A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I cannot get WUWT to come in. Just me?
Came right up for me on EDGE at 8:24 AM, Pacific Time
Good. Must be my old machine. Thanks!
And me, here in Sarf Lunnon.
At 1814Z.
Welcome to this day when we celebrate Thor in all his ancient majesty.
Mothers day is coming up soon.
Singing along with the days of the week can cure you of that worship.
Footage shows landslide at Shetland wind farm
Nobody hurt, happily, but the bat-busters are temporarily halted, it seems.
Just keep drilling for more Oil and Gas around those islands. The North Sea bounty.
Only market days are counted.
DI Jimmy Perez is on it. Coroner’s initial thoughts attribute possible cause to application of a constant dull vibration unsettling upper torso of the already unstable slope. Suspected perpetrators caught on cctv clearly and brazenly milling around the scene on the horizon. Put it down to usual case of green vandalism and lets get off to the pub.
Looks like some genius dumped a few 100 tons of roadbase onto a steeply sloping peat bed ?
…Predictable result ?
Earth directed CME following an X class flare. A chance to compare the latitude of magnetic defletions of old? If the earth has less magnetism now perhaps a ring or oval around the south pole can no longer be magnetically deflected that far north. Perhaps it will no longer be a ring? “This movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory shows the CME leaving the sun bracketed by Mercury and Venus:”
Rockampton 1933
Carnarvon 1938
Astrazeneca covid-19 “vaccine” to be withdrawn from sale.
I wonder if Australia will continue to pay them money under the secret purchase deal even with no product being produced?
Covid genetic “vaccine” promoters – don’t forget to get your 17th dose before stocks run out.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Posted Tue 17 May 2022
What is the Death Count by May 2024?
What is notable is while AZ was killing 11 people only one person in all of Australia died from COVID. There never was a pandemic,just a ginormous psyOp that would make Goebbels blush. I guess when AZ victims turn purple and black it is hard to disavow the Jab as the cause. The mRNA versions are a little more subtle. In a functioning just society pathologists would be staining for spike protein and noting nucleocapsid antibodies with of course an autopsy. But if you do not look you can not find.
“while AZ was killing 11 people”, what was that specific time period?
ABS attributes 17,276 deaths to Covid#19 from March 2020 to Jan 2024.
And up untill the vaxxine mandate in July 2021, 1002 had died in the 12 months prior.
They all started dying after being injected with the safe and effective, it’s as plain as day in the ABS stats.
Year of death Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
2020 0 0 23 79 12 3 145 473 146 16 8 1 906
2021 2 1 1 2 0 0 13 98 316 443 260 219 1355
2022 1646 1034 425 716 929 889 1408 1129 447 254 456 968 10301
2023 753 232 268 433 633 598 335 161 153 202 395 362 4525
2024 189 na na na na na na na na na na na 189
None so blind as those that refuse to see.
You junkies can’t shoot yourselves up with enough of the stuff for my liking, keep at it.
The lethal part of the virus is the spike protein, so as a cure they manufactured a synthetic spike protein for your cells to replicate, so the cure is more of the problem?
They could not put it in you straight as your immune system would attack it and build antibodies against it (heaven forbid) so they had to cloak it in radiator coolant to fool your immune system and allow your own body to manufacture the lethal spike.
Keep trying to justify your own stupidity.
They lied and people died
Jan 1 2021 the covid death tally was 909 for Australia.
13/4/2021 there was a death added to the tally – 910.
11/7/2021 was the next recorded death from covid – 911.
So 1 death in 7 months and 10 days.
The futile bioweapon countermeasure jabs started April 2021.
There were acknowledged TTP deaths from AZ soon after this.
Source; covidlive database
It was well established that healthy people under the age of 65 were more at risk of the seasonal flu than from COVID and that those who died from COVID generally had other health issues.
Why was this ignored by corrupt politicians and corrupt public health officials?
Why was it ignored? A couple of hundred billion dollars.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Shaw died of a brain haemorrhage caused by a blood clot three weeks after her first AstraZeneca dose
Finally this poison has been withdrawn from sale
NoVax Djokovic
This is the Professor who still supports the death jab
Professor Peter Collignon (pictured) said people put their health at risk during the pandemic by not taking the AstraZeneca vaccine even though it was available
Contact emailContact
Yet in the Oz this morning ex Minister Greg Hunt is singing the praises of it still!!!! Talk about historical revisionism. I guess this has become pathological as the evidence is finally being accepted that the mRNA Covid vaxes had disastrous consequences for many recipients. Denial is hardly without precedent.
Disgraced Ex-CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Now Admits to Taking Ivermectin Daily — Refuses to Apologize for Shaming People Who Didn’t Take the Experimental Shot
The episode saw Cuomo confront his past criticisms of vaccine skeptics as he now embraces a treatment he once scorned.
During the discussion, Bet-David showed a resurfaced clip from 2021 in which Cuomo criticized Rep. Byron Donalds for his decision not to get vaccinated against COVID-19. In the clip, Cuomo chastised Donalds for allegedly neglecting public health responsibilities, stating:
“Everybody should know that about you, Byron Donalds. You are not telling people to get vaccinated. You are not pushing it. You are not saying it’s the right choice. You’re saying you’re not doing it, and your family is not doing it, and you’re leaving out of the equation that you can make other people sick as if that doesn’t matter. Okay?”
In response, Donalds defended his position, asserting that vaccination is a personal choice and he should not be berated for making that decision.
