A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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WEF Founder Klaus Schwab: “Transition of Humankind” Into the “Intelligent Era” Has Begun
Speaking at the 2024 World Governments Summit, Schwab declared that humanity is transitioning “into a new era” where humankind will “transition” into “the intelligent age.”
The “deepest needs and aspirations of humanity” will be harmonized with technology such as AI, robots, the internet of things, 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing and more, according to the AI chat system.
Getting more detailed about what this dystopian faux utopia might look like, the WEF transhumanist said humans will be merged with the digital world and that our biological dimensions will be altered.
Schwab even predicted the world will look “completely different than it is now” within just ten years!
It sure will look different in 10 years. 8 even. No, 4.

The intelligent era? What’s it been so far then?
I thought you might like to see this.
The report into the Failure of the C4 Unit at the Callide Power Plant (see my own original Post at this link from 21May2021) was released yesterday, and it might have got lost in the kerfuffle over the situation in Victoria. As part of the findings, they released an animation video explaining the whole thing.
The video runs for 21.30 and is pretty technical, basically Electrical Engineering 101 with good circuit diagrams in it.
I’m interested in gauging thoughts from people not electrically trained as to how they might ‘understand’ something like this.
It gets pretty dramatic at around the 18.30 mark.
Link to video of Callide Unit C4 Incident
Found it really interesting Tony. You have to respect those who did the forensic work to uncover the cause. Understandable to me because I have an appropriate background. (Tech Elec ADF)
Thanks for posting it.
Not too hard to understand- a lesson in having all your control eggs in one electrical basket. No-one could walk down to the C4 generating room and read a dial or two that told them what was wrong??
I expect we will get more of these as we go unstable ruinables.
It was interesting, and not too technical for this old duck to follow.
I was struck by the fact that it seems the very last option to prevent the failure was that last possible automatic work-around that had been tripped in a previous incident, but not “reset” (I think was the term used, haven’t had a chance to revisit the animation yet to correct any misconceptions.) Multiple redundancy was built in, yet still failed when needed.
I did reply to your post from last night, only doing a late night catch up now.
Thanks for that, Tony. Very educational.
My take is that the lack of full repairs on the ACS was the fatal flaw. The ACS was only operational in manual mode. Had it been properly repaired so that automatic mode was available, the catastrophic failure would not have happened. C4 should not have been allowed to operate with a “manual operation only” ACS.
Because lube oil and seal oil pressures are so vastly important, I’m surprised there wasn’t a low oil pressure interlock that would have over ridden all things and shut down C4. Loss of lube and seal oil is in itself a catastrophic failure, regardless of how it happened.
Fascinating forensic review.
Calling a plant C4 is just asking for an explosion
Only in the gaming world.
The beauty of C4 is that the plant doesn’t expel H20 as it breaths in CO2, which is very useful in droughty conditions.
? its pretty widely used in the non gaming world
I didn’t know that ‘C4 is a plastic explosive substance similar in structure to Semtex that is used by both military and terrorist organizations.’
That’s funny. So many Hollywood action movies use C4 plastic explosive, a moldable explosive putty it’s an accidental education. Yes, it’s a really unfortunate name for an exploding plant.
It is not just power pylon engineering and installations that may have questionable histories.
Have any of the state departments of transportation (or infrastructure) done a cost analysis on the cost of maintaining their road systems?
Even in southern WA, the lack of freezing temperatures enables the main construction method to be compacted gravel topped by tar with crushed rock.
The incursion of dampness from the side (especially if not compacted adequately) allows for road deformation by heavy vehicles. And the repair with the re-compaction with added cement reinforcement, I suspect is costly both in terms of dollar budget and the inconvenience of the travelers along the road during the repair.
I worked on a road crew one (college year) summer (in another hemisphere) and all of the substrate of the new road was “soil cement” – compacted gravel with added cement. This was partially I think to the expected lower temperatures in the winter periods but also allowed a somewhat thinner road base.
