A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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New paper asserts that CO2 is saturated and no warming can occur
Sure. That’s Will Happer’s specific expertise.
But I totally disagree that the CO2 increase is from fossil fuels, as he asserts as his personal opinion. His view is that it is irrelevant anyway as additional CO2 has no effect.
But admitting ‘guilt’ throws fuel on the idea of CO2 pollution, to which he says that CO2 increases are very good for the planet. And of course they dispute the saturation argument.
The real proof that there is no fossil fuel CO2 is in the air is very simple.
All modern CO2 is radioactive from cosmic rays. One in a trillion CO2 is radioactive. This radioactivity has been constant for hundreds of thousands of years. Ancient fossil fuel CO2 is not radioactive, so the dilution from a 50% increase should be 33%. In fact it is a tiny 3.0%. So there is no fossil fuel CO2 in the air except a tiny bit in transit.
Willard Libby was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1960 for the invention of Radio(active) Carbon Dating
And this was used to test the theory of accumulating CO2 in 1958 as published in the Royal Society papers. It has never been disputed, just neglected, avoided. Not least because it proves man made CO2 driven Global Warming is impossible.
So how is the carbon “budget” in this explanation wrong then?
The claim seems to be based on the idea of atmospheric carbon dioxide equilibrium (“for thousands of years”) prior to human activity. If so, to say it has feet of clay is an understatement. Levels have been up to 14 times higher in past eons – how is that “equilibrium?”
CO2 levels can move based on the same principles as Henry’s Law. Concentration, temperature at the interface, pressure. These control the kinematics of evporation and aborption of individual CO2 molecules at the air/water interface.
Where it differs from Henry’s law is the existence of massive turbulence, waves and especially wind. Droplets vastly increasing exchange area. And temperature chagnes which you can see from the summer/winter bumps in CO2 which are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere as are summer winter. NASA explains the bumps as foliage, but they are the wrong way around. NASA claims highest CO2 in summer and lowest in winter but CO2 sequestration in leaves works the other way around. The bumps correspond to summer high CO2 and winter low CO2. They also show the blooms in phytoplankton which are very fast.
Your point about the 14x levels is good. But equilibrium still exists at any level at any time. I would expect CO2 levels to trail temperature, as has been found to be the case. CO2 driven warming predicts the reverse.
And the existence of rapid equilibrium is proven from pole to pole. Apart from summer/winter bumps, CO2 levels are instantaneously maintained and the graph of CO2 shows no bushfires, lockdown, human activity, the explosive growth of China. It’s a funny thing when emissions have gone up 3500% and CO2 has gone up very slowly only 50% to argue that the are the same thing.
The usual rocket ship graph created by removing the X axis and expanding the Y scale. CO2 has increased a tiny 50% in 270 years. This is extremely slow. 0.2% a year. And it is closer to horizontal and a straight line than you can see on this graph.
The Ice Hockey Stick is as usual. Coincindence presented as proof. What ice cores measure is average CO2 over at least 1-2,000 years. The inevitable trade off between resolution and accuracy. A tiny bump of 50% in a tiny time of 270 years would not be seen. Likely CO2 goes up and down all the time but gets averaged out. You can pick this from the fact that there are no narrow peaks.
The multi hundred year process by which fallen snow is compressed into ‘firn’ and then into solid ice with a great reduction in volume and summer/winter cycles near the top, ice crack formation, diffusion, leakage means that loss of time resolution is inevitable.
As such you have what Michael Mann did. Laboratory measurements bolted onto firn measurements bolted onto metamorphic ice of half the volume. This is highly improper in experimental measurement. It is likely when people look back in 2,000 years that it is a flat line.
What is different and undeniable about C14 is that it is instantaneously correct, direct measurment, not firn or metamorphic ice but contemporary.
Thanks very much.
Following the very brave stand by JK Rowling regarding the transgender debate, those who have been promoting it seem to be backing away
There are so many shockingly abused children of woke Leftist parents out there who think having a “trans” child is a status symbol like having an exotic pet. They brainwash their children into thinking they are of a different sex to that indicated by their biology.
As someone said:
A transgender four year old is like a vegan cat. We all know who’s making the lifestyle choices.
Just another version of Munchausen by Proxy.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick.
More child abuse by the Left
To be clear Rowling is a supporter of transgender people. Her clear statement is that you are still male or female. And transgender men should not be allowed for example to access female change areas on the claim they are now actually female.
