
9.7 out of 10 based on 14 ratings

174 comments to Sunday

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    The alarmist take on coral bleaching:

    Stupid Headline: “NOAA Declares a Global Coral Bleaching Event in 2023
    Scientists warn that the die off hit previously unaffected areas and more resilient species. Reef declines are leaving coastal communities increasingly vulnerable to storm surges.”


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    Paul Cottingham

    According to the Secretary-General of the United Nations “the era of global boiling has arrived. The air is unbreathable. The heat is unbearable.”

    The global average sea temperature has increased from 21c to 100c boiling point. All due to a carbon dioxide induced one degree Kelvin increase in air temperature.

    Despite an Ocean/Atmosphere mass ratio of 270/1. According to the morons, the Air temperature leads the temperature of the Ocean, due to Carbon Dioxide. The boiling seas then bleach the coral, and kill off all life forms in the seas of the Earth.

    The more intelligent, logical, educated and sensible explanation would be that the temperature of the Ocean leads the temperature of the Air due to changes in cloud albedo. Two thirds of the surface of the Earth are covered with either ‘dark blue seas’ or ‘white clouds’.


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      CO2 Lover

      Has the Secretary-General of the United Nations spoken to the penguins?

      The Antarctic Peninsula has been cooling sharply since 2006. Ocean temperatures have been plummeting since about 2007, sea ice has reached all-time highs, and surface temperatures at 13 stations on or near the Antarctic Peninsula have been cooling since 2000 (Fig. 7.14).


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      CO2 Lover

      Has the Secretary-General of the United Nations asked North Korea to make a presentation to the UN on how it acheived its reduction in CO2 emissions compared to South Korea?

      North Korea became a permanent member of the UN in 1991

      New Space Station Photos Show North Korea at Night, Cloaked in Darkness


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        David Maddison

        Don’t show that iconic picture to Australia’s anti-energy-Minister simpleton Chrissy Bowen. It will encourage him to expedite his plan to turn the lights out.

        Chrissy Bowen is a classic example of why politicians shouldn’t be allowed to make scientific or engineering decisions.


        • #

          Or economic or legal or social. I know there is a need for active support for such people in society to integrate them into meaningful lives, but there should be an intelligence test for high office. Even if that might wipe out most of parliament.

          And appropriate practical experience like accounting for the Treasurers like Keating, Crean or law for the Attorney General which would have removed Nicola Roxon who has semi retired to union controlled superannuation funds.


        • #

          A silly point (no pun intended) was Blackout pushing EV and standing holding the recharge cable as if he was filling a vehicle with liquid fuel, and looking very pleased with himself.


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            David Maddison

            A silly point (no pun intended) was Blackout pushing EV and standing holding the recharge cable as if he was filling a vehicle with liquid fuel, and looking very pleased with himself.

            The simpletons in charge of energy policy all do that. Kamala Harris did exactly the same thing.



            • #

              “Usually you have the smell. And you have the sound, the guzzling sound? How do I know that (it’s charging)?”

              As one commentator points out, this woman is in charge of the Space program. It reminds me of a sticker on an old Toyota, “The only true wilderness is between a Greenie’s ears”.


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        John Hultquist

        New space station photos

        The photos are newer than the space station, neither being new.


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        And therein lies the most simplistic of all averaging.

        At the top of the text at CO2’s link to that image of North Korea, it mentions that South Korea’s average electricity power consumption per person per year is 10,162 KWH.

        What they have done here is use the total power consumption for the whole of the Country across the whole year, and just divide that by the total population.

        Using that same ‘metric’ for Australia, the average power consumption per person here in Australia comes in at ….. 10,200KWH.

        Using that same ‘metric’ again for the U.S. it comes in at around 12,200KWH per person.

        Overall power consumption is divided into three major sectors, Residential, Commercial, and Industrial.

        The breakdown is (around) 38% Residential, 38% Commercial, and 22% Industrial. The remaining 2% is in the Transport sector.

        The average (note here the use of the loose term average) Commercial consumer consumes 15 times the average Residential consumer, and the average Industrial consumer consumes 150 times the average Residential consumer. Some major Industries might consume many many hundreds times more than the average Residential consumer, and the same also applies for some major Commercial consumers. (think Woolworths and Coles supermarkets, consuming electricity on the Industrial scale)

        If you were to break down that above simplistic average for Australia, then average per person power consumption in the Residential sector comes down to around 3,900KWH per person per year.

        So, in reality, here in Australia, we consume around the same as they do in South Korea, and around the same as in the U.S. In fact, in the US it’s probably a little less than we consume per person in our Residential sector. The only reason the U.S. figure is so high (the overall) is that they have so many many more major Industries on scale that we have here.



        • #

          And remuneration for employees reasonably high and comparable to Australia for, say, steel workers at steel mills.


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          David Maddison

          The US is also higher because of much colder winters than Australia (in the northern parts).

          Australia’s consumption will continue to drop as government deindustrialisation policies continue to be fulfilled and all consumers, commercial and domestic, cut consumption due to unaffordable electricity prices.

          Gas won’t be a substitute for heating, cooking or hot water because they are shutting that down as well and banning exploration in many areas.

          And the Sheeple just accept it and keep voting for Uniparty Governments.


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      another ian

      “According to the Secretary-General of the United Nations “the era of global boiling has arrived. The air is unbreathable. The heat is unbearable.””

      Sounds like the Secretary-General of the United Nations needsmedical attention?


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      Leo G

      According to the Secretary-General of the United Nations “the era of global boiling has arrived. The air is unbreathable.

      Anthropogenic Global Wokeism is the latest fashion in climate catastrophism.