Would it be less expensive for (West)Australian roads to be constructed wither totally with cement reinforcement or with a meter edge boundary of the same which would greatly limit moisture penetration under the active road surface?
I would hope in the eastern states higher elevations some sort of anti-freezing/anti moisture barrier would be an engineering requirement.
Roads are built to last 5years, because after that they are some other politician’s problem.
It didn’t help that NSW had thousands of Km of single-lane tar roads in the country that they suddenly converted to two-lane blacktop without re-making the gravel parts down each side. Hence the edges are crap and you can still sometimes see the boundary of the old tar edge the middle of the driving lane.
We were in Mozambique after the civil war finished and the European countries were paying for new main roads. Being short of rock and mainly floodplain, the bags of cement were lined up along the roadworks touching each other. I doubt we can afford that much cement, except for the Sydney to Melb motorway of course, oh, and Canberra!
You also suffer from the contractors paying for and administrating their own testing, then presenting results to the Council. Does anyone believe the contractor would have the Beam truck test the edge when they can just as easily tell him to test the middle?? There are plenty of scams in road-making, as my roading geologist wife found out..
The ring road around Orange in NSW is a classic, so badly made the Council couldn’t afford to fix it and the NSW Govt refused to swap it for the State Highway running down the main street. Its still a potholed, patched, piece of rubbish a decade later. No-one was fired, no-one was blamed publicly, it was no-one’s fault.
Tony Thomas puts the boot into aunty.
Interesting promo for MSNBC
[31 Jan 2024] Nikolaj Coster-Waldau searches the world for environmental solutions in new show
Ukraine tried to assasinate Macron and blame Russia
According to French media, the Kiev regime tried to lure French President Emmanuel Macron to Ukraine in order to murder him and then blame his death on Russia in order to bring media attention back to Ukraine and increase financial and military aid from the west.
The president of France, Emanuel Macron, cancelled his visit to Ukraine due to a planned deadly provocation against him.
According to a source close to the National Intelligence Council, this attempt was stopped by the French secret services, who managed to intercept the correspondence and the calls of the participants involved in the potential provocation.
The idea of the attack was to focus the attention of world public opinion on Ukraine and allow an increase in arms supplies to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian authorities planned to shift responsibility for the attack on the French president onto the Russian side in order to accuse the country of terrorism.
Anyone still have those “I stand with Ukraine” stickers on their Prado’s?
Let’s have a look at the Ukraine support tracker:
And, of course, no nation has ever considered using disinformation. Ever.
On either side of a civilised discussion … let alone a bloody war.
I can’t be bothered to look it up, but someone said that ‘the first casualty of war is truth.’
Clausewitz, or Sun Tzu or Churchill, or Mark Twain, o someone, anyway.
So international affairs, like science is now “consensus rules”.
“So international affairs, like science is now “consensus rules”.”
Probably- Ukraine had 12months to win the war and then everyone moved on.. In the modern age no-one has the attention span needed for long wars, so Russia just has to hold a stalemate until no-one gives tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine and they can’t pay their civil service. At that time the people will be glad of any Govt that can run the country, so Zelensky out, Putin in.
Well, maybe Zelensky out Zaluzhnyi in, and off to the negotiating table!
I imagine the hard core of pro-Ukie people still hold to their views, but the majority are over it and then Israel and don’t forget the superbowl and OMG its Trump and the election… Zelensky who?
“bring media attention back to … and increase financial .. aid from the west.”
You could stick Hamas in the same boat. It’s a common plan when rich Western countries see handing cash to one side or the other absolves them of having to be involved in a nasty civil war.
Consider Penny Wong’s rush to give tens of millions to Hamas, sorry the UNRWA, the people directly involved in the planned massacre of innocents. And exactly why so many had to die. The money.
I was amazed at the photo of the safe in Yahya Sinwar’s office with millions in cash in $US and Shekels. Why?
