A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A quick reminder, the soi-disant “Earth Day” is on April 22.
Prepare to light up your world from 8.30 to 9.30 in celebration of electricity.
P.S. Their theme for the whole day is ‘plastics’.
Make sure you share Jo’s earlier article on the topic.
Oh, how embarrassing.
Apparently they had it LAST month, and I didn’t even notice.
Oh well. The next one is 29 March 2025. Light up the night.
There are two “Earth” things.
Earth Hour 23 March 2024, 830pm-930pm
Earth Day 22 April 2024
Celebrate our wonderful earth with its gifts of coal, gas, uranium, oxygen, water and CO2 and all the other wonderful attributes of the planet that make it compatible with life.
Terrible stabbings in Sydney. Has the suspect been named or his motivation known?
The perp isn’t talking as he has a severe case of lead poisoning, he didn’t seem to be a muslim and police have no idea of his motive, good work by the lone female police officer.
Yes, she was very good. What motivates these people I don’t know. Apparently he was known to the police.
Back in the day, over here people who were seriously ill used to be put in asylums for treatment.
Now its “care in the community” which doesn’t work for the more disturbed as they don’t seem to be supported or kept under control
…Drugs !…commonly.
Should we make the doctors who prescribe the drugs semi-culpable too? The manufacturers??
I fully expect a spate of politicians needing to be seen to be “doing something”
Tightening up laws around knives will be a candidate because its easy. Dont expect anything on mental health.
Having seen the damage that politicians can do,
MAYBE, just maybe,
we should have laws that holds them accountable for
their wrong-doings. You know, when they stuff up the country,
especially like they are doing now.
I doubt if we’d have any left.
I suspect it’s more of a social backlash.
Make society pay for my crappy life.
Serpentza covered it a while back:
Of course the perp was shot dead so we may never know.
Banning certain classes of knives will invariably come up as the predictable knee jerk reaction.
You won’t need knives to eat bugs.
“Dont expect anything on mental health.”
That has already happened as the police expected “it was related to the killer’s mental health”. It is also said he was schizophrenic
A classic case of “Sudden Jihadi attack” but our Prime Minister who is a serial liar is quick to assure us that this in not a case of terrorism
I guess there was only one and he was not wearing a fake explosive vest!
Here is another example with only one assailant
An another
Always odd when they claim such certainty so quickly.
They are always worried it will be one of the usual suspects.
In this case it turned out not to be (probably) but they were being cautious.
They invoked the usual “mental health issues” and “we have no clue as to the motivation” defences, just in case.
Morning tonyb,
This story was published about an hour ago. The perp is unnamed, but “known to police”.
Terrorism is thought to be unlikely.
Dave B
This terrorist attack will be sold to the gullible public as a “person with mental health issues” – the ABC is not a credible source of the truth.
“This terrorist attack will be sold to the gullible public as a “person with mental health issues””
Ah- that sounds like Port Arthur all over again! A mentally defective person who just happened to turn out to be a crack marksman and tactical expert after never owning a gun until a short time before the attack could shoot 26people with deadly accuracy until he drove to a house and then couldn’t hit anyone after that…
Official stories always make sense.
The massive cover-up of this “Sudden Jihadi attack” has commenced. The Prime Minister will be co-ordinating the cover-up with assistance from Foreign Minister – Penny Wong.
NSW Premier to assist with the cover-up
The reality of Terrorism – Anyone can be a victim (Hence the need for a Cover-up)
If he was “known to police” they should name him.
Had the killer been a white Anglo, you can be certain he would have been named by now and racist comments made against him.
And I don’t believe any claim that it wasn’t terrorism until more information is released, if authorities ever bother to do so.
The Government, and certainly “we the people”, know that in the name of political correctness the Government have imported a lot of potential or actual terrorists in recent times.
With traitor Penny Wong’s rewarding Terrorism in Gaza it would be political dynamite for this stabbing of defenceless women (one whose baby was also stabbed) to have any link to terrorism like the knife attack in Paris last December (see my post at
There will be an massive cover up orchestrated from the Prime Minister down with a compliant Main Stream Media (especially the ABC) feeding lies to the public.
“The first casuality of war is the truth.”
He has been named
They have, at about 8:30 this morning.
