- JoNova - -

Renewable Hell: Electricity price spikes hit $16,000 morning and night in our two largest states

By Jo Nova

The Crash Test Dummy Nation wins a Gold Medal in Electricity Prices

And you thought last week was bad. While the single spike at $17,000 a megawatt hour in five states simultaneously was a record, just a week later we have the double spike bonfire — peaking at breakfast and dinner on the same day in our two largest states. That’s a high degree-of-difficulty (to pay the bill). This was not just a 5-minute bid rocket — it was 90 full minutes of blitzkreig twice in a day for both NSW and Victoria. With admirable supporting efforts in burning money in Tasmania and South Australia for breakfast, and then in Queensland, which joined the financial bonfire for dinner.

The average price for the whole 24 hour period of August 5th was eye-watering. Last week the spike flattened out to about $300 per megawatt hour across the day. But yesterday in NSW and Victoria, the average price was $2,150 across both states for 24 hours in a row.

It’s possible the AEMO will have to take over the market again in some states to put the fire out.

Welcome to renewable hell

At both peaks Victoria was burning 7.5GW of power at $17,000 a megawatt hour.

In NSW the breakfast peak was 10GW and the dinner peak was 12GW. Count the money… theoretically this is $17 million per gigawatt hour. While the retailers have some hedging to avoid the carnage on the spot market, each spike is sending a price signal that’s about $200 million dollars. We could have built a gas plant….

It would be cruel to say these price spikes correlated with wind and solar failures, but I’ll say it anyway:

Renewable Generation and price spikes.



Paul McArdle of WattClarity points out demand was 30GW in the evening — which is moderately high, but not a record. Wind was low, clouds rolled in sapping solar power, and seven out of 44 coal plants were out of action (partly by design and partly by accident).

It was, of course, another hostile high pressure cell — 5,000 miles wide and here to becalm the entire continental wind power industry.

What happens if “Climate change” causes High Pressure Cells over Australia?


Synoptic chart. Australia. Wind power

And the clouds rolled over

At 8am the grand total of wind and solar power yesterday was only 4 gigawatts. Just a few days ago, at 8am, the same equipment was providing 6.6 gigawatts. So it’s just an “unplanned” outage of 2.5 gigawatts.

From the BOM Satellite page
Clouds over Australia. BOM. Satellite image.Thanks to WattClarity for the snapshot

August 5, 2024 Price Spike, AEMO. Australia.

Even though the biggest bonfires were in NSW and Victoria, things were bad on the whole National Grid — for the 24 hour period Queensland also averaged $1,040 per megawatt hour, South Australia: $1,600 and Tasmania $943. Days like this will change the quarterly average price.

And let’s not forget that if we’d made different choices, a good old brown coal plant could have made all this electricity for $8 a megawatt hour. But who needs money right?



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