A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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As a concerned Firefighter, this is really important.
Yesterday, David Maddison authored at post #9: “A firefighter professional talks about Big Battery fires..”
I will add more.
Re Li-ion batteries…. what you are currently told via the “experts”, Is very similar to what you were told about the Covid vaccines. .. Little or no risk etc….. and… Imho, It is all a lie.
Know that most of the current Li-ion “experts” are invariably tied to invested interests. Look them up.
OK. This is real life. My professional life dealing with Li-ion batteries…..
Any large Li-ion battery “fire”, occurring in a confined or open space, is an absolute nightmare to deal with.
You can’t move it. You can’t touch it (high voltage risk), You can’t extinguish it. You are exposed to life threatening toxins that can be absorbed through your skin (eg. HF).
Want to know more about Li-ion and HF?… see this:
(Larsson, F., Andersson, P., Blomqvist, P. et al. Toxic fluoride gas emissions from lithium-ion battery fires. Sci Rep 7, 10018 (2017).)
Do you know?.. Chemical burns from “battery off- gassing” can/will occur on exposed skin – Any chemical burn received, that is larger than 20 mm diameter will require immediate hospitalisation.
Do you know?.. Cyanide based gases are also released and will also travel downstream to people & exposures.
Do you know?.. Cobalt poisoning from Li-ion batteries in thermal runaway incapacitated 2 Victorian firefighters during a direct firefighting attack.
They are still not back operational.
Do you know?.. Water is used to cool and will likely contain high levels of toxins in the runoff. The water runoff will need to be contained/prevented from entering waterways and the surrounding ground. (This is rarely possible unless the installation sits inside a dedicated berm).
Do you know?.. If we can’t cool the battery sufficiently to slow the thermal runaway… There is a very high possibility of an explosion… In my experience, Li-ion battery explosions are not pleasant.
I can go on and on.
Our large Li-ion batteries are an extremely toxic, high voltage, potential time bomb.
Does the Gov or mainstream media tell you this…. No.
Gov. follows the doctrine, learning by doing, or learning by experience.
It’s just so heartwarming to know they’ve got our best interests front and center.
Tesla burns underwater
And where will these giant batteries be located? No where near where a ‘Pollie’ lives that’s for sure.
Just a matter of time before the wind is blowing the wrong way when one of these stops ticking and gases a town or city.
More, Bigger, batteries !….
As i posted yesterday,..
“Neoen .. the French owned electricity generator in Australia,..has started building a 4000 MWh battery facility in Collie, near Bunbury, WA.
This is several orders of magnitude bigger than any grid battery in Au.”
When completed, this $3-4bn facility will potentially harvest several mollion dollars every day from the WA grid…….for its French owners !🥺😡🤫
Collie is where the coal power plants are located that supply around 30% of the SWIS grid’s power. It’s also a Labor stronghold, who plans to close all these power plants. When they do, there would be little other work for the locals. I’m also guessing that the site was chosen because it’s the starting point for a few HVAC transmission lines that head towards Perth.
I bet there are no lithium battery banks installed in the Canberra bunker known as Parliament House. I’d be willing to be they have diesel generators instead.
Parliament House is one place I would LIKE to see lithium ion batteries installed.
Good news. Video link below.
In New York (city), an eBike store owner was arrested for multiple repeat violations of lithium battery storage regulations and multiple call outs by fire department.
Charge was “reckless endangerment”.
Quite amazing when you consider New York is fully woke and ultra Left wing.
Depends on the neighbourhood and who he was upsetting with the call outs. Probably not the Bronx.
From the point of view of a (former) electrical tradesman.
The ‘fire’ problem with these type of batteries is referred to as ….. ‘Thermal Runaway’.
It doesn’t happen with typical Lead Acid batteries, like your ordinary car battery across the decades.
I saw it with Nickel Cadmium aircraft batteries in the early 1970s. Saw it once as I was working on them, and a second time years later as a supervisor onlooker while someone else was working on these batteries.
It starts with one cell and expands from there, and by expands, that means almost exponentially. There was neither rhyme nor reason as to when it happened, and I’m still not certain of how it is caused. The thing here is that these ‘style’ of battery have many individual cells which go to make up the total battery, and the thermal runaway most commonly starts with just the one cell. Now overcharging that battery is listed as a cause with Lithium Ion Batteries but here, keep in mind that all cells are subject to that overcharging, as most commonly, they are connected in Series, and here Thermal Runaway starts in ONE individual cell, so my guess is the cell structure itself, and (ergo) there’s no way to predict if and when it might happen.
The second time I saw it (as that safety observer in the Battery Room at an RAAF Base) it was during the charging process, and you could see the individual cell begin the outgassing process. I hit the off switch, and told the tradesman to get away from the vicinity, and here, he was clad in all the mandatory PPE for the process. Here, we caught it early, so it was nowhere near as bad as it could have been.
The same when it happened during the first time, with ME as the tradesman doing the work. Those aircraft batteries had 19 individual cells, and some batteries an extra cell, (so 20 of them) jammed into the same area inside the casing. (each cell is around 9 inches tall by 4 inches by 2 inches, inside a casing ten inches tall with two rows of cells, all up weight around 15 Kilos) It is similar to what you see at this link. It was actually during the breakdown of the battery as part of the Overhaul process, when the battery is pulled down to individual cells to look for any anomalies, and being those Sundstrand Nicad Cells they were almost clear plastic, and you could ‘see’ the ‘yellowing’ on the cells, evidence of overheating, and sometimes individual cells would ‘swell, even jammed tightly together as they were, and ‘stick to’ surrounding cells, an early indicator of the (quite minor) beginnings of smaller thermal runaway. Any yellowing and the cell was disposed of.
