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160 comments to Thursday

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    Fully Un-Redacted RKI Files Leaked

    Courtesy of a daring whistleblower, we now have it in writing that the gov’t abused the constitution, lied about what ‘the experts™’ knew about Covid, and still don’t think they’re wrong


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      Peter C

      Could have knock on potential, when it all deciphered.
      Maybe even here in Australia.

      AMPS prepared a detailed and comprehensive submission for our Senate enquiry into excess deaths and it was REJECTED by the enquiry staff!


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      Link to server doesn’t work for me.


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    william x

    Re our current UN declared: “Extreme Dangers from Unprecedented Catastrophic Cataclysmic Global Boiling”

    OK.. despite their “expert” advice… today, I tentatively went outside to mow my lawn.

    That was hard to do….

    I was in fear that I would be engulfed in a wildfire, a glacier would melt on my head, a typhoon would blow me off my feet and I would collapse from heat stress and a sea level rise would drown me.

    Yet despite their predictions, I report that all is ok. I survived….


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    Kamala Harris seems to be gaining momentum. Whatever you may think of her, she ticks many of the right boxes for those who like to do so. She also has the advantage of being a safe recipient for the large “anyone but Trump” vote.

    Trump himself-a hero just a few days ago- now becomes the elderly candidate. Whether we like it or not my guess is that Kamal will win, unless she makes a lot of mistakes and even then the party faithful and the “anyone but Trump” crowd will propel her over the line.

    Interested to hear some objective American perspective on the radically changed realities.


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      Honk R Smith

      Well, her support is completely spontaneous.
      You can tell by the grass.
      And the roots.

      It’s a miracle, in a mere four years, she went from dropping out of the Democratic primaries to due lack of votes …
      to being the enthusiastic and overwhelming choice of Democracy loving Democrats … once again without votes.
      (Way more miraculous than surviving an assassin’s bullet through the ear while surrounded by elite US Secret Service protection.)

      It’s the magic of grass and roots.
      Totally unanthropogenic.
      Nature provides.

      Thus and behold …
      Democracy being saved.
      Not a single vote had to be harvested.

      Harvest is November.
      I’m getting a pumpkin.

      I consider my perspective objective and American as per your request.


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        Gee Aye

        Lots of good people drop out of primaries- that fact has little meaning compared to being VP and winning elections and re election, and not losing any of them, for different offices for about 20 years. She is also no spring chicken so is hardly just a flash in the pan.


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          Honk R Smith

          True, there is great significance in the passage time.


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          Richard C in NZ

          Gee Aye >She is also no spring chicken so is hardly just a flash in the pan.

          Dead right there GA – plenty of baggage.

          Like this (leaving out Willie Brown here),

          Kamala Harris office sought to keep inmates locked up so that California could use them for cheap labor

          Blacks being the larger prison demographic.

          Fack Check: False by the Left of course but just one of the sea anchors she’s dragging around.


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            Gee Aye

            So false if you disagree – eye roll. How about showing it to be true. How about a youtube!

            Yes, every candidate ever has had baggage. Hardly a meaningful addition.


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          Sure. It takes a lot of money to run as a candidate and people putting up that money won’t do it when it obviously going to be wasted. So when there’s early signs of little support, even good people have to drop out.
          But, how does someone who was less favoured by the Democrats than Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg, Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard, Tom Steyer, and eight other candidates suddenly become the best candidate and darling of the Democrats having done nothing except fail at the one job she was given? Border control.

          She may well win. But the election won’t be decided by people wanting her. It will be decided by those who want Trump and those who don’t want Trump. Not by those who want Harris because there’s too few of them.

          Of course there’s lots who don’t want Trump. The question is are they plentiful in number in the swing states or just plentiful in the Democrat safe states. Hilary beat Trump by millions of votes. But lost in the locations that decide the President.

          If Harris wins. It will be fantastic is she turns out to be the best President ever. But, we know that she is unlikely to do the job adequately, let alone well.


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      I would wait a month or so and then see what the polls say. Recently a Biden supporter asked me how “Kamala” was pronounced and that is the state of general knowledge of her.

      There are lots of Trimp haters but also lots of Trump lovers, just look at those huge rally crowds.


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      Richard C in NZ

      >Kamala Harris seems to be gaining momentum.

      Bump in the momentum road though:

      Funny Money: ActBlue Accused Of “MASSIVE Money Laundering Operation” As Trump Files FEC Complaint Over $91M Transfer To Kamala

      Joey Mannarino @JoeyMannarinoUS

      This is how Kamala Harris raised all that money in one day.

      Silver Throat’s donors mostly had no idea they even donated.


      According to the complaint, Harris is “seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million dollar heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash.”

      Momentum might be a train wreak.


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        Obama doesn’t believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is why he hasn’t endorsed her: sources

        Former president Barack Obama hasn’t endorsed Kamala Harris’ presidential bid because he doesn’t think she can beat Donald Trump, according to a source close to the Biden family.

        Following Joe Biden’s shock resignation from the race on Sunday, and his immediate endorsement of the vice president, most of the Democratic elite have been quick to rally behind Harris — but Obama is a notable exception.

        “Obama’s very upset because he knows she can’t win,” the Biden family source told The Post.

        “Obama knows she’s just incompetent — the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance. She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her.”

        According to the source, Obama’s hope was to get Biden out of the way and an article written by George Clooney in the New York Times asking him to step aside was a part of that plan.

        However, the higher ups in the Democratic Party didn’t count on Biden endorsing Harris right away and “Obama was shocked” when Joe endorsed her, according to the insider.

        After Biden’s ouster, Obama — who did not return a request for comment Wednesday — wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” when the Democratic National Convention is held next month, the source said.

        Obama is “furious,” things haven’t gone his way, which is why he is not joining in the Democratic Party’s support of Harris,” the Biden source added.


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          George Clooney, Obama’s only secret weapon with any chance of beating Trump.


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          Biden didn’t initially give his support for Harris, but he was eventually pressured to do so by other heavy weights.

          Obama is correct in thinking she can’t beat Trump.


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      If the “anyone but Trump” vote wasn’t big enough for Joe, why would it be big enough for Kamala?

      Trump with 320 college votes.


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        Obama is correct in thinking she can’t beat Trump.

        It doesn’t mean she won’t be declared President.


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    Our own local Tourist area has had enormous problems due to air b n’b. Landlords have replaced locals on long term rentals who now find themselves on the street. On the whole therefore I have sympathy with this headline


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      David Maddison

      The fundamental problem is UK, Europe’s and the rest of the West’s open door immigration policies, bringing in people far in excess of the economic capacity to absorb them or availability of housing, not to mention bringing in people who are anti-Western and anti-women in their outlook and with no intention whatsoever of assimilating or working.

