What crisis? We put out a trillion tons of man-made CO2 yet global disaster losses are shrinking

By Jo Nova

If man-made climate change does anything at all, it makes Global Disasters tamer

Humans produced 980 billion tons of CO2 in the last 32 years, yet global losses due to weather related damage are shrinking as a proportion of our economy.

Despite there being more humans on Earth than ever before, with more buildings, farms, and factories just waiting to be wrecked by bad weather, somehow global weather disaster losses are not as large a part of our economy as they used to be.

All those extra houses, tractors and cars are sitting-ducks for storms, floods, and hailstones, yet the “climate crisis” is doing less damage to our GDP than it used to when CO2 levels were much lower.

Back in 1990 global CO2 levels were just 355ppm, now it’s more like 417ppm.

Roger Piekle Junior investigated the economic losses of weather disasters for the last three decades. He found that when losses were adjusted for inflation, and measured as a proportion of global GDP, damages were shrinking.

Naturally this tells us nothing at all about what drives the climate, but shows the prophesies are bonkers, and the relentless weather porn on the news is like a pagan religion.

Global disaster losses 1990 to 2023

Since 1990, the toll of disasters as a proportion of the global economy has gone down from about 0.25% of GDP to less than 0.20%. That is good news and indicates progress with respect to the goals of the Sendai Framework.

He points out that the UN itself recognizes that this is the correct way to measure trends in losses, rather than just adding up “total dollar losses” as most of the mass media does.

The United Nations Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction identifies disaster losses as a proportion of GDP to be a key metric for tracking progress on disaster risk reduction.1 This makes obvious sense because as the global economy grows there is more “stuff” exposed and vulnerable to being damaged.

The UN, despite knowing the correct answer, is happy for the worlds journalists to propagate lies and errors as a way to screw more money from hapless taxpayers. UN experts could easily speak up, to point out how lives are getting easier as we emit more CO2, and how journalists are being naughty. But scaring the children is all in a days work for the global grifter cartel.

The UN is quite happy with incompetent media reporting and misinformation, it’s the truth they have a problem with. Time to dismantle the United Nations.

Congratulations to Taiwan tonight for their elections — shame on the UN for not recognizing a great democracy.

Roger Piekle Junior writes at The Honest Broker.


Global CO2 levels: 355ppm – 417ppm

Cumulative human emissions of CO2 : 1990 – 2022, OWID.

Global Tropical Storm Energy, Ryan Maue

AI Tornado by Willgard Krause



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70 comments to What crisis? We put out a trillion tons of man-made CO2 yet global disaster losses are shrinking

  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Why aren’t natural CO2 emissions getting bad publicity like man-made ones?

    Surely there are estimates of the CO2 emissions (and other emission) from the current volcano eruptions in Iceland that have been going on for weeks?

    So why are these estimates not being provided by the mainstream media?

    Could all of Australia’s made-made CO2 emission reductions over the last decade be offset by a few weeks of volcano activity in Iceland?



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      Greg in NZ

      2 years ago today, the double-barrelled Hunga Tonga undersea volcano blew its top: the water it ejected, along with SO2 and CO2, is STILL raining down on us, some in the form of snow as Fiordland and Mt Cook can attest to, with webcams showing a fresh coating of overnight ‘Dr Viner’s worst nightmare’.

      As for ‘Iceland’, well, the name kind of gives it away, yes?


    • #
      David Maddison

      So why are these estimates not being provided by the mainstream media?

      A vast majority of the anti-energy-lobby/the-Left have no clue how much CO2 is in the atmosphere, let alone the contribution of anthropogenic or natural emissions.

      And today’s Lamestream Misleadia and politicians (with one handful of exceptions in Australia) are especially clueless, the star products of decades of the deliberate dumbing-down of the education system.

      E.g. see the frightening cluelessness of this US Government committee responsible for Climate policy:



    • #

      Let alone the amount of CO2 released from the Oceans (each year) that cover around two thirds of the Earth’s surface.

      Now, where did I put my Calculator?

      Climate myths: Human CO2 emissions are too tiny to matter


      More CO2 please say the trees and plants.