For some time gender has been used as a psychological term for people who are gender confused, mostly gay people. As Richard Dawkins says, there are still only two sexes.
And you can identify as a chipmunk if you like, but you have to live with the fact that many people think you like nuts. Nor put chipmunk on your driver’s licence as species. Or for the purpose of medical insurance.
It’s really Monty Python stuff like Eric the Cat. On your Cat licence you cannot just cross out Dog and write Cat.
There are actually heaps of pet videos of animals bought up with different ‘litters’, believing they are otherwise – cats, rabbits, and birds believing they are dogs, pigs/cows. Let’s start a movement.
It was Monty Python that planted the seed to all this trans stuff lol.
JK Rowling posted this classic, for those that missed it:
“A tad naughty” warning.😁
Almost as bad as the mutilation of young people is the scandal that, because nobody is allowed to call these ‘gender confused’ people mentally ill, which IMO is the reality in most/many cases, those poor souls are not receiving the help they ACTUALLY need.
There seem to be a lot of very high profile and often violent pro palestinia* demos in many leading US universities.
The point about atmospheric CO2 and “Saturation” is a scientific irrelevance.
To take one small detail of the electron physics of co2 and create all of this hullabolu about Global Warming is ridiculous, as Arrhenius eventually acknowledged.
In the overall thermodynamics of the atmospheres daily cycle CO2 is totally Irrelevant.
Further, the small percentage of human origin CO2 is even more Irrelevant.
Ongoing discussion about Irrelevant issues surrounding atmospheric co2 just falls into the hands of the UNIPCCC, WEF, and others who are manipulating society with this pseudoscience.
Ultimately, CO2 does not “trap” and hold PWIR in the daily cycle and even if it was totally removed from the atmosphere the overall thermodynamics would be unchanged.
For us, CO2 is truly the gas of life but in the thermodynamics of the atmosphere it is a complete irrelevance.
Sorry, this was meant to be at the end of the comments.
There’s a couple Protests R Us organizations in DC.
They’re currently running pre-election specials.
Customized signs are included and will be delivered on site guaranteed one hour before your action.
Bricks and propellants will not be discounted until Summer.
It’s a seasonal business.
And Some Lives Matter.
And they can connect you to concerned philanthropists billionaires that can provide support if you’re having difficulty funding your ahistorical hysterical political obsession.
Never believed in conspiracies but this time such can not be rejected. Overnight, even before Israel army made first shot, the World exploded with protest.
And check the uniformity of participants and the whole paraphernalia, from masked faces to slogans, to tents, to their behaviour, to cause advocacy on the Web…
There seems to be an obscure nexus that became observable in the international unified scripted messaging during the alleged global ‘Pandemic’.
Perhaps simple natural human uniform mass formation behavior, but generally governments have trouble organizing two car funerals.
I think the nexus plays both sides of any given political theme that prompts high public emotion.
The goal being to maintain and gain power via the creation of political incoherence.
It’s simply the result of way too many young people going to university or spending too much time on the internet. Young people have always protested, and leaned left, but what’s different now is the recruitment drive commenced 40yrs ago is really bearing fruit. Consequently, the sheer numbers of angry young people (plus those older people who were angry students years ago but never grew out of it) must be provided with sufficient issues to get angry about.
Think of it like viking raids which, in many cases, were organised simply to keep large numbers of bloodthirsty warriors occupied in between actual wars. Same with the Romans etc. Once you’ve trained thousands of men to bash heads in and carve out other peoples’ innards, you have to give them ways to use those ‘skills’. Hence the ever-expanding empire (greedy and power-hungry senators notwithstanding).
Yes and all of them being financially supported by HAMAS either directly or through secondary conduits via Qatar.
Other groups have been funded by major U.S. foundations. IfNotNow has received $100,000 in the past five years from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The organization’s stated goal is to “end U.S. support for Israel’s apartheid system.” The fund also awarded close to a half-million dollars to Jewish Voice for Peace, another Palestinian rights organization, over the same period.
They are both the thesis and the anti-thesis, they control the narrative, both sides of every war, every protest.
Follow up on some of these donors below.
In case you ever wondered who started communism
One of this conflict’s greatest ironies is that Hamas has Netanyahu to thank in part for its strength. For years, he has propped up Hamas in Gaza in order to weaken the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, or P.A., in the West Bank, thereby dashing hopes for a two-state solution. He reportedly admitted as much in 2019, in defending his decision to allow Qatari funds to flow into Gaza.