My Corporal was the observer at the doorway, and I was at a bench the far end of the Nicad Side of the Battery Room. (Lead Acid on one isolated side, and Nicad on the second side, individual separated large rooms) and I was 20 Metres from where the Cpl was standing. He saw the beginning of the outgassing. I did also, standing over it as I was, still not having removed any of the cells from the casing. I was puzzled as this was ‘supposedly’ a completely discharged battery. In that second or two of puzzlement, the Corporal said ….. “Tony, get out the back door”, which I did PDQ, that door just behind me and left open for through flow ventilation during the day.
Luckily, the battery was sitting on that back bench all by itself, as this bench was the overhaul breakdown bench, so it was not connected to any of the other three benches used for different charging and discharging processes.
During the time it took me to walk around the Battery room, back in the front door and stand alongside the Corporal, he had already isolated the battery chargers power to that side of the Battery room (the Nicad side) and he was just standing there ….. observing, because, well, that’s all you could do. We watched the outgassing as the thermal runaway then expanded to other nearby cells, and some time later we went and looked at the battery. That thermal runaway had expanded to around six or so of the surrounding cells. We could see the original cell it had started in, the yellowing had turned almost to black and the others were different shades of yellow. A day or so later, after it had cooled back down, and here, luckily it was Mid Winter at Williamtown, I pulled the whole battery down. Those six or so cells had ‘welded’ together in that space where they were jammed so tightly. ALL the cells and the case were to be disposed of, after photographs and both written statements were compiled by me and the Corporal.
Okay, now I have written ALL of this as ….. basically, anecdotal in nature, because the whole PUNCHLINE here was what the Corporal told me later, me a young first year tradesman still only 20 years old.
We were both back in the ‘Battery Room ‘Office’, at the desk, writing our reports, when he asked me why it was called ‘Thermal Runaway.’ I gave the text book response, and he smiled and said that perhaps the real thing was the wording ….. runaway, because that’s what you should do, just run away from it, just like I told you to do, because there’s ….. NOTHING you can do to stop it once it has started. Run away and come back and look at it after it’s all over.
Charging and discharging a battery multiple times involves depositing metal atoms onto a surface and then stripping them off again. Problem is that those atoms are not smart enough to put themselves back where they came from, therefore over many cycles the surface becomes irregular. In particular … a thing called a “dendrite” grows and often a bunch of them start and form a spikey cluster. This can eventually connect with the other electrode and cause an internal short circuit of the battery.
This is called the “Dendrite Problem” and so far has never been solved. The challenge is to prevent a battery from degradation over many charge cycles.
Just a thought, but shouldn’t firefighters be using SCBA gear by default in such situations?
The toxicity reminds me of the US military burnpits and the injuries those nearby suffered.
John, to answer your question,
We do wear SCBA. The problem is dermal exposure and the length of time we spend at a Li-ion incident.
Our firefighting PPE is not fully encapsulated. There are gaps and our clothing absorbs the toxins.
An example of the risk…
A study found: “The cobalt level was 24 times higher than that considered safe in the test carried out with car battery fire.”
Title: “Firefighters’ Clothing Contamination in Fires of Electric Vehicle Batteries and Photovoltaic Modules—Literature Review and Pilot Tests Results.”
(Szmytke, Brzezińska, Machnowski and Kokot)
Link here:
Like many of the toxins produced in a Li-ion battery “fire”, Cobalt can be absorbed through the skin.
Mercedes stops E-Project “MB.EA-Large”.
And good luck with Porsche selling more EVs
A 1975 Porsche Turbo ICE in good condition is now worth around US$236,000 – many times its original price
…and with Chinesium BYD’s going for $11.5k in the USA, bye bye to anything expensive.
Judge Considers the Redactions of the RKI Files ‘Not Convincingly Argued’
Lauterbach Demanded Total Lockdown of ‘Unvaxxed’, Less Redacted RKI Files Show
The Discovery Of ‘Mass Graves’ Of Indigenous Canadian Children Was Actually A Massive Hoax
Three years after reports of indigenous mass graves triggered the torching or vandalism of 85-plus churches, no graves have been found.
Three years ago, a major story broke in Canada that seemed to confirm every left-wing prejudice against Christians imaginable: A mass grave containing the remains of indigenous children was supposedly discovered on the grounds of what had once been a government boarding school run by the Catholic Church.
It turns out the whole thing was a hoax…
Mostly hoaxes. And they work. The vilification of the Jews in Israel is the same. The dedicated Christians who gave their lives in missions looking after aboriginal and half caste children. Facts don’t matter. Those who look after displaced people around the world. All are or will be vilified.
But the biggest hoax in history is Climate Change.
As the Pope rails against America’s ‘per capita’ energy consumption as total evil, after 250 years of rapid man made Climate Change and the fires of hell, where is there a problem? Dubai? New York? Murmansk? Vatican City?
And what is the problem? Where is the problem?
