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149 comments to Sunday

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    Windmills as Health Risk

    Due to carcinogenic ‘nasty fibres’, which are about as ‘nice’ as asbestos–media is mostly silent, ‘experts™’ deny problems, and the ‘green™’ shift provides a perverse incentive


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      Attended a local “update” on a proposed wind factory in my area yesterday. This facility is proposed by FERA . Interesting on a number of levels. The recycling of alledgedly all materials used in the construction and end of life materials was discussed. The Fera representative claimed that in future the blades WILL be recyclable, its just a matter of developing new resins that will break down in land fill. Hmmmm, apparently its always some time in the future. The bases will not be recycled, they will be reduced to 500mm below the surface level and the surface will be restored to “look like “ what it was before construction. This wind factory has a design life of 40 years with and estimated 10 to 15 years extension. The meeting was organised by Fera, a private company who are to be the owners of this development. Fera claim that the company will wholly fund the development and will not receive any government subsidies what so ever. The arguement that wind was the “cheapest” form of electricity was trotted out. No comment that the nearest wind factory to this new development ( about 20-30 kilometres away on esentially the same line of ridge ) reportedly runs at 38% efficiency. Looked at from a slightly different perspective this means that wind factories actually only generate electricity for 4 months out of 12 per year! Now tell me, how can any facility that only runs a random 4 months out of every 12 actually produce “the cheapest form of electricity”. No engineer or accountant worth his/ her salt would think this could be profitable without either HUGE prices for what ever energy is produced or the reciept subsidies. The meeting degenerated into statements about climate change ( pro and con) and was starting to heat up. People just walked out enmass. General consensus was it was just another bulls–t attempt at keeping the locals informed and on side. It failed in this. Almost 100% of attendees thought the development was a fait accompli, after all the minister has the final say, regardless of any other opinions.
      Couple of observations.
      1/All attendees were on the wrong side of 40, not a single young person to be seen.
      2/ The proposed construction site is in the Strathbogie Ranges, apparently no opposition from the local aboriginal land council. ( raised eyebrows, they oppose everything!)
      3/ Will it go ahead? Without doubt and the locals be damned. Every vote in rural Victoria doesn’t add up to one inner city electorate.
      4/ The dog and I will attend any rally to further oppose this development, both of us will be barking.


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        That sounds like a replay of the meeting in Ruffy a while back, not to mention one on a private property. Thanksfor your comment Sambar.


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          Yes just another PR job I’m afraid.
          Also forgot to mention that bird and bat deaths were brought up.
          These deaths were justified by statistics and a “so what” attitude. Figures quoted, drawn from international studies on bird mortality by “human means” suggested that a mere 1% of bird and bat deaths could be attributed to wind turbines. So cars, buildings, power lines etc kill more than wind turbines will. Of great interest was the throw away line that “by the way far more birds bats and insects are killed by pollution from coal fired power plants than wind turbines and solar panels” No attempt to prove how this was measured, just a statement that like so many other statements, sounds good and holy but no research, just believe us.


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            It is obvious that, despite all commonsense efforts at discussing all the issues, there is a full intention to press ahead. Never mind local opposition, the implied threat that smacked of certainty was that the Vic government would force it through anyway.
            The damage that would/will be done in what is a very beautiful area is astonishing. As a family, we nicknamed FERA ‘Feral’ as their logo is their name with an outline of a wind turbine which part looks like a wonky ‘l’.


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    J D Vance, climate “denialism” and left wing sensibilities. A potent combination that will get you sacked


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      Dave in the States

      As most of us here have experienced, that is the thing they are most insecure about, and why they have zero tolerance on the issue.


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    That was a VERY strange Olympics opening ceremony last night. I didn’t see the significance of this tableau at the time so don’t know if Breitbart interpreted it correctly


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      Olympics opening ceremony blasted ‘extremely disrespectful’ with millions insulted

      The Paris 2024 opening ceremony for the Olympics was forced to take place in the rain on Friday night but it was the performance that caught the attention of social media

      The opening ceremony of the Olympics has come under fire for a performance that seemed to satirise Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic ‘The Last Supper’. The act, which included several drag artists, echoed the renowned depiction of Jesus and his apostles during their final Passover meal before Jesus’ betrayal and subsequent events leading to his crucifixion.

      The portrayal was met with immediate backlash from various Christian figures, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who took to Twitter to express his disapproval: “This was extremely disrespectful to Christians.”

      Professional boxer Ryan Garcia also weighed in on Instagram, calling for a boycott: “The Olympics needs to be boycotted now. You can’t disrespect religion in front of millions. This ain’t right no one watch.”

      American commentator Clint Russell voiced his astonishment on social media, saying: “This is crazy. Opening your event by replacing Jesus and the disciples at the The Last Supper with men in drag. There are 2.4 billion Christians on earth and apparently the Olympics wanted to declare loudly to all of them, right out of the gate: NOT WELCOME.”


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        Meet the French Theater Director Behind the Olympics’ Drag Queens, Same-S@x Foreplay, Queer Last Supper Opening Ceremony

        The 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris kicked off Friday with an opening ceremony that left many stunned and repulsed — drag queens cavorting in the streets, raunchy same-s@x foreplay, and a gender-queer re-enactment of The Last Supper.

        There was even a bearded “woman” crawling around on all fours in a provocative blue bustier.

        Who was responsible for the unfolding artistic atrocity? Meet Thomas Jolly, a theater and opera director who was little-known outside of France before Friday’s broadcast — which was viewed by more than a billion people worldwide — turned him into a global curiosity.

        In interviews prior to Friday’s broadcast, the openly gay Thomas Jolly gave no indication that he would be turning the Opening Ceremony into a Pride parade.

        But he did emphasize the importance of inclusion and representation.

        “How do you write a show in which everybody, at one point, feels represented and a part this bigger thing, this bigger ‘us’?” he said. “It’s ambitious but also complex because one has to broaden one’s own imagery, one’s own outlook and include everyone, understand everyone so that no one feels left behind.”


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        You can imagine the outrage if the ceremony had parodied the isla*mi* equivalent of the last supper. Paris would be engulfed by days long riots.

        A very strange ceremony and France has shown a face to the world that does it no credit.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >France has shown a face to the world

          Its an old face.

          Medieval Inquisition, torture and mass killing of heretics (50 million Europe all up?).

          French Revolution did the same in reverse and the rivers ran red with blood (20 million France all up?).

          So a bit of Christian blasphemy isn’t much in that context.

          Just that now its govt. driven propaganda broadcast to all the world with Pride.

          Not to mention the hypocrisy of course.


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          The sick olympics.

          Dr eli david olympics forbid israel to wear yeiiow ribbon but palestinians can wearing t shirt showing bombs

          The Olympic Games have been marred by controversy surrounding Israel’s participation. According to reports, Dr. Eli David, an IOC official, allegedly prohibited Israel from wearing yellow ribbons, a symbol of solidarity with victims of terrorism, during the Olympics.

          Meanwhile, Palestinian athletes have been permitted to wear T-shirts featuring imagery of bombs, sparking widespread criticism and protests. These T-shirts are seen as a provocative statement, given the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

          Israeli’s responded

          The Israeli Olympic team were not allowed to wear yellow ribbon pins for the hostages during the Paris Olympics.

