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234 comments to Sunday

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    I have been working on writing about this Motuo Chinese Hydro proposal in Tibet which first came to my attention back in 2014. Two or three times each year since writing those first three Posts I would look to see if there was anything new, and recently, I made the decision to commit to what was basically just speculation on my part, because I have never seen anything definite on the subject.

    Now here, thanks need to go to a couple of others here at Joanne’s site who have linked to that ‘Mega Dam’ proposal video on the subject, and I watched that, and as I have since found, there are many many videos on the subject, all of them mentioning a ….. ‘Mega dam’, something it will patently NOT be, as I explain.

    This is my third Post on the subject this time around, and I have never spent as much time on any subject as I have spent working on this series of three (very long) Posts.

    As I mentioned earlier, the more I looked, the more I found, and the more it looked like perhaps we might not ‘need to know’ about it ….. but why is it still on the plans for power generation in China, renewed with every new five year plan, if they were not actually still seriously considering it.

    So, I wanted to try and find out if it was proceeding, or even started, (which I actually suspect it is) but I can find nothing concrete. I found so many things while I was looking, and I’m of an opinion that maybe, just maybe, it might come to pass, not that we will ever really know for sure.

    As much as I actually did find, it would seem I’m on my own in speculating what I have, but something like what I think it might be would probably only be mentioned by someone with a (very minor) background in Electrical Engineering and knowledge of all the many different types of power plants, as most of those other videos come at it from an environmental point of view of one huge dam with the hydro as part of that dam.

    The link below is to the third (and final) Post in this Series, and I have included as many images for the purpose of explanation as I possibly could, and also a couple of shortish videos as well, one of them, the video that was brought to my attention by readers here, and again, thanks for that.

    It’s seldom that I go ‘out on a limb’ like this and speculate, but if I didn’t mention it, there’s the possibility I might ‘turn into a frog’ before it does get built, if at all.

    Oh, and incidentally, if something like this was constructed, the generated power each year would come out at around 260TWH, and, umm, that’s the total power consumed each year by the WHOLE of Australia!

    China Hydro In Tibet (Part Three C) Just What Is Going On Here?



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      This was al jazeeras take on the scheme.,Tsangpo%20river%20in%20the%20Tibetan%20Autonomous%20Region%20%28TAR%29.

      As far as I can see it is very close to the Indian border who have retaliated by threatening to build their own dam. I can only assume the power will be as cheap and abundant as fossil fuel generation which it would replace and thereby earn China International Brownie points.


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        Old Goat

        The biggest issue is that the water could be withheld from downstream users . Water is essential to agriculture and life in general and control of it can have enormous consequences. It’s possible that wars could be fought over it in the future . The power is also vital as it can be switched on and off to suit demand . It’s the only “renewable” that can…


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          As I explained at the Post, the power is (will be) generated by what is basically similar to run of river hydro, so the water just flows back into the river itself.

          And tonyb above your comment mentioned India. Well, as many hydro plants planned by China in this area, India actually has many many more hydro plants planned along this same river and its many tributaries in Arunchal Pradesh, India’s State in the North West, in fact, hundreds of them, and that was what I found most surprising.

          There’s a lot of anti China rhetoric surrounding this Motuo scheme, but everyone, and here I mean everyone, looks on it as one MEGA Dam, something which is patently wrong, and in fact impossible to build in this area, anywhere along this River in Tibet.

          That’s the ONLY reason I spent so long researching this whole thing, because I could plainly see that ….. ONE dam was a physical impossibility.



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    Long cold winter nights, limited sun. Its no surprise that the UK is not the ideal place for solar panels as we have some 1800 hours in the sunniest places.

    These panels have now been given a huge boost with a 3000 acre development planned. Small wonder Electricity in Britain is so expensive

    Oz though should be an ideal place, whether you believe in them or not. What sort of sunshine hours do you get in your sunniest spots?

    Mind you all would be transformed if solar panels could swivel to catch the sun and if there were realistic storage options. Still not as good as fossil fuel of course but better than the solar systems currently being foisted on us.


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      Tony, do you get hail there.


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        Yes, not that frequent but I would say around twice a year. Sometimes it is soft hail and sometimes hard hail that bounces off pavements.


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      TonyB, Brisbane, where I live, gets an average of 3,000 hrs of sun annually, May gets 199 hrs for the month, Nov gets 273 hrs.
      Hope that helps.

      We are also the skin cancer capital of OZ.


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      Just looking from the road the panels at the Wellington “solar farm” do follow the sun. I am sure they do.

      That should mean plenty of jobs in maintenance. Just how to pay for them might be a bigger ask


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        I’ve yet to see a solar farm in Australia where the panels follow the sun. They all seem to be fixed at the optimum angle.


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          There are solar farms with tracking arrays. It is the only way they can compete with rooftops.

          Most of the Queensland arrays are tracking because the output from grid arrays is almost flat from 9am to 30pm:

          They dip in the middle of the day as rooftops flood the market.


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      Oz though should be an ideal place, whether you believe in them or not. What sort of sunshine hours do you get in your sunniest spots?

      The best region in Australia gets annual average of 22MJ/m^2/day. Same as 6 hours full sunshine equivalent per day. The actual sunlight hours would be much higher.

      My location shows 3.8 hours full sunshine equivalent, which is a little more than I actually get because of shade trees.

      My off-grid system was cost optimised for storage and collection. It operates at an average capacity factor of 3.8%. I could do somewhat better with panels angled at around 60 degrees to horizontal to maximise winter input. I have been paid 66c/kWh to export and I figure I was positive after 9 years. Peak rates in Australia are now up around that level. Lunchtime rates are free from some retailers.


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        My home solar in sunny Perth averaged only 9% in June. A bit better this month – 11.4% so far.


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    Doctors told to promote green measures unrelated to health


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      The Dr John Campbell video on that article will be interesting.


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      David Maddison

      “Reduce unnecessary prescribing” and “Limit diagnostic activities”.

      Unbelievable, or maybe not.

      It’s a war against public health just like the fake and dangerous covid “vaccine”.


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      Peter C

      I was tossing up between gross incompetence and conspiracy myself.
      But my conspiracy theory involves the shooter and the Secret Service and the security forces. The only part of the plan which worked properly was the murder of Thomas Mathew Crooks.
      Trump did not plan his own attempted assassination but some other people did!


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        Graham Richards

        FBI, Pelosi, Schiff, Walters, Schumer , Garland! Plenty of suspects.
        Trump knows who is responsible. Patience folks. Biggest joke is that FBI are currently investigating, who else but themselves?? The real investigations won’t start until next year!!


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          But…. But…. If Trump tries to track them down he will charged with RETRIBUTION. As it is he will be lucky to avoid a charge of avoiding an assassin’s bullet.


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        John in NZ

        Conspiracy cannot be eliminated as an explanation.

        It needs to be remembered they did not need to recruit a shooter. All that was needed was two things. Firstly to spend years telling people that Trump was literally Hitl*r, and a threat to democracy to guarantee there would be a lot of people willing to try to kill him.

        They did do this.

        Then, secondly, they needed to leave some holes in the security for a patsy to find.

        This was also done.

        Anybody who says it could not have been intentional is either stupid or lying.


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          FBI would have been logging all his socials, he made some ‘out there’ statements.
          The only precautions taken were to make sure the kid was ‘eliminated’ AFTER the deed was done.
          His father got in touch with the authorities well before the Saturday.


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          All the Secret Service had to do was look the other way. With plausible deniability.


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            Kalm Keith

            And, they haven’t got that.


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              The Press are not the ones chasing this down. It is the world of bloggists and amateurs and the odd Congressman wanting answers.

              You would think it easy enough to compare the last two Presidents on job performance. Economy, wars, borders, Afghanistan, Wuhan Flu, migration, petrol prices, inflation.

              The Trump platform for election is to fix the economy, the borders, energy, Ukraine, Houthis, Gaza, hostages, ..

              But the Democrat platform is Trump is the devil, Hitler, inhuman, a monster, going to ban contraception, abortion, in league with violent extremists and a friend of Putin and Kim Jong Il and every other dictator.

              I have yet to read that the Democrats have any other agenda. Whoppi Goldberg is angry that Trump’s Grandaughter is an attempt to ‘humanize‘ Trump. Read backwards, Donald Trump is inhuman. And needs to be put down by a righteous assassin. Or the Justice System and lawfare.

              Nancy Pelosi just says he must not be allowed to succeed. What does that mean in practical terms? And was he so bad last time? Was he as bad as Biden?

              The entire Democrat platform is only to denigrate, imprison, destroy and if possible eliminate Trump

              When did the Democrats declare war on Democracy itself?

              Endless Ad hominem attacks form the only platform of the Democrats. Eliminate Donald Trump by any means, fair or foul. Was he such a bad President last time? And he spent half that time being impeached by documented Clinton contrived, promoted and funded hoaxes.

              When will Joe Biden actually give a vision for the future? And was his Presidency other than to keep power and be accountable to no one while working afternoons at the beach? Who is running the place even today?

              I do hope, along with everyone else, that this time without Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi that Trump will be allowed to pursue his stated objectives with control of both houses. And end the dictatorship of Washington and the swamp. And old Pencil Neck Adam Schiff is moving to the Senate, possibly looking to replace Chuck Schumer who is ten years older.


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                And this business where everyone from Biden down calls Donald Trump a liar. A serial liar. A sprectacular liar. At every opportunity. What lies? They never say.

