World to burn by 6pm, but only 3% of young voters say Climate Change is the top issue

Dystopia, doom.

By Jo Nova

Politicians are supposed to care about the voters, but trillions are being spent on a issue that voters don’t give a toss about. Who are politicians serving exactly, because it isn’t the voters. There is no grassroots clamoring demand for “climate action” and there never was.  Could it be that politicians are more worried about what the banker cartel think, and the media moguls, or President Xi, or are they just carving out a post-political job for themselves at the UNEP or the WEF?

The Wall Street Journal reports on a survey that shows even young voters know almost anything is more important than climate change.

Biden Is Spending $1 Trillion to Fight Climate Change. Voters Don’t Care.

By Amrith Ramkumar and Andrew Restuccia,Wall Street Journal

A Journal poll, which surveyed voters in seven swing states in March, found that just 3% of 18-to-34-year-old voters named climate change as their top issue, with most citing the economy, inflation or immigration. That is roughly in line with voters of all ages, 2% of whom cited climate change as their top issue.

Voters are not worried about climate change. Poll.

This has been this way for years. In 2015 only 3% of US voters thought climate was the most important issue.

And let’s not forget all these surveys are done on people who never see a skeptical expert on TV or a real documentary (like Climate: The Movie). They don’t hear that carbon dioxide was higher for most of the last half billion years, or that “climate change” causes record grain yields, and saves 166,000 lives a year. Most of the 18 to 35 year olds have been fed the climate diatribe from school  — but even they don’t believe it. If they thought the Antarctic icecap was really about to collapse, they’d rate climate change up there with inflation.

Given the vapor thin faith of the young and impressionable, the whole climate charade is a house of cards. One good opposition leader just has to point out the costs and start the debate and it’s over. Everyone wants to change the climate until the moment they have to pay for it.

A survey from the Climate Communications unit at Yale suggests the climate gravy-train isn’t buying votes either. 55% of US voters don’t think the trillion dollar Inflation Reduction Act will improve their health. Two thirds don’t think it will help their family. 54% of voters don’t think it will help their children or grandchildren.

If you were a politician trying to win votes, this is not how you’d spend a trillion dollars.

Fewer than half of registered voters think the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will help them or the country.

      • Future generations of people: 46% of registered voters; 78% of liberal Democrats, 67% of moderate/conservative Democrats, 30% of liberal/moderate Republicans, and 14% of conservative Republicans.
      • The health of Americans: 45% of registered voters
      • Low-income communities and communities of color who are disproportionately harmed by pollution: 40% of registered voters;
      • The economy and jobs in the U.S.: 38% of registered voters
      • Their family: 33% of registered voters
      • Them personally: 30% of registered voters
      • National security: 20% of registered voters

And therein lies the grand mystery of democracy. We basically have a giant government industry spending a trillion dollars on an issue people don’t care about and in ways that most voters don’t think will help them, their children, the poor, the economy, jobs or national security. And yet the money flows. Why is that?

Just ask “Who Benefits?”

So the good news that the young can see through this, despite the wall of propaganda.

The bad, awful and terrible news is that the government doesn’t care what the voters think.

h/t Peter

Image by Meranda D from Pixabay

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89 comments to World to burn by 6pm, but only 3% of young voters say Climate Change is the top issue

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    “3% of 18-to-34-year-old voters named climate change”

    Because it is obviously wrong. None of these people were born when Climate Change was invented!

    You cannot run a sky is falling scam for 36 years straight and not lose relevance and credibility and urgency.

    It might be more far important than nuclear war according to obviously senile mumbling, rambling Joe Biden but there is no climate change problem for anyone else. And it’s been a very cold winter, which is hard to explain after decades of rapid warming. It’s not even a topic in the current Presidential election. The Democrats are more worried about the muslim vote in Michigan.

    And those daily exploding, frozen, flammable, self killing machines called electric cars have no sex appeal. Even Jo Biden prefers his ancient Corvette. The windmills are obviously bird and whale killing machines. And the vast new solar farms are rusting in the desert.

    It’s hard to scare the children of the children of the people you originally scared. Most people do not remember when the inventor of Climate Change Al Gore was Vice President. Or understand why 130,000 very rich people flew into super hot tourist hub Dubai to discuss not flying.

    It’s over. No one believes it. Global Warming has obviously not happened. And no one in the post iPhone generation wants an electric car. They are far more worried about a job and paying the bills and dreaming of a corvette, like Joe.


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    Governments think we work for them, they need a knee in the nuts to remind them this isn’t the case.


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      Yes but the young voters want to know why they should vote for Democrats/Labor who have decided that women don’t exist and whose priorities are an ancient theory of 20th century Global Warming, why they should pay for charging stations and why politicians care more about minorities than them. Where is WLM?

