Said I, “My friend, I’d like to go to Morrow and return
No later than tomorrow, for I haven’t time to burn”
Said he to me, “Now let me see if I have heard you right
You’d like to go to Morrow and return tomorrow night
You should have gone to Morrow yesterday and back today
For the train that goes to Morrow is a mile upon its way”
“It’s ‘We the Peoples’ versus the polluters and the profiteers.”
Why? What is suddenly the end of world urgency after 36 years of rapid Global Warming? Russia, China, most of Asia and Africa doesn’t care. And fossil fuel sales are at a record. CO2 output is at a record, up 3500% since 1900.
What about Ukraine? And the prospect of nuclear WWIII?
What about Gaza?
When was the UN management of world climates more important than war? When was the UN made the authority on meteorology? Why was the climate of 1900 perfect?
Is the greatest threat to humanity the use of limousines and jets for the 80,000 UN socialists like Gutteres?
““Meanwhile, the godfathers of climate chaos — the fossil fuel industry — rake in record profits and feast off trillions in taxpayer-funded subsidies.””
I am really puzzled about these taxpayer funded subsidies. In Australia all the subsidies are for windmills and solar panels and all the infrastructure they require. And Chinese electric cars. I don’t think the Saudis need any subsidies.
Tipping points. What was the tipping point for this outburst? Is there a problem with the budget? Are you on a highway to fiscal hell?
Covid and other plandemic scares aren’t working quite as much as the Elites want to secure more power, control and money (although they did work to a significant extent and they did increase all three), so now they are returning to, or rather re-emphasising, their war against energy.
Note the four main grifts of the Left quoted in the article I posted below.
We will see further activity in those areas as well.
Those four being: “open” immigration; “Green” energy; digital currency; and the attack on our food supply.
The case from Mexico guy had type 2 Diabetes, late stage kidney disease and NO exposure to birds.
So…MSM made up the story…
Meanwhile Finland is offering bird flu shots…
Remember in the Covid era, US outdoor social gatherings were restricted to 12 people, unless you were protesting, in which case it was 100. Science – LOL…
H.Mencken springs to mind.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
Ok.. If anyone wants to experience 2 Fridays in a week. (and has that on their bucket list).
Do this.
Tonga and Samoa are very close to each other and separated by the international date line.
So the method is to board an aircraft at Tonga, 00:01hrs Friday and fly at the earths rotational speed westwards.. (approx. at 1450km/h)
Aim to land in Samoa 24hrs later…. and you will find that it is 00:01hrs Friday. Same day you left.
If you can complete that task… then you can relax with a beverage and enjoy your 2nd Friday in a week.
I took my son when he was 2 to the US from Australia on the day he turned 3. As we crossed the dateline he turned 2 again. And as the day changed turned 3 again. Australians always fly into yesterday. Deja Vu flights.
I flew in an A380 from Sydney to Dallas/Fort Worth on the 1st of July, 2018. I left Sydney Airport at 1.30 pm (can’t remember the day of the week). We landed at Dallas/Fort Worth at 1.30 pm on the same day after a 15 and a half hour non stop flight.
I went Business Class as a retirement treat so it was quite a pleasant flight.
On this day in 2011 Samoa skipped a day and jumped westwards across the international dateline – to align with trade partners. As the clock struck midnight (10:00 GMT Friday) as 29 December ended, Samoa fast-forwarded to 31 December, missing out on 30 December entirely.
So to clarify Wx’s comment is correct for American Samoa
The nation of Samoa also observed the same time as the Samoa Time Zone until it moved across the International Date Line at the end of 29 December 2011; it is now 24 hours (25 hours in southern hemisphere summer) ahead of American Samoa
In case you haven’t heard of it, the term ‘2+4 Treaty’ is the short-hand name given to the ‘Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany’, signed on 12 Sept. 1990 by both the Federal Republic and the German Democratic Republic (hence ‘2’) and the four major (sic) Allied Powers of the Second World War, i.e., the US, the USSR, the UK, and France (hence ‘4’). The link cited here leads to the official text provided by the US Embassy (sic) in Berlin.
In parts a very law orientated text, but worth reading.
Australia’s eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant says she was subjected to death threats after taking up the fight against social media platform X and its owner Elon Musk.
“He issued a dog whistle to 181 million users around the globe which resulted in death threats directly to me and which resulted in doxxing of my family members, including my three children,” Ms Inman Grant told the ABC.
“With great power comes great responsibility and exercising that restraint in terms of targeting a regulator who is here to protect the citizens of Australia is really beyond the pale.
“But it is not surprising. This is his modus operandi. I will not be cowered but those threats.”
Earlier on Wednesday, Ms Inman Grant announced she had dropped the legal fight against X over its refusal to remove videos depicting a stabbing attack against a Sydney bishop.
The eSafety Commission was attempting to force X to remove videos of footage of an alleged terror attack in which Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was stabbed during a live-streamed sermon.
Ms Grant said the online watchdog “considered this option (abandoning legal action) likely to achieve the most positive outcome for the online safety of all Australians, especially children”.
On the radio she said she had dropped that one action against X and Musk regarding the video of the stabbing (which the victim wants to remain up) but she also said she has five other actions against him.
And that video WAS removed from Australian servers. The Commissar wanted to have it CENSORED WORLDWIDE.
How Biden (Obama/Clinton) Plans to Beat Trump – A War with Russia
Germany reveals plan for citizens if Russia attacks, following threats by Putin: Subway bunkers, food rationing, compulsory conscription and evacuations
Tensions escalate as US allows Ukraine to fire donated weapons into Russia
In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden’s authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. White House officials alerted members of Congress to the Russian move on Wednesday.
On Wednesday, Russian President Putin said he was considering some kind of retaliation-in-kind:
If they consider it possible to deliver such weapons to the combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries that do it to Russia?…We will think about it.”
If France, Germany, Baltic States who ever commit soldiers to Ukraine, they have no rights and protection as fixed in the Geneva Convention. I hope they all know that.
CO2 – One can only imagine the conniptions in the US if Russia were to move one of their hypersonic missiles to Yemen, with the required Russian operators, fly their equivalent of an AWAC around the US aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean, and sink it. It’s what the US and its lapdogs are doing in Ukraine.
Apart from the loss of life and the knee-jerk US response it would almost be comical.
What people may not know is that Russia has extensive shelter facilities for around 40% of its citizens and has had for 20 years.
Other countries – better build your own and best of luck.
In London, we have a quite extensive Tube [Underground Railway] network.
Of course, it is possible to imagine the unions refusing to open the gates to the stations in pursuance of an industrial action designed to establish a three-day working week …
The US Department of State has not allowed former Marine Corps intelligence officer and American foreign policy critic Scott Ritter to board a flight from New York to Istanbul.
’til now, that was only a “bad states” practice as we always could read in the mass media…
Ritter, etc, are very nuanced. I don’t think that he supports the “Operation al-Aqsa Storm” as a terrorist act but he is very real politik and, as such, understands what’s going on. The left are very much into very simplistic thinking – simple narratives – and demonisation. When you get into the complexities – the details – the nuances – that Scott Ritter deals with that strongly tends to get distorted and lost.
When it happens to someone known … how many unknown? We had what was OK to do with terrorists set after 9-11, we have the 5-eyes operations exposed, and now a gradual widening of how ‘terrorism’ is defined. People getting pulled off planes, trains and automobiles all over I reckon
Not only do solar panels not work at night in the UK they barely work during winter.
How much energy do solar panels produce in winter? In winter, the amount of energy a solar panel produces can drop by around 80% in the UK. While a single 400-watt solar panel might produce around 2.4 kWh of energy on the sunniest of summer’s day in the UK,2 it might produce just 0.4 kWh on the gloomiest winter’s day.
Britain’s Solar ‘Industry’ Outraged About Brewing Farmland Panel Ban
The government has issued a warning to local authorities today, urging them to refrain from granting planning permission for solar farms on high-quality farmland unless it’s deemed essential.
