A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I hear from OZ of soaring house prices soaring House rentals combined with soaring immigration. These all seem linked
It seems doubtful that enough houses can be built to cope with demand
With AI looming and likely to take away millions of jobs, perhaps someone from Oz can explain the reasons behind the surge in migrants?
“perhaps someone from Oz can explain the reasons behind the surge in migrants?”
Nothing to see here.
Ignore than person(s) behind the curtain.
If there were any persons behind the curtain, they/them are only concerned with your well being.
At least to the point where your well being causes Climate change.
Or some sort of Supremacy.
Or makes someone feel bad, particularly any persons that may or may not be behind a curtain.
Curtains which we are under no obligation to inform are there.
So just stop looking.
And ruby slippers will be confiscated.
Purely coincidental surely, but the massive influx of immigrants, legal and illegal is being forced onto all Western nations simultaneously. Curiouser!
Could it be the rise of Islam around the world, which is their ultimate purpose? Immigrate, have heaps of children to flourish …?
Maybe we should look at the magnitude of immigration vs the current population. The current rate into Australia is double the rate streaming into the USA (1.95% of the population vs 0.8% for USA).
The reason? That depends on who you ask.
Officially it’s a desperate need for skilled migrants. But it always seemed to me a strange thing for a society to do, to import its bosses.
I see the biggest need for language services is for Mandarin.
Our Evil Foreign Minister Senator Wong (who hates straight white people) is allowing 800 HAMAS terrorists from Gaza into Australia.
Hamas is the cause of the surge in house prices. Definitely not any other bad actors in the political sphere.
They must have plenty da monee den? I wonder where it all came from (?).
Not about OZ, but there may be similarities:
There is an essay by Tiana Lowe Doescher (called Tiana’s Take) in the March 12th issue of the Washington Examiner. It is about the US’s influx of people. The take-away is that a change took place from years ago when migrants would (mostly) move back and forth for work from Mexico and adjacent nations.
Now the movements have become international and are promoted on social media by traffickers, governments, and gangs. One route is via Istanbul to Columbia. $10,000 will “guarantee” passage. Large numbers are from Mauritania. And so on …
The numbers are imprecise, but in the millions.
Search for the following for an interesting story:
immigrants in AOC’s NYC district
The Chinese invasion of the USA
The biggest issue is that because politicians only know how to rort, the current migrants only know how to “take”.
The big proportion of earlier migrants were so glad to have a place of safety that they just “gave “, worked and built their new home.
“possibly” Indeed! but as I came across, on some media outlet over the weekend, so many of them in the UK, and then some are complaing about the cost of things here: Busfares, etc…. but as it stated, they afforded 10k Notes to cross the Channel + all the rest. Skint & Looking for a job? Wish I had a spare 10k in notes to travel the world ( state of UK, I’d rather go around TWICE than a return ticket ! )
And the surge of migrants in the UK?
In Australia we have flag for “First Nations People”
The flag was designed by Aboriginal artist Harold Thomas for use in a march to commemorate National Aborigines Day in Adelaide in July 1971
Is there a flag for UK “First Nations People” the Anglo-Saxons, before UK “Invasion Day” 28 September 1066 when the Norman King – King William I – invaded Brtiain?
And the taxpayer recently has to cough up A$20 million for the Commonwealth purchase of that private copyrighted symbol of Thomas.
The Angles and Saxons were invaders as well. Humans have trodden the green and pleasant land for over 500,000 years withdrawing due to ice ages and then returning.
There are no countries which haven’t been previously trod on by other humans or pre-humans.
I think Australia and NZ are considered unique according to the Official Narrative.
But even though written out of history, Australia has the pygmy Aborigines of northern Queensland (extinct in modern times, 1950’s?), Mungo Man and Kow Swamp man, and Tasmanian Aborigines who seem to be a distinct race but claimed to be the same as mainland ones. The Official Narrative says the pygmy Aborigines never existed even though there are people alive today who met them, and Kow Swamp and Mungo remains are stated to be modern Aborigines.
And there is something wrong with the timeline as well. The Aborigines are claimed to have introduced the dingo but there are no dingo remains older than 6,000 years but Aborigines are claimed to have been here for around 60,000 years.
In New Zealand, there is evidence of pre-Maori peoples, the Urukehu. See
Don’t forget the Bradshaw Paintings that are thought to show people that pre-dated current aborigine’s.
Interestingly I spent some time with some aboriginal fellas in Kuranda in the eighties who talked about a mob who lived in the forest who they said were little fellas and that some of the elders reckoned they were still around.Lalfie the head man who was ancient back in the early eighties reckoned he had met them.
A geologist friend who has worked up north says that he has seen small people who are most likely descendants of the pygmy group.
Why do we have a flag for North American natives?The indigenous people I’ve met … outback as opposed to city folk prefer Aboriginal to identify with.
Good point made. ( sarcastically – how about a Blue flag with a circle of DIM Stars ? ) – or maybe the UN/WEF flag ?
They are only letting in Lavbore voters. All part of the Laybore Plan.
Although Albo did have an Election promise to reduce Immigration as well as developing more Manufacturing in Australia as well as a reduction in electricity prices as well as……blah, blah, blah.
Some Plan eh !!
They think they are letting in Laybore voters.
But I’d expect that more than 51% of the new migrants would vote for whoever would shut the gate behind them.
Today’s Leak Cartoon says it all –
If it wasn’t for the ‘growth’ from all the immigration, we’d be in recession, so apart from kowtowing to his masters, our PM is just papering over the cracks.
And the many cherries on the top of this are all the builders going bust. Their ABC has even provided a 101 for those caught up with a failed builder.
