A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Cliff Mass’ blog shows an “atmospheric river” about to impact Washington and Oregon. [Stay out of the mountains for the next few days. 🙂 ]
There is a continuous band of clouds from the East China Sea to a low over the Gulf of Alaska.
The technology to watch the weather is fantastic. I can remember when weekly news was presented in movie theaters for several minutes before the movie we paid 25¢ to see. TV? We didn’t have a stinking TV.
Ever wonder how they do it?
Faster computers make prettier numerical simulations. We’ve come a long way since the Cray-1
‘There is a continuous band of clouds from the East China Sea to a low over the Gulf of Alaska.’
We just had one of those long clouds pass over Australia and I wonder what the cause. Extra water vapour in the upper troposphere and stratosphere is my suggestion.
Not typical of a positive IOD I would say.
So much rain falling in Sydney right now and over the Greater Sydney area. Could have dome with more Dams having been built during the last Drought IMHO.
Oh well, the ‘Pollies’ have it all under control. Don’t they?
Is it true that there have been more Tasmanian Tiger sightings this year than Tim Flannery sightings?
Hard to believe he hasn’t handed back his AOTY award out of sheer embarrassment.
New South Wales and the Murray/Darling Basin arefairlly well served for dams. Our problem there is the. Way the dams we have have been managed.
Repeating my last comment on indoctrination by repetition.
This language never ends. Phrases made up and repeated without explanation or proof. Just a quick list..
climate crisis
climate emergency
climate change
climate action
(toxic) emissions
emission reduction
evidence specialists
knowledge based approaches
The science of
The warming
polluting gases
Clean energy
Zero emissions
Non-renewable fuel crisis
Filthiest energy(coal)
and a huge set of unproven claims from the UN, CSIRO, Green parties
Renewables are now cheaper in most countries,
and generate three times more jobs than fossil fuels.
Cheapest form of electricity
Technology, capacity and funds for renewable energy transition exist
Fossil-fuel subsidies are one of the biggest financial barriers hampering the world’s shift to renewable energy.
The subsidies are of windmills and solar and batteries. Never of fossil fuels. These are taxed to death, directly and indirectly through green certificates/carbon credits/excise. By even the CSIRO costing, Snowy II a lossy battery would build two or three nuclear power plants which actually generate power.
It is really hard to read any article on the subject without one of these outrageously wrong statements being the basic language.
What crisis? What emergency? What change? Where?
And the new one from the President of the UN
Boiling oceans
Does anyone believe any ocean is boiling?
And has anyone, any commentator pointed out the idea of boiling oceans is completely absurd. This is the same man bemoaning the loss of significance of the UN in world affairs, like Ukraine or Gaza. Or pandemics. The real question is why he is puzzled.
Climate Stupidity –
“The specific gravity of carbon dioxide is 1.52 relative to dry air, and is the same weight as propane. It is even heavier in relation to our humid atmosphere, ranging around 1.61. It falls through the atmosphere about like a cotton seed. Wind can blow it upward, but it falls right back down. It acts like rainwater, seeking low points. We do not need to build pipelines to inject it into the ground. It sinks into to the ground all by itself.
Photosynthesis (CO2 + Sunlight + H2O) cannot exist without carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis uses sunlight to transform carbon dioxide into glucose and other organic compounds that make plants and it transforms water into oxygen which is exuded.
We breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and give us oxygen. As Patrick Moore (co-founder of Greenpeace) has pointed out for over ten years, carbon dioxide is critical to the life cycle of the plant and animal kingdoms. He has referenced analysis that indicates nearly triple the carbon dioxide content in our atmosphere would be more ideal for plant life. He is correct.
“[An] increase in carbon dioxide directly increases plant photosynthesis. … If photosynthesis ceased, there would soon be little food or other organic matter on Earth. Most organisms would disappear, and in time Earth’s atmosphere would become nearly devoid of gaseous oxygen.” (Britannica, ref. Plant Physiology, Salisbury, and Ross).
Furthermore, carbon dioxide does not cause warming. It cools 20 degrees Fahrenheit in less than 4 minutes. It cannot possibly retain heat from day to day (global warming). We know this because we measured it at my gas-physics Weights and Measures facility. We also measured humid atmosphere including all the trace gases therein. That cools about 1 degree every 32 minutes, or 20 degrees in roughly 11 hours.”
Back in the day, when there was a thing called “common sense” and also people had basic science knowledge, people used to know to be cautious about going into poorly ventilated low areas such as caves, bilges of ships and boats, abandoned mines etc. because of the possibility of accumulated CO2 and other noxious gases.
It also explains why although the half life of ALL CO2 in the atmosphere is about 5 years and the Residence time around ten, CO2 from fossil fuel is absorbed immediately. The level of fossil fuel CO2 is around 3.0% of total atmospheric CO2 and the ’emissions’ have reached 5%, so it is becoming clear that the average time to absorb fossil fuel CO2 is around 6 months. This agrees with the observation of bushfire CO2 from Australia.
CSIRO noted after the 2019 massive bushfires
Ignore the CSIRO theories about ‘fertilizer’ and ‘iron’. It’s not worth their job to say extra CO2 produces rapid plant growth. Especially phytoplankton with a life cycle measured in days.
“The specific gravity of carbon dioxide is 1.52 relative to dry air, and is the same weight as propane.”
That’s the reason when those volcanic lakes in Africa have a burp, the heavier CO2 stays close to the ground and suffocates anyone and anything unlucky enough to be there.
And that’s also why “carbon sequestration” (sic) referring to the insane plan to store carbon dioxide in cavities or depleted gas wells in the ground is so dangerous. An accidental or deliberate release of gas would be devastating.
I made a submission to the Australian Parliament about this in about 2007.
I even got mentioned in a Paliamentary report on the matter (which I only just discovered), see section 5.29:
Good work. My take on carbon sequestration is only that it is pointless. CO2 is in rapid equilibrium between air and oceans which is in the bleeding obvious category. Nothing humans have done or can do affects total CO2 in the air. But to admit that very simple fact destroys man made anything. Apart from the fact that increased CO2 is a very good thing.
I just looked for my original submission, it looks like they’ve removed it.
Many submissions to govt inquires that I have authored or co-authored are now difficult to find, or forever departed.
I have failed to devise a way to recover them. National Library have been cooperative but not always able to deliver.
Geoff S
Thanks Geoff.
They should be legally obliged to keep them.
I spent months with my science staff writing Draft Plan of Management for the proposed Kakadu National Park. I’ve not tried to recover it recently, but it is in my mind because many of our major points were not covered by other (green) submissions and because the environmental gossip these days is in a phase of discovering these things 30 years later.
The normal pyramid of knowledge has been inverted. Today, with an occasional exception, most of the writing on environment is done by a host of the least qualified. When was the last time you saw a high quality, high impact, high knowledge paper on the environment? I’m thinking of works like Lorenz on chaos, papers on Hadley cells, I think you know what I mean – papers that have truly advanced science. Geoff S
Make money by putting solar panels on the rooftop.
Yes I know it’s popular in Australia. Only an idiot would turn down a free lunch.
Home solar is sticking it to base + peaking supplements. Your gain at others’ loss.
Environment benefits from reduced carbon emission.
Don’t forget “carbon” emissions
Not climate oriented , but in the spirit of repetition, get ready for “convicted felon” for the rest of the year (at least)
Hey Yarpos have you been up to see Bunyarmbite lately? Its one of the local tourist attractions in the district. You might have to wait a couple more weeks as the road is currently closed for repairs but when the road is open “enjoy”. It certainly apears to be a name change by stealth, no one that I have spoken to is aware nor have any EVER heard of this name.
A Vic gov web sight describes how consultation with “traditional owners” tm took place in 2023 and it was decided that the place will have a dual name for a few years that will slowly revert to the tradional name that has been handed down for generations.
Interestingly there was no mention of “consultation” with local residents, some with family histories going back about 150 years or so.
Great Forest National Park here we come.
No, never seen or heard of anything by that name
Tried to google, asked whether I meant ‘bunny rabbit’?!
Annie and Yarpos google Snobs creek falls name change
Thanks Sambar. Words fail me…
Sambar, a few years ago I was hoping to have a get- together of local bloggers here. It fell through, thanks to you know what. Should we try again? If you and your Missus would like to meet others of like mind, ask Jo for my email. She’ll need to give you my newer one that she knows. Please Jo, pretty please! 🙂
I believe there are a few of us in a 100 kilometre odd radius Annie .
Indeed Robert.
I’m out of the district for about 8 days but maybe a face to face at Gossies for a coffee for you and hubby and maybe hatch a plan. I’ll let you know as soon as I’m back
It sounds like a plan.