                The list of Democrat hoaxes is now very long. And they were all lies. Two impeachments. 50 US government Security experts who declared in writing that Hunter Biden’s laptop did not exist. And no one apologises.

                But when Biden claimed he played off a handicap of 6, better than 95% of all golfers, most of America knew there was only one habitual, endless liar. So the press said they both lied. The usual moral equivalence, that our man is bad but yours is worse. Like Hamas and Israel.

                I assume this is classic Marxist character assassination in lieu of policies. When you can’t debate, don’t have clue, you just attack the person. And everyone joins in. It’s a spectacular new low in US politics, one side with policies and the other with endless personal abuse.


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                Dave in the States

                And was his Presidency other than to keep power and be accountable to no one while working afternoons at the beach? Who is running the place even today?

                It’s Obama’s third term.


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          John Connor II

          But leaving bleeding obvious holes in security by people like the police, FBI and SS, whose sole job, jobs they’ve been thoroughly trained to do coupled with many years of experience, is to provide thorough security and ensure there aren’t holes, demonstrates it’s an orchestrated event, either by TDS malice or by order on high.

          Maybe Crowdstrike’s CEO could apply for a job with the feds. His incompetence qualifies him.


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          David Maddison

          Firstly to spend years telling people that Trump was literally Hitl*r, and a threat to democracy to guarantee there would be a lot of people willing to try to kill him.

          As I wrote yesterday, this list comes from Victor Davis Hanson. Leftist Elites spent years encouraging their slave army of useful idiots to “do something” about Trump with comments such as follows:

          By slugging his face (Robert De Niro),
          by decapitation (Kathy Griffin, Marilyn Manson),
          by stabbing (Shakespeare in the Park),
          by clubbing (Mickey Rourke),
          by shooting ( Snoop Dogg),
          by poisoning (Anthony Bourdain),
          by bounty killing (George Lopez),
          by carrion-eating his corpse (Pearl Jam),
          by suffocating (Larry Whilmore),
          by blowing him up (Madonna, Moby),
          by throwing him over a cliff (Rosie O’Donnell),
          just by generic “killing” him (Johnny Depp, Big Sean)
          or by martyring him (Reid Hoffman: “Yeah, I wish I had made him an actual martyr.”).


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            Old Goat

            What do they all have in common ? They all make money in the media or rely on it for publicity . Hollywood , the MSM and social media are all controlled by a select few . They can destroy anyone they want without getting their hands dirty .


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        Appears to have ended up as cross between a circular firing squad and a spaghetti western. A movie wear the good guy comes to town to confront the bad man and take back what was rightfully his families. The gunslinger hired to kill him starts taking out the guys hiding in the buildings so the good guy can confront the wealthy bad chap in a fair shoot-out.

        The civil war has started with shots fired between security forces and now it is raging on the internet and in the press as a cyber war.

        John Cullen now has at least 4 shooters using acoustics plus another counter sniper with a laser targeted on the flippin and floppin guy in long pants at the opposite end of the building to the dead guy in shorts.

        Just to bring some feminine mystique into the script he has a well dressed woman in blue dress after the event at the fence line about the distance where some shots could have come from. He has another photo of that dress with a large bag getting in a car with secret service in the buildings behind Trump.

        To top it off one of the videos I listened to a recording which has a woman stating the shooter was from the Red harvester parked in that area.

        I hope the good guy gets the girl in the end! There must be a happy ending after so many innocent people are shot or in the case of J6 imprisoned.


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          Ah, yes, the J6 trials, a show-case of Western civilisation and justice, rather like Assange actually..

          However the disgraceful Russians definitely don’t have justice, and jail journalists for just doing their job.

          “A Russian court has found US reporter Evan Gershkovich guilty of espionage and sentenced him to 16 years in a maximum security penal colony in what his employer, The Wall Street Journal, called “a disgraceful sham conviction”.”

          Orwell was right, you can’t tell the pigs from the farmers these days! ..and that is one article the SMH lets you read for free! How unusual, they must be keen for that propaganda to get seen far and wide.


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        Those who get their news from CBC in Canada appear to believe that Trump cut his ear on broken glass.


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      Jon Rattin

      A 15 minute video. I managed to track this down after a workmate told me he had seen footage of a secret service agent ushering citizens away from the line of fire behind Trump just before he was shot (it seems the video was deleted from YouTube, l found this vid on Bitchute). Said footage is at the 5:20 minute mark for this who don’t watch the entire video.


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    CO2 Lover

    Butler County Sheriffs Deputies have said that their body cameras were turned off and there is no footage available from the incident.

    ASSASSIN EYE-WITNESS: Police Are Lying about Rooftop Confrontation of Alleged Sniper – “The Guys on the Second Floor Were Watching – But They Didn’t Do Anything!”

    Witness Smith describes seeing snipers out of the second floor warehouse building as part of the AGR complex. Some online have speculated that these individuals were Butler County Emergency Services snipers or SWAT responders, but so far that has not been made clear and officials are not providing any answers. But the witnesses described seeing the snipers in the windows of the AGR building.

    Inside job.


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      Peter C

      Yes, the narrative about the policeman clinging to the roof and confronting Crooks had holes in it.
      He was allegedly boosted up by another cop but fell 8 ft to the ground. 8 ft! That is too far to be boosted up. Who were these cops and where were they? No one saw them.

      Did the policeman who narrated the story deliberately lie?


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        Those witnesses might want to be careful.
        Also there were plenty of ‘Zapruders’ there that day, reconstructing this will proceed apace after the inauguration.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >Who were these cops

        From the article:

        Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe confirmed to KDKA-TV that an armed municipal officer with Butler Township encountered shooter Thomas Crooks before he fired shots from a rooftop building outside the perimeter of former President Trump’s rally.

        Local Butler cops.


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        Leo G

        the narrative about the policeman clinging to the roof and confronting Crooks had holes in it.

        The timing of that confrontation is the main flaw. The officer may have had that confrontation but it must have been earlier- before 5:45pm.

        Possibly, the timeline is being adjusted to divert attention from the apparent inactivity of the security team in the adjacent building.

        If there were observers in the building- a building with windows overlooking Crooks position- why would police need to risk injury with a man-hoisting-man exercise?


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          Richard C in NZ

          Leo >If there were observers in the building- a building with windows overlooking Crooks position- why would police need to risk injury with a man-hoisting-man exercise?

          Downthread @ #18.1+:

          Hawley also discovered that law enforcement officers were on different communication channels and weren’t coordinated. He believes someone needs to resign over this disaster.


          COVER-UP: FBI Tries to Kick Out Senator Josh Hawley at Assassination Attempt Site Despite Having Local Security Operator’s Permission — “Get Out of Here. You Shouldn’t Be on the Site”


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            Leo G

            ,,, law enforcement officers were on different communication channels and weren’t coordinated.

            There were media reports that the AGR building complex was used by local traffic police, observers, and a SWAT team.

            How likely that the building overlooking the shooter was the designated communications hub- ie the location where real-time reports were collated and could be immediately shared across all law enforcement radio frequencies used at the event?


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      Honk R Smith

      Join the Elite Sloped Roof Division: Secret Service Recruitment Video


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          CO2 Lover

          “How did she get to head the US Secret Service”?

          Jill Biden new Kimberly Cheat-le and recomended she be appointed by Joe


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          Leo G

          Don’t be unkind to Kimberly. She is a poster-person for diversity identity.

          Besides, she appears to have kicked the event security can to her boss, Biden henchman and Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas.

          So Trump was in a safe pair of hands.

          The hands that have so well managed the security of the Mexican border.


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            Don’t be unkind to Kimberly. She is a poster-person for diversity identity.

            It’s time to be blunt: too many young people have worthless degrees

            I’d be delighted if my child wanted to become a plumber or electrician – far happier than if she went for a politics degree

            ZOE STRIMPEL

            I have been a manager with hiring responsibilities just once.

            I felt deeply underwhelmed as I shuffled through CVs recording pointless degree after pointless degree. By pointless I mean a 2.1 in sociology, or film studies, or management, or journalism, or business studies, or sports studies, or those puzzlingly silly pairings that have become voguish – “anthropology and accounting”; “communications and fashion design”.

            Some of these degrees were from Russell Group universities, many weren’t. It didn’t really matter: most left me cold, and bored, and slightly depressed. I knew full well that the applicants’ dutiful fulfilment of the mandatory and cripplingly expensive luxury of going to university meant absolutely nothing where competence, concision, rigour, discipline, writing skill, creativity, curiosity, cleverness, and above all some degree of learnedness were concerned.

            Yet as for most jobs, a degree is required. And so I plodded on, ultimately going for someone with an Oxford degree in PPE, and who, while hard-working, couldn’t write for toffee either.

            Labour, with all its historical ties to the working class, and its purported obsession with equalising opportunities and transforming our economy, has a real chance now to overhaul our costly, tragic dependence on university degrees. To free up the job market for school-leavers so that it is equally, or more, attractive for them to do targeted training or learn on the job (any job, from publishing to private equity to PR), and read books in their spare time (if they want), than to spend three years at university.

            And yet at the very first, Labour shows signs that it is just another hypocritical establishment technocratic blob – too stupid or cynical to see that, just where it claims it is making Britain fairer, it is actually allowing class division to be entrenched by allowing university to remain the gold standard of professional success and personal entitlement.


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              Old Goat

              What you were looking for was intelligence not “qualifications” . Not mutually exclusive but the ability to think critically is getting rare and isn’t encouraged in university anymore .