In Penzance, Cornwall, the Sun only reaches 45 degree altitude, at noon, on 2nd April.
It does so, daily moving higher in the heavens at noon, until the Solstice, about 21st June when, in Penzance it is at about 63 degrees [and over 45 degrees for more than 6 hours [1014 to 1625 [BST]].
That’s as good as it gets in Cornwall [which, remember, is further North than is Winnipeg, Canada].
For somewhere like Edinburgh, Scotland, the Sun reaches less then 58 degrees at Noon on the Summer Solstice.
At the Winter Solstice, the Sun reaches a maximum of 10.7 degrees, with a day length [time above the horizon] of about 7 hours only.
Edinburgh is 56 North – further North than Cape Horn is South [55 South].
Note these are astronomical figures, taking no account of clouds, hail, rain, snow on solar panels, etc., which are generally agreed to reduce the energy capture.
This is a fact of geography, and no matter what a politician wants, it isn’t altered except by continental drift.
So, yes, there are better places than the UK to site solar – even if we accept that there is a problem with plant food – CO2 – which many here do not.
There are plenty of wishful thinkers and well-meaning conservationists in the UK but realistically the only solar viable strip is between Penzance and Dover. Using a dual axis tracking array might provide 50% more stored power in your batteries than a fixed south-facing array on a typical steep pitched roof.
We can start to panic when the ice in Antarctic starts to melt – it has been getting colder in Antarctica since 1996
Ice at the North Pole is floating ice and if it melts it will have little impact on sea levels
The Antarctic Ice “Sheet” covers an area of almost 14 million km² and contains 30 million km³ of ice. Around 60% of the world’s total fresh water (90% of the world’s surface fresh water) is held in the ice sheet, equivalent to a 70m rise in global sea level.
Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth. The average temperature in the interior throughout the year is about -57°C, with the minimum temperature being -90°C during the winter season.
Trump never suggested injecting bleach, a lie constantly repeated by the Left and debunked numerous times.
As for various comments in the rest of that article, again the Left prove their profound scientific ignorance and how they believe the world to be static and unchanging, despite numerous changes in climate and sea level even in the short period of recorded history (not to say some current measurements aren’t also being fraudulently altered).
And as for the Left not understanding Trumps entertainment and humour, have you ever seen a Leftist attempt at comedy, especially a “feminist comedienne”? It’s vomit-worthy stuff.
These are the left’s four ‘self-centred grifts’ that pose the greatest risk to the future of Western society
The far-left has launched countless grifts in search of power, control, and money for themselves – but four of them pose the greatest danger to our freedom, sovereignty and the future wellbeing of our children, writes Douglas MacKinnon.
June 3, 2024
As any citizen with common sense and the ability to think for themselves in Australia and the United States knows, zealots from the far-left – enabled by self-centered socialist-leaning politicians – have rolled out an endless number of strategies, policies, and outright grifts to try to destabilise our respective nations from within.
While that list is long and continually growing, I would like to focus on four grifts which I believe pose the greatest danger to our freedom, health, sovereignty, and the future wellbeing of our children.
Those four being: “open” immigration; “Green” energy; digital currency; and the attack on our food supply.
“But in front of this respectable facade Denis PETROV leads a double life. A dark life, made of
distribution of pedophile photos, photos of torture, photos of real rape, promotion and referencing
of drug sales sites, multiple perjury in DMCA, violation of individual image and legal rights of
authorship, and extortion.”
My study titled “The 2023 record temperatures: correlation to absorbed shortwave radiation anomaly” [see next] was published on April 25, 2023, in the journal Science of Climate Changes and shows that the cause of warming in 2023 after the temperature pause from 2015 onwards is fully known and can be verified based on satellite measurements.
The absorbed solar radiation anomaly (ASR) has increased from 2001 to 2023 total of 1.81 W/m2, which is about the same as the radiative forcing (RF) value of the carbon dioxide in the AR6 in 2019.
According to the paradigm of the IPCC global warming is solely due to anthropogenic causes. Record-high temperatures have been measured for the summer months of 2023 and the anthropo- genic climate drivers – mainly greenhouse gases – have been named as culprits. Simple analyses reveal that the temperature increase of the year 2023 cannot be explained exclusively by anthro-pogenic climate drivers. The hypothesis of this study is to show that the main climate driver for the high temperature of 2023 has been the Absorbed Shortwave Radiation (ASR). The approach has been to apply the CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System) satellite radiation measurements, which started in March 2001. Simple climate models have been applied since General Climate Models (GCM) cannot simulate cloudiness and shortwave radiation (SW) changes properly. The ASR changes are related mainly to cloudiness and aerosol particle changes. Since 2014 the global surface temperature growth rate has accelerated but this does not apply to anthropogenic climate drivers, and therefore the ASR changes are probably related to external forcings. The total Radiative Forcing (RF) according to the AR6 was 2.70 Wm-2 for the period 1750-2019. This can be compared to the change in the ASR, which was 2.01 Wm-2 from the year 2000 to the year 2023. This finding means that natural climate drivers have altogether an im-portant role in recent global warming.
One is the significant decline in global air pollution over the past few decades, as well as a 2020 phase-out of sulphur in marine fuels, which have reduced the levels of cooling aerosols in the atmosphere.
Other suggested factors include an approaching peak in the 11-year solar cycle, the 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano and the continued increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.
The fact that the past 15 years ended on a particularly high point due to the current El Niño event might also result in higher warming rates – although the contribution of El Niño to overall 2023 temperatures remains an area of vigorous scientific debate.
It is possible to remove the estimated influence of some of the natural factors – such as El Niño and La Niña events, volcanic eruptions and variations in solar output – from the global temperature record.
The figure below [see Foster & Rahmstorf basedgraph] shows a version of the temperature record above where these natural factors are removed. The recent warming (red dashed line) is even more evident in this chart compared to the prior trend (blue).
However, despite this spate of very warm years, it is challenging to draw firm conclusions on the overall rate of global warming based on a time period as short as 15 years.
Also challenging when ASR is completely ignored too. But Zeke managed to do that admirably. You should too.
I’m still convinced the spike was caused by the Hunga Tonga eruption.
It seems he has ignored the idea that oceanic oscillations are a driving force and easy to draw a straight upward trend from the low point of the AMO to the present.
Excellent correlation (R²=.96!) with temperature is obtained by adding to the sunspot integral the most significant ocean oscillations (the PDO-Pacific Decadal Oscillation + AMO- Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
Contrast the R² of .96 from this simple model (near a perfect correlation coefficient (R²) of 1) vs. the poor correlation (R²=.44) of CO2 levels vs. temperature.
Oscillatory component (MDV) isolated in HadCRUT4 here (see Figure 1):
Application of the Singular Spectrum Analysis Technique to Study the Recent Hiatus on the Global Surface Temperature Record
Diego Macias, Adolf Stips, and Elisa Garcia-Gorriz (2014)
You will NEVER see a sophisticated analysis like this in IPCC assessment reports.
At the moment Russia is hosting the annual St Petersburg International Economic Forum. Scott Ritter a US commentator on US military/Intelligence matters and more specifically lately the Ukraine war was planning to attend the talk fest.
While in transit in the US , before his international exit flight, he was taken aside and had his passport confiscated and of course refused exit. Regardless of what you think of the guys stance on issues (he doesnt always pretend that everything is rosey in the NATO garden) , this seems like vindictive banana republic stuff.
Storing your stuff on someone elses computer, great idea?
The owner is (bit of a dig into the site)
“But in front of this respectable facade Denis PETROV leads a double life. A dark life, made of
distribution of pedophile photos, photos of torture, photos of real rape, promotion and referencing
of drug sales sites, multiple perjury in DMCA, violation of individual image and legal rights of
authorship, and extortion.”
I was honestly surprised that TheirTube dared to show Krystle Mitchell (ex Vic Police) on Triple conference and all what she said about our ex dear leader.
There will be retribution…
Exactly why Putin fired a lot of top military people and sent others to the front to be killed! Peacetime breeds bureaucrats more interested in making themselves rich through bribes on their position.