All we get is Climate Porn about a landslide in Guyana or a drought in Panama or a hurricane in Florida. Or giant kelp in Tasmania. Everything is America’s fault. The pope lists mass migration due to Climate Change but it is all blatant opportunism and people fleeing failed societies trying to get into countries with energy and jobs.
When it comes to energy consumption per capita, I expect the energy consumption of Vatican City for the 800 people who live there it likely the highest in the world. And Pope Francis is responsible. I suppose though he cannot stop pontificating. The Vatican are still steaming about the loss of income from indulgences to prevent hell fires. And no one mentions the inquisition.
Another hoax is the “stolen generation” of Australian Aborigines. Facts show that such children were removed from Aboriginal parents due to extreme abuse and neglect and also that they weren’t removed at any greater rate than white children and for the same reasons.
The “because……..” statement is uniformly left off assorted claims of victimhood, indigenous or otherwise.
Some people live in a world where things mysteriously happen to them and are always caused by external factors. Nothing is ever a consequence of their own decisions and actions.
The majority of ‘stolen children’ were of mixed heritage. Many were given up by their mothers as ‘yella bellies/yella fellas’ were not accepted and many were not allowed to join in the ceremonies, etc of the mob. But like the ‘little people’ of North Qld, all these facts are buried away because of ‘truth-telling’.
Those little people on Cape York had Denisovan DNA and the Indonesian village of Rampasasa on Flores Island has a population of pygmies, probably evolved from Homo Erectus.
I saw what you did there!
While it is still to be proven one way or the other, gone very quiet of late, that doyen of reporting the guardian raised its own series on buried Aboriginal children last year. Just like Canada it is based on the “ground-penetrating radar” and just like Canada the blame seems to be centred on government run missions.
This came out months ago, to a fanfare of total silence from Canadian msm.
The real damage of course was the burning of all those Canadian churches which suggest potential pay back inspired by the buried kids based on radar anomalies stories.
Meanwhile Australia wastes several hundred billion dollars on obsolete manned submarines!
The Russians apparently trained real dogs to run under tanks with bombs in WWII. This was stopped when they realised the dogs could not tell German tanks from Russian tanks.
Imagine how fearsome these inventions shall be once China is no longer a formally WTO declared developing country!
Twiggy Forrest, Ausralia’s Largest Rent Seeker, should take note.
Shell has closed its hydrogen refueling stations in California.
The company said its aim was to focus “on value over volume, and prioritizing capital investment in areas where we have distinct competitive advantages.”
More on Australia’s Largest Rent-Seeker
Guess who will be subsidising this ‘green’ iron to China!
Mr Andrew’s consultancy Forty Eight and Partners is partnering with Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest’s company Fortescue, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.
Sources revealed the pair hope to deliver iron that’s had its carbon emissions stripped from the entire extraction, processing and supply chain operations.
This extraction process would require eight million tonnes of renewable hydrogen each year.
The two firms have pledged to deliver 100 million tonnes of ‘green’ iron to China after having recently met at the Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan Province in March.
Mr Forrest has enlisted former politicians in the past, hiring ex-South Australian Labor premier Jay Weatherill in 2019.
Who is he trying to kid? China has no reason to buy it, they will make their own steel from Aussie iron ore and just label it green if needed. They don’t have any ‘green’ values imposed upon them, and certainly don’t worry about CO2.
..but there’s no corruption in Australia..
Just as a indication of the magnitude of that suggestion…
, ..last week we discussed a proposal to produce 2.5 m tons of green hydrogen by using a “wall” of 5000 wind turbines planted shoulder to shoulder over 600+ kms of the Nullabor coastline !
So presumeably this latest brain fart would require at least 15,000+ large wind turbines (@ $1.2m each ) planted somewhere around the coastline ?
..Never going to happen !🙄
I smell overtones of the previous “Sun Cable” proposal ?
When will this madness stop ?
“When will this madness stop ?”
About the same time as the subsidies are pulled.
It’s nuts. I remember his last view of creating hydrogen. He was going to strip the Carbon from ethane and just sell the hydrogen. And his attempts to convince the taxpayer to fund his crazy ideas in chemistry and control of world CO2 equilibrium. Now it’s electrolysis. But then you get Bill Gates and his ideas.
“The application for this injunction should have never been brought,” said Dr Reuben Kirkham, Co-Director of the Free Speech Union of Australia (FSU) in a statement today, questioning the validity of the Commissioner’s bid to enact a global content ban on X.
“The eSafety Commissioner is overreaching and behaving more like an activist than a responsible public servant.”
Another Albanese failure of his clown show government. Recent polling reveals that Australians consider Anbanese to be “Weak, Useless and a Liar” – a fair summary.
Australians need to learn from The Voice. It was a blatant grab for raw power and nothing to do with aborigines. The constitutional changes would have put a committee in charge of Australia with direct power above the parliament and the public service. The checks and balances between the courts, the parliament and the public service would have gone in one move. And his concern for the aborigines and the rolling disaster in Alice Springs is non existent.
What happens when you elect lifelong Marxists like Albanese and Bandt is that you get people who put on a caring front but it’s all about raw power. “Tell them what they want to hear and when we get power, we do what we want.” This is Bandt’s personally stated view, to me at least. Before he became the leading Watermelon.
The last thing that should happen is a government in charge of all media. We had that in the pandemic. A pregnant woman in Ballarrat arrested by police without a warrant, in handcuffs in front of her children for daring to post on Facebook. So don’t think it won’t happen in Australia.
