By Jo Nova
Two years late: Two legal wins, and a Senate investigation
Two years after police and ambulance drivers were forced to get Covid injections, the Queensland Supreme Court has ruled that the vaccine mandates were unlawful. Because this decision is about human rights, it’s may also apply to other humans (we hope). So lawyers all over the country are sitting up and paying attention.
This follows on from a South Australian decision a few weeks ago where the Employment Tribunal found that an employer (the state government) was liable for any injuries caused to staff by mandatory injections required in the workplace.
And possibly related to all this, in 2022 10,000 Australians died above and beyond the normal rate and no one (officially) knows why. The Australian Senate has decided (on the fourth try, and only by one vote) they can say for sure someone should definitely look into this. This banal, but good outcome was possibly a parliamentary world first — which says a lot about the state of democracies around the world because the same odd patterns of deaths is occurring in pretty much every democracy.
The Labor Party and Greens voted against it, presumably being worried about industrial relations but fine with dead bodies.
Forced vaccination finally deemed unlawful
QLD Supreme Court declares Police and Ambulance vaccine mandates unlawful
Rebel News
In a landmark ruling, the Queensland Supreme Court has declared the Covid-19 vaccine mandates for police and ambulance staff to be unlawful under the Human Rights Act.
The ruling, which declared the mandates to be in breach of the Human Rights Act, comes after 38 Queensland Police staff, including 16 officers, were reportedly sacked for refusing to get vaccinated.

The Queensland Supreme Court 130 years ago when people still knew how to build good buildings.
Some 200 police in the state were suspended due to non-compliance. The decision to force medical experiments on employees was made in January 2022. So here we are living in a legal swamp where it’s taken two long years to find out what is “lawful”. Both the Police Commissioner of Queensland, and the Queensland Health director-general apparently didn’t fully understand the law. And the government may yet appeal, which means, in the fullness of millions of dollars perhaps the unlawful will become lawful again.
The legal system is seemingly set up by lawyers for lawyers, and the crime it takes so long to even know that the law is. Not only did some people get injected against their wishes, but others who complied might have chosen differently had they known this two years ago. Some people were put through hell for believing (correctly) that they had the legal right to choose what they inject. They lost their jobs and went through two years of stress, fear and lost income. A few others who took the vaccine may have had their own kind of hell, depending on whether they had side effects.
There is an ocean of human pain there that could have been avoided if our laws were simplified and unlawful orders were not left to unlawfully fester for two whole years.
The court found the police commissioner, Katarina Carroll, failed to give proper consideration to human rights relevant to the decision to issue the vaccine mandate.
The former Department of Health director general Dr John Wakefield was unable to prove he issued the vaccine mandate under an implied term of the employment agreements for ambulance service workers.
As a result, both vaccine mandates were found by the court to be “unlawful” and to have no effect.
We wonder if the police commissioner had given “proper consideration to the human rights”, would that make forced vaccinations OK? And if Wakefield failed to find the right clause in employment agreements, will future agreements be written to include the right for employers to inject workers against things not invented yet?
The Australian notes that this has widespread ramifications:
Queensland’s ‘unlawful’ Covid-19 vaccine mandate ruling just ‘tip of the iceberg’: experts
by Ellie Dudley and Lydia Lynch
A landmark legal decision “vindicating” dozens of Queensland paramedics and police officers who took on the state government’s Covid-19 vaccine mandates is just the “tip of the iceberg” of litigation attempting to overthrow pandemic orders, experts say, with cases in similar jurisdictions likely to ride on the coat-tails of the successful action.
More than 70 staff had taken legal action against the state government in three separate applications, arguing the vaccine requirements were incompatible with their human rights and they had been discriminated against “due to their political belief or activity”.
The Australian Senate decides unexplained mass deaths might be worth a look
When thousands of Australians start to die above the norm, it only takes our elected representatives two years to make the big decision to call for an inquiry. Senator Babet (UAP) is to be congratulated for his tenacity, but seriously, how low is our bar? The investigation should have been done in 2021 when the deaths became detectable and lives could have been saved.
Australian Senate acknowledges need for inquiry into excess deaths
By Rebekah Barnett
While yesterday’s motion calling for agreement that there is “a need for further inquiry” into the causes of Australia’s excess mortality is more symbolic than practical in its outcome, Senator Babet says that its passing is an important step in the right direction.
“This motion is symbolic of a changing sentiment around this issue, and I am not aware of any other parliament in the world who has admitted that excess deaths are worthy of inquiry,” Senator Babet said in a statement released after the vote.
In the world we thought we lived in, if a major new experimental drug was rolled out in an emergency, in a nation with 22 million mobile phones, satellites and 100,000 bureaucrats, you’d think batches would have been tracked, results collected and within a few months our Minister of Health would be able to release safety data for all of us to see. Instead, we got nothing.
Remember the big Queensland vaccine trail that was supposed to follow 10,000 people for five years? The QoVax trial gave the illusion the government cared, but mysteriously ran out of funding after just one year. Somehow, the Australian government was happy to spend $18 billion on Australia’s vaccine and treatment of Covid 19, yet wouldn’t spend 0.5% of that checking whether the vaccines were safe.[Update: For some reason the Australian Government has lost that page bragging about their spending. Luckily the WayBack Machine has a copy. ]
They had a year of data. What did they know?
h/t another Ian, Stephen Neil, Earl, David of Cooyal, Rebel News. Kesten Green.
URL to the government page on vaccine spending (broken):
Scales of justice by Ezequiel Octavianoy
Nurse with needle by Dim Hou
Very good news.