          So instead, they did this


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          Richard C in NZ

          >France has shown a face to the world

          Wokery and Macron’s face.

          France Committed National ‘Suicide’ with Woke Olympic Opening Ceremonies, Says Ex-Cabinet Minister

          Former French Culture Secretary Philippe de Villiers said that the opening ceremonies were a “shame,” adding: “We are committing the suicide of our country in front of the whole world.

          “The Last Supper with drag queens and the beheading of Marie Antoinette add infamy to ugliness. The France of Macron and wokism is not France.”

          Populist right-wing French MEP and niece of Marine Le Pen Marion Marechal similarly said: “To all the Christians of the world who are watching the Paris 2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking but a left-wing minority ready for any provocation. Not in my name.”

          There are are other faces, thankfully.


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            Tech company pulls Olympics advertising after opening ceremony display many deem to be anti-Christian

            Mississippi-based C Spire pulled its advertising after being ‘shocked by the mockery of the Last Supper’ during the 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony

            Mississippi-based telecommunications and technology company C Spire posted on X that it had pulled all of its advertising from the Olympics over the ceremony’s mockery of painting created to show a biblical moment crucial to the Christian faith.

            “We were shocked by the mockery of the Last Supper during the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics,” the company posted. “C Spire will be pulling our advertising from the Olympics.”

            Another user wrote, “Gaga’s Olympics performance was the worst I’ve seen since Britney’s MTV show in 2007. It was the equivalent of defecating on [the] French flag. She insulted America, insulted France, and has no shame whatsoever.”

            Still, one other Twitter user said, “I’m actually embarrassed on behalf of France, this is going down as the worst opening ceremony in history.”

            Prominent far-right French politician Marion Maréchal denounced the performance on social media.

            “To all the Christians of the world who are watching the Paris 2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking, but a left-wing minority ready for any provocation,” she posted on the social platform X, a sentiment that was echoed by religious conservatives internationally.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >You can imagine the outrage if the ceremony had parodied the isla*mi* equivalent of the last supper

          And yet parodies of the Da Vinci Christian Last Supper are ubiquitous:

          The Best Last Supper Parody Illustrations

          Last Supper in South Park
          Fast Food Mascot’s Supper
          Popeye Supper
          iPhone Supper
          Lego Supper
          Looney Tunes Super Stars
          Mickey Mouse Supper
          Models Supper
          Peanuts Supper
          Simba and the Lion King Cubs
          Sopranos Supper
          The Latht Thupper
          The Lost Supper
          The Smurf Supper
          The Super Smash Brothers Supper

          Meanwhile – Islam and blasphemy


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        John Connor II

        There’s never a flaming meteorite going to hit the perv games when you want one, is there.
        Once again, the degenerates try to force their illnesses onto the masses.
        They are in the extreme minority despite their squeaky wheel incessant blathering.


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        Folks need to get with the programme:

        The actual “modern” Olympiad, not the 1896 / “Chariots of Fire” sort of caper, have their roots in the Berlin Olympics of 1936.

        See if you can find a copy of Leni Reifenstahl’s epic “documentary”, “Olympia”. Her other big hit was “The Triumph of the Will”, in case you missed the timing.

        The “over-the top” parades, with massed “Kultur” om show, the Greco-Roman architectural pastiche via Albert Speer. The ultra-nationalism. The MONEY.

        I have long avoided the whole circus; difficult when it pervades everything for a few weeks. If the DNC had held off their Chardonnay Putsch for a week or two, nobody would have noticed their coup in progress.


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        Food Situation in Olympic Village Ongoing

        Food has become a major issue in the Olympic Village as the Paris Games are underway. Adequate food supply and uncooked meat are among the concerns.

        Grilled chicken and eggs, in particular, are among the items in short supply. As a result, some athletes have resorted to bringing packed meals back to the Village for lunch and dinner, according to the Times of London.

        British athletes are staying away from the restaurants in the residential complex and officials have sent an extra chef to Paris to provide proper meals for the team. Caterers are working to increase their food orders — especially in regards to eggs and chicken, which Paris Olympics officials wanted to source from France.

        “At the beginning of every Games there are usually two or three issues and the transportation is always one,” British Olympic Association chief executive Andy Anson told the Times.

        “But the big one this time is the food in the village, which is not adequate.”

        Paris Olympic officials attempted to offer more plant-based foods in an effort to reduce the Games’ carbon footprint.

        While there is a variety of cuisine available to accommodate the tastes of different countries — and an abundance of baguettes in France — vegan meals aren’t in line with what the athletes prefer to eat while competing.

        One British athlete told the Times that the food situation is chaotic compared to the well organized facilities in Tokyo.


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        Cérémonie des Jeux Olympiques Vulgaire, Sale, Dégénérée et Cathophobe, La Volonté de Macron Don’t speak French? aucun problème – you should be able to get the gist. Bonne Chance! 😎️ (video)


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      Guy with his balls out on stage says it all. We got to keep talking about it – they want everyone to shut up.


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    Does Oz have the equivalent of the mad British desire to travel n the very first day of the summer holidays, knowing that everyone will be doing the same thing?

    Why not wait a day or two when it will be relatively quiet? Its the same with bank holiday weekends when people seem determined to get away, knowing the traffic will be horrendous.

    Incidentally the French also seem to do this but being a bigger country it is not so noticeable. The return home at the end of the French holidays has no equivalent here though.

    We were in the South Of France one very busy day in late summer. We managed to find a crowded restaurant and earmarked one for the next day.

    The next day it was closed as were all the others as the French had left to go home en-masse.


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      CO2 Lover

      mad British desire

      Mad dogs and Englishmen
      Go out in the midday sun,
      The Japanese don’t care to.
      The Chinese wouldn’t dare to,
      Hindoos and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one.
      But Englishmen detest a siesta.
      In the Philippines
      There are lovely screens
      To protect you from the glare.
      In the Malay States
      There are hats like plates
      Which the Britishers won’t wear.
      At twelve noon
      The natives swoon
      And no further work is done.
      But mad dogs and Englishmen
      Go out in the midday sun.


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        Which is why the Englishman came to create and dominate the real world.

        I’ve been reading Max Weber who made theory the protestant work ethic formed capitalism. It was heavily criticised later – how do you explain France and Italy – but I think he’s more or less correct.

        My parents had the protestant work ethic in their bones, genuine life long dairy farmers. It didn’t wash off on me, but they could never sit still, always out in the midday sun.

        My mother is now 84 and the hardest thing for her is to sit and do nothing, destroys her mind, she hates not being physically capable. The other day she dug a trench to bury some pipe. I was furious with her, but tip my hat in respect.


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    Heads should roll over the electric car fiasco

    Policymakers have wasted billions chasing a net zero pipe dream. It is time they were held accountable

    Profits at the German auto giant Mercedes plunged on Friday as sales of its slick new range of electric vehicles (EVs) went into freefall. Porsche abandoned its sales targets for battery-powered cars amid waning demand from customers. Ford is losing nearly $50,000 (£39,000) on every EV it sells, while Tesla’s profits dropped 45pc. Meanwhile, battery manufacturers such as Germany’s Varta are getting wiped out.

