
9 out of 10 based on 27 ratings

178 comments to Monday

  • #

    This is why Assange was persecuted.

    There’s an old video clip of Assange 15 years ago, prior to seeking refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy to escape capture by the international organised crime syndicates.

    He’s saying:
    “the goal is not to completely subjugate Afghanistan the goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the United States, out of the tax bases of European countries, through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security, that is the goal, i.e. the goal is to have an endless war not a successful War.”

    Before Afghanistan and since Afghanistan there have been endless wars, Ukraine, Gaza, are two contemporary examples of vast wealth transfers, like the klimate hoax and the plandemic hoax, vast removals of citizens, wealth into the coffers of the globalist criminal elites.

    Did Australian taxpayers money contribute to Zelensky’s latest purchase, the $200 million casino resort on the beach in Cyprus?
    How do the dying soldiers feel about his latest mansion?

    That’s why they punish Trump.
    He wants peace.
    He wants an end to the corruptocrats, the criminal endless war machine, and the vacuuming of taxpayer’s money under false pretenses.


    • #
      Honk R Smith

      Where I a Democrat, and this blog had an equitable voting system like us here in the US, I would have upvoted your comment twice, maybe three times.


      • #
        another ian

        A reply of


        would suggest that


      • #

        Do you have some dead relatives who can add to the votes!

        Reminds me of the Yates County Coroner. An elected position. Only dead people have had to use his services. We all know who dead people always vote for. Naturally the Yates County Coroner is a Democrat!


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      CO2 Lover

      Biden as the “Big Guy” gets 10% of every dollar sent to the Ukraininan Nazis.

      Trump will end the Obama/Biden proxy war on day #1


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      Newsweek debunks this complete nonsense

      It is Russian propaganda. They are past masters at spreading such stories.


      • #

        Thanks for your response. I see that allegation has been widely and enthusiastically denounced.

        The fact remains however, that Zelensky is named and investigated in the Pandora Papers by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, in relation to misbegotten wealth, overseas holdings, and overseas properties, via and in association with his chief aides and his wife.

        Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle – OCCRP


        • #
          Geoff Sherrington

          My take from human nature is that Zelensky would like to be massively rich from deals like casinos, but that he wants, naturallay, to make it hard to show he was involved in skullduggery. There will be a group opf friends who use his name to get the deal done, who protect his name, who also benefit magnificently. Guys like us reading about this in public media have little chanvce to get close to what is actually going on. I tend not to spend my time on news rthat could be fake or concealed.
          Geoff S


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          Must be awkward when Z and Putin run into one another at their bank…


      • #
        Forrest Gardener

        Never believe any rumour until it has been officially denied.


        • #
          Old Goat

          If we really knew the truth I suspect we would have to take action . When you look at how easy it is to fool most people , we are in big trouble . At least we still have an open forum here to debate what is true and false . I think Zelenski’s days are numbered and his wealth won’t save him .


          • #

            Old Goat.
            Skeptic. liar. Cheat. Far Right. Nazi. Cancel him/her. Off to the boss; I’ve probably used the wrong pronoun. Sack. Cancel.Off to the HRC. Disinformation / misinformation; off to the Independent Media triumvirate for this blog!
            Or the call from Alice in Wonderland by the bad queen ‘Off with his head!’ So much more fulfilling!


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        This is a blog for sceptics, why are you swallowing propaganda like teenagers?


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          Gee Aye

          It’s habit.


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            Honk R Smith

            Yes, we are seeing the best Joe Biden EVER!
            Biden is eternally truthful.
            Trump speaks only lies.

            Oh, and the oceans are boiling and it’s a Pandemic Of the Unvaccinated.


        • #

          Indeed this is a blog almost entirely for sceptics as anything in the least contrary to the prevailing view is not welcome


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        After all the Russians derailed Hilarys campaign and manipulated the US voting system to get Trump elected. What is truth one asks.


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      According to a number of sources a big part of the lack of success the Russians experienced in their initial move into Ukraine could be attributed to the corruption of high up levels of the military. Guess Russians are no different to the west after all.

      And that is before we factor in the banks! An oldie but a goodie clip.


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        IMO the initial Russian attack towards Kiev was a tactical diversion and delaying action. While the Ukrainians were defending their Captal city the Russians moved into the Eastern Oblasts nearly unopposed. After that the Russians offered a peace treaty which the proxy leaders bidet and boris refused to allow. The Russians have since fought a war of attrition.
        It should be obvious that putin only wants the buffer zone of Eastern Ukraine and the Crimea. If putin can’t /won’t take Ukraine, why believe he wants to take on all of Nato? It is Western propaganda fear factor.
        BTW – how about those sanctions on Russia? Rusdsia just surpassed Japan becoming the world’s #4 economy.
        Just stating my opinion so don’t insult me by calling me a Russia or a
        putin lover.


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          I’m totally onboard with you. Ukraine and nato membership is to Russia what Cuba and soviet missiles was to USA back in the 60’s. Then the cherry on top of the Russia/China deeper relationship is actually being put there by the west. Even CNBC saw that as obvious over 12 months ago.

          The new slant on the Art of War and keep your friends close but your enemies closer obviously is that given enough rope your enemy may ultimately become their own worst enemy, so sit back and wait. Cheers.


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            What about new Russian 1340 km long border to NATO (Finland) ? There were no better friends for 75 years.
            Sweden was the most neutral peace-loving country for 300 years. Today – a real highly advanced and motivated enemy of Russia.
            US could not force them into NATO.
            Zelensky must be a Superman to achieve all that, still being just an American puppet.


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          Cant argue with any of that. Real Politik in action.


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          Custer Van Cleef

          “. . . why believe he wants to take on all of Nato?”