      It’s not that conservatives are more popular in principle. Young people always see themselves as revolutionary and that used to be Marxist. But perversely revolutionary and rebellion is now conservative. To put the wind up their confused and lost left voting parents. Which is the whole point of being young. Dark Brandon must go down.

      And they remember Donald Trump did a great job, the first President to not start a new war. And his Abraham accords were the greatest advance for peace in the Middle East since Israel was created by the UN. Not that they care. He just really annoys their parents.


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      Americans have a saying for that.

      “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants” — Thomas Jefferson

      Governments should fear their people, not the other way around. That’s why the American constitution has a 2nd Amendment.


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        David Maddison

        The reasons for the Second Amendment are clearly in the Declaration of Independence:

        We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

        Unlike in all other countries, in the US “the people” are considered the ultimate sovereign power, not the Government, although that concept has been corrupted in recent decades.


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        Was the Second Amendment designed to forestall a British invasion? If a citizen isn’t armed then he is a traitor.


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          Honk R Smith

          Yes, but the Beatles showed up anyway. 😁

          I joke, but I don’t think it’s funny.
          I used to believe the the 2nd protected the 1st.

          I’m thinking it my be the other way round.
          I know they hate the 2nd, but I never imagined the liberal half of the American political culture would abandon free speech.


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    David Maddison

    As Jo points out, this result is achieved without most people having exposure to any members of the pro-science community.

    Due to Leftist censorship including deplatforming, shadow-banning, warnings attached to videos, search engine results to de-rank or disappear alternative opinions etc. most people are not even exposed to different viewpoints beyond the Official Narrative.

    Furthermore, in the Lamestream media, there is either no coverage of alternative opinions or if there is, the proponents suffer the usual Leftist slurs such as ad hominen attacks, or being ignorant, uneducated, stupid, in the pay of the fossil fuel industry, being a conspiracy theorist, racist, homophobic etc. blah, blah, blah.

    It appears that despite this massive Leftist censorship machine, people can STILL formulate their own opinions.

    That’s why the Left are upping the ante with censorship legislation such as the misinformation legislation the Australian Government is desperately trying to pass (origins with the fake conservative Liberal Party). No doubt the next step will be to criminalise so-called “misinformation” (i.e. the truth).

    From the Left’s operations manual, Nineteen Eighty Four:

    In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.

    (The Left are already openly talking about criminalising so-called misinformation. E.g. )


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      I think the CO2 Coalition film is very good, softly destroying the whole CO2 is evil vibe. But as said, I just don’t think the Global Warming thing has any credibility anyway. The lines of Teslas stuck in the snow or the endless flaming wrecks have been very bad PR for electric cars.

      The Age of Al Gore is over. His job is done. He is a billionaire. And history.

      New people are likely more concerned about the 100,000 Fentanyl deaths a year in America, all young people. Or the mass invasion run by the Democrats. The loss of jobs. AI taking jobs. And the total collapse of livability in San Francisco, New York, Portland, Chicago. And the ridiculous demands for 21st century reparations for 16th to mid 19th century problems.

      Even the alleged journalists are chasing issues which are not relevant. After only geriatrics read a newspaper let alone the New York Times, the Washington Post or newspapers at all. They are from the century before last.

      The new world belongs to the 18-36 year olds. All voters. And only 5% believe any of it. They want wealth, success, jobs, a future. And dislike politicians who yell about war and disaster and taxes and reparations and BLM and Climate Change and vilify Make America Great Again. They also remember times were better under Trump just 3 1/2 years ago. MAGA seems like a great idea. And about time after three Democrat Presidents.

      This group is no longer Democrat. They have seen what the last four years has done. They want change, not more of the same disaster. And they were born after Weekend at Biden’s, but may have seen it.


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      Here a couple of experiment for the Climate Alarmists.

      1. Turn off the Sun and see what impact that CO2 has on the climate

      2. Go to a Greenhouse where they pump in CO2 to grow the plants/crops

      Please get back to me with the results

      My number is CSIROGONEWRONG



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      I thought to look up the meaning of disinformation in the Dictionary on my iPhone today. Shock horror!
      1. false information, as about a country’s military strength or plans, disseminated by a government or intelligence agency
      in a hostile act of tactical political subversion.

      2 deliberately misleading or biased information; manipulated narrative or facts, propaganda: eg Special interest groups muddied the waters of the debate, spreading disinformation on social media.

      Origin: First recorded 1965-70 From French ‘to misinform’.

      Interesting that the definition uses much about political games. No wonder Albo had politicians excluded from his own legislation on mis/disinformation coming down the track.

      Misinformation is simply another word coined between 1980-90 and is simply false information spread intentionally or not. So I guess ‘Dis’ information is deliberately spreading a lie. ‘mis’ is simply a variant including ‘dis’ or simply an error.


