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74 comments to Friday

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    Young voters support Osama bin laden

    I think history is very little taught in schools these days. A recent survey found that most people under 16 got their news from Tik tok. If recent history isn’t taught what hope is there in trying to put over climate history from hundreds of years ago?


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      David Maddison

      I think history is very little taught in schools these days. A recent survey found that most people under 16 got their news from Tik tok. 

      The Left have removed the teaching of history from schools/indoctrination centres and replaced it with the teaching of the hatred of Western Civilisation and promotion of anti-White racism.

      And TikTok is used by the Chicomm as a weapon to promote moral degradation in the West.

      TikTok is prohibited in China. Instead they use the Chinese equivalent Douyin.

      While TikTok promotes moral degradation and anti-Western and anti-conservative values, such things are banned on Douyin.

      While TikTok is, for example, promoting transgenderism to Western kids and teaching the names of all 137 (or whatever) supposed genders, Douyin is teaching Chinese kids science, mathematics, literacy, history and the fact that one day they will subjugate and dominate the West and the entire world.

      Also see, for example:

      China is hurting our kids with TikTok but protecting its own youth with Douyin

      By Rikki Schlott

      Published Feb. 25, 2023

      Young, impressionable users are limited to 40 minutes a day between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. to ensure they get adequate sleep. Endless zombie-like scrolling is interrupted by mandatory 5-second delays. They’re also only shown specially-selected “inspiring” content.

      “The algorithm is vastly different, promoting science, educational and historical content in China while making our citizens watch stupid dance videos with the main goal of making us imbeciles,” Nicolas Chaillan, former Air Force and Space Force Chief Software Officer told the Post.

      While American youth are performing hyper-sexualized dances and engaging in absurd viral trends, like the deadly NyQuil Chicken Challenge, their Chinese counterparts are treated to a curated stream of videos promoting patriotism, social cohesion and personal aspirations.


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    Now, I know this isn’t easy but I am looking for 9 out of 10 of you reading this blog to errr….remove yourselves.

    I know that all f us are very concerned about mans impact n the planet and the WEF are obviously right to want to reduce numbers, no doubt starting with their own members.

    Volunteers can contact the wEF direct. Well done


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    I visited a Palestinian and a Jewish refugee camp some 50 years ago

    Jewish ones no longer exist but does anyone else wonder who seventy years after Israel was created, that there should still be Palestinian refugee camps? There are some 25 Muslim countries and one Jewish state. The former occupy a land area one thousand times greater than the latter. Yet still they have not been absorbed into the larger Muslim world.


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      David Maddison

      A lot of antisemites and anti-Israel activists can’t even place Israel on the map.

      See this example from Melbournistan as some useful idiots are interviewed:

      Incidentally, today those so-called “Palestian refugee camps” are not really camps as people think of them with tents and other temporary structures but contain conventional buildings (in the Arab building style). They are only called “camps” to garner sympathy and harvest billions of taxpayer dollars from the West – to the extent thst Hamas is one of the world’s richest terrorist organisations, along with its billionaire leaders who live in Qatar.

      Where does Hamas, the second richest terror group in the world, get its $2 billion annual budget from?

      The cumulative net worth of Hamas’s top leaders abroad is estimated at $11 billion, and they do not hide their taste for the high life

      Hamas’s leadership openly embraces its lavish lifestyle, staying at five-star hotels in Qatar and Turkey and flying internationally on private jets, even as Palestinians in Gaza fight over humanitarian aid in the terrorist-ruled enclave.



      Come to think of it, the lifestyle of Hamas terrorist leaders is not much different to climate change activist leadership.


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      CO2 Lover

      Even other Muslims hate the Palestinians – they are bad news

      After Operation Desert Storm, which saw Iraqi forces defeated and pushed out of Kuwait by a United States-led coalition, another 287,000 Palestinians were forced to leave in March 1991 by the government and fear of abuse by Kuwaiti security forces.


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      Tonyb – they have been on generous UN welfare since Israel was founded. Why work when there is good money without working. Stay at home and procreate because Hamas needs your children.