It can’t be just a human rights violation for one group.
If it’s a human rights for one group it’s a human rights violation for all.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
And even though it’s extremely difficult to prosecute politicians and public serpents I want to see individual politicians and senior public serpents prosecuted for what they did.
It can’t be argued they were genuinely acting in good faith when concerns about the safety and efficacy of the products and policies they were forcing on the people were known from the beginning plus politicians were told by various people what they were doing was wrong and dangerous.
Certain public officials were very likely guilty of malfeasance.
There is however a high bar (politicians make the laws) to prove malfeasance of a public official in Australia but it’s not impossible.
Acting in bad faith has to be proven, not mere incompetence which most politicians and senior public serpents already are.
It would be worthwhile for a smart and dedicated lawyer to look into this.
Further thoughts:
The politicians and senior public serpents and their useful idiot supporters sacked/fired, silenced, defunded, ridiculed, prosecuted, caused massive economic harm, used violent police action, etc. against anyone who disagreed with their actions and policies.
That is surely not a sign of them acting in good faith but very bad faith.
They can’t not have known that there were many legitimate scientific opinions that did not support their actions and policies.
Furthermore, why ban effective treatments such as HCQ taken according to appropriate protocols such as Zelenko, which was banned even before the “vaccines” were put on the market? And beyond that, IVM, also in accord with appropriate protocols?
And why the obsession with only certain vaccines, and no support of several projects with alternative and safer approaches from Australia?
Also, if the products that were forcibly injected into us were supposedly safe, why was it necessary to grant exemption from liability to vaccine manufacturers?
DM covid or wuflu, as I prefer, was a massive international conspiracy that sadly won’t be cured by chasing rainbows and snowflake “Pubic Serpents” thru the perceived Judicial system. The Government controls it and they are controlled by the Gnomes of Switzerland et al. While not wanting to accept the disgraceful result on the chin aka “grin and bear it” we must ensure that future would-be political apparatchik/governments are scrutinised before they can count our votes in their favour. Just look what Labor is doing to our economy by dicking around with climate change and zero carbon (as if that was possible) by 2035. BOB is a demented twerp! The countryside will look like a macrame bedspread under his malfeasance. The ADF and especially the RAN will be a laughing stock and the subs will never appear.
Peng, watching twiggy Forrest at the NPC yesterday….what an absolute (rich) grub……an a grade subsidy harvester and not one of the assembled Nats or Media upped him for the rent…..they just sat back while he chastised them for even thinking nuclear……He obviously doesn’t have a uranium mine or some such……maybe Gina has and he is just jealous as there is nothing in it for him ! Just thinking.
Froggy – I also listened to part of the interview of Twiggy with Raph Epstein on their ABC, and he panned nuclear there as well. Of course he would – he is into Green Hydrogen in a big way and has bet a large slice of his Good-fortune on this – so it is in his interests to plug for it and pan nuclear – he just doesnt want any competition. Dont listen to a word he says as it is always linked to the dollar – his dollars
People like Julian Gillespie have been attempting to argue misfeasance in the courts for years and getting nowhere. This recent decision in QLD might be part of some sort of controlled release, who knows! This case in QLD and government indifference to excess deaths was all over the Sky late last night.
The public is starting to catch on that something is wrong. When people wake up a bit more to realise that politicians and senior public servants mandated themselves exempt from the injections (which has been public all along) there maybe some hope for criminal prosecutions.
Sickness and excess deaths are rising and to some it’s looking obvious. That might motivate some public action.
I had been taking Zinc, Quercetin with Bromelain, NAC, Vit D, etc well before Covid, and after researching Covid Vaccines, definitely against mRNA – I thought about Novavax but as they took so long to approve, gave it a miss
I was the only member of my Large Family who did not have Covid Vaccine, and the only one who did not get Covid
Being retired, I was not under pressure to take the Vaccine, as were people forced to by work – I had only one interuption to Cancer Immunotherapy Trial, when they found I was unvaccinated, but that was only a delay for 3 days and they put me in an isolation room for the infusion – that lasted for 2 sessions then back to normal in Cancer Clinic with Covid test day before.
I had luckily back up of hydroxychloroquine paired with azithromycin and Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (generic Augmentin), but was unable to get Ivermectin, but never had need to use them
I am tempted to see if I can get the Wellness Company Pack from the US for just in case for the Future –
I’ve been taking quercetin since mid 2022, hardly had any sick days and never developed a cough. By the way, for anyone who suffers from hay fever, l find quercetin (taken with some vitamin c and zinc) quickly alleviates symptoms.
I have problems with very sticky phlegm in my lungs always and it causes me no end of coughing to the point of causing a hernia. I have used and still do a heavy salt solution in a nebuliser for relief. Recently I watched one of those”doctors” on YouTube who recommended Thyme tea to help with the cough and phlegm. Bugger me it worked a treat and now when my cough becomes problematic I use Thyme tea.
Do you use the thyme as a tea or for a solution in a nebuliser?
Thyme tea to drink, salt in boiled water for nebuliser. The British Lung crowd also discuss salt solution and nebulising for COPD. Look them up
Ozzie – we took daily Zinc, Vit C, Vit D3, Curcumin & intermittent Quercetin from early 2022 but still contracted Covid in late 2022 (very mild) & again Oct 2023 (quite a nasty dose). We stupidly didn’t believe the last episode was Covid as the RAT tests (2) proved negative & was only diagnosed eventually by PCR. We both had a month of prolonged coughing & I have had some long term damage, I believe to Eustachians.