    Over the last few days, it has become clear that the EV industry is on the brink of collapse. Hundreds of billions of euros, dollars and pounds have been pumped into this industry by political leaders and the subsidy junkies that surround them – and it is surely time they were held to account for the vast quantities of taxpayer cash that has been wasted.

    In the last few days alone, there has been a steady stream of bad news from auto manufacturers. Mercedes, the company founded by Gottlieb Daimler that pioneered petrol driven cars, is struggling to replicate that success in the battery version. Group net profits were down 21pc on Friday, mostly on falling sales of its new range of EVs. Earlier in the week, its great rival Porsche watered down plans for its electric models.

    Across the Atlantic, Ford reported that profits were down by 35pc in the latest quarter amid losses in its EV unit. And Tesla slashed prices and offered generous financing deals to try and revive flagging demand.

    The list goes on and on. In reality, the EV balance sheet looks to be awash with red ink. It is not hard to work out why.

    Costs are too high, as companies such as Ford have discovered, with electric cars much more expensive to produce than their traditional petrol rivals, and with shortages of critical materials pushing prices higher all the time.


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    CO2 Lover

    “Global Warming” and Offshore Windfarms

    And where is Genius Bowen planning to build Offshore Windfarms?

    Sygna, a Norwegian bulk carrier that ran aground off Stockton Beach during a heavy storm in May 1974

    This subject also applies to the east cost of the USA


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      Richard C in NZ

      >PP – Let’s Label the Roof ‘Lanes’

      I like that term a lot. I used ‘external roof purlins’ but ‘lanes’ is much better.

      Makes West-East measurement easy. 4 lanes Crooks to rifle (about 5 1/2 ft), about 21 1/2 ft rifle to end of roof.

      It’s South-North measurement that’s problematic. Remember crooks was in shooting position so that the rifle was above the ridge line.

      I mention this in respect to where the cartridges ended up. Yesterday I did an ejection analysis that shows, given speed/angle/height/bounce, that Crooks final position does NOT explain cartridge positions – especially the one directly AHEAD of Crooks.

      And no, “official” story that USSS Team 2 made the dispatch shot doesn’t ring true. Head wound for starters.


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        CO2 Lover

        Crooks final position does NOT explain cartridge positions

        Shots fired at Trump at 6:11:33 p.m.

        At around 6.20 pm first responders to the “sloping roof” count five casings as captured on a body cam recording

        At around 7.10 pm an ABC television crew is taken to the “sloping roof” and onother count of casing is made and the bumber is now eight!

        Media then claims all eight shots made by the dead shooter even though sound recordings of the first three shots are very different to the next five

        Nothing to see or hear here!


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          Richard C in NZ

          >ABC …..number is now eight!

          “Up to eight”

          Witnesses told ABC News they saw him shimmying up the slope of the AGR building’s roof to the area where he got off up to eight shots at Trump who was speaking at a podium about 400 feet away.

          Also – “shimmying up the slope of the AGR building’s roof to the area”

          Assuming that means STRAIGHT up the roof this was his route (see video below):

          Link Canopy => bag => rifle


          Link Canopy => bag => body

          Gunman identified as video shows body and rifle on roof after Trump shooting [Roof Video]

          The body is blurred out but you can see where it is. It is OFFSET from the direct route – Link Canopy => bag => rifle

          Stands to reason (ok, maybe obscured by trees so moved) that Crooks clambered up from the Link Canopy onto the roof, dropped his bag, then went STRAIGHT up the roof to where his rifle is in that video and THAT was his shooting position.

          I’m not saying this is the definitive interpretation; just what stands to reason from what is observed in the video.


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            Richard C in NZ

            >The body is blurred out but you can see where it is. It is OFFSET from the direct route – Link Canopy => bag => rifle

            My point here at its simplest is that Crooks moved from his shooting position, leaving his rifle, and was THEN shot, probably by ESU from 2nd story window.

            NOT that the body was in the shooting position and the rifle was moved to its final position by first responders as reported. That report defies logic and is it fact anyway? I don’t think so.

            Again, not a definitive interpretation of events but an application of reason, logic, and observation combined with a healthy scepticism of media reporting.


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            Leo G

            … then went STRAIGHT up the roof to where his rifle is in that video …

            My impression was that he remained low on the slope but shifted laterally, raising his torso to move over the roof corrugation.

            I wonder how he assessed he was below a viable shooting position and how he knew President Trump was in position on centre stage.

            There is also the issue of the final rifle position relative to Crooks body.

            It is clear that the AR-15 was not shot away from the body as initially claimed. It is likely that the first responders separated the rifle asap after photographing and witness-marking.

            But it is possible that Crooks tossed the rifle to one side after firing.


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              Richard C in NZ


              1) >My impression was that he remained low on the slope but shifted laterally

              Maybe but speculation – not fact.

              Why would he take the rifle up STRAIGHT (pos.1), then shift laterally with rifle (pos.2), then rifle ends up at pos.1 again?

              That defies logic. But Ok I did make a qualification:

              Me – “Stands to reason (ok, maybe obscured by trees so moved)”

              So not out of the question I agree.

              2) >It is likely that the first responders separated the rifle asap

              Maybe but speculation – not fact.

              Makes no sense either – the guy was expired, he wasn’t about to do any more shooting. And local police/SWAT/ESU are hardly likely to go rearranging the crime scene.

              But again, not out of the question I agree.

              3) >it is possible that Crooks tossed the rifle to one side after firing.

              Maybe but speculation – not fact.

              This one just does not ring true to me. The rifle ended up lying in EXACTLY the direction it was used to make the shots and in the EXACT STRAIGHT route up the roof. Not randomly tossed and ending up skew-whiff


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                Richard C in NZ

                >This one [ 3) ] just does not ring true to me. The rifle ended up lying in EXACTLY the direction it was used to make the shots and in the EXACT STRAIGHT route up the roof. Not randomly tossed and ending up skew-whiff

                Screen grab from body cam of rifle closeup in final position here:

                Investigation into Trump shooting started within minutes on the roof, but questions linger

                Photo/Screen Grab,

                AR15 style rifle on roof – Beaver County

                That wasn’t thrown there in frantic haste.


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                Leo G

                My impression was that he remained low on the slope but shifted laterally

                Maybe but speculation – not fact.

                Not speculation, but based on observation.

                Crooks is first shown in one video as he enters the roof onto a prone position with his lower legs swinging back as he lands.

                That video clip had a perspective which included the roof gutter and its vertical support columns.

                He then lifts his body with a kind of awkward hopping action without moving up the slope.

                He repeats that several times without upward progress, suggesting he moved laterally across the corrugation.

                That video did not show him moving up the slope, an action he must subsequently have taken.

                Other later video shows him at what appears to be his firing position, but the later video had a perspective overlooking the gable end from an angle which obscured Crooks distance from the ridgecap.


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                Richard C in NZ


                >That video clip
                >He repeats that several times without upward progress, suggesting he moved laterally across the corrugation.

