A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Worth sipping a coffee to read this fairly long piece
The British get it in the neck for their empire but Long before we entered India it had been a Muslim empire since the invasion in the 8th Century, who were then supplanted by the descendants of the Mongols who eventually converted to Islam and as the Moghul empire then ruled India before the British came along.
The Mongols and their successors also sacked the Eastern Roman Empire-Byzantium.
Estimates exist of many tens of millions of Indians were murdered by Afghan warlords.
Estimates are provided at:
Up to 230 million from a variety of causes including enslavement is suggested.
The Sikh religion was partly about protecting Indians from the cruelty of the Mughal Emperors.
Greater India was the site of the longest and bloodiest jihad in history, prior to the pax Britannica. Rumour has it that Mountbatten, the last Viceroy, hosted a dinner for Jinnah and Nehru and told them, “For 200 years you have hated us. Now we are leaving and you will have only each other to hate again.” Civil war soon broke out – for which the British, absurdly, were blamed, the excuse being the haste of their departure (an event for which both sides had been longing). High time for an update/relocation of Monty Python’s “What have the Romans ever done for us?” scene.
Byzantium was taken by the Turks, a people from considerably farther east who had converted to Islam and were moving westward into Asia Minor and then the Balkans. Under the Seljuk dynasty they established themselves in Asia Minor, and under the Ottoman dynasty several centuries later they finally captured Byzantium (Constantinople) in 1453. It then became known as Istanbul, and Anatolia was renamed Turkey. More recently, in three waves of genocide finishing a century ago, the Ottomans rid themselves of their Christian minorities, detailed in Benny Morris’s book “The 30-year genocide”. The middle wave was the notorious Armenian genocide.
The title needs no further explanation as the Lamentable summer in Ireland is moaned about
Here in the south west of England, my Courgettes and Runner Beans have failed to set due to the cool weather. The grass is very green though and the flowers are flourishing
Yesterday I commented on my concerns about the breakneck speed of digitalisation, including many things that don’t need it. That the western world will end, not in a great war, but in targeted cyber attacks seem ever more likely as we lose the ability to do anything without the ever present Internet. If I were to try to take down the west, targeting mobile telecomms would be my first port of call as so many people are so utterly dependent on their smart phones.
I would then move to Banking and the Food and water supplies
I see that AT and T have been very badly affected in the last day.
Our own NHs has been attacked several times, the latest being on an equipment supplier with the nett effect being that 1400 vital operations had to be indefinitely postponed.
I mentioned this on Chiefio yesterday who said there was a term for taking out all our systems. His comment follows:
“Just shut down the electric grid and everything else will follow.
We have (stupidly IMHO) put things like dams and power plants “on the internet” for “better monitoring and remote repair”…
But yes, what you are talking about is a “Fire Sale” (think “everything must go”…)
‘Fire sale’ cybercrimes are real
By Rebecca Haynes
Anyone questioning the possibility that a cybercrime such as the one featured in the popular movie Die Hard 4 is in for a rude awakening. It is not only possible, but it has already happened.
A ‘fire sale’ is a three-stage cyber attack on a country’s computer infrastructure, shutting down all transportation systems such as traffic lights, railway, subway and airport systems, then disabling financial systems – stock exchanges, banks and finance houses — and then turning off public utility systems, such as electricity, gas, satellite and telecommunications. It is called a fire sale because “everything must go”.
Sorry, meant to say there has been a recent attack on AT and T -not meant to imply it was today. The NHs attacks though seem to be ongoing and comes hard on the heels of ones a month ago.
What happens with digital currency and digital banking when these get hacked?
The ultimate honey pot for hackers whether local or in Nigeria or Russia?
Fight to stop cash being banned by the corrupt political class.
“What happens with digital currency and digital banking when these get hacked?”
Not as much as when your Govt ID gets hacked! Govt will have everything in your life neatly labelled and ready for hackers, all in one spot. Your digital currency is safe from hackers stealing it if your digital ID is controlled by the Govt, but once they steal your ID you either no longer exist anywhere, any bank, any shop, anywhere you must prove your ID or use a credit card… or you exist all around the world as people bought your ID and can use it.
Well said. And leave mobile phone off as much as possible..tracking..
“With a pocket full of cash and a tank full of petrol/gas, you’re free.”
The criteria you mention for being free would make many who don’t have a pocket full of cash or a vehicle with a tank full of petroleum/gas laugh ruefully
It’s the sort of freedom which has allowed a lot of us not only to survive, but to thrive. And to which most Australians have been able to target – at least until recently.
Why wouldn’t you simply take China’s lead?
China has taken control of the UN and the various UN treaties make it impossible for developed countries to make stuff. China is taking over global manufacturing
You are thinking about a short and violent event. China is doing it quietly and without dissent. Many in academia worldwide and governments admire the ability of the CCP to not be hindered by democratic process and are cheer leading the takeover.
If there was any serious belief that CO2 was causing environmental harm, the believers would be outraged at the growing use of fossil fuels in China. But if you want useless stuff made then you go to China. Developed countries are replacing their internal energy sources with unreliable junk coming out of China. For example, Australians are encouraged to buy Australian Made stuff but all the things for energy production come from China.
Totally, but it won’t be just a city, or embrace the Hollywood silliness.
No, I’m still not going to describe my background in that arena.😎
You’re Chinese?
nobody asked
No need even to have an enemy. A Carrington Event today would do it, and solar storms of that magnitude occur every century or so.
As more and more of our electricity generation here in the UK is converted to highly reliable and cheap renewables (according to our elite) it seems almost subversive to look at alternative means of domestic power generation “just in case”.
Due to noise issues I couldn’t get a petrol generator (2 or 3 KW) but I note there are dual fuel ones that run on either LPG or petrol.
Has anyone got any practical experience of running an generator on LPG (liquid petroleum gas)? Was it quiet and economical?
There are also generators that run on natural gas (plus LPG)
62 db noise rating
Interesting but would have to get the natural gas properly fitted. LPG would be easier
First and foremost, how do these two options compare cost-wise?
Currently, according to official UK government data, the cost of gas between July to September 2023 shows that the UK averaged 27.67p per kWh for electricity and 6.77p per kWh of gas for pre-payment customers.
If you are on a standard variable rate figures average 28.68p per kWh for electricity and 7.15p per kWh for gas for the same period.
LPG currently averages at around 12.2p per kWh.
Beyond that, you’d also need to take into account the price of renting an LPG storage tank.
The advantage of bottled gas is that it doesn’t go off, unlike petrol which can get affected if left undisturbed for some time.
Castrol Fuel Doctor
The Sydney Moaning Herald no less!
What if renewables don’t deliver the cheapest power, after all?
Parnell Palme McGuinness. – Columnist and communications adviser
Australia’s energy debate has, at long last, moved beyond the question of whether atmospheric pollution is affecting our weather, and onto a discussion about how best to reduce emissions.
While the science may be settled, the costings aren’t.
The energy transition to low emissions power sources is the biggest thing humanity is currently attempting. Big things take big budgets, which must be spent for maximum impact.
But what if we’re basing our spending, in fact our whole transition, on lousy numbers?
The future we’re aiming for – our why – is at the core of our energy ambitions. We’ve agreed that emissions have to be lowered, but we haven’t agreed on the goal: whether we’re trying to decarbonise our high-output energy system for an innovative Australia, or make energy a luxury good.
Let’s say for a moment that the goal is the one most people assume when they flick on the light switch, heat their homes and enjoy power-hungry modern conveniences: they want our decarbonised new energy system to produce and distribute plentiful, reliable power at the lowest possible price.
If that’s our why, we need to think backwards from that goal – from right to left. We must ask whether we’re doing the right things to achieve our objective: is the technology mix we’re currently building going to deliver the outcomes we want?
We’ve long been told that renewables are the cheapest form of power. Producing energy from renewable sources may be cheap, but it’s useless without the grid and storage system which is required to manage the intermittent nature of renewable energy and move it to where it is needed, when it is needed.
That system is devilishly expensive.
At the end of last year, before he joined the Centre for Independent Studies, energy analyst Aidan Morrison challenged the CSIRO – the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, to use its long and descriptive title – to include these indispensable parts of the grid into its full costings for different sources of power.
The CSIRO’s GenCost report had accounted for the money we’re about to spend over the next six years to facilitate a renewables-based energy system as already spent, a “sunk cost”.
Following Morrison’s challenge, the CSIRO adjusted its costings, adding a note to justify its previous numbers: “When we are evaluating the cost of variable renewables from the perspective of an investor in 2030, the costs incurred before 2030 are not relevant to the decision an investor needs to make.”
That is, the CSIRO GenCost report was geared towards serving renewable energy investors rather than the Australian public, who are paying for the storage and distribution that will be used to deliver power to them when they need it.
That type of accounting is sometimes referred to as privatising the profits while socialising the costs.
As consumers and voters, we should be able to expect that the scientific organisation we fund with our tax dollars presents us with full costings of different energy scenarios. We have learnt not to trust politicians, but these bodies are meant to be on our side.
“GenCost” = Cost of generation
It does not include the cost of electricity storage as required for VARIABLE “renewable” energy or the distribution costs required after the electricity has been generated.
Someone (ie YOU) has to pay for these additional costs.
This bit too- he had a go at our Public Service being captured by those with money.
“As consumers and voters, we should be able to expect that the scientific organisation we fund with our tax dollars presents us with full costings of different energy scenarios. We have learnt not to trust politicians, but these bodies are meant to be on our side.”
Can we get him to critique a weather forecast?
No reason LPG will be inherently quieter because of fuel. It certainly makes zero difference in cars. It goes back to the generator design and effort put into sound reduction.
The current world as it is.
The Real Scientists, apparently by consensus, have been replaced by the media, UN and the Govs preferential “expert” candidates.
The Real mathematicians have been replaced by the smart phone. No need to learn Math.
The Real engineers are now vastly outnumbered by the Social Engineers.
The Real physicists have been replaced by the all knowing, Gov funded psychics.
The Real chemistry experts have been replaced/ignored…. Our new brightest self-trained chemists are now working successfully in illegal meth labs.