I suspect that effects may relate to initial virus load as we are both pretty fit and healthy.
Would eventually like to procure some Ivermectin as this thing is still mutating.
BTW we remain unvaccinated. Who wants any additional damn spike protein????
I first looked at quercetin after it popped up on various websites as a prospective treatment. I’ve used it regularly, especially when there has been a few Covid cases around the workplace.
Something l used for throat and upper respiratory issues prior to the pandemic is pure liquorice root. Natural anti-viral, worth a look
I would start with the former Prime Minister. His duplicity is shameful.
Blame Greg Hunt.
Peter, he is the Australian key……..his (and his Brothers) back stories make for interesting reading…..follow the money
Greg Hunt is a….snake (I was tempted to use another word but it would rightfully have been censored by a site administrator).
He publicly stated in early 2021 that doctors could prescribe drugs off-label to treat Covid patients. By September that year, he had rolled over and allowed the TGA to ban doctors from prescribing ivermectin off-label.
100%. Vaccine manufacturers being granted exemptions for products described by the TGA as safe and effective is a contradiction.
A case of malfeasance as it applies to the state of Victoria is discussed at:
David as usual great points and information. This is getting well above my (pension) pay grade but in the case of malfeasance surely the easiest route is the “knowledge” angle as in their personal actions did not line up with their public directions. Where is the proof that all the world’s politicians took the jab – apart from photo opportunities of them getting “something” put in their arms and them telling us. How is it that amongst the reports of all those “rare” side effects, including numerous sports people even keeling over on the pitch, no politicians (major western governments) keeled over on the floor?
Anyway. Something interesting to finish with, The Queensland Human Rights Bill 2019 Act Number 5 on page 10 in item 3 Main Objects of Act states:
(b) to help build a culture in the Queensland public sector
that respects and promotes human rights; and
Clearly in 2019 “they” knew the culture was lacking given that help was still need to build it. Well newsflash 2024 IT STILL NEEDS HELP!!
I’m at a loss here. How can the State or Companies be charged with breaking the Law, (or appeal a decision)? If the Law is broken individuals have to be charged, don’t they? It seems the way they have set this up is, that the State finishes up paying (our money) to undo the wrongs of people who made these unlawful decisions. Ps they don’t have long to go now until they get their Mis & Dis information bill passed, then they can continue along their merry way, and we can no longer complain.
”And even though it’s extremely difficult to prosecute politicians and public serpents I want to see individual politicians and senior public serpents prosecuted for what they did.”
The person that I would really like to see in the witness box is Greg Hunt – he of the WEF – he knew what was happening and shut down all opposition from the genuine medical profession.
I have loathed him from the time he shut down the enquiry Abbott wanted into the homogenisation scam from the BOM. He was following Schwab’s orders then too.
Some of the Victorian Liberal Party want to make Greg their Liberal Party State President 🙁
GHunt needs to be dealt with. 1
I have always wondered about the real reason he retired completely from politics.
Refer to section 142.2 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)
The offence of “Abuse of Public Office” includes personal injury where a Commonwealth Public Officer has acted dishonestly
The tort should not be confused with the common law criminal offence of “Misconduct in Public Office” which applies at the State Level and the stautory offence of “Abuse of Public Office” which applies at the Federal Level (see post at #1.6)
The tort of misfeasance in public office provides a remedy in damages for:
‘(i) an invalid or unauthorised act; (ii) done maliciously; (iii) by a public officer; (iv) in the purported discharge of his or her public duties; (v) which causes loss or harm to the plaintiff’.
It is extremely difficult to get the Crown to pay large sums of money to many victims – punishing the perpretator(s) would be the best first step
BC Canada still has not rehired the thousands of health care workers fired for non-vaccination. And masks are mandatory in all hospitals and clinics. And they are still pushing the vax to diminishing numbers.
Canada who crippled a young woman with a forced jab has just offered her the euthanasia cure.
In the Glorious Socialist Peoples Republic of Canuckistan, euthanasia has been such a “success” with 4.1% of deaths involving patients being “put down”, the Government is even trying to expand the scope of the program.
It saves on welfare, medical expenses and most importantly “greenhouse emissions”.
All while macron and trudeau (not capitalised intentionally) are having a love-in holding hands and cooing at one another as their respective populations rebuke them in protest.
This article appeared in The Age 10/2/24, it’s behind a paywall so l can only paste the first paragraph:
“A double-vaccinated Melbourne midwife who has been barred from working in Victorian hospitals due to strict COVID rules, which require at least one booster shot, is urging the state government to loosen the lingering mandate”
I read the hard copy on the day, so the following remarks can be taken with a grain of salt. She received her 2nd vax soon after giving birth and subsequently her breastmilk production plummeted plus some other side effects. Therefore she was reluctant to get a booster shot. She wants to return to work.
In the latter part of the article, it was mentioned that in Victoria there are 10,000 scholarships worth $16,500 being offered to potential nursing and midwifery students (shown in link below). Although Dan Andrews has left office, his legacy lives on in antiquated laws that prevent competent workers servicing an industry that clearly needs staff. Why? Because the government needs to save face- they can’t dismantle outdated policies because it will demonstrate that they shouldn’t have been implemented in the first place.
I love this sentence, a similar version of that which appeared in a judgement made in the AAT nearly 24 years ago!
That should read 22 years ago.
Certainly does come close to the Air New Zealand Erebus disaster inquiry that uncovered:
“An orchestrated litany of lies”.
– The Honourable Peter Mahon, QC, Judge of the High Court (NZ).
