A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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This is how the polar vortex in the lower stratosphere works now.
The NH is not colder or hotter as a result in itself, it’s just the distribution of energy that changes with weather. Yin and Yang.
If we ambulance chase coldwaves, we are not better than the alarmists focusing on heatwaves.
It’s correct in general view, but…..
It’s not wrong to show the globe is not boiling, the world doesn’t consist only of heat everywhere as it’s told to us via media and some activist “scientists”.
The only heat in Iowa is at the polling booths.
Sub zero blizzard conditions across Iowa / USA were headline news and joyfully reported this morning by Australian commercial TV / lame-stream media. (minus 19 degrees C)
It’s very unusual for any cold weather to make the headlines but there was a very good reason to break their woke rule; “only report hot weather events in alarmist catastrophic climate change sentences.”
They proudly announced the sub zero blizzard conditions may stop Trump supporters from voting at polling places.
MrGrim comes with an avatar of a sickly looking green head. I do hope you begin to feel better.
I do agree with the comment and respond that weather need not be new to be interesting. The NH cold air mass — Thanks, Canada! — is spawning a kaleidoscopic assortment of weather from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic and beyond – to infinity. Great fun to watch, although it is well below freezing here, I am warm and safe. Others are having issues.
Yin and Yang.
That’s exactly what my brain hears with the POS/NEG feedback loop thing.
Sorry, way to much martial arts, yoga, and meditation.
Not enough STEM.
The conceit that somehow ‘anthropogenic’ actions one way or the other, guarantees the balance of nature, strikes me as one the great failures of ‘Science’ in current form.
The disaster of ‘Pandemic’ is the prime example.
Grab some more bat viruses to play ‘science’ with from the cave, while you’re burying trees to sequester carbon.
God help us.
And the Arctic ice growing is a chimera as you wrote yesterday. 😀
It’s not growing (year on year), it’s spread out.
Simple concept, beyond some!
Extend we are talking, didn’t we ?
According to a new science paper it’s not so much the energy and weather but that above 380ppm Co2 has a negative impact
I am well aware of the logarithmic effect and that above 200ppm the temperature impact reduces rapidly but that 380ppm could be the trigger to cool instead of warm, in some circumstances, will hopefully create a lovely debate amongst climate scientists.
I wouldn’t bet on t though.
You can check the NH here.
It’s not ‘cold’ as a whole.
There are/have been some areas of (exceptionally) cold weather.
Look here !
It says “Values are reanalysis-based estimates”, not measurements.. so its as good as Granny’s corns.
I’d poo-poo any weather or climate except what I feel here at home, that’s the only climate important to me and the only weather I can reliably measure.
It is not “ambulance chasing”.. It is pointing out the obvious absurdity of phrases like “global boiling” and “our children will not know what snow looks like”.
There is a strong upward trend in early season snow extent:
A milder upward trend in maximum extent:
And new snowfall records are common place.
The Northern Hemisphere has increasing peak solar intensity and that is causing it to warm with September ocean surface temperature trending upward. That inevitably means more snow when the land cools below 0C in late autumn and winter.
It is only in recent years that the climate modellers have realised they got snowfall wrong as the increasing falls are obvious for many to see. The media now hype periods without snow in places like New York City which tends to get most of its precipitation as water. The media are yet to get the memo that a warming world means more snowfall. At some point there will be a lightbulb moment when it dawns on some modellers that if more of the ocean surface hits 30C in September, there is more water in the atmosphere in October that ends up over land in November just as the land gets below zero so it comes down as snow. That means there will be more snowfall and it will eventually overtake snow melt – then it accumulates like it it did 120,000 years ago in similar orbital circumstances to now.
And worst of all is wasting vast amounts of money on wind turbines and solar panels that are useless in these conditions that are now common across the Northern Hemisphere. Russia has 1GW of wind power – all small scale for dedicated applications. That is sensible for regions that experience bitterly cold winters.