                That’s this video:

                Video shows shooter Thomas Crooks wasn’t stopped for nearly two minutes before shooting Donald Trump

                @ 0:15-0:016-0:17-0:18 he barely moves.

                @ 0:33-0:34-0:35 he shifts his body but there’s no lateral movement.

                @ 0:43-0:44-0:45-0:46 he shifts his body but again there’s no lateral movement.

                O:46 – end of video

                That position is at the bottom of the roof adjacent where he left his bag i.e. directly above the Link Canopy where he (and everyone else) climbed up from Canopy to roof.

                There’s no lateral movement from that position in that video. And it’s not the shooting position at the top of roof anyway.

                >That video clip had a perspective which included the roof gutter and its vertical support columns.

                Yes, critical.

                Except that West-to-East perspective produces a photographic foreshortening effect so impossible to determine Crooks bag position in respect to, what appears to be, the vertical support columns.

                But they are actually gutter downpipes – not support columns. Support columns will be internal.

                A clear precise view is North-South from ESU body cam in the Grassley update video here:

                SENSITIVE CONTENT: Full Bodycam Footage Obtained by Grassley from Beaver Co. Emergency Services Unit

                @ 7.20 – 7:30 shows the wall and roof East end to past the Link Canopy, Crooks bag, and the gutter downpipe. You can also see the gutter connection from Link Canopy to downpipe.

                The downpipe is 1st from end of building and 3 ‘Lanes’ West of Crooks bag. Crooks bag and rifle are in the same ‘Lane’.

                Crooks body is 1 ‘Lane’ West of the downpipe and 4 ‘Lanes’ West of Crooks bag and rifle.

                >That video did not show him moving up the slope, an action he must subsequently have taken.

                Yes. I posit he moved STRAIGHT up the slope from his bag to where his rifle ended up – not laterally (why would he do that?).


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              Richard C in NZ

              Resolving the shooter position issue.

              The only way to resolve this that I can think of is a photo from the rally side of the building showing Crooks head.

              It would be easy then to count the number of ‘lanes’ from the end of the building to the position thereby confirming where, exactly, Crooks made his shots.

              I did see such a photo from, I think, an ESU body cam with the position encircled in red. I can’t remember in which article and it will probably take me a month of Sundays (heh) to find it again.

              Working on it.


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                Richard C in NZ

                >It would be easy then to count the number of ‘lanes’ from the end of the building to the position thereby confirming where, exactly, Crooks made his shots.

                16 ‘lanes’ (about 20+ ft) from the end of building to rifle. Easy to count here @ 6:21:

                SENSITIVE CONTENT: Full Bodycam Footage Obtained by Grassley from Beaver Co. Emergency Services Unit

                Doesn’t resolve where the actual shots were fired from unfortunately.

                >I did see such a photo from, I think, an ESU body cam with the position encircled in red. I can’t remember in which article and it will probably take me a month of Sundays (heh) to find it again.

                I found that again – not helpful.

                The first responders placed a red cone by the body, report then encircled the red cone in red.

                Does nothing to ascertain where, exactly, the shots were fired from.


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            Richard C in NZ

            AGC area survey – ABC News

            Some days back both CO2 guy and myself made a comment about the apparent lack of area survey.

            Turns out the FBI were there surveying the area:

            Secret Service spotted Trump rally shooter on roof 20 minutes before gunfire erupted

            Scroll down to photo:

            Members of the FBI Evidence Response Team, work near the building where a gunman was shot dead by law enforcement, in Butler, Pennsylvania, July 15, 2024.
            Brendan Mcdermid/Reuters


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            There is body-cam footage of the G men on the roof while the body and rifle were still there and he counted eight shells.

            I don’t know what to believe so I’ll wait a month and see if they genuinely know anything then. I know Trump was winged and came up fighting, that’s enough for now.


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          Leo G

          At around 7.10 pm an ABC television crew is taken to the “sloping roof” and onother count of casing is made and the bumber is now eight!


          Note that the response was that the count was “at least 8 casings”. So the responder was not referring to actual data.

          I also noted that the ABC report started with body cam sequence taken well before 7am and cut in a sequence from a different sequence taken perhaps 30 minutes later.


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            Richard C in NZ

            >“at least 8 casings”

            No, “Up to eight”

            See ABC quote from #

            Witnesses told ABC News they saw him shimmying up the slope of the AGR building’s roof to the area where he got off up to eight shots at Trump who was speaking at a podium about 400 feet away.



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              Leo G

              >“at least 8 casings”

              No, “Up to eight”

              See ABC quote from #

              You are not referring to the same report.

              Examine the video on the link below to the FoxNews report.

              Note this is not the same video that was the basis of my earlier comment, but does repeat the same “at least eight” shell casings comment.

              It appears the charade was repeated several times with different counts. The report is inconsistent with the report given during the Grassley released videos.

              From Fox News- go to 1 min 51 sec mark

              Definitely “At Least 8” on the audio and in highlighted text.

              For comparison, the Grassley video (go to 7 minute 55 sec mark):


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                Richard C in NZ


                >From Fox News- go to 1 min 51 sec mark
                [Link – FOX]
                >Definitely “At Least 8” on the audio and in highlighted text.


                That’s the Beaver County ESU guys saying “At Least 8”, not FOX.

                Then ESU again,

                “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight”

                So exactly eight according to ESU count.

                >For comparison, the Grassley video

                Yes, same Grassley video from ESU.

                Leaves 2 shots (I think. Conflicting audio analyses – see below). My take assuming 10 shots:

                Shot #9 dispatched Crooks from 2nd story window by ESU (consistent with head wounds).

                Shot #10 was a miss by USSS CS Team 2.

                Have to say I haven’t had my head in the various audio analyses except that what I have seen doesn’t tally with 8 shots from Crooks + 2 (1 ESU, 1 CS Team 2) = 10.

                Conflicting audio analyses next.


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                Audio analyses – Chris Martenson and Mike Adams

                [This is not to say I subscribe to any of this but just an example to address]

                Trump & the crowd were shot at by at least two separate people
                New evidence from Chris Martenson and Mike Adams

                [Note: Mike Adams runs Natural News that i read for a while but stopped. He also runs a testing lab]

                Forensic Audio Analysis of Trump shooting – FIRST 7 ROUNDS – best current analysis by Mike Adams

                Round 1: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance

                Round 2: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance

                Round 3: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance

                (roughly 2.5 second pause)

                Round 4: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance

                Round 5: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance

                Round 6: 0.366s snap/boom delay = 600ft – 700ft distance

                Round 7: 0.714s snap/boom delay = 1100ft – 1500ft distance


                Round 1: Crooks on roof

                Round 2: Crooks on roof

                Round 3: Crooks on roof

                Round 4: Assassination sniper inside building

                Round 5: Assassination sniper inside building

                Round 6: Medium-range sniper at unknown location

                Round 7: Long-range sniper at unknown location (water tower? need to check)

                * Assumption for rounds 1 – 5 = 2500fps average velocity

                * Assumption for rounds 6 – 7 = 3000fps average velocity, due to likely a larger caliber, longer-range cartridge, such as 300 Win Mag

                # # #

                Caveat: Mike Adams, and his authors, sell sensation on Natural News. There’s a lot of good stuff and a lot of iffy stuff.

