By Jo Nova
Top 20 Energy mining nations are planning to increase production, not decrease it.
Despite 151 nations signing the Paris Agreement, the UNEP has all but admitted that most of the world is not even pretending to meet their emissions promises. As is obvious in the graph below, governments of the top 20 producers of the evil coal, oil and gas are planning to dig up even more of it by 2030 than they do now. These 20 nations produce 80% of the world’s fossil fuels and somewhere out there are lots of customers.
The report appears to be a scorecard to guilt-trip the 20 naughty nations into giving up warmth, food or billions of dollars in exports, but it reads like the Paris Agreement is pure charade.
Governments plan to produce double the fossil fuels in 2030 than the 1.5°C warming limit allows
Stockholm, 8 November 2023 – A major new report published today finds that governments plan to produce around 110% more fossil fuels in 2030 than would be consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C, and 69% more than would be consistent with 2°C.
Who are we kidding?
The Production Gap really means “The Overshoot”.

Figure ES.1
The fossil fuel production gap — the difference between governments’ plans and projections and levels consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C and 2°C, as expressed in units of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel extraction and burning — remains large and expands over time. (See details in Chapter 2 and Figure 2.1.)
Speaking of which China just opened the new 1,800 kilometer Haoji Railway in 2019* — specifically to carry coal
It has 770 bridges spanning a total of 381 kilometers and 468 kilometers of tunnels. They started it in 2015.
No one is holding back on fossil fuels here: Wow, that is some bridge.
CHINA – China new coal transportation rail network.
100 new coal fired power stations to add to the 3095, all needed to provide the West with products, including solar panels.
So we can pretend we are carbon neutral 🤡
— Elander & the News (@ElanderNews) November 8, 2023
The 2023 Production Gap Report: “Phasing down or phasing up? Top fossil fuel producers plan even more extraction despite climate promises” is produced by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Climate Analytics, E3G, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
*Corrected: The Haoji Railway was not opened this year but just before the Covid pandemic broke out, years after “The Paris Agreement” was signed. Thanks Ross.
It is all so predictable and foolish!
When will we learn?
Yesterday I went to buy some light globes.
My ceiling lights require a linear halogen globe and I was told they are becoming unavailable.
I lost my tag and burst out with a complaint about the “Stupid , stupid , stupid Greens”. The shop assistant was visibly shocked but explained that they are rather poor efficiency. I said I was not interested in efficiency but I was distressed about changing all my light fittings.
I was almost surprised that I was not thrown out of the shop.
I sympathise with you too: I have that quite often now: whether it be electrical /electronic stuff or Mechanical goods – older than – NOT 20-25, but already only 10 years old ( TBF maybe at the end, then of a 20-25 year production run).
You just dunno whether to be the FIRST to buy a new product line, or the last. …. Not even all just made in China, although that is the story you get. ( considering new smartphone with sealed in batteries @ £1000-ish a pop. – just ‘nae chance’ anymore – stuff them ) … but the Gubbermint has spoken and we will have to have / get …. we’ll see. ( could be spoiling the soil by then.)
Check out eBay. There are lots of ‘illegal’ tungsten and halogen globes available, probably from China, but EVERYTHING is made there these days.
Like most “green” (sic) disasters in Australia, they have their origin with the pretend conservative Liberal Party.
It was Turnbull that banned traditional light globes and signed the Paris Agreement.
It was Howard that allowed non-dispatchable generators to connect to the grid and sold much of our gas supply to the Chinese at world’s cheapest prices on a bizarre 30 yr contract with no provision for market price changes or inflation.
I do stage lighting in my spare time and the group I work with has a limited budget. Stage lights last a lifetime, as long as you can still get the lamps. I have floodlights that use a 200w tungsten lamp and so when these were banned by the EU – and hence the UK – I stocked up on these. The next generation of floodlights use a linear halogen….which have now been banned as well. You can’t use any LED lamps as replacements as stage lights are dimmed and these lamps won’t work. Therefore if you can’t get the lamps you are forced down the route of buying new LED stage lights.
They appear to be in it for the long haul.
That rail line appears to be built to manage 100′ of SLR, or I am misinterpreting the video imagery?
Look how the Chinese get things done, unlike Australia which labours(sic) to get any infrastructure – be it roads or energy security completed on time and on budget. Try and tell proponents of renewables that traditional fossil fuels are here to stay. Deluded and smug nation we are.
