A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The BBC has two interesting reports: Note: A23a is a large ice island
A23a: Tracking the world’s biggest iceberg as it drifts towards oblivion
{Good text and great photos and drawings}
Sydney floods: Warnings of further deluge as major dam spills
{A standard text account}
Did Warragamba Dam spill?
WaterNSW announced the Warragamba Dam had received 100 mm over six hours, with up to 200 mm in 24 hours in some areas. The dam began to spill at 5.35am
Tim Flannery, Australia’s former Chief Climate Commissioner, declared rather bizarrely in 2007 that hotter soils meant that
I was absolutely aghast that people took advice from quack Flannery. His degree was in English with no science at all. And writing a lot about long dead giant marsupials does not qualify him to speak on nuclear power technology. Or on the massively failed Hot Rocks scheme (“the technology is straightforward”). Even the Federal government lost $98million of our money on his advice.
Some are polymath. Then there is no math.
His infamous rains comment nearly caused the overflow and thus complete collapse of the gigantic earthworks Wivenhoe Dam. That would have killed a million people, the worst unnatural disaster in human history and wiped Brisbane off the map with three Sydney Harbours rushing at express train speed down the valley. It was only saved by emergency plugs recently installed by the safety committee. A piece of extremely good luck, not management. And still he babbles on.
Flannery should have been prosecuted for his incompetence and complete lack of qualification in giving such advice and pretending expertise. It’s one thing to be wrong. It’s another to pretend to be competent as Chief Climate Commissioner with no relevant qualifications.
We are in an age where quackery has replaced science. Everyone’s a Climate Scientist and none are meteorologists. Except the odd atmospheric physicist who cannot find meaningful employment.
It’s all scandalous, this destruction of Australia by government. State governments used to build essential power stations. Now they are blowing them up.
And now the Federal government has arbitrarily and possibly illegally taken charge of national electricity and is punishing all Australian industries from shipping to farming to sewage, concrete, glass, steel, plastics when Australia has nothing to do with world emissions. As Bill Burrows just pointed out, with our tiny population we are CO2 negative as a country! The whole bottom third of the planet is massively a carbon sink with only 2% of world population. So why are we being punished extremely by our governments? What is the logic? Cui Bono?
And Australia’s biggest plastics manufacturer is just packing up and leaving. Likely pushed out of the country by 35% CO2 taxes that Liberals and Labor parties solemnly promised would not exist. Green jobs? Cheap electricity? Hot rocks? Tidal power? Renewable superpower? Hydrogen superpower? Solar panel manufacturer? Blatant, ridiculous lies.
And just think how many billions of dollars Flannery has caused Australia to needlessly spend for such projects as:
Unused desal plants.
Useless wind and solar plantations.
And de-industrialisation of Australia due to expensive “green” energy, not to mention environmental destruction due to wind and solar plantations.
And what I’d really like to know is how much taxpayer money did he harvest for his “advice” and does he still do so?
Reasonably sure those desalination plants are costing us millions a year. Like many on here I struggle with our nation treated as a Guinea pig for wind and solar. We have much of the finest coal and uranium in the world but we can’t use it. We are pushed to buy dodgy electric cars which are built from products that pollute the country of origin yet we blunder on. I suspect our “leaders” are under the heavy hand of WEC to do their destructive bidding.
Vicdanistan’s unused deal plant costs taxpayers about $1.8 million per day.
That was in 2018 so it’s probably much more today.
Probably similiar figures for Australia’s other unused deal plants.
The Nation includes Western Australia much as those “Over East” might not like it. In contrast to the dismissive comments here , over the past five years almost half of Perth’s water has been supplied by our seawater desalination lants that provide a secure water source that doesn’t depend on rain. With declining rainfall and a growing population, Perth can’t rely on streamflow into dams to supply its water needs. Desalinated seawater has increasingly filled the gap.
really? OK so they are only 80% right? that chip must get heavy to carry around
people here make quite parochial comments all the time, I doubt that will change
Be buggered, I just checked the map and we do have a Western section to Australia.
How did you stay quite for so long?
A MILLION people? C’mon.
I disagree about prosecuting Tim Flannery.
You cannot make stupidity illegal (unfortunately).
But the ELECTED ideologues and idiots who listened Flannery’s stupidity; completely different kettle of fish.
They had a statutory duty to carry out due diligence before spending a penny on the basis of any advice received. They didn’t, and look at the mess this county is in now.
Any public official who can be tied to the rorting of public funds for the “let’s pretend to save the plant” scam should be arrested and charged with malfeasance. At the very least, they should lose their damn over-generous pensions.
Fraud is illegal … and fraudsters often act stupid when later questioned.
They wanted it to spill and cause flooding.
That was the plan.
That’s why they canceled the planned extension of the dam wall.
They probably let all those homes flood so they could blame “climate Change”.
No one should be living in that flood prone area in the first place. Even Aborigines told settlers not to build houses their 200 years ago.
Yet another reason why politicians shouldn’t be allowed to make scientific or engineering decisions
I recall as a youngster in about 1956 coming down the Putty Road from Wilberforce to Windsor and seeing flood debris in the cross arms of power poles. The floods being described must have been much higher. A great place to farm with deep alluvial loam soils but not to live.
An uncle of mine was travelling through Gayndah, Queensland, many years ago, and saw the remains of a cow, wedged in a gum tree, at least ten metres above the bed of the Burnett River,, which normally has pools of water separated by sand banks.
Some years ago, on Cloncurry Figtree Creek bank I saw a large chunk of VW stuck up a tree, 10-15 feet off the ground and could not believe explanations that was result of a flood. The creek was nearly dry.
Then a big rain came and I saw the wall of water rushing North through that flat country. Now I am a believer.
The dates for the two articles I labelled ARTICLE 1 AND ARTICLE 2 are transposed.
Correction of Correction,
The new and correct recollection as passed down by elders past present and future is that no such dialog could have occurred between the two rival armies.
There is no written history that may contradict the mantra of our future elders.
No written History showing a respect and co-operation between human beings confronted with the forces of nature.
Just claim that Warragamba Dam will be part of a pumped hydro project and then watch the approvals being fast tracked!
Warragamba Dam does or did have a 50MW hydro generator but it was disconnected.
Why have useful 50MW hydro when you can replace it with 15+ windmills, 5MW with 30% capacity factor?
Better give that power potential to the Elite subsidy harvesters.
Building a “pumped hydro” facility at Warragamba would probably cost less than Snowy II.
There is a long standing rule about raising dam walls.
Unless it was included in the original design.