The business of milking the West and for that matter, the Muslim East, is becoming standard practice. And staying in the news cycle as the victim. How Ukraine and Hamas managed to present themselves as the victims is quite amazing. These are old civil wars and extraordinarily cash hungry. And a battle for a sympathetic press.
Cue worldwide television pleas for cash to help the children and the victims. And visiting celebrities for the cause. Bono of U2 comes to mind. Hollywood.
It is the river of money which makes regional conflicts so profitable for the people who run them. You can become an overnight billionaire and live somewhere else, like the four in Qatar.
I can imagine such evil people sitting around planning the operations. Because that’s what happened. Not for justice or freedom of the rights of downtrodden people or for the children, but for the cash. Rivers of cash.
By their Abanese who has the same cred as our Albanese.
NSW government seeking community feedback on ’30-minute city’ plans
Sky News
So yesterday we had a 5 hour power outage. The nearest significant (has a pub) town is still blacked out at the moment 24hrs later, with no predicted restoration time.
As discussed here a little while ago the cascading failures are now happening. The Internet is down (taking EFTPOS and ATMs with it) , home phones are down and mobile phones are down. Three businesses in town are open as they have generators; the supermarket, a large café and the chemist. I assume they are cash only or IOUs if they know you. Of course these places are going to have to organize generator fuel from elsewhere as the service stations in town are shut.
20 klms away everything is normal at Chez Y save for mobile data being down. We drove north a couple of hours today and the roads were a bit of a mess for the first hour, with a couple of spots having spectacular damage to very large trees. Looked like a local mini tornado or a micro burst type event
Townsville had 60,000 homes without power for days, one area with over 1,000 consumers for about 5 days.
Both infrastructure failures from not-destructive weather.
I went to a larger town today. Coles had thrown out huge quantities of cold food; horrifying. They were open to sell other things though. Aldi were open, using their own massive generator. They had cold food but reduced shop lighting. Cash and eft payment available.
The mess of broken trees and branches en route was considerable, including a massive eucalypt by the main road near us…glad no one was under that when it fell.
Our power came on late yesterday evening; we are in the newish power distribution area established after the 2009 Black Saturday fires. Our daughter is in an older area and power is still out there. Our son’s power in East Gippsland was out this morning; we’ve not heard anything since and then only because he was in his local area town and could get a mobile signal there, so maybe he is still incommunicado.
In the last thread CO2 Lover suggested Victoriastanis get natural gas generators.
I replied:
But we are heading for a natural gas shortage, plus exploring for gas and oil is illegal in much of Australia, plus fracking is banned in Victoriastan.
And when the grid goes down, gas will likely stop flowing as well.
And as you say, CO2 Lover, in Sicktoria, gas supply is banned in new homes.
We really are becoming a Third World country.
“We really are becoming a Third World country.”
Is this not the point of the Reset?
The West* has had more than its’ equitable share for too long.
One World That Owns Nothing (Except see *)
*(Of course, this references ordinary Westerners, you know those of European ancestry, with the exception of elites like at Harvard and Yale, which must maintain colonial origin Western wealth in order to travel privately for the purpose of promoting and achieving Equity. How else will Bono be able to go where the streets have no name? Since in a 15 minute city one doesn’t need names and just numbering them will be less offensive as long as no one has to live on 13th Street. Besides streets are usually named after people that benefited from slavery, which was invented by the Confederacy.)
We are being deliberately turned into a third world country. How that will benefit the present third world country populations isn’t obvious.
” How that will benefit the present third world country populations isn’t obvious.”
They can stay at home in a 5h1thole, as coming to our – by then – 5h1thole would be pointless.
Saves energy, too, my goodness!
So-o-o-o-oo green!
Auto, feeling a tad cynical.
but you can bet that someone, somewhere will benefit…….
Just remember that a vast majority of politicians, with the exception of about six in all of Australia plus all senior public serpents absolutely do not care about you or the nation.
I wonder if we, in the UK, actually have six …
Simpleton Chrissy Bowen doesn’t even understand the correct units of battery capacity and yet is making multibillion dollar engineering decisions which are destroying Australia.
