A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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EV’s have a number of practical engineering problems, but additional ones include the environmental destruction attached to their construction as well as the moral implications of child labour, coerced uighurs and the extensive use of coal used in their construction. All things that should make Greens think hard about ownership, but apparently don’t. Two good links below describe these issues.
It’s extraordinary how environmentally conscious people who detest manufacturing, mining, tree clearing, building roads, chemical pollution,slavery throw it all out the window if it suits them, say with Climate Change.
Then toxic fan blades, short term solutions, strip mining, slavery, hideous windmills, access roads, tens of thousands of kilometers of transmission lines, ripping up National parks are all justified. Because it suits them and their need to survive forever and damn the planet and the consequences. And if other people have to suffer from Climate Action, it’s not their problem.
And all to avoid a tiny gas which is essential for life on earth, the gas from which they and their food are made. Because they want to live forever and damn the environment. Killing the planet to save themselves, because they matter. The moralising anti polluters are the polluters. Ignorance only exceeded by selfishness.
Yes, it appears their environmental and social concerns magically disappear when the words Electric car or renewable energy are uttered.
KIA Australia is preparing for the introduction of a guaranteed future value program to encourage customers thinking about spending up on the brand’s more expensive models, and shield buyers from depreciation.
EV makers taking on a hugh financial risk in a desperate bid to maintain sales
Could Climate Hawks Dream of Hybrid Vehicles?
A Course Correction Will Likely Be Needed As EV Sales Flag
Almost 18 months ago, in the Spring of 2023, I published an essay in the Wall Street Journal with Ashley Nunes, Breakthrough’s then director of transportation policy, titled “Don’t Expect Mass Adoption of Electric Vehicles Anytime Soon.”
The essay was published just days after the Biden Administration EPA released draft rules for tailpipe emissions under provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act. The rules used highly optimistic assumptions about U.S. EV adoption over the next decade to set fleetwide CO2 emissions standards that would, practically, make it very near impossible for U.S. automakers to produce internal combustion engine powered vehicles unless they had transitioned much of their overall fleet to electric vehicles.
The essay provoked a furious response, some of it from predictable quarters but some of it from researchers who I quite respect, including former colleagues. Robbie Orvis, the director of modeling and analysis at Energy Innovation, accused us of “pouring cold water on technological solutions they don’t like, rather than on promoting technological solutions that might actually address climate change.” Jesse Jenkins, Breakthrough’s first climate and energy director, called our argument “remarkably anti-innovation and ahistorical.” Arthur Yip, another former colleague, insisted that our doubts that automakers would be able to produce electric vehicles over the next decade that most American new car buyers would be eager to purchase “a little neo-malthusian.”
A year and half later, I think that it is safe to say that our skepticism was warranted.
National Grid in UK forecast power cuts in London and the South East. Some might say, serves them right as this grouping are amongst the most fervent greens, which doesn’t help ordinary people of course.
“Zonal pricing..” sounds like the middle-class getting screwed, the poor getting subsidised and the well-connected having lots of cheap power… like always!
Bangladesh have fuelled their first nuclear reactor so not far off being on line. I know they have diesel fuelled power barges that could well come up for sale. The ones I have visited were built in Singapore so suitable for ocean passage under tow.
China is also working on nuclear fuelled power barges but only prototypes under construction. Probably next year before.they are ready for market. New York may be first in line though.
UK should be well suited to having power barges installed at its various ports. It is the fastest way out of rolling blackouts. Lets see who is happy with no power coming out of the wall. Wind forecast for this afternoon so we may have enough power for a hot meal.
Misery brings opportunities:
Two business opportunities right there as fantasy collides with reality.
Taylor Swift concert canceled in Vienna due to terro*ist threat from teen.
As a byline to that, the majority of State educated primary school children in Vienna are now Mu*lim instead of Catholic
Tonyb, do the asterisks have an effect on the forum software?
FG- yes, they allow one to display an asterisk on the screen.
You must be really intelligent.
I get by
get high
gonna try
and its very important to note that
Egos must be fed
Limit the use. Three characters will put you in the naughty corner, I think.
Christians say God works in mysterious ways but he has nothing on the filter here.
This is what happens when, in a so-called democracy, a government with only a 33% ‘majority’, represents the interests of foreigners, and protects the crimes of foreigners, yet persecutes native citizens who are victims of those crimes or who protest against the violence and in protection of their civil rights.
This is happening most visibly in the UK. It’s happening elsewhere too, but under-reported.
Misinformation and Disinformation
Axel Muganwa Rudakubana (born 7 August 2006) was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and attempted murder. Rudakubana was born in Cardiff, Wales, and is a British citizen. His parents are originally from Rwanda. The family moved to the Southport area in 2013.
We know the “usual suspects” have a problem with females being educuated and so schools become targets for violence against young females (eg stabbing attack in Dublin at primary school in Dec 2023).
Just because Rudakubana’s parents might be “Christians” according to the corrupt MSM that does not prevent their son from converting to another religion.
What other credible explanation is there?
If there his a history of “Mental Illness” where is it?
Just as with the FBI in the US we cannot trust the woke UK police under Two-Tier Keir to undertake a proper investigation and to reveal the truth.
Knife attack on Children – “Arabic Interpreter”!
A 50-year-old man has been charged with the attempted murder of three children in a stabbing attack outside a primary school in Dublin last month.
Riad Bouchaker, of no fixed abode, appeared before Dublin District Court on Thursday afternoon.
Four people were injured – three children and a school care worker – in the attack at Parnell Square East on 23 November.
One of the children and the school care worker were seriously hurt.
The accused appeared before Dublin District Court wearing a green jacket, black top, green trousers and slippers.
He spoke only to the Arabic interpreter during the short hearing.
– Steven Weinberg
This is a load of bollocks.
I don’t remember the average 1950’s religious young man going around stabbing little girls.
Also the greatest evil in the modern era was caused by the secular, WW1, WW2 and the massacres of the communists.