To raise a dam wall is to court disaster. If you want to raise the capacity of the dam you should build a complete new wall.
Yes CO2Lover, and that bizarre piece of Climate Alarmism earnt the Professor of palaeontology an Australian of the Year award.
Can you believe it. Reckon he should hand it back.
Did Warragamba spill? Yes, and before the 5 pm news. But it sounds like it wasn’t major.
This story describes, rather well I thought, the other catchments which contribute to downstream flooding.
Dave B
Now head of the non-government organisation Climate Council, a Green GetUp.
Not to be confused with the Climate Change Authority, with the prospect that our new Governor-General, a former Board Member, will be in a top position to influence future matters related to climate.
It is amazing that so many prominent Australian positions are being filled by people with stated attachhments to one or more of the following:
1. aboriginal affairs
2. climate change advocacy
3. net zero promotion
4. football
5. equality for women and or transgenderism
6. education of youngsters
7. no comprehension that these topics are sending Australia broke.
One might suspect that there is a club at work to trot out people qualified in such matters to fill new jobs.
Geoff S
A concerning development that might give a free for all for those who want to sue Governments for problems caused to them by climate change
Yes but if Australia, indeed the whole bottom third of the planet is a nett CO2 sink, on what basis do we prevent climate change? If there was a responsibility for massive CO2 output, surely that would be China, not Australia.
Of course the courts could argue that Australia should not output coal, gas, iron ore, wheat, wine or anything which produces CO2. Or beans which produce methane. Or live farting animals like sheep and cattle.
And we could copy the lifestyle and output and religion of the Aborigines, apparently the most successful nation in history if Government salaried fake aborigine Bruce Pascoe is to be believed. Pick any of the 500 nations or languages.
We are being fed such tripe by the media and government it is impossible to believe it is done by politicians with a straight face.
How was The Voice constitutional change going to fix Alice Springs again? And why hasn’t the government just legislated The Voice? They never needed a constitutional change to do so.
We are in an era where politicians openly lie about energy, aboriginals and even the weather. The BOM has had no consequences for getting their very costly prediction of massive summer drought and heat completely wrong. And now we are worrying about whether the dams will hold? Why does the head of the BOM still have the job?
It is astonishing how some things are deemed ‘renewable’; growing corn for ethanol, shipping US timber pellets to burn in Drax power station in the UK etc.
But, growing animals on grass, farming to feed animals, managed forestry is not?!
There’s no logic to it all.
When your whole life and ethos seems to be based on nihilism and the drive to destroy everything and everybody around you, you don’t need logic beyond what will make it happen, and faster.
Frankly, I cannot see any other explanation – apart from the mad desire for total power of literal life and death over everyone and everything – which I suppose is really the same thing.
Those imposing these destructive edicts and strictures upon the entire world cannot be what is normally called sane or reasonable. I don’t know the appropriate psychiatric terms for such, but “megalomaniacal psychopath on steroids” feels close.
As usual; follow the spillage,and NOT the watery kind.
Maybe they could also rule:
“…that-governments-have-to-protect-people-from-“climate-change” “?
Sure. But the only way to protect people from climate change is to give them cheap energy.
Cheap energy is the biggest and most effective socialist gift to the poor, far beyond any political policy. Far beyond.
I don’t understand why the politcial right doesnt see this and make cheap energy their number one policy, and win the left vote, who are now represented by parties who want to destroy the biggest socialist gift to the poor. They don’t represent them at all anymore, in fact they are their arch enemy.
The votes are there for the stealing. All you have to do is explain it to them.
Many islands have grown, not shrunk over the last 20 years
A very substantial proportion of Democrats and Republicans believe that there will be a civil war in America in the next decade
Certainly America appears more sharply divided than any other period in my lifetime. A civil war? surely not. It seems likely though that some States may try to secede from the Union. I know a number of regions within states would like to link with neighbouring states, so the map of the US may change considerably, unless there is a strong unifying President.
Assuming Biden or Trump gets in this time round I don’t know their likely successor and whether they will unify or widen the cracks.
I suspect there will be much civil unrest in the next 10 years. For example, the Convention of Democrats this summer will be a stunner, mostly as the pro & anti-Israelis react to Biden’s policies.
Civil War is unlikely. As for states leaving the Union:
“The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest when he asked by a screenwriter in 2006 whether there was a legal basis for secession. In his response, he wrote: “The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede.”
The idea of secession isn’t new in Texas politics – the state was briefly a sovereign country after it declared independence from Mexico in 1836. And years after it was annexed into the U.S., Texas left the Union to join the Confederacy in 1861.
Although ballots went out without the Texit question this year, Miller said the group plans to get the Texas Independence Referendum Act filed for the next legislative session in 2025. A similar bill failed to make it out of committee in the last session.
Miller said he is confident that Texans will vote on Texit in the coming year.
Well actually there are other options for Texas that might provoke action on the applications for new state boundaries elsewhere in the USA.
My parents lived in TX from 1938-1940
a rather different environment I was told.
The possibility of the hostile takeover of the United States by either an internal or external enemy and “The People” having the right to repel such takeover is exactly why the founding fathers provided for the Second Amendment.
Under the US Constitution and laws (in theory) “The People” are considered the ultimate power, not the Government.
It is clearly enunciated in the US Declaration of Independence:
This is what it would look like.
More likely world war with China over Taiwan. As with Korea and Vietnam. And they and the Germans and UK and France are spoiling for war with Russia, as with Korea and Vietnam and Afghanistan and Syria. The conservative Republicans do not want war, but the Democrats are real enthusiasts.
The MIC is a monster that must be fed.
Military Industrial Complex?
Yes, Eisenhower made that point. It is a gigantic business which depends on war for profitability.
They are loving Ukraine. As are the British, French and Germans. Running out of everything, which is great news! 155mm howitzer shells, the most devastating common shells are about $US5,000 each. And they want many thousands of them.
New technologies are being tested. New drones. Very exciting. And everyone is spending, spending, spending. And who cares about the Ukrainians or the Russians? They never cared in WWII, or WWI or the Crimean war or the Napoleonic wars. Good for everyone and a lot of old scores to be settled, some from 200 years ago. Like Korea or Vietnam, it is all jolly good business and no one gets hurt. Except people who don’t matter.
Isn’t it now the MMIC?
Military Medical Industrial Complex.
Dr Robert Malone has written extensively on this.
Back when the place was just getting started, Thomas Jefferson stated:
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”.
This time around, the toxic totalitrian statists have been, for decades, preparing the “battlespace” entirely in their own favour. Yet, none dare call it for what it is: TREASON.
