
9.8 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

60 comments to Tuesday

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    Recording audio is surprisingly similar to recording the tiny voltage changes from a resistance thermometer. Although to reproduce temperature changes that occur in the order of seconds means that the game of join the dots requires less data points for accurate reproduction. The minimum number of dots to join is the amount required to identify and remove outliers from the known and predictable rates of change. Enter Mike Oldfield’s tubular Bells.
    This popular 1973 album is what made Richard Branson’s Virgin records. There is an unintentional hidden extra encoded into it. Also found on other works of Mike Oldfield as well as on Genesis’, Nazareth and Cat Stevens albums. “VVV GBR”, a recording of morse code. The call sign from a VLF radio transmitter 37 miles from the recording studio.
    It was found years later by Gerhard Kircher in Austria. His words about it from a web archive site:
    “I was testing my prototype spectrum analyzer program I had written for Linux to do some natural radio work. I was in need of some test input so I grabbed my “Tubular Bells” CD. When I started up the program I was already listening for a while. I was quite surprised to see that horizontal line in the time-frequency display …”
    Listen to it here. In this 12 year old video by a “Roberto Zinelli”. You can watch him filter out the 16 KHz carrier and apply a BFO with software as per normal hardware CW / SSB reception methods to listen to the beat.
    This is quiet different to the artists who put such sounds in deliberately. For those the tone is already created. There is no need of a filter and BFO. Like this:


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        Thanks for sharing that ! Will have a look at my Tangerine Dream CDs/LPs… šŸ˜€


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          “Recorded at The Manor” Tick.
          While you do think about this. The CD that was used is recorded at a rate of 44,100 samples per second making it easy to identify the 16KHz signal and separate it out to either be removed or in this case deliberately listened to. Better if it was not there in the first place than needing to remove it. Sampling at a slower rate would still have recorded parts of it and it would not be as easy to identify then extract or remove.
          For audio, rates of change below 20Hz and above 20KHz can be removed because our ears can’t hear them. For temperature measurement slow signals need to be kept. Signals above the rate at which a glass thermometer can change should be removed or prevented before sampling if trends are to be calculated back to glass thermometers. Any filter in the system be it analogue or digital needs to be after the cable run between the thermometer and the data logger. A thermal filter at the thermometer is useless for removing signals that get in after that point. The rate a glass thermometer can change varies with humidity and wind speed to complicate the issue. Using an average filter time can’t be the same because of this variation.


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            Sliggy, ..are you suggesting that the BOM may not be processing their raw data correctly to eliminate outliers ? šŸ‘šŸ™„


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              robert rosicka

              Bom are in the poo at the moment for failing to forecast the deluge in QLD , apparently one of their models did predict possible totals close to what actually fell but they held off on it even when it because more than just a chance .


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              Chad Sorry for slow reply. Very long day.
              “are you suggesting that the BOM may not be processing their raw data correctly to eliminate outliers ?”
              Oh it is much worse than that. They select the most believable outliers and delete the good data without averaging it to produce inaccurate junk with a raised maximum and lowered minimum. That is an increased diurnal range with lowered accuracy. It’s no suggestion. It is clear as crystal in their documentation that they muffed it.


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    Jojo(the one and only)šŸ•DogfacedboyšŸ’©

    Christmas… Santa is back…

    Watch out heā€™s beyond being pissed now too.
    Drugged up kids.

    Oh! You better watch out,
    You better not cry,
    You better not pout,
    Iā€™m telling you why,
    Santa Claus is coming to kick your ass.

    Heā€™s making a list checkin it twice,
    Heā€™s gonna find out whos naughty or nice,
    Santa Claus is coming to kick your ass.

    He sees you when youā€™re sleeping,
    He knows when youā€™re awake,
    He knows when youā€™ve been bad or good,
    So be good for goodness sake!

    Oh! You better watch out,
    You better not cry,
    You better not pout,
    Iā€™m telling you why,
    Santa Claus is coming to kick your ass.

    He sees you when youā€™re sleeping,
    He knows when youā€™re awake,
    He knows when youā€™ve been bad or good,
    So be good for goodness sake!

    Oh! You better watch out,
    You better not cry,
    You better not pout,
    Iā€™m telling you why,
    Santa Claus is coming to kick your ass.