Actually, Jesus started radical communism.
My source of information is stronger than your links…
But my links are in their own voice.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion have some great quotes, surprised they haven’t figured more prominently in your carefully crafted theses.
Slight correction, Tony = “not seems”.
They do and always hated Jews, not much to do with Israel / Arab conflict.
But today it ia allowed and fashionable.
Hopefully people will be able to see this video. It shows a low level ski resort in Austria.
E are off to Switzerland next week and have watched as the snow disappeared 2 weeks ago but is now back with a vengeance as bitter cold sweeps over much of Europe including the UK. Still have the central heating on each evening. Wish it would warm up but it is only weather.
The video is time related so best to go to the right hand side and choose a daylight time.
Looks boiling to me.
We have some late April boiling here too.
Fortunately my January coat still works.
It’s supposed to be more boily this weekend.
Is Alpine snow usually reliable at accessible altitudes this time of year?
Covid Aftershocks: ‘The Science™’–in 2020–Discovers that Infection, not ‘Vaccination’, Affords Long-Term Protective Immunity
“Magnetically bound states” or spinning magnets floating in space without superconductivity.
The original work was by Hamdi Ucar and seems to be unique.
SEE original paper.
Don’t forget the Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally May 4 & 5 2024.
Celebrate internal and external combustion engines.
It’s near Beaufort, Victoria, about two hours drive from Melbournistan.
Ironically, the entire surrounding rural landscape has been polluted with a Chinese owned wind subsidy farm. The site of it is horrific and deeply disturbing.
The Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally has been going now for I think 60 years. Went many times from when I was a kid, back in the 60s, 70s and 80s, and also last year following a long hiatus.
Fantastic event for everyone.
And yes you can stop on the way at nearby Stockyard Hill, and let your spouse and kids (if you have them) gaze incredulous, at the mind numbing stupidity of a real, live, hideous, wind farm.
But they will love the steam rally – everyone does.
I used to enjoy attending the Astle Park traction engine event each year, back in Cheshire. I watched it grow over the years from almost solely traction engines to all kinds of steam-powered contranclements and more recently pretty much anything ‘vintage’.
Sadly, Beaufort is a tad too big a trip for me at the moment.
Latest from Dr John Campbell.
The forced C-19 “vaccines” in Australia meet the legal definition of being GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).
This now subject of a Federal Court case, Dr Julian Fidge vs Pfizer Australia Pry Ltd and Moderna Pty Ltd.
The case is brought under the Australian Gene Technology Act 2000 which requires a GMO license for anyone who deals with GMO technology and it is alleged that neither company obtained them for their “vaccines”.
See further details in video and description of video.
Who need a licence when all that is needed is to pay bribes to the corrupt TGA which is funded by Big Pharma in the first place!
But simply declaring an ’emergency’ pretty much renders the usual rules legally redundant, I think? This is why the weather warriors are so desperate to claim we’re experiencing a climate emergency.
There’s a pretty good article in “Spiked” on a core element of post-modernism, “my truth”. That is, what I believe is true is true in the context of my values, understandings and situation. There is no need for “my truth” to have any basis in objective facts.
And post-modernism is the core ideology of the modern Left.
That’s why objective facts don’t matter to them and they believe such bizarre things, including things which are obviously untrue.
That’s how they claim mathematics is “racist” because it demands the right answer. E.g. see
And again, this position was prophesised by Orwell in Nineteen Eighty Four:
Cut their salaries by a random amount and see how fast they can add up correctly.😉
And the latest in woke insanity, “indigenous mathematics”.
And see critical video:
“Indigenous Maths Is Better than Colonist Maths“.
I can’t wait to see an analytical solution to the Navier-Stokes Equations in three dimensions (momentum balance for Newtonian fluids in fluid mechanics) using “indigenous mathematics”.
Is there any maths where 2×2 is not 4 ? Or something like that ? 😀
well clearly 2+2=4 , so if you multiply them it must be a way bigger number
Lobachevsky’s geometry, perhaps.
2 + 2 = 5, but only for suitably large values of 2
Well David, we surely must acknowledge the skills of any group which can count to 65,000.
and Pi was never needed, because of the whole wheel thing
Or the difference between nothingness and eternity.
Sexagesimal, also known as base 60, is a numeral system with sixty as its base. It originated with the ancient Sumerians in the 3rd millennium BC, was passed down to the ancient Babylonians, and is still used—in a modified form—for measuring time, angles, and geographic coordinates.
