The contradictions in the narrative break

By Jo Nova

It’s a lever point in history. Millions of people want answers. Such is the demand for news on one of the last free platforms, Elon Musk reports that X usage hit another all time high yesterday. In the US, traffic was  23% higher than it had ever been on any single day ever.

Meanwhile all the people who know that Donald Trump is the Single Biggest Threat to Democracy, must be wondering why Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are so pleased that the Threat survived.

As  Douglas Wilson says:

If Trump really is a “threat to democracy,” if he really is Hitler redivivus (as the New Republic cover currently has it), if he is going to usher in a Mordor-like totalitarian regime, then what could possibly be wrong with an assassination to save democracy? We lionize Bonhoeffer because of his willingness to be part of a plot to assassinate Hitler. Ehud did the Israelites a great service when he took out Eglon (Judg. 3:15).

What kind of sense does it make for Biden to call Trump up to congratulate him on his survival if Trump really is a threat to democracy? The call reveals the hypocrisy and hollowness of the prior rhetoric. This reality puts them on the horns of a dilemma. If their rhetoric is to be believed, then Thomas Crooks is a hero and a martyr. If it is not to be believed, then why were they talking that way?

The Democrats were, of course, doing character assassination with galactic hyperbole

They were winding up the crowd and feeding the hate, then people got killed.

Ad hominem attacks are all very well until the crowd realizes they are on the same side as the bad guys. According to Joe Biden, the extreme MAGA Republicans want to stop you using contraception, you will have no right to marry who you love... MAGA Republicans look at the darkness and see carnage and despair…  yet somehow it’s the good guys who are shooting at the families in the crowd. It’s not supposed to be this way.

Take him out … You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price:

As Vivek Ramaswamy points out, the Democrat media have been demonizing the opposition for 150 years. In 1865 they said Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant, a dictator, they said it would be the end of the United States as we know it. That he would make the US a laughing stock…

Paul Joseph Watson has spliced together the sequence of events at the attempted assassination, showing just how long the would-be-assassin had to prepare while in full view of a very agitated crowd who could see him on the roof and were trying to warn people. There goes that idea that the Secret Service are dedicated patriots, and experts, and the best on Earth.

Just in: Donald Trump has chosen JD Vance to run for Vice President (skipping the whole DEI theme, and deciding to treat female voters like adults with brains instead of like teenage girls wanting a cheer squad.) On X, MAGA fans seem happy about this, which means the Deep State definitely won’t be. Vance has been endorsed by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy already.

But such is the moment we are living through, people are seeing it as divine providence that Trump turned his head at the moment the bullet went past. Such is the mood, that a video of of an eerie prophesy of Pastor Brandon Biggs is going viral. Three months ago he said that the Lord told him a bullet would pass just by President Trumps ear, so close it would break his eardrum… It’s quite spooky.

Gears are shifting. People report seeing MAGA hats in San Francisco, and others tell the story of conversion from a Trump hater to being a silent supporter too afraid to speak up over the years, but now finally coming out, unashamedly.

The narrative has always painted the picture that Trump is just a narcissist seeking power and fame. But how much fun is it to be shot at? Who, exactly, wants to be indicted and face jail and fines of hundreds of millions of dollars? The latest event shows how wrong the narrative is.

Donald Trump is a billionaire, he doesn’t have to do this. He could retire and play golf and fly from resort to resort.

Instead of getting rich being President, like the rest of the political class,  it’s costing him a fortune — and possibly everything he has.

h/t Stephen Neil




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102 comments to The contradictions in the narrative break

  • #

    Pence….Vance…..? History doesn’t repeat, it rhymes!


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      A police countersniper team reportedly was inside the building in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday at the same time a 20-year-old man attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump.

      There is nothing more stupid than guv@work.


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        Maybe they are the guys who shot Trump. The kid on the roof in long pants, shorts when dead, could not sight Trump from that position on the roof. He was below the ridge line and died there. Does not make sense. The bullet in flight came from the building , not the roof if you do the ballistics.


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          The local police were in the building with the shooter on the roof for 26 minutes. When the secret service lined up on the building they could not fire immediately as it was occupied by police not on their real-time comms band.

          Keystone cops.


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            Was the local police force replaced by Secret Service appointed contractors.

            They told the SS counter sniper team that they controlled the building.

            This was a hit orchestrated by the DoHS, DoJ and WH.

            There will be a comms control van on-site. Someone will have removed it by now.

            Did Crooks work for the DoHS? Who paid for the membership etc for the rifle club?


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    John Galt III

    If you are an Australian, you may not understand a person like JD Vance, but American patriots and people who love America do. He is the anti-Pence.

    Watch the movie or read the book “Hillbilly Elegy.” Vance is the real deal. Go to the heart of Appalachia and you find lots of people like him. Observe the culture. People in Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra, New York City or Boston wouldn’t last one week there.