    Heā€™s making a list checkin it twice,
    Heā€™s gonna find out whos naughty or nice,
    Santa Claus is coming to town,

    He sees you when youā€™re sleeping,
    He knows when youā€™re awake,
    He knows when youā€™ve been bad or good,
    So be good for goodness sake!

    Oh! You better watch out,
    You better not cry,
    You better not pout,
    Iā€™m telling you why,
    Santa Claus is coming to kick your ass.

    (Ate his Deer for protein and buffed up on steroids)
    (He ainā€™t that fat, jolly white guy anymoreā€¦ along with a new string of Dears.)


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      Greg in NZ

      More snow in Australia’s south šŸ˜² as cold front licks parts of Tasmania…

      Take yer pick, BoM is offering odds on 1,100 1,200 and 1,500 metres, upscaled from yesterday’s generic 1,000m. Places in NSW to ‘plunge’ from 30s down to overnight teens as southerly drifter (different from a buster) drags cooler air north. Little River Band must be making $millions off their theme song: Time For [another?] Cool Change.

      Then again it could be our Prime Muppet (PM Luxon) who’s flying into Canberra today to meet your Muppet to have a chin-wag and how’s yer father and SMILE & WAVE for the cameras… sumpfink about shecurity of orcas and their drones…


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        To Sydney actually. Despite all the work done in the 1890’s, one state capital city has become our (unwanted to most of us) de facto national capital.


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          Greg in NZ

          True that: Sydney tomorrow, my malinformation*. So not even an official welcome to the big house on the hill, just a flying visit for lunch by the harbour (if he makes it – the Govt’s personal 757 jet keeps breaking down… maybe 1st-class commercial?).


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        The temperature here in country Vic has dropped during the morning. There was a roll of thunder, a good wind gust and rain. Temp now 15C, pressure c. 1200mb. Yesterday temp max was 26C, previous day was 29C…what’s happened to the boiling? It has been humid, which I dislike, and the bushflies have been really irritating.


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    Do vegetarians fart and belch more than the rest of us?


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Obviously, being a displaced Brit, I follow the goings-on of the ‘government’ of my domicile of birth. Needless to say and as most on here would know, it suffers under the growing tide of globalist, progressive leftism, just like Australia and elsewhere.

    So my interest was piqued when I read about one Conservative MP called Miriam Cates, who seems (I choose that word carefully having been disappointed so many times) to be genuinely conservative. She has recently criticised the European Convention on Human Rights, attacked cultural Marxists in the public service and made clear her arguments against militant transgenderism. She also goes to church. Fetch the smelling salts!

    So inevitably she is a target for leftists in media and public service institutions. Bank on cue, the UK’s Parliamentary Standards Commission, another attack dog controlled by the Left which is supposed to be apolitical, has announced that it is investigating Ms. Cates for bringing parliament into disrepute, though we don’t know why yet.

    This is of course outrageous, not just because it is so obviously a carefully-timed hit job, but because the Parliamentary Standards Commission cares so little that we know it is heavily biased. So far, the commission has ‘investigated’ eight MPs, all of them on the Right, not a single one on the Left.

    As Mark Steyn would say, “Why are we acting like everything is normal?”


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    Some years ago, I wrote to the New York Times on a particular issue so ended up on their mailing list.

    In the past year I have had numerous offers to take up their daily email subscription. It has been the regular “best offer” for $1/day for the first year for a few months now.

    This has a note of desperation so I took a look at circulation:

    The print circulation has halved since 2014 when they removed the online numbers that were shown in the three previous years.

    With regard profitability. I looked at a few annual reports:

    Profit last year was $202M. That was down from $268M in 2021. In 2007, profit was $227M. So not much increase over a couple of decades. Not keeping up with inflation.

    Share price bottomed at $3.85 during the GFC. The Trump years were good with share price increasing 5-fold from $11 to $54 in 2020. It peaked in 2021 at $54.26 and now down to $46.52.

    You would think that the NYT should be a strong supporter of Trump given how their fortunes faired under his presidency. Maybe they get a lot of value from providing solice to the woke folk of New York during the tough times of a GOP presidency.


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      Is this all fake?

      Probably not but the raw stats don’t mention severity.

      Perception matters. We have “all” parked our cars under our houses and I doubt anyone can remember someone losing their house because the car caught fire spontaneously. We CAN remember one car carrier being lost and another suffering bad damage and, rightly or wrongly, we blame EVs.

