A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Senate committee recommends establishment of a Covid Royal Commission
Fantastic news.
However, I am not confident it will be an honest inquiry, especially given the extreme Leftist bias of the activist-judges of the judiciary and much of the legal profession who will likely find that there was no problem, “nothing to see here”.
Nevertheless, Senator Malcolm Roberts (and allies), being among the few pro-truth and pro-freedom politicians we have, have done a fantastic job getting this through.
Note that these recommendations for an inquiry only relate to the response of the Federal Government, not the states where a lot of the harm was done.
I hope there is a basis found for prosecutions but it’s almost impossible to prosecute a politician or public serpent for harm they’ve caused as part of their official duties – they look after themselves.
First agenda item is to make public the supply contract that ScumMo signed with the criminal organisation that makes pharmaceutical on the side – Pfizer.
The Bombing of Darwin, also known as the Battle of Darwin,on 19 February 1942 was the largest single attack ever mounted by a foreign power on Australia.
The Lowe Commission, which investigated them in March 1942, estimated 243 victims but, assuming a few were unidentified, concluded “I am satisfied that the number is approximately 250 and I doubt whether any further investigation will result in ascertaining a more precise figure.”
How many victims have there been as a result of ScumMo’s dirty deal with Pfizer for a phoney “vaccine”?
The enemy within is always the most dangerous enemy.
State Departments of Health have primary responsibility for public health, vaccine mandates were State regulated, as were Emergency Powers via State Parliaments.
Or was that Commonwealth Department of Health bureaucrats.
CO2 – The Pfizer contract is important but more so is uncovering the shady powers behind the contract, the origin of the so-called pandemic, the roll out of the vaccine and the non pharmaceutical measures (adopted by all of the 5Eyes). Also looking at what evidence those who instituted things such as masking, school closure, closing down society and if they do not have any plausible scientific evidence taken to task for it. Expose, name and shame.
Then they need to address the deaths and injuries caused, the care and compensation of those affected…. and the big one – compensation from the country that was responsible for the weaponisation and release of the virus.
The Feds did plenty and many are culpable – Hunt, Kelly, TGA for starters. For that matter, Morrison too is culpable for creating the “national cabinet” whereby the Commonwealth made itself subordinate – in effect – to the combined numbers of the state premiers and territory sultans.
A federation is *meant* to be subordinate:
I just wish the Feds would stay in their place. Their struggle for relevance has harmed our electricity supply, our drug supply, tertiary education, … they’re utterly incompetent. They should stick to military, immigration, quarantine, foreign affairs and leave everything else to the states. That should at least be a slower path down the gurgler (except maybe for Victorians).
Three levels of government and powers …
I understand that information obtained under the rules of disclosure cannot be used in any subsequent criminal proceedings. So the instigation of of a Royal Commission is in effect a “Get Out Of Goal Free” card for the “naughty ones”
I think it only applies to self incrimination. Which allows people to speak freely to a Royal Commission without fearing any admission is used against them.
I don’t think it excludes people from being prosecuted based on general evidence that comes to light via the RC.
If your admission is made in response to an order from the Commission, then any information revealed in relation to that disclosure is unable to be used in evidence in a future proceeding. So it is a smart move to have any skeletons in the closet revealed by arranging that particular question being asked. Remember the TURC commission,multiple findings recommending criminal action against witnesses but the outcome was NONE. The devils details are in the Terms of Reference for any particular Commission.
Matt Ridley re the truth of Covid origin finally coming out. False certainties now questionned.
beth, thanks.
Significant information.
Alex Washburne, PhD on “Quantitative and Computational Biology”, which focused on theoretical ecology and evolutionary biology, on his Substack “A Biologist’s Guide to Life” has some revealing comments about the “dishonest” Daszak and this about Ralph Baric:-
“…when Dr. Baric began talking about what matters ….. I was saddened to see a scientist brandish their expertise and wave big words & fancy but made-up numbers around to pull the veil over the eyes of Congress, leaving them with an impression that is not accurate and does not reflect an unbiased assessment of the evidence of SARS-CoV-2 origins one gets from using numbers that are not made-up.”
It’s long and a heavy but very educational.
Well done to Senator Roberts getting an inquiry approved, irrespective of the outcome. It comes just as the AstraZeneca covid vaccine has been removed from international markets. That poison killed Katie Lees, a woman in the prime of her life. If you read all the article you will also learn that the price of an Australian life (in the Federal Government’s estimation) is just over $70,000.
Also note that at the time of publication, Albo was all for a “proper inquiry” into Australia’s pandemic management
Albo’s support for an enquiry only went so far as making Morrison look bad. He specifically exempted state (Liebor) governments that actually did most of the harm……
State governments have primary responsibility for just about everything that impacts our daily lives, Commonwealth Federal Government was created by the States to look after national affairs and foreign affairs.
and as we recently found out, if she ticked the box on her super life insurance , the govt will come at them for tax. Yes, even her parents.
Like the UK inquiry it’s pitched at the handling, in other words misdirection for the history books; a cover up. The Inquiry that is needed is into WTF was foist upon us: how they managed to simulate a pandemic and how they got the whole world’s politicians to buy in to injecting a toxic substance into their voters. We don’t need the ‘why’ because we know why.
“Dissecting the New York Time’s Plea for Vaccine Amnesty
“Reviewing a remarkably disingenuous “apology” and what actually caused the vaccine disaster”
First up,what is the origin of the virus.Man made in a Lab developing Bio-warfare agents? And why?