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    Whilst I remain baffled as to why arms for Ukraine should be tied in with the completely unrelated mass exodus of migrants in America by Republicans, I also remain baffled as to why Biden and the Democrat hierarchy seem quite happy at this mass invasion


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      John Hultquist

      I have been aware of USA doings since Dwight Eisenhower ran for president in 1952. I am thinking of Michelle O’s comment of some years back when she was first proud, but have slightly changed it:
      In my adult life, I am more dismayed and embarrassed than ever before for my country.


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        America is the wests policeman so we should all be concerned at its decline.


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          David Maddison

          America’s, and the West’s absolute last hope is the re-election of Donald Trump.

          If he isn’t re-elected, it’s game over for all of us.


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            Bear in mind, though, that, with ‘voter’ replacement, his might be the last Republican administration for generations to come. And I’m still not convinced that the Democrats will let Trump win this one. They’re too quiet. They’re up to something.
            Meanwhile, in Australia, the Left do whatever they like and there is no one to stop them.


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            John Connor II

            Forget Trump.
            He will NEVER EVER EVER become POTUS again.
            The cycle is running its course.
            *Theoretically*, the trajectory can be altered but not stopped, BUT…the inevitable big badda boom HAS to happen, OR everything you see happening and hate will just continue, but that’s never happened in history.
            It’s like a forest fire – devastation and destruction but also a rebirth.
            The vast majority have no real idea of what’s coming, as is always the way, BUT there will be warning signs for those who move in the right circles. 😎

            2 more days to 2024!
            2024 – the year of the ■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■ 😉


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              Honk R Smith

              David M and JCII are both right.
              Odd, DJT is the proven least corrupt politician ever.
              To survive that much scrutiny (funded by bottomless DS pockets), be not yet convicted and leading in the polls … amazing.
              Not hard to figure why they hate him.

              2024 will make the cabal obvious.
              Frustrating that we still will not likely see faces.


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          “America is the wests policeman so we should all be concerned at its decline.”

          ..and what has the cost of that Policing service been?? The difference between our standard of living and America’s! The difference between their petrol at $3.50 a gallon and ours are $1.10 a litre! The soldiers we sent to back them up in their endless wars? The cost of the arms we bought from them which we wouldn’t have needed if we weren’t dragged into their wars?

          The West has paid dearly to make sure America rules the world, we should have had a standard of living at their level, not 2/3 of it, or 1/2.

          Once we have their boot off our neck we will really see how well each country in the West can perform. Having china as the world’s most powerful country will be no different at all, we will not be the white Australia of British descent in a decade. Walking around a holiday beach on the South Australia coast yesterday was an exercise in ‘spot the white’, so the Australia we are worried about protecting from China is already irretrievably gone. Our ‘pivot to Asia’ is happening if we want it or not!

          Embrace the new reality and let America burn, there is no future in being dragged down with it.


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          The golden period of international trade, enabled by safe passage of the world’s goods did not happen by accident. It only happened because the US took on the thankless task of world policeman. OK there have been shameful episodes [not as many as haters here claim] but they have been a net good.

          Today a rag-tag bunch of terrorists is upsetting the apple cart, disrupting the Red Sea and the US HAS NOT gone in, guns blazing and suddenly ships are rerouting around the Cape. The rest of the world is in a tizzy, they can’t handle it on their own.

          Australia has sent eleven armchair Admirals. That will do the trick.


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      Honk R Smith

      how is the US migrant situation different that the EU/UK situation?
      No invasion there?
      Far as I can see, the political anti-American prog hipsters running amok here, get most of their notions (and many of there marching orders) from there.

      I see no real danger of the police to which you refer being defunded, just the ones here in my city.
      I have seen ‘Defund the Police’ and Ukraine flags together in the same windows.

      We have no idea how many American ‘policeman’ are ‘policing’ across the globe.
      I’m given to understand POTUS 45 was misled about it.

      46 thinks it’s a dozen frittzle bushels or more or maybe even less if not enough.
      Besides us Americans choose truth over facts.


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    David Maddison

    More “climate change” insanity.

    Ocean deoxygenation

    The oxygen content of the ocean has declined by around 2% since the middle of the 20th century overall, while the volume of ocean waters completely depleted of oxygen has quadrupled since the 1960s.