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        I wonder how he thinks normal people moving around in the world cannot notice he is talking complete and utter BS?


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      All I can say to the Secretary General of the Dis United Nations is to ‘Follow the Evidence’. Show us the evidence and prove it.

      Otherwise, get along to Spec Savers and get your eyes tested.

      Wot’ a Plonker.


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        another ian

        Going there might not fix his problem – wife and I got 2 pairs of specs each from them and none were usable.

        They suggested a heap of cosmetic surgery for me and I avoided that too.


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    David Maddison

    Two years left to save the world.

    UN climate chief presses for faster action, says humans have 2 years left ‘to save the world’

    Updated 11:02 PM GMT+10, April 10, 2024

    OXFORD, England (AP) — Humanity has only two years left “to save the world” by making dramatic changes in the way it spews heat-trapping emissions and it has even less time to act to get the finances behind such a massive shift, the head of the United Nations climate agency said.

    With governments of the world facing a 2025 deadline for new and stronger plans to curb carbon pollution, nearly half of the world’s populations voting in elections this year, and crucial global finance meetings later this month in Washington, United Nations executive climate secretary Simon Stiell said Wednesday he knows his warning may sound melodramatic. But he said action over the next two years is “essential.”

    “We still have a chance to make greenhouse gas emissions tumble, with a new generation of national climate plans. But we need these stronger plans, now,” Stiell said in a speech at the Chatham House think tank in London. He suggested that climate action is not just for powerful people to address — in a not-so-veiled reference to the electoral calendar this year.

    “Who exactly has two years to save the world? The answer is every person on this planet,” Stiell said. “More and more people want climate action right across societies and political spectrums, in large part because they are feeling the impacts of the climate crisis in their everyday lives and their household budgets.”

    I agree we only have two years to save the world.

    But we don’t need to save it from the weather.

    We need to save it from the UN and the globalist totalitarian communists.


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      CO2 Lover

      The Trend is not the Climate Cultist’s Friend

      Since the first COP meeting in Berlin in 1995 global CO2 emissions from energy have increased by 56%

      Since the Paris Agreement in 2005 global CO2 emissions from energy have increased by 22%

      Global CO2 emissions will be higher in two years time, especially in the developing world.


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        David Maddison

        Global CO2 emissions will be higher in two years time, especially in the developing world.


        I’d like to see it at 800-1000ppm so there’s a decent safety margin to avoid a mass extinction event if it drops below 200ppm.


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          David Maddison

          I should clarify that I believe that a vast majority of the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is of natural origin.

          I was just reflecting the Official Narrative which claims the increase is wholly due to anthropogenic causes.

          In fact, radiocarbon evidence suggests that only about 4% of CO2 in the atmosphere is of anthropogenic origin. I.e. 4% of 400ppm which is 16ppm, barely distinguishable from noise, and of no consequence to the weather in any case.


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            Yes, 3.0%. As near as I can get it. But yes, noise level as it’s so close to zero. If fossil fuel CO2 was responsible for the 50% increase in 270 years the dilution would be 33%, not 3%.

            In fact CO2 emissions have gone up a massive 3500% since 1900. So they are not connected and excess CO2 goes straight in the ocean.

            It’s not only that CO2 changes very slowly and nearly in a straight line but that it’s obviously so tightly controlled from pole to pole. You can even see the seasonal changes with ocean temperature in CO2, but not any man made effect. That all tells you CO2 is natural and in equilibrium. No science required.


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        And Jennie George is jumping on the bandwagon.

        ‘Without gas base, Made in Australia will run out of steam.

        ‘To stop the continuing decline in our manufacturing capability, gas has to be recognised as an essential source of energy and feedstock for industry.’ (Oz)


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          Kalm Keith


          Is she blind?

          There is no “made in Australia “.


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            Our drone technology is first class and generally IT is booming, I’m talking 100 billion dollars annually.

            ‘Australia’s Information Technology industry has experienced rapid development. Australia, as one of the world’s most urbanized nations, is home to many technological breakthroughs like Google Maps and Wi-Fi, thus making its IT sector one of its most innovative, creative, and dynamic industries in Australia.’ (


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      Send money.


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        You forgot the payment method and account details?


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        And as with many UN organisations after receiving UN member nation donations pay for expensive television advertisements in developed nations begging for more directly from taxpayers.


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      He’s wasting his breath making that speech in English, he should be talking Chinese. Then again, they will ignore him as usual..


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      CO2 Lover

      Two years left to save the world.

      Round up those private jets – having only one COP Conference each year is clearly not enough.

      Urgent time now require one every month.

      UN COP Conferences Have Been Highly Effective at Reducing CO2


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      Moveable goal post.


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      Now, all the people who really think that Humans only have 2 years to go before the End of the World. Please form a queue outside the Dis United Nations Building in NYC and wait. Don’t do anything, just wait. The bloated Dis UN with their loads of Other People’s Money will feed and clothe you and wash you and care for you over the next 2 years.

      At the end of those 2 years, and with Planet Earth still here (as I expect it will be), then go away and get a real job and stop your stupid moaning for once and for ALL.

      Meanwhile, the rest of the World can get on with – ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’.


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    David Maddison

    It’s amazing that even some purportedly intelligent people have no awareness of the covid “vaccine” disaster.

    Yesterday I was at a community luncheon and my non-woke independent thinking medical doctor friend was explaining to a few people about some of the problems of the c-19 mRNA substance and the several assembled including a lawyer and business executive among others had not even heard of the controversy.

    It was an issue of whether they accepted any findings of harm or not, they just had not even heard of them.


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      It is truly bizarre how many intelligent and articulate people in mainstream society seemingly live their lives in an information vacuum. They only pursue work, play, and immediate friendship interests. News seems to reach them in a filtered environment.