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        Richard C in NZ

        Honk, how much more ridicule like that video does it takes before Cheatle gets a grip, publicly owns up to incompetence, and resigns?

        I’m asking rhetorically of course – no need to answer.


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          Mayorkas, her boss, just praised all the women in the secret service and offered his gratitude. Why?


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          Honk R Smith

          No, I will answer Grasshopper,
          ridicule flows like enlightening water down the backs and away from the tongues of the ridiculous.

          Do you hear the laughter of the cricket at your feet?
          The time will soon come for you to carry the hot hibachi into the snow.


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            John Connor II

            Eastern wisdom.

            “Thar’s nowt wrang with owt what mitheryn’ clutterbucks don’t barely gromit”

            Who knows the reference? 😆

            Master: “An assassin on a flat roof is worth 10 secret service agents on the ground”
            Grasshopper: “Master – but can they not see the assassin a few metres away?”
            Master: “A man sees nothing he is told not to see”
            Grasshopper: “Master – so a man can learn more from his enemies, than a fool from his friends”
            Master: “Almost time to leave”


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            Jon Rattin

            If the cricket is laughing, it’s obviously not at the feet of Bill Gates…


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        John Connor II

        The sloping roof excuse is so lame it need crutches.


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        John Connor II

        There’s a new sendup out:

        Can we call them “slopies”? 😆


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      “Butler County Sheriffs Deputies have said that their body cameras were turned off and there is no footage available from the incident.”

      Of course, we would expect no less.


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        Leo G

        their body cameras were turned off

        DEI standard operating principle- Be prepared!
        Be prepared for any situation which may betray one’s incompetence.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        Which means the footage recorded while they were “off” has been deep-holed.


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    Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

    USA government debt is on an exponential climb- currently 123% of GDP.
    Russian debt is 19.5% GDP and in decline despite ostracism over Ukraine.

    I can bet that no presidential candidate will have a plan to reduce the national debt.

    And, dear readers, you all know the fate of Mr Costello when he wiped out Australian national debt!


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      Peter C

      Trump has a plan.
      1. Drill for oil and gas
      2. Stop wasting money on ruinabled
      3. Stop the war
      4. Clean out the Federal govt.


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        Peter C

        5. Build the wall


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        Dave in the States

        That’s exactly why they h8 him and seek his life.


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          And now if they kill him J.D.Vance will be President. And will hunt them down. Trump now has someone covering his back.


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            And even Rupert Murdoch is angry. This means at least 8 years of a Republican Presidency which is not responsive to the demands of the legacy media. It was not enough to hire Paul Ryan, the younger Murdochs want to get the left on board with Fox. The left are the only ones who pay for newspapers.


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            Dave in the States

            That brings up the issue of timing. If it had succeeded then there would have been no VP pick yet made, and the convention would have been complete chaos. Probably a uni-party nominee would have resulted. And the polls would have been back to within the margin of fraud.

            Does anybody think that kid had all that worked out?


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              But he missed and now they are checkmated by J.D.Vance who is everything Biden is not. And less than half his age.


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                Their dream ticket now is Hillary Clinton, Mrs Pee Pee and cackling Kamala. I doubt very much that Michelle Obama is prepared to pretend to be President in loco Barack. A sort of Presidential Cuckold. As Biden has been.


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      A serious trade war is brewing, China is steadily unloading billions of dollars in US Treasuries.


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        They were the greatest losers by far in the GFC. The Chinese billionaires do not want to invest in China either with economic ruin on the horizon. The question for China and everyone else, is where on earth can they invest safely other than the US? A rapid devaluation of the RMB is the threat if the US dollar soars, so moving their money out is an odd choice unless to Europe. Or maybe the BRICS want their own currency, which was always the dream. A Brazil, Russia, India, China axis. That’s half the world’s population.


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          Steve of Cornubia

          “The question for China and everyone else, is where on earth can they invest safely … ”

          Property. But not in China. Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, etc.


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      John Connor II

      The US debt is unresolvable without WW3.
      All US pension funds are totally buying US debt, the EU 75%.
      They could tax the billionares 100% and not fix it.
      The ONLY way out is to default and the best way to do that right now, THIS YEAR, facing “the Trump”, who WILL destroy the neocons, shut down the obsolete war-mongering NATO, go through all 3 letter corrupt and rotten government agencies like a bushfire, is to start WW3, either by false flag or provocation.


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        For years Donald has been saying that EU NATO members are not pulling their weight, so this is Europe’s opportunity to defend itself against Putin without US help.


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          John Connor II

          For years Donald has been saying that EU NATO members are not pulling their weight

          It’s not a matter of pulling their weight – NATO exists FOR war, not to prevent it.
          They’re a dinosaur struggling to remain relevant post WW2, another bloated useless organisation past its use-by date.
          Just like the ICC, International Criminal Court, that did sweet FA for human rights violations in the C19 mandate fiasco.
          They can go too.😎


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        It’s not a problem if you own the currency as the US does. Everyone else suffers from US inflation and their own continual devaluation. Dictatorships love to park their money in US dollars. At least the government does not steal all the money. It’s odd with so many governments hopelessly in debt. Very much the socialist way. And a long time since governments even tried to balance the budget.

        Australia is a basket case but posts a profit on taxes on coal, gas and iron ore to China. But the real reason is that successive Australian governments have invented a whole lot of illegal hidden taxes in Clean Energy so the public pay for the windmills and solar panels and infrastructure with no idea it is buried in their soaring electricity prices. The irony is that the country is putting in solar panels to reduce electricity bills which are very high mainly because people are putting in solar panels and windmills subsidized entirely by higher electricity prices. A sort of taxation ponzi scheme where everyone ends up with nothing. And it’s all illegal, but no one knows about it, even most of the politicians who keep asking for a carbon tax.


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      Russian debt is 19.5% GDP and in decline despite ostracism over Ukraine.

      Lies, damned lies and statistics.

      The US has a big debt problem but they still have a functioning economy. Russia OTOH has a dysfunctional wartime economy.


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    David Maddison

    Here is an economic disaster in the making that is comparable to the “green” hydrogen and Snowy Hydro 2 disasters, perhaps even worse.

    The first parts of the Sun Cable project, the world’s longest undersea power cable from a solar plantation in the Northern Territory (AUS) to Singapore have been approved.

    We all thought this was a disastrous project which was previously abandoned.

    But like all disastrous “green” projects that’s all the more motivation to go ahead.

    I hope no Aussie taxpayer dollars are spent on this but given the economic absurdity of it, I have to conclude it will be using our hard-earned taxes. It’s “only” “other people’s money”.

    Note also in the quote below, my bolding, this ridiculous project is only based on a “belief”, not solid science, engineering or economic data.

    And incidentally, why does the solar plantation have to be built 4300km away in the NT? Surely they can find enough land closer to Singapore which would also be closer to the equator and therefore have greater solar insolation? The fact that this HAS to be built in the stupid country makes me think that taxpayer subsidies are expected.

    Australia is just bouncing from one “green” energy disaster to another. We really are the STUPID COUNTRY. And I’m sorry I have to say that.

    Sun Cable’s massive renewables and storage project in the Northern Territory has passed another major hurdle, winning environmental approvals for key components what it describes as the “world’s biggest” renewable propect.

    The NT Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has given environmental approval for up to 10 gigawatts of solar and storage and the the transmission line and associated infrastructure that will deliver the power from Elliott to Darwin, and possibly later to Singapore.

    Sun Cable says the environmental approvals mean Sun Cable can move ahead with development, commercial, and engineering activities needed to get to a final investment division in 2027. Electricity production is expected for the 2030s.

    “SunCable is founded with the belief that Australia can lead the world’s energy transition,” said SunCable Australia managing director Cameron Garnsworthy.


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      Kalm Keith

      I haven’t followed this closely but assumed and believed it had been canned?


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        David Maddison

        Yes, that’s what we thought.

        But the more ridiculous any green project is, the more likely it is to go ahead. Especially if there is the possibility of those Aussie taxpayer dollars to be harvested.


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        I guess there will be proof of life whe real work starts. So far it has been theatre and announcements. Oh yes and tantrums among competing virtue signallers.


      • #

        The joint venture original company was placed into voluntary administration in January 2023. Twiggy Forrest’s company Tattarang put in a bid in May 2023. Mike Cannon Brookes’ Grok Ventures won full control in May 2023.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Sorry, bumped the red. See green.


      • #
        David Maddison

        That’s what I thought. It’s too early in the morning (AEST) for the Leftists to be out of bed giving red thumbs.


    • #

      David, I had another look at that media story, the ‘approval’ relates to the environmental part of it, ie, it’s all go to bulldoze thousands of hectares of bush to build the solar farm.
      Do they get hail up that way.


      • #

        If they don’t get hail, there’s plenty of nice red dust. Who’s going to wash the panels? Where will they get the water to do it?


        • #
          David Maddison

          Who’s going to wash the panels? Where will they get the water to do it?

          There’ll be a taxpayer-funded subsidy for that. ✔ ✔ ✔


        • #

          The Noor solar power plant in Morocco uses 200,00 litres of water each day to keep its panels clean. A Pilbara mining company setup a small solar array at its minesite, then found it was completely covered in dust within three days. Not sure if it’s currently being used – they gave up trying to manually sweep it clean every day.


        • #

          What will they wash the panels with…. it can’t just be any old water, it has to be either demineralised or distilled so there is no scale or build up left on the glass.


    • #
      william x

      what is also strange, is that a 263km gas pipeline running offshore from the Timor Sea into Darwin, gets canned because it “Would damage burial sites on the sea floor, dreaming tracks and songlines”.