“T.C. Keeley was my tutor and in addition to physics he offered wisdom. He warned us that if another war broke out there would be a disastrous period for six months while those who had reached high positions on inadequate abilities in peacetime would have to be replaced”.
I suspect it would take longer than six months these days.
“With what we have available I’m confident we could take on the inhabitants of Heard Island, assuming we can get one of our two supply ships going.”
If only we could convince China to relocate there – simples. Maybe if we sweetened the deal by throwing in McDonald Island so they can relocate their Uyghurs onto it?
“Taking his cue from fauxborigine Bruce Pascoe, reader Frank Pledge shares the pride he felt on becoming an Aborigine:
At the next census, please tick the box that says you are an Aboriginal indigenous first nations native of this once great country. This request is prompted by my recent experience filling out a medical form when I was referred to see a specialist. One section asked:”
“If Bruce Pascoe can grow rich and famous by daubing on the ochre and making up a tommyrot lineage, why not me? If Australia can accept a Sudanese man with 25 criminal convictions (including rape, assault and armed robbery) because he ‘feels Aboriginal’, then I ‘feel’ I am every bit as worthy as him. I recommend that every Australian claim to be indigenous too.”
For those who were tucked up in bed when Musk tested Starship 4, it was a satisfying mostly-successful event. 32 of the 33 Raptor motors on the booster sent it on a nominal trajectory, the Starship separated successfully, the booster did a flip and fired itself back down to Earth. It flipped again in the last Km and lowered itself onto the ocean with flames roaring out over the waves at zero KPH.
There were several cameras on the rocket, both giving visual evidence of performance as well as great entertainment. I’m amazed at the amount of dust and small particles coming off.
Starship ignited all engines as the booster fell away and drove itself into orbit. It coasted for nearly an hour and then made re-entry. The camera most used was directed at a steering fin near the front so you could see the ship being steered as the ionisation layer built up. This time they had removed a couple of the thousands of ceramic heat-shield tiles and fitted Starlink antennas, meaning they didn’t lose communication on the way down as is normal with space craft. NASA has a lot to learn!
Just after max temp glowing areas appeared at the root of the fin, and eventually burned through. Watching the disintegration was riveting, alas the camera lens was soon coated and then cracked. However it gave bad visuals for the rest of the flight, and the telemetry of speed, height and angle showed it slowed to a hover just above the seas off Western Australia before sinking in.
If you’re interested in mankind getting off Earth or just cutting-edge engineering, its well worth watching on Youtube somewhere.
…and Woolworths is moving to canning fruit from China and South Africa, while Coles reckon they will stick with Aussie product. That’s fine in a free market, so long as the label shows country of origin so we know what we’re buying. We will never compete with those countries on price unless the Govt artificially changes the market with tariffs or subsidies, either making it overall more expensive for consumers.
“Growers were told in a meeting at SPC’s Shepparton office last month that orders of peaches would be reduced by 40 per cent, and pears would be reduced by 60 per cent… The spokesperson said SPC-branded canned fruit would continue to be 100 per cent Australian-grown fruit. …Several Woolworths-branded tins of peaches now use Chinese or South African peaches, while some of the supermarket’s own-brand jars of sliced pears use fruit from South Africa. In contrast, Coles peaches and pears are labelled as containing 99 per cent Australian ingredients.”
I avoid any food produced in China or India due to extreme soil contamination & heavy metal risks, one caused a USA-wide product recall, and any decent testing here would be a shocker…
Be aware of the New Zealand backdoor into Oz, look for where the produce is grown not where it’s produced or packed.
Packaging labelling STILL gas a long way to go.
I usually shop at Woolworths in NZ but go to New World (Coles equiv. competitor) for SPC apricots.
NZ Roxburgh apricots ceased being canned in 2009 due to competition from Australia, China, South Africa.
Australian SPC apricots are far better than either SA or China offerings at Woolworths so I go elsewhere.
Also worth checking the “juice”. If it isn’t sugar water it might be water + saccharin e.g. Watties NZ peaches. SPC apricot juice isn’t apricot but it is either pear grape apple peach or whatever actual juice is available.
That 40/60% peach/pear reduction is a huge hit to growers. I’ll be checking the SPC apricot “juice” from now on too given can be pear or peach depending on availability (or lack of).
Seems all kinds of mental health conditions, including depression, ADHD, autism and premenstrual dysphoric disorder could generate NDIS money into your bank account. And best of all it is NOT means tested.
Having read the article I’ve come to the conclusion that you would have to be mad not to apply. Soooo using that logic I wonder if the NDIS would be willing to just pay me say $2000 a week so that I don’t go mad. I’m sure with the correct modelling it could be easily proven that the gratis $2000 per week to prevent my madness would deliver great budget savings over the dollars spent if they refuse me and then have to pay for my therapy – not to mention legal costs when I sue them for victimization and every other phobia that comes to mind.
Remember the NDIS is totally a Labor controlled creature, so just be sure to say that you’re being driven mad by climate change anxiety combined with gender dysphoria. Sorted!
you made the rules in 1986… I didn’t try to sneak around the back door or sneak underneath this.
These rules were made in 1986. I read the rules, said “what am I allowed to do?” and that’s exactly what we’ve done! Now why do you want to change the rules again?
This is the first… What’s happened with this operation going on now is exactly what those rules were put in place for! It’s the first
time it’s been used. It’s exactly what they were put in place for and we have obeyed them absolutely.
Why do you want to change the rules again?
I mean since I grew up as a boy, I would imagine that through the parliaments of Australia, from the time I was 18 or 19 years of age to now, there must be 10,000 new laws been passed and I don’t really think it’s that much a better place and I’d like to make a suggestion to you which I think would be far more useful:
If you want to pass a new law, why don’t you only do it when you’ve repealed an old one?
I mean this idea of just passing legislation legislation every time someone blinks is a nonsense! Nobody knows it, nobody understands them you’ve got to be a lawyer with books up to here, purely and simply to do the things we used to do
… and every time you pass a law you take somebody’s privileges away
There’s nothing wrong with minimizing tax!
I don’t know anybody who doesn’t minimize their tax…… you were doing so in ways that were that were contrary to the spirit of
the law… Well I just got through telling you what I thought about that! I am not evading tax in any way shape or form now, of course, I am minimizing my tax
and if anybody in this country doesn’t minimize their tax they want their heads read
because as a government I can tell you that you’re not spending at that well that we should be donating extra
“We have 32% of OUR country to thank(?) for this government that is sending us broke.”
I don’t look at it that way. IMO, the Liberal Party leadership is to blame, having slowly morphed the party into a spineless, slightly less-lefty version of Labor but with fewer principles and even less vision. This means conservative Australians no longer have a real choice other than to ‘waste’ their vote on (i.e.) One Nation.
A study comparing adverse event reports to VAERS and EudraVigilance following mRNA COVID-19 vaccines versus influenza vaccines observed a higher risk of serious adverse reactions for COVID-19 vaccines. These reactions included cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, haemorrhages, gastrointestinal events and thromboses.
Numerous studies reported that COVID-19 vaccination may induce myocarditis, pericarditis and auto-immune diseases.
Post-mortem examinations have also ascribed myocarditis, encephalitis, immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, intracranial haemorrhage and diffuse thrombosis to COVID-19 vaccinations
Unintended consequences observation. Jo, you took a fair amount of good-natured stick re having 2 x Friday this week. In a masterly though unintended stroke of genius your payback is complete given the “Recent Comments” column to the right of page shows all the commentators as literally being repetitive gas bags for commenting ….. (again), (again) and (again). Mice won Cyril.
“Emerging Threat: New RNA Virus Found in Human Neurons”
“Researchers discovered Apocryptovirus odysseus, a new RNA virus linked to severe inflammation in Toxoplasma gondii-infected humans.
An international team led by researchers at the University of Toronto has found a new RNA virus that they believe is hitching a ride with a common human parasite.
