Net Zero targets “Unachievable” says Air New Zealand and nearly 70% of Australian companies “not even trying”

Dystopian crash. Fantasy in ruins.

By Jo Nova

And the flavor of the month is “failure”

Air New Zealand announced this week that it would not be able to cut its carbon emissions by 29% by 2030. The levers were “outside their control”, they lamented, which was the polite way of saying there isn’t enough sustainable jet fuel in the world, electric planes die after a few weeks,  and no one has invented a low emissions plane yet. At the moment the only kind of Net-Zero-flying is not to fly at all.

Current supplies of sacred sustainable fuel are rapidly growing but barely 0.5% of total requirements. Even though production is expected to triple this year to 1.5 Mt of Sustainable Aviation Fuel, the industry needs 200 times what is currently available.

If someone could just invent an anti-gravity machine, or a nuclear jet…

Air New Zealand pulls the plug on 2030 climate targets

By Charlotte Graham-McLay, Associated Press

Air New Zealand has pulled the plug on its climate targets saying the resources needed to meet them are unaffordable and unavailable.

In a statement the airline said it was removing its 2030 carbon intensity reduction target and will withdraw from the Science Based Targets initiative.

This is the sound of the free market saying “It’s a stupid idea”:

Sustainable transport researcher Dr Paul Callister said Air New Zealand’s climate target was unrealistic and was never going to be achieved. … “We’ve seen report after report saying that sustainable aviation fuels are not being produced and the quantities they should be and part of the problem is that airlines are not willing to pay the full cost of it. They’re wanting cheap fuels and they’re wanting government subsidies to pay for those fuels. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle.

Of course, if customers thought the world was really going to end they might be willing to pay for expensive fuels to prevent that. But no one really believes it.

It was all so different just a few years ago — endorsed by the most Experty experts:

Air New Zealand scraps its 2030 carbon emissions target, saying solutions are costly and scarce

Tuesday’s update was a sharp turnaround from a 2022 announcement by Air New Zealand in which it declared itself the second carrier in the world to have its plans validated by the U.N.’s Science Based Targets initiative aviation framework. It pledged a 28.9% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, from a 2019 baseline, with a 16.3% drop in absolute emissions.

It was a Science Based Target don’tcha’know?

Meanwhile in Australia most companies are far behind Air New Zealand. Where the airline has tried and failed, 42% of Australian companies have not even started.

Almost 30pc of Aussie companies have ‘no intention’ of meeting climate targets, new study reveals

By Jared Lynch, The Australian Business Review

Now, a survey of more than 500 companies from Schneider Electric — the biggest adviser of Australian commercial power users — says 28 per cent have no intention of meeting their Paris Agreement commitments. A further 42 per cent say they have not begun decarbonising their operations.

The worst performers in meeting climate goals were smaller companies, healthcare, construction and professional services, with the Schneider survey revealing 18 per cent did not know where to start, while almost a quarter did not consider it a priority.

Ponder just how devastating this is. 42% of Australian companies have not even begun, and another 28% have no intention of  finishing.

That’s a 70% failure rate.

Image by Eynoxart from Pixabay



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84 comments to Net Zero targets “Unachievable” says Air New Zealand and nearly 70% of Australian companies “not even trying”

  • #
    David Maddison

    With so-called biofuels as in “sustainable aviation fuel” it comes down to a choice between food and fuel according to most calculations I have seen.

    I have no doubt the Left would prefer “saving” their god Gaia over the starving masses of the Third World (and hence why they want to minimise the population of non-Elites).

    But of course, they ultimately don’t want us to travel at all hence their war against the motor vehicle and commercial jet transport for the masses (but not private jets used to fly Elites to Klimate Krisis Konferences).

    And Australia has its own disastrous biofuel (for cars) ethanol experiment introduced by that energy-phobe, little Johnny Howard and no doubt still costing the taxpayer a fortune. (See )

    Also see:


  • #
    David Maddison

    Just as I hate how the scientific illiterates of the Left call carbon dioxide “carbon” (sic) I also hate how they use the term “decarbonising”. I wish they knew the importance and prevelance of the element carbon, the fourth most abundant element in the universe.


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      David. All it means is that those who use the term carbon instead of carbon dioxide are completely ignorant and that any of their utterances can be ignored. That means that no one at the ALP, Greens, Teals, ABC need be listened to by anyone with a brain.


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        John Watt

        In all fairness the LNP are just as ignorant in this area. One of these decades an Oz politician will have the open-mindedness to get a physics-literate person to explain Dr John Nicol’s analysis of the role of CO2 in our atmosphere and have the courage to act on the facts. Hopefully that will be before Bowen and Co.have handed us over to Ping and Co.


