A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Canadian town will require a QR code to leave. Totalitarianism is on its way folks:
” will only apply to tourists.” Currently.
The problem is easily solved. Tourists shall find a nicer place and avoid Îles-de-la-Madeleine as though it is invested with AU’s Eastern brown snakes.
“The problem is easily solved.”
LOL NZ has just introduced an app for your drivers licence to be stored (along with your social credit score etc) on your “my phone”.
Just so that it is instantly available wherever you are . Along with your passport , facial ID and anything else that might be “useful “.
farmer – There must be a market for phones that have 2 functions – phoning and texting. I wonder if I have any of my old Nokias around still.
Just do what the NZ Embassy did in Moscow back in the 60s. Apparently the KGB had their goons out the front who would write down all the movements in and out including the car number plates. For a bit of fun a “spare set” of number plates made it into the boot of a couple of cars leaving. Once they got to their destination, and we all know how dirty number plates get from road grime and become hard to read, the well meaning embassy driver would swap the plates. Drive back to the embassy and watch the fun as the goons try to reconcile their records.
So get a second mobile phone load it with a friend or family members details – one who would never be seen dead in that part of Canada – and QR to your hearts content. Of course it would mean you could not go back there anytime soon yourself but what do you value most seeing road-kill moose on the side of the road or a picnic spot or your freedom and anonymity? That is the beauty of basic freedom you have a choice of what you do and no one else has to know.
A friend who worked in the British Embassy, Moscow, 1960s said often her suitcase was searched probably by house maids who cleaned the room. She said foreigners like her arriving by aircraft would have items such as radios taken and delivered later obviously dismantled and inspected.
QR code required to leave and enter, I seem to remember a similar ‘test run’ not that long ago.
..could get worse-
“Some are calling Ukraine an open air prison because the administration is increasing its border guard strength by 15,000 to 75,000. In most countries border guards are meant to keep illegals out but in Ukraine they are employed to keep people in.”
Residents too, but residents now only have to show their drivers licence for permission to leave.
It’s been called Le Systéme Chinois, the Chinese System.
What really concerns me is the low level of intelligence in the Canadian electorate
The clowns involved in this attempt to enslave the population were voluntarily elected!! How is it possible that Canadians vote for a totalitarian regime?? Self enslavemment is mind boggling! If this mall town gets away with this control the idea will spread like wildfire throughout the whole of the country! Enjoy!!
“How is it possible that Canadians vote for a totalitarian regime?? ”
Not just Canucks cf NZ and Jacinda.
…….. And AU with the Albosleazy and the Labor Clown Car Gummint. The Tik Tok cat video generation(s) vote for the ‘vibe’ , don’t look past the blatant lead and promises.
OneNation the party to vote for. UAP next.
8 years – only twice as long as the Covid fiasco and bye bye to everything you’ve worked your life for.
Now…where’s that up and coming uncorruptable party?
Australians would, or should I say WILL, go along with this when it is implemented here too. The almost complete surrender to Covid totalitarianism here in Oz shows that the reputation Ozzies once had for standing up to authority and bullies no longer applies.
Graham – there are questions on how Trudeau managed to be re-elected. He received about only 1/3rd of the total votes.
Albo’s Labour received 32%!!
The question arose the other day as to whether “ZERO” is a number or a thing (or rather an absence of a thing)?
This gives rise to the question of “What is a number?” and does mathematics have an existence independent of the human mind?
Some “numbers” are strange such as “π” which consist of a infinite number of digits that do not repeat in an orderly manner.
Binary (base-2) pi: 11.00100 10000 11111 10110 10101 00010 00100 00101 10100 01100 00100 01101 00110 00100 11000 11001 10001 01000 10111 00000 …..
Empirical data suggests that each digit appears equally frequently, at least in the first 10 million digits (Frequency of Each Digit of Pi). However, this is far from enough to warrant a mathematical proof, no matter how many digits we calculate.