The virus, called Apocryptovirus odysseus, along with 18 others that are closely related to it, was discovered through a computational screen of human neuron data – an effort aimed at elucidating the connection between RNA viruses and neuroinflammatory disease. The virus is associated with severe inflammation in humans infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, leading the team to hypothesize that it exacerbates toxoplasmosis disease.”
Now that we have realised (or had it confirmed) that medical science is no more credible than ‘climate science’, it’s hard to know when to give credence to news like this. For sure, the more apocalyptic a report is, the less I’m inclined to believe it.
And a lawyer replies to a troll on the subject of “Trump a felon” – [Comment by Rd Istvan]
“Will be easily reverse on appeal. Only questions are when and where. At least three separate fatal biased judge Marchan errors.
1. Letting Stormy testify, when she was NOT material to the Bragg charges. Similar error just got the NY Weinstein conviction reversed on appeal in NY. Very recent clear NY precedent.
2.Jury instructions did not require a unanimous clear jury verdict statement of the underlying crime converting a statute of limitations expired misdemeanor into a statute of limitations not expired felony. Easy clear violation of SCOTUS 1999 ruling Richardson v US. (@ 119SC1707). See point 3 for underlying details.
3.Prosecution submitted into written evidence their theory was the underlying ‘crime’ was a smorgasbord of 3 possibilities—And Marchan wrongly instructed the jury they did NOT have to agree on which—4 for #1, 4 for #2, 4 for #3 would be ‘unanimous’. WRONG per Richardson v US, which applies to NY state courts via 14A.
a. Violation of FEC federal law. Two big problems. 1. NY does not have jurisdiction to determine. 2. Judge refused to let Trump defense call former FEC head to testify that FEC found there wasn’t one.
b. Violation of NY §17-152. Conspiracy to ‘corrupt’ NY election for public office. Again 2 big problems. 1. Prosecution never showed Trump and Cohen ever discussed Stormy hish money before the election. The single phone call Cohen relied on was disproven on crossx—different subject, and call not to Trump. 2. 17-152 applies to NY public office, including federal Congressmen and Senators. But Presidency is a nationwide Federal office where NY has no law making jurisdiction.
or c. Violation of NY state income tax law. BIG problem. NY state income tax law expressly adopts the Fed tax definitions of deductions. And by law, all presidential fed tax returns are audited by IRS. So Trump 2016 was audited after filing in 2017 and IRS found nothing. Legal expenses paid to lawyers are deductible legal expenses. DUH. Therefore NY state by law could find nothing either.
Even Bill Barr just said Alvin Bragg’s case was an abomination that will be easily reversed on appeal. If not by NY, then by SCOTUS. In terms of 2024 election impact, Bragg’s lawfare has already backfired bigly.
Remember, both DA Alvin Bragg and AG Letitia James both expressly campaigned for office on ‘Get Trump’. They tried. They will both fail bigly. Engoron ruled MaL was worth $28 million. Rush Limbaugh’s 2.5 acre much smaller estate (not on the water) in the same neighborhood just sold for over $150 million.”
The first 5 minutes and 5 seconds is a gratuitous and boring waste of time.
I imagine most viewers will switch off halfway through that boredom leaving only brain-dead zombies still hanging on in faint hope that some actual content will be delivered.
After that first 5 minutes the interesting SpaceX promo footage begins.
Major fight against cashless revolution threatens Aussies with $25,000 fine
Australian businesses and companies could soon cop huge fines if they don’t accept or carry cash. Politicians Andrew Gee and Bob Katter have introduced a bill that aims to keep physical money in circulation.
With the rise of digital payments and wallets, the use of cash has been declining rapidly over the last few years. But plenty of Aussies still love and depend on cash and they’ve told Yahoo Finance the slow transition to a more cashless society is impacting their ability to pay for essentials.
Gee and Katter’s bill hopes to prevent that from happening.
The Keeping Cash Transactions in Australia Bill 2024 was submitted to parliament this week and the MPs believe it’s “crucial in protecting the availability and acceptance of cash payments across the nation”.
“Many people, across both my electorate of Calare and around our great country, hold concerns and fears that the use of cash for transactions in Australia is being phased out and will soon disappear,” said Gee said.
Dr. Robert Redfield, the former CDC Director under the Trump administration, says there was a “huge influence by the pharmaceutical industry” to get everyone vaccinated.
Dr. Redfield wanted to prioritize shots for the elderly, but “that’s not what happened.”
What’s also disturbing is that when the Biden administration came in, the CDC “stopped tracking people that were infected that were previously vaccinated.”
Former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo asked Dr. Redfield why the health agency would do such a thing. Dr. Redfield’s response was eye-opening.
Dr. Redfield also told Chris Cuomo that vaccine mandates were a “terrible decision.” He says vaccine mandates were “emotional” and not based on science — and that there was no rationale for mandating the shots on healthy, young people.
A brave doctor’s eye-opening testimony exposes the grotesque treatment the unvaccinated received throughout COVID-19. Please help share his affidavit.”
Anybody else noticed how many Democrat reps seem to be ‘seeing the light’ on various issues lately? From border control to climate change, federal borrowing to Covid, gun control to trans rights, there appears to be a growing number of reps bucking the usual party line.
But wait …
Just remember there’s an election coming up. These aren’t real epiphanies but temporary reinventions of themselves designed to fool undecided voters. We’ve seen this many times before and there is less than zero doubt in my mind that, should they win re-election, they will revert to type overnight.
“The paper helped create and sustain the theory that amyloid protein buildups caused the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and was one of a number of apparently fraudulent papers written by Sylvain Lesné, a professor at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.”
Said I, “My friend, I’d like to go to Morrow and return
No later than tomorrow, for I haven’t time to burn”
Said he to me, “Now let me see if I have heard you right
You’d like to go to Morrow and return tomorrow night
You should have gone to Morrow yesterday and back today
For the train that goes to Morrow is a mile upon its way”
Morrow in Ohio as mentioned in the song is a real town, population 2049.
Friday on my mind. Now there must be a song there.
Amazing rant against ‘fossil fuel’ companies by UN President Antonio Gutteres.
“It’s ‘We the Peoples’ versus the polluters and the profiteers.”
Why? What is suddenly the end of world urgency after 36 years of rapid Global Warming? Russia, China, most of Asia and Africa doesn’t care. And fossil fuel sales are at a record. CO2 output is at a record, up 3500% since 1900.
What about Ukraine? And the prospect of nuclear WWIII?
What about Gaza?
When was the UN management of world climates more important than war? When was the UN made the authority on meteorology? Why was the climate of 1900 perfect?
Is the greatest threat to humanity the use of limousines and jets for the 80,000 UN socialists like Gutteres?
““Meanwhile, the godfathers of climate chaos — the fossil fuel industry — rake in record profits and feast off trillions in taxpayer-funded subsidies.””
I am really puzzled about these taxpayer funded subsidies. In Australia all the subsidies are for windmills and solar panels and all the infrastructure they require. And Chinese electric cars. I don’t think the Saudis need any subsidies.
Tipping points. What was the tipping point for this outburst? Is there a problem with the budget? Are you on a highway to fiscal hell?
Covid and other plandemic scares aren’t working quite as much as the Elites want to secure more power, control and money (although they did work to a significant extent and they did increase all three), so now they are returning to, or rather re-emphasising, their war against energy.
Note the four main grifts of the Left quoted in the article I posted below.
We will see further activity in those areas as well.
Don’t forget the latest bird flu scare scam.
The case from Mexico guy had type 2 Diabetes, late stage kidney disease and NO exposure to birds.
So…MSM made up the story…
Meanwhile Finland is offering bird flu shots…
Remember in the Covid era, US outdoor social gatherings were restricted to 12 people, unless you were protesting, in which case it was 100. Science – LOL…
H.Mencken springs to mind.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
Ok.. If anyone wants to experience 2 Fridays in a week. (and has that on their bucket list).
Do this.
Tonga and Samoa are very close to each other and separated by the international date line.