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        “News seems to reach them in a filtered environment.”

        Filtered by the messengers… “I listen to the radio in the car and at work in the factory, and watch the news on TV when I get home. Putin is a horrible dictator and so is that Trump, and I hope we can save the world with solar power before the new covid variant kills us all..”


        • #

          ‘Putin is a horrible dictator …’

          That is true.


          • #

            Putin is an excellent President. I suggest you make friends with some Russians on their social network. VK dot com and find out for yourself! Facebook no longer operates there and VK has always been more popular and more free speech anyway!


            • #

              The Russians accept autocratic government, they have been brainwashed to a great degree and your virtual friends are misguided.

              The recent election was undemocratic, even blind freddy could see that.


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                At least Putin puts Russia second after himself. Albo and Biden put China first and their countries last.


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                Albo and Biden are supporting the war effort and they reckon the market will determine China’s future.


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                Pontificating as if we dont have autocratic government somehow. I thought that facade was well and truly dropped in recent years.


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                We have a democracy, which means we can sack politicians.

                In Russia its all one way traffic.


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              Pravda is one of those media outlets where you have to read between the lines.

              Getting 90% support is unprecedented, its bound to be a lie.



              • #

                Go to Russia and talk to people yourself. Putin is extremely popular.


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                We have many ‘Pravdas’ in the West as well. Most of the MSM (Gummint propaganda outlets) require careful reading between the lines as well.


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                Its a major part of Russia’s political culture, same in China, they have no experience or appreciation of real democracy.

                Muzza we have choice, comes with freedom of speech. The ABC is unbalanced, too many wokes running the show, however we have centre right rags and TV outlets, but people under dictatorial rule don’t have that luxury.


        • #

          You nailed it KP.
          The media is not a truth teller.
          Anyone who has works in the media or has friends who work in the media will tell you this.
          Facts omitted or ignored or no coverage whatsoever. Truth can be dull or boring. Sensationalism, overexaggeration and fear are what generates viewership, at least according to the heirarchy in the media boardrooms.
          And when it comes to government policy a lot of the media are basically a PR company for the government.
          The Wuflu media coverage was basically a protection/propaganda tool for the governments of the day.


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            and now Dutton is backing the censorship of social media too. Because we can’t tell for ourselves what is misinformation – well, I notice the corporate media misinforms all the time on behalf of the government. I think I’d rather be left to decide for myself (do a little of my own research…).


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        For me bizarre is the number of otherwise knowledgeable people on this site who persist with the idea that Putin is a human being.


        • #

          have you met him? Is he cyborg?


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            Dear Glen, no I have not.
            You and I know enough of him out of his actions.
            Modern Russians have a very cute saying, comparing someone with someone else – “Hitler nervously steps aside to smoke”


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      CO2 Lover

      It’s amazing that even some purportedly intelligent people have no awareness of the covid “vaccine” disaster.

      In Nazi Germany, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment spread ideology. It controlled the media and theater. Joseph Goebbels was its director.

      Such ministries still exist even in Australia with the ABC a key player – just the name has been changed.


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    Judith Curry for PragerU with good news on the climate:
    (5m 45s video)

    PragerU’s presentations should serve as a good example for other bloggers. They are effective because:

    – they script them rather than having someone aimlessly waffle their way through a presentation;
    – they don’t waste time with ‘yes it is’, ‘no it isn’t’ so-called debates;
    – they use animated graphics, rather than a talking head, to illustrate data and their assertions; and,
    – most importantly, they keep their presentations SHORT — under five minutes is ideal but eight minutes is acceptable — but only just! For those of us who check the same dozen or so websites every day, there isn’t enough time in the day to spend 15 or 20 minutes on each one.

    Humour is also helpful, as this ‘Californians move to Texas‘ series of short videos from Babylon Bee demonstrates.


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    David Maddison

    In Australian English, which is the more acceptable spelling, “upgradeable” or “upgradable”?


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      CO2 Lover

      Like “biodegradable”


    • #

      Wow, David, you’re really opening up a can of worms there. Unfortunately, both are in common use. The E versus no E battle is being waged across all age groups and all professions across all of society. For example, I understand that the courts prefer no E in judgment, which is a pretty harmless example, but when we get to tongue-twisters, that’s where problems arise. IMHO the rule should be: if it looks or sounds stupid, it is stupid. That to me means E should always be used. For example, if I were to use ‘agist’ rather than ‘ageist’, someone might mistakenly pronounce it to themselves as AG-IST rather than AGE-IST, and then might wonder if I’m referring to something relating to agriculture!
      But, I’m being frivolous. In actual fact the best rule to apply is that nothing you do should cause the reader of your work to have to do a double-take in order to decipher its meaning. So, IMO, E should be the preferred usEage.
      Sadly, our language is constantly changing, and it is almost always through laziness or a lack of knowledge rather than through a common desire for change. Take ‘any more’ and ‘anymore’. The former has all but disappeared from common use and now we have ridiculous things such as ‘I don’t want to do this anymore’ (do we pronounce this as ‘enema’?), whereas it should be ‘any more’, because the latter is simply another way of saying ‘any longer’ — and how ridiculous would it be to use anylonger?
      And then we come to count nouns. Sighhhhhh! But I’m afraid that battle has already been lost.


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      The former.
      Upward migration path – as IBM termed it. Fully compatible.


    • #

      In my English the latter, FWIW


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      Gary S

      Likewise, I have noticed recently that words ending with ‘l’ do not have the doubling rule applied. For instance: tunnel, tunnel(l)ing; travel, travel(l)er; pedal, pedal(l)ed. This may be an American spellcheck phenomenon, slightly irritating, quite common.


