A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Evidence Global Warming will Increase Rainfall in Australia?
Essay by Eric Worrall
Unusually high sea surface temperatures off the East Coast of Australia appear to have swamped the anticipated West Pacific drought promoting effects of the 2023-24 El Nino.
This was supposed to be a dry Summer for Australia.
But Summer Weather refused to go to plan;
We’re in an El Niño – so why has Australia been so wet?
Sea surface temperatures have been unusually warm this year, which Andrew King and Andrew Dowdy admitted is one of the reasons for this year’s high rainfall, in defiance of the usual El Nino pattern. But isn’t global warming supposed to deliver unusually warm sea surface temperatures every year, in the not too distant future?
I guess we owe a vote of thanks to Dr. Andrew King and NASA for showing how global warming might benefit Australia, by preventing El Nino conditions from delivering devastating droughts. If only global warming was certain to continue.
It would appear the only way to accurately predict / forecast the weather is to revert to well known, tried, tested methods. Grandma’s gout & arthritis aches & pains,
In addition to accuracy this method is hell of a lot cheaper than the so called scientific method used by the BOM or any other government propaganda clowns & “ hangers on “, rent seekers etc.
After all we have the “ clown in chief “ , Chris Bowen who is known to have never got anything right in his entire political life now posing as a “know it all” climate minister & expert . One thing he really is good at is throwing away hard earned tax dollars with merry abandonment whilst ignoring the fact that he’s got the wrong end of the stick.
He’s probably trying to compete with the “ foreign affairs “ clown which is intent on funding terrorists thru funding UN agencies which aid & abet Islamic terrorists.
The head clown Albozo wholeheartedly agrees with & encourages his underlings with equally enthusiastic stupidity.
Meteorologists need to go back to hand drawing barometric pressure charts, they will then get the feel of the real basics of the weather. I as an uneducated amateur can look at the charts and wonder “how can they say the weather will do that? can’t they see the wind is blowing from the south ….” etc But when you realise they don’t draw the charts, they have a computer model them and they dont even look out of the windows anymore and they are all millennials with no common sense, you can understand why they cant do their job.
Expect more wet weather in Feb with floods and longer term 2025 to 2029 there will be floods like we have not seen since the mid 1700’s.
All driven by the planets and sun spots, this is why David Burton aka Inigo Jones, has been able to predict these events way in advance.
The models are saying La Nina will return this year, wetter conditions ahead.
Funny how the models follow the actual reality. We’ve always be told that modelling is the reality , the forecast, the predictions.
Why bother with fictitious modelling when reality acts independently..
More rent seekers, BS artists & propagandists backed by government alarmists!,
They are totally out of touch with reality. Take “ blackout Bowen “ , continuing down the CC paths to net zero when the Majority of the western world is reversing their policies which are proving to be totally wrong!!
“Funny how the models follow the actual reality.”
But according to el+gordo “The models are saying La Nina will return this year, wetter conditions ahead.”
Looks like actual reality will be following the models if he is correct t
Nine months out its pure guesswork, unless they are modelling cosmic forces like the sun and moon.
As for why this is a wet El Nino, my guesstimate, the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) is a major player.
During the horrendous bushfire season of 2019-20 SAM was negative, which put the high pressure belt too far north. And in its blocking mode it brought gusty north westerlies along the Great Divide.
This time around SAM is positive, which means the high pressure belt (commonly known as the subtropical ridge) is too far south, bringing cool south easterlies along the eastern seaboard.
Your “guess”, shouldn’t that info already be installed in their models or is it surpassed by the magical properties of CO2?
The models were saying El Niño was coming not so long ago!!! The change MUST be due to Climate Change.
Cannot remember what time in the last 6 months because I don’t take much interest in them.
The El Niño statement was made sometime in November. I may be mistaken but not as mistaken as the BOM.
Their predictions of cyclones , their intensity etc are also wildly exaggerated. One can almost sense their disappointment of late as their warnings generally inaccurate on timing intensity & duration were fortunately overstated.
These inaccuracies are more than likely the result of government pressure to ratchet up fear & convince the population that their net zero policies are essential to Australia’s existence and reduce resistance to their lunacy.
What ever happened to governments with common sense!
As an aside to the comments re sea temps and cyclonic activity.
‘The 2015–16 Australian region cyclone season was the least active Australian region cyclone season since reliable records started during 1969, with only three named tropical cyclones developing in the region.’–16_Australian_region_cyclone_season#:~:text=The%202015–16%20Australian%20region,cyclones%20developing%20in%20the%20region.
YET in 2015-16 this comment.
‘This summer has outstripped long-term sea surface temperature records that extend back to the 1950s. We have seen warm surface temperatures all around Australia and across most of the Pacific and Indian oceans, with particularly warm temperatures in the southeast and northern Australian regions.’
So warmer sea temps do not necessarily mean wetter weather. Mmm!
Good catch.
Re “I guess we owe a vote of thanks to Dr. Andrew King and NASA for showing how global warming might benefit Australia, by preventing El Nino conditions from delivering devastating droughts. If only global warming was certain to continue.”
They might want to have a further look and see if that extends drought in SW USA
Yesterday I commented that the elite didn’t seem to like democracy and wanted to crack down on energy, food, heating, flying, freedom and all sorts of other things we used to take for granted.
Coincidentally this came up today in the following link which seems to confirm the elite really don’t like us.
