A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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New Slovak prime minister gets stuck into the WHO and vaccines. Slovakia will NOT be entering into any international pandemic agreements with WHO. Investigations will be held into the covid vaccines:
Good to see such tolerance of the democratic vote by the left wing
The only time the Left are somewhat peaceful is when they don’t have much power. When they have a degree of power, their true colours are revealed as we see with communists, National Socialists, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Un, Antifa, Hamassh-le terrorist supporters etc..
This “pattern” also concisely describes a certain other “doctrinaire” mob.
If pushed enough the worms will start turning.
Mind you to keep up the old sayings, the horse has already bolted.
Following hard on the heels of the opening of the new cricket processing facility in Canada comes news of this potential exciting new market in Universities
Mind you, if you read the article it demonstrates that a very small number of activists can get their aims pushed through because those who might oppose it are so lazy about voting. I think this applies to so many aspects of life these days. A single committed activist trumps 10 ‘got better things to do than vote’ citizens.
Add in the clever use of social media and activists, although small in number, can push through many things they might believe in.
There has been political science research on this and yes a very small percentage of the voting population if active can push through big policy changes. Squeaky wheel syndrome.
It is called the 3.5% rule.
Not always true of course.
Can’t beat good timing as far as reinforcing a point or claim goes.
Meat and dairy are two of the major delicious products of modern Western scientific agricultural practices.
The Left are trying to ban or restrict them for non-Elites and have us regress to poverty food like insects and vegan as part of the general putsch to lower the standard of living of non-Elites.
They want us to be setfs/slaves restricted to the confines of open air jails known as “15 Minute Cities”.
And some more good timing to spread around. lol
…and Russia is jumping on the bandwagon.
A new food trend is emerging in Russia with the establishment of a cricket farm in Stavropol. Cricket flour, made from ground crickets, is gaining interest from bakers and diabetics due to its low carbohydrate content. This makes it a safer alternative for consumption, especially for those with dietary restrictions or health concerns.
The cricket farm in Stavropol feeds its crickets a diet of pumpkins, zucchinis, and other vegetables straight from the garden. This ensures that the crickets are healthy and well-fed, resulting in high-quality cricket flour. Currently, the price for cricket flour is relatively high, but if the product is registered, the price is expected to be only 20% higher than regular flour. This would make it more accessible and affordable for consumers.
Interesting how some reports say insects are good for type 2 diabetes, as they’re low in carbs, but others are pushing the high carb content claiming insects are broad spectrum nutrition.
Other study participants rate insect flour taste on par with dirt.
If only they’d be consistent with their attempted scam…
Peter Ballerstedt’s recent talk at Low Carb Down Under is well worth a listen. Towards the end he goes into the carbon emissions for human protein requirements and animal foods come out ahead of grains. He also makes the point that the global human diet is already primarily plant based.
Climate Affects Gender – The WEF Says So!
The Jimmy Dore Show
Will these clowns never let up on the BS?
(No offence intended to the clown community.)
Climate DOES affect gender.
Every guy understands.
Peter Ballerstedt’s talks on protein, the facts of agricultural emissions with different kinds of farming and actual food intake in the world are very much worth spending an hour on.
Dr. Peter Ballerstedt – ‘When is ‘Protein’ NOT Protein?’
We are being primed for something….
Last not on YouTube I saw the shortest ad I have ever seen in Australia.
It lasted about one second.
It said something like (not necessary verbatim, I am recalling):
mRNA vaccines are the future. Welcome to the mRNAge”. with voice and text.
And then the Moderna logo.
It was almost subliminal advertising.
I expect this is in anticipation of the release of the US Presidential election variant of covid or some other pathogen.
Typo. Second sentence should start “Last night” not “last not”…unauthorised spelling correction…
Fpizzzer* started an ad campaign recently, pushing their poison on the radio (as I gave up TV years ago, don’t know if they’re pimping their wares on that mind-bending medium).
NB. * deliberate misspelling.