MAY 22, 2022
Sars-Cov-2 was Lab Made Under Project DEFUSE
Sars-Cov-2 is a Result of Years of Documented Scientific Work
Absolute proof:The Gp-120 sequences prove beyond all doubt that “COVID-19” was man-made
Whoopee! A royal commission that’ll run for years and that dare not expose the collusions, lies and fraud across oh so many institutions.
Time is the fire in which we all burn, and a 2 year inquiry now is like spraying water on an already burned out house.
But let’s imagine that the RC did expose everything. What then? Lawsuits dragging on for still more years, years that the immunodestroyed don’t have?
Sackings where the sacked get huge payouts and retire rich anyway?
Nope, prioritise your lives right now instead.
The clock’s ticking – post #38 below.
So what SHOULD we do?
Australia: 39th on the Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index. Down from 27th last year.
USA is 55th. China is 172nd.
The analysis is quite interesting.
Being intimately acquainted with the writings of Canadian Press, I can not understand how we were as high as 14th. If that is true, I feel deep sorry for the Australians who have to put up with their press.
I was also a bit mystified by some of the rankings.
Its one thing to have a freedom and a separate thing regarding its use. In Australia the media has pretty wide freedom to invesigate , critique and present wide ranging views. Clearly this does not happen as pretty much all the mainstream media stays on the woke narrative and will continue to cheerlead even when smacked in the face by reality. Their usual response when things are clearly failing is that we just need to go in harder.
Real free speech is effectively pushed the margins where it can be stifled and attacked. So eventually you can pretend to have freedoms and consume your Orwellian news-speak
So the UK Eurovision entry got zero from the public vote. Can’t imagine why. What’s not to like about a group of ugly men simulating gay sex in a filthy rotating public toilet.
Bring on the CRINK axis invasion, it’s for the best I think. (China/Russia/Iran/North Korea).
Eco-friendly brake cables eaten by foxes after switch to soy insulation
Yea, but nahh!…
Just spray some Dingo pi55 under the car….that will scare them off !
See what happens when fox hunting is banned! Bring back men in red jackets, on horseback, speaking in plum accents, with a coterie of hounds. Tally-ho, old chap!
One thing however… come brake lines are covered in chewable material? Last time I looked the hydraulic brake lines were made of metal.
Not the last section to the wheel. I think the article is mixing cables, lines, wires. Add these soy insulated items to chewing through radiator hoses to get the coolant and the car becomes quite a buffet. Assorted rodents have been chomping on cars since they have existed, but randomly chewed wires cause havoc in modern multi sensor, multi control unit, CAN bus networked cars.
I decided to create a graph of all the instrumental ECS estimates I could find between 2000 and 2020 and there really is no consensus on ECS. Some are as high as 3.5°C and some under 0.5°C. ECS derived from instrumental data includes things like observations from satellites, ground-based stations, and other modern instruments. Instrumental estimates of ECS are generally lower than model and paleoclimate estimates and probably have the least assumptions (paleoclimate has a lot of assumptions).
I found that out of 36 studies between 1998 and 2021, the average ECS is around 1.8°C, which is lower than the IPCC’s best estimate of 3°C. The 1.8°C estimate is close to Judith Curry’s best estimate for ECS of 1.5°C.
The pro-AGW website Carbon Brief considers instrumental ECS estimates an outlier, saying: “Studies based on instrumental data are something of an outlier, tending to show a considerably lower estimate of around 2°C”.
This is because model-based and paleoclimate ECS studies show much higher ECS estimates, but they come with more assumptions. For instance, paleoclimate will assume a cause from a correlation (CO2 is correlated with temperature in the paleo-record and some argue that this means CO2 caused the temperature to change, instead of saying that temperature caused CO2 to change).
Link to ECS graph:
Made a typo on one of the numbers in the graph so corrected it:
Anyone is free to use this graph if they want, and if you want the sources just ask.
I wouldn’t mind seeing the sources.
This wesite provides a spreadsheet of the ECS estimates:
The remaining ones were taken from NoTricksZone:
I updated the graph again and so other links are dead now:
I should have taken more time verifying it before posting it here.
Sorry for the spam posting.
WordPress says. 404: file not found.
Link not working
corrected link:
I figured out what I was doing wrong. I was saving and coping the image to my blog in the wrong format. This one should work:
I apologize for the repeated posts Jo.
Uhh – Eurovision Contest … for Songs?
This weekend’s High Culture on terrestrial TV in the UK.
[See Mr. Grim, at #3]
I’m glad I didn’t watch it.
Quoting the ARC, this TLA stands for:
Sounds like a meaningless foray into a meaningless UNIPCCC concept.
Equilibrium sensitivity; it even sounds woke like something out of the European Contest for Songs.
Yes it is doubly meaningless. First the climate is what is called in physics a far from equilibrium system so it has no equilibrium measures. Second CO2 level does not control temperature so there is no such unique number. Some models have ECS’s but the Earth does not.
You claim that ECS = 0. The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) stated that there is high confidence that ECS is within the range of 2.5°C to 4°C, with a best estimate of 3°C.
I’ve even heard it mentioned that it could be as high as 6.9 °C.
On Wednesday mornings.
But ALL climate models have an ECS. That is how they get warming from CO2.
However you are spot on that the Earth does have an ECS. At least one that can be measured.