An extract:
” The attacker has been identified as 40-year-old Queensland man Joel Cauchi
Police say he arrived in NSW last month and hired a “very small ” storage facility
He is known to Queensland Police
… “
Clearly its not terrorist related, just a defective human on a rampage.
Yeah mate.
Its not a conspiracy, he must have stopped taking his meds.
Not terrorism? So was it just mass murder without intent to intimidate?
How does that humble pie taste.
And his religion was?
Just make it up, this is the right spot for it.
If he was “known to police” they should name him. They did name him before your comment was published
Had the killer been a white Anglo, you can be certain he would have been named by now and racist comments made against him. He was named before your comment was published and he was white and described as “a Queensland man”
From the “its only taxpayers money” dept.
That encapsulates the perfect example of what happens when free-market capitalists in the drug business meet the socialist politicians sitting on billions of stolen taxes! A scenario played out time and time again, all Govts in all countries.
See, it’s free! Much cheaper than ivermectin or HCQ. Speaking of covid, Israel closed schools for two days following Iranian aerial attack.
Good article in the digital ID system being rolled out by Bill Gates.
It seems to be the one that OZ is rolling out..
I do wonder what diktats and instructions would have been given if this had been in place during Covid as the OZ police already seemed to be pretty fierce with dissenters.
Presumably money could have been with held and driving permissions revoked amongst many other punishments that governments no doubt had up their sleeves.
I haven’t had time to read this properly yet, but is this perhaps why Gates visited with Albanese ?
It wouldn’t be surprising, especially in view of the way the digital ID bill was rushed through a couple of weeks ago.
When dit Bill Gates – or any of that cabal of WEF/UN/WHO – get elected to hold any position over the Australian people?
Get behind the few politicians who are opposing this, and give a (polite but definite) serve to those who voted for it.
Yes, but don’t forget that this bill has its origins in the Liberal faction of the Uniparty.
I don’t expect the pretend conservative Liberals will fight it too hard.
Tamil NewYear today, April 14th.
TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is a very serious progressive mental illness.
I know someone who used to be merely anti-Trump but now that has progressed to full-blown TDS.
It has become obsessive.
Very disturbing.
If the American Psychiatric Association wasn’t fully woke they would add it to the next version of the DSM-V.
On the other side of the coin I have had a friend tell me Joe Biden is a good man, and isnt his administration doing a good job? Hard to beleive she was serious, but she was.
The other side of the coin then, is a very serious Progressive mental illness.
TDS is deliberately manufactured by the establishment media prop/info complex.
This complex was on full display during ‘Pandemic’.
It convinced people to self imprison.
It destroyed personal relationships.
Irrational overreaction (manufactured by that same obscure complex) caused entire nations to embark on spending orgies that may eventually crash their economies.
It destroyed public faith in science and medicine.
Unwarranted ‘mandates’ destroyed the health and livelihoods of as yet untold millions
It taught me that my social superiors are exactly as dumb, or as wanton as I previously suspected.
And their social superiority appears to be enabling the SOBs to get away it.
All the way to bank.
And … Joe Biden is a wonderful public servant, that has served my country in government at the highest levels for 50 years, although the problems he now faces were all created by his predecessor that was only in government for 4 years, and though now out office, is still the only thing standing between the World and the manifestation of Global Progressive Utopia.
Yesterday, Kim posted this link.
The Hack That Made China a Military Superpower
I believe a lot of this happened under Obama.
In a cunning digital sleight of hand, Kyle Wilhoit crafted a faux water plant online, baiting cyber attackers and tracing the most sophisticated breach back to Shanghai, China. This revealed Operation Shady RAT, an unprecedented espionage campaign pilfering government and corporate secrets worldwide. 🌐💻🔍 This video unveils China’s vast military espionage efforts, despite stumbling in fully replicating stolen U.S. military tech. Join us as we explore the depths of cyber theft and its implications on global military dynamics.
The crazy thing is that they don’t have end to end security installed. They have equipment connected directly to the Internet – not connected device to device via secure tunnels. And chances are that the equipment is itself not secure.
I saw this video of a zoo that made pumpkin ice blocks for polar bears as an enriching activity.
I think this is a case of vegan ideology and political correctness being applied to apex predators.
Polar bears are not vegans. They EAT vegans and any other meat they can get. And there is absolutely no pumpkins in their natural environment.