      • #

        There are some basic problems with all this “SCIENCE” ….measurement accuracy !
        Atmospheric CO2 in ppm i can accept as being a precise measurement +or – a % or two .
        But,..how do you measure planetary CO2 emmissions or adsorbtions accurately ?
        Answer,.. its impossible to be precise.
        My understanding is that it is done by experimental measurements ( methodology to be questioned ?) , in a few locations ,..and then extrapolated to obtain a estimated global figure ?
        So, how much error in a local experimental measurment ? , ..+- 5-10% possibly?
        And then how much error in “estimating” a global total from those experimental results ?…
        …I would suggest at least 10+% for both the emmissions and the adsorbtion numbers.
        I would therefore think the possible errors of +- 44 GT just on the land mass natural emissions,…. which, compared to the “known” 26 GT of human emissions ,..should render the whole data comparison a farce !
        And, i will ask another question which no one seems able to answer, .

        Considering the potential errors in measuring ..How can we be sure that the 50% increase in atmospheric CO2 levels ..280-420 ppm…is due to increased emissions, and not due to a decrease in the adsorbtion rate ? (IE.. higher ocean temps, etc)
        (Note….Those C14 -C12 isotope measurements only explain approx 4% of any increase)


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    shame on the UN for not recognising a great democracy.

    When will Australia have a “great democracy”?

    Australians voted overwelmingly a few months ago against the policies of racial division but this has been ignored by our political class at the Federal, State and local council level.

    China should do Australians a favour by invading Australia before Taiwan – but isn’t that already happening with Labor’s immigration and energy policies!

    The largest wind farm inn Australia is ownned and operated by a Chinese company using Goldwind Chinese wind turbines.


  • #
    John Hultquist

    Being pendantic, ’cause it is too cold here to be doing anything outside:

    Regarding “… relentless weather porn …”
    being : “like a pagan religion.”
    Peganism is a term first used in the fourth century by early Christians for people in the Roman Empire who practiced polytheism,[1] or ethnic religions other than Judaism. [source, Wikipedia] {There is a great image on that page.}

    The peoples of the world have envisioned many marvelous “origin stories” that generate religious-like beliefs and practices regarding the supernatural. The few of these that I have learned about are sometimes nasty, but more often fascinating.

    Tis’ a shame to imply they are like the climate porn promulgated by the ClimateCult™.


    • #
      Curious George

      Alarmism modifies the notions of heavens and hell. Instead of “behave now, and you will go to Heavens in the afterlife, otherwise you will go to Hell” they say “behave now, and your grand-grand children will live in Heavens, otherwise they’ll live in Hell.”


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      John, pagan, Latin paganus, countryman:

      ‘without morals or taste; heathen; barbarism; non-Christian’

      Odhams Dictionary 1946.

      Perhaps today it includes sceptic and unbeliever, with regard to the contemporary religious cult-like beliefs espoused by those self-chosen on high, ie. Davos Man, arrogant wealthy city folk v hard-working country folk who know their weather.

      Long live pedantry! 😃


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Apart from weather disasters there are disasters due to earthquakes. We do not attempt to control earthquakes as we attempt to control the climate.

    On 6 February 2023, a series of earthquakes killed over 55,000 people Turkey and Syria, and injured a further 100,000.

    Many of these deaths were cause by people living in unre-enforced stone and brick homes.

    Replacing these homes with ones built of re-enforced concrete would greatlly reduce the death and injury toll in an earthquake. However this requires ecomomic development and CO2 emissions to make steel and concrete.

    So there is a trade off – we cannot control earthquakes but we can control their outcomes with plenty of steel and concrete and the related CO2 emissions.

    So what to do? Perhaps a body called the “World Economic Forum” might consider such trade-offs? The greater use of fossil fuels is well correlated with greater for expectancy over the last two centuries as well as with current life expectancy.




    • #
      David Maddison

      We do not attempt to control earthquakes as we attempt to control the climate.

      Actually, the “climate change” freaks do claim supposed climate change causes earthquakes and volcanoes.

      It’s only a matter of time before the subsidy harvesters demand trillions of dollars of tax payer dollars for earthquake and volcano control.


