People who used ivermectin get better faster and were much less likely to die

Fantasy art, doom, dark, death, tombstone, cemetary, evil.

By Jo Nova

There are lots of ways to screw up, delay, distort and blur a medical study

And the Principle Trial did all of them.

So here we are, years too late, getting another nanomole of truth squeezed through the distortion field. The Principle Trial gave people ivermectin far too late, and told them not to take it with food, both of which stop it being useful — yet despite that, ivermectin still saved lives and produced a statistically significant benefit. So the researchers sat on the results for a year and a half, then wrote it up with the opposite conclusion. Welcome to modern industrial medicine where the experiments are just a theatre performance. The government pretends to care and set up a big study, while they design it to fail and then hide and twist the results.

The point of doing experiments is not to find the truth but to kill it. If the crowd is baying for answers,  what better way to silence them than to say you are doing a long indepth “glorious” study that takes years to complete?

It was naked sabotage…


Viruses multiply exponentially at the start of an infection, so every hour matters. The sooner an antiviral drug is started, the smaller the total viral load will be, and most likely, the shorter the infection.  By the time symptoms start the virus has run amok and 1 little virion may have turned into one million virions per ml — headed for a billion. So the Principle Trial designers made sure to express deliver the artificial patented Molnupiravir drug to the randomly selected patients, while the people selected in the ivermectin arm were signed up in slow motion. Pierre Kory has the whole sordid story. One poor man claimed that after he tested positive, he had to wait 11 days for his enrollment form to come through. Ivermectin could hardly “shorten his illness” if he’s already recovered. And conversely it could hardly save his life if he was already dead.

It was so petty (but thoroughly so) that the information forms for the Molnupiravir test told patients medicine would be delivered the “next day”, and patients were given the option to pick up the medicine from the pharmacy even faster. But in the Ivermectin arm the words “next day” were deleted — the medicine would just be delivered (sometime).

The excellent c19ivm team listed the differences in the trial design, and practically name a hundred different kinds of bias. It’s as if no stone was left unturned to get a “null” result on ivermectin.

As Pierre Kory says so scathingly — the same person designed both trials:

“The reason why the above table is so powerful is that the two trial designs were by the same Principal Investigator at the same “august” institution. Why such discordant designs? Why did Butler (notice my refusal to call him Professor), when studying ivermectin, use such a low dose on an empty stomach for such a short duration (no other anti-viral is ever used for less than 5 days), so late in the disease (up to 14 days?), in more mildly ill patients?”

Despite the sabotage, the Epoch Times reports ivermectin treated patients died at less than half the rate:

People who tested positive for COVID-19 and took ivermectin as a treatment recovered faster than a comparison group…

The time to self-reported recovery was a median of two days faster among the ivermectin recipients, according to the large UK study.

People who received ivermectin were also less likely to be hospitalized or die, with 1.6 percent of ivermectin recipients being hospitalized or dying versus 4 percent of the comparison group, which received typical care, which in the UK is largely focused on managing symptoms.

About 2,000 people were given ivermectin (of a sort) and about 3,000 were given “usual treatment”. 11 people died in the normal treatment arm, but only 2 died when given ivermectin.

The biggest crime was that for three years people were denied the best treatment they could get.

Statistical games

Communication pollution, media,

As Pierre Kory points out, the results must have looked so good they couldn’t possibly release them. Apparently they suddenly needed to extend the trial for a whole years followup and create some excuse about how ivermectin didn’t make some arbitrary hazard ratio bar they set post hoc.

Kory remarks that in their results of “time til recovery” the probability ivermectin was superior was found to be >.999.  Yet their conclusion was that “Ivermectin is unlikely to provide clinically meaningful treatment” (especially if you want to keep the hospitals full eh?) Furthermore they say, it’s not worth doing more trials. (Big Pharma will be happy about that).

The new “Hazard Ratio Bar” they invented is chicanery:

So the authors concluded that this finding was unlikely to provide a clinically meaningful result? What? I want to be brief here, but this is statistical chicanery – to support this statement they instituted an almost impossible bar to clear, that of a “pre-specified hazard ratio level that must be greater than 2.0.” I have never heard of this. A hazard ratio does not need a pre-specified level. If the HR is > 1.0, and it is statistically significant, it is a robust finding. The HR for ivermectin was a statistically significant 1.15! But it was not 2.0, so .. dismiss the result? Whatever.

Wow. just wow. Another way of saying the above is that they literally designed the statistical threshold for effectiveness in such a way that, even if ivermectin was found to be effective (which they found), if it was not like, am (arbitrary) “super large magnitude” of efficacy, it should not be recommended or thought effective. What?        — Pierre Kory

Despite the extraordinary lengths they went to, ivermectin still helped. Imagine what it could have done if it was used properly?

In another study done in Brazil – ivermectin reduces deaths by 92% for 10 cents a week. It could have saved so many…

Ivermectin Trials, Studies.


Hayward et al (2024) Ivermectin for COVID-19 in adults in the community (PRINCIPLE): an open, randomised, controlled, adaptive platform trial of short- and longer-term outcomes, Journal of Infection on Feb. 29 2024.

Graveyard Art by Syaifulptak

Drowning clock  by 51581 from Pixabay


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141 comments to People who used ivermectin get better faster and were much less likely to die

  • #
    David Maddison

    In Australia it was the former WEF employee, the then anti-Health Minister, Greg Hunt who was responsible for banning Ivermectin.


    • #

      There would have been a “committee of experts” who wanted it banned. They MUST be named. They WILL do it again for something else. Greg Hunt is just a politician. He relies on “experts” to advise him. He may not even get to choose the experts.


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        They will be giving each other awards for exemplary services for covid policies about now.


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          Gary S

          Brett Sutton, former Victoria chief stealth, sorry, health officer has already been awarded an Order of Australia for his ‘service’.


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          Yeah the Victorian health minister Bambi Sutton got an offical gong for his handling of the flu outbreak.He and The Chairman destroyed lives,businesses and the mental health of untold children.He even seemed a bit uncomfortable in accepting the honorary.


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        I agree. Hunt was following “the science”, and, by implication, the “experts”. What he chose to ignore/dismiss was the other world “experts” who wrote//endorsed the Great Barrington Declaration that would have provided a great deal more “informed” advice than those who were too involved in the bureaucratic tangle of organisations like the TGA.

        I have always wondered about the timing of Hunt’s retirement from politics at a relatively young age. What did he really know?


        • #

          Greg Hunt was not following the science. He was directing the “science”.

          And what did he really know? He knew that the dogs would be after him for what he had done.


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          He knows that he is responsible for many deaths. That is what he knows.


          • #

            Yet there are some “Liberals” who want to make Greg Hunt the President of the Victorian Branch of the Liberal Party of Australia. Hunt was involved in the WEF previously


      • #

        Vitamin I and other parasitics are being credited with anticancer properties. These animal drugs should never be used on people, we aren’t horses.


        • #

          I suspect that you know as well as the rest of us that ivermectin was developed for human use, and has been very successfully and safely so used for decades, especially in Africa.

          The developers of ivermectin were awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine, not merely as a “horse paste”.

          The use of ivermectin in animals as an anti-parasitic an additional use, and a very effective one.