“Is China’s ‘mystery pneumonia’ sweeping Europe? Netherlands sees alarming surge in similar illness among children – as terrifying video shows hazmat-clad workers in China disinfecting schools.”
Rinse and repeat….
“China’s mystery virus sees masks and social distancing return four years after Covid”.
Do we believe these headlines?
Reported on local radio about “how well” Australia handled the pandemic with “lower excess deaths” than most other countries.
Interesting use of language of course. Lower excess deaths, Hmmmm. No mention of when the “excess” death toll started to rise either.
BREAKING: China’s Mystery Respiratory Illness Comes to USA
Just like the first time. They identified a supposed health threat in China but didn’t shut down travel from China to protect local populations. Smelled fishy the first time, still stinks like 4 year old dead fish. They are going to do it again. Funny how it only seems to happen in election years.
The mysterious respiratory illness that has been hitting China hard has now made its way to the United States. Washington DC is now seeing an uptick in hospital cases due to the mysterious illness.
The illness appears to hit children the hardest but China is still saying that they haven’t seen any reason for concern yet. The WHO is monitoring the situation.
…and Gatesy said the 2024 p(l)andemic would mainly affect (can’t be the vaxxed) children…
Amazing coincidence!
Oz borders are w-i-d-e open too.
Here we go again sing along time.
I think this is what you’re after:
Australian comedian Isaac Butterfield talks about the loss of free speech and free thought;
11 mins
Language warning. He uses the “f word” a lot.
US Border Patrol warned by Biden Maladministration not to “misgender” (sic) illegals.
It’s getting ridiculous:
NORWAY: Trans-Identified Male Murders Trans-Identified Female, Police and Media Report That A Woman Murdered A Man
A trans-identified male is in custody after allegedly murdering his trans-identified female partner in Porsgrunn, Norway. The complex case has prompted confusion due to police and media reporting that a woman murdered a man.
AI strikes out!
“Sports Illustrated Published AI-Generated Articles Under Fake Names”
And the lead item at
“A video clip of unknown origin or timing made the rounds yesterday. It shows a group of data scientists presenting something to Russian president Putin. They all appear smugly amused that Google’s neural network identified America’s Moon landing videos and pictures as fakes.”
“COP28 UN climate summit to officially target meat eating! ‘Nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat’ to enforce UN plan for ‘food’s climate transition’ ”
(Following #10) – They could use AI to produce the ad campaign?
23 mm of rain last night after a damp week. 34.6 at the airport.
That will set their long, hot summer back a couple of weeks.
You don’t say where you are. I noticed the mid north of SA had 24mm overnight on Monday/Tuesday and now that’s increased to a whopping 49mm overnight with a further 8mm this morning.
I think I saw Murray Bridge air port has had 24mm.
Morgan 41mm!!!
I see lots of headlines on Weatherzone saying things like “Wettest November in 2 decades,” and “Why is Australia this wet in El Nino?” “Another wet week for eastern Australia.” Hmm?
Could be canberra. We’ve had readings like that.
Not like this, its unprecedented in Deni.
‘Deniliquin (Riverina) 135.4 mm: This was the town’s wettest November day on record, its wettest day in any month for 145 years, and its second-highest daily rainfall on record in any month in records going back to 1858.’ (Weatherzone)
I’m about 20 kms NE of that airport (Mudgee NSW), and got 17.5mms to 0900. None since, although more is forecast.
Dave B
Thunderstorm with hail lasted about 10 minutes , stopped, then followed almost immediately by another heavier fall which reduced my visibility to about 200 metres.
Luckily it also stopped quickly and I left home only about 30 minutes later, in sunshine.
I didn’t hang around to measure how much I got, but there was visible runoff visible as I drove to the front gate.
Dave B
Suburban Adelaide had 25-75mm yesterday morning. Some places had 50mm in about an hour. Already being seen as “climate change.” A theory that fits all possible factual outcomes is not science, as readers here well know.
“New Antarctic All-Time Cold Record Flies in the Face of Media Reporting”
From the ‘Where’s My G!obal Warm!ng!’ files: El Niño Lost In Transition?