Thanks Tony,
Fascinating numbers and a much greater gap than I’d have predicted.
Dave B
Footballers wives and girlfriends find that living in Saudi Arabia is not easy
Their husbands are earning fantastic sums as Saudi tries to become a major player in the football world but their partners obviously didn’t bother to do their research
So-called “feminists” don’t mind the oppression of women in such countries and cultures.
But in the West if a straight white man supposedly looks at a woman the wrong way he is automatically accused of being a misogynist and rapist.
And “feminists” were also silent about the mass rape and other atrocities directed at Israeli women by Gazan terrorists.
Couldn’t be many climate warriors among that lot. And good luck to them.
300,000 migrants arrived at the Southern Border of the US in December
Berlin says it is now spending 1 billion Euros a year on migrants and can no longer afford to maintain its schools. In the meantime New York is calling for state help because as a “sanctuary city” other states are shipping their migrants to them.
A friend just got back from NY a couple of days ago and say they were shocked by the sheer mass of humanity in tents, shop doors and lying in the streets and they wont bother to go again. The surge in migrants has coincided with a relaxation of drug rules in New York apparently so migrants wanting housing are having to contend with those already homeless and people of all nationalities taking drugs.
Trump didnt finish building his wall and the latest $80 million fine yesterday must surely affect his willingness to keep battling those determined to bring him down in clearly politically motivated actions. He is resilient but he is also no spring chicken. I suspect that if Trump dropped out then Biden would do so as well but I can’t see anyone with sufficient stature to replace either of them
Import the Third World. Become the Third World.
After reading the first few posts above, it might be time to head up the Hunter to buy a few bottles of El and Al Vino to use to induce a more relaxed state of being.
I never thought I would see the logical world that I grew up in fall apart so quickly but sadly, we’ve arrived: the USA, Great Britain and Europe are mired in deep political excrementalism that defies comprehension.
The only decision I have this Sunday is where to buy.
If I buy locally I might survive, but a trip up the valley may leave me with a wrecked car from the El and Al potholes.
Tough decision, but El Vino or Al Vino are the only choices in a world that has renounced logic and been snorting pixie dust for the last two decades.
3g of Soma should fix it !
As in the muscle relaxant?
As in Brave New World; the drug soma was how the people were kept docile.
Indeed – “love is as good as Soma”
Civilisations take centuries or millenia to build but decades or just years to destroy.
Alexander Tytler described the cycles of the building and collapsing of civilisations:
“political excrementalism ” an interesting phrase that well describes where we are
The usual “the swamp” didn’t seem strong enough.
Remember it’s a public holiday weekend Keith. The traffic will be horrendous.
And, think of the emissions involved and feel good about saving the planet by staying at home. (wink, wink).
I would like to recite a recent experience, so that you might consider doing one of your reviews of ‘real evidence.’ I am in the Insurance Industry and have been for many years; I am in fact a ‘Loss Adjuster.’ Please don’t hold that against me, as I specialize in legal liability matters where I try to defend people and companies from attack. I am contractually (and ethically) bound not to reveal cases but I am concerned about the Lithium Ion (L-ion) batteries.
I recently settled a matter involving such a battery which, fortunately, did not decimate the business; but the fire nevertheless, caused a substantial amount of damage. It involved thermal runaway and luckily, was sitting in a location where it burned itself out on the floor and did not spread to other items; it also ran out of oxygen due to the enclosed space. The evidence revealed abuse by the owner, as they left it overnight connected to the Power Outlet (mains) such that it was being energized beyond its recommended time on charge.
This brings me to Prof Paul Christensen who is an expert in such matters. I think everyone needs to know about his video for themselves and their colleagues and loved ones. Anyone seeing a vapour cloud needs to drop everything and run as they explode. Folks should not try to extinguish the fire as that could prove fatal – they just need to run as fast as they can as property can be replaced. Below is a link to Prof Christensen
Please do your thing Jo because one life saved will be to your eternal credit.
I suggest you contact the professor as he will want you to spread the word in your role as a journalist.
As a footnote I now de-energize every night and insist on never leaving batteries on charge when no one is around. But the real concenr to me is what happens when one of these explodes on an aircraft – it will only take one to ruin the whole industry which we don’t want to see; and I am talking about airline and battery manufacturers.
Have you any thoughts as to whether Ev’s should be allowed to recharge in car parks under apartment blocks? . i can imagine residents leaving cars on charge semi permanently.
Being British I would be very concerned on an EV igniting in the 20 mile long Channel tunnel. At present there are no restrictions on their traveling.
Some UK train companies are refusing to carry electric bikes and scooters
Tony- I think they should be kept separate from all other fire load. By fire load I mean anything that is combustible. Jo has reported previously on shipping companies refusing to carry EV’s,so your point is a valid one with real concerns for all of us, especially where we are in confined spaces. I have been trying to convince my sister who lives in an apartment block to insist EV’s including scooters be removed from the basement carpark.
Tony. Another risk that occurred to me when considering travel plans is the cross channel car ferries. For example: ferry services run from Portsmouth and Plymouth to northern Spain as well as services to Ireland and Scandinavia. Imagine being stuck on a burning ferry in the bay of biscay, or north sea or Irish sea. Doesn’t bare thinking about !
“But the real concenr to me is what happens when one of these explodes on an aircraft”
Battery fires have already occurred on aircraft that have lithium batteries as part of their design though luckily, so far, no one has been injured during these incidents.