“Tell them what they want to hear and when we get power, we do what we want.”
I’m fairly certain I also heard this uttered by old mate Midnight Oil’s Peter Garrett.
‘Every appearance a sellout’.
The Islamic notion of “taqiyya” is exactly the same
And those are his good points!
Was the word “twerp” included in the poll?!?
Russia finds huge oil and gas reserves in British Antarctic territory
Fantastic for the planet. And the ones who have the technology, the nuclear ice breakers are the Russians. And historically the Kuwaitis, Saudis, Azerbaijanis get to own what is under their ground and apart from WWII it has been a peaceful sharing. The penguins need to share in this, but there are political extremists. All black and white.
The average penguin is grey.
Of course.
Extract it.
And Australia has the largest territorial claim on the Antarctic although our Government will give it away.
Russia probably just trying to stir up trouble with Argentina v. UK.
It was always my understanding that there was to be no mining in/on the Antarctic.
Agreed. But why?
Because all the black stuff on the white snow isn’t a good look. ??
An old treaty, its described in the article
How would Russia find stuff in the British area? Were they invited in as contractors? Aren’t those countries at war?
You can do “research” sort of like Japanese whale research
The Royal Navy ain’t what it used to be.
I look forward to seeing a bunch of Just Stop Oil activists trying to glue themselves to the ice.
Was there a catastrophic Carrington type event?
I keep seeing video of aurora in Texas and other places where there should be no aurora.
Did I miss another apocalypse?
I hate when that happens.*
*(I mean real apocalypses not artificial ones like AGW and Pandemic.)
Check this site:
. . . every day and you will not be looking for the event that did not happen. Fun read:
The Adventure of Silver Blaze, a Sherlock Holmes short story
It’s interesting that the hardening of power and electronic systems seems to have worked.
Either that or the event wasn’t as bad as claimed.
Must keep the terror going.
The current event is rated G5, the same as the Carrington Event.
50 on May 9th
“Nevertheless, it would be wise to keep an eye on this growing active region while Earth is in its strike zone.”
After keeping a eye on it and seeing a major impending event , I wonder what they would/could actually do. This recent event only seemed tobtriggerxa bout of business as usual, apart from the MSM.
I like your nice new word Yarpos! Could we use it to describe a G5 event that doesn’t quite manage to scare everyone?
Did you borrow that new word from Biden?
Oh Covfefe!!
“tobtriggerxa” = to be another
I wrote an article on the effect of natural or artificial radiation on electronics in the July 2019 Silicon Chip magazine.
Of the Carrington Event I wrote:
I was thinking about a few things I did or thought about yesterday and I thought how the Left are trying to destroy it all, or already have.
Eating meat. (Going.)
Cooking with gas. (Going.)
Living in a decent size house. (Gone for most.)
Practicing free speech on sites like this. (Going.)
Driving. (Going.)
Living in a relatively crime-free society. (Going.)
Seeing young people properly educated in school and university (Gone.)
Respect for traditional moral, family and national values. (Gone.)
Plastic bags for convenient shopping. (Gone)
Of course, these are just a few of many similiar things.
There are wild-eyed, ignorant, noisy Leftists who are looking forward to these things and actively work to achieve them, including Net Zero, the Left’s rebranding of Pol Pot’s Year Zero.
I will add to that list free access to Australian National Parks and other areas.
Non-Aborigines are being increasing banned from these.
Mt Warning
Lake Eyre
Ayers Rock
And many others.
Also see:
The most critical problem is depopulation created by:
Encouraging “career” instead of partuition in the critical late teens- twenties.
The easy divorce and social welfare state devaluing fatherhood
Devaluing the currency to destroy the bottom rungs of the property ladder.
Media and government accentuate futile sexual behaviours and celebrate deviant lifestyles.
The proportion of “Alphabet people” is doubling with each generation.
mRNA GMO genetic havoc with billions pocketed from “Dangerous and Virulent”.
Abortion on demand and contraception with negligible intra-country adoption.
Promoting the fallacy of delaying family using artificial fertilisation e.g. egg freezing instead natural partuition.
Promoting delusions such as “Energy transition” and “Climate change” as virtues.
Complete inversion of what is understood by a healthy diet to be fed processed garbage leading
to infertility (PCOS)and subfertility (reduced sperm counts).
Very tough to reverse the course of these trends that are accelerating.
Consider the obituaries: a potted genealogy is given to represent a life that gave life to others and
gained love and respect in return.
partuition ..=.. childbirth
Haiti has been “decolonised” and self-governed since 1804.
It is a failed state and one of the world’s most dangerous places.
It didn’t work out well for them.
And don’t blame colonisers. They’ve had 220 years to sort it out.
The series of devastating natural disasters has gone a long way to bringing about the collapse of society.
Other countries also have multiple natural disasters and recover, multiple times.
I think if you bothered to check the list you’d be hard pressed to find another small country with quite such bad luck in recent years!
How about the country it shares the island with, Dominican Republic?
Maddison’s reference to the country on the eastern side of Hispaniola destroys your contention. Another less clinching – but still relevant case is the 2010 earthquake. Haiti’s was magnitude 7.0 and at about the same time Chile had a monster 8.8. The Chileans went about repairing the extensive damage with no fanfare, unlike the chaos in Haiti. More than a decade later, the parliament building is still a wreck.