          John Mearsheimer calls it threat inflation. Pump up a threat to justify your own chosen course of action:

          “This is good old fashioned threat inflation, which the US and Britain have historically been very adept at. By inflating the Russian threat you can encourage the various body politics in the West to back the Ukrainians to the hilt.”

          Mearsheimer on Ukraine, Middle East etc. | New Statesman


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          If Putin can’t /won’t take Ukraine, why believe he wants to take on all of Nato?

          Putin only wants that little bit of Ukraine now. He learned a lot from Hitler and has modelled most of his actions on him. Do you remember when Hitler said “This is the last of my territorial ambitions.“?


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          My guess is that Putin’s big mistake was to send his army to the border in the dead of winter and keep them there freezing. A lot of them would have run their engines to get a bit of warmth and then had to go to war with empty fuel tanks.


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      CO2 Lover

      A comedian and actor who had been famous since the 2000s, Zelensky began his political rise a few years after taking on a starring role in the political satire “Servant of the People,” which began airing on the oligarch’s network in 2015. The show starred Zelensky as a humble history teacher whose anti-corruption rant in class is filmed by a student, goes viral online, and wins him national office.

      In a case of life imitating art, Zelensky ended up winning the real-world Ukrainian presidency just three-and-a-half years after the show’s launch, with more than 73 percent of the vote.

      Australia has its own comedians in Canberra and we are the butt of their jokes.


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      Gee Aye

      That is about the 50th different property/luxury yacht Zelensky has purchased in the last year. He has amazing wealth and must spend a lot of time traveling.


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        robert rosicka

        I’m with the leaf on this one and Hanrahan further up in the comments , there is no question that corruption was rife in the Ukraine but if Zelensky was amassing a fortune he wouldn’t be in Ukraine at all he would be calling the shots from a safe haven in another country .
        It’s one thing to steal a vast fortune but you need to be alive to spend it and the Russians not only bombed Kiev they would love nothing more than put Zelensky in a box six feet under .


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          Totally agree.


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          Good to read a comment based on fact It has been claimed on more than one occasion that Zelensky has been accused of cxorruption..As yet there is no evidence whatsoeverto support such claims


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      Mike Jonas

      All the evidence indicates that the story about Zelensky buying a casino in Cyprus is false, just like all the previous stories about Zelensky buying extravagant houses, boats, etc. It’s pretty obvious that Russia will be using false stories to attack Zelensky, and he has other opponents like the Ukranian Mafia who would do the same. So while the source(s) of the fake stories is not known, the stories all need to be viewed sceptically and checked carefully before being believed.
      Newsweek again


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      Dear CC,
      There are simpler ways to spread Putin’s lies. Take my examples – though in opposite direction…

      a). I say – Assange was part of Putin’s war/propaganda machine.
      I do not bother about links to Youtube, Wiki, etc,.. anyone is able to do their own check to see Julian’s face and words.

      b). Stella Moris-Smith Robertson-Assange (nee Sara Gonzalez Devant) said : he slept in his first real bed in many years and he wants to taste real food.
      I say – look at the Assange’s stomach popping out of his trousers, his emaciated face and recall the face of Navalny after solitary confinement.


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      Endless war? Well of course. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. I read that in a book somewhere. Feels about right.


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    I see the goof that scores 1 out of 10 before there are any comments is still with us. Perhaps a robotic troll?


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      John Hultquist

      An alternative theory:
      Let’s assume a person is a fan of Joanne and knows there are one or two non-fans that visit. Assume the non-fan clicks a 1 and the next visitor sees that and heads elsewhere. Now assume the fan visits first and clicks a 10. Then, if a 1 is clicked the average is 5.5 and folks stick around. At least it is a plan. {not me, this time}


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        Kalm Keith

        It’s most likely a fat finger issue with people on ‘phones.
        I had a couple goes earlier on to see how it worked and it wasn’t very rewarding.

        The excellence or otherwise can be seen in the comments and reactions to the posts.



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    “Did Australian taxpayers money contribute to Zelensky’s latest purchase, the $200 million casino resort on the beach in Cyprus?
    How do the dying soldiers feel about his latest mansion?”

    The reality is that the story is a fake claim

    Legal action is being planned by the owners of a casino resort in Cyprus which was falsely said to have been bought up by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

    A statement sent by Oscar Ltd, which operates the Vuni Palace and Hotel & Casino in Kyrenia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, said an “unauthorized and illegally” created version of their website had been uploaded to support a false rumor that Zelensky had bought the resort.

    Now the hotel’s owners say it plans to take legal action over the creation of the fake website. In a statement sent to Newsweek, it said the story was a “baseless, untrue and a direct attack on our Company’s commercial reputation and personal rights” and that no effort was made to contact the company prior to publication of the article in Oda TV.


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    CO2 Lover

    As a result, there has been an uptick in support for the Greens and independents, which could signal a similar political landscape when voters return to the polls next year.

    This is not good. A Labor/Green government would be the worst outcome for the next election.


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      CO2 Lover

      An increase in the vote for the Greens might reflect a shift in the Muslim vote.

      My bet is that Senator Fatso will leave Labor and join the Greens.

      Muslims do not believe in Democracy and they vote in blocks as directed by their local mosque


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      Geoff Sherrington

      CO2 lover,
      I suspect that the tacticians are on top of the timing, knowing that it is too early for Dutton to be specific about much. It is time only for some vague, bold pronouncements to set the coming stage.
      There is no way that the greens in Australia are going to avoid a fate like France, Germany, Holland, Britain. Votes halved in revent elections. The people have woken up. But, too early yet for more than guesswork speculation here. The next year will be interesting as the anti-green sentiment strengthens, which will of course be with help from me and rising domestic electricity bills.
      The public knows that a subsidy or rebate from the govt is simply using our money to hand out, which is hardly my definition of charity.
      Geoff S
      Geoff S


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    Gannets that survived the flu seem healthy and able to breed, but are possessed by Satan.