What Caused The Battery Fires That Grounded the Boeing 787 10 Years Ago?
Because I have multiple rechargeable devices: tools, gardening equipment and a bicycle, I bought a bunch of simple timers that can be set for one, two, four or eight hours. This way, I can safely put things on charge any time of the day or night, knowing they will disconnect themselves.
Good thinking Steve. I am with you but do you keep an eye out? And from a risk management point of view, I would not do it overnight; the party that had the fire found out to their chagrin.
Thermal runaway batteries do not require external oxygen to burn as all the chemical energy is contained within the battery
They will even “burn” under water!
This is why EV fires are so hard to control.
CO2 Lover – You are quite right – my explanation was poorly worded; it should have read: after it fully exhausted itself, there was no oxygen left in the room that might have allowed spread; and luckily it was isolated on the floor away from fire load.
Just acomment or two..
* I have never seen a “recommended time on charge” on either a battery manufacturers specification or on a battery powered product. (Power tools, stick vacs, or even phones ) ?
* if a correct charger is used, it will automatically cut off the power to the battery when the recommended charge voltage is reached…There should be no need to “disconnect it from the power outlet “ !
* if leaving a lithium battery connected th the power is comsiderd “abuse”, ……how then should the widely used domestic solar storage batteries be managed ?…..they are permanently connected to the power and can be “on charge” for far longer than actually necessary !……
….or those EV owners who recharge overnight ?…..
…but in reality, the charger restricts the actual amount of energy adsorbed by the battery.
* Another example is also the thousands of motorhomes and campers, caravans etc who are also using lithium batteries , charging via multiple sources ..(solar, 12/24 v DC, and mains power), ..all fully controlled automatically by the charger , and rarely being manually disconnected from all of those sources.
My point is that unless an incorrect or faulty charger is being used, the most liekly cause of lithium battery fires is a internal defect within the battery pack, either a faulty cell, poor construction/ wireing, failure of the BMS, etc.
Yes Chad you are quite right, but I did not want to identify the battery, as I am in a difficult position ethically; so lets just say it was a battery re-charger and the owner was warned not to leave it on charge at a GPO – after 8 hours. And all I can say is: it was on a recall when the fire occurred. The point I wanted to make was: they are dangerous and should be treated as such. As late as to-day, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) flagged the dangers with the batteries. You can see their news to-day which confirms the dangers but you are an eagle eye pick that up.
Lithium battery chargers are all fully automated, the days of setting a timer switch are long gone … and using a simple timer would never get the charge right.
Of course, a charger might be faulty, or badly made if it came in on some dodgy import. It might be a good precaution to disconnect the charger when not in use … but it’s hardly “abuse” to leave it on charge overnight.
Does the insurance company expect everyone to carefully watch their mobile phones while they are on the charger to disconnect them at exactly the right time?
What about laptops? It is “abuse” to leave the laptop on your desk all day with the power cord in? I would call that normal usage, because the expectation is that the battery management system figures out how much charge is needed.
Tel – Like Chad, you too are spot on; see my response to him. I cannot be more specific due to my obligations but people in my field see what the public does not, as we are at the sharp end of disaster. And would you not agree, that a lot of us are largely complacent; I often suggest to Insurers that people become familiar with technology and as a result can be too trusting and pay a price.
I would hate you, or anyone else, to be on an aircraft flying over the ocean when one of those batteries exploded. As I suggested to Chad, take a look at the Australian ABC news program from to-day. Prof Christiansen is right. So thanks for the comments.
Unbelievably, the Biden Maladministration is taking legal action against Texas to stop them from preventing all those future rocket scientists, engineers, neurosurgeons and ….DemocRAT voters walking across the border.
The US Border Patrol seems to be softening their stance on this somewhat:
Border Patrol has ‘no plans’ to remove razor wire set up by Texas amid feud with Biden admin
Texas and the federal government are battling over border security
Adam Shaw By Adam Shaw , Griff Jenkins Fox News
Published January 26, 2024 4:05pm EST
Border Patrol has “no plans” to remove razor wire placed by Texas along the southern border, a senior Customs and Border Protection (CBP) official told Fox News on Friday, stressing a “strong” relationship with Texas despite an ongoing legal battle between the state and the administration.
Could anyone provide an update concerning Peter Sawyer aka Memoryvault?
[Last posted a comment (that I can find) on the 1st of November last year on his 73rd birthday.]AD
I’m missing Yonnie and TdeF too.
The US political class has once again shown its disdain for real science.
An execution was carried out using the *harmless* atmospheric gas, Nitrogen.
From preliminary reports it didn’t go well.
Surprise, surprise.
The fact is that CO2 levels in the bloodstream control the breath rate and breathing impulse and a proper understanding
of this could have avoided the apparent unpleasantness and led to the use of a sequence more peaceful and in tune with nature.
You would think they could introduce carbon monoxide into any prisoner’s cell while they sleep, so they would never know which night they were going to die. I see no advantage in the rigamarole they go through currently.
from 2014
November 5, 2014 at 4:17 pm
If the CO2 levels in the bloodstream ever get to zero you are dead.
You cannot draw breath if there is NO CO2 in your blood because while low levels will trigger breathing there is an optimum.
Lower than that and the brain stops functioning and we die.
By contrast there is a great range of natural condition where CO2 can be very high and we still keep going.
Low CO2 is dangerous to humans.