    Ocean oxygen levels are expected to fall on average by 3–4% by 2100 overall due to climate change and increased nutrient discharges, though the scale of effect seen will vary regionally.

    Consequences of ocean oxygen decline include decreased biodiversity, shifts in species distributions, displacement or reduction in fishery resources and expanding algal blooms.

    Ocean deoxygenation threatens to disrupt the ocean’s food provisioning ecosystem services.

    To slow and reverse the loss of oxygen, humans must urgently mitigate climate change globally and nutrient pollution locally.


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      OK , just trying to keep up. So the world’s oceans are simultaneously rising, boiling, acidifying and de-oxygenating. Does all that mean I am wasting my time not throwing stuff in the water?


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        It stands as a testament to their intelligence that they have taken so long to notice. I have been waiting many years to see this. They have been worrying all that time about the wrong atom!

        Every carbon atom in CO2 ties up two atoms of oxygen.

        Oxygen is essential for human life.

        It’s oxygen that they should have been worrying about. It’s twice as bad as carbon.


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        Graeme No.3

        Fishing will soon be prohibited (because of rising, boiling, acidifying or de-oxygenating) by those who are stupid enough to believe this.


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        In photosynthesis, the oxygen is taken from the water molecule, not the CO2.
        Plants turn water into oxygen gas, and the rest they keep till they rot, but every instant of photosynthesis produces net oxygen into the air, and reduces the amount of water on Earth.
        That’s why the oxygen level in the atmosphere is 20% and sea level is so much lower than before green plants were on Earth.
        Plants turn water into oxygen gas.
        That’s very important, and requires thought.
        It explains a lot.


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      CO2 Lover

      Fun Facts

      Nuclear power becomes completely “renewable”!!!

      Seawater contains 3 ppb of Uranium and so next time you are at the beach reflect on the fact that you are taking a Uranium bath!

      The spot price of Uranium is now around US$62 per pound and the current cost of extracting Uranium from seawater is much higher – but advances in technology are closinng the gap


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        Uranium too, eh? I was always on the lookout for a process powered by sunlight on sea water which isolated gold from sea water. But I never got around to it.

        At a more practical and potentially profitable level, I would like to dramatically abbreviate the process by which our phosphorus was extracted from seawater.

        Keep a lookout!


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    Get the latest climate news here:
    Note especially the article on an order to remove a wind ‘farm’.


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    David Maddison

    Made to last…

    Apparently there are still oxygen cylinders in service thst were made in 1911 and still in service and still passing their hydraulic tests.



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    David Maddison

    “… whenever the Legislators endeavour to take away, and destroy the Property of the People, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary Power, they put themselves into a state of War with the People, who are thereupon absolved from any farther Obedience, and are left to the common refuge which God hath provided for all men against force and violence. … [Power then] devolves to the People, who have a Right to resume their original Liberty, and, by the Establishment of a new Legislative (such as they shall think fit) provide for their own Safety and Security, which is the end for which they are in Society.”

    ~ John Locke


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    David Maddison

    I just bought a deep cycle battery to power my amateur radio station and associated computer and other appliances so I can maintain some comms during Australia’s anticipated regular blackouts as we keep shutting down power stations. It will be recharged from a solar panel.

    I chose lead acid chemistry as I didn’t want a large lithium battery inside the house.

    I also have other batteries and a generator for powering other things.

    Australia will soon be like living in any other Third World country.


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      “Australia will soon be like living in any other Third World country.”

      Sorry David, I have to take you to task over this statement. We are already there.
      Just a few examples:
      The state of public roads and highways.So poorly maintained that damages can be claimed back from Vicroads as a result of potholes but the roads are not fixed.
      A failing health system that governments assure us that has more money spent than ever before, yet waiting lists and and service failures continue to get worse.
      A referendum is held on constitutional change and rejected by the populace, state governments just continue down the path regardless of what people voted for.
      Goverment projects continue to have cost blow outs, no one is held accountable, the opposite takes place and more projects are commissioned without good business cases.
      Ministers of the crown take no responsibility for the very portfolios that they are in charge of and actually get promoted even when their failure is as obvious as the Commonwealth games debacle that cost millions in compensation and reputational ruin.
      The move to intermittent electricity supply when we aready had an efficient functioning system.

