A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Australian Journal of General Practice
Volume 53, Issue 7, July 2024
Should we now discuss possible COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness?
No. Best to remain silent like you did the last four years.
Best not to question the Official Narrative.
Keep sacking/firing anyone who questions the safety and efficacy of the “vaccines”.
In Australia, keep denying organ transplants to those who have not had covid-19 “vaccines”.
Australia, the stupid country where TO THIS VERY DAY, medical “authorities” would rather have you die without an organ transplant than be “unvaccinated” with one of the most useless, untested, compulsory and dangerous non-vaccines ever devised.
I’m surprised that your comment is so mild – ‘stupid’, ‘useless’, ‘dangerous’, etc. A long way short of the reality.
Poison!! Poisonous mNRA technology.
I speak from experience!!
FWIW – more like this?
“Here’s a nasty thought you won’t like, but you better deal with it.
“Modern medicine” is almost-entirely full of s h i t. They are only interested in things they can do that make them a lot of money. Something that works equally well — or even better — but is extremely cheap draws no interest. No study, no work, and thus never a recommendation.”
And more
Yes. We will NEVER forget. Only a couple of GPs had the integrity to speak up against the zeitgeist. Evidence suggests that here, and around the world, people have lost trust in the medical profession. They were so esteemed and relied upon. For so many, that has gone. Perhaps the only good result is that patients may question the previously unquestioned and use their god given intelligence to think critically about what is prescribed on the ultimate recommendations of Big Pharma & often fraudulent or compromised studies published in medical journals.
Change is afoot.
As the saying goes “Act in haste, repent at leisure”. Nice to think leisure time is coming.
Certainly the more “they” need to do to consolidate their power the more chance of exposure.
Interesting story out of Brazil concerning the good that can be done when it comes to medicine.
Have faith in the snowball starting its roll down the hill.
Drs who spoke out against the Covid Vaccine:
Dr Mark Holden,
Dr Paul Osterhuis
Dr Christopher Neil
Dr Duncan Syme
Dr William Bay
all suspended!
Dr Melissa McCann (not suspended yet but facing AHPRA review and reeducation)
Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan (not suspended but intimidated by AHPRA)
Dr Bruce Paye (status unknown).
There are likely others that I have not heard of but it is a pitifully small list, given that there are about 100,000 practicing doctors in Australia.
Vicky – In response to your post. Firstly a declaration – I am a retired doctor. I spent a number of years as a GP before specialising in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.
There are many more doctors than you realise who did not support the use of an untested novel therapeutic agent. Many needed to continue working for various reasons, mainly the need for an income. NZ doctors are not rich. There were lots of others who kept on working because they still had patients who needed medical care.
I live in NZ and I can comment on what happened here. There were not very subtle directives from the MoH that they inoculate their patients. Many were very uncomfortable in doing so and essentially paid lip service to them. (The population that time were forming long queues at “emergency” vaccination centres). At the same time they were reading on the net about colleagues who were having their registration withdrawn. This is not a simple thing because getting re-registered requires retraining and many hoops to jump through.
Thousand of new drugs appear on the market, some new brands of the same, some new models of the same. The drug companies pay for trails to be done. Researchers want to do trials and get their work published under the mantra of “publish or perish”. Researchers are a different breed and consider themselves superior to their colleagues at the coal face. Anyway, there is no way a busy doctor can read the extensive amount of literature in their own field of practice let alone the broad spectrum of medicine. To this extent most rely on organisations such as the gold standard “Cochrane Collaboration” who get experts in the field to review the relevant publications and make recommendations. We saw how this played out with the withdrawn review on the efficacy of masks because it did not support the official narrative.
Fortunately I worked in an area where one could assess the efficacy of a drug almost immediately, unlike my time in GP where one never knew if the patient had even had their prescription filled out.
All I can say is do not throw the baby out with the bathwater; there are many concerned doctors out there who put their patients before themselves and their families. They are dedicated to helping their patients and doing their best in a system that requires that they spend little time with them to pay their rent and staff, and take very little home in comparison to other similarly qualified professions. Those doctors who rabidly promoted the mRNA platform have nothing but my scorn and contempt for being soulless creeps who did not bother to do a little basic research.
Brilliant observation from experience MAWM , believe it or not some Oz doctors took the hit and refused to endorse give or get the jab at huge personal cost .
I have a mate who has such a doctor and that doctor is still practicing medicine as a doctor.
Thank you Robert. I’m sure many took the hit and many refused to advise patients to get vaccinated, hence my second paragraph.
Well the thing is this.
Every medical organisation and society in Australia endorsed the vaccine mandates and continues to do so.
The silent doctors who don’t like the vaccine mandates have to speak now or be condemned with the rest.
It is safer to raise your voice now than it was when the brave few spoke up (and suffered accordingly). So speak now to change the culture back to the honourable and ethical profession that we want it to be.
A good start is to join the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS).
Many more are.
Unfortunately the kind of doctors who want to lead medical organisations tend to be those that follow the political wind.
Dr John Campbell looks at the recent report (which I previously mentioned on this blog) about global excess deaths since the plandemic began.
It’s a massive 500+ page report covering 2.5 billion people in 125 countries.
Strangely, the countries with the highest levels of covid “vaccinations” suffer the highest rates of excess deaths, including Australia, where injection of substances alleged to be covid vaccines was in practical terms compulsory.
Looking at the graphs for different countries and trying to work out why there was an obvious difference in the the temporal relationship between mass inoculation and increased deaths one needs to be aware that the date of death and the notification of the death are not the same in all countries.
And please explain how that makes a difference.
How the curves for mass inoculation followed by increased deaths have a differing temporal relationship. Some countries count the date of death as that and others the count the death after they have finished the process of investigation/registration, etc. Most notably, as pointed out by Professor Norman Fenton, there is a huge delay in reporting childhood deaths in the UK.
Lest we forget: Fpizzzer* still holds the record for the biggest fine handed out to a pharma-suit-to-kill business in the USSA about 15 years ago: no doubt it was small change to them and would’ve been quickly recouped.
Briefly heard last week (radio silence ever since) members of the Sacker* family, ie. opioid crisis, lost their appeal in a US court and proceedings will continue.
* Not their real names
>biggest fine handed out to a pharma-suit-to-kill business in the USSA
Actually it’s the biggest criminal fine ever imposed in the history of the USA.
Pharma was an easy target for the “opioid epidemic”. The typical person who got oxycontin for pain benefited greatly, and they stopped taking it when the pain resolved.
Contrast this with a person who has tried every drug available since they were 13. They break a leg and get the analgesic, but they also recognize the euphorogenic effects and get as much as possible. When their prescription runs out they complain of continuing pain to several doctors. When that has run its course, they return to street drugs. But now they can blame their addiction on the doctors who treated their pain.