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    Richard C (NZ)

    New Study Unveils Global Warming’s 65-Year-Old ‘Evaporation Paradox’ Problem

    According to the IPCC (AR6) and the most seminal paper on the subject (Trenberth, 2011, with 3800 citations), “anthropogenic forcings will drive an increase in global mean evaporation over most oceanic areas (high confidence),” as “increased heating leads to greater evaporation.”

    But new paper once again points out that observations conflict with the anthropogenic global warming narrative.

    “Paradoxically, against the backdrop of rising global temperatures, terrestrial observation results around the world have shown that Epan has been steadily declining since the 1950s…”

    Let the revisions begin.


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      It’s simply that the surface humidity layer correction factor correlation with temp and wind speed needs to be revised.

      Sounds simple but even this little snippet of climate science is not established.


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    Greg in NZ

    Heinz Award and Pulitzer Prize winner, for Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, self-chosen Elizabeth Kolbert has now published an illustrated A-Z collection of voodoo mumbo-jumbo climastrology, ‘H is for Hope’.

    Listening to her, interviewed on the radio y/day spouting unscientific, demonstrably false, end-of-days prophecies, ’twas as if the Mann himself was whispering sweet nothings into her ear for her to repeat, eg. our carbon pollution [sic] stays in the atmosphere for ever, killing poor innocent people because it’s so hot, or they’re drowning, or sumpfink.

    ‘H is for Hokum’ would’ve been a more fitting & accurate title, or: PRC is for Propaganda Religion Cult [as well as the initials of Emperor Xi’s regime].


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    David Maddison

    Now that the Left are in control, have taken over all the institutions and dumbed-down the education system, it’s a perfect storm of madness feeding upon more madness and a rapid descent into a global dictatorship.


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      ‘ … dumbed-down the education system …’

      Apart from global warming propaganda I think the rest of the system is operating normally.


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        No- gradual dumbing down has all but succeeded.
        Kids can’t even hold a pencil or spell anymore.
        Or articulate.
        ABC a fair example of prowess.


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          Copy that, its a bipartisan failure.

          ‘Almost half of Australia’s 15-year-old students are failing to achieve national standards in key areas of maths, science and reading, and the nation is now more than four years behind the world’s top-performing jurisdiction in maths.’ (The Age)


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          They also don’t learn their tables and cannot add, subtract, multiply or divide without a calculator.


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      My mind just flashed back to when I first read Jean-Francois Revel’s book “How Democracies Perish” back in the early eighties. Revel believed even all those years ago that democracy had already lost to communism, but hadn’t realised it yet. Revel being the best philosopher – IMHO – of the second half of the twentieth century.


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      They’re still there. While the Kokoda Track is “safe”, the Black Cat Track – not so much.


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    David Maddison

    With the Victoriastan Government shutting down the natural gas supply, where do they think all the extra electricity will come from for heating, hot water and cooking?


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      Forrest Gardener

      David, there is a flaw in your premise, perhaps intentional and ironic.

      What governments do cannot reasonably be described as thinking.


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    David Maddison

    Jason Wood, MP, wrote this on Farcebook.

    Victorian Households will be hit with another power bill hike, thanks to sneaky Labor state tax that industry groups say has “nothing to do with electricity” anymore.

    Controversial ‘easement’ tax on powerlines soars by $10m in one year. And you’re picking up the bill.

    Just another day, another tax under Labor. Incompetence at its greatest!


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    YYY Guy

    I got a lecture yesterday, from a green-identifier, about the immune system. She had been listening to Dr Norman Swan on the ABC wireless. She was most upset to be advised that Dr Norman Swan had not practised medicine in 40 years. Se rarely uses the internet because “it’s full of lies”. Fake Dr Norman’ topic was boosting the immune system. Sunshine, fresh air, healthy diet, exercise all summarised by fake Dr Norman as “a day at the beach and vaccines”.
    People don’t like being lied to but they absolutely hate the truth more once they’ve been sucked in.


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      David Maddison

      I used to listen to Swan many years ago, and then he went mega-woke and fully supportive of the Official Narrative rather than science.


      • #

        He should go tom Scotland and become an MP.


        • #

          And what has Scotland done to deserve that, please?
          Other than elect the innumerate SNP and Greenies [but are they worse than Tory, Labour, and the Dim Lebs?]?

          Feeling – slightly – protective of my Highland demi-cousins.


    • #

      I have not lived in Australia in over 20 years and when I left he had been on the health report for 20 years. So how old must this guy been? The ABC seems to be full of living fossils!


    • #

      By all means listen attentively, then verify the references.
      A bit like buying something not normally purchased. Get at least three prices, one online.


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    YYY Guy

    PS Don’t forget the Devil’ Comet this evening, about 6.30, in the western sky

    Any similarity to a politician is purely coincidental.


  • #

    EVERY time I try to post on-line (The Australian) about mRNA vaccine mandates / excess deaths, etc, the post is rejected.

    The last was yesterday and related to the story on “long Covid”. I asked why has there been no attempt to correlate “long covid” with vaccine rates?

    We do know that significant excess deaths have occurred in the last 4 or so years. More so in those countries which have had the highest vaccination rates.

    No one wants to discuss this possibility. For obvious reasons.


    • #

      The Australian newspaper is a neo con front. It never gives balance in its reporting and is a fence sitter on climate and energy.


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    David Maddison

    Young woman complains she can’t enjoy life working 40 hours a week, and her video is going mega-viral


    • #

      Well, the Albanese Labor Government has announced that Anzac Day is optional for public service employees, they can continue to work and choose another day off.

      Aoparently for most a day off is a day out from working from home.