Australian natives use a number system of base 24 – that is how many bottle or can are in a carton of VB
“Green Can Dreaming”
Note: Does 2+2 = 4? In Base 3 2+2 = 11
Well, that article is a prime example of facts being touted as ‘not welcome’ in itself. The jibes at the internet reaction to the photo and how people were crude and nasty in their comments showed the typical modern Karens at work.
I thought ‘The Crackatinny Tribe’ was clever and accurate!
Back in the early days of computing, Radix 60 was used for data compression. You could compress 3 bytes into 2,
impressive back then.
Greening Australia – a grass roots “can do” organisation.
I read a long time ago that Australian Aborigines did not have a counting system, they simply identified something singular and that there were others to describe more than one.
Wagga Wagga = lots of crows.
Ah but that has now been disproven by Bruce Pascoe who unearthed a rock with faint scratches on it, from an ancient aboriginal sacred site. Having performed an elaborate analysis with the ANU, he found that it was inscribed with a more advanced version of Pythagoras Theorem, correcting that stupid old Greek’s mistakes.
Ancient lore dictates that such rocks are secret business, so he cannot show it to us. It will be buried under the remains of a ruined aboriginal amphitheatre, location also secret.
Maybe x is the unknown?
Or “X” is the equivalent of “Here a miracle occurs” in that cartoon?
“Peter Sweden: GOOD NEWS: Swedes REJECT Cashless Agenda”
An interesting piece on the farce surrounding Germany’s Energiewende and the wind down of perfectly good nuclear plants.
I would challenge that statement. Australia is even crazier
Australia has the world’s largest Uranium reserves at 2,049,400 tonnes more than twice that of any other country. Germany has only 7,000 tonnes
Such corruption is rife at the CSIRO which falsifies expert data which showns that the total cost of “renewable” energy (aka “Unreliable” energy) including distribution costs, back-up energy, mainenance and replacement costs is supposedly lower than nuclear energy as well as coal and natural gas.
Such corupt civil servants should be in prison.
It’s not a farce. it’s a piece of crime.
Crazy? Pah!
How about a nation that sits on an almost inexhaustible seam of coal but …
instead of using it to produce its own cheap power, it sells the coal to China so that Chinese manufacturers can make stuff at lower cost than its own manufacturers, who are forced to buy super-expensive energy generated by Chinese solar panels and windmills?
Beat that, Germany!
Yesterday was the ABC’s day of penance. A full day of coverage of ANZAC Day services and much vaunting our military history. A day of penance for the previous 364 days devoted to tearing down our military, and bringing it into disgrace. An occupation that they will no doubt resume today.
“Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations (eCO2)”
“In this paper we explain why the nutritional value of our more abundant crops can and will remain high as atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase toward values more representative of those existing throughout most of Earth’s history.”
How the Left is demonising normal human emotions while at the same time normalising sexual perversion such as men going into women’s changing rooms and toilets and gays who engage in “storytime” with young children
More an example of how perverted the West’s view of how sex should be carried out in society… It starts with the idea that women have babies so we know who’s child that is, but ends up with men passing everything onto ‘their’ children in a patriarchy when they don’t have a clue if that child is theirs or not.
Soon it goes to a arbitrary age when on your birthday what was a jail sentence yesterday is not a crime today. That can vary from country to country or State to State, something guaranteed to cause frustration and law-breaking. What I’ve never seen is a politician write down exactly what their ideal system is!
Just how far away from our natural bodies can we get??
Cloward Piven final stage.
Destabilise society to prevent people organising against the tyranny. Fight each other instead of fighting the government.
All these loony fringe groups are just useful idiots, not that they have the slightest clue…
40 “Piven was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada,[2] of Russian Jewish immigrant parents” or Bolsheviks!
More perspicacity; roughly 0.2% of Humanity – of which about half live in a tiny Middle eastern enclave – run Earth to satisfy their blood-curdling psychotic need for power. It’s not an original theory of course, it’s been the basis of pogroms for millennia.
A thread heading used at Small Dead Animals –
“Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia”
One Nations Cartoon
eSafety Commissioner | Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain
Hit the UniParty right on the head.
We can now add “Dumb Blonde” to the Canberra circus of Dumb (Albo) and Dumber (Bowen).
Claire O’Neil is now blaming social media for radicalising the knife attacker who attmpted to kill a Christain Priest.