      In Australia, in Victoria in particular, there are also now rental property laws which are so anti-landlord that it is simply not worthwhile to invest in rental properties. My friends who own rental properties are selling them and buying interstate or investing in something else. Or, they are turning their properties into B and B’s or subleasing to people who run B and B’s. At least they maintain some control over their properties that way.


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        Here in the UK there are far more stringent protections for long term tenants. They are very much looser for short term holiday lets.

        Of course if you can earn many times more per week on air bnb than long term you will take the former route. Those displaced likely work in the hospitality industry on low wages so have to move away.

        This means far fewer people are available to serve the tourists


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            So long, Airbnb – I’m throwing in the towel on your pricey and finicky ways

            After several brushes with disaster, I’ll be booking hotel stays from now on

            I used to love Airbnb. It was relatively cheap, and I could choose from an extensive list of locations. Staying in one meant I had the flexibility to cook if I wanted to, and having access to a full apartment made me feel more at home than a hotel.

            For years, I never even considered the alternative – but a combination of rising prices, arbitrary fees, stringent rules and poor experiences means I now hardly use the website at all.

            One advantage that Airbnb once enjoyed over the competition was price, but this has vanished. Research published last year by consumer website Which? compared the prices of hotel rooms and one-bedroom Airbnb stays in 50 popular holiday destinations – the hotel was the cheaper option in 38 of them. In the 30 cities it looked at, the average price of a night’s stay in a one-bedroom Airbnb was £67 more expensive than a hotel. That didn’t even include the website’s absurd service fees – for a week-long Airbnb stay I found in Seville in October, of a total cost of £409, service and cleaning fees comprised £63 and £13 respectively.

            In any hotel worth its salt, the customer is always right but in my experience with Airbnb in recent years, the opposite has felt true.

            Hotel guests are often invited to provide a list of requests ahead of their stay: with Airbnb, it’s not uncommon for hosts to give the orders. Customers are often told they can’t bring additional guests into the property, or that they can’t make noise after a certain time. From my experience, the closest a hotel comes to giving its guests instructions is neatly placing a Bible in a drawer.

            Some hosts have been reported by guests for using hidden cameras to enforce rules; a friend of mine staying in an Airbnb in Hamburg had a decibel counter mounted to the wall to keep volume in check. If it ticked above a certain threshold, noise alarms would go off in every room of the apartment.

            ‘It’s hard to see the upside’

            When it launched in 2007, Airbnb’s pitch was a cheap night’s stay in a real home in exchange for sacrificing a bit of convenience, with no staff to cater to you. Now that prices have caught up with, and even overtaken those charged by hotels, and I’m faced with the prospect of sticking to a rulebook while I’m on holiday, it’s hard to see the upside.

            During a three-month trip around Central America with my partner earlier this year, I didn’t stay in a single Airbnb. Instead, we opted for a mix of hotels and private rooms in hostels, both of which were generally far more cost-effective, and not a single one of them charged us a cleaning fee. Most of them also included a free or cheap cooked breakfast, something most Airbnb guests can only dream of.


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        Gee Aye

        Air b’nb’s are causing problems in closed door countries from Japan to Albania.


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          Australia’s rental regulations are forcing many property owners out of the long-term rental market and into short-term rentals. As has commented by David, it seems that many of the short-term rentals are now being managed by separate property managers. This leads to problems when visitors have issues – it’s impossible to have them fixed quickly.


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      That’s what you get when you ignore the full system costs and wack a carbon cost on to boot.


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      David Maddison

      renewables are cheaper than fossil fuels. Hmm..

      We hear that constantly in Australia as well.

      Tragically, outside of the minority thinking community, nobody notices that the more “renewables” we get, the more expensive electricity becomes.

      They say constantly that coal power is “expensive and unreliable”, an obvious lie, which is even repeated by Australia’s “premier” “scientific” agency CSIRO, which is full of career public-service-“scientists” too terrified and/or morally corrupt to tell the truth.


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        And yet an article in today’s The Australian still claims that to fix the problem, Australia needs to add more renewables. When reporters make these fact-free statements based on beliefs and not the actual data, the public will continue to be fooled.


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      Nantucket wind-farm wreck reveals the true cost of the left’s green energy push

      On July 13, a massive blade from a wind turbine nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower collapsed into Nantucket Sound, throwing the Massachusetts tourist destination into economic crisis at the height of the summer season and creating a political headache for the green warriors who have championed these costly and unproven boondoggles.

      Yet media coverage has been notably subdued, even though miles of the island’s famous ocean beaches had to be closed for days due to the dangerous debris.

      After all, the Biden-Harris administration has pledged to generate 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, a national imperative they won’t abandon come hell or dirty water.

      For comparison, the $4 billion Nantucket wind farm currently collapsing into the Atlantic had hoped to generate a mere 0.8 gigawatts — meaning the administration’s wind scheme offers 37 times as much potential economic and environmental disaster.

      When the Vineyard Wind project that broke down so horrifically this month was greenlit by Biden’s Department of Interior in May 2021, it was billed as “the first large-scale, offshore wind project in the United States.”

      Three years later, it’s falling apart for no apparent reason, with no storm or adverse weather to blame.

      Literally, a wind farm was broken by the wind.

      The “blade failure incident,” as it has been generously dubbed by its corporate supporters, has left a trail of damage in its wake.

      “Large floating debris and sharp fiberglass shards” led to the immediate closure of Nantucket’s famous south-facing ocean beaches, the Boston Herald reported.

      At 300 feet long, each individual blade is the length of a football field, so the shattered turbine arm threw off plenty of wreckage: more than six truckloads’ worth was collected, with more still washing up this week.

      Opponents of the wind farm had projected it would cost Nantucket’s tourism industry as much as $800 million over the next 30 years as they blighted the island’s pristine horizon.

      The lack of accountability from those responsible for the project has been a common theme.


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    CO2 Lover

    Smart Guy v Dumb (add your own word here)

    War of words erupts between ‘cooker’ LNP Senator Gerard Rennick and Chris Bowen: Read the shocking letter the climate change minister sent him
    Chris Bowen and Gerard Rennick exchange insults
    Rennick called ‘cooker’ while he calls Bowen a ‘coward’


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    CO2 Lover

    Jaw-Dropper: Four Times as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot

    Nothing to see here

    “Who made the decision to deploy 12 post standers to the casino, where the first lady was having a 400 person dinner, and only three people from the Pittsburgh field office to the 20,000 person-plus Trump rally?”