The KEY question is:
Who, internationally, nationally or individually, stand to GAIN by continental-scale bloodshed and destruction?
Interesting times: Ahoy!
Just noticed on Amazon, RFKjr has come out with a new book:
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s meticulously researched and rigorously sourced analysis leads readers on a staggering journey to learn about:
the key enablers and henchmen pushing for gain-of-function research
the economic motives behind gain-of-function research
successfully engineered “chimeric viruses” that can infect and kill humans
the coordinated effort to silence speculation of COVID-19’s laboratory genesis
the complicity of scientific journals to hide the origins of COVID-19
the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China’s biowarfare/biodefense program
the relationships between US health, military, and intelligence bureaucracies and scientists and their Chinese counterparts
the roles of Bill Gates and Sir Jeremy Farrar in orchestrating a global cover-up
The Wuhan Cover-Up unveils a global conspiracy of epic proportion and lethal consequence.
Available here:
You can add Australia and especially Victoria {People’s Republic of Victoriastan} to the list
The Federal Liberal Party was ruined by Malcolm Turnbull and his personal obessession with the religion of “Climate Change” and the waste-of-space Vic Libs attempt to be greener than the Victorian (Communist) Labor Government.
For Bill Burrows
As for nett sink, I think if we can have total responsibility for the Great Barrier Reef, a land area the size of Germany, we can claim the massive sink of the Antarctic and Southern oceans and much of the South Pacific. Below the Tropic of Capricon has only 2% of the world’s population, so it is the biggest sink on the planet. And I believe photoplankton likely consume more CO2 than trees. Far more basic than plants, they can boom in three days and so respond much faster than annual trees. We saw this in action in the 2019 massive Australian bushfires where the CO2 blew over the South Pacific.
And I do not know why Albanese and Bower are hell bent on punishing Australians for making steel and concrete when we are already saving the world. As you indicated, Nett Zero is being applied to Australia without recognizing that the whole of the country, a third of the planet is a huge nett sink already. Why do we Australians have to do anything at all? Especially if it is utterly useless.
So it is political b*stardry on behalf of the UN/EU/China. And nothing whatever to do with 2005 being the ideal amount of CO2 output from industry alone.
Thae natural world doesnt have much to do with it. Their imaginary man-made problem requires imaginary man-made solutions. It all exists only in their heads and in our wallets.
What staggers me is that CO2 was in the air before. CO2 existed before life on earth. Massive phytoplankton existed before plants and life on land.
So why wasn’t CO2 at any given time in perfect dynamic and continual equilibrium between the ocean and the sky, the amount in the air decided by simple chemistry like Henry’s Law. Temperature and pressure. Like Coca Cola. Soda. And our tiny output cannot affect this. Which is clearly the case.
So slight warming should increase atmospheric CO2. The tortured unproven and even in my expertise disproven idea that mankind somehow increased CO2 and mankind is still increasing CO2 has never been proven. Let alone the idea that extra CO2 warms the planet, also disproven. Every ten years ALL the CO2 goes into the ocean. The ocean determines how much goes back, not humans. We could not change CO2 even if our lives depended on it.
And yet we are being taxed and robbed to pay for windmills, solar panels, Snowy II, the Great Barrier Reef which is suddenly our responsibilty and sea levels which are also our responsibility? Who gave this specific legal power to Canberra? Who made all this up? The UN?
There is no science at all the The Science, a massively profitable hoax on a world scale. And the legislature in Canberra is making up powers they never had. And stealing our cash because they have no legal power to force us to pay for these windmills and solar panels through our electricity bills.
And in Australia, governments are lying to the people, breaking solemn promises and even forcing us to pay third parties for nothing at all.
It’s particularly appalling with solar panels where people are robbed to provide the cash to pay half the solar panels and they have to pay the other half all in the hope that their electricity bills go down. The reason the bills are going up is the mass adoption of solar panels paid by outright theft from their electricity bills.
It’s the greatest government run and brutally administered scam in Australian history. The Clean Energy people are robbing us blind, directed by the extreme left apparatchiks of Canberra. And it’s all illegal. Governments and public servants have no right to do this.
Repeal Howard’s Renewable Energy(Electricity) Act 2001 and electricity costs would halve overnight. And ‘investors’ would have to pay to build windmills and import solar panels.
Tony Heller:
“When rational people tell the truth about CO2 the irrational brainwashed don’t know how to react. It almost short circuits them.”
If you think solar panels are government subsidized, think again. It’s not in the budget. Your electricity bills pay for the solar panels and the windmills. Did you know that? It’s a secret called theft.
And to add insult to injury with solar panels, you pay the other half as well. So the very thing you are doing is pushing your own electricity bills through the roof along with everyone else in a runaway fraudulent system. You are your own worst enemy. And if there is a real power shortage, your solar panels will be turned off anyway by a caring government.
Governments only have the right of taxation and penalties. They never had the right to create and operate such a fraudulent scheme. It may be legislated, but it is wrong. I just wish one of the big players would take the government to the High Court. But they are part of the problem because no one wants to be offside with the government and one of their biggest customers.
It’s like living in a Mafia world where the one demanding your cash is also your protector. I call it extortion. All organized in Canberra where the State Governments never ceded electrical power in the first place. Snowy I was a cooperative venture between Victoria and NSW under their absolute Constitutional rights over State natural resources. Canberra has just taken over all electricity. Illegally.
The government can’t subsidies anything, they have no money.
You read of the people on this site who complain about industrial subsidy harvesters, who themselves are harvesting those exact same subsidies, and believe it is their “duty” to steal their neighbors money, they believe it is their right to charge you via feed in tariffs for the sunshine that falls on their roof, but can’t get past their neighborhood watch area and is of no use to 99.999% of the country.
The wind harvestors are paid $900,000 per year per tower for standing there.
These are the defenders of the rort, what hope have we got when the windgers are a major part of the problem. I’m alright jack, screw the rest of you.
“So slight warming should increase atmospheric CO2”
I agree TdeF.
The default explanation ought to be that the equilibrium relationship between CO2 in the oceans and the atmosphere is the dominant factor controlling atmospheric CO2.
However, I think it is important to understand that the system is mostly not “in equilibrium” but rather moving towards a state of equilibrium. One piece of evidence for this is that in the ice core data which shows changes in CO2 continuing for hundreds of years after the temperature stopped changing.
Another bit of evidence is that the change in average annual temperature in the UAH satellite data precedes the change in annual CO2 growth by 6 months.
