
9.2 out of 10 based on 15 ratings

231 comments to Thursday

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    Honk R Smith

    The FBI, with its’ reputation in regards to integrity well known to history, will investigate the attempt on Trump’s life.

    There is a possibility, though remote partially due to time constraints and motivation, that they will search as diligently for what evidence is potentially there in this case, as they searched for evidence that was known not to be there in the Russian collusion case.

    After all, it is important to look busy.


    • #

      >important to look busy.

      That’s all I expect they’ll be doing, and then confecting their version of events.
      The upper levels of the FBIs extreme prejudice against Trump is amply shown in history.


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        Seriously , have we ever known what really happened in any of the goings on since JFK? (Reagans may be an exception) It’s just that this one so obviously stretches plausibility on so many fronts its getting farcical, with the sloped roof thing being the latest nonsense spin.

        Maybe, Occam’s Razor style , its simply the latest manifestation of the crisis of competence washing over the world.


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      CO2 Lover

      Public Officials {“Servants”)are the same the world over.

      In the real world if you stuff up you are fired.

      In the elite world of Public Officials if you stuff up it is a case of “Do not worry there will be an “independent” inquiry to ensure this does not happen again”!

      Zero accountability.

      Japan may be an exception where some Public Officials have been known to commit Seppuku when they have been publicly shamed.


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      “After all, it is important to look busy.”

      Nope- Like the Justice Dept, they write the report immediately then toss it in a bottom drawer for a year while everyone gets distracted by the new shiny, then slip it out on the Friday afternoon of a long weekend.

      The FBI never have to look busy except in the month before new budget rollout, they just say “We’re working hard but its classified”


    • #

      Done and dusted!

      At least two shooters. Someone was having a crack at the counter snipers on the roof. They did not shoot as they were being shot at from behind.

      Last question for Cullen is who shot the kid on the roof?


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >Last question for Cullen is who shot the kid on the roof?

        Team 2 (floppy hats) at the furthest I thought from first reports.

        Almost all the photos and videos are of Team 1 (caps) but they didn’t make the kill shot – too busy looking away and ducking for cover.


        • #

          Thanks Richard,

          I found that video. 1:19 on this news item. They certainly have something in their sights and are waiting to fire.

          ‘mmm’ over at Michael Smith News is working on the pants story. The bloke flipping and flopping in the foreground at the base of the roof and everyone drawing attention to him has long pants whereas the dead shooter has shorts and is located at the ridge line.

          ‘mmm’ might have to pop out and buy some alka seltzer for this one. He seems to know an awful lot yet doesn’t reveal the full extent of actual video that would clear up a lot of speculation.


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      Sketchy Business Behind: Thomas Matthew Crooks

      July 16, 2024 – Sundance

      I’m having trouble believing the constructed narrative around President Trump’s attempted assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks.

      First, I’m not talking about the ridiculously sketchy events that day. I’m also not talking about the hours, days and weeks leading up to the shooting and the background of what he would be doing in those timeframes. I’m talking about the actual personage of Thomas Mattew Crooks, the description of him, his identity, who he is.

      According to what little data footprint is available and shared by media, Thomas Matthew Crooks, age 20, DOB: 09-20-2003, had no social media presence.

      Let that sink in for a moment. A 20-year-old in 2024 with no social media presence.

      No TikTok, WhatsAp, Telegram, SnapChat, Insta, Twit, FB, gaming profile or Apple ID to correspond with his almost guaranteed iPhone, XBox or Playstation? Sorry, not even close to plausible.

      Second, it’s Deja-vu all over again with the picture (seen above left) that is widely being used by media in stories about Matthew Crooks. The above image is his freshman high school picture. [SEE HERE] There are no recent or current pictures of 20-year-old Crooks taken by friends, family, or in this era, selfies? And the picture on the left is the best image the media can come up with?

      Compare that picture above to the screen grab of Thomas Matthew Crooks taken during the shooting.

      The most recent photograph of him is something from High School, with a flag T-Shirt? Seriously?

      This, optical narrative control has serious Trayvon Martin vibes to it.

      For those who do not know, below is the picture of Trayvon Martin that was used to set the “if I had a son” narrative, as advanced by President Barack Obama. However, on the right is a selfie taken by 17-year-old Trayvon Martin the week he encountered George Zimmerman.

      I detect a similarity between the imagery of Thomas Crooks presented by media, in comparison to what we can seemingly identify from the blurry images of him as he carried out his assassination attempt. Someone inside a silo is intent on establishing a very specific narrative.


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      Trump has every reason not to trust the FBI. After his near death experience, he has even less reason to trust either the FBI or the leaders of the Secret Service. The damning ridiculous reasons given by the Head of the SS as to why that roof wasn’t covered (it was a physical risk to the employees due to its slope???) only serves to widen the demands for a thorough investigation of every aspect of the SS and FBI that provided cover for Trump, along with the local policing. This is even more evident when what happened was against the background of a known threat on Trump’s life from Iran. It would be interesting to hear what the police snipers had to say, under oath, about why they didn’t fire until after the shooter started firing despite observing the shooter for some minutes beforehand. Unfortunately for them, they are the current obvious fallguys, so they may want to defend their actions in public rather than being spoken for.


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        This is even more evident when what happened was against the background of a known threat on Trump’s life from Iran

        So the MSM, Biden administration and the intelligence agencies are telling the truth this one time.
        We may not know what is the truth, but we know who the liars are, how about we start there.

        Me thinks they have just released the squirrel for you to chase.


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    Floating wind is ridiculous.

    The Titanic scale of floating wind turbines quantified
    By David Wojick

    “My regular readers know that I have often referred to the huge size of floating wind turbine assemblies. They are much bigger than fixed offshore wind turbine assemblies because there is a big float attached. This makes floating wind far more expensive than fixed wind, which is already far more expensive than reliable fuel-fired electric power.

    Simple physics says that if you want to put a 2,000-ton generator on top of a 500-foot tower with three 300-foot wings attached on a boat and have it still stand up in hurricane-force winds, it will have to be a mighty big boat.

    Happily, Philip Lewis from strategic analyst Intelatus has put some numbers on this nonsense in Offshore Engineer.

    Of course, these are just estimates based on proposed designs, not measurements. Keep in mind that no one, anywhere, has ever built one of these Titanic monsters. Governments are setting huge targets for a technology that does not exist.

    Based on UK permit applications, we are looking at a colossal individual floater footprint of around 160,000 square feet. That is roughly three football fields, so a mighty big float. And the UK does not get anything like hurricane-force winds. Maybe 100 mph, but never 160. Weight-wise, Lewis suggests up to 5,000 tons of steel or 20,000 tons of concrete per float. Mind you, 5,000 tons of steel floaters will not keep 2,000 tons on a tall pole upright. These designs are what are called “semi-submersible”. This means the Titanic float is something like half full of water. There is enough air to float it but also a lot of water to hopefully weigh it down. I have yet to see the math on all this and have my doubts about its viability, but this is what is reported.

    Of course, these huge floaters make floating wind power extremely expensive. The guess is at least three times as much as the already ridiculously expensive fixed-bottom offshore wind power. It could be a lot more.”

    Much more in the article. Please share it.


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      You can search “Hywind Scotland” and “Kincardine wind farm” to see what designs they used.


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        I think they use what is called the spar but I call the bottle model. It is like a giant pop bottle floating upright half full of water. Small in both these cases and may not be scalable to 15 MW. Hard to build.


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          I don’t think these monstrosities would take kindly to any movement of the base, the movement would be magnified at the nacelle height and would wreak havoc on the gearbox and mainshaft bearings.


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            Indeed so.
            The idea will be – I assume, as a seaman, not a wind factory dreamer – that the size of the platform will be such that waves will ‘move up and down along the [vertical] sides’, with the bulk of the platform having to remain stationary in the water, by virtue of being bigger than the wavelength, and also higher then the likely biggest wave].
            And that requires a lot of size!
            Given that some of the North Sea waves will have 200 metre wavelength [between crests, or between troughs] the ‘floater’ will likely need to be more than that in linear dimensions.
            [My concept, disdaining the accuracy of the back of a fag packet, suggests six outer floaters of diameter 20 metres, arranged hexagonally – with spacing of 120 metres, centre to centre – about a central column supporting the turbine/nacelle and blade assembly. And I guess that necessitates a mass of probably 60-100,000 tonnes. For every turbine. Hmmm]
            The floater could be a lattice-work of solid elements, rather than, say, similar to a supertanker, that is ‘all in one’, where waves go over or round.
            But it would still need to be very solidly made.
            As noted, the nacelle will be 150 m [c 500 feet] above the water – that’s a long lever for a mass of 2,000 tonnes [tons].
            It would be good to hear from bearing engineers on the likely lifetime of a nacelle with three blades of, say, 115 metres [the diagonal of a soccer pitch, roughly], each weighing something like 120 tonnes, rotating two or three times a minutes, and moving gently in a seaway, never mind adjusting to storm force winds, varying in speed, direction and vertical shear.

            I am sure that this CAN be done – throw enough Other Peoples’ Money at it.