      Yet a large diameter, transmission cable running over the same sea floor, does not seem to worry our “Traditional Owners”.

      It seems the “Electrons are good, Gas bad” narrative is in full show.


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      In August last year Singapore-based Vena Energy signed an agreement with China solar giant Suntech and energy storage manufacturers Powin and Rept Battero to establish PV and battery production lines in the Riau islands, just across the channel from Singapore. 
      It aims to produce that part of Sun Cable’s plan to transport 2GW of solar power capacity, and if it does, that could force the Australian company to look for new customers.
      That was the more ridiculous idea in the original scheme, that of running cables over one of the more active tectonic fault zones, but some GREEN dreamers think this is easy.

      They have kept going despite Singapore not wanting any (expensive) electricity and now believe that the cable to Darwin “will underpin a new wave of green industrial development in the NT, via prospective projects that include green minerals, hydrogen, e-fuels, and data centres.”
      None of these green wish list ideas have yet been announced, and with the likely removal of Albanese & Bowen from financial “control” soon, are unlikely to occur.


      • #

        Interesting. Think the Singapore energy authority has also signed a supply contract with either Indonesia or Malaysia. I believe Sun Cable doesn’t have any supply agreement in place with Singapore.
        And I wasn’t aware that Darwin was short of power. There were two other NT solar projects that were unable to obtain permission to connect to the NT grid.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Basslink cable failure investigation

      20 December 2017
      Two global experts have found the Basslink cable failed in December 2015 because Basslink Pty Ltd (BPL) exceeded its design limit.

      Expert reports provided to Hydro Tasmania concluded that BPL operated the cable in a way that degraded it. Issues related to heating and cooling of the cable under operational stress probably caused the December 2015 failure.

      The experts have recommended a short-term export limit of 500MW, while BPL considers and responds to this new information. The experts are confident Basslink can safely and reliably operate at 500MW. Adopting that level will ensure safe and reliable operation of the cable to support Tasmania’s contribution to Victoria’s energy supply over summer.

      Tasmania’s energy security is not affected, because Basslink cannot import at higher than 500MW in any case. Electricity imports to help supplement on-island generation over summer can therefore proceed as normal, as required.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      The NT has two main seasons, the Wet (November to April) and the Dry season (May to October).

      How well do solar panels operate during the Wet season? Apart from not operating at night?


      • #
        David of Cooyal in Oz

        A green answer:
        They’ll operate very well, being washed every day, so no dust.

        (/s just in case.)


    • #

      which would also be closer to the equator and therefore have greater solar insolation?

      It is not top of atmosphere insolation that matters for solar arrays but what actually makes it to the ground. Northern Territory is highly ranked for its ground leave solarinsolation.


      • #

        South Australia has the highest, possibly in the world. No clouds, no rain, no monsoons, no afternoon showers. Which is why most investment went into South Australia.


  • #
    • #
      David Maddison

      The new Energy Secretary Ed Milliband has just given the green light to the biggest solar farm in the U.K.

      It’s absurd to build a land-intensive solar plantation in a country which is short of farmland and has a high population density which is getting much higher due to open border immigration and the ongoing transfer of the entire Third World to Once Great Britain.

      And having poor solar insolation is a most obvious problem. Why don’t they build a 15,000km power cable from a solar plantation in Australia to the UK? Our anti-energy Minister Chrissy Bowen, will gladly pay for it with Aussie taxpayer dollars. That’s a “green” project that’s is sufficiently ridiculous that it would probably go ahead.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    J6 prisoner Jake Lang charges:

    Jake Lang J6 Charges (13)

    Civil Disorder; Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers; Assaultin, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Aiding and Abetting; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings

    Charge 9 dismissed – next.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Federal Judge Doubles Down on Divergent Legal Position, Dismisses Jan. 6 Charge Upheld by at Least 10 Other D.C. Judges

      Charge 9 of 13 dismissed,

      The ninth count in the superseding indictment charged Lang with obstruction of an official proceeding.

      That statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1512, reads (in relevant part) as follows:

      (c) Whoever corruptly —

      (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or

      (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,

      shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

      Jake Lang in solitary confinement – next.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      J6 Political Prisoner Brad Smith Is Released from Prison After Serving 20 Months for Committing Crime that Jackbooted Thugs at DOJ Suspiciously Refused to Charge Ray Epps With


    • #
      David Maddison

      Who’d ever have thought that the United States of America would one day have political prisoners?


      • #
        John Connor II

        Who’d ever have thought that the United States of America would one day have political prisoners?

        Formerly known as citizens. 😆


      • #

        Having been born during the war, I think of the US as Australia’s big brother. I weep for the mess they have become.


    • #
      David Maddison

      BTW, all those peaceful protesters were tracked using their phones. If you attend a legal peaceful protest in any Western country with a woke Leftist government, make sure to leave your phone at home. Even turning your phone “off” doesn’t prevent the latest phones from being traced and tracked because power is still being supplied to the ultra-wideband tracking chips installed in the latest phones. Or wrap your phone in aluminium foil as a Faraday shield to prevent tracking but if you remove foil to use the phone, your presence will be immediately logged by a telco mobile tower or Big Brother uses fake cell phone towers called IMSI catchers, Stingray being an obsolete brand being one example.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      ‘The FBI Set Everything Up… They Wrote the Script – and WHITMER WAS IN ON IT!’ — Victim in Alleged FBI Plot to Kidnap Michigan Democrat Gov. Whitmer Breaks Silence in Must-See Interview!

      Eric Molitor tells an amazing story. What followed was and is an indictment on US “justice”:

      Following this incident, Molitor was arrested during a family get-together where law enforcement allegedly pointed guns at his children. He now faces charges of material support for terrorism due to a video he was asked to take during the ride and felony firearms because he had his sidearm with him.

      When asked about his current legal situation, Molitor said he had quit fighting it. He expressed frustration that Governor Whitmer continues to portray the alleged plot as a legitimate threat against her life.

      Molitor ended the interview with a call to action, urging citizens to contact their representatives and form civil groups in their communities. He emphasized the importance of understanding how the system works and being active in holding it accountable.

      “If they can do it to nobody like me, they will come after everybody else,” Molitor warned.

      This is the “other” pre-J6 story, ongoing for the likes of Molitor.


  • #
    • #

      It’s not as if we don’t endure endless protests in Melbourne. The city is regularly shut down by hundreds and even thousands of protestors. These are really a problem, but they are real protests. This is five people shutting down one of the world’s biggest cities because they have a point to make and do not care about vast consequential damage to thousands of lives, even loss of life. In fact loss of life as a consequence would be a real expectation. So utter and deliberate recklessness occasioning harm. This is not paint or gluing yourself to the floor.

      This is not in any way legitimate method of protest and occasioned millions of dollars in real damages without the slightest concern for others. And the value to society of their action was what? I hope they enjoy their moment of fame because if you take the hours and costs of their millions of victims, a few years is a bargain.

      And most importantly, the weather will be exactly the same when they get out. Miserable and cold most of the year.


      • #

        And I doubt the new government will pardon them. They have a paper thin margin in most seats thanks to the huge Reform vote and millions of people(voters) were angry.


        • #

          And besides, the punishment is not flogging or hanging or deportation to Australia, just inconvenience. Something which they don’t care about.


          • #

            They seem keen to inflict the inconvenience – quote unquote – of doing without fossil fuels on the rest of humanity.



  • #
    another ian


    “3D Model Posits what Trump Assassination Attempt at Butler PA Rally Looked Like, Concludes Secret Service Failed Trump, Ignores Evidence of Larger Conspiracy to Kill Trump”


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >3D Model Posits what Trump Assassination Attempt at Butler PA Rally Looked Like [2]

      Haven’t got into that one yet but for reference from yesterday’s thread a competing theory:

      Trump Second-Shooter Theory Emerges [1]

      The author of the piece Matt Riley, has 10 plus years military intelligence experience.


      The Second Shooter

      The Patsy

      The Heavy

      The Setting

      The Water Tower

      Extensive dissection in yesterday’s thread linked above.


    • #
      another ian

      And an “extra shooter”

      “THEY KEEP CHANGING THEIR STORY: Feds Now Say a Local Sniper Also Shot at Crooks After He Started Firing on President Trump — This Only Took a Week to Report? (VIDEO)”


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >3D Model Posits what Trump Assassination Attempt at Butler PA Rally Looked Like [2]
      by Benjamin Wetmore

      Single shooter assumption to create the model (following re-paragraphed for emphasis_:

      The conclusion of the video is that Thomas Crooks, the alleged shooter, was the sole shooter and attempts to line up the shots to the location of where federal authorities claim Crooks’ body was found, on the roof of the American Glass Research company warehouse north of the rally field.

      This contention is still in reasonable dispute.

      But the animation still helps understand where the shots generally came from, and helps orient the viewer as to how the buildings, victims, and President Trump, were oriented in relation to one another.

      I don’t think you can create a “model” when the foregone premise is that ALL the bullets came from the one very small geo-spatial source (Crooks barrel). To do that requires precision forensics and exact lining up of bullet trajectories – this model is not that. Think Mark Wahlberg/Michael Peña film ‘Shooter’ for a rough frame of reference.

      But it’s a modelling start I suppose, definitely not the end though.