“If you want to be protected from these variants and the original strain, please go get vaccinated. What about protect other people? I promote you to do that,” Donalds emphasized. “But if there are Americans like myself who choose not to, please don’t berate me for doing that. That is a personal choice I have made with my own health care.”
“I did talk to a couple of doctors that I know about it. I told them. “I already had it, and I’m 42. What do you think?” They said, “Yeah, you’re fine. If that’s what you want to do, go ahead and do it.” They didn’t come and say, “No, you have to do it because of everybody else.” Because if other people want to be protected, they have access to vaccines. Go get the vaccine. I would never tell anybody not to get vaccinated. I do totally support it if that’s what somebody chooses to do,” Donalds added.
Despite Donalds’ rationale, Cuomo remained firm in his criticism, suggesting Donalds’ stance was “dumb as a proxy for being bold.”
Fast forward to the PBD Podcast interview, Cuomo reflected on how his views have evolved since then, admitting that he now regularly takes ivermectin. He acknowledged that the medical community had unfairly dismissed the drug.
“I am taking a… What do they call it? Like a regular dose, whatever. They’re trying to build up of ivermectin. Ivermectin was a boogie man early on in COVID.”
Cuomo went on to express frustration over the misinformation surrounding ivermectin and the failure to provide accurate information to the public. He criticized government officials for stifling open dialogue.
“We were given bad information about Ivermectin. The real question is, why? Everyone’s going to say, ‘Joe Rogan was right.’ But that’s not what matters. What matters is the entire clinical community knew that Ivermectin couldn’t hurt you. They knew it. I know they knew it. How do I know? Because now I’m doing nothing but talking to these clinicians who, at the time, were overwhelmed by COVID, and they weren’t saying anything. Not that they were hiding anything, but it’s cheap, it’s not owned by anybody, and it’s used as an anti-microbial, antiviral in all of these different ways. It has been for a long time.”
Ironically, Cuomo was one of those spreading misinformation about Ivermectin during the pandemic.
Meantime Pfizer has paused its trial for experimental gene therapy drug after child participant dies suddenly.
Notice how the headline NOW screams “gene therapy”. Has DM realised how wrong it’s anti-vaxxer (not anti-vaxxer just anti-THIS-vaxx) comments were in the past? Simple answer NO. Those nasty community endangering anti-vaxxer of the past are still to be vilified with headlines such as:
Now anti-vaxxers turn on Pfizer and Moderna after AstraZeneca’s decision to withdraw Covid jab sparks panic about rare but deadly clotting side effect (and pockets the pharma titan £2.5billion)
It would seem that bringing on the collapse of western society by bankrupting it (subsidies for green follies, welfare = cost of living crisis) has not progressed fast enough and plan b to divide society and foment civil war (Trump, BLM, mass immigration, inoculations) is back in prime focus.
David. Prosecutions never happen. You already saw the Victorian decision that NO-ONE was responsible for the 800 deaths in Victoria…..
“The families of 800 people who died during Victoria’s Covid-19 wave linked to a fatally flawed hotel scheme would be “gobsmacked” criminal charges have been dropped.”
The INTENTION of govt is to rip the population off. The balancing act….which they sometimes “get wrong” is to skin us to “within an inch of our lives” whilst keeping us alive. Kinda like forcing that goose to lay multiple golden eggs per day without killing IT.
Since the “three arms of govt” includes the judiciary, it should be easy to understand why one arm (the Judiciary) is not particularly interested in holding the other arms to account. They are the one “firm”, FFS!
Getting it now?
“Getting it now?”
I think that you missed something.
Video: Rob Braxman talks about the latest in AI surveillance of you by your phone by Big Tech and Big Brother.
And such surveillance can be done even if you disconnect your phone from the Internet. It can talk to a mesh network like BLE (Bluetooth low energy).
It seems that those only evidence that Victoriastan’s Gestapo have in relation to the alleged suspect is phone records that place him in the vicinty of the area that Samatha Murphy went missing.
To date there is no body and no murder weapon.
This should be very concerning to all Victoriastanis.
if you turn the phone off then hit it with a hammer any surveillance will stop
Even a current iPhone which has been turned “off” (but not smashed to smitherens) can track you as a small amount of power still goes to the ultra wide-band tracking chip as long as the battery isn’t completely flat.
Yes, now they are going into cars it means every other car you go past can work out your speed. Soon ‘citizen cops’ will be sending you tickets if you overtake them!
Iphone11 introduced them, tracking people around the world.
Cruising under the radar if you dispense with your mobile and keep your old car.
A “Faraday Pocket” to “keep your phone safe in your car” ought to work?
That’s the other use for my aloooominum foil hat. I just drop the phone in and fold the edge.
Tonyb. That worked for Hillary Clinton, didn’t it?
Though, maybe no-one in the FBI etc was interesting in surveilling Clinton anyway, eh what?
This Clothing Line Tricks AI Cameras Without Covering Your Face
Italian start-up Cap_able is offering its first collection of knitted garments that shields the wearer from the facial recognition software in AI cameras without the need to cover their face.
Called the Manifesto Collection, the clothing line includes hoodies, pants, t-shirts, and dresses.
Each garment sports a pattern, known as an “adversarial patch,” which was developed by AI algorithms to confuse facial recognition software in real-time and protect the wearer’s privacy.
I think I covered this last year, but now more than ever…
Labor will not impose a Federal road usage tax for EVs until after the next election.