Perhaps the local mosque might be a better place to start.
Ms O’Neil will no doubt be blaming social media for the crimes on all the detainees she let out onto Australian Streets in a knee jerk reaction to an antipated ruling of the High Court on permanent detention.
Isn’t our Secret Spy Security agency rushing around arresting proto-terrorists at the moment?? Like Gaza, they knew nothing of of the stabbing until after it happened, so who do they spy on?
“Intelligence” was a strange term to pick, and I’ve never found out why we pay them!
It seems they only find problems about to happen when budget time comes up in parliament.
“Isn’t our Secret Spy Security agency rushing around arresting proto-terrorists at the moment?? Like Gaza, they knew nothing of of the stabbing until after it happened, so who do they spy on?“
Nailed it.
““Deception, Lying and Taqiyya”
when dealing with “things Islamic”
And all we have as precedent is roughly 1400 years of conquest, butchery, subjugation and terror. Hardly conclusive is it, is it?
“Winston Churchill Gets the Last Word on Islam”
Are we allowed to link memes of Albo like these?:
If not, I won’t link to them. 😆
King Coal making a comeback
Heh why I find I am using Microsoft Bing CoPilot more often
where does firefox store user name and then prompts when signing into site
Ah, the secret chambers where Firefox guards its precious login scrolls!
Firefox is like a digital librarian, meticulously organizing your usernames and passwords. Let’s unveil the mystical locations where it stores these treasures:
1. Firefox Password Management:
. Deep within the browser’s code, there lies a vault known as the Password Manager. It’s like Gringotts Bank for your logins.
. When you enter a new username and password on a website, Firefox’s Remember Password prompt appears. Click it, and voilà! Your credentials are safely stored.
. Next time you visit that site, Firefox waves its wand (okay, it’s just code) and magically fills in your login details. Abracadabra!
2. Cookies (Not the Chocolate Chip Kind):
. Imagine tiny cookies (not the edible kind) scattered across the web. Some websites bake these digital treats and hand them to your browser.
. When you check the “Remember me” box (like a secret handshake), the website saves your login info—username, password, or both—on a cookie.
. The next visit, your computer presents this cookie, and voilà again! You’re logged in without typing a thing.
Pros and Cons:
. Firefox Password Management:
. Pros: All logins in one place, like a cozy log cabin for your credentials.
. Cons: Risky if someone swipes your computer and goes on an Amazon spree (yikes!). Fear not—set a Primary Password to guard the gate1.
. Cookies:
. Pros: Instant access—no login page dance. Facebook and Twitter love these cookies.
. Cons: Clear your computer’s cookies, and poof! Your login vanishes like a Hogwarts ghost.
So, fellow traveler, choose wisely: Firefox’s vault or the cookie jar?
Surely everyone sets ‘delete cookies on closing’ along with ‘Delete browser history’?
The new pet hate are online forms where they don’t tell you what you have to do to buy something or sign up for something. You get one page, enter name, then the next page, enter password, then the next page, enter address, then another page, enter email, then another page again, enter phone number, then mobile number, then…
So I no longer even start those games, I’d rather do without whatever it was rather than have all that data carefully being gathered and stored, even if you give up partway through.
Its a step worse than the big email companies that were happy with a name and password, then wanted a second email, then wanted answers to ‘what was your first car’ or ‘what town were you born in’,then wanted a mobile phone number, then wanted a photo, then ‘Tell us about yourself’.. talk about bracket creep!
The less you put on the net, the less likely you are to wake up and find yourself relieved of everything official in your name. In fact your name itself can become worthless or non-existent once its been sold on the net, 8000 KPs running around with identical credit cards and driving licences means none of them are true.
I’m with you surely everyone does delete cookies on closing just as they ensure that “This site has been blocked from using motion sensors” is set also. This new bit of advice is courtesy of Brave web browser which I have just started to try out and is automatically set. The message showed up on my pc this morning for the first time when I accessed my email. A quick search of the web to better understand the need shows that apparently pcs and mobiles can include a motion sensor response unless you set the no option.
Did the earth move for you last night – if it did that phone or pc you were charging in your bedroom noticed it also. Wanna see some pictures?
Even if you do, how can you be sure that your history isn’t captured and stored somewhere else? My wife enjoys murder documentaries (it’s a woman thing apparently) and I am increasingly ‘impressed’ by how much of our internet activity the authorities have access to, even months or years later.