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        Gary S

        We need to make it clear to these woke, unpatriotic dropkicks that it is NOT about a day off work, but a day to pay respect (a word they are totally unfamiliar with, apparently) to those of the greatest generation – the like of which we will never see again – who made it possible for these undeserving cretins to live the rapidly diminishing free life they have today.


    • #

      Clearly born into the wrong family. More of the logic that everything should fall from the sky as needed and the world surrounding them was built by magic , probably about the year 2000.


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    CO2 Lover

    In homage to the ICE with a special mention of the famous Chrysler Hemi

    It was Mecum’s inaugural Seattle auction that carved out its place in the history books with the record-setting sale of a 1971 Plymouth Hemi ’Cuda Convertible (Lot S95). Hammering at an unprecedented $3.5 million, the sale now stands as the highest price ever achieved at auction for any of the storied muscle cars that came out of Detroit in the Golden Age. The sale price confirms that the 1971 Hemi ’Cuda Convertible truly is the crown jewel of muscle cars.

    This was however beaten by the 1968 Mustang driven by Steve McQueen in Bullitt at $3,740,000

    Fun Fact: A woman holds the current record


    • #

      Did the Valiant Charger have a hemi motor?


    • #

      Both wonderful cars. $3 million plus wonderful to someone. Clearly times arent too tough for some 🙂

      Not sure what the video connection in but TF is always fun. I was lucky enough to get to a couple of NHRA events in my travels. Quite the spectacle.


  • #
    another ian

    Willis E looks at

    “Evaluating The Model Projections”


  • #

    No Salary, Just Points: Insufficient Points Mean No Wage? Nearly 50% of Chinese Youth Exploited – just when you thought it would be safe to go back into the social credit system.


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    CO2 Lover

    Oh what a Lovely War – Favourite War Stories

    With Iran now being drawn into another war in the Middle East it is timely to reminisce on the 1980 Iraq-Iran war where hostilities began with the Iraqi invasion of Iran and lasted for eight years.

    When the Iranian Army was facing heavy losses of its elite troop due to minefield casualities, the religious leaders put out a call to all the schools for voluteers of young boys to join the new “Mine Sweeping Battalion”.

    One might have expected that these boys would be provided with metal detectors – but no – they were provided only with a copy of the Quran which they were instructed to hold high while runing across the minefields while shouting “God is Great”.

    However, concerns were quickly raised that the Qurans were still being damaged by the exploding mines.

    The solution – place the Qurans in sturdy metal boxes.

    But then another problem arose – the parents of these boys began complaining their their sons bodies were being returned with missing arms and legs

    The solution – the boys were wrapped in rolls of carpet before running into the minefields so as to prevent arms and legs from detaching from their bodies when a mine went off!


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      Treasury Secretary Yellen furious with China for duplicating Dems’ green playbook

      The Biden administration is livid over China’s ongoing theft of U.S. intellectual property.

      No, the president isn’t mad at Beijing’s spies for purloining trade secrets from American businesses.

      His Cabinet secretaries want to stop China from copying Washington’s strategy of providing boundless subsidies to green energy.

      “It’s fine for China’s firms to export in this industry, to develop it,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told CNBC earlier this month. “But some of the techniques that they use — subsidizing their firms very heavily and then supporting them even when they’re losing money when demand is weak … this is something that’s unacceptable from the U.S. point of view.”

      Ms. Yellen’s remarks were made after a series of high-level meetings with Chinese leaders in which she delivered her stern message. “I’m not thinking so much of export restrictions as some shifts in their macroeconomic policy and a reduction particularly in local government subsidies to firms in these industries,” she explained.

      It’s difficult to quantify how much Uncle Sam is pouring into any money-losing scheme that has a green label attached to it. In a report last year, the Energy Information Administration calculated solar panel and windmill subsidies have doubled since 2016, reaching $15.6 billion in 2022.

      And that’s just the amount spent underwriting the electricity supply. The Biden administration has also spent $9.5 billion to prop up factories that make batteries for electric vehicles. The move helps conceal the true sticker price of plug-in cars.

      The Texas Public Policy Foundation tallied $22 billion in public funds being used to lower the cost of buying electric cars — the favored mode of transportation for wealthy liberals. Without all of the direct and indirect subsidies, the cost would increase by a staggering $48,698 per vehicle, the foundation’s study concluded.

      A big chunk of the total comes from state and federal tax benefits for buyers of up to $9,000, plus $1,300 in car charger credits. Indirectly, EVs don’t have to pay the cost of the wear and tear these much heavier automobiles impose on the roads. Manufacturers also receive valuable credit under Corporate Average Fuel Economy regulations designed to penalize production of the kinds of cars most people want to buy.

      Despite the artificially lowered prices, most Americans still aren’t interested, and EV sales growth has stalled.

      Because demand is so weak, politicians on the left — many invested in green technology — have resorted to draconian mandates to force everyone to go electric, whether they want to or not.


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        Biden economy strikes again with locks on drilling, mining

        President Joe Biden’s administration just put a lock on oil, gas and mining operations on millions of acres of Alaska land, leading Interior to deny a road-building permit for those who hoped to tap into $7.5 billion worth of copper deposits — and all of America’s competitors and enemies go, yay.

        If America can’t exploit its own natural resources, Americans face both financial and national security dings.

        After all, it’s not as if the need for natural resources disappears.

        America has to get the stuff somewhere.

        And allowing radical environmentalists to dictate land use policies that hold potential to jeopardize all of Americans’ pocketbooks as well as the entire nation’s sovereignty and ability to self-rule is a folly that’s particular to the Democrat Party.