And the result is that analgesics are restricted to those who need them – my nurse daughter has a patient currently who is a few weeks from death. The poor woman has been told to only take her analgesic when the pain gets unbearable “in case she gets addicted”.
And the public strongly supports screwing Purdue pharma for all of this.
So glad that I was already retired when the Virus Crisis hit so I could not be mandated (coerced) into taking the Jabs/Boosters.
My blood is now for sale at a premium especially as it has being fortified with gallons of red wine over the years.
When I die, my organs will be donated free of charge to whoever needs/wants them. Not too sure about the brain as that will likely be worn out.
I too have too much blood in my alcohol system. 😆
Queensland state is in a dire state with the seasonal flu raging as just officially confirmed in this DM story.
What is the political response…. get vaccinated. Someone should remind them that the Brisbane Ekka show (where the country comes to the city) is currently on AND in two days time it is people’s day at the show. Wednesday is also a council district (Brisbane) public holiday designed to enable even more people to throng through the gates bringing their various states of infection with them. Do you want a show bag with that?
If the politicians were even half sincere you would think this crisis would prompt them to immediately close down the show and mitigate the potential for widespread infection across Brisbane and surrounding council areas. But no its a state election in a couple of months time.
I think they should have nightly po faced TV personalities announcing the dailyt number of deaths.
But there’s the rub. Queensland’s 2017 flu season was the worst by far and on average there were 5 deaths per week which were reported nightly. No mask mandate, no social distancing. What needs to be done this time is record the permutations with regard to those hospitalized or dead i.e. totally uninoculated (covid and flu) half inoculated (covid not flu or flu not covid) and fully inoculated (covid and flu). We have to know the possible contributors to and starting point of the patients health at time of infection. Forlorn hope we know.
[The Hope Accord, a petition to stop the Covid Vax]
“Should we now discuss possible COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness?”
Will NEVER happen.
Because the spectre of Iatrogenic, (medical procedure induced) deaths and injuries, might just bubble to the surface.
So much for the Hippocratic Oath.
Regarding the recent (localised) UK riots, here is an interesting article
It suggests the anti immigration riots were spontaneous, whilst the pro migrant anti racism ones were created from the top down, as evidenced by the professional banners and placards and degree of organisation.
My take is that the number of extreme far right thugs is relatively small-the low tens of thousands- but make no mistake they are violent unpleasant people prepared to be in the front line and cause mayhem and violence, with incidental looting. They are supported by a few hundred thousand ordinary people prepared to turn out to rallies, but who may be apprehensive at the violence that might ensue, but they are there because they don’t feel they have been listened to. Mixed in there are a number of criminals and individuals of no particular politics, out to cause trouble. Most trouble has apparently been in towns with higher than average numbers of migrants in tax payer funded facilities.
In addition, there are tens of millions more who agree with the overall aims- to protest the mass migration of the last few decades- which appear to be sanctioned and encouraged by parties of all shades. They are unlikely to agree with the methods employed of rioting and extreme violence.
The “anti racism anti fascist” groupings seem to be drawn from those on the left and are organised by trade unions and far left political sectors masquerading as more cuddly anti racism no violence groups.
Immigration is currently top of the public concern. Whether the elite who are generally in favour listen to these concerns is another matter, so this is currently unresolved.
Incidentally, the focus has been cleverly drawn to the illegal boat people, a group breaking illegally into Britain then having to be accommodated irks most people, but their numbers are small compared to legal migration. In 2023 1.2 million immigrants entered and 600,000 departed leaving a net inflow of around 600,000. This is many times more than the boat people organised by criminal gangs at 40,000 a year or so. These numbers are not too far different to the numbers that used to smuggle themselves to Britain via Trucks at the French Channel ports.
Incidentally I live in a tourist area with people coming here from all over the country . Listening to their chats over coffee no one had seen any rioting. Its been blown up by the Govt and the media (but was very serious at times where they occurred) Apparently the current riots are not as bad as the ones in 2011 but seem to have received much more publicity.
Meanwhile in France
A pro-life, pro-family group, Citizen Go, took to the streets of Paris with a bus carrying the message “STOP ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANS.”
They shared on X that, for daring to spread their message during a time when Christians are being openly mocked during the Paris Summer Olympics, six of their team members were arrested and spent the night in jail.
In the days leading up to the opening, three drag queens, Minima Geste, Nicky Doll, and Miss Martini, were among the 10,000 torchbearers passing the flame until it reached its destination in Paris.
Viewers across the planet were mortified by the Opening Ceremony after a crass reenactment of The Last Supper featuring provocatively dressed drag queens.
Putin is right about the moral decline of the West.
Isn’t interesting that the European elite, the actuals creators of European elitism, have evolved into the destroyers of the very thing they created.
Witness the progeny child of this … Sir Keir Starmer.
I don’t know if they are simply manipulated be some dark organized consortium seeking power, or motivated by self hatred birthed in corrupting affluence, or captured by a new zoonotic apocalyptic religion motivated to guilt driven cultural scourging.
Haven’t the Saudis built an even bigger Big Ben in Mecca?
Another Progeny Child
also summed up by this article
The Dark Surrealism of the UK’s Totalitarian Turn
Notice the Perentage White in the Circular Graph as it changes from 1981/1991/2001/2011/2021
Britain Is Now a Totalitarian State
We can safely declare, without exaggeration or hyperbole, that Britain is now a totalitarian state.
The ruling machine may not yet have the absolute control that Stalin did, but it’s not for lack of trying.
The British government’s hysterical Chicken Little response to online support for this past week’s rioting is proof enough for anyone paying attention that it attaches no value whatsoever to Western principles like freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.
Here’s a video of an elderly man being arrested in his home for “improper use” of social media for “some comments that [he] made” on his Facebook page. The two Stasi thugs masquerading as police officers are doing the dirty work for a government that, not too long ago, declared that “just following orders” was not an excuse for human rights violations. And yet…
This is where Britain is now, and if there’s a definition for it other than “totalitarian,” I’m open for suggestions.
…and Australia is about to follow:
Australians will be required to submit ID to access the internet and police must have access to their social media including private messaging all tied to their social credit score.
That news-clip is years out of date.
Did you watch/listen to it? See the 48 sec mark.
The “Morrison Government”.
Did it happen? No.
Will it happen? Unlikely.
But you can’t trust the lefty Labor Party. After all, it was the Labor fascist control-freaks who sought to introduce the “Australia Card” in the 1980s. Probably before your time. How soon we forget.
I watched it. I know it’s been on the cards for years. It’s just a reminder that the agenda is old, isn’t going away and in fact is accelerating.
We have to keep reminding people of that ticking clock and unavoidable future.
There is something seriously wrong with the people who took part in the pro-migrant demonstrations. What sort of “human being” gets furious about demands to cut immigration but is not angered by the murder of three girls and the stabbing of several others?