Chiefio has suggested that, if Trump starts campaigning under that banner and in an orange jump suit, that Biden will have lost almost all of the minority vote
“Vote for the candidate that’s mentally fit enough to stand trial” will get him in there..
Trump was deemed mentally competent to stand trial.
Now, who could folk contrast that with?
Auto – askin’ for a friend, of course.
…and don’t forget that old hoary expression- ‘Carbon Pollution’
A lot of rain and flood in southern Germany:
In Augsburg evacuations after dam and dike failure
Zugspitze in German Alps with 65cm new snow, accumulated to 440cm
Eyes on Moldova as Tensions between the pro-Western gov’t and Russian Forces Rise
Blinken To NATO Leaders: Ukraine Has ‘Strong & Well-Lit Bridge To Membership’
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday addressed a meeting of NATO foreign and defense ministers in Prague. The meeting is being held in preparation for a bigger Washington summit set to take place in July.
Blinken previewed that the later summit will bring Ukraine closer to NATO.
“At the summit we’ll be taking concrete steps to bring Ukraine closer to NATO, and ensure that there’s a bridge to membership – a bridge that’s strong and well lit,” he said in an address.
And yet, Washington is more intent than ever on seeing Ukraine’s eventual and full integration into the NATO alliance. This is of course a recipe for world war and nuclear-armed confrontation between Moscow and the West.
Also, the US on Thursday approved for the first time the ability of Ukraine to hit Russian territory using American-supplied weapons systems.
Blinken’s “well-lit” path of Ukraine to NATO may in the end be “lit” with the blinding flashes of nuclear bombs.
WW3 can’t come soon enough for Antony Blinken.
His signing (Nov 2021) of the “Strategic Partnership” with Ukraine was probably the ‘tipping point’ that made the Russian invasion inevitable:
• The U.S. supports “Ukraine’s aspirations to join NATO.”
• Plus there were promises to increase military ties, and the promise of “countering Russian aggression” together.
The prospect of another 100k dead bodies can’t be enough to satisfy his blood lust — he wants to escalate into the millions.
He’s as bad as Bojo, who also has blood dripping off his hands.
Perhaps I have a suspicious mind, but I Think Biden/Obama & American MIC want WW3 well before American Elections later this year!
Washington Times – Biden’s secret launch of World War III
By Cheryl K. Chumley – The Washington Times – Friday, May 31, 2024
As the eyes of the world were on Donald Trump in the Manhattan courtroom, Joe Biden gave a quiet presidential permission for Ukraine to use American weapons and launch a strike inside Russia, to protect the border city of Kharkiv.
In other words, Biden — unilaterally, absent congressional authority, absent public announcement — gave the go-ahead for what could very well turn into World War III.
Here’s how even the Biden-fawning news outlet Politico put it, in a headline: “Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons.”
This is an astonishing shift of U.S. policy to become directly involved in the Ukraine-Russia war. Of course, the administration is spinning it as Not. The White House is calling it a “counter-fire purpose” and a means of granting Ukraine “flexibility” with self-defense. Whatever.
“The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them,” one unnamed U.S. official told Politico. But that’s not a policy change, the official said — not really, the official said. Why not? Because Biden only gave permission for Ukraine to use rockets and rocket launchers to shoot down Russian missiles headed toward Kharkiv, and not use long-range rockets and missiles against Russia. That’s called “flexibility,” according to the officials speaking to Politico — all on condition of anonymity, by the way, because Biden’s secret escalation of America’s involvement in the Ukraine-Russia war hasn’t yet been announced.
Why announce when the world’s distracted by the drummed up charges and convictions against Trump, right?
From Politico, on Biden’s secret policy change: “It’s a stunning shift the administration initially said would escalate the war by more directly involving the U.S. in the fight.”
And it came after the United Kingdom and France said Ukraine ought to be granted the right to use weapons from the West — from the United States — to attack Russian territories. Yes, America’s sent the message that Ukraine must only use this newfound “flexibility” to attack only Russia’s military sites, and not civilian areas. But that’s a clear CYA statement. The White House has to cover its you-know-what so that when Ukraine mistakenly kills little Russian children using American weapons, Team Biden can say, ‘we told them not to do that!’ — and then all the Biden-boot lickers in the media can chirp in dutifully, ‘Biden told them not to do that, and besides, Trump’s a convicted felon,’ after which all the Democrat-paid brown shirts can take to the streets and cry hysterically about Russia collusion and MAGA racism and the need for Biden to win so abortion is free and legal for all.
Why is it that billions of U.S. dollars are continuing to pour into Ukraine? What’s America’s end game here, anyway?
If it’s so necessary for America to be involved in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, then Congress ought to declare war. Joe Biden ought to openly and transparently defend his policy shift to allow U.S. weapons to strike Russia sites.
Russia has allies — and America has enemies. Moreover, America has a weak, puppet president with absolutely no skill on foreign policy.
It’s a recipe for disaster. It’s a path for World War III.
And all the Democrats and their fawners in the media go: ‘Trump’s a convicted felon!’
‘Biden’s foreign policy has been described as having ideological underpinnings in mid-twentieth century liberal internationalism, American exceptionalism, and pragmatism. Since assuming office, President Biden has sought to strengthen the transatlantic alliance between the U.S. and Europe.’ (wiki)
Of course they do!
Now that they’ve made Trump an underdog and exposed the whole totally rigged corrupt system to one and all, they’ve shot themselves in the foot (again)!
They now need war more than ever.
September this year?
All governments KNOW what’s going to happen. They get the same info I and others do. There’s no way out of this now.
You don’t draft people, especially those pushing retirement age, for a war that’s 5-10 years away. They don’t HAVE 10 years, as surely every informed person knows by now.
The uninformed – taking out 20/30 year mortgages on over-valued real eatate. Can’t say they weren’t warned, over and over.
“The destruction of the Ukrainian People in one graph:”
Via Chiefio
Things are ramping up and the US is doing its warmongering. US money influences muchly.
I & I Editorial Board
A jury of shills rather than a jury of peers found Donald Trump guilty of 34 counts of … what were the crimes again? Doesn’t matter. The Democrats got the verdict they were looking for.
And it wasn’t justice on their minds. They wanted retribution. They wanted to hang an anchor around Trump’s neck during the campaign. They wanted the equivalent of a political execution.
They got it all.
Yet they still want more.
The Democratic Party is now officially the party of Stalin.
Its operatives and functionaries have long tilted much closer to Sovietism than Adam Smith and Thomas Jefferson. Today they have fallen fully into the arms of Uncle Joe. Maybe it’s merely a coincidence that the titular head of the party is also known as Uncle Joe.
The parallels aren’t perfect. The former Uncle Joe – Joseph Stalin – used show trials “for gaining absolute power by employing police repression against opposition elements within the Communist Party.”
The latter Uncle Joe, who just might be a puppet of his former White House boss, helped orchestrate the Trump show trials as a means to stamp out the political opposition. And by that we mean more than just Trump but any and all who are not disposed to give the Democrats everything they want.
A Good Reason to Vote for Trump
Democrats have made the election a referendum on their abuse of the justice system.
By James Freeman
President Joe Biden’s Justice Department is still trying to imprison his chief political rival—including for alleged offenses similar to ones that Justice’s special counsel believes Mr. Biden himself committed.
(Justice won’t charge Mr. Biden—the special counsel reported that our current president is too cognitively impaired to prosecute.) But when it comes to jailing Donald Trump, the possibly good news for Mr. Biden and clearly bad news for our republic is that friendly Democrats in New York City appear to have done the dirty work for him.
The obscene spectacle in a Manhattan courtroom seemed to be an almost daily reminder that the protections for the accused that we all learned about in school do not exist for Donald Trump in the chambers of Juan Merchan, who allowed falsehoods to be repeated to a jury, allowed prejudicial irrelevant testimony to paint the defendant in the worst possible light, and allowed a prosecutor with an obvious bias against the defendant to bring the case in the first place. To top it off, as the defendant prepared for trial he was not even told precisely how he was supposed to have committed felonies.
Reader Fred LaSor responds to the New York verdict:
I would like to comment. I can’t. I’m so angry about the immorality of this decision all I can do is shout at the heavens. I don’t like Trump; I would likely not have voted for him before this decision. (Nor would I have voted for Biden, a true lost soul.). Now I plan to donate to Trump’s campaign.
I lived for many years in the Third World. I’ve seen it all before.
Dershowitz: It’s a Day After the Ruling and I Still Don’t Know What the Crime Is – Merchan Took This a Step Further than Stalin – Supreme Court Should See This Case and Reverse This Case
Harvard law professor and author Alan Dershowitz weighed in on the Trump convictions by a corrupt court, a biased jury, and and criminal judge on Thursday.