Both sides of Hispaniola were colonized. The West by the French and the East by the Spanish. The West, Haiti, was populated by African slaves. The East, the Dominican Republic by a mixture of slaves and settlers. French Haiti was independent in 1800 and the Spanish Dominican Republic 1820.
Now over 200 years later Haiti is the poorest place in the region and the Dominican Republic one of the largest economies of the region, ten times that of Haiti. There are many reasons and both sides were colonies, but the difference could not be more stark. One destitute and starving and violent and the other very prosperous.
My own view is the difference in how governments operate overseas. There is virtually no French colony which did not become a war zone. Vietnam, Algeria, Lebanon, Congo(Belgian). The areas colonized by the British were trading places where native populations ran basically independent governments and the wealth of the locals grew. Their approach was sails, not swords. The French colonies were ruled directly from Paris. By the 1840s the British were actively wiping out the sea borne slave trade and anti slavery. And the transitions to functioning democracies were reasonably smooth for the British Empire in that overall local governments worked, for good or bad. Canada, United States,Ireland,Australia,India,Pakistan,South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Rhodesia, Nigeria and many island nations in the Caribbean. The British model worked. The Spanish/Portuguese less well.
Over 3,000 British sailors died stopping the slave trade by seizing slave ships and freeing the slaves. The British idea of colonies mimicked the Roman ones and they were joined by the Dutch. But you get the modern versions of “what have the Romans done for us” and the answer is, civilization. And the leftist attack on the British never stops. Never the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Belgians, Germans, Japanese who practiced violent total conquest.
And there never was a war in Australia, no matter how hard people try to imagine one.
Well said, TdeF.
It’s remarkable although not surprising, the utter ignorance of the Left about the British stopping the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the thousands of British who died for that.
And yet the Left hate the British and everything Britain once stood for before the hostile takeover by the Left. Of course, they hate Western Civilisation in general as well.
They are also ignorant (or perhaps not) of ongoing slavery to this day in the dysfunctional and oppressive countries of Africa and the Arab middle east whom the Left love so much, including the treatment of women and female genital mutilation in many such countries about which they remain totally silent.
The Left are so ignorant of history, they even tore down a statue of Frederick Douglass, a former slave, in Rochester, New York. He was a black slavery abolitionist. Leftists are like mindless automatons. It’s simply beyond comprehension to members of the thinking community.
Of course, you can see the true racist and antisemitic nature of the Left in how they treat black conservatives and Jews.
The Left now dominate almost every government in the West and will destroy our Civilisation unless the thinking community activates and fight back against their evil.
Haitians have deforested their side of Hispaniola mostly in the last forty years with drastic consequences for food production through widescale erosion generated by the absent trees.
TdeF, re Hispaniola. Mostly this makes a lot of sense BUT Rhodesia a peaceful takeover!!! I must have imagined the eight years of war I fought in – two communist ‘terror units’ – one ChiComm and the other Soviet. And the five of my close friends who were KIA.
Evidence that Australian scientists and even our media were onto the big one well before Carrington. This via other pre-cursors. Should it be called the August 1859 Neumayer event instead of the September whats his name and be associated with magnetic effects on the wind and or Aurorae visible during the daytime the prior year, rather than X flares?
Warning. If you read this remember that the whole thing was being read by people in Australia hours before Carrington saw the flare and the daytime visible Aurora was 1858.
See the date here. That is Australian time not GMT so is advanced. This all happened including the printing of the paper, before Carrington saw the flare.
The Argus Thu 1 Sep 1859 Page 5 AURORA AUSTRALIS.
He has magnetometer data tables, observation lists and even “electric tension of the air”.
Not out of it yet –
“How badly is the next harvest already affected?”
“As if we didn’t have enough problems with our food supply already, it appears that the recent solar storms have created new difficulties for farmers.
The solar storm that brought the aurora borealis to large parts of the United States this weekend also broke critical GPS and precision farming functionality in tractors and agricultural equipment during a critical point of the planting season.
. . .
“All the tractors are sitting at the ends of the field right now shut down because of the solar storm,” Kevin Kenney, a farmer in Nebraska, told me. “No GPS. We’re right in the middle of corn planting. I’ll bet the commodity markets spike Monday.” ”
The Mayor of the Sydney suburb of Many is trying to ban so-called “fat bikes” (bicycles, some electric, with very wide tyres).
So…the totalitarian control freaks of the Left are trying to ban cars and get people (non-Elites) onto bicycles but it has to be the RIGHT TYPE of bicycle…
Fat or thin, is Irrelevant.
These things race along footpaths with little concern for pedestrians going about their business.
They race to the nearest pedestrian crossing and assume the right to go across in front of the vehicles that they had been racing side by side with just seconds before.
Why are they not registered: why are riders unlicensed: why are they not insured?
Welcome to the new world where someone else is responsible but never the woke.
Charging the battery adds even further wokeness when it blows and burns and burns; until it doesn’t. Not being big on tv or papers I’m only aware of one fire locally, but there are several reported statewide in the last year.
I agree with Kalm Keith and MrGrimNasty that if they are effectively motorbikes, in law, they should be treated the same with registration and insurance and drive on the road etc..
The point is that the Left are trying to stop people driving cars and forcing them into other forms of transport (or none) and as usual have not thought through the consequences.
In fact, the other day, what I called a “food delivery slave” on an electric motorcycle crashed into my car while driving in a bicycle lane at very high speed. They should have been on the road like other motorcycles.