      The last passage of the article is a beauty – next.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        Wetmore (re-paragraphed for emphasis),

        Not to mention that the day-of schedule of Thomas Crooks is incredibly implausible:
        buying a ladder,
        buying 50 rounds of ammo,
        driving an hour to the rally,
        entering the rally with a prohibited item,
        ranging snipers from within the rally grounds,
        leaving the rally and flying a drone over the rally,
        leaving his vehicle with multiple IED’s in the trunk,
        riding a bike overloaded with backpacks ladder AR-15-style gun and various other items,
        parking the bike,
        sitting on a retaining wall long enough to get photographed by snipers inside,
        awkwardly walking around some more,
        somehow getting onto the 12-18 foot tall roof with a five foot ladder,
        crawling into position without being noticed by the sniper team 40 feet away,
        not having security stop him even though an assembled group was yelling about a sniper on the roof for 40+ minutes,
        and finally taking shots at the President.

        ‘The Invisible Man’ comes to mind.


        • #

          somehow getting onto the 12-18 foot tall roof with a five foot ladder

          There was a lower shed between the buildings. He had the ladder against that. Not a strong shed but it took 3 feet off the climb. 5 to 8 to 12 feet.
          The ladder was still against this shed.


          • #

            And I suppose people walking around with ladders might be acceptable at an outdoor function, but up against a building of snipers, it adds insult to Trump’s injury. The building was not secured in any sense if someone can walk up in plain sight with a ladder and climb on the roof! And scores of people could see a man with a gun on the roof. What were the snipers/police in the building doing if not looking at the crowd pointing at the roof?

            Plus with the absolute minimum would be that if anyone in law enforcement saw a possible threat anywhere, Trump would have been asked to wait until it was resolved. Wait and see is not a legitimate response.


            • #
              Richard C in NZ

              TdeF >The building was not secured in any sense if someone can walk up in plain sight with a ladder and climb on the roof!

              No, as below, Crooks didn’t use the ladder he purchased. It was never recovered on the AGR site. I don’t where it is but it wasn’t used by Crooks in the event.

              Wetmore got that bit wrong.


              • #
                Leo G

                I don’t where it is but it wasn’t used by Crooks in the event.

                He may have used the ladder to access a window from inside the building- a window providing roof access.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            TdeF >The ladder was still against this shed.

            Not Crooks ladder; he didn’t use the one he purchased.

            There were 2 ladders photographed against the link canopy (“this shed”), one blue, one aluminium. Neither was Crooks ladder.

            I assume the blue ladder belonged to the AGR facility. Been suggested elsewhere the aluminium ladder was from the SWAT team that ended up on the roof with Crooks body along with police.

            Crooks ladder was not recovered on the AGR site.

            Wetmore got that bit wrong.


            • #

              That changes things. I saw the photograph. But if he left his ladder back at the car, he had a reason. Now he has a drone and could have seen the ladder to the roof. Who flies a drone past secret service agents? And who secures a building while leaving a ladder to the roof in place, a ladder which can be climbed without being observed?


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    From yesterday’s Open Thread:

    Trumps Ear Wound
    The two circles below, added by Snopes, highlight two areas that appear to show torn skin:


    Fauci Downplays Injury From Assassination Attempt on President Trump, Ironically Says “It’s Dangerous to Make Diagnoses from a Distance” (Video)

    CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Fauci about calls to release more information about Trump’s treatment.

    Fauci responded, “I don’t think there is much more to it.”

    “I mean, from what we’ve seen and what we’ve heard, it was a bullet shot that grazed his ear and injured his ear, according to the physicians who examined him. There was no other further damage.”

    “It seems to have been a superficial wound to the ear, and that’s all,” he said.

    Ironically, Fauci also said, “I mean, it’s dangerous to make diagnoses from a distance,”

    There’s 2 wounds (see Snopes image above) and neither are just a “graze”.

    Something that no-one has mentioned anywhere that I’ve seen is the discomfort and pain of that injury and difficulty sleeping i.e. making sure you don’t have your head on that ear.

    Anyone that has had even a minor wound to the ear like that, as I have, will know what I’m on about.

    I’ve been amazed that Trump has been out and about so soon after with only the addition of the large dressing – although I did see his blood-shot eyes in close-ups at the RNC convention.

    Trump’s been ridiculed on the Left for that dressing, including a My Pillow product placement ad, but given the wound(s) it is very necessary.


    • #

      “Anyone that has had even a minor wound to the ear like that, as I have, will know what I’m on about.”

      I’m with you there, I had a skin cancer cut off my ear years ago and it was really painful, even though I was given a painkiller injection, there’s no flesh there to hold it, it is just cartilage with skin over it.
      Trumps injury would have stung like hell.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >Trump’s been ridiculed on the Left for that [ear] dressing

      Fashion du jour – Trump ear dressing×480.jpeg

      Honour symbol on the Right.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Former White House Physician Ronny Jackson Provides Update on Trump’s Health Following Assassination Attempt

      No stitches – he will have an interesting appearance when the dressing comes off.


      The bullet passed, coming less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head, and struck the top of his right ear. The bullet track produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear. There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear. The swelling has since resolved, and the wound is beginning to granulate and heal properly. Based on the highly vascular nature of the ear, there is still intermittent bleeding requiring a dressing to be in place. Given the broad and blunt nature of the wound itself, no sutures were required.


  • #

    Just watching the most bedraggled mob of roos mowing my front lawn ( well grass) and thinking how grand it must have been living in pre colonial Australia. Couple of these creatures are huddled under our citrus trees as they still have a good leaf cover. It may shield them from a bit of rain but it does nothing to keep them warm. The reality of how life was for the “traditional owners” is writ large in this example. Bloody freezing these last few days, but if you can hang on skippy, things will get better over the next couple of weeks. The grass is “sparse” and not much in the way of nutrition, plenty of hip bones showing through the winter fur, but hey, this was the way of the noble savage right. Hang on through the hard times, flourish though the good and have a short life span just looking for enough tucker to make through the day. Gotta be the way to go.


    • #

      I sometimes think about the blacks on a cold , wet and windy night, not just the men but the missus and kids, huddled under a bark shelter, with just a fire and a few dogs for warmth, brrrrrrr.
      Sheer misery.


      • #

        “Sheer misery.”

        So, you reckon they should be grateful we came here and made houses for them, supplied them with food they don’t have to hunt and gave them warm beds to sleep in?? I don’t hear many thankyous…

        ..and even after that their lives are still sheer misery. Suggests it has nothing to do with the external environment they live in.


        • #

          As the mob came south in search of tucker they would have been flabbergasted by the chilly environment, but over many thousands of years they adapted.

          A rudimentary humpy was the best they could manage, because of their hunter gatherer lifestyle, this is probably when they began wearing kangaroo fur coats.


          • #

            Dont know that they actually wore fur coats EG. It seems the best that was managed was skins draped over shoulders. There certainly was not furs and skins finely worked into complex clothing. There certainly was NOT the the spectacular possum skin capes, cloaks and coats as worn into federal parliament by the current crop of activists


    • #

      I think the culture of not naming the dead has something going for it too. Would force us to have a proper reflection on what led to WWII, rather than claiming it was all down to Hitler. Might tone down the narcissism a bit too if you knew you had no ‘legacy’.


  • #
    another ian


    Chiefio looks at the Crowdstrike computer crash

    and another further down on “how it ought to be done”


    • #
      Honk R Smith

      Ok, I’m now convinced we live in a simulation … probably run by cosmic teenage nerds.

      The Modern World is nearly crashed by a company called ‘Crowdstrike’.
      ‘Net Zero’
      ‘It was a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’

      The future of the Free World hinges on the survival and success of a celebrity former TV game show host.

      We can only be victims of an alien TicTok prank.
      Maybe the Greeks had it right.


    • #

      Crowdstrike owned by one of Ukraine’s wealthiest men.
      Crowdstrike involvement in Russia Collusion Hoax.
      DNC servers subpoena’d by FBI but never surrendered
      DNC servers hosted in Ukraine.
      Trump phone call to Zelensky to get the goods on the servers & corruption > Trump impeached.
      Maricopa County voting machines supposedly couldn’t have been hacked because not connected to the internet. Now the voting machines are down because Crowdstrike update via the internet.
      Early voting via machine compromised in several places for the same reason.
      Trump assassination failed. The cabal is now desperate.
      Crowdstrike down > Masses of evidence being destroyed.
      Ukraine situation > Masses of evidence being destroyed.


    • #

      The Crowdstrike situation doesn’t surprise me as something similar happened to AT&T’s Frame-relay network about 25 years ago. This network was often used to pass data between multiple locations of a business. One day an AT&T tech accidently sent a corrupted micro-code program update to one of its switches which forwarded the update to all of the switches it was connected to which then forwarded the update to its connected switches and so on and in a very short time, the whole network was down. If memory servers, it took the better part of a day and a half for AT&T to get the network back up and running and a lot of big businesses were affected by the outage. So, the Crowdstrike debacle doesn’t surprise me, I’m surprised that it took this long for something similar to occur. (As an interesting side note, a short time before the AT&T network crash occurred, I had a conversion with the corporate network manager about getting a back-up connection for our network in case we had problems with the AT&T network but was assured that it was not necessary as the AT&T network was 100% reliable.)


      • #
        John Connor II

        Sunday sarcasm

        Windows pc users are being targetted by a new badly written piece of malware affecting billions of pc’s globally, causing BSOD’s.
        It’s released by a mob called Crowdstrike.