In complete contrast to experts’ [sic] fire and brimstone warnings, yet another cold blast from Antarctica slams NZ with near-freezing temps (and frost?) in inland valleys while the max temp for Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin today is 14 C with a roaring southerly gale (wind chill 10 C, just like winter). Up north we’re going to swelter in a life-threatening 20 C max – but at least it’s warmer than Melbournistan!
With ‘summer’ only a few days away (calendar-wise, though I celebrate on the solstice) it appears El Niño is somewhat confused, or reluctant, or he forgot to put his trousers on and he’s still wearing a pink tutu… it was a Full Beaver Moon two nights ago after all. As Frank Zappa cautioned long ago: Don’t jive me with that cosmic debris.
Here in the low part of the high country its cold enough to wear a jumper inside. BoM tells us a high of 22c can be expected, currently the “feels like” temp is 10.4 C.
As spring crashes into a rather cold and disappointing change from winter to summer I’m hanging out for just a tad of warm weather to get the tomatoes ready by Christmas.
With not a flower in sight it looks like my chances are near zero.
Just for once I planted a couple in pots on the north-facing verandah. Somehow they survived cold, down to frost, cold wind, occcasional heat and hot wind and humidity. Seedlings grew better than usual there too but look leggy in their larger pots. They are flowering now! Maybe, for the first time ever, we might have a mini tomato or two! The last two seasons were disastrous for tomatoes for us. Ha! Bonsai tomatoes
Phillip Duncan has been pointing to the high pressure in the Southern Ocean, reckons its unusual.
I stand to be corrected, but in WA last year didn’t late Spring-Summer start the same way as this one so far. I seem to recall last year we had a very hot few days early on and then the rest of the summer was mainly very mild. Isn’t there supposed to be an El Nino now, yet it is pouring rain down the North, southeast and East coasts of the country. Be interesting to see how the rest of the summer goes.
Last summer in WA certainly was mild, with the temperature never reaching 40 all summer. After the burst of recent hot weather, nice to enjoy cooler cloudy weather now.
Have noticed in the last few years that during summer, less hot easterlies, with more cooler humid air coming up from the south.
“Conclusions While HEPA filters can significantly reduce the viral load in room air, this does not lead to reduced COVID-19 prevalence in the selected kindergartens in Germany. ”
More at
More “Safe and Effective”
“U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973% (VIDEO)”
“Alberta Tells Ottawa To Stuff It on Renewables Mandate”
Are smartphones the route to imminent digital enslavement?
As someone who has fought against using. Smartphone- I had one 10 years ago and got rid of it- there is little doubt it has the capability to control every aspect of our lives if governments and corporations continue down their current path
The article references what sounds an interesting book, which might be on my Christmas present lost
I feel like a slave to the IPhone already. Ring. ring. gurgle. gasp. Messages and everything else morning noon and night. Scam. Scam. Scam. How I miss the freedom of the old stuck on the wall phone. If you weren’t there, it was out of sight out of mind.
There have been several recent adds encouraging the recycling of old mobiles, as there are apparently too many going to landfil ?
Somehow i dont see any number of mobiles being a problem in landfil considering the huge volumes of other household devices..wash machines, cookers, fans , light fittings, etc etc…that end up in landfil.
Is there some other (financial ?) motivation behind this recycling call .
But… highly significant increase in all cause mortality (ACM) AFTER the bogus vaccines and boosties.
See here:
Telco’s are killing 3G and 4G networks and could make 4G and 5G phones unusable
While some people may be aware that 3G services will be gradually shut down, the vast majority will be unaware that this may affect their ability to make or receive calls on their existing and in some cases brand new 4G/5G devices.
4G/LTE and 5G technologies do not natively have voice calling functionality like 3G & GSM (2G) services. 4G and 5G are Data only and Calling is enabled through the use of VoLTE (Voice over LTE or VoNR for 5G [New Radio]), which is a software/firmware VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) solution for mobile phones (IMS services).
