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235 comments to Sunday

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    CO2 Lover

    If you do not support erecting Chinese made solar panels and wind turbines in the outback then you are a Racist.

    This is a new twist for the Climate Cultists in the Labor Party.

    How about we stop treating “Aboriginals” like animals in a zoo and bring then into the cities to get jobs – this would “close the gap” in no time.
    They can still go walkabout on their local land on annual leave.


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      >How about we…

      Can’t do that! We need to keep these people marginalised, we need the poverty, the abysmal education standards, the dysfunctional “communities”,and the Community Aboriginal Corporations. If they’re gone how can we justify the 60 billion dollars/year industry? /s


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        Can’t do that!

        Well how about we look at other real world examples and take their lead. This time from the Arab community and how they treat their Bedouin, the walkabout version of the Aboriginal.

        Great backgrounder of possible interest…. particularly the part that states “Modern Arab countries tend to regulate the nomadic lifestyle. Bedouin want to provide their children with health care and education and for this they need to settle in urban areas.

        The crux of the problem is put where it belongs… with those who choose to be different.


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        Why this morning Insiders show was even more repulsive than usual ?
        The Aborigines, human being just like us, are deliberate kept in the state they are in, so blood-sucking leeches may enjoy fruits of XXI century civilisation.

        Our Constitution does need a 2paragraph amendment.

        The first para should say that we are Next Culture. There is no first, second nations, people or civilisations, we just recognised the fact that Australia was populated in 1788 CE.

        The second should totally separate the State from issues of Culture, Race (yes, the word race must be used), Religion, Ethnicity, Gender, Age, etc,..

        That is all.


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        “We need to keep these people marginalised, we need the poverty, the abysmal education standards, the dysfunctional “communities”, and the Community Aboriginal Corporations.”

        ‘Incidentally, if they vote at all, they’ll vote socialist – to keep the money flowing.’

        Not at all a consideration for a politician with the country’s best interests at heart, of course …



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      How do they justify the accusation of racism on the one hand yet ignore the child labour, slave about and coal power used to make those panels on the other hand?


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          David of Cooyal in Oz

          Thanks Tonyb,
          Some real words out of Germany.

          ” As more and more small-scale systems get installed, the more unstable power grids are becoming, experts are warning. Because wherever more electricity gets produced than consumed, the grid can collapse. ”


          Dave B


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        David Maddison

        How do they justify the accusation of racism on the one hand yet ignore the child labour, slave about and coal power used to make those panels on the other hand?

        Just about everything with the Left involves double standards, hypocrisy, Orwellian Doublethink and outright lies about everything, and especially their false claim that they actually care about people.

        DOUBLETHINK As used in 1984, the concept of doublethink is the ability to hold two completely contradictory thoughts simultaneously while believing both of them to be true. It also refers to deliberately choosing to forget memories and losing the ability to form independent thoughts.


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        “Situational ethics”.

        If they did not have double standar=ds,they would have NO standards at all.


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      Around eighty per cent of Australians who claim to have indigenous ancestry, at least in part, live in mainstream society. The others who choose to live in country including remote country areas are disadvantaged as all Australians who live far from services are disadvantaged.


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      and bring then into the cities to get jobs

      Better idea is for government to buy large cattle stations out west and top end to give them jobs. Run it at a loss, it would be much better money spent. They have to work though or no benefits.

      It was the sand through the hands by Gough that destroyed everything. They were good cattlemen and then they got sit down money. Put a curse on them


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        The left just can’t help themselves, what was the first thing Elbow did when they got in on 32% of the vote, gave them full access to their cash card, household money went straight to booze.


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        Several cattle and sheep stations have been purchased and placed under Aboriginal Land Council control, most have been run down as the people lost interest.


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          In Vicdanistan the proposal is to revert all state forests to National Parks and have indigenous groups to manage them and live on site.I don’t recall any of these policies at the state or federal elections.


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          Of course it would collapse. Like the croc hotel from Ranger mine money, run down and busted before not too long. You need solid management, not just let them run the show. And why would they work when you get the sit-down money? Cut that out and they will work.

          However this idea of getting them to go to school, will not work. They’re not interested in school. Get them to work with skills they have. Even white kids aren’t interested in school, most of them just goof off and learn very little. It’s just a cultural thing so they attend. It’s not in the aboriginal culture though. You have to want to go to school to learn, and the ones who do want that, let them of course, should be encouraged. But it’s not reality.


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      This begins with the Education dept. Many aboriginal communities speak ‘Pigeon English’ and this is taught in the remote schools. When challenged the Ed. Dept argued that aborigines do not want to leave their settlements and country, therefore it is not necessary to teach them English. This is now a catch twenty two situation. They can’t go to the cities for work because they can’t speak English.

      Mark McGowan, former Premier of WA, made a U Tube video using a Pigeon English translator to pass on messages about Covid to remote communities.


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        Former Coalition WA Premier Richard Court had an indigenous Australian step-daughter and he and his wife were very supportive of Aborigines, he tried to introduce Monday to Friday boarding schools in WA but was turned down by most communities who claimed the plan was another stolen generation situation.


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          Geoff Sherrington

          Tony Thomas has written a small book that summarises the hundreds of pages that historian Roger Franklin wrote to show that there was no stolen generation event. Let me know your address and I’ll send you one. It is beautifully written and compelling. Geoff S


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            Geoff where would another interested lurker be directed if he earnestly wanted to read Tony’s small book?


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        I think it’s “pidgin English” Chris. It’s where local or dialectal words are merged with English and it’s not too hard to learn if you are immersed in it. When I was working in PNG the locals where I was referred to a helicopter as “him big mixmaster in sky”. (Goodness knows how they knew what a Mixmaster was). Someone who had died was “him gone true” – (he is really dead) – and so on. The word, I believe, came from an early form of Chinese pidgin.


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      John Connor II

      Total direct expenditure on services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians in 2012-13 was estimated to be $30.3 billion, accounting for 6.1% of total direct general government expenditure.

      The same report also found that:

      Estimated expenditure per person in 2012-13 was $43,449 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, compared with $20,900 for other Australians (a ratio of 2.08 to 1 — an increase from a ratio of 1.93 to 1 in 2008-09).

      Yet still they moan, have street parades demanding more money and land, disrespect the laws as they think they own ALL of Australia and white fella laws don’t apply to them, and all so they can buy houses, flat screen tv’s and nice cars, and live the lifestyles of those they blame.
      Perhaps we white fellas can claim equal compensation from them because our ancestors were wronged too. The only claim anyone has is against the perpetrator of that crime, long gone from this world, and all descendants are crime and guilt free.
      Hatred runs long and deep, just look at the Ukrainian Holodomor.


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        As a Scot by birth I feel the same about the damned English coming across the border and clearing out the Highlands so that they could claim their huge estates that they are now prostituting out to wind farms. I’ll take my compensation in Scotch whisky, thanks.


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          And, after trying so many Single Malts, the best of all (IMHO) is Cardhu, the 15 year old if you can get it, but the 12 would have to do if you cannot get the 15. (and good luck trying to find either of them)



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      Renewable (wind, solar, mini hydro) for last mile electrification INSTEAD of grid – makes sense.

      It is the grid-ification of renewables / adding to energy markets that is madness.

      People in remote communities are not the madness.

      This is a distraction from the madness.


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    CO2 Lover

    The importance of energy autonomy and security instead of relying on others (in Australia’s case the Chinese)

    Roughly 40 percent of Ukraine’s electricity imports pass through the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, which means Hungary is not entirely powerless in the face of a Ukrainian blockade on oil supplies. In fact, Hungary may be forced to cut electricity to its neighbor if push comes to shove.


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      John Connor II

      The neocons are losing their orchestrated war in Ukraine so it’s shifting to old faithful in Israel to draw in Russia and hopefully weaken Russia on multiple fronts.
      It’s going to get ugly.


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    CO2 Lover

    Police were relying on cell phones to communicate when it should have been obvious that with 20,000 people close by in a regional area cell phone coverage might be unreliable.

    Where was the dedicated radio channel or channels – more Keystone Cops stuff.

    Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Col. Christopher Paris told a congressional hearing one of his staff received the call along with texts showing images of Crooks and was told to pass the information on to the Secret Service.

    However, patchy cell reception meant that the officers struggled to disseminate the pictures quickly.

    A local tactical team said at 5:47 pm that they were trying to send the photos, but at 5:49 pm received a response informing them of the problems.

    ‘Units be advised internet and cell service is down,’ another officer on that channel said a minute later.

    ‘Your picture is probably not going to go through because I don’t have any service,’ a sheriff’s deputy said.

    Around this time the state officers said the notified the Secret Service sniper teams.

    However, by 5:49pm the officers had lost sight of him.

    ‘Our sierra units lost visual of him,’ Lenz told the traffic-control officers. ‘I believe you guys are outside of that fence, if you come upon him.’


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      Richard C in NZ


      In testimony to Congress on Tuesday, Rowe had blamed the failure on local law enforcement while also saying he was “ashamed” of the security lapse that occurred on the day of the shooting. Rowe also noted that the Secret Service had not been present in a command post set up by local law enforcement in Butler, Pennsylvania for the outdoor campaign rally by the former president.

      Q: When is a “command post” not a command post?
      A: When the command goes AWOL.


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        Secret service guy in building when Police let into lower floor (Body cam). Guy dressed as Secret Service walks from west end of building. He looks like the same guy next to Ashlii Babbit in a suit with two masks over his beard at J6. After she climbs then falls, he bends over her when she lands on the floor and directs the guys dressed as SWAT.
        Secret service officer on list of personnel assigned to building. Cullen on crowdsourcethetruth previously presented this list with redacted names on their blog.

        They have what appears to be bullet entering the rear of the bloke on the roofs head from the direction of the west end of that building.


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        “Rowe also noted that the Secret Service had not been present in a command post set up by local law enforcement in Butler, Pennsylvania.”

        Where were they ??, gone for a pizza ?


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          Leo G

          Where were they ??, gone for a pizza ?

          There appears to have been a rapidly spreading negligence epidemic around the Butler event. Perhaps they were self-isolating.


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          Gone for a pizza? Maybe they were taking the ladder away that was reported to be used for roof access, because the ladder has also gone missing.