EVs are much heaver than ICEs and so impose extra wear and tear on our roads.
With EV sales in free fall, a EV road usage tax would be another nail in their coffin.
Update from Germany
I’m less concerned with the weight of the cars than the basic idea that they need to contribute to the road they use. Ironically those roads are primarily yet another one of those products from the fossil fuels the extremists want to end.
Get real and stop repeating common myths.!..
Most EVs weigh less than 2000kg, the top selling Tesla model 3 weighs 1830 kg, whilst the top selling ICE , Fords Ranger, weighs 2250 kg, and can carry another 1000kg in the bed ! ( with many more being sold than EVs)
My own common SUV weighs over 2100 kgs before i load it up with 500. kg of camp gear .
Remember also how many “light” 5 ton, trucks are on the roads !
But i agree, EVs should contribute to road usage.
PS, what about caravans ?…. Most of those weigh 2-3000 kg, and use the road without paying fuel tax’s ?
Not exactly. If the tow vehicle has a diesel or petrol engine it uses more fuel when towing a caravan. Quite a lot more! And the. Fuel is taxed.
Are there any EVs with a tow bar?
I wonder if the charging stations are close enough together to enable an EV to tow a van.
I remember the video of the Ford Lightning towing test. AS I recall, they chose a town 55 miles away as the return point. The Lightning had used more than half the battery to get 55miles so they went looking for a charging station.
Yes, its a standard option on most Tesla models as well as the American EV trucks
There is also a Youtube video of a range test with a Volvo /Polestar EV towing a caravan.
….always a dismal failure !
They have to unhitch the caravan to get to the charger as well.
I wonder how this adventure is going ?
A few people have EV’d around OZ, but this is the first I have heard of towing something.
Chad. Poor effort, so there never was a chance you’d be getting a cigar….
The oft-stated intention / aim / goal of the EV scam is that….eventually…the entire Oz fleet, currently about 21 million passenger vehicles will ALL be EVs. So far as I’ve read. there’s no serious chance the fleet will eventually become 21 Million Ford Rangers (or any other type of twin-cab Ute).
Sure Chad…if there were 5,000 Ford Rangers in a three-story car park, it might collapse, though even a shill for Tesla (or whoever is paying you today) can envisage thousands of EVs…if they somehow became the vehicle of choice….at a shopping centre more easily than several thousand Rangers. VERY POOR EFFORT!
BTW: Another stated aim is to replace the 2250Kg ICE Ranger with an EV Ranger. Have your paymasters released any data on the expected weight of this one, Chad?
2nd BTW: It would be lovely if you could reply!
Well said! “Chad” is not comparing like with like, hence the entire content/basis of the initial posting is fallacious. Obviously an ev of comparable size and carrying capacity as an ICE car shall weigh more. End of story. (Or end of stories if parked in a high-rise carpark)
Yes its a bit of mish mash of quoted weights and false equivalence throwing the model 3 in the middle.
Yes a model 3 is 1830kgs, an equivalent vehicle would be a 2 litre mid sized sedan. My wifes Subaru XV weighs 1500 kgs. A Ranger has not much to do with it, when EVs are being mandated.
Well, i hope you are a non smoker also, since there will be no cigars coming your way for your abilities to detect a Tesla shill here !…
I am not a “fan” of EVs, certainly not Tesla, ..they are too expensive for one,…and nor do i see any real linkage between electric drive and the wider CO2 debate,…but as an engineer and car enthusiast, i can respect and admire the technology involved and the limitations (batteries).
I am just trying to put some realism into the dumb idea that EV weight is somehow a big new issue for the transport sector.
I view EVs as another “class” of vehicle, better suited to certain specific roles, such a city/ commuter cars, taxis, delivery vehicles etc,…but certainly not interstate transport or caravan tow vehicles !
There is no serious chance the fleet will become 21 million EV of any model or size either……certainly not within the next 30-50 yrs,… if ever !
However with the Ranger being the best selling vehicle in Au, closely followed by the Hylux, and numerous other SUVs of 1800 – 2600 kg , is MUCH more likely you will see a multi story car park full of those ICEs than any serious quantity of EVs.
…And no car park is going to collapse when filled with cars of any type….
That is one more parroted internet myth !
But you are all ignoring the point, there are far heavier (and more numerous) ICE cars, SUVs, “light” trucks, delivery vans , etc etc …all on the same roads s EVs. But Most road damage is caused by heavy trucks, not passenger vehicles.
BUT,.. the real significant benefit of EV tecnology is the consequent reduction of oil consumption as a fuel, hence conserving it for other vital applications ..lubricants, chemicals, plastics, etc.
And where did you hear the Ranger (or Hilux) are planned to become EVs ?……Ford are backpedaling on their EV programme.
That depend which models you chose to compare ..
A Kona N (ice) weighs 1510 kg
A base kona electric weighs 1610 kg ….. ( series 1 models were 1535 kg !)
..7.0% difference ?
Add a tank of fuel to the ICE and there is hardly a difference.
Wouldn’t tyre dimensions have a bearing on the matter?
Update on “Global Boiling”
Temperatures in Antarctica have been falling for the last two decades
On April 29, almost minus 80 degrees were measured at the Russian Vostok research station. Such extreme cold is rarely reached this early in the year,” reported
The record, -89.3°C, was recorded in the middle of winter, on July 21, 1983, thus making the last week’s late April reading very unusual.
“Values below minus 80 degrees in April are also extremely rare at the Earth’s cold pole and have only been recorded three times in the last 60 years,” adds.