Call me insane but maybe it’s all due to the “long march through the Institutions”.
Real Lawyers are being replaced by AI which hopefully means that there are fewer of these parasites sucking blood from their clients.
“The oldest person inaugurated president was Joe Biden, at the age of 78.”
You would think that as already once the oldest US Presidential candidate in history, running again for President would require a complete health check.
What were they all thinking, just two weeks ago? How could he spend the oldest president in history spend most of his presidency at his beach house and still be considered suitable to run again. He has not even finished his elected term and he is completely dysfunctional. He would not be elegible to enlist as a private in the US army on mental or physical fitness grounds. He would get lost in a revolving door.
Any reasonable observer would think old Joe ready for the nursing home. The pretence that he was fine apart from the fibrillation, slurring, neruopathy, gait, gaping mouth, vacant expression, inability to walk up stairs or down even one step, inability to remember names, fabricating stories, rambling and potential incontinence and Parkinson’s disease is beyond culpable. There is a full time team dressing him up and coaching him, rigged questions, editing broadcasts, earplugs and telepromoters. End of Message. Repeat.
You can only conclude that the people around the President have been running the place to their complete satisfaction and thought they could continue openly lying to the American people indefinitely, as long as Joe continued upright and breathing.
You can fool some of the people.
But is no one being held responsible for this scam on the American voter? Will old decrepit Joe even survive until the election? And what if he does?
The great tragedy is that a dead man, the first octagenarian may yet again win a blatantly rigged US election, and presented as fit and capable, because it suits the people currently running the place. He has now promised to veto the new Congressional requirement for US citizenship to vote. And the same people in the White House have been openly and directly conspiring to put his rival in jail and fines of half a billion dollars.
The DNC is exposed as a criminal enterprise. E PLURIBUS, CADAVER. From the many, a dead man.
And a lot of members of the Congress and Senate are now openly scared that in an election where voting is optional, not even welded on Democrats will vote. Which makes polling useless.
Joe’s performance at the debate, G7 and NATO made it clear that Joe Biden is gone. The lights are on but nobody’s home. Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni is openly disgusted. Proposing a disabled geriatric as the best man for the job is reaching a ludicrous stage.
There is no point discussing the scam which is Climate Change when the US Presidency is run by unelected people. The coming election is a farce, like the last one. And there are now hundreds in jail from the last unarmed protest. Even the grounds for their convictions have been overturned by the Supreme Court.
“There is no point discussing the scam which is Climate Change when the US Presidency is run by unelected people.”
IMHO it’s all the same scam.
The propaganda and psychological techniques that now manifest in Trump Derangement and COVID derangement, were forged in Global Warming.
“The oceans are boiling” and “Trump will be a dictator and end democracy”.
“Close your business and stay home, don’t visit your dying parents, because we will all die”.
“Don’t take horse de-wormer”.
“Submit to an injection of an unreliable vaccine or you will be expelled from society.”
“You Science D nye ER!”
I see a pattern.
Someone or some structure across most of global governance have either gone mad, or have developed a co-operative media and political network to make a play for some weird form of Neo Feudal power.
I think this US ‘election’ will expose the existence of the new power structure.
(In reality, the last one already did.)
By making, whoever the DS Democrats secret committee decides, the ‘winner’ of the ‘election’.
To ‘save Our Democracy’.
“Our secret cabal had to intervene to Save Our Democracy from democracy”.*
Afterwards the majority of people be able to see it.
Likely we still won’t be privy to the cast of players.
And refusing to accept the legitimacy of the New Committee King, might you get in trouble with law.
*(Parliamentary systems already accomplish this by confusion.)
“There is no point discussing the scam which is Climate Change when the US Presidency is run by unelected people”
Sadly the entire world is being run by “Unelected people”
Atteneded the great forest national park rally in Mansfield yesterday. MC’ed by Topher with about 6 speakers most of whom pointed out how our state (and by association all of Australia) is being run by unelected people. The long reach of the U.N, whose sole RAISON d’ETRE, was world peace now extends to every aspect of our daily lives.
The speakers mentioned that the U.N decrees how much of our land should be “preserved” with most people locked out of “public land” and what activities will be permitted. Also mentioned that the U.N. has a charter of “rights” for indigenous peoples world wide. Interesting bit of information requiring more research on my behalf.
This charter for indigenous peoples gives them enormous power and control over everything even though they only represent a tiny portion of the population, even though all these “First Nations” peoples can take full advantage of modernity, anyone not indigenous will be controlled by their rules. Apparently these groups, world wide should have control of huge areas of land and all its resources. even though in many instances these resources were unknown to them. An example give was the fact that in Victoria, in the north west of the state, the local “lands and waters” council now controls 6 local government area. Nothing can be done without their approval. Yet, they are not ELECTED. Also quoted, the shire abutting Mansfield, Murrindindi shire, has a working budget of $40,000,000 while the local “lands and waters” council has a working budget of $70,000,000! How is this money spent? On what? It certainly isn’t spent on roads, rates and rubbish, nor local hospitals or health care. How did we get here.Alledgedly it was past Prime Minister Kevin Rudd that signed Australia up to these very onerous treaties however governments of all persuasions have signed the country up for 1600 individual “treaties” to do what a bunch of people in a building in New York decide is in our best interests.
Worth a mention that no politicians from the big two attended. Of stand out was the Libertarian party once again with a good clear point of view, the Shooters, Farmers and Fishers party also spoke but no where near as impersively.
And we are punished for not looking after the Great Barrier Reef, an area in the ocean the size of Germany. It has been there from a time before mankind discovered agriculture.
How are we supposed to look after it? It’s like being given charge of Ayer’s rock. You can do nothing. But we are castigated by the UN and even the US President if there is regular bleaching event, which happens when the water level is too low in summer in some places.
It has a length of 1200km and a width of 250km and we are supposed to monitor ocean water levels? Form a bucket brigade?
This idea of a moral responsibility does not extend to say the Uighurs in China. Nothing to see here folks. That’s China’s internal affair. Or the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria or Pakistan. Again an internal affair, nothing to do with the UN.
Well, how will the UN survive the current split in the world and should we stay in it?
Will the BRICS leave the UN en-masse and form their own version? Will they stay in it but ignore its ‘rulings’ and not do as they are told? They are half the world’s oil and half the world’s population, and I expect they will be half the world’s growing economies, so the rest of the world will have to deal with them. Will we be told to sanction therm if they don’t obey UN dictates?
The sooner the UN is disbanded the better!
BRICS leaders often reference stated UN principles in speeches. Much of the stuff is good, mutual respect, lack of interference in internal affairs etc.
Trouble is that many countries pay lip service to the UN and then do as they like anyway. Tend to agree that is not a force for good , is over reaching and has probably reached its use by date.
Nicely summed up Sambar. We were there too and Topher did a great job as MC.
Quite a good crowd considering the rather bleak conditions and low temperature. Thoroughly disappointed that local Liberal MP wasn’t there however I have long since given up on the Liberal party representing anything.
Agreed. It was good to see David Limbrick there though.
Did you see the ‘ Forest of the Fallen’ nearby? Very sobering, many vaxx damaged shown, details set on tall bamboo canes, with flowers attached to those who had died from the vaxxes. It was alongside the path near the road and was being dismantled not long after the Forests rally finished.
Did not realise what that was was Annie. Grand daughter and I assumed that it was just part of the rally. We only found out later what those forlorn little posters represented.
Sad, poignant reminders of political Bastardry!
As I understand it, because Kemala Harris is on the “ticket” it would be relatively straightforward to swap her in.
Anyone else requires a great deal more work, could be illegal, plus there is little time.
We Had the Anyone but the Tories election in the UK. Anyone but Macron in France. In the US there is the anyone but Trump faction.
I suspect that might be powerful enough to keep Trump out, even though Harris has not proven herself capable. So wishing to get rid of Biden might usher in someone who just might beat Trump.
As I heard it, according to the inflexible rules of the DNC, Biden has nearly 4,000 delegates committed to support him personally, not Kamala. You only need only 2,000 to secure the nomination. He cannot just swap them. Nor can they swap. It’s unprecedented. Plus the more than $100million in cash committed for his reelection. Again it cannot just be swapped.
And if he died or resigned, it’s still not simple to move the money to anyone else, even if the delegates could support someone else. It’s not their money. The process would have to start again with the agreement of each and every donor. And at present the process cannot start.
The real problem the Democrats have is that the Biden Crime Family has broken loose from their minders. Jill and Hunter are sitting in on every meeting. They are going nowhere. Jill wants him to run. Hunter needs him to run. And Biden doesn’t know what day it is. Plus you could probably elect a Democrat ham sandwich at present. Which may be an accurate description.
People age differently.
I think Biden is very poor for his age by modern standards.
Donald Trump is just three years younger but is vastly superior to Biden both physically and mentally. Trump would outperform many people half his age.
I can see the DemonRATs try to impose a presidential age limit before the election to try and disqualify Trump if they have to get rid of Biden. It would probably be illegal but that never bothered the Left.
Absolutely, people age differently. Genetics, diet, lifestyle- so many factors influence an individual’s condition. Whatever the job, whether you’re the leader of the USA or a plumber, it’s all about capability and competency. Many Left/neutral commenters have called out recent critics of Biden as “ageist”. They’re delusional. Even staunch Democrat supporter George Clooney has stated Biden isn’t fit for office
He is a fake President, simple as that.
A stooge. Maybe now even a Frankin President.
Money buys you justice – yet again
The OJ Simpson murder case was a classic example – Alex Balwin manslaughter case is another.
“Justice” is only for the wealthy in Australia as well.
I am astounded that the female judge has dumped his case, I know nothing about acting or making movies but have noted over the decades that the stage prop gun fired or pointed at the intended recipient was always offset to one side just in case, the camera angle making it look straight on.
Baldwin not only starred in this garbage film but was the ‘money man’ behind its production and had employed a totally incompetent armourer and to make it worse, she was also the wardrobe person.
You would have to be real thick to not notice he had a real gun in his hand, a Colt 45.
There were so many things wrong on the set and there were safety concerns well before the tragedy unfolded that Baldwin should be held primarily responsible for the whole debacle.