          We may not be horses, but we are both mammals and our biology and physiology are remarkably similar.

          What makes you think that various drugs (e.g., antibiotics) don’t work or shouldn’t be used on both humans and horses/other animals?


          • #

            I suspect that you know as well as the rest of us that ivermectin was developed for human use,

            Of course I do. What I don’t understand is why I needed the /sarc tag on such an outrageous post.


        • #
          John Connor II

          Vitamin I and other parasitics are being credited with anticancer properties. These animal drugs should never be used on people, we aren’t horses.

          You either forgot the /sarc tag or you’re reading too much MSM garbage.


          • #

            In 1966 we had a yearling colt who used to chase the bulls. THe family had gone to the big smoke for a week and I was home alone, holding the fort. From a distance I noticed that this horse had been standing in the one place for several hours, so went and had a look.

            One of the bulls must have gored him. He had a hole in his flank surrounded by a swelling a foot in diameter. I thought we had lost him. .I rang the local horse doctor who brought out some penicillin and a syringe and showed me how to administer it over a week. He had a good temperament and I was able to do this on my own.

            The first dose stopped the swelling. By the end of the week he was fully cured.

            Penicillin is very good horse medicine.


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        • #

          And all the “Big Seven” studies were sabotaged the same way Simon.

          It’s easy to wreck a medical trial if you want a null result.

          The current tally of trials is 101 studies, from 1,100 scientists with 142,000 patients in 29 countries. And the results are extraordinary.

          They found 49% lower mortality. Half the seven million known deaths could have been prevented (and probably a lot more if ivermectin was used prophylactically.)
          I’ve added the study tally chart to the post. Thanks.


          • #

            The ‘c19ivm team’ are selecting only those studies that give the result that they are looking for. Who are they and why won’t they make their names public? Why are you promoting them?


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              John in NZ

              I and my family used early treatment using ivermectin, zinc, zinc ionophores, vitamins D and C as well as immunomodulatory, anti-inflamatory and anti-coagulatory treatment. Early treatment , of course us essential, for maximum results. Consequently, covid 19 was a nothingburger. None of us had more than mild symptoms.

              It was only people who did not know how to treat Covid19 who had serious problems.


              • #

                In my sample size of four, we were vaccinated prior and experienced only minor symptoms.


              • #
                Curious George

                In my sample of two, Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden were vaccinated and boosted twice, both got Covid, experienced only minor symptoms.


            • #

              Several HCQ studies with negative outcome have been lead by meds from Glead or with connections to Glead, you know, Remdesivir..
              More to say ?


            • #

              Selective you say ,only selecting the studies that support them ?A bit like the Climate Scientists ai the IPCC and their modelling aye.


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            AC Osborn

            Jo, they did exactly the same thing with the HCQ studies.
            Incorrect doses with no Zinc to already hospitalised patients etc.
            In one study they set the criteria to “hospitalisations” while completely ignoring the 50% reduction in the need for oxygen, ICU and deaths in the HCQ group.
            It is not until you actually read the studies that you realise that the “summary for headlines” do not reflect the actual results.


            • #

              Interestingly a friends daughter has lupus and is treated with HCQ.At the height of hysteria he gave her a script with extra doses for her parents and written instruction re zinc supplement.He added that you didn’t get the info from me ok.So some knew but were threatened .


        • #

          No, Simon, the trials were indeed rigged, designed to fail..

          And the greatest crime of all was that the manner of the administration of these bans effectively prohibited early treatment.


        • #
          Jon Rattin

          Mate, your last point is just ridiculous. IVM has an excellent safety profile. That’s why the WHO oversaw about 90 million doses per year via the APOC program (a hugely successful program that curiously doesn’t warrant a page on Wikipedia). This is an old WHO page, they decided to pull it down during the pandemic, the current pages don’t appear to go into too much detail about the program for some reason. There are archived links within it if you want to delve further to get an idea of how the program operated and gauge its success.


        • #
          Jon Rattin

          I’m guessing l got my red thumb from you. That’s ok, it’s halftime for the footy, I’ve got a few spare minutes (go pies). Simon, any person that places emphasis on IVM strictly being an anti-parasitic is immediately dismissing the capacity for the drug to affect other medical conditions. Period. That ain’t scientific. If a drug displays potential for treating various other conditions and it’s safe to use, then explore its potential thoroughly


        • #

          Yawn it is clear you can’t write a counterpoint on your own and you didn’t address the article at all thus you ended up with nothing but a pile of links which means you made a smokescreen.

          Epic fail on your part Simon!


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Media Release from Mark Butler – Minsister for Health

      Today, Professor John Skerritt has announced his decision to retire from his position of Deputy Secretary Health Products Regulation Group, effective 18th April 2023.

      Professor Skerritt has been in this role since 2012, and leaves behind quite an extraordinary record of public service.

      He has become synonymous with, and the public face of, the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

      During this time it was his reassurances that left Australians confident in the approval and regulation of medicines, vaccines and treatments.

      Skerritt who is a expert of wheat diseases banned Ivermenction on the gounds that its use might encourage vaccine hestitancy.

      Eight months after retiring as head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration, Professor John Skerritt has been appointed to the Medicines Australia Board as an independent selected director.

      Medicines Australia is the lobby group for Big Pharma!

      A reward for services rendered.


      • #
        David Maddison

        I am shocked….NOT!!!!


      • #

        “Skerritt who is a expert of wheat diseases banned Ivermectin on the grounds that its use might encourage vaccine hestitancy.”

        He was correct in that assumption. Bureaucrats look for another party to wear the blame before making a “decision”. Big Pharma removed the possibility of blame by avoiding legal responsibility. Did the covid committee agree to exempting them?

        Politicians, both Liberal and Labor, saw the chance to become Prime Minister by blaming Scott Morrison and turning the Money printer ON.

        Morrison obliged by forming a committee, (to avoid the blame), of his political enemies and giving them enough power to lay the blame on him for what they did.

        If you have trouble comprehending just how inane it all appears, wait for something serious to happen like a Houthi fired, Iranian nuke, hitting the Ghawar oil field. You may only have to wait a few weeks. The rumour is Iran has a bomb. It needs three to do a test.

        I am sure the ex-covid committee will get access to government petrol/diesel and food supplies.


    • #
      dumb jaffa

      Were bans on alternative therapeutics part of Australia’s Contracts to the vaccine suppliers?

      it is worth specifically noting the timing of move to ban HCQ.

      If my memory serves me correctly it came VERY shortly after an article appeared on this very site.

      [ >> Medcram – Roger Seheult~~ May 2020

      We all know who the public players are , however I want to know about the faceless men in the party machines – the NEVER back the wrong horses.

      It is worthwhile to review also the “Oath/Affirmation” of our representatives & consider what a contract is:-

      In September 2013 Prime Minister Tony Abbott reinstated the oath and affirmation used by John Howard, with the addition of the phrase ‘Queen of Australia’.

      Oath of Office (2013)

      I, [Minister’s full name], do swear that I will well and truly serve the people of Australia in the office of [position] and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Australia. So help me God!

      Affirmation of Office (2013)

      I, [Minister’s full name], do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will well and truly serve the people of Australia in the office of [position] and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Australia.[72]

      This is possibly moot in light of the arguments about ” the Commonwealth of Australia Inc”,but as it sounds like a “Contract” to the people of Australia, perhaps lex mercatoria has application.