Of course we ordinary citizens are of no interest to those authorities (which may not be confined to the police etc) – until we appear on their radar for espousing the wrong views. Besides which of course, when it comes to interacting anywhere on the web, as soon as you hit ‘Enter’ whatever you just said can NEVER be erased and may be used against you.
Okay, remember all the brouhaha over the major nuclear power plant accidents all over the World?
You know, how exceedingly deadly they all were, and how every one of them is sensationalised way out of all proportion and those ‘friends of the dirt’ always hype them at every chance they get.
It, umm, seems that this accident might have actually slipped their minds, or it may have been a little early for their memories to recall, otherwise it would have been ‘front of mind’ as an example of what could go wrong with nuclear power plants.
This was an ‘accident’ at the SL-1 reactor at the appropriately named Atomic City in Idaho way back in January of 1961. The reactor and power plant supplied power to the local town of around 200KW and heating of 400KW.
It was actually a 3MW plant, tested to 4.7MW.
During the accident, it went to 20GW in, umm, four Milliseconds.
Three young military people operating the reactor were killed instantly, the only deaths associated with Nuclear power plants in the U.S.
You can read about it at this link (Wikipedia, sorry) and there is also a c0n$pir@cy the0ry associated with the incident, (umm, isn’t there always) but hey, if the anti nukes were aware of it, it would be the prime (actual deaths) example for goto on nuclear power plant accidents, eh!
First I ever even heard of this was yesterday.
Huh! you learn something new every day, eh!
Most people know that flying on a commerical plane is the safest form of transportation.
People do not stop flying when a fatal crash makes the headlines (eg the Boeing Max crashes where the Boeings had been build to the highest DEI standards)
How may people know that statistcially nuclear energy is the safest form of electricty products despite a small number of “crashes”
Does anyone have a handle on High Pressure? I’ve never particularly taken notice, highs come through 1030 1031 1027 1025, that’s how they happen. But are they seasonal or something? A week ago a big high was coming to Aus, from the Indian Ocean at 1041. By the time it’s in the Bight it’s a 1031, but looming to the west is a 1045, and Ventusky’s long term has it staying that way in the bite. Long term often doesn’t happen, but still, how common are 1045 highs?
Yes, I have been looking on in horror at the monstrosity brewing in the eastern Indian Ocean as well. I am no expert, but I do recall a disgusting massive high of about 1040 that took 3 weeks at least to pass from SW of Perth to the Tasman Sea in July 1997. It was the precursor to a very, very long period of below average rainfall in southern Oz. I am not saying causation, just observing.
Stop complaining, Zoomers – you’re rich
People born between 1997 and 2012 should appreciate that Millennials and Baby Boomers were poorer at this stage in their lives.
Generation Z is taking over. In the rich world, there are at least 250 million people born between 1997 and 2012. About half are now in a job.
They are less likely to drink, have sex, be in a relationship – indeed, to do anything exciting.
Many argue that Gen Z is defined by its anxiety. Such worriers include Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at New York University, whose new book, The Anxious Generation, is making waves.
In some ways, Gen Z-ers are unusual. Young people today are less likely to form relationships than those of yesteryear. They are more likely to be depressed or say they were assigned the wrong sex at birth. They are less likely to drink, have sex, be in a relationship – indeed to do anything exciting.
Americans aged between 15 and 24 spend, on average, just 38 minutes a day socialising in person, down from almost an hour in the 2000s, according to official data. Haidt lays the blame on smartphones, and the social media they enable.
Millennials were somewhat better off than Gen X – those born between 1965 and 1980 – when they were the same age. Zoomers, however, are much better off than Millennials were at the same age. The typical 25-year-old Gen Z-er has an annual household income of more than $US40,000 ($61,900), more than 50 per cent above Baby Boomers at the same age.
Gen Z’s economic power was on display at a recent concert by Rodrigo in New York. The mostly female teenagers and 20-somethings in attendance had paid hundreds of dollars for a ticket. Queues for merchandise stalls, selling $US50 T-shirts, stretched around the arena.
What does this wealth mean? It can seem as if Millennials grew up thinking a job was a privilege, and acted accordingly. They are deferential to bosses and eager to please. Zoomers, by contrast, have grown up believing that a job is basically a right, meaning they have a different attitude to work.