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    David Maddison

    Thanks to woke disasters like, most recently, the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, and before that Bud Light, recent Disney movies etc., there is a worldwide backlash emerging against all things woke, which will really gain momentum when President Trump is re-elected.

    I think there might be an opportunity for companies to market their anti-woke credentials and use slogans like “proudly made with energy from Aussie coal“. Or “all our employees have equality of opportunity, and promotions are based on merit alone”. Etc..

    I’d certainly patronise them!


    • #

      “proudly made with energy from Aussie coal” – China will steel that slogan and plaster it on all of its wind turbines, solar panels and EVs that it sends back to the gormless mouthbreathers here.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Alternative headline:

    Air NZ’s bold climate ambitions undone by stark reality

    Sceptics of the national carrier’s bold climate ambitions are proved right as a 2030 climate target is scrapped

    the airline’s carbon intensity had actually been climbing


    …the airline announced it had bought its first fully electric aircraft


    Professor of Tourism at Brisbane’s Griffith University, James Higham, asked questions of Air New Zealand’s “Flight NZ0” campaign, in the context of increasing scrutiny of the aviation industry’s sustainability claims, and a rise in litigation against airlines for greenwashing.

    SAF would have to overcome “significant scientific, energy, scalability and cost barriers”, Higham wrote, with solutions “likely to be decades away at least”.

    I’d settle for “Sceptics proved right”.

    But hold on, the dreaded words – “Government support”:

    “If we are to move away from fossil fuels, if we are to use hydrogen and electric, for example, then we do need some Government support for that to happen.”

    – Simon Wallace, chief executive of the Aviation Industry Association



    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      That Newsroom article is worth a read right down to the end.

      That’s if you have the stomach for it of course.

      May bring on indigestion, or worse.


      • #

        I was heartened by this statement “Given the lack of interest in climate change by the current Government, and the failure of the emissions trading scheme to date, I imagine other companies will lose any enthusiasm to try and reduce their emissions.”


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    Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

    Air NZ could offer MAD clients an electric plane ride straight to heaven. Exothermic immolation with some aluminium slag and lithium to keep them happy!


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    Geoff Sherrington

    That is why blogs like Jo’s and WUWT and Climate Etc et al are so vital in reporting this resistance to net zero nonsense.
    Much of the net zero push is without teeth. Companies are su0osed to join because it is good to save the earth. It is vital to show companies that nothing bad happens to those who do not join.
    Of course, a major reason why bodies should not join in is
    the poor, poor science behind global warming. Some significant part of Australian society has to start prosecuting academics who have committed academic misconduct. There are quite a few of them. We really need to form an Inquisition group with the prime purpose of prosecution. If you can suggest a better way towards academic honesty, please do.
    Geoff S


    • #

      About That Wind Farm Off Nantucket and the Big Blade That Just Kicked the Bucket

      You thought it had slipped my mind in all the chaos and to-do, right?

      Hah! Fat chance.

      Two weeks ago, Green fever dreams began washing ashore in chunks and shards on the pristine beaches of Nantucket Island after the catastrophic failure of a brand new offshore wind turbine blade.

      And it was only half of the humongous, football-field-long blade that had shattered and fallen into the ocean.

      The rest hung forlornly off of the turbine tower like limp fettuccine, hanging on for another day or so until it dropped into the water to become a temporary navigational hazard before eventually settling on the ocean floor beneath the briny deep.

      A massive section of a damaged 350-foot turbine blade from a wind farm off the coast of Nantucket that detached Thursday morning has sunk to the ocean floor, town officials said Friday.

      The large piece of fiberglass “will be recovered in due course,” they said.

      Within a few days, GE did quietly admit that a “manufacturing flaw” in the blade was responsible for the failure. To emphasize how big the impact is, now they have to go check about 150 other already manufactured and installed blades, you know, just in case any of those didn’t have enough glue either.

      A manufacturing flaw led to a turbine blade failure at the Vineyard Wind offshore project off the coast of Massachusetts this month, the part’s producer, GE Vernova (GEV.N), opens new tab, said on Wednesday.



    • #

      ” a better way towards academic honesty”
      Let me think.
      Pitch spoons and … er glowing light sabres … not quite there, perhaps.
      Ditch forks! Yes! That’ll put the fear of amoebic water into them, I hope.
      Enough? Possibly not!?

      Maybe others could solve tis conundrum of our days.



  • #

    Australia has been at Net Zero since time began. So why all of this expensive/money wasting fuss? Just ask Viv Forbes for an answer.


    • #

      Another great editorial from our mate Viv Forbes – Welcome The Warmth!