At least the bear tries to eat from. I have no idea what diet the bears get and if they get stomachs to eat, but natural prey include stomachs with content, possibly even vegan. They will eat that.
I know from dogs eating fruits and carrots and other vegetables if it’s offered and like it a lot !
Why McDonald’s ice cream machines are so often broken down. This is a US video, I don’t know if this applies in other countries.
“Jordan Peterson and Patrick Moore talk climate change and CO2”
Now they’re trying monkey see monkey do psychology.
Calvin and Hobbes under fire
“The Struggle To Find Fault”
Long live Calvin and Hobbes!
If these wokeish AI™ bot-bats cringe over a six-year-old boy’s imaginary adventures, what would they make of Australia’s obnoxious, beer-swilling, pig of steel, party animal, Captain Goodvibes?
Born into the rebellious 1970s, this two-dimensional pen-and-ink cartoon character – by the hand of Tony Edwards – slurped & burped & surfed his way into our Antipodean consciousness, oftentimes gross, consistently hilarious, inspiring thousands of budding young artists (cough!) to emulate Edwards’ counter-culture oeuvre.
Australia’s Tracks Magazine celebrated the Captain’s 50th anniversary earlier this year (on whose pages he first appeared) with a full-colour cover and reprints of some of his most notorious escapades – not for the faint-hearted carbon-fearing alphabet-plus kiddliwinks of today.
Long live Goodvibes!
“Oh Canada”
“Greatest Hits (Scandals)”
The fact that the Democrats in the USA will not agree to compulsory Voter ID shows they approve of electoral fraud.
We need compulsory Voter ID here in Australia.
I was surprised by these survey questions:
Did you know the late Professor Amy McGrath of Sydney University wrote 7 books about voter fraud in Aust?
Did you know the electoral roll is full of multiple fictitious names at correct addresses to avoid scrutiny?
Did you know the ALP and unions collude to alter election results by organizing volunteers to vote in these fictitious names mainly in marginal seats?
Would you support a national, physical, habitation survey of every dwelling to correct the AEC’s electoral roll similar to those checks undertaken 30 years ago?
It would be very easy to link every polling booth to an elector roll database so that when you go to one polling booth your name is flagged on the database as having voted.
Currently your name is just crossed off a paper list and you are free to go to another booth and vote again.
So why has this not already been done?
People who vote multiple times are unlikely to do it under their own name.
All they do is open up some random person’s letter box, copy down the name and address … that’s all you need. Easiest system to defraud.
For a few years we had to show ID to go into a restaurant, but no ID for voting … pretty obviously there’s an agenda.
Has Dr Pielke jr written the study that may start to force the con merchants to abandon their stupid RCP 8.5 lunacy?
Heads should roll over the BS and fraud since Hansen’s crap talk in 1988 and yet Human flourishing since that time ( just 36 years) should’ve made us wake up and exposed these greedy loonies years ago.
AGAIN if co2 is a problem then the NON OECD are the culprits and the DOPEY OECD can do ZIP to change anything.
We’ll know more after Pielke jr stirs the pot next week before the pollies in Washington and I only hope he can start to throw the knockout blow against this idiocy. I hope he gets the support he deserves. But will he get that support? Who knows?
Roger’s talk can be seen at this link on the 16th of April.
and hot air from politicians.
“Illustrating The Absurdity Of New York’s Energy Transition”
“By its 2019 Climate Act, New York has officially embarked on a great energy transition to Net Zero by 2050, with statutorily-dictated interim mandates along the way. The first of those mandates is 70% “emissions-free” electricity by 2030, only 6 years from now. This is far and away the biggest government-directed project that the State of New York has ever undertaken. However, to date, relative to this project there exists no environmental impact statement, no feasibility study, no prototype, and no demonstration project to show how this can be done, let alone any detailed cost analysis to show how much it will cost.”
More at
Sounds like the book of instructions “ElBowen” are using?
In Australia Darwin would be the perfect location for a demonstartion project since Darwin is not connected to the East Coast or WA Grids.
There are plenty of roof top solar panels in Darwin and there are two solar farms still waiting to be connected to the Darwin Grid
So why isn’t our Energy Minister, Chissy Bowen, fast tracking full conversion of Darwin to “renewables”?