      No, I am afraid we are already a third world country


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        Simon Thompson

        A failing health system that governments assure us that has more money spent than ever before, yet waiting lists and and service failures continue to get worse.

        This one will NEVER be fixed. It is due to the duality of medical Specialists working privately and publicly. The private income is an order of magnitude greater than the public income for specialists. Hence if the waiting lists were drastically brought down the specialists income would suffer as private patients drop their cover.


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        Voting has consequences.
        We live in a democracy.
        If the electorate continues to vote for the idiots, then they’re obviously voting for what they want.
        The alternative is what, exactly?


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    another ian

    New on the covid scene –

    ” Yesterday I came across a new iScience preprint study signaling a potential new Pandemic Narrative, It features goofy Covidian science, as I’ll explain momentarily, but note its dire prediction: an upcoming pandemic of heart failure. Yeah.”

    “The researchers begin with the Covidian theory of persistent covid infection — a stealthiest kind of crypto-covid infection ever, which is not only asymptomatic but also tests negative, even using PCR — which has been criticized for being too sensitive. In fact, persistent covid is completely invisible to testing. So far.
    So, it’s kind of a religious belief.”


    “I thought the author’s illustration (above) sort of gave away what they’re really thinking about. The upper panel at the far left shows increasing spike protein not virus. Only one thing causes spike without virus: the jabs.

    “Persistent covid” — which sounds a lot more scientific than “long covid” — would sure be a good cover for jab injuries, if they can find some evidence for it somewhere.”

    And this –

    “Russian textbooks say Trump lost in rigged election”


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      David Maddison

      The facts don’t fit with the Official Narrative so they just change the facts.


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      Simon Thompson

      Immunohistochemistry is the key here. Take the jabbed deceased and stain for spike protein an nucleocapsid protein. If both are present the ‘Vid is implicted, if just spike protein- then the GMO countermeasure is to blame. BTW I have not seen this done in Australia- the authorities deny the Jab kills 1 in 1000 recipients- NEOLOGISM alert; Millimation by never looking at this evidence which is found 80% of the time when you know where to look.

      I always believed the null hypothesis on Jabs- they are not and could never be “Effective” in preventing infection, and are dangerous by 3 orders of magnitude the usual accepted risk (1 in a million mortality).


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    another ian

    Re search engines – looks like Duck Duck Go has been nobbled

    “The Mental Outlaw channel is full of good stuff… Looks like the Putin Derangement Syndrome has struck DuckDuckGo. As of about a year ago, it censors from search results “Russian Propaganda”. Now it is extending the censorship to “piracy sites” and “YouTube download software” … ”


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      another ian

      This goes with that

      More Chiefio –

      “I want to know what the Russians are saying. Why? Several reasons.

      1) They just might be right about some things and I don’t want to be ignorant of that.
      2) They just might be pointing out the stupidity of our Rulers (“rule based order”…)
      3) I like to know what propaganda BOTH sides are pushing so I know the lies.
      4) Seeing the techniques used keeps me aware of what our liars might use.
      5) The notion that seeing another POV means I will just adopt it is wrong and stupid.
      6) Critical thinking matters, and that requires seeing things you do not just believe.
      7) Censorship is evil.

      So, OK, note to self: IF I want to know anything uncensored about Russia, I can’t use DuckDuckGo (nor Google who have been a propaganda engine for years now). Guess Yandex will be the best one for that, being Russian.”


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    Today’s interesting quote:

    “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”

    Malcolm X

    The filth-column, “fourth Estate”, opinion shapers.

    As they also say in some circles:

    “Always was, always will be;, or something like that.


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    another ian


    “‘We Never Had A Vote’: Climate Expert Blasts Biden Admin For Bypassing Voters To Impose Green Agenda”


    “BBC ‘Disinformation’ Reporter Plans Six-Month Sabbatical to go on Climate Course Funded by Green Billionaires”


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    Simon Thompson

    Immunohistochemistry is the key here. Take the jabbed deceased and stain for spike protein an nucleocapsid protein. If both are present the ‘Vid is implicted, if just spike protein- then the GMO countermeasure is to blame. BTW I have not seen this done in Australia- the authorities deny the Jab kills 1 in 1000 recipients- NEOLOGISM alert; Millimation by never looking at this evidence which is found 80% of the time when you know where to look.