Dershowitz pointed out what all of us are wondering – we still don’t know the crime President Trump allegedly committed.
As the Democrat operatives’ case against President Trump wound down last week the prosecution still had not defined the alleged criminal act that President Trump allegedly committed. But it didn’t matter. The court was ready to find Trump guilty and send him to prison.
Corrupt anti-Trump Judge Juan Merchan told the jury during instructions before their deliberation that they can consider whether the defendant violated any of the following laws:
1. Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) (federal election campaign law)
2. Falsification of Business Records
3. Tax Laws
Alan Dershowitz:
I want to say right now, I side with President Trump’s assessment of the judicial system more than President Biden’s assessment. I’m a liberal Democrat. I voted for Biden. Biden is dead wrong. We should not respect the legal system that is rigged. In my book, Get Trump, I predicted months before this case ever came to trial that it was a foregone conclusion there’d be a conviction. A biased judge, a biased jury, a biased prosecutor, a man who ran for office on the theory of, let’s find a crime to prosecute Trump for, and they couldn’t find the crime, so they made it up.
We’re now a day after the verdict. I’ve known criminal law. I’ve been involved in criminal law for 60 years. I still don’t know what the crime is. Was he found guilty of intending to violate tax laws, to violate the federal election laws, to defraud voters? I still don’t know. And we’re a day after this. This is the most outrageous case. Everybody knows the quote from Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the KGB under Stalin, when Beria said to Stalin, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”
He tried to find the crime, and he couldn’t. So he made up the crime. He took it a step further than Stalin and Lavrentiy Beria. This case will go down in history as one of the most abusive prosecutions since the trial of Aaron Burr back in ’18, whatever. This is a stain on our criminal justice system.
Professor Emeritus Dershowitz says the Supreme Court should overturn this case.
In English law, natural justice is technical terminology for the rule against bias (nemo iudex in causa sua) and the right to a fair hearing (audi alteram partem). While the term natural justice is often retained as a general concept, it has largely been replaced and extended by the general “duty to act fairly”.
The basis for the rule against bias is the need to maintain public confidence in the legal system.
Natural Justice is derived from Roman Law.
The Supreme Court clearly has grounds to overturn this case.
We hope, but it’s a state case not a federal one (except that it seems to be about the crime of affecting a federal election, if only we knew?).
Though others are obviously worried that he might get there…
Sorry to say, but when we are pinning hope on the only 4 or 5 elite personages amongst a large and powerful culture of elites, that actually do not hate Donald Trump (because they all associated and posed for photos with him before he upset the apple cart) …
as much as they revile the common people that form Trump’s constituency …
I doubt there is a viable path for return to political normalcy that does depend on the ‘exclusion’, by any means necessary, of the deplorables that are the “threat to Our Democracy”.
If wagering on the outcome, might be best to go with the side that is supported by the CIA and the FBI, hundreds of richly supported NGOs … and Google, Meta, NYT, Washington Post, BlackRock … the list goes on.
Remember how they said stay in your house and get your vaccine or we’re all going to die?
Wait ’til the Democratic Convention.
Roe Vs Wade was a State issue not a Federal one and the previous ruling therefore invalid. Medical matters are State matters, even in Australia unless they are international matters.
In the Trump case the Presidential Election and therefore is a Federal issue not a state one. The Supreme Court could rule conviction on this matter is not within the power of a State Court. Not being clear about what the crime is supposed to be may be a Rights issue in the inalienable rights of the individual under the Bill of Rights, again a Federal law. Lastly in a Federation where Federal Law and State law collide, Federal law is superior. The same matter may have to be addressed in a Federal court and in the meantime the conviction set aside or abandoned.
This is likely a US 5th and 6th Amendment issue, thus making it a Constitutional issue.
5th:”No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”
Trump was denied “due process of law” in the Kangaroo Court. The Judge overruled valid objections by Defense, denied witness testimony, aided Prosecution theories, denied Jurors written instructions on law, and threatened witnesses in open court as well as Defense attorneys. All are Reversible Errors.
6th: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.”
The NY Prosecution, waited until long after the alleged events of 2016 were expired by Statutes of Limitations, then NY passed a special law to extend the Statutes of Limitations only for this particular case, to enable charges to be filed. The NY court never informed Trump of the alleged crimes that elevated a supposed misdemeanor to a Felony. Judge Merchan denied witnesses who would have testified that there were no Federal Election Laws violated.
These alone justify appeal to the NY Supreme Court and further to the US Supreme Court.
The US is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. Lynch mobs are a Democracy as a Majority of the mob have decided what is True and what punishment is Just. A Constitutional Republic requires that mob to cease and desist in favor of legal remedies at Law as constrained by the Constitution.
Trump is still facing charges in two cases brought in federal courts in South Florida and Washington, D.C., and one prosecution in a state court led by Fulton County, Georgia. In the case in South Florida Trump is charged with 40 counts stemming from his alleged mishandling of sensitive government records after leaving the White House and efforts to obstruct the Justice Department’s investigation. The other federal case is in Washington, D.C., and involves Trump’s alleged plot to subvert the transfer of power after the 2020 presidential election. He was charged with four counts in August 2023 and pleaded not guilty.
Beyond my pay grade but I saw that it seems that there is a Florida case precedent in a previous presidential election where the Supreme Court moved fairly smartly
Co2 lover,
Its not about justice – its about power . Desperation has exposed the deep state for what it is . It won’t go without a fight . I hope what’s left learns the lesson but history indicates otherwise . Plenty of examples . Everyone is busy pretending WW3 hasn’t been running for a couple of years now .
It’s about language. Propaganda. Trump is to be referred to as Convicted Felon Trump at every opportunity.
Except it is likely that most of America does not believe it. Except the faithful with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just like most of America does not believe Climate Change. We will see if America is a state driven by leftist propaganda has become reality at the 5th November election. Unless the Democratic party can rig another election.
There are still hundreds in jail from the vote rigging last time. Not the people who did it. The people who peacefully objected.
Many middle of the road Democrats must be starting to question convicting the previous President as a felon is valid or plain evidence of illegal mischief making by the Biden White House. Even in Australia journalists are anti Trump. You would not get invited to a dinner party in Washington or New York or Los Angeles if you were not.
“Trump is to be referred to as Convicted Felon Trump at every opportunity.”
That might become against the law in California.
Nah, they’ll hold off until Biden is reinstalled.
As a ‘convicted felon’ Donald Trump might not be able to vote for himself come November.
And there is the idea that a misdemeanour seven years ago was an attempt to affect a Federal election, election interference, when it is obvious to everyone that the whole operation was run directly from the White House in a massive attempt at interference in the current Federal election as Trump is not only the Previous president, but the Republican nominee. What business is it of the White House to be directing the prosecution of Donald Trump? How is this not illegal under separation of powers? How is Donald Trump guilty of doing exactly what Biden has just done? A duplicate of the fake Ukraine impeachment. Democratic politicians are above the law in New York and Washington.
Trump’s poll numbers went up six points over night. They might have just secured his election.
Unless they exercise the “nuclear option” and JFK him which I think they would already have done if they had been able to get close enough to him. Some would say he is protected by a higher power.
I really like the words I saw the other day from a voter who had made up there mind.
“I am voting for the candidate who has been found mentally competent to stand trial”
New York Prosecutor Says Nobody In America Is Above The Law He Made Up To Convict Them
NEW YORK, NY — Following the guilty verdict handed down against former President Donald Trump, New York Prosecutor Alvin Bragg used the case to issue a stern warning that nobody in America is above the law he made up to convict Trump.
Bragg’s sobering statement came after he and his prosecution team successfully manufactured a case to convict Trump of a crime that remains unidentifiable by legal experts and served as a clear example of what will happen to other Americans if they brazenly run afoul of laws he makes up in the future.
“This is a nation of laws, and I’m the one who makes them up,” Bragg said in a celebratory press conference following the Trump conviction. “Every American should think twice before violating the laws that I haven’t made up yet, because once I make them up, they’ll be held accountable for breaking the new laws they didn’t know existed until I came up with them.”
My truth—because everyone is entitled to their own proprietary truth now, right?—is that Donald Trump is not guilty of anything, except every blow he has struck against the left, which is a high crime at The Hague or somewhere.
I’m certain that if Trump is elected again in November, the International Criminal Court will issue an arrest warrant for him (I’m not entirely joking about this), and he’ll share a cell with Benjamin Netanyahu. I suspect they’re planning to deputize Robert De Niro to arrest Trump.
Statement on Trump’s “Conviction”
The Editors – American Mind
It’s now up to the American people.
The conviction in a New York court of former President Donald Trump—on vague charges, flabby jury instructions, and based on the testimony of a compulsive liar—is a sad day for America. It is the fruit of the weaponization of our system of justice as a political tool and is a further and precipitous step down the path of banana republicanism.