More at:
Last year people may remember an article ‘Linkedin Bans Scientist for Presenting Inconvenient Truths about CO2’ by Linnea Lueken printed 6/7/22. It described the almost linear fall of [CO2]atm over 140m years from 2,500ppm to ~350ppm recently, which is only about double the level of CO2 necessary to drive the respiratory centres in our brains.
The point I thought people missed from that article was, all respiring CO2-dependent organisms including humans are on the road to eventual, naturally forced extinction if this continues. Seems we should be warning those that fear rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2 they are playing a dumb game. They are actually endeavouring to wipe most species off the planet if they ever find a way to acively reduce CO2. The planet would be cleared a lot earlier by starvation of all O2 dependent life due to the associated loss of plant life from CO2 deficiency before oblivion due to respiratory failure from insufficient CO2 drive occurs.
Interesting Doc.
Do we need about 180 ppm CO2 to enable the CNS response to work?
The “execution ” thing by nitrogen wasn’t a good example of science at work. It might have been better to stick a plastic bag over his head; just speculating.
Not an easy question to answer Kalm Keith, and thanks for putting me on the spot. I love having commonly used assessments questioned. It takes one back to the books and these days to the internet.
The control of respiration is not solely dependent on CO2 as conditions or diseases change or get worse. There are huge numbers of feedback sensors to the respiratory centres in the brain stem. Things like CO2, O2 and pH along with neural connections for exercise etc. If you think of the current mode of attaching a computer to the sensor readouts from all around you vehicle, its a pity animate life doesn’t have the equivalent. If you think of people with worsening emphysema, where alveoli breakdown and fibrosis occurs making breathing energy/oxygen expensive, control moves to oxygen levels over CO2, with life sustaining but lower than ‘normal’ O2 and gradual CO2 accumulation are tolerated; supplying some extra O2 can depress ventilation.
What I’m trying to say is, when, over a long period, low CO2 ‘becomes’ the problem, other drivers would partially compensate and maybe genetic adaptation could occur to some extent. Is this why CO2-ventilation curves seem to never be taken to CO2 zero?
I quoted the usual way this matter seems to be handled by expert commentators on the matter and unsuccessfully looked for an hour two for more definitive detail. I would imagine SCUBA material may provide some detail but its years since I looked.
Maybe CDC has gone “a vaccine definition too far”?
From today’s “Covid and Coffee Newsletter
“Paraphrasing, Jeanette based her treatments on peer-reviewed science, and feels that, under the CDC’s newly-expanded definition of a “vaccine,” her scientifically-recognized naturopathic “inoculations” should have counted.
Decide for yourself. Here’s the CDC’s current definition of a “vaccine:”
VACCINE: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
That’s pretty broad. I assume New York’s statutes are more specific than the CDC, but who knows? Maybe a New York lawyer should take a look at this. If there’s any wiggle room, they might file a declaratory action seeking a court to say whether parents can satisfy state vaccine mandates by giving their kids anything that satisfies the CDC’s definition of a vaccine, such as any “preparation” that “stimulates the body’s immune response.” Like maybe … vitamins?”
Ahhh, that’s a relief. I can now say I’ve been well and truly vaccinating myself (with vitamin D etc) since 2020.
I might leave out the bracketed bit in casual conversation.
If you have a “free” YouTube account, have you noticed the dramatically increased number and length of ads lately?
Also, censorship of conservatives continues. I often find that when I subscribe to a conservative channel, I (and others) mysteriously find themselves unsubscribed. That is, when YouTube doesn’t cancel the conservative channel altogether.
Yep. I have been watching Dr John Campbell right through the plandemic and now warn folks I send a link to that they might have to turn the sound off until the actual talk begins. Maybe he should start putting them up on Rumble as well?
The last interview with Adam ??? was heartbreaking…
He has a Rumble channel.
Thx… I will go look.
Dr Campbell’s recent talk with Australia’s Dr Robert Clancy
Vaccine Injury and Ivermectin
This might be linked – Chiefio
“@another ian: Per Media going out of biz:
Google has had a few earnings reports in a row where YouTube has had “advertising money misses”. Gee, censor 1/2 your creators and “demonetize” them, change your “algorithm” to abuse your customers and only present to them restricted pablum with a left wing spin… and then your views drop and your advertising revenue falls off? Who knew…
One example: I used to watch The Duran and the two Alex’es on EwTube. That’s typically about 2 hours total per day. They have ads. Now I watch them on Rumble without ads 😉 That’s a revenue hit, for sure. Similarly a few others that are on both platforms..”
While I have a youtube account I don’t subscribe to anything.
The less CIA-Google knows about you, the better.
Never stay logged in to Google-anything:
He sounds like he’s sick of people STILL not getting it, and rightly so.
Also when you post a YouTube URL delete everything after and including the question mark. It’s a tracking token so “they” can know who posts what content. Others do something similiar.
Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson’s 2024 Predictions: “There Is a Collision Coming”
My view is that it is a collision between patriots of all flavours and globalists.
Globalists do not have a nuanced opinion of the plebs. They live in sequestered and pampered environments where they stand above all manner of plebs. The plebs all look the same to them.
The globalists do not need to contend with the culture wars that play out in neighbourhoods that have lost their identity through unbridled immigration.
One of the factors helping Trump is the erosion of living standards in New York and Los Angeles where globalists policy are creating a tough existence for the plebs who might vote for change.