      Perception matters. The alarmists can no more dispel the perception that EVs are a fire hazard than we sceptics can dispel their belief that we are all dead, that only the date is up for debate.


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      Found your cars for you!
      They are piling up as there is an incentive to out produce and destroy the car industry in other nations. Same thing has happened to washing machines. photovoltaic cells etc: Simple strategy only someone pays. They are called slaves.


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      Is this all fake?

      The track record of Chinese Statistics. (Covid ?) would suggest YES !


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    John Connor II

    Retracted NZ Study Proved HPV Vaccine “Reduced Preterm Births” – By INVERTING THE DATA

    A study by New Zealandā€™s Beverley Lawton et al. ā€œprovedā€ that receipt of the HPV vaccine reduced preterm births.

    However, when statistical sleuths questioned the data, the study was retracted, as it turned out that the findings were inverted.

    interpretation of the odds ratio meaning that instead of HPV vaccination potentially being protective, there may be an associated increased risk of preterm delivery.

    Then, backpedaling started:

    The authors believe that an increased risk of preterm delivery is unlikely and not consistent with the evidence to date. Further, the authors have not been able to access the original source data as per protocol to check the data validity.

    The source was not some rogue database administrator; the NZ Ministry of Health provided the data.

    When study authors admitted that their ā€œinverted findingsā€ accidentally proved that the HPV vaccine increased early preterm births, NZ MOH refused to provide that data again for reanalysis. I guess, the NZ government frowns upon questioning vaccines, truth be damned.

    One of the co-authors blamed an unspecified ā€œstats PhD candidateā€ for the error.

    The study’s lead author, who also initiated it, Prof. Beverley Lawton, hid that she is financially sponsored by the rights holder to the vaccine from editors and reviewers.


    How do they all sleep at night, knowing their crimes.


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    John Connor II

    Tuesday ejuksyshun: Old school bomb targetting was difficult


    Bond would just open the plane door and throw it out.šŸ˜Ž


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    John Connor II

    Xmas gift idea for the kids: a water pistol


    Oh to have that as a kid. Things have come a long way.


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    John Connor II

    Thoughts for the day:

    If diversity is strength, then why do we need lower standards?

    I don’t share my thoughts thinking it will change the minds of those who think differently.
    I share my thoughts to show those that think like me that they’re not alone.

    Frustration is knowing that the agenda is not hidden any more but that the sheep are still obeying.

    “You can’t convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it’s based on a deep seated need to believe.”
    – Carl Sagan


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    The BoM make a claim that their ACCESS climate model is useful.

    I checked the rainfall forecast for the model for December 2023. You will find it here:
    The only region with a slightly higher than average chance of getting higher than average rainfall is a small region in South Australia.

    The odds of FNQ getting above average rainfall was less than 40%.

    So here we are just past mid December and:

    Record rainfall and dangerous flash flooding continues to hit Far North Queensland

    So in what way are forecasts from the BoM ACCESS climate model USEFUL?

    IF anyone actually takes the BoM forecasts seriously, they are acting foolishly. This crowd needs a dramatic reduction in their funding to focus on doing better forecasts and stop prognosticating on the woke “global warming” nonsense.


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      Maybe I’m the Devil’s Advocate here but BOM should not be pilloried for not KNOWING how much rain would fall in FNQ.

      Cyclones decay into rain depressions with the emphasis on “rain”. Just how much is unknowable but the various algorithms had the low crossing the Cape into the Gulf. They were not alone in this. If this had happened there would have been a day or two of rain, some local flooding with temporary road closures, we’ve seen it all before but it parked so it rained and it rained, all in the one spot.

      I just checked the Burdekin Falls Dam level and it hasn’t increased so the rain didn’t even extend into the western Tablelands it was so limited. Our gutters didn’t run in Townsville and I’ll probably be watering again tomorrow.

      And another thing: BOM already overhypes and exaggerates everything, please don’t force them to wind the amp up to 11.


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        Just how much is unknowable but the various algorithms had the low crossing the Cape into the Gulf.

        The question remains – in what way are the BoM forecasts useful?

        The ACCESS climate model has Australia temperature increasing from 1980 to present by 1.5C. The GHCN temperature record shows near flat trend over the same period.

        The BoM are strong supporters of the global warming meme and their useless model reflects their belief rather than anything related to reality. The modellers and their model do a great disservice to all Australians by hyping global warming and all the waste that entails.