    He was a US Marine and Yale law graduate. His wife is a daughter of Indian immigrants and is Yale Law and Cambridge PhD. These people weren’t born with a silver spoon in their mouths. In the 1930’s, Hollywood would make a Horatio Alger movie about them.

    America produces really good people from time to time and he is one them. Trump just made the best move he ever made.


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      Richard C in NZ

      >He [Vance] is the anti-Pence

      I could never work out Pence until the end.

      Was on a roll in the Open Thread before interrupted by Jo. Here’s some duplicate from there:

      J.D. Vance @JDVance1

      Today is not just some isolated incident.

      The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs.

      That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.

      17.5M Views, 133K Likes

      Christian, husband, dad. U.S. Senator for Ohio.

      The Anti-Christ Left will hate him with a vengeance.

      Investments next.


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        Richard C in NZ

        J. D. Vance investments.

        Jameson Lopp @lopp [X Link]

        According to his most recent financial disclosure last year, Trump’s Vice President pick @JDVance1 is a bitcoiner.

        And Gold and Oil, from X link:

        SPR Gold Shares ETF

        OILK – K-1 Free Crude Oil Strategy ETF

        Robin Hood Brokerage Account

        Charles Schwab


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          Nothing wrong with making money. Just ask Warren Buffet. And Trump. LOL


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          No renewables then? Excellent.


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            On one of the TV stations not Fox News, the worst thing the leftist commentator could come up with about Vance is
            ‘He’s a skeptic!’. What a great word of praise to come out of the mouth of Vance’s antagonists!


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              He is in good company. Essentially all real scientists are skeptics. That is the definition of a scientist.

              In contrast people who believe everything they are told are not skeptics. At best gullible. At worst, part of the hoax. Climate Scientists. A job employing millions of people who make their living from “The Science”.

              The tragedy is not the collapse of great, cheap power systems which lifted the world out of poverty, but the loss of tens of trillions of dollars which could have built new systems for when the gift of free fossil fuels runs out.


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            Richard C in NZ

            Janet >No renewables then?

            Not just Vance:

            2024 Republican Party Platform





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      Richard C in NZ

      J.D. Vance Comes Out Against ‘Calamity’ JCPA Media Cartel Bill, Credits Breitbart and Alex Marlow

      “I do want to get your quick take on the JCPA, which is this sort of a media cartel bill,” Marlow said. “It’s a tough one, because there are a lot of people framing it as anti-Big Tech, and I know you’ve been a warrior against the Big Tech conglomerates, but it basically — I think — will lead to a cartel of corporate media that will be collectively bargaining with Big Tech. They are some of the same people. It’s going to put people like me on the outs, and independent media. Are you up on this? You have any thoughts on it?

      Vance said that if enacted, the JCPA’s facilitation of “cartel behavior” between technology companies and “mainstream” news media is a “dealbreaker.”


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      JD is a very good pick and he will destroy cackles in any debate. The other great thing is Trump still has a crowd of wonderful people to give important roles to. I really hope Tulsi and Vivek are in there.

      Meanwhile the true nature of biden’s supporters is revealed (as if we didn’t already know):


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        A debate with Kamala Harris? Biden is a better debater. At least he has the excuse of being senile.


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      “America produces really good people from time to time and he is one them. Trump just made the best move he ever made.”

      Really??. If Vance is as good as you proclaim it may be Trump’s Waterloo


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        John Galt III

        “Really??. If Vance is as good as you proclaim it may be Trump’s Waterloo.”

        Trump picked a useless idiot, Mike Pence first time around. He has learned from his mistake.
        His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner advised him last time. They are long gone
        His son Donald Trump, Jr is is now his adviser and he wanted Vance.

        Trump was just shot. The dopey kid missed.
        If Biden’s Secret Service/Homeland Security is told not to protect Trump properly, which is incredibly apparent to everyone, then if Trump is killed he wants a replacement he and America can trust. That is JD Vance.

        Napoleon and the French lost at Waterloo. Trump and America just won.

        There is a reason Trump is a $Billionaire and you are not.


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    Caitlin Johnstone explains the overall picture of politics, so clear now we have those who were calling for Trump’s removal praying for his survival-

    “In Washington they’re all on the same team and have generally cordial relationships with the people on other side of the aisle. They just encourage normal Americans to feed all their discontent with the status quo into a hyper-emotional political environment where the barely-existing divisions between the two major factions are inflamed by mainstream pundits and politicians so that their anger will go toward the completely ineffectual activity of voting instead of more direct and revolutionary measures. From the perspective of the empire managers it’s hostile partisan rage for thee, amicable cocktail party relations for we.”

    “The two “sides” of mainstream politics are not fighting against one another, they’re only fighting against you. Their only job is to keep you clapping along with the two-handed puppet show as they rob you blind and tighten your chains while your gaze is fixed on the performance.”