It is not as if this is the first time such a tragedy has occurred. The creature who planted the bomb at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester was born in the UK but was a second generation immigrant, his parents being from Libya. At one time he went back to Libya but then, along with other British passport holders, had to be rescued by the Royal Navy. In 2017 He showed his gratitude to Great Britain by planting the bomb which killed 23 people, including himself, at the Ariana Grand concert.
The despicable pro-immigration people want us to forget all about such outrages.
These ‘pro-immigration’ clowns are happy with the present state of affairs in the UK, ?
In reality, they do not give a rats……
They are out and proud totalitarian sociopaths and they mean to RULE their shabby kingdom.
There is NO other valid explanation.
More left-wing Labor fascist control-freaks.
Will the voter never learn?
Tony, that’s a very comprehensive overview of the situation in OGB.
Now maybe it would be interesting to use it to form the basis for deeper examination of consequences.
e.g. nett intake 400,000 legals plus 40,000 illegals each year. Is that 4.4 million over ten years.
No doubt there are jobs available for the newcomers?
Who’s paying?
And I agree that “all of the far right thugs ” should be dealt with: we used to see them on TV years ago rampaging through Europe when they went across to watch the soccer.
Those legally protesting about the government using “immigrants” to buy votes should be left alone because they have a legitimate grievance.
” In 2023 1.2 million immigrants entered and 600,000 departed leaving a net inflow of around 600,000. ”
A worthless statistic unless we know the quality of the people coming in and the quality of the people going out. If they are recent immigrants going back home that’s great, if they are your core British moving to Australia-Canada-NZ then the effect of the new immigrants each year is even worse!
“Listening to their chats over coffee no one had seen any rioting. I”
Maybe its ‘Wag the Dog’ and there’s no riots at all, but the Govt is running the faked story to bring in their new laws. A great test for the new AI stuff.
The Scramble For Europe
Currently Great Britain is being convulsed by anti-immigration riots.
The rioters are universally referred to as “far right,” which in Europe is code for not being on board with mass immigration from Third World countries.
I have no idea what the rioters think about taxes, or wasteful government spending, or the National Health Service, or the war in Ukraine.
I believe the riots are taking place mostly in cities that generally vote Labour. But they are “far right” for one reason only. (“Far right” has a more flexible meaning in the U.S.; it refers generally to any position favored by the majority.)
Immigration is the most volatile issue in Europe, and it has the potential to be the most volatile issue the our own election, if Trump and company focus on it.
Why has immigration surged to the fore as a political issue–even if, in many quarters, it is the issue that must not be mentioned?
Because of brute demographic facts.
My friend Mark Steyn has been on the demography beat for quite a while. He recorded this excellent video several years ago, but has just reposted it at Steyn Online because it is as vital as ever. More so, in fact.
As Mark says, the population explosion now occurring in Africa is unprecedented in the history of the world. It will have consequences, even if we are prohibited from discussing them.
It’s not you know. But then even Mark is good for an exaggeration or two.
‘ … extreme far right thugs …’
A few anarchists also showed up. They are effective fringe dwellers.
Daily dose of reality:
1 week in Europe:
She nails it!
Thanks J C II,
That’s one powerful message from a magnificent presenter.
13 mins.
My one negative comment, she called them “elites”, but I suppose my preferred descriptor for them would have to censored and wouldn’t match her style anyway…
Who is she?
What a powerful speech.
When does the awakening begin?
Are our decision-makers prepared for mechanical communication when speech is no longer enough?
Every home in England urged to take simple step ‘from Sunday’ to keep cool – Devon Live
Here on the South coast of Devon it is misty and around 18C. Forecast to be around 24C on Monday and 20C the rest of the week. Much warmer in the East (which has much more of a continental climate) with temperatures up to 33C on Monday and dropping to 25C the rest of the week. We are being infantilised as after all this is high summer. Those lying on the beach in the sun here are exposing themselves to temperatures far higher-more like 45C -and of course they disappear to the hot countries in droves.
MAD DOGS AND ENGLISHMEN – Noel Coward with Ray Noble & His Orchestra
Don’t forget the italians who shut down the Ferrari and Lambo factories for siesta time!
That’s why italian cars are crap.
Why do they wear free flowing black clothes in hot regions, rather than white clothes?
Physics. 😉
Very uncomfortable a bit further along the south coast, one of those days where the temperature surged late evening.
Whole of August is running hot so far.
not here.
In soggy Briz Vegas, we copped 19mm of rain overnight and it is still occasionally sprinkling lightly.
Not at all “unprecedented”. August is often the month that brings howling westerly winds from inland. Sometimes, this corresponds with the mullet “running”. Alternate scenario: Massive, days-long dust storms as a few more mm of “topsoil” enshrouds coastal towns or is dumped into the ocean.
In 2009 Brisbane had a massive dust storm, which is not unprecedented.
This is usually the dry season in Queensland, so what happened to the August winds?
Yes, the fog cleared at 4.45pm then it became a very sunny and warm evening.
A misty day here on the South West of England coast at the peak of summer. I used my portable solar panels at 1pm to see how much power I could generate and by standing on one leg, pointing the panel at the apparent position of the sun and indulging in other contortions I briefly managed to get 7w of power from a 60w panel. Returning the panel to a more normal position it became 3W. At 3pm the sun just became visible through the mist and I got 11w briefly
Light levels, clouds, dust on panels, the position of the sun, all have a profound impact on solar generation. Until solar panels routinely track the sun (presumably using more of the power it generates in the process) the more solar remains a niche product. Yes it was made in China as 80% of panels are, and no doubt made with coal fired power. Who knows if the employees making them were coerced?
What load did you have on thee panel to determine the power?
Also can you provide details on the panel or the rated voltage and current?
Careless phone fingers red thumbed you. Oops.
you can un-thumb
As a test I tried to green thumb your comment and then un-thumb it. The thumbs were greyed out.
How do you unthumb?
[If I can’t change a misplaced choice of thumbs I doubt you could.]AD
oh ok maybe you can’t. let me see
no you can’t. Its on youtube you can
Tried that at the time but didn’t work.
I just tried it on laptop and unthumbing did work. Dunno if meant to be different from samsung phone and HP laptop, but I’m getting a different result.
Correction. The unthumbing didn’t work on the laptop. It appeared to at the time. But a revisit now shows it didn’t. So now Rick has two red thumbs. 🙂
I am running the panel and taking readings each hour so will report back. It was supposed to be an entirely sunny day today so I thought that should present some good readings. However after a sunny start it has clouded over so will wait to see what happens the rest of the day. The cloud cover is nowhere near as thick as yesterday though.
Why would the 7W position not be normal? Sounds ideal.
Normal given the conditions but ideal not so much if you’re trying to charge a battery.
Good for an eBay cheap chinesium panel!
Power rating are for optimum conditions, maximum sun, correct spectrum, perpendicular to panel, optimum panel temperature etc.