            I am not sure that it can be done easily – as one Miliband obviously assumes.
            I am very unsure that this can be done economically – compared to, say, gas or oil [or coal before the vandals demolished the power stations].
            And that it would need regular survey, probably inside [entry to enclosed spaces, anyone?] and out; and likely repair/overhaul/drydock periodically, as well.

            And then rep£acement. Prices will be higher in seven or ten years.
            And disposal/recycling of the discarded elements …



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      CO2 Lover

      Total Disaster: Why Offshore Wind Power Is So Costly & Environmentally Destructive

      Carbon Footprint
      The U.S. Bureau of Energy Management has stated that offshore wind will provide no net benefit to carbon emissions reduction (and hence climate impact). (Knight, 2024) In fact, due to the massive shipping activity in servicing and maintenance of offshore wind, the net impacts over life cycle are a net detriment to carbon emissions. Furthermore, the intermittency of offshore wind adds additional carbon emissions to the overall power generation contribution to the electric grid.

      The UK’s Climate Change Committee failing was highlighted by Sir Christopher Llewellyn Smith, the leader of a Royal Society study into the Net Zero energy system. It can now be revealed that the same error has also been made by the National Infrastructure Commission and the UK National Grid ESO. (Telegraph, 2024)


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        “The good news is that the local paper reported the debris as “non-toxic fiberglass” and “not hazardous to people or the environment.” ”

        Well, the instructions on the can of resin or hardener say quite a different thing! ..and talk about disposable coveralls and masks.

        Maybe the rich Left will only be keen for new projects to save the environment.. somewhere else!


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          John B

          I wonder what the WWF and similar organisations think about the effect on filter feeding whales and dolphins?
          Probably they would say ‘microplastics are bad except for wind blade debris.’
          In other words, they are taking one for the team.


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          I would be concerned if the blades use BPA in their resin.


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      Labor’s green hydrogen ambitions suffer blow after Fortescue announces 700 job cuts and major company restructure

      Sweeping job cuts and a company restructure at Fortescue have spelt trouble for Labor’s green hydrogen goals as the mining and energy giant put its production on the backburner.

      James Harrison – Digital Reporter

      Labor’s green hydrogen goals have copped a blow after Aussie mining billionaire Andrew Forrest announced 700 redundancies at Fortescue in a sweeping restructure of the company signalling a slowdown of his green hydrogen ambitions.

      Mr Forrest has spent years promoting the benefits of green hydrogen with the company originally planning on producing 15 million tonnes per year by 2030.

      However, Wednesday’s job cuts revelations, alongside news it will consolidate its mining and energy arms into one division, puts these ambitions on the backburner.

      Fortescue’s announcement comes as a blow to the Labor government which announced a Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive as part of its Future Made in Australia Act.

      More than $6.5 billion will go toward the scheme which provides $2 per kilogram of renewable hydrogen produced between 2027-28 and 2039-40.

      This came a year after Labor announced $2b towards its Hydrogen Headstart program which looked to invest in large scale hydrogen projects.

      The process of producing green hydrogen involves using renewable energy to separate hydrogen from water and can be quite costly – spurring Mr Forrest to stick with energy.

      “We’re going to stay where we know we can win, and that’s green electricity. Nothing beats green electricity,” he said, as reported in the Australian Financial Review.

      Despite the cutbacks, Mr Forrest insisted Fortescue was intent on hitting its 2030 ‘Real Zero’ goal – which means the company produces no emissions rather than offsetting its carbon emissions.

      “Being a first mover isn’t easy, but as we learnt 21 years ago, risk is always worth the reward,” Mr Forrest said in a statement.


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    How did the stupidity get this far? The people aren’t really that silly.

    This nonsense has been developing now over more than 30 years. In 1988 we saw the IPCC. For 10 years after that the temp took off, and it started looking that there was cause for alarm. Then it stopped. The “Pause” lasted nearly 20 years, during which time I stopped watching.

    In 2013, with the world watching, we had a federal election, with the dominant issue being high cost of power for both home and industry, and the carbon tax which caused it.

    One of Australia’s wealthiest men started a new party, and, campaigning to the “right” of the coalition parties. talking a lot of good sense his party won 4 seats in our senate, giving them “the balance of power”. Tony Abbott’s coalition gained a landslide majority with 90 seats in the lower house.

    The votes which delivered those seats to the Palmer United PParty werecast to the far right of the political spectrum. But when parliament came together Clive Palmer, with Al Gore standing at his side on the steps of OUR parliament, announced that those seats would be delivered to the far left of the political spectrum in the senate.

    How did Al Gore persuade the PUP to do that? Had Australia abolished the taxes which subsidised those windmills countries all around the world would have followed suit. All the world can thank Al Gore and the PUP for all their windmills built over the last ten years.

    This example of corruption of democracy was one of the most momentous events in the history of our federation, and nobody noticed.


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      Honk R Smith

      It may be useful to view political issues as marketing products.
      The pitch is to convince the public to fork over more taxes.
      Global Warming was an unusually successful product like Cabbage Patch Dolls or Pet Rocks.
      (The GWOT sold pretty well for about twenty years.)
      GW underwent a rebrand … Climate Change.
      Then became Extra Strength … Catastrophic Climate Change.
      Was re-packaged as Ultra … Climate Emergency.
      Then the oceans began to boil.

      I’m noticing fatigue in the market place.
      ‘Extra Strength Super Ultra Climate Catastrophe Emergency’ may be a tough sell.
      Look for a new product.
      I’m thinking Aliens.
      For which will have to provide a child and sell our pots and pans for the fight to Save Our Democra … er … I mean Planet.


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      CO2 Lover

      How did the stupidity get this far?

      “There’s a sucker born every minute” is a phrase closely associated with P. T. Barnum, an American showman of the mid-19th century.


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        Most people are stupid, or to put it more politely as some famous pundit spake “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the general public.”


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          CO2 Lover

          At least 40% of Australians are stupid – they vote for Labor and the Greens.

          Those who vote for the Coalition are not much smarter.


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            Ironic isnt it, that they are usually the ones snidely opining that the masses need to be educated to agree with their view of the world e.g. the Voice cope.

            Sadly I don’t have a degree in Intersectional Etruscan Dance Studies that would help me understand.


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        ‘How did the stupidity get this far?’

        I blame the MSM for ignoring unpalatable truths, keeping the people ignorant.


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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      G’day Ted1,
      Overall I agree with you, but some of us did notice. However we could only guess at the techniques and/or incentives which prompted his about face.
      My guesses must necessarily remain unspoken.


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    David Maddison

    Why does “inclusiveness” include everything except opposing views?


    • #

      DM, you’ve been reading ‘Definitions for Watermelons of Eleven and Under’.
      It’s probably co-authored by Saint Christiana F. and the AlGoreithm.
      The Archimandrite Mann may have proofread it – looking for definitions of tree-stumps, possibly.
      I’d wrap it in brown paper before dumping it, if I were you.



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        What? This is just a fair rhetorical question. It about DEI and has no connection with climate alarmism. Especially from climatebaggers like Mann and Figueres and Gore.


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    David Maddison

    Why are so many “men” wearing nail polish these days? Very strange.

    It’s all part of the deliberate demasculinisation of men.


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        another ian

        A friend at university in the 1960’s was at “the pinnacle of male fashion” for the time.

        He carried his classroom gear in a “handbag” – a cardboard box


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      It’s odd in our modern age that of all animals, humans take an extreme view that women should enhance and men should dress down. In the wild, it is the males who have the colours, the feathers, the plumage, the poses and the rituals. I found Mr T quite hilarious. An action man bedecked in gold chains.

      Historically men have been the dandies with face powder, elaborate wigs, giant cod pieces, balloon trousers, sweeping capes, gloves, plumed hats, waistcoats. Dandies. And ostentatious displays of wealth with jewellery, gold watches and gigantic neck ruffs. Blackadder sends it all up beautifully. Scotsmen had their sporrans.

      It’s just fashion. Being different. Looking for attention. And in hindsight it all looks so silly. While the modern competition among women is huge lips, pouting, super wide hips, huge bottoms and to wear as little as possible without actually being naked. Take the fashion of totally revealing exercise tights in public places. Even on young mothers.

      Then you get the tatoos! Whole body tattoos. No little discreet flowers or marks, kaleidoscope. Vast areas.

      I saw a man at the pool with NEW ZEALAND tattooed across his lower back and wondered why he couldn’t remember that?

      A bit of nail polish may be just fighting back. A bit of fun by comparison with a sleeve on a footballer, male or female. And intended to shock.

      Young people in an increasingly crowded world just want to be noticed. To be the object of attention. That will never change.

      And where women have handbags, men have pockets. I have often lost things because there are so many pockets in a coat, jacket, trousers. I am sure there are some which exist which I have never found.


      • #

        A couple of truisms I’ve heard:

        The difference between making love and having sex is salesmanship.

        Women decide who they have sex with, but men decide who they marry.

        Oddly enough, they ring true in my lifetime, but how true they are when one cannot define men or women and which pretend to be the other, is beyond my ability to process.