  • #
    David Maddison

    The deliberate sabotage of this faux trial is surely evidence that someone on the anti-Health, anti-science side knew it truly does work?

    Numerous people died because this powerful, inexpensive and safe drug (taken according to appropriate protocols) was banned, not to measure other simple measures such as correction of Vitamin D deficiency.

    Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.


    • #

      O what a tangled web we weave
      When first we practise to believe.


    • #

      Well we know that a crime has been committed in that Minister Hunt and his advisors were aware that Ivermectin worked, was not harmful and also that the new vaccines did not prevent transmission nor infection and that there were significant side affects including death. Those who are guilty should/must be held to account and a class action would be the best way to do it. If they get away with it we can expect similar horrendous advice next time there is a plandemic. Fortunately there is a Senate inquiry to be held. I just hope they are thorough.


    • #
      John Connor II

      Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.

      What exactly would be an appropriate punishment for those who deliberately harm 27 million people, with countless injuries and deaths?
      Life in prison and seizure of all assets?

      [SNIP. Do not appreciate that John.]


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    It was a scary Pandemic.
    The most important thing for public health is to scare people.

    A mysterious virus (that we still don’t know the origin of ‘cause that’s not important) requires Science.

    We can’t have people using safe cheap available drugs when expensive as yet unavailable minimally tested drugs could be mandated at a later date, after we get a feel for how bad things will get.
    (And after the political benefits of scaring people have been fully realized.)

    You can’t try a tool when you have no tools until Science can develop the right tool.
    That’s the first rule of progress, don’t do anything until a committee has been formed.
    Followed by a report.
    Besides, we are not horses.
    Science tells us that.


    • #

      It was a scary Pandemic.
      The most important thing for public health is to scare people.

      Maybe it was the thought that counts. Click on Australia in the left hand column and look at the results on the right.

      If we thought we were safe, a lot of people would have been holding shares in a mandated expensive cure with little evidence of a pandemic in 2020. We certainly did not see Covid19 illness in 2020 and it has only been since the ‘Prick makes you sick’, ‘Get the Jab – Hit the Slab’, ‘Have a Shot – Get a Clot’ that we have seen the ‘All Cause Mortality’ and DAEN figures sky rocket.

      Nice to hear about Ivermectin though. The Nursing home occupants in Victoria probably would have liked anti-biotics in their treatment and the little bump of Aussie Covid deaths 2020 in the Worldometer would have disappeared along with the new found wealth of those who seem keen to retire from their sterling careers.


      • #

        We did not see Covid illness in 2020 in Australia because the borders were closed.

        Deaths per 100,000 were 30 times higher in the US and UK.

        Australia 3.5 / 100k
        US 101/100k
        UK 134/100k

        At the end of 2020 Australia had had 28,000 cases due entirely to leaky borders and 921 deaths. We can argue about how many of those deaths would have been avoidable with better treatment (possibly quite a lot) but ultimately those who tested positive for covid had a 3.3% chance of dying in Australia. The original covid was not “the flu”, even if Covid may have evolved to be more like the flu now.

        We can debate how many other untested cases there were, which would reduce this figure, but bear in mind Australia did more testing per capita then than virtually anywhere in the world. At times we were testing 3,000 people to find one case of covid. We didn’t miss that many cases.

        The best medicine is not to let CCP bioweapons in.


        • #
          Honk R Smith

          One little question I have is …
          why would US NIH ‘partner’ with CCP (figuring all enterprise in China is CCP) labs to do viral research with bio weapon potential?
          I’m sure it’s the purity of scientific inquiry.

          Of course it was likely zoonotic.
          A koala might mate with kookaburra.
          Then what?
          We wouldn’t want to discourage a koala from identifying as kookaburra.
          Closing your border only works because DHS is not in charge in OZ.
          Not yet anyway.
          Plus you got your own continent.
          Globalism means global.
          Klaus is not intimated by that big continent in your shorts.
          Actually I think it excites him a little bit.


        • #
          Peter C

          but ultimately those who tested positive for covid had a 3.3% chance of dying in Australia.

          Sounds very high to me. Reference please!
          Case fatality rates of <1% are quoted everywhere exept in the 85+ population.


          • #

            I did reference Peter.

            Look at Cumulative confirmed Covid deaths in menu choices at the top. Go to the map view, change the date slider at the bottom to Dec 31 2020, and mouseover Australia.) 920 deaths. Then change the top menu to “confirmed cases” and repeat. 28,296 cases.

            But I know that rate to be true because I was watching the CFR as it unfolded in 2020 with data from 3 or 4 different sources. It was 3.3 or 3.4% in Australia on all of them. This figure was higher than the IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) probably because the spread was increased in nursing homes in Victoria and some cases outside that were undetected. I report it only to show that the original Wuhan form of covid was worse than the seasonal flu.


            • #

              I’m inclined to agree with that, Jo. Those who try to minimise the potency of the original strain ignore the number of treating nurses and doctors who succumbed to Covid when it emerged quite virulently in Italy, for example. It may be argued that these medical staff suffered very high viral loads. Nonetheless, the early strain was especially hard on those with existing cardiac problems (many unrecognised) and other infirmities. I have never underestimated a virus developed under lab conditions and, in this case, apparently developed as a bio weapon.

              Mind you, Geert Van Den Bossche still believes that the error in vaccinating during a pandemic will produce a more virulent strain due to immune escape. Let us hope that he is wrong. It may be that the rapidly declining rate of boosting will negate the danger.


              • #

                That is true Vicki. Worth noting though that many of the UK doctors who died in that early phase were immigrants it turns out, and probably most of them were darker and severely deficient in Vit D3. It’s just one crime piled on another.

                Docs also treated severe covid like it was severe influenza and that’s where the ventilators were awful — just deadly. The low O2 rates of Covid needed a very different response, and ventilators killed people.

                The fatality rates fell when they realized it was as much a vascular clotting disease as a respiratory one. As much as the medical system is corrupt, many good docs did their best, but still screwed up in the early days.


        • #

          The best medicine is not to let CCP bioweapons in.

          or Out?

          Covid19 Deaths in China during 2020 peaked for a few days at .13 per million according to your world in data site.
          That would explain why they closed the 16 emergency hospitals including the one with about 30 excavators spinning like tops to build from scratch a month before. At about the same time the US sent the Hospital ship home and stood down the National Guard trauma centers.

          Don’t mention the War / Flu.

          The original covid was not “the flu”, even if Covid may have evolved to be more like the flu now.

          On the grounds that you brought up the Flu. John Cullen has apologized for thinking the world wide disappearance of the Flu in week 13 of 2020 was actually the Pandemic Flu as recorded as Pneumonia and Influenza deaths.
          He has gone back and checked his workings and found the Avian Flu, with the White House press secretary walking around with the ‘Crimson Contagion’ as a briefing sheet. Trump continued to identify the 1917 Flu (H7N9) in his addresses to the US People and the poultry industry had a series of unfortunate fires.


          • #

            The Spanish flu of 1918 was H1N1.

            H7N9 is an avian flu which is tapping on our door, but hasn’t made the jump to human-to-human spread well, though the small number of human cases has a fatality rate that is shocking — like 40%.