                Having said that, Adams does run a scientific testing lab that has to pass Accreditation – see next.


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                Consumer Wellness Center Labs (CWC LABS)
                – Mike Adams


                Accurate Screening and Quantitation

                CWC Labs offers extremely accurate quantitation of heavy metals, minerals and elements, achieving sub-ppb quantitation limits for many elements. LC/MS-TOF instrumentation can also screen samples for tens of thousands of known industrial, agricultural and pharmaceutical chemicals. Quantitation of chemicals is also available for over 250 common agricultural pesticides.

                CWC Labs is also able to scan almost any sample for unknown contaminants using Time-of-Flight instrumentation. This can help manufacturers and consumers identify hormone disruptors, industrial contaminants or agrochemicals they may not have known to look for. Such as:

                Lead in municipal water
                Fluoride in beverages
                Pesticides in processed foods
                CBD in hemp oil products
                Mercury in fish or vaccines
                Active phytochemicals
                Chemical runoff in soils
                Heavy metals in soils
                Lead in calcium supplements
                Arsenic in seaweed

                # # #

                I used to work in a materials testing lab for a while so I know the precision required in the above (nanograms).


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                >I know the precision required in the above (nanograms)

                That was the limit of my experience – 9 decimal places of a gram, last 3 are nanograms.

                Adams’ lab gets down to “sub-ppb quantitation limits for many elements”.


              • #
                Leo G

                That’s the Beaver County ESU guys saying “At Least 8”, not FOX.

                Yes. I was unaware that Grassley’s video of the Beaver County ESU on the roof showed both counts- the first counting 5 shell casings, and the second count (reporting 8 casings) 19 minutes later.

                The second count suggested there may be more than 8 casings.

                The response team were either incompetent crime scene observers or there was a political need to change the count.

                Apparently, news services didn’t think it politic to highlight the discrepant reports.


      • #

        Peter C was confused by the mirror reverse shot of the dead bloke in your previous posted image attempting to confirm both images alive on the retaining wall and dead on the roof were the same guy.

        Peter C
        July 27, 2024 at 8:29 pm
        Let’s look at that closeup of dead Crooks again ( thank you for finding it).
        The bullet entry wound appears to be over the lateral end of his right eyebrow. Most of the bleeding is coming from the back of his head, even though the exit wound has not been identified yet.

        Entry wound over right eyebrow is consistent with CS team 2 taking the shot.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Re back and forth yesterday in respect to Broadie’s video.

      Peter C and myself involved.

      Much said about pants length, bare calves/lower leg, Tee shirt.

      Completely ignored has been footwear and socks.

      @ 0:32-0:33 in that video there’s a clear view of Crooks.

      Grey footwear (Crooks), black ankle length socks (Crooks).

      So from bottom up (see 0:32-0:33):

      Grey shoes
      Black ankle length socks
      Bare pale calves
      Knee length pants
      Demolition Ranch Tee shirt
      Long hair

      All Crooks.

      I’m just not seeing Broadies “other” guy on the roof.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >I’m just not seeing Broadies “other” guy on the roof.

        But I do see @ 0:40 “Possible suspect spotted” on the ground in the following ABC video:

        Secret Service spotted Trump rally shooter on roof 20 minutes before gunfire erupted

        Video: Trump shooting timeline: How the assassination attempt unfolded

        I think this is Broadies guy. Hopefully he will confirm/deny.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          Better photo of Crooks from horizontal (cropped from video):

          Video shows shooter Thomas Crooks wasn’t stopped for nearly two minutes before shooting Donald Trump


          The suspected shooter in a prone firing position facing the stage where Trump was speaking.(Supplied: TMZ)

          Plenty in that photo to ID Crooks.

          Grey shoes
          Black ankle length socks
          Bare pale calves (play video 0:35-0:36-0:37)
          Knee length pants (play video 0:35-0:36-0:37)
          Demolition Ranch Tee shirt
          Long hair

          All Crooks.


        • #

          ‘Wot’ the Guy in the long sleeves?

          Posted previously as evidence of other similar clothing. Glad you agree. This chap had knee length light pants.

          I am with Hanrahan. We need to stop the speculation and actually look at and if possible validate images and our perception of them.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            >Glad you agree. This chap had knee length light pants

            Re: The “Possible suspect spotted” on the ground @ 0:40. in video

            Yes light pants. No I don’t agree those are knee length but immaterial anyway because its obviously NOT Crooks.

            This “Possible suspect spotted” on ground(ABC) is a dead-end, red herring, wild goose chase, whatever.

            Just that I’ve been looking for “your” guy, whoever he is. You seem to be denying so which is what I was hoping upthread with:

            Hopefully he will confirm/deny

            You apparently deny. Ok.

            So we’re left with just Crooks:

            Grey shoes
            Black ankle length socks
            Bare pale calves (play video 0:35-0:36-0:37)
            Knee length pants (play video 0:35-0:36-0:37)
            Demolition Ranch Tee shirt
            Long hair

            All Crooks.


    • #

      Love the Body Cam guy 26:09 walking across from door access to roof from two storey building to the dead guys roof. Richard asked how guy in shorts was able to access roof from his picnic spot. Possibly used the nearby door ’12’ up the stairs and through onto the roof. Would need to know internal layout to understand the timing and possibility.

      Commentator appears to kill the sniper team 2 kill shot theory.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        Broadie >Richard asked how guy in shorts was able to access roof from his picnic spot

        This is getting tiresome.

        No, I did NOT say that. Quote me. Don’t put words in my mouth I never said.

        I never said anything about “picnic spot” (i.e. you’re lying Broadie).
        I asked how did Crooks ACTUALLY get from ground to roof?

        What access route – EXACTLY?

        “Official” story was that he climbed “air conditioner unit”:

        Trump would-be assassin climbed air conditioning unit to access shooting perch: report [FOX News]

        Ok, fine – air conditioning unit.

        Which air conditioning unit EXACTLY?

        Against which building EXACTLY?

        On which side/end of building EXACTLY?

        No-one has the answer to any of that.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ


          “he [Crooks] used an air conditioning unit adjacent to the building as a foothold and climbed on top of the structure

          Which unit EXACTLY?

          The unit on the NW corner of the South building (shooter roof) is AWAY from the wall of the building and clearly visible by onlookers. It would be a supreme physical feat to cross the gap from unit top to roof.

          It is also at the opposite end of “the building” (West) to the shooter position (East).

          Which building EXACTLY?

          “The building” is an assumption – not necessarily fact.

          There are at least 4 buildings (divided in 2), the South building (Crooks shooting position) is signed “Building 6” on South half and “Building 5” on the other half i.e. 5/6.

          Next building North (4/5) has the 2nd story at back.

          Then further North Buildings 3/4 and 1/2.

          There’s multiple air conditioning units around the buildings. One “model” even made up the location of one.

          Not one specific air conditioning unit against one specific building has been identified.

          So much of the narrative is simply speculation. The “air conditioner” story is a case in point.


        • #

          I identified the bloke in the grey top, short pants and black shoes chillin’ on the lawn while everyone else was a hollerin’ about the shooter on the roof above him. I suggested he looked like he was having a picnic.