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    One of the ongoing stories from the Biden White House is that old Joe is openly and loudly complaining things are ‘going on’ he knows nothing about.

    The Press do not take this seriously. Perhaps it is dismissed vaguely as paranoia from a man everyone knows is geriatric, which is doubly worrying.

    But Joe is obviously right. Having spent 50% of his time at his beach house without anyone complaining, not his staff and not the press, of course the place is running without him. Major decisions are being made without him. And they are using his authority without his knowledge. That is high treason!

    Once again Vivek Ramaswamy wants to know who is running the White House? This a question he asked in the Republican debates. And he is asking it again now it is apparent to everyone that Joe Biden could not run a toaster. Or take one step on his own from the podium. Two people had to help him.

    And the press are not even asking the question. Who has their finger on the nuclear button? Even Defense Secretary Austin disappeared recently for a prostate operation without even telling his deputy who was on holiday. How is that possible? No one in control of the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world and no one noticed?

    This is a massive scandal. Someone is obviously in charge. Someone everyone trusts and obeys. Who is it? In my view, it is former President Obama. No one else would be trusted. And President Barack Obama is now really concerned about his fourth term.

    Worse, Grumpy old Joe is still the actual President and Commander in Chief and increasingly out of control. That’s what happened in the 24 hour disaster in Afghanistan. Old Joe ordered it. But everyone now knows Joe will not last the distance and Joe wants to know what is going on behind his back. Shoe-in President Michelle knows what is going on and wants no part of the greatest and most serious fraud in US political history. A fake US President.

    What really happened in the ‘debate’ is that the whole world knows no one is home. So the question is who ties Joe Biden’s shoes? The ridiculous press cover story is increasingly that Jill Biden is power mad and wants another term. But Jill is at the beach house too and hasn’t a clue about how to operate the government. It’s a full time high pressure job. So who is really in the White House calling the shots? It’s not Joe Biden.


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      I also believe Joe wanted the debate and his staff did not. With predictable consequences. They all knew this would be a disaster. But he is after all the President and cannot be resisted.

      As for the second debate, what is left of old Joe is belligerent and irrationally confident. He is the one demanding a second chance to knock down Donald Trump, as he believes he did last election. And win the election he believes he won, even if half of America does not.

      The problem for the headless chicken team in the White House is that they cannot stop Joe Biden as he becomes more irrational. So they are blaming ‘power mad’ nurse Jill for influencing him. That this would be credible tells you everything. It’s a double bluff because if it were true, Joe would have to be senile, which is exactly what they have been hiding for years.


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        I also note that alone among the commentators, it was two term President Barack Obama who said it was just a ‘bad night’. This is the best and only way to spin it because if Biden is senile, he must be removed immediately. So it can happen to anyone. You did not see the puppet master behind the curtain, helping the old man off the stage. Apparently Biden has been perfectly lucid all along, a top performer, a man at his peak. He just made a few mistakes. Could happen to anyone. As they say in the US, yeah, right.


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          Dave in the States

          it was two term President Barack Obama

          Correction: Three term.


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            Steve of Cornubia

            I have no doubt that Obama is ONE of the puppeteers, as is Hilary Clinton. I believe there is a small, covert cabal of senior Democrats controlling Biden, and also controlling access to him. Jill Biden of course goes along with this and has a say in what’s happening.


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              The 0 and his handlers don’t want to lose their puppet. The dim elites have all of the evidence of the bidet family corruption. The bidet marionettes either dance to the dim’s music or the whole family goes to prison.


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          CO2 Lover

          Rowan Dean from The Outsiders also is tipping that Michael Obama will replace Biden.

          The black vote has been deserting Biden and a black replacement might stem the loss.


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            CO2 Lover

            Voting is not complusory is the USA and many blacks normally do not bother to vote.

            Obama was able to get many of these non-voters out to vote – many for the first time.

            The elections of 2018, 2020 and 2022 were three of the highest-turnout U.S. elections of their respective types in decades. About two-thirds (66%) of the voting-eligible population turned out for the 2020 presidential election – the highest rate for any national election since 1900.

            Further evidence of all those fake postal votes in 2020!



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              I recall that one of the reasons for Obama’s presidential win was his mobilisation of his supporters to 1) start an intense phone campaign of sedentary/elderly voters 2) start an early mail out ballot campaign.

              Unfortunately, the latter was prone to illegal interference. This was why it was feared in the last presidential election that the Trump supporters would interfere with mail boxes. In the event, one suspects that it was Biden supporters who did most of the “interference”.


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            Geoff Sherrington

            I’m slow. Who is Michael Obama, why is that name quoted, what is the interesting back story that I seem to have missed?
            Geoff S


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              In the latest fashion they call they “Mike”


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              CO2 Lover

              If I amswered your question I would be in trouble for being a Conspiracy Theorist.


            • #

              Michelle Obama


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              a happy little debunker

              ‘Bi Bi Barry’ was alleged to have enjoyed man on man love back in the 80’s and at least one former lover has stepped forth (Larry Sinclair) to announce Obama’s sexual peccadillos.
              Keen observers have also noticed a sometimes suspicious bulge in Michelle Obama’s trouser department and added 2+2=5 to concluded that Big Mike is really all that ‘she’ presents.
              Personally, I would be more likely to believe the ‘Birther theory’ than this crap…


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          This is the best and only way to spin it because if Biden is senile, he must be removed immediately.

          Very funny, and true.


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      David Maddison

      Short 31 sec video of Obama describing his ideal third term, possibly a fourth soon.

      He is not joking, but blatantly telling the truth, knowing he can get away with it.


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        Dave in the States

        Oh, I didn’t see your post DM.