Extreme Weather Events™ is now the new catch cry of the climate botherers. Snow now comes in Arctic Balsts™. Shifting the focus from Global Warming™ so they can claim the high ground whenever there is adverse weather.
Iowa could do with some Global Warming™ today as Republicans go out to support Trump.
It makes sense that if the NH is warming, humidity rises, and there is more moisture to fall out of the air. But how does it generate record cold temperatures?
Understand this and you begin to understand why ice eventually accumulates everywhere north of 40S.
Snow is highly reflective. It takes a lot of sunlight to melt snow without the aid of wind. Once there is snow everywhere, the land never gets much above 0C. The highest daily sunlight on the globe occurs at the South Pole during the summer solstice. However the South Pole does not warm above 0C because it is a cold block of ice about 2,000m thick. It retains a memory of all those days when there was no sun.
So melting snow relies on advection of warm ocean air. Until that comes, the land stays snow covered until the sunlight gets more overhead. Air above snow covered land will not be much above 0C through the middle of the day and will be colder at night.
The long term trend of more snowfall is now established but snow melt is still outpacing snowfall. The permafrost is still receding north everywhere except Greenland as far as I know. I have seen mixed stories on Iceland. The retreating permafrost in Siberia is unearthing stuff that was buried under ice during the last glaciation; indicating the retreat is now approaching where it got to last time before being buried under hundreds of metres of ice.
The area of NH ocean surface hitting the 30C limit in September is increasing at 2.5% per decade. It is now at 10%. Within 200 years, it will reach 50% of the surface and then there will be real snowfall. The descendants of the present media numpties now referring to Arctic Blasts will come to know what Arctic Blasts look like. All that northern air colliding staying cool as it descends from the ice mountains meeting with water laden air off the oceans. That will be serious snow.
Earth’s orbital pattern is now into glacial mode but the obvious turning point will be when the permafrost again advances south.
Aloha! MLK DAY here and the markets are closed but not the insanity on “X” and Facebook. Game on for 2024! Its all the same orchestrated WEF bought politics no matter if you are in the US, Canada, Australia or the UK.
Instead of buying votes in the past they now buy politicians, whole political parties. colleges, scientists and entire legacy media.
IN A RELATED FACT: Nobody voted “for” Biden they voted “non-Trump” in the belief the USA would return to “normal” and be “united”! If you voted (D) how’s that working for ya?
Inspector General Finds EPA Failed To Properly Report Billions Of Dollars
Trains, Planes and Automoblies
Every few years, generaly around election time a lot of noise is made about building a fast train between Sydney and Mellbourne like the “Bullet Trains” in Japan that would cut the rail journey time to around 4 hours.
A 2013 Rudd government study costed the line at $114 billion. More recent studies have the cost nudging $200 billion. The Grattan Institute’s comprehensive Fast Train Fever report of May 2020 put the construction cost of a Melbourne-Sydney fast train line at $10,000 for every Australian taxpayer.
Bullet trains will never fire in Australia when you can travel by air in just over an hour for a cost of around %50 to $100.
Australia has a population density of 3.4 persons per sq kilometre compared to Japan 338 persons per kilometre.
The same problem arises with building an EV recharging network in a large country with a low population density.
Getting a lot of electrical energy to remote fast recharging stations is very expensive as discoered by EV Chaging company ChargePoint.
EV charging company ChargePoint pulls the plug on Australia as US-owned network shuts down stations in NSW, Victoria and Queensland.
Expect a long life for diesel trucks and petrol cars in regional Australia for years to come.
Also the range of an EV drops to around 80% at 40 degrees C and much more if you are towing something like a horse float or a caravan.
Who wants to sit in an hot car for an hour waiting for it to recharge?
Bullet trains, hah!
Read up on the HS2 fiasco in the UK if you want to experience a true story of corruption, incompetence and criminality. A tory vanity project. To date many tens of billions of pounds totally pissed away and still it continues. And, meanwhile the UK railway system is falling apart because of lack of investment.