          July 26, 2024 at 7:06 am · Reply
          So both blokes in same video. Long pants near the gutter flippin and floppin while our attention is drawn to him. Short pants with black shoes sitting having a picnic after a chat with a policeman in the same frame.
          Please explain?

          I quote your comment above:

          No, I did NOT say that. Quote me. Don’t put words in my mouth I never said.


          I never said anything about “picnic spot” (i.e. you’re lying Broadie).

          My statement above to which you have responded:

          Richard asked how guy in shorts was able to access roof from his picnic spot.

          It was the guy in the shorts picnic spot ‘his’ not yours.

          I understand there may have been a misunderstanding or:

          This is a technique where you construct a ‘straw man’ then beat it up. Your attempts to avoid a logical reply to my questions should in my opinion cast the purpose of your numerous and repetitive posts into question.

          Words from your mouth:

          Ok, how did Crooks even get on the roof since he didn’t use his ladder?

          “Official” story says “air conditioner unit” but which one?

          The one in the alley at the NW corner of building 4 is AWAY from the wall so can’t be that (can it?).

          So which air conditioner unit EXACTLY?

          Then Broadie, you have to intertwine that roof access, whatever you think it is (prove it), with your all-encompassing scenario (whatever that is).

          Good luck with that.

          Richard C in NZ
          July 26, 2024 at 8:19 am · Reply
          Broadie >Please explain?

          No, you explain.

          Lay out your case/scenario/conjecture/speculation coherently, item by item, and/or timeline, so we can all address each point individually.

          You’re not making any sense so far.

          Also, you have to match your conjecture with ALL the shot audio evidence, Crooks shooter position, Crooks final position, access to roof (how/where from drone closeups). ALL observational evidence.

          In other words – WWWH (What-Where-When-How).

          So my point remains. I agree let us do one step at a time. As I said we do not need to do conjecture until we have some facts, like does door 12 allow access to the roof?

          Step 1.
          Why was one guy in grey and white knee length shorts with shoes talking to a Policeman and discussing the building in the direction to which a guy in similar outfit would be found dead?
          How was this guy in the same frame chillin’ on the grass while our attention was being drawn to the ‘gun man’ in grey top and long white pants?
          Is this the same guy who was seen an hour before standing looking towards the stage area in front of where the body was found?


  • #

    (Canada) Former chair of Liberals’ ‘green slush fund’ found to have ‘improperly furthered’ business interests


  • #
    Graeme No.3

    Environmentalists are very fashionable at the present time, and you may be tempted into acquiring one. You must realise that you never own an environmentalist, you are merely permitted to support it. They are very demanding and will rule you life, and can turn savage if ignored. As maintaining them can be very, very expensive it is important to make an informed choice.
    Here are some of the more popular choices.

    The Albanese – was popular once but has declined in support lately. Very noisy and may have to be put down, especially if dementia strikes.
    The Bowen Barker – very costly in upkeep and needs lots of land to roam, as it tries to hurdle any fence, even those impossible.
    The Tealie – it’s breeding doubt-full (a cross between a Green-piece and an unknown one?). Must be given luxurious surroundings or it complains to the ABC.
    The Yelpie – popular in some streets, noisy, insecure and demands lots of paint & glue. Will suddenly stop moving at the most inconvenient time.
    The Flannerois – Much out of date. Prone to hysteria especially if someone utters the word nuclear. Best avoided (also the ABC)
    The Green-piece – avoid this at all costs. Very unstable and will bite you without warning if you don’t supply its wants, which are very expensive.

    I try to discourage people from adopting Environmentalists. The inevitable change in fashion in a few years will mean that current supporters will be unwilling to make the expenditure that they require.
    A better choice, if you care for your children, is the reliable Dutton Terrier. Not a handsome creature but dependable.


  • #
    David Maddison

    I just got a message from a friend that her daughter, who works at a school in Melbourne, and thus was in receipt of compulsory multiple covid “vaccines”, now has heart disease as a result.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      My wife and I were able to avoid the “Death Jab”, however both our daughters were force to get the “Death Jab” – one forced to do so by Coles and the other to return to Australia from Japan (which did not force her to be jabbed while teaching in Japan). I now live in dread of similar news.

      Our enemies are not China or Russia – our enemies are our corrupt politicians and their corrupt public serpent mates.


      • #

        Our enemy is poor thinkers dominating public life.


      • #

        Mrs H and I had the first jab when I could see no alternative because I was trying to get her into hospice care. I had a crazy BP episode a month later [220/180] and am booked in for a pacemaker tomorrow, although I am not blaming THAT on the jab. Old men’s hearts do run down naturally.


        • #

          Cardiovascular disorders have been extensively reported during COVID-19 illness, including arrhythmias such as atrioventricular conduction disturbances. To date, one case of transient heart block has been reported after COVID-19 vaccine.

          My bold.


        • #

          good luck mate


    • #

      That’s so sad. Our sons had the jabs too but will not take any more. Fingers crossed.


  • #
    Geoff Sherrington

    CO2 lover,
    Agreed, I think you hit the nail on the head.
    For me, it is an expectation that a free market economy trumps central planning, much like it is an expectation the Aussie relay teams will dominate Olympic swimming. As they are. Maybe the swimmers are inspired by seeing what has been possible in past Olympics when contestants operate in an environment of freedom from do-gooders. Geoff S


  • #
    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Meanwhile Toyota is going from strength to strength

      Toyota has a well won reputation for quality and bet on hybrids and not on EVs.

      Since the cost of hybrid Toyota’s is only a few thousand dollars more that an equivalent ICE (and not tens of thousands more for an EV version) Toyota has drooped ICE versions for many models for hybrid version only.

      2025 Toyota Camry unveiled, due in Australia next year as hybrid only


      • #
        Leo G

        Toyota … bet on hybrids and not on EVs.

        A safe bet.
        If the “consensus on climate change” was based on reality the surest route to manage a rapid transition to electric vehicles without causing an increase in anthropogenic emissions.

        That would avoid the need to replace electrical power distribution systems throughout developed and developing countries, massively increase lithium and copper mining, replace all ICE vehicles with non-hybrid electric vehicles, and shift energy intensive industries to China and India (arbitrarily increasing global emissions).

        But, of course, woke reality is an oxymoron.


      • #

        My 2010 Toyota hybrid is still running perfectly, the HV battery is still good but if it failed I would probably replace it rather than wreck the car it is so good.


  • #
    YYY Guy

    LOL. ChSoros showing the wymmins surfing. You have to hear the commentator exaggerating the little waves which last about 5 seconds.
    And The Simpsons nail it again


  • #

    “According to ACT police, 132 drivers have been reported for various road offences through a new online reporting tool, which launched in May 2024, that allows anyone to upload “digital imagery” of illegal behaviour on state roads.”

    So, get a picture of someone failing to indicate a turn, send it to the Police and they will prosecute for you. Divide and rule is the usual Govt method, and this will be a classic example of it. The comments instantly divide people between drivers/cyclists and slow drivers/tailgaters with the same hatred as Democrats and republicans in the USA.


    • #

      So, get a picture of someone failing to indicate a turn, send it to the Police and they will prosecute for you.