        But this Biden administration is guilty of ushering in a triple-whammy of economic and national security threats already — a) open borders; b) weak leadership; and c) surging inflation. Do we really need the added burden of setting off limits for use 13 million acres of prime, pristine, resource-rich property just so Sierra Club members can drum up more donors by claiming they’ve saved some polar bears?

        “The Biden administration finalized a rule Friday which protects 13 million acres — an area larger than the state of Maryland — from oil and gas drilling in the Western Arctic. The rule also establishes a process for expanding and creating new ‘special areas,’ so even more critical habitats can be conserved in the future,” wrote.

        Shortly after, the Interior Department announced its intent to deny a permit Alaska officials sought to build a road through the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve to reach a copper deposit valued at several billions of dollars, as well as its plans to ban drilling on “more than half of the 23-million-acre National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska,” The New York Times wrote.

        “Together,” the Times went on, “the two moves amount to one of the biggest efforts in history to shield Alaskan land from drilling and mining.”

        Oh, boy.

        “Analysts are forecasting a return to strong copper demand in 2024,” Nasdaq wrote.


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    another ian


    “Batshit Crazy America”


    “Do You Want The Good News Or The Bad?”


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    another ian

    Sounds like a great idea! (/S)

    “Wash a Cybertruck, It Bricks.”


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    John Connor II

    Unlimited free energy, government suppression and control of inventions

    But first:
    Nasa veteran’s propellantless propulsion drive that physics says shouldn’t work just produced enough thrust to overcome earth’s gravity

    Dr. Charles Buhler, a NASA engineer and the co-founder of Exodus Propulsion Technologies, has revealed that his company’s propellantless propulsion drive, which appears to defy the known laws of physics, has produced enough thrust to counteract Earth’s gravity.

    A veteran of such storied programs as NASA’s Space Shuttle, the International Space Station (ISS), The Hubble Telescope, and the current NASA Dust Program, Buhler and his colleagues believe their discovery of a fundamental new force represents a historic breakthrough that will impact space travel for the next millennium.

    “The most important message to convey to the public is that a major discovery occurred,” Buhler told The Debrief. “This discovery of a New Force is fundamental in that electric fields alone can generate a sustainable force onto an object and allow center-of-mass translation of said object without expelling mass.”

    “There are rules that include conservation of energy, but if done correctly, one can generate forces unlike anything humankind has done before,” Buhler added. “It will be this force that we will use to propel objects for the next 1,000 years… until the next thing comes.”

    A quick look at Dr. Buhler’s background confirms that he is indeed one of NASA’s top experts in electrostatics. In addition to overseeing the management of electrostatic discharge (ESD) and ESD safety for the Space Shuttle, the ISS, and Hubble, Dr. Buhler also established NASA’s Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory at Kennedy Space Center.

    His Exodus Propulsion Technologies team is equally impressive. According to a slide from his APEC presentation, “the Team consists of a mix of engineers and scientists from NASA, Blue Origin, Air Force, ExxonMobil as well as successful legal and businessmen.”

    Somewhat surprisingly, Buhler says that when he and his colleagues first began looking into propellantless propulsion ideas over two decades ago, they did not expect electrostatics to be the answer. Instead, he and his team explored other avenues for as many as 25 years before landing on electrostatics as the key to unlocking the door of this new force.

    As I’ve said, the laws of physics as we understand them, are just the beginning and the black monolith of knowledge awaits.

    AJ just released a great video covering free energy, harnessers, high efficiency fuels and government control and confiscation, and the “disappearing” of the inventors.
    Covering dark energy starting with the brilliant Nikola Tesla and others in the past century.
    Free energy exists like I’ve said, but you’re not allowed to have it.
    Unlimited energy = freedom. Limited unreliable energy = rationing and control of the masses.

    Enjoy! I did.

    Hopefully in part 2, he’ll cover Nakamats.


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      How do you put up with that goddamn fish?
      It’s not only supremely annoying but I also resent the waste of time.


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    David Maddison

    A question for my learned colleagues here.

    I have a large paper collection of New Scientist, Scientific American and Discover Magazine.

    I haven’t decided what to do with them yet.

    I no longer buy them since they all became unbearably woke and dumbed-down.

    Any suggestions apart from the recycling bin?


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      John Connor II

      1. Keep them as proof of how woke/political bias/fake science has corrupted them.
      2. Donate them to a library.
      3. Have a public funeral pyre burning in protest of modern fake science.
      4. Keep them to burn when the power goes out.
      5. Use them as TP 😆


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        5. Use them as TP


        too glossy – in early 50s in External Dunny Cremorne with Night Pan changed by Leather Cap and Leather Covered Shoulders
        Night Dunny Man, torn to toilet size on hanger hook in toilet, Sunday Telegraph better than Sunday Herald as rougher texture
        and better cleaning ability.

        I used to get Scientific American in 60s and early 70s – was an excellent publication then


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          John Connor II

          Anyone noticed how hopelessly weak TP has become lately?
          Most are pushing “twice the length” but they’re weak as.
          Vevelle is good. For now.
          Might have to start buying newspapers again.😆


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      John Hultquist

      Glossy print mags often have clay as high proportion.
      They don’t burn well.
      Shred them and use for garden mulch unless your soil is already clayey.


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        No good here then! Our place turns to a slithery muddy mess in winter and one huge baked mud brick in summer 🙁


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      another ian


      If you have the June 1981 volume have a look at the article “Lead and silver in the ancient Aegean” by Noel H Gale and Zofia Stos-Gale.