Once upon a time it was a case of buy an investment property and be happy. In my little part of the suburb some investors seem to have embraced the next stage which is knock it down, divide the section and build 2 new properties. You double your rental income, get tax benefits through negative gearing, the council gets more rates and more housing is available. A great win win win plan when interest rates and building costs are low and builders and labour are plentiful. In other times you just end up with an empty section or half built house.
The wheels on the bus go round and round just like the construction carousel which carries its increasingly riderless horses back to the exact point where they began. That’s progress for you.
Lessons from Kiwiland
KiwiBuild is a real estate development scheme pursued by the Sixth Labour Government of New Zealand. It began in 2018, with the aim of building 100,000 homes by 2028 to increase housing affordability in New Zealand.
By September 2019, the scheme had produced only 258 homes, far below the set targets.
By October 2020 the scheme had produced around 600 homes, and by May 2021, this number had increased to 1,058. By December 2023, this number increased to 2,229.
It has all the hallmarks of a Soviet 5-year plan.
I look forward to the day AI will pick the fruit, perform all the building trades, repair the trucks, deliver real goods, staff commercial kitchens and provide nursing in hospitals and old age homes. Until then we need labour. If we havent trained up enough people then I guess employers look to immigration as a quick solution. In the small/medium business I do part time work in the kitchen staff are from the sub continent plus one African, the local cherry orchards are staffed by a good% of immigrants and yesterday I was reading about a Japanese carpenter who came for a 6 month work stint 3 years ago. He makes much more money here and sends money back to help his dad in Japan as the economy is trashed there.
All that said I think basically the system is poorly controlled and the govt just pulls on a couple of macro level levers and trusts to good luck that it will all work out somehow.
I guess the main difference to the UK is that there are notional limits here, where the UK appears to be fine with absorbing the world, and mostly the world that hates it.
There has been bipartisan agreement to encourage immigration since the end of WW2, populate or perish was the slogan.
Covid left a gaping hole in the workforce, so they ramped up the numbers after the pandemic had subsided. This is fine in theory, but there was little accomodation available which put upward pressure on house prices and rentals.
The government has now reduced the number of new arrivals, except those with cash. Chinese immigrants find Australia more enticing than any other country, they are asset rich and coming in droves.
You’ve raised a paradox.
Covid was to subjugate and lock us down and depopulate to gain control.
Ending covid allows them to increase the population to change the electorate and gain control through a supportive electorate.
Which is it? ANd who is “them”?
who is “them”?
I will paraphrase a former SCOTUS Justice.
‘Porn is hard to define, but you know it when you see it.’
Just insert “them” accordingly.
BTW, do you own a mirror?
Not only will not enough be built – but they won’t find enough labour and they can’t find enough certifiers…
Surge in immigration?
Importing a new electorate, UK style?
Same modus operandi as the Demoncrats – import them, give them ‘stuff’ and they will vote for you. Bonus points for destroying successful western democracies, so they can go ahead with their socialist ‘nirvana’ (own nothing and be happy!!)
There is hope.
Steven Nowakowski of “Rainforest Reserves Australia” reveals how Queensland is destroying its last remnant forests to meet Net Zero.
He also believes Net Zero can never be achieved with just wind and solar.
OK, via his bio, Steven is an environmentalist/activist, photographer, author. An avowed Green. Believes in AGW.
He previously fought against the Queensland Adani Coal mine.
Yet in December 2023, he released a vid titled: “Impacts of industrial renewables in Queensland.”
He states on his website : “Clearing and fragmenting some of the best habitat left in Australia for wind farm industrial estates is a delusional act that won’t save the climate.”
“We will look back at the lunacy of our folly in years to come.”
That said,
I recommend that you view this short, haunting vid he released, late 2022…. 2 mins,34s in length.
Title: Kaban (Qld) Wind Farm Lunacy
Imho, that vid should be essential viewing for those living in inner cities, those that glue their hands to a road and those in the (Australian) Canberra bubble.
There is no hope.
We are far ahead of backward Victoria in the Sunshine State e.g the Queensland Government has exempted wind farm developments on land from the State’s Vegetation Management Act 1999 and Nature Conservation Act 1992 [See: ]. Instead, they are subject to State Planning Code 23, the Wind Farm Code, which overrides those two acts! How hypocritical is that? Owners of woodland grazing holdings in Queensland have been subjected to 6 figure fines for doing far less environmental damage to remnant and of concern regional ecosystems than is currently being inflicted by Wind Farm developments on top of the coast ranges in CQ. Not to mention the concomitant destruction of previously ‘safe’, inaccessible habitat ( ≡ fauna sanctuary zones), well utilised by Queensland’s endangered fauna emblem, the koala, along with the magnificent greater glider inter alia!
“Masterful work from Johannes Leak”
This longer excellent video (c.30 min) produced by Steven Nowakowski gives a wider overview of wind ‘farm’ pestilence on the top of Queensland’s steep coastal ranges. See: Looks highly possible that the current government will be tossed out in October. But this does not mean the present ‘renewable’ mindset will change. Unfortunately!
Which is worst – the BBC or ABC?
But some good news:
That’s ‘their abc’ for you.
“The Energy Transition Has Become A Big Green Hot Mess”
Entangled in all the other applicable government regulations
There’s no cure for Sarah!
Can the BBC be worse?
AI and Climate Change
AI smarter than Energy Minister Bowen?
What I would like to know is, has the AI engine learned anything by admitting its mistake?
If someone else asks, will it continue to provide the Official Narrative or the new facts it learned?