That sounds par for the course.
Emergency circuses get the green light to litigate on a mass scale.
The tax-slave peasants?
Not a chance.
Are we supposed to be surprised of mystified?
Haw many “insiders” were also exempt / “missed” in those horrible years?.
Will the Bureau of Statistics massage all these numbers so that the REAL data in “iatrogenic death ans injury” figures shoe no “blips” for any time up to and including today and into the future?
I didn’t get to be my age by being a classic NPC (Non Playable Character).(It’s a MEME, Joyce).
Past-members of NZ’s armed forces won a case (earlier this year?) stating their ‘human rights’ had been breached with regard to *forced volunteering*. Haven’t heard much since, but roll out the cliches: world leader! punching above our weight! the law is an ass!
Is it any coincidence that many of the politicians and senior public serpents involved in the worst excesses of covid policies in Australia have now “moved on”?
And in the US Fauci is gone too.
Resigning doesn’t protect them from potential prosecution, however.
No coincidence rats always desert the sinking ship. They “serve” just long enough to obtain a life pension the seek employment with an organisation that benefitted under their reign. What life experience entitles scomo to take a highly-remunerated position in The US Arms industry? Ethereal Submarines come to mind!
I think the world should look very hard at Fauci – after all why was he funding virus research labs all over the world to try to make new (novel) viruses. What possible benefits could that have had. – Oh I know – more money to him to help in producing the new (novel) vaccines – or perhaps he foresaw that someone would stuff up – (read Wuhan) and world population would be reduced dramatically? I understand they were also playing around with Ebola – the slate wiper – now if that had got out – the world population would be halved in one stroke. Now why would anyone want that to happen?
Section 142.2 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)
(2) A person commits an offence if:
(a) the person has ceased to be a Commonwealth public official in a particular capacity; and
(b) the person uses any information that the person obtained in that capacity as a Commonwealth public official; and
(c) the person does so with the intention of:
(i) dishonestly obtaining a benefit for himself or herself or for another person; or
(ii) dishonestly causing a detriment to another person.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years.
Hmm …
‘unexplained’ excess deaths and injuries.
Human rights violations.
Sounds Nurembergy to me.
As I am languishing in mod …
I was just thinking that excess death increases and their possible connection to human rights violations …
if not Nurembergy …
should get at least a modicum of the legal examination and expenditure as the effort put into January 6 prosecutions.
But I’m just a silly conspiracy theorist.
And I wish police, politicians, senior public serpents and all others involved knew some history and understood that “just following orders” was not, and is not, an acceptable excuse.
“Just following orders” or the plea of “superior orders” hasn’t been acceptable since the trials of Peter von Hagenbach (1474), the trial of Australian Breaker Morant (controversial) in the Boer War, Lieutenant Karl Neumann, U boat captain in WW1, and most famously, the National Socialists in the Nuremberg trials.
“Just following orders” may repress the obvious criminality in minds of public serpants but as the truth emerges and exposes them to shame and derision through columns like this, because I’m certain some or at least enough of them scan them they will continue to “suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”
Although this is apparently good news, I’m not convinced that it couldn’t or wouldn’t happen again if TPTB decided so. Also, I’m confident no-one will suffer any negative consequences for their evil actions.
If the perpetrators are not punished then we have no protections to prevent this happening again – and, Gates has said the next pandemic will occur in 2025 !
They now have their pandemic treaty ready, you have been warned.
Next up Woolies and Coles forcing the same mandates…..who are these sick people?
I love the sight of Woolies wobbles in the morning. LOL
I agree with all the principal (adj) celebration as they finally release some of the pressure, heart ache and stress that all concerned have been under the past 2 years. Also agree that it should be reasonable to assume that when talking about “human” and “rights” you should not be able to apply them differently to certain groups and that “human rights” should be and have to be universal.
According to an ABC report Justice Martin found “…the directives breached section 58 of the HRA, which states that all public service employees must give proper consideration to human rights before making a decision, and that they must act and make decisions that are compatible with human rights”.
Note the fact that “all public service employees” are the group identified. Where are the responsibilities of company management defined in regard to proving a failure?
There obviously is so much more water to go under this bridge with no guarantee that much of it will be clean clear and drinkable by the masses. The good thing is this forces more people to start to consider just where are human rights, how are they applied and what needs to be legislated to protect their aims and meaning. As an observer what I am now reading/learning suggests (as Trump observed) the rule of law has in many ways been bastardised to apply differently between “us” and “them” and it is this gradual shift that makes the UN/WHO moves the cherry on top – in “their” favor.
‘The Queensland Supreme Court 130 years ago when people were still allowed to build good buildings.
The interesting thing for me will be watching the stock prices for the offending companies . If they start tanking you can bet successful prosecutions are coming as the “usual suspects” are unable to control this and start bailing out . Don’t expect the USA to follow as their court system is already owned….
“The ruling, which declared the mandates to be in breach of the Human Rights Act…”
This was known, and MADE known at the time, but callously disregarded by our Dictators, who should all be charged with treason and violating our constitution, as well as disregarding human rights and the Helsinki declaration and the findings and recommendations of the Nuremberg Code relating to war crimes and human rights violations by NAZIs during WW2.
A pox on them all!
What of the human rights of the people who died because effective treatments such as HCQ and IVM (taken according to appropriate protocols) were banned?
What of the people who died because knowledge that correction of Vitamin D deficiency led to less severe covid disease and lower mortality was not propagated?
Here is one out of left field for ya. Just came to mind when reading your comment so may not age well (may not even pass the “cancel reply” option lol).