I have always been against this fantasy of a meaningful Global Temperature. It is a near useless arbitrary construct not backed by any proposition or model.
The planet is so highly variable that cooling in one region can be masked by high temperatures in another without any simple explanation. The reasons may be very different. Most of the planet is water, 74% of it if you include the ice continent at an average 3.5km tall which is Antarctica. The size of South America or two Australias and not an ‘ice cap’ as people say.
The regions are so independent. The sun is the only common item but as people like Judith Curry now agree, the major force in the world’s weather is the huge energy in the many oceans and seas which never freeze and never boil. They are not connected! And the energy in the oceans is 1600x that in the thin air above. The oceans receive 72% of all solar energy which is then trapped. And all water comes from the oceans by the resultant cooling evaporation. And most countries are far more affected by adjacent oceans and currents than any other factor than the solar cycles. El Nino, Humboldt, Gulf Stream, Indian Dipole, AMO, PDO, and many gyres of grand scale and energy content.
You cannot model this incredibly mobile circulating and often chaotic heat absorbing and storing deep water surface like a uniform billiard ball! It is meaningless. How do you model the Gulf Stream with an average? Or do you just ignore it as the models do?
If you look at the wonderful analysis of 6 European cities over 250 years by Prof Carl Otto Weiss and friends you get a very different picture of what happened in Europe through the industrial revolution to today. An unimaginably good fit with two and only two sine waves. Plus a picture of the plunge to 1870, which is why most pushers of man made Global Warming start here and not with the steam engine.
But if you look at the HADCRUT ‘world’ temperature, it is just confused rubbish with a roughly upward trend, but likely a mix of competing systems and nothing like CO2 or CO2 emissions. Then you can do what what NOAA do with CO2 vs CO2 emissions and move and rescale and overlap, something which is completely unethical for a scientific organization comparing two absolute values.
A latitudinal breakdown and absolute values shatters the “global” narrative:
ERA5 Surface Temperature
Averaging distorts. Perfect example at present is the radical Antarctic fluctuation underway which is nothing out of the ordinary. But when that ordinary fluctuation is included in the SH average metric the result appears extraordinarily warm for the entire SH – it isn’t. The SH spike is simply an artifact of averaging.
Disagree with this:
>”The oceans receive 72% of all solar energy which is then trapped”
No not “trapped”. Even the IPCC uses the term “storage”. But we raked over false term “heat trapping” in yesterday’s thread.
Meanwhile, climate scientists are distraught, even feeling “hopeless and broken”:
‘We asked 380 top climate scientists what they felt about the future…’
See graph of ERA5 anomaly showing days above 1.5 and 2 C.
Note the step change in the series when they extended it back past the satellite era i.e. there’s 2 distinct datasets; before 1978 and after 1978.
And recent natural variation nowhere in the narrative.
As for ‘trapped’ it is only by comparison with atmospheric heat.
Now I’m wondering if the approaching La Nina can drive down the temp.
Something weird is going on with the UAH global temperature!
You might need to expand on that.
My gut feeling is excessive water vapour in the stratosphere.
Weirdness explained.
UAH region comparison:
-0.03, -0.37, +0.53, +0.21, 2023 Apr
+1.26, +1.02, +0.98, +0.48, 2024 Apr
Big changes in Tropics and USA48.
That’s the thing: a big hike in a couple of regions skews the entire “global” metric.
Here’s the major culprit:
ERA5 Daily Surface Air Temperature – Tropics
23.5 S – 23.5 N, 47 degrees of latitude.
If you look at the end of April 2016, the temperature plummeted 0.5 in a few days. Dissipation was interrupted in 2019. Took to end of 2022 to get back to the 1979-2000 climatology.
Then along came another super El Nino.
Thanks Richard, the great climate shift of 1976 shows the tropics chilled.
But the Russian’s lack any Climate Ambition™. since the gas pipeline to Germany was shut down. They are giving actual readings against all scientific evidence. They are are not fit for IPCC purposes unless they go through the homogeniser.
Doesn’t matter because Antarctic is not included in Global temperature records. Linked chart shows Land Surface Temperature change over past 40 years:
Note there is no data for Antarctica. Even the satellite TLT does not cover much of Antartica.
Antarctic is not included BECAUSE it is cooling. It did not get the memo! None of the 97% of climate scientists want to try to explain that so it is best to forget about it. If they forget about it, it is not really happening. Let us all keep focused on the The Transition™ to a low carbon future. (But not China because they need to make all the stuff for The Transition™)
Update on the temperature spike.
Bill Kininmonth doesn’t mention Hunga Tonga Hunga.
‘The recent temperature spikes are, however, associated with a major El Nino event, which is rapidly decaying.’
From my reading it was a moderate El Nino.
Lake Eyre has been made inaccessible for people not of the correct race.
Now certain state forest in Victoria are going to have access made dependent on your race.
Andrew Bolt discusses.
Soon nearly 80% of Australia will be controlled by people who merely identify as the “correct race” – while the rest of us will be second class citizens in our own country where we were born.
Less than 1 % of the population have genuine claims as being of this “correct race” – the rest do not want to miss the gravy train.
Forget China and Russia being our major threat – it is our own political class.
“Empress Anaesthesia” backing another winner?