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    The Inflation Production Act (IPA) also known as the Green Nude Eel (GNE) also known as Build Bigger Boondoggles (BBB).

    Let’s just say, they’re spending a lot of money they don’t have, on things they don’t need.


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    Biden Is Spending $1 Trillion to Fight Climate Change. Voters Don’t Care and dopey Albosleazy is about to copy him. This is sheer economic suicide. Labor believes more money means more people/votes for them. When the bulk of the population just wants good, fiscally responsible government. The US is tracking a 10 billion $$$ deficit that they will never be able to repay. This is a pre-ordained WEF path to oblivion.
    “New era for an Albanese-made intervention
    Anthony Albanese will unveil a scaled-down version of the US Inflation Reduction Act to underwrite new investment in clean energy and build a new sovereign industrial base.”


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      CO2 Lover

      More Hand Outs to Albo’s Rent Seeking Mates

      National Reconstruction Fund
      The National Reconstruction Fund is the first step in Labor’s plan to rebuild Australia’s industrial base.

      Australia has suffered nearly a decade of policy drift since the Liberals goaded the car industry to leave. We rank dead last in the OECD when it comes to manufacturing self-sufficiency.

      We need to revive our ability to make world-class products and, in the process, create secure well-paid jobs for Australians.

      The $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund will support projects that create secure well-paid jobs, drive regional development, and invest in our national sovereign capability, broadening and diversifying Australia’s economy.

      Having one of the highest costs of electricity in the world is just what is required to “revive our ability to make world-class products”.

      Just when you thought Albo could not get any dumber – he does something like this and “totally redeems himself”!


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        David Maddison

        It’s bizarre isn’t it?

        Having some of the world’s most expensive electricity (when it used to be among the cheapest before Howard let non-dispatchable generators connect to the grid) is utterly incompatible with having any industry.

        Those genius engineers designing Australia’s new “renewables” electrical grid, Albanese and Chrissy Bowen, ought to know that.


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          “Having some of the world’s most expensive electricity (when it used to be among the cheapest before Howard let non-dispatchable generators connect to the grid) is utterly incompatible with having any industry.
          “Those genius engineers designing Australia’s new “renewables” electrical grid, Albanese and Chrissy Bowen, ought to know that.”

          But they don’t admit it.
          Is that because they really don’t know it?
          Or becuase they do know it, but still want to buggrup* Australia?

          * buggrup – a technical term, usually involving use of a barbed-wire bog brush, wielded repeatedly and without mercy.

          Asking for a friend.
          [And isn’t the term renewables indicative of the need to renew the slaver panels and bird- and bat-busters every ten or twelve years?]


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        Typical Labor, which talks big, grandiose and nation building, but is so much wastage in reality. Failure is the end result. No child will live in poverty, NDIS , renewable superpower, blah, blah. The list goes on with their intrusive,nation destroying boondoggles.


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        Hang on a minute, Albo hasn’t quite completed his National Deconstruction effort yet, his scorched earth policy. It’s a bit early to start his National Reconstruction policy. The slate’s not clean yet. Big businesses are still making big profits.

        People seem to forget Chalmers had his blinding flash moment where he came upon his brand new (very ancient in reality) idea of changing the way Australian businesses operate. We are to go from a primarily private enterprise driven system labouring under ever-increasing amounts of government bureaucratic red tape and taxes to one run as a government-private enterprise conglomerate (‘partnership’ is less confronting). If politically you can’t double tax dividends, then what better way to increase the profit spoils than by claiming some ownership and hence, profits.

        With governments as brilliant as the ones we have now, what could go wrong? NBN, NDIS, Railways, Sovereign risk, 25% Wage increases? Why didn’t someone think to do this 50years ago? One positive thing governments wouldn’t have been so keen to get mixed up with the Anthropogenic Global Warming disaster for the last 40years!


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    Alarmists will bewail and go teary,
    As polls show that most youngsters query,
    Climate crisis when asked,
    And rate it dead last,
    Of which they are jaded and weary.


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    Dave of Gold Coast Aus.

    I suspect climate change is far more accepted in Australia. Why else would the leftist communistic greens get so much say.? Recently took a tour through the northern part of NSW and was amazed at the growth of trees in places I am very familiar with. Near my former home town down there a huge bushfire devastated a large area in 2019. The regrowth is amazing with trees over 10 metres high. I guess that very tiny bit of extra CO2 is appreciated by plants if not by people. As Jo’s article says, bumper crops for years yet I read today the Dutch government is stealing farms to stop food production. The green mob, WEF and the many billionaires hate us and want to bring us to poverty and starvation while they try to control everything.


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      David Maddison

      “I suspect climate change is far more accepted in Australia.”