    I always believed the null hypothesis on Jabs- they are not and could never be “Effective” in preventing infection, and are dangerous by 3 orders of magnitude the usual accepted risk (1 in a million mortality).


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    As the German government shuts down its nuclear power plants, the eastern neighbours get buswy:

    And here in Oz?

    Madness all the way down, as usual?


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      I hope SMRs are all they are cracked up to be but somehow I doubt it. I was once excited about the pebble bed reactor but alas. Are any on-line on a commercial basis yet?

      I do know a coal plant beside a coal seam works well.


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        SMR Global Status Report March 2021
        Part I: Introduction
        i. This report examines the global status of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and reviews their readiness for deployment.
        ii. This report separately categorises SMRs according to their design features as Light Water Reactors (Gen III/Gen III+) or Gen IV Reactors.
        iii. Small reactors have been in wide use for more than 50 years to reliably power submarines, aircraft carriers and ice-breakers and the early power reactors for electricity generation were “small”. A widely accepted definition of “small” is less than 300 MWe. Reports from 2019 Parliamentary inquiries at Federal and State levels in Australia identified SMRs as suitable for Australian conditions.
        iv. In August 2020 the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a final safety evaluation report (FSER) for NuScale’s SMR. This completed the safety review and allowed a Design Certification to be issued. This was the first SMR to pass NRC assessment and is a major milestone in the deployment of SMRs.
        v. Reviewing the latest generation of SMRs for electricity generation, this report identifies that the two reactors at Pevek in Russia are in commercial operation producing electricity and district heating, the HTR-PM in China is in final commissioning, and two other SMRs are under construction. Many more are at an advanced stage of licensing.
        vi. The South Australia State blackout in 2016 and the events in Texas in February 2021 showed how vulnerable the electricity supply system can be to extreme weather events. The frequency of these events is expected to increase and it will be important for the generation mix to include technologies which are independent of the weather. SMRs fulfil this role.
        vii. There is an increasing awareness that, in addition to electricity generation, other sectors of industry have to be decarbonized. Many countries are investigating the multipurpose use of SMRs, including process heat, hydrogen production and desalination as well as electricity generation.


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        The Chinese have recently brought a small 200 MW reactor plant online, into commercial use. And in August, they installed the core into their first SMR build.


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          Should have added that the 200 MW reactor is gas cooled. Also the Chinese have a trial 2 MW thorium-based molten salt reactor up and running for testing in the Gobi Desert.


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          If you are talking about the pebble bed reactor at Shidao Bay, there’s actually two in the sense that it’s been designed as a twin core system.

          It’s been up and running for two years already, but recently entered “commercial operations” meaning that it has completed whatever early tests they wanted to run and has settled into steady production mode. The real question remains how well the Chinese handle fuel cycles and how many years they get out of it.

          Helium tends to leak easily, but on the other hand the leaks are not dangerous. Presumably they top it up now and then so they will know how many cracks are in the system. When it gets too expensive to keep topping up then that will be the end of the run. None of these machines can be repaired.


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    As it is “poets day” (Piss Off Early, Tomorrow’s Saturday), I thought the following might be “timely and pertinent”:


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    SMR and Australian Senate …


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    another ian

    FWIW – first three of a series

    “A beginners’ guide to the Great Covid Con, Part 1: Could it happen again?”

    “A beginners’ guide to the Great Covid Con, Part 2: The fraudulent excess deaths of 2020”

    “A beginners’ guide to the Great Covid Con, Part 3: Manufacturing excess deaths”


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    Some gems from Babylon Bee:

    State With No Electricity Orders Everyone To Drive Electric Cars
    (3m 35s video)

    And then there’s this very clever series of ~5m clips on Californians moving to Texas:


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    another ian

    Do you think any of Elbow’s mob have ever had this explanation?