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      Steve of Cornubia

      I have long said that western politics is more like a team sport, say footy. Watch parliament (a match) and you will see people on each side behaving like they want to kick the sh1t out of the guys on the other side. Until the the cameras are switched off (the final whistle blows) they’re at each other like demons and all that matters is ‘their side’.

      But then, after the match, they’re all in the same pub buying each other beers. The following week, a player may even swap teams. Turns out they aren’t so loyal after all, especially if a big fat cheque is waved at them.

      The voters (fans) meanwhile, are the only folks who actually care about ‘their team’.


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      Trump has said it many times.

      “They’re not out to get me. They’re out to get you. I’m just in the way.”


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    Ad-Vance to Victory!


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    Yes, and we have jumped up, self opinionated jackasses like Greg Sheridan, who hated Trump, merely because he was not a politician.
    All the reasons he gave were for his dislike were about Trump’s behavior. Nothing about his policies, nor his work.


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      The fact that Trump is NOT a Career Politician is a Big Plus with lots and lots of people.


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      Sheridan’s headline: ‘Trump has just made a great mistake!'(in selecting Vance).


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        That’s the Murdoch line. There is no way Murdoch wanted Vance. And all the Fox/Murdoch reporters are in dismay. Trump has dumped Fox. And Paul Ryan.


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      John Hultquist

      Trump’s behavior

      He seems to have learned and/or been advised to be a bit more “cool.”
      Those with TDS* haven’t noticed, being more fixated on things he did or said years ago.
      *responding to statements and political actions by Trump in a manner verging on the irrational, without regard to his actual position or action taken.


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    Another Delcon

    I came to the same conclusions as Paul Joseph Watson almost straight away and my suspicions just got stronger as time passed . I reckon that the security guy from the local shopping mall would have straight away identified that roof top as a top risk that needed security in place . The two police snipers were clearly watching the assassin for some time before the first shots were taken . They would have observed him taking aim prior to the first shot . Yet they waited until AFTER he had got those first few shots away before opening fire ?
    Yeh , the same FBI and other government agencies that have been conducting war-fare against Donald Trump for years were given the responsibility to keep him safe ! Fox in charge of the hen house !
    They may or may not have been colluding with the assassin but they definitely left the door ajar and hoped something would happen .
    Re that first video of Biden : If you need a definition of the term ” projection ” , there it is !


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        Richard C in NZ

        Another Delcon >It’s pretty hard to argue against what this guy says

        Agreed. Just the route to roof-top and getting access to the roof for starters. That had to planned in advance.

        If it wasn’t i.e. it was an impromptu act, it was an extraordinary feat – think ladder (where was that? – police got one) or facility stairway (which one?), then “moving roof to roof”. It all came together by sheer chance?

        But then, there’s another perspective and I’ll repeat a reply to CO2 Lover on the Open Thread :

        CO2 Lover >Their [counter sniper] role is to scan for long distance threats 500+ yards out – a sniper rifle can have a range of 2000 yards plus

        Me >So in this day and age with that gear and skill around why would any entity need an intermediary doofus like Brooks?

        If there was such an entity with serious intent, Trump would have already been offed from great distance and USSS would have no idea where the shot came from given their clueless performance at Butler.

        Even at the top of their game the task of locating a skilled sniper for pre-emptive counter is near impossible.


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          Richard C in NZ

          Crooks, not Brooks.


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          Richard C in NZ

          Failed Trump Assassin Purchased Ladder and 50 Rounds of Ammo on the Morning of the Rally, According to New Report

          CNN reports:

          On Friday, he went to a shooting range where he was a member, and practiced firing, a law enforcement official told CNN. The next morning, Crooks went to a Home Depot, where he bought a five-foot ladder, and a gun store, where he purchased 50 rounds of ammunition, the official said.

          Then, Crooks drove his Hyundai Sonata about an hour north, joining thousands of people from around the region who flocked to Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He parked the car outside the rally, with an improvised explosive device hidden in the trunk that was wired to a transmitter he carried, the official said. Then, investigators believe, he used his newly-bought ladder to scale a nearby building, and opened fire on the former president.

          The report noted, “It’s not clear whether Crooks used the ammunition or the ladder that he bought on Saturday during his attack later that day.” However, a ladder was prominently propped up against the building where Crooks would shoot from.


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            How do you sneak past people with a very tall ladder. Plus 50 rounds of ammo, a rifle with stand and telescopic sights and nochanantly carry these to the shed and assemble all these and climb on the roof and expect no one to notice? Parking must have been amazingly good at such a big event.


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        The only thing I would say against that theory which most intelligent people are making is, if the FBI pair really were waiting for the first shot to be fired, which intimates either a direct order from above or they were a pair of Democrat extremists without a brain in their own heads, they would have to be the dumbest pair of people on the planet. They were totally exposed to the public. As with January 6th where there appeared to be a lot of unidentifiable characters stirring up the crowd and who seem to have disappeared from answering questions later, I wonder if those two are available for questioning.
        So much appears to be unaccountably absurd how this day unfolded, yet the American commentariat like to claim the US Secret Service and FBI are the most effective and protective organisations in providing cover for VIPs.