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      Leo G

      Units be advised internet and cell service is down,’ another officer on that channel said a minute later.

      Security has collapsed. But the show must go on!


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        Leo G
        In any good script there is always the guy disabling the traffic lights, security cameras & phones

        Anybody come up with an internal layout of the buildings yet?

        WE know there is desperation with the official narrative when we see how the images are appear to be reworked.

        The guy seen discussing his future demise with a guy who appears to be a Policeman previously described as one hour + before any speech. The conversation probably going something like, “OK, so I use the keycard for the door there, Door 12, toddle up the stairs grab the gun in the bag run across the roof and shoot the Bad Orange Man. And, you promise not to shoot me, it will be hard to drive my new Ferrari if I have a bullet hole in my tush!” He is now a helpful bloke pointing out the gun man on the roof to a Policeman while Trump is talking despite having been in the same frame with the bloke on the roof sitting having a picnic in the video when everyone is a hollerin’ and a yellin’ and Trump is speaking and shot.(First frames, bottom left)
        Go Figure?


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      It’s a pretty common mentality. Take things for granted, no real understanding of the basics of how they work, be suprised and unprepared when things go wrong.

      The cashless society, fragile supply chains, the electricity grid, new age forest management, running a country with two weeks reserve of diesel.

      In the Butler case you would have imagined the Secret Service to be running fully independent opetational comms. Not so much apparently.

      I guess you see what you are looking for, however for me more and more this stuff just seems like ongoing examples of the crisis of competence that is sometimes discussed here.


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      I’m often amazed at how technologically backward America often is. Integrated digital networks are common in many parts of the world. Networks such as Tetra, NXDN, DMR etc.


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        Richard C in NZ

        Kim >I’m often amazed at how technologically backward America often is

        Same. I saw a write-up of a guy’s fight to get a telecom/internet connection sorted in Florida, mainly outside cabling granted.

        Couldn’t believe the mission. I’ve got fast-fibre, phone over fibre ($5/month, crystal clear), plug-n-play router, pain-free, zero-hassle.

        Not everyone’s experience here in NZ but not uncommon either.

        I’m one of very few that has a land-line over fibre though (power off – no fibre phone). Getting a long enough inside connection cable was a fruitless search for a while. Finally asked at one telco shop and the guy went “oh yeah” – went to the recycle bin and hauled out exactly what I wanted. No charge.


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        Yep, its entrenched behaviour. I was travelling a lot with work in the 90s. I could get off a plane in Europe, Asia, Japan and my phone would just work. Go to the US and everything was a fragmented PITA. I recall seeing a TV advert trumpeting a roll out of GSM mobile. What a triumph! It covered the “entire tri state area” ( a little bit of the top right hand corner) Meanwhile across the border in Canada the whole country was covered.


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      images of Crooks

      One would think that an image was not going to add any actionable information.

      Perhaps sending the phrase “There’s a guy on that roof carrying a rifle” may have been more useful.


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      It’s usual for anyone showing anger at uncontrolled migration and destruction of society to be called FAR RIGHT.

      The clear incompatability of extreme muslim ideology with traditionally Christian British life is held to be xenophobia or organized political aggression based on White Imperialism or a perverse pride in being British. A sort of evil British MAGA movement. What’s wrong with thinking the extreme left progressives in both Labor and Tory parties are deliberately causing havoc in society? As in most of Europe and America?

      The extreme left/Greens/Progressives want riots so they can take over in a coup d’etat like their hero Lenin. Who cares if they are race riots? And label the people as extreme right racists for reacting publicly to the mass stabbing of helpless children. It’s not racism. It’s anger and distress at the loss and the danger of extreme and uncaring government policies.


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        The trouble is that the sort of completely unacceptable overtly racist thuggery that is currently occurring will merely give the politicians the excuse to shut down and outlaw all ‘far-right’ groups/views/demos.


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        This conflict is bound to happen in mass multiculturalism. Doesn’t matter who is wrong or right.


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        80 years ago the brownshirts were decimated, as ideology but also physically.
        Their country, women and children suffered badly through occupation.., enough to cool possible revanchists of the next generation.

        35 years ago redshirts ideology was defeated and normal People rushed to help populace out in their strife.
        So what the next generation do ? Aha ! Only 50% change the shirts to green, the rest are the same as their fathers and grandfathers.

        Do not take my words – check Moscow’s Victory marches under “Grandfathers Won” and (we)”Can Repeat!”


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        “It’s usual for anyone showing anger at uncontrolled migration and destruction of society to be called FAR RIGHT.”
        It’s usual for anyone showing even a frisson of concern at uncontrolled migration and destruction of society to be called FAR RIGHT.

        That’s how it seems here – leafy South London.
        Much of the MSM – not least, of course, the BBC – has had very little to say about the weekly protests/riots in London – allegedly in the cause of the (pro-massacre) Palestinians.
        But here after three murders [and, I know, incited (by whom?)], when concern is expressed – it’s the FAR RIGHT.
        There should not be violence, and many of the perps are probably disaffected, looking for a fight. One or two may have had a beer!

        But it is the tarring of a whole section of society – quite a large section, I believe – as FAR RIGHT, by the BBC and others, that causes many people to think – may be Farage and his little group of UKIP/Brexit/Reform/whatever-next buddies do have a point.

        Very extreme Socialist – ‘words mean what I want them to mean’.
        You disagree with me – you’re an (ugh!!) extremist!

        Where is the Tory party?
        [Locked in a leadership battle, with no interest in ideas or consequences outside individual ambition, it seems]
        Labour ‘will crack down’ [on the Far Right!!]- but how much do they say about the ‘Pro-Palestinian’ violence?



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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      Seems like the UK government has already copied, and applied, the Chinese approach:

      ” Keir Starmer has barely been in office a month after winning a mere 33.7% of British votes July 4. Starmer announced a police crackdown using facial recognition technology and internet censorship. Facial recognition would prevent protestors “from even boarding a train”, the Socialist PM said, apparently suspending the presumption of innocence in UK. ”

      Dave B


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        ” Keir Starmer has barely been in office a month after winning a mere 33.7% of British votes”

        David – he got 33.7% of votes.

        Of all voters – including those who opted not to vote at all [for whatever reason]
        – The Beige Knight’s “Powerful Mandate” amounted to less then 21% of all voters eligible to vote.

        So >79% did NOT in fact vote for his shoddy coalition of the left.
        Yet they are pursuing doctrinaire policies …

        Auto – who knows votes have consequences.


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      Not only Manchester, Hull, Nottingham, Newcastle, but Spain and beyond. The West has had enough immigrant violence and police favoritism. The West has begun to find it’s backbone and it’s beginning to fight back.



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    william x

    Re climate change/Global boiling…

    It is not about the CO2 level or Methane Level in our atmosphere. A fool engineer like me can see that.

    Both are trace gases. Methane is so tiny in volume as to be irrevelant.

    Those gases cannot drive warming. So why the continual Gov/Academic/Media/UN alarmism?

    It seems that since I was a young one, “GAMUN” has prophesied for 3 decades… and have been just as reliable as my Sunday page horoscope.


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      When I heard this, I checked to see if the slow and very small CO2 annual increase was man made. It was proven in 1958 to be 98.0% natural.

      Then the idea that the CO2 increase caused warming. Spectroscopic modelling shows that the warming effect is zero as CO2 aborption is saturated.

      Then the idea that ’emissions’ were causing the increase in CO2. CO2 levels have shown no connection to emission levels.

      Then the idea that we could reduce CO2 levels by growing trees, the basis of Carbon Credits. That is proven absurd by the rapid growth of trees world wide with increased CO2 levels.

      And most importantly, it has never been shown that gases such as CO2 and Methane are NOT controlled by the oceans, as a physical chemist would expect. After all who set the level in the first place? It wasn’t us. And the idea that a 50% increase in CO2 over 250 years is rapid is silly. We would love inflation to be only 0.2%. That’s as close to constant as you can have in the real world.

      So as you say, it’s all obviously silly. But the idea that politicians control the weather and so have unlimited right to control society is pure evil and very, very profitable. Communist science in league with the globalists, the traditional definition of fascism.


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        Research from the University of Athens Isotope analysis of the carbon in the atmospheric CO2 clearly shows that increase in CO2 is natural and man’s contribution is around 4%. Other research by the Athens team shows that rising CO2 levels are caused by rising temperatures, not the other way round. “All evidence resulting from the analyses suggests a unidirectional, potentially causal link with T as the cause and [CO₂] as the effect. That link is not represented in climate models, whose outputs are also examined using the same framework, resulting in a link opposite the one found when the real measurements are used.”


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          Richard C in NZ

          Bronco >increase in CO2 is natural and man’s contribution is around 4%

          Yup. I get a 3% difference in Mauna Loa (ML, NH) vs Baring Head (BH, SH) trends by rough-as-guts analysis and comparison of the respective timeseries downthread at # here:

          I’ve emailed the NIWA contact on this – Inbox bomb on Monday morning (welcome back to work).

          But thing is, the ML-BH divergence has been known since at least 2007 (see # at comment link above).

          The implication from that thread below is this:

          Summary (Rough-as-guts)
          +33.33ppm/decade – Natural+Human (ML)
          +32.33ppm/decade – Natural (BH)
          +1.00ppm/decade – Human

          1/33.33 x 100% = 3%


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          Richard C in NZ

          BTW guys,

          Our rebuttal-provoking forum-accoutrement Simon thinks ALL of the CO2 increase is human emissions.

          That’s 100%(Simon) vs 3-4%(Us).

          Classic example of the gulf between CO2-centric Climatistas and Natural-cause Cynics (referring to myself there).


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            A regular commentator in The Australian insists that the anthropogenic amount is 33%. But never explains how he arrives at that figure. Think it’s something to do with the amount he claims exists in the atmosphere, not the annual contribution.


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            CO2 Lover

            Coal is Satan’s Rock

            Burning coal produces evil CO2, while burning trees (eg Drax Power Station) produces “good” CO2.

            When you treat Climate Cultism as a new age religion it starts to make sense – sort of!


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              So where does this “good” CO2 go to? And what does it do? The mind bogles.

              When I did Chemistry at School in the 1960s, CO2 was just CO2 and had no evil. Only a good as plant food and bubbles for nice drinks, etc, etc, etc.