Have you forgotten “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland?
Have you forgotten the pogroms by Christians against the Jews long before Herr Hitler took up the Christian cause?
A pogrom is a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group, particularly Jews. The term entered the English language from Russian to describe 19th- and 20th-century attacks on Jews in the Russian Empire
Has it ever been considered that the influence of digital games could contribute to youth violence. Advertisers pound us continuously with their message on TV. Radio, and Press, all with the intention to influence our actions. why not, then these violent video games where, killing and mayhem are the order of the day, without any consequences, no body retrieval, or investigation of the action. As ye sow, so shall ye reap
Fanning the Flames
UK city councillor Ricky Jones was suspended from the Labour Party after calling to “cut all their throats and get rid of them all!” at a protest against the “far-right” in Walthamstow. As British media and politicians sought to blame activist Tommy Robinson for the spontaneous outbreak of protests across the UK following the massacre of 3 innocent young girls by a 17.-year-old Rwandan, Robinson released a video showing all the times he has called for peace.
Don’t forget to watch the doco:
Senator Gerard Rennick (Queensland) Tweeted as follows below.
Personally, I won’t be forgiving any politicians, public serpents, members of the medical profession or anyone else that all of a sudden recognises the covid vaccine disaster or their inappropriate response.
There is never an excuse for willful ignorance, especially after people such as we on this blog repeatedly warned of the disaster. Indeed, many thinking people including professional scientists and medical doctors were vilified and even lost their jobs for speaking the truth or acting upon it.
Incidentally, even though Senator Rennick is a member of the pretend conservative Liberal faction of the Uniparty, I’m amazed that they haven’t expelled him for having so many independent, rational thoughts that go against the Official Narrative.
Be amazed!
This action underlines the stupidity of Party politics. A person is elected by the people to represent those people. Once elected they are the mouthpiece of the party, regardless of the wishes of their electorate. No provision in the constitution for parties. Just another way that the big boys pull our strings…….Legs.
30 Mar 2023 — Vaccine development often takes 10-15 years of laboratory research, usually at a company in private industry, but often involves collaboration with government agencies.
Therefore, there was never a justification to mandate an EXPERIMENTAL “Vaccine” that was not a proper vaccine that had been developed and approved in 6 months.
Always remember – Us CDC changes definition of vaccine
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed its definition of vaccine in September 2021. The revised definition now reads:
“A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”
This update replaced the previous definition, which stated:
“A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.”
The CDC also modified its definition of “vaccination” to:
“The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection to a specific disease.”
Key Changes
1. Immunity to Protection: The new definition shifts from “immunity” to “protection”, acknowledging that vaccines do not always provide 100% immunity against diseases, but rather offer protection against severe illness and complications.
2. Broader Language: The revised definition uses more general language, describing vaccines as “preparations” that stimulate the immune response, rather than specific “products” that induce immunity.
The changes were made to clarify the misconception that vaccines are 100% effective in preventing disease.
The CDC aimed to provide a more transparent and accurate description of vaccine function, emphasizing their role in protecting against serious illness rather than complete immunity.
No Impact on Vaccination Requirements
The updated definitions do not affect existing vaccination requirements or guidelines, including the CDC’s interim clinical considerations for COVID-19 vaccination.
Follow up
. What implications do these changes have on vaccine development and testing protocols?
. How do the new definitions affect public understanding and perception of vaccine effectiveness?
. In what ways do the revised definitions align with or depart from international health organizations’ vaccine terminology and guidelines?
Why did CDC change its definition for ‘vaccine’? Agency explains move as skeptics lurk
‘Fully vaccinated’: Why changing the definition could be difficult | CNN
Immunization Basics | CDC
Fact Check: Why Did The C
In fairness, some pollies – such as Rennick, Antic & others – did earlier oppose the mandating of the vaccinations.
I am not blaming Rennick but quoting him. He is a good guy.
Good luck prosecuting BigPharma
Leaders urged to apologise to Aussies as former Premier admits vaccine ‘mandates were wrong’
A former premier has made a stunning Covid vaccine admission – and now, it’s time for other leaders to follow suit, Caleb Bond says.
It takes guts for a politician to admit he was wrong.
I’m not entirely sure why. It should be the easiest thing for a politician to do because, despite the humiliation of being fallible, it proves they are human like the rest of us.
Peter Beattie made an art form of confessing mistakes as Queensland premier and it worked a treat, because acknowledging a problem is the first step towards fixing it.
Former NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet deserves praise for publicly acknowledging that the vaccine mandates he imposed upon his citizens were wrong.
Yes, it is easy to say these things on the way out – Mr Perrottet is headed to the United States to work for BHP. But it would have been even easier to say nothing at all.
He said, in his valedictory speech, that “if the impact of vaccines on transmission was limited at best, as is now mostly accepted, the law should have left more room for respect of freedom”.
“Vaccines saved lives but, ultimately, mandates were wrong,” Mr Perrottet said.
“People’s personal choices shouldn’t have cost them their jobs.”
That will, no doubt, be of cold comfort to those who lost their jobs for refusing the jab.
But a lesser man would have let bygones be bygones and scarpered off to his high-paid corporate job without admitting any fault.
He can see, as can anyone with a brain, that Covid vaccines did not stop transmission nor contraction of the disease and so there was no scientific basis for them being mandated.
Not having the jab did not, ultimately, affect anyone else’s health.
Now that Perrottet has acknowledged his fault, so must every other premier and political leader who instituted and supported vaccine mandates.
He said that his government acted with the right intentions but ultimately took the wrong course of action.
That is a line to which every other pandemic premier could easily subscribe.
You can argue, as I did throughout the pandemic, that premiers handed too much power to unelected health bureaucrats who are only meant to provide advice to the politicians we elect to make decisions.
They will argue that it was an unprecedented time and they didn’t feel qualified to make decisions. So be it.
But in those situations, you are more prone to mistakes than usual. So just admit it.
“so must every other premier and political leader who instituted and supported vaccine mandates.”