Aye, I was thinking along that lines too – UK’s HS2 rail project, Scottish A9 Trunk road Dualling ( effectively stalled and just bitsy peacey), Hah! and the Scottish Ferry building fiasco. Maybe should have built towers like that across the Minch and Pentland Firth. Och aye the Noo!
I read, a week or two back (possibly on that fount of truth and fair-handedness, the BBC website) that a twelve mile stretch of trunk road (Possibly in East Anglia, which is fairly flat, and countryside, so no tunnel fiascos) was to be upgraded, at a cost to the Uk suckers (pronounced ‘taxpayers’, in Whitehall) of only £900 million pounds.
Nobody involved was quoted as saying that costs were guaranteed not to rise, or would be looked at critically.
The way things go in the UK nowadays, I guess completion date was two or three Christmasses after the Second Coming …
Unless China is involved in a belt and road project eg in Pakistan or Indonesia, where it seems, the contract is the goal rather than the roads.
China isn’t run by people whos primary goal, is buying themselves a ticket on the gravey train.
Keep it up guys . .
The IT industry and it’s digital twin are reckoned to consume 20% of the worlds electricty. In 5 years that is expected to be 20%
So all the endless computer modelling and reports are having a significant effect on catastrophically apocalyptic climate boiling. Ironic eh?
The whole fraud of global warming/climate change has been a joke and it is on us because we allowed ignorance to triumph. It has also been a triumph for world communism which has successfully destroyed Western economies while strengthening those of China and Russia. When will our politicians admit they have been duped? When will people admit they have been lied to for years, been hit hard in the hip pocket to achieve absolutely nothing in terms of the climate which will continue to change in spite of anything we do? Sometimes the wake up call has to be massive, not easily ignored and inclusive. Blackouts would help but the Opposition must be out on the media putting the facts before the people even if some do not want to here. I was pleased to hear my local member, Dr. David Gillespie, advertising for nuclear power on my local radio station yesterday. It is a start.
In addition there was this headline in today’s Australian.
Costing the earth: support for climate action and renewable falls
As the financial reality of decarbonising our lives becomes increasingly clear – and expensive – there’s growing evidence that it’s a price many individuals are neither willing nor able to pay.
By Graham Lloyd the environment editor.
All those giant solar and wind farms mushrooming round Australia need coal, steel and oil in order to get made. This is the stupid part. Why not just burn the coal directly for energy eh.
Not sure it is wise to keep pushing Nuclear. It’s a second wave disruption strategy from the Greens.
They have a completely separate cohort of useful idiots who have been brainwashed about Nuclear-is-bad after Fukushima.
Imagine the human blockades as you try to get one of these built.
So going that way only sends us back into another mind-changing exercise with a different and fresh audience. Madness.
There is nothing wrong with coal and gas !!!
CO2 is good and not destroying the earth.
Renewables and EVs are a backward step in human evolution.
The tide is turning we need to stay on-message not get sucked into another stupid sidetrack.
AGAIN there is a REAL world and then there is their FANTASY world of maximum BS and FRAUD.
Let’s hope this soon goes down in a screaming heap ASAP and Aussies start to build only BASE-LOAD energy and we stop wasting TRILLIONS of $ by 2030 – 2060 on TOXIC rubbish like their W & S lunacy.
The 1.5 or 2 °C ‘limits’ in the Paris Climate Accord are based on fraudulent climate model results. I have been investigating the early history of these climate models. There are seven key papers that define the climate fraud. Arrhenius started the fraud with his ‘steady state’ air column model in 1896. This created CO2 induced global warming as a mathematical artifact when the CO2 concentration was increased. In 1967, Manabe and Wetherald (M&W) copied Arrhenius and added a 9 or 18 layer radiative transfer model and a fixed relative humidity (RH) distribution. This created a ‘water vapor feedback’ that amplified the initial CO2 warming artifact. M&W then spent the next 8 years building a ‘highly simplified’ global circulation model that incorporated the 1967 model artifacts into every unit cell of the GCM. Then, in 1976 Hansen’s group copied the M&W 1967 model and added the warming artifacts from 10 ‘minor species’. Later, in 1981 Hansen’s group completed the basic climate model fraud and added a slab ocean model, the CO2 doubling ritual and the calculation of the global temperature record using a contrived set of ‘radiative forcings’ to the 1-D RC model. This provided the foundation for the radiative forcing, feedbacks and climate sensitivity used by the IPCC. As computer technology improved, the radiative forcings were split into ‘human caused’ and ‘natural’ forcings. This was used to blame ‘extreme weather’ on human caused radiative forcings. This started with the third IPCC assessment in 2001. The original work was done at the UK Hadley center in 2000 by Stott, Tett and others. This is the foundation of Net Zero
I have posted more details on website at The post can also be downloaded as a .pdf file
I have also reviewed Hansen’s 1981 paper. I found 9 fundamental scientific errors.