Bumped – FWIW
“Won’t Be On EwTube – The Jab”
Chiefio in comments on where to invest –
“Over the pond to Canada, and we find Justin Castro, er, Trudoh lusting after a Communist Dictatorship. Just Say No! and using banks to rob people (HELL NO…) so not putting any money there. Australia close behind in the Tyrant Wanna Be race. Soon to be a Satrap to China and Islam (if it isn’t already). Don’t get me wrong, Australia has a LOT of good businesses. Wheat, coal, tourism, wine, and on and on. But for how long? The government is a bit nuts, fully in thrall to Gang Green, and largely just a supplier to China. New Zealand is a bit small for much at all. Absolutely loved the place when I was there (late ’70s). But basically an Australia Wanna Be with anxiety issues. (Green, Maori, Globalist DIE agenda, etc.)”
I will just nip along to Services NSW when they open and get my Cultural ID. Then, I should be able to go anywhere. Easy.
AFIK he has never worked at Boeing.
I tried to see the video on CNBC but it is not available.
av a laugh – Aspirin Cardio: Auction – God knows we need it!
Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After
the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose
During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan
Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear
send this to Greg Hunt. PLEASE!
I have the same problem with my key board, I hit C and a H appears. (except this one time?)
Over the next four years, during which time we are to be forcibly transitioned from ICE to EV, fuel excise collections are forecast to be almost $67 billion.
There is no way the government will simply cut its spending by that amount if we toss away our petrol cars. They will of course raise taxes in other areas to compensate. So who will be hit? Have they given any indication of where the money will come from? Yes, I know it will be taken from taxpayers, but how and from whom? Once again, or fearless investigative journalists seem to have no interest in this matter.
My bet is they will add a ‘fuel excise’ to electricity. Bad news for EVs!
I reckon they will borrow it, like they do now, year after year, never having to pay it back as it will be ‘some other Govt’s problem’.
They know it will collapse the country ‘sometime in the future, but not while I’m in Govt’ and in the meantime it will slow growth and make the peasantry poorer. That doesn’t worry your local MP who is only concerned with ‘looking after you and keeping you safe..’
GST is still only 10%, look at NZ, 15% without a murmur… That could be a start. Its a race to the bottom with currencies these days
Socialism through taxation.
“GST is still only 10%, look at NZ, 15% without a murmur”
Amateurs. In the UK, their ‘GST’ (called VAT) is 20%.
Behold your future, plebs!
I gather that GST in Hungary [home of Viktor Orban] is 27%!
A little lodger told me!
I imagine Rachel Reeves has noted that for the ‘Emergency budget’ ten days after the next UK General Election …
From Kiwiland
From Monday, electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid owners will have to pay road-user charges (RUC), which are already required for diesel cars and heavy vehicles.
The changes mean EV owners will pay $76 per 1000km driven – the same as diesel vehicles.
Labor have stated that any road-usage charges will not be introduced in Australia before the next election.
It should be easy to tax the use of public EV chargers ( just like a fuel pump) , and even home charging could be singled out by the use of smart meters and dedicated charger feeds.
Alternatively a “user pays” road toll , based on GPS history is not inconcevable.
Ex-NZ Greens co-leader, James Shaw – he of the two mothers – quits government to return to the financial business world he slithered from years ago.
He who racked-up the most air miles whilst flying around the globe, signing treaties to discourage we plebs from doing exactly the same, has been promoted to bigger & better things. Meanwhile, Huntly Coal Power Station (our lucky last) is cranking full-bore to keep the lights on – thanks to low-grade Indonesian imports because Shaw’s heroine, Stabcinda, banned the use of our own high-quality, home-grown product.
How many ways can one spell TREASON.
SMH – Albanese’s is an ‘experimental’ government – and it looks like the experiment is failing
Anthony Albanese has long been unshakeable in his belief that sustained support would come from slow and steady progress on a wide range of policies underpinned by orderly processes.
This was always a heroic expectation not just because it differed from past practice but because it assumed that maintaining a basic consensus was possible in today’s increasingly fractured polity.
Australia has long been home to an antagonistic political culture growing out of a binary, party-dominated parliamentary setup. But while there was always a high degree of abuse and intrigue in that arrangement, there was general confidence in the fundamental integrity of the system and a shared belief that the major players – the parties, most of the ministers and the leaders – were at least well-intentioned and making a genuine effort to deliver.
That consensus is broken now. What we have is a crisis of legitimacy. There seems to be little respect across the political spectrum. So much of the political debate is vicious, dismissive and personal, an exchange of absolutist views.
The two-party system is breaking down. It started to crumble after Labor took office under Kevin Rudd in 2007. First the Greens established themselves as a permanent feature in the lower house, and gradually under the Coalition between 2013 and 2022, the teal movement took hold. Significantly, erosion of the big parties took place on both the left and the right.
We appear to be on the verge of a situation in which Labor and the Coalition are going to struggle to secure lower house majorities in their own right.
Australians have steadily concluded that joining a party isn’t worth the trouble. Only a tiny proportion of people engage directly with politics by joining parties. Parties don’t cheerily volunteer their membership numbers but if, say, 150,000 individuals out of a total electoral roll of about 17 million could be classed as active members, that’s well under 1 per cent of all voters.
Chris Kenny labels PM as ‘No Way Albo’ as it is ‘impossible’ to know where he stands
But if he does decide to take a stand he reveals Each Way Albo
Another creature in danger of extinction.