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        At one stroke both believable and unbelievable. By which I mean very credible and so wrong, immoral, deceitful, treasonous. Occasionally we are told Obama writes Biden’s speeches. But he is probably in his ear at debates. And everyone knows that, except the public. Obama never left the job. I wonder if he still lives in the White House when not at Martha’s Vineyard?


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      Honk R Smith

      POTUS has probably been largely symbolic since the 40s and 50s.
      A spokesperson for the party.
      Prom Queen.
      Imagined power has been bestowed by fiction on the office.
      Although the Patriot Act created real sinister neo-Medieval unintended ones.

      I think in the 18th century the word ‘president’ was akin to committee chairperson.
      Almost the opposite connotation that the title has today.
      One reason DC (the Dark Consortium) freaked over Trump, was that he was an uninitiated outsider that showed up and thought he was in charge like a CEO or owner of a business.
      Which is the false man in charge narrative most of the public believe.

      My reading of history is that JFK was really worried about controlling the military during the Cuban missile crisis.
      Think about it, the military is only controlled by civilians if they want to be.
      The US military used to be filled with temporary draftees, now they’re employees.

      One reason people are upset about the debate, is a false perception of how the government runs.
      Our adversaries probably understand that the buttons can still get pressed no matter who the POTUS is.
      The Kingdom usually was still able to field the army behind the child King.

      Much like CAGW and Pandemic, we expend a lot of energy fretting over dragons and witches.

      The immortal lurkers in the court run things via whispers in the corridors.
      It is as it always has been.


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        Head of the government sure. We have one of those. Governor General. Even a King. Does nothing. But you still need a Prime Minister setting daily priorities, making the big policy decisions.

        But the President is also uniquely Commander in Chief and there is nothing Congress and the Senate, a slow and compromised bicameral committee system can do about it. The president is all powerful militarily. And he has his executive powers. He can utterly frustrate congress and the senate. He can order the army to leave in 24 hours. He can drop the bomb. It has to be like that. And you want the wisest,the strongest, the most competent and lucid person available in the country at to be available 24/7 for emergencies. Does that sound like Joe Biden?

        What we have seen in the last three and a half years is incredible. And it puts all our lives at risk. Everyone knows Joe Biden is incompetent and the secret is out. Still the press say nothing. A conspiracy of silence. And the Hunter Biden Laptop is real, as it was all along. And the implications are profound. But it is still not front page news.

        Now we are told Jill Biden is power mad. Unbelievable.

        I blame Biden’s dog, Major. Nasty piece of work.

        The spin never stops. Let’s Go Brandon sums it up for the people and the press.


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          Honk R Smith

          I’m not sayin’ the siteeation is good.
          Lot’s of illusions of competent leadership across the board has taken a hit lately.

          2016 was a bit of Make America Great Again.
          I’ve reduced my expectations.
          I just hoping for Maybe Afford Groceries Again.

          I’ve been lucky.
          My father was packed on a ship like a sardine at age 24, then herded like cattle (actually cattle are treated better), then told to wade through a frozen river to ‘clear’ the 50 SS Commandos that were holding a French village… by 3PM … except it turned out there were about 800.

          So I should shut up.


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            The problem with 2016 is that while Republicans on paper had the Presidency, the Congress and the Senate, there was Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Both hate Trump still.

            And the failed Mitt Romney.

            These and their Never Trump RINO friends frustrated Trump at every turn until Pelosi and Schumer could run the place. And here’s Pelosi today saying Trump likely suffers from dementia, something everyone is saying about Biden. And it gets press coverage!


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        It is the US Congress that has the power. But that body hasn’t done its job properly for many many years. The place is run by the Lobbyists. Certainly not being run for the People.


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      David Maddison

      I think the Demons may keep Biden because:

      1) They are confident of another successful election fraud, with or without mail-in votes.

      2) They or their agents may release a US Election Variant of covid or bird flu, necessitating massive fraudulent mail-in votes.


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      TdeF. Whoever as an individual or a group is running the White House with the powers of POTUS, all they ever needed is Biden’s signature. I have asked this question for 2 years but its never been taken up. Biden won the Delegate numbers in the recent Primaries. Delegates cannot reverse those decisions. Biden can only voluntarily retire or die for him to be replaced, otherwise he is the man. There is a suggestion that the Democrat Party realise now (too late according to Jason whose surname I forget now but he retired about 2 years ago as a Republican Politician and has written a book on this topic) that Biden is too far gone mentally to be able to sustain the current set up, so he has to be cajoled into ‘retiring’ ‘no matter how much they all say they love him’. Joe, Hunter and Jill are adamant Joe will fight on; they all have good reason to do so.USA politics will be hyper interesting over the next two months.


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        He can be removed by the 25th amendment.

        The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president and Cabinet to give “their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

        Following that, the vice president immediately assumes powers as the acting president, according to Section 4 of the 25th Amendment. And Obama continues. Different puppet. Another useless VP posing as President. But maybe she is more dangerous for while no one respects Kamala, once President she could change everything. Not everyone in the position of great power is content to be told what to say and do. She could order Obama out of the place.


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    David Maddison

    As the economy deteriorates and our standard of living is deliberately reduced, especially due to “green” energy and massive wasteful government expenditure, and government taxes and regulations, non-Elites are always looking at ways to economise. (In nearly all Western countries.)

    The following video is not a new idea, lots of people do this, it’s just that this particular video came up in my feed.

    It’s about installing a Schrader valve in disposal aerosol containers so you can refill them with more economically purchased bulk product.

    As I said, not a new idea, and there are also alternatives like pump packs.

    You have to have some tools and handyman skills.


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    David Maddison

    Actor David Tennant, Dr Who, is fully woke and subscribes to transgender ideology. He has a child who thinks she is of the “wrong” gender and some irresponsible adult(s) has convinced her that she is a “boy”.