It was a labour vanity project not a Tory one.the high speed aspect requires straight level flat rails which costs a lot of money especially in a crowded country like England. It would have been much more sensible to construct a line suitable for fast but not high sppeed trains.
The country is far too small to benefit from the few minutes of travel time created by HSR2
Do I hear the voice of sanity?
It would indeed be much more sensible to construct a line suitable for fast but not high speed trains. Reducing the call from 300 km/h to 250 km/h would greatly reduce the cost of both construction and usage. 200 km/h might be enough to warrant use.
I used to decry the notion of a VFT from Sydney to Melbourne as Tower of Babel stuff. Then I visited Melbourne.
There is no difficult terrain on the southern half of the trip. The cost would not be as high as I had imagined.
Why would you ?
The A/c can be run whilst recharging…even if there is no one in the car.
It consumes less than 3 kW, so when charging at 50 kW it wont make a noticable difference to the time required …
….let alone at a 250 kW charge point !
Just sayin’ !🙄
And yes, i agree that EV recharge stations are going to be a problem in Australia !
Get out of the car and sit in the shade.
But you dont travel Syd><Mel in an hour really. There are substantial overheads in air travel, and you get dumped at an airport not at a station in the city. Watch people whine when Sydneys second airport opens and they find themselves in the back of the western suburbs.
We really dont need bullet trains just reliable , frequent, fast as is reasonable trains. Some of the long distance trains in Europe arent that fast, but they have few stops and cover distance easily. Trains like the TGV are only bulleting for specific sections and it is indeed impressive, but in orher sections they are just trains.
The federal government (Australia) think people are too stupid to find Australian made streaming content on smart TV’s so Australian made content has to be given pride-of-place for Australoan-made propaganda.
Of course, this is just the beginning.
The Australian Government(s) have policies of following the worst, most totalitarian policies of other governments so I expect they will follow Canada’s model:
They think searching for the ABC iview channel is difficult? Have they ever tried searching for a conservative viewpoint on the ABC?
I would just like to note that the ABC (iview) does not offer any episodes of “Rush’ 1976 starring John Waters as set in Australia’s “Turon Springs’ – you know the one, with the iconic theme by Brian May and the ABC Showband.
It has never, ever been repeated, nor released on Video, DVD or Streaming platforms – because the actors were paid for the one screening.
YET … You can somehow find 5 full episodes on Youtube.
To have the ABC whinging about ‘Australian content’ – when they cannot offer it, but Youtube can – is both sad & funny…
In a FREE market, you can’t complain. You offer what people want, paid or not, or you go under.
I used Netflix for a year then cancelled it as I was paying for old material and increasingly woke BS.
Hollywood’s largely gone to hell and deservedly so.
My prediction is for AI generated content to overtake streaming (of old material) and destroy Hollywood. Totally fresh creative content without one year wait for the next season of your favourite shows to appear (don’t you hate that wait), and can be created on a budget.
Over on WUWT, I’ve posted an essay which chronicles the disappearance of the wild ranier, a regionally-important beerological species, from its native habitat in the US Northwest:
ABSTRACT: Large herds of wild raniers had been present in the US Northwest until the early 1990’s. But by the end of the 1990’s, the species had all but vanished. It is now thought that climate change may have played a role in the disappearance of the wild ranier.
..Or,…Nature in action ?
It seems the down clicker didn’t read your comment let alone understand it.
Beta blocker there is nothing that can’t be blamed on climate change but nothing that can be proved unless we go way back in time then yes but that just lends the question if it happened back then and it’s happening now isn’t it natural?
Racist and sexist policies that preferentially employ and promote people based on skin colour and gender rather than merit are affecting the entire airline industry in the US and presumably other woke countries like Australia. This was recently discussed by Matt Walsh and it is also discussed on airline pilot blogs. It’s only a matter of time before there is a major crash due to these woke policies. There have already been near misses.