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      Gee Aye

      Lord have mercy on us all.


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      Have a read about Macron, he is alleged to spend about 2800 Euro per month on stuff like nail polish, moisturiser, hair gel, all the metrosexual junk a man could want, all high end French quality of course.


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    David Maddison

    So sick of political life being dominated by the neuroses of upper middle-class people.

    No one cares what gender you think you are.

    No one cares about your pronouns.

    No one cares that you’re offended all the time.

    No one finds your identity particularly interesting.

    No one believes you are “traumatised” by Trump or Brexit or “climate change”.

    Go away.

    Get a therapist.


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      John Connor II

      Nice try DM, but remember the “therapists” are the ones approving child gender reassignments and drugs.
      Loony left compliant useful idiots, not that they have a clue. Yet. But soon…
      At least the Covid nonsense has exposed how crazy half the population is.


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    David Maddison

    YouTuber “Liberal Hivemind” just released a new video about various Trump attempted-assassination issues:

    “It’s much worse than you can imagine.”


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      CO2 Lover

      What will Trump say to Dr Jill Biden’s besty and pick for Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheat-ly once elected?

      “Your Fired”.


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        David Maddison

        Or even better, if found guilty of a crime by due process of law, “you’re jailed”.


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      CO2 Lover

      DEVELOPING: Crooks’ Parents Called Police About their Son Hours Before Attempted Assassination Against Trump


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        Peter C

        Both stories lacking much substance so far.
        However there may be more to come.
        How for instance were the motorcycle cops injured?


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          The local police have protested. They were only on traffic duty. And one lifted another up to the roof with his cupped hands. This contributed to the shooter taking a hurried shot. But the policemen fell and was injured when he reached for his gun.

          What I would like to know is how the shooter came back with a ladder. All the sniper films have special guns which assemble on the spot. This young man had a very big rile and tripod and sights and was carrying a ladder up to a building with snipers inside. He was seen. Nothing to see here folks!


          • #
            another ian


            “TRUMP ASSASSINATION: Crooks’ Impossible Path to the Roof at Butler, PA Rally (Analysis)”



            • #

              Nice analysis, like all those after a big shooting, when Govt propaganda and lies fly thick and fast.

              The Columbine kids who were marching into the safe spot in the carpark… on the wrong day!

              The AR15 the guy in Port Arthur used was presented on TV by the police… but it wouldn’t fit in the sports bag he used to carry a rifle into the restaurant!

              I think they fire fake news out all over the place to just muddy the waters, hoping to distract and divert the public who are sorting out what happened even if most of their rubbish is soon exposed.


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                Lahaina Maui, people fleeing found the escape routes blocked by police, they were redirected to leave via Mainstreet by the same police. The police had also blocked the exit off of Mainstreet to safety.
                Hundreds died in their cars, some drowned in the ocean were they had fled. Nobody ran the pigs over, they sat there and waited to die.

                We are to f##king stupid to be allowed to exist.


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                Leo G

                … they fire fake news out all over the place to just muddy the waters

                “They” are now the Muddy Stream Media.


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                Richard C in NZ

                2 cows on roofs steeper than Butler!

                One climbed a ladder up.

                USSS might make a Case Study of that.

                But prolly too busy with DEI stuff.


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              60km is nothing in the country. A short drive. It would make sense if he came there the day before after the time at the gun range. Clearly he had the day off. He would have picked his vantage point. And saw the need for a short ladder. Stored the gun with no one around. And came back the next day as a cleanskin to go through security.

              The shed roof may be technically light, but he only needed to step on the vertical edge to get onto the roof. He would never have to put this whole body weight on the light roof. It was only a step. Half body weight at most for a short time and on the strong edge. No problem for most people.

              The only problem with this story is getting a ladder, 5′ or 10′ through security. Maybe people take ladders to such events? It’s not uncommon for families at public events. So did he go through security with a ladder? Someone would remember.


              • #

                That would be the most Hypothetical statement I have ever read.

                You should have started it with “once upon a time”.


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            Richard C in NZ

            TdF >The local police have protested. They were only on traffic duty. And one lifted another up to the roof with his cupped hands. This contributed to the shooter taking a hurried shot. But the policemen fell and was injured when he reached for his gun.

            Different cops.

            The Pittsburg MC cops were at the back of the podium and stands where the attendees were shot. They were helping people even though both (apparently) caught some shrapnel too.

            The other cops at the Crooks end were Butler locals.


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      another ian

      Covid and Coffee newsletter today starts on this with

      “My goodness. The facts surrounding the Trump assassination attempt are getting very complicated. The Wall Street Journal ran a story yesterday headlined, “Mystery Around Trump Shooter Deepens.” The UK Daily Mail ran a story yesterday headlined, “Cops found a remote detonator next to Thomas Crooks’ cellphone- after FBI also found bombs in the car he parked next to the rally.” India Today ran a story yesterday headlined, “Trump rally shooter’s final hours: Firing practice, buying ammunition, ladder.” ”

      And concludes

      “President Trump’s assassination attempt is clearly in the rare second category. It’s the biggest story in the world. It has more ‘eyes on’ than anything else going, to the point everybody has forgotten all about Biden’s Battered Brain. But the more we find out, the crazier things get. While I admit the evidence is not yet all in, my lawyer’s brain is screaming there is no way Thomas Crooks acted alone.”

      Other things there too


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    David Maddison

    Here are two examples of Lefist/Elite propaganda promoting veganism or insect eating for non-Elites:

    Plant-based diets will be essential to the planet’s future, report says

    Feb 17, 2021

    5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change

    Feb 9, 2022

    The woke Governments of the world are already at war against the farmers, especially the more fanatical followers of the WEF/UN such as Australia’s. It will only get worse as they attempt to reduce meat consumption and promote veganism or insect eating for non-Elites.


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    David Maddison

    One of Trump’s problems in his last presidency was not knowing the full extent of the Deep State, or Swamp as he called them, resulting in the disloyalty of many of his appointments, RINOs, and even his own VP.

    Until Trump no one (at least, no non-Elites) understood the full extent of the Deep State.

    Let’s hope he doesn’t make the same mistakes this time and makes sure none of his appointments are Deep State/Swamp.


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      CO2 Lover

      Australia has its own corrupt Deep State – who is going to clean that out?

      That includes the judiciary.


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        David Maddison


        We have no one to do it or who even recognises the problem, outside of the minor conservative-oriented parties such as:

        United Australia Party
        Libertarian Party
        One Nation.


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        Just a little while ago 60% of Australians voted against a division of society by race.
        Victorian state government is almost ready to sign a “treaty” with a tiny number of its own citizens to divide society by race.
        No screams of outrage from the “opposition” it will just quitely pass through both houses of parliament and then be lauded as a great step forward.
        Deep state in deed.

        Plebs nah screw em


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          CO2 Lover

          Next step is “Paying the Rent” to these phoney THIRD NATION PEOPLES


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            >Next step is “Paying the Rent”

            We’re already paying rent.
            Bob Hawke and Sir Ninian Stephen wanted to display their glowing moral virtue in a grand gesture of “reconciliation”, so they gave away what didn’t belong to them, Ayers Rock and Mount Olga, to “the traditional owners”. Only problem was there were no traditional owners so they picked people out of northern communities, called them traditional owners, lumped them together and created a community at Ayers Rock, (now renamed Uluru), called Mutitjulu. They get a quarter of the gate takings, (entry fees to Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park), plus the annual rent payments we pay them for the 99 year lease we took out to rent and manage the land, (which had previously belonged to ALL Australians), which Bob Hawke gave them to win votes.


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              David Maddison

              And part of that arrangement was that access for climbing Ayers Rock by Australians was meant to be maintained.

              That access was removed a few years ago.

              I was one of the last non-Aboriginals allowed to climb it, I went there specifically for that purpose.

              Now, because of Australian apartheid, I can no longer climb the rock or climb or visit many other places around Australia such as Mt Warning, Mt Arapiles, Lake Eyre and numerous other places.


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              Lumped the Mutitjulu together? I understand this community is indigenous to this area of Central Australia – most being Yankunytjatjara people. This area of central Australia is often called APY lands – because it represents the traditional lands of Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara families.


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    David Maddison

    This seems familiar…

    The Abolition of Man

    such is the tragi-comedy of our situation — we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. you can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. in a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.

    C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man, 1943

    Comment from Wikipedia article on the book:

    The final chapter describes the ultimate consequences of this debunking: a not-so distant future in which the values and morals of the majority are controlled by a small group who rule by a perfect understanding of psychology, and who in turn, being able to see through any system of morality that might induce them to act in a certain way, are ruled only by their own unreflected whims. In surrendering rational reflection on their own motivations, the controllers will no longer be recognizably human, the controlled will be robot-like, and the Abolition of Man will have been completed.


  • #
    ralph ellis

    I used your article on Barrier Reel recovery, but it has been flagged as disinformation.


    This is what the fact-check said about the Jo Nova post…



    • #
      David Maddison

      It’s sickening how these fake “fact checkers” (sic), usually uneducated green-haired students of gender or critical race theory or similar Leftist nonsense, are quite happy to lie straight to our faces.