      A friend’s daughter in a top Melbourne private school, about 13 at the time, came home crying once because an “expert” sent by some Government agency, lectured her class about “climate change” and lied to her and the class that soon all the plants and animals would die and we would all die from anthropogenic global warming.

      That sort of demonstrably false indoctrination of young children by a Government agency ought to be a crime.

      I told the mother that I would be happy to file a complaint on her behalf but she was fearful of possible repucussions against the kid because questioning the Official Narrative is just not allowed in Australia.


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        Yes but you can only promise “soon all the plants and animals would die and we would all die” for so long before you lose all credibility. Greta Thunburg is a case in point.

        It’s one thing to maintain the rage. It’s quite another to be obviously wrong and it has reached that point.

        13 one year and at 23 you realise it was a lie. There’s a lot of that in education. But time wounds all heels.


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        This s a very important conversation between James Corbett and Ben Pile on the topic of how psychologists support the deception.

        How do we tackle this situation?

        Can it be proven in a court that deceiving children and frightening them in this way is child abuse?


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    Dave in the States

    The bad, awful and terrible news is that the government doesn’t care what the voters think.

    That is disturbing, indeed, and that appears to be how things are playing out so far. It indicates that the fix is in…again.


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      Dave, indeed. I probably should have expanded on just how bad that is. We might think the worst thing about Democracy is the naked pork barrelling efforts to buy votes, but we are way beyond that and in a far darker hole.

      What is democracy when the politicians are wildly spending money and don’t care whether the voters want it. Who are the politicians trying to impress when it is not the voters, for it is that group or groups who hold the power…

      If we had free speech the climate spin would be dead and buried in a few months.


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    Whilst climate change is not a big issue , climate change policy is. So cost of living caused in part by higher electricity prices is. Being able to choose your type of car is. Destroying nature and the environment and landscape is. Being without electricity on really hot or really cold days is a problem. Climate change policy is the greatest moral issue of our time and many people realise this because the domino effect of these bad policies impacts every aspect of our lives.


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    I wonder if “Let’s Go Brandon” did real damage? Biden has never been popular with young people. Trump can still win at golf on his own golf course, an American dream. Brandon fell off his push bike and spent half his Presidency sleeping and eating ice cream at the beach. Why should anyone believe him? Obama’s puppet is gone in every sense. He has no idea what he is reading. End of Message. Dark Brandon at West Point was a terrible decision, recalling Hitler’s imagery.

    The burning question then is when Obama and Clinton, the real rulers of the US for 12 of the last 16 years, will perform the old last minute switcheroo? They must have a plan. Russia and Climate change and MAGA are not working. But we are told Michelle does not want the job? And last chance Hillary is not credible. ‘Despicables’ the last time sank her. And this time telling voters to get over themselves, her arrogance and frustration shows through.


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    CO2 Lover

    Just ask “Who Benefits?”

    Apart frpm local scumbag rent seekers and coorupt public servants handing out $ billions to their mates for “green” proposals – China is the only one who benefits from the religion of “Climate Change” that has been sweeping the woke West.


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      Not so. The banker cabal has made billions of the renewable bubble for years.
      Then there is the university cabal who have made ten thousand careers on the anti-carbon religion.

      And then there are the bureaucrat consortium. Whole departments exist not to solve the “climate crisis” but to profit from it and go on two week annual junkets to further their potential UN careers.


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    YallaYPoora Kid

    It is human nature to believe there is something they have guilt about causing – I mean anyone who has had children carries a degree of guilt of their parenting.
    It is not a long stretch for uninformed people to believe the scaremongering of climate alarmists. We have so many groups out there demanding reparations- Greens, indigenous, GBR funds, WWF, WEF, CCP, UN – the list goes on. Even religious bodies join in with guilt trips.
    All the brainless celebrities through attention deprivation and the cynical calculating billionaires through greed and opportunity stand on the same side as the relatively innocent brainwashed hoi polloi. As years of falsely crying wolf over climate finally allows people to open their eyes to see the truth we can only hope the merchants of guilt lose their grip over the masses.
    The new scare trip coming in Australia is to block nuclear power.


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    Re “There is no grassroots clamoring demand for “climate action” and there never was.”
    What about the huge marches?


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      David you could add up all the idiots marching in America + Europe + Australia and it would be about 0.01% of the voting population in those countries.


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        Still large as grassroots go. I think the Quebec March had 400,000 or so. That is a lot.

        A lot of people are very concerned even if it is not their first concern. It is important to keep this in mind. The Democrats in office have a lot of concerned constituents voting for them. In many cases it would be political suicide to express skepticism.