The case against Trump was explicitly brought on partisan grounds. Prosecutor Alvin Bragg ran for election promising that he would commit the office of the New York District Attorney to prosecuting Trump, for anything he could find. The case that was dumped in his lap, however, was so tendentious and weak—claiming that the notation of internal business records was intentionally falsified, allegedly in the service of campaign finance fraud—that Bragg initially refused to pursue it, just as his predecessor Cy Vance had done.
The regime, however, was keen to assail Trump with lawfare. They brought multiple cases in a variety of jurisdictions to hogtie, threaten, and embarrass the former and possibly future President. A massive state RICO case in Georgia and two federal prosecutions, in D.C. and Florida, along with the New York case, threatened to put Trump in prison for the rest of his life, or at least destroy his political career. The Biden Administration dispatched Matthew Colangelo, a senior official in the Obama Department of Labor and then acting associate attorney general under Biden, to New York to supervise both Letitia James’ and Alvin Bragg’s civil and criminal cases against Trump.
The circus of the trial in lower Manhattan has been attested to elsewhere, and we see no need to rehash the clown show of witnesses, Judge Juan Marchan’s obvious conflicts of interest, his partiality to the prosecution, and his absurd instructions to the jury. The crimes that Trump was accused of were so refracted and recondite that they never would have been brought against anyone else.
Which is really the point. De minimis non curat lex.
The law is not concerned with trifles, and proper governments do not go kicking through the weeds in search of crimes to prosecute. And when they choose to do it against political opponents, a system based on democratic values and due process of law quickly passes into something much uglier.
Trump’s enemies may soon discover that the sword of Justice has two edges.
It is arguable that Cohen and Daniels conspired to extort Trump at the time, seven years ago. And the Democrat party was fully in favor of it, so Cohen and Daniels were able to get their fame and vengeance. Even Daniels denies she was a victim. The real victim is Donald Trump. This is what happens if you do not pay your blackmailer. He then runs to your political enemies. And Daniels still owes Trump hundreds of thousands. It was a coalition of evil people, including Joe Biden and his White House team.
Toyota, Mazda, Subaru to “revolutionise” engines in ICE commitment
Toyota Is Developing New Combustion Engines
But they are still playing the game of “carbon mitigation.” Companies need to stop playing that game and point out that “carbon” is a good thing. But considering those are Japanese companies, they might just be paying lip service to the nutz zero narrative for now, awaiting for the fad to die out.
Andy said to say hello.
Those were the days eh, full fear porn.
Had a chuckle at WXCycles doing his nut over the numbers. Now what happened to him? Well he got vaxxinated and deaded, first shot injured, hospital would not investigate as he was not fully vaxxinated. second shot, more injured and scheduled for surgery, but the operation date was after the date for number three, so he had to get the third before the caring medical profession would look at the damage from the first two, he has never been heard from again.
You seem to know how to search this blog, I was having a conversation with him (I was taking the piss) around Oct/Nov 2021 (I think, or it may have been 2020/21) until March/April 2022 when the surgery on his spinal damage from the first “safe and effective” shots was scheduled.
Speaking of spinal injuries, my neighbor went and got his mrna flu shot a couple of weeks ago, next day could not get out of bed, ambo to hospital, transfer to a better hospital and they found his spine was infected, two weeks and still in hospital. Same thing happened to the owner of the company I was working for last year, back pain, went to an acupuncturist but it got worse so he went to a quack, infection in his spine, blame the acupuncturist. He had to have the infection surgically removed.
His wife is a “trust the science” micro biologist (retired) and fully vaxxed, looks like she is on her last legs as well. She will not take the mrna shot though, I pointed out the new flu shot is mrna now, silence!
Electricity From Coal Is Pricey. Should Consumers Have to Pay?
Fighting words from the NYT
As Warren Buffet said:
In the US, the “investors” in wind plantations harvest tax credits, whereas in Australia they get to harvest subsidies directly from the consumer electricity bill.
Not against replacing coal with gas and/or nuclear. The article unwittingly reveals the weak feasibility in wind power.
Solar is muscling out wind. Solar makes nuclear less economically viable. Nuclear may survive. Wind will not survive.
Caveat: Wind has a place as a renewable but only to fill the zone between solar and base
Only when the sun is shining!
I’m not sure that solar, with its very low efficiency, short lifetime and need for very expensive backup, will ever “muscle out” nuclear that is very efficient, has a long lifetime and doesn’t require any backup.
“Muscling out” doesn’t seem to be in the Australian idiom.
“Muscling out” is …
muscularly pushing aside
squeezing out
Solar displaces wind.
Oddly enough, it means the same in Australian.
So thats not it, care to try again?
What does ‘California power in April 2024 tell you? (Gifted NYT article)
1/ Imports will decline to 0 because everyone will want to import.
2/ Solar is 65% of the way to being all the power at sunny noon. That output can be easily doubled.or more..
3/ Solar is squeezing out wind and nuclear but nuclear has the advantage of a stable base.
4/ Battery and gas must grow to meet increasing demand
5/ little room for growth in hydro.
Accept gas peaking, go nuclear, pay for pricy batteries or suffer brownouts because demand cannot be met.
Now play the game of who pays for what and when.
You just made it worse!
Solar and Wind muscles only grow from a combination of reasonably priced base load generation and cross subsidies- the cost of which is borne by base load generators and their ultimate customers.
Using chemical battery, or pumped hydro, energy storage along with Wind and/or Solar to give the appearance of scalable baseload power is utterly foolish. Promoting the idea is as worthwhile as the pig’s lipstick.
Fromthe NYT ..
Giant Batteries Are Transforming the Way the U.S. Uses Electricity
Check out the graph and feel the $$$ of the S shaped curve. Predict how things will change in the future.
Article is paywalled. Regardless, with batteries costing $1000/kWh and having a short lifetime, it’s impossible to ever see a role for them as large-scale backup for renewables. As somebody has already pointed out, just for Australia to build all their required renewables backup using batteries would require the entire output of Tesla’s main battery plant for the next 20 years.
When I saw the article my immediate impression was “Oh wow, battery storage has grown big in a short time. Maybe battery backup to total solar is plausible”
Then, on further reflection, I realized the economic advantage and also insignificance of battery storage.
Don’t forget that California wants to electrify everything. Electricity demand will also shhot up.
Down voted and people don’t bother to see that batteries cherry pick by pumping back power at the peak shoulders of the S curve (especially early evening). In Ontario, power is expensive during the day and cheap at night.Lots of baseload.
Down voted and people don’t notice that battery is a small portion of solar which in itself is a small portion of a much bigger pie.
As solar grows things will get crazy stupid. As a proportion of the whole, batteries will become less.
For one…. In the immediate future, (3rd+4th Qtr of 2024), that “Peak demand” of 25GW, on the graph will increase to 45-50 GWh , once the summer heat kicks in !
A few days data in spring does not reflect the real situation, with Ca importing 29% of its electricity annually.!
And why did they not mention that utility battery fire in San Antonio that has been burning for days ?
“They point out that coal-fired power plants require dozens of hours to heat up and burn enough coal to produce steam that turns the turbines, making them less responsive to market prices than wind or solar.”
except of course during calm periods or at night , when wind and solar arent all that responsive at all.
they would deflect with “muh batteries” but its clear they arent for bulk supply
“They point out that coal-fired power plants require dozens of hours to heat up and burn enough coal to produce steam that turns the turbines, making them less responsive to market prices than wind or solar.”
Conversely there is no mention of the fact that once “up and running” they just tick along for years if need be. Look at old steam locomotives, hours to “steam up” but once operational they throttle back the steam and fire and these engines just fly. When the engineer knows a gradient is looming shovel on a little more coal, relatively quick response and hey presto, over the hump.
“less responsive to market prices than wind or solar”
Does the Sun rise and wind starts blowing when the market calls?
‘…making them less responsive to market prices than wind or solar…’
There’s evidently a very Orwellian definition of market in play here.
These so-called ‘markets’ in truth have very little to do with market theory, but are simply bidding mechanisms structured to favour the intermittent so called renewables generators and to remove the greatest advantage of traditional generators, which is generating reliable base load power at an extremely low cost.
An anti-islamification demo was predictably subjected to a knife attack, but in the confusion a cop rugby tackles a bloke subduing the knife man with punches, that frees the knife man, to stab the cop in the neck.
This does not look right, very brave camera man, filming not helping. Big crowd?
watch at speed .5
It was probably not reported positively, if at all, in the Lamestream media, but on Saturday huge numbers of pro-British people of all races, creeds and ethnic origins marched in London against what is happening in Britain, the destruction of everything that being British used to mean. Naturally they will be described as all sorts of horrible things like “racist” and “far right” (which really means National Socialist and is therefore far Left) etc.. These people believe in FREEDOM and INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and COMMITMENT TO COUNTRY, all things that are being systematically being removed in Britain and other Western countries.