If all the carbon in CO2 that is added by humans adds to the atmospheric mass then it will produce warming but you would be looking for a change in the third decimal place on a Kelvin or Centrigade scale.
Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity.
Change in global temperature if CO2 is doubled/halved.
That about covers it, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they have ignored cloud physics.
Only partially correct. They ignore all testable physics. In fact climate models all run on a special branch of their own fisics. Where else but climate models does back radiation exist? Where else but climate models can the atmosphere perpetually manufacture water from nothing? Where else but climate models can a non condensing, non solidifying gas alter the energy balance?
Love it!
That comment punches above its weight Rick, but sadly few would understand the “fisics” even here on this blog.
I saw a comment, a few days ago, where it was said that “backradiation” had been measured at something over 400 watts per square metre, but that it couldn’t heat anything’s.
Undoubtedly UNIPCCC fisics for beginners.
Happer & LIndzen. 1.0 and ON CLIMATE SENSITIVITY
As atmospheric physicists in this specific field and Lindzen in particular , the figure in Lindzen’s opinion is 0.75-1.0C for an incredible doubling of CO2.
Consider then that if the 50% increase in CO2 in say 125 years is man made which Happer believes and I do not, it means that doubling of CO2 by man made fossil fuels would take 6×125 years or 750 years from today. And the effect would be 1.0C or less.
Which is consistent with the CO2 coalition and Prof Happer repeated public statements that even doubling CO2 (with fossil fuel) at the current rate would have a totally negligible effect.
Moreover, because of the built in aspect of logarithmic diminishing returns to the concept (assuming that’s really how it works) of “per doubling,” it means that any increase in temp, from co2 from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution….wait for it… has already happened. And additional future increases in temps will be very, very small.
(assuming that’s really how it works)
🙂 an essential part of discussing this stuff.
Have a look at
An AI in a military simulation scenario went horribly wrong.
The AI got points for killing enemy missile sites but required a “man in the loop” for firing permission.
This restricted the points the AI could get.
The AI responded by killing the human who had to give it permission to fire.
This is a “Terminator” style situation.
Note, this was only a simulation but it could just as easily been real life.
Jeff Taylor discusses:
This is most important news.
We have now reached the critical point we have been repeatedly warned about.
“An AI in a military simulation scenario (went horribly wrong.)… won the game quite fairly with, in hindsight, a quite expected and reasonable action.”
Who amongst us is indispensable when it comes to one death against many? ..or many deaths against us all?
The good news is, this might be the perfect reason for the powerful NOT to make us all subservient to an AI- who wants to be the man most likely to die when the AI acts? If it was the President then it would certainly colour their decision on going to war.
Thus it never received permission to fire.
Fakr news?
Can the AI work out the Nuclear Launch codes? Hope not.
You can have the most secure activation system you like – retinal scan, fingerprints, access codes etc ( all of which can easily be conpromised) but at the end of the line it’s probably a humble relay that “pushes the button”.😉
Apparently Col Tucker “Cinco” Hamilton now admits he “mis-spoke” about what happened and he was talking about a plausible scenario, which indeed it is.
You can see where this is going.
If you want to know what AI’s can do look at what “Lavender” has been doing in Gaza for Israel . Both sides in the Ukraine war are also using AIs. The daleks are coming…exterminate….
AI may do a better job than humans
There have been many thousands of friendly fire incidents in recorded military history, accounting for an estimated 2% to 20% of all casualties in battle.
And how safe is it to have Joe Biden with his finger on the nuclear button?
“One day while I was driving down the highway in the sun
I sat behind a milk truck just returning from his run.
His sign said “Licensed Vendor” and it made me feel secure
That only numbered milkmen could come knocking on my door.
Then I saw a licensed builder with his number on the door
And a plumber with a permit which was issued by the law.
Then a hawker and publican each with his licence plate
And a licensed money lender with his number on the gate.
I pulled into a café, which was licensed to sell beer
And struck up conversation with a licensed auctioneer.
He’d just been selling forfeit goods to pay the fines imposed
On a maverick hardware dealer whose late trading he’d exposed.
A warm glow spread inside me as I drank a licensed beer
And I pictured the inspectors who called in every year
To check upon the numbered men and safeguard fools like me
Who’d waste their money buying things from men who paid no fee.
I thought of all the union men whose cards protect their job
And dairy men whose quota scheme defends them from the mob.
The teachers who are registered, the chemists with their guilds
And lawyers with their closed cartel which keeps their coffers filled.
As I sat among the numbered men it suddenly occurred
That I was just a cleanskin in a tamed and numbered herd.
Somehow I’d missed the muster when the planner combed the land
And now I was a maverick, a man without a brand.
The numbered men live sheltered lives, their keeper is the State,
Their job depends less on their skills than on their licence plate.
Their future is determined and their charges are prescribed,
And the standards of their conduct are in rules and acts described.
But thank the Lord for mavericks, who don’t fit in the mould,
They help distract the licence-men from getting far too bold.
Without the help of mavericks, the planners would persist
Till we all need applications for a licence to exist.”
There is a horrible disease called Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in which the muscles and tendons literally turn into bone and the sufferer eventually becomes immobile like a statue.
Fortunately it is extremely rare, only about 800 cases known worldwide.
Here is a video in which sufferers talk about their condition.
Also see:
I saw that video. There’s no shortage of bizarre diseases that we humans can suffer from.
Cotard’s Delusion, Aquagenic Urticaria, Canites Subita and most amazingly one called Hyperthymesia. Check that last one out!