      Welcome the Warmth

      At dawn today (30th July) mid-winter in sunny Queensland, it was zero degrees on the lawn outside our kitchen and the small water tub for our chooks was iced over.

      Every morning, as soon as it gets light, Judy puts a winter coat over her jamas, adds gloves, glasses, rubber boots, a beanie and a walking stick (icy grass is very slippery). She then trudges down the hill to check any new-born lambs and then lets the sheep out of their dingo-proof night-camp into their paddock for the day. As soon as they are let out, they dribble into a long line and, led by the wisest old ewe, they wend their way across the frosty flat and then make their way up the hill to the highest point facing the morning sun.

      Unlike Green politicians, sheep are not stupid. They know that warm air rises so in winter they camp at the highest point they can find. And in cold mornings, they try to catch the early rising sun.

      Here are some Canadian Damara sheep wishing they were in Mexico:

      Further Reading:

      The Stampede of the Green Lemmings:

      The Lost Squadron located under 300 feet of ice in Greenland:

      Are We Indigenes yet?


      • #

        Personally I think we need to be learning more from our NZ cousins and the northern hemisphere about dealing properly with cold. In the recent cold snap in my area the plumbers have been worked off their feet dealing with cracked pipes, tanks and solar assist assist system that failed at just a few degrees below zero. Clearly our building standards arent adequate outside Alpine regions.


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      John in Oz


      “the Northern Hemisphere is a net source of carbon dioxide, the Southern Hemisphere a net sink”

      CO2 is included in their ‘pollution’ list along with CFCs, etc.

      Missing from their greenhouse gasses is water vapour

      Also, they state:
      “This baseline air is representative of a large area of the Southern Hemisphere, unaffected by regional pollution sources (there are no nearby cities or industry that would contaminate the air quality).”

      If their samples are ‘unaffected by regional pollution sources’ then the CO2 levels should not be affected by man-made sources, yet they show the same ppm as Mauna Loa, around 420ppm. Must all be natural, then.


    • #

      As usual with climate science, the assessment of carbon emissions and sinks in Australia is completely overwhelmed by uncetainty. “However, substantial uncertainties remain in this estimate, primarily driven by the large spread between our regional terrestrial biosphere simulations and predictions from global ecosystem models”


  • #

    Today’s Australian cartoon depicts Albo, Bowen and Charlmers perched on the edge of a cliff that is about to break off and plunge into an abyss but calling for the RBA to save them. Three Amigos and Marx Brothers combined!


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      Spooner is a great cartoonist and slightly overshadowed by Johannes.
      Johannes Leak has a site where you can buy an A4 print of cartoons (although not the most recent) or larger version. A bit expensive but if you are planning to put them on your wall etc. – I’ve just bought another 2.
      Spooner doesn’t seem to have this option.
      The Australian must be delighted to have such talent.


    • #

      Daily Cartoon

      Our cartoonist’s take on what is making news.

      You can scroll down to see the bigger picture on


      • #

        Sadly, it’s paywalled!


        • #

          Not if you enter – you can just scroll down to the Cartoon


          • #

            Thanks. I will add – to scroll nearly all the way to the bottom.

            It is quite close to the mark.

            My view is for Australia to be sending vast quantities of iron ore and coal to China and getting a few trinkets in the form of solar panels and wind turbines in return. At least the North American Indians got something useful for Manhattan Island. Wind turbines and solar panels have delusional value only. They only look like they are useful.


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – thumb on the scales

    “The mainstream media propaganda machine is in full swing”

    “I’ve taken a look at half a dozen of the skewed-towards-Harris polls, and in every case where the sampling data was provided, they had oversampled Democrat-leaning respondents and undersampled Republican-leaning ones. Gee – who’d of thunk it?”

    More “democrats get to vote early and often”?


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  • #

    Surely it’s time for Airbus Albo to declare that he will now ride his bike around Australia in tandem with Blackout Bowen, and travel overseas by wind and solar-powered ships.


  • #

    Net Zero targets are now in a hearse,
    With Air New Zealand so completely averse,
    To achieve 2030 goal,
    As beyond their control,
    Saying solutions are costly and scarce.


  • #

    What a stupid fuss about NZ who only emits 0.1% of global co2 emissions and Aussies about 1%.
    But Aussies and NZ and the SH are also net sinks for co2, so we’re just destroying our Land and sea environments and wasting endless trillions of $ for nothing.
    Check out their ABC, Lomborg, Bloomberg, Shellenberger, Co2 Coalition Scientists etc.
    Or look up the data from the CSIRO Cape Grim site in Tassie.