It is suspected that π is a normal number, meaning that not only does each digit appear equally frequently, but every pair of digits appears equally frequently, every triplet equally frequently, .. etc. So in general, every finite string of digits should appear in the digits of pi as often as you would expect, and in fact this would be true for pi in any base (binary, hexadecimal, base 1000, etc). However, all of this is merely conjecture as of right now.
The ancient Babylonians knew of pi’s existence nearly 4,000 years ago. A Babylonian tablet from between 1900 B.C. and 1680 B.C. calculates pi as 3.125, and the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus of 1650 B.C., a famous Egyptian mathematical document, lists a value of 3.1605.
On Pi Day (March 14), Solidigm — a U.S. computer storage company based in California — revealed in a statement that it has calculated pi to approximately 105 trillion decimal places.
To put that into context, if you typed out this number on paper using a 10-point font in one continuous line, the number would be around 2.3 billion miles (3.7 billion kilometers) long, meaning it could stretch from Earth to somewhere between Uranus and Neptune. And in case you were wondering, the 105 trillionth digit of pi is 6.
The record for the most digits of pi memorized belongs to Rajveer Meena of Vellore, India, who recited 70,000 decimal places of pi over the course of 10 hours on March 21, 2015, according to Guinness World Records.
Literary nerds invented a dialect known as Pilish, in which the numbers of letters in successive words match the digits of pi. For example, Mike Keith wrote the book “Not A Wake” (Vinculum Press, 2010) entirely in Pilish:
Now I fall, a tired suburbian in liquid under the trees, Drifting alongside forests simmering red in the twilight over Europe.
(“Now” has three letters, “I” has one letter, “fall” has four letters, and so on.)
I breathe at about nine per minute at rest.
I hope it continues.
In todays world there are only two numbers, 1 and 0. Although in recent times numbers can identify however they like, including unlimited combinations. I dont beleive all that history stuff , because numbers just fell from the sky about the time all the 20 something were born.
I hope that gets on the right path.
“Empirical data suggests that each digit appears equally frequently, at least in the first 10 million digits (Frequency of Each Digit of Pi). However, this is far from enough to warrant a mathematical proof, no matter how many digits we calculate.”
If that were not true surely you would get a bump in your wheel?
Pi makes sense, but the square root of minus one does my head in!
This should get it spinnng
The square root of minus one is “i”
Euler’s identity is the special case of Euler’s formula, e^(i*x) = cos x + i sin x, when x is equal to pi. When x is equal to pi, the equation tells us that e^(i*pi) = -1.
I was once asked to explain number base systems to a group of mostly elderly citizens. When asked if I wanted anything to help, I asked for a carton of cold frosty stubbies. Had their immediate attention and it worked, with a side benefit of me keeping the carton. I still use the analogy today.
Historically native Australians had a counting system of “One, two and many”.
With the arrival of the colonialists they adopt a counting system using Base 24 derived from “a carton of cold frosty stubbies”.
Base 24 allows you to share a slab equally among 2,3,4,6 and 12 mates.
Wait! What?
The good perfesser
Maybe her links to Tipperary helped.
This is false. Maybe there was a language among the many that this was the case that started this myth, but even then it does not exclude a counting system. English also has terms like many, few, couple that are non-specific, plus we have a specific nbumber language,
Here is a publication for you to claim as being false because to admit otherwise would be to admit that you are wrong.
Interesting paper so they could count up to 5. Is that all we are teaching in schools today then? no wonder sat scores are down.
But they could hardly share their Pi equally. We just learned that.
one, two, big mobs.
When you go back there try this party trick – should be worth 2 cartons. You know how people add a string of numbers such as birth dates together to come up with “your” number ie 29.6.1945 = 36 then 3+6=9 – so 9 is “your number”. There is an amazing shortcut to the initial adding part and that is discard the number 9 and any two numbers that add up to 9 as you add and you will get the final number much quicker than someone adding up all the numbers.