The Holocaust was a disgusting part of our history and has no comparison. Part of the outcome required the German government to not only return stolen goods/estates etc but also to pay ongoing reparations (pension) to the survivors for all they went through.
Whatif the size and extent of the road very quickly/potentially opening up before us can only be travelled by compensating everyone, those who lost jobs, lost health (both short term and long term as who knows what issues may develop) and for lost relatives, with a universal pension administered by the government, as an agent of the WHO given its a “global health issue” wink wink. A special tax on those held responsible would be paid weekly/monthly into the coffers and then paid out to everyone subject to their individual obedience with other directives… Not bad for a “plan b” to enslave the masses through a universal wage just enough to survive on and ensure the unwashed remain within their station in life. All clouds have a silver lining if you engineer them correctly.
PS – it passed.
The holocaust has a few events that compare . Pol Pot , Mao Zedong , Josef Stalin and the Rawanda massacre spring to mind . Nobody stood up to any of these people and they were able to co-opt plenty of people to carry their plans out . Ideology is a monster. The culprits for the covid boondoggle don’t have deep enough pockets to pay for what they have done and money can’t fix permanent health issues or bring back the dead . The best we can hope for is to see people waking up to what has happened and how much they got lied to and gaslit .
But yet: “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart – and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained”.
So says Solzhenitsyn.
Every human heart. All human hearts.
17 Billion on Australia’s vaccine and treatment
Gee, Page not found how about that just disappeared off into the never,never. You’d think someone doesn’t want it seen anymore.
Thank you Rusty. I’ll fix that link. The Department of the Wayback Machine now has a copy.
And it’s $18b apparently.
The Commonwealth website has deleted any reference to the 17 billion dollar treatment and prevention program. Furthermore, I would dismiss any coercion – or otherwise to have my turn for the next health scare that that they deploy be it Ebola or Marburg etc.
The state & federal governments are the best governments money can buy. Pox on the lot.
One quickly suspects a mandate,
For a vaccine that ‘experts’ find great,
To inject on blind trust,
And be told that you must,
It’s no wonder that some hesitate.
Re the 50+ Victoria firefighters who cannot battle the current fires in Western Victoria (because they have had insufficient jabs), can someone please advise how well the COVID-19 spores, and their offspring, stand up to an intense bushfire environment? In addition to their fire-fighting gear, how many masks are “properly-jabbed” firefighters wearing? If you lose your home because of these ludicrous restrictions on the involvement of qualified firefighters, can you sue?
I reckon if I’m about to be consumed by flames in a burning building, the last thing on my mind is the vaccine status of a masked firefighter attempting to rescue me. Can you sue?! You could certainly try but l anticipate your legal efforts would go unrewarded. Many worthy litigants during the last few years were knocked back for vaccine injury compensation or unfair dismissal despite having valid grounds for their case(s).
Can anyone in the audience list any good police commissioners?
Easy, all the dead ones.
But Kel Glare (Victoria, 30 years ago) would be a candidate.
Thomas Blamey may have distinguished himself as an officer in the army, but his time as Commissioner of Victoria Police had it’s controversies.
This is not an example of one of those controversies, but one story you probably won’t read about him in a history book is:
Blamey was a keen duck shooter. For duck season opening one year, and in his capacity of Commissioner of Police, he had instructed the local police officer to close a popular duck shooting swamp to all locals and shooters so Blamey and his party could have it all to themselves. Blamey arrived at the swamp on the morning of duck opening to find the local officer had not stopped locals from shooting there. No ducks for Blamey and his party. He was so incensed that he had the swamp declared a game reserve and no one has been able to shoot there since.
Blamey said to a group of Diggers during the Second World War that the place looked like a brothel. One of the diggers said ” Well you would know”.
When Blamey’s grandson went to do his national service in the 1950s, he was told to answer no if asked if he was related to Field Marshal Blamey. It was thought the some of the regular sergeants from WW2 would have taken it out on young Blamey
Rightly so, Blamey was a pillock.
While he was not a police commissioner Charles James Napier was very adept at navigating the equally challenging aspects of cultural human rights while in his position as Commander-in-Chief in India:
“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
Not lawyers all over the country. The ones in the ACT will get no business from this decision. Why? We have this body providing oversight to government decisions. They deemed it a human right to choose not to be vaccinated and that the threat of dismissal was excessive and impinged on those rights.
The various essential service people, teachers, etc who chose not to get vaccinated could not be dismissed for not complying. They might not be permitted to take part in person to person interaction but that is a health and safety issue not a human rights issue.
Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Yes.’
Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
Bud: ‘Ok.’
Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
Bud: ‘That’s right.’
Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Certainly.’
Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
Bud: ‘Correct.’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
Lou: ‘So how in the world can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
Thanks Steve.
That is brilliant!
If it went for another 500 lines I would have happily read it.
Nice redux of “who’s on first”.
That’s gold. Makes me chuckle and appreciate how absurd things have been in recent years
The public hospitals in Victoria where I had 4 surgeries in the last year still enforce mask wearing by patients. When I tell them that pneumonia has left me with shortness of breath, making masks difficult, they sit me alone in a room and not with the rest of the waiting public. All have declined to discuss why they continue to enforce masks, even though a lot of research doubts if they are affective for Covid.
As a Scientist, I am quite concerned by the command and control method incorporating silence. Shut up and do as you are told, or else! is not acceptable conduct. Geoff S
Politicians and senior public serpents should have been forced to take the experimental vaccines first to determine if they were safe.