So Chrissy Bowen where are these ‘high spec’ batteries?
Interesting in that not a single Watt is to be supplied by wind. And it’s obvious that they acknowledge that renewables won’t exceed 41% by 2030, with fossil fuels, mostly gas, during most of the heavy lifting in the evenings.
Their plan has a greater chance to succeed than the Federal govt’s plan of 82% renewables by 2030. But it still will cost more than the Territorians can afford.
And as you say, the “high-spec” batteries to be used don’t exist, and I suspect neither will any significant percentage of home system batteries.
Also meant to add that, although I haven’t as yet read and digested the entire report, I didn’t see a single mention of the required reliability level. Surely all design assumptions would have to be based around a specified level?
Thinking about this further, I’ve never seen any mention of a design reliability level in any of these reports, including GenCost.
The cost increases exponentially as you go from 95% to 97& to 99% reliablity as the size and cost of storage increases but were much is rarely used.
Yes, too true, but the AEMO reliability figure is I think above 98%. If they want to guarantee the same reliability as currently provided, then they are going to have to install a far bigger backup system than their current design.
Reliability be da**ed.
Page 3 of the linked Report –
“The Northern Territory Government respectfully acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Nations people of this country.
“We acknowledge the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities, and the evolving cultures of all our First Nations peoples.
“We pay our deepest respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and to their leaders – past, present and emerging.”
MUCH more important, it could be concluded.
“fast tracking full conversion of Darwin to “renewables”?”
Yes! Straight after Canberra! Which is just how New York will work, lots of solar and wind when not needed, importing the rest most of the time, but on average it produces as much as it uses.
Hydrogen to the Rescue?
“Gold Hydrogen”? Does this company have any legs or is it just another example of “Mining the Stock Exchange”?
If there is substance to this then there is no need for unreliable weather-dependent wind and solar power schemes!
I have said this may times – it is only a matter of time
The USA has the largest coal reserves with Russia next. Australia comes third with 147,435 million tonnes followed by China 138,819 million tonnes
China is fast approaching peak coal production and so will be looking at the Province of Australia to meet future demand for coal requirements
Japan entered WW2 to secure additional fossil fuels when the USA placed an embargo on Japan
They can already get whatever they want quite cheaply. So its old news really.
China already has a foothold in Australia with the People’s Republic of Victoriastan.
Foothold: a secure position from which further progress may be made.
All thanks to Comrade Dan and his great friendship with Emperor Xi.
And what is Dan doing now after his mysterious and sudden departure?
Investment-oriented businesses?
Dan has never had a proper job in his life.
He has only ever worked for the Labor Party or for the benefit of China.
This is an interim measure and will bring Autralia to heed
The Left have ignorant non-sensical fantasies of “green steel” but the reality is, that you need carbon to economically reduce oxide ores and that carbon comes from coal.
China has plenty of their own coal while Australia is systematically destroying itself by deindustrialising and de-energising.
Presumably China is concerned that Australia will either become a failed state or the Left will become so powerful they will ban the export of iron ore and coal. So they are looking to their African colonies.
It’s tragic but brought about by the Left’s general dumbing-down of the Australian education system. People no longer know basic chemistry or geology.
Georgius Agricola, author of De re metallica (1556) would be appalled
If China was genuine about “de-risking” iron ore from Australia they could start by being a more reliable trading partner and honour trade agreements.
They are also planning to take iron from Guinea but that is a looong trip around the Cape or a half $mill passage through Suez. Unless this rail line is to bypass Suez, but that is hardly economic sense.
The Gâra-Djebilet mine is a seperate venture but odd. It is certainly in God forsaken desert, but the Atlantic coast is only 400 km away. 6,000 km will take it all the way to the Indian ocean, bypassing not only the Canal but the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Australia is only 4,000 km across.
What’s the date of that report? Sounds crazy to me.
‘Surprising’ Intensity Of Houthi Attacks Push French Warship To Exit Red Sea
France’s Aquitaine-class FREMM frigate Alsace has turned tail from the Red Sea after running out of missiles and munitions repelling attacks from the Yemeni armed forces, according to its commander, Jerome Henry.
“We didn’t necessarily expect this level of threat. There was an uninhibited violence that was quite surprising and very significant.