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    Today the Albo loony will announce Labor’s own inflation reduction act and apparently WASTING many more billions of $.
    The entire SH is already a co2 NET SINK ( see CSIRO) yet this crazy govt BELIEVES we must WASTE many more BILLIONS of $ for a guaranteed ZERO return on their so called investment.
    And there’s no Climate emergency or crisis or EXISTENTIAL threat and today we live in the safest environment for Humans in history. In fact deaths from extreme weather events have dropped by 98% since 1920 and yet the MSM never publish the data.
    Never forget global population in 1920 was under 2 billion and over 8 billion today. THINK about it.


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    “Politicians are supposed to care about the voters, but trillions are being spent on a issue that voters don’t give a toss about. Who are politicians serving exactly, because it isn’t the voters.”

    As it has EVER been, “politics” is all bout “money and powere”. The “cute part is that one is used to obtain the other in a mad cycle.

    And “ALWAYS at the expense of the “peasants”.

    All of those trilloions being sloshed about? There has ALWAYS been a proportion of “spillage”: mostly “financial” but often of the “back-scratcing” kind. There are only three options.

    Easy one first:

    “Submit and enjoy the “spillage” that on a whim, comes your way. Any sign of “waywardness” and this “spillgae’ quota will be completely revoked; often with associated “executive action”..


    Continue as a “slave” at the whim of your masters.



    Anyone notice a ring of familiarity about that “philosophy”?


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    When did the labor clowns dream up this copy of the ‘inflation reduction act’ and how did they fit it on the back of a beer coaster.


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    U.S Senator Patrick Moynihan once said. “”Hannah Arendt had it right, “She said one of the great advantages of the totalitarian elites of the twenties and thirties was to turn any statement of fact into a question of motive.””

    And, here we are, again.


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    The critical point in any analysis of public action is always to ask, “Who benefits?” (Cui bono?)
    Or, conversely, ask, “Who suffers as a result?”
    Once looked at from this perspective it quickly becomes very easy to see trends, corruption and partisanship.


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      Kalm Keith


      If only there could be an in depth analysis of the money flow swirling around the Renewables is Goot operation.

      And, yes there’s always an and, as with any true engineering planning, costing must cover the complete thing from start to finish.

      1. Initial cost of planning.
      2. Cost of approvals.
      3. Cost of construction and test runs.
      4. Running costs over the full life of the system.
      5. Demolition and waste management procedures at the end.
      6. Rebuild and start again costs.

      Proper engineering is not used in the Renewables “energiewand” and the term Renewables is a tainted word that covers lots of ugly, undemocratic and ultimately criminal activities that are hidden behind all of the poli-media propaganda.

      The final insult: we, the taxpayers, pay for the propaganda as well as the renewables chain around our necks.


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        With energy from unreliable sources, perhaps there is another cost, that is all the other costs for backup reliable energy.

        Then there is the selling price.

        With any other product, including energy from reliable sources, the product quantities can be reliably estimated, and unit cost of production calculated, so that a selling price can be set to recover the costs.

        With energy from unreliable sources, production varies from minute to minute, day to day, year to year, so total production cannot be calculated or reliably estimated until the end of life of the system, and a selling price cannot be reliably calculated either.


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    Meanwhile China, Russia, Nth Korea, Iran etc are watching and waiting for the best time to strike a knockout blow to the dopey OECD countries.
    That the OECD countries would expose their weakness and stupidity at this time is beyond belief and yet we seem to have reached a point of no return.
    This can’t last much longer before we either WAKE UP quick or suffer the consequences.


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    Something not being the top issue doesn’t mean people don’t care about it.

    It was a survey to establish the number one political issue for the election. Not a survey to find out what people don’t care about. The survey would be designed differently if it was for that purpose.

    Fighting off the Chris Bowens of this world is still a big task.


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      True Strop, but we know from surveys of voter desire to spend money solving weather problems of 2100AD that voters don’t believe and don’t care.

      Let’s say we found out a catastrophically big asteroid was going to hit Earth in 2100. People today would be happy to spend a lot more than $5 a month to prepare and avert that. A lot would depend on the reality of what it would take to stop it, but lets say we already knew that we needed to hit that thing by at least 2060 to knock it off course, and the missile would have to be launched by 2045, and a back up one sent by 2050, and there was a danger it would fragment and still cause massive losses. Perhaps the analogy is too much of a stretch, but I just can’t believe the public buy the whole sixth mass extinction drama and at the same time don’t want to spend $5 a month.


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        Gee Aye

        Because it is not a solid object heading towards earth?


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        Perhaps the lack of willingness to use much or any of our own personal money to avoid a climatic existential threat is a better indicator. The survey that shows 42% don’t want to spend $12 a year also shows that 65% think the government should do something about it. There is portion of society that seem to think governments have a lot of money and it is unrelated to personal money.

