or surgical procedures to get vaccinated without delay. Based on my wife’s experience so far with chemo, which has been quite debilitating, I find this advice disturbing.
It is disturbing Steve.
“Economic opportunities of net zero”!!!
This is the excuse of Chris Bowen for destroying Australia’s energy independence and reliable power grid
“This is a shared endeavour: we must work together to do what’s both possible and practical to stop dangerous climate change and realise the economic opportunities of net zero,” he says. “The end result will be six net-zero sectoral plans that are robust, ambitious but achievable, and accepted by the broader community.”
Even if global temperatures were to rise by 1.5 C – why would this be “dangerous”? Global temperatures have been higher in the past such as the Medieval Warm Period.
Warming and more CO2 improves the growing season and crop yields -It is cold periods that are “dangerous” Mr Bowen
Survival Lilly – Very concerning message!
She’s great isn’t she?
Benjamin Franklin said: Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Tragically, Australia’s Uniparty Governments jump at any opportunity for more power, control and surveillance and will love these new European proposals.
At least Europe has Geert Wilders and the United States has the possibility of a Trump presidency but who does Australia have? Certainly no one in the Uniparty.
So vote for the conservative-oriented parties:
-United Australia Party
-Liberal Democrats
-One Nation
Shes great isn’t she?
No. She’s an all-in climate change spook as far as I know.
And they want the world to go vegan to stop global warming.
What is the Carbon footprint of Airbus Albo?
Why not use video conferencing to “Save the Planet”???
Here in South Aus, my espresso machine shorted and flicked off the RC. A day later, my table lamp flickered on and off while plugged in and switched on at the power point but not its rocker switch. There seems to be short blackouts more often as well.
I’m wondering if they have good control of the electricity coming down the lines.
Have you bought a home generator yet?
More likely to get worse rather than better
I can fill my 44kg LPG bottle at a rate of Au$1.10 / lit so I’m getting my local LPG mechanic to help me convert an old Chinese 2400W genny to gas. I was given it for free so if it dies there’s no great loss. My fridge and freezer draw 230W and the rest will feed into my batteries. Usually generators are quite wasteful if idling along running items that only draw 10% of capacity. Better to use 90% capacity all the time and then turn it off.
“I’m wondering if they have good control of the electricity coming down the lines.”
No need to wonder…… they haven’t.
Get yourself a digital voltmeter that plugs into the wall socket, mine reads around 253v most times, and I have checked it against 3 other meters , they all read the same.
Short answer is “NO”. Nothing new here. In the days when we had reliable, cheap energy we used gas turbine back-up…known as peakers. So the process of supply reliability requires watching supply and demand constantly and having the plant ready to cope with breakdown etc. Now with our unreliable ,expensive energy we seem quite happy with having lost the plot. Going from about 40 manageable sources to 400 plus unreliable sources very distant from the consumers. Bowen refuses to acknowledge that the electricity is only useful when it is accsessible by the consumer…and that transmission costs big $. So it might be “free” on the farmers’ land but it is way dearer when delivered to the consumers’ cooktop.
I bought a few of these … very happy with them.
Not the best of the best power supplies by any means, but good value for money, easy to use, and robust.
Four of the outlets have battery backup, but all 8 outlets have voltage regulation … although a coffee machine might be at the limit of what it can handle.
That little Spanish boy, Carbo El Niño, can do anything girls can do:
Las Lenas in the Argentine Andes to open for ‘summer skiing and riding’ due to SO MUCH SNOW of which “some have tied to the strong El Niño which means there’s a lot of snow left up high this summer”, via
But what about the heat! the burning! the drought and melting snows! Thanks to your wettest (and coolest?) November evaaah! our Southern Alps are forecast to receive sub-zero snowfall toward the end of the week – December 1st – which will mean a full house, 12 out of 12, for snow falling every single month in 2023, which is the standard state of affairs, no change at all. Oh dear, and I was so looking forward to a ‘long hot dry summer’ like we used to get.
The subtropical ridge is too far south and blocking highs are the new normal.
NZ should receive a cold air outbreak from Antarctic waters later in the week.
I was obligated by result of marriage this past week, to socialize against my will, in a US traditional ritual where we mark the conquering of the indigenous by murdering turkeys.