        Ironic that the computer protection is doing more damage than most malware…


        • #

          But the protection it affords requires dangerous control of the system in a way no normal application software does. It has to be able to shut the whole thing down. And it worked as designed. It’s just a guess but the likely problem was it thought a change in Windows was an real attack on the system. This likely means Crowdstrike was not tested to cope with the Microsoft upgrade, which is unlikely.

          So perhaps it was more subtle. Crowdstrike had to be upgraded as first or simultaneously and the Microsoft upgrade process did not check the Crowdstrike version. So while they may be compatible, Crowdstrike had to be upgraded first and the installer for Microsoft did not check.

          Of course it could be that something was not tested. That would be a disaster for the company in a world wide rollout.


          • #

            And the usually cannibalistic Microsoft will use this to ensure that people buy Microsoft’s version of Crowdstrike. And if there isn’t one, they will write one or buy Crowdstrike cheaply.


      • #
        Old Goat

        If this happened by “accident” imagine what a knowledgeable hacker could accomplish . Keep some cash handy and don’t bank with your phone . The banking industry is no longer “safe” .


        • #

          Yes, that frame-relay debacle taught me the importance of having a back-up plan and the the Crowdstrike debacle just reinforces it.

          You make good recommendations though I wonder how long it will be before businesses stop accepting cash.

          A good friend of mine had a lot of problems with Chase banks to the point where he stopped doing business with them.

          I had problems with fraud on a Citi bank credit card to the point I stopped doing business with Citi bank.


    • #
      another ian

      Some more on that

      “Here’s an analysis of what happened with the recent massive CrowdStrike / Windows crash:”


    • #
      another ian

      Another “More”

      “Why You CANNOT Outsource Critical IT”



    • #
    • #

      Parallels with the vaccines – not enough testing.

      I was a software tester 20 years ago. This should not have happened. Patches should not be rolled out ‘automatically’ and any auto update setting should be switched off at installation. Any patch, not matter how minor, should be tested in an isolated environment on a copy of the production system before it is applied.

      This stuff is easy, it just needs patience and working in a methodological way. That time is unfortunately over, all the tech bros out there just want to bang it in, see what happens.


  • #

    Hey Hey,
    Ho Ho,

    C’mon Joe,
    It’s time to go.


    • #

      Go where, where am I?


    • #
      David Maddison

      It’s best for Joe to stay.

      An alternate like “Big Mike” Obama might have more popular appeal and might bring the vote numbers back into “the margin of fraud”.


      • #
        Graeme No.3

        A few months ago I saw the suggestion that Biden would be pushed out and Michele Obama be installed as the Democrat candidate. Based on her being female & black & even better than Nanci.
        It seems she denied any such interest. Normally when a politician says that you know that they want the job, but not in this case.


        • #

          I heard a rumour that Joe is quitting the race today, on the grounds of ill health. They went on to say that the president is not nominating Harris to take his place.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    The line to get into Trump’s Grand Rapids Michigan rally is three miles long!

    8 hour wait

    WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan – 5 PM ET

    Sophia Cai @SophiaCai99

    Eight hours before Trump speaks in Michigan, the line to get in wraps around two sides of the arena.


    People wait 40 minutes to get OUT of Biden’s rallies.

    Said on X – the line to the porta potties is longer at Trump rallies than the line to get in to Biden’s rallies.


  • #
    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >Why do they always look like Brittney?

      They’re Ed-sys clones, fresh out of brainwash school.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        YYY Guy >Why do they always look like Brittney?

        Me >They’re Ed-sys clones, fresh out of brainwash school.

        “Many Educators Portrayed Trump As An Existential Threat. Moving Forward, A Narrative Shift Is Essential”

        Even after the horrific events of this past weekend, this rhetoric persists.

        Without a doubt, this education has profoundly warped the minds of young people everywhere.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          >Even after the horrific events of this past weekend, this rhetoric persists.

          Gov. Pritzker’s Role In The Extreme Rhetoric Surrounding Donald Trump

          Pritzker’s latest speeches and tweets go so far as to call Trump a “threat to the nation” as well as declare “right wing extremism” a threat to “our democracy and our freedoms.” Today, the governor is the Democrats’ main attack dog, if the New York Times headline “This Top Democrat Is Leading His Party’s Attack on Trump as a Felon,” is any indication.

          Pritzker’s personal attacks against Trump have escalated to tying MAGA to fascism. Just last year, the governor told listeners at the Illinois state fair: Illinois Democrats have done more in the last five years to push back on the wave of authoritarian, anti-democratic MAGA Republican nonsense than in any other place in the country…leave it to us to raise the tallest flag in the fight against modern American fascism.”

          The modern Democrats/Biden Admin are the closest to real fascism you can possibly get – Big Corporate-Big Govt power, silencing/censoring/imprisoning opposition and dissent.

          Projection at its finest.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          >“Many Educators Portrayed Trump As An Existential Threat. Moving Forward, A Narrative Shift Is Essential”

          One small step….

          Another sign of change: The University of California is reining in its employees

          By Andrea Widburg

          The University of California (“UC”) is one of the most left-leaning education institutions in America, a legacy going back to the 1960s Free Speech Movement. However, in a major change, the UC regents are reining in, although not entirely stopping, employees who use the UC system’s website to post their political statements.

          Now, though, things are changing. Maybe it’s because most Americans don’t like virulent Islamo-leftist antisemitism. Or maybe it’s because calmer heads, watching the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate and recognizing the potential for societal collapse if that were to happen, have decided that enough is enough.

          We don’t need to know the reason. It’s enough to know that UC has decided that its employees can no longer use primary UC internet pages as personal political platforms, although (shamefully, to my mind) they can still use secondary pages to trumpet their private political views: [continues]


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok [X Link]

          Jess, who lost her race for a Missouri House seat is “mortified” that a Trump supporter can be a doctor.

          2M Views, 31K Likes

          Doc T MD/PhD @lewistlc

          This is such an incredible insult to conservative physicians. Is she actually saying that due to politics, right leaning MD’s would put their oaths aside and refuse to treat patients? Sorry. The only time I saw that behavior was from a different ilk – towards the unvaccinated.

          The striking thing to me is the dead-pan seriousness of her narration – it’s bizarre.

          In respect to this:

          ‘Headshot’: Bloodied ER Doctor Describes Trying to Save Trump Rally-Goer Shot In Head


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          VIDEO: Pennsylvania Woman Calls For Assassination of Trump at State Fair

          Noah Formica @NFormicaGOP

          Just met this lady at the York State Fair.

          She is openly calling for the assassination of President Trump

          This is the evil we are dealing with in our country.

          We are in a spiritual battle for our country & @TPAction_is here to help.

          Video in article. TGP,

          Formica said he was with several volunteers registering new voters for the upcoming election, when the unidentified individual went on a verbal rampage against President Trump, saying she wanted him to be shot, because she “wanted to get rid of him.”


          We kindly asked this woman if she was registered to vote, and she turned hostile. She was inciting violence on President Trump multiple times and even threatened one of our staffers by telling him he deserved to be shot as well. The lady said she was Christian as well. No Christian should act like this,” explained Formica, who has registered thousands of new voters to date in the state of Pennsylvania.

          Ain’t no Christian if she’s advocating murder – “Thou shalt not kill”.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >Ed-sys clones, fresh out of brainwash school.

        Eric Weinstein: “It’s The Communism Stupid”

        Weinstein said the Democratic Party does not identify as a communist. He noted that some see elements of the party’s agenda—such as DEI initiatives, social justice movements, and progressive policies—as precursors to revolutionary Marxism. This view fuels massive support for Donald Trump by notable individuals, such as the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, and his deep network of VCs with ‘enormous checkbooks.’

        Weinstein said the belief is that the Democratic Party, by embracing progressive causes, is inadvertently promoting a communist agenda aimed at destabilizing capitalism and the American society. This view, although not widely accepted by corporate media, is a pivotal factor in Trump’s surging support.

        See transcript of Weinstein’s X post.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Tweet re Trump assassination attempt.

    I reported this a few days ago and the Secret Service denied it publicly — but not directly to me, trying to discredit my reporting.

    I’m told by an exceptional source within the Secret Service community that the Secret Service site agent for the event is a brand new agent out of the Pittsburg Field Office with very little experience.

    Also, as I reported on Sunday, the regular Secret Service protective team assigned to Trump was mostly either taking a day off after working seven-day shifts for weeks or were assigned to other events — either the Jill Biden dinner, the NATO summit, or the RNC convention.

    So they filled out a hodge-podge team of agents from different field offices who have either never or rarely work together. Only a handful (I’m hearing very few to one — SAIC Curran) are regularly assigned to Trump’s detail. All others were temps.

    “Pittsburg Secret Service field office had a Jill Biden visit, and designated a lot of resources to her — f-ing unbelievable,” one Secret Service source told me.

    Jill Biden was headlining the annual dinner of the Italian Sons and Daughters of America at Rivers Casino in Pittsburg.

    Protected whistleblowers (that means they are likely current Secret Service agents or UD officers) who talked to Rep. Jim Jordan @JudiciaryGOP appear to have told the panel the same thing from a letter FBI Director Wray the panel put out yesterday (Thurs.).