So the method is to board an aircraft at Tonga, 00:01hrs Friday and fly at the earths rotational speed westwards.. (approx. at 1450km/h)
Aim to land in Samoa 24hrs later…. and you will find that it is 00:01hrs Friday. Same day you left.
If you can complete that task… then you can relax with a beverage and enjoy your 2nd Friday in a week.
What do biologists wear to work on Friday? Genes.
What do neanderthals do on Friday night? Go clubbing.
Did you hear about the cannibal who converted to Catholicism? On Fridays, he only eats fishermen!
What did Roman say on Good Friday? “Nailed it.”
Are we allowed to post the cavemen/sand joke?
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
A slice of apple pie costs $2.50 in Jamaica and $3.00 in the Bahamas. These are the pie rates of the Caribbean.
Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.
I went to the zoo and saw a baguette in a cage. The zookeeper said it was bread in captivity.
Why can’t you eat Wookie meat? Because it’s too chewy.
I asked the gym instructor if he could teach me to do the splits. He replied, “How flexible are you?” I said, “I can’t make it on Tuesdays.”
I took my son when he was 2 to the US from Australia on the day he turned 3. As we crossed the dateline he turned 2 again. And as the day changed turned 3 again. Australians always fly into yesterday. Deja Vu flights.
I flew in an A380 from Sydney to Dallas/Fort Worth on the 1st of July, 2018. I left Sydney Airport at 1.30 pm (can’t remember the day of the week). We landed at Dallas/Fort Worth at 1.30 pm on the same day after a 15 and a half hour non stop flight.
I went Business Class as a retirement treat so it was quite a pleasant flight.
That used to be our standard approach to travel to HQ in NYC (when it was a nice place to visit in the late 90s)
Leave Saturday, arrive Saturday, have Sunday to be tourists and shop. Wipes out a weekend of your own time of course.
type into your search bar “time in Samoa” and then “time in Tonga”. They are the same.
and from the Samoan global news
So to clarify Wx’s comment is correct for American Samoa
Sounds like WA.
American Samoa is 1 day behind Tonga and Samoa
If at Night, of the 2+4 Treaty I think…
In parts a very law orientated text, but worth reading.
On the radio she said she had dropped that one action against X and Musk regarding the video of the stabbing (which the victim wants to remain up) but she also said she has five other actions against him.
And that video WAS removed from Australian servers. The Commissar wanted to have it CENSORED WORLDWIDE.
It’s called ‘Massive Overreach’.
How Biden (Obama/Clinton) Plans to Beat Trump – A War with Russia
On Wednesday, Russian President Putin said he was considering some kind of retaliation-in-kind:
If they consider it possible to deliver such weapons to the combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries that do it to Russia?…We will think about it.”
If France, Germany, Baltic States who ever commit soldiers to Ukraine, they have no rights and protection as fixed in the Geneva Convention. I hope they all know that.
Time actual songs from the early years of Rock and Blues:
Soldier – by The Groundhogs / Tony TS McPhee
Thank Christ for the Bomb – by The Groundhogs / Tony TS McPhee
British Blues and Rockband
Red Army Blues.
And the real irony is the track first appeared on The Waterboys LP “A Pagan Place” – right where we all are now.
CO2 – One can only imagine the conniptions in the US if Russia were to move one of their hypersonic missiles to Yemen, with the required Russian operators, fly their equivalent of an AWAC around the US aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean, and sink it. It’s what the US and its lapdogs are doing in Ukraine.
Apart from the loss of life and the knee-jerk US response it would almost be comical.
What people may not know is that Russia has extensive shelter facilities for around 40% of its citizens and has had for 20 years.
Other countries – better build your own and best of luck.
In London, we have a quite extensive Tube [Underground Railway] network.
Of course, it is possible to imagine the unions refusing to open the gates to the stations in pursuance of an industrial action designed to establish a three-day working week …
Tube stations were used as shelters in WW2.
US authorities take Scott Ritter off plane to Russia, seize his passport
’til now, that was only a “bad states” practice as we always could read in the mass media…
Scott Ritter : On My Way to Russia I Met Big Brother (video)
Why Was Scott Ritter’s Passport Seized? (video)
Col. Larry Wilkerson on Scott Ritter and Russia’s Devastating Warning to NATO (video)
He did extensive work in arms treaty negotiation and regulation \ inspection.
Larry Johnson in Russia: Putin Isn’t Bluffing (video)
Are They Trying To Start A Nuclear War? (article)
Ritter, etc, are very nuanced. I don’t think that he supports the “Operation al-Aqsa Storm” as a terrorist act but he is very real politik and, as such, understands what’s going on. The left are very much into very simplistic thinking – simple narratives – and demonisation. When you get into the complexities – the details – the nuances – that Scott Ritter deals with that strongly tends to get distorted and lost.
Ritter has predicted 50 of the zero times Ukraine has collapsed.
When it happens to someone known … how many unknown? We had what was OK to do with terrorists set after 9-11, we have the 5-eyes operations exposed, and now a gradual widening of how ‘terrorism’ is defined. People getting pulled off planes, trains and automobiles all over I reckon
Solar Panel Madness in the UK
Not only do solar panels not work at night in the UK they barely work during winter.
How much energy do solar panels produce in winter? In winter, the amount of energy a solar panel produces can drop by around 80% in the UK. While a single 400-watt solar panel might produce around 2.4 kWh of energy on the sunniest of summer’s day in the UK,2 it might produce just 0.4 kWh on the gloomiest winter’s day.
The government has issued a warning to local authorities today, urging them to refrain from granting planning permission for solar farms on high-quality farmland unless it’s deemed essential.
Meanwhile in Australia, the Albanese Clown Show plans to take on China in the solar panel manufacturing game!
The average large-scale solar efficiency in UK is 10.5%. Data I believe from TonyB.
Indeed so.
In Penzance, Cornwall, the Sun only reaches 45 degree altitude, at noon, on 2nd April.
It does so, daily moving higher in the heavens at noon, until the Solstice, about 21st June when, in Penzance it is at about 63 degrees [and over 45 degrees for more than 6 hours [1014 to 1625 [BST]].
That’s as good as it gets in Cornwall [which, remember, is further North than is Winnipeg, Canada].
For somewhere like Edinburgh, Scotland, the Sun reaches less then 58 degrees at Noon on the Summer Solstice.
At the Winter Solstice, the Sun reaches a maximum of 10.7 degrees, with a day length [time above the horizon] of about 7 hours only.
Edinburgh is 56 North – further North than Cape Horn is South [55 South].
Note these are astronomical figures, taking no account of clouds, hail, rain, snow on solar panels, etc., which are generally agreed to reduce the energy capture.
This is a fact of geography, and no matter what a politician wants, it isn’t altered except by continental drift.
So, yes, there are better places than the UK to site solar – even if we accept that there is a problem with plant food – CO2 – which many here do not.
There are plenty of wishful thinkers and well-meaning conservationists in the UK but realistically the only solar viable strip is between Penzance and Dover. Using a dual axis tracking array might provide 50% more stored power in your batteries than a fixed south-facing array on a typical steep pitched roof.
The left does not grasp that Trump is an entertainer who often says things just to annoy them. Here is a fine example:
We can start to panic when the ice in Antarctic starts to melt – it has been getting colder in Antarctica since 1996
Ice at the North Pole is floating ice and if it melts it will have little impact on sea levels
The Antarctic Ice “Sheet” covers an area of almost 14 million km² and contains 30 million km³ of ice. Around 60% of the world’s total fresh water (90% of the world’s surface fresh water) is held in the ice sheet, equivalent to a 70m rise in global sea level.
Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth. The average temperature in the interior throughout the year is about -57°C, with the minimum temperature being -90°C during the winter season.
Trump never suggested injecting bleach, a lie constantly repeated by the Left and debunked numerous times.
As for various comments in the rest of that article, again the Left prove their profound scientific ignorance and how they believe the world to be static and unchanging, despite numerous changes in climate and sea level even in the short period of recorded history (not to say some current measurements aren’t also being fraudulently altered).