Even invisible-to-the-eye light cloud in the upper troposphere has an effect, unbeknown to most.
Who knows if the employees making them were coerced?
Well to some extent in most cultures, if you don’t work, your dietary choices are rather limited. Unless still living with your parents or in possession of a family trust income.
In Latest Bond Film, 007 Tasked With Taking Down 83-Year-Old British Grandma Who Shared Inaccurate Meme
Babylon Bee
The new Bond.
“In all likelihood, it will be a non-white female of indeterminate sexual orientation, but we’re open to all possibilities.”
A possible explanation about Climate Models being so inaccurate. Sunlight can evaporate water than using heat only.
A bit over the top.
Interesting that typing “Climate Models being so in” was immediately finished.
The major controller of temperature is cloud cover. Ask any beach bum. 😎️
US conservative Matt Walsh talks about his upcoming documentary about extreme racism in the United States.
In the top 100 largest US companies, they have prided themselves on the fact that 94% of new hires are non-white people despite the fact that 70% of the population are white, even more so if you count Hispanics as white.
It’s basically impossible for white people to get a job in those companies.
Such racial discrimination is unquestionably illegal but like most laws in the US that are inconvenient to the Obama-Biden-Harris regime, they are simply ignored.
Racism is rampant in UK schools, probably in schools in other western countries too.
And the world has been treated to the effects of those diversity hires, for instance the astronauts stuck in orbit until 2025 because a Boeing built craft is unserviceable, the same Boeing who brags about their DEI and it showed when their DEI workers forgot to fit the bolts to hold the door plug in place on a Max9
Then more recently the world has been treated to the very public failings of the DEI heavy US Secret Service, resulting in one dead and several with bullet wounds.
Only white people can be the “r” word. The left made that word and own its use. What else can explain the blatant hypocrisy we see? Anti-white is a better term to describe the situation. Not all Peoples of colour are antiwhite. Many white people are.
I wonder at the motivations of a large company with 94% non-white hiring.
I’ll just add it to the large and growing list of things I don’t understand.
There was an article in The Australian by Janet Albrechtson (I think 24/7/2024) which covered some aspects of DEI recruiting. Janet mentioned there seems to be some push back now from companies. She mentioned Microsoft had laid off staff in charge of DEI initiatives, and Goldman Sachs had altered altered admissions policies where spots had been reserved for black college students under some entry program, but it was now open to whites also.
I don’t know if the US Supreme court’s decision regarding university admissions discrimination has prompted this from a legal liability perspective. Or if DEI initiatives are seen as no longer needed, or if they just aren’t working as well as they hoped.
MSM Absent In Reporting “Dozens Of Night Time Low Temp Records” Across US (article)
Doesn’t fit the narrative.
Interesting paper from Greece.
‘Manmade Climate Change’ Narrative Completely Fabricated, Study Warns
“A recent study has concluded that globalist claims of “manmade climate change” are completely fabricated and have no basis in reality.”
“Stochastic assessment of temperature–CO2 causal relationship in climate from the Phanerozoic through modern times”
Direct link to subject paper
David Starkey: Labour Has Lost the Working Class Forever (video)
Labor is losing the Working Class in Australia forever.
Labor now panders to the Woke inner-city elites.
working class still vote for them though. Most I know don’t think about politics much. They just want more money and they think Labor will give the worker more.
I wonder how many brits define themselves as “working class” these days?
Has the loss occurred since the election? If not, Labour does not need them to stay in power.
Labour got 33.7% of the popular vote. A Turnout of 59.9%. Which means 20.18% support.
Meanwhile in France Macron was elected President of France in 2017 with 66% of the vote. My recollection at the time (I was living in Paris then) was that there was only 40% turnout. That means that he had 26% support.
Clearly a trend. You either hold your nose, or if the stench is so bad, don’t keep anywhere near.
Makes Putin’s 88% seem like he is really really popular amongst his voters.. Funny how our Govts try to get us to hate Putin yet we end up hating our Govts.
Putin’s election victory is a joke.
What is the category for Biden’s win?
Unable to be audited to generally accepted accounting standards?
“What is the category for Biden’s win?”
A Court case that looked really really hard at everything except the dodgy vote-stuffing and counting that went on… Like any Govt investigation of itself, or some suspect falling out a 10th storey window in Moscow.
I don’t know why people think Putin needs to fake elections any more than Biden, or why they somehow assume OUR organisations are pure and honest, while THEIR organisations are liars and fakes. All people have the same incentives.
The electoral process was severely criticised, nevertheless Donald used his time on the bench constructively. His opponent in that match is now doddery and has withdrawn, while Donald is back and looking at a second term. Good karma.
The US has a vigorous democracy and is not a failed state, so only historians will be interested in Biden;s fraudulent victory.
Nigel Farage: This poses the ‘biggest threat’ to free speech we’ve seen in UK history (video)
Less than 90 days to go. Attack add time —
“We aren’t playing with fire”; captioned over a devastated, black, smouldering ruin of a landscape. Over a series of shots of exploding buildings, blazing mountainsides, burning vehicles, flaming nights. “We will destroy your culture. We will crash and burn your economy. We will torch your families. We will incinerate your children. We will ignite your hate. We will burn your lifestyle. We will burn your history. We will burn. We will burn. We will burn. We aren’t playing with fire. Vote Dem.”
What sort of crazy ad is that.
This week the temperature is 5 degrees C above average for Melbourne in August.
Must be global warming arriving at last!
>global warming arriving at last
Thank God for that, it’s about bloody time! I thought it would never get here.
Pity it won’t last long –
Their x-spurts at the BoM are predicting a return to winter this coming weekend with a maximum of 14C. Enjoy it while it lasts.
NB. Odd how a north wind off the desert can warm things up, while a southerly off the ocean drops the temp. Does their BoM factor in wind direction when announcing the End Of The World, Part 2.024?
“Odd how a north wind off the desert can warm things up,”
Works in Cape Town’s winter in exactly the same way. A burst of warm air comes down off the deserts in SouthWest Africa for a few days and breaks up the cold Southerly winds.
What happened to the August winds in Oz, regular as clockwork in the old days but have now gone AWOL.
It might be a climate change signal.
First real taste of the equinoctial gales today in NZ.
Just your basic howling westerlies.
As Western Civilisation collapses as the dictatorship of the Left is further embedded, the pro-freedom and pro-self-sufficiency communities will find themselves increasingly dependent on crowd-sourced information.
One recent minor example I experienced was when I went camping on the weekend. I camped at Murrumbidgee Junction Reserve which is at the junction of the Murray and the Murrimbidgee Rivers in northern Victoriastan, Australia. That was fine.