    A site agent, btw, is in charge of putting all security measures in place — inner perimeter, middle perimeter, above and below. Prioir to the day of the visit, the lead advance agent (a different position) does at least one walk through of each site (if there are several) and approves or fine-tunes it.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >Secret Service agents or UD officers) who talked to Rep. Jim Jordan @JudiciaryGOP

      Josh Hawley, who sits on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, preparing for Senate hearing with site (“sight”) vist:

      COVER-UP: FBI Tries to Kick Out Senator Josh Hawley at Assassination Attempt Site Despite Having Local Security Operator’s Permission — “Get Out of Here. You Shouldn’t Be on the Site”

      Sen. Josh Hawley: “Today when I went to that sight, the FBI has got more security on that sight now than they did the night Trump was shot out. FBI trying to totally control the information. They try to kick me off of the sight. They said ‘Get Outta here ! You shouldn’t be on the sight’. I had the permission from the local, the FBI came out and said you have got to leave, we don’t want you here.”

      Josh Hawley @HawleyMO

      Here’s my view of the scene where President Trump was shot. Big question: why wasn’t the building where the shooter fired from included in the security perimeter? It’s incredibly close, with a clear line of sight

      [See video]

      1.2M Views, 28K Likes


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        “Senator Hawley wrote that whistleblowers have notified him that a majority of the security officials working the rally last weekend were not even Secret Service personnel but were with the Homeland Security Investigations team! They were not even trained Secret Service personnel!”


        • #
          Richard C in NZ


          “Whistleblowers who have direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. According to the allegations, the July 13 rally was considered to be a ‘loose’ security event. For example, detection canines were not used to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner. Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas. Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium and were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event’s security perimeter.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          Hawley article,

          Hawley also discovered that law enforcement officers were on different communication channels and weren’t coordinated. He believes someone needs to resign over this disaster.

          Local authorities expressed their anger over being unfairly blamed for this incident. They claim they did their job and followed instructions given by the Secret Service.

          The FBI now has more security on that site than they did on the night of the incident. When Hawley visited the site, he was asked to leave by FBI officials who claimed he shouldn’t be there.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ


          The Gateway Pundit team also visited the crime scene to take photographs. The mischief of FBI agents was lingering around playing on their phones outside of the building where Thomas Crooks is alleged to have fired upon Trump, hitting his right ear.

          A Pennsylvania State Police Officer came running over to the FBI Agents and could be overheard apologizing to the FBI for not stopping the TGP reporters driving onto the parking lot.

          Media access to the scene and situation has been aggressively policed and controlled. Law enforcement has put yellow police tape all around the paved Butler airport runway and blocked all entrances to the site.

          The FBI refuses to provide any access to the scene to TGP, and refuses to provide any photographs from the area or allow access to take such photographs.

          # # #

          As I said yesterday – the FBI will hate The New Media preempting them.

          The have to exclude The New Media using all their powers – and they are.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            >The New Media

            Includes JoNova Open Threads BTW.

            Crowd-sourcing is the most powerful feature of New Media – the bane of the establishment.


  • #

    Blackout Bowen’s Green Agenda (Fantasy Fiction) is in tatters –

    The Coalition has admonished Labor’s green hydrogen prospects as a “super-flop” after mining and energy giant Fortescue abandoned its staggering 2030 green hydrogen target.

    Labor’s green hydrogen dreams suffered a hit on Wednesday after Fortescue announced 700 redundancies and the consolidation of its mining and energy arms, essentially putting the corporate giant’s goal of producing 15 million tonnes of green hydrogen per year by 2030 on the backburner.

    The announcement came as a blow to the government’s 2024 Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive, which looks to provide more than $6.5 billion in hydrogen production incentives, and its $2b Hydrogen Headstart program that invests in large scale hydrogen projects.


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      The cheapest way of producing hydrogen is by steam reforming of natural gas – ruled out by Labor & the Teals as only needed to stabilise renewable energy. The Greens don’t want it at all, even for exporting it to pay for Public Service salaries.
      The next cheapest MIGHT be from nuclear plants where ‘waste’ heat can boost the efficiency of hydrolysis (and electricity is cheaper). I am not sure if this has come to the attention of Labor & the Teals as well as the Greens but I am certain they will reject this also.


      • #
        David Maddison

        to pay for Public Service salaries.

        As Australia’s economy continues to collapse due to “green” energy, feral unions and general gross mismanagement, the public serpents will also soon find that they will become unaffordable.

        They will either have to be sacked or there’ll be new, draconian taxes imposed to harvest the little remain wealth to pay for them.


        • #

          “to pay for Public Service salaries.As Australia’s economy continues to collapse due to “green” energy, feral unions and general gross mismanagement, “
          David the focus needs to be on the “gross mismanagement” part more than anything else.
          Just heard on local radio that Australia will / has set up an Afghan compensation committee to, wait for it, compensate Afghan families for people killed by Australian forces accused of war crimes.
          How f*********** incompetent can it get. We train soldiers to do a job, that is kill “perceived” enemies. We send these VERY brave people into a war zone far from home. They do the job allocated by politicians then we accuse them of all sorts of things, and now pay compensation to the enemy?
          Why the hell would anyone want to join the army or any other service that leaves people open to this sort of crap.
          Decisions made by politicians, judges and assorted “others” who have NEVER been exposed to a combat situation,but know all it.
          When BRS was being grilled the comment was made that this happened “outside” the heat of battle. Yeah, great. I can absolutely testify about my fathers experiences and many others that I have had the great pleasure of knowing, about the heat of battle. IT DOESN’T GO AWAY. People live with the “heat of battle” for the rest of their lives. Managed well by some, others crushed beyond repair.
          Once again how f********* incompetent can it get.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      To put this in context, the energy content of all that green hydrogen is 78.1 petajoules per year (as per Labor’s Hydrogen subsidy plan costing $ Billions). How does that stack up against all the natural gas we currently use (which hydrogen is supposed to help replace)? Not very well, I’m afraid.

      We currently burn 164PJ of gas in our homes, and 396PJ across the manufacturing sector. LNG production (turning gas into a liquid) is the second largest source of demand for our gas at 450PJ – and we exported a whopping 4,637PJ of LNG in 2021-22.

      Tally up all our uses for gas, and you get 6,076PJ of annual fossil gas production.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Excellent news for the thinking community.

    This story is a little old but deserves more publicity.

    Judgement was published 19th April 2024.

    Victorian Police Lose Supreme Court Case on Police Officer Who Refused the Vax By Brain Simpson

    In a case which sets a precedence, legally for Victoria, and for other states, highly suggestive law to be considered, the Victorian police have lost their Supreme Court of Victoria case for reprimanding an officer who refused to take the jab. It was held that his refusal to take any dose of the Covid vax did not violate any terms of the Victoria Police Manual-Covid 19 vaccination requirements (VPM), so the police therefore lacked the power to discipline the officer. There does not appear to be a written judgment up at the Victorian Supreme Court website today.

    The case will be important for further litigation in Victoria, which was one of the most draconian in the Covid lockdowns, and mandates.

    The time for justice is here. Let a thousand lawsuits bloom!

    “A Victoria Police officer charged with failing to comply with his employer’s Covid vaccination policy has won his case, setting a precedent for others in a similar situation.


    Judgement can be read at:


  • #
    David Maddison

    Naomi Wolf has some interesting comments on the attempted Trump assassination.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      I believe Dr Jill Biden and Hunter Biden and Dr Jill Biden’s staff need to be investigated subsequent to (my awkward grammar is to avoid the legal repercussions of saying, “in relation to”) the assassination attempt against President Trump.

      There are also Deep State players on the Republican side who hate Trump as well such as the Bush and Cheney RINOS

      List of Republicans who oppose the Donald Trump 2024 presidential campaign


    • #

      Thanks, an interesting read


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      Very interesting and well worth the reading time. Also interesting is that she has been denigrated as a conspiracy theorist.

      My first question is why plotters would be so careless as to have the head of the secret service say something so mind numbingly stupid as the roof was unprotected because it was sloped. Or was that mind numbing stupidity a ploy to distract attention.

      And my suspicions run deeper. It would have been convenient for Trump to be killed. But what of the systems in place to falsify the upcoming election results. There is an interesting but somewhat self serving article at

      And what can I do about any of this? Buckle up for a bumpy ride. Throw sand in the gears of evil doers. Give thanks that I lived my life in the pre-internet age.


      • #
        David Maddison

        the head of the secret service say something so mind numbingly stupid 

        It’s further confusing because she is a DEI and not a merit hire.

        The stupidity is expected of a DEI hire.

        But it could also, be as you see Forrest,

        Or was that mind numbing stupidity a ploy to distract attention.


        • #

          It’s an interesting idea that she was feigning stupidity. I would go with the simplest conclusion.


      • #

        One should never forgot that stupity can also overlay the best laid plans. It is everywhere after all.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >”Lady MacBiden” – Dr Naomi Wolf

      Great read David. Wolf,

      The assertion now by Secret Service that local police in Butler PA were in charge of securing any part of the venue, is baffling to anyone who has worked in or with a White House advance team. That is not how anything related to Secret Security operates, to my knowledge. If the SOP has changed in the last 20 years, then US Secret Service procedures have dramatically deteriorated. Or else — someone who does not want to secure US “principals” to the traditional standard, or at least not consistently, is now in charge.


      FLOTUS chose to speak at 5 pm on July 13, 2024, at North Pittsburgh, at a closed event of 200, at a casino. 5 PM was the exact time of President Trump’s speech in Butler PA. FLOTUS’ event was 54 minutes away from President Trump’s.

      See map: Trump rally – FLOTUS rally,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

      Continues next.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ


        How did the Secret Service operatives who were with First Lady Jill Biden, react, when it was clear that a gunman had fired at and injured a President less than an hour away? Was FLOTUS whisked out of her casino event, as is standard when there is a heightened security context in the country? Or did she calmly finish her event?


        Who is running the United States? Is it, …. Mrs Biden?