If it can’t learn then it’s not AI, it’s just a propaganda machine of the Left. But we already knew that was its purpose as its extreme Left bias has been discovered in nearly all questions asked of it. And in the ultimate woke insanity Gemini even portrayed National Socialist soldiers as black people thus fraudulently altering history itself.
It would be an interesting exercise to go back and ask the exact same questions and see if the thing has ‘learned’ anything.
Any animate being, human or other, is smarter than the simpleton Chrissy Bowen.
A cane toad is smarter than Turtlehead, after all look at the success of the cane toad at doing what it does.
I increasingly worry about the headlong rush to Digital. In the last few days two of our biggest supermarkets suffered IT glitches which meant that online orders could not be delivered and problems arose with contactless payment
The day before, McDonalds had much the same problem
One of our largest banks made a complete hash of updating their IT systems, locking millions of people out of their accounts. Every day you hear stories of cyber hacking of major companies.
As we increasingly rely on computers, smartphones, Digital interaction of all types, it doesn’t seem beyond the bounds of possibility that a determined hostile player could take down our banking, communications, services, food supplies and much else besides, causing a breakdown of society.
I am no technophobe but it seems to me we have gone far beyond what might be considered prudent, when almost everything these days demands online engagement, including making a doctors appointment, paying for parking, and the “internet of things” and AI solutions are eagerly promoted.
A good question?
You now own nothing!
And you will be happy!!
Your registrations, titles, bank balances etc will be gone.
Be rest assured however, your digital ID will be intact.
Some Good News
What is good in these news ?
Fires on voting boxes ? Petrol bombs in ambassy ? Car bombs ?
Putin wins election with 87.8% of the vote. U.S. officials claim the election was not free or fair! Clean up your own backyard.
Ukrainian Porn Star Poses With Mangled War Veterans For Charity Photo Shoot
If Trump is allowed to win the next US Election then the Obama/Biden proxy war with Russia will be over the next day.
In line with what friends in Rostov say. It may seem unbelievable to many in the western world but Putin is genuinely popular. Go onto YouTube and look at Russian supermarkets to see abundance of products. I still can’t buy tinned beetroot – alongside empty spaces elsewhere. My poor country is withering due to ineptitude and poor management.
Odd thing to say. Russians aren’t westerners, why do you assume they think like us? I find it incredible that Biden has 38% [or whatever] support.
Aye indeed, and you’ll not hear your sentiments repeated on ANY of the UK / Euro Media channels. When was the hymnbook reprinted / revised last ?
There were four candidates to vote from. Putin, V.V, the Liberal Democratic party Candidate, the communist party candidate and the New People party Candidate. Putin is very popular. I have communicated with my three friends in Russia and they all like him.
The election occurs over 3 days. No mail in ballots. Voter ID is required. If you are infirm or cannot make it to a polling place then they will come to you and arrange your vote.
Putin is liked as he has done lots to improve the standard of living of the average Russian person. The same cannot be said for western politicians.
And GlenM one of my friends is from Rostov (on don).
1) I firmly believe that VVP is more evil than certain failed Austrian painter.
2) It is a also a fact that huge majority of Russians are on his side. The official electoral results are fake but not by much – just by some % points.
3). Moreover, before invasion of Ukraine many Ukrainian citizens would not mind Putin taking over their country, money do not smell and Ukrainian elite was the same as Russian..By the way, they could be same persons – not much of the border in wider economical sense
Check the Russian Economy results for the 10 first years of VVP rule – it is continuous growth everywhere, including average salary which grew up from $74 (8.80 grams of gold) to $940 ( 20.72 grams) However in 2014 the steady growth turned into 10% drop.
What do you think happened happened in 2014 ? Does it remind you the economic achievements of the painter I have mentioned above ?
A nice take on my Chat Bot article by Tom Shepstone:
Includes a small sample issue tree, plus links to some of his articles on this topic at the end.
“Why buy a Ford?
What was the answer?
It is actually “Why did you buy a Ford.” A seemingly trivial discussion between two friends. The point is the reasoning is elaborate. It is a short Chapter 1 here:
“To get lost in the tree of one’s own ideas” leads to more bad meetings.
The bane of every large organisation.
Turns out meetings are a bad way to consider complex issues. The branching rate is very low meaning many important lines of thought do not occur. This is because it is hard to repeatedly go back and start new lines from points previously made.
An issue in the press or a blog where points are permanently displayed might get a branch rate of 3 nodes per node while a meeting gets just 1.3 or so.
There used to be an old which said ‘ if you can’t afford a Dodge, Dodge a Ford’.
And the other way around – “If you can’t afford a Ford dodge a Dodge”.
At least Ford is still a surviving brand.
“If you can’t afford a Dodge, dodge a Ford” is one of the oldest of automotive puns and has been especially popular in Australia and New Zealand. Ford began in 1903 and Dodge began making automobiles in 1915. The following appeared in “The Motor World” column in New Zealand Truth on July 22, 1916:
I like the Dodge Ram. It’s built for today’s multiple-choice world. Will you dodge, or will you ram?
Why bother fighting wind and solar madness?
All it does is delay the ultimate misery.
Why not let simpletons like “engineer” anti-Energy Minister Chrissy Bowen and his useful/useless idiot supporters go free range and attempt to implement their Nut Zero policies as fast as they want?
Then the grid will collapse with massive economic damage and loss of life and only then might people wake up and demand the abandonment of “renewables” and reinstatement of coal and gas generation plus (gasp) instatement of nuclear. All to be built as a matter of urgency.