              Send all the ‘Pollies’ and Dopes back to School in the years before this Madness started for a proper scientific education. Doctor Who where are you?. We need your Time Machine right now.


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        The “models” also seem to be dodgy.

        CO2 does NOT accumulate in the upper atmosphere but hangs about below about 12000 feet. One of the reasons for the existence of the “tree line”

        The models also seem to have NO acknowledgement of convection or lateral air currents. A closed, static atmospheric system?

        Methane is your basic hydrocarbon. It will oxidize steadily in the presence of oxygen, forming, of course, two convenient “greenhouse gases. Simply put; water vapour, which is NOT the gaseous phase of water, rather that phase is “steam”, a whole different matter. Thee other “party” is Carbon dioxide, which, as soon as it cools, falls to the lower atmosphere. As for the planet “boiling? In a vacuum, water will boil at extremely low temperatures. It will also freeze at the same time. At higher altitudes, ice and snow often go from solid to gaseous phases, skipping “liquid” via a process known as “sublimation”. Thus endeth the junior school science summary.

        Furthermore the spherical (roughly) planet is in NO way like a closed structure made of sheets of glass. And, the big Nuke in the sky heats the planet from the OUTSIDE. The nuclear-powered furnace below out feet warms it from the inside. (And occasionally, bits of that “leak out”).


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          Richard C in NZ

          >A closed, static atmospheric system?

          Like a greenhouse, perhaps.


          • #

            Hi Richard C. As you are in NZ, I trust you will be tuning in to Patrick Gower: On Ice. A 2 part doco staring on TV3 Monday 12th about the melting Antarctic and climate change. Even just the short trailers I have seen are full of nothing but misinformation, disinformation and out and out lies, yet this will be broadcast to NZ as the truth behind our impending doom. Unfortunately the climate mafia have this sort of reach, unavailable to the rest of us. I would love to find a way to kick up a stink about this, although I would suggest that a strongly worded petition to the broadcasting standards committee would probably go nowhere. Number one lie on the trailer – Tuvalu is sinking due to climate change and, in the near future, it will only be seen on old film and VR head sets.
            Fact check. The population of Tuvalu is growing. In 1960, the population was 5404. In 2023 it was 11,396, more than double. With the exception of 2016 and 2017 when there was a small drop of 25 and 24 respectively, there has been a year on year population increase. Strange for a nation that is supposedly sinking in to the Pacific. According to research from the University of Auckland, using aerial photography and satellite images, it found eight of the atolls and almost three-quarters of the islands grew during the study period, lifting Tuvalu’s total land area by 2.9 percent. Island change has lacked uniformity with 74% increasing and 26% decreasing in size. Results challenge perceptions of island loss, showing islands are dynamic features that will persist as sites for habitation over the next century.
            A paper published by Institut du Littoral et de l’Environnement, University of la Rochelle-CNRS, La Rochelle, France clearly states:
            “Over the past decades, atoll islands exhibited no widespread sign of physical destabilization in the face of sea-level rise. A reanalysis of available data, which cover 30 Pacific and Indian Ocean atolls including 709 islands, reveals that no atoll lost land area and that 88.6% of islands were either stable or increased in area, while only 11.4% contracted. Atoll islands affected by rapid sea-level rise did not show a distinct behavior compared to islands on other atolls. Island behavior correlated with island size, and no island larger than 10 ha decreased in size.”
            Mr Gower, when it comes to Tuvalu, the term “cherry picking” comes to mind. So, BS or truth. Conclusion – so much BS I can smell it before the program is even broadcast.
            Any ideas guys. This type of scare mongering bollocks has to stop. To quote H.L. Mencken “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”


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              Richard C in NZ

              Bronco >I trust you will be tuning in to Patrick Gower: On Ice.

              No sorry. I’ve given up watching television for the reasons you cite (among other things) – “misinformation, disinformation and out and out lies”.

              I used to tune in to as much News as I could crunch – TVNZ One, TV3 Warner/Discovery, Prime/Sky – just to see what spin the Lefty-biased low-info media crowd were foisting on their viewers.

              But I just threw it in. I decided not to waste my remaining days on drivel and superficial hot-button group-think narratives.


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              Richard C in NZ

              >Patrick Gower: On Ice

              TV3 had a current affairs program:

              ‘Paddy Gower Has Issues’.

              So when TV3 owner Warner Bros/Discovery axed all their News and Current affairs that became the joke:

              ‘Paddy Gower Has Tissues’


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            Anyone who has used a greenhouse knows that you have vents in the roof and louvres at the side plus a door.
            Hot air rises so the temperature in the greenhouse is controlled by opening the vents and releasing the hot air.
            There is also greenhouse shading which can be used to reduce the build-up of heat. (Clouds?)
            If the climate models use a ‘static, closed system’ like a closed greenhouse then something is missing.


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        To me, it’s all about water vapour, if it is not counted then they are just playing with themselves.


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        As a postscript in 2024, CO2 is still 97.0% Natural CO2. Not fossil fuel. That is not disputable.


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    Gravitational wave researchers cast new light on Antikythera mechanism mystery

    Techniques developed to analyse the ripples in spacetime detected by one of the 21st century’s most sensitive pieces of scientific equipment have helped cast new light on the function of the oldest known analogue computer.


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    Richard C in NZ

    From Net Zero targets “Unachievable” says Air New Zealand on Thursday #

    CO2 Comparison: Mauna Loa (ML) – Baring Head (BH)

    Monthly Data: Date, ML, BH, Diff, Cycle High/Low
    2000 1 2000.0417, 369.45, 366.09, -3.36
    2000 2 2000.1250, 369.71, 366.01, -3.70
    2000 3 2000.2083, 370.75, 366.16, -4.59
    2000 4 2000.2917, 371.98, 366.37, -5.61
    2000 5 2000.3750, 371.75, 367.03, -4.72, ML Hi, BH Lo
    2000 6 2000.4583, 371.87, 367.24, -4.63
    2000 7 2000.5417, 370.02, 367.14, -2.88
    2000 8 2000.6250, 368.27, 367.69, -0.58
    2000 9 2000.7083, 367.15, 367.37, +0.22, BH Hi, ML Lo
    2000 10 2000.7917, 367.18, 367.80, +0.62
    2000 11 2000.8750, 368.53, 367.79, -0.74
    2000 12 2000.9583, 369.83, 367.87, -1.96

    Monthly Data: Date, ML, BH, Diff, Cycle High/Low
    2023 1 2023.0417, 419.47, 414.92, -4.55
    2023 2 2023.1250, 420.31, 414.87, -5.44
    2023 3 2023.2083, 420.99, 415.10, -5.89
    2023 4 2023.2917, 423.36, 415.18, -8.18
    2023 5 2023.3750, 424.00, 415.69, -8.31,ML Hi, BH Lo
    2023 6 2023.4583, 423.68, 415.84, -7.84
    2023 7 2023.5417, 421.83, 416.42, -5.41
    2023 8 2023.6250, 419.68, 416.94, -2.74
    2023 9 2023.7083, 418.50, 417.23, -1.27, BH Hi, ML Lo,
    2023 10 2023.7917, 418.82, 417.58, -1.24
    2023 11 2023.8750, 420.46, 417.44, -3.02
    2023 12 2023.9583, 421.86, 417.93, -3.93

    ML: Weekly average CO2 at Mauna Loa
    BH: NIWA contact, Atmospheric Scientist


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      The theoretical CO2 forcing component of total DLR was 6 W.m2 in the 1976 Standard Atmosphere (Wang & Liang 2009).

      About 7 W.m2 now. Berkeley labs measured the change in-situ at 2 sites 2000-2010 at 0.2 W.m2/decade.

      Total DLR has been measured at 440 W.m2 at Darwin.

      If you see what I’m getting at.

      See also,

      Reply 1 to Simon Saturday
      Reply 2 to Simon Saturday (follows Reply 1)

      Also, from,

      An efficient hybrid method for estimating clear-sky surface downward longwave radiation from MODIS data – Cheng, Liang, Wang, and Guo (2017), and Wang & Liang (2009)

      My analysis:

      DLR components of the Standard Atmosphere and typical DLR.

      315 W.m2 total DLR estimate (typical)
      277 W.m2 WV component (implied)
      7 W.m2 CO2 component (Std Atm)
      31 W.m2 Residual (ozone, cloud water, cloud ice, aerosols, fog)

      None of that typical 315 W.m2 DLR that varies all over the planet but is greatest in the Tropics is a surface heating agent – it does NOT heat water for example. And doesn’t energize PVs (See replies to Simon 1&2 above).

      In short – DLR is Apparent power, not Real heating power (using electrical analogy).

      And Theoretical GHG Forcing and the entire GHG Theory of Global Warming is a bust.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      CO2 Query to NIWA contact, Atmospheric Scientist.

      I’ve queried the NIWA contact in regard to the apparent divergence of the Mauna Loa CO2 timeseries from the Baring Head series. The following is my query to that contact.

      I made a simple tabular comparison of the Mauna Loa (ML) CO2 series and the Baring Head series you sent me Friday (thanks).

      Just the 2000 and 2023 data:

      Monthly Data: Date, ML, BH, Diff
      2000 12 2000.9583, 369.83, 367.87, -1.96
      2023 12 2023.9583, 421.86, 417.93, -3.93

      Monthly Data: Date, ML, BH, Diff, Cycle High/Low 
      2000 5 2000.3750, 371.75, 367.03, -4.72, ML Hi, BH Lo 
      2023 5 2023.3750, 424.00, 415.69, -8.31, ML Hi, BH Lo
      2000 9 2000.7083, 367.15, 367.37, +0.22, BH Hi, ML Lo
      2023 9 2023.7083, 418.50, 417.23, -1.27, BH Hi, ML Lo,

      The ML series seems to be diverging from the BH series, I haven’t bothered to graph each series ML vs BH and apply trends but just going by the comparison above:

      2000 12  – 2023 12 ML-BH Diff +1.97.

      +1.97 over 2.3 decades gives +0.857ppm/decade

      Similarly May ML Hi, BH Lo Diff +3.59

      +3.59 over 2.3 decades gives +1.56ppm/decade

      Is that divergence a reality?