In the date above you ignore the bracketed numbers: 2(9).6.1(9)(45) = 9. Once you establish your skill you could get one person to call out a sequence of numbers and you mentally work it out ignoring the 9/combinations while others participating write the numbers down and add them.
Of course the real intrigue is how is it that taking out 9 and two number combinations of 9 still gets the same result as if the 9s were left in. Do do do do.
I’m an elderly citizen and I remember learning base maths at school. Esp base 2. Preparing us for the coming computer revolution. It’s a bit ironic that folks these days don’t learn it at school but get taught fake history from go to woah.
A subject close to my heart.
I have pointed out a number of times that our esteemed Minister for Energy dose not know the difference between Power (GW) and Energy (GWh). He is not alone.
Indeed, as 1,200,000 MW of four hour batteries is just 4,800,000 MWh. Gregory calculated the amount of storage capacity needed just to replace today’s US fossil generation with wind and solar and got roughly 250,000,000 MWH. So 1,200 GW is as nothing, less than 2%.
See my
Measuring storage in MW or GW to make it look like a generator is a universal deception.
And here our Chief Engineer and PM Albanese explains how you can use your solar panels to charge your electric car at night for free.
Australia is in good hands!
I still have a problem with basing the amount of hours of storage on the amount of renewables, using their nameplate values. I contend that if 80% renewables are the target, then the amount of storage should be 80% of the expected network load requirement, multiplied by a number of hours to reliably cover any expected duration of absence of both wind and solar.
“Rare side effects”?
Lawyers representing the claimants believe some of the cases could be worth up to £20m in compensation.
Now it is time that Pfizer also comes clean and the Pfizer contract that ScumMo signed with Pfizer is made publicly available.
It’s known since 2006/2007 that the as vector used adeno virus is resposible for clots in brain veins and liver veins. Written down in papers concernig gene therapeutic researches.
These papers were also referenced in a paper of Dr.Med. Andreas Greinacher at University of Greifswald about the reason of clot forming and it’s treatment after Astrazeneca vacc.
I’ve pointed this out before. What AZ is doing is minimising the dangers of their ‘vaccine’ by describing these cases as rare or very rare, which might be true. However, this clotting problem isn’t the only side effect of the vaccines. We should also add brain cancer (rare), bowel cancer (rare), blood cancers (rare), colon cancer (rare), lung cancer (rare), cardiomyopathy (rare), heart failure (rare) … etc, etc.
Taken individually, perhaps each of these can legitimately be called ‘rare’, but added together those allegedly small numbers equal a significant risk of potentially fatal events and so it is the sum of those probabilities that should be used when deciding if these experimental injections are safe or not. Let’s face it, it really doesn’t matter to a dead person if they were killed by brain cancer or a heart attack – the important point is that the vaccine killed them.
” is made publicly available.”
Yes legal claims such as this will ensure full discovery, won’t they?
In this video a member of European Parliament is silenced by having her microphone turned off when she asks for details of the arrangements of the covid-19 “vaccine” deals.
Keep up the pressure folks. Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Video description is as follows.
“Global Temperatures and Reduced Cloud Cover”:
Could global warming be explained by less clouds?
Warmer temperatures associated with “climate change” and increased carbon dioxide levels may speed plant growth in regions with ample moisture and nutrients. This could lead to increased transpiration, the release of water vapor into the air by plants as a result of photosynthesis.Thus correcting lower cloud cover arising from deforrestration.
An example of a positive feedback loop.
Less low cloud is the only explanation.
There is less cloud cover but it is a result of the precession cycle and distribution of land. The solar intensity over land started increasing again 500 years ago. That is a result of the recession cycle. Land responds more to sunlight than ocean so the average temperature increases. The SH south of 50S is in a long term cooling trend that will persist for 9,000 years.