“pointed at the intended recipient was always offset to one side just in case”. I didn’t know that.
But he didn’t just shoot another actor in the filming of a scene. He shot the camerawoman Hutchins, cinematographer. And the director Souza standing behind Hutchins who was also injured.
A very weak case was dumped because critical evidence which could have helped his defence was deliberately hidden by the prosecution.
There was real malfeasance in this case. It was dismissed with prejudice, allowing Baldwin to sue for substantial and likely damages. The judge was angry at the blatant and possibly criminal attempt to convict.
And I am also surprised that guns have any bullets at all. Especially when all gun sounds are added later. Who needs bullets? A cap gun would do. Imagine John Wick being filmed with real guns, even with blanks. Pointless and dangerous, if only to ears and eyes.
Trumps VP pick
Who will it be?
Former President Donald Trump on Friday said that he’d like to announce his vice presidential running mate next week, potentially during the Republican National Convention.
“Labour’s ‘rooftop revolution’ to deliver solar power to millions of UK homes”
As if clouds – and night-time – never affect the solar beneficence.
It’s the Grauniad.
“However, the decisions have caused local outcries. The Tory MP for Rutland and Stamford, Alicia Kearns, said she was “utterly appalled” by Miliband’s decision to give the go-ahead to the Mallard Pass farm.
“The government hit back, saying the move was justified on the grounds it will provide clean energy to power about 92,000 homes over the next 60 years.”
Does the new government really believe that slaver panels – rigorously manufactured with fossil fuels, transported and installed with fossil fuels – will last ‘sixty years’?
And their efficiency at that point will be – what?
25% [for the small minority working at all]?
I think Miliband wishes to be a canonised saint of the Church of the Climate.
Auto – apologies if my theology is not up to snuff.
I haven’t consulted the Scandinavian doom pixy, Doctor of Divinity. Soz.
Nowhere did the Garudina refer to intermittency of solar [or breeze-driven] energy.
Nor night-time being a bummer for solar!
In Australia the usual solar panel efficiency is said to be 17-18%. It declines slowly with age.
That is by those who know about these things or being truthful.
this doesn’t apply to our Minister for Energy Dimwit Bowen.
In the People’s Republic of Victorianstan in Australia the Labor goverment has banned natural gas connections to new homes which will now require electric heating.
This is unlikley to go unnoticed by the new UK Labour government
Currently, according to official UK government data, the cost of gas between July to September 2023 shows that the UK averaged 27.67p per kWh for electricity and 6.77p per kWh of gas for pre-payment customers.
80% of UK residents did not vote for Labour – would such a move be popular?
Biden’s latest gaffes.
Matt Walsh interviews Dr Miriam Grossman who is an activist against the transgendering of children. (Incidentally, she is American but has some Australian friends and I am friends with her friends…)
She reports good news, that many law suits are or soon will be underway by victims of transgender madness against all those involved in sterilising and mutilating them.
And note to Leftists. Normal gender expression comes in a large variety of forms. Just because a girl likes climbing trees or doing mechanical things or a boy does caring things, DOESN’T mean they “were born in the wrong body” and you have to mutilate and sterilise them claiming they are of the wrong sex. Just leave them be. How dare you interfere with such kids and destroy their lives!
A useful site for concerned parents (and grandparents…) who do not want to start a war in which their child could become a real victim of that idiocy:
I do not believe in dentists deliberately drilling healthy teeth. However, I know first hand of the case when “professionals ” in childcare industry destroyed not only a child life but the whole family.
Note to Jo.
I now seem to be able to post although my first post today took a bit of time to appear, and the pre-filled name and email for my first post was not me and I had to change it but all seemed OK for my second post and my correct name and email was remembered…
So far, so good today…
Yes, I have had the same experience. Except that I do jump around on devices and locations, which might contribute the confusion. But it appears to be unrelated to my identity, more that it is convinced I am someone else and fills in the defaults incorrectly. Perhaps geolocation and footprint. Both of which change for me with devices.
The willingness with which the Left are willing to lie and deceive both to themselves and others in order to support their cause is demonstrated by the Left and the Lefist Lamestream media refusing to acknowledge for years that there were problems with Biden, when it was totally obvious to the thinking community all that time.
Now even the most lunatic Left individuals and organisations (such as Australia’s ABC) admit there is a problem.
When you realise how much of liars and deceivers the Left are, you wonder if they are also fully aware of the disasters of “green” energy and covid “vaccines” and exactly what it will take for them to admit the truth of what’s happening with those as well.
As Mark Steyn has been saying for some time now, “Why is the media acting like everything is normal?”
“Why is the media acting like everything is normal?”
Or –
“How much is the media being paid to pretend that everything is normal?”
Maybe closer?
Cash and kind – access to all the smart parties, interviews [even for CNN, debates] etc.?
Auto – not at all cynical – honest!
Great news!
Elon Musk is going to financially support the Trump campaign.
Seems you have to buy elections, same as justice. It can’t be that expensive to get your policies out to the voters, it makes you wonder where the money goes.
Agree, but candidates need advertising. Many people are just too busy to read policies. And encouragement to vote in a world where voting is optional and voter turn out is only 2 out of 3. That means as many people do not vote at all as vote for either party.
In the UK last week, about 60% actually voted.
Of those who did vote – 34% Labour, 24% Tory – so by simple maths [no, Keir, others can do it for you] over 40% did not vote for either of the ‘main’ two parties.
And the vote for Labour, across all registered voters, was 34% of 60% – so about twenty-and-a-half percent.
Or – of those who could have voted [postal vote glitches excepted] seventy nine in one hundred did not vote Labour.
Lots of seats – but less of a crushing mandate for anything except ‘Not Tories’.
A Big Wreck Is About To Happen At The Intersection Of Artificial Intelligence Boulevard And Net Zero Avenue (article)
Gates has invested $1 billion into a nuclear power plant that broke ground in Kemmerer, Wyo., this week. The new facility, designed by the Gates-founded TerraPower, will be smaller than traditional fission nuclear power plants and, in theory, safer because it will use sodium instead of water to cool the reactor’s core.
TerraPower estimates the plant could be built for up to $4 billion, which would be a bargain when compared to other nuclear projects recently completed in the U.S. Two nuclear reactors built from scratch in Georgia cost nearly $35 billion, the Associated Press reports.
Construction on the TerraPower plant is expected to be completed by 2030.
Follow the money trail.
He demonises coal and then invests in nuclear.
Nothing to see here…
I am sure that miliband and his green acolytes sincerely believe the panels will deliver 100% capacity through night time, clouds and low light levels.
In truth at our latitude they have an efficiency of 11% so would not power the 90000 homes claimed or anything like it. That assumes of course that the homes don’t need to power heat pumps, Ev’s or electric stoves otherwise the number of homes that will draw power will greatly reduce.
Australia’s simpleton PM does in fact believe that (no offence intended to the simpleton community).
Yes, he really is that stupid.
“Elbow” saving your money –
“The UN paid for Albanese’s anti-Israel lobbying trip – not “Australian Friends of Palestine””
It’s Francesca Albanese…..not Tony
Musk Says: EU Offered X Secret Censorship Deal To Avoid Fines For ‘Deceptive Dark Patterns’ (article)
CEO: Google, Facebook ‘Kool-Aid’ Starting To Wear Off (article)
“Third, the European Commission accused X of restricting researcher access to public data, discouraging research by prohibiting independent data scraping, and imposing high fees for application programming interface (API) access.”
So they are prosecuting Musk for doing what every Govt agency does all the time! Taking forever to open the books for a FOI request, or charging so much for the data the public can’t afford it, or censoring the data provided so much it is unreadable, or ignoring the request completely! Govt Depts have done all 4 of those that I have seen.
A supporting act –
Democrat election slogan appears to be “Pass the torch”.
On placards everywhere, even Charles Barkley using it.
Variation – ‘Please Pass the Torch’
Tulsi Gabbard – The Ultimate Insurance Policy For Trump (article with video)
Tulsi Gabbard Dismantles Biden’s Dangerous NATO Speech! (video)
Leak on Biden!
Not even if he was on fire.
An attempt at assassinating Trump just happened. It seems a bullet hit his ear, one of several fired at him at a rally. He appears to be OK.
The Democrat hate propaganda machine is responsible for this, by the same logic they used to blame Trump for the Capitol “insurrection”.
Photo here with blood on Trump’s Face
Video here
[Snip. – LVA]
From Breitbart: “Just a few days ago, on Monday, Democrat President Joe Biden said on a conference call that he thought it was time to put Trump “in the bullseye”:”
Any bets on whether that “bullseye” quote ever gets reported by the ABC?
Amazing how carefully they can overlook the obvious … being fair and balanced and all that.
Trump got within earshot of the sniper?
Russia is behind it, everyone knows that…
Now for the real conundrums- Did Trump organise it with a movie blood bag on his ear?? A false flag event, he will come out of this ahead.
Did Trump’s mob organise it through some incompetent Democrat supporter knowing the Secret Service would kill him, and the dead attendee is just collateral damage? Was the dead attendee killed by Secret Service fire, seeing nobody aims these days as they shoot into a crowd.
Did the Govt alphabet agencies organise it all, a la Kennedy, as a warning to Trump? I’m sure if anyone but the most basic clown could kill him if they wanted too.
Is it a Democrat ploy to get rid of Biden as now they assassinate ol’ Joe and blame Trump for taking revenge?
Its all part of the theatre!
Saved only by a slight turn of the head as the sniper fired.
Yes, the sniper was side on for a head shot. Trump must have turned to the right for a split second as the bullet was traveling. Otherwise the shot was perfect for height and direction using a calibrated telescopic sight. Lucky, lucky man. Good thing he doesn’t have Parkinsons. Biden could not turn his head like that.
Looks like the Democrats have really run out of ideas to win the 2024 elections!
It’s now desperation tactics!!
“Trump shot on side of the head in apparent assassination attempt at rally”
In the 2 min 08 secs you can here Secret Service say “Shooters Down”
More Detailed Photos –
Well spotted Old Ozzie .