The issue is that a significant portion of 4G devices sold in previous years in various markets either Do NOT support 4G VoLTE Calling or ONLY support it with the Telcos they were purchased with, regardless of whether the device is network unlocked.
This issue primarily impacts Android phones and non-Apple devices.
With 3G (or GSM) still being in service customers don’t experience any loss in device functionality by switching to a competing provider. However, without the 3G (or GSM) services people will no longer be able to make or receive phone standard calls on their existing 4G device with their preferred provider.
Android is very fragmented from a software support side, however it’s fair to say that a majority of Android devices released around or before 2018 are likely to have either no VoLTE calling support or only limited VoLTE support on Australian Networks (Depending on brand, firmware, region etc.)
Devices from Android 4 to Android 9 (2018) equates to approximately 27% of the Android Device Market as per Google’s stats from April 2023.It’s almost a certainty that anything Android 6/7 and older likely doesn’t have any support or at best, only support with one Telco.
Further to that, the Optus (AU telco) website says VoLTE and VoLTE (International) Roaming should work on all Samsung Phones with Android 12 and above.
Android 12 was only released in late 2021 so people who have Android phones older than 2020/2021 are likely to encounter issues with either switching AU Providers or when overseas.
Devices from Android 4 to 11 make up 69% of the Android Device Market as of April 2023.
Google made major changes to the base Android Operating system for Version 12. Those changes improved how IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) Services are activated and by extension VoLTE Calling and RCS Messaging etc. This is the likely reason why Optus can say Samsungs on Android 12 and above are supported.
VoLTE compatability anyone?
It is my understanding that Telstra’s shutdown of 3G calling has a guarantee that 4G capability for calling will apply in all locations where 3G calls could have been made.
Can we get a political guarantee of that?
with my phone I have 3 bars of 3G and none for 4G, though the latter works nicely “in town”
My 4G wireless internet has a Yagi antenna 10 meters above the ground.
Bill C-18 Overhauls Journalists Pay: Up to 116% Increase in Salaries Supported by Canadian Government.
In a recent budget announcement, Freiland Bitch revealed a comprehensive set of measures signaling significant financial support for Canadian journalists. The Trudeau government is set to cover a substantial 55% of journalists’ salaries, albeit with a notable twist—this aid is exclusively directed towards newspapers and news organizations deemed “reliable.”
Under the newly amended Bill C-18, the government has responded to News Media Canada’s calls for increased support by enhancing the Labour Journalism Tax Credit. Formerly covering 25% of journalist costs up to $55,000 per employee ($13,750), the fall economic statement outlines a more generous system. Qualified Canadian Journalism Organizations, encompassing both print and digital platforms (excluding broadcasters), can now claim 35% of journalist expenditures, with a higher cap of $85,000 per employee.
Just the “approved” lying dinosaur self-destructing MSM though…
…and today’s interesting news continues…
Why You See Fewer Bugs Splattering On Car Windshields Nowadays
Remember the days when a long drive in high summer would make your car’s windshield look like the site of an insect massacre? If you’ve noticed that this sight is becoming increasingly uncommon, you’re not alone. Ecologists have also discovered a decline in the number of bug splatters on car windows, and some believe that it’s a sign of the much wider “insect apocalypse” affecting our planet.
A survey by Kent Wildlife Trust in the UK found that 50 percent fewer insects were splattered on car windscreens compared to 15 years ago. The survey analyzed over 650 car journeys around the southeastern UK county of Kent between June and August 2019. The drivers were asked to report the number of insects splattered on their car’s registration plate.
Compared to a similar survey carried out by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in 2004, the researchers found the number of splattered insects had declined by approximately 50 percent, from an average of 0.2 splats per mile to 0.1 splats per mile.
The researchers wondered whether this decline in bug splats was actually the result of modern cars becoming more aerodynamic and less likely to suffer from a head-on collision with a passing insect, so they actively recruited classic car owners to take part in the survey. However, even while accounting for this, a significant decline in insects was evident.
Actually, my windscreen is largely bug free these days too.
Splats per mile can now be counted in climate activists instead!