According to the article:
– Lamprey have been around for at least 395 million years old, and have remained unchanged for 125 million years;
– they have been found in a harsh, tropical environment in Queensland, where it had been thought they couldn’t survive;
– Because they can’t be hooked on a line, Carpenter-Bundhoo and his Griffith University team used electro-fishing to paralyse the fish, a non-invasive technique that doesn’t harm them;
In spite of all that, the Lamprey remains under threat of extinction and has been listed as endangered, with bushfire, development, erosion of river banks, and climate change being listed as threats.
If a species has been around for more than 395 million years and has remained unchanged for 125 million years, such a species would have survived many climate changes.
I have no luck (of publication) when I write letters into The Australian concerning excess deaths / injury associated with mRNA vaccines. It’s not due to my poor language / writing skills. I have over 90% success rate of publication with my letters on climate change, energy, or even hate speakers. Several a day.
So what’s going on?
I’d be interested in seeing the rejects David. Please post them here. (The accepted ones too!)
The insanity at the heart of the Trump trial
By Byron York Published May 8, 2024
Perhaps the weirdest, and by far the most unjust, thing about former President Donald Trump’s trial in New York is that we do not know precisely what crime Trump is charged with committing.
We’re in the middle of the trial, with Trump facing a maximum of more than 100 years in prison, and we don’t even know what the charges are! It’s a surreal situation.
Yes, we know that Trump is charged with falsifying business records of payments made to the porn actress Stormy Daniels in 2016 and 2017. But falsifying business records is a misdemeanor with a two-year statute of limitations, meaning prosecutors would be prohibited from charging Trump with that crime after 2019, which was five years ago. They obviously missed that deadline by a mile.
We also know that New York law allows falsifying business records to be upgraded to a felony if the alleged falsification was done with “intent to defraud that includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” In that case, the statute of limitations extends to five years, which would have allowed prosecutors to charge Trump as late as 2022. Prosecutors missed that deadline, too.
Trump was indicted in 2023. How did that happen? Because of COVID-19, when New York extended its statute of limitations by a year. That allowed prosecutors to slip the charges in right before the new, one-time-only, six-year extended statute of limitations expired.
But here’s the thing. What was the “intent to commit another crime or aid and conceal the commission thereof” that prosecutors used to raise falsification of business records from a misdemeanor to a felony? In nearly every case of alleged falsification of records that has been charged as a felony in New York, the defendant was charged with another crime — that is, prosecutors made it clear what the other crime was. In Trump’s case, the indictment did not specify any other crime. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said the law did not require him to specify the other crime.
So Trump faced felony charges without knowing what he was accused of doing. And the really amazing thing is that the trial is now underway and Bragg has still not specified what the other crime is. It is a key element of the case. Without it, the charges against Trump could never have been brought because they were misdemeanors long past the statute of limitations. It is the other crime that makes this whole prosecution possible. But the prosecutor has not specified what it is.
If that sounds vaguely unconstitutional to you, you’re right.
Trump’s trial is a stupendous legal catastrophe
Every American should be appalled at this selective prosecution. Today the target is Trump. Tomorrow it may be a Democrat
I have been teaching, practising and writing about criminal law for 60 years. In all those years, I have never seen or heard of a case in which the defendant has been criminally prosecuted for failing to disclose the payment of what prosecutors call “hush money”.
Alexander Hamilton paid hush money to cover up an affair with a married woman. Many others have paid hush money since. If the legislature wanted to criminalise such conduct they could easily enact the statute prohibiting the payment of hush money or requiring its disclosure. They have declined to do so.
Prosecutors cannot simply make up new crimes by jerry-rigging a concoction of existing crimes, some of which are barred by the statute of limitations others of which are beyond the jurisdiction of state prosecutors.
Appellate courts should be able to see through this ruse and reverse any conviction resulting from it. But that would likely occur after the election. In the meantime, however, a conviction prior to the election that might influence independent voters to cast their ballot against a convicted felon.
In addition to the legal problems with the prosecution’s case, there are also some factual weaknesses. Prosecutors are relying on witnesses who have previously lied and whose credibility is very questionable. They should have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump authorised the statement in business records that the alleged hush money payments were legal expenses and that this statement was knowingly false. They might also have to prove that the reason he authorised the statements was to help him get elected, not to avoid embarrassment to his wife and children or losses to his business.
If the defendant were not Donald Trump and the venue were not Manhattan, this ought to be a slam dunk win for the defendant.
Indeed, this extraordinarily weak case would never have been bought.
I am not a Trump political supporter. I voted for Joe Biden in the last election and I have an open mind about the coming election.
But I want it to be fair. Whoever loses the election should not be able to complain about election interference by the weaponisation of the criminal justice system for partisan advantage.
Redacted: AstraZeneca Covid Bombshell
NSW to get a soaking because of a ‘stubborn high pressure system.’
Good news for the Murray Darling Basin.
Is hydrogen energy worthwhile? I don’t know anything about it, but the article says it takes electricity to make the hydrogen. Eh?
I ask because I’ve just seen this on our ABC about how our town is going to have a hydrogen plant and mothball the reliable gas plant we have had as a handy backup for many years. First I’ve heard of it. We’re already surrounded by horrid solar farms. Ross Garnaut involved, so I am suspicious it is all to do with his family gravytrain.
May 9, 2024 at 11:18 am · Reply
Bill Gates to sell new £600m green megayacht – before it’s even been delivered
That all changed in 2020 when the retired 68-year-old commissioned the world’s first hydrogen-powered vessel of its kind, splashing out more than £500m on what became known as Project 821.