And as for the Left not understanding Trumps entertainment and humour, have you ever seen a Leftist attempt at comedy, especially a “feminist comedienne”? It’s vomit-worthy stuff.
I expect they are entertained by Trump’s annoyance at being convicted for not falsifying his business records.
An outstanding short article.
Please read before Australia’s eSafety Kommissar (appointee of fake conservative Liberal Party) censors it.
Secure a copy for yourself in case it gets “disappeared”.
I have archived the page at
That will make it slightly more protected from the eSafety Commissar, at least for readers outside Australia.
Now that we’ve seen what the Commissar is prepared to do, no information in Australia is safe.
BTW, I heard one of her colleagues talking about how the Commissar wants to establish collaboration with similar comrade censors in other countries.
I wish people would recognise how serious this was.
Calendar trivia.
The dates for the last day of February and 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10 and 12/12 all fall on the same day of the week in any given year.
Check out the Doomsday Rule, an algorithm invented by John Conway in 1970.
Make sure you archive web pages of interest, including these ones.
Australia’s eSafety Commissar is becoming much more prolific.
Protect and save information.
One useful archive site is but there are others. The more the better.
Storing your stuff on someone elses computer, great idea?
The owner is (bit of a dig into the site)
“But in front of this respectable facade Denis PETROV leads a double life. A dark life, made of
distribution of pedophile photos, photos of torture, photos of real rape, promotion and referencing
of drug sales sites, multiple perjury in DMCA, violation of individual image and legal rights of
authorship, and extortion.”
I wasn’t aware of that alleged connection or who is behind the document you posted. Obviously unacceptable if true.
The site is widely used for respectable causes wishing to protect legitimate material from possible censorship.
In any case there are other archive sites that people should use.
No information is safe in Australia anymore.
Thanks for the tip!

Crazy Antarctic spike:
-2.3 anomaly to +6.0.
Tipping point?
At about the same time in 1991 there was an even greater swing -4.3 to +5.9.
That latest Antarctic spike previous was enough to hike the entire Southern Hemisphere and World averages.
In other words, hold all else stable (which was the case) and just one region will determine the World.
Absorbed Solar Radiation Anomaly Challenges CO2-Causes-All-Warming Groupthink [See graph]
by Dr. Antero Ollila,
See paper next.
The 2023 record temperatures: correlation to absorbed shortwave radiation anomaly [Open Access]
Antero Ollila (2023)
According to the paradigm of the IPCC global warming is solely due to anthropogenic causes. Record-high temperatures have been measured for the summer months of 2023 and the anthropo- genic climate drivers – mainly greenhouse gases – have been named as culprits. Simple analyses reveal that the temperature increase of the year 2023 cannot be explained exclusively by anthro-pogenic climate drivers. The hypothesis of this study is to show that the main climate driver for the high temperature of 2023 has been the Absorbed Shortwave Radiation (ASR). The approach has been to apply the CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System) satellite radiation measurements, which started in March 2001. Simple climate models have been applied since General Climate Models (GCM) cannot simulate cloudiness and shortwave radiation (SW) changes properly. The ASR changes are related mainly to cloudiness and aerosol particle changes. Since 2014 the global surface temperature growth rate has accelerated but this does not apply to anthropogenic climate drivers, and therefore the ASR changes are probably related to external forcings. The total Radiative Forcing (RF) according to the AR6 was 2.70 Wm-2 for the period 1750-2019. This can be compared to the change in the ASR, which was 2.01 Wm-2 from the year 2000 to the year 2023. This finding means that natural climate drivers have altogether an im-portant role in recent global warming.
Ignore all that previous. The recent ‘acceleration’ in warming is just “what scientists expect”:
Factcheck: Why the recent ‘acceleration’ in global warming is what scientists expect
Zeke Hausfather
Also challenging when ASR is completely ignored too. But Zeke managed to do that admirably. You should too.
Anyone pick that ‘acceleration’ is not what Zeke thinks it means?
I’m still convinced the spike was caused by the Hunga Tonga eruption.
It seems he has ignored the idea that oceanic oscillations are a driving force and easy to draw a straight upward trend from the low point of the AMO to the present.
>oceanic oscillations are a driving force
Exactly. Much on this at The Hockey Schtick. Just search the website at the link below. Examples:
‘Multiple papers ignored by IPCC document the effect of natural ocean oscillations on climate’
‘Paper finds ~50% of warming over past 30 years was due to natural ocean oscillations’
‘Over 200 peer-reviewed papers demonstrating solar control of climate published since 2010′
’71 new papers reported in 2013 demonstrating the Sun controls climate, not man-made CO2’
‘What causes the natural 60-year climate cycle? A new theory’
‘Heat hide and seek’ [PDO, AMO]
‘Analysis: Solar activity & ocean cycles are the 2 primary drivers of climate, not CO2’
‘Sunspot Integral v. Temperature’
‘Climate Modeling: Ocean Oscillations + Solar Activity R²=.96’
>oceanic oscillations are a driving force
Oscillatory component (MDV) isolated in HadCRUT4 here (see Figure 1):
Application of the Singular Spectrum Analysis Technique to Study the Recent Hiatus on the Global Surface Temperature Record
Diego Macias, Adolf Stips, and Elisa Garcia-Gorriz (2014)
You will NEVER see a sophisticated analysis like this in IPCC assessment reports.
>I’m still convinced the spike was caused by the Hunga Tonga eruption.
That was January 2022.
Since 2015 there’s been 3 spikes – 2016 (El Nino), 2019/20 (El Nino), 2023 El Nino + Hunga Tonga.
ERA5 Monthly Reanalysis Time Series
Default is Anomaly. Set Anomaly to N and re-Plot for Absolute.
2023 was the largest as a result of converging Hunga Tonga and an El Nino. The El Nino was minor, the volcano was the major effect by far.
Ollila >”Since 2014 the global surface temperature growth rate has accelerated”
I hate this. Antero Ollila has made the same sloppy error that Zeke Hausfather made upthread.
Acceleration has a specific formula:
a = Δ v Δ t = v f − v i Δ t.
What’s the formula for acceleration?
Neither Olilla or Hausfather have stated any values for their claimed “acceleration”.
An appropriate term to describe the post 2015 temperature change is Change of Slope:
Change of Slope Analysis
Uses the example of a reliability growth test i.e. cumulative number of failures vs. the cumulative time.
At the moment Russia is hosting the annual St Petersburg International Economic Forum. Scott Ritter a US commentator on US military/Intelligence matters and more specifically lately the Ukraine war was planning to attend the talk fest.
While in transit in the US , before his international exit flight, he was taken aside and had his passport confiscated and of course refused exit. Regardless of what you think of the guys stance on issues (he doesnt always pretend that everything is rosey in the NATO garden) , this seems like vindictive banana republic stuff.
Land of the free.
Things he could have listened to –
“Putin gives first official idea of Russian losses since start of SMO, + more from the SPIEF”
Storing your stuff on someone elses computer, great idea?
The owner is (bit of a dig into the site)
“But in front of this respectable facade Denis PETROV leads a double life. A dark life, made of
distribution of pedophile photos, photos of torture, photos of real rape, promotion and referencing
of drug sales sites, multiple perjury in DMCA, violation of individual image and legal rights of
authorship, and extortion.”
I was honestly surprised that TheirTube dared to show Krystle Mitchell (ex Vic Police) on Triple conference and all what she said about our ex dear leader.
There will be retribution…
Friday’ article you shouldn’t read.
I sense top men were involved.
Manned submarines are as obsolete as battleships.
The last warship sunk by a torpedo was a former WW2 ship in the Falklands War in 1982,
Unmanned submersible drones can now easily destroy a manned submarine and they cost a faction of the cost of a manned sub.
I’ll ask again knowing I won’t get an answer: How do you maintain command and control of a sub at 200 ft?
Just saw a beautiful cameraman work – Under Paris !
That is how you doing it – invite professional cinematographers….