[The Yemenis] do not hesitate to use drones that fly at water level, to explode them on commercial ships, and to fire ballistic missiles,” Henry told French news outlet Le Figaro in an exclusive interview published on 11 April.
“We had to carry out at least half a dozen assistances following [Yemeni] strikes,” he added.
The commander of the Alsace also revealed that, after a 71-day deployment, all combat equipment was depleted.
“From the Aster missile to the 7.62 machine gun of the helicopter, including the 12.7mm, 20mm, or 76mm cannon, we dealt with three ballistic missiles and half a dozen drones,” Henry adds.
According to the French commander, the Franco–Italian Aster missile – each carrying a price tag of up to $2 million – “was pushed to its limits” by the Yemeni armed forces, as the Alsace had to use it “on targets that we did not necessarily imagine at the start.”
Henry added that Sanaa has markedly increased its use of ballistic missiles after relying mainly on suicide drones at the start of Yemen’s pro-Palestine operations in the Red Sea and stressed that the French Navy has not faced such a tough battle since NATO collectively launched its 2011 war on Libya to depose the late ruler Muammar Gaddafi.
“I was there too. It wasn’t the same thing. It has been even longer since we have engaged with this level of weaponry and violence. The threat to the boat was much greater in the Red Sea,” Henry notes.
The Alsace entered the Red Sea in late January, a few weeks after the US and the UK launched an illegal war on Yemen to protect Israeli shipping interests. The frigate was deployed as part of the EU naval operation Aspides – Greek for shield.
With a mandate initially set for one year, Aspides saw the deployment of several EU warships and airborne early warning systems to the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and surrounding waters. According to authorities in Brussels, the mission is exclusively defensive, and its forces are not taking part in US-led attacks against Yemen.
France is a real superpower. French year has 71 days.
I’m surprised they didn’t break out the white flag stocks.
I understood that all genuine French Tricoleurs are manufactured with detachable red and blue sections.
April 13, 2024, will be etched in the annals of modern Japanese history as tens of thousands of citizens across the nation came together in a series of pandemic rallies. The protests centered on the widespread opposition to the Pandemic Treaty, with escalating concerns over “infectious disease” and “public health” becoming potent tools for an unprecedented push towards what is perceived by many as a totalitarian surveillance society.
In the People’s Republic of Victoriastan, the police would have called for a mediator with the relevant DEI credentials to negotiate with the knifeman.
Victoria police will only tackle unarmed elderly women.
There will be no 72 Virgins in Paradise for the kniveman since he was killed by a women!
Always pays to take a gun to a knife fight… I’d say the real heroes are the guys in the public who tried to take down the crim and got stabbed for their efforts.
How about one for the bloke with the bollard at the top of the escalator too?
Not all heroes wear capes
He was stopped by a gun, the person holding that gun is irrelevant, it took a gun.
A couple of good men stood against him, individually, thousands of men ran, our brave new world.
The Power Elite Know Their End Is Near Because Of This Video
Former Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who enforced vaccinations can no longer move without police protection. The Italians are waiting for him everywhere and shouting “Murderer”.
“Only when elected representatives and government officials fear We the People more than they fear their NWO masters and Deep State handlers will the present tyranny collapse.”
You can’t run or hide from justice for your crimes against humanity.
History has no choice but to repeat.
Massive Rallies Break Out in Japan Against WHO’s Pandemic Treaty
“Let’s stop the third atomic bomb with our hands, in the hands of the Japanese people!”
April 13, 2024, will be etched in the annals of modern Japanese history as tens of thousands of citizens across the nation came together in a series of pandemic rallies. The protests centered on the widespread opposition to the Pandemic Treaty, with escalating concerns over “infectious disease” and “public health” becoming potent tools for an unprecedented push towards what is perceived by many as a totalitarian surveillance society.
From the bustling streets of Ikebukuro to the gatherings at Higashi-Ikebukuro Central Park, the sheer scale of participation speaks volumes. Organizers aimed for a monumental turnout of 100,000 protesters to demand answers on crucial issues, such as the stark increase in excess deaths and the lack of transparency on the adverse effects following vaccinations.
The protest not just opposed potential mandatory vaccinations but also the perceived overreach of health authorities and their ties with global pharma, echoing a distressing sentiment of disenfranchisement among the populace. Demonstrators criticized the lack of explanations for a sharp increase in excess deaths and demanded accountability and clarity on vaccine-related casualties.