  • #

    BTW if you want the best scientific data about our world and the best graphs to back it up just watch Lomborg’s talk at the big ARC conference last year in the UK.
    Again we live at a time of record Human flourishing and wealth and health. Just look up OWI Data and understand that we have been fed a load of BS and lies since 1990 and wasting even more trillions of $ is not a good idea.
    Lomborg’s short talk is only 19 minutes but both he and Shellenberger etc are worth the time.


  • #

    Personal view
    I hope this report gives the bare facts about what is implied
    by committing to a net-zero emissions economy for 2050.
    Short of a command economy, it is simply an unattainable
    pipe dream, and we will struggle to get 10–20% of the way
    to the target, even with a democratic mandate to proceed. I
    think that the hard facts should put a stop to urgent mitiga-
    tion and lead to a focus on adaptation. Mankind has adapted
    to the climate over recent millennia, and is better equipped
    than ever to adapt in the coming decades. With respect to
    sea-level-rise, the Dutch have been showing us the way for
    centuries. Climate adaptation in the here and now is a much
    easier sell to the UK citizenry than mitigation.
    There is a very strong case to repeal the net-zero emis-
    sions legislation, and replace it with a rather longer time ho-
    rizon. The continued pressure towards a net-zero economy
    will become a crime of sedition if the public rise up violently
    to reject it. The silence of the Royal Society, the Royal Acad-
    emy of Engineering and the professional science and engi-
    neering bodies about these engineering realities is a matter
    of complicity.


    • #

      Organisations that court public funds can always be relied upon to lie by omission thereby promoting propaganda


  • #
    David Maddison

    It’s shameful that “engineers” and “scientists” and their professional associations refuse to speak out against this madness.

    There must be some, somewhere, who are prepared to “risk all” to tell the truth?

    And we already have had some brave ones in Australia (and elsewhere), but we need more as otherwise the Lamestream media including the Australian Government propaganda unit known as Their ABC will dismiss them as “lone nutters”, “uneducated”, “far right”, some type of “phobe” or any of the other standard argumenta ad hominem of the Left.


  • #

    Just as the whole Net Zero concept defies basic rules of nature maybe the rule makers will change the rules for aviation to achieve Nut Zero. Australia technically is already net zero ( actually net negative) if you use real science, that was once taught in our education system. But the science has been warped to equate Net Zero as the balance of man made CO2 emissions with man made sequestration. Forget the huge Australian biosphere, apparently that doesn’t matter. So , maybe the plane manufacturers need to modify their products. Instead of direct thrust from the jet engines to provide propulsion and achieve flight, those engines are hooked up to generators which in turn produce electricity that powers propellers. Sort of a hybrid plane. Perhaps Toyota could go into the aeroplane business. Silly? Just as silly as burning biomass to produce electricity using wood chips shipped from other countries.


  • #

    Following Bonza’s achievement of reaching net zero, Rex is headed towards net zero as well. Past achievers were Ansett, Compass 1 & 2.


  • #

    It’s exactly the same impossibility with Australia’s appalling Safeguard Mechanism 2023 Act. 5% CO2 tax increasing to 35% over the next 6 years.

    It’s not based on any science. Just international ‘agreements’.

    But how is a tax going to change chemistry? You cannot make steel, concrete, smelt metals (aluminium, lead, zinc, ..) without producing CO2. Until of course you have plenty of Green Hydrogen, another ridiculous fantasy. And so many industrial processes need heat, like glass making. Or chemicals as in making of explosives for mining.

    And in the net of the BIG POLLUTERS are all the airlines, all the transport companies, all the major manufacturers and even the MMBW, the water and sewage part of the Victorian government. So how are they going to reduce CO2 and methane? Eat less?

    What about beer, wine, spirits, lemonade?

    And this 35% Carbon Tax is not on the people. No, it is on everything you buy. So your steel, aluminium, lemonade, airlines will have to be made/based overseas. Perhaps China?

    Goodbye mining, goodbye Alcoa, goodbye Bluescope and Infrabuild, goodbye QANTAS and REX, tens of thousands of jobs. QENOS has already left the country with 800 jobs, our biggest manufacturer of plastics. Goodbye ORICA. We Australians will own nothing and at the same time the land is being gifted to indigenous people for no purpose whatever. We will buy everything from overseas without a 35% carbon tax. As if Chinese tariffs were not enough, we Australias are putting massive tariffs on anything made in Australia. To pay for trees!

    It is outright legislated theft based on an evil fantasy of Armageddon which has no basis in science.

    And here is the ONLY justification

    The first object of this Act is to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, in order to meet Australia’s obligations under any or all of the following:
    (a) the Climate Change Convention;
    (b) the Kyoto Protocol;
    (c) the Paris Agreement;
    (d) any other international agreement.

