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2,500 football fields of new solar panels destroyed by hail in Texas this week

By Jo Nova

Imagine the outcry if a coal plant was obliterated by hail?

A few days ago, a 3,300 acre solar power plant in Texas suffered major hail damage. This was a plant so new it was still under construction. The Fighting Jays solar project started generating in 2022, but was not expected to be fully complete until the end of 2024. In theory it was supposed to last for 35 years.

It is so large they boasted that it covers 2,499 football fields (like that is a good thing). Despite the vast footprint, it was rated at only 350 MW. At noon at peak production it could generate about half of what one forty year old coal fired turbine makes all day every day, and every night too.

Collecting low density energy is more expensive than the wish-fairies might think.

At an average construction price of $1 million per megawatt the project likely cost about $350 million dollars. In order to rebuild it, they will need to remove and dispose of the broken panels, so it may cost even more.

The Fighting Jays solar farm was insured against hail damage. Presumably insurance premiums will be rising.

Locals are worried about the possibility of contamination with heavy metals, plastics and other chemicals in the local water supply. Hopefully they won’t leave it all there to rot.

On the plus side, the hailstorm reduced some pollution of the Texas energy market.

h/t Colin


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