      If so, why is it occurring?


      • #
        John in NZ

        Hi Richard. I will have a look when I get home but it might be just the northern and southern hemispheres are out of sync.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          John >the northern and southern hemispheres are out of sync

          Yes, that’s already a known – NH and SH are opposite phase.

          What is NOT known is the respective trends NH vs SH.

          In other words, what does the graph of ML vs BH CO2 look like? All I can find is this:

          Fig. 9. Baring Head and Mauna Loa CO2 growth rate and the Multivariate ENSO Index (Wolter and Timlin, 1993).


          Analysis of a 39-year continuous atmospheric CO2 record from Baring Head, New Zealand (2013)
          Britton Stephens, Katja Riedel, and Sara E. Mikaloff-Fletcher

          And, from an NOAA CO2 conference on an unknown date but circa 2007,

          A.J. Gomez, G.W. Brailsford, K. Riedel, and D.C. Lowe

          A comparison of the CO2 records from Baring Head with Mauna Loa, the longest continuous record for a Northern Hemisphere site (19.5°N, 155.6°W), is presented.

          Both show similar increasing trends and growth rates though the difference between the two trends is widening.

          In 2007, the Baring Head trend is about 3.0 parts per million (ppm) lower than Mauna Loa compared to 1.5 ppm in the 1970s. (Note this does not include the altitude effect at Mauna Loa).

          Changes in seasonality at Mauna Loa are of the order of 5 ppm whereas seasonal changes at Baring Head are closer to 1 ppm. The difference between the two trends and the smaller seasonal cycle at Baring Head reflects the extent of the differences in emissions and biogeochemical processes between the two hemispheres, the Northern Hemisphere governed by the greater land mass and the Southern Hemisphere by the greater extent of oceans influenced by a large polar region.

          I made the comment in the Thursday # thread that the Baring Head data is a natural-source trace.

          Gomez, Brailsford, Riedel, and Lowe apparently concur.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            >the Baring Head data is a natural-source trace

            The implication being that the difference in trends – ML vs BH – is due to human emissions.

            Which, from my 3rd comment today upthread, is about +1.00ppm/decade.

            But the trend in ML is much greater:

            CO2 at Mauna Loa 1960 – 2020

            About +33.33ppm/decade. So,

            Summary (Rough-as-guts)
            +33.33ppm/decade – Natural+Human (ML)
            +32.33ppm/decade – Natural (BH)
            +1.00ppm/decade – Human


            • #
              Richard C in NZ

              >But the trend in ML is much greater:
              CO2 at Mauna Loa 1960 – 2020
              [ML Data Link]
              About +33.33ppm/decade [6 decades – by eye]

              This was wrong (by eye was Ok, calc wasn’t).

              +100ppm/6 = 16.67ppm/decade (6 decades)

              John’s graph and trend of ML 2000 – 2023 can be relied on I think (BH dodgy though).

              +22.397ppm/decade (2.3 decades)

              In the right ballpark then, even by eye.
              Summary update:

              Summary (pending John’s BH update trend)
              +22.397/decade – Natural+Human (ML)
              +21.397ppm/decade – Natural (BH) (pending)
              +1.00ppm/decade – Human (pending John’s diff)


          • #
            John in NZ

            Hi Richard

            I am not saying you are wrong. It’s just I haven’t got my head around it yet.

            I just now calculated the annual average CO2 since 2000 using monthly average data from here.


            Baring Head has a lot of missing months, I assume because of the covid lockdowns and they will have skewed the averages. There are only 3 months of data for 2021.

            There is a wobble at the end of the BHD graph that looks like it is caused by the missing data.

            I have drawn a graph. Hopefully this Dropbox link will work.


            Annual Annual
            Ave Ave
            BHD MLO
            2000 366.74 369.79
            2001 367.91 371.46
            2002 369.45 373.18
            2003 372.34 376.05
            2004 375.13 377.73
            2005 377.04 380.11
            2006 378.82 382.06
            2007 381.03 384.14
            2008 382.53 385.84
            2009 383.93 387.56
            2010 386.32 390.03
            2011 388.33 391.92
            2012 390.22 394.06
            2013 393.07 396.86
            2014 394.98 398.93
            2015 397.73 401.06
            2016 400.83 404.34
            2017 402.68 406.64
            2018 404.99 408.86
            2019 407.43 411.60
            2020 410.25 414.05
            2021 411.23 416.31
            2022 415.40 418.54
            2023 417.08 420.98

            I have to get back to work now but will be giving this some thought.

            I realise I haven’t really begun to address the points you are raising.


            • #
              Richard C in NZ


              >Baring Head has a lot of missing months

              I wouldn’t go by the GML data (even though BHD).

              The NIWA contact provided me with the complete dataset (since Anonymous FTP server URL went to a blank page – “looking into that”) which is compiled by BHD.

              2023 side-by-side:

              GML Flask Data, NIWA Data
              BHD 2023 1 415.16, 414.92
              BHD 2023 2 414.69, 414.87
              BHD 2023 3 415.14, 415.10
              BHD 2023 4 999.99, 415.18
              BHD 2023 5 999.99, 415.69
              BHD 2023 6 999.99, 415.84
              BHD 2023 7 417.16, 416.42
              BHD 2023 8 417.84, 416.94
              BHD 2023 9 418.13, 417.23
              BHD 2023 10 418.30, 417.58
              BHD 2023 11 418.62, 417.44
              BHD 2023 12 418.65, 417.93

              >I have drawn a graph

              Yes, that’s the graph that needs to be drawn and you’ve nailed it – trends too.

              But the GML data you’ve used is not appples-to-apples with either the data NIWA supplied (also BHD) or NOAA’s Mauna Loa here:

              Mauna Loa CO2 monthly mean data (text) or (CSV)


              NOAA ML, GML ML
              2023 12 2023.9583 421.86, 418.65

              Can’t say I know exactly why the discrepancy (except GML “Flask”).

              >I realise I haven’t really begun to address the points you are raising.


              To get the NIWA CO2 data just leave a request at the NIWA Contact page here (since the FTP server link is broke for the time being):

              NIWA Website enquiries

              Same day service, for me anyway.


              • #
                John in NZ

                Thanks Richard.

                I realised the GML data starts in 1999 so wasn’t ideal. I didn’t think of going straight to NIWA. I will do as you suggest and leave a request at the NIWA contact page.

                Hopefully they might send me something tomorrow.


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                John, I did a summary update pending your BH data revision, trend, and ML-BH difference:

                See # (up) for details but here’s the update:

                Summary update:

                Summary (pending John’s BH update trend)
                +22.397/decade – Natural+Human (ML)
                +21.397ppm/decade – Natural (BH) (pending)
                +1.00ppm/decade – Human (pending John’s diff)


              • #
                John in NZ

                Richard. Could we meet up in real life?

                I don’t want to publicise my details but I am near Hamilton.

                Could we arange to meet at a cafe perhaps?


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                John, I’m in Mt Maunganui. Think you may be in Hamilton.

                I’ve done the cafe thing before with others, decided it’s not my thing.

                I really don’t want to become immersed in CO2 – not my thing either.

                But I add what I’ve already racked over to a forum like this when I think it’s appropriate. Draws some in-depth stuff out into the light of day that people such as yourself have been sitting on and other stuff that’s not common knowledge.

                Crowd-source learning in other words. Hard data is my go-to being a data junky/analyst (your approach too obviously), otherwise just a lot of hand-waving going on.


    • #

      Mauna Loa?

      A huge ACTIVE volcano, merrily out-gassing non-stop for decades.

      See also:

      Kilauea, with its enormous, gas-spewing caldera, in the nearby “Volcano National Park”.


      • #
        John in NZ

        I think they are supposed to collect the samples when the wind is blowing from the ocean so the volcanic CO2 ought not to be a problem.

        I don’t have a problem with the data or how it is collected. My issue is with the IPCC explanation as to why it CO2 is rising. My reason for disagreeing with the IPCC is because of the data that comes from these labs.

        The data show that changes in temperature precede changes in CO2 so I actually am grateful to the people who provide hard data that the IPCC is wrong.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          John >The data show that changes in temperature precede changes in CO2

          I did a normalized graph of HadCRUT4 vs CO2 years ago (think it was HadCRUT). Might be on a flash drive somewhere so might try digging it out (prob lost tho).

          Not just normalized but identical rise in the Y axis. So both beginning at 0 and rising to the same Y level on the graph i.e. 2 rising curves.

          In the mid to late 1990s (I think it was), Temperature was leading CO2 by about 20 years (from memory).

          CO2 caught up and crossed Temp around 2000ish from memory.

          Not sure if anything can be made of that though.


        • #
          Geoff Sherrington

          Over a year ago WUWT kindly published my article urging caution about Mauna Loa accuracy for routine CO2 measurements. You cannot use 2 figures after the decimal.
          You might get away with +/- 0.5 ppm error. It is almost standard practice for Establishment climate researchers to exaggerate analytical competence and quote accuracy that they cannot obtain. Remember that they cull their readings to keep only those that satisfy certain criteria. If we did that for ore resource calculations, were could face jail. Geoff S


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >CO2 Comparison: Mauna Loa (ML) – Baring Head (BH)

      Cape Grimm conforms to Baring Head, near enough.

      Similar divergence from Mauna loa.

      Cape Grim Data


      • #
        John in NZ

        I calculated the annual average for the Cape Grim data and plotted it with the Mauna Loa annual average over time.

        I’m not convinced the difference is large enough to call it a divergence.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          John >I’m not convinced the difference is large enough to call it a divergence.

          Don’t forget that’s a 46 yr (4.6 decade) timeseries in that plot.

          Truncate to 2000 – 2023 (2.3 decades). Should be much the same divergence as MLO-BHD over 2.3 decades given the similarity of data.

          In other words, the latter part of a rising curve has a greater linear slope than does the slope of the entire curve, which includes the early falling part (in respect to linear trend).

          In any event the NH-SH divergence has been known since at least 2007. From # upthread:

          A.J. Gomez, G.W. Brailsford, K. Riedel, and D.C. Lowe

          Both show similar increasing trends and growth rates though the difference between the two trends is widening. In 2007, the Baring Head trend is about 3.0 parts per million (ppm) lower than Mauna Loa compared to 1.5 ppm in the 1970s.