    Critical video comments:

    J.K. Rowling also commented:

    J.K. Rowling feuds with ‘Potter’ star David Tennant, calls him member of ‘gender Taliban’

    Jay Stahl USA TODAY June 28, 2024



    But the utterances of the Gender Taliban receive special dispensation, for they are a holy caste.

    At least someone is standing up to speak against the almost-compulsory mutilation and sterilisation of confused children.


    • #

      It is quite illogical. Woke people always have transgender children. It’s a big social statement. If they have a boy, he is invariably a girl. If they have a girl, she is invariably a boy. Couldn’t someone have right gender by accident? Not if you are woke.

      As Jordan Petersen pointed out the chance of true transgender is about 3,000:1. And the head of one company had two transgender children of different sex. The chances are 9 million to one. Or it is all woke fantasy. And the harm being done to children is appalling.


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      CO2 Lover

      Amazing how many A-Lister celebrities have trans children

      Cannot have a poofter for a son or a garden variety Lezzo for a daughter these days! Gone out of fashion.


  • #

    Polymarket’s odds for election winner 2024:

    Trump 63%
    Biden 20%
    Michelle 5%
    Other Dem politician 5%
    Harris 4%
    Newsom 4%

    Polymarket | Presidential Election Winner 2024


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      I’d be happy if that was true, but of course there are vast numbers of people in America who will vote for a rabid dog rather than Trump. That includes most Democrats. As usual, the election will be decided by the ‘undecided’ plus of course those mysterious white vans that circulate around polling stations.

      My money is on whoever the Dems replace Old Joe with, for aforementioned reasons. Even if he refuses to be replaced, he will win. Conservatives in America have little say in the matter and Trump supporters even less.


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      CO2 Lover

      As mentioned above Obama is after a 4th term and Michelle (aka Michael) is the perfect Democrat candidate.

      Why was the first Presidential debate moved forward from September to June at the request of the Democrats?


    • #

      How about Kennedy up against Tucker Carlson for the top job.

      Rick Wilson, a longtime Republican operative, said “Tucker is one of the very small number of political celebrities in this country who has the name ID, the personal wealth, the stature to actually declare and run for president and in a Republican primary run in the same track Donald Trump did: the transgressive, bad boy candidate, the one who lets you say what you want to say, think what you want to think, act how you want to act, no matter how grotesque it is.” (Guardian)


      • #

        Tucker was a registered Democrat for many years and would be a stunning candidate to win Joe’s seat.


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      After what Newsom has done to California it boggles the mind that anyone would see hom as President material. I guess Democrats are going to democrat all the way down.


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    Enthusiastic Australian audience as Tucker guts the media aftermath of the debate, Jacinda Ardern, fake democracy, etc…


    • #

      That retarded girl with the teeth..?


    • #

      Looks close to a packed house and Tucker is well received.

      There are growing numbers for Biden to step down. The Democrats are between a rock and hard place if he remains the Democrat nominee. At this moment, Biden is a bigger embarrassment to them than Trump.


      • #

        I thought the timing/staging of the debate (earliest ever) was all about exposing Biden, feigning surprise and allowing time for the final manoeuvre at the convention. I guess we will see.


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – keeping things on the boil

    “New Poll Pits Biden Replacements Against Trump, and Hoo Boy!!!”


    • #

      From that article:

      If Democratic voters have a say in the matter, if Biden does drop out their top choice to replace him is Kamala Harris. The poll found that 39% of Democrats chose Harris, and the next top contender was Gavin Newsom, with just 18% support.

      What actually ARE Democratic Party voters? Are they blind, or, or… what? They must have at least some intelligence because they obviously don’t place much faith in Newsom, but Harris? Have they even watched her? It just beggars the imagination.

      Actually I did gain some insight early this morning watching a street survey asking passers-by who won the debate and who they would vote for after seeing the debate. A woman who was pro-Biden was then asked whether she would still vote for him if he became mentally incapacitated. She said she would because she’s been a Republican all her life and that’s the way she’ll stay. The interviewer said, “Republican? Oh so you’ll vote Trump?” “Oh, is he Republican? Oh no well I’m Democrat then”


  • #

    Top Democrats rule out replacing Biden amid calls for him to quit 2024 race | Reuters

    Also, apparently Hunter is especially keen to see his father retain power.


    • #

      Nominations are already closed in Wi and [maybe] Na. They would only reopen upon Joe’s death. Does Hillary think she has a chance?


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        They would only reopen upon Joe’s death. Does Hillary think she has a chance?

        Never heard of the Clinton Body Count?

        JFK got rid of Marilyn and then suffered a similar fate himself.


        • #

          Never heard of the Clinton Body Count?

          Eer, Had I called her Killary would that have been a clue?


      • #

        Joe’s death is not the only option (But don’t rule it out). If Biden is convinced to step down then the field would open up for the DNC in August to decide the nominee. I accept that dealing with dementia can be difficult but I am reasonably confident that the senior dems could find a raft of doctors who could declare Biden incompetent to decide his own fate let alone that of the country. At best he could be involved in deciding where he wants to spend his remaining years that does not include the Whitehouse.

        There is a growing call for Biden to step down for the good of the country. Even Democrats would find it hard to vote for Biden. They are stuck between sympathy and embarrassment. If he was their best chance to challenge Trump then they may keep him as a figure head but it will be harder to find excuses to keep him out of harms way without Covid during the current campaign. Imagine trying to stage manage his public meetings. They would literally become movie sets with paid audience, tight studio filming, retakes and careful editing. Maybe their best option is to use AI to generate his public meetings. There will be no more Trump and Biden debates. They cannot be stage managed to the required degree to make Joe appear in control of his faculties.