The peasants are (finally) revolting!
Greece’s Population Plummets as Sudden Deaths Soar
The population of Greece has now plummeted to dangerously low levels after sudden and unexpected deaths began soaring out of control in 2021.
The European nation is grappling with skyrocketing deaths among the country’s vaccinated population while birth rates continue to fall.
In the last three years, Greece has suffered a major increase in miscarriages and stillbirths which have dramatically impacted the nation’s birth rates.
At the same time, heart failure, strokes, blood clots, and turbo cancers among otherwise healthy young people have caused the mortality rates to spike.
Experts are now warning that Greece could be heading for population collapse.
In 2022, Greece recorded the lowest number of births in 92 years, according to the most recent data.
How much more of this will people stand for, when your very survival is on the line?
Australia Prepares Its Own ‘National Guard’ to Enforce Lockdowns During Next Pandemic
Australia is considering plans to deploy a civilian-led “national guard” for the next time that the country imposes its draconian lockdowns.
According to The West Australian, the Australian Federal Police Association is calling for a “feasibility study” into the idea as part of its inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic.
The paper reports:
Police forces nationwide were stretched to capacity during the pandemic, with officers forced to juggle normal frontline duties with emergency tasks including patrolling borders checkpoints, enforcing social distancing rules and managing quarantine.
In its submission to the inquiry, the AFPA said it was worth considering setting up a “national guard” to free up police officers to focus on their main job. The national guard in the US is essentially a civilian defence force which is regularly deployed into domestic emergencies, including natural disasters.
I wonder how intense their 5G adoption is? We have these two events running side by side, 5G and the vaccines, and all sorts of hormonal problems in people.
“How much more of this will people stand for, when your very survival is on the line?”
Complicated- People are already vaxxed, so nothing they can do about dying, its still a lottery. Not having children doesn’t affect your own survival, so not many people are going to burn down parliament over that.
Most Normies I talk to are pretty blase about the whole business, they know they were conned but just want to get on with life now.
It is all part of the plan – the UN and WEF will be pleased.
The WEF merged with the United Nations in 2019 with the signing of the UN WEF Strategic Partner Agreement. The Agenda 2030 has become the Great Reset. 🙁
Non-English Speaking Military-Aged Venezuelan Male Attempts To Rob Bank In Ohio Using Translator App
The trillion dollar biotech network that wants to edit your genome to make you a better person
•It’s just a vaccine
•It stays in the arm
•It only lasts a few days
•It doesn’t integrate into the genome
•It’s not gene therapy
•There is no DNA in the vaccine
•It doesn’t go to the nucleus
•It’s safe in pregnancy and doesn’t go to the placenta
•It doesn’t stay in the arm, it goes everywhere but that’s a good thing
•There is plasmid contamination but it’s only in small doses and there is no evidence that it causes any harm
•OK, it goes to the placenta but that means that the baby is protected too
“Yes it [the COVID vaccine] was gene therapy but nobody denied that and in any case 6 billion doses were given with no adverse events. And now we know that gene editing is equally safe.”
Because that has been happening all along. Gaslighting 101. [
CRISPR needs a PAM
Getting back to the subject, essentially in order for CRISPR to edit your genes you need:
(1) a PAM2 and
(2) an RNA gene sequence matching the area of the genome you are targeting
The PAM is a tiny gene sequence (nGG where ‘n’ is any nucleotide e.g. CGG) that exists in multiple places of the genome. The RNA sequence is included to target any bit of DNA that you are interested in, provided it is next to a PAM. So you need a PAM and an RNA fragment. The most responsive PAM (of four options AGG, CGG, TGG and GGG) is CGG.
So if you want to edit the genome at a specific place you need to find a unique gene sequence next to a PAM site.
Well, you will now be pleased to know that the majority of the world has been provided such PAM sequences for free when they consented to receive a recombinant gene therapy vaccine courtesy of Pfizer, Moderna (and probably Novavax too.
The great news about this integration event is that in both cases shown above, there is a CRISPR-Cas9 PAM sequence (CGG, AGG, GGG or TGG) in the sequence that has been integrated into the genome. This is fantastic news if you wanted to then subsequently edit the genome of the recipients of your drug at precisely the place you had previously added DNA!