Manabe has a lot to answer for. He should be the first to be prosecuted if he lives long enough.
But who dreamt up the “Greenhouse Effect”. That is what has garnered the most attention and where physics and climate modelling parted ways.
For all lies & deception look no further than the 2 biggest frauds…..United Nations and
The World Economic Forum.
In all western countries all government ministers & members of all government organisations
who are members of the WEF must be named, publicly, so as the electorate know who to not vote for in ANY elections!
Maybe we’ll then see improvements in standards of government!
The fact that a developed nation like China (falsely claimed to be Third World by the useful idiots and their Elite leadership) is continued to be allowed to use coal tells you everything you need to know.
Plus, as the Left keep telling us –endlessly-, we all know windmills are the cheapest and most reliable way to produce electricity, so why do they bother building two coal power stations per week?
Waiting for PF to answer.
Has anyone ever seen Peter Fitzroy and Chris Bowen in the same room at the same time?
Yes, and here is Blackout Bowen and PF together doing it super cool like –
Peter F, where are you?
We’re waiting:
Conservatives and fellow rational thinkers shouldn’t make the mistake that the destruction of the energy supply of the West is mere foolishness.
Sure, the useful idiots are ignorant and foolish, but they don’t matter. It’s those that tell them what to do and think that matter and they know EXACTLY what they are doing.
I’m guessing the owners of those houses that were bulldozed didn’t get a lot of compensation. Reminds me a bit of the Berlin wall the way it cuts that village in half. Possibly the ugliest bridge ever built.
Carbon dioxide is only a minor contributor to the forces that control the atmospheric energy balance. That means that most of the temperature changes over the last century were due to natural causes. Since these have not been studied because of the pigheaded focus on a harmless trace gas nobody knows how these natural factors will play out by 2030. Therefore nothing sensible can be said about passing whatever arbitrary ‘limit’ or target.
If you know what has caused the increase that is not CO2, please publish your findings.
Probably that funny yellow thing in the sky.
Has it been constantly increasing its output the last few decades? I didn’t know that.
More to the point is Earth’s orientation relative to the funny yellow thing.
Most people get the reason for night and day. Maybe more than half the people understand obliquity and why we have seasons although they might refer to its as axis tilt. Fewer understand that obliquity is not constant.
Quite a few understand orbital eccentricity and why the Southern Hemisphere currently has brighter sunlight than the NH. But it is less well known that the orbital precession is moving the timing of perihelion. This year it was 5th January while it will be 3rd January in 2024. It occurred on the summer solstice in the SH in 700BC. But by 11,000 perihelion will occur on the summer solstice in the NH. So the peak sunlight in the NH is increasing. The minimum NH summer solstice average sunlight was 483.7W/m^2. It will peak at 505W/m^2 in 11,000. So a rise of 21W/m^2 from the minimum and more than 20W/m^2 from the present. The warming trend in the NH has only been happening for a few centuries..
Think how much more “boiling” of oceans will be occurring when the daily average solar intensity is 20W/m^2 from where it is now. Fortunately ocean surface cannot get hotter than 30C but a lot more can reach that temperature. But the climate system has other powerful negative feedbacks like snow falling on land. Warmer oceans give more snow. The snow eventually overtakes melt and builds up. The elevation of the ice on land increases while the sea level falls so the difference in temperature between ocean and land increases – oceans cannot get warmer than 30C so the land has to get colder. More ocean surface at 30C but a lot more land covered in ice. It is called glaciation and we are watching the start of the next glacial cycle.
It doesn’t matter one jot what “most people think”. Do you think these things are not considered by scientists studying the subject?