You’ll get some completely insincere mealy-mouthed general work-around that on the surface is an apology, without ever actually apologising! A bit like apologising for colonising Australia and lifting the natives out of the stone age.
I think Daniel Andrews’ catchphrase was, “I’m not here to apologise”.
I guess most people know that you can’t survive (e.g. after societal collapse) on rabbit meat long term as there is little to no fat.
It results in “protein poisoning” otherwise known as rabbit starvation.
You need fat in your diet or carbohydrates.
There is no problem being a carnivore however, as long as you eat meat with fat.
Most opinions (e.g. see reference below), in the carnivore community say you can get all the nutrients you need on a pure carnivore diet including vitamin C as long as you have enough fat. It is a common fallacy, if not deliberate misinformation that there is no vitamin C in meat. (But do your own research.)
Note, you will find a lot of anti-meat propaganda when looking into carnivore diets.
As a captain, James Cook prevented scurvy on his ships by ensuring cleanliness and ventilation in the crew’s quarters. Cook insisted on an appropriate diet that included cress, sauerkraut, and a kind of orange extract. The health in which he maintained his sailors, in consequence, made his name a naval byword.
Thar not scurvy dogs – thar Limeys!
CO2 – and limes. Hence Greg’s Limeys
Actually, rabbit meat is extremely nutritious and offers major health benefits not seen in other meats; better than beef or chicken.
Yes, it’s low in fat at around 6% for domestic rabbits and 3% for wild (lean beef is 10-15%), so you will need to boost your fat intakes. Supplement with nuts.
The real problem is more likely disease and parasite risks.
In a true “end of days” (smirk) societal collapse, 90% of people (the ones suffering from normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance (smirk)) would be dead within 3 months anyway.
There’s a popular local duck feeding area with some VERY well fed ducks, a few hundred, that will be very nervous in such an eventuality.
On a sidenote, I’ve been talking to storage companies locally and demand is just crazy, almost frenetic.
Virtually unobtanium.
Interesting eh.😉
David – essential fatty acids are necessary to maintain cell wall integrity. Cell walls are the essence of life with complex ion pumps moving molecules in and out of cells, and maintaining a potential difference across the cell membrane in nerves, brain, muscles and the conducting system in the heart. Without this there can be no depolarisation and conduction down for eg a nerve, or contraction of a muscle.
When thinking about diet I always go back to paleo and wonder how our pelt wearing antecedents would eat and I am confident they didn’t live on BBQ rump steak so I discount, not dismiss, the carnivore diet.
I believe even the big cats are omnivores in as much as when they make a kill they would open the belly first, consuming the offal meats and the partly digested herbivore diet of their prey. I may be wrong, I have never read about this.
Those who do not learn from history …………..
The Kursk region was the killing field of another Nazi outfit by the Russians!
Ukraine’s Sneak Attack Against Russia’s Kursk Region Might Be Its Last Hurrah
SITREP 8/6/24: Shaky Start of Zelensky’s Risky Gambit to Deflect Disaster
So many lives being lost for American bellicosity and British hatred for Putin.
As an aside I have seen several commentators, some ex Intelligence saying that the Novichok and polonium poisonings were false flags by the British M5/M6 to drum up the British hatred for him. Who knows, but the Brits in general have an almost irrational hatred for Putin.
From Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 1958.
It seems to be the exact situation we have now.
That is why there will be another attempt on Trump’s life.
“2028” again, but it’s going to be so much more. 😉
That experiment with DEI Policies sure worked a treat at Boeing!
The effect of DEI on aerospace, medicine and other critical industries is disastrous.
Matt Walsh spoke about how a bunch of US airline pilots reported extreme concerns of inappropriate promotions based on gender and skin colour but not skills who are endangering passenger lives. It’s only a matter of time before an aircraft full of passengers is lost due to DEI pilots or even production line workers. Stranded astronauts and blown out doors is just the beginning.
Video: Matt Walsh talks about DEI in the airline industry and some near misses.
Here is another video from Matt Walsh whereby he solicits airline industry insider reports on DEI disaaters:
Several years ago on my first flight in the US from Los Angeles to San Francisco I was alarmed to hear the captain sounding like Slim Pickens character from Dr Strangelove. All that was missing was a yeehah when commencing descent. On the return flight (Delta) the plane was noticeably bereft of paint on the wings. Not surprising that they lost my luggage going both ways.
They had problems even before the DEI thing.
“May Not Return For EIGHT MONTHS”.. long enough to give birth, given the usual NASA/Boeing sticking to timetables..
Will they run out of feminine care products in the ISS men’s bathroom by then?
Men don’t need 9 months to give birth do they? 😎
Nine management consulrants can, together, give birth in just one month!
They claim!
Here is a very interesting video by a guy from the US whose hobby is hacking and reverse engineering electricity smart meters.
He is very smart, no pun intended, and has some interesting things to say, although I don’t recommend you misuse any information he might offer.
In any case, what he does, from a strictly technical point of view is fascinating for those interested in this sort of thing.
As Western societies collapse into dictatorship, I’m glad there are people out there, on the pro-freedom side, with skills such as this.
The Parliament Whore House
A drunken Brittany and Bruce thought it would be a good lark to “do it” in the Minister’s Office – and what a circus it has become!
This is one conspiracy theory I do not buy – who would pay any money for “top secret documents” concerning submarines that are already obsolete and will not be delivered for another decade!
Anyway, the biggest investigation at National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is one related to its own corruption!
CO2 Lover,
The Judge said before his hearing that only 2 people knew if rape had happened. He the proceeded to judge that it had, based on a balance of evidence presented to him.
This is absurd. Justice must be based on facts, not on the opinion of a judge playing with his ways of logic.
I would have the judge sacked if it was my place to do so.
Geoff S
>This is absurd
This^ 100%.
We pay judges inordinate amounts of money and respect when you consider how often they are found to have compromised their impartiality whether for political reasons or other inducements.