Global Warming™ is a globalists weapon. It is in the same realm as eternal paradise or eternal hell that the Roman Catholics preached. A lot of plebs have bought into the nonsense of Global Warming™. How can Global Warming™ be solved without a global perspective and global authority that stands above all else. The enemy of globalists is all patriots no matter their cultural values.
The globalists are megalomaniacs. Money paves over a lot of sins.
Today’s word is:
Interesting condition!
How about tripe-o-phobia? An aversion to all the rubbish tptb expect us to believe?
Being numerically oriented and verbally challenged I looked it up
so as to assist all the others in my situation
Trypophobia is an aversion to the sight of repetitive patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps.
“How The COVID Virus Defends Itself From The Human Immune System”
It’s almost as though the virus was engineered or selectively bred to optimally infect humans.
Certainly that is the case for the other coronavirus selectively bred by the Chicomms to be 100% lethal in humanised mice.
It will probably be released in time to disrupt the US Election.
Dr John Campbell discusses:
Video deleted on YouTube. Can be found on Rumble.
I wrote this six years ago:
Australia is no longer lucky, smart or even safe. Thank your fellow Australians that voted Green, Labor or Turnbull Party who couldn’t resist the temptation for “free stuff” voted from taxpayer pockets. There are now so many of these people that it’s unlikely that a conservative government can ever again be elected until after the inevitable economic collapse, after which things will be reorganised.
― Margaret Thatcher
Winston Churchill
‘Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.’
John Kenneth Galbraith
Thatcher was wrong. Governments never run out of money as they are now proving. All that happens is that the money buys less. In fact, money is no longer what it was in Thatcher’s day when it was usually recognised as something issued by governments on some form of paper. Nearly all purchases now are made electronically and there are reasonably solid currencies issued by computer geeks.
I do not trust politicians and I trust computer geeks even less. These two are a case in point.
Our Argentina moment is slowly coming… we will ‘eventually run out of other people’s money’
Of course some UNRWA staff were involved in the Israeli attack atrocity, we probably financed it too!
It’s been an open secret for years that UNRWA was funding terrorists.
“Unfortunately, UNRWA has never taken steps to withhold assistance to extremist groups. In some cases, it has cooperated openly with terrorists. Today, as UNRWA provides assistance in Gaza, it is directly providing financial and material support to the Hamas terrorist organization.” (2007)
And the Australian foreign minister Mr/Ms Wong rewarded the terrorists by doubling the amount of our taxes given to the terrorists.
And Mr/Ma Wong is bringing Palastinian refugees (aka Hamas Terrorists) into Australia that even other Muslim Countries do not want.
Aren’t we just blessed with intelligent, compassionate, caring politicians who’re not at all concerned with ideology or SELF INTEREST and not an ounce of common sense, patriotism or love of the country they insist on welcoming us into.
Even worse are the leftist lemmings in the electorate who apparently condone & can’t get enough of this devious immoral pack of liars. Thank heavens only 30% of the electorate voted for them. The reason the independents were voted in is / was because of all the leftists in the LNP falling over themselves to be more leftist than the ALP / Green coalition. Oh for a truly conservative leadership that’ll command respect & above all votes to bring back common sense government!!
A British psychic dubbed the new Nostradamus said ‘Xi Jinping is ill. His illness is serious, but it has been concealed. And there will be a second revolution in China.’
You don’t have to be psychic to announce Xi will die and there will be another revolution.. Both of those are a given!
Actually, I’ll bet 90% of Jo’s commentators are ill, its just something that comes with old age! Things you put up with after 50 would be considered illness when you were 25.
The woman who dares to challenge Xi Jinping
Uncanny KP.
If the story is true you’ll see the top end of the CCP involved in faction fighting. Its a poison chalice, so I imagine they will decide that democracy is the only course of action.
All this should come about this year in the midst of a great depression.
On Australia Day some ratbag national socialists marched.
Despite them clearly describing themselves as “National Socialists”, they were described as “far right extremists”, not the more correct “far Left extremists”.
” has spent this week spreading anti-Jewish conspiracy theories across his own channels.”
Not “Pro-Palestinian” conspiracy theories??? The Left walk a tight, complicated line these days, the only thing they see clearly are Far-Right activities, meaning ‘anything not-Left’!
How to fix Australia – Anthony Albanese
Made me smile. It is amazing that it is still on YouTube.
Climate Change on Trial
The defamation case that Michael Mann (creator of The Hockey Stick chart) brought against Mark Steyn commenced a week ago, after a 12 year wait.
There’s a podcast for each day of trial.
This links to episode 1, but lists all other episodes.–1–A-Mann-Apart-e2eig36
Here’s a little background
And here’s a 1hr youtube show hosted by Anthony Watts, for anyone who doesnt have the time to listen to the daily podcasts.
Mann v Steyn: Climate Trial of the Century Continues.
I have been trying to find out who is paying Mann’s legal fees since he said under oath that he has no legal costs incurred that he is aware of.
Mark Steyn has probably benefited from the case but to think Mann cannot be penalised for his disregard for science and abuse of the legal system is really concerning.
Thieves/vandals brought down a 500ft radio tower in Oklahoma.