I was cornered into unsought after general political discussion, with a young man, 40 (young in comparison to me).
He was well into the spirits and I do not drink.
Fearing such an encounter, I had prepared an early departure, and did so after forcefully expressing my asked for opinions.
Of course, climate was part of the discussion, and as we know, those most fearful and adamant, are woefully ignorant of the facts.
I was later informed by the wife unit, that I had upset the young man.
I have realized that most people are victims of highly sophisticated cognitive warfare.
I think that many are beginning to sense they’ve been had.
This unraveling psychological pogrom has many victims.
We can’t just give them food and water without consideration for their delicate condition.
“I was later informed by the wife unit, that I had upset the young man.”
Well done you, mission successful.
In New Jersey, USA another man is breaking women’s swimming records.
As Leftists say “so stunning and brave” (do I need a sarc tag?).
Also noted in the same video, there was in fact a “three gender” swimming competition with categories for men, women and transgender but no competitors turnrd up to the transgender event.
Transgender is so passe`
Remember Kenny Everetts character Miss Cupid Stunt.
“Despicable lies are on the rise”
Examples 1, 2 and 3
ARENA (Australian Renewable Energy Agency) has provided $20.4 M towards a $47.53M project to develop a capillary- fed electrolyser to produce hydrogen (1).
The company designing the electrolyser, Hysata, will build a 5Mw unit that is 95% efficient and according to its website (2), the electrolyser can produce one kilogram of H2 using only 41.5Kw/hrs of electricity and at a cost of US$1.6, or about AUD$2.
Two dollar per kilo hydrogen therefore requires electricity to be supplied at 4.82 cents per kilowatt hour, without any consideration of the associated capital costs.
Courtesy of massive taxpayer subsidies no doubt.
(1) Hysata Capillary-fed’ Electrolyser Commercial-Scale Demonstration Project – Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)
(2) Our Technology – Hysata
USD1.60 = AD2.50
Only 25% out
See “Govt rorts” discussion above… Everyone knows this will never work, but they are shuffling it around to see who can get their hands on a slice of that $20million. You never give away someone else’s money without making sure some of it sticks to you…
WUWT findung:
Mann’s Other Nature Trick
Why not both?
Smart, evil people will quite sensibly find idiots to send out to do their dirty work. The difficult part is finding the strings conecting the puppet back to the master.
Very BO and JB.
Do you know of any public global warming fraud advocates that AREN’T making $$$$ out of the scam?
“Natural Immunity Better Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination: Study”
The MSM may beat up the story of a large iceberg as proof of global warming.
‘The iceberg, known as A23a, split from the Antarctic’s Filchner Ice Shelf in 1986. But it became stuck to the ocean floor and had remained for many years in the Weddell Sea.
‘The iceberg is about three times the size of New York City and more than twice the size of Greater London, measuring around 4,000 square kilometers (1,500 square miles).’ (ABC News)
No, for once, not even the BBC.
Nothing can possibly go wrong (/s)
“”Extreme Situation”: Fat-Finger Trade Sends Finnish Power Prices Crashing Deeply Negative”
Putin? Climate change? Trump? Or all three?
Also on that page-
Pfizer is suing Poland for not taking 60million RNA doses they were allocated, under a different Polish Govt via EU negotiations by VD Leyen.. Hopefully the Court will force full disclosure of the contract that was signed.
When is too much money not enough ? Ask Pfizer.
Also refer #31 above.
More on that in link at #41
All your stuff is made of oil you idiot video:
El Nino alarmism reduces the price of cattle.
‘Cattle Australia deputy chair Garry Edwards said cattle prices were undervalued and spending all year talking about El Niño had not helped.
“My personal opinion is that there’s been a chronic overreaction to the [weather] bureau announcing El Niño,” he said.
“I think the bureau potentially go earlier and stronger in those [El Niño] announcements than they might have in the past, which may force or encourage producers to make more significant and dramatic decisions earlier than what they’d [previously] make.” (ABC(
They have been talking of a long, hot summer.With summer starting this week. At Mudgee, it has been primed with a cool, damp week with more rain to predicted this week.
A week ago I looked at our back lawn. It looked dead, after a few warm days on below average rain. Looking at it this morning, in another week it will need mowing.
‘Twas ever so.
Down in Bathurst we had a huge dump of rain (28 mm) the other night, but a lot of the villages roundabout got zip.