As the Left consolidate their hostile takeover of the West, these are dark times but this peaceful rally shows that there is some hope left.
SEE video by Mahyar Tousi and others.
Highly criticised by the actual “far right” of the UK (actually quite left), which does genuinely exist and is not just a slur made up by the left.
Apparently the DemoncRATs want an early Presidential debate because they want to see how senile Joe or his stand-in will perform against Trump.
If he or his stand-in’s performance is poor, the Dems will then, while there’s still time, decide to install another White House Resident like Michelle Obama (Big Mike) who ticks a number of DEI boxes. Perhaps even with Barry as VP. (A president can only have two terms but I don’t think there’s anything stopping a former President coming back as VP….)
They want an early debate so as to coincide with all the post-conviction propaganda. Biden’s handlers will give him just one job – to keep saying ‘convicted felon’ over and over. The moderators will of course allow this.
I thought they may use the “convicted felon” thing as an excuse to bail from the debate completely.
That’s possible too. I suppose it depends on how well they think Biden will respond to his meds. It’s clear to me that they can dose him up with something to make him temporarily sharper, but it’s also clear the boost isn’t reliable. If a debate happens, it will be interesting to see how well the moderators protect him from Trump.
As the Left continue to regress our technology and our Civilisation, we might all soon be riding “Chukudus”, wooden scooters they have in parts of Africa.
Video: (About 5mins)
____Only learned of these a short while ago.
____They’ll be handy when we crash back to Bedrock.
Another fun fact … Energy consumption per capita
It means… if youv’e got it then use it!
Check out Norway Iceland and Canada.
People assume that the excess energy from solar will be used to charge batteries and pump water back uphill.
Nobody expects the
Spanish Inquisitionuse of this surplus power for other and new uses.Give away free energy and anticipate that someone will eventually take you up on the offer.
(BTW Canada uses much of that free-to-producers fossil fuel to extract oil sand)
“People assume that the excess energy from solar will be used to charge batteries and pump water back uphill.”
It’s doubtful the clowns realise the excess is only there because of coal fired power, when it goes, so will the excess.
In the unlikely event that SH2 ever gets finished (but they will keep harvesting taxpayer money for about 20 more years before they dare to admit it’s non-viable) it will be fewer and fewer coal plants which will run at maximum capacity 24/7 trying to keep the lights on and to pump water uphill for SH2.
And how many people (present company excepted) realise that it’s a net energy consumer, a battery and not a net generator?
If the thermal plants go, there will be no synch signal for the inverters, so there will be no general grid. Isolated, islanded, micro grids, yes. But with no industrial base or significant inductive loads. Ie, you’ll have LED lights, but no motors.
I’m not sure a majority of people understand grid scale power, inductive, reactive, and total power. Unless they do, their opinions on this subject are worth nothing. Power engineering, physics, and economics, are not subject to opinions.
Perhaps it is better to have a full grid failure to teach the lesson that idiots ought not make decisions above their understanding.
My Google climate science News search has this at #2 this morning:
Yes, that’s right, an open comment thread at a blog. Like Sunday at JoNova.
There are currently zero comments on the thread.
I’m already late at 25th comment on this thread.
Climate science and advocacy is full of emotion. The subjective quality is a blind spot.
(yes, grit determination is raging emotion.)
That’s why Leftists support censorship.
They have no independent thoughts and nothing worthwhile to say so they have nothing to lose by not being allowed to speak.
They are mindless automatons.
There were 429 Responses to “Unforced Variations: May 2024”.
I was just amazed that Google had elevated a RealClimate open thread, with nothing in it, to “News”.
In other words – climate science News [……Null……] – is “News” at the Googleplex.
US Drivers Overwhelmingly Prefer Gasoline Cars To EVs
OMG, people are lazy!
Who would have imagined that people don’t want to bother with plugging in their car every time they are in the driveway.
Who would imagine that people would get anxious about having to spend more than an hour fueling their car
Who would imagine that people get nervous at having to go 30 miles out of their way to partially gas up.
Who doesn’t want to jump in their car and suddenly realize that they cannot reach the destination without extra miles and hour(s) of enroute fill ups.
People expect an easy life.
When buying a car, a person tends to look at the pluses and minuses, if not before than after the purchase.
EV owners lavishly announce the advantages of EV ownership.
Disgruntled EV owners complain about the hardships.
All things considered there remain compelling reasons to loathe owning an EV.
Goverments risk peril at forcing their hand. Making it more difficult for ICE drivers is being spiteful.
“The Best Cars That Still Offer a Manual Transmission in 2024, Ranked”
Best anti-theft device yet.
Has Toyota Corolla GR but missing Toyota Yaris GR Rallye which is amazing over Swiss Alps
Link just sent by my son who has Toyota Yaris GR Rallye Manual
Amazing Toyota GR Yaris GRMN timed on track and 0-60mph
31 May 2024
How’s THIS for a World Exclusive!
Mat’s flown over to Japan, and he’s got his hands on every edition of GR Yaris ever made! But that’s not all, he’s going to be the first journalist EVER to take these cars around Toyota’s all-new test track!
During this video, he’ll get his hands on the 1st generation, the Japan-exclusive GRMN, the 2nd generation (both manual & automatic), and the limited-edition Ojier & Rovanperä editions!
So let’s take a look at how they compare. Starting with the 1st GR Yaris, it comes with a 1.6-litre 3-cylinder engine that produces 272hp and 370Nm. It’s equipped with a switchable four-wheel drive system and a 6-speed manual gearbox, and it truly is an affordable and incredible rally car for the road!
Then we come to the GRMN edition. Only 500 were ever made, and while horsepower is the same, torque increases slightly to 390Nm. The car also comes with several other upgrades, including a carbon fibre wing and bonnet, a lower ride height, and a load of Alcantara on the inside!
Then we come to the second generation. Power has been increased to 300hp and 400Nm, and it’s available either manually or automatically. It comes with stiffer suspension, a 20mm lower ride height than the gen one, and a set of digital dials. It also comes with a loftier price tag, starting at £40,000.
And then finally we have the two limited-edition models, built with personal input from drivers from the Toyota Gazoo Racing WRC team. Both editions have exclusive paint jobs, improved rear wings, as well as drive mode settings personally chosen by the two drivers. Both cars are limited to just 200 editions each!
It’s the video 20 Mins 13 Secs every GR Yaris fan has been waiting for, but which will Mat choose as his favourite? You’ll need to keep watching to see for yourself!
You can add the latest Pegani to the list.
For general use as required by 90+% of drivers, i do not see any reason to use a manual rather than a modern auto box.
World Gone Nuts
It’s mainly because all the lithium is going into batteries.
😁️ good one!
FWIW – text from a cartoon
“Jesus was convicted in a sham trial…and crucified .
I still follow him.”
Another way Big Tech is manipulating the US Presidential election is likely to be classifying emails from Trump and conservative organisations as spam.
They have done this before. E.g. see
Egypt is on the verge of war with Israel & It’s all Biden’s fault
Endlessly repeating the lie that Israel is committing genocide against the Gazans doesn’t make it true.
The Israelis are dealing with an extremely nasty enemy who has absolutely no care for the lives of Israelis, their own lives or anyone else and who deliberately embed themselves among civilians and civilian infrastructure in violation of the rules of war.
Something like 70%+ of Gazans support the terrorist Government they elected, and there is frequently no clear distinction between “civilians” and terrorists. One day Achmed might be operating his falafel shop, the next night he might be out committing terrorist acts. In any case, Israel warms civilians to vacate certain areas before it attacks them.
And don’t forget who or what started all this. It was a genocidal attack against Israel by Gazans involving the murder, rape, torture and mutilation of Israelis with about 1200 dead and over 200 hostages taken.
The lack of moral clarity about who’s right and wrong in this conflict is disturbing.
Yes, you are one very disturbed person.
It was hot blooded mass rape and murder of innocents, babies, chidren, women, people at a music festival. To pretend it was justified is beyond absurd. And disturbing is hardly adequate. Those who defend this planned execution of innocents are evil.
And there were 5,000 people murdered, shot, injured. That is a whole town.
And then the villains ran, drove back to their massive underground fortress and tunnels built entirely with charitable donations, the most financially supported city in the world. Where all the cash was used on plans to kill and retreat in private bunkers with civilians for disposable cover. Hidden under schools, hospitals, UN offices. Everything was planned.
What sort of people do this and why?