See Matt Walsh videos:
I think airlines should be forced to state if their pilots and products they use are employed or used on the basis of merit or DIE policies (Diversity, Inclusion and Equity) (a slight transposition there). That could apply to other companies as well.
I read this book when it first came out in 1996.
DIE policies (Diversity, Inclusion and Equity) are just the latest Fad and hopefully will burn out and be replaced by the next Fad.
Fad Surfing In The Boardroom: Managing In The Age Of Instant Answers Paperback – 7 October 1996
by Eileen Shapiro (Author)
Fad Surfing (n): the practice of riding the crest of the latest management panacea and then paddling out again in time to ride the next one always absorbing for managers and lucrative for consultants frequently disastrous for organizations.
Life In A Fishbowl, Part 2.024/1
Scientists say… [Covert-1984] “amnesia” affecting people as Fifth Wave sweeps the country.
Time for their 14th booster…
Interesting that only last week I asked about the number of people getting Covid regularly even though they had been “vaccinated”. It was immediately stated by 2 that I must have been free of Covid, which was the case, and pointed out the Vitamin D3 I used. Both decided then that they wouldn’t get any more jabs, especially as one noticed that her doctor had prescribed D3 asa health benefit. I wondered (to myself) whether that Doctor had become agnostic.
I have recently joined a couple of online forums related to ovarian cancer, seeking advice regarding how best to support my wife. One contributor, an ex-nurse, wondered why seven or more nurses at the small hospital where she worked all got cancer in the past couple of years. So far OK but she went on to wonder if it might be the (forced) vaccinations. Whoops …
There were a couple of responses, mostly discounting the possibility without offering any hard facts and then several members requested that the discussion be shut down because it wasn’t based on “reality” but was just political.
This has happened to me a number of times. Ordinary people, not just health professionals or government officers, will quickly pounce on anybody suggesting the Covid vaccine did any harm. There are never any facts, data or evidence offered for believing the vaccine is safe, though they will often cite the alleged ‘fact’ that there is no evidence to show that it IS harmful. That the authorities refuse to actually investigate excess deaths and vaccine injuries is fiercely ignored.
It’s been said before that many (most?) vaccinated people, having taken the jab, simply will not contemplate that they made a mistake.
Best wishes to your wife and you.
“One contributor, an ex-nurse, wondered why seven or more nurses at the small hospital where she worked all got cancer in the past couple of years.”
Clusters happen, certainly.
But isn’t there some hypothesis [no stronger] that cancer [in some forms?] can be ‘catching’? Thought I read that somewhere …
With or without the dreaded vax.
Clusters happen without doubt, and of course cancer was around before the pandemic. The point here is that ordinary people who had the vax will not tolerate any mention of side effects, dangers or (lack of) efficacy, especially (in my experience) when voiced by individuals who didn’t have it.
Almost time for Geert’s prediction to manifest.
No bioweapons needed.
More unintended consequences…or are they just brilliantly planned? 😉
Ivermectin has strong anti cancer properties btw…
As a geriatric on an “age care plan” I have four monthly visits to my GP, and a battery of four monthly blood tests. I glanced at my most recent blood test request form yesterday and noticed Vit D was included. This is certainly a first for me. I’m just wondering if in spite the official debunking of Vitamin D’s importance re covid (etc), are some medical centres getting the message. Is any one else here finding the same thing.
Just noticed Graeme NO.3’s post above this.
I have had the opposite experience, having had to insist that it be added to my own suite of regular blood tests. Even then, my GP said that it could only be requested once a year. I presume one could have extra tests run if done privately.