      How climate change might trigger more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

      Published: August 9, 2023 12.58am AEST
      Matthew Blackett, Coventry University


    • #

      ‘So what to do? Perhaps a body called the “World Economic Forum” might consider such trade-offs? The greater use of fossil fuels is well correlated with greater for expectancy over the last two centuries as well as with current life expectancy.’
      Therein lies your problem.
      The real extremism of the devotees of god gaia. the planet god, see humans as parasites on Planet Earth.
      There is an offspring to this ie some lives – generally of the left extreme and their selective preference for non western,
      non Judeo-Christian peoples – matter more than others. The societies that gave birth to these extremists and provides the
      freedoms they use to expound their theories and use those freedom rights to destructively vandalise the property of useful
      citizans who, in general, pay them to use their (non)working days to create such damage and enforce their demands for social
      change and division, they utterly despise. just look at the Israeli-Hamas war in Gaza. Israel and Jews should be swept off the
      planet, so hamas must be saved to continue to achieve that endpoint!


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    Corporations are eternal life forms.
    As is government.
    This is why they recently married.

    Mortals born at the turn of the last century, don’t know that the weren’t supposed to ever know snow or Arctic ice.
    The climate/political grift is about what COULD happen.

    Every 20 years there is a new generation of zuckers.
    The Immortals get to trot out the same predictions nearly with each new collegiate graduating class.

    The average person under 30 stares blankly and says, “Al who”?


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      And the Algorhythm continues.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Honk, does not Corporation PLUS Government EQUAL that dreaded ‘F’ word, which I shall not type here, which Il Papa Mussolini once referred to – and we know where THAT led him and his wife to…

      Then again, the YUGE statue of Abraham Lincoln in DC has him sitting on a chair supported by ancient Roman fasces. Oh dear, the plot thickens.


      • #
        Honk R Smith

        I see nothing.
        I think they make lovely couple and am on my way to the joy of owning nothing.
        Otherwise I would have sent a gift.

        I think the fasces was to represent him holding the Union together by force.
        I was born in one of the Confederate states.
        I learned to to pledge alliance to the Republic that Lincoln saved.
        And to be Patriotic to that Union.
        And to regard statues as lessons of history.
        This apparently now is suspected ‘extremism’.

        It’s their ‘Democracy’’.
        Ok by me.
        Not the first club I’ve been excluded from.

        We have to focus on Decarbonization.
        That’s what’s really important.


      • #

        Until 1930es that symbol was used by Soviet publishing houses too, that was not a big deal.
        But the sculptures, the sculptures ! Truly, no distinction what so ever – the same muscular naked torsos, same leather aprons, same mallet, raised above the head…


  • #
    David Maddison

    yet global disaster losses are shrinking

    That’s why they have to keep lying about the extent of supposed weather losses and also invent whole new crises like covid and the soon-to-be-released US Election Variant of Covid or as the WEF calls it “Disease X”.

    If the media, government scientific agencies and the education system actually did their jobs, instead of being part of the problem, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

    SEE comments by John Campbell about Disease X. https://rumble.com/v46v7fn-dr.-john-campbell-disease-x.html

    The Davos Party is on this week but only for owners of private jets. Expect some bad news from there this week. Watch reportage from Rebel News.


  • #
    Mike M

    His name is Roger Pielke, not Piekle.


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    william x

    For any that are interested.

    This is via the “Insurance Council Australia”, database.

    Link below is an excel sheet “ICA Historical Catastrophe List”. (current)

    Provides full details of each catastrophe 1967 to 2023.


    Link above sourced from:

    ICA data hub: https://insurancecouncil.com.au/industry-members/data-hub/

    Sadly for some younger than me….

    They may not know that Cyclones were more frequent, destructive and abundant in the late sixties, seventies and eighties.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Cyclones equal SURF, which is why I left NZ in 1981 for the sun-kissed headlands & points of the Sunshine Coast (QLD) and was not disappointed. Older surfers I met spoke of the 1970s with glazed eyes… one swell reportedly lasted 29 days, where a troppo lingered off the Queensland coast FOR A MONTH, lighting up the whole east coast of Australia.