Exactly why Putin fired a lot of top military people and sent others to the front to be killed! Peacetime breeds bureaucrats more interested in making themselves rich through bribes on their position.
FWIW on that –
From R.V. Jones “Most Secret War”
“T.C. Keeley was my tutor and in addition to physics he offered wisdom. He warned us that if another war broke out there would be a disastrous period for six months while those who had reached high positions on inadequate abilities in peacetime would have to be replaced”.
I suspect it would take longer than six months these days.
“With what we have available I’m confident we could take on the inhabitants of Heard Island, assuming we can get one of our two supply ships going.”
If only we could convince China to relocate there – simples. Maybe if we sweetened the deal by throwing in McDonald Island so they can relocate their Uyghurs onto it?
“‘Fetch me the ochre’ ”
“Taking his cue from fauxborigine Bruce Pascoe, reader Frank Pledge shares the pride he felt on becoming an Aborigine:
At the next census, please tick the box that says you are an Aboriginal indigenous first nations native of this once great country. This request is prompted by my recent experience filling out a medical form when I was referred to see a specialist. One section asked:”
“If Bruce Pascoe can grow rich and famous by daubing on the ochre and making up a tommyrot lineage, why not me? If Australia can accept a Sudanese man with 25 criminal convictions (including rape, assault and armed robbery) because he ‘feels Aboriginal’, then I ‘feel’ I am every bit as worthy as him. I recommend that every Australian claim to be indigenous too.”
More at
For those who were tucked up in bed when Musk tested Starship 4, it was a satisfying mostly-successful event. 32 of the 33 Raptor motors on the booster sent it on a nominal trajectory, the Starship separated successfully, the booster did a flip and fired itself back down to Earth. It flipped again in the last Km and lowered itself onto the ocean with flames roaring out over the waves at zero KPH.
There were several cameras on the rocket, both giving visual evidence of performance as well as great entertainment. I’m amazed at the amount of dust and small particles coming off.
Starship ignited all engines as the booster fell away and drove itself into orbit. It coasted for nearly an hour and then made re-entry. The camera most used was directed at a steering fin near the front so you could see the ship being steered as the ionisation layer built up. This time they had removed a couple of the thousands of ceramic heat-shield tiles and fitted Starlink antennas, meaning they didn’t lose communication on the way down as is normal with space craft. NASA has a lot to learn!
Just after max temp glowing areas appeared at the root of the fin, and eventually burned through. Watching the disintegration was riveting, alas the camera lens was soon coated and then cracked. However it gave bad visuals for the rest of the flight, and the telemetry of speed, height and angle showed it slowed to a hover just above the seas off Western Australia before sinking in.
If you’re interested in mankind getting off Earth or just cutting-edge engineering, its well worth watching on Youtube somewhere.
Will Elon be using lithium batteries for power anytime soon?
…and Woolworths is moving to canning fruit from China and South Africa, while Coles reckon they will stick with Aussie product. That’s fine in a free market, so long as the label shows country of origin so we know what we’re buying. We will never compete with those countries on price unless the Govt artificially changes the market with tariffs or subsidies, either making it overall more expensive for consumers.
“Growers were told in a meeting at SPC’s Shepparton office last month that orders of peaches would be reduced by 40 per cent, and pears would be reduced by 60 per cent… The spokesperson said SPC-branded canned fruit would continue to be 100 per cent Australian-grown fruit. …Several Woolworths-branded tins of peaches now use Chinese or South African peaches, while some of the supermarket’s own-brand jars of sliced pears use fruit from South Africa. In contrast, Coles peaches and pears are labelled as containing 99 per cent Australian ingredients.”
Enjoy your human poop fertilised produce grown in China.
I avoid any food produced in China or India due to extreme soil contamination & heavy metal risks, one caused a USA-wide product recall, and any decent testing here would be a shocker…
Be aware of the New Zealand backdoor into Oz, look for where the produce is grown not where it’s produced or packed.
Packaging labelling STILL gas a long way to go.
Not more Chinese sh*t?
I usually shop at Woolworths in NZ but go to New World (Coles equiv. competitor) for SPC apricots.
NZ Roxburgh apricots ceased being canned in 2009 due to competition from Australia, China, South Africa.
Australian SPC apricots are far better than either SA or China offerings at Woolworths so I go elsewhere.
Also worth checking the “juice”. If it isn’t sugar water it might be water + saccharin e.g. Watties NZ peaches. SPC apricot juice isn’t apricot but it is either pear grape apple peach or whatever actual juice is available.
That 40/60% peach/pear reduction is a huge hit to growers. I’ll be checking the SPC apricot “juice” from now on too given can be pear or peach depending on availability (or lack of).
“How Argentina is tackling its economic crisis”
Like politics, emergency preparedness is “The art of the possible” ”
FWIW – more covid scene
“Congressman Turns Fauci’s Own Words Against Him”
“The Renewable Green Energy Disaster off the Northeastern US is Getting Worse”
Friday’s outtake on the NDIS is a doozie – and a great advertisement headline for the Melbourne sex worker the DM story is based on.
Seems all kinds of mental health conditions, including depression, ADHD, autism and premenstrual dysphoric disorder could generate NDIS money into your bank account. And best of all it is NOT means tested.
Having read the article I’ve come to the conclusion that you would have to be mad not to apply. Soooo using that logic I wonder if the NDIS would be willing to just pay me say $2000 a week so that I don’t go mad. I’m sure with the correct modelling it could be easily proven that the gratis $2000 per week to prevent my madness would deliver great budget savings over the dollars spent if they refuse me and then have to pay for my therapy – not to mention legal costs when I sue them for victimization and every other phobia that comes to mind.
I’m 71 years old and this Feral Guv’ment is sending me crazy. I also need help with my drinking problem.
Where do I sign up for my free NDIS moneeeeee?……….Lol.
Remember the NDIS is totally a Labor controlled creature, so just be sure to say that you’re being driven mad by climate change anxiety combined with gender dysphoria. Sorted!
June heterosexual awesomness month in Idaho!
Without normies, none of us would be here.
Pauline Hanson – Please Explain The Man From Snowy Hydro
Friday, 07 June 2024
Plus to enliven the day from Labor ElbowEasy & Labor Blackout Bowen
Prowbwem wiv pwans.
Friday, 07 June 2024
From the Comments
– Always Sleasy,OUR lair in chief.
We have 32% of OUR country to thank(?) for this government that is sending us broke.This is NOT what I voted for.
It seems that for the last 50 years the government of the day has spent most of it passing legislation which is NOT in OUR best interest.
Why is this so?
It seems that for the last 50 years the government of the day has spent most of it passing legislation which is NOT in OUR best interest.
Why is this so?
Two minutes with a brilliant billionaire Kerry Packer: politics, legislation and tax
you made the rules in 1986… I didn’t try to sneak around the back door or sneak underneath this.
These rules were made in 1986. I read the rules, said “what am I allowed to do?” and that’s exactly what we’ve done! Now why do you want to change the rules again?
This is the first… What’s happened with this operation going on now is exactly what those rules were put in place for! It’s the first
time it’s been used. It’s exactly what they were put in place for and we have obeyed them absolutely.
Why do you want to change the rules again?
I mean since I grew up as a boy, I would imagine that through the parliaments of Australia, from the time I was 18 or 19 years of age to now, there must be 10,000 new laws been passed and I don’t really think it’s that much a better place and I’d like to make a suggestion to you which I think would be far more useful:
If you want to pass a new law, why don’t you only do it when you’ve repealed an old one?
I mean this idea of just passing legislation legislation every time someone blinks is a nonsense! Nobody knows it, nobody understands them you’ve got to be a lawyer with books up to here, purely and simply to do the things we used to do
… and every time you pass a law you take somebody’s privileges away
There’s nothing wrong with minimizing tax!