        Actual discussions between Reps and Dems are probably rare but I can imagine Reps asking Dems seriously if they could vote for Biden in good conscience.


        • #

          ‘ … then the field would open up for the DNC in August to decide the nominee.’

          Biden steps down due to ill health and replaced by somebody who can beat the populist Trump.

          Kennedy is a clean skin and can think on his feet.


      • #
        David of Cooyal in Oz



      • #
        John Connor II

        The decision has been made that the President will quit the campaign

        Too mentally incapacitated to do anything.
        Bye Joe. It hasn’t been nice. And stay out!
        /and away from kids.

        Next up – a shoe-in. Now…what potential candidate isn’t totally useless or disliked?
        How about the fastest-email-deleter-in-the-west Killary?


        • #

          No one else is running that story. I’ve just looked.


          • #
            John Connor II

            He’s simply incapable of doing the job even if by a miracle he even makes it through the year.
            He’ll probably suffer a fatal heart attack or similar now.
            The CIA took out JFK to stop him so Joe is nothing to them.


  • #

    Most refreshingly honest article in support of Nuclear energy for Australia. Thanks Christina.


  • #
    Richard C (NZ)

    Check out what it takes to protect 600 AfD convention goers from a 50,000 horde of “Anti” Fascists:

    Germany: Violent Antifa Street Militia Try to Shut Down AfD Convention, 28 Police Officers Injured, One Critically

    The current German interior minister Nancy Faeser is an “Anti” Fascist League supporter who has written for their magazine “antifa” (The Gateway Pundit reported). Chancellor Olaf Scholz was a far-left activist as a student in the 1980s, who frequently visited East Germany and met with the Communist party leadership.

    “Antifa” were 1920s, 1930s Communists in Germany who failed to thwart Nazism. If they had done, it would have just been replaced by Soviet-style despotism, arguably, several orders worse.

    Thing is: as for France’s National Rally, AfD is simply tapping into the hot-button issues of the present.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      If “far right” Le Pen wins the French Election then support of the AFD will skyrocket in the Fatherland.


      • #

        You’ve beaten me to the subject line: French election: Is it correct to call Le Pen and Bardella far-right?
        ” …become a mainstream party in France, but despite its success, is still described as ‘far-right’. The party even went to court to dispute the label in 2023, but lost the case. … look at whether the label is accurate. “


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      >Chancellor Olaf Scholz was a far-left activist as a student in the 1980s, who frequently visited East Germany and met with the Communist party leadership

      AfD: Germans float ban on elected far-right party after scandal

      Chancellor Olaf Scholz has expressed gratitude for the “tens of thousands” of protesters [January 2024], warning that any expulsion plan amounted to “an attack against our democracy and in turn on all of us”.

      “Our democracy” – Leftys can’t stop beating that drum.


  • #

    Funny how we won’t eat bruised fruit but beat it to a pulp in a smoothie.


  • #
    Richard C (NZ)

    I’ve tried to find information on how the Ford F150 Lightning was charged for its winning Pikes Peak runs, and general EV domination, but nuthin.

    I was wanting, specifically, to know the fuel the chargers were using to generate.

    Probably something somewhere about the Ford Lightning but it doesn’t rise to the top of searches, or rise at all. There’s only 2 public charging stations at Pikes Peak but no racer would be using those.

    Did find some info on VW at Pikes Peak:

    Here’s how VW’s I.D. R Pikes Peak racer will charge its battery on the mountain

    Charging can’t take more than 20 minutes

    Additionally, if you’re going to all this expense to run up the mountain on clean electric power, using a dirty, oily diesel generator to make it seems like an ironic twist of fate. Instead, VW packs a glycerol-powered unit that burns with “virtually no harmful exhaust fumes or residue.”

    The glycerol-powered generator not only supplies the I.D. R Pikes Peak with environmentally friendly electricity before the practice sessions and the race,” explains Marc-Christian Bertram, head of electrics and electronics at Volkswagen Motorsport, “but also all the electrical devices in our pit area during the race, from the engineers’ laptops to the coffee machine.”

    VW I.D. R Pikes Peak racer plugs in unique dual charging system

    When you only have 20 minutes to fill the battery, it’s back to the drawing board.

    Even the way it generates power is unique. Since Pikes Peak isn’t exactly wired for next-gen EV charging, Volkswagen is relying on conventional generators to provide the juice. But instead of a common generator fuel like diesel, Volkswagen is using glycerol, a biodiesel byproduct that’s a bit more environmentally friendly. After all, the optics wouldn’t be great if VW was dumping diesel into a bunch of generators as it still wades through one of the biggest automotive industry scandals in history. In fact, glycerol powers all the electrical devices in Volkswagen’s pit area.

    Ok, fueled by “a biodiesel byproduct”.

    Anyone know what fuels Ford’s Lightning?


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      A bit more on VWs Pikes Peak “EV” fuel:

      Volkswagen Motorsport is also using innovative methods to generate the energy required to charge the battery. Because the temporary paddock, located at a height of 2,800 meters above sea level, does not have a suitable power supply, a conventional looking generator is used to generate the electricity required by Volkswagen Motorsport. However, unlike conventional generators, this one does not run on diesel—it uses glycerol.

      This liquid—a sugar alcohol, which is a waste product from the production of bio-diesel, for example—combusts with virtually no harmful exhaust fumes or residues. Glycerol itself is non-toxic and is even permitted as an additive (E422) in the food and cosmetics industries.

      More on glycerol next.