I would be interested to see the records documenting what was injected other than saline solution.
To this very day a lady in Melbourne is being denied a heart transplant because she is unvaccinated for covid and has a legal medical exemption.
There must be many other cases.
She is trying to raise money to get a transplant overseas.
While the Climate Cult is busy creating a ‘Hockey Stick’ with Mike’s Nature Trick, the ABS is having fun with removing the uptick in excess mortality at the beginning of 2021 by from my recollection removing the graphic display of yearly results. 2023 is now compared to 2022 and both those years are compared to a baseline that excludes the low death year 2020 (when Covid 19 was rampant) and the high excess mortality year of 2022 (when something else was raging through the community). Maybe the Senators can have fun tying the poor old ABS in knots explaining this in the same way the BOM and CSIRO have been ‘taking on notice’ the temperature data set adjustment questions.
Good to see the real data guys had as much trouble a I did trying to rationalize the data provided to warn the populace of dangerous treatments and devices. The simple data is so distorted in reporting by when and how the vaccine was given to constantly changing age ranges that the data is useless when compared to the excess deaths. All we can deduce is the babies and toddlers received their lifesaving doses later than the soon to die 85+. Hence the the 0 to 44 excess deaths started later than the 85+.
And no doubt they sleep well! Good night Greg’s Assistant!
Where were all the Human Rights advocates at the time? Where were the lawyers that should’ve immediately know that the dictates, mandates etc were not legal?
It seemed obvious to me and I’m sure, to many commentators on this page and elsewhere that things were not right, either legally, morally, humanely… yet the clown show rolled on from early 2020 to present.
Where were the lawyers while Andrews was riding roughshod over the laws of this State?
Given that I, just an old duck living in regional/rural Australia, with nothing more sophisticated than an internet connection and a PC, knew as early as the latter half of 2020 that the mRNA jabs were likely (at least) to be dangerous, were not fully tested, and that it’s not really sensible to try to vaccinate your way out fo a pandemic (I forget exactly which of the recognised internationally well-known scientists/immunologists was saying this) – any and all public servants, politicians or their “advisors”, health ministers, state health officers etc could and should also have known.
At the very least, there were more than sufficient grounds for pause, further investigation, proper due diligence, better general public health management – even implementation of the already pre-existing pandemic management protocols. Whatever happened to those, eh?
How did I find this out? Not by reading mainstream papers or by watching TV or listening to the radio. It was through blogs operated by individuals, the likes of the Catallaxy files, where people with more time than I had were sharing information they had found.
This, of course, is why there is such a push to shut down or censor into oblivion such blogs, including this one, for merely providing a differing point of view – usually a sound, sensible one that contradicts the official narrative.
This forewarning was supported by the excessive pronouncements and actions of governments themselves.
When a PM states that the jabs were to be made “as mandatory as it is possible to make them”;
when a federal health minister states clearly that this is a world-wide vaccine trial;
when the manufacturers of the jabs were given absolute indemnity from prosecution for any and all harms their products might cause;
when doctors were supposedly given indemnity from claims for damages for injecting people;
when AHPRA interfered in the doctor – patient relationship to prevent fully informed consent;
when no good advice on immune system support was given, e.g. on the need to boost and maintain Vit D3 levels, good nutrition and exercise;
when already emerging/known effective treatments (ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine protocols) were not only not used but were actually outlawed …
Yeah, all of that got my antennae not only twitching, but got full-blown alarms going off. It was blatantly obvious that none of this was being done for our benefit.
Now, we have the alarming numbers of excess deaths and injuries, massive increases in many illnesses and health issues – and the “inexplicable” fact that there are still cases of covid even after multiple jabs. How many are they up to now? And still there are senators refusing to back an inquiry into those excess deaths! The political and public service classes in this country nauseate me.
And the cost! The massive government debt (ultimately payable by us, the citizens of this country) incurred, the destruction of businesses and livelihoods, the loss of jobs by people who merely exercised good judgement and common sense by refusing to participate in the experiment, the police brutality enforcing the restrictions and rules, the loss of trust in so many areas.
And Morrison and all the state premiers, territory chief ministers, health ministers and chief health officers involved have now scarpered or been promoted to state governorships, comfortably cushioned by tax-payer funded pensions and new well-paid sinecures.
And the current Qld health minister is still claiming they had the right to do what they did, despite the Supreme Court ruling that the police and paramedic (and by extension all other) mandates were a violation of human rights. So they’d do it all again in a heartbeat. When human rights no longer matter, civilisation has left the building.
Great summation of my experience during COVID as well. Except I got most of my alternative information from Twitter/X by following the right people. Also by reading Jo’s blog. You’re dead right about the COVID nonsense perpetrators and their lack of guilt. Thankfully, Victoria just got rid of Daniel Andrews as premier and one of his last comments was that faced with the same COVID situation he would do it all over again. Not a shred of guilt, totally shameless. Unbelievable.
Same as Ross. My most useful info came from here on Jo’s blog. There were other sources also and eventually a generosity of them. I was very suspicious from very early days as lots of things just didn’t add up and my BS antennae were extremely active.
Same. The early death of a patient vaccinated with AZ (known to family members) also astounded me, and was persuasive in us refusing AZ – and eventually, other mRNA products.
I was also lucky enough to become friends with Dr. Phillip Altman, who has a PhD in Pharmacology & was 40 years in the medical research industry (his company did Random Control Trials for the TGA) & is now retired. He was shocked and outraged (& still is) at the failure to follow the normal rules and guidelines for new pharmaceuticals in the release of the mRNA vaccines. Similarly, the venerable Prof. Emeritus Bob Clancy, an immunology professor from Newcastle University urged caution with novel vaccines & supported repurposed drugs. Heroes.