Hence the old saying, “Why hire a lawyer when you can buy a judge?”
I have been a victim of a judge that had been bought!
He had a sound basis for his decision.
Guilty as charged. Mind you in the old days intent was not the basis of a conviction.
Appreciate your comment is perhaps more for illustration of a point than the specifics of the judgement. But for clarity, the judge wasn’t handing down a finding of guilt or a conviction on the matter of rape. Just a defamation finding.
As for the pants bit. Her evidence under oath was that she wasn’t wearing any. Therefore not guilty. 😉
The burden of proof was balance of probabilities. It was ok for the judge to reach the conclusion he did.
The judge had many facts on which to base the opinion. Unless there is a truthful and accurate independent witness to the actual event the truth can never be known. But the judge has to make a judgement on the facts at hand and, in my opinion, was not clearly in error at arriving at the conclusion he did.
I wouldn’t have arrived at the same judgement as the judge. But I can see why he did and remain comfortable with the outcome in the civil matter.
I doubt the judge would have concluded the same on the same evidence in a criminal matter. But we’ll never know.
American Stasi: Tulsi Gabbard Confirms “Quiet Skies” Nightmare
Placed on a terror watch list, the former Hawaii congresswoman and her husband were tailed by Air Marshals and bomb dogs. “Unconstitutional on every level,” she says. “And I’m not the only one.”
“The EV Scam: A Likely Reason for So Epic a Folly”
I can hear the cries “the government doesn’t care about us”.
I liked the small icons under “Other Facilities”
The reality (in nice words)
Looks like “gender assigned at birth” thinking is about to take a hit. First reading of DM article on initial results into (they say) possible cause of autism and the report of the research talks about male and female development in the womb.
Seems chemical bisphenol A (BPA) the plastic additive intended, among other things, to harden plastics and prevent metals from rusting, could be negatively impacting the womb process:
‘BPA can disrupt hormone-controlled, male foetal brain development in several ways, including silencing a key enzyme, aromatase, that controls neurohormones and is especially important in foetal male brain development’.
‘We found that BPA suppresses the aromatase enzyme and is associated with anatomical, neurological and behavioural changes’.
Whoops, no wait my bad. The following comment appears for good measure:
These estrogens help all people, regardless of gender, to regulate inflammation in the brain…
I wonder if “regardless of gender” is a thought/finding of the research team or journalistic licence? Will await the release of the study papers with interest.
Oh Lord, not the old BPA scare again. The greenies are out of date and determine to keep pushing their beliefs.
BPA (bisPhenolA) is the major component of Polycarbonate plastics and (in theory) these breakdown due to chemical & biological means. Polycarbonate has multiple ester links in its backbone and these are easily split.
Thus any small thing can break it down by starting at the end and hydrolysing the chain backward. This was found years (& years) ago and the end of these chains are protected with ether links that are much harder to split off. Which is why that polycarbonates were said to be NON biodegradable.
It doesn’t really matter as PET bottles have replaced them.
BPA is also used in most epoxies, but these are ether linked and much harder to breakdown e.g. the ‘standard’ laboratory method of chopping up epoxies was concentrated boiilng hydro-iodic acid at 120℃.
I used to work for a company that made can lining resins (for aluminium cans to avoid them dissolving in acid contents e.g. Coca Cola). The Techical Director used to save the Scare campaigns issued by “scientists” who knew little about these things but wanted press coverage. He told me that this latest scare was SERIOUS and he’d calculated that IF the can lining was completely hydrolysed it would take someone to drink 780,000 cans of Coke in a year. I queried how this was serious and he said that the previous scary waffle applied to those who consumed 3-4 million cans a year.
Cheers. So I’m 779,993 cans in credit for the rest of this year, lol.
Graeme – BPA is a known endocrine disruptor and as such has an effect on testosterone. In utero this means that without the influence of testosterone the developing foetus despite an XY chromosome pattern can have female sexual organs, and a lack of testosterone influence on the developing brain. Later in life BPA has an effect on decreasing testosterone levels and raising those of oestrogens in men. It has been implicated in the worldwide low testosterone levels measured in young men and resulting lack of traditional male behaviour. Is this the cause of the epidemic of men wanting to transition to women? They also have an effect on fertility which is likely due to BPA on sperm mitochondrial function.
Col. Douglas Macgregor: Is Israel On the Ropes? (video)
Apart from sounding good has Macregor been right on much over time? I used to listen to him , but his views seem no more valid than other random views on major topics.
He has been calling the imminent collapse of Ukraine since the very beginning so will have an appreciative audience here.
Will there be charges? Sackings?
Nah, promotions more likely.
Coming to Australia by Labor AlboSleezy and Labor Blackout Bowen!
Solar panel program with a $1B price tag yields just a ‘small’ batch after two whole years
First it was Pete Buttigieg and the mere seven electric vehicle charging stations his agency built for the American public after three years and nearly eight billion dollars, and now it’s Kamala Harris and her “small” batch of solar panels for Puerto Rico, after two years and one billion dollars earmarked for the job.
Here are the details, from Thomas Catenacci at The Washington Free Beacon:
The Biden-Harris administration has, for years, vowed to deploy thousands of solar panels to stabilize Puerto Rico’s power grid amid regular blackouts, government mismanagement, and ever-increasing residential electricity rates. But, years after making that promise, a $1 billion program central to that effort yielded only a tiny handful of solar panels…
While the Department of Energy declined to tell the Free Beacon how many solar panels have been installed using program funds, Sunnova Energy—one of two U.S. solar firms awarded funding to oversee implementation of the program—acknowledged that just ‘a small, initial batch’ of installations have been completed across the entire island so far. The other firm, Generac Holdings, declined to comment.
Now, it turned out that Buttigieg’s progress was being hampered by big government red tape (I guess Democrats are their own worst enemy too; schadenfreude!), but Harris’s tortoise-pace is for another reason:
‘The island is in the thick of hurricane season and high temperatures, and families on the island continue to battle weekly, or in some cases daily, power disruptions,’ a solar industry expert with knowledge of the program’s inner workings told the Free Beacon. ‘We need to figure out how to move faster.’