And what about the three billionaire Hamas leaders in Qatar who wanted more money. This was not about justice or fairness . This was a clear plan to get the rivers of cash flowing again. If anyone is responsible for civilians deaths on both sides, it is the leaders of HAMAS. Every death is a victory for these monsters.
Gaza should have been Monte Carlo. Or Beirut when it was the Paris of the East. How many cities have been destroyed by Arab violence? This is ancient warfare posing as righteous justice. And if you point this out, you are Islamophobic? People have every right to be terrified of Dark Ages Islamic violence which has been a staple in the area for 1400 years and now exported to every country.
Excellently said TdeF.
Apparently there were 2.3 million in Gaza before “car park” creation, there were/are 1.2 million in Raffa now, and the rest is probably having the bitumen laid at the mo.
1.1 MIA. (or should that be KIA)
Everything you speak of is happening on a far grander scale, women, children, babies again, by the never again crowd. But this is OK because they shopped at “Achmed’s Falafel”?
All our info comes through the IDF, all of it. The first victim is the truth. These people own all the worlds’ media and Hollywood, they control your view of their reality, and everything can be created.
Palestine is an occupied country, they have the right to de-occupy, this is stated by the UN and ICC.
I don’t condone the killing of any non-combat persons, no matter which side I am told there on.
It’s always them BooBoo.
Justify your position. Dare you.
I actually read what it wrote.
An imaginary person “Achmed” worked in an imaginary falafel shop, and may after workimg all day go home and change into his imaginary Jihadi uniform and I guess grab his parachute, strap his lawn mower to his back, attack the most secure boarder in the world, of a nuclear power. But because he imagined it, all people must die, everyone?
That is a seriously warped mind right there.
Dare me?
What grade are you in?
Isreal warns civilians first, because Hamas can’t read?
No imagination neccessary to see the reality of Oct 7th !
The MAJORITY of Gaza voters elected Hamas, and appear to support their actions. Now they are seing the reality of what they imagined would happen !
2006 was the election, none since, 18 years ago. So nobody under the age of 36 (assuming 18 is voting age) has even been given that option (and Netanyahoo is on record stating the PLO must not win, which is why Hamas was created) yet all must die?
It’s not October the 7th Dorothy
This B/S will not stop until you wake up to the root of these issues.
I always like your information David.
And, no one can in any way justify the actions of the Hamas terrorists.
But the lack of moral clarity around the Israel Gaza conflict is a complicated issue.
Evident is Israel’s complicity in this outcome.
Deliberately strengthening Hamas to undermine chances of Palestinian statehood always was going to be a disaster.
Even seen as a response to horrific terrorism, one cannot justify the Israeli brutality against Gazan citizens.
Benjamin Netanyahu Channeled Funds To Hamas
Great news!
FWIW – adding to the wonderment
“Trump NY Trial Commentary”
“Scott Adams – Democrats solved trump’s biggest political problems”.
Listed at,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Fancy custom plates for your EV?
Magic tricks Sunday, just to be different.
Last night I watched the film Out Of Africa. It is set in colonial Kenya. On NYE 1919 they sang the usual song Ol’ whatever it is, then a rousing rendition of God Save The King.
The contrast to today only one hundred years later, is profound. It struck me what a healthy minded society looks like, and what great things they achieved with that mindset – including Australia, arguably the (once) greatest country in the world.
It is also interesting the female protagonist of the film, was sprouting neo liberal ideas which resulted in the downfall of it all. Terribly depressing.
Worth a watch, they were making good films in the 80s.
When men were men and behaved like men
Sunday funny: dad ends his “trans” daughter’s nonsense in one go.
So simple! 😆
Excellent if true.
Meanwhile in the UK, the police are having trouble…
I suspect they’ve spent too much time arresting people for mean tweets. 😆
He was a Big Boy but the statement was totally correct F’Usless!
The guy was probably hiked on crack .
I advocate the use of crock nets for perps who wont comply !
Are Tasers totally useless ?
I watched “Civil war” last night and it was marginally better than that rubbish “Leave the world behind” produced by Obummer.
Honestly, it’s just unrealistic Hollywood redneck shoot-em-up trash with a few shock scenes to stop viewers from falling asleep, and the looming REAL civil war will be w-a-y different.
Why Johnny Can’t Build
American prosperity demands that we build for our future.
We were once a nation of builders—from the toll roads and canals of the early nineteenth century and the railroads of the second half of that busy century, to the construction of power, energy, and water systems that were the envy of the world.
Even Stalin hired American engineers and planners to build hydroelectric plants and car and other large-scale factories, some planned and developed by people from Detroit.
As Stalin knew, infrastructure is one of the keys to imperial power. Ancient Rome, the imperial dynasties of China, the Mesoamerican empires, the Islamic empire of the Caliphs, the British Empire, and finally our own global imperium all rested on massive infrastructure projects.
In the United States, American ingenuity, usually private but with public assistance, built the world’s largest industrial economy. In the 1930s, we produced the Hoover Dam, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and countless bridges, roads, and other critical infrastructure. When the Second World War broke out, America had the capacity, in a remarkably short time, to become “the Arsenal of Democracy.” Historian Richard Overy notes that “the material explanation for victory” lay largely in America’s relentless productive capacity.
From Success to Failure: The Decline of American Infrastructure
As we saw in the pandemic, and now again after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. and the West struggle to produce industrial products, including those of a military nature, that could prove critical in containing the new version of the early 1940s “pact of steel.”
The more recent decline of the West’s productive capacity—China now boasts as much industrial export capacity as the U.S., Japan, and Germany combined—has many causes, including insufficient investment in basic productive infrastructure.
Much of this can be traced to regulators, particularly on climate related issues, who have, among other things, raised energy costs and contributed to the undermining of the electrical grid both in the U.S. and Europe.
Even our military technology is increasingly dependent on Chinese inputs, most ominously in submarines.
Today no one would look at America as a great example of infrastructure development, whether for transportation, energy, or the development of human capital. Once a leader, much of our infrastructure is nearly a century old.
– Boondoggles Galore
– Love in the Wrong Places
– The New Gridlock
– Can We Turn This Around?
– Reviving the Workforce
– A Political Problem Requires a Political Solution
All the above descibes Australia Perfectly!
And Britain.
India’s temperature sensors overcooked by three degrees (that’s 3.000 Celsius for the faithfools of Doom Inc. Crisis Korps). So it reached into the high 40s, as it always does, just prior to the big wet: ho-hum, same as it ever was.
Your never-ending drought is BUCKETING DOWN on both coasts by the looks of it and Canberra’s as cold as Hobart – or is it the other way round? And we’re as warm as Perth – or they’re as cold as us – on a balmy 19*C. No ‘brass monkeys’ round here this King’s Birthday long weekend: a pleasant change indeed.
Do Bass Strait windmills work when the wind switches back-to-front and comes in from the east?
$600 million for the NRL to bring a PNG team into our NRL, $60 million a year for 10 years. This appears to be paying the piper for taking a knee and mandate pushing, or just plain laundering.
Australia Labor Party & Albosleezy – “It’s only Australian taxpayers Money – We, the Australian Labor Party, like to throw it around to increase Inflation and screw the Australian Taxpayer”
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s department tried to keep New Zealand offenders in Australia before Direction 99
The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s department tried to stop the deportation of many New Zealand citizens prior to the drafting of Immigration Minister Andrew Giles’ controversial Direction 99, writes Political Editor Andrew Clennell.
The Prime Minister’s department directly instructed the Home Affairs department to attempt to find a way to stop the deportation of so many New Zealand citizens who had lived in Australia for many years – and the department tried to find a way to restrict the change to New Zealand citizens only but found they legally couldn’t, Sky News can reveal.
The PM’s department’s instruction came prior to the drafting of Immigration Minister Andrew Giles’ Direction 99 in January 2023, which has led to a series of administrative appeals tribunal decisions overturning the minister’s decisions to kick sex offenders and other criminals out of Australia.
PETER VAN ONSELEN: How Anthony Albanese and his best mate Andrew Giles committed the seven deadly sins in their latest balls-up
– Albanese and Giles both responsible for Direction 99
– Turned out to be a colossal mistake
Controversial deportation Direction 99 not a mistake, Labor frontbencher Murray Watt says
A senior minister has defended the government’s handling of the migration system, but says he’s not interested in a jump to the Home Affairs portfolio.
Jack Quail
It was not a mistake for Immigration Minister Andrew Giles to issue a controversial ministerial direction which resulted in the deportation of some non-citizen criminals to be revoked, Labor frontbencher Murray Watt has said.
The contentious order – known as Direction 99 – was issued by Mr Giles in early 2023 and required the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to consider an individual’s community ties when reviewing deportation appeals.
The directive has been tied to several cases where non-citizen criminals had their visa cancellations overturned, allowing them to stay in Australia.