        Being down the list of priorities and not willing to fork out personal dollars could be a “not a threat in my lifetime, not my problem” attitude. Or it could be that the majority, if pushed for a response that affects the pocket, will admit they don’t see the threat of climate change as a serious threat. But it seems to me there are enough who do care that it can and will affect elections when times are good. Elections are often decided by relatively small margins and small swings. What the small swinging group care about is the important part.

        Conversely. Voters will care about blackouts. A little late by then.


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    […] not forget, [notes Jo Nova] all these surveys are done on people who never see a skeptical expert on TV or a real […]


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    David Maddison

    Meanwhile, the Wealthy Woke Virtue Signalers who purchased a Porsche Taycan or Audi E-Tron GT electric vehicle, will find themselves subject to a recall due to pyrotechnic issues.

    Fortunately, apart from EVs being unaffordable for young people, or most people, this might encourage them to buy affordable ICE vehicles and even do performance modifications on them.


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      David Maddison

      Have you also noticed how Leftists always mock heterosexual white males who drive high performance ICE vehicles and question their masculinity but then boast about how they drive high performance of electric vehicles?

      If it were not for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards whatsoever.


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        Per Groucho Marx:

        “Poverty makes people sub-human Excess of wealth makes people inhuman. ~ Groucho Marx.”

        “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”

        “This isn’t a particularly novel observation, but the world is full of people who think they can manipulate the lives of others merely by getting a law passed.”

        “The Two Most Important Words In The World Are Honesty And Sincerity, If You Can Fake These You’ve Got It Made.”

        And the one-liner to rule them all:

        “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”

        Old Julius Henry Marx was a keen observer of the human condition; like Barry Humphries and Billy Connolly.


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    This one graph proves that they’ve been lying to us for the last 36 years and we definitely have NO EXTENTIAL THREAT or CRISIS or EMERGENCY today.
    This is from Bjorn Lomborg’s large team that includes at least 4 Nobel laureates and all of the “Co2 Coalition Scientists” also agree with these deaths from “extreme weather events” DATA since 1920.
    REMEMBER this is the deaths per million over the last 100 years and YET many so called scientists, pollies, MSM etc continue to lie to the people.
    So why do so many continue to accept and BELIEVE their delusional nonsense?×820.png


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    I cannot believe the amount of damning video on the internet for Joe Biden as he mumbles, fumbles, stumbles, tumbles. Heads in the wrong direction. Cannot finish a sentence. And fudges and guesses words when he cannot read the teleprompter.

    And lies about everything, his dead son in Iraq, no business with his son Hunter. Driving a big rig. Flying for weeks with President Xi. Locked up in South Africa for supporting Mandela. Everything. And real secret documents in his garage behind the corvette from a time when he was only a senator and not entitled to remove anything. Even the special prosecutor did not recommend action because Biden would claim senility and walk away. Go Brandon is a treasure trove of nasty, angry old man stuff. His beach house is respite care and everyone knows it, if they can get him on the helicopter in one piece.

    He has lived a charmed life when the media go front page with just words pulled out of context for Trump. Bloodbath, fine people.

    And the 36 year olds have seen it all, the farce. Especially when Biden was at the beach house and the Secretary of Defence, James Austin forgot to tell anyone he was sedated on an operating table. His subordinate was holidaying in Jamaica. Eventually Austin was forced to apologise and was not fired. But for that weekend, the US was totally defenceless. At least Biden has decided to be very tough on Israel, which will cost him Jewish votes but win Muslim ones. Or maybe cost him both.

    The Democrats will have to steal another election. Hopefully it is harder this time. They locked up the first lot of mostly peaceful unarmed protesters as violent insurrectionists.


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    …but only 3% of young voters say Climate Change is the top issue

    What was the sample size. My experience across a broad range of young people who are future voters and those that have reached voting age is that, in general, they avoid the news and much of what would be regarded as knowledge of world affairs especially national and international politics. They avoid these issues because they feel they have no control over them so they coccoon themselves in a security bubble for which they can control the inputs. I’m saying that there are a lot of voting age young who just don’t want to know or be involved in notions of climate change or anything else that the rest of us are supposed to be worried about. In a way, although I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge of world affairs, I envy them.


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      A recent Roy Morgan Poll see it as age related.

      ‘Perhaps unsurprisingly views on Global Warming are heavily age related with over a third, 36%, of 18-24 year olds saying ‘It is already too late’ compared to 32% of 25-34 year olds, and under a quarter of both 35-49 year olds (24%) and 50-64 year olds (23%).’


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        So it’s too late for what??? I’m confused because we live in the period of greatest Human FLOURISHING in Human history.
        And I include the last 36 years or the last 100 years or the last 2,000 years or the last 300,000 years. IOW they just have to look up the data for themselves and then learn to THINK. Very simple to check online.
        Or am I missing something?