Much easier to steal the copper cables at EV recharging stations
Much worse in South Africa
South Africa’s Illegal Copper Trade Dismantles Critical Infrastructure at All Levels
“Consumer Reports Absolutely Shreds New Chevy Blazer EV In Negative Review”
“Opinion: Evidence EVs are a fading fad is ‘rolling in fast’ as Tesla, GM and Ford slash prices”
“In the early 1990s, every self-respecting American yuppie and retired suburban couple bought an electric bread maker, with sales hitting 4 million units. But the fad soon faded as these amateur bakers discovered that stuffing a precise quantity and ratio of flour, eggs, butter, yeast and salt into a metal box takes time and costs much more than strolling to the corner bakery.
Are plug-in electric vehicles the bread makers of our day?”
Happy Half Australlia and New Zealand Invasion Day (but not 26 January)
As David Maddison has reminded us.
In 1788 New South Wales was only half of Australia ending at the 133 E meridian with “New Hollland” being the rest.
New Zealand and Tasmania were originally part of NSW.
It was not until 18 June 1829 that the Swan River Colony was proclaimed and so the official vesting of land that is now know as Western Australia to the reigning British monarch (King George IV) actually occurred on 18 June 1829.
“Truth Telling”
So if we “Fact Check” the “Truth Telling” process that is continuing (to justify “Paying the Rent”) despite the $450 million referendum Australia needs celebrate two “Invasion Days”:
– 7 February for the Eastern Part of Australia; and
– 18 June for the Western Part of Australia
7 February 1788, the Colony of New South Wales was formally proclaimed. The official ceremony was performed by Judge-Advocate David Collins and marked the effective commencement of the British colony. Captain Arthur Phillip assumed the Office of Governor.
From the time of the reading of the proclamation all land in New South Wales became crown land and the letters patient empowered the Governor to make grants. The first recorded grant was to James Ruse along with ten others who received grants signed by Governor Phillip on the 22nd February 1792, thus starting the great Australian land boom. Copies of these and all subsequent grants are held in the grant registers which cover the years 1792 to 1863. {Perhaps 22 February could become “Stolen Land Day?}
In 1789, James Ruse surprised everyone by growing the first successful corn harvest in New South Wales.
So those who cry that Australians are living on “stolen land” the relevant date for Eastern Australia is 7 February 1788 (or maybe 22 February). 26 January has no real historical support.
Postcript: I am related to the Rose Family (Father’s Side)
Thomas and Jane Rose and their family disembarked at Port Jackson on Wednesday 16 January 1793. This family was the first family of free settlers to arrive in the colony, hence the area where their land grants were made, became known as Liberty Plains. Guess this will mean that I wil have to pay more rent than others!
More US wind farms down –
“Another Wind Farm Wobbling”
Via email – relayed
“AUSTRALIA DAY SPECIAL Faux aboriginals:”
“Andrew Bolt on the job
Watch it to the end!!! The counterculture is embedded in the ABC and academia. Truth sacrificed to subversive political expediency.
See the website “
More on fake Aboriginals – Ben Fordham
I recently bought a box of one dozen “Jumbo” 800g size eggs from Coles in Melbournistan. They were Coles branded.
Ten of the twelve eggs had double yolks.
Today the news told us putting ‘istan’ on the end of place names is a sign of far-right extremism and makes you a candidate for ‘Prevent’ in the UK.
Which reminded me of this; As well as liking Shakespeare, Yes Minister, The Dam Busters, Churchill etc.
Used to be a running joke where I worked, not to be too eager for that overseas assignment or you may get sent to a stan country
Huge News! Ford & GM Shocked As EV Owners Hate EVs!
EV owners will hate EVs even more when they try to sell them – resale values have fallen off a cliff.
EVs are really difficult to own. My car garage is not fire isolated from the rest of the house so achieving that would have to be priced into buying an EV.
Long ago, I did experience a car fire in a connected garage. The car was producing smoke from the engine bay just after getting home. I opened the driver’s door, released the brake and put the transmission into neutral than pushed the car out into the driveway, which had a slight downhill slope. Once clear of the house, I put the brake on and opened the bonnet. The lead/acid plastic battery case had burnt down to the level of the electrolyte. The problem was due to abrasive wear of insulation on the negative lead shorting to the positive terminal. The fire obviously started while driving but I did not notice until I parked.
Anyhow, a car on fire in garage at home is concerning.
Anyone seriously wanting an EV should consider how they prevent the spread of fire where it is parked.
I have been saying for some time that the fire risk and associated insurance cost will kill the current crop of EVs.
There is a new solid electrolyte battery being produced in volume in China that might reduce the fire risk.
“Saturday Snippet: Order, counter-order, disorder”
“There’s more at the link.
The really frightening thing to me is the interrelatedness of crises. What if the constitutional crisis between Texas and Washington D.C. precipitates an economic crisis? The Biden administration seems hell-bent on causing one, with its refusal to sanction new natural gas facilities in Texas due to the latter’s recalcitrance on illegal aliens. Texas has many ways in which it can retaliate, being the USA’s primary energy producer and distributor. It can cause grievous harm to the economies of many states, and to that of the nation as a whole, if it wants to. Could a political dispute cause an economic meltdown? You bet your boots it could!
Here is a great picture of a monster monopile to be used for an offshore wind turbine. It dwarfs the people standing in front of it. Imagine the incredible energy and noise driving this securely into the sea bed.
Looks to be made of steel and not the stainless type.
So steel + salt water: What could go wrong!