And the pretend conservative Liberal Party aren’t the answer either. They are part of the problem, being responsible for many of Australia’s anti-energy policies. If Liberals had some decent energy policies plus also acknowledged the anthropogenic global warming fraud they could probably start winning elections. As it is they likely won’t ever win again simply because they have little to distinguish themselves from the Labor-Green faction of the Uniparty.
Make it like Sweden
I’m not sure how subsidies work in Sweden but in Australia I think wind, solar and Big Battery plantations are a license to print money. It’s impossible to lose money on them given the way the whole scam is set up.
It must be nice to have the govt afford their businesses the “certainty” they claim is needed. Its a luxury not many other businesses have.
The turn towards nuclear power is viewed positively by the public, with about 55-60% now in favour of using nuclear power or building new reactors (in 2017 it was only 30%).
But according to Energy Minister Bowen and his mates at the CSIRO nuclear energy is the most expensive!
The last Liberal Prime minister who made the statement that climate change was crap, Tony Abbott, got knifed in the back by Lord waffle waffle Turdball who in my opinion is equal to Gillard and Rudd as our worst Prime Ministers ever, dumped to the back bench and then lost his seat in the next election.
Albo says, “wait a minute, hold my beer. Watch this!”
In his new book to be released on Monday former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull “exposes the schemes of other ministers who wanted to overthrow” then Prime Minister Tony Abbott including Scott Morrison says Sky News host Sharri Markson.
Mr Turnbull outlines in his forthcoming memoir ‘A Bigger Picture,’ the internal Liberal Party machinations in the lead up to Mr Abbott’s removal from his Prime Ministership including the roles of Liberal cabinet ministers.
“It turns out, Malcolm Turnbull, Scott Morrison and Julie Bishop were all conspiring to overthrow Abbott and each of them wanted to be leader,” Ms Markson said.
That is what Turnbull says. Had he said that Australia is a continent, I’d start to doubt it.
Luckily we all were there at the time and had our own eyes and ears.
Morrison, a talented bureaucrat but never a strategist, wanted Liberal leadership as much as he wanted to be the ministers for everything during Covid hysteria. Remember the refrigerated trucks, serving as portable morgues in New York? Retirement houses full of dead old people in Spain? No one knew what would happen next day, so Morrison took the necessary steps to safeguard the working administration.
Similarly, he was thinking very short term facing the anti-Abbot coup, just to get over it.
As seen on TV and happened nowhere else.
Morrison was the instigator of the Abbott overthrow and Turdbull.
Before it happened, Lord Monckton warned about the possibility of Tony Abbott’s removal due to his refusal to abide by the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
I’m of the same opinion David. The sooner Bowen and the idiots that support him crash the energy grid and receive a good dose of reality, the better. They will then be forced to admit that they were wrong ( or it was Scomo’s fault ) and the resulting energy blackouts/brownouts and misery will wake up the AGW fools as well, and the rest of the population, to the complete folly of Net Zero by 2050. Frantic and urgent construction of coal/gas generators will then begin and the Unions will make a motza as they hold the Country to ransom during construction, but hopefully we will eventually get some reliable 24/7 dispatchable power and some serious planning for a nuclear future. Next Summer will hopefully be the start of the demonstration of the stupidity of unreliables.
“the Unions will make a motza as they hold the Country to ransom during construction,
..and now you see what all those immigrants are for!
Australia was once an early pioneer in space.
Few people know this.
But plans were abandoned when certain politicians could see no future in space exploration. Not kidding.
That’s yet another reason why excrement-for-brains politicians shouldn’t be allowed to make scientific or engineering decisions.
I wrote an article about Australia’s first satellite launch, WRESAT, which happened in 1967. My article was written to mark the 50th anniversary of the launch in 2017.
Trans is so passé.
Know your OTHERKIN.
They have serious mental problems and too much time on their hands.
We used to have “Funny Farms” for people like this.
What happened to them?
They were closed down and sold off for their valiable real estate.
The former occupants now live on the streets committing many crimes or live in jails.
Or they became Green politicians, social media influencers or involved in the transgender or otherkin movements.
These mental institutions should be reinstated whereby the occupants will be properly cared for and will be prevented from harming others.
‘What happened to them?’
They sent them back to the family home with pocketfuls of big pharma tablets.
Here’s a video from the 2023 Australian Nuclear Association conference. It’s by a chap called Stephen Wilson, from the university of Queensland, amongst other places. It runs for about half an hour.
The effect of nuclear energy on total system electricity costs
Abstract (shamelessly copied from the video description)
Recent research has found that removing the bans on nuclear energy has the potential to radically reduce the future total system cost of electricity generation in the five-region interconnected power system in Eastern Australia.
The research work adopted a different approach to the question of estimating the costs of a system decarbonised to varying degrees. The approach considered simultaneously the optimisation of long-term investment decisions and operational decisions.
While focusing on the total system cost modelling work, and in particular the opportunity for nuclear energy to radically reduce system costs, the presentation will also draw in places on perspectives gained from related work relevant to system costs: on hydrogen and energy exports via ammonia and HVDC cables; on system stability; and on distributed energy resources
No back-up batteries required – A$10 Trillion saved right out of the gate.
Nuclear is great, as it’s a proper power generation system.
Like all proper power generation systems, the product is inexpensive, reliable, available 24/7 and has minimal visual and other environmental impact.
In terms of reducing costs, I don’t see how it’s fundamentally any different to other proper power generation systems like coal, gas, nuclear or real hydro (not SH2).
And costs of electricity would be reduced if all direct and indirect subsidies for wind, solar and Big Battery plantations were removed immediately. After all, wind and solar are the most expensive possible “large scale” electricity generation systems although they barely qualify as generation systems because they are random in nature.