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      I have seen a few comments like this from expert snipers now. They are all missing the obvious. Crookes wasnt helped to get in there and make the shot. He was selected by insiders and delivered to the rooftop and instructed what to do. It was a lot more than help, it was planned by Trump’s political enemies. They must be found and given suitable punishment ASAP.


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      Did Jonathon Willis record his communications?

      The first thing his publication tells us is that he does not expect his superiors to support whatever he has to say.

      He may even fear for his life.


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    Honk R Smith

    Is it just me?
    Or does it appear that across the supposed Western ‘democratic’ world, governments seem to be purposely and actively attempting to put their own people at each other’s throats?


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      Old Goat

      Your on the money . “Left” V “Right” , Male V Female V everything else , Muslim V Christian V Hindu V Buddhism etc – its all we are good and they are evil . Nobody is in the middle anymore , everyone is polarised to the extremes. The truth is that we are all human and civilisation is founded on co-operation , not conflict .


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    Fascism gets bandied about too much. I would define it as those brainwashed into believing others are the human parasites of the planet, except that includes Communists.

    This is an example
    Although they only pick out the least articulate to interview, all are a far cry from the black dressed men. Large, confident, brash and in masks. I’d bet my house on them being paid actors to turn a protest about grooming into something else.


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    I think this has MK Ultra or whatever replaced it written all over it. Nothing about the official story makes sense to anybody with more than 2 brain cells to rub together.


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    ..people are seeing it as divine provenance that Trump turned his head at the moment the bullet went past.

    The correct term is divine providence. Here’s a good look at the concept from GotQuestions:

    Divine providence is the governance of God by which He, with wisdom and love, cares for and directs all things in the universe. The doctrine of divine providence asserts that God is in complete control of all things. He is sovereign over the universe as a whole (Psalm 103:19), the physical world (Matthew 5:45), the affairs of nations (Psalm 66:7), human destiny (Galatians 1:15), human successes and failures (Luke 1:52), and the protection of His people (Psalm 4:8). This doctrine stands in direct opposition to the idea that the universe is governed by chance or fate.

    The term Provenance is about proof or place of origin.


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    Richard C in NZ

    RNC Research @RNCResearch [X]

    NBC: You called President Trump “an existential threat” and said it’s time to put him “in the bullseye.”

    BIDEN: “I didn’t say ‘crosshairs.'”


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      Richard C in NZ

      “I’ve Heard From Him” – Biden When Asked If It’s Acceptable That He Hasn’t Heard From the Secret Service Director Since Trump Assassination Attempt – The SS Director is a WOMAN! (VIDEO)

      Lester Holt asked Biden if it is acceptable that he has not heard from his DEI Secret Service Director.

      “Is it acceptable that you have still not heard, at least publicly, from the Secret Service Director?” Lester Holt asked Biden.

      “Oh, I’ve heard from him,” Biden said.

      The Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle, is a WOMAN!

      Lester Holt swooped in to save Joe Biden: “Have you heard from her publicly?”

      Biden looked spooked as he realized the Secret Service Director is not a “he.”

      He quickly thought of a lie.

      “Publicly I’ve sat down in the Situation Room downstairs – the Secret Service, the FBI, National Security agencies – Homeland Security – all the major elements,” Biden said.

      Elsewhere I saw a comment – “The guy lies when he talks in his sleep”.


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      Richard C in NZ

      Biden: I Haven’t Engaged in Inciting Rhetoric, Trump Has, I’m Just Talking About ‘Threat to Democracy’

      “NBC Nightly News” host Lester Holt asked, “But have you taken a step back and done a little soul-searching on things that you may have said that could incite people who are not balanced?”

      Biden responded, “Well, I don’t think — look, how do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when the president says things like he says? Do you just not say anything because it may incite somebody? Look, I have not engaged in that rhetoric. Now, my opponent has engaged in that rhetoric. He talks about there will be a bloodbath if he loses, talking about how he’s going to forgive all the — actually, I guess suspend the sentences of all those who were arrested and sentenced to go to jail because of what happened in the Capitol. I’m not out there making fun of like, remember the picture of Donald Trump when Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband was hit with a hammer going and talking about — joking about it?”


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    Richard C in NZ

    >Meanwhile all the people who know that Donald Trump is the Single Biggest Threat to Democracy

    Yes, been confirmed too:

    WATCH: Biden Calls Trump a ‘Real Danger to the Country’ — Whines About Rural Voters with ‘F Biden’ Signs

    Discussing rural voters, Biden said, “I’ve never seen a circumstance where you ride through certain rural areas of the country and people have signs… Trump signs… little signs with ‘F Biden,’ with a little kid standing there putting up his middle finger.”