Mr. M: Can’t speak to what medical folks say, but a friend suggested vit. D3 and vit k some 20 yrs ago as trial/error approach to migraines. Didn’t help with migraines (turned out getting rid of processed sugar was best result) but vit D3 had other benefits, less apt to catch colds and flu was obvious to me after awhile. Vit k grew hair, but wasn’t easy to get. Realized after covid emerged that it’d been over ten yrs since I’d had severe cold or flu. No vax and covid free for me (two neg tests after spouse got it- kissed her each morn and eve like always). Take 5k D3 daily, and C and zinc if a sniffle comes on.
With the help of this site, we see the AGW panic for what it is. So it was easy to recognize the panic part of covid. The early concern for the worst had to be balanced against Fauci et al covering for CCP (and themselves, we later learned.) By the time vax came out, if Fauci/Collins were for it, I was agin it! And I lived.
The low over the Northern Territory has intensified slightly to 994hPa and has moved a little further south. It is now influencing surface level airflow across the majority of Australia.,-19.17,2237/loc=131.176,-16.176
Darwin Harbour has recorded wind gusts to 40kts. So not damaging.
There is a weaker low well out in the Indian Ocean and another off the Queensland coast. All part of the monsoon trough line. But the most intense started on land and is still sitting over land heading slowly southward.
I have never seen a tropical low develop over land and intensify. Those that get to NT inevitably come from the Gulf or Timor Sea. This one started out over land and is intensifying over land. That suggests there is enough warm water on the land to fuel the storm.
The amount of atmospheric water over Australia right now is impressive:,-25.12,1553/loc=132.139,-30.420
So is all this humidity lethal? Or is it just moderating the temperature? Maybe lethal if you drive through floodwaters in your EV after the lethal humidity gets to the ground.
I have been tracking the big low as well, even though (alas) I am >2k kms too far south for it to have an immediate impact here. Given the aridity of the NT south of (say) Katherine, perhaps Elliott and certainly Tennant Creek, it’s hard to see it moving much further south and maintaining its strength, no?
The low is now pulling moisture in from the east centred around Sydney, from the west along the Pilbara coastline and from the south around Port Lincoln. It already has established flows from the Timor Sea and Gulf. This one low pressure region is impacting surface up to mid-level air flow across most of Australia now.
I expect it will head toward warmer, drier air to the south or SSW. That drier heat should provide enough energy to sustain it. Only time will tell if it influences rainfall as far south as Alice Springs. The moisture coming in from the Bight could produce showers in SA The upper levels have intensified in the last two days
The central pressure is now showing 993hPa so it is still intensifying.
It is an interesting phenomena because the land is behaving as if it is ocean surface. It is consistent with the very high levels of atmospheric water over northern Australia, in particular, but right across the country.
The Amazon region usually has enough atmospheric water by virtue of its trees to sustain cyclic convective instability and tends to retain moisture until the Gulf of Mexico becomes dominant. But I have never seen the instability cause tropical cyclones.
If this low developed over ocean, it would already have a name. How often do the BoM miss the opportunity to name a tropical low. Offshow lows with central pressure between below 995hPa would be on watch.
Thank-you. Fascinating, as Spock would say.
Spock also said “curious how often you humans achieve that which you do not want” (paraphrased probably)
From your “Darwin” chart yesterday, nothing to see here.
Katherine, nothing.
Katherine radar
2009 isobar chart of lows traversing Australia.
I’m more concerned about the locals, 30 degrees in the middle of summer, poor bast@rds will still have their winter woolies on, while awaiting the runoff.
Not sure what you mean by “nothing to see here.” The Katherine radar clearly shows the anticlockwise movement of showers/cloud around the low. There was no suggestion there haven’t been lows south of Arnhem Land before, just that THIS one is strengthening despite moving S/SSW. And that is unusual.
All I see is a bunch of Darwinians in flannelette shirts, fishing rods in hand, heading to the seasonal runoffs.
Clockwise rotation is what lows do
This weather channel got Jasper right, Force Thirteen AU, apparently land cyclones are a thing.
Its forecast to travel across the country to Adelaide.