As if we don’t all know how bad the MSM are towards Trump , one of them was reporting Trump fell down at rally .
This was the “nuclear option” I always feared the Left would exercise against Trump.
They couldn’t get him on lawfare or fraudulent votes, lies by the Lamestream media and now this.
I pray he is alright.
Obama Tries To Arrange His Fourth Term Hugo Gurdon, Washington Examiner
The Puppet in the White House – Scroll Down to the Cartoon
Charlie Kirk@charliekirk11
This was a left-wing magazine’s cover one week ago.
They wanted this to happen. Every day, they fanned a fire they had created to make this happen.
They must be held accountable.
Joe Biden to supporters July 10th –
“It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye”
Full quote:
BIDEN ON MONDAY: “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”
The Biden-Harris campaign is on a post-debate blitz, meanwhile, in an apparent effort to quell the distress.
A memo the campaign sent to Hill offices obtained by Scripps News highlights President Biden’s energetic campaign rallies, swing state polling and grassroots support.
The president joined a call with the Biden Victory Fund National Finance Committee, where the campaign says he told supporters,
“It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” framing his strategy for the next debate as “Attack. Attack. Attack. Attack.”
Trump won the November 2024 election on July 14 th 2024!!!
As plain a dogwhistle as Henry II’s rhetorical question:
Andrew Surabian @Surabees [X]
Just yesterday, Joe Biden mega-donor @reidhoffman
was making jokes about assassinating Donald Trump.
Dylan Byers @DylanByers
Billionaire investors and estranged friends Peter Thiel and Reid Hoffman got into a tense confrontation over Biden & Trump at the Allen & Co. conference in Sun Valley.
Peter Thiel sarcastically thanked Reid Hoffman for funding lawsuits against Trump because they had turned him into “a martyr,” increasing his chances of re-election.
From the stage, Hoffman shot back with his own sarcastic quip: “Yeah, I wish I had made him an actual martyr.”
# # #
Billionaire LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman funded E. Jean Carroll’s prosecution of Trump, among 10s of $millions of other Lefty activism.
They should be prosecuted for inciting violence and/or assassination.
> Biden – “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye”
The term the Left use for this type of speech when by the Right, if they can twist it sufficiently, is –
“Dog whistle”:
Well now, can’t get more of “dog whistle” than Biden above.
Multiple shots of small caliber weapon were fired: McCormack
Pennsylvania Senate candidate and Iraq war veteran David McCormack who was sitting in the front row said there were seven or eight shots of a small caliber weapon.
“Clearly it was an attack very much directed at the president,” he said.
“It was hard to tell whether they came from one direction or from two different weapons.”
McCormack said he thought Trump was lucky to be alive.
He said someone behind him appeared to have been shot. “There was a lot of blood. You know, the police came in and helped carry that person out.”
Mike Valente @ValenteWTAE
CONFIRMED: Butler County District Attorney tells me one person is BELIEVED to be dead. Donald Trump is okay, he tells me. No information about the shooter right now.
Musk compares Trump to Teddy Roosevelt
Elon Musk has reiterated his support for Donald Trump, writing on Twitter that “last time America had a candidate this tough was Theodore Roosevelt”.
Mr Roosevelt, the 26th president of the US, survived an attempted assassinations in 1912 while he was campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The Republican Party is gearing up for its annual convention next week in Milwaukee.
At the event, Trump and members of his family are expected to address party members and he is also set to unveil his running mate for the 2024 election.
Hours before tonight’s rally, Mr Musk backed Trump with a “sizeable” donation to a super-PAC supporting the Republican nominee.
He tweeted after the shooting:
Elon Musk@elonmusk
I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery
Trump’s son says he will ‘never stop fighting’
Donald Trump Jr, the former president’s son, tweeted a photograph of his father with his fist raise in the air.
He said he would “never stop fighting to Save America”.
This will go down as the hardest video in American history. Absolute chills
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) July 13, 2024
Amatuer Lip Reading, I think President Trump says Fight, Fight, Fight with Pumped Raised Fist!
Trump Just Created One of the Most Iconic Photos in U.S. History
I don’t care what you think of his politics—former President Donald Trump just struck one of the most iconic poses in U.S. history.
His fist-raised salute of defiance is surely enough to win him re-election to the White House. Especially if the American people have to choose between a doddering incumbent and the man who got to his feet seconds after an assassination attempt and punched the air with blood trickling down his face.
It’s impossible to be sure what he was shouting at this stage but it looked like “Fight! Fight! Fight!” At a time when the Democratic Party barely has any fight left, the contrast is astounding.
Make no mistake, the image of a bloodstained Trump standing with one arm aloft instantly takes its place alongside the greatest photos in American history.
If Jesus H Christ were to return to earth it would be hard to top this
Brooke Rollins
Ever been in combat? Ever been shot at? I haven’t. Neither, until today, has President Trump.
But one thing that combat veterans tell me, over and over, is that combat reveals character. The experience of being under fire exposes who you are in fundamental ways. You don’t really know what that answer will be until the moment is upon you.
Well, we just had President Trump’s character revealed.
Turns out he’s the kind of man who comes under fire, takes a hit, feels the blood. and stands back up… with his fist raised. That’s who he is.
That’s who he always was – and now we know it.
Internet stunned by Trump’s defiant act
Donald Trump’s defiant act moments after shooting
Donald Trump rose from the ground, blood across his face, and struck a defiant pose before secret service rushed him away.
As his security guards prepared to whisk him to safety, Trump struck a defiant pose for the crowd, raising his fist in the air, as blood streaked across his face.
Trump’s fist raise will likely become a defining image for the rest of the campaign, and was met with vociferous praise from his supporters on social media.
“Have we ever seen anything more f***ing rockstar than Trump getting shot in the head and then still fist pumping with a bloody ear to get the crowd going,” one person tweeted.
Another called it “unbelievably gangster.”
“The coolest moment since Theodore Roosevelt giving a speech after getting shot,” tweeted another supporter.
“Trump’s instinct to show a defiant fist in a moment of crisis is just incredible. Nothing like it. What a picture,” shared journalist Lee Fang alongside a picture of the moment.
:“Trump’s instinct to show a defiant fist in a moment of crisis is just incredible. Nothing like it. What a picture,” shared journalist Lee Fang alongside a picture of the moment.:
Yeah, I figured that was stage-managed, adds weight to the false-flag idea.
We learned at that time TRump was a brave man. No whimpering weakling but a defiant Trump, shooting fight, fight, fight!
False flag??
The bullet was precisely at head height from a great distance. The shooter was side on to the right of the podium with a telescopic sight.
Trump should be dead.
He must have turned his head to the right even while the bullet was in flight and it missed him dead centre by two inches. Very clever of the gunman to hit him in the right ear from side on.
So the theory is that he organized to be shot in the right ear from say 200 metres away on the right? How do you do that?
I love how people think a 20 year old kid with an AR is a Ninja sniper.
Seung Min Kim@seungminkim
WASHINGTON (AP) — Shooter dead and rally attendee killed at Trump event in Pennsylvania, Butler County District attorney tells AP.
If the shooter is indeed dead, that’s disappointing because he cannot be interviewed to ascertain why he did it. Convenient for the Dems however, because I’m sure he was motivated by the hate spewing out of Biden and co, directed at Trump. Every single person who expressed such OTT rhetoric should now be rounded up and accused of causing this, in the same way that Trump was attacked. That won’t happen of course.
Not only dead, but also social media already scrubbed clean (according to X).
ER Doctor at Rally Describes Trying To Save Victim Who Was Shot in Head
jake rosen
An emergency room doctor I spoke with tried to save someone’s life in the crowd
The description of the head shot there would argue against a .22 rimfire, particularly from 200 yards.
And, if it was a .222 or .223 centre fire, then Trump’s luck was even more a miracle.
And re the noise as “pop vs bang” – not that hard to get suppressors in USA
Suspect shot dead
Richard Goldinger, the Butler county district attorney, has told reporters that the suspect was killed.
An audience member also died and another person is in serious condition.
The gunman believed to have been behind the attempted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump Saturday was shot and killed by Secret Service, sources told The Post.
The shooter, identified as a Chinese man, was in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium in Butler, Pa. as he spoke to a campaign crowd, sources said.
Eyewitness Watched Trump Shooter Crawl into Position on Barn Roof, Alerted Police, Nothing Was Done – Video
July 13, 2024 – Sundance
An eyewitness gave a statement to BBC news, very angry about why nothing was done by secret service to secure a specific area.
The eyewitness describes watching the shooter carry a long rifle onto a barn roof. The eyewitness alerted police; no immediate action was taken. The eyewitness grew frustrated with police and secret service. The eyewitness saw the gunman prepare in position for 2 to 3 minutes before shooting 5 shots at President Donald Trump. The eyewitness saw law enforcement then engage and kill the shooter.
Video interview with BBC Embedded Below (fyi, video might not last):
Ingraham: How Was Someone Able To Crawl On A Roof With A Rifle In A Distance That Was In Reach Of Trump?
FOX News host Laura Ingraham questioned how the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump was able to play out.
SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: The threat level in this country has never been this high since 9-11, maybe ever. And then we get to the issue of immigration, unvetted, almost 11 million, illegal immigrants, 180 countries, some of our top geopolitical foes, some with countries from terror ties. I mean, it’s crazy.
I want to get your reaction to all of it.
LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I think you touched on something so important about the Secret Service and the wonderful work that they obviously do. You saw them spring into action.
At the same time, we do have to ensure that conspiracy theories don’t run wild here. They’re not helpful. And the only way to put down conspiracy theories and to let people, you know, let go of them is for the truth to come out.
And there will be, I hope, a very, very thorough investigation as to how one individual, is it just one, I don’t know if we’ve established that, was able to crawl onto a roof in a distance that is reachable by, it looks like, a high-powered rifle to the former president of the United States. In this day and age, with what’s going on, again, the rhetoric, I mean, no one wants to cast aspersions on anyone tonight, I understand that.
But we had the president, you know, portrayed as Adolf H@tler in the New Republic on July 7th.