      I even got a fake fact check written by AAP specifically for something I said in relation to San Francisco Bay sea levels not having changed significantly as evidenced from marine growth levels on Golden Gate Bridge pylons from old and modern photos.

      Leftists lie. That’s what they do. That’s ALL they do.


    • #

      Watching TdeF last night on SBS (online) and up popped one of those shiny Federal Government ads. This one about the GBR and how the Australian government is partnering with the original inhabitants ( aborigines) to care for the reef with (get this) “traditional” science. Also using western science. Why? Because climate change is apparently adversely affecting the reef. No mentioning the fact that the GBR is presently in its best health ever. Another scam.


      • #

        But the majority of aborigines had no canoes, no boats at all, no ability to swim. It was even hard to live on the beach without a source of fresh water, which is rare in the 37,000km of coastline.

        I wonder if aborigines even knew there was a Great Barrier Reef? It’s a long way from land, 10 to 100 miles offshore! (16km to 160km). And 1200km long and up to 250 km wide.

        And now aborigines will advise the world on how to care for this gigantic structure which for most of the last 250 years has just been a hazard for shipping. At least until the wartime invention of scuba gear and recreational diving. It’s ridiculous. Those old aboriginal wooden snorkels and alabaster face masks, woven bandicoot swimmers and carved wooden flippers were just so hard to use.


        • #

          Agreed, my thought precisely when I saw the spew worthy ad. Possibly the aborigines inhabited some of the major islands on the reef but that’s all. Perhaps paddled out to the closest points sometimes from the mainland. But the GBR is huge, probably greater than 90% never ever saw an aborigine. So, in reality, they have no knowledge of the reef, yet some groups are being paid to “advise” on its management. Yikes.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Ok, yesterdays news but there’s a photo in it that clarifies my obsession with the access route Crooks took. Still not confirmed where, exactly, he placed the ladder but for now I’m assuming it was somewhere adjacent the loading bay.

    Loading Bay – Photo from carpark


    Police snipers were inside building as Trump rally shooter fired from roof

    Was there a card game going on?

    From inside the Agr International building, they spotted a man acting furtively, walking back and forth around the building with some gear, and radioed a Secret Service command post to alert them, the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation.

    Elsewhere reports that they even took a photo of Crooks (!!!).


    The Secret Service’s advance security plan for addressing one of the main risks at the event — someone shooting from higher ground from outside the perimeter of the rally — was to have two teams of Secret Service counter-snipers stationed in front of the crowd, on the roofs of two barns behind Trump’s stage. The local counter-snipers stationed inside the Agr building were to provide “overcover” and surveil the crowd from the back and outside the perimeter.

    But no-one on the roof?

    Or up the water tower adjacent?

    Water tower had a panoramic view.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >Still not confirmed where, exactly, he placed the ladder but for now I’m assuming it was somewhere adjacent the loading bay

      Loading BayPhoto from carpark (SE shed, Crooks position)

      2 guys up there – NOW they’re on the roof!!

      More site photos:

      Site Overview – AGR sheds/carpark (from SW)

      From: USA Today: Graphics, maps show you what happened

      This following photo shows LADDER ACCESS

      Aerial – SE shed, Crooks blood, LADDER (blue)

      From Reuters: Scenes from the Trump assassination attempt investigation

      # # #

      This was easy access. Alley between sheds, ladder up, secluded.

      Doesn’t explain why Crooks needed to “move roof to roof” though. Once up a ladder he’s right there.

      Probably the ladder the police guy used to confront Crooks.

      The guy standing on the link canopy roof (with both hands on roof) would be in the same position as the the police guy in confrontation who had “both hands on the roof”.

      There was no need to stand up like that to be shot at . There was plenty of cover between the shed roof and link canopy roof.


      • #
        another ian


        Covid and Coffee (#7.5) mentions that the ladder was all of 5 feet. See any place that would have been enough?


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          Ian >See any place that would have been enough? [5 ft ladder]

          No but there’s more to it.

          Pull up the photo from previous. Here it is again:

          [1] Aerial – SE shed, Crooks blood, LADDER (blue)

          You can see the blue ladder. It is not necessarily on ground level. If it is it is much more than 5 ft, maybe 10 ft i.e. a 5 ft folded extended out to 10 ft maybe.

          Note the 3 tall ornamental trees at the end of the alley next to carpark.

          Now the photo from carpark:

          [2] Loading Bay – Photo from carpark (SE shed, Crooks position) (SE shed, Crooks position)

          The alley is obscured by the 3 tall ornamental trees.

          You can see the height of the shed but that’s not the height of the ladder in [1].

          The height of the ladder, if on ground level, is from ground to maybe 2 ft above the link canopy roof. The height from the link canopy roof to the shed roof is about the leg length up to waist of the guy standing on the link canopy roof in photo [2].


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          Ian, fyi. I was a qualified drafty and design technician in one of my work incarnations in Civil/Structural/Mechanical/Electrical.

          So I’ve drawn up structures very similar to those sheds and link structures. In other words a “feel” for dimensions in respect to those structures.

          I’ve also worked in and around similar structures in another work incarnation; those being kiwifruit post harvest facilities i.e. packhouses linked to coolstores by canopies, coolstores linked to coolstores linked by canopies.

          Also clambered up and around at various stages of construction.

          These are very familiar structures.


          • #

            “I’ve also worked in and around similar structures in another work incarnation; those being kiwifruit post harvest facilities i.e. packhouses linked to coolstores by canopies, coolstores linked to coolstores linked by canopies.”

            Then you’d know that you cannot move around on a roof without the people inside hearing you, so surely as he climbed off the ladder onto the roof someone inside would have thought- “What’s that thumping and banging on top of our roof?”

            ..and not wait until the public are yelling at them that there’s a man on the roof with a gun, and then investigate?


            • #
              Richard C in NZ

              >Then you’d know that you cannot move around on a roof without the people inside hearing you

              No, not unusual. Those are high sheds so movement is aways off, plus not unusual for maintenance/inspection to be clambering on shed roofs. But remember, this was the weekend.

              Re visual: Some of these sheds have semi-transparent strips to let light in, those at AGR don,t. You can see the shapes of guys moving on the roof in the former but no visual in the latter.

              Re sound: As above but needs occupation i.e. someone there to hear it. It may be a manufacturing line so maybe noise (probably not in the weekend). Not sure there was employees in there on the weekend. Supposedly a team of cops inside but which end were they? It’s a decent sized shed and they take some walking end-to-end (trust me on this).

              The internal function of that particular shed indicates what personnel (except cops) would be in there and when. We don’t know that.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          >Covid and Coffee

          Ladder and stuff:

          The facts surrounding the Trump assassination attempt are getting very complicated

          On his way to the rally, Mr. Crooks stopped by The Home Depot and bought a five-foot ladder. The twenty-year-old carried the ladder, his father’s AR-15, a target rangefinder, an explosive detonator, and a heavy box of ammunition over a mile from the parking lot, through security, and into the restricted area. He strolled around the premises in broad daylight, using his rangefinder to calculate the distance to where Trump spoke. Police observed him for between 30 and sixty minutes. Then Crooks used his newly purchased five-foot ladder to haul his gear around fifteen feet up onto the roof of the building where he would shoot the President. Acting alone.

          Allegedly. Experts reported Crooks could not have learned how to make a remote-detonated explosive on YouTube. Somebody taught him. Folks are wondering whether Crooks had a handler or trainer.

          Also linked by C&C – Experts say three weapons fired at Trump rally – next


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            Experts say three weapons fired at Trump rally

            NEW YORK, July 15. /TASS/. Audio forensics suggest that shots from at least three weapons were fired at ex-US President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania, CNN reports, citing experts.

            According to Catalin Grigoras and Cole Whitecotton from the National Center for Media Forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver, “the first three shots were consistent with alleged weapon A, the next five were consistent with alleged weapon B, and the final ‘acoustic impulse’ was emitted by a possible weapon C,” the media outlet notes.

            Forensics expert Robert Maher, in turn, suggested that “the gunman was about 360 to 393 feet from the podium.”

            Yesterday in Open Thread I detailed an “entity” employing skilled a sniper(s) to take a LONG shot undercover, camouflaged, never to be seen by USSS.

            That is a very real possibility but I all but excluded it from taking place at Butler.

            Time to revise thinking.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            A shooting range, a gun store, and a ladder purchase: Tracking the Trump rally gunman’s movements leading up to his attack


            Firstly ladders,

            It’s not clear whether Crooks used the ammunition or the ladder that he bought on Saturday during his attack later that day.

            I think we can assume he used a ladder and probably the one he purchased. If not, what ladder and where did the policeman get the ladder he used? Where they one-and-the-same?

            Secondly the drive in,

            He parked the car outside the rally, with an improvised explosive device hidden in the trunk that was wired to a transmitter he carried, the official said. Then, investigators believe, he used his newly-bought ladder to scale a nearby building, and opened fire on the former president.