Also, where councils have created most bicycle lanes in Australia is in the space allocated by the original road engineers as a safety zone to open car doors. There is no unallocated space which most bicycle lanes were created in. It was a safety zone. Now we are seeing huge numbers of collisions between electric motorbikes, primarily ridden by food delivery slaves and cars, especially car doors, where these vehicles are inappropriately allowed in bicycle lanes. The bicycle lanes themselves should not exist if it means building them in the safety zone designated for car doors.
Good points.
I haven’t ridden my push bike for about ten years, but when I did, it was always on the less dangerous back streets and not on high traffic streets with bike lanes. It seems that bike lanes are just a form of woke electioneering that are a token safety thing.
So many disasters occur in bike lanes with groups of riders being hit.
Similar in the UK, already illegal, correctly so, they are electric motorbikes some capable of very high speed, silent and very dangerous, perfect for drive by mugging and general dangerous and antisocial use by kids.
You can road register, get a number plate, insure, and then drive legally, if you want to save the planet.
Right on!
But,….as with gun registration, it is not the ones who register, insure, etc, ….who are the problem
It’s not a valid comparison.
I could never understand how the National Socialists came to be in Germany, an apparently civilised country. Thanks to experiencing the world’s most extreme covid lockups in Victoria, Australia, I now fully understand. Many members of Victoria Police discovered they enjoyed hurting and harming people. Only one or two resigned in disgust. And they just loved “following orders” of Herr Kommandant Dan Andrews and his goons. It was Dan’s private army with which to do whatever he pleased, and did.
Some blog recently mentioned that early up take of nazi party membership, was from the professions – academia, medical, and law, as career opportunities opened up, with the displacement of Jews.
Toward a science of cumulative impact of the offshore wind ocean bulldozer.
Offshore wind cumulative impact issue analysis
By David Wojick
Some excerpts:
“When the Feds finally do the cumulative environmental impact analysis for whales as mandated by the Endangered Species Act there are a number of basic issues to be resolved. Here is a quick look at some for the desperately endangered North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW). Cumulative refers to the combined impact of multiple offshore projects. The first issue is which projects to combine for analysis. NARW are found along the entire Atlantic coastal waters which bounds the geography. Other endangered critters are found along the Gulf and West Coasts. Projects can be in very different stages of development. Here is a hierarchy of sorts that gives several obvious options, from relatively small to enormous.”
“3. Next come the many projects listed in “AN ACTION PLAN FOR OFFSHORE WIND TRANSMISSION DEVELOPMENT IN THE U.S. ATLANTIC REGION“. This Action Plan is from the Energy Department and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), which is actually building the combined offshore wind monster. The Action Plan shows specific projects in ever-increasing numbers by five-year increments, from 30,000 MW in 2030 to 85,000 MW in 2050. These projects are somewhat speculative, but since this is a BOEM Plan, its cumulative impact on the NARW should certainly be assessed for each five-year increment. It is likely that such a massive plan would be constrained by the results of this assessment.”
“For each cumulative impact assessment, the next question is, what potential impacts on the NARW to look at? Here are some obvious examples that I have discussed in prior articles.
A. Acoustic noise harassment from sources such as sonar surveys, site construction, as well as operation. Given that some approved individual projects have construction harassment estimates alone over 200 NARW each, the combined total harassment for all projects and sources could be enormous.
B. Moreover, it is likely that combined noises will create new levels of harassment. The potential for NARW extinction is obvious, given that their entire population is less than 350, with just 70 or so breeding females.”
“It should be noted that adverse impacts can combine over time as well as space. The migratory NARW will be forced to run a gauntlet of successive projects stretching at least from Georgia to Maine. Here is BOEM’s own discussion of the combined impacts over time for pile driving during construction of projects. I could not have said it better.
“It is possible that pile driving could displace animals into areas with lower habitat quality or higher risk of vessel collision or fisheries interaction. Multiple construction activities within the same calendar year could potentially affect migration, foraging, calving, and individual fitness. The magnitude of impacts would depend upon the locations, duration, and timing of concurrent construction. Such impacts could be long term, of high intensity, and of high exposure level. Generally, the more frequently an individual’s normal behaviors are disrupted or the longer the duration of the disruption, the greater the potential for biologically significant consequences to individual fitness. The potential for biologically significant effects is expected to increase with the number of pile-driving events to which an individual is exposed.”” End of quote.
“Collectively, offshore wind is a massive proposed multi-project program with equally massive combined environmental impacts. These cumulative impacts must be assessed under the Endangered Species Act for the desperately endangered North Atlantic Right Whale and all the other listed critters that would be affected. Constraint in project impact should be the order of the day.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Save the whales from offshore wind.
And the latest Orca yacht sinking off the coast of Spain adds to the growing number of such incidents. Check out the list of other articles of earlier events at the bottom of the story. The “experts” even wade in with one story on how it might be due to revenge, grief or memory with not a mention of wind turbines. Cheers
Russia’s Invasion Of Phuket – Will The Island Ever Be The Same?