However, unlike other superyachts, Gates’ vessel is unique in that it contains a hydrogen power system, including a heavily insulated cryogenic tank containing 92 cubic metres of liquefied hydrogen at minus 253°C.
This is used to generate electricity in a bank of 16 compact fuel cells. The only exhaust from this process is water vapour, signalling Gates’ long-standing interest in alternative fuels.
Project 821 is not entirely hydrogen-powered, however, and is unable to make a long sea voyage running on green fuel alone.
For longer journeys, or in the event that supplies of liquid hydrogen are not available, the yacht also has diesel generators with enough power to achieve top speeds of 17 knots.
The yacht’s partial hydrogen power system is a new departure for the superyacht industry, but hydrogen has already been deployed at scale in the automotive sector.
More than 20,000 Toyota Mirai fuel cell cars have been sold around the world, which store their hydrogen as a high-pressure gas rather than a cryogenic liquid.
Road vehicles with liquefied hydrogen tanks have also been built.
These, like most liquefied gas storage systems, gradually lose their fuel to “boil off” when left parked, an issue which will also affect Project 821.
The process of liquefying the gas is also energy-intensive, meaning hydrogen is not always a low-carbon fuel.
The normal method of manufacturing hydrogen is by making it from natural gas, a process which produces carbon dioxide.
Almost all hydrogen produced today is made using this method, and as such is classed as “grey” hydrogen.
“including a heavily insulated cryogenic tank containing 92 cubic metres of liquefied hydrogen at minus 253°C.”
It sounds like a deep frozen floating Hindenburg… An absurd virtue signalling project, hiding dirty tech presented as ‘green’.
Mercedes-Benz has now joined other manufacturers in “slowing down” their push to go all-EV by 2030, citing low demand and reduced profitability. Output of ICE vehicles will be ramped up accordingly.
EV Graveyard – Germany
East Asia’s Coming Population Collapse
And How It Will Reshape World Politics
In the decades immediately ahead, East Asia will experience perhaps the modern world’s most dramatic demographic shift.
All of the region’s main states—China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan—are about to enter into an era of depopulation, in which they will age dramatically and lose millions of people. According to projections from the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic Social Affairs, China’s and Japan’s populations are set to fall by eight percent and 18 percent, respectively, between 2020 and 2050. South Korea’s population is poised to shrink by 12 percent. And Taiwan’s will go down by an estimated eight percent. The U.S. population, by contrast, is on track to increase by 12 percent.
People—human numbers and the potential they embody—are essential to state power. All else being equal, countries with more people have more workers, bigger economies, and a larger pool of potential soldiers. As a result, growing countries find it much easier to augment power and extend influence abroad. Shrinking ones, by contrast, struggle to maintain their sway.
East Asian countries will be no exception: the realm of the possible for its states will be radically constricted by the coming population drop. They will find it harder to generate economic growth, accumulate investments, and build wealth; to fund their social safety nets; and to mobilize their armed forces. They will face mounting pressure to cope with domestic or internal challenges. Accordingly, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan will be prone to look inward. China, meanwhile, will face a growing—and likely unbridgeable—gap between its ambitions and capabilities.
“The U.S. population, by contrast, is on track to increase by 12 percent.”
Not by people from “The West” mind you! In fact for most of them I’d say the values that built The West are quite foreign and they definitely won’t be following them.
Per this link
Ethiopia is now the 10th most populous country in the world – it overtook Mexico yesterday.
Those two countries each have a population, now, double that of France.
Tanzania is growing at almost 2 million a year – it exceeds the UK, and will overtake Thailand in a year or eighteen months.
President Milei: “Argentine History Is A Testimony To What Happens When You Replace Liberty With Collectivist Experiments”
President of Argentina Javier Milei speaks about his economic reform platform and the value of liberty in human flourishing at the Milken Institute Global Conference.
“Building a promising future for humankind is impossible if we sacrifice merit, competition, and results on the altar of diversity,” Milei said, “It was precisely the free circulation of ideas and a system of incentives, promoting effort and merit that built the pillars in which the West was built.”
“I would like to reassert the value of the great ambitions of our species and civilization. For as long as there have been free markets, we have pushed back boundaries further and further. In 250 years, we have rescued a lot of people from poverty, we have put men on the moon, and are now aiming for Mars. And this we have done thanks to the ambition, creativity, and optimism of people like you who partnered with one another in a quest for their own happiness.”
“We don’t have to lose faith in that primal ambition that we humans have as a guide. We’re a species of explorers, of creators, of inventors, not one of bureaucrats. And it’s adventurous entrepreneurs, not desks of bureaucrats that currently embody this timeless quality of the human spirit.”
“We have the moral obligation to protect the pillars that made this whole edifice of ambitions, achievements, and dreams possible. The pillars on which the history of human progress was built are the defense of life, liberty, and property. If we forget about that or take it for granted, we run the risk of losing it all.”
“While the West turns towards economic shamanism and unsustainably heterodox formats that end endanger the future of all, Argentina is returning to the path of reason and the ideas of common sense,” he said. “The big government model is a prison, and the people of Argentina have understood this.”
“The job of the state of government is not to put imaginary money into people’s pockets, but rather to guarantee the necessary macroeconomic and legal conditions for the private sector to be able to develop on its own.”