      If the photo is taken from the drivers seat do you also cop a fine for using your phone?


      • #

        “If the photo is taken from the drivers seat do you also cop a fine for using your phone?”



  • #
    YYY Guy

    Crikey. ABC Insiders. Niki Savva has had fillers under her eyes instead of her lips.


  • #
  • #

    The most chilling words today: I’m from NewsGuard and I am here to rate you


    Recently, I wrote a Hill column criticizing NewsGuard, a rating operation being used to warn users, advertisers, educators and funders away from media outlets based on how it views the outlets’ “credibility and transparency.”

    Roughly a week later, NewsGuard came knocking at my door. My blog, Res Ipsa (, is now being reviewed and the questions sent by NewsGuard were alarming, but not surprising.

    I do not know whether the sudden interest in my site was prompted by my column. I have previously criticized NewsGuard as one of the most sophisticated operations being used to “white list” and “black list” sites.

    My new book, “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” details how such sites fit into a massive censorship system that one federal court called “Orwellian.”

    For any site criticizing the media or the Biden administration, the most chilling words today are “I’m from NewsGuard and I am here to rate you.”

    Conservatives have long accused the company of targeting conservative and libertarian sites and carrying out the agenda of its co-founder Steven Brill. Conversely, many media outlets have heralded his efforts to identify disinformation sites for advertisers and agencies.

    Brill and his co-founder, L. Gordon Crovitz, want their company to be the media version of the Standard & Poor’s rating for financial institutions. However, unlike the S&P, which looks at financial reports, NewsGuard rates highly subjective judgments like “credibility” based on whether they publish “clearly and significantly false or egregiously misleading” information. They even offer a “Nutrition Label” for consumers of information.

    Of course, what Brill considers nutritious may not be the preferred diet of many in the country. But they might not get a choice since the goal is to allow other companies and carriers to use the ratings to disfavor or censor non-nutritious sites.

    The rating of sites is arguably the most effective way of silencing or marginalizing opposing views. I previously wrote about other sites supported by the Biden administration that performed a similar function, including the Global Disinformation Index (GDI).

    GDI then released a list of the 10 most dangerous sites, all of which are popular with conservatives, libertarians and independents.

    Yet, NewsGuard is in the business of labeling people . . . and warning advertisers. It considers my writings to be conservative or libertarian and wants to know “Why is this perspective not disclosed to give readers a sense of the site’s point of view?”

    It does not matter. Apparently from where NewsGuard reviewers sit, I am a de facto conservative or libertarian who needs to wear a digital bell to warn others.

    It is a system that includes what Elon Musk correctly called “the advertising boycott racket.” Musk was responding to another such group pushing a rating system as an euphemism for blacklisting. For targeted sites, NewsGuard is now the leading racketeer in that system. It makes millions of dollars by rating sites — a new and profitable enterprise with dozens of other academic and for-profit groups.


  • #

    Who are the Druze? Arabic-speaking residents of Israel town hit by Hezbollah rocket that killed at least 11

    The northern Israeli town ravaged by a Hezbollah rocket attack Saturday that killed at least 11 people — mostly children — and injured dozens of others is home to members of the Druze community.

    The Druze are an insular Arabic-speaking ethnoreligious minority who originated in Egypt roughly 1,000 years ago as an offshoot of Isl@m. Its members keep secret the tenets of their faith, which bars converts and frowns upon marrying outside the religion.

    The Druze faith was influenced by the Quran and Christianity and Judaism, but also Greek philosophy and Eastern mysticism, according to the American Druze Foundation.

    Out of the estimated 1 million Druze living in the world today, roughly 152,000 reside in Israel, making up 1.4% of the nation’s population, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.

    Unlike most Arab communities in the Middle East, however, the Druze are known for their support of the Jewish state and are required to enroll in the Israel Defense Forces when they turn 18.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Tommy Robinson London Demo Sees Tens of Thousands Rally Against Censorship and Mass Migration

    Carl Benjamin @Sargon_of_Akkad

    An absolutely colossal turnout for the United the Kingdom rally. The crowd goes around the stage, it’s impossible to see in one place.



    Trafalgar square, utterly packed by patriots.


    Josh got an ariel view on Nelson’s column.

    MSM will be right on this in 3….2….1….Breaking News


  • #

    Peter C asked simply asked for an image of the supposed shooter in long pants.

    Peter C and myself involved.

    ‘Everyone agrees’. Where have we seen that before?

    For a clear understanding of that image you are referencing. Clearly long pants at 31 secs. Could be a compression issue though should be easily cleared up with a file on the phone.

    Completely ignored has been footwear and socks.

    Footwear mentioned many times, though I would like to clear up the obvious first

    Grey shoes
    Black ankle length socks
    Bare pale calves
    Knee length pants
    Demolition Ranch Tee shirt
    Long hair

    All Crooks.

    Clothes doth maketh the man? We do not know which shooter was ‘Crookes’, if in fact any. You have made many excuses for the fact the dead person is filmed in shorts with dirt on his knees. ‘Police always rip pants off to search for bombs’, camo etc

    My point about this image right from the start was that he is filmed taking a shooting position at the gutter end of the roof away from Trump and could not have from this point made the shot at Trump. This was on Michael Smith’s Blog and quite possibly was the beginning of the slopey roof controversy. Granted the commentary appears to say at the end of the clip “he is standing up” so he may have moved at this point.

    I’m just not seeing Broadies “other” guy on the roof.

    None so blind as those who cannot see! Two of the ‘other guys’ are in the same frame at 8 seconds though his face is blurred in the video. Was he the understudy?


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >‘Everyone agrees’. Where have we seen that before?

      Who are you quoting? I didn’t say that.

      Don’t put words in my mouth that I didn’t say.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >Clearly long pants at 31 secs

      Blurred and indistinct.

      Clearly knee length 0:32-0:33.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Broadie >My point about this image right from the start was that he is filmed taking a shooting position at the gutter end of the roof away from Trump and could not have from this point made the shot at Trump.

      “Gutter end”?

      What film is that and from what perspective? horizontal? overhead?

      A horizontal perspective will produce a foreshortening effect depending on camera/lens (and think depth-of-field in photography). These smart phone camera photo/videos are not SLR cameras with telephoto lenses or equivalent TV cameras used at sports events:

      Lens Choices, Subject Distances, and How They Affect the Visual Impact of Your Photographs

      From upthread #

      ABC – shooter seen “shimmying up the slope of the AGR building’s roof to the area”

      Assuming that means STRAIGHT up the roof this was his route (see video above):

      Link Canopy => bag => rifle


      Link Canopy => bag => body

      Gunman identified as video shows body and rifle on roof after Trump shooting [Roof Video]

      The body is blurred out but you can see where it is. It is OFFSET from the direct route – Link Canopy => bag => rifle

      Neither rifle or body is anywhere near the “Gutter end”. The distance rifle to end of roof is just over 20 ft (count ‘lanes’, equate to feet).

      Stands to reason (ok, maybe obscured by trees so moved) that Crooks clambered up from the Link Canopy onto the roof, dropped his bag, then went STRAIGHT up the roof to where his rifle is in that video and THAT was his shooting position.