A firefighter professional talks about Big Battery fires and in particular, a recent one in Germany.
Around one BESS fire a month world wide currently when these are only a small fraction of what is actually required to replace coal and gas with unreliable wind and solar.
Neoen .. the French owned electricity generator in Australia,..has started building a 4000 MWh battery facility in Collie, near Bunbury, WA.
This is several orders of magnitude bigger than any grid battery in Au.
That should light up the night sky when it goes “poof”
This happened early in the 20th Century.
“Imagine we lived in a world where all cars were EVs, and then along comes a new invention, the “Internal Combustion Engine..””
Steam and electric cars were the choices in the lat 1800s. The ICE rapidly displaced them to history. The electric starter motor was a significant development in rapid acceptance and expanding use.
You could have added..
…” and fueled by a naturally occurring resource..”
Where on Earth is petroleum “naturally occurring?” Or do you have a petrol bush in your back yard?
“Petroleum” may not be naturally occurring, but oil is and it can fuel some ICEs directly.
But it is the “naturally occurring” feed stock for petrol and diesel production ,
In fact, this scenario has already happened. Many early automobiles were electric until they were replaced with superior ICE vehicles.
You forgot steam cars – they also suffered the same fate . Trains hung on for a while but diesel won.
The steam engine submarine was an interesting construction by the Brits
A nuclear powered submarine uses steam turbines, only the heat source is a fission reactor.
And there was a steam-powered aircraft.
Imagine we lived in a world where all new cars were to be mandated solely as full EVs, despite the relative advantages of an old invention, the hybrid “Internal Combustion Engine” EV.
When do we wake from the bad dream?
David. Someone thought your imagination was good enough to republish in this morning’s online edition of the Australian. It makes a great deal of sense. In some ways farmers moved away from wind powered windmills toward diesel or petrol driven jack pumps because they were far more reliable. We depended on windmills in the forties and fifties and I recall weeks when the wind was not strong enough to pump water. If such wind droughts happen again, and they will, then there will never be enough batteries to keep the grid going. We can’t rely on hydro so when coal goes there is only gas. Will Tanya allow drilling when her Green tinged voters are likely to vote her out?
DM’s finally reading my old posts.
Feb 25th. 😁
“Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals How Much Doctors were Bribed to Push COVID Vaccines – And Leaked Insurance Documents Back Him Up (VIDEO)”
Sounds like a good “dig here” question for this covid jab enquiry
Climate “Reparations” Numbers Are Rigged
Gets me how they get suckered into a discussion about the reparation numbers, rather than a discussion about what complete and utter BS “climate reparations” is.
“HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Nearly Half of All Masters Degrees Aren’t Worth Getting: According to new research, 23 percent of bachelor’s degree programs and 43 percent of master’s degree programs have a negative ROI.
I have a nephew who became a welder instead of going to college. Now out of welding school, after only a couple of months he’s earning an hourly wage that equates to a six-figure income. He has $3000 of debt.”
Via Instapundit
Much of University education needs to be reduced down to 2 year condensed foundational courses – diplomas. Many courses such as business and engineering need only be an introduction with much of the learning being on the job.
That leaves precious lttle time to be indoctrinated with “the message”
We actually had good system many years ago with TAFE doing solid techical education that gave a path to University if you wanted it. Sadly both tiers have been diluted into the current mess.
Every course in every educational institution has been diluted so that it goes for as long as possible at as high a cost as possible for the least possible benefit. The days when institutions of any kind worked for their clients ended long ago. And that includes governments.
Agreed. Many working areas are dual disciplines. Business is combined with specialities varying from branches of law, marketing, finance to software and to sciences etc. Likewise software. Engineering is very varied and is changing rapidly. Modern engineering is very different from the engineering of 40 years ago. Even physics and chemistry is varied.
Start off with a 2 year diploma. Then work for a minimum of 2 years. Then if interested add a 2nd 2 year diploma and then those become combined into a degree.
“Start off with a 2 year diploma. Then work for a minimum of 2 years. Then if interested add a 2nd 2 year diploma and then those become combined into a degree.”
Excellent idea! How many 18yr-olds know what they really want to do with their life? Most waste a few years are Uni, run up a massive debt and then work in some other field. A 24yr-old has a much better idea of what they want to do.
Just Stop Oil Activists Try To Destroy Case Holding Original Magna Carta
Don’t worry as the best preserved original Magna Carta (there are four originals) is held in Salisbury Cathedral, Wiltshire, England and the other is held in Lincoln Castle, England. The British Library has the other two I believe.
David Starkey: “We Are About To Elect A Government Nobody Wants.” What went wrong?
Would you like to live downstream from a major dam, designed by an engineer with 2 yrs study from a university and a bit of learning on the job? Or live on unstable ground without first completing a complex slope stability study?
“Would you like to live downstream from a major dam, designed by an engineer with 2 yrs study from a university and a bit of learning on the job”
…or how about one designed by an Asian immigrant with no practical experience at all? ..or even a fake degree from some university overseas? They do exist and are in your Govt workforce right now!
So long as your problem was tackled in their text book they have a chance of getting the right answer.
I’ll go for the Asian immigrant. They might have gone to a university that taught something useful before migrating. ‘Overseas’ doesn’t have a monopoly on fake degrees.
I would expect the work to be done by a computer/AI with the problem being the quality of the data used . Not doing enough research and shoddy materials and workmanship are usually the cause of failure.