Last year, Gen Z-ers boasted about “quiet quitting”, where they put in just enough effort not to be fired. Others talk of “bare minimum Monday”. The “girlboss” archetype, who seeks to wrestle corporate control away from domineering men, appeals to Millennial women. Gen Z ones are more likely to discuss the idea of being “snail girls”, who take things slowly and prioritise self care.
Now they’ve used ‘Z’, what are they going to call the next generation?? It was obviously social scientists and not engineers who attributed the names!
I figure the food quality is still falling and the EMF smog is still increasing, so the next generation will be worse again. Eventually they will live shorter lives and not breed at all.
Because social norms tend to move in cycles, maybe the children of Gen Z will revert to traditional rebellion against authority (i.e. parents) and strive to be less liberal and weak? We can only hope.
That is something like one of my new year resolutions.
It was the worst couple of days of my life.
This guy is great! Dominic Frisby- Songs- “I want to be in the Illuminati”. Or try, “I am a white man and I’m sorry”.
ah yes –
This WEF Plan is Dark and is Already 70% Complete! – Carbon Credits etc
MI6 whistleblower John Coleman in his book ‘committee of 300’ (extracts)
Page 104:
To induce a state where there is no individual freedom or any concept of liberty surviving, there shall be no such thing as republicanism, sovereignty or rights residing with the people. National pride and racial identity shall be stamped out and in the transition phase it shall be subject to the severest penalties to even mention one’s racial origin.
Page 106:
The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little. FOOD and shelter shall be the main concern.
Page 107
Rival factions and groups such as Arabs and Jews and African tribes shall have differences magnified and allowed the wage wars of extermination against each other under the eyes of NATO and U.N. observers. The same tactics will be used in Central and South America. These wars of attrition shall take place BEFORE the take-over of the One World Government and shall be engineered on every continent where large groups of people with ethnic and religious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslem Pakistanis and the Hindu Indians. Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of “settling” their differences shall be encouraged and fostered.
Sound familiar?
Maybe Jo will do an “Albo meme Saturday” while it’s still possible.
Would the last person to leave Australia please turn off the lights.
Oh hang on – we’re on renewables. Forget it. No need.
Friday fence art
Now that’s impressive!
Hmm ?.. looks to be a bit sus !….Photoshop’d ?
Why are the fence pailings upsidedown ?
Look closely at some the bottoms of those pailings ..brushed in ?
Cannot be all wood, as that fence could not support it ?
…and there seems to be another fence immediately behind the fearured one ?
We are living in a AI world – what is the difference between reality and imagination?
A reak Kraken fan?
I have sent a copy to the local council as a concept for a new sea wall along the breach front which is being replaced.
Richardson Post
Putin is the leader of the free and non-woke world.
I’m with you there- except where Putin’s ‘faults’ are glibly mentioned. Putin’s “faults” are extreme and downright terrifying. His one ‘saving grace’ so to speak, is his clarity about what’s wrong with Western culture. But even this is simply because a sadistic megalomaniac recognises megalomaniac behaviour when he sees it.
Putin is an alpha male and takes no Sh*t – Australia has a beta male as PM and who is mocked by China as a “very handsome boy” and Alan Joyce knows what that means!
Putin can’t be that bad, he’s got daughters…
I think you confuse ‘good for Putin’ with his actual ideas of ‘good for Russia’. while I wouldn’t give anyone in the power halls of America the morals to even think of putting their country before themselves.
Another round – biter bit
“Russia To Seize $440 Million From JPMorgan”
The Obummer/Biden administration is the most corrupt in the world – after the Albanese administration and the Australian Public Serpents .
Buyer’s Remorse!
Feminism has left middle-aged women like me single, childless and depressed
We were taught to prioritise our careers over marriage – and now we are paying for it
I sometimes think the West has outgrown the feminist philosophy entirely and should cast it off.
Where, for instance, does it leave women like me, when we have reached the age of 54, as I have, and find ourselves both single and childless? Hugging the collected works of Proust, or engaging in furtive sojourns to the pub that bring remembrances of things pissed? One in 10 British women in their 50s have never married and live alone, which is neither pleasant nor healthy.
According to a recent study by an American medical institute, loneliness is the leading cause of depression among middle-aged females. I should know, as I recently fell prey to the unforgiving maw of mental illness.
But the truth is that much of my depression sprung from a solitary existence that would be eschewed by a race of alley cats.
I do not know one single woman of my generation who lives such a life and actually likes it.
Feminism made the error of telling us to behave and think like men.
This error was a grave one, and women like myself are paying for it, like gamblers in a casino that has been fixed.