If it effects their grant money,there are sure to be some “scientists” that will turn a blind eye to natural climate change. The climategate emails forever changed my opinion on the honesty of scientists in general.
Ah. The money fallacy. A great fall back when you have nothing else.
“The money fallacy .. .. nothing else”
Once upon a time, they say, there was freedom of speech and integrity in science. Some survives, on this site for example, but for how long?
I know they do not consider the solar intensity. They look at the accumulated energy. And that is constant for both hemispheres.
The sun spends 4 days less over the Southern Hemisphere in the present era compared to the NH so achieves greater intensity (per flux). The temperature is strongly related to the intensity rather than the accumulated energy. No where on Earth is accumulated energy correlated with temperature. If it was, the tropics would be boiling because they always have net energy gain and the poles would be at zero Kelvin because they always have net enegy loss.
This is not true.
How ever do they manage to calculate this without including the sun?
Mate they still cant decide of clouds are a positive or negative feedback. What makes you think they have started to consider that the sun changes and how to predict those changes for the future? As stated by RickWill They treat the sun as a constant. They know funding is tied to “if these trends continue the earth is doomed” and any looking at it that results in “nothing to see here” results in job loss. Just look at the two editors that published papers by Dr Richard Lindzen. Both were fired as those papers indirectly challenged the narrative on CO2.
The models include all those things and it is the reason variation in GHGs pop out as the explanation for increased temperatures.
The warming trend in the NH is now well established. The cooling trend in the SH is evident below 40S.
The combined facts that peak solar intensity is moving northward and there is more land in the NH than SH, means the average temperature will continue to trend upward for a long time to come. Will be some ups and down but the trend is well established and nothing will change that for a long time.
The only factor that will level the trend before trending down is increase in permafrost across the NH. And that is still decades to centuries away.
What is and will be increasingly apparent are new snowfall records across the NH for a long time to come. Already some this year.
Warming ocean surface in the NH peaking in late August means more water in the atmosphere peaking in September that puts more water in the atmosphere over land in October that begins dropping out over land below freezing to produce snow. Hence warming ocean surface means more snowfall. Eventually the snowfall will overtake the snow melt and ice will accumulate. So far that is only happening on Greenland but glaciers still calving faster than the ice is accumulating.
Humans are witnessing the first recorded glaciation but many labelling it “Global Warming”.
Last night Andrew Bolt interviewed Gregory Andrews who is on a hunger strike because of our use of coal, gas and our exports overseas.
AGAIN just unbelievable but true. I thought Andrew Bolt was far too easy on this silly loony and I certainly feel sorry for his kids.
I wish Gregory Andrews every possible success in his hunger strike.
Very clever David and I’m tempted to agree with you.
But this bloke represented us overseas. So is this really the best person we Aussies could choose to represent us?
Neville, as they say in disclaimers for investment funds:
Yes, they put in that disclaimer after the WHOLE ad focussed on the past performances of the advertised fund and something else they describe as another fund. It’s un-be-leavable!
Andrews is not serious about the hunger strike.
He is obviously drinking.
He ought to be able to last 3 weeks to a month with only water. I hope he isn’t drinking something more nutritious.
Actually, if healthy he should be able to last up to 70 days with water but no food.
He lacks commitment.
I know of a vaccine that may assist with the general wish for his successful hunger strike!
Possibly, but a VERY bad idea.
Healthy would mean low body fat but the liver would convert body fat into ketones and then selectively catabolise lean protein (muscles) in the worst case to provide the energy the body needs in the absence of food.
Given he isn’t overweight his reserves are minimal and by about 90 days (or before) he’d be very ill or dead, but major health problems will have manifested well before that time.
Severe malnutrition, brain and organ damage, heart damage, impaired immune system, vomiting, infections, electrolyte imbalances, hair loss and Scurvy.
Someone will extremely high fat levels could go many many months (with a doctor’s supervision…) but that’s not the case here.
His virtuous stupidity may leave his family without a father.
I think he should imprison him/her/zhiself in small concrete chamber at the base of a windmill.
And surrender his fate to the goodwill of other Climate believers to bring him food and empty his chamber pot.
Then I will believe his to commitment to the the faith.
Like this …
Why must we continue to pretend this is ‘science’ and not simply a new hysterical religion?
Operating in cohort in the traditional way with the political power structure.
It was a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”.