      If that happened today, old Guterres Flannery et al would be wetting their pants without even having to fly to Kiribati’s languid lagoon for a photo op. Then again, the models are showing signs of a number of troppos forming later on this week – do young kids know what ‘Cyclone Season’ means anymore?


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    No name man


    I work in Insurance and have thought for many years that leaving aside death and destruction which none of us wishes upon the poor victims, or uninsured folk, the record always addresses the losses to Insurers – not the public: those ‘losses’ are not a negative to the Insuring public; they are as a plus, as the transfer out of the Insurers hands back into the public’s hands is to the latter’s advantage. It is akin to banking and when a CAT strikes the public are merely retrieving/restoring their wealth. Having been involved in many CATS, as we call them, I have seen first hand, the benefits to local economies; the simple reason is the CATS inject huge sums of money to builders, suppliers and the Insured’s are able to rebuild their lives. Therefore the method of measuring GDP is faulty; and without that injection the losses would be disastrous


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      Frederick Pegler

      That is a good point. However I’ve noticed politicans (at least in Australian) Have found an exellent self promotion tool by spending buckets of ‘other peoples money’ around whenever one of these CATS happens. Unfortuneatly the way the systems works, is that the amount ‘given’ must ALWAYS increase, while the criteria decreases. (You have to look better that the last guy) It won’t be long before getting your garden flooded will get you a $million handout from the long suffering tax payers.


      • #
        No name man

        Thanks Frederick

        Whilst I work in that game, I am one of its biggest critics as it makes many mistakes; but no system is perfect.

        Politicians, being the sorts of persons they are, tend to bandwagon jump as their preferred position.


    • #
      Robert Swan

      No name man,

      …the record always addresses the losses to Insurers – not the public: those ‘losses’ are not a negative to the Insuring public; they are as a plus, as the transfer out of the Insurers hands back into the public’s hands is to the latter’s advantage.

      Thanks for posting. That’s a thought-provoking perspective.

      I’ve always seen insurance as socialising individual risk, but the idea of a disaster drawing a large “socialised” injection to the area hadn’t occurred to me. That lets insurance be viewed as a form of voluntary tax yielding real social benefits.

      Seems greatly preferable to government stepping in (benefits of competition and less bureaucracy), but I see a few pitfalls:

      1) It assumes the insurance companies act ethically. That’s not a safe assumption in today’s MBA World. (obviously I mean proper ethics too, not wokeness)
      2) Its efficiency depends on insurance companies acting efficiently, otherwise premiums just grow to cover the waste and the overall harm is greater than the benefit.

      and the biggest one:
      3) It assumes governments can resist the urge to step in. We’re seeing this repeatedly: politicians want to be the generous hand helping the poor victims, and it’s all just taxpayer funds anyway. If the government is there to bail everyone out, who would pay for insurance?

      Like I said: thought provoking. It hangs together in a “pure mathematics” sense, but I think it’s not so simple in the world of bricks and mortar.

      (*Edit I see Frederick Pegler beat me to point 3 and it *is* the biggie)


      • #
        No name man

        Thanks Robert

        You are quite right, it is a voluntary tax which we all need to follow if we want to return to near normal following a major event. Insurers transfer risk as they can cope with large events which you and I could not finance without being super rich.

        As regards ethics, Insurers in this country are bound by the ICOP (Insurance Code of Practice) and the ruling body known as (AFCA) the Australian Financial Complaints Authority comes down on them heavily if they err; and there are big penalties for Insurers where they stuff up. Loss Adjusters are run off their feet in times of CATS and most of those operators that I know, are diligent, hard working servants for the Insuring public.

        There will always be persons that do not act ethically but generally speaking – and I could be wrong on this next statement – but it is my understanding that more than 90% of claims lodged, are paid. That number can be fact checked.

        As regards efficiency: given the often complex nature of claims, one needs to tread carefully when criticizing them, as life is not black and white. But thanks for the comments – your points are noted.


        • #
          Robert Swan

          No name man,

          My view on ICOP: trying to codify ethics is very modern and not very good.