I wouldn’t mind betting he could not even identify the positive or negative terminals of a battery, or even know they have terminals…
And I’d also be willing to bet that he couldn’t tell you off the top of his head the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, or even know what CO2 is because he calls it “carbon” (sic).
This is why politicians and those who tell them what to think – senior public serpents – shouldn’t be allowed to make engineering decisions.
Any engineering (or medical or scientific) decision implemented by a politician or public serpent must be signed off by a relevant expert who will be held personally responsible for the consequences of that decision.
The queue to sign things off would be pretty short then
Responsibility is not rewarded any more, is it.
You’ll be pleased to know Taylor Swift sold one of her two private jets while still telling the rest of us to go “green”.
And in 2022:
And in typical hypocritical fashion of the Elites:
“horrific”? I wonder how exactly she thinks its horrific? I wonderfrom inside her bubble she knows what is going on in the world outside executive jets, limos, bodyguards, assorted mansions and top class hotels.
Responsible Taylor Swift?????
Shame her fans don’t share her concern for the planet.
“Demand for Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour Is So High, This Airline Is Adding More Flights
Air New Zealand is adding 2,000 seats to its flight schedule so Swifties can get to the tour’s Australia leg.”
.. while threatening legal action against those who expose her CO2 footprint…
Taylor who?
Sorry, she is no Re:NO.
Who cares what Taylor Swift thinks about carbon dioxide?
You get the same same throwaway fake news continually with the opinions of public intellectuals Barbra Streisand, Cher, Bono, Whoopi Goldberg. Seriously, who cares?
But people read what they say. And Sean Penn gave Zelensky one of his Oscars. That’ll help a lot. 500,000 young men dead and he hands over his treasure to help prolong the war. Regardless of who ‘wins’, half a million people will never know. It’s the insanity of a war fought in the media for cash and influence.
The long gone premier of Queensland, Joe Bjelke Petersen called this process of fake news ‘feeding the chooks’.
As a successful musician she probably wakes up every morning and asks her managers what day it is and where she has to be today. I wonder how many actual people there are in the business of being Taylor Swift. I would have thought hundreds. Makeup, nails, shoes, food, accommodation, transport. How big is the entourage? You would have to be kidding that anyone cares about her carbon footprint! Choreography. Outfits. Backing dancers and singers, musicians, equipment and security. It’s likely a travelling army. And ‘she’ likely sold one of her private jets because it was too small.
In Melbourne the hotels have doubled their rates for her visit as every bit of accommodation is being booked.
I imagine around 100AD Emperor Hadrian had the same effect as he toured the Roman empire from Britain to Palestine, with everyone busy building arches, walls and preparing feasts. Every town had to have a Hadrian Gate as a sign of welcome. And many Hadrian walls were built even in North Africa.
And in the middle of all this, you have to wonder what sort of private life Taylor Swift actually has? The big question is whether she will go to the White House with her boyfriend. As you do.
Or will we read about it in hindsight as with Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, John Lennon? Is there such a thing as too much success?
Renewable: Ruining the Energy Network by Exploiting W*nkers who Advance Bullsh#t & Lies Endlessly.
Animal Welfare Cents.
A tax is an essential government power for the purpose of enforcing Wealth Equity, after which general Equity results.
Once we achieve Wealth Equity taxes will be obsolete, since no one will have money to pay them since all money is taxes.
Which will give government more time to focus on eliminating oppressive gender norms.
Without oppressive traditional cultural impositions, biological so called ‘women’, will grow taller and more muscular, and there will no need for a WNBA, which exists only because of Patriarchy.
I live right next door to an elite University.
So I am able to stay up on the cutting edge of academic thought achievement.
I do this as a service to the JoNova community, which I fear is distressingly dearth of face jewelry, and unnatural hair color.
And suffers from a poverty of gender options.
Which is typical of people that haven’t obligatorily followed Science since the 1980s.
Here’s a story to warm the cockles of your heart.