“Horse de-wormer”.
Educated people actually uttered those words in public. (Whist beating us with a science stick.)
The ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated’ is going to be a doozy.
The Age of ‘Science’ as we imagined it is dead.
We’re even back to the Franks vs. the Saracens.
(Except this time half the Franks are Saracens.)
When and if he does starve himself to death, I hope taxpayers don’t have to pay welfare to support his wife and child.
Also, is he being observed to make sure he doesn’t sneak any food or liquid food drinks? He should have water only (slow way) or no water (faster way).
Interesting comment by the interviewee that he was being “bullied” by the interviewer. Classic response for when there is no opposing argument. “You have got me, I have no answer so I’ll pull out” weak debating skills, poor subject knowledge and the perenial need of religous beliefs to be adhered to just because I told you to!
Regarding the clown on the hunger strike:
I notice he’s not doing it in the middle of winter.
Meanwhile here’s the latest debate between Dr Steve Koonin and Dr Roger Pielke jnr about so called net Zero by 2050.
I think Steve won easily, but Roger had a hard job trying sell the idea that we should shift to net Zero before we have a real replacement for BASE-LOAD energy.
See the video at the top left of Roger’s page.
Not to be too critical , but, that Chinese coal railway is hardly breaking news. I first saw photos of that ginormous bridge years ago. In fact , this whole report just repeats what a lot already know. That is, the BRICS countries, in particular, are full steam ahead in terms of using hydrocarbon fuels to generate energy. We in the Western world seem to be the only fools conforming to either Paris protocols or Net Zero. They’ve probably never heard of Net Zero in China and think it’s a new kind of Coca Cola.
Ross. Thanks. My mistake. Post corrected. The Railway was finished in late 2019. Wow that was fast.
Imagine if our news sources had told us that then?
And Black-out Bowen Blunders onto Nett Zero. We talk, talk, talk about building fast rail infrastructure while The Chinese get on and do it. Hats off to them but it just goes to show while the Western World was signing “Kyoto” promises to kill coal and fossil fuels generally and simultaneously giving China Third World status/concessions that have facilitated their enormous growth to our corresponding demise!
The Coalition will not reverse the madness. They are just as adamant about NET ZERO.
If they win the next election they will continue down the road to disaster.
Dutton’s reluctance to to reject NET ZERO IS OBVIOUS. If they win the election they’ll not talk about it at all & just quietly carry on.
… 468 kilometers of tunnels. They started it in 2015.
Meanwhile, Florance has gone about 150m.
I’m sure you will catch up. 🙂
In related news:
The future belongs to those who show up.
With any luck, the “sophisticates” will self-extinguish, and REAL people will again thrive to a sufficient level to be able to deal with the assorted “Death-Cults” out there (and walking among us)..
Well, we had WWI/II
The age of Spandau followed by the the Atom.
The ideological war between Cappies and Commies.
(They both won.)
Followed by the GWOT, which was the Night Vision Commandos vs. Goatherders.
(The Goatherders held it to a draw.)
Now we’re on to Cognitive Warfare.
The children are the main target.
Soon, none of us will be able to discern up from down, weather from climate, or man from woman.
Communism didn’t go away.
It was just rebranded as “saving the planet” (sic).
We had been living in the best time to be human . We have been living longer , more productive lives with previously unseen access to information and travel . Then they put the idiots in charge (I didn’t vote for them) and now we face the consequences . Sleepwalking into catastrophe .
Not so much idiots as brainwashed paid puppets, prepared to sell out their country and their people.
AGAIN shouldn’t we remind ourselves about what the alarmists really BELIEVE? They BELIEVE that co2 levels will not change for THOUSANDS of years even if we stopped all Human co2 emissions today. See their answer to question 20 from The Royal Society.
So does anyone really BELIEVE their BS and FRAUD anymore? And they tell us in the first paragraph that we wouldn’t return to the LIA ( ?) temperatures for many thousands of years. Whoopee and hopefully we’ll also slow down a return to the next full glaciation for many more thousands of years? Shouldn’t we be trying to do that for future Human flourishing? Here’s the link and their question 20 and answer.
20. “If emissions of greenhouse gases were stopped, would the climate return to the conditions of 200 years ago”?
“Climate change: evidence and causes”.