I’ve hinted at it often enough, evolution is too slow. 😎
Iran Destroys Israeli Airbase Massive Escalation, Panic Buying, Dimona Alert! It’s Begun
A Canadian Prepper link.😆
He’s about as credible as a government health expert.
The Iranian “attack” is nothing it’s a slow-moving false flag.
Stay tuned for the REAL event.
Here Comes WW3!
Oh, What a Lovely War!
The tragic thing about today’s Australia is that virtually no action by government is too stupid to be unbelievable.
Damm! Can’t find out how to make a row of ticks in reply!
✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️. Like this?
Vegan Impossible burgers increase risk of diabetes and heart problems – new study finds you’re better off with REAL meat
They’re said to be low in fat, good for cholesterol and an overall healthier choice than the real deal.
But a new trial suggests that plant-based fake meat products are not in fact a nutritious choice – and could increase the risk of heart disease.
The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that people who ate a diet high in fake meats like Beyond burgers and Impossible burgers for eight weeks had higher blood sugars than those who ate real meat.
This puts them at higher risk for developing heart disease and diabetes down the line, the authors wrote.
Vegans are useless eaters.
Around here there is a term for useless dogs and humans as “turners” – they turn good tucker into turds. I guess vegans have a handicap.
A reminder –
“Dog food or fake meat? Most can’t tell the difference”
What’s this slop?
Gimme real dog food!
On the other hand –
One volume of “The Dog” cartoon series was titled
“Who put custard with my bone”?
With the back cover with a very relaxed dog saying
“My compliments to the chef”
When will they do a study on the ‘Bacterians‘ like me, LoL, or the early peoples back in prehistory who lived without refrigeration and fermented virtually everything they ate PRA (pre refrigeration age) Of course there are still some fermented foods like cheese, kimchi, yogurt, however, the use of fermented legumes in the after refrigeration age or ARA is almost absent in what some call a ‘burger’.
No K2, or ultra-bioavailable fermented bean protein such as that found in fermented legume foods like Kinema, Ogiri, Natto, Cheongukjang, truly ancient super foods ignored right now by your favourite fast food outlet, and, certain’scientist’s’ lol
It’s all part of the plan.
Why do you think Leftists are at war against the consumption of meat by non-Elites?
Another industry trying to get their hand in your pocket… There’s no free market capitalism in Australia, so don’t expect the greatest bang for your buck!
“Financial help from government is critical for small businesses bearing the brunt of transforming their workshops to be able to service and repair electric cars, a peak industry player has said…..There’s no help at the moment, and at the same time there’s a huge training requirement – there are 250,000 technicians out there who need training. It is a lot to bear, especially if they are in a remote location and have got to send staff off – you can’t effectively do EV training online, you have to have the vehicle.
We’re calling on the Federal Government to look at it so there can be an orderly transition and focus not just on selling cars. The average age of a car in Australia is 11 years – they need to be serviced and maintained, that all needs to be factored in.”
All valid points, but having the Govt throwing taxpayer’s money away and picking winners just never works! If no-one in your country town can repair EVs, don’t buy one!
Germany Electric Car Sales Plummet 30% As Country Floats Idea Of Weekend Driving Ban!
There’s been a drastic drop in the registration of new electric cars in Germany as sales of the “clean” electric cars have slumped nearly 30% compared to a year earlier, reports Germany’s online Blackout News.
The massive sales drop is bad news for the current German socialist-green government, which aims to have 15 million vehicles on the road by 2030. Currently there are just 1.4 million!
The dismal trend underscores the unpopularity of electric cars and consumers’ hesitancy when it comes to purchasing them. Electric vehicles are plagued by limited range, sparse charging infrastructure, steep upfront purchase price and their huge environmental impact, which involves the largescale mining of rare earths.
Germany’s federal minister of transportation, Dr. Volker Wissing, is threatening to ban driving on weekends by motorists in order for the country “to meet climate goals set forth by the Climate Protection Act.”
“CDC Study Doesn’t ‘Debunk’ Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines & Sudden-Deaths”
“A new U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study does not disprove a link between COVID-19 vaccines and sudden deaths among young people, contrary to claims.”
“How Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Failed To Reduced Electricity Costs In Pictures”
Are appendectomies necessary?