Needless to say, everything is greening .
Ditto here NSW s coast……but that mowing needed to be done today !
Some of the grass was 6+” tall !
Same here in the Blue Mountains. We have had about 40mm of rain in the last 48 hours and lawn that looked like it had given up the ghost is turning green. All the garden plants are turgid again and you can just about hear them sucking in the CO2.
Yes, another intelligence test for farmers… If they haven’t figured out that the Govt can’t be trusted to tell you the weather they shouldn’t be farming! Blunt, down-to-earth practical people who watch the skies and the plants growing in the dirt?? ..or people who watch ABC & believe the forecasters?
Sadly, more the latter these days. Farmers have long been weather doomsayers, coming from the fact it is often too wet or too dry for their farming practices. So, they are quite susceptible to the climate change spook.
Here mid coast nsw we had a very dry early spring but since it’s been absolutely perfect, grass everywhere now. But when that dry was on everyone was all spooked, this is the new normal, all that stuff was commonly heard. People have been softened up quite nicely.
Temu Pinduoduo Flooded With Fakes & Trash, Dare to Shop at These Platforms? Made in China Is Dubious
China’s Running out of Safe / Clean Food
WATCH: Greta Thunberg Takes the Mask Off Fully, as She Chants to ‘Crush Zionism’ at Disturbing Rally
Well, the bodies were turning green! 🙂
‘Green’ Funeral Home Director Facing 200 Charges After Dozens of Bodies Found
‘I Worked With Putin: Here’s What You Don’t Know About Him’ – please take with a dose of salt. 😎️
meh.. Youtube… for people who can’t read and write. If he wrote his opinion I’d read it, its always interesting to see politics at work.
Yes, me. I love Youtube. Greatest invention of the 21st century. Even with all its censorship, its still not too bad. A lot of people deserve to be censored they’re so absurdly radical. But it brought a complete revolution to broadcasting, no longer being limited to the chosen few, when censorship was extremely high.
Reading the written form is fine too, but why condemn video? It’s just another medium.
““Good Faith” ”
“Politico- Pfizer is suing Poland over vaccines. This is how we got here”
More in here –
and other things
Caption of a cartoon doing the rounds in US
“Instead of waiting on Black Friday for
prices to drop you could’ve just voted
for Trump”
Vegans Threaten to Cancel Chef!
I don’t think it’s hit the Lamestream media yet, and may not, but Estonia has rejected WHO’s plandemic treaty.
I don’t think the present Marxist regime we have in Australia will.
Here’s a minor link
The “big guys” may still be trying to work out how to spin this story.
I’d led a sheltered life here in Australia, shielded from the US tradition of Thanksgiving.
My first true engagement with it was late one evening, watching an episode of WKRP in Cincinnati. There was always something to learn on TV.
Sunday – sitting here without power due to a power pole fire, wet and rainy outside but quite warm at 15C inside.
Power should be back in 6 hours or so.
Feeling the urge to yell out “this will be your life every week on renewables, suckers!” at the top of my voice but I’d better not.
A wake up call to buy a home generator
I got one for $300
Rule #1 Never trust your government
The guy up the road had his running.
You need a quality unit, preferably not made in China. That’s problem 1.
Two Aussie brands, made in Oz- Powerlite and Gentech.
Ideally pure sine especially if you want to power important electronic gear, THD 3% or less.
The biggest problem is surge rating, especially with motor-based equipment. A fridge or aircon can power-on surge to 3 or 4 times its rating.
If your inverter or gen can’t handle that surge it’ll trip out.
Total continuous load for a house is say 4kW (you have to cut back in an outage), so that at a minimum but a surge rating of 8-10kW would be nice, but hard to find.
A surge time of 0.2 seconds or greater is good.
The problem is that without spending big, there are few products out there worth buying that fit the bill.
There was a truly exceptional inverter years ago by an Oz company with a 30 seconds (!!!!!!) surge rating, but they discontinued them to focus on other things. Must check to see if they have them again…
Overthinking it to the point of doing nothing. Everything does not have to turn on at once. Most modern aircons and fridges are soft start anyway. We run a standard house on a 3600kVa generator, with a bit of thought about what we are doing (inc AC)
3600 VA generator, surely?
Rather tight for a house, in the range of a one room split system aircon.