Where was The Human Rights Commission, and The Human Rights Commissioner?
Without prosecutions, our Acts of Parliament mean nothing.
I forgot to add to that list the unbelievable refusal of exemptions for the jabs.
When a person is refused an exemption after having a serious, on the spot, adverse reaction to one of the jabs, but is told to just go to the hospital for the jab next time in case they need resuscitation again, you know that it’s not about anyone’s health or wellbeing.
When doctors, who usually know their patients well, wrote an exemption for a patient they knew would be at risk of harm from the jabs, they were investigated by AHPRA, and in the case of Dr Hobart in Victoria, his surgery was raided and he was deregistered – for looking after the health interests of his patients!
So much about this whole episode stinks to high heaven – but the government really are doing their best to not have any investigation, let alone any meaningful one.
Pharmaceutical interests or patient safety
Dr. John Campbell
They new the risks
Nurse John Campbell
Hello Everyone,
My name is John Campbell and I am a retired Nurse Teacher and A and E nurse based in England. I also do some teaching in Asia and Africa when time permits. These videos are to help students to learn the background to all forms of health care. My PhD focused on the development of open learning resources for nurses nationally and internationally.
LinkedIn profile,
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Disclaimer; These media including videos, book, e book, articles, podcasts are not peer-reviewed. They should never replace individual clinical judgement from your own health care provider. No media-based material on this channel is suitable for using as professional medical advice. All comments are also for educational purposed only and must never replace advice from your own health care provider.
The letter mentioned
Thanks for the link
Just waiting for the link, we cannot fined viruses directly in the human body just invitro?
Yes we can Kevin. We have found viruses in vivo a million times as I keep informing you.
For anyone else reading this — we detect viruses in vivo through antibody assays, electron microscopy, plaque assays (look them up) and PCR. We also find repeatable symptoms, blood tests, enzyme assays etc. We find repeatable formation of antibodies and T cells that bind to the exact viruses we assay. We predict which drugs and enzymes these viruses will react to in a computer and incredibly, this is confirmed in vitro. (ie, we know so much about viruses the computer models of the chemistry actually work most of the time).
If viruses were not real somehow, then there are a billion observations no one has any explanation for. Give me a better hypothesis. (No one ever does).
Viruses have been demonstrated in vivo through every technique, identified, isolated, decoded in full — all 29,000 bases in the case of Covid. And every technique is cross referenced by every other technique and cross checked by what must be 1000+ path labs around the world. There have been at least 5 million PCR tests of covid, not to mention far more of all the other viruses. Those codes are available through open source github.
We have so many battles to fight it is disappointing to see some people waste time and ignore my replies.
Staggering 17 m deaths from the vax.
Do you hear voices also Kevin, or is it just me?
I just read the “Fine” print and follow the scientific method, the Devil is in the detail.
Does sound crazy?
Royal commission into the wuflu shot down by our “wonderful” politicians.
Enquiry into excess deaths barely gets the numbers to go ahead.
Politicians, so-called “eggspurts”, the media and businesses all failed us. And they’re still failing us now. The truth about incompetence, ignorance etc will be too damning if we the plebs ever find out.
No entity will be found to be accountable.
End of story.
PS I think I have earned the right to be cynical.
Maybe it was one of those creeping assumptions …
I wonder what Novak Djokovic’s reaction will be?
“I won”
Commentary from ABS: There were 190,775 deaths which occurred in 2022. This is significantly higher than usual and is not considered to be a typical year for mortality in Australia. Therefore 2022 has not been included in the baseline average and is instead presented separately in graphs and tables. The baseline average presented in this report remains as the average of the years 2017-19 and 2021. 2020 is not included in the baseline for 2022 data because it included periods where numbers of deaths were significantly lower than expected and is similarly not considered to be a typical year for mortality in Australia.
In 2023, there were 166,957 deaths that occurred by 30 November and were registered by 31 January 2024. This is 15,114 deaths (10.0%) more than the baseline average, but 8,294 (4.7%) less than in 2022. Refer chart.
I read that for a population to be relatively safe from measles there should be 95% vaccinated. The available shot is for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).
For the USA: Four states are >95%, four more are at 94+%.
15 states are below 90%.
If the numbers are broken down into small places, there are lower percentages that are known.
I wonder what the connection is between current willingness to vaccinate with the MMR shot and the overhanded COVID actions and questionable decisions made in 2020 & 2021.
Regarding COVID: I still think Vitamin D3, red onions and Zinc {discussed on this site in 2020} should have been openly and strongly recommended from the beginning.
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, men have named you.
Oh how timely… even if it is neither contrite nor sincere. Instead, IMHO, an attempt to set up an historical marker that, in the future, can be referred back to and used as part of any discussion along the lines of “just following orders/demands” of the time we were living in. See how quickly I acknowledged the error of the day. Yip straight AFTER the wheels clearly fell off.
“…Dr Coatsworth, Australia’s former deputy chief health officer during the pandemic, said he had to acknowledge his own role in the system promoting vaccine mandates.
‘We didn’t get it wrong promoting the vaccines, but the mandates, yes, I think we did get that wrong,’ he told The Today Show on Wednesday.”