At the moment Australia is swamped by low pressure with high pressure languishing in the Southern Ocean.
“Big Claims About Tiny Numbers”
“Our marvelous host, Anthony Watts, alerted me about a new paper yclept “New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 2023“. ”
“New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 2023”
More at
Willis E has doubts
Ocean temperatures are the biggest pile of poop in the whole climate scam anyway.
Pretending that they have any reliable/comparable global ocean temperature data since 1800, 1850, or whatever, is the big lie. Not to mention the pause buster Karl et al paper produced for Obama in time to secure the Paris agreement.
In 2015-16 there was an El Nino and yet it was the least active cyclone season since reliable records began. Sea temps were down in the NW of WA but WA was the only area to have a landfall cyclone (Stan).
Alien mummies definitely fake.
Well there’s a surprise.
Deaths From Fungal Infections Have Doubled Worldwide in Just a Decade
Eleven years ago, my colleagues and I estimated that about 2 million people around the world were dying from fungal infections annually. My latest estimate puts the figure today at nearly double that: around 3.8 million deaths.
To put this in perspective, it accounts for around 6.8% of total global deaths. Coronary heart disease is probably responsible for 16% of the world’s total deaths, followed by stroke at 11%. Smoke-related lung disease (COPD) comprises 6% of total deaths, with fungal infection being responsible for about one-third of these 3,228,000 deaths.
Other comparative global death statistics put pneumonia at 2,600,000 (some fungal) and tuberculosis at 1,208,000 (of which mostly undiagnosed fungal disease probably comprises 340,000 deaths).
Many of these people die because their doctor does not recognise that they have fungal disease – or they recognise it too late. But also, many of the deaths are down to slow or absent diagnostic testing and a lack of effective antifungal drugs. Tests based on fungal cultures only identify about a third of people who actually have a fungal infection.
Unfortunately, as with antibiotic resistance, antifungal resistance is a growing problem too. Spraying crops with certain types of fungicides is greatly increasing resistance rates to a group of antifungal drugs, known as azoles.
Candida infections are one cause of sepsis and are found in the bloodstream. They are also linked to diabetes or renal failure – or both – and can also take hold after major surgery or trauma. This fungus is a normal part of the gut microbiome, but when we are very ill, it travels across the gut wall into the bloodstream.
Don’t underestimate how serious fungal infections are and their rise, just like superbugs. AGAIN, we create the next generation of problems by trying to fight nature, with our obsession with disease and cleanliness.
Couple them with any disease AND compromised immune systems and you have a horror film for real. Dawg help the multi-vaxxed.
Gram negative bacteria in the gut release Lipopolysacharides when they die. It vastly more frequent in the literature to find this explanation that it is the lipopolysacharides that normally are retained in the gut until they are expelled. In the condition known as ‘leaky gut’ this LPS can penetrate the leaky gut epithelium and get into the blood stream where the immune system goes haywire and begins a cytokine storm so that the immune system attacks self cells that can lead to sepsis..
The biological logic i suppose is that the immune system thinks it is under attack by gram negative bacteria since the LPS is seen as an epitope of the said gram negative bacteria. LPS is routinely used in laboratory mice and rats to induce immune reactions like turning on a tap.
The bacteria Bacillus Subtilis is the global gardener of the bacterial and fungal world. Fungicides are increasingly being replaced with the spraying of B Subtilis in horticulture, is administered to and used to make fish food in aquaculture as well as reducing the use of antibiotics, and to improve and control fungal root diseases, as well as creating conditions in the gut that allow the epithelium to completely regenerate. This completely fixes all the low grade inflammation that becomes chronic and can be so dangerous when sepsis sets in.
If doesn’t work and is not cost effective, farmers would not use this ultra common bacteria at ever increasing rates.
In my case, it is not possible to count the ways i am every day in awe of how incredibly lucky i am to have found this most ancient connection when as once upon a time i was obsessed with cleanliness and germs.