The land in the NH will keep warming until the permafrost advances down and south again. So far, that is only happening on Greenland:
This image gets to the detail of your question but is a result of the solar intensity shifting northward:
Less sunlight is being reflected due to less cloud apart from near the South Pole and just north of the Equator. In contrast to GHE fairy tale, OLR is increasing everywhere except where reflected sunlight is increasing. The end result is a net positive increase in radiation.
The current upswing in solar in the NH has 9000 years to run. It has only just started. But by thee end of those 9,000 years, my current best estimate puts the sea level 20m lower than present. So there are some relatively rapid changes coming. This list is how solar intensity has and will change at 45N for the present precession cycle:
-12.000 525.311656
-11.000 525.969757
-10.000 524.454133
-9.000 521.178662
-8.000 516.287511
-7.000 510.300033
-6.000 503.991160
-5.000 497.884890
-4.000 492.428050
-3.000 488.236176
-2.000 485.340397
-1.000 483.851754
0.000 483.850779
1.000 485.056692
2.000 487.230036
3.000 490.265264
4.000 493.646037
5.000 497.066922
6.000 500.295578
7.000 502.803462
8.000 504.372530
9.000 504.950637
10.000 504.299559
Has dropped 43W/m^2 since the last peak and will rise by 21W/m^2 for the next peak, The minimum was actually 500 years ago.
‘ … apart from near the South Pole …’
The Southern Ocean?
Eva Vlaardingerbroek Delivers Historic Speech “The Great Replacement Reality” at CPAC Hungary
4:54 AM · Apr 28, 2024 from Budapest, Hungary · 43.1M Views
Speech transcript:
The text is not a transcript but is a machine transcription of the speech as recorded so some typos.
A great speech.
Younger, more eloquent version of Pauiline Hansen but same message.
Trump was well received in a New York meet and greet. Apparently New York’s open door policy to southern invaders is giving the blue state a slight tinge of red. But Trump would need to make big gains to win the NY.
“We Live In An Age Of Full-Spectrum Deception”
‘ … what’s going on in our country is the collapse not just of an empire, or an economy, but a comprehensive paradigm of human progress.’
Its worth a discussion, China is in the same boat.
Finding the centre is becoming harder, fertile ground to brainwash the masses.
The center ground is the interplay point where the advantages and disadvantages of ideas are discussed and progressed. As such it does not move. 😁️
A look at One of Trump’s New York law cases
The originating Jonathon Turley article published by The Hill last Wednesday:
On Alvin Bragg and the art of not taking the law too seriously
If You Want People To Have Babies You’re Now “Far Right”
Doing the thing we literally exist as organisms to do is “far-right” according to Politico writer…
“Doing the thing we literally exist as organisms to do is “far-right””
Yes, because the opposite is far-wrong.
Scientists and comedians join forces to get climate crisis message across
Jo Brand: ‘With wind and sun power we save money and don’t die. It’s a pretty strong selling point.’
Buyer beware.
The Guardian back in the day.
John Maddox penned the story in 1962 when global cooling was all the rage.
Its amazing that they republished it a decade ago when the world was a little warmer.
Could be re-badged for “Their ABC”?
FWIW – a plumbing archeology question –
I fixed the leaking taps on a shower and met a design that I’ve never seen before.
Instead of the usual flat tap washers the “washers” are cone shaped, with a matching cone shaped hollow in a nylon insert in the tap body.
There is enough flat surface outside the cone for the usual washers to seal.
Anyone know any history of this design?
Saves you using one of these
Seen rounded cones as “soft touch ” washers but never seen the seat arrangement you describe. Sounds odd, but I am only amateur plumber.
“A Shockingly Inept Report From The IEA On Battery Storage Of Energy”
“In my self-designated role critiquing various schemes for total transformation of the world energy system, I get to review large amounts of poor, shoddy, and incompetent work. When people get into advocating for this “energy transition,” the stars regularly align to bring forth the most extreme levels of ineptitude. Start with the fact that the “smartest” people are filled with arrogance and hubris, but are not actually very smart. Add that many innumerate Politics and English majors have flooded into a field that cries out for engineering calculations. Add too that groupthink and orthodoxy enforcement prevent anyone from pointing out obvious flaws. And then throw in a strong dose of religious zealotry that obstructs the intrusion of anything resembling critical thinking. All in all, it’s a prescription for catastrophe.