    Biden added, “That’s the kind of stuff that’s just inflammatory and vicious.”

    From article, a pre assassination attempt interview:

    Apple Lamps@lamps_apple

    🚨BREAKING: In the [Speedy Morman] interview the Biden campaign didn’t want you to see, Biden calls Trump a danger to the country and democracy.

    But bullseye ‘crosshairs’ is ok.


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    Peter McRae

    Here is a first person account and the video clips leave everything else I’ve watched for dead.


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      Richard C in NZ

      Gabriel Williams:

      In those videos, you saw:

      # dense trees somewhat close in and to both sides of the venue, with clear lines of sight to the podium;

      # open umbrellas;

      # a water tower(!) about a quarter-mile off the venue, but with an excellent line of sight (I’m talking about Texas Tower/Book Repository-grade line of sight) to the podium. I noticed the counter-snipers repeatedly checking the tower;

      # a utility pole almost right next to me with foot pegs in (which a couple of people actually partly climbed, without security protests, to get a better camera shot of Trump as his motorcade arrived; and

      # elevated terrain that sloped downwards from spectator to podium.

      From Upthread #6.1.1:

      CO2 Lover >Their [counter sniper] role is to scan for long distance threats 500+ yards out – a sniper rifle can have a range of 2000 yards plus

      Me >So in this day and age with that gear and skill around why would any entity need an intermediary doofus like Crooks?

      If there was such an entity with serious intent, Trump would have already been offed from great distance and USSS would have no idea where the shot came from given their clueless performance at Butler.

      Even at the top of their game the task of locating a skilled sniper for pre-emptive counter is near impossible.

      # # #

      At first, the water tower seems the obvious choice but it is actually highly visible and anyone on it would stand out. Same with a utility pole but I don’t think that would be a consideration for a skilled sniper.

      Not so in trees or elevated terrain.

      The “entity” could have multiple snipers sequestered there.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >At first, the water tower seems the obvious choice but it is actually highly visible and anyone on it would stand out.

        SSS – Size-Shape-Silhouette


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    I love the Donald’s diary:

    6.11 pm Saturday. Get shot to within 1 cm of my life. Make sure the blood is still on my cheeks for an iconic Iwo Jima image.

    9.00 am (say) Sunday morning. Enjoy a round of golf, then fly to Wisconsin for the RNC.

    (Ensure the 5 or so remaining RINOs are locked in a cage out the back.)

    11.00 am (say) Monday. Announce my Vice Presidential candidate.

    What’s not to like?

    God bless him.


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    Richard C in NZ

    Democrat Mayor Claims Trump Faked His Assassination

    The popular Libs of TikTok account on Twitter is filled with videos and messages containing anger and vitriol for the alleged 20-yr-old assassin for missing his intended target.

    Douglas Orr, Aberdeen, Washington’s Democrat Mayor:

    “Ears bleed alot [sic]. I hope they check to make sure it wasn’t just a self inflicted scratch. The shooter is dead so we will never know if it was staged,” he wrote on Facebook. “Not buying it quite yet Any way [sic] you look at it, it was a horrific act. Short of Biden dieing [sic], this is about the only thing that could happen that would artificially gain Trump sympathy votes. I hope I’m wrong, but because of his record of deceit, that’s the first thing that came to mind.”

    Now deleted.


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      The families of the dead and seriously wounded would be impressed by that idiot’s comment. Something seriously wrong with those sort of people, not being able to see past their political dogma.


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      It’s difficult to believe that anyone could make such fatuous remarks. Perhaps the mayor reckoned the death of Corey Compertore was staged too.

      This failed assassination will probably go down in the history books as a pivotal moment in the decline of the USA. It epitomises the division and chaos we have become accustomed to seeing in the press.


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    Regarding the Trump attempted Assassination, all of these USA’n Politicians crapping on about how horrible it was are just paying lip service. The USA is a violent Nation always engaging in Wars all over the Planet. How many gun deaths are there in the USA each year? How many assassination attempts on Presidents and others with dire consequences have there been since the USA was first formed?

    For Bumbling Joe Biden to say that there is no place for Political violence in the USA means that he has never studied his own Country’s history.


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    Richard C in NZ

    Collin Rugg @CollinRugg [X Link]

    JUST IN: Donald Trump Jr. calls reporter a “clown” to his face and tells him to “get out of here” at the RNC after the reporter started talking about children in “cages.”

    Clown is an understatement.

    Reporter: “Will we continue to see policies like separating 5,000 children deliberately from their parents?”

    Trump Jr.: “You mean the Obama administration?”

    Reporter: “You know, they didn’t do that, sir. Will there be a second family separation policy?”

    Trump Jr.: “It’s M-S-D-N-C. So I expect nothing less from you. Clowns.”

    “You couldn’t wait. You couldn’t wait with your lies and with your nonsense. So just get outta here.”