            Cullen may be a brave, and honest guy, but I don’t have time to watch a 1 hour 27 min video about virology from someone who didn’t teach himself the basics of virology before making videos to confuse the public. Life is too short.

            I recommend instead Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, the FLCCC, they are rarely wrong. There are many guys out there on youtube who know the medical basics.

            As for bioweapons, no one should be doing the experiments in the first place. There is no justification for the risk. We stand to gain almost nothing and lose almost everything. Any nation caught doing bioweapon research should have immediate and massive sanctions imposed.


            • #

              Thanks Jo.
              This story is interesting. There was a 1917 Avian Flu. Like the 1918 Pandemic Flu it does not need furan to enter cells. I suggest it is easier to listen to his bedtime story as my ‘Fact Check’ finds a solid foundation for what is an interesting bedtime story.

              Like the Lab in Wuhan there was work being done in the US virology community.

              Kawaoka reinvented a new virus based on H5N1, which he revealed to the public in 2011.[2] For now, no known vaccine has been found. His research was halted by a moratorium issued from the US government in 2014. However, in 2019 he was allowed to resume the research.[3][4]

              As you say:

              but hasn’t made the jump to human-to-human spread well

              Probably why the Poultry Industry was catching fire.

              Washington, DC—More than 518,000 farm animals have perished in barn fires so far this year, pushing the death toll to more than 6.3 million since 2013, according to an Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) analysis released today. These devastating numbers, which likely do not even represent the full scale of the problem, serve as an urgent reminder to the industry to prioritize fire safety and prevention on farms.

              J Virol. 2002 Aug; 76(15): 7860–7862.
              doi: 10.1128/JVI.76.15.7860-7862.2002
              PMCID: PMC136362
              PMID: 12097598
              1917 Avian Influenza Virus Sequences Suggest that the 1918 Pandemic Virus Did Not Acquire Its Hemagglutinin Directly from Birds
              Thomas G. Fanning,1,* Richard D. Slemons,2 Ann H. Reid,1 Thomas A. Janczewski,1 James Dean,3 and Jeffery K. Taubenberger1

              Wild waterfowl captured between 1915 and 1919 were tested for influenza A virus RNA. One bird, captured in 1917, was infected with a virus of the same hemagglutinin (HA) subtype as that of the 1918 pandemic virus. The 1917 HA is more closely related to that of modern avian viruses than it is to that of the pandemic virus, suggesting (i) that there was little drift in avian sequences over the past 85 years and (ii) that the 1918 pandemic virus did not acquire its HA directly from a bird.

              The influenza virus pandemic of 1918 was exceptionally severe, killing 20 to 40 million people worldwide, with unusually high death rates among young, healthy adults. The disease swept the globe in 6 months, killing more than 10,000 per week in some U.S. cities at the height of the second wave (3). Pandemic influenza results when a type A influenza virus strain emerges with a hemagglutinin (HA) subtype to which few people have prior immunity (4). The source of HA genes new to humans appears to be the extensive pool of influenza A viruses maintained in wild birds (14). The pandemic influenza virus strains of 1957 and 1968 had new HA genes that were very similar to those in avian strains (10). We have isolated and sequenced a portion of the HA gene from a bird captured in 1917. Comparisons of this sequence with that of the 1918 pandemic virus suggest that the pandemic viral HA gene was not derived directly from an avian source.


              • #

                Thanks for doing that summary. That helps! I hope to dig into the details when I get back next week.

                Biowarfare research has been active for decades. Sigh. Nixon managed to slow it down for a while but it’s very hard to police.


              • #

                We love you Jo!


            • #

              Really not something we should be looking to do gain of function on. Might have been why the planes were put in the desert, the cruise ships scrapped and international travel slowed when there were still so few deaths. Could explain the absence of flu in the Sentinel system and the hideous illness suffered.

              Chaipan, C., Kobasa, D., Bertram, S., Glowacka, I., Steffen, I., Solomon Tsegaye, T., Takeda, M., Bugge, T., Kim, S., Park, Y., Marzi, A., & Pohlmann, S. (2009). Proteolytic Activation of the 1918 Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin Journal of Virology, 83 (7), 3200-3211 DOI: 10.1128/JVI.02205-08

              In humans, influenza virus replication is restricted to the respiratory tract, because that is the only location where the protease that cleaves HA is produced. However, the HA protein of highly pathogenic H5 and H7 avian influenza virus strains can be cleaved by proteases that are produced in many different tissues. As a result, these viruses can replicate in many organs of the bird, including the spleen, liver, lungs, kidneys, and brain. This property may explain the ability of avian H5N1 influenza virus strains to replicate outside of the human respiratory tract.


              • #

                “so few deaths” is irrelevant. As I explained in Feb 2020, the rate of exp. spread was 2 to 3 times faster than the flu, and the rate of ICU demand was so high (5% need a hospital bed and 1% needed an ICU in Singapore) that all of the Western nations were simply going to run out of intensive care beds per capita within 12 weeks. The hospital system would collapse. If you had a car accident you wouldn’t be able to get treated. We don’t need any reason beyond that to explain why Western nations reacted strongly. Before anyone says “hospitals were empty” — that was only true because we shut the borders or went into quarantine or lockdown.


                But we should have stopped it at the border of China. Because beyond the initial mortality waves comes the long term viral disorders which in a bioweapon could be anything. Viruses are already known to cause cancer (SIV), be assoc with dementia (Herpes +), wipe out our immune system (HIV), cause aging (EBV, CMV) and long term inflammation etc etc. A bioweapon could be made that would take ten years (like AIDS) to slow kill.

                It’s not fun, but someone has to say it.

                PS: You know why influenza disappeared don’t you? I’ve explained that many times, don’t want to bore…


              • #

                PS: You know why influenza disappeared don’t you? I’ve explained that many times, don’t want to bore…

                No! According to McCullough they and as he admits he did not test for the Flu.

                Here is Dr Peter McCullough’s explanation as was linked from anotherIan’s post on the blog discussing Jarrah railway sleepers. My advice on which is ‘beware the Ides of March’ or be careful of retaining walls and neighbours.

                Just to keep ‘boring’ down on this at minute 4 McCullough explains how the tests failed to test for the Flu. They received false positives for Covid and when they should have been treated for Flu.

                May I recommend you hire a trailer in Albury and pick up some old railway sleepers on your way in from the west. Wear gloves!!!


  • #
    Murray Shaw

    Look no further than what happened in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh, they were supplying a health kit which included masks, Ivermectin etc, and when they stopped using it in anticipation of the vaccine the daily death rate skyrocketed, after a month they went back to the kits and the death rate returned to the original 7000/day, after peaking at 29000/day some fortnight after ceasing the use of IVM.


  • #
    David Maddison

    In my submission to the Australian Government concerning my opposition to the censorship legislation they are desperately trying to introduce (originally introduced by the fake conservative Liberal faction of the Uniparty) I mentioned both IVM and HCQ. I presented both as examples of how the supposed ineffectiveness and dangers of these drugs were official Government lies which would be completed suppressed under the legislation, more so than they already were.