Is it possible the secret service deliberately only acted after an attempt was made on the life of the President? And that it is pure luck that he is alive, no thanks to the secret service who acted immediately to kill the shooter? That’s more of a worry than false flag rubbish.
>New York Post article linked upthread:
Gunman behind attempted assassination on Trump had head blown off by Secret Service, sources say; rally-goer killed
Scroll down to photo:
Police snipers return fire after shots were fired at Trump during the rally [Photo],1024&quality=75&strip=all
Question: What were all these guys with telescopic sights looking at BEFORE the shooting?
Elon Musk posted the video on X, writing, “The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign.”
16.3M Views, 292K Likes.
>Question: What were all these guys with telescopic sights looking at BEFORE the shooting?
I can’t freakin’ believe this. There’s a tripod that looks like it had a Spotting Scope mounted on it:,1024&quality=75&strip=all
NZ is a land of deerstalkers and high country game shooting. The optics available off-the-shelf are numerous. Example:
Scroll down to the tripods. Similar to the the US police snipers tripod previous:
Celestron Hummingbird Tripod
All that gear and they can’t spot a shooter on a roof 200yds away?
# – “Your comment is awaiting moderation”
Offending language of NY Post headline probably.
Again sans headline and links:
>New York Post article linked upthread:
Scroll down to photo:
Police snipers return fire after shots were fired at Trump during the rally [Photo]
Question: What were all these guys with telescopic sights looking at BEFORE the shooting?
Elon Musk posted the video on X, writing, “The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign.”
16.3M Views, 292K Likes.
Or they did see him. And acted very quickly only after he had fired seven shots. No need to send in Jack Ruby.
>There’s a tripod that looks like it had a Spotting Scope mounted on it:
Photo showing tripod with spotting scope mounted:
Spotting Scope On Tripod×512.png
That roof is elevated compared to the shooters position. With that gear you would have to try not to see the guy with rifle.
And why was the scope taken down?
Tired of standing up too long?
From where I live I can see people on top of Mt. Maunganui, height 232m and 2.54km away, just, without vision aids.
Still shaking my head.
>From where I live I can see people on top of Mt. Maunganui, height 232m and 2.54km away, just, without vision aids.
From same house, there’s a grain silo 400yds away (from Google maps). By naked eye I can easily see the guys servicing machinery at the top and what bags they are carrying. A rifle would be easy to spot naked eye.
Those USSS guys need to go back to counter sniper school.
My old man broke in a farm donkeys years ago in the Waikato. Rabbits aplenty so he shot to eat from his kitchen window with .22.
He said that several times he went out to collect the rabbit only to find another behind it i.e. 2 with one shot.
I can’t top that but was adept with a slug gun lobbing into puddles. You can see a .177s trajectory after it leaves the barrel if the light and background is right.
“Or they did see him. And acted very quickly only after he had fired seven shots. No need to send in Jack Ruby.”
Good grief, 7 shots from a semi auto , 5-7 seconds if you want to. How long do you think it takes to a) be aware shots have been fired b) work out where they are coming from c) re orient yourself, aim and fire? Its not the movies.
Instapundit just now –
“ANOTHER UPDATE: Now the Post story has been changed to identify the shooter as a “white male.” “
>CONFIRMED: Butler County District Attorney tells me one person is BELIEVED to be dead
Maybe the shooter. Video of the police and secret service hauling a body out (from the Valente thread) here:
Likely alive at that point I would have thought.
>Maybe the shooter
No, too close. Shooter was 200yds away. Must have one of the rally attendees.
Not good.
Better video of the attendee:
Post says “shooter” but too close.
People are saying “blackest day for America”. They don’t appear to know their history of presidential, attorney general, politician assassinations and attempts.
Trump’s ok this time, collateral guy isn’t.
TRUMP SHOOTER DOWN!!– Was Outside the Venue on Trump’s Right Side Likely Well Over 200 Yards Away – Sounded Like a 22 Long Rifle
The crowd was absolutely massive!×786.jpg
The Shooter at the Trump Rally in Pennsylvania can be seen Dead on the Roof of a nearby Building, after being Killed by U.S. Secret Service Agents.
We shoot subsonic .22s at 100yards no problem, but 200yards would see a lot of bullet drop. You’d have to practice that shot a lot in the same conditions beforehand, and the chance of killing someone is slim unless they stand still.
A .22 magnum or .223 would be easier, but noisier. I don’t know how the shooter could ever imagine he would survive afterwards.
..and no drones watching over everyone… The Yanks haven’t learnt much from Ukraine!
No center-fire is that quiet!
>..and no drones watching over everyone…
Drones? See upthread here and here.
They had guys with telescopic sights and at least one spotting scope. But they couldn’t spot a shooter on the roof 200 yds away?
Musk was succinct:
16.3M Views, 292K Likes.
>They had guys with telescopic sights and at least one spotting scope. But they couldn’t spot a shooter on the roof 200 yds away?
Videos show at least 4 actually looking through scopes at shooter immediately before first shot.
One looked away then – bang.
What were they all seeing?
>They had guys with telescopic sights and at least one spotting scope. But they couldn’t spot a shooter on the roof 200 yds away?
Censored Voice @MyCensoredVoice
Aerial photo – Trump-Snipers-Shooter×900
Post above that one:
John Spencer @SpencerGuard
Watch the guy on the left look away then – bang.
Guy on the right ducks.
I’m still shaking my head.
What was the point of having those guys there if they weren’t going to shut it down?
It was another team in floppy hats that did that – eventually.
>It was another team in floppy hats that did that [shut it down] – eventually.
Alayna Treene @alaynatreene
“incredible security detail” – I don’t think so.
Floppy hat team was on the right image here:
Floppy Hat Team
Maybe pre-emptive next time?
The posts below that Alayna Treene thread header previous are absolutely scathing of the secret service. Some examples:
You don’t have to be good at your job, you just have to show up on time everyday. Their scopes must have been dirty..
Counter snipers didn’t see a perfect roof for sniping and do anything about it?
Excellent work gentlemen but do better next time
For an event that covers a large area such as these rally’s, they don’t use drones as part of the crowd surveillance?
Wonder why they weren’t on a roof 150 yds from the stage?
Pretty sure these guys are getting fired.
Problem: the US Secret Service was playing DEFENSE when they should have had sniper details on PERIMETER BUILDINGS in offense positions. Aerial views showed the sniper’s spot was not only in range, but also had clear line-of-sight to the stage. Definite opportunity to improve.
Hell of a job they missed the guy standing on one of three buildings
I wanna know how someone just happened to put a ladder up to access the roof of a building and no one noticed. [3 photos]
Crazy they weren’t watching the other roofs while the crowd was waving pointing at the gunman.
Both of these men fired without readjusting their aim. They had a bead on the shooter before he fired. WHY was his detail not already covering him? These men and women are trained to call out over radio the instant a gun is spotted. This whole incident STINKS. SOMETHING IS WRONG
So how come they didn’t see shooter if he was up on a roof? Isn’t that what snipers do? Keep eyes on surroundings to make sure there are no “bad guy” snipers on other roofs? I’m feeling pretty down right now about how close a shooter got to Trump. Scary.
KP – suppressors fairly easily available in USA and rifles with threaded barrels
Unsuppressed anyway.😎
It’ll pay not to listen to the hopelessly ignorant msm view too much.
A case in point:
Totally clueless!!
A small caliber weapon?
Yeah – a head shot with a 22LR at 200m.
Breaking News: Trump Shot at Rally! What we Know so Far
I think that until now, the DemonRATs were never concerned about getting Biden re-elected because they had complete confidence in their election fraud methods as shown in 2000 Mules.
They would know that they have to massively expand the scope of the fraud this time to get Biden re-elected.
However, I think they realise that Trump has such massive support, it is infeasible to engage in the huge fraud that would be required to get Biden elected this time and people would ask questions if this was again the biggest presidential vote (for Biden) in history.
That’s why they’re in a panic now to get rid of Biden and replace him with someone who requires fewer fraudulent votes than Biden would need.
Looks like they might be in a panic to get rid Of Trump as well.
ANOTHER: Democrats are responding to the assassination attempt with their usual class:
State Representative Antonio Parkinson
I certainly hope this is not a staged act. But…🙄
More Classy American DemoCraps
Why’d you delete this? @SenatorLamar
Sean Davis
BREAKING: A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.
DHS, which oversees Secret Service protective detail “wasn’t responsive to those requests” for more resources, the source said.
Was Biden’s regime behind the attack, or did it deliberately do everything it could to allow it to happen?
President Joe Biden reportedly told donors on a phone call on Monday that it was “time to put” former President Donald Trump “in the bullseye.”
“Biden told donors on a private call this afternoon: ‘It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,’” Kenneth P. Vogel, a reporter with the New York Times, wrote in a post on Monday.
Jonathan Turley@JonathanTurley
President Biden is about to give a statement. It is not clear if he will take questions.
Many will want to ask about his own over-heated, ill-considered rhetoric, including his recent statement “we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” …
What a Loverly DemoCrap Young Lady????????
Libs of TikTok@libsoftiktok
This unhinged leftist is having a meltdown because the sh**ter missed Trump. These people are deranged.
Democrat Bennie Thompson Proposes Bill to Strip Trump of Secret Service Protection if Convicted, Sentenced to Jail
Elon Musk@elonmusk
The Reid Hoffman’s of the world got their dearest wish … but then the martyr lived
Acutal Words
Here – Classy people The DemoRats!
NANCY PELOSI, LAST WEEK: This Is Not A Normal Election, Trump Must Be Stopped.
Elon Musk@elonmusk
The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign
BREAKING: Eyewitness tells BBC that he informed police, Secret Service about a suspicious man on a roof with a rifle.
He was ignored.
>State Representative Antonio Parkinson
His thread is a string of one word comments or variation of same –
NPR Reporter: Trump Supporters Yelled “This Is Your Fault” To The Media After Assassination Attempt
And then they rushed… the agents rushed Trump offstage. That was the initial stuff that happened.
Now, just shortly after that, many in the crowd turned on the press, turned around and not… There were several yelling, this was your fault, you did this, to members of the press and the press pen.