And as night falls, out of the shadows comes the shape of another rabbit hole for those looking for bedtime reading. Interesting comment seen in the comments section of Dr Coatsworth article by one Hurling_Frootmig, Australia:
“Well, non-conformists can stand proud. Call me anti-this or misinfo-that, I dont care. I was right, in 2021, regarding all my objections and concerns: It was unlawful to force people out of work. Vaccines didnt protect you grannies. The changes in peoples bodies were systemically distributed and, for some, have become permanent (look up reverse transcriptase), there is no off-switch. Im truly sorry that I was right, it would have been better to be wrong, for the sake of so many people who took the poison.”
Tomorrow’s word(s) for the day may just be reverse transcriptase and my friendly rabbit has already been nice enough to leave me a carrot:
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
May be interesting. May even have already been a subject on Jo’s site but I don’t recall. Anyways a read is a read. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.
Chatsworth (I think Autocorrect actually did me a favour there) is a sanctimonious idiot. That video in which he stated Vicki doesn’t deserve a heart transplant because she’s unvaccinated and the donated organ may therefore, according to his estimation, be wasted is a disgrace. Zero credibility, no conscience and no integrity.
Redacted: Canadian Truckers Suing.
And in about 10 years time, it will become evident that conception rates of females exiting puberty will diminish…..
The worm is slowly turning. Nuclear Power for electricity next?
You make me proud to be a follower of Jo Nova,
Great News that the Australian Senate voted and has acknowledged the need for an inquiry into excess deaths. The motion, moved by United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet, passed by 31 to 30 on Feb. 26, with Labor and the Greens opposed.
55zzzz sums it up in comments;
“Greens and Labor should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.
Their failure to support this motion shows a total lack of care and concern for the people they are supposed to be serving.”
Interesting how this is down played in the MSM. Buried in general news eg. In the “at work” at News, rather than a national lead story on Govt overeach.
Three years too late but great news.
I’m still proudly C-19 unvaccinated and will continue to be.
Same here and I didn’t get the bug either. Not that I know of as I never got tested.
Same here.
Ditto tho’in touch with others who, whjlst vaccinated,
supposedly succumbed to the bug.
Me too. Unjabbed and uninfected. Been around lots of people who are jabbed and have had COVID multiple times. Even been in a car with them when infected. Not even a sniffle.
“They prove the opposite – if you don’t get Covid, you cannot die from it.
But as these new papers show, if you do, you can.
Vaccinated or not.!
First comment
reality speaks
Feb 27
So let’s get this into language we deplorable’s use. They lied to us that the shots prevented you from getting Covid-19. They lied to us that the shots prevented transmission. They lied to use when they said it reduces hospitalization. They lied to us when they said it reduces death if you contract Covid-19. They lied to us when they said it was safe. They lied to us when they said it wasn’t engineered in a lab and that it didn’t leak from a lab. Covid-19 has been nothing but a lie from Day 1. I continue to resist the notion that this was released on purpose but I am questioning why should I believe anyone whose has lied to me about everything else.
But it was a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.
Isn’t it time to redefine the words
and ‘violation’?
Actually just one would fix the potential legal jeopardy.
YESS! ✊️✊️
While the main Western countries see an ongoing high excess death count, the former Soviet countries Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria have seen a reduction in excess deaths as you would expect in the aftermath of a disease outbreak that has culled the weakest. Why might this be? How strange that these countries have a much lower vaccination rate.
Will that be the green light for follow-ups ?
Will there be consequences and if, what will be the consequences ?
Will people who imposed these mandates be tried for crimes against humanity. Politicians and Bureaucrats should face the consequences of their actions. We knew very early that the virus disproportionately impacted on the elderly yet we still chose to force everyone to be injected . We also knew very quickly that there was high risks with the vaccines and that they did not stop the spread. The failure to design policy in response to developing information definitely led to deaths caused by recklessness and malice.
I know a cop who took all the boosters, got Covid and he has long Covid now. His ex refused to. She was laid off, eventually caught Covid and brushed it off with no lasting effects.
Only anecdotal but if it were rare, it would be extremely rare for it to happen to a couple.
My wife was forced to have 3 shots in order to keep her job. I managed to get through without any, barred from my workplace etc. She of course caught covid, like all the other multi jabbed workmates in my office did (most caught it multiple times). I couldnt catch from my workmate super spreaders or sleeping next to my wife every night whilst she was sick! My unvaxxed kids caught it at one point (according to the 2c chinese test kit) – least worst cold they have ever had. I know many people that refused the serum – all had no worse problems than from the common cold (certainly no ‘long coofid’), some are in their mid 80s.
I knew it was a scam when my niece (a nurse) was working in a melb. covid ward in the early days (you know when the ‘killer’ strain first entered the country). She caught it of course (pre-vaxx release), a sniffle basically – didnt spread it to any member of her household of which there were 5 others, some over 50. Being a young lefty, shes up to date with her boosters of course, despite being living proof the nqr serum was not required for her at all. Insane.
The unions went missing when it came to protecting their members human rights throughout the covid19 madness too.
That initially surprised me but then I re-assessed and the penny dropped when I realised who the unions are aligned with.
if an employer enforces a vaccine mandate because they believe the vaccine; a, stops transmission, ;b reduces illness and death, and this is there justification for lawful and reasonable direction,but then in 2022 evidence emerges that a and b justification is invalid, does this mean the employer is now liable for sacking staff because they did not comply with mandate, then what about the issue of secondary vaccine failure, if all employees were vaccinated on 28th jan 22, then vaccine weins 3 or 4 months later, technically majority of the vaccinated employees no longer have the “protection” to comply with reasons a or b. Are the employees who did not comply with mandate now being discriminated against by the employee?