Dams are now designed by computers and not by young graduate engineers.
Before Gough Whitlam you needed a scholarship to go to university if you did not have well off parents.
Gough made university education “free” but that did not last long and now graduates have to pay off a large HECS debt, with many not finding jobs in their chosen field
The university system is broken and in neeed of major reforms.
Immigrants are being brough in on the basis of a lack of skilled local workers, while our children are unable to get well paying jobs after completing one or more university degrees.
Settle petal, your made up argument really doesnt fly and you probably know it. Such a project would not be designed or implemented by a new or recent graduate.
There is nothing wrong with on the job experience and training backed up with further formal education at institutions inititially and the lifelong professional development to keep up with changes in your field.
I spent 4 years getting a Chemical Engineering degree but only spent one year doing actual “Chemical Engineering” before moving on to do other things including taking on John Howard and his GST. I became an “expert” on excise taxation.
Howard had promised that the price of ordinary beer would only increase by 1.9% because beer already had a substantial excise tax imposed. However, my analysis confirmed that the price of beer in pubs and clubs would go up by 10%.
I attended a meeting with Howard and Costello with Beer industry CEOs attempting to hold Howard to his word – Costello walked out of the meeting.
This led to “It’s your Shout” an award winning campaign where Howard was forced to buckle and the excise on keg beer was reduced so that the price increase was limited to 1.9%
This remains in force to this day and has saved beer drinkers $ billions in excise taxes they would otherwise have paid.
The current focus is on excise taxes on petrol and diesel with EV owners paying no “road usage” taxes.
Victoria attempted to levy a road usage tax, however the High Court ruled that such taxes are an “excise” and can only be levied by the Commonwealth.
Labor is pushing back debate on a road usage tax for EVs until after the next election.
Professional qualifications are important and are traditionally handled by exam by the professional institutes. Any engineer, including civil engineers, needs to learn the ropes on graduation. They don’t go immediately to designing bridges. They start out doing things like testing concrete pours, learning to organise and supervise on the ground, planning, ordering and handling deliveries etc.
They don’t go immediately to designing bridges.”
I thought that video was showing the ship taking out the bridge in Baltimore, and then the Melbourne bridge collapsing under construction… Then I noticed the Chinese writing..
America Wakes Up!
BOMBSHELL: Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel
Joe Biden has been hiding intelligence on the whereabouts of Hamas leaders and their command tunnels, depriving Israel of vital information that could lead to an end to the war.
That revelation came in a report on Saturday and was framed as the administration offering that information now if the ongoing operation in Rafah is canceled.
It looks like Joe Biden’s betrayal of Israel is worse than we thought. According to a new report, Joe Biden has been withholding intelligence from Israel regarding the whereabouts of Hamas leaders and their underground command tunnels.
When you read between the lines, it’s quite clear that the Biden administration is protecting Hamas, is actively withholding information that could bring this war to an end, and is now using vital intelligence as leverage to prevent Israel from conducting an operation Biden doesn’t want them to conduct.
Any intelligence that can help pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders or uncover their terror tunnels should have been promptly shared with Israel. Holding back such critical information is unacceptable, puts Israeli lives at risk, and prolongs the war. Why wasn’t this information immediately shared with Israel when it was first uncovered? Why would Joe Biden protect Hamas terrorists at the expense of our ally, Israel?
Of course, we all know the reason why: Joe Biden needs to appease the antisemitic wing of his party if he wants any hope of winning Michigan.
Marina Medvin 🇺🇸
Why has Biden been keeping intel on Palestinian terrorists from Israel while 5 Americans are being held hostage in Gaza and Israel is their only way out?!
Why is Biden constantly playing interference on behalf of Hamas?
Israel has long believed that they must enter Rafah to put an end to Hamas, but Joe Biden is using every trick at his disposal to prevent them from doing so under the guise of “humanitarianism.” I think it’s obvious that Biden doesn’t want Israel to win the war or eliminate Hamas.
“I am shocked and sickened by reports that the U.S. is withholding from Israel vital information on the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders in Gaza,” former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren said in a post on X/Twitter.
“Is the administration still our ally?”
Clearly not.
With Friends Like Biden, WHO Needs Enemies?! THIS WaPo Biden/Israel BOMBSHELL Should End His Presidency
The West will soon pay for Biden’s betrayal
The US President’s stubbornness is signalling to terrorists that barbarism will be rewarded
Our global adversaries – China, Russia, Iran and its proxies – must be marvelling at their good fortune as President Joe Biden effectively endorses a terrorist veto over Israel’s right to self-defence.
The President’s unprecedented open threat to withhold arms deliveries to Israel “if they go into Rafah”, and a State Department public report on Israeli conduct of the war, are self-inflicted wounds to a vital alliance. Israel has not yet publicly responded, but it faces critical choices over whether to proceed militarily in Rafah, or back down. Neither option is attractive given the potential consequences.
Biden’s stubbornness is wrong on many levels. First, close allies should always engage privately during wartime. Leaks undoubtedly occur, often intentionally, but preserving even minimal confidentiality is essential to later repairing damage done both at governmental and personal levels.
Piling on publicly in the middle of a war is imprudent, even juvenile, damaging the respect and trust allies must sustain during times of crisis and tension. The propaganda opportunities handed to hostile powers are immeasurable. And if Biden is prepared to cut loose one of America’s most valued partners, what does that foretell for those more-distant, less-favoured than Israel? How does Ukraine feel? Or Taiwan?