But in a field rife with bad, worse, still worse, and even dangerously incompetent work, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything as shockingly inept as the Report just out from the International Energy Agency with the title “Batteries and Secure Energy Transitions.” The Report has a date only specified to the month of “April 2024,” but the press release came out just two days ago on April 25.”
More at
“It’s Been a Brutal Year for Offshore Wind — Despite Analysts’ Best Guesses”
Gen-Zers now identifying as ‘gender season’ – meaning their gender changes with time of year
Gen Zers have sometimes been accused of blowing with the wind when it comes to their sexuality.
But a growing number of young people are now actually identifying as ‘gender season’ – meaning their gender changes depending on the time of year.
‘I feel more masculine in the summertime, I wear more masculine clothing, I wear shorts, I normally have my hair up more and I just feel more boy,’ they said.
‘Whereas in the wintertime, for some reason, girl mode comes out and I’m loving skirts and dresses and having my hair down.’
Users were quick to question the concept. ‘It’s called wearing summer and winter clothes just like everyone!’ one user commented.
‘It’s nonsense,’ another said of the gender identity, also known as seasogender, gender season, or gendersian.
A separate TikTok even suggested pronouns relating to genderseason such as summer/summers/summerself and fall/falls/fallself.
A psychiatrist I used to work alongside would call this “FITH syndrome”, F*cked In The Head syndrome. 😆
Gotta love psychiatry.
I think it’s going to be a bad winter for these idiots.😎
Transgenderism is just a fad like holu hoops
No red wine before 6pm.😉
In my case it is bourbon from the night before.
Well hula hoops didn’t have the medical profession making billions off them, or embedded scalpels.
Have you ever wondered why so many ageing people have backache and need back surgery?
Possibly the embedded scalpels?
US Fertility Rate Falls To ALL TIME LOW
The birth rate in the US has declined to a new low, according to data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The figures show that fewer than 3.6 million babies were born in the US last year, the lowest amount since 1979 and equating to the lowest fertility rate EVER recorded.
The CDC analysed the 2023 data and found that the birth rate is down 2 percent on the previous year.
It had increased significantly in 2021, but this was primarily due to covid lockdowns and people having nothing better to do.
Now, however, the numbers have reset back to the downward trend seen every year before the pandemic.
You’d better hope men can have babies, the way it’s going.
Autism Rates Surging in Fully Vaccinated Australia, 25% of Children Now Officially ‘Disabled’
Autism and disability rates have exploded in Australia in recent years, with an astonishing 25% of young children now officially registered as “disabled,” according to government statistics.
The number of primary school age students with disabilities has skyrocketed in recent years, jumping almost 40% since 2017. Social disabilities including autism have grown at almost 10% a year.
Doctors are baffled because Australia has one of the highest living standards in the world. Meanwhile, the mainstream media continues to insist the skyrocketing rates of autism, death and disability in Australia have nothing to do with the country having one of the highest vaccination rates in the world.
Naah, it’s just better reporting due to tech, right?
Or climate change.
Or CO2.
Or Glyphosate laced food.
Funny how people can be baffled by the cause of something, but sure its not vaccine related.
MP Andrew Bridgen: I’m Afraid COVID Vaccine Deaths Are ‘Going to Be Bigger Than the Holocaust’
“We are witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in this country in living memory — and possibly ever,” British member of the UK parliament Andrew Bridgen declared during a monumental speech in the House of Commons.
MP Bridgen has shown himself to be a man who does not mince words or shy away from telling the truth as he sees it. He paid a heavy cost when he was stripped of the Conservative Party whip and then subsequently cast out of the party after tweeting that a leading cardiologist had told him that the vaccine rollout was the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.