    My submission is at:

    DISINFORMATION #16 Hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 treatment

    The Australian Government falsely claimed Hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 treatment was toxic when taken according to published protocols but it is one of the safest drugs in the world when
    taken in any conceivable, reasonable or appropriate dose.


    “However, these medicines pose well-known serious risks to patients including cardiac toxicity (potentially leading to sudden heart attacks), irreversible eye damage and severe depletion of blood sugar (potentially leading to coma).” (Published 24 March 2020.)

    ….(I presented references disproving Government lies..)

    DISINFORMATION #17 Ivermectin for Covid-19 treatment

    Strangely, there was similar Government dis- and misinformation about Ivermcetin as for Hydroxychloroquine.

    “These higher doses can be associated with serious adverse effects, including severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neurological effects such as dizziness, seizures and coma.”

    Certainly no such toxicity has been reported when Ivermectin taken for Covid-19 treatment for an appropriate time, in an appropriate dose and according to the correct protocol.

    ….(I presented references disproving Government lies.)


    • #

      Excellent Submission David – sums Governement Dis-Information perfectly – have downloaded pdf for future reference

      The premise of this call for submissions

      I would like to start by examining the basic premise of this inquiry.

      CLAIM at misinformation-and-disinformation “Misinformation and disinformation pose a threat to the safety and wellbeing of Australians, as well as to our democracy, society and economy.”
      That claim is utterly without foundation. Being able to analyse issues and make up one’s own mind is the essence of day-to-day living in a representative democracy and a free society.

      There is no one “single source of truth” contrary to what New Zealand’s PM Ardern infamously said on March 19th, 2020 for which she was rightly and widely condemned world wide and extensively mocked.

      Specifically she said “We will continue to be your single source of truth” and “Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth.”

      It’s difficult to imagine a more Orwellian real-life statement than that.




    • #

      Well done, in a very thoughtful and composed submission. If all fails we must disobey.


    • #

      I am glad you have also mentioned Hydroxychloroquine, which is also a safe drug, having been used for many years, and has proved effective in early treatment of Covid19. For both drugs, the commentary of Emeritus Professor Bob Clancy in publications such as Quadrant, testifies to the efficacy and safety of both.

      Incidentally, the importance of early treatment is always emphasised. This could be relevant in recent times when there is a question whether RAT tests are effective in identifying the most recent Covid strains. This can lead to a significant time gap for identifying what is generally a mild virus, but can be troublesome if left to develop in some patients.


    • #

      The bit about higher doses can cause whatever is common to every drug on the market. Lots of sugar will kill you eventually. In particular it seems lots of the mRNA boosters will increase your risk of finding out if the Christians are right sooner than later.


    • #
      Paul Siebert

      To your submission David – Amen.


  • #

    The biggest shame for Australia was that it was researchers at Melbourne’s Monash Uni who first identified the activity of ivermectin vs COVID. Way back in 2020. Just think, you know all those useless Dan Andrews style lockdowns and harmful school closures that occurred in many states. Weren’t needed. With some sensible measures and easy access to IVM, HCQ & multiple other anti-virals plus a Vitamin D awareness program all that panic could have been avoided.


    • #

      Yes, Ross, I have often thought about that. Similarly the effective opposition to the early development of Dr. Tom Borody of a combination of Ivermectin and other drugs which he wanted to have manufactured into a “blister pack”.


      • #


        still taking and have all in place – again unvaccinated and only one in Close family of 17 to have not had covid nothwithstanding over 90 times at Hospital over the 2 year Covid Period

        Quercetin and Zinc: Dr Zelenko Prevention and Treatment Protocol

        Zelenko Covid-19 Prophylaxis Protocol

        Prophylaxis is an action taken to prevent or protect against a specified disease. Greek in origin, from the word “phylax”, meaning “to guard” and “watching.”

        Protocol for Low and Moderate Risk Patients:

        Elemental Zinc 25mg 1 time a day (PubMed)
        Vitamin D3 5000 iu 1 time a day (
        Vitamin C 250 – 500 mg 1 time a day (PubMed)
        Quercetin 250 mg 1 time a day until a safe and efficacious vaccine becomes available (J. Agric. Food Chem. 2014)

        If Quercetin is unavailable, then use Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) 200mg 1 time a day (J. Agric. Food Chem. 2014)

        Protocol for High Risk Patients:

        Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg once a day for 5 days, then HCQ 200-400mg one time a week (ScienceDirect) (Find a Doctor)
        Vitamin D3 5000 IU/day or 50000 IU once a week
        Vitamin C 1000mg once a day
        Zinc 25-50mg/day

        Zelenko vs FLCCC I-MASK+ protocol for prevention

        In addition to what is recommended by the zelenko protocol, the FLCCC I-MASK+ prevention protocol includes mouthwash, melatonin and ivermectin as part of the prevention protocol. However, the I-MASK+ prevention protocol does not categorize the patients into low risk or high risk. For the zelenko protocol, hydroxychloroquine is only recommended for those in high risk category.


        • #

          Great to see your post, Old Ozzie. After all of your medical treatments I reckon you are a superman of sorts! But your ability to deny the dreaded Covid is nothing short of amazing. Husband and I (both still unvaccinated) have both had it twice. The first occasion late 2022) – both after attending large social occasions – was a few day “wonder” of little consequence. We are both on relevant daily vitamin supplements of VitC, VitD3, Zinc, Curcumin, Magnesium – but on contracting Covid we took aspirin & Quercetin as well. No sweat.

          Our second encounter with the Wuhan blight was late last year. Unfortunately, the RAT tests proved negative & so we assumed we both had a bad cold & did not treat it with anything. It proved quite a nasty virus that the body really objected to! Lots of quite violent coughing – though our oxygen levels were AOK. But we had not treated it in the early stages with anything more than aspirin, & the coughing persisted for some weeks.

          I think those who contract the latest strains should assume Covid & treat accordingly viz IVM gif you have it.


          • #
            Peter C

            Similar result for me Vicki.
            I had a short illness with a positive RAT test and another since then but I did not have any test kits.

            I have some Ivermectin 12mg tablets which I used both times but was not sure of their effectiveness.

            I have a backup of queritel horse wormer granules which I will use of the symptoms progress and I run out of the tablets


        • #
          Geoff Sherrington

          My wife and I were in our early 80s when Covid-19 appeared in Australia.
          We took no preventive measures.
          We had 3 vaccination each.
          We have no evidence that either of us was ever infected with Covid-19. Nor did we feel off-colour as described for mild infections.
          However, we both have undergone serious and large detrimental health changes since 2021.
          Our cognition has declined enormously. Pre-2021, I was writing lengthy scientific articles for blogs. I can no longer do that. I am quite aware of this change, but cannot think of any way to reverse it. I start new articles every fortnight or so, then fail to get past half way. I lose the logical development of the thread.
          This is getting worse. No new articles at all finished in the last 3 months. Is this brain fog from long Covid, without Covid, hence is this long Covid-vaccination illness?
          Both of us have lost balance ability since 2021 started. One of us depends on a wheeled walker and wheelchair. One of us had 4 falls in the last 9 months, after dizziness/faint.
          Both of us have lost enthusiasm for exercise, replaced by
          hours each day in bed.
          Both of us were sharply worse with SOB, Shortness of Breath.
          One of us suddenly lost all hearing in one ear.
          Both of us have had post-2020 loss of visual acuity, so both of us have had eye surgery.
          All of this can be due to old age. Some of these effects were present before 2021, but they quickly got worse after that date.
          The medical people are not interested – they say their job is to provide advice and medical aids to reduce the severity of illness.
          Thus, there is no interest in researching the key question – why did we not get Covid-19? Did we have a key difference like a genetic inheritance, did we have a diet that assisted the immune system, were we just lucky? Do we have a property that might help others avoid similar illness? Why not look for it?