“No. Even if emissions of greenhouse gases were to suddenly stop, Earth’s surface temperature would require thousands of years to cool and return to the level in the pre-industrial era”.
Aren’t that good news ?
A message from Telstra yesterday exhorted me to ‘prepare for the disaster season’
‘Summer’ is so last century and not apocalypse-sounding
I found this online:
A timeline of how to prepare for disaster season
Summer in Australia means long hot days, days at the beach, balmy nights and late sunsets. But it can also bring with it bushfires, heatwaves, cyclones and floods. Like it or not, disaster season is annual, and we need to be ready. Here’s how you can prepare, no matter when you start.
Yeah had a laugh on receiving that. And what happened the next day – their main competitor crashed
But that’s called green minerals isn’t it? Pretty sure that’s what NSW Mining says on its tv ad.
Reality bites, but I wonder how long the veneer will continue, how long must we admire the Emperor’s new clothes?
Quite clear what Australia should do for energy policy. Build coal power stations with existing highly advanced technology and aim to progress to nuclear in the future when advancements are made in that technology.
If the Liberals went to the electorate with that they’d win 60/40, like the referendum, and maintain power for a Menzies worth of time.
Just say we’ll bring in Chinese companies to build exactly the same type of power stations they build in China. That will neutralize the UN, and any opposition in Australia as they’re all so-so eager to “work with Chine”. See Albo’s recent announcements about working with China on Climate Change…
“If the Liberals went to the electorate with that they’d win 60/40 …”
Sadly, I don’t think they would. Too many people have bought the marketing of ‘climate change’, which has been very effective, tapping into a rich vein of guilt that many people feel about being wealthy westerners. It also feeds a natural human instinct, which is to fear an always-approaching apocalypse or ‘reckoning’. The latter especially has been pushed heavily by the mainstream media for decades, for whom bad news is good business.
Consequently, I think things are going to get a heck of a lot worse before they get any better. Offering counter evidence won’t do it because believers are too heavily invested in their beliefs, like the fervently religious. It will be simple economic reality that turns them around and things are not nearly bad enough – yet. Just remember what privations and sacrifices religious people are prepared to endure, such as living in a cave or self-flagellation – even martyrdom.
This^ 100% !
The UN needs to be disabused from their toxic thinking on carbon. At their next meeting I suggest they attend a compulsory lecture on the role of CO₂ as a respiratory stimulant. They should come to the realisation that without CO₂ there would be zero life because blood chemistry would go berserk from lack of bicarbonate, coupled with no autonomic stimulus to breathe. Lesson for UN: NetZero thinking leads to ignorance of what’s required for life.
Is there any suggestion that they don’t know these things?
Here is a US House committee being asked what percentage of the atmosphere is CO2 (what is usually called “carbon” (sic) by the ignorant).
Their staggering cluelessness and lack of basic scientific knowledge is likely representative of all those involved in the anti-energy lobby, climate cult activism and all those others who wish to control freedom-loving people.
This profound ignorance of science is alarming and very dangerous.
He is implying that people in the UN (not whatever you linked to) who work on CO2 policy don’t know anything about CO2. But you go ahead and stick up for empty rhetoric.
“He is implying that people in the UN (not whatever you linked to) who work on CO2 policy don’t know anything about CO2”
I’m starting to wonder if they do.
Mr. Aye: He is not implying it, he is observing it and reporting it. How’d you miss that??!!
So he has interviewed all these people or has some sort of evidence that a UN agency dedicated to CO2 has no idea of the biological role of CO2? Please.
That’s not necessary for his statement to be true.
Did you see the “or” after the quote you pasted. It was quite a short sentence so I hope you made it that far.
Yet to see evidence that the UN does not know that plants and animals need CO2
Breath while you sleep — what a silly idea.
Please, will someone start the “Say no to net zero ” political party?
We already have the following conservative parties:
United Australia Party
Liberal Democrats
One Nation
Let’s support them.
Sadly none are in a position to form a government, or for that matter to influence government decision making.
And they never will be if conservatives keep voting for the anti-conservative (pretend conservative) Liberal Party and not for the above parties.
It’s interesting, I’ve been reading of early Aus PMs recently and the two party system was longed for by those guys, because at the start there were three main parties and impossible to govern. Eventually the Free Traders and the Protectionists formed a union to oppose the new Labor.
If you don’t vote for what you want you will never get it.