    None of which is based on any science I know.


    • #

      Provided he can survive DJT will quickly level the playing field with EOs. Just nullifying Bidens balls-up will be a start.


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        He will withdraw from Paris. And with China and the US ignoring NET ZERO, why should we continue? 98% of all CO2 in Australia is from overseas.


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    BTW in Lomborg’s talk at the ARC above at about 16 minutes he proves that so called Net Zero is just more laughable lunacy.
    The Yale study proved that the global cost per year for Net Zero would be 26.8 Trillion $ per year and the benefit or return would be just 4.5 Trillion $ a year. IOW a disaster.
    And that means spending 26.8 Trillion $ every year until 2100 for a total cost of 26.8 T times 76 years = 2036 Trillion $. Check it out.


    • #

      Here’s the graph of the problem, CO2 for the last 50 years. I would love to know what difference reducing human CO2 is going to make. See if you can spot the explosive growth of CO2, China, Lockdown, bushfires, volcanoes, any human activity at all. 500,000 windmills for example. $20trillion in expenses to lower CO2. Anything?

      Nett zero is being used because there is no point measuring the alleged problem, CO2. It is not in the slightest sensitive to human activity.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        TdeF >I would love to know what difference reducing human CO2 is going to make.

        We’ve just had 2 in-situ, real-time demonstrations:

        1) Global Financial Crisis (GFC)

        2) Global Covid Lockdowns

        No trace whatsoever in the interactive reference:

        CO2 in the atmosphere
        Source: NIWA • Chart: RNZ/Kate Newton
        Monthly readings from NIWA’s Baring Head station show CO2 parts per million (ppm) rising without interruption since measurements began in the 1970s.


        • #

          Exactly. But the implications are profound. There is no point to Climate Science if we do not control CO2. And that is not a CLimate issue. It is an issue of physics and physical chemistry. Any scientist looking at CO2 which is 98% dissolved in the ocean would assume rapid dynamic constant equilibrium of highly soluble CO2. After all, why 2% and not 0%? Or 30%. The idea that humans control physics or CO2 is just absurd. Let alone politicians.

          The first thing any conservative government should do is withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Which then invalidates the 2011 Carbon Credits Law. And the dependent Safeguard Mechanism Law.

          The 2001 Renewable Energy(Electricity) should be repealed. It is fundamentally illegal anyway, founded on the idea that government can order citizens to pay friends of theirs for nothing. In this case worthless electronic Green certificates.


          • #

            One profound example is the NASA/CSIRO admission that the world has dramatically greened between 1988 and 2014. But CO2 did not go down, it went up! In fact tree cover increased 14% and CO2 increased 14%. This is vastly more than all human output! Still no effect on CO2. The 2011 Tree growing Law 2011 (Carbon Credits) is based on obviously wrong science. Trillions of tons of CO2 sequestered and ZERO effect on CO2.

            Nett Zero is a crock, an absurdity. We cannot change CO2. It is a constant within 1% from pole to pole, year to year. And the very slow climbing of less than 1% a year is due to slightly warming oceans. Otherwise we should give Al Gore an honorary PhD in Physical Chemistry when he was only ever a college footballer from a tobacco family.


            • #
              Richard C in NZ

              TdeF> It is a constant within 1% from pole to pole, year to year

              Although there was the satellite results from OCO-2:

              NASA Satellite [OCO-2] Sends Back Most Detailed View of CO2
              December 19, 2014

              That’s a natural-source trace – NOT an industrialization trace. Ok, China stands out but is that industrialization?

              Specific to SH:

              #AGU14 NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory shows surprising CO2 emissions in Southern Hemisphere
              10 years ago, Anthony Watts

              That RNZ article has this:

              The longest-running clean air station in the southern hemisphere, it captures ‘baseline’ samples of air rushing up from the Southern Ocean, before it can be tainted by any interactions with activities on land.

              That’s a natural-source trace – unless there’s an industrial complex down on McQuarrie or Auckland Islands that I’m not aware of.


              • #

                Extraordinary. Most of the CO2 excess is South of the Equator to the Tropic of Capricorn. And a high area around China which produces 40% of the world’s ’emissions’. Another burst mid north Pacific, which may be China blown West. So CO2 highest in the hottest area, equatorial. And for the Northern Hemisphere, China and America.

                Apart from China and America, no actual correlation with human population Only 22% of people live in the Southern Hemisphere, 2% South of the Tropic of Capricorn but the Southern Hemisphere is more CO2 dense than the Northern Hemisphere in the Spring/Autumn period. It’s an anti correlation with people and a positive indication that the source of excess CO2 is the oceans in the tropic latitudes which are largely not an industrial area. So just hot water!