          The difference between the two trends and the smaller seasonal cycle at Baring Head reflects the extent of the differences in emissions and biogeochemical processes between the two hemispheres, the Northern Hemisphere governed by the greater land mass and the Southern Hemisphere by the greater extent of oceans influenced by a large polar region.


          • #
            John in NZ

            I calculated the percentage difference between them and plotted the graph. The slope is positive but not much. The coefficient of determination(R-squared) is 0.27
            which isn’t great but could be worse.


            I kind of expect there to be a small difference, so about 1 % is not big for a “well mixed” gas. I am more interested in why. The tropics are a net source of CO2 from the warm ocean outgassing. The polar oceans are net sinks. Cape Grim and Baring head being at about 41 South, I would expect their numbers slightly lower than at Mauna Loa, But not by much. This is what we are observing.

            The difference is much less that the difference for methane which has about a 7% difference between the samples in the north of the northern hemisphere compared to the south of the southern. Given that the official turnover time for methane is 9.1 years, compared to 4 years for CO2, methane should be much better mixed than it is. The simplest explanation is that methane has a much shorter turnover time, and therefore much larger total emissions than the IPCC currently accept.


            • #
              Geoff Sherrington

              You are assuming these CO2 analyses to be more accurate than they are. There might be no change over the years when Baring Head is subtracted from Mauna Loa. Their noise envelopes probably overlap. OTOH, there might be a real difference. It would take a lot of work to clarify. There is a common problem in climate research that the numbers are so small, especially numbers measuring change over time, that uncertainty plays a big part.


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                Geoff >You are assuming these CO2 analyses to be more accurate than they are.

                Yes, the published data is just the central point of a whole bunch of readings. You can see that here:

                Mauna Loa Daily, Monthly and Weekly Averages for two years

                Interactive so to see the day readings:

                day [Y]
                month [N]
                week [N]

                Then mouseover the datapoints.

                At MLO peak in May:

                428.59 – 2024/04/26
                425.63 – 2024/05/18

                Then there is the difference between the earlier “flask” and later “in situ” measurements.

                The temperature analogy being the difference between LIG and RTD measurement (sort of).


              • #
                John in NZ

                You are right Geoff. I am probably not giving the uncertainties enough credit.


            • #
              Richard C in NZ

              John >I am more interested in why

              Same. I’ve asked NIWA for their latest given the 17 years (at least) since the divergence was mentioned in that NASA conference.

              Waiting for a reply now.

              They must have done a lot of work on since I would have thought.

              If it is about 1ppm/decade as I (roughly) calculate then that’s the difference between a non-industrial natural-source trace and a, potentially, industrially-boosted trace (from China mostly).

              And if I’m right, the human component is negligible given the 2023 MLO growth rates.

              MLO 1 decade
              Year, Growth Rate.
              2014 2.17
              2015 2.95
              2016 3.03
              2017 1.90
              2018 2.85
              2019 2.49
              2020 2.28
              2021 2.38
              2022 1.81
              2023 3.36


              So about 22.4ppm/decade (as per above and John’s MLO trend 2.3 decades), 1ppm/decade of that human-boost.

              NIWA’s explanation will be interesting.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Olympic Politics

    Beaten, crying boxer Angela Carini at centre of shock payment twist
    Boxing’s gender furore at the Paris Olympics has taken its most dramatic turn with one fighter set to be handsomely rewarded.

    But in the latest twist to the scandal, the IBA are set to award Carini with a $AUD75,000 bonus in a move that pours fuel on the war between the boxing governing body and the International Olympic Committee.

    The war ignited in 2019 when the IOC withdrew its recognition of the IBA and then in 2023 the IOC voted to expel the governing body of amateur boxing from the Olympic movement.

    It was the first time in its 129-year history that the IOC kicked out a governing body.


    • #

      Womens’ sports are for biological females. Gender was invented as a term in psychology only. You cannot change biological sex with clothes, education, lifestyle, drugs or surgery. Regardless of the statements of the IOC. Women have XX chromosones. No amount of makeup will change that. Everyone else can fight in the open division.


      • #

        Oxford dictionary:

        Gender the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones

        History: Gender identity as a concept was popularized by John Money in the 1960s. He founded the Gender Identity Clinic at Johns Hopkins University and formulated, defined, and coined the term “gender role”,


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        Where should XXY Males Compete?

        Klinefelter syndrome is a congenital (from birth) condition in which males are born with one or more extra X chromosomes. It is not inherited. Klinefelter’s syndrome is also know as XXY syndrome. Klinefelter syndrome is common, affecting 1 in every 500 to 1000 males born in Australia each year.

        The answer is in male sports since XXY males to all appearances are males and the syndrome is only confirmed by laboratory tests generally when they have trouble conceiving children.

        Therefore XY males should only compete in male sports even if their mental illness has them beleiving that they are females.

        It is not our role to validate someone else’s mental illness.


      • #
        David Maddison

        The only chromosomal abnormality in which 46,XY individuals with female phenotype might conceivably be permitted to play in female sports is for those born with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (not partial). They are totally unable to respond to androgens (which even normal females can respond to). Thus there is no chance of them having or developing any male-like characteristics. They appear externally as females with typical genitalia and breasts.


        • #

          No. In the open event. The women’s event is for XX. It’s very simple. That includes centaurs and fauns and Minotaur.


      • #

        The story of being male or female is not as simple as having either XX or XY chromosomes: those two young people are not “cheating” as they have been identified as girls at birth, grew up as girls, but they just happen to carry one of dozens of genetic XX or XY aberrations which can occur. It is in my opinion, probably ideal that they are not permitted to compete in high level competition, due the doubts which do arise and the fact that it will likely cause more psychological harm than good to all involved.
        (See below; examples of XY females, and XX males)

        However!: undoubtedly tall fully developed males who post puberty opt to call themselves girls in order to win championships should certainly be excluded, and probably deserve all the scorn that eventuates.

        46,XY Swyer syndrome
        People with Swyer syndrome have female external genitalia and some female internal reproductive structures. These individuals usually have a uterus and fallopian tubes, but their gonads (ovaries or testes) are not functional. Instead, the gonads are small and underdeveloped and contain little gonadal tissue. These structures are called streak gonads. The streak gonadal tissue is at risk of developing cancer that is often hard-to-detect, so it is usually removed surgically. Swyer syndrome is also called 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis; the medical term “dysgenesis” means “abnormal development.”

        46,XX testicular difference of sex development
        46,XX testicular difference of sex development is a condition in which individuals with two X chromosomes in each cell, the pattern typically found in females, have a male appearance. People with this condition have male external genitalia. They generally have small testes and may also have other features such as undescended testes (cryptorchidism) or the urethra opening on the underside of the penis (hypospadias). A small number of affected people have external genitalia that do not look clearly male or clearly female. Affected children are typically raised as males and develop a male gender identity.


  • #
    James Murphy

    An interesting look at Rhodesia/Zimbabwe as it is now. I am pretty ignorant about the finer points of this part of African history, and while I don’t take everything said in this video as absolute historical fact, it’s highly likely to be more “balanced” than I could expect from any legacy media organisation.
    It’s just over an hour long.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Here is a fantastic video to watch this Sunday.

    It is 1hr 11m but extremely informative and entertaining and talks about the history of southern Africa and Rhodesia and takes a look at present day Zimbabwe.

    As is typical after the removal of European-style governments from African nations, the results are exactly as expected with infrastructure in decay or not working at all, a dysfunctional economy, Zimbabwe as a food importer rather than the “bread basket of Africa” etc..

    It’s as though ALL progress and civilisation stopped after the natives started “governing” the country.

    Now, as with all of southern Africa, the dominant tribes are themselves relatively recent migrants (much like the whites) so cannot claim to be indigenous. They are mostly Bantu, Ndebele and Zulu among some others.

    The true indigenous of southern Africa are the Khoisan or Bushmen.

    It’s a fascinating video and also interesting from an “archeological” point of view as it shows how quickly things degenerate after they cease being maintained or used. In a few decades or no more than a century there’ll be virtually no visible evidence that Zimbabwe ever had a European style civilisation.

    Much of the West is starting to go the same way unless things can be turned around.


    • #

      Ian Smith was literally trying to build and install a genuine multicultural society, the apparent dream of the left. He had a good chance of succeeding too.


      • #

        Great idea.

        And then, disgusting creatures like Malcolm Fraser and the execrable “Lord” Carrington helped engineer the sidelining of Joshua Nkomo, himself backed by the soviets, and the rise of the utterly despicable Robert Mugabe, who was Beijing’s choice.

        After his installation, the more observant noticed a lot of folk of different hues “fleeing the village”, with little but the shirts on their backs.

        The “Zimbabwean Armed Forces have a distinctly “Chinese” flavour, especially in hardware. Who ‘da thunk it?


    • #

      It’s the same video as in #9. I started watching but when the names of people or tribes is so botched, the history mangled and the true nature of country misrepresented I give up.

      I spent several holidays in Zimbabwe. It was a beautiful country and the people I met, black and white, were all friendly and seemed to be well educated. The quoted figure was an astounding 98% adult literacy rate. Not bad for a 3rd world country. The race relations on the surface seemed to be really good – certainly far, far better than South Africa. I think that if Ian Smith had been supported by the West, present day Zimbabwe would be very different in a good way.

      The Nguni tribes – Ndebele (Matebele), Zulu, Xhosa, etc, are Bantu. The Mfecane waged by Zulu king Shaka, killing all in their path drove the Rhodesian Ndebele northwards and all but wiped out the San in the eastern half of SA. Khoisan is a word used to lump the San and the Khoi into one. They are different people.


    • #
      another ian

      Late 1980’s I got hold of a book on South Africa and race relations written by an overseas airline pilot who had been stationed in South Africa.

      The book was loaned and never returned so I no longer have author or title.