Why not free coal? Far faster. Far cheaper. Existing transmission lines. Double efficiency. And coal exports from bankrupt Victoria
I do not accept the absurd idea that nuclear has zero emissions.
After the destruction of Tony Abbott No one is really prepared to say Climate Change is crap. Whoever does will win easily. And ask Malcolm for the money back.
Coal is still King. The rest of the world agrees. Why are we so dumb? (Clue: a comfy, lazy electorate is easily brainwashed by targeted corporate infotainment. What is the role of a government broadcaster and free-to-air corporate media in a democracy in which rulers rule by consent of the governed? Search Manufacturing Consent).
Finland has seen a 74% drop in electricity costs since the new 1-6GW nuclear plant started up.
Sweden wants to build several nuclear plants, while most of their wind generation heads for bankruptcy.
“Scientific American’s Latest Foray into Gender-Based Science Analysis”
“Friends from Legal Insurrection may recall I refer to Scientific American as the Bud Light of scientific journals.”
People complain about vegan cows f@rting and supposedly destroying the planet with greenhouse (sic) gases but why doesn’t anyone complain about vegan humans doing exactly the same thing?
There is no Net Zero f@rting. Either the cows f@rt on behalf of human carnivores or human vegans do it themselves. Still the same amount of f@rt gas, directly or indirectly.
And vegan cyclists hogging the road.
Squash is a vegetable so just squash them.
The scare is because the effect of methane has been ‘hiked’ to enormous effects.
John Tyndall in 1861 measured methane as absorbing 4.5 times the Infrared than CO2.
1991 the first IPCC report had methane as 12 times,
In 2011 the IPCC said methane was 21 times that of CO2 (comment by cementafriend who calculated this as false).
In 2023 the claims were that methane was 85 times as bad as CO2.
If methane was as bad as the last figure, and with the rise in concentration since the first 1984 measurement, then methane was equivalent to about a rise of 127 p.p.m. of CO2, meaning that the effect of CO2 (in that time) is negligable.
Oops? AGW theory scuttled by AGW theory believers?
By the way – Tyndall was a careful experimenter and was worried by a 0.25% error in some early tests so set out to eliminate that error in his equipment.
Then there is the mostly ignored property of methane, when there are discussions about methane as a greenhouse gas.
Methane is a flammable gas. I’ve seen, and I’m sure others have as well, demonstrations of what happens when methane meets an ignition source.
Surely.. I mean, you didn’t…did you?
Not quite the proof that he may have done…
First someone has to explain why there is so little methane in the air. Cellulose, inedible to humans actually rots to methane with fungus and mould. It’s what termites do even faster. And what ruminants do. All grasses. So why isn’t there more methane? And it does convert to CO2 over 20 years, but where has it gone? All those billions of ruminants and trillions of cockroaches/termites. Do we have to kill them all? And why?
Why then do we expect that ‘new’ human produced methane would stick around? No other methane does.
Consider that CO2 emissions have gone up 3500%. And CO2 has gone up only 50%. That’s trivial. Yet we are expected to believe they are connected?
The same with methane, CH4. The common cause for the tiny increase is ocean warming. We humans have no ability to alter gaseous equilibria on a planetary scale. It all existed for billions of years.
It is much more obvious that the gigantic oceans stuffed with life and gas are the culprits, if you need a culprit. A little warming decreases absorption of all gases in our oceans.
Across this entire story is the drive to measure, tax, monitor and control emissions.
Because there is no evidence that CO2 or methane emissions are a problem at all. Or that human activity contributes significantly to either.
We may as well tax the termites and the cows and camels and bison …
Our ignorance of simple physical chemistry is exceeded by our arrogance that we are significant. A single volcano or meteor could wipe us out any time. Climate Change religion is really La La land.
Which is why I call it Climate Scientology driven by science fiction writers like fake scientist Dr. Tim Flannery whose first degree was in English.
Al Gore too started in English and switched to Politics. His thesis was on how Nixon used the media, television, to win his presidency.
So in 1988 he created his own global scare, man made Global Warming in conjunction with the WMO, UN who were delighted to get the cash and publicity. And so on to his vice Presidency and a Nobel Peace Prize for inventing man made Global Warming.
You have to wonder about the Nobel Peace prize for Barack Obama too, promoter of a nuclear armed Iran. And not one for Donald Trump who with his Abraham Accords made the biggest breakthrough in peace in the Middle East since Anwar Sadat and Menachim Begin, both of whom were assassinated for even daring to talk peace.
There is so much money in Climate Change. And even more trillions in the Middle East, a vast sinkhole for fake peace money. With Ukraine a close competitor at the moment.
War is about money. And if the rest of the world stayed out of Gaza and Ukraine, none of this would have happened.
Thank goodness there are actual experienced physical chemists who have continued to contribute to atmospheric gas studies for over 100 years.
You have to love John Kerry, one of the world’s rich self indulgent hypocrites. Nothing under the hair. Overcooked years ago.
Born in to a wealthy family, he married into Heinz family money, the company famous for baked beans.
If anyone had a great responsibility for profiting from massive human methane production, it’s John Kerry.
Plus with multiple houses, jets and cars, CO2 as well. Like all such people it’s do what I say, not what I do.
Kerry has a daughter Vanessa. Vanessa went to the latest WEF and told everybody how “bad” the global warming is 🙁
This is one of John Kerry’s private jets.
He claims not to own any private jets which is technically correct because they are registered to his wife’s name or H.J. Heinz (corporation) or a company owned by H.J. Heinz, Flying Squirrel LLC.
Kerry is pretty much your standard, woke, rich, Leftist hypocrite.