News flash, this is Puerto Rico we’re talking about, a territory that’s basically always at-risk of experiencing an hurricane —it’s an island in the tropics for goodness’ sake!
So they can’t install the solar panels, to ostensibly secure the energy grid, because the weather is far too temperamental…? In a rational world, that reality might lead someone to question the practicality of installing solar panels in a zone that’s prone to super destructive storms…but again, these are Democrats, so there’s zero expectation of sound policy or intelligent thought.
Anthony Albanese announces Solar SunShot manufacturing program to boost Australian production – Posted Thu 28 Mar 2024
In short: A former coal-fired power station will be turned into a solar manufacturing hub as part of a $1 billion federal program.
. The government says it will provide incentives for solar panels to be built in Australia.
. What’s next? An industry leader says the government needs to prioritise training for workers to transition into renewable energy roles.
The federal government hopes to change that with its new Solar SunShot program, which will oversee production subsidies and grants to increase Australia’s role in the global solar manufacturing supply chain.
Mr Albanese told ABC Radio Newcastle that the site of the closed Liddell Power Station near Muswellbrook would be developed as a solar manufacturing hub.
Meanwhile Today
Jobs to go at Sydney solar panel maker backed by Cannon-Brookes
SunDrive Solar, backed by a strong of high-profile names including Mike Cannon-Brookes, Cameron Adams and Robyn Denholm, is reportedly preparing to restructure.
Government retreats on solar panels as China fires up
It took less than six months for the Albanese government and some of Australia’s biggest climate investors to change their mind on a solar panel manufacturing plunge. Here’s why?
Coal or nothing will be the reality for the next 15 years as Chris Bowen blindsides Australians with renewables ‘cheque in the mail’ promise
Australia’s lastest energy data shows the nation is heavily dependent on coal-fired electricity generation – and it serves as a major reality check for Labor and their wind and solar agenda, writes Nick Cater.
The renewable energy confidence trick is unravelling faster than Chris Bowen probably anticipated.
The Energy Minister’s promise of a smoother and faster transition to low-carbon electricity has proved as un-bankable as the $275 cut to annual household electricity bills we were told we’d be enjoying about now.
The Australian Energy Market Operator’s latest data reveals the dependence on coal in the June quarter was greater than the corresponding period in 2022 when Labor came to power.
This is despite the closure of the 2GW Liddell Power Station in the Hunter Valley in April 2023 which was supposed to be sign of the irresistible progress towards renewable energy.
Yet retiring coal generation is largely being replaced by coal as remaining plants are pushed to their limits to make up for the shortfall of electricity on the East Coast Grid.
The amount of wind power in the grid was nine per cent lower in the June quarter this year than in the same period in 2022.
Wind turbines were becalmed for 75 per cent of the time forcing AEMO to push the interconnector from coal-rich Queensland to NSW to its limits.
The road map which AEMO presented to Bowen in 2022 envisaged that 60 per cent of coal-fired electricity generation would be phased out by the end of the decade, putting the minister on course to meet his heroic target of 82 per cent carbon-free electricity.
Clearly that cannot happen without a chronic shortfall of electricity and widespread blackouts.
The speed of the renewable energy rollout has become “sluggish, slow and anaemic”, global analysts BloombergNEF reported this week.
Investment in grid scale solar and wind has slowed to a trickle. The demand for new rooftop solar is slowing too, suggesting that it may have reached its peak.
All of which puts the Federal Government in a something of a quandary.
The amount of grid-scale wind and solar in the system needs to increase by 160 per cent by 2030 to meet the government’s target.
Things that bring that personal warm fuzzy feeling to Fridays.
Picked up relatives returning from overseas on Tuesday and drove them home. Aunt was coughing at regular intervals whole journey. Just got news inoculated Aunt has been diagnosed with covid.
Seems my pure blood is still pumping enough natural immunity, plus lysine supplement (take it ahead of occasions like Ubering) around my bones to keep me safe and effective. Oh so cozy Friday.
Just for the complete record. Became extra fuzzy just after dinner time with follow-up news that uncle now also feeling unwell but wont bother with covid test. The usual male response to things medical preferring to “just get over it”. Me, I’m still feeling chipper but took a lysine to cover all bases.
Seven years to deport ‘groomers’ | Manchester Evening News, 2022
“Both [Pakistani men] were among nine gang members jailed in 2012 for a catalogue of child sex offences.
[Khan] impregnated [a thirteen year old], refusing to accept the child was his until a DNA test was done.”
[White girls] as young as 12 were plied with alcohol and drugs and gang-raped in rooms above takeaway shops and ferried to different flats in taxis where cash was paid to use the girls. Police said as many as 47 girls were groomed.”
— So, a SEVEN YEAR (!) legal battle, and 500k pounds, to deport two Pakistanis for inter-ethnic sex crimes against children. All due to Britain’s useless Home Office, and a legal system made subordinate — without the peoples’ consent — to the dictates of the EU.
— A third man, the “ringleader”, successfully fought his deportation because he renounced his Pakistani citizenship ‘just days’ before the Court of Appeal was due to reconsider his ORIGINAL Deportation Order. … That’s right, the most culpable found a loophole — just insane.
Watch “Three Girls” for an insightful drama about the Rochdale case (and remember, same thing was happening in Telford, Rotherham, Oxford, etc.). Starring Maxine Peake and Lesley Sharp, if you’re fans of their work. BBC, 3 episodes, released on DVD, but I saw it on TV around 2018.
For years, authorities refused to accept the evidence, let alone prosecute the abusers, on the grounds it would harm “community cohesion”. Does that sound like Two-tier policing?
However, finally shamed into action by a Health Worker (Peake) and a policewoman, and a “filing cabinet” full of allegations and dossiers.
Strange how there were no similar cases in London — you know, with its huge imported community . . .