Second, Biden’s motives are not so high-minded as he may have us believe. This is no profile in courage.
“if they go into Rafah”
The Israelis have enough armaments to go into Rafah and presumably the war will then be over.
Biden knows there are votes in taking the high moral ground, its showtime. If Donald was in the big seat what would he have done?
Probably should, but there is a big populist anti Israel thing going on at the moment, so I’m not sure about that.
It’s a sign of unchecked Islamic migration. And the sensitivity of all political parties to loud intractable minorities. In the US, Uk, Sweden, Germany, Australia, everywhere. So there is talk of Islamophobia as being equal to anti Semitism.
Actually I do not know anyone who is scared of Jews. But I know a great number who are scared of Islamic terrorists.
Which is why everyone now spend hours on every trip while officials make sure they are not Islamists carrying weapons or bombs. Islamophobia is now so embedded in our society we do not notice it.
And now this terrible security impost on everyone and universal fear of islamic terrorism is painted as unreasonable and racist. Why? From the River to the Sea for example is a simple demand to wipe out all six million Jews. And take all their stuff. Again. And people really think it is a call for freedom? It sounds exactly like a call for another holocaust.
More dietary choices!
“We’ll Just Put Diapers On Our Vehicles Every Night”
“The Telegraph- Eco-friendly brake cables eaten by foxes after switch to soy insulation
Eddie Mitchell, who lives on Broadwater Green in Worthing, the latest target for hungry foxes, said: “Everyone around us has been affected. There’s been at least 20 attacks by foxes on the brakes system under cars.””
““Uighur Slaves Struggling to Keep Up with Demand for Palestinian Headscarves.” ”
Even Stupider Than the Stupidest Litigation in The Country”
Another model to follow?
“Note The Insanity”
There is a “severe gap” in the number of available vaccine doses compared to the level of current need, said UNICEF on its website.
“Between 2021 and 2023, more doses were requested for outbreak response than the entire previous decade,” UNICEF noted.”
“Outbreak response?
You don’t vaccinate into an outbreak of anything. Of course we knew this decades ago and then immediate forgot it when Covid showed up.”
More at
‘Cholera’, isn’t that a 3rd world disease caused be defecating too close to your water supply.
Read of the day he’s now a Perfesser
I documented a lot of the covid disinformation propagated by Hunt and his department in my submission to Parliament on their “disinformation” (censorship) legislation.
Absolute Gold Standard submission there David.
Above and beyond the call of duty.
If any of them are honest enough to read it through and check sources, verify for themselves, you’ve converted them. Whether or not they’re then honest and strong enough to stand up and be counted against censorship can only be hoped.
The Hunt tribe get around – another mentioned in here
As the article says (alas) The Australian and Sky News are no less complicit in the mass lying to Joe Public during Covid than the WHO, CCP and Dan Andrews.
Least we forget – But we did.
Medical experts predict that as many as 10,000 babies were severely affected by the drug of which there are less than 3,000 survivors today. Thalidomide was distributed for sale in Australia between the 1st of August 1960 and the 29th of November 1961. The drug was finally prohibited on the 9th of August 1962.
One country that did not approve thalidomide for marketing and distribution was the USA, where it was rejected by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This rejection by the FDA was ignored by Australian public health officials
Funny, I’ve known one person that was(is) a thalidomide victim.
I’ve also only known one person that allegedly died of COVID during the great Pandemic.
(He was 88, wheel chair bound, and no passes left to bypass.)
Means nothing I guess.
Of course, I know many victims of the Pandemic, including myself.
Meaning victims of government action, not a virus.
Fact check – true
No false. The WHO is correctly alerting health authorities that it appears to be transmitted between cows (fact!) and that this could be the source of an outbreak in humans – for various virological and epidemiological reasons.
YYY are you disputing this?
False that this is a ploy by big insect to kill cows or that other nonsense in that jpg
Maybe consider some gene therapy to get a functional X
This story, aka fiasco, was covered by me recently.
Cows need to eat plants not chickens GA…
Oh dear aren’t you getting enough acknowledgement?
Wtf are you on about?
Maybe John is assuming cows need to eat a chicken to catch avian flu? (They don’t). But an election year is an infection year. So understandably people are very suspicious of all the H5N1 talk. Avian flu has been around for a long time. Wouldn’t it be just so helpful for mail in ballots if H5N1 started to spread from human to human sometime in the next few months?
“an election year is an infection year”
That’s a good one. 🙂
What about poxes?
There’s monkeys, cows, and chickens.
I think I’m feeling poxy.
(I think I had the chicken one.)
Hey, why did the chicken cross the road?
To show the opossum it could be done.
Modified to suit local conditions so Aussies can get the joke:
Hey, why did the chicken cross the road?
To show the kangaroo it could be done.
Avian flu has been around forever (not really) but has been moving through wild and non wild bird populations at a high rate in the last few years. Tracking its progress in other animals is perfectly valid whether it is an election year or not. The nonsense in the link has nothing to do with science and everything to do with fearmongering
…Avian flu… has been moving through wild and non wild bird populations at a high rate in the last few years…
How do you know that for sure? Doesn’t it bother you that there has never been a study that shows that transmission is actually a thing? All experiments – and there have been many – have failed.
In forty years of study, The Common Cold Unit came up with nothing useful.