“Eat the Bugs Update: Media Begins Linking ‘Bird Flu’ to Meat and Eggs”
Another tell tale sign
“Here’s How We Know the U.S. Military Is VERY Worried About WWIII After Iran’s Attack on Israel”
“All thing must pass”
“Farewell, Voyager 1”
Around that area I knew the project co-ordinator for Pioneer and Mariner
Seems two French ships have been pulled out of the Red Sea because they are out of missiles and ammo.
Mix that with Macron supporting 20,000 French troop in Ukraine?
This is REAL asymmetric warfare!
“There’s rarely been a more extraordinary military failure as “operation prosperity guardian”, it’s almost unbelievable.
Think about that: an operation announced by Lloyd Austin in December as a broad coalition of the US Navy, the Royal Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal Bahrain Naval Force, the Royal Canadian Navy, the Royal Danish Navy, the Finnish Navy, the Hellenic Navy, the Royal Netherlands Navy, the Royal New Zealand Navy, the Royal Norwegian Navy, the Republic of Singapore Navy and the Sri Lanka Navy against… Ansarallah [the Houthis].
At the time the Pentagon was all gung ho, officially telling Ansarallah: “They really need to ask themselves if they’ve bitten off more than they can chew”.
And turns out, they hadn’t! 3 months later the “prosperity guardian” coalition is suing for peace and offering an extraordinary array of concession, including “lifting Yemen’s siege entirely, repairing the damages, removing foreign forces from all occupied Yemeni lands and islands, and removing Ansarallah from the State Department’s ‘terrorism list’”.
Ansarallah, undeterred, say they will “continue operations as long as Israeli aggression against Gaza persists”.
The West is being humbled time and again, and while propaganda pastes over it in the countries involved, the rest of the world sees it for what it is.
The thousands of containers on the ship Aries that were going to Israel.. well. some of them anyway.. How many companies will go broke because they had a big shipment of important goods on there? How many companies will go broke when Lloyds says they will no longer insure ships in the Red Sea?
I remember the tern “Sand Ni**ers” being thrown around a decade or three back.. Seems you don’t need the greatest, most expensive, shiniest, biggest tools to inflict a lot of damage on your enemy. We had better stop making war and make some serious attempts to work out who our friends and who are enemies are, and what the decision will mean in 20years.
We know who our friends are.
We know who our enemies are.
With Biden and Wong, we allow enemies to attack friends, and we condemn friends.
Trump would reverse that.
A better strategy would be to recognize that
offense is the best defense.
Vessel ‘MSC Aries‘ was going to Nhava Sheva, India.
India will, I expect, seek not to be involved.
Zodiac, ship’s manager, used to have a policy of employing Eastern Europeans – one manning office was in Constanza, Romania, but twenty odd years ago.
But they may use Indian [and Filipino] crew nowadays.
That may complicate Indian responses.
..and in another little twist, the West immediately blaming ISIS for the Moscow massacre led to an open season on them for the Russians-
“This week, the deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria (a division of the Russian Defense Ministry) Maj. Gen. Yury Popov announced:
On April 10
(1) “The strikes by the Russian aerospace forces eliminated five bases of militants that had left the [US-controlled] area of Et-Tanf and taken cover in hard-to-reach regions of the El-Amor ridge in the province of Homs”.
(2) “The Aerospace Forces of Russia destroyed 11 known hideouts of militants, who left the Al-Tanf zone and took refuge in hard-to-reach areas of Al-Bishri mountains in the Deir ez-Zor province”
On April 11
“The Aerospace Forces of Russia destroyed ten known hideouts of militants, who left the Al-Tanf zone and took refuge in hard-to-reach areas of the Al-Amur mountain ridge in the Homs province””
Seems that from now on the American-trained terrorists will get eliminated once they leave the Yank’s camps in Syria & Iraq.
There is life in it yet –
It looks like Europe has to go to war with China. European Court of Human Rights decided that govnermnents have obligations to protect citizens from climate change. This is not possible without participation of China. China refuses to participate. Sanctions don’t seem to work on China, so the only way is a war. Without war with China European government can’t protect their citizens from climate change.
And that means nuclear war.
I don’t quite understand how that will protect the planet – but I’m just a bum boatie.
Perhaps our drive-by watermelons could help me here.