UK late-19th century.[1][2] Borrowed from Yiddish שלימזל (shlimazl, “misfortune”), from Middle High German slim (“crooked”) and Hebrew מַזָּל (mazzāl, “luck”). Cognate with US English schlimazel (“unlucky person”). Compare German Schlamassel.
shemozzle (plural shemozzles)
(slang) A state of chaos or confusion. quotations ▼
(slang) A quarrel or rumpus. quotations ▼
Synonyms Edit
(state of chaos): mess, muddle; see also Thesaurus:disorder
(quarrel): ruckus, turmoil; see also Thesaurus:commotion
Related terms Edit
schlemiel (“loser; fool”)
shemozzle (third-person singular simple present shemozzles, present participle shemozzling, simple past and past participle shemozzled)
(slang) To scarper; to run away; to flee. quotations ▼
(From Wiktionary.)
f’up, c’up, snafu, cluster f’ … 😁️
Trump Tells Massive Crowd: “Day One” Executive Order Will Target Offshore Wind To Save Whales
This is good news and I hope he goes further by employing Will Happer to unseat the AGW high priests.
‘I Could Make It Infectious In Months’: Former CDC Director Sounds Alarm Over Bird Flu Experiments
More Moderna and mRNA – potholes in the road
“Unexpectedly! Baffled! Perplexed! Confounded! Probably due to the story’s widespread lack of coverage, I missed this truth nugget published in Science back in March, under the headline “Puzzling skin side effects stymie advance of promising HIV vaccine.” The story’s sub-headline provoked painful guffaws: “Strategy of multiple, Moderna-made mRNA shots to hone powerful antibodies hits a pothole.” ”
“A pothole! Too much traffic over the mRNA highway is my guess. Let’s bury the entire thing under fresh asphalt.
Moderna, having run out of any salable drugs at all, yet still trying to hype its meme stock, is allegedly working on ten new mRNA-based drugs. One of them is a new HIV treatment. It will use mRNA to force patients’ bodies to make a kind of super-antibody, bnAbs, which has been found in people who successfully tolerate HIV infections. Of course, Moderna’s mRNA payload provokes hijacked cells into unnaturally making part of the HIV virus.
What could go wrong?”
More at
“We got some more good news about the reprehensible, globalist WHO/WEF pandemic treaty; it’s going in the ditch. Now, according to Reuters last week, Great Britain is out:”
Willis Eschenbach has another look at the Models and finds more mysteries and you have to wonder if the Russian model is more accurate because it uses real world data and not too much dreaming about so called dangerous doubling of co2.
Also change in clouds could be the missing factor and not a trace gas increase of about 0.014 % of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Co2 is about 0.042% today and 0.028% in 1800. But never forget that Dr Hansen + McKibben etc endorse a reduction to 0.035% today or another 0.007% reduction to 0.042% = 0.035% and their problem is SOLVED.
And if you BELIEVE that you’ll BELIEVE anything.
Douglas Murray Shuts Up UK Hating Immigration Activist on Colonialism
Reminding them –
“Medical Elites’ Disgrace Over Ivermectin”
“For generations and especially during the Covid pandemic, professionals depended on these “elite” medical groups. Some of them have existed for around 170 years and have around $150 million to $1.2 billion in assets, so they clearly had the history, personnel, and wherewithal to objectively examine…(READ THIS FULL ARTICLE FREE HERE). ”
“Blowin’ in the Wind: Boston Startup to Create a Vaccine to Reduce Cow Emissions”
Willis E has a look at
“Modeling The Mysteries”
“Well, every time I go to look at the climate models, I come away more confused. And today is no exception. I decided to take a look at the relationship between the change in forcing (downwelling radiation) and the change in temperature.”
“Here’s the final impossibility. Despite the different models having wildly different equilibrium climate sensitivities and different transient climate responses and different forcing changes from doubling CO2 … somehow they all do a pretty good job of hindcasting the actual temperature record.
And if the models were actually “physics-based” as every modeler claims, this would not be possible. I call this “Dr. Kiehl’s Paradox”, since he noted it first, and I discuss this impossible result here.
Gotta love that settled science …”
“Anyhow, that’s the story of my latest wandering through the models … I ended up knowing less than when I started.”
This might go with your “ECS” query of yesterday at #5.4
Using debt to create the illusion of a budget surplus are they?
Pigs bottom!
“Monster Mash-up”
““My take is that the US is incredibly unstable right now, and could go in almost any imaginable direction between now and the election, as well as some unimaginable ones.” —John Michael Greer”
Kunstler takes a look*-nation/monster-mash-up/
More on Snowy2..
A comment from last week ( ref Rick W)
“ Price arbitrage for batteries over the past week has averaged $523/MWh but it is usually around half of this. They also get the lion’s share of the FRACs market. By the time Snowy 2 is up and running (if ever) the price arbitrage could average $500/MWh over a year. It would also get some capacity payment and a decent share of the FRACs market.”…
The question i am trying to answer is…
..who would get the financial returns on this system ?…since it is a Federal asset .
NOTE:- If it cycles only 10 GWh each day, that could mean $5+ million per day, ..$1.8 billion each year !
And Snowy2 has much greater capacity if required !
Does this income go straight to the commonwealth fund bucket, or is it ti be returned to consumers somehow ?
Yet NuScale was offering SMR nuclear energy at A$130/MW, and couldn’t attract any takers in the U.S.
“Does this income go straight to the commonwealth fund bucket, or is it ti be returned to consumers somehow ?”
It will go straight to Elbo and Chump Change to reimburse the poor punters thus relieving the situation they created in the first place, all good.
“or is it it be returned to consumers somehow ?’
Hahaha! Return money to consumers?? You running some quality control on the wine cellar?