What Scott Ritter said.
“I love my country, but the collective ignorance of the American people empowers so-called public servants who abuse their positions of trust to push policies that further individual agendas at the expense of the nation they ostensibly serve. Fact-based logic no longer matters.””
What Scott Ritter did.
“More recently he has been a fierce critic of US policy related to the war in Ukraine, having also made several trips to Russia during the course of the war which began in February 2022. Interestingly, just the day prior to the FBI’s raid on his home, Ritter posted a photo of himself eating a burger with independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “Burgers with Bobby!””
What happened to Scott Ritter.
“Ritter recently explained during a series of podcast appearances that US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had seized his passport when he was about to board a flight for Russia on June 3rd. This was first revealed by him days later, and he said the State Dept. had no warrant, nor did it offer an explanation upon taking the passport. …On Wednesday the upstate New York home of Scott Ritter was raided by the FBI and state police. The FBI has since confirmed in a statement that this is part of an ongoing federal investigation into Ritter.”
Annoy the Govt and they WILL come after you!
..and I’m sure JCII is all over this- heralding the end times..
“A group of religious Israelis have been pictured practicing the ritual of the red heifer, which is meant to herald the building of a new Jewish temple on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque….That temple, say radical Jewish groups, must be constructed on the raised plateau in Jerusalem’s Old City known as the Temple Mount, where Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock shrine stand today…The status quo in Jerusalem has long maintained that Jewish prayer is forbidden on the raised plateau in occupied East Jerusalem.”
So, demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build a new Jewish temple, that should go down well..
No, I’m not.
I’m not religious and don’t believe in “end times” prophecies or any other prophecies.
I don’t know why you think I would.
Feel free to enlighten us all.
6 hours. Still waiting! 😁
Sorry JC, I was out-
Ah, but you’re always full of secret stories of doom a-coming and only you know about it, hints and suggestions of the end times within a decade…
Now the original article about the Jews finding the red heifers was around early this year or late last year, they’d approved the cattle in Texas that were on one farm only. The ritual hasn’t been carried out for hundreds of years, the lack of a perfect heifer being one of the problems. The Romans destroyed the second temple and the Muslims built a Mosque on the site, while the Orthodox Jews have been waiting to build the Third Temple.
So when Israel does something before the end of the year and the world falls apart in flames you can use my story of the red heifers as a reason.
In a world where it’s hard to know what to believe I came across this 29 year old article about the new wunderkid in Murrica. If it’s not real someone is going to an awful lot of trouble. Tasteless in more ways than one
Things to note – the fake newspaper crinkling. Bob OBobston’s story from 2020 (please read the text of this story!)
The writing style which is plain ridiculous and the headline with quotes that is not quoting anyone.
The sort of coloured photo and “reuters”!!! As if reuters would run a story about a small town medical incident and somehow source a photo (unlabelled int he article ).
Anyway, have fun with the tampon jokes and name calling method of winning elections.
Edit Bob Obobston’s story pops up in many places-
Y Y Y?
Response demanded
It looks like an old parchment style paper so that’s probably legit.
It’s probably a reference to his gut full of booze which got him a DUI in 1995.
An average horse “load” is around 100ml so WAY off the mark. Blue whales on the other hand drop about 4 gallons.
Ain’t nature grand.
One for GA:
His condition was reported as “stable” 😆😆😆😆
‘Stash the weapons in the mosque and we won’t have to arrest anyone’ police officer filmed telling counter-protesters
In a clip posted to TikTok, the officer addressed a group of men gathered outside the Darul Falah mosque in Hanley, near Stoke-on-Trent, on Saturday as riots swept across the country.
Staffordshire Police has since launched a review into the footage after it widely circulated on social media.
Responding to the clip, former Metropolitan Police officer Steve Perkins said: “The officer tells people to leave weapons at the mosque and nobody will be arrested. I can see why there is an argument re two-tier policing.”
Figure 02 robot the best yet
Human level dexterity.
50% more energy.
Autonomous VLM.
3x improvement in comprehension and vocal processing.
Or how about fully autonomous dentistry?
Friday ejukayshun: Japanese schools teach kids car repair
How many western wokies can change a tyre?
Only girls?
Australian government transforming private property ownership using catastrophic climate modelling
Whatever country is your home, disaster adaption is a global agenda channeled down through the United Nations. If your country signed the Sendai Framework 2015-2030, your country is bound to create climate adaption plans. The adaption plans are manufactured through the United Nations Environment Programme. These plans have serious implications for private property ownership, as well as for people to live where they wish in their own country. Infrastructure will be privatised, and assets will incrementally be owned by corporate entities. I
In this video I unpack a few of the NSW and Australian Federal government documents outlining the plans. The vast majority of Australians have no idea these plans are in motion.
Watch: 3D-printer completes final homes in world’s largest printed neighbourhood
Printing offers a faster, cheaper and less wasteful way to build new housing
In Texas, a towering 45ft robot is putting the finishing touches on what is thought to be the world’s largest 3D-printed neighbourhood.
Icon, the developer behind the project, is printing off its 100th house at Wolf Ranch in Georgetown this summer, less than two years after kicking off the project.
It takes around three weeks for work on each home to be completed.
Concrete powder, water, sand and other additives are mixed together and pumped into a 4.75 tonne printer called Vulcan.
The mixture is then piped like icing through a nozzle along a pre-programmed path, layer-by-layer. The resulting appearance of the walls is likened to corduroy.
Printing off homes in this way is faster, cheaper, requires fewer workers and minimises waste, according to the company.
Senior project manager Conner Jenkins said: “It brings a lot of efficiency to the trade market. Where there were maybe five different crews coming in to build a wall system, we now have one crew and one robot delivering that scope. [There’s] the same advantages for the supply chain system.
“We hope that as we [consolidate] these different systems, we can bring down volatility in the housing market.”
Residents Lawrence Nourzad and Angela Hontas, who bought a printed home at the ranch earlier this summer, compared their new house to a “fortress”.