I don’t know anybody who doesn’t minimize their tax…… you were doing so in ways that were that were contrary to the spirit of
the law… Well I just got through telling you what I thought about that! I am not evading tax in any way shape or form now, of course, I am minimizing my tax
and if anybody in this country doesn’t minimize their tax they want their heads read
because as a government I can tell you that you’re not spending at that well that we should be donating extra
“We have 32% of OUR country to thank(?) for this government that is sending us broke.”
I don’t look at it that way. IMO, the Liberal Party leadership is to blame, having slowly morphed the party into a spineless, slightly less-lefty version of Labor but with fewer principles and even less vision. This means conservative Australians no longer have a real choice other than to ‘waste’ their vote on (i.e.) One Nation.
Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022
“New, Highly Contagious Sexually Transmitted Infection Spreading Overseas Has Arrived on U.S. Soil”
Unintended consequences observation. Jo, you took a fair amount of good-natured stick re having 2 x Friday this week. In a masterly though unintended stroke of genius your payback is complete given the “Recent Comments” column to the right of page shows all the commentators as literally being repetitive gas bags for commenting ….. (again), (again) and (again). Mice won Cyril.
“Emerging Threat: New RNA Virus Found in Human Neurons”
“Researchers discovered Apocryptovirus odysseus, a new RNA virus linked to severe inflammation in Toxoplasma gondii-infected humans.
An international team led by researchers at the University of Toronto has found a new RNA virus that they believe is hitching a ride with a common human parasite.
The virus, called Apocryptovirus odysseus, along with 18 others that are closely related to it, was discovered through a computational screen of human neuron data – an effort aimed at elucidating the connection between RNA viruses and neuroinflammatory disease. The virus is associated with severe inflammation in humans infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, leading the team to hypothesize that it exacerbates toxoplasmosis disease.”
More at
That’s not good news for cat owners. I wonder if anyone has done a study on MS or motor neurone disease, etc. and cat ownership?
Now that we have realised (or had it confirmed) that medical science is no more credible than ‘climate science’, it’s hard to know when to give credence to news like this. For sure, the more apocalyptic a report is, the less I’m inclined to believe it.
FWIW – Branco looks at USA Lawfare and polls×607.jpg
And a lawyer replies to a troll on the subject of “Trump a felon” –
[Comment by Rd Istvan]
“Will be easily reverse on appeal. Only questions are when and where. At least three separate fatal biased judge Marchan errors.
1. Letting Stormy testify, when she was NOT material to the Bragg charges. Similar error just got the NY Weinstein conviction reversed on appeal in NY. Very recent clear NY precedent.
2.Jury instructions did not require a unanimous clear jury verdict statement of the underlying crime converting a statute of limitations expired misdemeanor into a statute of limitations not expired felony. Easy clear violation of SCOTUS 1999 ruling Richardson v US. (@ 119SC1707). See point 3 for underlying details.
3.Prosecution submitted into written evidence their theory was the underlying ‘crime’ was a smorgasbord of 3 possibilities—And Marchan wrongly instructed the jury they did NOT have to agree on which—4 for #1, 4 for #2, 4 for #3 would be ‘unanimous’. WRONG per Richardson v US, which applies to NY state courts via 14A.
a. Violation of FEC federal law. Two big problems. 1. NY does not have jurisdiction to determine. 2. Judge refused to let Trump defense call former FEC head to testify that FEC found there wasn’t one.
b. Violation of NY §17-152. Conspiracy to ‘corrupt’ NY election for public office. Again 2 big problems. 1. Prosecution never showed Trump and Cohen ever discussed Stormy hish money before the election. The single phone call Cohen relied on was disproven on crossx—different subject, and call not to Trump. 2. 17-152 applies to NY public office, including federal Congressmen and Senators. But Presidency is a nationwide Federal office where NY has no law making jurisdiction.
or c. Violation of NY state income tax law. BIG problem. NY state income tax law expressly adopts the Fed tax definitions of deductions. And by law, all presidential fed tax returns are audited by IRS. So Trump 2016 was audited after filing in 2017 and IRS found nothing. Legal expenses paid to lawyers are deductible legal expenses. DUH. Therefore NY state by law could find nothing either.
Even Bill Barr just said Alvin Bragg’s case was an abomination that will be easily reversed on appeal. If not by NY, then by SCOTUS. In terms of 2024 election impact, Bragg’s lawfare has already backfired bigly.
Remember, both DA Alvin Bragg and AG Letitia James both expressly campaigned for office on ‘Get Trump’. They tried. They will both fail bigly. Engoron ruled MaL was worth $28 million. Rush Limbaugh’s 2.5 acre much smaller estate (not on the water) in the same neighborhood just sold for over $150 million.”
And following
This was /is really impressive!
The first 5 minutes and 5 seconds is a gratuitous and boring waste of time.
I imagine most viewers will switch off halfway through that boredom leaving only brain-dead zombies still hanging on in faint hope that some actual content will be delivered.
After that first 5 minutes the interesting SpaceX promo footage begins.
It was! The rate of advancement in space travel is amazing since Musk started SpaceX. It does show what just one man can do on Earth.
So Mars will have its first town called Elonsville? Musk City?
Everything Points To A Crisis In Oil (video)
Major fight against cashless revolution threatens Aussies with $25,000 fine
Australian businesses and companies could soon cop huge fines if they don’t accept or carry cash. Politicians Andrew Gee and Bob Katter have introduced a bill that aims to keep physical money in circulation.
With the rise of digital payments and wallets, the use of cash has been declining rapidly over the last few years. But plenty of Aussies still love and depend on cash and they’ve told Yahoo Finance the slow transition to a more cashless society is impacting their ability to pay for essentials.
Gee and Katter’s bill hopes to prevent that from happening.
The Keeping Cash Transactions in Australia Bill 2024 was submitted to parliament this week and the MPs believe it’s “crucial in protecting the availability and acceptance of cash payments across the nation”.
“Many people, across both my electorate of Calare and around our great country, hold concerns and fears that the use of cash for transactions in Australia is being phased out and will soon disappear,” said Gee said.
Ex-CDC Director Drops Stunning COVID Admissions
Dr. Robert Redfield, the former CDC Director under the Trump administration, says there was a “huge influence by the pharmaceutical industry” to get everyone vaccinated.
Dr. Redfield wanted to prioritize shots for the elderly, but “that’s not what happened.”
What’s also disturbing is that when the Biden administration came in, the CDC “stopped tracking people that were infected that were previously vaccinated.”
Former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo asked Dr. Redfield why the health agency would do such a thing. Dr. Redfield’s response was eye-opening.
Dr. Redfield also told Chris Cuomo that vaccine mandates were a “terrible decision.” He says vaccine mandates were “emotional” and not based on science — and that there was no rationale for mandating the shots on healthy, young people.
More covid “things” surfacing –
“The Price of Truth vs. Deception In Healthcare
A brave doctor’s eye-opening testimony exposes the grotesque treatment the unvaccinated received throughout COVID-19. Please help share his affidavit.”
Anybody else noticed how many Democrat reps seem to be ‘seeing the light’ on various issues lately? From border control to climate change, federal borrowing to Covid, gun control to trans rights, there appears to be a growing number of reps bucking the usual party line.
But wait …
Just remember there’s an election coming up. These aren’t real epiphanies but temporary reinventions of themselves designed to fool undecided voters. We’ve seen this many times before and there is less than zero doubt in my mind that, should they win re-election, they will revert to type overnight.
BRICS next step
“BRICS mBridge “Dollar Killer” Goes Live”
No Western Customers at China’s Yiwu Toy Exhibition: Angry Exhibitors Request Refunds (video)
The Man From Snowy Hydro (video)
For the record – in the absence of “Saturday thread” ATM
“Inside the Bureau of Meteorology’s forecast failings”
Another one
“Most Significant Scientific Retraction Ever?”
“The paper helped create and sustain the theory that amyloid protein buildups caused the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and was one of a number of apparently fraudulent papers written by Sylvain Lesné, a professor at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.”
More at
Topher Field: Australian Funeral Director Speaks Out! (video)
Thanks Kim for brief description
Watched part of it.
“Industrial Wind Power: A Depleting Resource?”