Russia gets serious: warns USA, UK and France
“If NATO sends troops to Ukraine to defeat Russia, nukes will hit American decision-making centers and launch sites, France will be “disarmed in an instant”, …”and I apologize to any Irish …the British Isles will go underwater”
Dmitry Kiselyov
Putin needs to take decisive action to leave absolutely no doubt what will happen next if the warmongers don’t stop their assault. This has dragged on too long.
The West is only supplying weapons to be used in Ukraine and Crimea, Russia is safe from NATO.
They want Russia to surrender the land they have stolen and that includes Crimea. The only warmonger is the fascist Putin.
So why has the US suddenly supplied Ukraine with longer range ATACMs that can reach into Russia?
To avoid a nuclear winter the foot soldiers have been clearly instructed to only target their own land.
The US doesn’t want to go down in history as the country which started WW3.
“the foot soldiers have been clearly instructed to only target their own land. ”
Are you talking of America’s lackeys in Ukraine?? They are already sending missiles and drones deep into Russia and blowing up air bases and oil infrastructure.
America has already told them to stop it, but Zelensky is overpowered by his own importance.
Russia is just saying that if you make war against us, we will respond.
Crimea is not Russian territory.
I figure Melbourne would not be much of a target for Putin but, if it was, has he got nuclear missiles deployed that could make it to Melbourne?
I wonder where Melbourne sits in his list of targets.
I can imagine Biden calling Putin’s “bluff” to get a lift in the polls.
Lets say only the NH is involved in nuclear conflict, how long will it take for Australia’s atmosphere to turn toxic?
Approximately 18 months for the nuclear winter to settle in.
Anyway, its unlikely to happen because the ETs won’t allow it.
How do you know they’re not behind it?
They have been around for thousands of years, perhaps longer, why would they choose this moment?
Ah, Nevil Shute (On the Beach) Excellent book.
the US will target the 5 major cities in OZ just to make sure there is no one left to rule
Tuesday wtf: converting a VW beetle to an EV
Gotta have the right exhaust note! 😆😆
Is that the reserve?
How many extra km do you get if you turn it off?
In my day you converted VW beetles into beach buggies to catch the chicks!
I did and was very successful – in building the beach buggy!
What’s the purpose of the fan in front? To cool the battery? A weird setup.
A new term to me
“Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone”
Via Chiefio
Attempt to save Germany from Green Communists fails – Patriots facing trial
History repeats in Germany – attempt to re-establish the First Reich
Main Stream Media of course wants Green Communism to completely destroy the German economy
Redacted on CBDCs
For a little perspective on the Russian losses in Ukraine they have now lost more troops than Australia and the US did in the Pacific in WWII.
We consider that we suffered high losses, as we should, but Japan was defeated over a vast ocean and in many battles including Okinawa, a Japanese island. By comparison Russia has achieved Sweet Fanny Adams except pointless destruction.
NATO should step in to bring this bloodshed to a halt. They could achieve total air supremacy and sink the navy in a couple of days and then roll back any stubborn resistance.
Total casualties in Asia and the Pacific by nation and type
Nation Killed or missing Wounded Prisoners of war
Australia. 9,470 13,997 21,726
United States 111,606 253,142 21,580
Abridged for clarity.
How many soldiers has Russia lost? Can you give us a number and where this number came from? Most armies have units that estimate enemy losses. The Russians publish their estimate of Ukrainians wounded/killed, etc and their materiel losses. They don’t publish their own. OTOH the Ukrainian army seems to be in disarray with complaints from their soldiers that none of their officers come to the front and that they don’t seem to care. There is also the corrupt practice by the said officers of keeping killed soldiers “on the book” so that they can pocket their pay. Who is keeping a count of their losses, let alone that of the Russians?