Like all rich Leftists, regular airlines are not good enough for him.
“Response to: I’m a climate scientist. If you knew what I know, you’d be terrified too
A Critical Analysis of Profound Claims”
“Screwdrivers Now Permitted On Boeing Flights, To Allow Passengers To Help With Maintenance”
In development at Boeing
Don’t forget the devestating impact of skin colour and gender-based preferential employment policies in the airline industry, not people suitably qualified for the job.
Policies will kill us all.
At least these discriminatory policies are being challenged in the US:
Remember when?
“Four Years Ago Today – Launch Of “15 Days to Slow the Spread” (From Which The Nation Has Not Yet Recovered)
The policy morphed into a liberty-crushing horror with impacts that we are still feeling across the nation”
“Negligible future warming from: CO2 – CH4 – N2O”
“As at its current concentration atmospheric CO2 at 420 ppmv is already more than 85% saturated, its Global warming potential is almost entirely exhausted.
All attempts by Mankind to limit further CO2 emissions will have no further significant controlling effect on Global temperature.
Further actions by the Western minority of Man-kind to protect against a supposed Global Overheating Catastrophe from CO2 emissions are pointless.”
I already have a petrol generator for when the grid goes down but was thinking of getting a diesel one as diesel fuel has a long storage life and a diesel motor can also run on vegetable oil when the SHTF.
Does anyone have any recommendations for quiet diesel generators suitable for urban domestic use?
Have a look at the ones that Bluetti or Jackery makes. Really quiet.
C’mon DM…you’be seen zombie films before.
Turn on a generator and the horde moves towards it. 😆
In a prolonged grid down scenario you don’t want attention.
Bluetti has a good reputation but just a tad pricey.
When the grid goes down so do the service stations so no pumping diesel.
The duel fuel gensets can run on propane and a bottle swap doesn’t rely on power.
Try here:
I’ll be using my own setup.😎
Check out the “fuel savers” used to extend the life of petrol.
Try a chain saw shop to see what is around.
Chainsaw and wood gas generator. Easier to convert your petrol engine to wood gas than a diesel engine.
I believe John Connor II is recommending you house the generator within fortifications, this coupled with GEE Aye weighing in with support, I am guessing the best solution is to know and be part of your surrounding community rather than buying one of GA’s generators or building a castle.
What is the best defence against Zombies if you don’t have a shot gun?
Phew! We’re all saved then!😁
And legal in ban-everything-nanny-country Orstraylya too.
Couple of things-
Enclose genset with screens- say 6 ft high (as in portable office partitions). I used foam out of old sofa at my bush site, set at about 15 degrees off vertical. (prevents reverb). Do not have sides parallel.
Extend exhaust with larger diameter piping. Run into sandbox.
FWIW – more covid
“Film: Epidemic of Fraud”
“What I found is an unholy alliance of public, private and political groups that seem hell bent on turning all of us in the lab rats.”
In case of “U-Tubernanikins”
In case the above Youtube video gets taken down, this is the link to the film on the Twitter/X platform.”
“Film: Epidemic of Fraud”
Watching it and realizing that there is not much stuff that many of us did not at least have an inkling might be the situation as it was happening.
My latest inkling is that ‘Pandemic’ is the ultimate crime of modern human history and its’ complete ramifications are as yet not realized.
And there are no cultural and legal structures with enough power or even willingness to adjudicate.
In fact the worst perpetrators are building end of the world redoubts on private islands and mountain tops.
One ramification is that there is a bifurcated reality created by the ‘Pan’.
One sees ‘Science’ as religion.
The other is frightened by the new religion.
The ‘Pan’ is 33 BC and the Reformation wrapped in one very scary package.
‘Drinking bird’ toys upgraded to generate clean energy from water
Scientists have converted a children’s “drinking bird” toy into a tool that generates usable amounts of electricity. The generator could one day be utilized to power a wide variety of small electronic devices, both indoors and outside.
Led by South China University of Technology’s Prof. Hao Wu, a team of scientists recently took one of these toys and added two disc-shaped triboelectric nanogenerator modules to either side of it. These devices harness the triboelectric effect, in which certain materials become electrically-charged when they’re rubbed against one another – it’s what’s responsible for the static charge that occurs when you’re combing your hair.
The whole rig is thus known as the drinking-bird triboelectric hydrovoltaic generator, or DB-THG.
In lab tests conducted at a room temperature of 24 ºC (75 ºF) and a relative humidity of 20% ± 5%, it was able to operate for 50 hours using just 100 mL (3.4 oz) of water. It also achieved a voltage output of up to 100 volts, which was sufficient to power devices such as calculators, temperature sensors, and 20 linked LCD screens.
The scientists are now developing a purpose-built successor to the DB-THG, which should deliver much better performance than the existing modified toy.
Just imagine – acres of 100m high drinking birds. And they work day and night too!
In the linked article it says:
No, that’s the voltage. The actual “energy output” is not stated.
The energy produced and efficiency will be minimal, far worse than solar or wind, due to the minimal temperature difference between the hot and cold reservoirs, as described by the Carnot cycle.
The energy is about 4uW, but a “big bird” could produce a few watts.
You do know it wasn’t a serious suggestion don’t you.😁
I smell a taxpayer funded reseach grant in play here!
Millions of E-bikes, Motorcycles, EVs Forcibly Confiscated by Police, Forcing People to Buy New Ones
AI being reeducated.
Post by Ed Hoskins, AI needs to be told that CO2 doesn’t cause warming.
Is there an AI “fact checker” to check on other AIs?
I posted it recently.