The effect is more noticeable when the temperature change is large.
If the system was in equilibrium then a fall in temperature would result in a fall in atmospheric CO2 concentration but that is not what is observed.
Instead a fall in temperature results in a fall in the rate of increase in atmospheric CO2. i.e. a fall in the rate of CO2 growth.
CO2 seems to decline slowly after a fall in temperature, coming down from the MWP through the LIA it is clear to see.
We should see an increase in CO2 from the Hunga Tonga Hunga eruption, following the spike in temperature.
Seen this?
Yes, Caz is an honest witness and it ticks all the boxes for a UAP.
I’ll be in Glamorgan in a couple of weeks time, perhaps I’ll have a look.
We have already seen an effect. At Mauna Loa the annual increase in CO2 for 2023 was 3.36 ppm
This is a massive increase. It is the largest increase since measurements started.
Water vapour in the stratosphere is a more potent greenhouse gas.
‘ … a fall in the rate of CO2 growth.’
‘The most prominent feature of the pre-industrial period is a rapid ∼7 ppm decrease of CO2 in a span of ∼20–50 years at ∼1600 A.D. This observation confirms the timing of an abrupt atmospheric CO2 decrease of ∼10 ppm observed for that time period in the Law Dome ice core CO2 records, but the true magnitude of the decrease remains unclear.’ (Ahn 2012)
It is rapid equilibrium. Whole clouds of CO2 from bushfires just vanish. But it is not static over years. And it does bounce up and down with the seasons, confirming the dependence on water temperature.
The optimum point however varies on many factors I am sure. Temperature of the water, temperature of the air, air pressure, Concentration of CO2 in the air and in the water and then this is averaged over a planet. I am not surprised the equilibrium ratio changes but the changes are slow at 0.5% a year.
Plus called ’emissions’ have gone up 35000% in a time when CO2 has only gone up 40%, but we are expected to believe they are the same thing.
I have my own theory that the vast oceans have many currents which contain varying amounts of heat. And CO2. The current cycle of the ADO/PMO is just peaking and that may be connected with higher CO2.
But the equilibrium I am talking about is really constant within 0.1% from year to year. All the CO2 we generate just vanishes and quite quickly. The amount in transit is only 3% of total CO2 which is consistent with a residence time of 10 years or a half life of about 4-5 years.
Hi TdeF. I agree that the system rapidly responds so that massive injections from bushfires or changes in human emissions have no noticeable effect, but I don’t like saying the system is in equilibrium. Rather, it is moving towards equilibrium and the change in the rate of change of CO2 is temperature dependant.
This is a difficult concept to get your head around. I learnt about it by watching one of Murry Salby’s videos.
It is the second order derivative that is temperature dependant. It is the slope of the slope of the graph of atmospheric Co2.
I would like to try to explain it in greater detail but I have run out of time.
It is equilibrium, rapid equilibrium and world wide. However the equilibrium point is moving as it does. The most dramatic forces are tied to ocean currents which are unpredictable and change two variables, ocean surface temperature and ocean CO2. However within those constraints we have rapid, universal and predictable and exact equilibrium. Otherwise CO2 would vary enormously across the planet when in fact it does not vary more than 1% despite all our attempts, volcanoes, lockdown, bushfires and more. So called ’emissions’ are irrelevant.
The catch is that the “imaginary Solutions” are “put in place”,then a set of equally imaginary “crises” is concocted, preferably “interleaved” so as to give the peasants ZERO “wriggle room”.
Thanks TdeF.(Reply to #7 above). Yes, in absolute terms Australia is a net sink for CO2 (noting that we do not have to account for the C in coal and gas we export but do have to include the CO2 released on the consumption of imported liquid fuels in our budgets). In other words the atmospheric withdrawals and sources are restrained to the jurisdiction in which they actually occur.
Having said that, the ‘approved’ processes with respect to land based sources and sinks within Australia are an accounting nightmare. It goes back to the original budget prepared for the Kyoto Protocol. I was roped into this in the mid 1990s because I and a few landholders were reporting on the measured and/or observed phenomenon of woody vegetation thickening in N.E. Australia.
The boffins in Canberra charged with compiling our initial CO2 inventory could not believe that our so called ‘pristine’ (non-bulldozed) woodlands were thickening up (increasing in plant density and stem basal area). None of these Canberra based ‘experts’ had ever studied the northern woodlands (or even in the case of the person responsible for woodland C accounts) seen them.
So they refused to include this vegetation sink in our accounts then and still do 30 years later. They ignore the fact that what excites them is the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. Yet they pretend that what is withdrawn from our continental atmosphere is not a result of human activities. Well that’s not strictly true. We do make claims that our semi-arid woodlands sequester C and reward projects by paying for ‘C Offsets’. But these offsets are based on changes in ‘soil C’ or ‘biomass C’ etc. In other words they pay out on the information obtained from partial budgets. There could be many other gains and losses in the system but these are not being accounted for. It is like determining the population of NSW by only counting the number of people in Greater Sydney.
Of course the whole premise behind anthropogenic global warming is highly challengeable in the first place. But the political class are shockingly clueless on this issue which has enabled the CIC (Carbon Industrial Complex) to develop and reign supreme. Poor fellow my country indeed!
anthropogenic. What a fake word. Yes, the story is that the 50% increase in CO2 is man made from fossil fuels. Except to be quite boring, it is not true. CO2 is radioactive. Fossil fuel CO2 is not.
So the radioactivity of CO2 should be 66% of normal but it is only 3%. So only 3% of CO2 is from fossil fuel. This absolutely destroys antropogenic CO2 and thus anthropogenic anything. Why is this so hard to grasp for so many people? The fundamental premise of this whole hoax is provably wrong.
The Left’s promotion of sexual deviancy to children gets even more abhorrent.
Even Their ABC thinks it’s newsworthy.
Interesting how weirdo activists get acesss to kids so readily. Just watch, their will no consequences just an eventual oops! from the education department.
And WE sit back and DO NOTHING while these sorts of things are going on.We accept this”Climate Change”BS when NO EVIDENCE of this has EVER been produced.There is a reason that”Little Johnny Howard”and the UN took away our guns.If we had still had them OUR politicians and police would have NEVER tried this covid con on us.What happened to protect and serve.And doctors who’s first job is DO NO HARM,refusing to make HCQ and Invermectin available saying they were unsafe to use(HCQ has been used since about 1940 and Invermectin since around 1992).