    7.3M Views, 106K Likes


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    Elon Musk has pledged $66 million a week to the Trump campaign fund.


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    Richard C in NZ

    >the story of conversion from a Trump hater to being a silent supporter

    stepfanie tyler @wildbarestepf

    in conclusion:

    my political evolution has been shaped by a series of concrete events and realizations that have driven me away from the left

    from the mishandling of individual cases in the MeToo movement to the left’s resistance to innovation, disregard for biological science, chaotic foreign policy decisions, and the tangible consequences of their policies, these experiences have collectively shifted my perspective

    embracing a more centrist or right-leaning viewpoint has felt like a return to common sense, patriotism, and a commitment to constructive progress

    Got to have respect for someone that makes such a shift – takes some doing.

    Like moving from IPCC “Science” to objective critique.

    There’s a lot of ideological baggage to shake off.


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    Richard C in NZ

    >an eerie prophesy of Pastor Brandon Biggs [bullet past ear – 1]

    More to it, others too. Check against 7 Marks of a True Prophet

    6. The true prophet, when predicting future events, had a 100 percent success rate.

    So got to get all 100% right – not just one. And that one must be 100% too.

    Firstly, no busted eardrum – not 100%.

    A commenter wrote [below]: “Amazing! 100% correct”.

    Not 100% if no busted eardrum.

    Moment so-called Christian prophet ‘predicts’ Donald Trump’s assassination attempt – four months ago—four-months-ago

    Who is Brandon Biggs? The pastor who predicted Trump’s assassination bid

    “I saw a red wave coming out of Michigan” [2]

    “I saw Oklahoma and there were embers of people” [3]

    “they had torches all throughout Oklahoma” [4]

    “they were raising up these torches that looked like fire, bringing forth a new patriotism on the nation” [5]

    Joe Biden would lose the upcoming presidential election [6]

    “I also saw Donald Trump become really on fire for Jesus” [7]

    “I also saw him winning the presidency” [8]

    “I saw a great economic crash coming soon after” [9]

    “which will be the worst in the country’s history” [10]

    “Biggs said he saw Trump and others in the Oval Office crying out to the Lord, with the financial crisis lifting off the country and the Lord’s blessing returning to America” [11]

    # # #

    There’s a lot of nationalism mixed in here, and more than a little wishful thinking methinks. And I’m wondering about separation of Church and State.

    [9] and [10] are everywhere already anyway.

    Others, like [7] and [11], are easily testable in the near future and questionable in the first instance – what “Lord’s blessing returning to America” was there in the first place?

    Don “really on fire for Jesus” not ringing true at all. That would be a radical transformation. Just appointing J.D. Vance Veep doesn’t cut it.


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      Richard C in NZ

      >what “Lord’s blessing returning to America” was there in the first place?

      Bygone prosperity underpinned by gold-based currency?

      Where serial murders were never a thing?

      Young men sent off to die in futile war to “defend America”?

      Biblical “new nation” doesn’t refer to any country. Just refers to rejection of Israel and what was theirs taken to Gentiles, wherever and whoever anywhere.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >what “Lord’s blessing returning to America” was there in the first place?

        Also, to borrow from Johnny Rotten upthread with minor change:

        How many [assassinations of] Presidents and others with dire consequences have there been since the USA was first formed?

        Some blessing huh?


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      Richard C in NZ


      “I saw a great economic crash coming soon after” [9]

      “which will be the worst in the country’s history” [10]

      “Biggs said he saw Trump and others in the Oval Office crying out to the Lord, with the financial crisis lifting off the country” [11]

      All that has to occur within 4 years. Compare:

      Source: Khan Academy

      The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in US history. It began in 1929 and did not abate until the end of the 1930s.

      The stock market crash of October 1929 signaled the beginning of the Great Depression. By 1933, unemployment was at 25 percent and more than 5,000 banks had gone out of business.

      That was with a gold-based currency. Present currency is backed by a govt promise.


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    Tim O'Sullivan

    Haven’t we been here before?
    Henry II “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?” Henry, of course, did not expect anyone to go out and kill Thomas A’Becket.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    I do not believe that the would-be assassin was in any way working for the Democrats, or other shadowy government types. However, I am coming round to thinking that they somehow got wind of the guy’s plan to kill Trump at the rally and set out to make it as easy as possible for him, without being too obvious about it.

    Starting with the questions around seemingly lax security, in particular the strange decision to place that rooftop OUTSIDE the high security perimeter, despite its obvious utility for a sniper. One excuse for this appears to be that the security detail was short handed. This is where it gets interesting.

    The reason they were short-handed? Why it’s because Jill Biden, who outranks ex-president Trump for security protection,was holding her own small event not far away. Not only in the same area. Not only on the same day, but at the exact same time. This required that the security people focused principally on Jill Biden, leaving fewer than ideal staff to protect Trump, hence the shrunken and fatally-flawed ‘perimeter’.