Better than the “A.I.” we have now. 😆
Was it a Hot Air Ballon or a Boeing 737 passing overhead?
Today, CSIRO is a woke political organisation, not a scientific one.
Woke – Is there a scientific basis for Wokeism?
What is your definition of woke ?, it can’t just be anything you don’t like.
WTF does that even mean? It was probably written by a quota hire. Hired by someone who themselves was a quota hire.
In any case, try doing any independent thinking at CSIRO or anything not in conformity with the Government Official Narrative and see how far you get.
Back in the day I did some of my PhD work at CSIRO when it was an actual scientific organisation and was honoured to work with and learn from R.B. Roberts who made a very important although obscure discovery (among others) relevant to my studies:
Was the Vax from something else. Discussion on Brave, Tommy’s Podcast with Dr Scott Jensen , David Gollum and John Cullen
Crimson Contagen had been going on for years and was dumped in Trump’s lap 2017. What would he do?
Japanese Researchers Warn About Risks Associated With Blood Transfusions From COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Individuals
Studies have reported cases of thrombocytopenia, thrombotic disorders, abnormal red blood cell morphology, immune issues and neurological issues in genetic vaccine recipients.
Tainted love: “Misinformation” drives ‘vaccine-free’ dating
Misinformation – that word again!
Seeking non-mRNA-injected partners is not that uncommon among well-informed people.
It also means that the person is an independent thinker, not a sheep.
It has been reported that unvaxxed people involved with the vaxxed have been contaminated by body fluids which contain the spike proteins.:-( If you have a woke vaxxed spouse you need to be aware of this
Or just someone who has not been genetically modified//
“Vaccine free sperm – the new bitcoin”
Council Told to ‘F*CK OFF’ After it Ordered Chip Shop to Remove Union Jack
Local residents in a London borough are up in arms after the left-wing council who control it ordered the local fish and chip shop to remove a Union Jack from its wall describing it as ‘inappropriate for the area’.
The fish and chip shop with the ‘offending’ flag is in the borough of Greenwich, a suburb of London, the UK’s capital city.
Incredibly, the council have ordered a British man, to remove the British flag, from the wall of his own shop, situated in the heart of Britain’s capital city.
The award-winning fish and chip shop received the ordered from council officials who stated the Union Jack was ‘inappropriate for the area’.
Chris Kanizi, 65, who owns Golden Chippy, in Greenwich, south-east London, has been told to paint over the mural of the humanoid fish on the wall of his restaurant, which has been adored by tourists and locals alike for years.
However, Greenwich councillors, have been told they can ‘fuck off’ by local residents after the news emerged. The pithy sentiment was echoed right across Greenwich by those of the more long-standing members of its community. One said the council were “anti-British through and through” whilst another said “they should be made to fly the Union Jack on all public buildings as it is the national flag.”
Inappropriate to love your own country but have to suck up to minority migrants here to bleed the welfare system and turn your country into the one they left.
When they’ve turned it into their home country will they then hate it and go somewhere else?😉
“Energy Policy and How to Fix it” – Alan Moran
“Many people have personal concerns about the pursuit of green energy by governments, federally and state. The visual intrusion, the land-hungry windfarms and solar panels and the extensive enlargement of the transmission network required to accommodate them have a marked effect on individuals’ environments and livelihoods. But the more fundamental issue is the destruction of our economy and living standards from the policies being ruthlessly pursued by both Labor and – sad to say – Coalition parties and governments.”
More at
Conrad Black on the Dirty Stinking Rotten Corrupt US “Justice” System
The Mark Steyn Show – March 16, 2024
Today’s episode re-unites Mark with his old boss the Rt Hon the Lord Black of Crossharbour.
In this programme, Mark and Conrad, having both been on the receiving end, talk about the vicissitudes of American “justice” – and, on a happier note, the latter recalls what it’s like when Donald Trump telephones to say he’s pardoned you.
~On the subject of justice, many viewers have asked how they can support both Mark’s ongoing travails in the American legal system and his suit in the English High Court against the partial and totalitarian UK media censor Ofcom over his coverage of the Covid vaccines. There are several ways, including:
Linked from – Law and Order in Flux: Crafting a New Image for Justice in America
The rule of law is inoperative in the United States. With every passing day, it becomes more obvious that we live under a two-tier justice system.
It is not justice, but a form of injustice.
By Roger Kimball – March 17, 2024
Were I of a more entrepreneurial bent, I might go into the statuary business.
I would specialize in those statues of “Justice” one sees, or used to see, decorating the façades of courthouses. The old-fashioned, now deprecated models featured a berobed and blindfolded female figure holding aloft a pair of scales. The symbology, now on its way to the graveyard of discarded ideas, was simple but noble. Justice was blindfolded because she was no respecter of persons. Neither rank nor party nor sex nor ethnic origin would figure into her calculation of guilt or innocence. She held scales to emphasize her devotion to impartiality.
Since those ideals have long since been superseded, my thought was to go into business producing new statues of Justice.
The figure could still be female, or at least identify as female, but it should probably be obese and sport dreadlocks.
She—or “she”—should not be wearing a robe but rather a T-shirt and dungarees.
Instead of a blindfold, this new figure of justice would sport a pride-flag pin and a WinBlue membership card.
She would still brandish scales, but one side would be loaded down with affidavits, subpoenas, and indictments.
The partisan weaponization of the prosecutorial power of the state is a hydra-headed beast.
It has swept up thousands of innocent people (along with a handful of guilty ones) in the fabricated hysteria over the January 6 protest at the Capitol—a protest, we now know, which was to a very large extent organized and choreographed by federal assets and Democratic lawmakers.