      The gist was the tribal relationships in Africa still apply from Eritrea to the Cape of Good Hope and –

      – firstly that 500 or so years of European influence/interference has not changed who hates whose guts one iota

      – but it has changed in places which tribes are now in charge


    • #
      another ian

      This probably won’t get mentioned either but there was

      “The Natural Resources Act Southern Rhodesia 1941”

      I doubt anywhere else in the world had used those NR words in a single sentence at that time – let alone in an act of parliament.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    “Millions” Wasted On Electric School Busses As Maryland Pivots Back To Diesel

    The report said that at a ribbon-cutting ceremony in October 2022, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) announced that its 326 new electric buses would save 6,500 gallons of fuel daily and cut costs by 50%.

    And then reality set in. Since entering into a $168 million contract for the buses, MCPS has faced significant delays, WTOP reports.

    The county’s Office of the Inspector General reported that the buses were consistently delivered late. Dozens of buses scheduled for fiscal year 2022 arrived only after Christmas, instead of at the start of the school year as required.


    Consequently, in October 2023, the school board approved the purchase of 90 diesel buses for over $14.7 million to address the shortfall.

    ZH – Who says government isn’t an efficient allocator of your tax dollars?


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Electric vehicles: A ‘boondoggle of mind-blowing proportions’

      ‘What happens when pie-in-the-sky government agendas clash with boots-on-the-ground reality’ [USA]

      By Patrice Lewis

      We rented a car [ICE] and embarked on a leisurely, planless trip around the Southwest. We visited parts of Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana before returning, tired but happy, to our snug North Idaho homestead. We avoided cities and instead focused on exploring the vast beauty of the West’s wide-open spaces and visiting small towns, roadside attractions, lesser-known museums and other destinations that gave us a sampling of America’s flyover country.


      Over and over and over on this trip, my husband and I remarked to each other how useless an electric vehicle would be on such a journey. We traveled through vast – vast – stretches of road without a gas station, much less an EV charging station.


      My friend Lisa Bedford (“The Survival Mom”), who resides in Texas, relates a road trip of 475 miles to Dallas she and her husband took using his company vehicle. “His job is in the emerging technology niche,” she related, “so currently his company car is an all-electric Chevy Silverado. Price of truck: $83,000.”

      The trip was not the euphoric hassle-free “green” experience promised by politicians. She related to her readers some of the complications on the road.

      “My husband made sure the truck was fully charged before we left for Dallas,” she wrote, “but the day before returning home, he was already checking a couple of phone apps to locate charging stations. The Silverado has the bigger battery size, 450 mile range (supposedly), and we had only driven 250 or so, but there was no guarantee we’d have enough battery power to get home. This shortfall is due to losing 25 to 33% of the battery range on the highway, because you can’t capture any of the regenerative braking you get with city driving.

      Saga continues at link….


    • #

      Apparently in colder states they found you can complete the school run without heat or you could have heat and have to bail out halfway through the run, but you can’t have both, unlike the diesel buses where the heating costs nothing and has no effect on the run length.


      • #

        A friend recently had fitted to his diesel Merc Sprinter camper a diesel heater (it runs on fuel from the main tank, and heat exchanges fresh air into the van) and he tells me the thing keeps his van as warm as he needs all night when the engine is off.

        But, get this …. it uses 100 ml of diesel an hour! Thats almost 1 litre per night, just to sleep comfortably!! (Thats about 27 fluid oz for the Yanks).

        Yes, I’m being sarcastic. And I know the fuel use of the bit of heat scavenged from a cooling system would be almost immeasurably low.

        Both my friend and I were astonished at the efficiency of that camper heater. Can you imagine the batteries required to do that job.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Swiss Government Takes Child Away From Parents Who Refused Puberty Blockers

    The parents uncovered evidence that their child had been groomed by her teachers, school councilors and even doctors to adopt trans beliefs…

    “Not only has the state separated us from our daughter because we objected to her ‘transition,’ but we are now being threatened with criminal charges if we do not aid in her ‘legal transition’ by handing over legal documents.”

    “The state should not have this power. If this can happen to us, it can happen to other parents. We will not give up trying to protect our daughter and will seek to appeal this decision.”


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Expect this in Australia under a Green/Labor Coalition Government


    • #

      The Swiss? the home of true democracy? Surely not?

      Popular among some, the idea we need a system of direct democracy like the Swiss have. I’m not so sure it delivers the utopia people think it would.


      • #

        Why not? because there isnt an instant solution?

        Not saying its utopia, but there is a process once an issue is indentified and it does actually work if the people get behind it? Like many things there though, it takes time and will not be rushed


        • #

          Still has governments taking children from non-conformist parents. That’s pretty bad.

          As George Calin said, think of how dumb the average person is and then consider that 50% of people are way dumber than that.

          I must confess I’m not a huge fan of democracy in one person one vote form, women’s suffrage, universal suffrage. Look what it’s done to Australia. My theory is Aus would be twice as rich as it is today if we didn’t have all those socialists voting for free lunch. Letting these people vote on whether they should get more money or not, I just can’t trust. Fox in charge of the chicken house.


          • #

            Carlin wasnt quite right really , but that’s just my inner pedant.

            Not a fan of our democracy but do like the Swiss more bottom up system.

            So if not democracy ,what is ypur ideal? and does it exist anywhere?


            • #

              This is the problem, cant work it out


            • #

              I once came up with an ideal system:
              Have citizen-elected officials to run the towns, counties, districts
              Have a subset of citizen-elected officials from the above elected local officials who are promoted to run the regional or state government.
              Have a national government voted in by the local and regional representatives to run the country.

              What could go wrong? I asked.

              I was soon informed that I’d just described the supposed system of the Chinese Communist Party, and it soon devolves into an unaccountable committee at the highest level deciding who gets promoted up through the system.


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      Richard C in NZ

      Explosive Scandal: Kamala Harris’ Husband Doug Emhoff Cheated on First Wife with Daughter’s Nanny and Got Her Pregnant

      I used to be mildly interested in the TV series ‘Dallas’, but this reality show wins that ratings war hands down.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >I used to be mildly interested in the TV series ‘Dallas’

        An aside here,

        In the Dallas intro there was the view of down-town Dallas and lots of reflective glass cladded buildings many of which had Oil&Gas connections.

        What was not realized by most was that much of the office space in those buildings emptied out over the time of the series.

        The Dallas series ran from 1978–1991. That time span can be clearly seen in this interactive graph:

        Crude Oil Prices – 70 Year Historical Chart

        Oil price crashed from US$150.06 in May 1980 to US$21.50 November 1998. Currently US$77.91 July 2024.

        Hence the empty office space in CBD Dallas by 1991.

        The oil price actually went down to US$10 over several days in 1998 (graph is monthly average). I lost buckets of dough having been trading O&G Exploration options at the time but didn’t have the skills/knowledge to trade a falling market (i.e. cut your losses short, get out, among other things).

        Youngies I talked to much later refused to believe me when I told them about $10 oil in 1998.

        Then in April 2020 (see graph) the oil price plummeted to US$23.08.

        Remember, those prices are NOT inflation adjusted i.e. the actual inflation adjusted price in 2020 was probably about the same if not lower than 1998 in real terms.


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      Richard C in NZ

      ‘F— white women!’ Harris ally told Zoom meeting full of leftists –report
      By Monica Showalter

      This is incendiary.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Kamala Harris’s ‘as-if’ personality
      By Peter A. Olsson, M.D.

      In my opinion, Harris’s personality pattern is similar to that of Barack Obama’s “as if” narcissistic variety, despite her obvious sex-gender differences from Obama. We now observe that Kamala Harris remaking herself in a similar fashion to Obama’s elegantly crafted political-identity book, Dreams from My Father. Obama’s and Harris’s chameleon process of political identity formation is impressive!

      See Psychoanalytic References


    • #
      John Connor II

      Kamala Harris doesn’t have the mental capacity to do a REAL Debate against me, scheduled for September 4th in Pennsylvania. She’s afraid because there is no way she can justify her corrupt and open borders policy, the environmental destruction of our country, the Afghanistan embarrassment, runaway inflation, terrible economy, high interest rates and taxes, and her years-long fight against saying ‘Merry Christmas.’ I’ll see her on September 4th or I won’t see her at all. She is acknowledged as the Worst Vice President in History, which complements the Worst President, Crooked Joe Biden. Together these two low-IQ individuals have destroyed our country, but we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”


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    Richard C in NZ

    Olympics: Here’s who excels in ‘lying-down’ sports
    By Noel S. Williams

    Presented without comment (on the OZ-US+GB stoush).

    Except to say this (from 2012):

    Forty-seven of New Zealand’s 90 Olympic medals have been achieved (for the most part) sitting down.


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      Greg in NZ

      Sitting down and going backwards…

      No wonder Polynesians thought Lieutenant Cook’s men were goblins with eyes in the back of their heads as they rowed shoreward.


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      I found that piece rather ironic. An American talking about poor Australian sportsmanship. Spare me. You can tell things havent gone well so far.


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    David Maddison

    As the Left’s war against the food supply continues and they prepare us (non-Elites) for vegan and insect poverty food diets we have this:

    Avian influenza threat raises discussion of compulsory registration of backyard chickens

    ABC Rural / By Jane McNaughton
    Posted Sat 20 Jul 2024

    Tighter monitoring of chicken ownership could be on the table in a bid to bolster biosecurity as Australia experiences the largest bird flu outbreak in history.


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      The Govt only registers something so they can take it off you. Guns, cars, dogs, cats, children.. all have been taken off people by Govt in the past.


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      Like the old days of The Egg Board. Chickens were long regulated in quasi socialist Australia. My parents had about a hundred chickens and when rumour The Board was about, we had to keep them locked up.


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      John Connor II

      If they’re not exposed to other bird species, they’re safe. Unfortunately that means no more true free ranging for now.
      Registration is a knee-jerk mindless reaction from the loony left.


      • #
        David Maddison

        But free range will soon be compulsory in Victoria.

        That means they’ll ban chickens altogether I guess.

        That’s the excuse they need. Then they’ll offer insects instead.


        • #
          John Connor II

          Apart from dwindling cases in the USA, and a handful of outbreaks in India, bird flu is virtually absent worldwide now.
          Fear mongering government garbage is totally unwarranted.
          Chook farmers could employ any number of effective methods to scare off unwanted birds and protect their birds, allowing for free ranging.


        • #

          If that’s the case I hope those insects are free-range.