    What are the chances, eh? This is why I now wonder if somebody knew that guy was planning to take shots at Trump, at that event, possibly because of something he’d said on social media or in a text message. We don’t know because the super spies can’t get into his run-o-the-mill mobile phone. However they found out, there was then a meeting convened to talk about how they could legitimately give the assassin his best shot while they had plausible deniability.


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      Graeme No.3

      Re the ‘prophecies’ – I worked out 5 month ago that for The Democrats to win the next election they had to do one of 2 things.
      1. Get rid of Biden
      2. Get rid of Trump (I’m glad he survived).
      I point out that they haven’t been able to do either. Trump is OK as he becomes the Republic nominee shortly after which they get Vance and a landslide.
      Biden may survive nomination because
      a. The Democrats (Hidden State) may have decided they will lose and be too busy covering their tracks before the Inauguration or fleeing to Canada or Ukraine.
      b. putting Harris up against Trump would only make loss worse.

      Feel free to dispute this.


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        Bet the shredders are running hot.


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        A fresh face, a political clean skin, is the only way to beat Donald the populist.


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          Frederick Pegler

          I think the only thing the Democrate establishment fear more than Trump. Is a Democrate in power, that they don’t own. Reform will come from within the party.


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      Leo G

      … they somehow got wind of the guy’s plan to kill Trump at the rally and set out to make it as easy as possible for him, without being too obvious about it.

      It was obvious that Thomas Crooks was working to a strict schedule that day.

      He climbed to the roof 30 minutes before the assassination attempt and waited in a position where he could not sight his target. He was apparently seen and his presence reported to police before he climbed onto the roof.

      He must have received a signal to move up to the sighting position on the roof by an accomplice, probably someone in the audience close to the podium.

      The event security plan required security to be present on the roof. Yet those personnel were not in position, and co-ordinating security made no attempt to check that they were in position until Crooks was ready to shoot.

      Crooks attempted assassination failed and he was promptly killed.

      It’s quite reasonable to infer that in some way Crooks was working for the Democrats, or other shadowy government types.


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      Frederick Pegler

      I reckon it’s SOOO bad it had to have been incompetence. A conspiracy would have showed a little more finesse.


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        On The Other Hand: Once is an accident, twice is coincidence three times is enemy action. There were more than three glaring “oversights”.

        But government payrolls seem to be buying absolute incompetents. [I just contradicted myself :(]


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    Sean McHugh

    All of this this looks so bad. I doubt it will be shown on free-to-air TV.


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    another ian

    Latest Kunstler –

    “Shocks to the System”

    Opening quote –

    ““Trump is brushing off assassin’s bullets like dirt off his shoulder, racking up a mile long rap sheet of the fakest & gayest felonies known to man, chased through civil court by crazy-eyed harridans deranged by how horny he makes them. Joe Biden has jello for supper at 4pm.” — Aimee Terese on “X” ”

    More at*-nation/shocks-to-the-system-2/


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      another ian

      In there a thought I hadn’t seen before –

      ” Is it possible, though, that “Joe Biden” holds blackmail material over his party confederates? After all, he’s still president. He has access to things you’d never dream of and, demented as he is, he has plenty of help close at hand from Hunter, Dr. Jill, and the Lawfare posse for sorting it out. He probably knows a thing or two about his old pard Barack Obama, too, that would make some folks uncomfortable. So, looks like “JB” is fixing to hang in there as his party’s nominee, and whoever doesn’t like it can go suck an egg.”


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        It’s most likely the opposite case. Obama, Hillary, and others are pulling the strings connected to Joe Biden. Biden is corrupt having milked China for all it’s worth plus more. Joe Biden is truly and scarily mentally deficient. He is not in charge of the US government nor even his own faculties.


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    Tech billionaire Elon Musk said he plans to commit roughly $45 million each month to a new fund backing Donald Trump for US president, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

    Musk’s donations will go to a political group dubbed America PAC, which will focus on promoting voter registration, early voting and mail-in ballots among residents in swing states ahead of the November general election, the Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter.


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    another ian


    From “SITREP 7/15/24: Crumbling NATO Buys Time for Broad European War”

    “Never underestimate the folly of evildoers facing their mortal demise.”

    Now that might be a line with wider application


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    Richard C in NZ

    VDH: Assassination Porn & The Sickness On The Left

    Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via X:

    So since at least 2016 there has been a parlor game among Leftist celebrities and entertainers joking (one hopes), dreaming, imagining, and just talking about the various and graphic ways they would like to assassinate or seriously injure Trump:

    By slugging his face (Robert De Niro),

    by decapitation (Kathy Griffin, Marilyn Manson),

    by stabbing (Shakespeare in the Park),

    by clubbing (Mickey Rourke),

    by shooting ( Snoop Dogg), by poisoning (Anthony Bourdain),

    by bounty killing (George Lopez),

    by carrion eating his corpse (Pearl Jam),

    by suffocating (Larry Whilmore),

    by blowing him up (Madonna, Moby),

    by throwing him over a cliff (Rosie O’Donnell),

    just by generic “killing” him (Johnny Depp, Big Sean),

    or by martyring him (Reid Hoffman: “Yeah, I wish I had made him an actual martyr.”).