But then I later went to look for a possible alternate campsite for future consideration, Passage Camp which I later found to be at 34.71694° S, 143.19944° E . This did not appear on Google maps and on a commercial off road map it was described as being in a completely different location. So Passage Camp was either not named or placed in the wrong place. I did find it however on the free and open source crowd-sourced map App OsmAnd which runs on Android and iOS.
As a result of the campsite not being named or mislocated, it was obvious that it was rarely visited even though it looked to be an excellent campsite.
If visiting these areas I do not recommend taking a road car. Even though some areas of the tracks appear navigable with a road car, there are areas of deep ruts which you need a 4WD with high ground clearance to pass through. At least you need a 2WD with very high ground clearance, I used a 4WD but in 2WD mode. ICE engine of course.
So in this case, I am glad the open-source map was available and reliable, unlock the commercial map offerings. We have to increasingly rely on ourselves.
The left are succeeding in framing the right as anti freedom – book banners, nit pickers, woke warriors. That has to change. What the right is dealing with are pyromaniacs. Woke is setting fire to every bit of Western Civilisation, then dancing around the flames, jeering the firemen. Fighting the fires is just focusing on symptoms. The focus has to be on the pyromaniacs!
A simple rule is that any bad thing the Left accuse the pro-freedom community of (“the right”) is what they are in fact guilty of themselves. Alternatively what they say is the opposite of the truth.
We have to convince the politically lazy masses that the left are dangerous anarchists.
Will the Secret Service or FBI be able to counter this claim with any credible response? Who would believe them?
When will the Secret Service respond to the claim in an affidavit by a SS whistleblower that he was given a stand down order which enabled the assassination attempt?
Professors Mearsheimer and Dershowitz ‘lock horns’ in the London Review of Books:
The Israel lobby | LRB, 2006
Written eighteen years ago, but AIPAC is still busy. They just helped to unseat 2 Democrats from Congress (Jamal Bowman and Cori Bush), spending $14mn and $8.5mn, respectively.
On a single webpage: (1) Mearsheimer and Walt’s article; (2) readers respond; and (3) the authors respond to their critics.
A fascinating read. Needs to be read twice.
“… Mearsheimer and Walt’s words that invoke stereotypes and canards. … [T]he tone, pitch and feel of the article – that has caused such outrage.”
“[Two correspondents] interpret us to be saying that Israel’s ‘continued survival’ should be of little concern to the United States. We made no such argument. In fact, we emphasised that there is a powerful moral case for Israel’s existence, and we firmly believe that the United States should take action to ensure its survival if it were in danger. Our criticism was directed at Israeli policy and America’s special relationship with Israel, not Israel’s existence.”
. . .
“Dershowitz claims that Ben-Gurion’s subsequent statement – ‘we should in no way make it part of our programme’ – shows that he opposed the transfer of the Arab population and the ‘brutal compulsion’ it would entail. But Ben-Gurion was not rejecting this policy: he was simply noting that the Zionists should not openly proclaim it.”
We are wasting $2 trillion a year chasing ‘green’ fantasies
By Bjorn Lomborg Published Aug. 11, 2024,
Despite much hype, the much-vaunted green energy transition away from fossil fuels isn’t happening.
Achieving a meaningful shift with current policies turns out to be unaffordable. We need to drastically change policy direction.
Globally, we are already spending almost $2 trillion annually to try to force an energy transition. Over the past decade, solar and wind energy use has increased to their highest-ever levels.
But it hasn’t reduced fossil fuels — on the contrary, we have added even more fossil fuels over the same time.
Countless studies show that when societies add more renewable energy, most of it never replaces coal, gas or oil. It simply adds to energy consumption. Recent research shows that for every six units of new green energy, less than one unit displaces any fossil fuel. Analysis in the United States shows that renewable energy subsidies simply lead to more overall energy being used.
In other words, policies meant to boost green energy are leading to more emissions.
None of this should come as a surprise to any student of history. During the transition from wood to coal during the 1800s, overall wood use actually increased even while coal took over a greater percentage of energy needs. The same thing happened when we shifted from coal to oil: by 1970, oil, coal, gas and wood all delivered more energy than ever.
Humans have an unquenchable thirst for affordable energy, which is required for every aspect of modern life. In the past half-century, the energy we get from oil and coal has again doubled, hydro power has tripled, and gas has quadrupled — and we have experienced an explosion in the use of nuclear, solar and wind. The whole world — and the average person — has never had more energy available
The grand plan underpinning today’s green energy transition mostly insists that pushing heavily subsidized renewables everywhere will magically make fossil fuels go away.
But a recent study concluded that talk of a transition is “misleading.”
During every previous addition of a new energy source, the researchers found, it has been “entirely unprecedented for these additions to cause a sustained decline in the use of established energy sources.”
What causes us to change our relative use of energy?
What causes us to change our relative use of energy?
Perhaps what it now costs to access the former level of energy use?
“The abstemious scientists accused of using ‘flawed’ research to tell you to stop drinking”
“There is no safe level of alcohol. A single drink a day could shave almost three months off your life. And drinking can boost your cancer risk by 23 per cent.
These are the findings of a controversial British scientist whose headline-grabbing research is influencing government policy and drinkers around the world.
Dr Tim Stockwell’s work – which has been published in The Lancet, among other esteemed organs – has inspired a new crackdown on alcohol that has seen daily drinking guidelines slashed in Canada and Australia.”
“which has been published in The Lancet, among other esteemed organs”
Lancet huh? Retracted in 5, 4 ,3….
Why do the Chinese believe Xi Jinping will step down soon? (video)
There have been many natural signs and the people are superstitious.
The whole population is essentially lying down flat, waiting for the garbage of history to depart.
Kamala Harris panned for requiring ID to enter Arizona rally after previously painting voter ID laws as racist
Harris rallygoers outside Phoenix were required to present IDs upon entry
Vice President Harris was mocked online for requiring campaign rallygoers to present a government-issued ID upon entry, despite the Democratic presidential nominee opposing voter ID laws.
Ahead of Harris’ rally alongside vice presidential running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in Arizona on Friday, her campaign sent out an email advising that only confirmed RSVPs will be admitted.
The email said those on the RSVP list must present a matching government-issued photo ID in order to be admitted to the venue, KTAR reported.
X users began sharing screenshots of the email and lambasted Harris for perceived hypocrisy.
“Voter ID is racist, but you can’t get into a Kamala rally without ID,” actor Kevin Sorbo wrote to his 2 million followers.
“So let me get this straight: Requiring ID to vote is racist… But requiring ID to attend a Kamala Harris ‘rally’ is NOT racist?” Nick Sortor wrote to his more than 448,000 followers.
“You need photo ID to get into an invite-only Kamala Harris event, but not to vote?” another user, Ian Haworth, echoed.
“Kamala Harris requires photo ID to enter a private campaign event. Kamala Harris doesn’t want to require photo ID to vote. Kamala Harris doesn’t want to require ID before crossing our border. Weird,” political commentator Gunther Eagleman also wrote on X.
Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris campaign for comment, but they did not immediately respond.
You will have to go the link to see the graph for this one.
Are medical studies being written with chatgpt? well, we all know chatgpt overuses the word “delve”. look below at how often the word ‘delve’ is used in papers on pubmed (2023 was the first full year of chatgpt).
According to the search results, there is an increase in the use of the word “delve” in medical papers on PubMed since 2023, the first full year of ChatGPT’s availability. This suggests that some medical studies may be written with the assistance of ChatGPT.
Key Findings
1. Jeremy Nguyen (@JeremyNguyenPhD) notes a significant increase in the mention of “delve” in papers on PubMed since 2023.
2. A separate analysis published in April 2024 found that the word “delve” is skyrocketing in medical papers, with a notable surge in 2023.
While the search results do not provide direct evidence of ChatGPT’s involvement in writing medical studies, the increased use of the word “delve” in 2023 and beyond may indicate that authors are using the language model to assist with their writing. This could be particularly evident in introductions, abstracts, and possibly titles, where authors may be leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities to generate concise and engaging language.
Based on the available data, it appears that ChatGPT may be influencing the writing of medical studies, at least to some extent. The overuse of words like “delve” in PubMed papers since 2023 suggests that authors may be using the language model to assist with their writing, potentially leading to a homogenization of language and style across studies. However, without further investigation, it is difficult to determine the exact extent of ChatGPT’s involvement in medical study authorship.
Follow up
. Do ChatGPT-assisted medical studies show a distinct style or tone in abstracts, introductions, or conclusions?
. What linguistic patterns or phrases do medical papers co-authored with ChatGPT exhibit beyond the overuse of ‘delve’?
. How does the incorporation of ChatGPT-generated text affect the citation patterns and referencing styles in medical papers?
Let’s delve into medical studies – Kevin Drum
Delving into “delve”
Why does ChatGPT use “Delve” so much? Mystery Solved.
+ 1 more
AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more.
“When Even Mr. Bean is Against You”
Plus links to what you’re not supposed to see
“When You’re Tired”
Now with a slight change in title –
Truth about Gaza obscured by media bias – Chris Mitchell
For much of our left wing journalistic class, Al-Jazeera remains a source of truth about events in Gaza.
It was a terrorist command center, stupid!
The precision strike on Hamas and Islamic Jihad officers embedded in a mosque within a school compound is being falsely depicted as a mass-casualty incident.
Compare this to the reaction when the “knife killer” of children in the UK was mis-identified!
One of my boys is currently locuming in a Queensland coastal town. He had yesterday off so went for a wander in the town and boughtt a piece of fish and chips for a meal. The cost of $22 surprised him.
I told him I was a little surprised by the $43 I paid for a chicken and chips plus a small container of salad at a nearby. BBQ chicken shop in outer Melbourne. Wife and I get two meals from the chicken so not exhorbant but way more expensive than just two years ago; about $20 back then.
These are recent examples of the rampant inflation in Australia. If energy costs double then everything else doubles.
We can only thank God that we have blackout Bowen working hard to lower electricity prices.
One might say that it seems that he has the wrong part of the “J” curve?
Pretty much the same as Simply Chickens in Seaforth 2092
Family Feast For Four $49.00 – One whole BBQ chicken, one large fries, one large salad and a 1.25 liter coke or solo.
KFC – Giant Feast $48.95 28018 kJ –
Battered Fish & Chips (Chicken Salt Option) Seaforth – $16 –
Chook – $12
So-called “large” chips equivalent – $3
1kg mixed salad – $5
1l Solo – $3
Total – $23
Make your own.
It was not that far back in time when the Coles BBQ cost $7.
Next time it will be as you describe because as that is usually my method as well. But my point remains that the price of energy is hitting hard in Australia. The supermarkets will have power contracts so are not as exposed to the retail price. Aldi have rooftop solar so could well be leaning on the those unable to afford rooftop to subsidise their electricity.
Woolies BBQ Chicken now $12, and quite juicy
Was it any good though?
It’s hard to find good takeaways now.
Most are overpriced, poorly prepared, over- salted, lukewarm and oily.
One I like has recently been trying to save a few bucks by turning the bain marie down, so I took my digital temp gun with me and checked it. 34C instead of 60C plus, so all food (mainly chicken) in the danger range.
I expressed my concern, told them about the 4 million aussies who get food poisoning every year, and reminded them of the existence of a council inspector.
Their food was top notch but energy costs are putting lives at risk.
Chicken a tad dry; probably overcooked.. Chips were about as good as you get. Crisp, golden brown and lightly salted. Salad was as good as supermarket.
It’s disgraceful that neither Uniparty politicians or the Lamestream media will investigate the obvious lie that Australia’s official inflation rate is “only” 3.8%.
Anyone who does their own shopping for normal items can see that it’s more like 25%-30%, even more in many cases.
Blowen in the wind
Small Modular Nuclear Reactors are nothing new – been around for 50 years!
U.S. Nuclear Powered Warships (NPWs) have safely operated for more than 50 years
without experiencing any reactor accident or any release of radioactivity that hurt human health
or had an adverse effect on marine life. Naval reactors have an outstanding record of over
134 million miles safely steamed on nuclear power, and they have amassed over 5700
reactor-years of safe operation.
Currently, the U.S. has 83 nuclear-powered ships: 72 submarines, 10 aircraft carriers
and one research vessel. These NPWs make up about forty percent of major U.S. naval
combatants, and they visit over 150 ports in over 50 countries, including approximately 70 ports
in the U.S. and three in Japan.
How do SMR compare;
I think the most significant point was that SMRs cost more to run than large-scale nuclear, mainly because of economies of scale. So I believe that eventually we will see SMRs powering our large towns, while large-scale nuclear will be used for our capital cities.
During February 2024 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles signed a contract and placed orders with Rolls-Royce UK for supply of Small Modular Reactors to be installed in the new AUKUS Nuclear Submarines being built in South Australia.
Noting that unions are flexing their industrial muscles already with the usual claims.
More recently the Minister for Trade signed an Indo-Pacific Region agreement between 14 countries for SMR electricity generator plants to be used, among the signatory nations were Fiji and Indonesia.
How much faster are we? 1924 vs 2024 Olympics
Not much to show for a century.
Progress in automobiles
The 1924 Sunbeam Grand Prix car was, above all, very fast. At one of the races, one of the supercharged cars topped 130 mph. That was just three miles shy of the land speed record set by Kenelm Lee Guinness.
The first production vehicle to crack 200 mph was the Ferrari F40. The year was 1987; immediately after that Italian stallion’s speedometer registered 201, the race to enter the 300 mph club began. In 2019, amid fervent competition between Koenigsegg, Hennessey, and Bugatti, the Chiron Super Sport bested the others by a horseshoed nose, achieving a staggering 304.7 mph. In early 2020, a bevy of new hypercars was announced—several promising at least 300 mph. Then, in 2021, SSC North America turned a claim into reality, cementing the SSC Tuatara’s spot among the fastest ever.