I caught part of the documentary “ Black Gold” .. on TV last night…
Its an AGW propaganda doco about how Exxon Mobil stood up to the AGW movement for so long but were eventually crippled by an investor group ..(Engine One) who lobbied for a change of board directors…and eventually managed the “Trojan horse” effect to seed the board with climate activists and hence change company policy..
MAYBE.. that “trojan horse” method could be the way to turn the UN ship of fools around ?
All we need to do is find a few sensible politicians to infiltrate their ranks….
……Ahh !..i see the flaw in my cunning plan …”find sensible politicians” ..
… oxymoron i fear ?
” All we need to do is find a few sensible politicians to infiltrate their ranks….”
Alas, I see the flaw in your plan.
Engine No. 1 was the group supported by BlackRock with $9 T in our pension funds. I bet the documentary team forgot to mention that. BlackRock then got Exxon to sell gas fields that PetroChina wanted, which BlackRock was also a major shareholder in. BlackRock scored favours with the CCP for this and coincidentally opened the first outsider controlled major Chinese Mutual Fund about the same time.
Make no mistake. Some Trojan horses are powered with rocket fuel in the financial world. This is not a strategy the real grassroots can copy easily.
To quote a line from a poem on a district resident of earlier generations –
“And still he spits tobacco juice
And mutters “What’s the bloody use?”
“most of the world is not even pretending to meet their emissions promises.”
That’s all the proof that’s needed to prove that the crooks are in charge.
So how do we replace today’s BASE-LOAD energy with TOXIC W & S and then work out how we can then cater for a massive increase of mining for the huge increase as we move forward?
The simple answer is that we must use even more RELIABLE BASE-LOAD power for the increased energy required by 2040 and then out to 2100.
Mark Mill’s excellent video only takes about 5 minutes and tries to explain the nonsense of using even more TOXIC W & S to further WASTE TRILLIONs of $ for a GUARANTEED ZERO return.
Off topic but it deserves an airing!
Cate Blanchett slams Australia in EU speech. The Australian actress has given a passionate speech to Members of the European Parliament in Brussels during which she took aim at Australia’s ‘discredited and largely abandoned’ treatment of asylum seekers
Nothing but a Tar Tart and other Avant-garde movies. Perhaps she should send her AO title back!
What happens if you push one of the support columns over?
Domino Standing Enthusiast
Or it tempts an earthquake into a bit of a nudge?
I hope the bridge doesn’t fall down like so much shoddy building work in China, a land of short cuts, corruption and fraud.
China bashing again !!
They do so many things far better than here in Australia . .
So Geoffrey, where did I bash China? Quote me.
Is showing their engineering success and ambition “bashing” or is that I rudely exposed their hypocrisy and ambition by using their own propaganda material? Was I supposed to keep that a secret?
Over to you Geoffrey…
As Willis E over at WUWT puts it –
“PS—When you comment, quote the exact words you are discussing. I can defend my words. I can’t defend your interpretation of my words. Thanks.”
Over to you Geoffery
Such as human rights, housing, labour rights, Geoffrey? …..
things to do with humans the CCP struggles with, things to do with units of production, on the other hand, they control ……very carefully.
“things to do with humans the CCP struggles with”
Like, lifting nearly a billion people out of extreme poverty?
This has never been about reaching the so called ‘carbon’ goals.
The real goals are going according to schedule.
I was replying specifically to #33. To begin with the comment was completely off the topic which was to do with UN Paris agreement goals.
So I did not accuse you personally of bashing China.
However, I think we both know each other views on the subject of China. I’m happy to leave it at that . .
I don’t see the current Australian government, fixated as it is on the faux science and the worst of its scenarios and being determined to destroy our economy under the guise of ‘saving the planet’ if that’s what it takes, as being one of the world’s governments reneging on promises made to save their own economies. Bowen. Albanese, Plibersek and Chalmers are not for the turning. imo that’s because they are so far down the political and damaging economic road now that their egos could not accept the truth re those promises and actions. It would destroy their reputations, make them the laughing stock of the nation and would face demands for huge reparations. They would become national pariahs for what they did. Those other governments slipping away from those promises have leaders trying to sidewalk away from the foreseeable destruction such promises will bring to their nations.
[…] UN admits World will crash through Paris Agreement goals by a factor of two for 2030 […]