      Both rifle and body are near top of roof. Again nowhere near ‘Gutter end”.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >“Gutter end”?

        Also see discussion with Leo about this @ # here:



        Lateral movement or not?
        Roof gutter and gutter downpipes
        Specific downpipe in respect to: South end of building; Crooks bag/rifle; and, Crooks body.
        Unresolved question: did Crooks move STRAIGHT up the roof to rifle position or LATERALLY to body position.


        • #
          Leo G

          Lateral movement or not?

          On viewing other video of Crook’s lateral shimmying along the roof close to the gutter, his lateral movement is eastward (not westward).

          Chris Wray may have provided a clue to why Crooks may have done this.

          Wray reported that Crooks earlier navigated a video drone to a position 200 yards north of his shooting position, and that he believed Crooks was finding a shooting position where trees obstructed the line of sight for both counter-sniper teams on the “barns”.

          The implication is that Crooks climbed onto the roof, left his pack at that point, moved about six feet to the east before climbing to the shooting position, corresponding to the final position of the AR-15.

          He fired, then for some compelling reason, abandoned the AR-15 and moved back to the west and into the line of sight of one of the counter-sniper teams.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Me >I’m just not seeing Broadies “other” guy on the roof.
      Broadie >None so blind as those who cannot see!

      From #7.3.1 upthread:

      But I do see @ 0:40 “Possible suspect spotted” on the ground in the following ABC video:

      Secret Service spotted Trump rally shooter on roof 20 minutes before gunfire erupted

      Video: Trump shooting timeline: How the assassination attempt unfolded

      I think this is Broadies guy. Hopefully he will confirm/deny.


      • #

        Do you keep posting to fill up the recent comments field?
        Is that why a simple uncomfortable fact appears to attract so much rehashed cut and paste?

        Neither rifle or body is anywhere near the “Gutter end”. The distance rifle to end of roof is just over 20 ft (count ‘lanes’, equate to feet).

        Gutter receives water running down the ‘lanes’. The gable is at the end.

        The live guy in long pants appears to be filmed near the gutter and not at the ridge. The woman at the end of the video appears to say he is getting up or something similar. So that may have been when he advanced up the roof. The video cuts at that moment. At the same moment the guy in the light cap, grey shirt and shorts that was chillin’ on the grass appears to be entering the image from the left. Maybe he was heading to door 12? He was the one who had previously had the discussion with the security guy in black about the roof and appeared around the front without his cap an hour before?


  • #
  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – USA

    “East coast wind turbine fiasco in the making”


  • #
    another ian

    Upgraded –

    “The 24 Hour Rule And Biden’s Speech”

    Biden’s watch time


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic

    Commrade Albanese will announce his reshuffle this afternoon.

    Whatever the outcome remember most of us are sailing in Third Class at the bottom of the ship.

    With over 1000 third class passengers on board, accommodation was basic. Cabins slept up to 10 people and were located at the noisy bottom part of the ship close to the engines. Single men and women were split up at the front and back with families in the middle. There were only two baths for everyone in third class!


    • #
      John Connor II

      Reshuffle: Picking up pieces of dog poop and moving it around doesn’t change anything.

      There were only two baths for everyone in third class!

      Surely one bath each is enough? 😁
      Everyone got a brisk bathing in the end.


  • #
    David Maddison

    (I responded on the other thread but the original was deleted and so was my response.)

    Apparently Toyota is being asked to recall 100,000 engines in the US because of the possibility of containing machining debris which might make them suddenly stop in traffic.

    It seems an extreme measure to replace 100,000 engines especially as only 1% or 1,000 might be affected.

    And I think it is unlikely that machining debris left in the engine is likely to cause a sudden stall at highway speeds.

    It seems ridiculous risk aversion.

    Why not just replace any affected engines? And if it can’t easily be determined which are affected they could do wear and debris monitoring on the 100,000 possibly affected engines by doing regular sampling of the oil or oil filters.


    • #

      Engines stop when they have no bearings and this is the first time I’ve heard a complaint that a manufacturer is overreacting to a product fault.


    • #

      Well, will they give them away free to get rid of them? Why don’t they offer 75% of the cost of replacement to the owners and let them decide if they want to take a gamble. A lot of people would take $15k cash and keep their old engine.

      The oil filter is designed to intercept any particles big enough to cause wear problems, so if you keep to the service schedule you have no problems. Maybe its not really a debris problem they are trying to solve… The absolute worst would be wearing out an oil pump and then the oil pressure drop would be noted. There’s no way it would ruin crank bearings, and I can’t see a danger if it did. If you’re driving on an engine rattling from crank bearings you shouldn’t have a licence!

      Replacing the engines and junking the old ones is just bad for the environment and humanity as a whole.


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        The oil filter is designed to intercept any particles big enough to cause wear problems, so if you keep to the service schedule you have no problems.

        .. but any machining debris left in the oilways between the filter and the crank etc, can still cause a big problem


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      John Connor II

      TCCN did a video on Toyota’s problems:

      Still better than buying a HyunDIE or Kia.😉
      Even Honda has been having issues of late.
      Cost cutting and Mexican manufacturing are the key problems for the USA.


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    Apache tribe member accused of sparking huge Arizona wildfire by burning American flag


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    John Connor II

    Sunday reality

    DEI: Danger, Entering Idiocracy

    h/t Martin Armstrong contributor


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    another ian


    “Governments Must Act Now On Proper Forest Management Or Wildfires Will Get Worse”

    For the “howmanyeth time”?


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    another ian


    “A crisis situation is unfolding in the California desert. Thousands of people headed to Las Vegas have been stuck on the I-40 for many hours, running out of gas and water. This is all due to the lithium battery truck fire that closed down I-15 yesterday.”


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    EU fines Hungary €200 million for refusing open borders
    And an additional €1 million every day that they don’t open the borders.

    ”The ECJ’s decision to fine Hungary with 200M euros plus 1M euros daily(!!!) for defending the borders of the European Union is outrageous and unacceptable” said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.


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    another ian


    Polish up your snifter

    “Inhaled ethanol may treat respiratory infections and stop pandemics”

    As explained in the tip –

    Seems a glass with an orifice that your nose fits, preferably warmed, loaded with some liquor about proof from which you inhale the vapour does a good job of making 20-30% ethanol available across the respiratory tract and stops current pandemic causing type bugs in their tracks in said tract! Also it avoids the problems so readily pointed out in the literature from chronic (in their terms) alcohol use pushing ethanol out from the blood into the respiratory system.

    So, charge your glass any time you feel one of these little sets of buggers attack, get sniffing and keep well!!!


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    I am often in awe about how selective the woke left can be in its thinking.

    A tiny % of the population (drag queens) is over represented everywhere and forced on children. This is seen as good.

    In the US blacks are way overepresented in violent crime statististics. If you notice that it is bad.

    We are inclusive and job discrimination favouring black people is good.

    We are inclusive and job discrimination giving equal opportunity to white and asian people is bad.

    Loony alarmists will tell your your “emissions” will destroy the planet

    Loony alarmists go on flights to ski holidays wearing “just stop oil” t shirts

    and I guess the whole COP travel club and circus.