      • #
        Richard C (NZ)


        Niche uses

        Internal combustion fuel

        Glycerol is also used to power diesel generators supplying electricity for the FIA Formula E series of electric race cars.[42]

        And, going upstream to the production process:

        Glycerol Production and Transformation: A Critical Review with Particular Emphasis on Glycerol Reforming Reaction for Producing Hydrogen in Conventional and Membrane Reactors
        Giuseppe Bagnato, Adolfo Iulianelli, Aimaro Sanna, and Angelo Basile (2017)

        I see this:

        steam reforming reaction

        In the propylene chlorination (Figure 5), allyl chloride is produced at 510 °C

        The product stream passes through a heat exchanger [3 separate heat exchange processes]

        the reaction takes place only after the heating up of reactants to their critical temperature

        Conventionally, this reaction is carried out at medium/high pressures and temperature ranging from 240 to 270 °C

        under reaction pressures of less than 5 MPa and temperatures of less than 200 °C

        between 120 °C and around 200 °C

        2.1. Thermodynamic

        As also indicated in previous thermodynamic analyses [143,146,161], glycerol steam reforming (GSR) reaction takes place within glycerol and steam to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide (1):

        focusing on carbon dioxide yield at 5 bar, it can be seen that the maximum yield is obtained between 550 and 700 °C

        Seems to be a lot of heat and CO2 required for EV racing fuel.

        Feedstocks next.


        • #
          Richard C (NZ)


          Jatropha oil
          Soybean oil
          Waste vegetable oil
          Palm oil
          Seed oils
          Used frying oil

          Seems to be a lot of agricultural production required for EV racing fuel.


      • #

        “virtually no harmful exhaust fumes” Really. It just turns to toxic CO2, the world’s greatest industrial pollutant.


    • #
      David Maddison

      This is my favourite Pikes Peak run, by the late Ken Block.

      He did it in a 1965 twin turbo 1400hp methanol fueled AWD Ford Mustang.

      He wasn’t racing against the clock on this particular run and there was plenty of time for stunts.

      Hopefully the methanol was made from the usual method from natural gas and not some woke “green” process.

      I think he did it in 2017.


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      >Anyone know what fuels Ford’s Lightning?

      I’ve scoured the internet, Ford Performance, and Unlike VW who are open about their generator fuel, the entire Ford generator/fuel/charging appears to Top Secret (Why?).

      Is it embarrassing? Reveal too much not-so-clean-green?

      There’s screeds about the car, it’s aerodynamics, drive train, etc. But that’s as far as it goes.

      However, I did find a video on the website that shows short glimpse of the 2023 SuperVan 4.2 pit at Pikes Peak here:

      Race to the Clouds: SuperVan vs. Pikes Peak–supervan-vs–pikes-peak.html

      At 11:21 on the left of the picture there’s a truck (not a semi) towing a flat-bed trailer laden with what appears to be a huge genset (painted bright green). I don’t know what else it could be and it is not necessarily Fords because the colour green is different to Fords green get-up. I’m guessing it is from the genset supplier company (see below).

      The tow truck is a diesel (of course) and looks to be a bulk bin so I don’t think that comes into it, it’s just a heavy tow vehicle.

      At 11:24 there’s an aerial of the whole Ford pit. You can just see the aforementioned tow truck and flat-bed trailer with the green genset on back almost hidden behind the white Penske trailer. Seems to be about 2/3 the size of a 20 ft container i.e. it’s a big bit of kit.

      At 18:00 there’s a guy in the same bright green shirt with company logo “INFAMOUS” (can’t make out the rest). I’ve looked for the company but found nothing. I’m guessing that’s the genset supplier.



      • #
        Richard C (NZ)

        >what appears to be a huge genset (painted bright green)

        On second look seems to be 4 separate units side by side.

        Matching the colour looks like 4 of either of these side by side (from WINTPOWER):

        Perkins Diesel Power Generator D G Genset [Link]

        Diesel Power Generator Set Cummins Dg Soundproof Silent Type Generating [Link]

        But could also be one of this family :

        Cummins Diesel Power Generator Set Dg Genset 715kVA 800kVA 900kVA 1000kVA 1100kVA 1250kVA [Link]


        In any event, the gensets in the Ford pit will be much the same as above and similar colour if from a different manufacturer.


        • #
          Richard C (NZ)

          So if Ford’s Pikes Peak F150 Lightning requires a similar genset to the 2023 SuperVan 4.2 configuration, Ford’s EV racer could very well be diesel powered.

          VWs was glycerol powered but there’s nothing to indicate that Ford’s is anything other than diesel powered.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Copied from elsewhere.

    How green is the power in the greenest of green States – South Australia?

    “Renewables provide a whopping 60% of SA’s energy” – ABC News.

    Well, not this morning – when 21% of that energy was being pumped out of carbon-spewing diesel generators. Fossil fuels (not including the brown coal power imported from Victoria – because this only shows power generated IN SA) delivering 79% of SA’s electricity. For real:


    LOL this just gets better – at that rate of generation, SA is burning over 80,000 litres of diesel per hour (a 1mW diesel generator typically burns close to 300 litres per hour). 172 tonnes of CO2 per hour, generously assuming that it’s 100% “biodiesel” – whatever that is.


  • #

    Insider comment on the health of the Resident of the United States:
    “‘I know many of these people and how the White House operates,’ West added. ‘They will say he has a ‘cold’ or just experienced a ‘bad night,’ but for weeks and months, in private, they have all said what we saw last night — Joe is not as strong as he was just a couple of years ago.'”

    And that Resident’s statement of a couple of years ago:
    “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated”

    And the AI web search response to the question how many shots has Biden had:

    Joe Biden has received the following COVID-19 shots:

    First dose: December 22, 2020
    Second dose: January 12, 2021
    Booster shot (first booster): September 2021 (no specific date mentioned)
    Booster shot (second booster): March 30, 2022
    Therefore, Joe Biden has had a total of 4 COVID-19 shots.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Senator Malcolm Roberts (QLD, One Nation) has just been banned/censored on YouTube:

    BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks

    The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.

    This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.

    He is an elected political representative.