Many people currently have lots of guns. That made little difference re Covid, just as it made no difference in the US despite all the “muh guns” talk and gun ownership reality. Agree re doing something, however I think we (if we are talking Australia) still think voting changes things. Really people who think anything at all is seriously wrong are in a small minority. The majority would either sit in the left/right Uniparty grizzles camp, or the I dont care as long as I have a beer and the footy is on camp.
There is a “saying” that has been floating around for years:
Liberty depende on the judicious use of several boxes:
The soap box,
The ballot box,
The jury box,
The bullet box, and,
The pine box.
Liberty depends on the use of all of these and, in the correct order.”
See also:
“The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance”
For additional cheery thoughts, try Goethe:
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
Jordan Petersen’s view is that the open acceptance of homosexuality in the West (and nowhere else) has led to the idea that sexual deviance in general, including plain pedophilia is basically accepted too! This is dangerous conflation of liberal attitudes with permission for general and seemingly unlimited depravity.
In time I expect there will be a huge reaction against homosexuals if they persist in such activity as drag queen story telling to infants and children. And child grooming as built into much of Disney’s modern output. Walt Disney would be horrified. That is taking freedom too far. And puberty blockers and sex change operations on children before the age of consent are an abomination at any time. Such surgery is profitable sadism among other problems.
As for Transvestites for Gaza, what an incredibly silly and dangerous idea. Which shows you that some people are completely disconnected from reality.
I haven’t read Jordan Peterson’s comments but there’s a lot of confusion about the gender dysphoria issue and it’s being used by a large group of people with nothing to do but join the latest club.
Gender dysphoria results from damage to the growing, developing fetus and if anyone’s to blame it’s the mother or the person who s
tressed her out, certainly not the damaged baby.
As I’ve mentioned before, the people genuinely afflicted with the damage find the hype and rubbish that has been associated with their suffering extremely ugly to deal with.
On the other hand, the idiots posing as gay, queer, trans etc because they are disillusioned with society or just lazy or overweight etc need to find another banner to shelter behind.
While I don’t agree with Penny Wong’s politics she does appear to have dealt with her situation in an admirable way: quietly, with acceptance.
During two years of the world’s most severe and paranoid covid lockups in Australia, children missed two years of swimming lessons and a total of 10 million lessons.
This has led to a higher likelihood of children drowning.
Coming up to 47 years old 12.5 m Swimming Pool & separate heated Spa, still getting great use by live-in Grandkids & was well used during Covid Lockdowns
Been prevented from posting this link at several places that forbid such truth telling.
Perhaps this from 1867 is just too much for some to cope with. From a time with no dams but also low CO2.
Illustrated Sydney News. Tue 16 Jul 1867. Page 7. “THE FLOODS.”
Flood nearly as high as 1864
Hawkesbury Floods. – AN INTERESTING RECORD.
Fewer Floods occur on the Hawkesbury River nowadays, partly owing to the storages of Sydney’s water supply claiming- the first instalment of any surplus flow.
Previous to the construction of these dams, floods were much more frequent, and one of the most interesting records of the more important
of these has been kept by Mr J. A. May,of Pitt Town Road, via Windsor, on acorner post of one of his sheds.
In the flood of September, 1879, the river rose 43ft above summer level: in May, 1889, it reached 38ft; in March, 1890, 38ft; in July, 1900, 46ft; and in July, 1904, 40ft,
The highest flood known to white men in the district was in June, 1867, when the river rose 63ft. above summer level, the water entering
the town of Windsor and leaving only two parts of it exposed as islands.
Since 1799 until 1934, Mr. May mentions, 60 floods of some importance have occurred in the Hawkesbury River,apart from minor floods and “freshes,” of which no records have been kept. !
THE DECREASE in the number of floods experienced at Windsor of late years seems rather to be a factor of the decreasing rainfall than to be due to dam building on the Nepean.
At Grove Farm the river rose to 67 feet 10 inches on the present gauge in 1867, and only 35 feet 4 inches in 1925.
This difference could not be accounted for by the building: of the dams. It must be associated with a diminution in rainfall, a factor not due to deforestation as this area, being inhospitable country, is still uncleared to a large extent. The difficulty in this connection is the absence of long time, rainfall records by which a decline in pre cipitation might be verified.
Goulburn is the oldest established rainfall station on the Warragamba catchment area, The records commenced in 1858, and the average for 67 years was 25.41 inches, while for the last 30 years the average has been 22. S3 inches, a falling off of about 10 percent.
Rainfall records at Cordeaux gauging wier were started in 1872,’ the average rainfall for 53 years being 53.58 inches, while
the average since 1900 shows a decrease of about 20 per cent., and is only 44.45 inches.
The years from 1871 to 1880 are periods of good rainfall, but from 1881 to 1890 the rainfall is not so good. From 1891-1900 the
stations all record rainfall above the average, then from’ 1901-1910 the rainfall is uniniformly low. 1911-1920 shows an increase at Cordeaux and Goulburn, but 1921-1924 are years of low rainfall again
G’day OO,
Being a great pedant I must disagree with you, as the Warragamba Dam is on a tributary of the Nepean which joins upstream of Penrith.
Dave B
I recently looked at the trend in atmospheric precipitable water and realised that as the NH swarms up, it reduces the burden on the SH pushing heat north so the precipitable water is also increasing in the SH. At least for the present time.
The linked image shows the trend across global oceans since 1988. to present.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNiABfAbM7HJZVJcnV?e=K6Puu5
It is evident that NH is seeing the bigger increase but the ocean around Australia is generaklly increasing. The only regions showing a decline is the evaporation zone of the South Pacific and that will be due to colder water coming up from the Southern Ocean which has been cooling.
I have observed other changes in moisture over Australia that are consistent with more atmospheric water. It is too soon to know if the rain over Australia is on an upward trend but there are signs it is happening.
The change to NH warming rather than cooling began around 500 years ago. It is now showing some real consequences. One of the fastest changes is the September extent of warm pools in the NH oceans and the rapidly rising early season snowfall across the NH.
Using other glacial episodes as a guide, within 9,000 years, the oceans will be 20 to 40m lower than present. Most land north of 40N will be ice mountains. All that requires NH oceans to get a lot more surface up to 30C and a lot more snow over the land.
For a while, Australia could very well enjoy more rainfall – although those in Sydney and surrounds are hardly enjoying it. If BoM were working in the interest of all Australians they would be working on understanding this rather than trying to demonise CO2.