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      Richard C in NZ

      CO2 Guy, yesterday you asked:

      Why was the shooter’s rifle so far away to one side?

      Critical question. You’re well ahead of me in this but I’ve been trying, unsuccessfully, to reconcile the official narrative to what we see in the public domain. Yesterday I laid out some scenarios to address here. This was in response to the Grassley video and the drone video following it on Rumble.

      These were the scenarios to address (by no means fixed – just talking points):

      1) Rifle is probably in Crooks shooting position.

      2) There was no time delay between Crooks shots and Crooks being taken out by whatever shot therefore he must have been shot but not fatally i.e. neck maybe, by USSS Team 2 then he moved and bled out.

      3) If so, Crooks body is where he moved to subsequent to being shot (but no reports of him moving though).

      4) Either that or, given the pointing to the window, Crooks was shot from the window then moved to where he bled out, or, Crooks was shot from the window after moving (but there was no time for that given audio).

      5) The above explains the shaking heads. palms up, incomprehension of what might have happened. [Guys in Grassley video]

      Tel replied and I think his reply is worth repeating – next.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        The gap between body and weapon could indicate that a bullet from the SS sniper hit the rifle. I don’t think the shooter changed position otherwise there would be a blood trail.


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          Yes, in the original news reports it said the rifle was deliberately shot away after he was killed.


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            Richard C in NZ

            And yet still aligned with the direction of fire and in the same position as shooting, here:

            Crooks in shooting position


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            Leo G

            Yes, in the original news reports it said the rifle was deliberately shot away after he was killed.

            That implies a 10th shot. Yet that shot doesn’t appear in the various audio recordings. If the Crooks rifle was shot away from his body how did it travel so far over a corrugated surface.


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              Steve of Cornubia

              Simple. It flew into the air before landing a few feet from Crooks. As for which shot hit the rifle, it could be that the bullet ricocheted off the rifle and into Crooks, hence the lack of ‘spatter’. There are no doubt other explanations, which makes the results of the autopsy so important in constructing the actual train of events.


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              Richard C in NZ

              >the rifle was deliberately shot away after he was killed

              It would be impossible for the USSS CS Teams at the rally to have done that because the rifle would be below the roof ridge i.e. unseen from the rally site.

              The USSS CS guys could only just see the top of Crooks (Team 1 wasn’t even behind their sights when Crooks opened up). Team 2 had the best opportunity and took it (apparently).

              If they could hardly see Crooks then they wouldn’t be able to see the rifle lying on the far side roof surface (from them).


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        Richard C in NZ

        Tel’s reply in respect to 3) above (Snipped – see link):

        3) If so, Crooks body is where he moved to subsequent to being shot (but no reports of him moving though).

        That simply cannot be correct … if he moved while bleeding out, then it would leave a heck of a big puddle across that roof and photos taken at the time show only a little bit of blood [Tel 1].

        Do you remember the shooting of Curtis Cheng in Sydney 2015? [Snip]

        Getting back to Crooks on the rooftop … it was a pale coloured roof, you would have easily seen blood around the place if Crooks had been moving around bleeding [Tel 1]. Practically impossible to clean that up in a short space of time. The other thing is that eyewitnesses said he died instantly from a head shot [Tel 2]. Based on the photo it looked to me like he got hit in the back of the head and it came out his mouth [Tel 3]. That means he was shot by the people on the second story of the AGR building. [Tel 4]

        Ok, 4 issues [Tel 1] – [Tel 4]. I’ll put headers below so they can be addressed individually.

        For my part, I cannot now reconcile the “official” narrative that USSS CS Team 2 made the kill shot with what we now know.

        Did Team 2 even make a shot?

        Where is the evidence of the USSS Teams at the rally site, T1 or T2, making any shots?

        Audio yes, but actual shooters (CS Team members) shots need to be matched to audio and shot-to-kill-Crooks identified.


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          Richard C in NZ

          [Tel 1] you would have easily seen blood around the place if Crooks had been moving around bleeding


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            Richard C in NZ

            [Tel 1] you would have easily seen blood around the place if Crooks had been moving around bleeding

            Yes you would but what if he was moving around NOT bleeding – no blood trail then.

            Wild conjecture:

            [Shot 1] [Position 1] What if Crooks took a “graze” to the head from the USSS CS Team in the first instance [Shot 1] but it didn’t immobilize him.

            He then dropped his rifle where he was [Position 1] and moved along the roof in an effort to escape. No blood tracks necessarily.

            [Shot 2] [Position 2] In taking cover from the USSS CS Teams at his last position [Position 2] he was hit from the 2nd floor window [Shot 2].

            Wild speculation I know but I have not yet seen a compelling case for the distance between Crooks and his rifle.

            The guys in the Grassley video spent most of their time pointing and looking at the 2nd floor window which leads me to think the kill shot came from there and not from the USSS CS Team 2.


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          Richard C in NZ

          [Tel 2] eyewitnesses said he died instantly from a head shot.


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          Richard C in NZ

          [Tel 3] he got hit in the back of the head and it came out his mouth


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            Richard C in NZ

            >[Tel 3] he got hit in the back of the head

            The 2nd story closeup photo of Crooks from above with Police/SWAT appears to have been memory-holed but here’s one from roof level:

            Crooks – roof level photo with police

            Blood from back of his head and out of his ear but hard to tell from that whether the back was entry or exit.

            If exit it was USSS but their firepower would have at least taken the back of his head out completely (think JFK), and more likely explosive.


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              Richard C in NZ

              Something of a dichotomy here in [Tel 3] but explained by my response to [Tel 1] above.

              1) [Shot 1] [Position 1] USSS Team 2 “graze” only – no blood trail – no immobilization.

              2) Dropped rifle – Moved to last position – No blood trail.

              3) [Shot 2] [Position 2] In taking cover from the USSS CS Teams at his last position [Position 2] he was hit from the 2nd floor window [Shot 2].


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            Leo G

            … he got hit in the back of the head and it came out his mouth

            Then it’s unlikely that the shot was fired from the southeast facing 2nd floor window of the adjacent building- the shot would be at a right angle to Crooks alignment for the shots at Trump.
            I expect a bullet-hole in the roof will be informative.


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          Richard C in NZ

          [Tel 4] he was shot by the people on the second story of the AGR building.


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            Richard C in NZ

            >[Tel 4] he was shot by the people on the second story of the AGR building.