      It has the best photo of a cleavage that I have seen woven into a scientific article


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      Less than two years ago I filled the appropriate wheelie bin with New Scientists dating back to 2003 and the bin was not emptied I guessed because it was too heavy, I struggled to get it to the kerb; over four succeeding fortnights I disposed of them in subdivisions of my initial over ambitious load; I’d already decided that any institution which would have accepted them as a donation ought to be shut down for its wanton proliferation of untruths.

      I find it curious how long it took me first to stop purchasing the rag which I’d recognized as fraudulent for several years; I kept telling myself the lie that occasionally a morsel of interest would appear, worthwhile news unavailable elsewhere.

      I’m grateful that over two hundred litres of storage space was retrieved by their disposal.


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    John Connor II

    Covid is a scam! Byron Bay edition.

    The people have woken up! Time to release Disease-X. 😎


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      David Maddison

      I’m surprised he doesn’t get arrested for questioning the Official Narrative…


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      Honk R Smith

      “What do you reckon?”
      Wow, I didn’t know you Ozzians used the word reckon with such reckonless abandon.
      Made me feel like I was back home in my Old South youth.
      (I live with stiff board up the keister Yankees now.)
      I reckon I like ya’ll a little more now.
      ‘Cept I can’t figure out how you produce specimens like Dan Andrews.
      I reckon we’ve all got ’em.
      I can see how we can produce Hillary.
      It’s more difficult to reconcile what’s become of Ozzies and Scots.


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    David Maddison

    Copied from elsewhere.

    Politics is not a spectator sport.

    If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.


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    Playing with Google Search, Google Gemini AI and Bing CoPilot AI


    google so woke and left biased that question “donald trump greatest american president ever” that 1st response uk left wing guardian “trump ranked as worst us president in history, with biden 14th greatest” no wonder i am using brave search , duck duck go and bing

    Google Gemini Response

    I’m still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search.

    Copilot Response

    It’s interesting to see how different sources can present varying opinions on historical figures. When it comes to ranking U.S. presidents, there are several perspectives. Let’s explore some of the viewpoints:

    Scholarly Rankings:

    Historians and political scientists often conduct surveys to rank presidents based on their achievements, leadership qualities, failures, and faults.

    Abraham Lincoln is frequently regarded as one of the greatest presidents for his leadership during the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. Franklin D. Roosevelt is also highly regarded for leading the country out of the Great Depression and during World War II. George Washington, as the first president, set important precedents for the office.

    James Buchanan, Lincoln’s predecessor, is often considered one of the worst presidents due to his leadership during the build-up to the Civil War. Andrew Johnson and Warren G. Harding have also been ranked poorly in various surveys1.

    Popular Opinion Polls:

    Public opinion polls sometimes focus on recent or well-known presidents. These rankings can vary significantly.
    For instance, a Gallup poll from 2011 asked Americans to name the greatest U.S. president. Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, and Bill Clinton were among the top choices1.

    However, it’s essential to recognize that public opinion can be influenced by various factors, including political climate and media coverage.

    Recent Controversy:

    The Guardian’s ranking, which placed Donald Trump as the worst U.S. president in history, is just one perspective.

    Conversely, a poll conducted in 2021 by The Irish Post found that Trump was voted the greatest president ever by surveying over 4,000 people2.

    It’s essential to consider the methodology, sample size, and potential biases when interpreting such rankings.

    Subjectivity and Bias:

    All rankings involve some degree of subjectivity and bias.

    As you mentioned, using multiple search engines like Brave, DuckDuckGo, and Bing can provide a broader range of perspectives.

    Ultimately, opinions on presidential greatness can vary widely, and it’s essential to critically evaluate sources and consider different viewpoints.

    Remember that historical rankings are complex and multifaceted. Each president faced unique challenges and made decisions within their specific context.

    If you’re interested in exploring further, I recommend reading more about the criteria used in these rankings and forming your own informed opinion1

    Brave Browser Search Answer – Excellent contrasted with Google Search


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      Nope- Talk in the USA of sending a greater number of “advisors” to Ukraine, they admit to 60 currently, but I’m sure that’s after a far larger number have been Kinzaled.

      So, Vietnam all over again, ‘advisors’ doing all the intelligence gathering, the planning, the targeting, and then firing the missiles/drones/missions… ..and then we need Marines to guard the advisors, so boots on the ground and so it goes onwards. The result will be the same as all in their wars, eventually it will become politically impossible for a President to continue sending young Americans to die, and they will just walk away from the ruins and rubble, leaving Russia to clean up their mess and re-start Ukraine as a country.


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        They need to ask whose war are they fighting and then: “They announced a war and no one turned up.”.


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    David Maddison

    I just heard on the radio that the Australian Government has ordered Twitter/X to take down supposed “misinformation” and other materials.

    The order was made by eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant.

    Elon Musk says he refuses to, that would comprise the free speech nature of Twitter/X.

    Both Liberal and Labor factions of the Uniparty are in agreement that he remove the material. Dutton spoke for the Liberal faction of the Uniparty.

    I agree with Elon Musk that he should not remove material.

    I think it’s highly likely that he will shut down X in Australia because of this move, and then Jo’s blog will be the only free speech platform left in Australia.

    The implications of this takedown order are quite profound if it succeeds.

    Again, Australia will be the laughing stock of free thinking people everywhere.

    Check this link:

    Australian eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant tells the World Economic Forum we need a “recalibration” of freedom of speech.


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      CO2 Lover

      The order was made by eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant.

      What is to say that this corrupt public servant will attempt to shut down this social media site under instructions from Albo the Commie?


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      pfft! She hasn’t got tits to juggle..


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      John Connor II

      Jo’s blog will be the only free speech platform left in Australia

      It seriously needs to go offshore, somewhere like Iceland.


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      ‘ … and other materials.’