          Here is an EconTalk podcast where they discuss obedience to the unenforceable. It centres on a century-old talk by Lord Moulton, titled Law and Manners, in which he praises the grey area between actions that are ruled by law and those that are entirely voluntary. He characterises the area between as being governed by “manners” (“decency” might be a better word today). That’s all very out of fashion, but I think your model becomes more convincing if insurance companies act with decency than if they have a code of practice that “lawyers” can check.

          It’s unlikely the decency approach would work today though, because *so* many people are of the view that if it’s not illegal, it’s ok. Because of that, I see your view of the beneficent insurance company as a bit optimistic.

          On efficiency, I had in mind the situation maybe 20 years ago (bit fuzzy) when NSW third party vehicle insurance premiums were going through the roof. As I recall, insurance companies found the courts fickle and didn’t even contest various claims of two-car collisions with all seats occupied in both cars, all occupants claiming injury, and all occupants having remarkably similar family names. Perhaps the skyrocketing premiums were just the companies’ way of putting pressure on the government to get the courts to be sensible. You’d have to agree that it’s a pretty blunt instrument, and far from efficient.

          Tough gig being an insurer today. Frederick Pegler’s point and my point 3 are the main reason why. You’re one of the favourite baddies. Pretty sure the government wants your job. All generosity, all security, all safety from the government’s beneficent hand. In that world, the ethics and the efficiency will be far worse.

          Interesting to think about.


  • #
    No name man

    And what I omitted to add was: when A CAT is declared, Re-Insurers are called in to pay part of the losses, so we are not looking at a local Insurer paying out of their own reserves – it is shared around the world and greatly reduces losses to local Insurers. We are lucky to have such a system and even though many of us whinge and whine when we have to pay premiums – me included, it is important system to maintain our wealth.


  • #

    Thanks again Jo for highlighting Dr Pielke jnr’s accurate work, but why do the con merchants and liars continue to lie and promote their BS and FRAUD?
    So why are kids at school not told the truth and why are the genuine Scientists hounded by the MSM, pollies etc? And why did Obama and Holdren and the Demo RATS pursue Dr Pielke because he told the truth about the climate and particularly droughts and floods?
    So how long before the howlers and yappers are also told the truth about the reduction of at least 98% of deaths from extreme weather events since 1920?
    We live in the safest period for Humans in our history and yet hardly anyone understands these facts. Instead why are these facts lied about and promoted all the time and hardly anyone has the courage to speak out and tell the truth?
    Trillions of $ have been WASTED over the last 32 years and we continue to wreck our environments with more UNRELIABLE, TOXIC W & S and again very few seem to understand the DATA and the ongoing waste?


    • #

      ‘We live in the safest period for Humans in our history …’

      Weather was better in the Medieval Warm Period.


      • #
        Peter C

        True el gordo.
        But maybe that proves the point.
        Human safety from weather is not climate related. It is better because we are wealthier.


      • #

        EG I’m stating that this is the SAFEST period for Humans EVER.
        Today the deaths from extreme weather events have dropped by at least 98% since 1920. And over 6 billion MORE people in 2024 than 1920. See OWI Data, Lomborg, Pielke, Koonin, Shellenberger, the co2 Coalition group of Scientists, Lindzen, Happer etc.


        • #

          It is safer to say ‘ might be the safest..’. The next 2 years may show it has all been illusory
          and a time of western political indolence. Trump alone, of all Western politicians, called out
          reality. Western Europeans hence detest him; he called their foolishness, realising true power
          only lies in the hands of those with real power to back their attempts to create a better, fairer world for
          all. Even noted Australian commentators fall into the hole of despising the man for his abrupt personality
          and plain speaking. ‘Very rude and ignorant of political niceties’. Makes the lie of Australians loving plain speech!
          The elites of the West hate him. He ruptures the Big Government-Big Business-Big Media-Mogul holding national power to
          the cost of the middle and lower classes that are forced to pay the extreme costs of their delusions. He shows the people
          reality! He exposes the self interest of the elites. Foolish people, educated for a foolish view of the world, elected
          foolish politicians and the ‘safe’ world changed rapidly, 3 years, to prove Trump’s point. The world of Jeckyl and Hyde, done.

          Even Biden’s Democrats, thanks to their delusions on Iran, have been forced to acknowledge reality and have gone to war.