            Tallies with my ‘Wild Conjecture’ in [Tel 1] and [Tel 3]. That’s this:

            3)[Shot 2] [Position 2] In taking cover from the USSS CS Teams at his last position [Position 2] he was hit from the 2nd floor window [Shot 2].


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          CO2 Lover

          An autopsy report would confirm where the entry and exit wound or wounds are – but it is being withheld – why?

          All that has been stated is that he cause of death was the result of being shot but the location of the shot or shots has not been revealed.


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            The rounds used by the counter sniper teams are designed to not exit the body, but to effectively liquify the organs in the area of entry.


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          Richard C in NZ

          Above >actual shooters (CS Team members) shots need to be matched to audio and shot-to-kill-Crooks identified.

          Yesterday >We don’t know, EXACTLY, where the bullet entry/retention/exit was.


          ABLECHILD: FBI Needs to Back Up Lone Gunman Theory with Make and Model of Weapon and Ballistics Findings

          Eleven days after the near assassination of former President Donald Trump, the public still has received zero specific information about the attack, including what is the make and model of the alleged weapon and whether have they collected the projectiles that were fired, and do those projectiles match that alleged weapon? Also have there been DNA and fingerprints taken from the weapon and do those match that of the alleged shooter? This information is necessary to prove what weapon was used and by whom.

          The ballistics, DNA and fingerprint results ultimately are key to “proving” whether Crooks was the lone shooter. Law enforcement has not provided any information about the projectiles recovered but, it is interesting that law enforcement has acknowledged that eight shell casings had been collected from the roof of the AGR building. Whoopdafriggindo!


          Let’s face it, shell casings will show that a projectile (bullet) of that caliber was fired from a weapon, but only the recovered lead projectile will provide conclusive evidence that it came from the alleged weapon.


          Not to mention bullet fragments on and around Crooks – all washed away of course.

          In other words, not only that lone shooter (Crooks) needs to be confirmed, lone shooter (USSS CS Team 2) needs to be confirmed too.

          Imagine the JFK-style convolutions that will ensue to exclude a 3rd shooter.


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        It’s a grisly photo but it would appear the bullet entered the forehead above the right eye. A high powered sniper’s rifle would have taken the top of his head off. The modest amount of blood would indicate instantaneous death.

        BTW I don’t pretend to have the answers.


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          Steve of Cornubia

          Perhaps it’s possible for a bullet to enter the head then ricochet around inside?


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            Common with the diminutive .22 long-rifle cartridge, but not at all possible if the bullet were fired from a .300 Win Mag at a muzzle velocity somewhere about 3200 feet per second at what is a very short range. (Assuming a serious load of propellant and 168 grain Sierra Match King, or similar).


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      Richard C in NZ

      Re Crooks access to roof via airconditioner units (“official” narrative).

      The video following the Grassley video on Rumble was this:

      Video – See A Birds-Eye-View Of The Location Of Donald Trump’s Attempted Assassination

      I made a comment on this yesterday:

      This shows the buildings in close-up drone view.
      Shows the airconditioner unit on the North West corner (alley) where Crooks was supposed to have climbed up (I think that’s the unit).
      Except the unit is AWAY from the wall i.e. just about impossible to get up from the top of it to the roof.
      Units on the South side of building 4 (not sure what type) are against the wall but no-one saw anyone climbing up there.
      Still unclear, even from that video, how Crooks got up.

      Remember, Crooks visited AGR 3 times, and is said to have (supposedly) hidden his rifle on-site in advance – Where?

      Did Crooks hide his rifle on the roof? i.e. he clambered up previously somehow,

      Just bizarre that Crooks was not identified as a threat long before rally day (think drone flights), on rally day pre Trump speech, and when setting up with his rifle.

      Or was he the Patsy given the go ahead?


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        Richard C in NZ

        >Or was he [Crooks] the Patsy given the go ahead?

        Chris Wray Admits FBI Is Not Looking Into Why Trump Was Allowed on Stage After Would-Be Assassin Was Spotted an Hour Before Shooting Started (Video)

        Chris Wray: (01:13) We have recovered eight cartridges on the roof.

        Rep. Dan Bishop(01:19) Why was crooks allowed to get off eight shots?

        Chris Wray (01:23) Well, that, I think, is something we’re still digging into. Again, maybe this is a good place for me to make clear the different investigations that are going on. Because certainly…

        Chris Wray then admitted that the FBI was not investigating why Trump was allowed on the stage. That seems odd.

        Rep. Dan Bishop: …I think the American people want to know. Why was President Trump not kept off the stage?

        Chris Wray: We don’t know the answer to that, but I want to be clear, and this is important because I think it goes to questions that I can and cannot answer.

        Our investigation, the FBI’s mandate, is focused on the shooter and all things related to his attack. Now, obviously, I understand very much the intense interest and focus on the Secret Services, performance, actions, decision making, et cetera. There are two separate After Action Reviews, the DHS Inspector General and the outside independent panel that’s been convenient or focused on that. Now, our investigation will- Everybody understands it.

        Rep. Dan Bishop: Here’s the problem. We’re out 13 days, and you say we’ve been disclosing. We had the colonel from the Pennsylvania State Police in front of Homeland yesterday. He was quite candid. He disclosed to us that Butler emergency services unit personnel were posted into the windows on the second floor of the AGR building, that they left there to go pursue the person that they spotted, Crooks. That they texted a photo of Crooks to the PSP representative in the Command Center. That information was relayed to the United States Secret Service. They asked it to be texted to someone else. That was many minutes before President Trump took the stand. What we don’t know is why were they not keeping him off the stand? And to the extent, I know we always hear when there’s a criminal investigation, you got to wait for that to develop. But do you have any reason to Do you have any other target of your criminal investigation other than Crooks? Who’s dead.


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          CO2 Lover

          Chris Wray: (01:13) We have recovered eight cartridges on the roof.

          Where are the pictures of these cartidges?

          The first three shots we not fired as fast as the last five and the sound is different.

          What is the exlanation for this?

          The short time between the last 5 shots indicates a top level professional shooter and not an amateur who only visits a gun club.


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            How on earth do you come to the conclusion that rapid fire equals top level professional shooter? Its a semi auto, if you pull the trigger quickly it will fire quickly. Anyone on this forum could do that.

            The fact that eight shots were fired and the subject wasnt killed, nor any of the closely assembled secret service people even hit does not indicate top level shooting. In fact it is very indicative of a spray and pray amateur.

            I guess we cam imagine anything we like, but this is all getting a bit silly.