    • #

      The UK has already regulations [of a ‘Conservative’ [seriously] Government] that require registration of all chickens.
      These rules apply from 01 October 2024 – so, not yet in force.
      Even if you keep a couple as pets [no eggs, even …].,if%20you%20do%20not%20register.


      Incidentally –
      “Registering a racing pigeon establishment
      “Registering a racing pigeon establishment is voluntary, unless you want to move pigeons to the EU or Northern Ireland for immediate release for racing back to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).”

      Brexit works, unless you send pigeons to Ulster!


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Heavy Snow Hits New Zealand; Chilean Ski Resort Remains Open Despite Volcanic Activity; Too Many Polar Bears In Greenland; + British Farmers Paid To NOT Produce Food

    August 2, 2024 Cap Allon (Freebe)


  • #
    David Maddison

    John Anderson (former Australian deputy PM) interviews Konstantin Kisin about arrests due to social media posts in Britain.

    In Russia in 2023, 400 people were arrested for social media posts.

    In Once Great Britain 3300.

    Australia is going the same way with an enthusiastic e Safety Kommissar who wants to suppress truth telling.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      e Safety Kommissar who wants to suppress truth telling.

      We saw the form of our Safety Kommissar when there was only one victim of a knife attack (from the usual suspects) – what would be the response if the victims had been children with three deaths?

      In fact, the victim wanted the world to know what had happened to him.


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    Graeme No.3

    The problem with government deficit spending is that those (largely young) someday will grow up and realise that they have to payback that deficit & interest by higher taxes and charges. Those still working will also have to payoff that spending spree. When they look for those politicians who voted for this expenditure they will have gone.

    The elderly, who have seen this before, won’t mind as they won’t be around either, although they may be upset by the grab on any inheritance they were planning to leave.

    The only ones who are enthusiastic are those on the Government payroll who assume that they won’t be affected. They can’t see that they will be blamed by the downtrodden. Much as in the French Revolution where Lavoisier was guillotined for investing in a tax farming scheme. Only those far sighted like Talleyrand who, as an ex-bishop, was enthusiastic for the revolution but lived out the more dangerous times by becoming Ambassador to the Americas (that is those had already revolted from the British over taxes).
    Our rulers in Canberra think they will be unaffected but the coming revolution will leave many losing their positions.


    • #

      “but the coming revolution will leave many losing their positions.”

      Positions? Should lose more than that!


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    Steve of Cornubia
    August 1, 2024 at 1:55 pm · Reply

    I’m 68yo but we’re unable to plan much beyond next week due to my wife’s cancer. She has a consult tomorrow, to review the results of a recent scan. These consults are terrifying, just waiting to hear bad news. It’s coming up to a year since her cancer was discovered and we’ve spent that year in a state of continual ‘bipolar’ emotional swings. Of course we’re hoping for no ‘new’ bad news tomorrow. If it goes OK I will hastily put together a little break somewhere – if she feels up to it.

    David Maddison
    August 1, 2024 at 7:02 pm

    Wishing you the very best news Steve.

    And none of those things OldOzzie mentioned could hurt either, including IVM.


    What David was referring to re IVM was this Article –

    I have downlaoded the 12 page PDF referenced at the site and sent a Copy to my CLL Haematologist to discuss in our meeting early Sepetember 24

    Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug

    Ivermectin, a widely used antiparasitic drug, has been found to exhibit potential anticancer properties. Its mechanisms of action involve:

    . Inhibition of various signaling pathways: Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit the Wnt pathway, Akt/mTOR pathway, MAPK pathway, and YAP1 protein, among others, in different types of cancer cells.
    . Induction of programmed cell death: Ivermectin has been reported to induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in various cancer cell lines, including those resistant to gemcitabine.
    . Inhibition of cancer stem cells: Ivermectin has been found to inhibit cancer stem cells in breast cancer.
    . Modulation of ion channels: Ivermectin has been shown to activate chloride channels, leading to increased apoptosis in leukemia cells.

    Cancer Types Affected

    Ivermectin’s anticancer effects have been demonstrated in various cancer types, including:

    . Breast cancer
    . Colorectal cancer
    . Ovarian cancer
    . Glioma
    . Melanoma
    . Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
    . Prostate cancer
    . Lung cancer
    . Leukemia
    . Renal cell carcinoma

    Future Directions

    While ivermectin’s potential as an anticancer drug is promising, further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and to explore its efficacy in clinical trials. Additionally, the development of ivermectin derivatives with improved anticancer properties and reduced toxicity may enhance its therapeutic potential.

    Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug – ScienceDirect
    Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug – PMC
    Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug

    + 2 more

    AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more


    • #

      When the required double blind effectiveness studies (of existing off patent drugs) are so large and costly that they can only be funded by international pharmaceutical companies, they will be avoided.
      There needs to be a mechanism where people with otherwise difficult to treat cancers can in conjunction with their medical providers report the conditions where the existing drugs were used along with a continuing report of the outcomes.
      Hopefully supported by a university network and totally independent of pharmaceutical company and federal government support.
      And the study contents would need to be accessible by the general population.
      Or perhaps like the drug adverse reaction database was supposed to be.


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      Thanks Mate. I have been reading up on IVM use to treat cancer and found many papers suggesting that it does indeed work. I’m also trying to persuade Mrs Wife to give it a go on the basis that, OK it probably won’t work but then again it might – at low cost and low risk.

      I haven’t been able to find out anything about HOW to use it, i.e. dosage and frequency. I note too that some studies say that it should be used alongside chemo rather than on its own.

      I still have some in the fridge and I’m going to order some more. Even if she decides not to try it, I like to have it around.


      • #

        2 mg for every 10kg body weight. Though overdose limits seem very generous. As for frequency I have seen multiple variations on a theme.
        Given the infusions for cat 1 bladder cancer are weekly (don’t ask) I would go weekly for at least two to three months. Then perhaps monthly. I read the literature as IVM being an inhibitor of cancer growth/metasizing.
        The first couple of weeks dosage will likely assist in the “re-stabilization” of the lower GI tract. Might actually be useful for some IBS sufferers. 🙂


  • #
    David Maddison

    Chronology of wake up music that NASA has used to wake up astronauts after their sleep periods.

    The particular music used is chosen by the astronauts.

    The list goes from 1965-2011.


  • #

    As an Owner Builder early 80s – Something I have been noticing in Knock Down Rebuilds in our Area is the following!

    NSW residential construction: plastic vertical formwork solutions

    Based on available information, the following plastic vertical formwork products are suitable for use in house building in New South Wales (NSW):

    . Geoplast Recycled Plastic Formwork: Geoplast offers a range of modular formwork products, including Geopanel, Geopanel Star, Geotub, and Geotub Panel, which are lightweight and suitable for constructing concrete columns, pillars, walls, plinths, and foundations directly on-site. These products can be used for various construction and planning requirements, including columns and pillars of different shapes and dimensions, as well as walls and foundations of different thicknesses and heights.

    .PVC Wall Panel System: The PVC Wall System by Big River Group consists of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) panels that serve as sacrificial formwork for concrete walls. Once filled with concrete, these panels act as structural elements, reducing construction time and cost. This system is suitable for building concrete walls in NSW.

    Note that while other products, such as PALLISIDE Weatherboards Direct Fix, are mentioned in the search results, they are primarily designed for horizontal applications (weatherboards) and not specifically for vertical formwork.

    It is essential to consult with manufacturers and conduct thorough research to ensure compliance with local building codes and regulations in NSW before selecting and using any plastic vertical formwork products for house building projects.

    Find out more about concrete formwork, including how to build it
    Recycled plastic formwork products – Geoplast – sustainable construction solutions
    Plastic Building Materials in Sustainable House Design – EBOSS

    + 1 more

    AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more


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    From a lake core in the Australian Alps it was discovered that Southern Hemisphere warming broke out at the same time as the start of the Dark Ages in the Northern Hemisphere and it continued for 600 years, until the beginning of the Medieval Warm Period.

    ‘What surprised us most, however, was discovering a large increase in mercury at this time.’

    ‘Mercury, which occurs naturally in the environment, is the only metal that’s liquid at room temperature, and is particularly sensitive to temperature changes. Higher temperatures enhance mercury deposition from the atmosphere, and our study shows a five-fold increase in mercury flux 1,600 years ago.’ (The Conversation)


    • #
      David Maddison

      Being on that far Left propaganda platform The Conversation, my immediate thought is, is that even true?

      They are trying to claim that the Dark Ages Cold Period (c. 400-765CE) was associated with warming and warming in the SH finished at the start of the Medieval Warm Period.

      It seems like they are trying to erase the existence of both as demanded of anthropogenic global warming ideology.


      Roman Warm Period — Dark Ages Cold Period (Summary)

      There has been much discussion of late about the magnitude and geographical extent of the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age. Soon et al. (2003) review a wealth of paleoclimatic data from around the world that suggest these relatively warmer and cooler epochs were of global extent and that the Medieval Warm Period was at least as warm as – and, in many places and times, even warmer than – the current Modern Warm Period.

      On the other side of the debate, Mann et al. (2003) stridently claim these several-hundred-year climatic episodes were not nearly as dramatic nor as widespread as what Soon et al. (2003) suggest. Why? Because if they were, there would be nothing unusual about what climate alarmists, such as themselves, typically describe as the unprecedented global warming of the past century, which characterization makes the temperature increase of the past hundred-plus years appear so unusual they can further claim it must have been caused by something unnatural, such as the concomitant increase in anthropogenic CO2 emissions.



      • #
        David Maddison

        To bring another perspective to this debate, we here summarize the results of several scientific journal articles we have reviewed over the past few years that deal with the two prior incarnations of the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age, i.e., the Roman Warm Period and Dark Ages Cold Period, which like their more current cousins are simply manifestations of a naturally-induced millennial-scale cycle of climate that is also likely responsible, in our view, for the establishment of the Modern Warm Period.


        • #

          ‘It seems like they are trying to erase the existence of both as demanded of anthropogenic global warming ideology.’

          Good point, but focussing on the science we get a clearer picture of whether the hemispheres are regularly out of sync.

          ‘Here we show for a marginal alpine region of Australia using a carbon isotope speleothem reconstruction, warming over the past five decades has experienced equivalent magnitude of temperature change and snow cover decline to the RWP and MCA.’ (McGowan et al 2018)

          You can see their bias with MCA (Medieval Climate Anomaly).