Can you debunk 450,000 dead and wounded? 300,000 is the lowest estimate I’ve seen so my comment is valid “America won the War in the Pacific with less losses” holds true.
Russia in it’s depleted form could not last a week if some squadrons of modern jets joined the fray.
The only nation willing to go nuclear is your beloved Russia. Or maybe you are just cowardly, willing to through someone else to the wolves, not a commo.
If the West finished the war, it wouldn’t happen. Have you anyone but RT to confirm this? Are you denying Russian corruption?
Just because 450 000 is the lowest estimate you have seen then I have 2 comments – 1) you are only looking at one kind of news site, and 2) I have seen estimates of only 80 000. I don’t have the reference at hand. Most commentators, both Russian and Ukrainian oriented are saying that the depletion of the Ukrainian army is so severe that nothing, modern weapons or modern jets, will make any difference to the Russians overpowering the Ukrainian forces all along the front.
I’m astounded that someone still believes the official Nato narrative, even they no longer do and is evident in the comments and panic that is apparent.
Is that a prawn?
So we should have a world war, is there a shortage of car parks in Europe or do you wish other people’s children to fight another war and die on your behalf so you can chalk up another war you managed to avoid (that list is growing bigger by the day).
ANZAC’s plus many others, the numbers you forgot to include. (Lest we forget)
Looking at your numbers for Russian losses (is “more” a number) and your numbers for Ukraine, I take it as “less” I see Russia is killing more Ukrainians than Zelensky managed to achieve on his own coin. Out sourcing violence, you two have something in common. Has the Gay President ever used his own coin in this war?
You must be getting tired standing for Ukraine for so long, sit down for a bit, carrying that burden must be tiring on those old legs. I will stand on for Ukraine on your behalf, after the 6 o’clock news. (do you have a preferred channel for me to get my propaganda off?)
Anyway I think the war is over, I see Zelensky and Russia are both going the same direction, must have sorted out their differances.
Kind regards
Sorry H my bad. If I am taking over for you, “I bend over for Ukraine”.
I don’t bend over for Ukraine, I really don’t care about them.
I hate communism, so you and I are never going to agree on much.
Sorry about the bend over bit, I just thought, there is no way you would take it lying down, I stand corrected.
Hey, I nearly gave you a green the other day, then I remembered I hate you!
You aren’t a bit, don’t lie, you consider what you write as I do.
“I hate communism,”
That’s a tough one H, who are the Communists these days?? Not Russia, free enterprise in business, floating exchange rate, elections every few years, private ownership of land..
Of course the West, well, they WERE against Communism, but now taxes make sure of ‘everyone according to his means pays everyone according to his abilities’, you don’t own land if you have to ask permission to change something, you don’t even own the computer programs that run your machinery, Govt censors and fulls the media with propaganda, pays people not to work, owns large industries via shell companies in private-partnerships, and fakes the election results.
Its just like “Animal Farm”, you can’t tell the pigs from the farmers, its a worldwide Uniparty.
Seems a meaningless comparison of events 80 years apart, but yeah NATO will fix it for sure.
Interesting that soldiers’ lives’ worth change so much in my lifetime. But I don’t give a rat’s for Russian soldiers’ lives, any more than you do.
“NATO should step in to bring this bloodshed to a halt. They could achieve total air supremacy and sink the navy in a couple of days and then roll back any stubborn resistance.”
Lol- Your reading the wrong propaganda! NATO can’t do squat against Russia, as they have found out. Their wonder weapons didn’t work, they’ve thrown everything in there and Russia is still grinding Ukraine back. Now the European Govts won’t dip into their remaining weapon stocks as they don’t have anything left to spare, and the USA promises $60,000,000,000 but over the next 5years, knowing full well they will never have to pay it as Ukraine won’t exist then. THEY aren’t giving any decent weapons from their own stock, they are using the money to pay their own military-industrial complex to build new stock for Ukraine.
They can’t achieve air supremacy, their missile tech is decidedly inferior and they certainly won’t win any ground war against Russia. The world has changed, but America is so up themselves they haven’t seen it.