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              Richard C in NZ

              >In fact it is very indicative of a spray and pray amateur

              That was a proposition alternative long ago i.e. Trump ear shot was fortuitous rather than skilled.

              Counter proposition is that the other spray shots were Crooks but the ear shot was skilled.

              Until all the bullet fragments, trajectories, ballistics, DNA and fingerprint results ( See # upthread) are known (almost) everything is speculation.

              But at least this is advancing at rapid pace uncensored in the public domain – unlike the managed narrative of JFK.

              The Deep State have lost their pre-internet advantage now.


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                Leo G

                … very indicative of a spray and pray amateur

                What is clear is that Crooks was not well trained. The video images show him in an unstable free prone position with his feet together.

                His shooting task required a skilled marksman.

                The target angular size was about 4MOA, the rifle accuracy about 1 MOA. But Crooks had little time to sight, the target was not fixed, there were moving obstructions (audience members in the stage right bleacher) and the wind was gusting.


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            Chris Wray: (01:13) We have recovered eight cartridges on the roof.

            You notice he did not say cartridge cases.


            • #

              So many shots and yet so few casualties?
              Crooks was firing into an area where any bullet should have hit a couple of people. How could he miss even if he didn’t take time to aim. Did the weapon fly upwards off target with his rapid fire. I think there should be a lot of people praying thank you because in my mind it should have been a slaughter house with just a few high powered rounds from an experienced shooter flying into that crowd around the stage.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >Just bizarre that Crooks was not identified as a threat long before rally day (think drone flights), on rally day pre Trump speech, and when setting up with his rifle.

        I’m wrong, not before rally day – ON rally day, at 4 PM!:

        BREAKING: FBI Director Admits Would-Be Trump Assassin Flew Drone Around Stage at 4 PM for 11 Minutes – Just 2 Hours Before Trump Took the Stage!… So Where Is the Video? #InsideJob

        Chris Wray in testimony:

        ** The Shooter flew a drone around the rally area at 4 PM for 11 minutes – Trump took the stage around 6 PM.

        So no one in the crowd of 50,000 noticed this?

        ** The drone was about 200 yards from the stage. And the Secret Service did nothing! This was after the assassin was allowed to bring a range finder into the rally with him.

        # # #

        Shaking My Head.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >Or was he [Crooks] the Patsy given the go ahead?

        WOW! Wray Says There Were At Least Two Instances Where FBI Officials Expressed Disappointment That Trump Survived Assassination Attempt (VIDEO)

        Christopher Wray absurdly claimed it appears Crooks acted alone.


        GOP Congressman Chip Roy (TX) asked Wray if any FBI agents expressed disappointment that Trump survived the assassination attempt.
        “In 2015 and 2016 top FBI officials infamously texted about “their insurance policy to make sure Trump was never elected or inaugurated as president,” Chip Roy said referring to Lisa Page and Peter Strzok.
        “Have any FBI agents texted, emailed or expressed disappointment that Trump survived the assassination attempt or otherwise editorialized about the assassination attempt?” Chip Roy asked Wray.
        Wray said at least one FBI official has expressed disappointment that Trump wasn’t killed by the gunman.


        Mobile ad data analysis reveals someone who regularly visited Crooks’ Pennsylvania home also visited a building in DC near an FBI office.

        Maps of those DC locations from yesterday and above next.


      • #
        Leo G

        Just bizarre that Crooks was not identified as a threat long before rally day (think drone flights), on rally day pre Trump speech, and when setting up with his rifle.

        Crooks did his very best to be noticed that day.


    • #

      Found Richard’s bloke in 3/4 pants talking to police

      Could have been a problem with the set?


    • #

      Bloke in long pants video

      Happy for any explanation so I can move on.


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    Elites Are KILLING Europe For THIS Reason
    German Journalist Patrik Baab

    For recreational use only.
    I see nothing.


  • #
    David Maddison


    A businessman’s success depends on his intelligence, his knowledge, his productive ability, his economic judgment—and on the voluntary agreement of all those he deals with: his customers, his suppliers, his employees, his creditors or investors. A bureaucrat’s success depends on his political pull. A businessman cannot force you to buy his product; if he makes a mistake, he suffers the consequences; if he fails, he takes the loss. A bureaucrat forces you to obey his decisions, whether you agree with him or not—and the more advanced the stage of a country’s statism, the wider and more discretionary the powers wielded by a bureaucrat. If he makes a mistake, you suffer the consequences; if he fails, he passes the loss on to you, in the form of heavier taxes.

    Ayn Rand
    “From My ‘Future File” The Ayn Rand Letter, III, 26, 5


  • #
    David Maddison

    A noticeable characteristic of Kamala Harris is that she constantly cackles like a hyena.

    I think this is a coping mechanism because she is genuinely extremely stupid (but extremely and aggressively lustful for power) and has nothing of value, or nothing at all, to say and she expects the audience to forget that a verbal response by her was required and expected but uses the cackling as a “filler” mechanism before moving on to the next topic.

    Here is a two minute compilation of cackling:

    Another ridiculous phrase she constantly uses is “what can be, unburdened what has been”. Here is a one minute compilation:

    Unfortunately none of these deficits are likely to worry the low IQ or Elite grifter voters who are her target demographic.


    • #

      “extremely stupid”? I object to the use of extremely. Like an extremely empty vessel. I have no belief in her ability to have a simple conversation.

      Joy Reid: ‘People of Color’ Who Do Not Vote for Kamala Harris Are ‘Real Weird’

      And a list of her accomplishments: Blank.

      Adam Schiff(pencil neck): ‘Hard to Find Someone Better Qualified in Our History to Become President’ than VP Harris

      Devious construction, as usual. Does not say she is the slightest bit competent.


      • #

        And you have to love this one

        “CNN’s Allison: It Is Offensive to Black Women to Call VP Harris Incompetent”

        So if she’s incompetent, saying so is offensive to black women? Why? Are all black women automatically competent?

        Are only white people allowed to be called incompetent?


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        And a list of her accomplishments: Blank.

        How did Cackles Kamala get to the top? On top!

        “First she slept with this guy Willie Brown who was this extremely popular, powerful Congressman out in California … and he put her in two different positions that she did not deserve when she was only 29 or 30 [and] he was 60,” according to Kelly.


        • #

          She was promoted so high she had nothing to do except policy. And that was determined by others.
          In other words, her job specification has not changed. She does what she is told to do while ticking the diversity box.
          Which is obvious as she cannot hold a conversation.

          In my view, she is really as speech disabled as Joe. Which suits Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Jeffries just fine.