Speaking on Sunday, Queensland Senator Watt said the government had not intended for community safety to be relegated below the community ties in the application of Direction 99, despite the AAT’s interpretation in that matter.
“Even the advice that Andrew Giles was provided by his department when making that direction indicated that there would be no impact on people where we were talking about serious offences having been committed,” Senator Watt told the ABC.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s department tried to keep New Zealand offenders in Australia before Direction 99</strong>
From the Comments
– Ardernese’s legacy…’s little wonder he is obsessed with Dutton….
Cost of living crisis
Youth crime crisis
Crimal detainee crisis
Mortgage rates crisis
Builders collapsing crisis
Restaurants shutting down crisis
Rental crisis
Housing crisis
Chinese spy crisis
Energy supply crisis
Energy cost crisis
Border security crisis
Violent protests crisis
Farmers livelihood crisis
Anti semitism crisis
China attacking ADF twice crisis
Alice springs crime crisis
Alice springs child welfare crisis
That amount is so outrageously unreasonable, just to create a footy team, that it could legitimately be described as fraud, in the same way that a government might claim they’re going to refurbish the toilets at Parliament House and it’s going to cost $100M. It’s clear to anybody with both eyes open that it doesn’t cost $600M to put a football team together.
And that’s ignoring the question as to why Australia should fund PNGg’s team in the first place, especially when football is already their national sport.
This was the same Government that massively mismanaged the purchase of Maseratis for the 2018 Apex Summit, wasting millions of dollars.
A country that barely has any drivable roads, where off road vehicles would be more appropriate, not low slung luxury vehicles designed for cruising properly made roads.
I expect a similar mismanagement and corrupt misallocation of Australian taxpayer dollars for this football funding.
And apart from fraud, I cant see how it’s even possible to spend that much money on training a Third World football team.
Their mistake was to buy Maseratis – If they had bought Ferraris these could have been resold for a profit.
I have no doubt that, behind the scenes, a deal was done whereby a big chunk of this money will go to corrupt pollies in PNG, for services we may never be told about.
What goes around the sun,sunspot AR3664 (a.k.a. AR3697), comes around, in particular…
Sounds like another ‘cannibal CME’…(multiple CME back to back ‘eating each other’ as it were and forming a big one.
From: (my favourite daily space weather source.)
“X-FLARE AFTER X-FLARE AFTER X-FLARE: Exploding like popcorn, sunspot AR3664 (a.k.a. AR3697) produced three X-flares on May 31st and June 1st. The latest, a long-duration X1-class event, hurled a halo CME almost directly toward Earth.
An update on recent solar activity from AR3664/AR3697 and some space weather banter at
Should Trump be sentenced to home detention (with ankle bracelet!) so he can’t effectively campaign, the mob will work the Democrats out. Hopefully.
The Republicans keep drawing lines in the sand and threatening all sorts of reprisals, only to feign outrage but do nothing when, time after time, Democrats keep crossing them – while giving American conservatives the middle finger.
Oh – the Irony
Nick Cater: Malcolm Turnbull’s dream for pumped hydro has hit a snag – and he wants your money to still make it happen
Pumped hydro is an expensive and damaging way to store energy, but tell that to Malcolm Turnbull – a seasoned businessman who should understand the financial limitations of the technology more than most, writes Nick Cater.
Almost nothing is going right in Australia’s quest to become the first country in the world to be powered entirely by renewable energy.
The Australian Energy Market Operator warned last week that the promised acceleration of investment in wind and solar energy isn’t happening.
Investment commitments last year were the lowest since the Clean Energy Council started tracking that metric in 2017.
Transmission projects are way behind schedule and are increasingly facing community resistance, just as they are in the US, where expensive wind and solar projects sit idle because they can’t be connected to the grid.
Even if investment starts to flow, there is still a fundamental technical challenge to overcome, one so obvious it shouldn’t need stating.
Seven years ago, Turnbull called a press conference at Talbingo, NSW, to announce the feasibility study for what he said would be the biggest battery in the southern hemisphere.
The estimated cost of $3.5 billion could be financed out of Snowy Hydro’s existing profits.
“This is commercial,” he said.
“This will make money for Snowy Hydro. This is very bankable.”
Snowy Hydro 2.0 was initially scheduled to be completed this year.
The target date is now December 2028.
The delay hardly matters in one sense since the construction of Hume Link connecting the project has yet to begin.
The cost of HumeLink has also blown out to an estimated $5 billion, and since Snowy Hydro 2.0 cannot operate without it, the project’s actual cost is $17 billion.
Coincidentally, that figure is also the CSIRO’s upper estimate for constructing a conventional nuclear power station, which, if built on an existing coal generator site, would need no additional transmission, removing one potential source of delay.
If the CSIRO’s lower estimate turned out correct, we might get two state-of-the-art, third-generation reactors for that price.
Together they would produce three gigawatts or more of reliable electricity from a generator capable of running for 95 per cent of the time for at least 60 years and almost certainly longer.
CSIRO tells us that nuclear takes too long to build, but the time issue is somewhat relative – since Snowy Hydro 2.0 won’t be completed in under 11 years.
You might imagine that Turnbull might be quietly kicking himself for having made the wrong call.
Apparently not.
Wouldn’t that be more technically correct as
“Hit a rock”?
Safe and effective Karma
The proverbial ‘@rse’ has fallen out of the EV market, and it’s those who have already bought who are the biggest losers.
Caleb Bond
The electric vehicle bubble is bursting.
They were meant to be the environmental panacea – the guilt-free answer to travel.
And just think of all that money you’d save not having to buy increasingly expensive fuel (of which 49c in every litre is tax, by the way).
Cars have always been money pits. I’ve single-handedly put my mechanic’s son through private school.
But those who bought into the EV dream are fast discovering they’re the proud owners of even bigger money pits.
The @rse has gone right out of the EV market.
A look at a big picture –
“Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Judge Napolitano/Judging Freedom 5/28/2024”
Lee Kwan Yew – brilliant commentary on Islam
Sunday, 02 June 2024
Lee Kuan Yew Commentary!
Lee Kuan Yew on Muslims! – 7 Mins 4 Secs
I was in Singapore on National Day 1990 and watched his final National Day address to the Singaporean People
Lee Kuan Yew’s 1990 LAST National Day Rally speech (English)
An Amazing Leader
Worth watching!
Watch Dave Smith Burn Chris Cuomo To The Ground In Epic Covid Debate
For the legions of us who still carry righteous rage about the tyrannical and destructive Covid-19 regime, the planets aligned on Friday and gave us the enormous, vicarious pleasure of watching one of libertarianism’s most articulate voices repeatedly pummel one of the most visible villains of that dark era.
In a debate hosted by Patrick Bet-David of PBD Podcast fame, “Part of the Problem” podcaster and comedian Dave Smith took on former CNN anchor and Covid regime propagandist Chris Cuomo.
From lockdowns to masks, vaccines, Ivermectin and the vilification of resisters, the debate covered a lot of ground, with Smith dropping one laser-guided bomb after another on Cuomo.
What can I say? Simple pleasures! The joys of steep hills. And a caravan.
Hi all, another request for info help.
I’m looking for live, and/or historical graphs, of energy output for a [1] Wind farm, [2] Coal power station, and [3] Nuclear power station.
Especially if I can line them up against each other to demonstrate stable vs intermittent generation.
I’m looking for a graph with a year by year dollar cost to stabilise the Australian grid by the NEM, or AEMO or equivalent organisation.
Especially if mapped against the rise in intermittent sources of electricity.
I’m seeking to demonstrate that intermittents (solar and wind) are increasing the cost to stabilise the grid.
I’m also looking for a graph of how much electricity is required every day at 3AM on the east coast of Australia.
I want to demonstrate the minimum needed to keep the lights on.
Cheers ExWarmist.
Here is a place to start for East Coast Australian data
I would not trust the $/MWh values though
For German data you can start here – Germany has supposedly led the charge into the brave new world of “renewables”
The German data is of interest since in January 2017 in the middle of winter Germany experienced 5 weeks of very low wind (Dunkelflaute) at a time when solar was next to nothing (and this was before nuclear power staions were shut down on 15 April 2023)
In Autumn, Australia also experiences periods of low wind with the most recent period last week, but they do not generally last for 5 weeks!
If you are awake at 3 AM this link gives energy consumption by state in real time
This link shows East Coast (NEM) demand peaked in 2008-2009 at arounnd 210 Terrawatthours per annum
You can down load the exacty data by state
Note the racist BS you get on government websites these days
Tell me why we should pay our respects to another RACE?
Tony from Oz may be able to point you in the right direction.
Thanks CO2 Lover, and David Maddison.
Your assistance is exactly what I was after, and is very much appreciated.