Not only were they unable to grow any “virus,” the crew attempted – in vain – to produce colds in mice, rats, guinea pigs, cotton rats, rabbits, voles, hamsters, gray squirrels, hedgehogs, ferrets, kittens, pigs, green monkeys, red patas monkeys, capuchin monkeys, baboons and a sooty mangabey.
The Spanish flu – apparently shockingly contagious – could not be transmitted.
Rosenau’s experiments were just one of many that attempted and failed to transmit a “virus” to humans in both “natural” and experimental ways.
I’ll pass on this Godfrey. You’ve defeated me. I no longer believe in viruses
Do you have a reference for that cow bit?
it is pretty well covered in media. An easy google or ddg
The Next Carrington Event?
The Invincible Ignorance of the Western Governing Class
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
The traditional theology of the Judaeo-Christian world has a useful concept known as invincible ignorance. It is an ignorance so profound, so all-pervading, so irredeemably, pig-headed, so irremediably scatter-brained, that nothing can be done to save its victims from themselves except to smile, shake the dust of their one-horse dorp off one’s cowboy boots, get astride one’s Ducati and thunder off to the next dorp.
Interviewee: “The US government can’t go bankrupt because we can print our own money.”
Dim interviewer: “Like you say, they print the dollar, so why does the government even borrow?”
Interviewee: “Well, um, the – er – so the – I mean – again, some of the stuff gets – some of the language that the – erm – some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money, which is why – erm, er – the government definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by – er – by selling bonds – er – is that what they do? They, they – erm – they – yeah, they, they – erm – they sell bonds – yeah, they sell bonds, right, so as they sell bonds and people buy bonds and lend them the money – yup – so a lot of times, a lot of times – at least to my ear – with MMT the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing, but there is no question that the government prints money and then it uses that money to – um, er, uh – er – so – um – yeah, I – I – I guess I’m just – I don’t – I can’t really talk – eh, I don’t – I don’t get it – I don’t know what they’re talking about, like, ’cos – it’s like – the government clearly prints money, it does it all the time, and it clearly borrows, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this that ’n’ defic – conversation, so I don’t think there’s anything confusing there.”
I’ll give you a clue.
It could have been (but wasn’t) the Cellar-Dweller, for he has given fewer interviews than any other President (real or purported) in my lifetime. It could have been (but wasn’t) his gibbering, cackling, grossly inadequate deputy, la Harris.
Some further clues. It wasn’t a typically ill-informed, inarticulate Communist undergrad trying and failing to debate Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA on campus.
It was a graduate in music from the Manhattan School of Music. He also holds a Master’s degree in “social” “work” from Hunter College and a Diploma in “social” “work” from Columbia “University” School of “Social” “Work”.
Give up? OK, I’ll tell you.
The interviewee was one Jared Bernstein, of whom the world has hitherto justifiably heard little.
Believe it or not, our Jared is a member of the U.S. Cabinet in his incapacity as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.
I kid you not. That’s his job title.
I should explain that “MMT”, mentioned by Bernstein, is “Modern” “Monetary” “Theory”, which, like “Critical” “Race” “Theory”, is a non-subject manufactured by the shrieking far Left to advance its fell political objectives.
It should be clear to all from the above verbatim transcript that Jared the Jejune is not the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors because he knows anything about economics. He is there because he is a Party Line footballer, and for no other reason.
I saw the “invincible stupidity” in an article about Adam Bandt the other day and rather liked it. It seems the term invincible (insert characteristic) is becoming a thing.
And the reason any government borrows rather than prints is to prevent debasement of their currency and inflation.
But since the USA is printing and borrowing, it’s almost toast time…
Cash is king in China.
‘Some Chinese cities have begun to pay state employees with the country’s digital currency, but most of these early adopters convert to cash immediately.
‘Challenges remain in the e-CNY’s popularisation, as universally adopted mobile payment apps present convenient, functional alternative.’ (SCMP)
Arrival – the “British Tesla” – Goes Bust After Not Selling a Single Van
Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse
Largest non-bank lender in Australia warns of a data breach
Firstmac Limited is warning customers that it suffered a data breach a day after the new Embargo cyber-extortion group leaked over 500GB of data allegedly stolen from the firm.
Firstmac is a significant player in Australia’s financial services industry, focusing primarily on mortgage lending, investment management, and securitization services.
Headquartered in Brisbane, Queensland, and employing 460 people, the firm has issued 100,000 home loans and currently manages $15 billion in mortgages.
Firstmac determined that the below information was compromised:
Full name
Residential address
Email address
Phone number
Date of birth
External bank account information
Driver’s license number
But CBDC’s will be safe. ROTFL…
Monday sarcasm: Are you unvaccinated?
Delete the “un” and it’ll be right. 😎
Where are the ‘Fact-checkers’ these days ??
Off at gay pride/LGBTQ+-×÷ kiddy events probably.
Never got the Jab/Boosters. Feel fine at 71 years old. Now for some more red wine and dinner time is soon. Steak, chips, mushrooms and grilled tomatoes.
Back when we were “supposed to believe that they knew they knew”
Horrific moment ‘transgender’ killer strikes man walking down road at high speed with Dodge Challenger, reverses over him, straddles and kisses him before stabbing him nine times.
Traumatic footage show a transgender murder suspect running over a victim twice with a Dodge Challenger in suburban Houston – before kissing and stabbing his limp body.
Law enforcement sources close to the case said the footage was some of the most horrifying they’ve seen in their careers, and culminated with the victim’s death.