If anyone is interested in natures ultimate and forgotten probiotic, let me know…
I will right here and now for starters.
Where can I source this gut gardener I need, and also more info about it?
Welllll…a single magical probiotic doesn’t exist.
All commercial enteric probiotics contain less than 30 or so bacterial strains but the human gut contains hundreds. No-one knows the number and numbers and types vary considerably between people/races/regions.
It’s in the hundreds, typically 200+ but could go to 500.
Diversity and balance (non DEI) is key.
Seasonal foods, so your gut rotates slowly over the year from winter through summer. Each change of food as they become available changes the gut biome, currently lots of beans, tomatoes and peppers as they come out of the garden, with berries apricots and plums. Makes a change from potatoes, broccoli & carrots a few months back.
Death, ‘Disease X’, & “Rebuilding Trust” With The Denizens Of Davos
The rational (and characteristically pessimistic) side of me reads that and thinks “yep, it aligns with the many signals/hints/cues one can see all about” yet the more child-like and optimistic me says “can it really be THIS bad?” I mean the dystopian vision implied by a 40% death rate of the vaccinated in a place with our rates of mRNA infusion really would be “Fin.”
Amazing that no-one has poisoned the food or the aircon at Davos, cleaning the genetic pool in one hit…
The ABC has discovered there’s some unrest in Germany, but I haven’t found any similar story in SMH up to just now:
Dave B
Daily sarcasm.
A bad day with a bald head is better than a good day with a man bun.
Trump leaps into an early lead in Iowa, with more votes than the other seven runners combined.
This will suit the Democrats because, if he is the eventual candidate, all they have to do is step up the lawfare and – eventually – remove him from running. The Dems will then only have to face an also-ran on the GOP side, easily dismantled as ‘the reject’.
This story calls it for Trump, with numbers. Not a surprise, but reassuring.
Dave B
Trump 51%
Desantis 21%
Ramaswarmy withdraws nomination after vote.
Desantis will need Haley to withdraw to give him any chance against Trump.
My view is that Desantis would make a better POTUS long term but Trump must have a fire burning inside now that should give him the strength needed to clear the swamp. Democrats minds must be exploding watching this. But even Democrats shudder at the thought of Biden heading into another term.
I have read it was the coldest Iowa caucus day in history. Did Iowa have temperature measurements in the 1840s or was winter just cold or damn cold?
Trump off to a reasonable start.
Trump can only serve one more term
Desantis who is 45 years old has plenty of time left to run – this is just a warm up for Ron.
NSW will need a bigger year for their “Woke Days Calendar”
Start here
And add
In addition, there’s a numerical problem with genders.
Here, from the San Francisco “GIFT” program, which will give $1,200/month in taxpayer money preferentially to illegal alien ex-con transgender prostitutes with AIDS who can’t speak English, is their checkbox list of genders. (And no, I’m not kidding—that is their preferred recipient, the person that goes to the head of the line for “free” taxpayer money. But I digress…)
So buckle up and keep your hands in the vehicle at all times, let’s take a ride through their official list of genders.
GENDER IDENTITY (Check all that apply)”
(There are about 100 listed so see the list at) “
I just posted a comment on the Daily Mail, responding to a story about Albanese’s proposed subsidies of “the poor” in Australia so that they can afford solar panels and insulation. I pointed out that Albanese’s green energy policies are part of the problem, pushing up the price of everything. I went on to say that it is outrageous that Australia cannot any longer smelt its own aluminium ore due to the same high cost of energy, yet we will happily ship the ore – and the cheap coal – to China so that THEY can smelt it cheaply.
Literally fifteen seconds later, I rec’d this message from the Daily Mail:
“We have received a number of complaints about the comment you made on article “Anthony Albanese announces new cost of living support for tens of thousands of Australians – and it will make Greens voters very happy” (/news/article-12967151/Anthony-Albanese-cost-living-package-Chris-Minns-millions.html), at 16/01/2024
Due to the number of complaints received, your comment has been removed from MailOnline.”