Maritime engineering advice
From a maritime boat builder on buying stainless steel –
“Take a magnet with you and get the steel it doesn’t stick to”
Marine structure and most vessels are carbon steel.
Fixed steel structures are quite easy to protect using impressed current cathodic protection.
Ship externals need to be well anti fouled to avoid high level of fouling that increases surface drag tremendously. Internals need good pain and regular paint maintencae. I am aware of ships that AMSA has detained for structural safety reasons and there is a vessel banned list:
Building huge steel structures entirely out of SS is not economically viable. Ni and Cr are too precious. Ships world wide are build out of a German developed marine construction steel known ST-52 or a derivative of ST-52. It’s not SS but is a weldable alloy. Marine construction alloys have a fair amount of copper which greatly retards corrosion in marine environments. Fortunately, modern coatings are pretty good, too.
“Renewables” have destroyed the landscape, now they are destroying the seascape not to mention the wildlife.
How large and long is the cable that will connect this monster to the onshore power grid?
How much will it cost to repair if snagged by an anchor?
Why are there no ‘Sea Serpent Gods’, ‘Rainbow Fish’, ‘Song Lines’ anywhere near any of the sea/ocean areas proposed by Blackout Bowen for those seaborne Wind Towers? Has he done his homework or has he paid a lot of people off?
But if Santos/Woodside/Shell/BP/Chevron/Others wanted to run a seabed gas/oil pipeline in those areas, then the ‘Song Lines’ etc., would suddenly appear. Funny that.
And what about ‘Save the Whales’ and all other marine life adversely impacted.
Tanya Plebersuck, as the Feral Environment Ministeress, where are you?
Elon Musk Goes Beyond the Disney Proxy Battle with Nelson Peltz, X Grows as Journos Go! – includes info on Tesla in the cold
Why are their no gender quotas for garbage collectors, drilling rig operators, lumberjacks, abbatoir/slaughterhouse workers etc.?
If you live in Vicdanistan, you can laugh (or cry) at where your taxes go looking at this strange document.
It’s one of the most bizarre pieces of Leftist BS I have ever read in my life.
Obviously there are only two options left:
El Vino or Al Vino.
In copious quantities.
“These considerations help the team identify areas for further research.”
No doubt more money will be required
How about the waste produced by the Sictorian State Guv’ment.
More money required?
Never mind all the intersectional codswollop, how on earth is this supposed to work in conjunction with high density living? Just physically , were do all these bins go? Local government seems be an endless source of dumb ideas.
Great minds think alike Yarpos…your post wasn’t there when I wrote mine.
the codswallop collective 🙂 haven’t used that word in living memory, somehow it seemed appropriate
The codswallop collective! Nice one 🙂
That is kicked to another enquiry – can’t have the trough run empty
What a load of unutterable codswallop! Laugh or cry or both at the wicked waste of taxpayers’ hard-earned money.
I reposted on my X account. (very small # of followers)
Truly amazing; but unfortunately, not uncommon.
Trudeau roasted by Sean Strickland and 18,000 fans in sold out stadium!
The answer is in!
“Tell Me You’re Rigging The Election
Without telling me you’re rigging the election.
CTV- Trudeau and Singh’s teams quietly planning electoral reform legislation”
CNN reported on
“CNN Takes a Dump on Australians”
No mention of “Dark Emu” though
“A Detective Story: What Happens When Dad Notices Something in a Kid’s Bedroom”
The quasi-moons story
Just read that on X – it really is an entertaining tale, uplifting!
More evidence to support the argument that a calm warm Pacific means less powerful typhoons.
Even the BOM cyclone trend records don’t show any increase in numbers of cyclones or their intensity.
They Lied to You About Solar Power
Alabama Murderer Becomes First To Be Executed With Nitrogen Gas
An Alabama man convicted of first-degree murder became the first death row inmate to be executed via nitrogen gas on Thursday.
Kenneth Eugene Smith, who killed Elizabeth Sennett in 1988 in a murder-for-hire plot, was declared dead at 8:25 p.m. Thursday after a mask was put over his face which pumped nitrogen gas into his body, the Montgomery Advertiser reported.
Following Smith’s execution, his spiritual advisor, Rev. Jeff Hood, said he was disturbed by Smith’s death via nitrogen gas after witnessing other executions that used lethal injections.
“Lethal injection is preferable every single day,” Hood said, adding, “What we saw was minutes of someone struggling for his life.”
The “spiritual advisor” needs to stick to praying to his invisible friend.
Any convulsions would be due to Smith holding his breath to the last and trying to escape, not the Nitrogen gas, because it would put you out just like an anaesthetic gas. Go to sleep but don’t wake up.
Far better than the real horror shows that are lethal injections.
Pilots are trained to put on their oxygen masks ASAP if there is a decompression at high altitude.
Death can come quickly and painlessly due to hypoxia – the same method uses to terminate this vile paid to murder criminal
There’s a significant difference in human reaction to lower oxygen levels at altitude and say at ground level or diving underwater using scuba gear.
As you say, you definitely need the extra oxygen way up there.
By contrast at ground level there needs to be some care taken to avoid excess oxygen intake.
Must keep this in mind
Interesting :).
90 minutes in a hyperbaric chamber. Caution.
No doubt the normal breathing switch that occurs at the end of life is with people who have probably not eaten much for a week so not much carbon waste in the bloodstream.