You know that the last thing that crosses a bug’s mind when it hits a windscreen is it’s backside?
there are far fewer cane toad splats on the road too, but I’ve mentioned that before, sorry.
Some 2000 tonnes of insects are killed by wind turbines each year in Germany alone.
Add in that there are far more cars these days so each car is likely to receive smaller number of insect hits but collectively they will still add up to a large amount. Add the two factors together and insects are probably still out there but dying by different methods
One dose CRISPR therapy cuts cholesterol by up to 55%
High LDL cholesterol, a major heart disease risk factor, is inadequately managed by existing treatments like statins and injectables, highlighting the need for more effective solutions. Boston-based biotech firm Verve Therapeutics is developing what could be a one-and-done, life-long cholesterol treatment. The trial’s results necessitate further research to optimize dosing and ensure safety, especially considering the advanced heart disease in trial participants, two of whom died.
Pills called statins are the most common cholesterol treatment, but they have to be taken daily and sometimes cause intolerable side effects. Newer injectable meds can be administered just twice yearly, but those are expensive and not always covered by insurance. A healthier diet, meanwhile, can help, but that’s also very tough in practice for many people.
This therapy, called VERVE-101, is designed to deactivate a gene in the liver that controls the production of PCSK9, a protein that regulates the amount of LDL in the blood.
“There are people walking around who have the [PCSK9] gene naturally turned off,” Verve CEO Sekar Kathiresan told Freethink. “They have very low levels of cholesterol in the blood and are resistant to heart attack, so the company is basically built off of that insight.”
VERVE-101 permanently deactivates the PCSK9 gene in the liver by using CRISPR to change just one letter in its DNA. This technique is called “base editing,” and Verve’s trial is the first to test it in humans.
What’s new? In trials on monkeys, VERVE-101 reduced LDL levels by nearly 70% after just two weeks, and they remained low for 2.5 years.
But, but, but…high LDL is not a real problem, and never was. Inflammation is the REAL problem.
The liver makes LDL deliberately; it’s not a dietary consequence.
Just like the “fat is bad” lie started by the sugar industry decades ago, which just made everyone fatter and sicker as they consumed more sugar…
In the future, they’ll look back and laugh at the nonsense the medical profession believes now, as we now do for times gone by.
Insults for the day:
I bet their IQ test came back negative.
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes right to the bone.
You have miles to go before you reach mediocre.
Someday you’ll go far. And I really hope you stay there.
I can only explain it to you. I can’t understand it for you
(JC2: Don’t wear that one out too fast)
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you. (JC2: or that one)
If I wanted to kill myself, I’d climb up your ego, and jump to your IQ.
I refuse to enter a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
Not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.
I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.
Wisdom has been chasing you but you’ve always been faster
The Irish government is seeking to make all “unapproved” memes illegal
Ireland is seeking to make it illegal to store “unapproved” memes on devices like your phone.
Yes, it sounds like something out of communist North Korea, but what you probably don’t realize is that they’re already laying the groundwork for this same thing here in the United States, thanks to a case involving a young man by the name of Douglass Mackey. Now, let’s take a closer look at how this connects to what’s happening with the Irish bill.
In essence, if the bill is approved, it would mean that under Irish law, any political discussions labeled as “unapproved” and the act of saving “unapproved” memes to your device would become illegal. This isn’t just outrageous; it’s undeniably draconian. The Irish Prime Minister should be forced to resign over this tyranny.
You can take my memes over my dead body.
The reasons why we are becoming increasingly unhealthy and what you can do about it.
Until the 1970, the majority of the people were fit as a fiddle! No keto, vegan, or paleo diets. No home aerobics or gym memberships. No fancy fitness tech or wellness influencers. They also weren’t drinking protein shakes or counting calories. So, what went wrong?
Spot on with every point!
Dr Goddek is one of the truth tellers, shame on the others.
Thanks J C,
I particularly like this (showing my vitamin D bias again):
Dave B
Inflammation is the REAL problem.
I agree. Solutions?