      ‘Facebook’s parent company Meta and X/Twitter have been told to remove violent and distressing videos and imagery of the stabbing of a prominent Orthodox Christian leader in Sydney’s west on Monday evening.

      ‘The eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, told reporters on Tuesday that X and Meta had been issued with notices to remove material within 24 hours that depicted “gratuitous or offensive violence with a high degree of impact or detail”, with the companies facing potential fines if they fail to comply.’ (Guardian)


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      Substantial delusions of grandeur seem to be at play. Dreamt of power imagined at WEF soirees should not be confused with reality.


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    David Maddison

    Coincidentally with widespread belief in the anthropogenic global warming fraud is a widespread belief that the earth is flat.


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    CO2 Lover

    No Surprises here – Albo the Commie gives Australian Aid to uphold a map drawn by one of his heros – Vladimir Lenin

    The light-yellow area of this 1897 map gave an unmistakable message: To wit, in the late Russian Empire there was no doubt as to the paternity of the Donbas and the lands adjacent to the Azov Sea and the Black Sea. Already then, they were part of the 125 years-old New Russia, which had been assembled by purchase and conquest during the reign of Catherine the Great.

    Indeed, it was only in 1922 that the yellow area—essentially demarcating the four provinces of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, which recently voted to rejoin Russia—was appended to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic by the great humanitarian and map-maker, V. Lenin.


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      Dear CO2,
      Recently parts of Yarraville were demarcated as Footscray, I might be wrong – it could have been vice-versa.., no cares !
      That exactly how it was in the blessed memory Soviet Union – no one gave a proverbial, it was within the same concentration camp.


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    another ian


    “Hope For Long Covid”

    “In a new book Professor Steven Faux reveals there is hope for sufferer”

    Brisbane Courier Mail Qweekend, 20-21 April 2024, pages 12 – 13

    Conclusion –

    “Apart from the risk factors you cannot easily change (your age, gender and illnesses you already have), it’s hospitalisation from acute covid that seems to put you at a higher riskof developing long covid.

    To help avoid that you could –

    – Keep your covid vaccinations up to date, which is the best way to prevent hospitalisation from covid. For people who have had more than two vaccinations, the risk of symptoms lasting more than four weeks is reduced. Be aware of your local health authorities’ recommendations, taking ito account your age and risk factorsand stay current with your vaccinations.

    – If you do contract covid again, and you at higher risk (currently anyone over 70, anyone over 50 with a risk factor and any First Nation people over 30) it is important to take a five-day course of an anti-viral medication such as Paxlovid within two weeks of symptom onset. This may prevent not only hospitalisation but the risk of death.

    – When in crowds or high risk settings (such as under-ventilated areas) use public health measures such as wearing an N95 mask (also known as a P2 mask), social distancing and regular hand washing”.

    Regular readers here can probably guess at quite a list of names that won’t be in the bibliography by those recommendations!


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    another ian


    “What Are Mises’ Six Lessons?”

    “Ludwig von Mises’s Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow has become quite popular recently. The Mises Book Store has sold out of its physical copies, and the PDF, which is available online for free, has seen over 50,000 downloads in the past few days.”

    Reckon any went to Canberra?


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    John Connor II

    Must be the day for breakthroughs: New sodium battery that can be charged in seconds developed

    Researchers have developed a high-power hybrid sodium-ion battery that can be charged in seconds.

    Sodium is considered nearly 1000 times more abundant than lithium. Therefore, sodium-ion electrochemical energy storage devices are more appealing than traditional lithium-ion electrochemical energy storage.

    Led by Professor Jeung Ku Kang from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the research team integrated anode materials typically used in batteries with cathodes suitable for supercapacitors.

    The combination helped the battery to achieve high storage capacities and rapid charge-discharge rates. The study indicates that the battery can be a viable next-generation alternative to lithium-ion batteries.

    SIHES can use the different potential windows of capacitor-type cathodes and battery-type anodes. It has attracted a lot of attention because this storage system, in principle, could simultaneously allow high energy density and fast-rechargeable power density.

    According to researchers, the SIHES can achieve an energy density of 247 Wh/kg and a power density of 34,748 W/kg. Professor Kang said that the research represents a breakthrough in overcoming the current limitations of energy storage systems. He anticipates broader applications across various electronic devices, including electric vehicles.

    The same energy density as Li-ion.
    I was just thinking the other day how robotics seriously needs battery advances.
    Boston Dynamics Atlas II insta-charge batteries. 😉


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    another ian


    “CLIMATE FAIL: New York to Scrap Most Its Offshore Wind Projects, Not Economically Viable”

    “Such news underlines the growing body of evidence that wind power and other forms of renewable energies are not practical alternatives to meeting America’s long term energy needs, all while the ((strike through) Biden) Canberra regime wages war on the country’s vast natural energy reserves.”

    (If it has been mentioned before I’ll plead “reinforcement”)


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    another ian

    You reckon?

    “Bloomberg Columnist Declares Opposition to Lab-Grown Meat to Be “Conservative Cultural Insecurity” ”


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    David Maddison

    “The political left’s attempts to silence ideas they cannot, or will not, debate are a confession of intellectual bankruptcy.”

    Thomas Sowell


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    Chris Matheson having an educational discussion about the recent gold spike. Gold moves west to east, never the other way. Old, less pure ingots are turning up, hinting that the piles might be getting low; and possibly BRICS, if they try for a new world currency, would need gold for backing, as they don’t trust each other? The present spike is being driven by Big Guys, retail is selling 5 to 1, and no one was talking about it. Something is happening below the surface.
    55 mins. It starts off gold, moves to oil and energy, and comes back to gold about half way through.


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    Just how vicious can people get? The flag is the flag of the Gaza Strip-