So, after that initial scary moment, I will say there was a sort of secondary scary moment, where it was unclear if there was going to be some sort of confrontation or altercation there.
Fake News Media Downplays Trump Assassination Attempt, Claims He Fell Over After Being ‘Startled’ By ‘Loud Noises’
After witnessing what was blatantly an attempt on the former president’s life with the sound of gunshots, many media outlets began by framing the attack as a mere “incident” in which even the most basic details were unclear.
USA Today claimed that Trump had been “startled” by “loud noises”:
Enemy. Of. The. People.
— Ben Kew (@ben_kew) July 13, 2024
CNN went with a similar line, suggesting that Trump had merely fallen over.
Even in a horrifying moment such as this they just can’t help themselves.
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 13, 2024
The New York Times went as far as saying that the spraying of bullets “sounded” like gunfire.
“What sounded like gunshots”
Really? I thought they sounded like paper airplanes
— Ben Kew (@ben_kew) July 13, 2024
The Washington Post also used the “loud noises” line:
If you are on , you witnessed an assassination attempt on President Trump in real time
If you are reading regime Media like CNN + Washington Post, you believe Trump fell on stage because of loud noises
And you wonder why they hate Elon…
— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) July 13, 2024
Axios reporter Juliegrace Brufke claimed a “source” told her that Trump was actually hit by glass fragments rather than bullets.
“Glass fragments not a bullet hit Trump,” a source familiar tells me.
— Juliegrace Brufke (@juliegraceb) July 13, 2024
A Non-American sums it all up in great detail including Media Loud Noises
This should leave you speechless—I have never witnessed such an openly diabolical psyop and mass gaslighting operation.
We literally just watched the attempted assassination of an American president, and the media is treating it like a superfluous nonevent.
Later, Barrack Obama joined the coordinated coverup, playing dumb as per his handlers’ orders:
And the final proof of the operation came as Biden gave an unplanned national address, half an hour past his newly-announced 8pm bedtime and looking all the worse for it:
Watch the coordinated coverup, as Biden openly refuses to call it an assassination even when directly asked.
The thing is: we know precisely why they’re doing it.
It’s because if today’s event were to be given the official cachet of ‘assassination attempt’, it would completely and irrevocably de-legitimize the phony “J6” turning point which is one of the last holdfasts the Democrats have left in their quiver against Trump. You see, they’ve spent four years trying to delude us into believing that J6 was in fact a direct assassination attempt on ‘Trump’s opponents’—Pelosi just said this days ago—TWICE—as another obvious dogwhistle to her radical base.
Just watch for yourself:
Imagine how fast the fraudulent J6 narrative house of cards would tumble if today’s event is allowed to be characterized as an actual assassination—there would be no comparison to the anodyne J6 fairytale where a bunch of old women larped around in the Capitol foyer.
Now, the big thing to watch is how the regime media goes forward—particularly the middle tastemaker and gatekeeper rungs like your Rachel Maddows and ‘The View’ harridans. They will be desperate to keep Trump as far away from martyrdom as possible—that means obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation.
Alarmingly, the chief of communications for the Secret Service, Anthony Guglielmi, has already posted their official stance on the event which likewise eschews any strongly deterministic language:
Given Trump’s rebuffed attempts to beef up security, and given the eyewitness who spotted the shooter and claims to have been ignored by Secret Service agents, the above release looks highly troubling.
A president was literally shot in the face, and the bullet passing near his head was captured on camera.
What more do you possibly need to happen for it to be unequivocally deemed an assassination attempt, for crying out loud?
This is as unprecedented as the mass gaslighting operation that went into stealing the 2020 election, with its bizarre and highly irregular cessation of vote counts and “sudden spike” of Biden votes at 4am.
We are in uncharted waters.
And what’s more, is that this global GLADIO-esque operation is picking up steam. All opponents of the global ‘Hydra’ deepstate are being eliminated, or attempts toward that end are being made.
Populist and anti-imperial Slovak PM Robert Fico was just shot not two months ago.
And just today Ukraine’s Budanov announced that operations to eliminate Putin have infact been undertaken, but so far have not succeeded:
Oh, I get it…”a piece of raw lead jumped from the ground toward President Trump to possibly get a better view and possibly an autograph.”
CNN: ‘Clumsy Trump Hits Head On Bullet’
Trump Indicted For Inciting Assassination Attempt
U.S. — Former President has been indicted by a federal judge in Pennsylvania for inciting an assassination attempt that nearly killed him.
“Trump is clearly at fault for someone attempting to murder him with a rifle,” said Judge Paul Stephenson. “He brought this on himself, and we will ensure justice is done.”
According to sources, the motion to indict Trump was filed roughly thirty seconds after the failed assassination attempt.
“It was obvious by that point that Trump had caused a man to fire several bullets at him,” said District Attorney Jan Marsh.
“If Trump were not literally H@tler, no one would have tried to kill him in the first place. It’s time we in the legal system go after H@tler and not the people trying to murder H@tler.”
At publishing time, Trump had been indicted again for Secret Service shooting the would-be assassin.
Do Democrats, Corporate Media Have Blood On Their Hands In Trump Attack?
‘They literally have these Democrats whipped up to such a frenzy where they really think there’s going to be a dictatorship if Trump wins.’
This Won’t Be The Last Time Democrats Attempt To Assassinate Trump
It shouldn’t be news by now but if it is: These people aren’t playing games.
As of this writing, there’s little to say about the assassination attempt against the former president other than thank God he’s reportedly okay and deep condolences to anyone at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania who may have suffered serious injuries.
During a campaign rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, video footage shows Donald Trump being struck by something — a bullet — while shots ring in the background and Secret Service agents huddle to protect the former president. He was ultimately carried off stage while pumping his fist into the air.
As this relates to the election — it certainly does — this was predictable.
Democrats and anti-Trumpers have spent the past three years calling the political opposition a life-or-death threat. They claim they’ll be imprisoned and people will die if their opposition gains power, while they themselves attempt to imprison and now kill the opposition.
They called him a f@scist. They called him a dictator. They called him H@tler. Literally the front page of New Republic magazine — still influential in Washington, believe it or not — this month portrayed Trump with a tiny mustache to drive home the point.
The vertigo you’re feeling is normal.
All the above comments (and the ones to follow) are why Jo’s blog is Number One: all other news/sites are Coprolite™️.
Thanks Jo, you’re a legend, as are all of us who blow raspberries at those who think they are better than us – pffft!
BTW what happened to Aus’s endless drought and burny temps? Seven days & nights of freezing snow for your aptly named Snowy Mountains (according to BUM) with cold, cold southerlies c/- a Tassie Low going nowhere – it may even reverse and head westwards thanks to the stubborn New Zealand High, which peaked mid-week at a record-breaking 1046.5 hPa.
Odd how with no cloud cover at night, temperatures plummeted, even to nett zero here in the north, while last night (with cloud) a balmy 10 degrees above freezing. Wonder if I wrote a ‘paper’ about this discovery, I too, could call myself a ‘climate expert’ … meh, just another pile of carbon coprolite.
A couple of weeks ago clickbait TV did a show on this heinous murder. Light on detail of course so time for a search.
The program said a girl did it. The web says a boy did it. Then a girl did it. Then a teenager did it.
So off to the forensic funny farm and all that identity suppression.
One of the articles has these curious lines – In 2021, the culprit was found guilty of homicide but deemed not criminally responsible.
They receive treatment in a specialized health facility for criminals, and their identities cannot be disclosed due to legal restrictions.
Perp apparently now receiving escorted outings just 4 years later.
Wouldn’t you just love to know a few more details cos I’m thinking transgender child who may or may not have had who knows what “treatment” before the murder and who knows what treatment after. When they suppress the details of the crime and hardened coppers never return to work after their involvement in the discovery it makes you think it’s the worst of the worst cases.
All we need now is a clickbait TV ad telling us it’s “saving lives”.
“So off to the forensic funny farm ”
To be kept on ice until they’re useful to a Govt agency..
How Will We Distribute The Pain Ahead? (article)
Federal & State Labor/Greens/TEALS who have never run a business in their lives, have no idea what their Taxes and Lunacy of Net Zero with 35% Gas Increase & 50% Electricity On Momentum Off Peak Rates just for this year alone, Insurance up 29.1% this year (OK better than 34.8% Increase last year), along with catastrophic raising of Land Tax by State Labor Governments, which I have previously pointed out, under Commerical Leases is borne by the Business
No Wonder Australian Businesses and Manufacturing are shutting down!
Finally, the latest insolvency data from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission shows that nearly 3,000 construction firms went bust in the 2023-24 financial year, suggesting that productive capacity has been reduced in the home building industry.
In short, macroeconomic conditions are likely to remain unconducive to building homes, and construction rates are likely to remain suppressed for the foreseeable future.
Plus Today – Pub barons call for end to tax slug on drinkers
One of Sydney’s leading pub families is plunging millions of dollars into renovating and buying new hotels, as the hospitality sector struggles with the cost of living crisis and twice-yearly alcohol tax hikes.
The hospitality sector is among the hardest hit by high interest rates, escalating energy costs and falling consumer spending, with a growing number of restaurants, cafes and clubs going bust.
Trump shot at a rally. Insiders getting all excited.
They got the guy
Watching with interest as I got duped by AI the other day. This has 00 not oo in “shooting”
Some interesting theories already from those pesky conspiracy theorists who are eventually proved right
Did anyone get the notion there was more than one shooter, maybe echoes.
Antifa, who would have guessed.
Video from the ‘incident’ show people on the upper tier looking to their right, and then filming with their phones. We’re nor seeing wide shots, so it’s impossible to see why no one else seems to be hit, from multiple bangs.
It seems the Butler police have arrested a guy. There is no connection at all, but Butler was where Trump did his last rally before the 2020 election, and that was used by Tucker Carlson in a brilliant monologue, to ravage America’s ruling class. 6 mins
This is the election-winning iconic photo.
Trump raising the flag of victory
Who shot the Shooter on the roof?
New York Post claims the Shooter is A “Chinese Man”!