        If it is not dry then it could be wet if it is more than average. There is a solid forecast as useful as what the BoM offers.


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          The question remains ā€“ in what way are the BoM forecasts useful?

          They are not, but that is a given for me. I guess I’m surprised that they are taken as seriously as they are. I do find their cyclone tracking to be useful though.


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        robert rosicka

        Hanrahan they had a model which was pointing to extremely high rainfall and had a high confidence level they sat on it till 9pm , by the time most folks seen the updated report was the next day when SMS warnings were issued but too late the deluge was already there .
        Just managed to get back onto the indigo Jones faceache page and this was predicted before the cyclone hit so Bom with their billion dollar system missed it .


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        the long paddock

        in British English

        Australian informal

        a stockroute or roadside area offering feed to sheep and cattle in dry times


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    Still [Severe Heatwave Watch] here, now 25 deg C but did reach 30 deg C earlier.


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    John Connor II

    Cyberattack paralyzes gas stations across Iran

    Nearly 70 percent of Iranā€™s gas stations went out of service yesterday following possible sabotage ā€” a reference to cyberattacks, Iranian state TV reported.

    Iranā€™s petrol stations nationwide have been disrupted by a cyberattack, according to Iranian officials, who have placed blame on a hacking group linked to Israel, Iranian and Israeli media report.

    It is unclear how many petrol stations have been affected in the attack, with the Iranian oil minister saying earlier on Monday that some 70% had been disrupted, but later noting that 1,650 out of 3,800 petrol stations had been attacked. Iran is blaming a hacking group that goes by the name of ā€œPredatory Sparrowā€ (Gonjeshke Darande), which issued a Telegram statement saying that the attack was ā€œcarried out in a controlled manner to avoid potential damage to emergency servicesā€. The stated reason for the attack was ā€œin response to the aggression of the Islamic Republic and its proxies in the regionā€.




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      Iranā€™s petrol stations nationwide have been disrupted by a cyberattack, according to Iranian officials, who have placed blame on a hacking group linked to Israel……

      Cry me a river.


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    John Connor II

    The world’s first human brain-scale supercomputer will go live next year

    Using just 20 watts of power, the human brain is capable of processing the equivalent of an exaflop ā€” or a billion-billion mathematical operations per second.

    Now, researchers in Australia are building what will be the world’s first supercomputer that can simulate networks at this scale.

    The supercomputer, known as DeepSouth, is being developed by Western Sydney University.

    When it goes online next year, it will be capable of 228 trillion synaptic operations per second, which rivals the estimated rate of operations in the human brain.

    If researchers can work this out, they could someday create a cyborg brain vastly more powerful than our own. The work could also revolutionize our understanding of how our brains work.


    Then shrink it from room sized to chicken sized. šŸ˜Ž


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      another ian

      And Dr Bill Williams of CSIRO was known to add –

      “And construct it with totally unskilled labour”


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    John Connor II

    Hereā€™s how much the cost of Christmas lunch has gone up in the past few years

    While the rate of increase has started to slow this year, Australians are now paying 16 per cent more for goods and services than they were in December 2019 before COVID hit.

    That means the traditional Christmas lunch, which is often the only time many spend big on expensive foods, costs a lot more than it did even two years ago.

    We crunched the numbers and they showed that for a traditional family lunch of turkey with all the trimmings, plus ham would cost $192.

    Our festive menu includes 1 kilogram of prawns, a 3.8kg turkey, a 4.5kg smoked half leg of ham, potatoes, carrots, parsnips and Brussels sprouts.

    For dessert, weā€™re also buying Christmas pudding and pavlova with cream and getting bottles of white and sparkling wine to wash it all down, before rounding it off with Camembert cheese.

    The meal would feed about eight with leftovers and is based on the average price of everything from shopping at Coles, Aldi or Woolworths.


    Tip: talk politics, climate and sudden deaths before xmas to reduce the number of people you have cater to.
    BBQ all clean, and raring to go! Gourmet delicasies lined up.
    A Xmas lunch I was invited to (all expenses paid šŸ˜Ž) a few years ago for 4 people was around $800, but will have to cut back on food, not grog, this year.

    Maybe some bugs and Bollinger? šŸ˜†


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    Ireneusz Palmowski

    Thunderstorms in Australia.


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    another ian


    “ā€˜Misleadingā€™: Red State AG Slaps BlackRock with Lawsuit for Allegedly Harming Consumers”



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