          It is a hallmark of Covid-19 that many questions arose BUT many answers were absent.
          Geoff S


          • #

            Geoff, firstly I am so sorry to hear of the dreadful health developments that you and your wife have suffered.

            If you have not had Covid, it would seem possible that you both are suffering from a vaccine reaction, particularly since you both probably were injected from supplies from the same batch. Your symptoms align with what I have read of supposed reactions to the mRNA vaccines. Medicos, from my experience, just will not discuss anything much to do with either Covid or possible illness from the vaccinations.

            As you say, many of your symptoms can be attributed to old age. But some – such as sudden lack of balance and (middle) ear problems can be post-viral syndromes attributable to Covid. Just Google these and you will find many journal articles written by OS medicos and researchers who have encountered these post-Covid symptoms. Now – if they are attributable to the Covid pathogen in many people – why could they not be attributable to the spike protein generated by the vaccines process? As you say…many questions…few answers. Unfortunately this is what the world is facing after this appalling occurrence in lab research in Wuhan.


    • #

      Yes indeed, Ross, but the panic was the whole point.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Why are Western Governments, dominated by the Left and their agents, useless idiots and subsidy harvesters so prone to misrepresentation and lying?

    We need to look to one of the foundational philosophies of the Left, the adoption of Post Modernism by them, including by fake science practioners.

    Unlike actual science which is analytic, rational, objective and based on a testable hypothesis or theory; Post Modernism rejects rationality, objectivity and objective reality (truth).

    “Truth” is whatever they think or say it is.

    That’s why you always hear Leftists use expressions like “my truth”, not “the truth”.


    • #
      David Maddison

      At the beginning of my submission I say:

      I would like to start by examining the basic premise of this inquiry.

      CLAIM at

      “Misinformation and disinformation pose a threat to the safety and wellbeing of Australians, as well as to our democracy, society and economy.”

      That claim is utterly without foundation. Being able to analyse issues and make up one’s own mind
      is the essence of day-to-day living in a representative democracy and a free society.

      Incidentally, the language of that claim is used worldwide wherever Leftist Governments are trying to eliminate free speech.

      I then qualify the top statement with the following exception:

      One exception to the above – when dis- and misinformation comes from Government

      There is in fact one exception to the above statement. Dis- and misinformation when it comes
      from Government. The problem with Government dis- and misinformation is that many people
      regard Government as a credible information source. This can actually be dangerous because it is
      assumed to be authoritative plus also Government has the power to suppress alternate, possibly
      more reliable sources of information which is in fact what the proposed bill intends to do.

      In regard to other sources of dis- and misinformation, there are multiple sources of information and people can make up their own minds. I don’t see this as a serious problem unlike dis- and misinformation from Government.


      • #
        David Maddison

        Oops. That was meant to be a followup to my comment at #5.


      • #

        Mr. Maddison: Indeed. The immutable fact is that folks will think for themselves. For the great thinkers of Western Civ, and particularly American founders, this led to an insight- let them think and say what they will, within the least restrictive legal framework practicable. Our leaders have utterly lost that insight, to our collective peril, freedom-wise.


  • #
    Dan OKeefe

    My wife contracted covid was sick and after some three days consented to me giving her ivermectin (sourced from India) for the next two days. Recovered!


    • #

      Most people recovered from a Cold, the treatment, not so many.
      Has our chief Health officer been back to the Senate with the genetic sequence they are testing for, or is a runny nose still enough?


  • #
    Dave in the States

    It saved the life of my elderly father.


  • #
    Angus McLennan

    This is hardly a trail, but myself and 3 others used Ivermectin, with a recovery being noted in about 8 hours, another person, who had been sick for 3 days, rang me that evening saying she was well enough to go to work the next day! We never had the early variants here in Vanuatu, another chap locked here on the Island with an infected foot that was being considered an amputation, was saved by a course of Ivermectin from me. I got it from the Vet supply place, I was not concerned as having been a Livestock producer Myself and children had all had Ivermectin 20 years ago. Lowest death rates in the world seemed to be Brazil and Japan, both places where Ivermectin was available.


    • #

      Are you in the habit of giving veterinary drugs to people? Are you in the habit of telling people to swallow compounds used to treat head lice?


      • #

        John your ignorance on the use of Ivermectin is palpable. I would suggest that your information/misinformation comes from official (big pharma controlled/influenced) sources.


      • #
        David Maddison

        You do realise don’t you that many veterinary drugs are the exact same ones used for humans, don’t you?

        And IVM was approved for human use in 1987.


      • #

        Are you a horse John? A donkey perhaps.


      • #

        Almost all drugs are tested on animals prior to humans.
        My mate is a vet, he self-medicates on veterinary drugs. He does come when I call him, so you may be onto something, but I doubt it.
        IM was first used to treat humans for river blindness, the animals were an afterthought.

        Keep getting vaxxinated John, it has been proven to be the only thing that will save you from your imagination.

        PS, your mate gets his info from Pharma.


      • #
        dumb jaffa

        Just as well we had Remdesivir & Midazolam, eh John!



      • #

        If you know the appropriate dose for a human, and know the proportion of the drug in the veterinary offering (handily listed on the container), you can easily calculate the appropriate dose for a human. Always check for other ingredients of course, as they may not be suitable.

        A drug is a drug is a drug, regardless of which “animal” it is intended for. The difference is often only in the preparation and packaging, or if another ingredient is added.

        E.g., antibiotics are used for animals, not just humans. Ivermectin is used as an anti-parasitic in humans, not just animals.

        Get over this idea that there are separate drugs for humans and animals. We’re all animals, but humans are supposed to be the more intelligent ones.


        • #

          The only ivermectIn I could get was horse paste. Looked at youtube for previous people’s experience using it and did my research to determine exactly the dosage based on weight, and made sure no additives. Took it with Vit D and zinc and used it as a weekly prophylactic. Never had covid and no side effects whatsoever and I’m here to tell the tale.


      • #

        So many new names trying to protect us from horse vermifuge with ivermectin. I found one on ebay with Abamectin. Wikipedia says it is made with ivermectin, from a different location on the still column. It worked for me.


      • #

        Are you in the habit of drinking solvent?

        Would you put something in your body that is used to put out fires?

        Wait, let me guess, you have no idea what you are talking about but you feel the need to say something anyway.


    • #
  • #

    So it took more than 15 months after covid started before anyone formally tested the use of ivermectin. Does anyone really think that drugs with no proven efficacy against a disease should be used to treat it, especially if health is nationalized and taxpayers are funding those drugs?

    Yes, it looks like there were some dodgy things about this ivermectin study but a brief report about the study tells us little. We need to know the demographic sample (older people were more vulnerable), how long the people had had covid (was the infection still developing), whether the subjects had been vaccinated, the general health of the subject especially if their immune systems were already compromised, and so on.