“A wake up call to buy a home generator
I got one for $300”
Small home?
And I’d suspect Rule #2 might be “Have dubious trust in a $300 back up generator”
A $300 generator will keep the internet on + a TV plus fridge running to keep the beer cold
What more do you need?
Lights ?
..but if you are intending to buy a genny, dont go too cheap, or too small…and certainly do not fall for one of those two stroke powered ones !
A 6 hp 4stroke (honda/ Briggs type) motor driving a “pure sine wave, inverter” generator of about 2.7- 3.0 kW …can be found for $600-$900 or less.
Brand names are expensive, but unless you are a tradie or a mobile coffee van, needing continuous usage , a non brand will serve well for emergency back up
I had a small cheap genny which would only just run my fridge, freezer and a few lights. One day I over loaded it and popped the run capacitor ($40) as the unit lacked a circuit breaker. Fires destroyed that item so I spent $1400 on a proper big unit that runs everything and has 240AC and 12V DC power take-off options. It’s a bit heavy to to load onto my trailer for building site use but with the addition of wheels it’s just portable.
I got one of these, but it cost a lot more that $300.
I would say, it’s handy and adequate at a pinch.
It did run the coffee machine one morning but struggled a bit and we had to connect ONLY the coffee machine … but we got coffee and that’s what matters
Would be interested to know what’s out there for $300.
I saw some digital A/C inverters you can clip to your car while running on idle and use that as a generator. Interesting idea, havent’t tried it but I guess the efficency is low.
Here in Western Australia, we were texted by the provider to minimise our electrical power consumption due to bushfires and the extreme heat (only 40°C).
A few days earlier, it was suggested that we set our airconditioner thermostats to 24°C. Apparently devised by those who don’t live in the real world; who set their’s to 26°C in summer because it’s cool enough compared to outside. And have been doing that for many years, to save money.
There were times, when producers would encourage their customers to use more of their product. Alas; the product is being rationed.
CP: End Game: Nuclear War With Iran or Financial Crash
“Gee this bloke is good.”
Javier Milei
“Politicians are sociopaths trying to make us believe we are mentally disabled, that we cannot live without them, but it’s actually politicians who cannot live without us..”
“Meanwhile, things have gone from bad to worse for climate activists in Germany this week after a court ruling that’s forcing the government to do something truly shocking: be honest to voters about how much the net-zero energy transition will really cost.”
More at
Might produce more useful figures with which to trip “ElBowen” ?
Doctor Who, The Star Beast 2023 special is out now, following the 60th anniversary last Thursday, and we all re-watched “An unearthly child” didn’t we…
3 more episodes to go this year.
In defiance of the Lefty Lunatics in Victoriastan, I am pleased to report my local fish and chip shop still provides plastic knives and forks for the eating pleasure of their customers. All the thinking people I know hate the texture and taste of the woke bamboo alternatives, probably made by Asian slaves. There must be an interstate smuggling operation for the plastic products.
It was a huge tragedy when Maccas replaced plastic straws with paper ones that go limp halfway through your drink.
I hear that there are some concerns about the health effects of the chemicals used to make paper straws repel water,
Part of the problem with the paper straws is that the inside diameter is a lot smaller than what was in the plastic ones
They walk / drive among us:
“The Green Energy Wall Gradually Coming Into Focus”
Chris Bowen is a case in point of throwing more taxpayer money as the green energy wall is looming in Oz
“Unstable Models: NOAA Substantially Cools Its December Mean Temperature Forecast For Europe”
High latitude blocking is behind the cold weather conditions in the US and Europe.
Rain and cattle markets –
““Sellers have turned into buyers” as EYCI climbs more than 120c in a month”
Honest Government Ad – How to rig elections
Late night philosophical ramblings – there definitely weren’t 8 billion old souls, waiting to jump into 8 billion bodies! I guess we all gotta start somewhere? This might have been a great leap forward anyway??
Hostage math is *^#%)0^&;!
“COP28: Who Matters?”
“All the hoopla about COP28, all the travel, the extravagance, the pontification, speeches, grandstanding, handshaking and general pretense that they are “doing something” will amount to nothing.”
More at
In comments –
“There is nothing like an annual Hajj to assure one’s place in paradise.”