                The Chlorophyll map is easy. People live where there is a lot of food. So India, China, Nigeria, Brazil. It’s been a recent pastime of NASA to pretend that the greening of the planet is due to improvements in agriculture by the Chinese, not just increased CO2. But that’s a given since green grows where green already grows which is in high population areas.


              • #

                And you can see NZ is completely out of the tropics, so the annual variations so clear in summer/winter at Hawaii are completely missing. And the blue areas in the Southern Ocean show the Southern Hemisphere as a massive CO2 sink for the world. No surprise there! We should be getting trillions in CO2 carbon credits/cash for just living here as indigenous CO2 removing people.


              • #
                Richard C in NZ


                >And you can see NZ is completely out of the tropics, so the annual variations so clear in summer/winter at Hawaii are completely missing.

                If you’re referring to the NIWA graph (RNZ) those are annual averages (note flat lines for each year).

                >And the blue areas in the Southern Ocean show the Southern Hemisphere as a massive CO2 sink for the world.

                Well yes, gets problematic for the Climatistas when you get down to those little(rather big) regional details.

                Keep in mind that those OCO-2 and AGU14 articles are from a decade ago i.e. it is not as if the regional differences are not known.

                I’m inclined to think those satellite charts were an unwelcome intrusion into the preferred narrative like “well mixed greenhouse gasses” assumption and other such high level abstractions like “Developed Countries” automatically assumed to be the source of Atm. CO2 levels. Notice we haven’t heard about OCO-2 and AGU14 since.


                There’s no correlation between the economic development of countries with CO2 in the atmosphere above or downwind (except maybe China as you say upthread).


              • #
                Richard C in NZ


                Me >If you’re referring to the NIWA graph (RNZ) those are annual averages (note flat lines for each year).

                I’ve got this wrong – NOT annual but more than 1 month per flat line mostly.

                So for example 2000, 7 months on the same level then 3:

                2000 data NZ:
                2000 Feb – 365.8
                2000 Sep – 367.2 +1.4
                2000 Dec – 367.7 +0.5

                Maybe because data to only 1 decimal place, Mauna Loa (ML) is to 2 deciaml places.

                So maybe not enough data and not at 2 decimal places to reveal the annual cycle (if any).

                Except for September there’s a big discrepancy between NZ and ML:

                2000 data ML
                2000 1 2000.0417 369.45
                2000 2 2000.1250 369.71 365.8 NZ
                2000 3 2000.2083 370.75
                2000 4 2000.2917 371.98
                2000 5 2000.3750 371.75
                2000 6 2000.4583 371.87
                2000 7 2000.5417 370.02
                2000 8 2000.6250 368.27
                2000 9 2000.7083 367.15 367.2 NZ
                2000 10 2000.7917 367.18
                2000 11 2000.8750 368.53
                2000 12 2000.9583 369.83 367.7 NZ

                Weekly average CO2 at Mauna Loa

                I’ll do a similar comparison another day but with latest data for 2023. I’ll put both 2000 and 2023 in Open Threads (maybe Saturday – wont be tomorrow).


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                >I’ll do a similar comparison another day but with latest data for 2023. I’ll put both 2000 and 2023 in Open Threads (maybe Saturday – wont be tomorrow).


                ML, NZ
                2023 12 2023.9583 421.86, 417.8 NZ
                4.06 Diff.

                Dec 2000 2.13 Diff.

                ML appears to be increasing more than NZ.


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                >2000 9 2000.7083 367.15 367.2 NZ

                Cycles are opposite NH-SH. Sept is high NZ, low ML.

                Carbon dioxide
                Baring Head, New Zealand


                Annual cycles:

                CO2 at Baring Head, last 10 years

                CO2 at Mauna Loa, 1 yr 2023/24

                Can’t open NIWA’s Anonymous FTP server to access data here:

                Publicly available data

                Might have to contact Sylvia Nichol, Atmospheric Scientist, directly here:



  • #

    Bird chopping windmills, waiting for destruction from a Hurricane. Solar Panels under the duress of a hail storm.
    Where is your baseload Energy supply to come from?


  • #

    Again in Lomborg’s talk at the ARC he shows Dr Tol’s and Dr Nordhaus’s estimate for the cost of CC by 2100 and adds the UN projection that the average Human in 2100 will be 450% richer than today in 2024.
    Dr Nordhaus won the Nobel prize for Economics and Dr Tol is well known for his economic studies.
    But Dr Nordhaus showed that if we didn’t spend any more Trillions of $ between now and 2100 the average Human then would suffer a penalty of just 0.16.
    How terrible for them that they’d only be 4.34 times as rich and not 4.5 times as rich as the average Human today. SARC.
    See Lomborg’s talk at about 10 minutes.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >Dr Nordhaus showed that if we didn’t spend any more Trillions of $ between now and 2100 the average Human then would suffer a penalty of just 0.16.