Short answer is natural, nutrient rich foods, avoiding seed oils, highly processed foods, high sugar content, anything high G.I., excess Omega-6, grains, cereals and more.
Pretty much invert the food pyramid, and interestingly the proposed WEF future diet will be catastrophic for health.
Long answer warrants a rather lengthy detailed post…
Failing everything else a vit B supplement (esp B12) will lower the blood inflammation markers. Much to the surprise of a couple of GPs
Don’t forget that most vitamins and minerals are fat soluble (which is why you take them with a meal) and they should be taken with a decent sized meal (not just a slice of cheese!) as the uptake will improve by around 50%.
BREAKING: China’s Mystery Respiratory Illness Comes to USA
My understanding that it is a strain of mycoplasma pneumoniae. Fortunately, it is highly responsive to antibiotics. Anecdotally, there are cases already appearing in Australia. Fears of pandemic should not be relevant. More relevant is the damage to natural immunity caused by years of intermittent lockdowns. Especially amongst children.
“Daily Mail: COP28 will be an Oil and Gas Contract Bazaar”
“UAE officials have used the UN climate change talks they will host this week to push for lucrative new oil and gas deals, say the latest damaging leaks about the summit in Dubai.”
More at
“Anthony Albanese Announces Australia Visit for Early 2024”
Join this free virtual event where THEY bring together global industry leaders to discuss cutting-edge energy engineering developments and strategies for swiftly advancing towards net-zero ca
What happened to the el nino announced by the BOM in September. We just had 60mm in 2 hours on the MNC. Rain up and down the coast. Just wondering.
Hiding in the global warming behind the Antarctic record lows?
Incidently the gauge at WUWT seems to have flicked further into the el Nino region lately
“Expect to see media outlets bashing Ford for scaling back EV investments in the near term. You’ll also probably notice the stock market reacting unfavorably to the news for a time. In fact we saw the brand’s valuation slip a bit almost immediately after the two announcements were made. But Ford actually seems to be making the correct choice for itself here, even if Wall Street is blind to the fact. The automaker’s electric vehicle division is projected to lose $4.5 billion by the end of 2023 and wastes an estimated $36,000 on every EV it currently sells.”
Taking over the world: The Aussie Wire is growing!
“COP28: Who Matters? — Follow-up”
More on coal’s place in the mix
“If the IPCC world wishes to reduce fossil fuels use, it is the primary energy sector they must concentrate on.
And if that is the case, what is to replace all those fossil fuels in primary energy arena? I certainly don’t know. Any suggestions?
So, if the IPCC is to rein in fossil fuel consumption in just the electrical sector, China and India (and in the future, Africa as a whole) must agree to not only stop building more coal-fired plants, but must begin to close or re-power the existing coal-fired plants. If China does so, it will adversely affect the economy of Australia which supplies some of that coal.
But switching to electric cars, heat pumps, solar-panels-on-the rooftop/batteries-in-the-garage, induction stoves and all ONLY affects the electrical sector – it does not even touch upon the primary energy problem – the majority of energy use in the world today.
As always, don’t ask me, I don’t know. I do have opinions:”
Arctic air will not leave Europe.
Some hiccup going on with the internet somewhere –
Several of my regular sites are coming up as “unknown” but then get “found”
Aere you with OPTUS!
Yes, I’ve been having problems too.
Wow, that’s interesting!
I was watching a video today and a very short (blink and you’d miss it) comment was made about an unknown aspect (problem) associated with EV’s.
That’s weird and concerning I thought.
I’ve been doing some searching since and lo and behold, it’s not so uncommon at all!
As to what to make of it, that’s another matter. That’ll take more time, and probably decent scientific studies, if you can find unbiased researchers.
Let’s just say that EV fires are fast shaping up to be the least of your worries as an EV owner.
At this stage, I see 2 possibilities, neither good, either or both would be MAJOR problems for EV rollouts.
More as I find more info, worthy of a post.
/left hanging.
The geniuses behind Pauline Hanson’s hit ‘Please Explain’ cartoon
Thunderstorms in Australia.