            “Outside the rally” could be in the AGR carpark for all we know. Maybe right next to the alley and shed.


      • #

        Like Human induced Global Warming.

        Start with the data. I expect like CSI there are pieces of red string tied all over the site to show the path of the bullets, plus ballistics on the ones they have in their possession. Did they come from the gun man’s weapon? We then know the weapon /weapons used.

        We know the trajectory of the bullet that whizzed past Trump’s ear. Extrapolate its path back to the source and you will find the most likely position of the weapon. This will eliminate another variable.

        We will then be discussing who pulled the trigger and what was the motive.

        Same goes for the retired Fire officer and those around him. What was their elevation relative to Trump’s ear? We have seen graphics of the direction from where the bullet came, just not the height. There is a shot of the bullet in flight so that should not be too hard. My guess by the distractions being offered is the building below the gunman is the likely source not some card game and part time shutter bugging located in the building above and behind.

        We can then go sight seeing in Butler. #iamjohncullen and Jason Goodman ‘csthetruth’ were all over the Water Tower and the building whose business is / was a Defense Contractor right from day one. Since then we are being fed like chooks with bits of evidence when there was clearly crisis actors like ‘Supa Maga’ directing the attention of the crowd just like J6.

        So stick with the Data and the False Flags will reveal themselves. Of Course they will be rewarded with some kind of Gong and a publicly funded pension for life. Nice but what kind of existence is that?


        • #

          Cullen has done a hypothetical trajectory.

          Look at the window below the shooter. That would put the poor Fireman in line for a head shot.


        • #

          There is so much commentary on X and Substack on the attempted Trump assassination attempt, it’s not funny. One thing that seems to be rock solid, the incompetence of the US secret Service. In particular, the incompetence of its female head.


        • #

          “We know the trajectory of the bullet that whizzed past Trump’s ear. Extrapolate its path back to the source and you will find the most likely position of the weapon. This will eliminate another variable.”

          Ah- like the analysis of Pres Kennedy’s shooting and wounds that showed two different shooters, bullets in his body from different angles… well, how far did that get off the ground? Crushed by propaganda and media manipulation, which will be the same for this shooting in the end.

          Joe Viallis would have loved this!


      • #
        another ian


        See #7.5.1 for another look at his path


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          >Crooks Path – detailed in this thread (see downthread).

          1) Which ladder?

          1a) Blue (#1). Seems to belong to the facility.

          1b) Aluminium (#2). Seems to belong to Police.

          1c) Where’s Crooks ladder (#3)?

          2) Which Route?

          2a) Via CRAFTSMAN 4-ft x 6-ft Resin Storage Shed (#1)?

          2b) Via Link Canopy (#2)?

          2c) Via Air Conditioning Units (#3)?


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            >1) Which ladder? –
            1b) Aluminium (#2). Seems to belong to Police.

            Nope. ZH article downthread @#19.1.3:

            And now for the kicker:

            After Crooks was positioned on the roof, one cop boosted another cop up to the roofline – only for Crooks to point his weapon at him. At that point, the boosted cop fell.

            The first cops didn’t use a ladder.

            Both Blue (#1) and Aluminium (#2) must belong to the facility.


            • #
              Richard C in NZ

              This X thread is ballistic:

              3:00 — Assassin under suspicion when range finder sets off metal detector.

              5:45 — counter-sniper spots assassin on roof. Radios it in.

              6:02-6:04 — They still allow Trump to take the stage

              6:11 — after enjoying seven minutes to set up his shot, assassin brandishes rifle at cop.

              Seconds later — assassin gets off 8 shots at Trump before he’s shot.

              THIS IS INSANE.

              John Ocasio-Rodham Nolte @NolteNC


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      The ladder (which one?) is the key to all this.

      Crooks’ Impossible Path to the Roof at Butler, PA Rally (Analysis)
      by Benjamin Wetmore

      [3] Photo – 2 sheds, 3 ornamental trees, access alley, LADDER #2 (Aluminium – NOT Blue #1), link canopy between sheds

      According to federal authorities, Crooks stopped at Home Depot on his way to the rally in his hometown of Bethel Park and bought a 5-foot ladder.

      Initially, the pictures leaking out from the rally’s aftermath showed a ladder that was in place near where Crooks’ body was found, on top of the American Glass Research manufacturing company warehouse near the Butler Farm Show Airport.

      But pictured above is a ten-foot ladder, and one that large would not fit in Crooks’ car, so there would be no way for him to get it from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, to Butler, Pennsylvania.


      With a five-foot ladder, there is no place for Crooks to easily gain entry to the roof of the building, which is about 10+ feet tall. Crooks was allegedly observed through a window where a counter-sniper team was located inside of the building Crooks was attempting to scale.


      It appears that the location where Crooks would most likely have been observed through a window and placed a ladder to have gotten access to the roof, is near the backloading bays at the AGR facility, pictured below.

      [4] Photo – Backloading bays at the AGR facility – next.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        Wetmore analysis continues.

        [4] Photo – Backloading bays at the AGR facility×515.png

        The 3 tall ornamental trees at the head of the alley between sheds are on the extreme left of photo.

        Crooks then brings the ladder, places it, and climbs up and gains access to the roof, according to the official story.

        Crooks could have parked right next to the shed.

        Article continues quoting a CBS version of events, then analysis continues.

        Online sources have placed the ladder on top of a structure next to the backloading bay, seemingly validating the online theory that fits the federal narrative being put out by law enforcement.

        Here’s a clip of one such image that is circulating online. These two images serve to validate the implausible federal version of events. It explains that the police were the ones with the 10+ foot ladder observed elsewhere, and that Crooks’ ladder could have been easily placed next to the loading bay to gain entry to the roof. This image makes the federal narrative make some bit of coherent sense as to how Crooks got onto the roof.

        [5] Sky News Chopper Evening Vid – Screenshot

        [6] CBS NEWS – Ladder taken for prints/analysis?

        So when your Gateway Pundit reporters approached the AGR facility yesterday, as we were being told to leave the premises by both the FBI and the Pennsylvania State Police, we snapped a quick photograph of that spot.

        And we managed to identify what structure is next to the loading bay in that spot, the structure that Crooks could have placed his 5 foot ladder upon to get access to the roof.

        Loading Bay Closeup, Building/Shed 3, Door 8, and,
        CRAFTSMAN 4-ft x 6-ft Resin Storage Shed – next.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          Wetmore analysis continues.

          [7] Photo – Loading Bay Closeup, Building/Shed 3, Door 8

          [8] Photo – CRAFTSMAN 4-ft x 6-ft Resin Storage Shed, on-site closeup

          It is a CRAFTSMAN 4-ft x 6-ft Resin Storage Shed. They retail online for $600. Here’s the manual for the Craftsman 4×6 ft Resin Storage Shed.

          [9] Photo – CRAFTSMAN 4-ft x 6-ft Resin Storage Shed

          The manual is very clear that you should never place anything on top of the shed.

          The reason one should not stand on the shed is that the roof of the resin structure is not reinforced, so it cannot support any weight. The roof is purely a decorative piece to keep rain off of the shed, it cannot support any weight.

          The support for the shed can only support 20 pounds per square foot. Meaning that, every step that Thomas Crooks took on such a structure should have collapsed the roof and brought Crooks to the ground.

          There is no current coherent plausible way that Crooks got to the roof. The available story in the mainstream media, sourced anonymously, is not credible. If law enforcement is lying to the media about how the shooter got onto the roof, it kills the credibility of federal law enforcement in this matter.

          Continues with:

          TGP quickly escorted off the parking lot.

          Destroyed evidence.


          Law enforcement is now suggesting to friendly mainstream media outlets that Crooks got onto the roof by climbing air conditioner units. The story keeps changing as their prior stories continue to fall apart.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          Missed link to photo:

          [6] CBS NEWS – Ladder taken for prints/analysis?

          Doubtful there was ever a ladder there.

          Doubtful too that it was the access route given the unreinforced resin roof of the CRAFTSMAN 4-ft x 6-ft Resin Storage Shed which is little more than a cabinet.

          Crooks didn’t use a ladder apparently so even getting up on it would be (almost) out of the question.

          I stand to be wrong given the moving “official” narrative. It’s the, so far unidentified, air conditioners last time I looked.


    • #
      Dave in the States

      The bottom line is getting obvious: The authorities looked the other way…..


  • #
  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    NZ “climate scientist” Tim Naish spinning up a climate doom story helpfully enabled by State TV:

    Watch video: Sea-level rise and subsidence a double hit for coastal areas
    – ONE News, TVNZ

    Research by GNS Science and Te Herenga Waka estimates the shorelines of coastal suburbs such as Eastbourne and Petone are sinking at rates of 3mm to 4mm per year.

    “That effectively doubles the amount of sea level rise and the rate of sea level rise,” climate scientist Professor Tim Naish said.

    As average global temperatures rise, coastal flooding events are also expected to rapidly increase.

    “That road to Eastbourne and the Petone foreshore will be experiencing the historic flood, the flood we get every hundred years, the big coastal flood – will be an annual event. It will happen every year. Just with 30cm of sea level rise, and that’s baked in.