        Whoever is actually running America, it is clear that Mrs Biden does not wish to leave the Oval Office or the White House.

        Wolf – So in my calculus, President Trump’s rival is not the impaired President Biden. It is the First Lady.

        Continues at length. Superb insider stuff.


        • #

          Nobody mentions Queen Bee Jill as a potential candidate. You just know she wants it. Remember the shot of her in the big chair “prepping for the G7”


    • #

      Given Dr Naomi Wolf’s background as a Democrat,

      I was the wife of a Clinton White House speechwriter; my then-husband spent his days traveling to events such as the one in Butler PA, or to the one at which FLOTUS spoke at the same time, in North Pittsburgh, PA, or to other similar White House events. So our household was familiar with the mechanics of the events that Presidents and First Ladies attend.

      I later became an advisor to Dick Morris, President Clinton’s chief campaign advisor for his re-election campaign in 1996. Still later, I was a formal campaign advisor to Vice President Gore’s campaign for the Presidency. In all of these contexts, which spanned years, I witnessed closely the process by which a President’s staff, and a First Lady’s staff, and then a Vice President and his staff, work alongside (and in very prescribed ways, with) a campaign, and I saw how staffers manage the day to day of the “Principals’’ jobs.

      an excellent thread and this new one was also interesting

      Someone made sure to arrange to be short of a third counter-sniper team; someone made sure to fail to secure a building 130 meters away from the speaker. Someone is directing SS director Cheatle to give nonsensical answers (this is itself a message, about impunity).

      Most chillingly, to me, is that someone directed a guard in military uniform to point his rifle directly at the van with a wounded Pres. Trump in it, before raising it again.


      • #
        Forrest Gardener

        The guard pointing the rifle is new to me. Right near the fat fumbler who couldn’t reholster her gun.

        So much for the FBI to cover up. And no daily briefings!


  • #
    David Maddison

    Here’s a testable prediction.

    Alex Jones says Killary is going to replace Sleepy Joe at the DNC convention.


  • #

    Trump was set up for a ‘turkey shoot’ just like JFK was in Dallas in 1963 with the open car motorcade through ‘enemy territory’ with a sharp left turn in the front of the book depository , unsecured high rise buildings with people hanging out of open windows, Secret Service personnel still hung over from partying until the small hours the previous night.
    A lot of similarities, just a different outcome.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >a sharp left turn in the front of the book depository

      And a clear shot, no trees, prior to making the turn.

      Why wait until after the turn when trees obscure the shot?

      Ans: That clear shot wasn’t the plan for the real shooters – They had their own clear shots, no trees, no obstructions, just a windshield for the guy in front (underpass shot).

      >A lot of similarities

      Looking that way. Frantic coverup underway too but different story in this day and age with on-site smart phones, New Media drones, and crowd-sourcing.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Some of the JFK files that have been released confirm that the FBI and CIA withheld a lot of information about Oswald from the Warren Commission.

      Some files that are likley to be even more damning have still to be released.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    If You’re Going To Take A Bribe (You Shouldn’t), At Least Get Gold

    Authored by Mike Maharrey via Money Metals

    On July 16, a jury convicted Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) on 16 counts, including wire fraud, bribery, and extortion.

    According to the indictment, a June 2022 raid at the couple’s New Jersey home found “over $480,000 in cash – much of it stuffed into envelopes and hidden in clothing, closets, and a safe.” Police also found two 1-kg gold bars along with 11 1-ounce gold bars.

    Gold: A Solid Bribe

    At the time of the indictment in June 2022, the spot price of gold averaged around $1,800 an ounce. Menendez received just over 81 ounces of gold in the bribery scheme. At the June 2022 price, it was worth over $145,800.

    Here’s the kicker – gold holds its value and even appreciates over time. Unlike the $480,000 in cash Menendez received, the gold is worth a lot more today than it was then.

    Today, those gold bars are worth $200,475. That’s a 37.5 percent increase!

    Meanwhile, the $480,000 in 2022 cash is only worth $452,755 today thanks to price inflation.


  • #

    Some kids in Uganda playing at recreating the attempted assassination of Trump. 😄


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    No such thing as bad publicity!


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    The party of democracy.

    In 2016, Democrats rigged the super delegate process in their primary to stop Bernie Sanders.

    In 2024, they wouldn’t allow debates. Biden won the primary.

    Now Biden is being forced out before the convention. Rich donors will select a new candidate.

    The party of democracy.
    8:25 AM · Jul 19, 2024


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    No Ladder?

    As to how Crooks got onto the roof, it was initially thought he brought a ladder. However, no ladder was found on site.

    THEY KEEP CHANGING THEIR STORY: Feds Now Say a Local Sniper Also Shot at Crooks After He Started Firing on President Trump — This Only Took a Week to Report? (VIDEO)

    you can bet the FBI and Secret Service files will be sealed for 50 years just like the JFK assassination files where!


  • #
    John Connor II

    Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” – FEDERALLY FUNDED FRAUD

    Scientific fraud was used to FLIP reality in order to push government mandates & restrictions. When shown irrefutable proof, the Establishment doubled-down on the LIES, laying the foundation for future abuses.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    The Shooters head was intact

    Look at these high speed shots on a ballistic dummy

    Amazing impact on the ear.

    Even more amazing what a snipper rifle at close range can do.

    So who actually shot the shooter and what gun did he or they use?


    • #
      another ian

      Also brings out what hasn’t really come up before – the shooter did not have a telescopic sight, just a non-magnified dot point sight. So no “super sniper”.

      For relativity my kangaroo harvest rifle has a 3X – 9X telescopic set at 9X


      • #
        another ian

        Also in the head shot sequence at about 14:05 they mention using “a ballistic tip” bullet which would be more expansive than a full metal jacket (“FMJ”) one – but you get the idea.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    From Electroverse (as much as I can glean):

    Stratospheric Water Vapor Update

    In mainstream scientific circles there is a big fat ‘green’ elephant in the room that NO ONE wants to discuss. Why? Because it would reveal natural forcings rule supreme.

    See: Atmospheric H2O (big fat ‘green’ elephant)


  • #
    David Maddison

    More BS from Australia’s anti-health “authorities”.

    Don’t we already have an egg shortage because authorities are murdering all the chickens, supposedly to combat bird flu?

    Australia braces for ‘catastrophic’ bird flu strain after mass wildlife deaths overseas

    Australia is the only continent yet to be hit by an unpredictable and devastating bird flu strain never seen before – and it’s not just killing birds.

    Chantelle Francis
    July 21, 2024

    Australia’s iconic wildlife is facing a potentially devastating threat.

    A highly pathogenic avian influenza strain has emerged in the last few years and left a trail of destruction with mass outbreaks and mortalities worldwide – and not just in birds.

    Australia is bracing for the unpredictable and deadly virus to potentially hit our shores because as Dr Simone Vitali explains to, while it hasn’t happened yet, we cannot stop it from entering.



    • #
      David Maddison

      Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.


      • #
        John Connor II

        Let me have a look…

        No, apart from north America, no major cases. No real sign of a repeat of last time.
        One case in Cambodia of a young girl catching it.
        Keep the chooks confined and you can have eggs again.


  • #
    John Connor II

    New Fungal Infection Discovered In China Poses Threat To Humans

    A new fungal infection called Rhodosporidiobolus fluvialis was recently discovered in two human patients in China, scientists revealed in June.

    The infection was discovered in samples from two separate hospital patients, according to a study published in the journal Nature Microbiology. R. fluvialis was resistant to a number of first-line antifungal medications such as fluconazole as caspofungin, at temperatures around that of the human body, and developed into “hypervirulent mutants” in lab mice.

    Fungal infections are increasingly noticeably in humans worldwide, but I haven’t covered it as it’s not significant enough yet.
    (CDC predictions are for fungal infections to skyrocket globally btw.)
    Viruses, bacteria, fungi…
    Better have a healthy immune system!


  • #

    There is a group called “Past The Torch Joe”. They are running an ad campaign calling for Biden to step down. The fear must be thick in Washington DC.

    Biden is no longer a threat to Trump. Thinking of all the conspiracy theories regarding the Trump wounding, I think old Joe is now the target of his own kind – at least figuratively.


  • #

    Seems there was quite a bit of prior knowledge Sat July 13 was the big one. It’s looking increasingly like sections of the media knew something was about to go down and the FBI knew about it, planned it, and were okay with it.
    Ever ask yourself why CNN was covering that specific rally when CNN never shows Trump’s rallies?


    • #
      Leo G

      Hard to beat New York Times photographer Doug Mills for knowing “something was about to go down”.

      His 50 megapixel Sony A2 camera can record for 13 seconds at 30fps before the buffer is filled.

      He activated burst mode seconds before the first shot was fired, capturing the iconic bullet “vapour trail” as it passed by the head of President Trump.


  • #
    Old Goat

    Here’s a conspiracy possibility for you : what if “someone” manages to take out Biden ? Kills two birds with one stone – Bidens gone and they can blame Trump and the Republicans. If they didn’t have cackling Kamala in the VP chair it might work . The SS already has a track record of failure and a fall girl in Cheatle . Desperation can cause crazy decisions .


  • #
    another ian

    Talk things up and then –

    “US-Japan Patriot Missile Production Hits Snag On Shortage Of Boeing Part ”

    And re that Russian artillery barrel shortage –

    “West Searches for New Deflection in Russian “Barrel Crisis” ”

    Russia using the same Austrian rotary forge barrel making machines and more of them than USA