          And smart enough to disobey and do nothing on the border. So she would not get blamed for the rolling disaster.
          Now she can easily deny she had any responsibility. She only visited once. As she said she has not been to Europe either.


          • #
            Dave in the States

            Didn’t she go to Poland? The optics were not good, if I recall correctly.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            >She only visited [the border] once

            Staged at a barely used crossing.

            First visit anywhere near any of the US borders was to Chicago when she flew there to collect a cake.

            Probably did some other stuff but the cake is all I remember.


  • #
    David Maddison

    The DemonRATs are ageist, sexist (against men) and racist (against white people) and Trump is “old” (according to them, now sleepy Joe has gone), male and white so Harris is a perfect counter to that and ticks all the DEI boxes.

    The Dems are also heterophobic and Trump is heterosexual, as Harris appears to be, albeit she and her party are extremely alphabet crowd friendly and promoting, and pro-transgenderism for children. Trump believes in “only” two genders, no men in women’s sports and bodily integrity for children.


  • #
    David Maddison

    The Left are going crazy with even more hatred against Elon Musk than they have had since he opened up Twitter to free speech.

    In an interview with Jordan Peterson he explained how he has lost his son to the “woke mind virus” and how he was tricked into giving permission for his son to take puberty blockers due to lies from the medical profession.

    His son is now lost to him, a transgender who has changed his surname (and taken a female first name) to disassociate him from his father and who now lives as a “woman”.

    It’s tragic, but at least a prominent figure like Musk will help bring the problem of mutilating and sterilizing children into more public awareness.


  • #

    ‘Fact checkers’ going all out to claim that Harris was never put in charge of solving the border crisis. It’s 1984 – don’t believe your own memory or the 100s of videos of Biden’s announcement… believe the ‘fact checkers’ (aka Ministry of Truth).

    Where’s the bureau of misinformation when you need it?


    • #
      David Maddison

      It’s 1984 – don’t believe your own memory or the 100s of videos of Biden’s announcement…

      For the moment he had shut his ears to the remoter noises and was listening to the stuff that streamed out of the telescreen. It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.

      Nineteen Eighty Four


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      All propaganda has a grain of truth.

      The border czar appointment was never anything to do with controlling illegal immigration. It was only ever pretending to do so. The task was to faff about in central america pretending to do something about illegal immigration.

      The propagandists are actually telling the truth they hid so carefully all this time.


    • #

      Where’s the bureau of misinformation when you need it?

      Channel 2.


  • #
    • #

      Another battery technology that’s going to save the world? When running a R&D section, we had many folks coming to us to discuss their “next best thing”, and all that had to be done was to move it into mass production. Difficult to keep a straight face, didn’t bother trying to explain how difficult it was to take a concept, develop it into a commercial product that would sell, make sufficient money from sales to cover all the development effort, then have a reliable product that you could sell for a few years before it was rapidly overtaken by newer, better products.
      How many technologies have been hyped up but have never succeeded in the tough commercial world?


  • #

    World’s more hottest day again already!

    Feel those hundredths of a degree singe your eyebrows.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Quarantine the Beeb – they have ‘foot-in-mouth’ disease again!

      “The recent sudden rise in temperatures [similar to 2023] is also down to significantly-above-average temperatures over large parts of Antarctica, according to Prof [Rebecca] Emerton” from the CopperKnickers CCCCCC Service.

      If even a layman, a crusty old sea dog like myself, could figure this trick out, is it really ‘science’?


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        Greg, you’re on it.

        Just a repeat of last year on top of all the El Nino/Hunga Tonga effects – CO2 not a player.

        Just Antarctica doing its thing again like last year but later in July.

        But Copericus’ Carlo Buontempo couldn’t wait to declare to all the world that – we dunnit!

        That’s this guy:

        Carlo Buontempo appointed as Director of Copernicus Climate Change Service

        Science communication plays an important role in all of his activities.

        Yeah – we figured.


        • #
          Greg in NZ

          Richard, this Carlo Buontempo you speak of – you sure it’s not Chris Brandolino* playing alter ego and cooking-up his ‘communications’ skills?

          *NZ’s NIWA comms go-to guy, an American still coming to grips with NZ’s many, many climates.


          • #
            Greg in NZ

            P.S. Just had a squiz at Carlo – nup, that ain’t Brandi-boy. Had a chuckle at: “his professional interests include climate projections” – yeah, me too. THE PLANET’S ON FIRE – or not.


      • #

        “On Monday the global average surface air temperature reached 17.15C, breaking the record of 17.09C set on Sunday.”

        Like all maximum records, it can only go up. Even if all sites are completely random and disconnected.

        Like the total number of icecreams eaten in a given day.

        Even 0.06C at a time. The idea that this is science is absurd.

        They are grasping at straws to create headlines.


        • #

          I see it as a failure to actually detect significant global warming in 36 years of rapid global warming which threatens all life on earth.
          But everyone needs funding when you don’t actually do anything which generates an income. Like millions of Climate Scientists.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >World’s more hottest day again already!

      It’s worse than we thought:

      World breaks hottest day record twice in a week

      The record for the world’s hottest day has tumbled twice in one week, according to the European climate change service.
      On Monday the global average surface air temperature reached 17.15C, breaking the record of 17.09C set on Sunday.
      It beats the record set in July 2023, and it could break again this week.

      But, down near the bottom:

      The recent sudden rise in temperatures is also down to significantly-above-average temperatures over large parts of Antarctica, according to Prof Emerton.
      Large swings in temperature are not unusual in Antarctica at this time of year – they also contributed to record temperatures in 2023.

      Yeah – we figured.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >World’s more hottest day again already!

      The swing’s peaked, now forecast on downward side:

      GFS 2m-T Anomaly, 7 day forecast

      Global anomaly is less than it was in February.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >World’s more hottest day again already!

      Latitudinal breakdown tells the real story:

      ERA5 Surface Temperature


      Tropics below 2023 and falling.

      Game over.


      • #

        Do you think it will fall to average or remain relatively above medium term?


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          El G >Do you think it will fall to average or remain relatively above medium term?

          GFS was +0.2 above 1981-2010 mid January 2023. +1.0 at end of 2023.

          Last time GFS was 0 anomaly from 1981-2010 was the beginning of 2015.

          GFS was fluctuating around +0.8 at beginning of January 2024, +0.6 beginning of July, just spiked up to +0.9, 7 day forecast to fall from that (rapid up, rapid down – its a spike).

          So my answer is not either/or.

          Yes I think it will fall to 2015 levels eventually.