    “We can’t avoid that, that is already baked into the ocean from the heat that’s gone into the ocean, the melting of the ice sheets. We can no longer reverse that, so that’s what we call ‘committed climate change’.”

    He added: “The best we can hope for globally is 30cm of sea level rise by about 2060, and about 60cm of sea level rise by the end of the century.”

    # # #

    To give Tim credit, he never lets a chance go by – neither does prime time TV.

    “30cm of sea level rise by about 2060” – Beginning when?

    Beginning 1990 as originally?

    Goal post shift 2000?

    Beginning now?



    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      More NZ climate doom and BS attribution:

      New Zealand’s sea temperatures hit record highs, outstripping global averages

      New Zealand’s sea temperatures have hit record highs, outstripping global averages threefold in one region, and prompting alarm over the health of the country’s marine life and ecosystems.

      New data from Stats NZ shows since 1982, oceanic sea-surface temperatures have increased on average between 0.16 – 0.26C a decade, and between 0.19–0.34C a decade, in coastal waters.

      Bottom lines,

      The world’s oceans have been absorbing about 90% of the extra heat created from human-caused climate change. [BS 1]

      “Increasing ocean temperatures are one of the factors as to why storms like Cyclone Gabrielle are expected to increase in severity under climate warming.” [BS 2]

      BS 1 is the biggest lie in my opinion. Without that attribution the theory of man-made climate change is stone cold dead.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >“30cm of sea level rise by about 2060” – Beginning when?

      Used to be 30cm by 2040 i.e. 50 yrs 1990 – 2040.

      Getting absurd now.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Senior Research Fellow at NZ C.C. Institute, Luke Harrington, who is a Doctor of Philosophy (via Vic. Uni in WLG) lectures doom & gloom to the young’ns on University of Waikato’s Bachelor of Climate Change – yep yep, another world first.

      He’s enjoying his moment in the sun preaching warming temperatures and rising sea levels because [of a fraction of a degree?] carbon pollution. No churnalist nor repeater ever questions these statements [holy writ], it is THE WORD – no matter how absurd.

      The first inductees of his three-year indoctrination are now let loose upon the land… oh no, another generation of believers… beware.


  • #

    I have recently been contemplating upgrading to a new car.
    Having checked out (mainly on the web) the details and specifications of various models I have come to the conclusion that it’s not worth the bother.
    It seems that all the current cars on offer have integrated into their ‘active safety systems’ a number of nanny systems that keep annoying the driver no end.
    These are apparently required by new EU regulations and include:
    Seatbelt warning chime & light
    BCA (Blind Spot Collision Avoidance Assist)
    BVM (Blind Spot View Monitor)
    RCCA (Rear Cross Traffic Collision Avoidance Assist)
    LKA (Lane Keeping Assist)
    LFA (Lane Following Assist)
    AEB (Autonomous Emergency Brake) with FCWS (Forward Collision Warning System) – Car, Pedestrian, Cyclist & Junction Turning
    PCA (Parking Collision Avoidance Assist – Reverse)
    DAA+ (Driver Attention Alert)
    ISLA (Intelligent Speed Limit Assist)

    All of these systems subject the driver to incessant beeping and ‘bongs’ if he deviates even slightly from the centre of the lane, exceeds the speed limit by even one kph, park too close to a wall, etc, etc.
    In each of these functions, if the driver doesn’t want them active because of the incessant beeping, he has to go into the on-screen menus and subroutines and deliberately switch them off. This takes several minutes.
    That’s bad enough but, the next time you start the engine you have to go through the same agonising process again because the systems revert to always-on when you switch the engine off.
    This is insane. All I want to do is drive the car the way I always have using my skills and taking normal precautions with prevailing road and weather conditions.
    As an example, these days, with the roads full of potholes all over various parts of a traffic lane, it is virtually impossible to keep to the centre of the lane while trying to dodge at least the worst of the potholes. As a result, the ‘lane keeping assist’ keeps beeping incessantly with the person in control of the car, and passengers, being driven mad.
    Unless this situation does change, I will stick to my existing car, drive safely and listen to my music without interruptions.


    • #

      You’ve opened a proverbial Pandora’s box of worms there John!


    • #


      Suzuki Ignis GL – Made in Japan and likely replacement for my Wife’s 2006 Honda Jazz

      She also hates new features, and this really only has reversing camera plus side curtain airbags over Jazz


    • #

      “That’s bad enough but, the next time you start the engine you have to go through the same agonising process again because the systems revert to always-on when you switch the engine off.”

      This must be a recent development. My wifes Subaru has many of these annoying features but does remember their settings between starts. The exception is the dreaded auto stop start , but that is diasbled with a single button when desired.


      • #

        Disable for the next start by jamming the switch with a piece of cardboard.


    • #

      ..hence the popularity of thirty-year-old Toyota utes! Trying to find gearbox parts for my KE70 is difficult these days, but for a Landcruiser the same age you can still buy everything.

      The automotive world stopped progressing in 2000, since then it has just been bells and whistles. We had a Japanese version of the 1999 Lexus IS200, a Toyota Altezza, for twenty years. Fast, comfortable, superb build quality, the doors still shut with a click when we sold it, no rust at all… and no ‘incompetent driver aids’ apart from traction control, a one-button push when you wanted it off. It didn’t even have a seat belt warning buzzer, just a dash light.


      • #

        Just Replaced Clutch on 1994 Toyota Series 80 4.5l EFI Petrol Landcruiser with Exedy Safari Tough – Clutch Service manager said also replaced rear engine oil seal as leaking, saying you are lucky you have a Toyota as always parts avaiable – on other old vehicles would have been a problem.


        • #

          We only have Toyotas on the farm – very old ute (petrol & gas -but we only use petrol) & fairly new Landcruiser for highway driving. Had the head done on the ute a year or so back – & now goes like new.


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      My 3yo Mazda has many of these “features”.

      It strikes me that the design is critical. They must not distract the driver. They must not encourage inattentive driving. The tesla crashes on autopilot with inattentive drivers illustrate the point.

      One additional issue I have found is that when driving a rental car it takes me a while to figure out what “features” it has or doesn’t have.


  • #
    another ian


    “The fallout continues after Saturday’s shooting”

    Check the conclusion


  • #

    Trump impersonation after the shooting.

    Quite good and only 30 sec’s long


    • #

      The same fellow rang up and left a message on Adam Shiff’s answering machine imitating Donald 😉


  • #

    I thought that there were price caps in force but SA’s power is currently $9,901.

    The sun can’t come up fast enough for them.

    Oh dear. Just checked, a bit cloudy down there and covering almost all of NSW. Going to be a tough day.


  • #
    YYY Guy

    The DEI memes begin

    Gotta get Photoshop

    My little section of the internet has been asking “why are there no pictures of the rifle?”. If this is genuine the plot thickens


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >No scope, “iron sights” [if true, not doctored]

      Apparently Crooks ability with a rifle was better than thought.

      Or was he another Lee Harvey Oswald?

      That’s beginning to take shape.


      • #

        Don’t forget all these conflicting stories are coming from our “one true source of truth” the people we must listen too as our only true source of facts.

        This vid looks at the shooters vehicle and said bombs?

        10 mins


      • #
        another ian

        A fair chance the “iron sights” would be peep type


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >was he another Lee Harvey Oswald?

        Cops Radioed “Blanket Tactical Channel” About Shooter After Rooftop Confrontation, Yet Nothing Was Done

        To review:

        # Three hours before the shooting, security for the rally caught Crooks with a rangefinder and let him go.

        # 40 minutes before the shooting, law enforcement circulated a picture of Crooks crawling around on the ground.

        # Local PD notified the Secret Service that they had inadequate resources to monitor the building used by Crooks.

        # The parents of Thomas Matthew Crooks called law enforcement before the assassination attempt to warn them that their son was “missing” and they were “worried” about him.

        # Local law enforcement observed Crooks leave the area and return three times, during which they took two pictures of him and reported the suspicious activity.

        # A Secret Service agent in charge of security for the event was on the phone with local and state police about the threat while the shooting took place.

        # Crowds were shouting at the police to do something about the guy on the roof with a rifle for several minutes.

        And now for the kicker:

        After Crooks was positioned on the roof, one cop boosted another cop up to the roofline – only for Crooks to point his weapon at him. At that point, the boosted cop fell.

        Both of them radioed the threat on a “blanket tactical channel” before the shooting, on which “everyone who was on the tactical channel heard it” according to Butler Township manager, Tom Knights.

        “The boosting officer and the officer that fell were both on the radio indicating that there was an individual on the roof that did, in fact, have a weapon,” said Knights. “There was a blanket tactical channel being used. Everyone who was on that tactical channel heard it.”

        It is unknown how much time passed between that radio communication and when shots rang out – or whether the Secret Service was on the “blanket tactical channel” (one would assume). But there was ample knowledge of the armed guy trying to kill Trump before he began shooting.

        # # #

        So the cops DID NOT use a ladder in the first instance.