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          Its too late to save the world from apocalypse.

          A lot of people don’t think very deeply about global warming and women are more gullible than men.


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    BTW the “world is burning or boiling” garbage is another big lie and used regularly by the UN SEC General as he yaps his way around the globe.
    In fact the global deaths from burns and fires were 70% higher in 1990 than today. Global population in 1990 was 5.3 billion and over 8 billion today. THINK.
    And African deaths from fires and burns have also dropped although Africa’s population is 857 million higher in 2024 than it was in 1990. THINK.
    Of course Australia and Spain have low deaths from fires and burns compared to other COLDER OECD countries today.
    Again the OWI data graphs are active, just hold your mouse on the country name to read the 30 + year data by year.


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    Honk R Smith

    Very soon it will only matter what the 1% think.
    It was very near that during Pandemic.
    Sorry, I think that was the point.
    Most have been trained.


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    Tucker, short and sweet.
    “If I’m the lead bureaucrat trying to create the new system of mediocracy and stagnation at the top, really as it’s sole beneficiary, the last thing I want is for the people I have worked so hard to divide, to find each other, and unit against me.”


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    Craig Thomas

    Well, der – what colour panties to wear is clearly the #1 issue for young people.


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      Australia has a lot in common with our American cousins, immigration and the cost of living are the main concerns.


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    Or you could get the explanation straight from Joe Biden. He just forgets stuff.

    “President Joe Biden, 81, made the case on Wednesday for his reelection, arguing he is ready for four more years because “I’m in the 20th century.

    While speaking with reporters next to the president of Japan at the White House, Biden said, “Elect me. I’m in the 20th Century,” before correcting himself, saying, “the 21st century.”


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      Try this sad collection of Biden losing the plot.. Trump’s clip starts at 6:30. This old man is unelectable. So what are the Democrats thinking?


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        David Maddison

        So what are the Democrats thinking?

        I think they are thinking either (a) that Trump will not run because they have imprisoned him or JFK’d him or (b) that their proposed election fraud is so secure there is no way he’ll get elected.

        As for (a) it is possible to be elected from jail. In 1920 Eugene V. Debs got a million votes from jail although that wasn’t enough to be elected President.

        On point (b) it only needs a relatively few strategically placed fraudulent votes in a small number of counties and states to swing the election.


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          It is entirely possible that they wanted a change but could not. Firstly to admit that they had a senile president would be devastating. Secondly this angry old man would not go. And it has proven impossible to fire a sitting President. And he has escaped any scrutiny at all while running the country while sleeping at the beach 50% of the time.

          Where Trump could run the country from jail, perhaps they are thinking Biden could be propped up in a deck chair? And the people currently running the place into the ground could continue their fine work. It really would be a rerun of weekend at Bernies.


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            Consider that the Defence Secretary Austin was able to get major surgery without telling anyone at all. He did and he has not been punished. The two people who have the ability to destroy the world. At the very least the core of nuclear deterrent. One permanently asleep on the job and the other under anaesthetic and out of action for a week.

            It means Austin knew no one would know or care and if they did, no one would dare criticize. It’s really an unbelievable situation with the President MIA. You can only think that at the very top level of the US Administration, no one’s home.


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          Honk R Smith

          For me, the Pandemic was primarily an exposition of human/rodent herd behavior.
          I see a cat!
          Everyone run!
          Which way!
          You can’t run with us unless you have a mask, a vaccine, and a rainbow flag!

          Usually toward the nearest exit.
          Then everyone finds out there was no cat.
          Now everyone has left the warm house and will now freeze to death.

          The safest flight path for rodent elite cat avoidance is Trump disqualification by SCOTUS.
          Don’t be surprised. Soon.

          Again, foreshadowed in the Python Prophecies.


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            Honk R Smith

            FYI, I say this because because one of the Christians In Action ex-heads has recently signaled this solution.


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    Dr Pielke jr looks at rates of decarbonisation per country and Poland is the winner over the 2 periods of time. He lists the top 20 countries.
    Aussies rate well, but so does China because of their high economic growth, but the world has failed to reduce co2 emissions much since Paris COP 21 in 2015. Again BIG surprise NOT.
    I hope Jo can tell us what she or her hubby thinks of Roger’s chosen method? I’m afraid this is way beyond my capabilities.
    But anyway Aussies are way ahead of their game because we live in a NET ZERO SINK called the SH.
    IOW in every PRACTICAL accurate sense Aussies haven’t added to atmospheric co2 levels for a very long time.
    Certainly for the last 100 years at least.


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    another ian

    Re “So the good news that the young can see through this, despite the wall of propaganda.”