    PS. I get my information from a virologist.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Before people waste time with a response, please let us know if you have familiarised yourself with the relevant literature or if you are just trolling.


    • #

      All the issues that you raise are answered in Jo’s post, particularly at this link to Pierre Kory’s analysis. I have taken the liberty to copy and paste from Jo’s post to make it simple for you to follow.

      Pierre Kory has the whole sordid story”.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Does anyone really think that drugs with no proven efficacy against a disease should be used to treat it

      But it is OK to change the definition of a “vaccine” so that the experimental “gene theorapy” promoted by Pfizer to make $ billions could be marketed as a “vaccine” so as not to alarm a gullible public?

      Gene therapy is a medical approach that uses genetic material to prevent and treat disease. The technique allows healthcare providers to treat certain conditions by changing your genetic makeup instead of using traditional treatment methods like medication and surgery.


    • #

      Maybe you get and trust indubitably government truth. Plus your virologist!


    • #

      John – equally, vaccines and most other novel drug treatments require many years of testing (in most cases 5-10 years) before they are released to treat the public. The novel mRNA vaccines developed “at warp speed” did not have years of testing. Indeed, the research on animals in respect to such vaccines for “corona” type viruses, as I understand, were not successful.


      • #

        I’ve read that the tests were particularly unsuccessful for the animals involved. They died.

        That was the second point that got my attention when the mRNA jabs were first mooted as a miracle cure for covid-19.
        The first point was the speed with which they were apparently developed; no drugs or vaccines are ever developed so quickly.
        Rapidly after that, it was the idea that Morrison wanted to make the jabs “as mandatory as it was possible to make them”;
        that the pre-existing pandemic measures were totally abandoned in favour of this new ultra-panicked lock down/lock up/only vaccination will do model;
        that genuine experts like Robert Malone, Dr Pierre Cory and many others were urging caution, but were being ignored or abused;
        that people were being told to stay at home until they had trouble breathing or turned blue before going to hospital (when has that EVER been a protocol for dealing with illness?);
        that out of patent and essentially harmless existing drugs that were proving very effective in other parts of the world were being literally outlawed here, even on pain of jail for doctors who prescribed them;
        and so on.
        Anyone who still believes a single word from governments or big pharma on any of this is, frankly, a fool.


  • #

    ‘They’ never attempted to actually treat the supposed illness, like they would any other illness, instead it was allowed to run its course such that people died. The genevax was only permitted as an emergency measure and because no other treatment was apparently available.
    Go figure. This was all about big pharma and money.


    • #

      Rishi Sunak got the early mail on Moderna and made nearly a billion pounds on his trading; poor devil has a wife richer than the late queen so you can’t blame him for being overly acquisitive.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    News from the People’s Republic of Victoriastan

    Global Warming has finally arrived in the People’s Republic this summer (though it is autumn). 3 days of hot weather (climate?)

    Time to celibrate


  • #

    How many days above 40 have you had down them parts this summer?


  • #
    David Maddison

    Incidentally, my non-woke doctor told me that even though it is now legal for doctors to prescribe IVM for covid in the People’s un-Demokratic Republik of Australia, it is still illegal for GPs (general practioners) to prescribe HCQ for covid.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    More News from the People’s Republic of Victoriastan

    Patrick Stephenson revealed as alleged killer of murdered Ballarat woman Samantha Murphy

    The “evidence” appears to records from mobile phone towers that confirm that Mr Stephenson was in the same vacinity of Samantha Murphy at the time she went missing.

    But with no body and no murder weapon – would you trust Dicator Dan’s Gestapo?

    Victoria Police Have Trouble Finding New Recruits
    1 in 9 officers have quit since 2019

    The police have never apologised for their heavy handed treatment of the public during Victoria’s long lockdown. Police chief Shane Patton did, however, tell the Herald Sun that he felt “bruised” by the “tricky time” he experienced during the pandemic. Probably not as bruised those citizens shot with rubber bullets. But we know what he meant.

    Never Forget and Never Forgive.


  • #

    Chatting to a friend recently about the unwillingness of governments to hold a Royal Commission into the wuflu.
    He was of the opinion that we should let it go.
    What happened – happened, let’s move on he said.

    Those in power, the advisors and the decision makers screwed up royally. They are scared of the truth. We had protocols and they were ignored.
    We must have an open investigation to reveal where/how/why the wuflu was so badly managed.

    Never forget.

    PS. The lapdogs in the MSM deserve a mention here as well.
    With a couple of rare exceptions they were/are the public relation arm of the government. As such they continue to fail the public.


  • #
    Angus McLennan

    Ivemectin treated covid 1 known as SARS, so it was on the right pathway to treat covid 2


  • #

    Again, another example of the “Scientists” letting us down to the point of killing some of use. (Maybe you, but not me, although sometimes it feels like it!)
    There’s becoming a blurry line between “Scientist” and “The Science.”
    It’s the “Scientists” who have lost the trust of the populace, not the “Science” it self.
    Of course, “The Science” is presented by the “Scientists” and that’s where the trouble starts.
    A couple of ways, and it all comes back to money.
    They do good “Science” but alter it, or misrepresent it to look bad. Their income depends on it.
    They do bad “Science” but alter it, or misrepresent it, to look good. Their income depends on it.
    I don’t mind someone being wrong. This bloke Hunt was wrong, but he refused to investigate the subject at the time.
    Therefor, he was unable, or didn’t want to, introduce doubt into his glorious declarations of superior knowledge.
    He should be charged. Not for being wrong, but for inadequate care in the declaration of being right.


    • #

      What scientists can we believe? Generally ones not funded by government. Universities are synonymous with poor science and scientists as are government institutions such as the CSIRO, BoM and agencies such as the Murray Darling Authority. If they work for the government they are lying.


      • #

        There’s a proverb for that: “He who pays the piper calls the tune.”

        It is a new phenomenon that government scientists are pushing a different barrow. For us that started in December 1986 when Hawke put his “social scientist” mates in charge of the real scientists at the CSIRO.


    • #

      Hunt also made sure the BoM wasn’t investigated


  • #

    Back in 1995 my company, ICT Diagnostics, developed a rapid diagnostic test for Lymphatic Filariasis (commonly known as “elephantiasis”) in conjunction with the WHO. Merck had volunteered to supply the treatment given the cost of manufacture was only cents per dose. The treatment was Ivermectin as Filariasis is an infection of the parasitic worm predominately Wuchereria Bancroft . As of June 2023, Ivermectin is still one of the treatment protocols recommended by the WHO today. See https://www.who./home/newsroom/fact sheets/detail/lymphatic filariasis/tretment

    “More than 9 billion cumulative treatments have been delivered to stop the spread of infection since 2000.”

    Ivermectin not safe? Ask the WHO.


  • #

    This whole issue makes me sick with anger. That little pr—k Hunt has got a lot to answer for. As in Canada and the UK the introduction of the Emergency Regulations (which have now been deemed “illegal” in Canada) allowed the governments to ban all medicines except the new mRNA wonder drugs. No one will ever pay for this perfidy.