Lotus Creek Wind Subsidy Harvesters.
Koala’s survived the pelt industry, they won’t survive the wind industry.
It’s more than a koala can bear, doesn’t look like an old growth forest, no large trees, been logged a long time ago.
Recalcitrant blocking high pressure gets the blame for Perth’s unseasonal warmth.
‘Perth is about to obliterate its record for the longest run of days above 25°C in May as the city experiences an unusual run of late-season warmth.
‘A lack of strong cold fronts and frequent easterly winds have been causing an uninterrupted spell of warm days in Perth over the past week.
‘This warm weather has been driven by the stubborn high pressure systems located south of Australia, a pattern which looks set to continue for at least the rest of this week.’ (Weatherzone)
Does any good come from the wellfare state?
Indeed, our local MP’s are worth feeding.
So there is something worth feeding down there.
The welfare state keeps beggars off the street.
Not wrong. Still running the air con in Perth to keep cool. Minimal rain so far, only a few mm.
Adelaide 15mm since Australia Day.
Quantum computing takes a giant leap forward with breakthrough discovery
Scientists have produced an enhanced, ultra-pure form of silicon that allows the construction of high-performance qubit devices. This fundamental component is crucial for paving the way towards scalable quantum computing.
One of the biggest challenges in the development of quantum computers is that qubits, the building blocks of quantum computing, are highly sensitive and require a stable environment to maintain the information they hold. Even tiny changes in their environment, including temperature fluctuations, can cause computer errors.
Another issue is their scale, both their physical size and processing power. Ten qubits have the same processing power as 1,024 bits in a normal computer and can potentially occupy a much smaller volume.
Scientists believe a fully performing quantum computer needs around one million qubits, which provides capability unfeasible by any classical computer.
Scientists at the University of Melbourne have come up with a way to engineer silicon to remove the silicon 29 and 30 atoms, making it the perfect material to make quantum computers at scale, and with high accuracy.
The result — the world’s purest silicon — provides a pathway to the creation of one million qubits, which may be fabricated to the size of a pinhead.
“Now that we can produce extremely pure silicon-28, our next step will be to demonstrate that we can sustain quantum coherence for many qubits simultaneously. A reliable quantum computer with just 30 qubits would exceed the power of today’s supercomputers for some applications,” Jamieson concluded.
We’ve pushed the bounds of integration and are now switching (no pun intended) from digital back to analog for superior performance.
The human brain is a quantum computer of sorts so it’s only reasonable that future developments seek to mimic that, and they are, switching to building biological “brains” rather than electronic.
A cyborg future seems inevitable, a fusion of living tissue and technology functioning as one, rather than a giant black box AI in a room somewhere.
It’s all happening at breakneck speed and if “AI” starts developing itself, eating bugs will be the very least of your worries.
Tuesday funny: quick psych test
Tuesday wtf: humans are getting dumber while rodents are getting smarter.
Tuesday wtf bonus: what is this beach critter?
Can anyone identify it?
I don’t want to live in the same hemisphere as that thing!
Chris Bowen?
Haven’t seen the video. Just guessing from your comment.
Mickey has worked out that the cheese isn’t ‘free’.
UNC’s board just unanimously abolished the entire DEI department
Others need to get on board and not go down with the woke/DEI ship.
Batteries,..and the increasing cost of living…
Just had to replace the 12v pb starter battery on my wifes car.
Identical battery, from the same supplier as previous,..todays cost $330,.. compared to 2021 cost of $220 ! …50% increase in 3 yrs ?
Seems a little exy’ ?
Extra charges for no extra charge
That lines up with what I’m seeing all around me. The official inflation figure has always been a lie, but never more so than recently. Every time I go to the supermarket I find myself muttering, “HOW MUCH!!!???”
This situation is now so bad it is causing me to re-evaluate our finances as self-funded retirees. My expectations for inflation were woefully underestimated and so I’ve had to significantly reduce our spending to make our funds last.
— Jean-Claude Juncker
Well prices may be increasing, but at least the package sizes and quality are going down to compensate.
Albo would love to ban this video. Anthony Albanese Elon Musk Julie Inman Grant
All JIG needs to do is to develop an Internet filter – a ‘safety’ – app and then anyone who wants to ‘protect’ themselves can install the app. Simples.
Does seem a logical next step really. I am sure the masses would pile on board for a purely JIG curated Internet, cleansed of unapproved thoughts.
The “Do-Gooderers” have another try at “bettering us”
“In an effort to combat rising temperatures, the Environmental Protection Agency is going to raise the cost of beating the heat. I guess it’ll all balance out in about 150 years, right?
“They’re stopping the production of the current refrigerant, R-410A. Those systems will no longer be produced after December 31 of this year…” ”
David Dilley: “Global warming will be dead by 2030”
“Science baffled”
“Brand-new heart syndrome reportedly affects 90% of U.S. population, American Medical Association claims, no explanation offered”
“Yet — and you’ll be shocked to learn this — perusing all of the literature on CMK pushed out by mainstream outlets and medical organizations like the AMA, there is a palpable lack of interest in asking fundamental questions.
What they are interested in, and what we can expect coming down the pipeline, is new patented drugs for CMK to the great ecstasy of Pfizer and Merck shareholders. ”
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is anathema to the industry’s business model, so what we get is the inverse paradigm.”
The latest “panician’s panic”?