          ‘Safe’ world, or really all ‘a massive delusion built on political weakness demanding we all believe in an elitist, utopian reality’?


        • #

          Improved communication has made weather related deaths less common.


  • #

    More real DATA and EVIDENCE from Marlo Lewis to try and make us THINK for a change.



  • #

    As I’ve noted before Willis Eschenbach uses a lot of Dr Dr Pielke jnr’s work to highlight the climate/ extreme weather events. Also from Bjorn Lomborg as well.
    But his WUWT article asking “Where’s the emergency” has certainly stood the test of time.
    And last updated on 29th DEC 2023.



  • #

    Keep breathing. No CO₂ no life.


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      David Maddison

      It’s amazing how many people have no clue about the gas exchange cycle between animals and plants.

      They used to teach that sort of thing in schools, back in the day….


  • #

    This is the news Australians are getting on the US cold weather:

    Apparently a large number of new cold records have been set. The football playoff match was played in the lowest temperature recorded during any match. One news report showed a bottle of water being taken from a “fridge” then immediately freezing as it was held in the air outside the fridge.

    There are also new snowfall records being set across parts of the USA.

    Lucky for the US they have a PotUS who is working to fix the Global Warming™ problem. Maybe the job is done for now and time for Kerry to resign – job well done lurch.

    The US can be thankful they have been installing all those wind turbines and solar panels to keep their EVs going when it is cold outside. The new Tesla model comes with folding snow shovel mounted in the trunk in order to remove snow from the charging station. Just hope the hose to remove the snow from the solar panels is not frozen!

    In the era of Global Warming™, snow is inevitably the result of a new phenomena known as “arctic blast”. Such “blasts” never occurred before humans started burning fossil fuels. The snow came down gently and regularly rather than being “blasted” from the Arctic. Natural snow was nicer and kinder than this anthropogenic blasted snow.


  • #

    I still say that Africa proves to us that extreme weather events and climate change have been very BENIGN over the last 73 years.
    And Africa has had to suffer about 90% of HIV AIDs and Malaria deaths over a long period of time.
    But in 1950 Africa’s population was about 227 million and life expectancy was about 36 years.
    And in 1990 their population had increased to 638 million or 0.638 billion and life expectancy was 52 years.
    But today Africa’s population has increased to 1.49 billion and life expectancy has increased to about 64.3 years.
    IOW Africa’s population has increased by over 1.26 billion and life expectancy by a further 28 years since 1950.
    It’s very difficult to find any dangerous climate change in Africa since 1950.
    BTW OWI Data states that global life expectancy was about 28.5 years in 1770 and yet Africans were able to increase their life expectancy by 28 years in just the last 73 years. THINK about it.



  • #

    Congratulations to Taiwan tonight for their elections — shame on the UN for not recognizing a great democracy.

    Yeah, 28% of the Taiwanese have voted for the new incumbent, that incumbent has declared the party’s willingness to declare independence and take the country to war with China if that is what it takes. The 70% who do not want war with mainland China can get stuffed and suffer the draft because duh’mocracy. Tyranny of the minority. As it is, this result will actually result in even more economic stagnation in Taiwan, investors already reject Taiwan because they are still technically at war with China. Why is the west getting involved, because of Duh’mocracy?

    Such allegiance to a form of government that continually screws over the people of Australia. Are the policies of Australia the wishes of the majority of people? Do the majority have the right to screw over the rest? What is the difference between non-delivering politicians and dictatorship? Did a majority of Australians want the demolition of their energy infrastructure? Duh’mocracy indeed.

    It may have worked when people had values, it certainly doesn’t work today.

    NB. I have a residence visa in Taiwan, so I have some knowledge of what I speak.


    • #

      ‘What is the difference between non-delivering politicians and dictatorship?’

      The people can vote them out of office at the next election, no career politician wants that.

      The CCP is facing strong economic head winds and is slipping into a deflationary spiral, best to keep clear of the mainland until the CCP collapse. Its just around the corner.

      I imagine they will adopt the Taiwan style of democracy, it seems to work reasonably well.


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    How is it that the 70% lost the election to the party that got 28% of the votes?