Started Watching on Disney+ last night having watched previously Peter Jackson’s Get Back
54 Years After its Release, ‘Let It Be,’ the Beatles’ Last Movie, is Finally Available for Home Viewing
As a diehard Beatles Kremlinologist, when I watched the last episode of Get Back for the first time in November of 2021, I was keenly aware that the documentary series ends almost immediately after the group’s legendary rooftop concert atop their Savile Row Apple Records office building on January 30th, 1969. But, having seen the Let It Be videotape, I knew that the day after the rooftop concert, the band performed complete versions of three more songs in the basement studio of the Apple building. These were the then-new piano and acoustic guitar based songs “Two of Us,” “The Long and Winding Road,” and “Let It Be.” (These songs were edited into the Let It Be film before the rooftop concert, so that the movie could end with – spoiler alert! – Lennon’s classic “I’d like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves, and I hope we’ve passed the audition” tag line. Thanks to the movie’s 1970 release, Lennon’s early 1969 throwaway quip ended up being his otherwise unintended summation of the career of the rock group he founded.
The rereleased version of Let It Be is framed in the original 4X3 format, unlike Peter Jackson’s Get Back, which may initially appear odd on modern 16X9 format TVs, but it helps to distinguish between the two projects.
I’ve just had a +ve RAT. Is paxlovid effective treatment? Of course it is highly recommended by the same people who recommended the jab. Should I trust them?
Hanrahan go with HCQ or Ivermectin plus Azithromycin
Email coming with suggestions and links Hanrahan!
And don’t forget the zinc.
Best wishes, and I hope it’s a false positive.
Dave B
But, but, your vaxxinated.
First, are you sick.
Get a second opinion, test.
Get some lemsip.
Soldier on.
Get vaxxinated
If it worked it would be banned.
“The FDA’s Paxlovid Pandemonium”
Read it all (IMO)
Are you symptomatic? Are you in a high-risk category? If not, I would personally approach it the same way you would a cold.
Republican Introduces Bill That Would Send Anti-Israel Campus Protesters to Gaza for Six Months if Found Guilty of Illegal Activity
NZ agriculture has already reached “net zero”: leading climate scientist contends in climate bombshell
Newsroom suggests a political agenda in methane emission targets undermines New Zealand’s Net Zero goals.
Climate scientist Kevin Trenberth challenges the methane emissions narrative, arguing that New Zealand’s stable livestock numbers since 2010 have effectively achieved net-zero.
Climate researcher David Frame suggests that drastic reductions in meat and dairy consumption would have a negligible effect on global warming.
Trenberth’s argument centres on the notion that methane emissions from livestock are part of a natural cycle. He explains that the methane emitted by cattle and land use basically represents a re-release of carbon dioxide that was temporarily stored in short-term grasses.
This cyclical process, according to Trenberth, does not result in a net harm to New Zealand’s carbon dioxide targets.
“The issue is that methane is so short lived that, in fact, NZ is already at “net zero” (with regards to) methane. The numbers of livestock have been stable enough since 2010 so the amounts emitted are completely compensated by the amounts oxidised to carbon dioxide.
Why not Oz too?
Thursday funny: bear or man redux
Best laugh I’ve had in weeks. 😆
For those not familiar with the backstory:
Thursday wtf: Capture the Fragrance of KFC’s Ultimate BBQ Burger With the No 11 Eau de BBQ Perfume
KFC has officially unveiled its first-ever perfume, the No 11 Eau de BBQ.
Celebrating the new Ultimate BBQ Burger menu item, the limited-edition No 11 Eau de BBQ is concocted with smoky wood and charcoal notes reminiscent of sizzling spices and marinated meats, while its base notes feature a lingering scent of a woody, earthy foundation. KFC’s debut scent pays homage to the flavor of its latest menu item, which is made up of Original Recipe Chicken, crispy onions and tangy BBQ sauce before being topped off with a buttery brioche-style bun.
Way better than all those overpowering artificial pongs and nostril-numbing niffs by big pharma.
Today’s “We are Governed by Idiots” story
When watching Netflix’s ‘Super Rich in Korea,’ it is hard not to be in awe of the splendor that Kim Anna lives in. Married to Malik Muhammad Qamar Hayat Tiwana, she is part of a noble Pakistani family but retains a strong love towards the Korean culture as she spent a significant amount of her time in the country.
Her determination to do good for those around her and her love for her husband certainly made her stand out to the viewers.
I was quite surprised by the Wealth in Pakistan and their enjoyment of life when in Pakistan
Seems to me that the top 5% or so do very well wherever
John Kenneth Galbraith spoke of “Private splendour, public squalor”. ‘Tis true everywhere.
Joanne Nova: We let freeloading parasites turn science into a group hug form of neolithic sorcery 😎️
Quantum Mechanics
‘A joint Chinese-Finnish team of physicists has performed an experiment that could have important applications for the transmission of quantum information in fields such as computing or communications.
‘The process, known as quantum teleportation, transfers the state of a quantum particle – or qubit – from one place to another without physically sending the particle itself.’ (SCMP)
For the Astra-Zenca record
“Safe and Effective®”
Several links
“Wall Street Journal: Companies are Balking at the High Cost of Running Electric Trucks.”
“EVs: The Reckoning Begins”
Thomas Sowell: Is America On the Brink of Collapse Like Rome?
Hunga Tonga Hunga eruption was a gas explosion.
‘Scientists think Tonga’s record-breaking 2022 eruption was triggered by gas building up to a “critical point” rather than by a reaction between magma and seawater as previously assumed.’ (Live Science)
Big Pharma Forced to Pay Up!!!