One other important point is that Antacrtica is just past the highest sunlight it experienced in the last 20,000 years – almost 10% higher solar intensity than on land at the same latitude in the NH at the present time. There was no apparent melting of ice. Some of that ice is as far north as 60S. There is presently a lot of land north of 60N that is not covered in Ice. The exceptions are mountains and the southern tip of Greenland. So once Ice forms, it is not easily shifted.
Surely it is time to move on from the term ‘climate change’? This slogan has already been around for a decade, and it has lost it’s potency. Let’s have something more precise, with some real balls. Seeing the scientific method involved in defining climate change, is a matter of desperately searching the world for weather events, squinting at them really hard, and trying to eke out a 100th of a degree, or another mil; declaring nothing like this has ever happened before; that everything before 1979 was ‘Bambiland’; then holding them up to the sky, and chanting, ‘Climate Change, Climate Change, Climate Change.’ This is obviously a religious rite, so lets get honest here, and just chant ‘Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo’ instead! That explains all the mechanisms equally clearly, and is way more honest.
The warmists – the climatistas – have never used the scientific method. If they did their whole scheme would fall apart.
Jimi Hendrix’s Voodoo Child takes on new meaning in 2024:
Posh upper-crust commie/socialist revolutionary, Jemima Tito (her real name, via RNZ) wagged school on Friday as she believes “flooding events and species extinction” are a sure sign the end is nigh… If only History was still taught in schools, these Krazy Klimate Kids might realise these setbacks have been around since Noah was a boy – OK, an old man – and are a feature of life on Earth and likely to continue well into the great beyond.
On the same day Gertie Turdberg was apprehended for blocking a highway (the Netherlands?) some children around New Zealand demanded the government enact a 6-point plan – it’s always six – including keeping the ban on oil and gas exploration, lowering the voting age to 16, and “climate education for all”. Bwah!
Poor little Ms Tito – too young to understand irony or hypocrisy or the majick tricks performed by high priests in white coats claiming to know all things past, present and future.
I occasionally force myself to read Leftist antiscience nonsense just to keep up with their latest absurdities.
In the following excerpt they attempt to describe
The four types of climate denier, and why you should ignore them all.
The Thinking Community knows by now that just about everything the Left accuses Thinkers of, they are actually the ones who a guilty of themselves.
Their description of “deniers” is exactly how I would describe them.
Wow! Nothing he wrote is true. But I cannot find a category for myself. Maybe I missed how this works. When do I get a cheque?
So basically with nothing to say about the topic , they slip straight into the ad homs.
Well said.
Why You Shouldn’t Take the Black Pill
I keep reading about Albo and Bowen blathering about Australian becoming a world green superpower, stupid word with no real meaning. Whats the superpower, no power?
But Albo {Dumb} and Bowen {Dumber} believe that they are Supermen who will led Australia to be a “Superpower” – when they are just setting us up to be a province of China.
Not superpower, you misheard.
It’s stupidpower.
Australia will become a world stupidpower.
Actually, it already has.
Chris Martz
Chris Martz
Same applies in general when you look at absolute temp records by region, hemisphere, globally at the World Meteorological Organization. Minimum temp records tend to be much more recent that high temp records.
Sunday joke – or is it?
That’s funny.
Lots of people are straining their minds to come up with solutions to ‘Climate Change’. But surely it’s a waste of time if there is no Western Civilisation left to implement anything? Climate Change is just one front in the war on Western Civilisation, and attacks are destroying men, women, children, the individual, education, religion, industry, agriculture, transport, culture, history, individual responsibility, merit, whiteness is the original sin. Do we think we can replace it with a high achieving culture of victims, and haters? Let’s give it a shot.
The climate has been changing on planet earth long before there were people who could train their minds to change it. When humans arrived they adapted to a changing climate – like wearing clothes (animal skins and then man-made fabrics) and building more substantial homes than bark humpies.
Attempting to manage the Climate is right up there with attempting to manage volcano eruptons or earthquakes.
I do not normally watch SBS but “Alone Australia” is quite interesting
Watch Alone Australia | SBS On Demand
Ten survivalists take on the wilderness of Tasmania, documenting their own isolated battles and striving to be the last person standing to win $250,000.
A number of contestants claimed to be of “Aboriginal ancestory” and how connected to the land they were – yet they were the first ones to “tap out” – get back to civilisation and a meal at Maccas!
Has the Chinese Invasion begun?
“Asylum Seekers” is so yesterday – “Undocumented Immigrants” is the new Leftist buzzword for military aged men invading your country.
Albo {the handsome boy beta male} must be so pleased.
Quite a few Chinese coming over the US southern border also
“SEC Forced To Halt Climate Reporting Mandate For Businesses”
Making promises you cannot keep
Total U.S. “gross” emissions were 6,341.2 MMTCO2e in 2022, compared to 7,488.2 MMTCO2e in 2005. That’s a decrease of 1147.0 MMTCO2e, or 15.3%. But notice in the two most recent years reported, the emissions went up rather than down.
Today, the pledge date of the Paris Climate Agreement, 2026, is only two years away, and the USA is barely half way toward the goal. Moreover, most of the supposed “progress” has been achieved by closing coal power plants and replacing them with natural gas, a process that is now nearly complete. There are almost no coal plants left to close. And now electricity demand is rising and utilities are looking to build more natural gas plants. The 2026 pledge will never be achieved.
And the 2030 pledge is even more ridiculous.
The same is true in Australia over the last decade CO2 emissions were reduced by 5% but now they are going up again
CO2 emissions have to go up in Australia. To power all the electric cars.
Not as much as they will to supply the 1.2 million new homes that will be built in the next 5yrs.
…..or the multiple data centers that are being constructed and planned.!
Bad Case of Fiction Imitating Sport
Looks like a collective shudder may be about to ripple through AFL and ARL sporting codes.
Bollywood has produced an epic “little honest guy versus big bad guy(s)” action movie with a mix of over-the-top fists, flesh and fantasy sequences. One would assume their marketing department will not seek to deliver Australia’s biggest faux pas, despite how tempting it is, and look to advertise its release at any of the above-mentioned footy code matches.
While it may be difficult to ensure the fans won’t yell out their own adverts for the movie from the stands during matches at least the recent focus on player “re-education” and retribution training may have already negated any on-field reference to the movie by players.
A verse for the times
“One day while I was driving down the highway in the sun
I sat behind a milk truck just returning from his run.
His sign said “Licensed Vendor” and it made me feel secure
That only numbered milkmen could come knocking on my door.
Then I saw a licensed builder with his number on the door
And a plumber with a permit which was issued by the law.
Then a hawker and publican each with his licence plate
And a licensed money lender with his number on the gate.