          However, the determinant in my view is the Tropics i.e. was is happening there? For once I agree with Michael Mann’s astute opinion (I thought) that the Tropics has to stabilize by August otherwise we’re in “unprecedented territory” (I think that’s how he put it).

          So what is happening in the Tropics, SAT & SST ?

          ERA5 Tropics – SAT

          Can’t get Tropics SST off-hand but here’s 60S – 60N:

          ERA5 Tropics/World – SST (60S – 60N)

          Tropics SAT 2024 is still well above average but is steadily falling. It is now below 2023 at the same time of year. 2024 seems to be on target to get into “recent normal” range around mid August i.e. early 2015 level at that time.

          Tropics/World SST 2024 is now 2023 but by very little. Only a very gradual decline. Possible 2024 may equal 2015 by the end of the year but doubtful.

          So going by SST I don’t think we’ll see 0 Anomaly SAT (GFS) until well into next year.


  • #
    another ian


    “WATCH: ‘Merciless’ New Dave McCormick Ad Laying Kamala Harris’ Record Bare Has People Talking”


  • #
    Richard C in NZ


    Equilibrist @GaryLeigh007

    Cheat-LE at her new job


    • #

      You do wonder why Pepsi would hire a professional security person. It all drinks, food, snacks.
      Maybe there is something to guard, but I cannot imagine what?
      Maybe Starbucks?


      • #

        Multi billion dollar global company Exec Security, they are always a kidnap risk.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          >Exec Security, they are always a kidnap risk.

          Cheatle included?

          Maybe Biden’s mob kidnapped her kicking and screaming away from her $million+ job.

          Just kidding, can’t think of any actual reason to kidnap Cheatle. Although I can come up with some possibilities….


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >Maybe there is something to guard, but I cannot imagine what?

        Pallets of mountain dew.

        As was suggested on X that were not at stake at Butler.


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – priorities

    “Jaw-Dropper: Four Times as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot”


  • #
    YYY Guy

    It’s my own fault for watching ABC Art Works. I just like to see where our taxes go. Anyway, acclaimed didgeridooist teams up with his mum (and a state symphony orchestra). I couldn’t find the actual clip but here she is knocking it out of the park. Remember, you are required to listen to all 3 minutes. If you can’t, don’t miss the high notes at 1.30.
    On the same show, proving the left are completely devoid of ideas, a reimagined Cyrano de Bergerac
    And that’s how you get yartz funding.


  • #
    another ian


    “The unintended consequences of success against malaria”


    • #

      It all depends on the assumption that a chemical which kills insects won’t harm humans. Now, if I was trying to reduce the population in the 3rd world, what would I put in a bed net that would do it…

      Wait and see if their replacement insecticide is more toxic than the first.

      I was living in South Africa when the furor broke out over the health providers slipping a contraceptive injection in amongst the vaccines they were giving women in the black homelands. Well-meaning, but it didn’t go down well.


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  • #
    David Maddison

    Does Arbor Day still exist in Australia?

    Or has it been dumbed down to National Tree Day because people don’t know and don’t care about the Latin word for tree?

    I see both uses.


  • #
  • #
    YYY Guy

    And what does the million number get us?
    Going up the rankings rather than down.


  • #
    another ian


    “The Canadian economy is in trouble. ”

    And Australia is right behind it on the graph there×600.png

    Thread reader link in comments


    • #
      Dave in the States

      Let’s see, socialism has worked when? And they keep expecting a different result.


  • #

    “The federal government and its $23 billion Future Made in Australia policy have been put on notice by the Productivity Commission, which has urged caution spending so much money on a program that may not play to Australia’s traditional economic advantages. In its annual review of handouts to businesses and industries, the commission also revealed a 300 per cent blowout in a COVID-era policy that contributed to some of the cost pressures across the building sector.”

    $23billion in taxes thrown around at the whim of politicians… and for a piece of absolute rubbish, nothing beats this-

    ““The report highlights that, as economies decarbonise, Australia’s comparative advantages will shift alongside our access to low-cost renewable energy – our Future Made in Australia plan will seize these opportunities.””

    So, are they planning on new coal stations now? Of course, it is all completely typical of Govt spending your money-

    “Slated to cost just $680 million.. the HomeBuilder program.. has already cost $2.7 billion”

    Only a cost blowout of four times the original, the classic robbing Peter to buy Paul’s vote while using Govt efficiency.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    EV charging cable theft FINALLY reaches Australia


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    The gaslighting begins, trying to reinvent Kamala Harris by covering up her failures and incompetence.

    One example, far-left media outlet Axios in March/April 2021: “President Biden is putting Vice President Harris in charge of addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.- Mexico border …” and “The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar … “

    But the same Axios today says “The Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the “border czar” title — which she never actually had.”

    These are the very same people who a hundred times daily call Donald Trump a liar.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Chickens for KFC!

    The stupid, it burns.
    When you’re dead, you don’t know you’re dead, all the pain is felt by others.
    It’s the same when you’re stupid.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Thursday funny: Mattel release the Barbie they/them doll


  • #

    Talk of Anthony Albanese reshuffling his frontbench may be akin to shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.

    While HMAS Labor isn’t guaranteed to sink, plenty of its senior ministers are contemplating grabbing life rafts and bailing on their political careers.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Australian battery company DCS sues youtuber for honest review

    Stephan Fischer, of Off-grid garage and Alloffroadau fame is being sued for presenting an honest review that they asked him for!

    DCS is a 2 person (salesman + storeman, according to their website) business in Qld specialising in deep cycle batteries.
    They sent Stephan batteries for him to do a review. Clearly they know him to be well known and highly regarded youtuber, a person of integrity and technical skill who does thorough accurate product reviews, and they’re right, he does!
    Oh, but say anything negative, like shocking battery degradation over 2 years and we’ll set the lawyers on you!

    The video:

    Lois Rossman went off at DCS too:

    Stephan’s 1st response to DCS:

    Check the review video and Stephan’s 3 response videos.
    Bad move by DCS – it’s all gone global now. Even if they win they lose…
    This is a serious attack on legitimate content creators and purveyors of truth.
    Donate to his Gofundme if you can.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Not an inside job on Trump!

    WOW! Wray Says There Were At Least Two Instances Where FBI Officials Expressed Disappointment That Trump Survived Assassination Attempt (VIDEO)


  • #

    Just a General Comment on Media Output in Our ‘Modern’ Age: Like a lot of people I like to have a talk radio programme playing in the background whilst I’m working. That means it needs to be good quality. In the evening I would like to crash in front of the TV and enjoy good TV programmes. For me the UK talk radio went progressively crappy from about 15 to 20 years ago. The BBC became unconsumable in all media. ITV was better but ultimately did not hold up in the long term. Talk radio had its good spots. I was living in France and when the French government dropped their minimum French content requirement the TV there went crappy. I then switched to YouTube which was not good initially but picked up massively but now seems to be sliding badly. Competitors such as Rumble and Odysee have not filled the gaps properly. The Australian media scene is dire.