  • #

    What stands out about this article is what do people have to do to be charged with a crime and spend the rest of their lives in jail. It appears very easy to prove that the actions of the person(s) who conducted these trials has led to an unknown number of deaths that could’ve and should’ve been avoided. The consequences of knowingly conducting trials to get an incorrect conclusion that will influence governments to create policies that allows people to die rather than save them is no less serious than the war crimes that the Nazis imposed on its victims.
    In some ways it is more depraved in that the misinformation appears to have been created purely for financial gain rather than a racially based ideology.
    Hopefully if the political trend that is seeing a number of disrupters getting into power globally there may emerge such a politician that will identify the truth and make those responsible to face the consequences of their actions.


  • #

    This is the 3rd time I have put this up, but maybe some haven’t seen it. It has been my touch stone for IVM. It was originally put up on Trial Site News on you tube, but it was taken down for a year or two. Then a slightly shorter version appeared, which may still be up, so I put the original version up on rumble. Dr Jackie Stone was dragged through the courts twice. She won the first time, but maybe had some caveats on her Dr’s licence the second time? Even though Zimbabwe only got the Chinese vax, the Welcome Trust turned up there, and gave the Medical authorities a nice new office building, and pressure went on to prescribing Drs.
    The best 30 mins on covid!


    • #
      David of Cooyal in Oz

      Thanks F C,
      Much appreciated. I must have watched it first time you posted it, and saved that link. But that proved ineffective with the censorship, so I’m glad you got the rumble link.
      She certainly did some remarkable work.
      Dave B


  • #

    A complement to this post is the featured article in this month’s Quadrant Magazine by Professor Robert Clancy — “The Curious Tale of Hydroxychloroquine”. It is a similar expose to all the shenanigans. Briefly: “The fate of Hydroxychloroquine is a story about switching decision-making in medicine from a core of experienced clinicians familiar with local needs, to powerful global political and commercial interests.”


  • #
    David Maddison

    Was Greg Hunt one of Australia’s most damaging (former) politicians?

    1) The former WEF employee was responsible for denying then PM Abbott’s request for an inquiry into data fraud at the BoM. There was soon a coup against the PM and he was removed from office. As predicted by Lord Monckton, see .

    2) He (or those that told him what to think but he is ultimately responsible) was responsible for banning HCQ for covid treatment.

    3) He (or those that told him what to think but he is ultimately responsible) was responsible for banning Ivermectin for covid treatment.

    Strangely, Hunt once gave (taxpayer) money to support HCQ research for covid.

    Remember when Clive Palmer spent $30 million of his o wan money buying HCQ for the Australian people and he was banned from distributing it?

    Here is a heavily censored document mostly about attempts to silence then MP Craig Kelly’s advocacy of HCQ. Note, don’t confuse the Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly with Craig Kelly in the following.


    • #
      dumb jaffa

      David, never forget he was Abbott’s Environment Minister who also gave us CARBON FARMING & ACCUs.

      i.e. he earned his WEFFy Stripes/spots with AGW!


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    IMHO …

    ‘Pandemic’ is the ultimate event of human history.
    A Jungian level cultural extinction.
    Pivotal from the recovery after the Dark Age to the now evident emergence of a new Dark Age.

    Bizarrely, Neo Feudalism is being birthed under the guise of ‘Global Health’, parading out witless celebrity heralds to propagandize the gullible.

    In my country, our only hope hinges on a bombastic former TV celebrity Prester John coming to save us from the overeducated pagan horde terrorizing the global population.

    Simply consider your own personal response to the word ‘science’ in the present, as opposed to a mere ten years ago.

    How about your relationship with the once venerated medical establishment?
    If you’re in Canada, you have to wonder whether your doctor will offer aid or MAID.

    The Reset is unfolding, and we don’t yet know where the dirigible crashes.


  • #

    People who used “government expert advice” got sick for longer and sometimes died. The people who ignored “government expert advice” got better earlier and mostly did not die. Can you work out what is your best option in the future, learning from these historical results? For most, no, they are too stupid, humans are suckers for continuosly making the same mistakes over and over again, for millenia.


  • #
    dumb jaffa

    Fascinating in its own right:-


    but could this concept be extended to the whole AGW/NettZero/Windmill/REC rent seeking profiteers?


  • #

    This is very interesting Jo. I have always been a fan of Ivermectin and forced to resign my job for not getting Jab. My father is a farmer..retired hobby now but still runs a few sheep for meat. They are treated with Ivermectin sheep dip. My parents never got covid and my wife got it a year ago really bad. Half way thru her bedridden stage I tested positive but wouldn’t have known if not focused on if/whengetting it from her. She doesn’t eat lamb.
    Can Ivermectin be transmitted via treated lamb meat, thus provided protection ?


    • #
      Plain Jane

      Perhaps more to do with who has better vitamin D levels ? I am a sheep farmer. Very much doubt Ivermectin passes in the meat.


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    Michael Oakes

    Seems a major factor regarding trying to discredit Ivermectin as a treatment option for covid, restrict its availability and delay recognition of its effectiveness was largely due to influence of “Big Pharma”. Because it is cheap and would reduce demand for other drugs they presently or in future may make significant profits from. Including reducing demand for vaccine. One sort of precedent is black salve, which is a cheap and sometimes very effective treatment for some types of cancers. Is banned by FDA in USA and TGA in Australia who peddle propaganda against it. Available if you know where to look though. The reactions to applying it can appear nasty. Especially if done inappropriately. Also, critics do not want to consider the reason it works. Cancers occur when the body’s defences fail to attack growths of cells should not be present. Black salve can initiate a reaction. What is needed instead of a ban is publicity on and more research into appropriate use of it.


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    Used to work for big pharma and this is what big pharma does. All smoke and mirrors or just downright dishonest with their trial analysis.


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    Gerry, England

    I could not resist a smile when here in the UK there was talk of licencing Ivermectin for use to treat a growing increase in cases of scabies. If it does get approved then I think it will still require a prescription but it might be available from online pharmacies.

    My experience was that having woken with a load of symptoms on a Monday morning – headache, dry hacking cough, aching joints, sore throat and a fever – botched my first ever covid test so it didn’t show up, then repeated it correctly and got a positive result. I had bought some Ivermectin tablets from India but when looking at the FLCCC protocol found I had only enough for one symptomatic dose. I took half – 200mcg/kg – and felt a slight improvement for a day before it went back up again. So having suffered for a week I turned to my tube of horse dewormer – much cheaper then tablets from India – calculated 400mcg/kg dose, spread it on a jam sandwich early afternoon and tucked in. I was truly stunned to wake up the next morning with all the symptoms gone and my cough had become a productive one. The tube provided me with enough to take two further doses for the next 2 days. Had I known how effective it would be, then taking all of the Indian tablets would have done the trick. It was a good move to take the dewormer with food but honestly although it was apple flavour it tasted horrible hence the jam sandwich.


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    Charles Browne

    Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs EVER produced, yet the TGA banned it and even placed it on the POISONS REGISTER, along with cyanide and arsenic. Yet people who tested positive for covid were given no early treatment, told to isolate at home and infect their families, and go to hospital when their lips turn blue. THIS POLICY KILLED PEOPLE. In view of this, anyone who says “ivermectin doesn’t work” is either corrupt or a complete moron.