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    David Maddison

    Here’s something to think about…

    Is the purpose of banning plastic disposable convenience items and replacing them with tree-based products a surreptitious way of getting our beautiful forests cut down and buried for “carbon sequestration”?


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    A good plug for Jo Nova and others here – Not for some others though – LOL –

    Inigo Jones – Long Term Weather Forecaster – And NOTHING to do with CO2 –

    “On top of all this, governments around the world have been deleting and fudging figures to push their global warming agenda. The BOM deleted the hottest day temperature ever recorded from 125f to 112f. Go to https://jennifermarohasy.com/ for details. Another great historical site for weather research in Australia is https://joannenova.com.au. We have all government weather departments around the world fudging and deleting all figures from NASA, IPCC, BOM and CSIRO. There’s a reason for this because they want to make the present hotter and drier and the only way you can do this is by deleting and fudging the past to scare the hell out of everyone. These people called “EVER” only 20 years ago, what a joke! There have been millions of famines, droughts, frosts, floods etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_famines.”



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    Wayne Job

    If one looks at the weather around the world at the moment, global cooling appears to be kicking in . Global warming has been beneficial the mini ice age of the 17th century killed half of europe.


    • #

      The cool wet summers caused crop failures and famines, so people deserted the small villages, but ultimately it was the plague which decimated the populations across Europe.

      Something good came out of this, field labourers got better wages.


  • #

    I really don’t know how to explain the verifiable scientific data in simpler terms, but here goes.

    Human life expectancy was 28.5 years or less for 300,000 years.

    But Africa our poorest continent increased their life expectancy by an EXTRA 28 years since 1950. And their population from 0.227 billion in 1950 to 1.49 billion in 2024. ANYONE see any EXISTENTIAL THREAT?????
    Does anyone NOT UNDERSTAND the DATA now? See Macrotrends, OWI Data, UN etc


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    John B

    I know that it is regularly done (the moving 5 year average) in time series statistics, but it reminds me of what William M Briggs says:
    We already know the data and there it is. We do not smooth it to tell us what it “really is” because we already know what it “really is.”


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    John Connor II

    A blast from the past, 13 years ago:

    This is from MTR 1377 radio today. Our regular feature, “Quote of the Week” just doesn’t work here. Neither does decade or century. No, a whole new category all by itself is reserved for this quote from the newly appointed Climate Commissioner of Australia, Tim Flannery, noted zoologist and author of the book The Weather Makers.

    Here it is, brace yourself:

    If we cut emissions today, global temperatures are not likely to drop for about a thousand years.

    Lest you think that is an errant remark out of context, here’s the follow up from Flannery:

    Just let me finish and say this. If the world as a whole cut all emissions tomorrow the average temperature of the planet is not going to drop in several hundred years, perhaps as much as a thousand years because the system is overburdened with CO2 that has to be absorbed and that only happens slowly.



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    John Connor II

    Some climate alarmist videos for a laugh:

    Your house is on fire:

    Think of the children:

    Think of the turtles:


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    Here are all the OWI Data deaths from 1900 to 2023 from natural disasters and note the green bars are earthquakes so not extreme weather events.
    The worst disasters are for floods and droughts and of course much higher in the first few decades.
    In 1900 the population was about 1.6 billion and just 2.5 billion by 1950, then another 5.5 + billion added by 2023.
    IOW the number of deaths per million population have dropped by a huge number since 1920.
    Dr Indur Goklany told us this years ago and today the honest scientists and reporters plus some pollies etc have also dipped their toe into the water.



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    Peter Fitzroy

    Pity that the insurance companies disagree


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    David Maddison

    A government that is allowed to break the law during an emergency will create an emergency to break the law.


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    Meanwhile, today, Arctic sea ice extent is the highest for this day for the past 21 years.https://notrickszone.com/2024/01/14/for-this-time-of-year-arctic-sea-ice-has-risen-to-its-highest-level-in-21-years/


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    John Culhane

    What to do when the grid infrastructure cannot deliver, but you really want to virtue signal and replace diesel buses with electric buses?
    Why charge them with diesel generators of course.



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    Maybe you should use more recent figures instead of practicing “free speech / misinformation”.