Try reading Simplicius
or Rob Campbell
No TV Talkng heads or Youtube videos I’m afraid, I like my news more serious than that.
in other news, have you seen the paperwork for Soros buying 400Sq Km of Ukraine to be used as a dangerous chemicals dump for the USA?? The DOW, Du Pont, BASF, etc people, apparently early this year. I find it unlikely, but it does line up with the rest of the corruption in that country by people who either don’t live there or don’t expect to live there soon. Oh, for the simple days of AZOV herding Russian-speakers into the Trades Hall in Odessa and burning them alive..
This is the most ‘where things are at’ talk I’ve heard. An hour, no filler.
This morning I went to my local post office to deposit some cash in my bank account. I was served by a young bloke in his late teens or early twenties. My deposit was $78 comprised of $65 in notes and $13 in coin. There was a problem when the young bloke was not able to count the coins, so a young woman, probably early 20s, came to help. Eventually they managed to count $13 in coins. Then there was a problem when neither of them could add $65 plus $13, so the young bloke got out his mobile and used the calculator.
The episode reminded me of the discussion a few days ago that mathematics could be racist and that perhaps 2+2 = 5. If that was true, then the mobile is also racist. On the calculator 2+2 will always equal 4.
The notion that 2+2 = 5 probably also explains another issue. If 2+2=5, then the average of 2+2 is 2.5 not 2. This means that 20+20=50 and the average of 20+20 is 25 not 20 as we all thought. So, if there were two days with temperatures of 20°C, using mathematics as we know it, the average temperature of the two days is 20°C. However, using the non racist mathematics, the average temperature could be 25°C. That would explain climate change.
Except Climate Changers use super computers to deduce 20+20=25. These are far more impressive than a smart phone calculator.
However Australia and Queensland are not happy with that answer so they are using $1bn of citizens’ money to pay an American company to build a quantum computer that will give a better answer. Maybe as much as 30C. Really big computers are capable of giving governments the answer they paid for.
Germany – how’s that
invasion“cultural enrichment” working out for you?
I’m shocked, shocked I say! 😆
Chiefio exploring
“Gut Bacteria – C19 Suppression Of Good Gut Bugs”
Greta- the climate crisis doesn’t exist
Seems we get a mention –
“Captured NATO Military Equipment Put On Month-Long Display In Moscow”
“The billion dollars ‘failure’ comes from our pockets, while making millionaires in every western Govt.””
Its not stopping anytime soon-
“Biden Looks To Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War With 10-Year Agreement.
“We are already working on a specific text,” Zelensky said in his nightly video address. “Our goal is to make this agreement the strongest of all.” “We are discussing the specific foundations of our security and cooperation. We are also working on fixing specific levels of support for this year and the next 10 years.”
He indicated it will likely include agreements on long-term support centering on military hardware and joint arms production, as well as continuing reconstruction aid. “The agreement should be truly exemplary and reflect the strength of American leadership,” Zelensky added.
But ultimately a key purpose in locking such a long-term deal in would be to keep it immune from potential interference by a future Trump administration.”
“Developing Nations Reject Western Carbon Colonialism”
And “ElBowen” might have to blow harder
“It’s Been a Brutal Year for Offshore Wind — Despite Analysts’ Best Guesses”
“Since the start of 2023, approximately 60% of all contracts signed by American offshore wind developers have been cancelled, according to E&E News”
““Biden’s offshore wind fetish ignores the realities affecting the industry here and abroad, but that is the hallmark of all his energy and climate schemes,” Dan Kish, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Energy Research, told the DCNF.”
Sound like a pattern?
The most powerful leaf blower, the BR 800…wind power at its best….can also be used to back-burn and other fire operations….for example …
Peta Credlin: Anthony Albanese ‘less than honest with the truth’
Here’s Why Australia’s PM Is Feuding With Elon Musk