    And presumably some of these videos relate to parliamentary proceedings.

    Talk about interference with the political process!

    And even though this is in Australia, I think the increased socialist media censorship of conservative voices all over the world by Goolag/YouTube and Farcebook relates to their interference with the US Presidential Election.


    • #

      I would suspect our e-Karen ( Julie Inman Grant ) put in a request to YouTube to have his videos censored. Both he and Gerard Rennick do very good social media posts of them roasting Public Servants in those Senate Estimates sessions. We cant have the extremely highly paid public servants looking like fools can we?


    • #
      John Connor II

      Banned for 6 month old videos?
      That’s a pretty slow response time!
      Maybe uselesstube’s fact deleters are a bit off-colour of late…


    • #
      another ian

      Does he use e.g. Rumble as a back up? If not he ought as a “two fingered salute” to The Googler


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Danger Dan is still up and running

      When will the e-Safety Commissar shut down Danger Dan?


  • #
    • #
      David Maddison

      I’m seeing him tonight.


      • #

        Looking forward to your candid review.

        I am interested to know if Clive Palmer figures in the talks beyond his image with Tucker.


    • #

      Very good clear speaker. Passionate believer in America and democracy. Not Oligarchy.

      And he says that pliable, compromised and useless senator Biden, Barack Obama’s VP was known to have dementia before he ran for President, so obviously with Obama’s full support.

      But now we have a really senile incompetent in the most dangerous job in the world? And that has been true the whole time, which Obama knows.

      I can only presume Obama has a deal with Kamala Harris, another very pliable and utterly useless politician who cannot express her own opinion, if she has one. It is all about ‘the significance of the passage of time’. Which is significant. As is the passage of time. Cackle.


    • #

      Wish I was going. Melbourne Convention centre-almost sold out. Tucker Carlson + Clive Palmer + American filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza + Queensland GP Dr Melissa McCann.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Frankly, I’m surprised the Australian Government even gave him a visa.

      They normally don’t allow prominent conservatives to come, or give them a hard time. E.g. Donald Trump Jr’s visa was delayed so much that his tour had to be cancelled.


      • #
        Jon Rattin

        By the time you’ve read this, you’ve likely enjoyed a good evening. Undoubtedly it’s good for your mental health to be amongst a large audience of people who are also despairing at the state of the world. Look forward to viewing some video of the event if it comes up


  • #

    More than 40% of U.S. EV buyers want to go back to combustion engine cars, McKinsey study says
    The original research has it as 29% worldwide.


  • #
  • #
    David Maddison

    Despite decades of supposed catastrophic anthropogenic sea level rise, funnily enough, the Roman tidal baths in Malta remain at exactly the correct level, as they were built.

    Roman tidal baths on Malta – still at sea level after thousands of years. But – climate change is about to kill us all. Right?


  • #
    another ian


    “The Babylon Bee

    Dems Stick With Biden As It Would Be A Real Pain To Reprint These Ballots They
    Already Filled Out”


  • #
    Richard C (NZ)

    It’s happened again!

    My Google News: climate science search has a Real Climate Open Thread at #2:

    Unforced variations: July 2024

    There’s nothing there – no replies – zero.

    Mind you, I only use Google for this search to see how they spruik the issue. So the search was a success in that respect.

    Real Climate does not feature in the first 2 equivalent DDG search pages by comparison. Comes up at #58 on the 3rd page.


  • #

    I am waiting for Real Refugees reaction to yesterdays profanations in Canberra.
    What “boat people” of the 80ies think ? The Chinese of Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square ? The ME Christians?

    A little brat who would never in her own country completed 5th year of her school is holding our government at ransom. There must be large part of WA people who voted her in – that is how democracy supposed to work. Do they share the same values with the subhumans who desecrate war memorials?


  • #
    John Connor II

    Indonesian government data center hacked and encrypted!

    The new Brain Cipher ransomware operation has begun targeting organizations worldwide, gaining media attention for a recent attack on Indonesia’s temporary National Data Center.

    Indonesia is building out National Data Centers to securely store servers used by the government for online services and data hosting.

    On June 20th, one of the temporary National Data Centers suffered a cyberattack that encrypted the government’s servers and disrupted immigration services, passport control, issuing of event permits, and other online services.

    …and encrypted! Can’t stop laughing…

    But your data is safe here because a “it’s safe!” vaxx pushing polly says so.
    The first real AI cyberattack will be spectacular…


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Michael Obama v Trump

    Latest Polling. Michael is polling far better than Sleepy Joe

    The fix for a 4th Obama presidency is in.


  • #
  • #

    We can expect a chilly few days with an Antarctic blast because strong high pressure is too far south. Also worth mentioning, its going to be wet.

    ‘One interesting aspect about the band of rain-bearing cloud that is predicted to develop this week is that it will extend over Australia from northeast to southwest. This orientation is unusual because it mirrors the more typical northwest cloudbands that develop over Australia when Indian Ocean moisture flows over Australia from the northwest. It’s rare to see a ‘northeast cloudband’ over Australia.’ (Weatherzone)


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  • #

    Stephen Wilson’s IPA Report, “The Ruinous Cost of Free Energy”, has been released:
    His other IPA reports and videos are also well worth reading and watching.


  • #
    another ian


    “Parkinson’s Link to Gut Bacteria Suggests Unexpected, Simple Treatment”


  • #
  • #

    Getting ready for the usual post Glastonbury festival ‘COVID-wave’ – too predictable:


  • #

    It’s late in the day for you folk, but here, things are awakening: Phrases to react to: 1. Hunger for Compliance; 2. reducing overreaching regulations from federal agencies that lack congressional authority.
    Aye , one of several reasons we wanted a Brexit: Over-reaching CivilService and Hunger for compliance. – all ideals of the Left ?