We are not men, and in living the single life, with its casual encounters, we play for much higher stakes and have more to lose.
I wish I had not been taught to throw the dice so high.
Even Shakespeare’s princes needed someone to look after them in their old age.
One of BoJo’s discards.
Sorry, don’t understand.
Depending on view she might have won first prize then
Feminism has also shrunk the pool of willing
suckersbachelors. Every guy has mates who have had their balls through the wringer.40
Might be time to resurrest a Canadian descriptive –
Friday live with Senator Roberts
Long Live King William
Sounds like pancreatic cancer
He’s well-jabbed I’m sure.. although there’s another anti-parasitic drug that seems to kill pancreatic cancer cells, a bit like taking Ivm for Covid.
So, in a cashless banking system, what does the Chief Cashier do??
FWIW – judgement by tidepods
Balcony solar.
“Solar balconies are a piece of the wider energy transition across Europe, explains Jan Osenberg, a policy advisor at the SolarPower Europe association.”
Well, he would say that … his job depends on it …
Making the duck curve more exaggerated – and all milk and unicorns …
Auto, now looking to learn Mandarin, thanks to our self-appointed “elites” …
“Lithium, geothermal, carbon tax, drilling, plastics, loans – a bit of everything”
In there you’ll find that Bowen has serious competition from his Canadian equivalent
FWIW – more surfacing on the covid jabs
“Dr Neale Hanvey’s remarkable contribution to the Bridgen excess deaths debate”
“WHO, I wonder, had heard of the Scottish MP Dr Neale Hanvey, or the Alba Party which he leads, before last Thursday’s Commons debate on excess deaths?
Yet his was probably the most remarkable of the speeches that afternoon. He not only laid a very serious charge against the MHRA (‘I can think of no greater betrayal of the MHRA’s clinical governance responsibility’ in relation to the huge numbers of Yellow Card reported adverse events and fatalities) but cited TCW’s Angus Dalgleish’s article and evidence calling for mRNA vaccines to be banned. He also reported extensive research evidence that points to serious vaccine health risks. ”
More at
Read it all (IMO)
Miniaturization of anti-drone systems is now the goal-
“The embodiment of this is the ETER flagship system, which was developed to meet the needs of the Ukrainian MTR in a system that was easy to deploy, but at the same time allowed to disguise during special operations on enemy territory.
This served as a template for the Hydra company’s ‘Info-protection’, which consists of an antenna for intercepting and causing interference, placed in a backpack and connected to a software interface and a loaded signal library. The system automatically identifies detected signals using an artificial intelligence algorithm, and then proceeds to jam them. The technical skill is the miniaturization of the antenna and software interface…
The problem with larger systems installed on trucks is that they are too easy to identify from satellite or UAV images. Then they become a priority goal for attacks by Russian artillery and UAV ‘Lancet’, the main task of which since March has been the destruction of Ukrainian electronic control systems, which turned out to be a serious obstacle for Russian commanders, trying to conduct local attacks.
Therefore,.. new technical specifications in which emphasis is placed on compactness. The Ukrainian conflict became an experimental laboratory of high-intensity technological warfare, and also demonstrated the difficulty of deploying bulky RTR systems in such theaters of war.
The Ukrainian command is also developing a new strategy for using this new technology due to the significant level of combat losses among electronic specialists. The idea is to provide sufficient training in the field of EW, so that all ordinary military personnel are able to use future miniature systems. ”
Also in there, from the ‘man’ who was ready to send French soldiers to fight the Russians in Ukraine just last week..
“Europe should be ready to build relations with Russia after the end of the conflict in Ukraine, Macron said.”
Well, are you going to fight, or smile & agree?? Is Germany pushing you because they’re short of gas?
More grist for the whinging socialists’ mill.
BHP which absorbed Billiton is now absorbing Anglo American an international mining giant for A$60B. Aussie Joe Six-pack is not involved, his super holdings in BHP doesn’t change, they still own a share of mines scattered around the world. They just own a smaller % of an expanded suite of global assets.
The “tax the Internationals” mob will have a field day claiming BHP has an even lower % held by Australians so should pay more tax. It matters nought that they already pay plenty.
Economic contribution report 2023 | BHP
This made BHP one of the largest corporate taxpayers in Australia in FY2023. During the last decade, we paid US$94.2 billion globally in taxes, royalties and other payments to governments, including US$74.9 billion (approximately A$101.0 billion) in Australia.