FWIW – doing the rounds
“Trump saw more combat in Butler, PA than Walz ever did in the National Guard.”
Thought for the day
You watched “The Hunger Games” and sided with the resistance.
You watched “Star Wars” and sided with the resistance.
You watched “The Matrix” and sided with the resistance.
You watched “Divergent” and sided with the resistance.
You watched “V for Vendetta” and sided with the resistance.
When it’s fiction you understand. Yet you refuse to see it when it’s the reality you’re living in.
I want to buy some water purification tabs for my next Himalayan adventure.
I want ones that can destroy giadia cysts. Normal chlorine tabs do not.
Chlorine dioxide tabs do such as Katadyn MP1, but these seem not to be available any more. I successfully used those last time.
Katadyn MF 1T tabs also do. These have silver as an ingredient. It seems such a waste to use a precious metal in such a manner, never to be recovered.
You can also use water filtration systems but I think it’s more convenient and less weight to use one tablet per litre of water.
You could use one of these and put it to use when you return home!
Australian army water purifying tablets
Based on available information, it appears that the Australian Army uses or recommends the following water purification tablets:
Katadyn Micropur Forte Water Treatment Tablets: These tablets are widely used and recommended for water purification, particularly for military personnel traveling to areas where water may be contaminated. They are effective against bacteria, viruses, and Giardia, and are available for purchase online from various outdoor gear retailers in Australia.
Aquatabs Water Purification Tablets: These tablets are also widely used and recommended for water purification, not only for military purposes but also for general outdoor use, travel, and emergency preparedness. They kill waterborne organisms that cause stomach upsets and diarrhea, making water safer for drinking.
It’s worth noting that the Australian Army may have specific guidelines or protocols for water purification, and these tablets may be used in conjunction with other methods or equipment.
However, based on available information, Katadyn Micropur Forte and Aquatabs Water Purification Tablets appear to be two popular options used by the Australian Army for water purification.
Follow up
What are the specific guidelines and protocols for using water purification tablets in the Australian Army?
How effective are these tablets against emerging waterborne pathogens, such as COVID-19 and other viral contaminants?
Are there any alternative methods or technologies used by the Australian Army for water purification, beyond tablet treatment?
Aquaclear Water Purification Tablets | Military Kit
Water Treatments | Shop Water Purification Tablets & Fliters
Australian Hiker | Katadyn Micropur Forte Water Purification Tablets
Buy Aquatabs Water Purification 50 Tablets Online at Chemist Warehouse®
Thanks OldOzzie.
Heard of the Lifestraw?
A better choice than tablets and only weighs 50g.
David – Aquamira drops are available in NZ. They are chlorine dioxide. They used to say that they were effective against all organisms but now their info sheet leaves out Giardia. It does not specifically say that they are ineffective against it. Probably as a result of someone in the US who did not use the product correctly getting Giardiasis
The Poms call this hot weather!
That is not hot weather – this is hot weather.
The highest temperature recorded in Melbourne city was 46.4 °C (115.5 °F), on 7 February 2009.
The Poms are soft, 35c is a warm summers day, it gets warm in summer you know.
Just what we need?
“The Club of Rome and the Council for the Human Future Globalists Release New Report Calls for Strengthening Global Governance and Giving the UN the Capacity to Pass Binding Legislation”
“Who is directing the war on agriculture and nutrition?”
“South Africa’s electricity minister recently said his country will not be “turned into a guinea pig for a worldwide Green New Deal.” Hopefully, all developing countries will soon apply that same attitude to anarchists who would use the world’s poor as guinea pigs in global agricultural and nutrition experiments.”
This has been the globalists’ dream for a long time. Let us hope that it remains just a dream. Revolutions in agricultural production have been responsible for actually being about to feed the world’s population in the past decades – & that is without having to cultivate insects for food production!
Meat, Bill Gates, Climate, and Control
In recent years, there has been a growing push from large governmental organizations and mainstream media (MSM) to significantly reduce or eliminate meat consumption to save the planet.
This movement, often driven by climate alarmism, has led to widespread calls for dietary changes that many argue are unnecessary and even harmful.
As someone who has embraced a primarily carnivore diet, I’ve experienced firsthand the benefits of meat consumption, both in terms of health and well-being which contrasts sharply with the negative portrayal of meat in the public discourse on both health and the environment.
A Personal Journey: The Benefits of a Carnivore Diet
Our Tax Dollars at work – but still better spent than everyone of Chrissy Bowen’s Scams
And here is Mr Pirate to the rescue!
I am all for taking the p**s.
Cringe inducing to the max.
And why not?
“The Zero Emissions Grid Demonstration Project Follies”
WSJ – A Lot Was Riding on This Wind Farm. Then Giant Shards Washed Up in Nantucket.
This summer was supposed to be a breakout season for the faltering offshore wind business in the U.S. Instead it may be defined by an ill-timed break.
A large project off the coast of Massachusetts, called Vineyard Wind, remains at a standstill following an accident that dropped a massive turbine blade into the ocean last month and washed chunks of debris onto Nantucket beaches.
The blade broke at the height of summer and at a pivotal moment for the U.S. offshore wind industry, which has struggled with rising costs, political opposition and a wave of canceled and renegotiated contracts. Efforts to launch the sector in the U.S. are considered key to President Biden’s climate aspirations but would be especially vulnerable if former President Donald Trump returns to office.
Of the many clean-energy incentives and policies approved by Congress or the Biden administration in recent years, offshore wind projects and electric vehicles have been singled out repeatedly by Trump with particular ire.
“We are going to make sure that ends on day one,” Trump said at a campaign event in May, talking about an offshore wind project in New Jersey. “I will write it out in an executive order.”
The project offshore Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard is among the largest planned wind farms in U.S. waters, with the capacity to deliver electricity to around 400,000 homes and businesses in Massachusetts. It was the first U.S. commercial offshore wind installation to start delivering grid power earlier this year and has more than a third of its turbines in place.
As chunks of debris washed ashore in Nantucket in mid-July, beaches closed for a day. The federal Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement halted construction of additional turbines along with power generation from the installed turbines. The agency said it had launched its own investigation into the incident. More debris later washed up on Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod beaches.
Turbine maker GE Vernova has blamed “insufficient bonding,” or glue, as the reason for the break. It said it was a manufacturing problem and there is no underlying design flaw that would affect other installed blades. The blade had been recently installed and the turbine was undergoing reliability tests.
“Turbine maker GE Vernova has blamed “insufficient bonding,” or glue, as the reason for the break. ”
Perhaps the diversity hire hadn’t realised the glue gun had run out of glue.