Cheers ExWarmist
“Lee Kwan Yew – brilliant commentary on I s l a m”
Children and family are key priorities for Russia – Putin
It is crucial that every child has the chance to be surrounded by care and love while growing up, the president has said
Children and family values are of the utmost importance for both society and the government, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.
The remarks were made in an official statement on International Children’s Day on June 1.
“I would like to emphasize that in our country, the issues of raising children and strengthening family values are given priority attention by both the state and society. It is important that every child is surrounded by care and love, grows up healthy and happy, and develops their talents and abilities,” Putin said. He praised the work of the Russian Children’s Fund, a charitable organization that deals with a variety of issues concerning raising children and protecting the rights of minors.
In the run-up to the holiday, the president held a video conference with Russian families from various regions who were awarded the Order of Parental Glory. He praised the families present, all with three or more children, as “the pride of our country.” According to Putin, there are now more than 2 million large families with multiple children in Russia, and the number has jumped by more than a quarter in the past few years.
Scott Ritter: Russia’s victory over Ukraine is drawing near
In a war of attrition, grinding the enemy down is just the first part. Stretching what remains until it breaks is how you finish the job
As Russia’s military operation in Ukraine enters its 28th month, the conflict can be said to have gone through several distinct phases, all but one (the opening gambit) of which prioritized attritional warfare as the principal guiding military philosophy. For Western military observers, schooled as we are on what we deem the ‘modern’ military philosophies of maneuver warfare, the Russian approach to fighting appears primitive, a throwback to the trench warfare of conflicts past, where human life was a commodity readily traded in exchange for a few hundred meters of shell-pocked landscape.
Upon closer scrutiny, and with the benefit of 27 months of accumulated data, the Russian approach to warfare emerges as a progressive application of military art that considers the totality of the spectrum of warfare – small-unit tactics, weapons capability, intelligence, communications, logistics, the defense economy and, perhaps most importantly of all, political reality. It is critical to keep in mind that while Russia may have entered the conflict facing a single adversary (Ukraine), within months it became clear that Moscow was confronting the cumulative military capability of the collective West, where NATO’s financial, material, logistical, command and control, and intelligence support was married to Ukrainian manpower resources to create a military capacity designed by intent to wear Russia down physically and mentally, to strategically defeat Russia by promoting the conditions for its economic and political collapse.
That Russia recognized this strategic intent on the part of its declared and undeclared adversaries early on is a testament to the patience and vision of its leadership.
In this, Russia is succeeding. First and foremost, by attacking north of Kharkov, Moscow has compelled UKiev to commit not only the last of its mobile strategic reserves in response but, because these forces are inadequate in strength, to force Ukraine to strip away units on the eastern line of contact, in Kherson, Zaporozhye and Donbass, and to divert them to the Kharkov direction. The depletion of reserves is part and parcel of the overall Russian strategy of attrition. Moreover, as these forces displace to the Kharkov region, they are being interdicted by Russian air, missile, and drone strikes, further eroding their combat power. The result is that Ukraine is now defending a longer line of defense with even fewer forces than it started with.
One should not expect the Russian efforts to stop in the Kharkov direction. Reports indicate that Moscow is amassing significant forces opposite the Ukrainian city of Sumy. If Russia were to open a new direction of attack there, Ukraine would struggle to find forces sufficient to mount a viable defense. And at some point, one should expect additional reserves to make their appearance on other parts of the battlefield, maybe in Zaporozhye, or Donetsk, or Lugansk, where Ukrainian forces have been stretched to breaking point.
The goal of a war of attrition is to wear your enemy down to the point where continued resistance is impossible.
This has been Moscow’s goal since April 2022. And it is the goal today.
While the conflict has not, by any stretch of the imagination, been without cost to Russia, the approach taken by the leadership, to create conditions on the battlefield designed to maximize enemy losses while minimizing their own, meant that Moscow entered 2024 in a much stronger position militarily, economically, and – perhaps most importantly – politically.
The Kharkov offensive is simply the current manifestation of the continuation of this strategy, and the clearest indication yet that the Russian endgame in Ukraine is drawing near.
” … Moscow entered 2024 in a much stronger position militarily, economically, and – perhaps most importantly – politically.”
I said from the beginning that, despite many reports and prophecies from western media that Putin’s war would prove his undoing at home, it would instead make him MORE popular. Sure there are dissidents, but my experiences when visiting Russia told me that Russians don’t think the way we do and many of them despise us, which means criticism of Putin in the west simply makes him appear more heroic in Russia. If/when he wins in Ukraine, even if that just means a relatively small land grab, his status at home will be supercharged and he will be untouchable politically.
Of course, Putin will be very aware that he has to close the deal before Trump is re-elected and while Biden is still pretending to lead America.
It Ain’t Necessarily So.
It Ain’t Necessarily So.
The Things That Ya Preacher Is Liable To Teach Ya
No It Ain’t Necessarily So.
Not all of us wear red glasses.
One of our resident reds doesn’t like the truth.
Care to say why Joe Blogs is wrong?
” Ain’t Necessarily So.”
But things you hear and read in Western media definitely aren’t so! At least Pro-Russian propaganda makes sense, Western stuff is so dumbed down and laid on so thick surely no-one would believe it.
Well you must, you see them everywhere.
Been meaning to ask you comrade Hanrahan.
What have the Russians done to you?
Is it the cold war keeping you up at night still?
The Russians are masters of wars of attrition – Herr Hiltler and Napoleon can vouch for this
You are WRONG, this was intended to be a walkover, done and dusted within days.
The state of play today is like the tenth round of a Frazier/Ali fight, both are hoping they can get the KO in the next few rounds because they are both stuffed.
OK I just reread your post and you said April, not February. But that doesn’t change much.
Internet Archive faces major DDoS attacks
The nonprofit Internet Archive and its Wayback Machine have been under attack since Sunday. The ongoing cyber attacks have caused major problems for users trying to access the site’s cached web pages.
The actual data in the Internet Archive is still safe. But the attacks have made it hard for people to use the site and get to the content they need.
Brewster Kahle, who started the Internet Archive, said the attacks are serious. They are “sustained, impactful, targeted, adaptive” and seem to be part of a bigger effort to hurt online libraries.
Kahle said they are working to make the site’s defenses stronger.
Repositories of knowledge and truth are being attacked and taken down, which is why everyone should save important material, just in case.
We live in an era of fake science and fake history.
The Wayback Machine is a record of real history and so must be destroyed by the Left.
Thanks John Conner II …Not good…it is an essential service…internet a smidge useless and or dangerous without an uncorrupted archive system in place, that is nurtured and cared for..
EV burns house down
Everything Ablo touches turns to S**t.
UK: Epidemic of dangerous on-street EV charging
The conclusion is –
“One final point, dear reader,
Remember, remember the 5th of November.”
One might think that they have the treason and the plot. Just missing the gunpowder so far
“Swedes Embrace Nuclear & Join Europe’s Grand Rejection Of Wind & Solar Transition”
SMRs not so hot- Overly expensive, endless escalating costs during building and takes far longer than quoted to get running.
Shidao Bay in China, three times the quoted price, Russia’s floating SMR four times the quoted price, Argentina’s CAREM5 seven times the quoted price and still not running.
” The Shidao Bay project in China, for example, was supposed to take four years to build, but actually took 12; the Russian Ship Borne project had an estimated completion time of three years, but took 13; and the ongoing CAREM project in Argentina was supposed to be done in four years, but it’s now in its 13th year of development.”
Makes it sound like boring tunnels for pumped hydro!
I’m sure you all heard that Russia and Ukraine exchanged 75prisoners each, but they also exchanged the bodies of soldiers killed in action.
“The most interesting aspect was the ratio of the KIA exchanged: 45 Russian bodies vs. 200 Ukrainian ones—clearly an indication of general loss disparities (4:1)”
“Ticketmaster owner Live Nation confirmed “unauthorised activity” on its database after a group of hackers said they had stolen the personal details of 560 million customers. ShinyHunters, the group claiming responsibility, says the stolen data includes names, addresses, phone numbers and partial credit card details from Ticketmaster users worldwide. The hacking group is reportedly demanding a $500,000 (£400,000) ransom payment to prevent the data from being sold to other parties.
American website Ticketmaster is one of the largest online ticket sales platforms in the world. This hack is one of the biggest in history in terms of global victims but it’s not yet clear how sensitive the data is that is in the hands of cyber criminals. Researchers are also warning that it’s part of a larger ongoing hack involving a cloud service provider called Snowflake which is used by many large firms to store data in the cloud.”
Back up everything to the Cloud! Safe, secure.. Let Microsoft and Apple help!
Why modern British homes are getting mouldy
Too many people pets and showers in an enclosed vapor barrier