Mr Nourzad said the walls are solid enough to “go head-on with maybe an F2, F3 tornado and be pretty resilient”. They were praised for keeping the interior cool in the Texas heat, but criticised for causing connectivity problems.
Mr Nourzad said: “These are really strong, thick walls. That’s what provides a lot of value for us as homeowners. But signal doesn’t transfer through these walls very well.”
The walls are designed to be resistant to water, mould, termites and extreme weather.
While the walls are printed, the foundation and metal roof are installed through traditional construction methods.
In texas, a towering 45ft robot is putting the finishing touches on what is thought to be the world’s largest 3d-printed neighbourhood, icon, the developer behind the project
Robotics: A 45ft tall robot, known as the “Vulcan” printer, is completing the construction of the world’s largest 3D-printed neighborhood, Icon, in Texas.
Project Details: Co-designed by Bjarke Ingels Group, the project involves 100 single-story houses, with each printer capable of building up to 3,000 square feet in size over several days.
Construction Process: ICON’s Vulcan construction software guides the robotic printers, which produce a concrete mixture called Lavacrete. After printing, Lennar installs roofs, windows, doors, and finishes.
Cost: The houses are projected to cost between $475,990 and $559,990, making it a significant development in the US 3D-printed housing market.
Background: ICON has previously completed 3D-printed houses in Austin, Texas, and has also worked on social, or subsidized, housing projects in Mexico and Texas.
Follow up
. What are the key benefits of using 3D-printed houses compared to traditional construction methods?
. How does the use of ICON’s Lavacrete concrete mixture affect the structural integrity and sustainability of the printed homes?
. What kind of community support and infrastructure is being integrated into the Icon neighborhood, and how will it cater to the needs of its residents?
BIG and ICON complete first house at Texas 3D-printed neighbourhood
Look inside the world’s largest 3D-printed neighborhood in Texas | CNN
World’s largest 3D-printed neighborhood comes to Texas
“World’s largest” 3D-printed neighborhood to be built in Texas
Thought for the day
If the government can just print money, then why do we pay taxes?
Well, that has been put forward several times by political parties as a viable alternative.
I think the public prefer taxes so we can avoid them, while if the Govt printed money and spent it there would be no stopping them and their total lack of self-control would give us high inflation that destroyed our savings year after year and lowered our wealth and … Oh, hang on..
While Two-Tier Kier (aka Stalin Starmer) is putting British patriots in prison, the killing of three young girls by one of the “usual suspects” is just the begining of the Civil War in the UK
It comes after a 19-year-old Islamic State fanatic, identified as Beran A, is said to have obtained a blue flashing light and siren that could have enabled him to drive up to the Ernst Happel Stadium in Vienna where the shows were taking place.
The vehicle would be used to run over concert-goers before he emerged to attack them with knives and machetes and then trigger the bomb, potentially killing scores more, according to Austrian media.
The atrocity was allegedly planned for 4pm, when around 65,000 Swifties were due in the area, along with 30,000 who hadn’t secured tickets.
Ms Swift is due to perform again in London from August 15 to 20 while her three concerts – last night, today and tomorrow – in Vienna have now been cancelled.
U.S. Debt Crisis: Is Australia on Its Own When War Breaks out with China? (video)
The alliance treaties between US and Australia, as well as NZ for that matter, would be toilet paper when any “big one” kicks off imho.
Setting aside that aspect recent proof of how a simple to engineer “accident” ahead of any major war could make it difficult/impossible for US to deploy assistance even for their own forces let alone another country even if they wanted to.
Take the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse back on 26 March this year. A report published on 5 April came with the headline “11 ships are trapped behind the Key Bridge, including 4 considered critical to the nation’s defense”.
According to this report:
The four ships, the SS Antares, SS Denebola, Gary I. Gordon and Cape Washington, are part of the U.S. Maritime Administration’s Ready Reserve Force, a fleet established in 1976 to quickly supply American troops around the world. Two of them — the Antares and the Denebola — are capable of sailing from the East Coast to Europe in six days, making them among the fastest cargo ships in the world, according to a 2020 Facebook post by the Maritime Administration.
The blocked ships worry some naval strategy experts. “Right now, we do not have enough logistics vessels like these to do another Desert Shield or Desert Storm,”
The good news is two of the supply ships mentioned in the news item were out of service at time of the accident with only the Antares and Denebola showing up in wiki’s list of the navy’s ready reserve that call Baltimore their home port. In addition to the Antares and Denebola Wiki lists SS Wright, MV Cape Wrath and MV Cape Washington.
I guess you can gauge the level of naval concern by the way they have instantly swung behind the bridge salvage/port entrance clearance project.
I’m also guessing the SS DenEBOLA is the lead ship assigned to any African deployments.
The US also has 100+ C5 Galaxy transports, among other things. This incodent may have given them pause to think about how they base their maritime assets.
As far as seaborne support the SS Wright (Baltimore) and SS Curtiss (San Diego) are aviation logistics support ships and each carries aviation maintenance equipment in support of U.S. Marine Corps fixed and rotary wing aircraft. So the bridge collapse ‘marooned’ only one.
If you hate them so much, why would you want them to bail you out? [The general] “you” don’t want subs or F 35s so why would the US feel any obligation to a nation that doesn’t want to defend itself?
Australia has stood by the USA through thick and thin – has fought alongside it during all it wars. The QPQ has always been that the USA would be here alongside us if we needed it.
Well, we wouldn’t be in the war to start with if we weren’t America’s lapdog! How being a close ally of America working for Ukraine?
Switzerland is a far better role model, we would only ever be a staging post for America’s military and hence a target. If it wasn’t one of their wars we were dragged into and we were actually invaded by someone they weren’t at war with, they wouldn’t give a shit. We’d get platitudes and hand-wringing in the UN, after all they don’t need Aussie for anything, and our one UN vote can be bought from Vanuatu much more cheaply.