    A customer asked me how much it cost to do this job….
    I answered him: $ 1500
    He said: So expensive for this job?
    I asked: How much do you think it would cost you?
    He answers me: $ 800 maximum… That’s a pretty simple job right? !”
    – For $ 800 I invite you to do it yourself.
    – But…. I don’t know how to.
    – For $800 I’ll teach you how to. So besides saving you $700, you’ll get the knowledge for the next time you want
    – It seemed right to him and he agreed.
    – But to get started: you need tools: A welder, grinder, chop saw, drill press, welding hood, gloves etc…
    – But I don’t have all these equipment and I can’t buy all of these for one job.
    – Well then for another $300 more I’ll rent my stuff to you so you can do it.
    – Okay, he says.
    – Okay! Tuesday I’m waiting for you to start doing this work
    – But I can’t on Tuesday I only have time today.
    – I’m sorry, but I’m only available Tuesday to teach you and lend you my stuff. Other days are busy with other customers.
    – Okay! That means I’m going to have to sacrifice my Tuesday, give up my tasks.
    – I forgot. To do your job yourself, you also have to pay for the nonproductive factors.
    – That is? What is this?”
    – Bureaucratic, tax, vat, security, insurance, fuel etc.
    – Oh no!… But to accomplish these tasks, I’m going to spend more money and waste a lot of time!
    – Do you have them? You can do it to me before?”
    – Okay!
    – I’ll make you all the material you need. Truck loading is done Monday evening or Tuesday morning you’ll have to come by 6 loading the truck. Don’t forget to be on time to avoid traffic jams and be on time
    – At 6??? Nope! Too early for me! I used to getting up later.

    – You know, I’ve been thinking. Y ‘ all better get the job done. I’d rather pay you the $1500. If I had to, it wouldn’t be perfect and it would cost me a lot more.

    When you pay for a job, especially handcrafted, you pay not only for the material used, but also:
    – Knowledge
    – Experience
    – Study
    – Tools
    – Services
    – Time to go
    – punctuality
    – Accountability
    – Professionalism
    – Accuracy
    – Guaranteed
    – Patents
    – Sacrifices
    – Safety and security
    – Payment of tax obligations

    No one can denigrate other people’s work by judging prices.
    Only by knowing all the elements necessary for the production of a certain work can you estimate the actual cost.

    I did not write this dialogue, but am sharing it to support craftsmen and entrepreneurs.”


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    another ian


    “And So Ends an Era”

    Looking at Harvard’s “little problem”

    Conclusion –

    ” Cutting Claudine Gay loose is the unavoidable play now or Harvard will be stung by so many lawsuits from students previously punished for academic mischief that all the alumni lawfare attorneys in the cosmos standing snout to tail will not be able to staunch the hemorrhaging of the school’s endowment and then the fire sale of its chattels to satisfy the aggrieved plaintiffs’ pain and suffering. The Harvard board is just trying to ride out the holidays. Their prized participation trophy is coming off the mantlepiece. There really is no other way. Now, stand by and watch the rats rat each other out. And so ends the era of pretending about everything.”*-nation/and-so-ends-an-era/


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    another ian

    “A Feature, Not Flaw – REPORT: Western Banks Drop 60,000 Employees in 2023
    December 27, 2023 | Sundance | 329 Comments”

    Commonwealth. Westpac and Nat West make the big time


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    David, thanks.
    Do you, or the IUCN, have a source for the sampling regime for the “middle of the 20th century”, where they accurately determined the oxygen content of some one billion cubic kilometres of seawater?
    Accurately enough – noting that much of that volume is over a mile below the surface – that they can, now, claim a 2 percent decrease?

    I guess I am not the only one who thinks they can’t justify their claim with anything like sufficient data from c1940-1960.
    And I wonder if they have that amount of data for this year, 2023.



  • #
    “No-plane family have to take flight to make Sydney wedding.”

    Four months, and they had to fly from Dili to Darwin.
    Both parents gave up their jobs, in August, to go across the world for the woman’s sisters wedding, leaving on 16th August 2023.
    They apparently used ‘less carbon’, the plant-starvers, but felt able to go without any (mentioned) income for that time.
    The Beeb does not say if they will jet home overnight, or be a good pkeb family and spend another three or four months going home ….
    Maybe they’ve monetized their blog.