      Monckton too showed that the ‘Do Nothing’ (JoNova PDF download) economics were obviously the Cost-Benefit winner.

      That was after the ridiculous Stern Review came out.

      Worst, ideologically driven, assumption faulty, economic case ever.


  • #

    A (well meaning? or just forced to appear compliant and virtuous?) travel agent foisted an included tree-planting charge on me last week. Bit my tongue because not the fault of the really good staffer that is assisting, and as much as I love trees I don’t want even a token small “tree tax” built in to unrelated purchases like this to supposedly “offset” my CO2 emissions, and nor do I want the govt to rake in some more GST on this bit of my income-tax-paid hard earned funds.


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    Nuclear jet engines have been tried the planes flew radiation levels where a bit too high for the crews and of course the results of a crash
    Putin is working on a nuclear powered cruise missile


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    At least Nett Zero is aspirational and Air NZ cannot pay.

    In Green Australia all airlines and trucks and ships are now paying 5% CO2 tax rising to 35% CO2 tax. For nothing! All manufacturers. Steel, concrete, chemicals, plastics,..
    Who gets this river of cash? Tree farmers/Australian Carbon Credits. For growing trees somewhere.

    So people wonder why REX has been bankrupted? It’s what governments do. To save the planet, which is science nonsense enforced by communist governments.

    And who has to pay this tax? You do. And how do companies pay? They fire people or close or pass it on to Australians in inflated CO2 prices.


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    No one has commented on what “science-based targets” actually means 🙂

    The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a corporate climate action organization that enables companies and financial institutions worldwide to play their part in combating the climate crisis.

    We develop standards, tools and guidance which allow companies to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions targets in line with what is needed to keep global heating below catastrophic levels and reach net-zero by 2050 at latest.

    The SBTi is incorporated as a charity, with a subsidiary which will host our target validation services. Our partners are CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the We Mean Business Coalition, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

    Targets are considered ‘science-based’ if they are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement – limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

    IOW, not science based at all!


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      It’s typical. Paris agreement goals, not Paris agreement science because there is none.
      Everyone yells follow ‘the science’.

      Even if CO2 was a problem. There is absolute evidence that CO2 is not alterable by humans. In terms of fossil fuel CO2 in transit to the oceans, it is at most 3.0% of CO2 in the air and vanishes within six months.

      Nett Zero is a fantasy based on a fallacy. But the money is real. And it all goes to China, one way or the other.


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    Why would you add financial bankruptcy to moral bankruptcy just to appease a Marxist ‘U.N.’s Science Based Targets initiative’ which critical thinkers know is in a long line of hypocritically named ‘initiatives’ which are 180% from the the scientific facts and honest truth?
    All very well when Jacinda was making NZer’s partners in the delusion, but a more favourable government to reality creates the atmosphere for corporations to face down the Marxist propaganda trashmedia.
    Wouldn’t it to be great to have the discussion turn from the lunatic ‘cost to the environment of doing nothing’ to the actual cost of the airline ticket if the the % of your tax handed over in subsidies was added to each flight YOU took?


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    […] This is my shocked face. You can see how shocked I am to find that this has all been bullshit and that marketplace realities have finally smacked Air NZ in the face: […]


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    Belgium’s Umicore delays construction of Canadian cathode plant

    Belgium-based Umicore has reportedly delayed plans for its C$2.8 billion (US$2 billion) Ontario electric vehicle battery materials plant. The company initially confirmed plans to build the cathode materials plant in October, but has since put off spending on construction pending further analysis of its current operations’ maximum capacity.

    This decision comes as consumer adoption of electric vehicles falls short of expectations, leading Umicore to reassess its new projects worldwide, including the Ontario plant. The facility was expected to open by 2026 and produce battery materials for up to 800,000 electric vehicles annually, with the Canadian and Ontario governments planning to invest C$551.3 million and C$424.6 million respectively.

    Umicore’s initial announcement in July 2022 envisioned a plant producing both precursor and cathode active materials at an industrial scale, powered fully by renewable energy, with construction expected to begin in 2023. However, the company has since suspended spending on the project, citing the need for further review.