It has identified concerned parents or pro-life advocates as “domestic extremists,” whose every move is tracked by the FBI.
And of course, it has entered the names of anyone who has worked for Donald Trump on the modern version of a proscription list.
Their careers are ruined, and many are subject to groundless indictments. The case of the constitutional scholar John Eastman is only one of many, many instances of this abuse.
All this is becoming increasingly well known. But my point is that what seemed like hyperbole a couple of years ago now seems like a widely acknowledged reality.
. The rule of law is inoperative in the United States.
. With every passing day, it becomes more obvious that we live under a two-tier justice system.
. But “two-tier justice” is a contradiction in terms.
It is not justice, but a form of injustice.
Like “safe” and “effective” it is the definitions used that get you –
“70% Or More Of F-35s May Not Be Combat-Capable”
“But if you were to read a typical article in the media, you might believe that, on average, some 55 percent of F-35s are combat-capable. However, you would be wrong. You see, when the average person sees a report declaring that 55 percent of F-35 combat aircraft are “mission capable,” they assume mission capable equals combat capable. But in doing so, they are being deceived.”
More at
8 out of 10 based on 12 ratings”
Pretty good Monday so far.
The woke monstrosity coming to Trafalgar Square
Lady in Blue is a sculpture of a black woman with abstract proportions, including strangely long arms and very pronounced buttocks and legs. Artist Tschabalala Self said the piece pays “homage to a young, metropolitan woman of color” in a statement obtained by the Art Newspaper.
Self, an American from New York City, has enjoyed “meteoric success with her distinctive works depicting black and predominantly female figures,” the publication reported in 2020.
Just add a bronze KFC bucket. 😆😆
Why is Modern Art so Bad?
It’s polar bear Monday!
Martin Gregus captured a once in a lifetime moment of a Polar Bear sleeping on a bed of fireweed.
Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Australia Signs WEF Treaty To Close ALL Major Banks and Switch to Fully Cashless Society
Australia has signed a World Economic Forum (WEF) treaty that will see all major banks in the country close as citizens are forced to transition to a fully cashless society.
How many just about had a heart attack?
Less dramatic:
WEF “treaty” ? sure
DEI – Division, Exclusion and Incompetence
That’s always been the plan. 😎
Monday satire
Just to make it clear, I have no problem with the LG HDTV community. 😁
So you draw a line with the LG UHDTV community?
I missed posting this from the ‘Insurance News’ dated 15 March 2024; one could hope that at least they are starting to acknowledge the real cause, even though there is a long way to go and one day they might drop the ‘major driver’out of it; and Insurers are at the forefront of disasters and should know better:
The frequency and severity of large natural catastrophe losses has soared in recent years, but a changing climate is not the major cause, Swiss Re says.
The reinsurer told the Federal Government’s flood inquiry today that, while it expects the climate to worsen, other factors such as increased asset values and population changes are the key drivers of rising insured losses, particularly for secondary perils such as floods, bushfires and storms.
Australia and New Zealand CEO Trent Thomson told the hearing a Florida study had shown that over 50 years the frequency of large loss events grew by 450% and severity increased by 1500%.
“At this time, we estimate that climate change is not a major driver of the severity and frequency of the events that we’ve observed,” he said.
“The main driver here is the increased asset values … so when an event happens, the cost of repairing and replacing that home is much greater.
“Also, the increased urbanisation that we’re seeing in the population. So when events do strike, they affect more people at the same time.
“And the third one is migration. It’s where people are choosing to live. And we’ve certainly seen … people moving towards areas which are more prone to secondary perils.”
Idiots from the burbs moving to the bush with eucalypts up the gutters.
Hundreds Of Tons Of Poison To Be Dropped On Antarctic Mice By Helicopter
The tiny sub-Antarctic Marion Island is the planned target of a mouse eradication project by scientists who intend to drop hundreds of tons of poison from helicopters in order to save the territory’s native birds, according to the Associated Press (AP).
Scientists claim that due to climate change extending the species’ breeding season, the house mice population has grown significantly, threatening the survival of many rare local species, according to the outlet.
Drastic action is being called for to eliminate the invasive mammals; the plan involves dropping 550 tons of rodenticide bait on the 115-mile-wide island, according to the outlet. The bait is being designed with the intention of not contaminating the water supply and should only inflict minimal damage on the native animals, including the endangered birds they are seeking to protect, according to the outlet. Dr. Wolfaardt, however, has cautioned, “There’s no perfect solution in these kinds of things.”
550 tonnes of poison bait, what could possibly go wrong.
A couple of kids wot air rifles would clean them up in a week 🙂
Comment of note here!
On Hadrian’s Wall in UK
“1800 years ago they knew walls worked. This is evolution. Biden has yet to tell us that he fought with and learned from Hadrian.”
“The Silenced Voice of British Truth Teller Neil Oliver Still Speaks Brutal Honesty, They Just “Tuckered” Him
March 17, 2024 | Sundance | 54 Comments”
“Amid the “grey man group” is the voice of Neil Oliver, a voice who was increasingly red pilling the people of Great Britain, who, like us, are also in an abusive relationship with government. The British Government through OfCom took Neil Oliver off air stopping his televised broadcasts. However, even though they are not allowed to have him on television, GBNews still puts Oliver’s content on YouTube.”
French judge bans windmill farms: Defeat for extreme greens
From the world of something beginning with “W”
“Putin Wins Transparent Russian Reelection, Biden Calls it a Dictatorship – Zelensky Cancels Ukraine Elections, Biden Calls it a Democracy
March 18, 2024 | Sundance | 12 Comments”