The breath cycle used in singing tends to restrict removal of co2 from the lungs but the reverse tends to remove too much.
yep, it amazes me that the US makes a convoluted mess out of executions , meanwhile they have a massive death toll from Fentanyl where people seem to be able to top themselves efficiently in great numbers. At least the retain the option I guess. In Australia they would probably get bail.
Bond free bail.
“Child Abuse,” Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson on the Left Exploiting Greta Thunberg
Thought for the day
I certainly agree that stupidity, not malice, is the true danger we face, for malice can at least be defeated by force.
My beloved wife has stated it best and most succinctly: “I’m done engaging with the willfully ignorant. It’s simply too tiresome.”
– James Woods
Yes, it is isn’t it…
The Great Australian Slumber
The nation and its leaders reek of complacency. Wake up, Australia, it’s time to tool up, tune in and get to work. The founding of modern Australia is much more than a tale of colonisation The arrival of 743 British convicts at Port Jackson on January 26, 1788, is for many Australians an occasion for celebration NOT lament
The 26 January is the date when Australians including those labelled Aboriginals were no longer “British Subjects” but became Australian Citizens on 26 January 1949 – that is what we are celebrating and why citizenship ceremonies were held on Australia Day until Albo the Commie decreed otherwise.
National and Citizenship Act 1948 was proclaimed on 26th January 1948 which came into effect on 26th January 1949 creating Australian citizenship for the very first time. So this was the first day we all became Australians no matter the colour of our skin.
I’m still happy to celebrate 1788 as our starting year.
Like our west coast there were no towns, or villages, on the east coast in 1787, and those First Fleeters had to start a self-sustaining community which has lasted over 200 years and is still expanding, in that original location.
Those other things, as important as they are, could not have occurred without that start.
Perfect’ new ABC boss must start with truth
The challenge for Kim Williams is that the national broadcaster has lost credibility over its many false reports.
Associate Editor (National Affairs)
“… the national broadcaster has lost credibility over its many false reports.”
They have only lost credibility with conservatives, so they don’t care.
How can you lose something you don’t have ?
So spot on for our time:
Here are 7 Lessons from 1984 by George Orwell
1. The Importance of Individuality: In Oceania, individuality is ruthlessly suppressed by the Party. Winston Smith’s journey highlights the importance of independent thought, critical thinking, and the courage to stand up for what you believe in, even in the face of overwhelming opposition.
2. The Power of Language: The Party’s manipulation of language through Newspeak underscores the power words have to shape our thoughts and perceptions. Orwell warns against the dangers of censorship and the importance of protecting freedom of expression.
3. The Dangers of Surveillance: The omnipresent Big Brother serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers of pervasive surveillance and the chilling effect it can have on individual freedom and privacy. This lesson encourages us to be vigilant about protecting our privacy in an increasingly digital world.
4. The Value of History and Truth: The Party’s manipulation of history and its attempts to control information highlight the importance of preserving historical accuracy and seeking truth. This lesson encourages us to be critical of information we receive and to actively seek diverse perspectives.
5. The Power of Love and Resistance: Despite the oppressive environment, Winston and Julia’s love for each other provides a glimmer of hope and resistance against the Party. Their defiance reminds us that even in the darkest of times, love and the human spirit can endure.
6. The Importance of Critical Thinking: Winston’s questioning of the Party’s narrative and his pursuit of truth emphasize the importance of critical thinking and questioning authority. This lesson encourages us to be skeptical of information received and to form our own independent opinions.
7. The Fragile Nature of Freedom: 1984 serves as a stark reminder that freedom is not guaranteed and can be easily lost if we are not vigilant. This lesson encourages us to actively engage in the democratic process, hold our leaders accountable, and defend our hard-won rights.
My local woke council replaced Australia Day celibrations with an Orwellian “Truth Telling” event on the waterfront run by a “Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation” and when I looked up these details of the Corporation you had to meet this criteria to join:
All traditional Aboriginal names!
Could a hypothetical individual identify as, “a descendant from John Robinson (Robertson) and his children Valentine Margaret Dalton, Hector Norman Arthur Robinson, Ellen Rose King, Mary Edith Hine, Thomas Joseph Russel Robinson, Victoria Alice Brannelly and Mabel Violet Powell”…?
Recall the slogan: “Question Authority” from decades ago? My how things have changed.
Boosters caused the deaths, is that right?
Lack of common sense.
What does that actually mean?
With regards to?
The video is self-explanatory, people are actually going and asking to be vaxxinated, in spite of all the information available.
Seems they are lacking in something.
The boosters are just another clot shot, the result is the same.
They are giving us facts, we draw our own conclusions, and there is correlation, worldwide.
Wow Sry I did not expect some one that knows what is going on.
So the driver was the boosters according to Dr. Denis Rancourt.
Have you seen this video, I have posted before.
Dr. Denis Rancourt Unveiling All-Cause Mortality: A Critical Analysis of the Pandemic Declaration and Vaccination Rollout | Ottawa Day One | NCI
“Dangerous” EV charging trial in Sydney Scrapped
JRE: 40 years ago a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America – Yuri Besmenov
Google’s Billion Dollar Gamble: Project RED Revealed!
they’ve actually built their own Geothermal Power plant
Australian cricket didn’t recognise Australia Day.
Lost to WI.
Not Australia’s day.
Pascal Najadi Son Of WEF Cofounder: \”Arrest Those People Immediately\”
It was never about EV vs REAL CARS. It was a trap.