The sheep don’t like the truth do they.
Cognitive dissonance rules for them.
Why don’t you email them and ask to see the complaints lodged in 15 seconds and how they were assessed so incredibly quickly.
I did and, as of 2 mins ago, the comment was restored. No explanation but I’ll settle for publication.
In Albo’s Australia the “poor” are lucky to find rental accommodation.
Putting sollar panels on the landllord’s house is not a high priority for them.
True. The poor are not their conn-sideration –
except from a top-down,-at-a-distance perspective……………. ………….. -> the unfortunate.
There are no cheap rents for yr local cits.
“The thick plottens”
“Tucker Carlson Asks if the COVID-19 Genetic Modification Vaccine Changes Your DNA
January 15, 2024 | Sundance | 308 Comments”
“Dissecting A Modern Vaccine Propaganda Piece”
“Based on the feedback I received, I realized a lot of people were interested in knowing what was inside the book and why Hotez is such a frequent target of criticisms. Additionally, given Hotez’s “response,” I felt it was important to share exactly what he proposed doing to those who disagree with him and how the WHO is working behind the scenes to make that happen.”
“The Biggest Evidence for the Folly of the EV Push May Be Happening Right Now”
“Tesla supercharging station packed in Oak Brook, dead cars line parking lot due to frigid temps”
Don’t you just love Karma.
Those who bought EVs to appease the Climate Gods are now being justly punished.
You learn something new every day.
How many of these people left straned are going to buy another EV?
Tuesday funny (maybe cry): do people understand the scale of the universe?
Dear gawd…
Many people do not understand that Australia is not Austria on this planet – so questions about the scale of the universe are beyond them.
Even Astronomers have gotten it wrong. There are glaxies that have been discovered by James Webb that should not exist according to the “science is settled” Big Bang” theory.
Austria – violins
Australia – Kangaroos
Sounds a good idea!
“The Better Reset: President Javier Milei fines the organizers behind 2 recent road-blocking protests in Argentina. The unions and social orgs involved have been ordered to pay up millions of pesos, covering operational costs for police.”
The ACT is already moving to ban wood-fired heaters from 2045 while other states have held inquiries into the air pollution they emit.
Natural gas heating is being banned in Victoria so what do you do when you cannot afford electricty to heat your home?
Time to read up on the French Revolution and how they dealt with a ruling elite detached from reality.
The tumbrels will roll in the US, not here. We are sheep, they have guns and a precedent.
Santos victory in the federal court.
Now add #26 !
Unfortunately, the activist government organisation, EDO, who receives $10m annually from the federal govt, already has many more plans to attempt to stop other projects, including Woodside. They are trying to stop $16bn worth of major projects.
The Aussie Wire
I still have not stopped laughing
Tesla drivers (or former drivers) stopped in the big freeze in North America.
“The New York Times Admits Ukraine Is Losing The War”
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy made have to go back to his former job.
Has more talent than Albanese though!
Not only private jet parking space –
“Dark Davos: Escort Services “Completely Booked” As WEF Begins”
Is Hunter there?
“After Visiting All 99 Iowa Counties and Failing to Win a Single One, Ron DeSantis Declares Victory “We Got Our Ticket Punched”
January 16, 2024 | Sundance | 82 Comments”
It’s cancelled then?
“How to End the Suffering of the Palestinians”
IIRC there are a few “Why’s” to that
I’ve been on a politics forum tonight. The leftists are unconsolable about Trump’s 51% in Iowa. They are flailing around like a one armed paper hanger in a gale.
None have mentioned Fani. Out of respect for Jo I deleted the rest of that.
One swallow does not make a summer. With regards to The Donald, I’ll wait until the big States vote, especially Florida (De Santis’s home State) and New York.