On the other hand, America fills its ‘allies’ with its troops, just to make sure they don’t think about independence. They never left Japan or Germany, there are troops stationed all through Europe, and you didn’t think the troops in Darwin were there for our benefit I hope!
“Elbow” checked by X
“Elon Musk exposes Therapeutic Albanese’s juvenile lies”
“Coffee-Dementia Link Continues to Unfurl”
“PHILADELPHIA — Coffee and tea intake were associated with long-term cognitive changes in older adults, two prospective studies presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conferenceopens in a new tab or window (AAIC) suggested.”
I’ll be OK
Rarely drink coffee and never tea.
I am down at the boozer by three!
My Grandfather swore by his daily tot of rum
And he lived to one hundred and one.
I regularly drink coffee and also tea.
I never go to the boozer, the (home) barman is me!
My mother swore by her daily bottle of whiskey.
She’s dead.
Well I’m stuffed I drink copious amounts of
Is there ANYTHING that doesn’t cause dementia?
Ah, there is! ..but I’ve forgotten what it was..
Have the Brits already lost the war?
A similar thing is occuring in Australia
Why doesn’t the state government just mandate it then those who refuse get fired….. like last time.
Disclaimer – This is not a superannuation ad
Compare the pair
Same family
Same status – employed
Same challenge – to prove compliance
One said no, one asked what right do you have to get my personal medical information
One suspended on pay
One fired
One back at work with leave benefits accrued during suspension allocated and pay level catch-up being applied across successive pays
One still fired.
Was OK to work from home during covid why should I have to go back to the office now.
Pay for public transport???
Pay for coffee???
Fair question. On the personal level indeed stay home save commuting expenses/coffee money as you note. Instead pay for those through extra electricity (aircon, kettle) and product (you still buy the coffee/milk/sugar you use).
On work level cut yourself off from one on one/group interactions not all of which would be worked based ie how was your weekend. Get a nasty customer/problem can’t put them on hold as no-one to talk to for advice, tell them you must call them back. Rework is the biggest drain on all businesses. We are social animals and without that interaction I wonder how long before paranoia sets in.
Picture how safe you are in your home at your desk but there right in front of you always there just waiting to interrupt you is that phone/computer. You have to be there, is it watching me, a quick jiggle the mouse proves I’m working…. Lol get the picture
On the “yes we need you to survive” front stay at home, less buses needed less cafes less office cleaners. Hang on where have all the paid server class gone, why am I the only one paying taxes here for the roads I drive on at the weekend or the hospital my wife needs to deliver our next baby. Oh and that other work at home job I was thinking of applying for apparently there are 10,000 ex bus drivers and cafe staff also applying.
Stop stop the paranoia is coming back and the phone/computer is STILL THERE WATCHING ME Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Enjoy the weekend I hope you get out of your home prison.
Probably because it was an alleged emergency and nobody gave an underaking that it was a permanent arrangement. You are perfectly free to work from home, it may just be with a different employer or for yourself.
Friday sarcasm
Everything that’s happening in the UK now could have been prevented with racism.
/post deleted in 10..9..8.
Haha! Love it, and so true! I’m always amused at people who look down on racism, a perfectly natural human attribute that I found wherever I hitch-hiked around the world in the 70s.
Its not that one race is better than another, its enough to be different. Then layer religions on top of that, and pile politics on top again, and is it any wonder we don’t get on with people who are strange?
In the ideal world of the loonies, England would be an island full of Celts, no British Empire, no Spanish New World, no Ottoman Empire, no Dutch East Indies, no Roman Empire, Aussie as black as a cave, NZ full of warring tribes.. oh, hang on, they wouldn’t have been allowed to emigrate to NZ as it was already peopled!
Nope, our history isn’t like that! Wars, conquest, colonialism, all from power politics, money and religion, its how the human race rolls!
Cheap EVs From Failed Startup Are Piling Up in Arizona Scrapyard
Just outside Gilbert, Arizona is a scrapyard that’s accumulating tons of a single, strange type of vehicle. Videos of the pile of three-wheeled EVs are circulating the internet, igniting speculation and rumors about why they’re being destroyed. But the reality is simple: They started breaking and couldn’t be fixed, so there was only one thing to do with them.
In August 2022, ElectraMeccanica received a complaint from a customer that their Solo had lost propulsion while driving.
The problem was escalated to ElectraMeccanica’s executive team, which in February 2023 initiated a recall for almost every vehicle sold to customers in the United States, totaling 428 Solos.
While the recall documents suggest the company hoped to find a fix, it never manifested, and in April the company notified customers it would be buying back all affected vehicles. Since then, ElectraMeccanica was purchased by electric truck company Xos, which has shown no interest in repairing the Solos to resell them. Instead, it has evidently turned to scrapping them.
How sad is it if they can’t fix their own products?
How many small companies will go the same way?
So much for the dream.
A fire in there would be quite an event. I was expecting them to be stored with some seperation not just in a heap.
We appear to have not learned anything from other dangerous goods storage.
Neil Oliver: We’re being played!!! (video)
Hilarious update: that Aussie battery company suing a humble youtuber
Louis Rossman just posted:
Oh, that’s good! Even the Oz government data backs Stephan Fischer!!!
Mega oopsy by that company -RIP…
Putin stabbed in the BACK! Russia didn’t expect this from North Korea! Kim jong-un lost control! (video)
About the latest NRMA advertisement.
Have you seen the ad where they say NRMA will hire climate scientists to predict the unpredictable and then show starfish falling out of the sky?
Did NRMA just suggest climate change will cause it rain starfish?
Please one of you tell me you saw this ad too.
Low Income Supermarket in Russia is shocking! $0,40 Food! (video)
Soviet Fast Food You Must Try! Old cafes in Moscow (video)
Elon Musk: “I Am Officially Buying Youtube!!” (video)
Newly released body cam video purportedly shows the police officer who was hoisted up onto the roof and confronted Crooks!
Except the video does not actually show Crooks.
At least there is a little bit of new info after a long wait.