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    Richard C in NZ

    “Ordered My First MAGA Hat”: Closet Trump Supporters Are Coming Out Of Woodwork After Failed Assassination Attempt

    “The dam broke for me and many others today. I live in SF, where it’s a social death sentence to voice support for Trump,” tech entrepreneur James Ingallinera wrote on X moments after the Trump assassination attempt on Saturday afternoon.

    Let’s not forget that famed investor David Sacks and other VCs in San Francisco have recently become Trump supporters, indicating the tide has been shifting.

    Ingallinera wrote in the post, which has garnered 1.7 million views, “Regardless, I will be voting for Trump this election, and will voice my support publicly and unabashedly, social and financial consequences be damned. A very serious line was crossed today.”

    Google Trends search:

    “Trump yard sign”
    “Buy a trump sign”
    “Trump bumper sticker”
    “Trump 2024 sticker”
    “Trump shirt”
    “MAGA hat”
    “Trump flag”
    “Donate to Trump”


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    Richard C in NZ

    “It’s Not A ‘Narrative’, It’s The Truth” – David Sacks Destroys WaPo’s Post-Trump-Shooting Spin

    The Washington Post names me, along with as one of several businessmen, who are using their “megaphones” to spread “narratives” about the assassination attempt on President Trump.

    Musk, other pro-Trump billionaires have helped shape shooting narrative

    The right-leaning business community on X, including Elon Musk and hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman, used their megaphones to endorse Trump and fuel storylines about Saturday’s attack.

    By Elizabeth Dwoskin and Faiz Siddiqui

    More readable on MSN


  • #

    What always amuses me about the progressive left calling conservatives like Trump or Tony Abbbot the next Hitler or Fascists is the greatest tyrants of the modern era were from the left.

    Stalin: Russian Social Democratic Labour Party – Communists
    Hitler: National Socialist German Workers’ Party – Nazi’s
    Mussolini: Partito Nazionale Fascista (common group) – Fascists
    Moa Zedong: Chinese Communist Party – Communists

    The left are fascists in it’s modern interpretation.


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    Honk R Smith

    I don’t usually wear political stuff.
    But I think I’ll go out with a bandage on my right ear.


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    One of your best Jo. Thanks.


  • #

    Just downloading Hillbilly Elegy. [sorry pirate] So many seeds it has only taken a couple of minutes to download. Done while I make this post.

    A star is born. 🙂


  • #

    The nearly successful attempt to assassinate Donald Trump has swung a lot of people. If it’s a war of good and evil, the evildoers are now on the Democrat side. And no one wants to be there. Especially black voters. And those who have had enough of woke.

    Trump has snookered them with JD Vance. 39 years old, a self made man and hero in every way. And a PhD from Cambridge. A Yale lawyer and Venture Capitalist. And a family man and military man. Three children and a wife with Indian parents. Is there a box left unticked? And his extraordinary life journey will inspire many who are feeling the pressure in their lives under Bidenomics. Plus he is young enough,fit enough to be ready for the next election, at the same age as the legendary and similar John Kennedy at 43.

    Now there is no point in assassinating Trump. It will only make Vance the President, less than half the age of Biden. Game over, Obama.


  • #

    Is everybody enjoying the A-grade BS fake news?
    No bullets fired. Nobody injured. FALSE FLAG.


    • #

      So the guy killed in the audience and the 2 people critically injured were, what, crisis actors? Yeah, go tell them… Trump was utterly transformed, first night of the convention last night. No way it was fake. He was a man who knew he was utterly blessed to still be alive. The BBC kept using the word “rapturous” to describe both his reception and how he looked. He’s not that good of an actor! He looked like a completely different man when he entered the hall last night. Looked utterly humbled and like he might actually burst into tears, for the longest time. And he apparently ripped up the speech he was planning on giving Thursday night and has been working on an entirely new one.

      Biden’s a non-viable candidate. He’s going around allowing the whole country to see just how deep into dementia he is. He can’t even read from a teleprompter anymore. Linjured former Trump and battle boxes!


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      or – more than one shooter .. dissonance is fun f


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    John Hultquist

    I’ve read that that building was to be secured by local police. So, others might have thought the person there was a local (city/county/state) officer.
    I think we will know more of what happened in about a month. At least three congressional committees are establishing hearings. The first will be next Monday.


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    Mike Haseler (Scottish Sceptic)

    Having seen the available evidence, it is clear the police snipers had aimed at the shooter as a known threat, and it is also clear that no action was taken to protect the president when there was a known threat. Unless or until it can be proven as incompetence, it should be treated as collusion by those who were required to get the President to safety.