I pulled into a café, which was licensed to sell beer
And struck up conversation with a licensed auctioneer.
He’d just been selling forfeit goods to pay the fines imposed
On a maverick hardware dealer whose late trading he’d exposed.
A warm glow spread inside me as I drank a licensed beer
And I pictured the inspectors who called in every year
To check upon the numbered men and safeguard fools like me
Who’d waste their money buying things from men who paid no fee.
I thought of all the union men whose cards protect their job
And dairy men whose quota scheme defends them from the mob.
The teachers who are registered, the chemists with their guilds
And lawyers with their closed cartel which keeps their coffers filled.
As I sat among the numbered men it suddenly occurred
That I was just a cleanskin in a tamed and numbered herd.
Somehow I’d missed the muster when the planner combed the land
And now I was a maverick, a man without a brand.
The numbered men live sheltered lives, their keeper is the State,
Their job depends less on their skills than on their licence plate.
Their future is determined and their charges are prescribed,
And the standards of their conduct are in rules and acts described.
But thank the Lord for mavericks, who don’t fit in the mould,
They help distract the licence-men from getting far too bold.
Without the help of mavericks, the planners would persist
Till we all need applications for a licence to exist.”
(Aged well – written about 50 years ago}
“(Aged well – written about 50 years ago)”
On contemplation that probably should have been
“(Aged well unfortunately – written about 50 years ago}
At a cars and coffee event this morning at a property near us. Its been gaining steam over the years and today looks to be about 350 cars. Good to see the car lovers of all ages mingling. Not a single EV oddly enough.
No soy lattes on offer I gather!
I wondered what all that was about as we drove past! A local firetruck was outside it but seemingly nothing to do with the accident nearby.
There was an accident near there which held us up briefly c. 0930 while the tow truck removed a vehicle carrying some sort of buggy. I hope no one was hurt.
Why has Australia become so mad, willfully destroying its energy systems? Because we have brought into the idea of self-loathing, that we have enormous and unfair advantage over other poor souls, and we need to pay for it. Simple as that.
There has long been a brainless establishment in Australia that slavishly follows what they perceive as popular trends from overseas. I used to watch aghast 30..40..50+ years ago at what they would do. I’ve seen them shoot themselves in the foot and destroy their own companies. Labour have been sliding for decades – just look at the decline from before K.Rudd \ Gillard to after to Airbus Albo. All the time them thinking that they were getting better. The big problem is that there are so many of them in positions of power nibbling away at our lovely free country like a parrot chewing on the wooden stand that he is on.
Maybe more like the galahs (the bird ones)that perch on the SWER cables and chew through the strands?
The galahs here are intelligent. They can think and perceive. And they talk to each other. I have all sorts of tales about them. I usually put the feed out at a regular late afternoon time. They know the time by the position of the Sun. They turn up and wait. If I’m late they will fly around to find me and will squawk at me to remind me. A couple of months ago the whole neighbourhood turned up. They said “we’re not having this” and they took them down the road and left them there and then snuck back. Last year a ‘princess’ turned up – waiting in the dead trunks above the feeding area. She was constantly squawking and I was constantly saying “quiet”. Finally the galahs on her left and right quietly said to her to be quiet which she did. She turned her head away and her back to me and wouldn’t look at me. I suspect that when it came to reincarnation time she was asked where she would like to go she made the mistake of saying “surprise me”. 😎️
Reframe the questionin the “active voice”, not the passie.
For example: “WHO is driving this madness ans WHY?””WHY”?: The usual: POWER.
“WHO”? Some are obvious. The really dangerous ones are in the shadowsand probably have a “public” personna” that is diametrically opposite to their “real” one.
Think a couple of PPM is bad, these farmers are copping it because of PPT (Trillion). Government assisted suicide.
Discrimination? Via Instapundit
“ON THE UPSIDE, A LOT OF THIS IS BECAUSE MEN ARE LIVING LONGER: Scientists Predict Prostate Cancer Cases to Double Within 20 Years.
Be thankful for small mercies: The article talks about “men” and not “people with prostates.” ”
Link –
Aunt Jemima’s Revenge! Company to Close Plant Permanently after Deleting Iconic Brand!
Two of the first comments are:
(I’m not sure how much of an entrepreneur the person after whom she was modeled was, Nancy Green.)
It further demonstrates how the Left don’t want black people to be successful and to erase portrayals of successful or visible black people like Aunt Jemima.
Democrats used to support slavery while Republicans were anti-slavery. Now plantation slavery is outlawed Democrats want to keep blacks as impoverished voter slaves of the Democrats.
Tassie farm feeds cows a muesli mix containing seaweed to produce climate friendly milk
An Australian company has announced the launch of a new product, “Ashgrove Eco-Milk”, which is a climate-friendly milk.
Ashgrove Cheese stated that this new eco-milk retains all the nutritional benefits and taste of Ashgrove full cream milk while reducing environmental impact.
This new milk has proven to produce 25% less methane emissions, which marks a “significant” step towards sustainable dairy production.
According to the founders, this all became possible by the use of a native Tasmanian seaweed. The seaweed has the natural ability to halve the amount of methane emitted when Ashgrove’s herd burps.
Ashgrove make some really nice cheeses btw.
Well, what next?!
I was happy with their output before; what was their slogan? “Grass, cow, you”? You drive past them going south from Devonport. Surely their cows grazing on good green grass is best.
The idea is from CSIRO.
It is a “solution” to a non-problem.
Plus it’s not clear what the impact is of suppressing the enzyme that generates methane in the gut of the animal.
I’d rather buy grass fed meat, not animals fed on an unnatural seaweed diet.
And let the Left eat cockroaches.
Bromoform from Wikipedia:
No thanks, not in my meat.
Let the cows eat grass like they are supposed to.
Having said that, you’re probably already eating, drinking and playing in bromoforms and trihalomethanes.
I hope you don’t eat cabbage or cauli or kale or broccoli — especially the broccoli — they contain bromomethane, better known as methyl bromide, the fumigant. You swim in it at the beach; you eat it at the table, and it’s good for you. Its presence in broccoli is thought to be an aid in preventing colon cancer.
Methyl iodide is another halide compound that blows in off the ocean, and apart from volcanism, is indirectly the main naturally replenishing source of dietary iodine in trace quantities, unless you eat ocean fish regularly.
The halides are a nasty little group but we need them in trace amounts, and in the case of chlorine, in macro amounts as salt.
“When you have an ‘I hate my job’ day try this out:
Stop at your pharmacy, go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal
thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson.