The Real Green Energy Transition: Auto Maker Layoffs
Opinion by The WSJ Editorial Board
Stellantis is showing what the real green-energy transition looks like: On Friday the auto maker announced plans to lay off 2,450 workers in Michigan as it ramps up electric-vehicle production. As consolation, the laid-off workers will receive a generous parting gift.
Car makers are struggling to sell higher-priced cars as consumers pull back after three years of inflation. At the same time, the rich labor agreement that Stellantis, Ford and GM struck last autumn with the United Auto Workers is raising costs.
The companies need healthy profits from gas-powered trucks to subsidize their money-losing EV production.
Hence Stellantis’s scramble to slash costs. The company last month announced buyouts for salaried workers in the U.S. On Friday it said it will lay off as many as 2,450 production workers in Warren, Mich., where it produces its classic Ram 1500 pickup, as it rolls out a new electric model. Workers can send a thank you card to UAW president Shawn Fain.
Car companies scrap old models all the time as they come out with new ones. But making EVs requires fewer workers than gas-powered cars, and Stellantis is seeking to take advantage of those manufacturing efficiencies. The problem, and the tragedy for the workers, is that such decisions are being driven by government mandates rather than market choices.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s new emissions rules will effectively require companies to produce one to two electric trucks for every gas-powered truck as soon as 2027 and nearly four to one by 2032. California’s mandates are even more aggressive and will ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035.
Some 15 states have adopted California’s EV quotas, including Minnesota, where Gov. Tim Walz imposed them over strong opposition from his state’s auto dealers. Kamala Harris also supported banning new gas-powered cars nationwide by 2035 when she ran for President in 2019. Does she still? Will anyone ask?
Democrats claim their green-energy transition will create millions of jobs, but the evidence so far suggests otherwise.
The reality is that government will end up supporting workers who lose their jobs and can’t find other work, which is why Democrats are pushing to expand the welfare state.
As Government destroys more jobs, taxpayers will inevitably be asked to compensate for the damage.
Is Stellantis in financial trouble?
Stellantis’ Milan-listed shares were down as much as 12.5% on Thursday, hitting their lowest since August 2023. That brings the loss for the year so far to 22%, making them the worst performer among the major European automakers.25 July 2024
They should be, they make the worst cars.
How far Australia has Sunk!
Paris Olympics: Aussies lash out after learning their tax dollars have been paying for Raygun’s bizarre university breakdancing studies: ‘This is an absolute disgrace’
. Raygun competed at the Olympics but is also an academic in breaking
. She completed her PhD on the sport at Macquarie University
. Taxpayers are furious funding was used to pay for her study
Raygun is a lecturer at Sydney’s Macquarie University in the Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature.
Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick quoted Raygun’s official Macquarie University profile in a Facebook post after she went viral, pointing out that she received taxpayer subsidies to study breakdancing at the institution.
And Aussies struggling to make ends meet are not happy.
‘Lots of discussion about the Australian breakdancing representative at the Olympics,’ Senator Rennick posted.
‘I’m more interested in her actual profession. She attended Macquarie University for her bachelor’s degree in contemporary music, graduating in 2009, and for her PhD in cultural studies, graduating in 2017.
‘Raygun’s PhD thesis focused on “the intersection of gender and Sydney’s breaking culture” … her publications include:
1. The “systems of relay” in doing cultural studies: experimenting with the “Body without Organs” in b-girling practice
2. Nocturnal Paradox: How Breakdancing Reveals the Potentials of the Night
3. Where the #bgirls at? politics of (in)visibility in breaking culture
In the same way breakdancing doesn’t belong in the Olympics it’s fair to say taxpayers shouldn’t be subsidising Universities to study or teach it,’ he continued.
‘Nothing against break dancing by the way. By all means it’s a fair recreational activity, but that’s it. It shouldn’t be subsidised.
‘It also begs the question – just how many obscure and pointless courses do Universities offer that are subsidised by the taxpayer?
‘It also goes to show just because you have a PhD in something doesn’t mean you are any good at it.’
What it also does do is make all the PhDs of the last generation (including me) who sacrificed a lot to complete prolonged and difficult original research in traditional disciplines very, very angry.
“‘It also goes to show just because you have a PhD in something doesn’t mean you are any good at it.’ ”
The degree has been referred to as “piled higher and deeper” for quite a while
Monday ejukayshun: inside an EV battery pack
How many mechanics from “carby school” could diagnose that?
Only 42kW, a small one. But still a lot of very impressive batteries.
Meaningless comment really. The reverse is also true Mechanics dont work on everything in the marketplace.
Re Ligilactobacillus Salivarius
Anyone seen anything about this having a place in “unconventional treatments” like “Vitamins I and F”?
“Ligilactobacillus Salivarius – Uses, Side Effects, and More”
Mentions it has had a species name change and that there are numerous sub-types
mentions it has had a species name change and that there are numerous sub-types – not investigated I’d guess
Still call it Lactobacillus* where I work.
A general comment rather that anything medical. There are a multitude of studies on strains of enteric bacterial species, plus all the studies on their interactions with each other. Research has done more than than scratch the surface but you can’t just grab a type and read a paper and assume you’ll get what was observed in the paper. For administering them you really have to go with trust that the type in the pill has some known and tested clinical parameters and no surprises.
btw Genus name has first letter capitalised and species name is all lower case.
^(just cheked) we are correct for the bugs we have. “Ligilactobacillus” and Lactob systematics are complicated as with many bacteria, and they are closely related, but both names are long standing.
Monday funny
Attention spans short. Governments bad.
ONe of your funnier efforts.
FWIW – yet another go
“The Club of Rome and the Council for the Human Future Globalists Release New Report Calls for Strengthening Global Governance and Giving the UN the Capacity to Pass Binding Legislation”
Check the Oz content in the list
“Wind turbines taller than skyscrapers to march across British countryside”
Piling even higher?
He Can’t Be Serious! Premier Wants Socialist Petrol Stations in Australia? (video)
Catastrophic EV Fire in Korea, as Electric Car Sales Continue to Sink (video)
“On the evening of August 11, the Armed Forces launched another attack on the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant in the city of Energodar…inflicted two direct strikes with kamikaze UAVs. The Ukrainian military carried out drone strikes specifically against the same target with a difference of 12 minutes. As a result, a fire broke out, internal structures were burning….Four more IAEA inspectors have arrived to “monitor and assess the safety status of the station, both operational and physical.” However, they still “don’t know” who attacks the station almost daily. The IAEA experts have been working at the NPP since September 1, 2022, after the first visit of the Agency’s Director General Rafael Grossi to the station. However, the ongoing Ukrainian attacks are yet to stop, or at least to be condemned.”
That’s how the UN rolls… If you can’t plausibly deny it happened without looking a REAL fool, then ignore it and just pretend it didn’t happen.
You are a Russian tool. The fires are car tyres.