I didn’t notice before but looking at the position of President Trump’s fist it looks like he’s holding the flag but in the upside down position, the inverted flag position representing extreme distress to life and property.
A million dollar photo right there.
“The Coral Endures”
“And as a result … all of the hype about the corals and “global warming” is just another part of the climate alarmism scam. They’re not under any kind of threat from warming oceans. Or to misquote Mark Twain, “The rumors of coral’s death are greatly exaggerated”. ”
Obama makes statement on Shooting – Biden is yet to make any comment.
More evidence as to who is really in Charge!
Biden finally issues a statement.
Biden said on July 8th to a group of supporters
“It’s time we put a bullseye on Trump”
Meagan Kelly reports
No candidates worth pushing so take out Trump…
Note it’s a wind free day.
Note it’s very close range.
Note it’s an unobstructed shot.
Note the shooter only wounded Trump.
Professional hit? No way in hell.
A loony left lone Trump hater?
A FBI/CIA drugged up patsy?
Secret service didn’t act on advice.
Counter snipers didn’t spot the gunman setting up.
Area security must be laughable.
Here comes Hillary!
Just coincidence too for Agenda 47…
1. Seal the border, and stop the migrant invasion
2. Carry out the largest deportation operation in american history
3. End inflation, and make america affordable again
4. Make america the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
5. Stop outsourcing, and turn the united states into a manufacturing superpower
6. Large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
7. Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms
8. Prevent world war three, restore peace in europe and in the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country-all made in america
9. End the weaponization of government against the american people
10. Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders
11. Rebuild our cities, including washington dc, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
12. Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world
13. Keep the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency
14. Fight for and protect social security and medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age
15. Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and
Burdensome regulations
16. Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual. Or political content on our children
17. Keep men out of women’s sports
18. Deport pro-hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again
19. Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter
Identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship
20. Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success
Can’t have that!!!
“Note it’s very close range.”
Reported as 200yards, that’s a long way without a specialised rifle.
“Counter snipers didn’t spot the gunman setting up.”
With the public pointing him out…
As usual, the stories never makes sense.
A good deer shooter could do 100m – 200m no problem, with a 3-4″ group.
300m with a top quality rifle, plus top quality scope and laser range finder.
400m – we start talking professional mil spec., not what we have here.
Pretty much agree John Connor , in my game of feral pest management I have various calibre rifles depending on size of animal .
.223 / 30-06 for larger game are sighted to be one inch high at 100 metres and pretty much exact at 200 metres using hand loaded ammo , distances past 300 metres require a lot of practice and understanding of wind etc .
If it was a 200+ yard shot I’m doubting it was a small calibre .22LR used but I’m sure what was used will eventually be known .
A .222R is useable out to about 300 yards for harvesting kangaroos. Head shots are mandated for that and a kangaroo’s head isn’t all that large.
It does help if your rifle will reliably group less than one minute of angle (< 1 inch at 100 yards) but doesn't have to be terribly exotic to do that.
Trump’s is 3-4 times bigger but the shooter only hit his ear!
ie for all practical purposes, missed!
Have a look at the plan of the area and where the shooter was.
Trump must have looked to his right at just the ideal time or he’d likely have worn that shot down his ear canal.×0.png
It was a very good shot from square on his right. Missed by at most 2″ over 200 yards and only because Trump moves a lot and looked to the right, possibly with the bullet in flight. Another six shots killed two people and seriously injured another. Then and only then the secret service noticed a killer in plain sight with a tripod mounted rifle on a roof, even though the public had been yelling at them for minutes. And they killed him after he had fired his shots. What was their job again? What this another grassy knoll job. The killer had to die immediately.
“LIVE COVERAGE: Trump Shot in Assassination Attempt at PA Rally”
More on ID of shooter
The second victim now announced as deceased was a woman somewhere in the stands behind Trump. An off-duty surgeon confirmed a victim in the stands was hit in the head and had ‘brain matter’ scattered, which points to a high powered caliber.
The shooter was seen being subsequently pulled from the roof of this building adjacent to the rally:
Yes, a Saturday night special at 200 metres on a roof top. Obviously.
FWIW – Courier Mail has range for the shots at 275 m now
Range is obviously “flexible” –
Old Ozzie’s post at # has “Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds.”
Some msm reports say 200m, some 100m, some 150m.
Might have to scale it with Google Earth.😁
Of course an “AR style”, whatever that is, was used.
Will the loony left be so keen on “AR” control now one was used to try and take out their pet voodoo doll? 😉
“Will the loony left be so keen on “AR” control now one was used to try and take out their pet voodoo doll?”
Oooh! There’s a tricky one! They won’t want any gun control while Trump is still alive!
What would make a 20-year-old think he would be alive after that?? He could see the snipers on the other buildings, the Police and Secret Service everywhere, how unaware would he be have to be to think he would survive? Too much “Sniper Elite” or “Call of Duty”…
Ah damm, did I use mistype the email address and open another account, or just lose my picture?
I did not expect this. Not.
Science doing what nature won’t.
They’re determined to get rid of cows!
One way or another.
I fully expect the appearance here of non-refutable evidence that the shooter was a Ukrainian and, in any case the bullets were paid for by Jewish money.
An eyewitness to the assassination attempt said:
Elon Musk Tweeted in response:
How about BE SACKED and face criminal charges for gross deriliction of duty?
Ooohh!! The first meme is already out!
If you watch the live footage, you’ll hear 2-3 shots from the shooter, a pause of 1-2 seconds and then a series of return shots from the secret service which killed the shooter. We know that the shooter was between 200 to 300 yards away from the podium and the bullet would take a few seconds to reach the target at that distance. Trump turned his head just before the bullet grazed his ear, else it would have been a direct and fatal head shot. Trump was saved by seemingly divine intervention.
How many people can make a direct head shot from 250m away ?. As someone who owned several rifles for rabbit control and fired tens of thousands of rounds and could hit a tin can at 50m every time, I can tell you that only a very experienced marksman could make that hit. The bullet would drop over a metre at that distance and be affected by the wind by several feet. This is not your disgruntled left wing voter or someone with mental illness, this is a professional marksman. Also, how can the secret service hear gunshots, identify the exact location of the unknown and unseen target who is ~250m away, outside of the security perimeter, with all of the distraction and noise from the crowd, and return fire with deadly accuracy within 2 seconds ?. It’s just not possible unless he was already sitting in their cross hairs as the chosen patsy who thought he would be able to walk away with a nice pay day.
When you combine all of the facts with the police and secret service inaction, the conclusion is self evident. This was almost certainly a politically planned action to take out Trump, ordered by the powers that run the country.
We now await the fake news response from the regime.
Already sounding similar to the Kennedy shooting but with the shooter dead. Questions being raised re the apparent inaction of anyone to the callout by citizens that saw the sniper cross a paddock and climb onto the roof of a shed. He certainly died very quickly after taking his shots. Investigations to come. There didn’t appear to be a shortage of ‘protection’ in the area after the shots were fired and with getting Trump out. More interesting times ahead.
It’s Lee Harvey Oswald all over again. There will be a cover up, but we’ll all know it was planned by the authorities. Trump is still alive and this will only increase his support, so he’s an even bigger target that must be taken out before he takes office. What comes next ?. Poisoning, a car bomb, or another bullet ?. Sad to say, but it’s hard to see him taking office in January.
Video Shows U.S Secret Service Spotting and Watching Shooter Prior to Shots – Doing Nothing, Then Flinching with Inbound Bullets
July 13, 2024 – Sundance
I’m not going to narrate what you can witness with your own eyes and ears. The camera lens is pointed toward two U.S Secret Service protective detail snipers on the roof behind President Trump. One is the spotter. Turn on sound. You can clearly see both USSS spot the shooter, do nothing, wait for the incoming fire, then respond.
Again, video might not last. WATCH:
We will soon hear, “mistakes were made.”
The FBI is investigating.
Plus – Report: Secret Service Agents Were Standing on Rooftop Near to Where Shooter Was Reportedly Stationed – How did They Miss This?
Thomas Matthew Crooks ID’d as gunman who shot Trump during Pa. rally
The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post.
Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh.
Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds.
He was killed by Secret Service snipers.
An AR-style rifle was later recovered.
Bethel Park is a village 40 miles south of where the Butler rally was held.
Why Crooks fired on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is unclear.
This is a developing story. Check back for updates.
National File@NationalFile
Alleged would-be assassin of Donald Trump.
Old Ozzie, for what its worth, the bloke kneeling up and firing the shots didn’t hit anything ( well not the target ) a wild reaction with the muzzle pointing in three different directions for three different shots. Just more questions . Second bloke backs down the roof line. Hmmmm
It’s extraordinary. That footage appears to show that Trump was set up by his own security detail. Instead of spotting a threat and getting Trump off stage, they waited for the gunman to shoot Trump and then fired back
Here is a ballistics table for a Remington 222R
The top line is for a 50 grain bullet, which is common fodder for them. So it has dropped about 4 inches by 250 yard.
Hold-over depends on how you have sighted in. I used to zero for about 150 yards, which puts you a bit high in the flatter part of the trajectory. My light was good for about 300 yards so around its “realm of darkness” I’d lift a bit to about the top of the head.
And I missed very few – you can’t afford to.
An AR uses the Remington 223/NATO 5.6 mm with bit more powder and a somewhat heavier bullet
And re flight time –
That 222R was loaded for about 3100 feet per second at the muzzle. It will slow down a bit by 250 yards so say 3000 f/s for approximation.
250 yards = 750 feet so a flight time of around 0.25 seconds.
An AR won’t be much different.
This will help Trumps campaign immensely.
I am not the least bit surprised. Predicted it.
I did however think it more likely to be done much more professionally than this. So my money is on it being an antifa nutter, rather than the CIA.
News on repetitive cycle of no information at this stage.
pc buyers beware: Intel is selling defective 13-14th Gen CPUs
My team at Alderon Games, working on the multiplayer dinosaur survival game Path of Titans, has been encountering significant problems with Intel CPU stability. These issues, including crashes, instability, and memory corruption, are confined to the 13th and 14th generation processors. Despite all released microcode, BIOS, and firmware updates, the problem remains unresolved.