    Seems the only ones blinded are the government agents et al and that must be by the reflections from that wall of propognda


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    Democrats, EVs And Tyranny

    I & I Editorial Board – April 10, 2024

    Why do Democrats insist on forcing consumers to make choices they don’t want?

    Americans are making it clear they don’t want electric vehicles, yet Democrats won’t give up their mandate zealotry.

    Are they driven by authoritarian urges?

    A poll taken last month shows that 48% of consumers would not consider buying an EV. That’s up seven percentage points from last year. Only 35% of those who responded to the Gallup poll said they might consider buying one, down from 43% just a year ago. A mere 9% said they were seriously considering an EV purchase. That portion was 12% in 2023.

    Yes, EV ownership has increased. In 2024, 7% of Americans own a battery-powered car. Last year only 4% owned an EV.

    But this combined with a growing resistance is an indicator that the demand is reaching a peak if it hasn’t already. After all, there are only so many consumers willing to buy an expensive, unreliable, grid-draining and destructive automobile merely for the privilege of demonstrating their green street cred and moral superiority.

    There are quite a few shallow people in this country but not enough apparently to keep the market warm.


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      Even Senate Democrats Are Starting to Reject Biden’s Radical Environmental Agenda

      Regardless of Biden’s willingness to use the veto pen, the entire EV industry remains in serious difficulty as many companies lay off workers and lower their production targets in response to sluggish demand.

      Just this week, Gallup released a poll that made grim reading for advocates of the EV transitions. Although owners of EVs have indeed increased, the number of people interested in buying one is on the decline:

      Seven percent of Americans, up from 4% a year ago, report that they own an electric vehicle.

      That increase is matched by an equal decline in the percentage saying they are seriously considering buying one, from 12% to 9%.

      Meanwhile, fewer Americans — 35%, down from 43% in 2023 — say they might consider buying an EV in the future.

      Thus, even as some people have moved ahead with their intent to buy an EV in the past year, public demand for the cars has contracted.

      Overall, less than half of adults, 44%, now say they are either seriously considering or might consider buying an EV in the future, down from 55% in 2023, while the proportion not intending to buy one has increased from 41% to 48%.

      Meanwhile, the Biden administration has also been quietly scaling back plans after realizing their plans to achieve a complete transition within the next decade is completely unrealistic.

      In February, The New York Times revealed that the White House was privately admitting defeat on many of their EV production targets as part of an election-year “concession” to automakers and labor unions. Formal details of their plan have yet to be announced.


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    Judith Sloan, in The Australian today does a full hatchet job on the USA’s IRA and Albo’s equivalent. They are both based on green rent seeker policy demands. Saving the Planet is the only rationale that could be found to justify what are simply excuses for further heavy greens policies expenditures. Tried and failed in the past. History repeating the errors of the 1960s. Albo just keeps regressing.


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      Having wrecked manufacturing, which is turning energy into product, he now believes it is the job of government in his communist Trotsky way. Government the investor, the entrepreneur, the control. We will make Australia Great again. Made In Australia. Which means he has not a clue about manufacturing.

      So we are going to be a solar panel superpower, a renewables superpower, a hydrogen superpower, a manufacturing superpower. His real superpower is ignorance high on the Richter scale.

      Renewable Energy will be so cheap manufacturers will flock to Australia to pay 35% tax on CO2. Unbelievable ignorance or malevolence. It’s hard to pick which or both?


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        And like Climate Change, Albanese’s big takeaway is that we need to ‘decarbonize’.

        When you consider that all living things are made from carbon, that all food is made of carbon, all animals, plants, fish, birds, microbes, fungi are made of carbon, the Prime Minister of Australia has declared war on Carbon?

        And we are supposed to believe that we will all die if we do not eliminate carbon?

        No wonder no one believes a word. As Judith Sloan says, it is all nonsense, ‘a dog’s breakfast of failed thinking’.

        It’s what you get when no one in politics has ever had a real job. And man made Climate Change is a real thing? No. It’s not.


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          Remember our world leading scientists in the CSIRO, public service science, spent 50 years and countless millions learning how to make it rain by seeding clouds. We should be a rain making super power by now!

          It shows you what happens when you throw taxpayer money around.

          If Albanese really wants Australia to make things in Australia, which I doubt, he could get out of our energy costs and let real people get on with the job instead of decarbonizing the country at our entire expense. How does he think Australia is going to change the world climates when we couldn’t even make it rain.


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    Old Goat

    The benefit of the internet is that nothing goes away completely and the truth can leak out . Its under assault , but people are aware of these attempts at censorship and are increasingly cynical about the MSM and social media . The emperor has no clothes – who do you believe ? the media or your lying eyes ?


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    […] published JoNova; “More than 60% of voters surveyed by the Yale University Program on Climate Change […]