The incident on Woodridge Square Drive on May 3 happened in broad daylight – with 20-year-old Karon Fisher seen careening toward Steven Anderson, 64, as he walked to retrieve some mail.
Hit first and run over again as Fisher backed up, Anderson is seen looking back in disbelief seconds before he is struck. KTRK cut away before the moment of impact.
As neighbors crowded around, Fisher is seen returning to the scene with a knife, flipping the victim over and stabbing him multiple times. Seconds before, she takes the time to straddle and kiss him, eventually running off. She is now in custody, cops said – crediting that with tips received from several horrified witnesses.
Not mental illness eh…
A FWIWcomparison –
Ram diesel pickup vs Cybertruck towing similar trailers
Chiefio’s summary –
“2 guys, 2 trucks, 2 trailers, 85 miles.
Ram Diesel $25.74 in a minute or two for 8.73 gallons.
CyberTruck $37.45 in about 1hour 15 minutes for 107 kWhr and 6% left in the battery.
8000 lb Toy Hauler trailer.
Oh, and you must unhitch the trailer to back up to the SuperCharger to recharge. One one unhitch, leaving in a parking space, re-hitch per fill-up…
So basically, drive an hour, charge an hour… and 11 charging stops from Colorado to L.A.”
Watched this last night, the testers really do try and keep an open mind, but reality rules.
Craig Kelly – Time for the e-Safety Commissar to GO.
The solar panels on the roof of the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre in Homebush, western Sydney, went up in flames at about 12.30pm on Monday.
Sydney Olympic Park fire: Swimming carnival disrupted after solar panels on roof of aquatic centre go up in flames
. Children evacuated in their swimmers
. Thick plumes of smoke were coming out of the building
The blaze broke out from the solar panels on top of the facility at the major sporting precinct (pictured)
The swimming centre was built for the Sydney Olympics 2000
Thousands evacuated from Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre after solar panels on roof go up in flames
Thousands of people have been evacuated from Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre after “all the solar panels on the roof” caught fire.
From the Comments
– Whoops….interesting to see what comes of this…insurance companies will see it as an opportunity – raise your premium due fire risk if you have panels..slowly the cost benefit erodes
– How does everyone feel knowing that their highly flammable new “smart” rooftop solar setup has wi-fi, and a connection back to China…
– Thank god everyone is safe. Given the entire roof was on fire and more than 2,500 people had to be evacuated, this had the potential to have been an unbelievable tragedy.
You look at incidents such as this and the hail storm that destroyed 4,000 acres of solar panels in Texas, wind turbines catching on fire and transmission lines connecting them causing fires on top of the mass destruction to native forests, wildlife & marine life to install them and get quite worried.
Once you factor in the safety concerns with lithium batteries, energy security concerns around being so reliant on China for our renewable energy and the fact that billions of dollars in government subsidies are required to keep businesses in the industry viable because private capital isn’t interested or is abandoning it at an alarming rate, you really have to ask is this all worthwhile … what will we achieve in return for all this pain??
Answer: Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Donut. The effect on the global temperature will be indiscernible.
– The name Bowen will become eponymous with renewable energy fires.
Yes, the collective name for roof top solar panel fires will be henceforth known as a Bowen.
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire…
Sing along.😉
Professor Bill McGuire is a well-known vulcanologist and climate scientist who doesn’t care much for humanity. He tweeted out a scathingly brilliant idea if you’re in the mortuary business or work as a grave digger.
“If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate.”
— Bill McGuire (@ProfBillMcGuire) May 11, 2024
Ooopsie. McGuire deleted the tweet a few hours later but had no regrets. The trouble is, we just don’t understand how brilliant he is.
Bill McGuire
May 13, 2024
Chris Martz
No, nobody took it the wrong way. It was crystal clear. You believe that the best way to “save the planet” is to reduce the human population, but you don’t want to volunteer to go first and lead by your own example because you think your existence is superior to everyone else.
And to the folks reading this, academic institutions you send your children to for a higher education are infested with dangerous people with this mentality.
They hate you.
To be clear Keating Labor created COAG – Council Of Australian Governments.
Morrison changed COAG into NLC – National Leaders Cabinet for pandemic management purposes because state governments have the primary responsibility for public health, law and order, interstate borders, policing, and so on, and the PM was attempting to provide a forum for discussions, cooperation and coordination between states and territories, but emphasis on states.
The Labor states instead used the pandemic for party political purposes including smearing of the Morrison Liberal-National Federal Government.
Got (your) cash?
White privilege for $1,000 a day
No men in drag there! 😁
It’s easy to miss the dangers on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, and those guys just get paid as servicemen.
I know of a guy that does this 6 months of the year (off shore oil rig underwater welding) and spend the other 6 months travelling the world pursuing an expensive passion.
At a lower scale i worked with guy doing the same in an ordinary job , who went home to Greece to live like a king around the summer months, after grafting hard and saving AU wages.
Nice if your life stage and desires suit.
FWIW – hydrogen
“The H Stands For Hype”
“‘Hydrogen town’ plan cancelled after protests over forced switch from natural gas”
‘All by stealth’: Albanese government places new carbon price with states
Labor gives the greens a kick in the guts.
‘The Australian Conservation Foundation says the Future Gas Strategy is a kick in the guts to the millions of Australians who voted for the Albanese government based on its support for renewables and climate action.
“To replace one fossil fuel with another is not a clean energy transition,” said ACF national climate program manager Gavin McFadzean.’ (Reneweconomy)