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        Richard C in NZ

        Report: Sniper in Building Used by Trump Shooter Saw Him with Range Finder, Looking at Roof, Returing with Backpack

        A Beaver County police counter-sniper stationed inside the building used by the gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump saw the would-be assassin with a range finder, scoping out the rooftop, and had warned a command center about him, according to a report.

        The Beaver Countian reported Monday evening that the counter-sniper, who was serving as one of three counter-snipers stationed inside the building as a member of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit (ESU), saw the man return with a backpack before he scaled the building.
        The outlet reported that a security operations plan had placed each of the three counter-snipers inside of the building looking out of windows towards the rally, with none stationed on the roof.

        The outlet said that due to a lack of manpower, the men did not have spotters assigned to them, as would be standard operating procedure. Spotters assist snipers with finding and assessing targets, measuring windspeed or distance to a target, or help to assess impact or make adjustments.

        At least one counter-sniper was from the Monaca Borough Police Department, who was providing security at the rally as a member of the Beaver County ESU, which is the equivalent of a SWAT team, the outlet reported.

        CBS quotes next.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          CBS quotes from Breitbart.

          CBS News reported that after Crooks was first spotted, he came back, sat down and looked at his phone, and at that point, one of the counter-snipers took a photo of him. Crooks then took out a range finder and the counter-sniper radioed to the command post. The Washington Post reported that the counter-sniper radioed the warning into a Secret Service command post.

          Crooks then disappeared and came back a third time with a backpack. The counter-snipers called in with information that he had a backpack and was walking toward the back of the building, according to the report. Officers reportedly believe Crooks might have used an air conditioning unit to get on top of the roof.

          CBS News said by the time other officers came for backup, Crooks had climbed on top of the building and was positioned “above and behind the counter-snipers inside the building.” The network said two other officers who had heard the counter-sniper’s call tried to get on the roof and that state police started rushing to the scene, but by that time, a Secret Service counter-sniper had already killed Crooks.

          Crooks didn’t use a ladder according to that.


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    The latest CFACT newsletter includes a link to a revealing tale of the damage being rolled out by the spiv wind broker industry:


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    YYY Guy

    Yesterday Joe said he’d only resign if his doctor told him to.
    Remember, deadliest virus ever!


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    another ian


    “Remember Acid Rain?”

    “Bjorn Lomborg- Another environmental scare debunked: Acid rain killing all forests was the main environmental scare in the 1980s. A new half-century study shows acid rain doesn’t kill trees— actually, trees grow more with acid rain!”

    More at


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      Lightning has been producing copious amounts of oxides of nitrogen since time began, nature adapted to it long ago.
      It is also fertiliser for anything green.


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        I can only think of two ways nitrogen can get from the atmosphere to the soil: Lightening or legumes fixing it. Why else is there so much in the air – it’s pretty inert.


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          I reckon they are only a small part of nitrogen fixation H, there is nowhere near enough of either lightning or legumes to produce the protein needed for plants on Earth.

          I expect that in the near future they will find there is a massive amount created by bacteria and fungi in the soil and legumes are only a small but visible part of it.


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    I read on a CO2 Coalition email that a wind turbine has failed near Martha’s Vineyard, scattering fibreglass and plastic foam far and wide. Beaches closed and clean up teams in hazard suits. I hope the Obamas are watching.


    • #

      I am amazed that we are told to build more windmills to prepare for a time in twenty years when there are no fossil fuel power stations.

      All the windmills to date will be unusuable and those installed ten years from now will be ten years from their end of life.

      We are in an absurd position with a lifetime of 20 years for windmills and solar panels, if you are lucky, where mathematically if we keep building at the current rate we will never increase the number of working windmills. And we cannot stop. Plus all the power they generate may be required to build more windmills when the coal runs out.


      • #

        Simply, if the half million installed windmills today are not anything like adequate, they never will be adequate.

        Logistically we need to start replacing the ones we have already installed, not looking for more land or building in the ocean.
        Then we need to face the reality that not only are the existing windmills not usable after 20 years, they are not fixable so the
        seizure of new land will never stop. This is not investing, it is throwing money and land away and destroying the environment.


        • #

          Had some lunatic greenie try to tell me that the turbines can be recycled!


          • #

            As scrap metal at best. But the blades contain deadly poisons. Like solar panels. All sort of exceptions to regulations are made just to allow these things to be produced. And they are made in China where the regulations do not exist.


      • #

        To save you all the trouble, I watched Boofhead Bowen on National Press club Lunch, his waffling was chock full of contradictions, lies, halftruths and no one asked him any hard questions like when is Snowy 2 expected online, are there enough skilled trades to do the work, etc.


      • #
        David of Cooyal in Oz

        Don’t worry TdeF,
        Their ABC has discovered the problem and given it their usual, high quality attention.

        They’ve discovered a question they’ve refused to acknowledge for the last 30 years.

        No mention of the base.
        Or of the costs to the landowners.

        Dave B


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      Richard C in NZ

      Peter >I read on a CO2 Coalition email that a wind turbine has failed near Martha’s Vineyard, scattering fibreglass and plastic foam far and wide.

      Photos here:

      Nantucket Beaches Closed After Wind Turbine Blade Fail Scatters “Fiberglass Shards”


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        • #

          This is from just one wind tower. History will show the cost of removal exceeds, the cost of installation. And the coastline will be covered in super poisonous glass shards for thousand of years. On land there is no solution to their disposal except burial and that is a problem with leaching, like nuclear waste. At sea there is no solution except a huge program to defang the monsters.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            TdF >On land there is no solution to their disposal

            Just recently a blade disintegrated like this one off-shore.

            Fibreglass shards all over crop land (I think it was).

            Wind farm owner didn’t help. Left to farmer family and friends to clean up.

            Despicable I thought.


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    CO2 Lover

    Dr Jill Biden’s besty Kimberly Cheat-le has form. Huge cover-up of Secret Service involvement in J6 staged Capital attack

    Joe Biden just screwed the Trump shooter investigation


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    CO2 Lover

    Biden, 81, posts bizarre tweet saying ‘I’m sick’ just an hour after testing positive for COVID and slowly walking maskless up the small Air Force One steps

    So COVID is having a role to play in the coming election!

    Hillary to Bill:

    “Bill, I have a new name to add to our list – just put it after “Trump” which you had to cross off a few days ago.”


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    All we know for real is that ‘someone’ shot at Trump because the guy sitting behind him is dead, apart from that, the rest is just theatre, just Like Oswald and the Texas Schoolbook Depositary.


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      I’m intrigued by the Az plated white van loaded with explosives. Was the owner of that the first named shooter, soon after corrected?


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        maybe- certainly not the young man who was killed as shooter, who had never searched for how to make explosives on the web and yet somehow had a bomb is his car.


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    Also in Australia, the Greens leader, avowed communist Adam Bandt and open fan of the mass murderer Lenin who led a military coup against the democratically elected Russian government, pretends to care about the environment demands the Government forego a surplus and print cash for the needy. Evil people. What is not said is that Australia has a paper surplus for only two reasons, booming coal and gas and iron ore prices which are entirely against Green agenda. And at least ten billion dollars in hidden Green ripoffs.

    Uncaring total hypocrisy. As usual.

    All the massive Green taxes and theft, Large Generation Certificates, STCs, carbon credits to pay for windmills and batteries and solar panels. Theft because it is buried in the electricity prices. And the new Safeguard 35% tax on CO2 is buried in the costs for the major companies, like the State MMBW for their sewage. And all transport, from trucks to the Trans Tasman Ferry to trains to ship the ore.

    This pushes up the prices of food and power for everyone, the biggest out of control costs for the needy who are on government handouts anyway. So it’s all fake.

    Hidden Green cash is theft and not in the budget, which means it is all illegal under Magna Carta, enriching third parties by order of the King and for nothing at all. The Greens are such appalling people, ripping off the poorest who pay no tax and cannot afford to live, stay warm or eat. All so Australia can save the planet for the Chinese. These are uncaring opportunists and total hypocrites. Like the ultra privileged Teals in their toy electric second cars.


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      another ian

      ” demands the Government forego a surplus and print cash for the needy. ”

      Wouldn’t that be supreme optimism with an ALP government?


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      ” All so Australia can save the planet for the Chinese. ”

      I’m surprised young people give a sh1t at all, they aren’t going to get married and have kids so they will have no-one to leave the world to. They will have neither ties to family nor the country, so don’t care if the Chinese inherit a good environment or a bad one.


  • #
    Paul Siebert

    ___I have found it impossible to Reply and Leave a Reply in
    ___This has come, after growing glitches for the last two(?) weeks.

    [Try logging out of this site and doing a restart on your device , then log back in .]AD


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    Paul Siebert



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    John Connor II

    Biden tests positive for Covid

    Just hours after President Biden mentioned in an interview that he would consider dropping out of the presidential race if diagnosed with a “medical condition,” the elderly president tested positive for Covid-19 this afternoon.

    The clot thickens.


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      So Trump takes a bullet and Biden gets the Wuhan Flu in response and goes home to the beach house, which is code named Maryland. Apparently he has a sniffle. What a champion.