We have identified failures in five main areas:
End Customers: Thousands of crashes on Intel CPUs on 13th and 14th Gen CPUs in our crash reporting tools.
Official Dedicated Game Servers: Experiencing constant crashes, taking entire servers down.
Development Team: Developers using these CPUs face frequent instability while building and working on the game. It can also cause SSD and memory corruption.
Game Server Providers: Hosting community servers with persistent crashing issues.
Benchmarking Tools: Decompression and memory tests unrelated to Path of Titans also fail.
Over the last 3–4 months, we have observed that CPUs initially working well deteriorate over time, eventually failing. The failure rate we have observed from our own testing is nearly 100%, indicating it’s only a matter of time before affected CPUs fail. This issue is gaining attention from news outlets and has been noted by Fortnite and RAD Game Tools, which powers decompression behind Unreal Engine.
Users are also receiving misleading error messages about running out of video driver memory, despite having sufficient memory.
A product recall coming?
Is it their DEI and not merit-based hiring practices?
Remember the Intel Pentium FDIV bug from 1994?
Just a design stuffup…
Some interesting media “updates” to first articles:
Can’t find the original CNN article now but this was archived:
Breaking: Trump falls at rally
Fox headline (repeated elsewhere) on Google News search:
Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally
FOX13 Memphis
LIVE UPDATES: Shooter dead and rally attendee killed at Trump event, AP says
As they say – didn’t age well.
‘Loud Noises,’ Trump ‘Falls’: CNN, WaPo Downplay Assassination Attempt
CNN’s version of the story was even worse, with “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally.”
CNN also did eventually update their coverage to state, “Trump rushed off stage after shooting at Pennsylvania rally”
Old Ozzie already on this but appropriate here too, along with Breitbart previous:
Fake News Media Downplays Trump Assassination Attempt, Claims He Fell Over After Being ‘Startled’ By ‘Loud Noises’
Marco Rubio @marcorubio:
German Navy still uses 8-inch floppy disks, working on emulating a replacement
The German Navy is working on modernizing its Brandenburg-class F123 frigates, which means ending their reliance on 8-inch floppy disks.
The F123 frigates use floppy disks for their onboard data acquisition (DAQ) systems, as noted by Tom’s Hardware on Thursday. Augen geradeaus!, a German defense and security policy blog by journalist Thomas Wiegold, notes that DAQs are important for controlling frigates, including power generation, “because the operating parameters have to be recorded,” per a Google translation. The ships themselves specialize in anti-submarine warfare and air defense.
Earlier this month, Augen geradeaus! spotted a tender for service published June 21 by Germany’s Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology, and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) to modernize the German Navy’s four F123 frigates. The ships were commissioned from October 1994 to December 1996. As noted by German IT news outlet Heise, the continued use of 8-inch floppies despite modern alternatives being available for years “has to do with the fact that established systems are considered more reliable.”
Yup. Old with no direct upgrade path, but it (barely) does the job.
Ditto the USA, not the military tech powerhouse everyone thinks they are.
“Ever been in combat? Ever been shot at? I haven’t. Neither, until today, has President Trump.
But one thing that combat veterans tell me, over and over, is that combat reveals character. The experience of being under fire exposes who you are in fundamental ways. You don’t really know what that answer will be until the moment is upon you.
Well, we just had President Trump’s character revealed. Turns out he’s the kind of man who comes under fire, takes a hit, feels the blood. and stands back up… with his fist raised. That’s who he is.
That’s who he always was – and now we know it.”
No blue haired, whining cry-baby lefty there!
Trump, Trump, Trump!
‘Eat fossil fuels’: Bill Gates-backed company makes butter out of thin air
California-based Savor is using carbon dioxide from the air and turning it into butter right in the lab, and that’s just one of the many other fat-based products it can make.
According to a paper published in 2023, chemical synthesis of dietary fats using such an approach can be achieved with emissions of less than 0.8 g CO2 equivalent per kilogram. Similarly, palm oil produced in Brazil or Indonesia emits more than 1.5 g CO2 equivalent per kg.
Savor is confident that its technology can be used to make butter and multiple other animal-derived fats, such as milk and cheese. The company also plans to use this approach to make ice cream and edible oils.
FWIW – More Russian history
“You should really read this introduction to the Russian Revolution”
Kaspersky sets records by leading 94 percent of independent tests – Top3 metric results
During the year, Kaspersky participated in 100 independent tests and reviews, with its products being awarded 93 firsts and 94 TOP3 finishes, achieving the highest result of all years.
The TOP3 metric reflects a vendor’s success in independent comparative tests during the calendar year. This means a company’s technological expertise can be assessed and the quality and effectiveness of its implemented technologies and solutions can be tracked. This approach, based on the aggregation of results from a multitude of respected testing laboratories such as AV-Comparatives, AV-TEST, SE Labs, and others, provides a comprehensive evaluation that goes beyond the outcomes of individual tests, facilitating the identification of the company’s true capabilities, its continuous improvement and innovation.
Regarding consumer solutions, one of Kaspersky’s main achievements is winning the “Product of the Year” award from an independent testing institute AV-Comparatives, breaking a record for the most honored cybersecurity company in the industry. Kaspersky Standard, the primary plan of the new Kaspersky Consumer Portfolio, was recognized for taking the highest Advanced+ award in all seven tests and demonstrating the best combination of protection, performance and resistance to false positives.
Additionally, Kaspersky Plus for Windows has passed SE Labs’ Endpoint Security: Home 2023 getting the highest Total Accuracy Rating of 100 percent (TOP1) in all four tests of the year. Meanwhile, Kaspersky Safe Kids received AV-Comparatives’ Parental Control Certification for blocking at least 98 percent of pornographic websites with zero False Positives on child-friendly websites, and no severe unresolved bugs.
I’ve used and recommended Kaspersky to clients for many many years now.
All the mindless drivel about it being a risk because it’s Russian so you shouldn’t trust it and you should remove it if you have it are just that – drivel!
It could be spyware and transmit your secrets to Russia!
As I’ve said, the NSA developed open source decompiler GHIDRA do they could always see. They haven’t.
AND… little known fact – Kaspersky openly OFFERS their source code to governments for inspection. Who else does that? Not the brand you’re using.😎
All these “computer expert” channels on uselesstube repeating the lies obviously aren’t as smart or informed as they think they are.
I use Kaspersky
That’s muh boy! 😁
Yes, where were the drones?
These are being widely used for surveillience in the Obama/Biden proxy war in the Ukraine as well as attack .
What if a “bad actor” flew in an armed drone at a Trump rally?
A lone gunman?
Just about any AR-15 pattern rifle in the hands of a competent shooter can easily be effective out to 500 yards and beyond.
How close was the Thomas
It is a scandal that Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to get so close. Or am I just a conspiracy theorist?
I’ve done a post on this already with these points and links.
We don’t play follow the leader though.
We’re rebellious sheep! 😆
Photo of Thomas Matthew Crooks after intercepting sniper fire from Secret Service snipers
Do not mess with these guys
No wonder it took Biden so long to issue an announcement on the shooting of Trump.
He was expecting “good news”!
That kid was 12 years old when the Trump Derangement Syndrome spread like fire by the media.
They are responsible for his deteriorated mental state. Shame.
That means you too Bill Maher.
Latest report, allegedly from the FBI, says the shooter is a registered Republican.
Some fund raising ideas via a US blog –
“We went to a benefit dinner for a local girl with health problems this afternoon. Pulled pork with the fixings for a donation.
They took items in donation to be auctioned off. We took a quart of comb honey (brought $70), Heath bar and chocolate turtle brownies (brought $60 each).
Lots of pies were auctioned off. Loads of gravel. Septic tank pump out. Registered puppies. Paintings. Etc…
One pie brought $600!
It was a simple pie of a graham cracker crust with whipped topping. The selling point was it was that Brian (the guy ramrodding the event) would take it to the face at the end of the event! Many people wanted to throw that pie!
They also auctioned one that would be thrown at Brian’s wife. Brian bought it!
Good food, good times for a good cause.
Lots of money was raised.”
Another US State energy domino
I wonder which of ours will do a big self inflicted crash and burn, after SA’s trial run?
Allow me to introduce Javier Vinós’s Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis. The tropics are cooler and the poles warmer than without any atmosphere. So the atmosphere (and wind-driven sea surface) carries thermal energy from the equator to the poles. But the poles do not get continually warmer, so this energy must depart from the poles. It is radiated away into space – mainly in winter, when polar regions receive no sunlight yet remain well above absolute zero. Paradoxically, more energy is radiated away when the pole is colder, because more storms from lower latitudes then pierce the atmospheric vortexes that protect the poles, bringing energy that raises the polar temperature until it is radiated away. The IPCC barely considers horizontal energy flux in the atmosphere, although it is responsible for all weather.
Anything that provides more heating at lower latitudes than higher will cause the atmosphere and oceans to shift energy to the poles, from which it is radiated away. The main differential heating effect is the increasing obliquity of the earth’s surface to solar radiation at higher latitudes. (Another is whatever greenhouse effect is due to water vapour, since the tropical atmosphere is damp and the polar atmosphere is dry.) That can include plate tectonics opening and closing ocean channels on a timescale of tens of millions of years, various factors that tweak the earth’s orbit over tens of thousands of years, solar cycles, and oceanic current cycles. Vinós uses these to argue that energy flow across latitudes explains all pre-industrial climate changes.
Vinós is a polymath, a spanish neurobiologist and cancer specialist who made his career in Caifornia, but a decade ago (after retiring?) he studied climate and explored his ideas in a series of articles on Judith Curry’s blog – although the Winter Gatekeeper did not occur to him at first. The link above is his free online fully technical book (2022) about paleo climate change and the Gatekeeper. He has since published a (slightly) less technical book, “Solving the climate puzzle”.
The North Pole warmed spectacularly until 2012, with the amount of sea ice at the annual September minimum reducing. But it has not reduced further, contrary to the CO2 hypothesis, and the Gatekeeper hypothesis would mean that the earth isn’t warming either.
I believe that we shall hear a lot more about Vinós’s Winter Gatekeeper.