    If I, tuning around, pick up a BBCWS programme I may listen for a few minutes then they very quickly get into the crap and I very quickly tune away. I generally keep very far away from the BBC and the ABC. I even have problems with 6PR & 2GB (time difference hence content difference). Where are all the interesting local, national and international programmes?

    What started out as media starvation near the start of the century is now a media famine. I’m just sick of all the repeats, rehashes and all the crap. It might be a case of me spending the time (which I don’t have) doing the searching out and the curating however the types of content need to be there – the output that I need whilst working and the output that I need after work.


  • #
    another ian


    “Kamala barnstorming”


    “Why Kamala Would Be a GREAT President!”


    • #
      another ian

      Plus –

      “My ‘K-Files’ Bookmark Is Already Packed and It’s Only Wednesday UPDATE”

      “So, that’s what I dubbed the X bookmark where I started stashing all the Kamala videos, gushing endorsements, and press Bojangling that commenced the second Pelosi officially caved and endorsed her.

      What a wealth of hilarity and hypocrisy already. It’s like the Aladdin’s Cave of Democratic conspiratorial whitewashing, expungement, gaslighting, and frantic, feigned infatuation – only deposited in deep brown piles of steaming opportunism, greed, nullification, and mendacity vice something worthy. I have it all squirreled away safely because there is already so damn much material; my brain could never remember where I saw it nor track it down even hours later if it did.

      It is already a textbook-size lesson in conspiratorial machinations. Power brokers moving against what is supposed to be the most powerful man on earth. But because he was, in fact, installed in the most heinous act of anti-American subterfuge ever perpetrated by the combined forces of The Democratic Party, their minions in the press boxes and anchor chairs, their operatives in the states, and deep-pocketed money men, they could take him out as easily as if he was Sonny at a Parkway toll booth.”

      More plus examples at


    • #

      Amusing they may be but I just can’t watch these montages. Maybe I best get rid of the Stanley knife on my desk lest I commit seppuku with it.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Biden addresses the nation

    He slurs his first sentence then prattles on about REAL American legends that loved their country, rather than him, who hates his country, its people, and who has never done a thing of value not in his own interest in his entire empty career.
    What a complete load of rhetorical lying bs.
    Good riddance to him.


  • #

    Trashing the environment accelerates in the UK based on unproven 36 year old Al Gore theories of rapid Global Warming. The oceans are next.

    Climate change danger justifies biggest ever taxpayer investment in renewables, says Government
    Prime Minister to unveil £8.3bn Great British Energy’s first project – developing seabed for wind power


    • #

      Isn’t it time after say $20Tn spent for the Climate Change pushers to demonstrate what they have achieved?

      How much have they reduced CO2?

      How much have they reduced CO2 emissions?

      Have they even changed the trend of CO2 growth?

      So why spend more if nothing is working? That’s not science. It’s not even logic.

      It’s a massive rapacious environment destroying industry. But logic is out the window when every politician thinks it is a meal ticket.


      • #

        Wouldn’t it be great if Donald Trump actually funded serious scientists like Will Happer’s CO2Coalition. For too long so called Climate Science has been left to the Communist UN and the Al Gore creation of the IPCC. This shibboleth has to be knocked over from the very top.


        • #

          Donald employed Happer last time, but left him sitting on his hands for a year.

          I blame Trump’s daughter and Leonardo Di Caprio for meddling in matters beyond their comprehension. This time around it might be different.


        • #

          He needs Happer.

          ‘Project 2025, a 992-page conservative plan for a second Trump term, calls for elimination of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, gutting of the National Weather Service, repeal of Biden’s clean energy subsidies, and axing the National Flood Insurance Program.

          ‘It also calls for drilling in the Arctic and cuts to climate change work by government agencies. That includes the U.S. Agency for International Development, which, the authors write, “should cease its war on fossil fuels in the developing world and support the responsible management of oil and gas reserves as the quickest way to end wrenching poverty and the need for open-ended foreign aid.” (Yale Climate Connections)


  • #
    John Connor II

    Words of wisdom

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”
    – C.S. Lewis


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    Steve of Cornubia

    I am getting heartily sick and tired of news outlets referencing skin colour ONLY when the perpetrator is white and the victim black, even if it isn’t relevant. It happened again yesterday when a woman was shot by a police officer. The actual headline was ‘White Cop Shoots Black Woman’. Likewise, when a white guy assaults a black guy, it’s often called a ‘racist attack’.

    When it’s the other way around however, skin colour isn’t mentioned and it seems racism is never a factor when a black guy assaults a white person, even if no other motive is apparent.

    The media are complicit in a future racial conflict. Black and brown people are being encouraged to view EVERYTHING through the lens of racism. They are told to believe all white people are white supremacists and ‘systemic racism’ is everywhere. Not only are they told every day that white people are assaulting or oppressing blacks, but no amount of success for black people can convince them that they’re NOT being discriminated against. In America, even the fact that a black man became president didn’t convince them otherwise, not least because Obama himself kept telling them they’re being victimised. Prominent black politicians in America (particularly) call every criticism of their positions and policies ‘racist’, further stoking the fire. I have no doubt that every argument made against Kamala Harris will be called racist and, should she lose to Trump, that too will be because of racism (and misogyny of course).

    Where will it end?


  • #
  • #

    An economist talks about the deaths in the Ukrainian army…

    “Economist Danil Monin dismantled the expenditures of the military budget for 6 months of 2024, the conclusions are striking, and most importantly confirm the figure of 400 thousand dead and wounded military personnel. It turns out we spent twice as much money on payments to the dead than on providing the living military! Our source in the OP said that now payments for the dead military at the front account for 15% of the budget of Ukraine..”

    Well, that’s one metric, obviously Ukraine has lost far more than they admit to. But wait, what if those payments were not to the families of dead soldiers?

    “It will now be difficult for the Office of the President and the General Staff to prove the opposite, because no one will tell where hundreds of billions have gone in 2024.”

    Also in there, a returnee with no legs shows his monthly payment from the Govt, $34US, or UAH1500. The average monthly salary in the poorest country in Europe is UAH25,000 so you’d better not expect to live on a military pension if you get your legs blown off.