Be very sure you get this brand.
When you get home, lock your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the
phone so you will not be disturbed. Change into comfortable clothing and
sit in your favorite chair. Open the package and remove the thermometer. Then,
carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or
Now the fun part begins.
Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully. You will notice that
in small print there is a statement:
“Every rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson is personally tested
and then sanitized.”
Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times,
“I am so glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control
department at Johnson & Johnson.”
Shove it.
This is just two Chat GPTs having a chat on how to destroy civilization on earth…
Apparently one of the ways the American Left are falsely claiming crime is down is because in the blue (DemocRAT) states the police are so grossly defunded that crime is not even reported in the first place because police don’t have the resources to deal with it.
The other way is to redefine crime.
Changing the meaning of words works wonder with facts.
I remember when Florida had about 15 Hurricanes a year. It was a big part of Climate Change.
But this must have been hitting the huge relocation economy which drives retirement by rich older people to Florida. So now it is only 4 Hurricanes a year. How?
Simple. You redefine a Hurricane as a Tropical Storm which makes landfall. Now when your house is destroyed and your goods swept away with the flood, you can blame a Tropical Storm. Much safer.
It would be interesting to see a graph of the age distribution of those utilising Jo’s blog.
It could show by itself the reason one gets so few <40yos fighting to defend their 'science' beliefs.
Many have been reared on opinion science since birth. They would argue that they must tolerate the destructive
outcomes from government policies based on that science in order to 'save the planet and their kids' futures.
They are so silent. They must be true believers, or are they so intimidated by cancellation if they raise they
heads to join in the assault by others (sceptics) on that science. They and their families need their incomes
to survive their mortgages etc.
The authoritarian nature of western governments now, regardless of 'side', based
on lies and known false assumptions (eg Flannery, ABC Fact Check etc) must soon be killed off. Politicians must be
forced back to realising they are employees of the people; not the other way around. The present course has no
peaceful ending for democracy. The young have votes like everyone else. For their futures they very soon must help force change away from the old-time socialists, people that have been in the Parliament for decades. They only know unionism,
have never produced anything nor run a business. They are totalitarians by nature. Albanese, Plibersek, Bowen, Burke,
Wong, and the rest. The Coalition will be no better when its selections come overwhelmingly from within the party
organisation or from primarily activist groups. The lesson of the teals is, they are no better, just less well known to Pidgeon Hole but time has shown they are more of the same left-socialist leaning, wealthy activists where people don't
matter ie they are simply more zealot believers of the 'opinion-based science' of the left.
Probably more to do with available time.
I am a member of the demographic assumed.
I recall decades ago, in a previous century, in corporate workplaces, we had a special kind of meeting to attend. Executive and presenters had their own terms but attendees called these prayer meetings.
Topics were so serious they could not be questioned, were irrelevant to truth, and were complied with (distinguish from agreed with) by all, during work hours. Outside of work hours no one spoke, we were all too busy with private concerns, we told ourselves.
From Senator Gerard Rennick, one of only one handful of Australian politicians who has a clue.
SEE full video at link. (5min 41s)
There was no study or if it was done the data would be highly questionable. How do you advertise that you are conducting a study and you want all people that were not vaccinated to sign up? Most of the COVID un jabbed people I know have a total distrust of government and simply could not be contactable. Which means they have really low numbers in the placebo group or its participants have inappropriate status.
If all you are trying to do is figure out whether they are dead or alive, then doesn’t matter how much they distrust government … it will be very easy just to check basic stuff like whether they still pay tax, or use their phone and Internet. I would argue that in Australia it is extremely rare for a death to go completely unrecorded.
That said, I don’t believe there is such a study … and if someone has looked at it they never published the data. Many people are putting in FOIA requests around the world to get hold of such data.
The Crisis in Africa No One is Talking About
“Renewable Energy Gap Characterization”
“However, a session at the New York Department of Public Service (DPS) Proceeding 15-E-0302 technical conference Zero Emissions by 2040 titled Gap Characterization shows that a new category of generating resources called Dispatchable Emissions-Free Resources (DEFR) is necessary to keep the lights on during periods of extended low wind and solar resource availability. This post highlights the findings of this technical session.”
Another tube of “Electrical No More Gaps”
We asked our AI, “Neo,” about phytonutrients or phytochemicals that can block the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Here’s its answer…
We have a version of “Neo” that’s now trained on a base model which was trained on the entire library of PubMed research articles. We are not yet done augmenting this model and have only completed one epoch of training so far. However, even at this level, the response is quite detailed.
There are several phytonutrients and phytochemicals that have been shown to potentially block the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. These include:
1. Quercetin: Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many plants, including onions, apples, berries, grapes, and tea. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. Studies have shown that quercetin can inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro .
2. Resveratrol: Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in grapes, peanuts, berries, and red wine. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. Studies have shown that resveratrol can inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro .
3. Curcumin: Curcumin is a polyphenol found in turmeric. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. Studies have shown that curcumin can inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro .
Human knowledge is under attack by Big Tech and Big Government – here’s what we are doing to preserve and share the lifesaving knowledge that has been targeted for extermination
In case you haven’t noticed, we are living under Orwellian rule. The COVID plandemic proved once and for all that The Powers That Be (TPTB) are actively trying to “memory hole” human knowledge and replace it with a new narrative that serves the profit interests of corporations and the power desires of overzealous globalist governments that increasingly seem to be at war with the human race.
We reject Google’s agenda of forced human ignorance. That’s why we are building tools and infrastructure that will largely make Google obsolete. Brighteon.AI is the distribution hub for a series of upcoming non-commercial, non-profit Large Language Models (LLMs) that aim to preserve human knowledge and empower human beings with that knowledge, even as Big Tech, Big Government, Big Pharma and other nefarious groups are actively trying to destroy it.
We are building and releasing non-commercial, free-to-use LLMs that are trained on an ever-expanding set of critical human knowledge about food, nutrition, farming, permaculture, herbs, indigenous medicine, alternative medicine, off-grid survival, sustainability and other critical knowledge areas that have kept human civilization alive.
Get on board!
Looks interesting- an anti-Big Government, anti-Big Tech, freedom-oriented AI engine.
I do not disagree with David’s description but note that I have seen many weird and ignorant opinions on ‘brighteon’ sites.
Temu, a Company Set to Decimate China’s Manufacturing: Don’t Mess With Temu
CEO of Struggling EV Startup Spends Double its Revenue on Private Jet!!
Laith Marouf: Middle East In Depth: Israel Attacks Iranian Consulate – Russia Furious