    Umicore delays Canada EV materials
    Umicore to build battery materials plant in Ontario | S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Umicore suspends construction of $2.76B battery materials plant in Ontario – Winnipeg Free Press

    AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more


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      High Voltage: Battery materials players wind back expansion plans as EV demand slows

      EMMA DAVIES 9 hours ago. Updated 2 hours ago

      . Belgium’s Umicore delays construction of Canadian cathode plant

      . German chemicals maker BASF abandons lithium investment plans

      . World’s biggest battery maker CATL pushes ahead with expansion plans

      Our High Voltage column wraps all the news driving ASX stocks with exposure to lithium, cobalt, graphite, nickel, rare earths, and vanadium.

      Last week it was lithium players looking at reducing output off the back of sluggish prices and this week its battery material producers like Belgium’s Umicore winding back expansion plans, according to Bloomberg Hyperdrive.

      Umicore is delaying construction of a C$2.8bn (A$3.08bn) cathode materials plant in Canada which was expected to open by 2026 and supply battery materials for up to 800,000 electric vehicles annually.

      The company is now projecting two more years of losses at its battery materials division.

      Umicore, which has a joint venture with Volkswagen, is following the likes of automakers like Tesla, General Motors and Porsche in rethinking their EV outlook against a backdrop of slowing demand – even though the long-term EV outlook is fairly positive.

      Back in June, Umicore said it was starting to reassess its new projects around the world due to the EV slowdown and manufacturers’ ongoing reviews of investment plans.

      “In recent months, short and medium-term growth projections for the electric vehicles market have been scaled back substantially, significantly affecting Umicore’s battery materials business,” Umicore CEO Bart Sap said.

      “The large impairment of our Battery Materials assets is painful and reflects the changed situation as we see it today.

      “In the coming months, we will continue to thoroughly reassess our battery materials activities, with energy and an open mind, always in close alignment with our customers and partners.”

      And they’re not the only battery producer slowing down.

      Earlier this month German chemicals maker BASF abandoned plans to invest in lithium mining assets in Chile.

      They also scrapped a planned $2.6 billion nickel-cobalt project in Indonesia with France’s Eramet – which last week lowered its planned capital expenditure for an Argentinian lithium project after postponing the start of construction on a second plant until next year.

      On the flipside, the world’s biggest battery maker, China’s CATL, is pushing ahead with expansion plans after reporting a rise in second-quarter net income last week.


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    Nett zero is a scam. PERIOD!


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    More jobs slashed, even in the “Renewables” Materials sector! For every 300 permanent direct jobs cut there are 300-600 indirect jobs slashed, contractors, suppliers etc.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    From The Telegraph in the UK

    “Shell profits hit $14bn (£10.9bn )in the first half of the year as the energy giant accelerated its shift away from renewables back to oil and gas.”


    “The profits come after Shell halted construction work at one of Europe’s largest biofuel plants, taking a $1bn (£780m) hit in the process and dealing a blow to airlines’ hopes of offering passengers low-carbon flights.”


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    Just booked a holiday up North for myself and the lady. We’re flying Virgin. At the checkout I had the option to offset my carbon emissions by paying an additional fee, yeah…nahhh….

    I’ve said it before, paying to offset your carbon is like buying a diet coke with your takeaway boxed meal, because you think it’s helping, but it’s not, you’re eating 4,000 kj already, and a diet coke just aint going to help to offset all those kj’s


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    Thinking the Western world will abandon climate alarmisim any time soon is on the line now. With the US Dumbocrats gearing up to cheat on an industrial scale in November to get rid of Trump and the EU politics not going conservative fast enough,British hard Labour, CCP propaganda ” buy our ruinables to save the planet. It’s over for the Western world. Enjoy your dystopian soylent green future kids…bwahaha


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    All left-wing governments in the Western world need to be kept away from power for ever, otherwise welcome to ruinables covered everything.


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    […] Schreibe eine Antwort Net Zero targets “Unachievable” says Air New Zealand and nearly 70% of Australian compan… […]


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    Old Goat

    Its all about the money – the climate change proponents have admitted as much . They know its BS but are still driving that gravy train . The media is still trying but It’s becoming almost impossible to ignore . The end is in sight – slowly , then all of a sudden .


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      David Maddison

      The end is in sight – slowly , then all of a sudden .

      As soon as Trump is elected, which is why the Left are so desperate to stop him and will not stop at anything to do so.


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    Perhaps it’s time to redefine and broaden “net zero” with respect to carbon emissions, make it something that reflects reality. Global carbon emissions are not even declining, let alone going to zero. Perhaps “net zero” goals should just refer to the rate of growth of CO2 emissions and the rate of GDP growth in western economies as they shift all their energy intensive manufacturing to Asia and developing countries. That’s the reality.


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    Mike Jonas

    I thought that Net Zero was already very clearly defined as the general public having nothing (where “general public” is open to interpretation but not by the general public).


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