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        another ian

        An excuse to stay in the basement?


        • #

          At his beach house. The speakers at the RNC convention are all using Weekend at Biden’s. Trump was pilloried for playing golf. Nothing is said when the POTUS has stayed home over half the time, does not work nights or mornings or evenings or much at all. And his dog keeps people away. If you want something, talk to Jill.


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        Gee Aye

        You mean bullets can’t infect other people???


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      Steve of Cornubia

      It’s simply a ruse to remove Biden from public view while the attempted assassination thing dies down. They can’t trust him in front of a camera while so many questions are being asked.


    • #

      Oh, have you been reading Dr. Malcom Kendrick’s work?


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    John Connor II

    Words of wisdom

    The health of the economy should be measured by how the bottom 30 percent are doing in the supermarket, not how the top 1% are doing in the stock market.


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      Notification from AGL today, gas goes up 7% in August, supply charge up 8%.

      A more real measure of inflation than the Govt can give!

      Love that meme in here today, I’m getting stronger as I get older, I can lift $100 worth of groceries with one hand now..


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    The Greens are dangerous, humourless and economically illiterate

    Aside from her half-baked attempt to suppress political satire, Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi’s spurious claim she was defamed by a Johannes Leak cartoon reveals alarming attitudes on terror and global relations.

    More broadly, the Greens have nothing constructive to offer voters or the nation.


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      The first and best defence against defamation is the truth. Pointing out the truth is not defamatory.


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    John Connor II

    Thursday sarcasm: assessing roof slope safe for secret service use

    Or maybe this?

    You know the country is in rough shape when there’s an assassination attempt and the only real debate is to whether or not the government was in on it or are they just so effing awful at even the most basic tasks that we can no longer tell the difference.


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      “You know the country is in rough shape when there’s an assassination attempt and the only real debate is to whether or not the government was in on it or are they just so effing awful at even the most basic tasks that we can no longer tell the difference.”

      Classic!! ..and deadly accurate!


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    A very interesting comment from the Republicans, that the Democrats have NOT formally decided the VP for the Biden team.

    So Biden is legally and financially locked in by 4000 committed delegates, but Kamala Harris is not!

    That gives hope to cover Joe Biden’s election with a substitution under Amendment 25. As the left of politics says, whatever it takes. Again Kamala Harris and team would not be happy.

    Now they have a weapon to threaten Kamala. With the public support of Schiff, Schumer, Obama and increasingly the whole senior Democrats, it would be no problem to convince the cabinet to dump Biden and keep their jobs. Kamala is on board or she does not go for reelection. So they would all look to Amendment 25 to remove Joe Biden as soon as possible. She only needs half the 20 person cabinet to agree with her. There would be no problem getting a supporting medical report, even from ‘across the mall’.

    This is the lever they need to get a frustrated and angry Kamala and future President to do something which is nearly beyond her job description or ability. Think.

    But then there is a new problem in November. President Kamala will want to stay President not be demoted back to Vice President, not retire. And Biden is close to unelectable and may get worse if he loses the power of speech. Or sets his dog on Obama. Kamala is as big a problem as Dr. Jill. It could be the greatest example of the Peter Principle since the Emperor Cladius. Or even Anthony Albanese.


    • #
      Gee Aye

      what ever does this mean?

      So Biden is legally and financially locked in by 4000 committed delegates

      neither Biden nor Harris are on the ticket until ratified at the convention.


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    I have an intense dislike of emojis. They are also using up character space available in ASCII while there are IRL language / character sets that are not yet covered – they use up space.

    I even find the thumbs up / down buttons disconcerting – if someone is communicating dystopian / nefarious information – do I thumbs up that I am glad that they communicated this awful news? So, sorry if I don’t thumb or rate content much – but still enjoy reading


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    I am banned from writing to my local country newspaper by Mrs Y, but I have just read something so stupid I am obliged to respond I think. The writer was responding to a previous letter objecting to a proposed wind factory.

    Almost every point this person made was wrong. The icing on the cake was the classic “the wind is always blowing somewhere” statement, which was embellished with “and the sun is always shining somewhere in Oz” Someone seriously composed a letter that said this. A new high (or low perhaps) in wishful thinking.


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      Husband and I went last week to a “Field Day” in our local rural town. A crazy Greenie had a stall there & husband foolishly challenged him on his manic obsessions with wind turbines etc and hostility to nuclear solutions. You just can’t reason with these people. He actually denied that some early turbines have ceased functioning and claimed that “anyway, they can be recycled”!!! He insisted that rehabilitation of farms was included in contracts, which we absolutely know to be false. The absolute stupidity and implausibility of that claim left us breathless. It is best to leave them to their obsession. It is a sickness.


      • #

        Re your last sentence. Part of me agrees and part of me doesnt want to see it go unchallenged. Perhaps saying the sun is always shining did enough damage to the rest of the piece as quality comment.


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      Mate, everything Chris Bowen and Lily Ambrosio (Vic Energy Minister) says about nuclear, coal and renewables is wrong. Lily often says “coal is unreliable”. Geez, you can go to the AEMO/ Aneroid Energy site, have a look at Loy Yang B power station in the Latrobe Valley and it’s been operating at greater than 100 % output for months , years. Unreliable, my touche.


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    John Connor II

    World’s Most Populous Nation Has Put Solar Out To Pasture. Other Countries Should Follow Suit

    Americans could soon wake up to a dystopian future if the proposed Net Zero and Build Back Better initiatives — both aimed at an illogical proliferation of unreliable renewables and a clamp down on dependable fossil fuels — are implemented.

    Nowhere is this better reflected than in remote regions of India where solar panels — believed to provide clean and green energy — ultimately resulted in being used to construct cattle sheds.

    The transformation of Dharnai in the state of Bihar into a “solar village” was marked by great enthusiasm and high expectations. Villagers were told the solar micro-grid would provide reliable electricity for agriculture, social activities and daily living. The promise engendered a naïve trust in a technology that has failed repeatedly around the world.

    But the Dharnai system would end up on the long list of grand solar failures.

    “As soon as we got solar power connections, there were also warnings to not use high power electrical appliances like television, refrigerator, motor and others,” said a villager. “These conditions are not there if you use thermal power. Then what is the use of such a power? The solar energy tariff was also higher compared to thermal power.”

    A village shopkeeper said: “But after three years, the batteries were exhausted and it was never repaired. … No one uses solar power anymore here.” Hopefully, the solar panels will last longer as shelter for cows.

    Eventually, the village was connected to the main grid, which provided fully reliable coal-powered electricity at a third of the price of the solar power.

    Dharnai is not an isolated case. Several other large-scale solar projects in rural India have had a similar fate. Writing for the publication Mongabay, Mainsh Kumar said: “Once (grid) electricity reaches unelectrified villages, the infrastructure and funds used in installation of such off-grid plants could prove futile.”

    The party’s over in India.
    How long before the west wakes up?
    /A: when it’s too late


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    another ian


    “Trump Assassination Attempt: Line of Sight Questions Go Beyond a Sloped Roof

    “Agents would have conducted a site ‘sweep’ that included assessing where a sniper might position themselves.” ”


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    another ian


    “Australia’s Incoming Climate Change Authority Chair Lashes Out at “Deniers” ”

    “So much ignorance in one package.”

    Looks like he’s aced it again!


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    Just as you think you’re past the vaccines period of your life…Out comes the list that Grandparents need to protect their grandkids-

    “Experts say that parents and grandparents should get vaccinated to protect themselves and the children in their family from preventable diseases. Here’s the recommended adult vaccine schedule for anyone who comes in contact with a newborn.”
    Whooping Cough
    Hepatitis A
    Hepatitis B
    Herpes Zoster
    Pneumococcal Polysaccharide
    Haemophilus B

    and then if you’re still alive after those you can visit the grandchildren!


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    “Do you need government to keep you from raping your neighbor’s wife? From stealing his car or some other such impulse you’ve got? Probably not. If government ceased to be tomorrow, your neighbor, his wife – and their stuff – would be just as safe from you as they are today. The only difference is that – if government ceased to be – you’d both be safe from government.

    We are told – by those who insist on more government – that more government is needed because people are not good. Let us take that assertion at face value. If it is true, then is it not also true that not-good people will inevitably come to control the apparatus of government? And is that not bad? More finely, is it not worse than the presence of mere individuals who are not-good among us?

    Government does not prevent good people from doing bad things, but it certainly empowers very bad people – who often do horrific things. Legally. ”

    The Libertarian car mechanic.


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    John Connor II

    Italy BANS solar panels on farm land

    Fantastic news coming out of Italy as they once again goes against the Klaus Scwhab agenda.

    In order to protect farming, the right-wing government in Italy has now banned the installation of ground mounted solar panels in agricultural areas.

    Prime Minister Georgia Meloni has said that the rollout of solar panels on farmland is a ”threat to our food sovereignty”.

    Climate fanatics are not happy with this move, as they complaining that this will undermine the green goals and that Italy won’t be able to fulfill its green goals by 2030.

    Which will just make the neocon crazies go to the next level response.