  • #

    Something for the Palestinian Protest Idiots in Australia!

    ‘Dismantling Hamas from within’: IDF uncovers trove of Hamas secrets

    IDF and Shin Bet uncover extensive Hamas intelligence, revealing lists of suspected LGBTQ+ individuals, brutal tactics, global operations, and systematic terror tactics.

    The intelligence included Excel tables showing the readiness levels of special units, companies, battalions, and brigades, including the scope of training, weapons, and ammunition.

    It also included documentation of orders in the various units and the review of equipment lists for each fighter, protocols of meetings, discussions, and the decision-making process at senior and junior levels.

    Security officials stated that the level of order and organization was a significant surprise for the intelligence community.

    “Hundreds and thousands of interrogations of terrorists and senior leaders would not have yielded such intimate intelligence on their methods of order and organization in such a short period,” said a military official exposed to the intelligence material.

    For example, during the ground maneuver, official documents of the terrorist organization were found, including procedures and investigations of those suspected of being part of the LGBTQ community.


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    another ian


    “Countering the climate exaggerators squatting in the house of weather”


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    David Maddison

    Access to many Australian public parks is race-based under Australian apartheid laws.

    So now, a hiker has been fined for using a national park and not being of the approved race.

    Hiker Marc Hendrickx becomes first Aussie punished for defying ban on climbing Wollumbin-Mount Warning summit trail sacred to local Indigenous groups


  • #
    David Maddison

    Copied from elsewhere. (Farcebook) It was a comment referring to the article at


    Australian aboriginals were 700 individual mobs speaking 350 different languages , over 400 dialects and no common culture ; they were stopped from slaughtering each other over food , water , resources , shelter and women . Had the world not developed and the British hadn’t settled Australia they would have remained in the stoneage with total populations never exceeding the estimates of 70,000 up to 250,000 .

    Easy to work out that hunter gatherer mobs needed to remain small to be able to find sufficient resources .

    The Fantasies must stop , they never farmed , never established permanent homes , lived in Caves and built bark and stick humpies as they travelled .


    • #

      As if recognising elders past present and emerging isn’t enough, we have the curious “ism” ( call it relevantism ) made known wherever possible. An example or two: last evening at a WASO classical music concert we were told that First Nations had been making music here for thousands of years. A few weeks ago our former Federal Agricultural Minister, at a food conference, said that First Nations folk were the first farmers.
      So at every gathering we are brainwashed into a new paradigm. Will First Nations folk be regarded as the first bankers at a Banker’s Convention, or the first cleaners at a Vacuum Retailers Convention?


    • #
      John Connor II

      The coastal mobs (how aren’t they offended by that word?) fared very well in comparison though with abundant year round food.
      Some middens were the size of white fella rubbish dumps.
      These days bush tucker means KFC in the suburbs.


  • #
    YYY Guy

    How very PC. NT Chief Plod

    Murphy delivers public apology to Indigenous Territorians at Garma for racial ‘injustices’ by NT Police
    The NT Police Commissioner who claimed earlier this year that he had never seen racism in the police force has offered a sweeping public apology to Indigenous Territorians for “past harms and injustices” inflicted on them over the past 150 years at the hands of the NT Police, while committing to “eliminating racism” in the force under his command.

    Meanwhile at his day job
    Action for Alice on FB


    • #

      You’re a copper, how about doing something about crime instead of trying to undo the last 150 yrs of history.


    • #

      Really am finding Brave AI Answers Excellent – Meanwhile at his day job


      • #

        That NT murder rate per 100,000 in the link is worse than the US , generally regarded as a leader in the field.

        I guess we have they same sort of issues as the US in this area, generally quite safe but dont be naive about the places you visit and what you do.


  • #

    “Boeing’s crewed Starliner spacecraft mission to the International Space Station was initially expected to last just a few days, but it has stretched into weeks and now two months….after two months, Boeing has yet to publicly ask Elon Musk’s SpaceX for help.

    Optically, this would be a major blow to Boeing’s image, especially considering the series of mid-air mishaps involving its 737Max commercial jets. Additionally, it’s an election year for the Biden administration, which has been on a crusade against Trump and his supporters, but also is very anti-Musk. Any rescue mission by SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft is undesirable news flow for Democrats…>>Boeing is not allowed to ask Elon to save them in an election year…”


    “One informed source said it was greater than a 50-50 chance that the crew would come back on (Musk’s) SpaceX Dragon. ”

    Well, eat crow and ask the opposition for help?? ..or tell the couple to get in the spacecraft and take the risk of them burning up on the way down? Tough times for Boeing and NASA, especially if Starship 5 has clean orbital run in a week or two.


  • #

    Wind has again gone missing this morning on the WA SWIS grid, dropping to 2.5% at the peak morning time at 6:30am. Started dropping last night, down to 4% at midnight. It seems that unless we have a storm front passing through, almost every winter evening and morning is a no-wind time.


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    YYY Guy

    Kevin being Kevin
    Questions –
    When and in which country was the pic taken?
    What happened that distracted the chillun?
    Would you prefer to listen to Olivers Fruit Salad narrated by this annoying wymmins or by KRudd?
    How many grandparents do you know who have a garden full of fresh fruit and veggies?
    Has your state gummint or local council banned the growing of fresh produce in your garden yet?


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    • #
      CO2 Lover

      After a sentence or two about the weather, he suddenly said: “If I had the money to go, I wouldn’t stay in this country.” I made some deprecatory reply to the effect that even this government wouldn’t last for ever; but he took no notice, and continued: “I have three children, all of them been through grammar school and two of them married now, with family. I shan’t be satisfied till I have seen them all settled overseas. In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”

      I can already hear the chorus of execration. How dare I say such a horrible thing? How dare I stir up trouble and inflame feelings by repeating such a conversation?

      The answer is that I do not have the right not to do so. Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that his country will not be worth living in for his children.

      From Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech on made on 20 April 1968.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Non citizens admit to voting in US elections.


    • #

      In line with the generally accepted accounting practices of the (current) US government, the variation of result is “not material”.
      I am certain that the big 4 (used to be big 8) accounting firms agree.


  • #


    There’s a flashback scene from an episode of “The Big Bang Theory” where Leonard Hofstadter responds to the ad for a roommate from uber-nerd Sheldon Cooper, but knocks on the wrong apartment door, and greeted by a large black man in a bright red halter dress with big ear rings. Hofstadter asks, “Dr. Cooper?” “Nah, you want the crazy guy across the hall.”

    An instance of art imitating life in the Democratic Party. Democrats, the party of Dr. Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton, wants us to believe that J.D. Vance is “weird.” Oh-kay. Speaking of weird, the Olympics???


  • #

    The Census Bureau is not really known for anything but data. Raw data. Who was born, who has died, who has children, who does not, and so forth.

    So. What could the Census Bureau tell me about the results of the 2020 presidential election? Well, it told me quite a bit.

    It told me that Joseph R. Biden received 81 million votes, and it told me that Donald J. Trump received 74 million votes. Three million people also voted for the Communists, the Greens, or themselves. Okay, what else did it tell me? Well, it told me that at the time of the 2020 election, there were 168 million registered voters.

    So, I got out a pencil and a pad of paper and did me some flyover country cipherin.’ My remedial math skills are not very good, but this was not much of a challenge.


    158 is 94% of 168. (I had to use an online percentage calculator for this, because again… poor math skills.)

    But, Hmm…

    So, just using very rudimentary data provided by the Census Bureau, we can see that for the first time in American History our voter turnout has finally rivaled that of the old Soviet Union, Communist China, and Casto’s Cuba. Huzzah… I knew someday we’d finally catch up.

    Now, the Census Bureau is not known for making mistakes, but if these figures are not merely wrong but catastrophically wrong, then we oughtn’t have a census bureau at all.

    So this is what there is:

    A written synopsis of the 2020 election on the Bureau’s website states that voter turnout was 67%, but for some reason this is not included as a data point in their table of percentages for the last 100 years.

    However, in more recent decades, say from 1960 to 2016, the average turnout has risen to 62% with the pinnacle being 63% in 1964. Since then, we have turned out in numbers below that. Until the last general election, that is.

    Either because America loved Joe Biden with a passion or hated Donald Trump with the same, the electorate apparently kicked in the doors to the polls and stampeded en masse to vote in never-before-seen numbers.

    But again, such figures while possible, are not especially plausible. Sure, one could attribute mail-in voting procedures — put in place to address Covid — as a cause for the jump (and notice none of these procedures have been revoked back to normalcy now that Covid is no longer a thing), but then we are still left to wonder about that annoying 94% turnout rate that the Bureau’s data actually reveals after you do simple math.

    This is a 33% increase over just the previous election’s numbers and nothing close to the 67% turnout rate claimed in the Census Bureau’s written synopsis.


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      I wonder how many of those people who voted for Biden know that they did?

      Of course that amazing turnout could also be due to the high numbers of temporarily-resurrected voters who, after voting, promptly returned to their graves, therein to wait for the call to elect Kackala Harris.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Hacking DEI.

    Almost Black: The True Story of How I Got Into Medical School By Pretending to Be Black

    Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam, Matthew Scott Hansen

    I got into medical school by saying I was black. I lied.

    Honestly, I am about as black as my sister Mindy Kaling ( The Office / The Mindy Project ).

    Once upon a time, I was an ethically challenged, hard-partying Indian American frat boy enjoying my third year of college. That is until I realized I didn’t have the grades or test scores to get into medical school. Legitimately.

    Still, I was determined to be a doctor and discovered that affirmative action provided a loophole that might help. The only problem? I wasn’t a minority. So I became one. I shaved my head, trimmed my long Indian eyelashes, and applied as an African American. Not even my own frat brothers recognized me. I joined the Organization of Black Students and used my middle name, Jojo.

    Vijay, the Indian American frat boy, became Jojo, the African American affirmative action applicant.

    Not everything went as planned. During a med school interview, an African American doctor angrily confronted me for not being black. Cops harassed me. Store clerks accused me of shoplifting. Women were either scared of me or found my bald black dude look sexually mesmerizing. What started as a scam to get into med school turned into a twisted social experiment, teaching me lessons I would never have learned in the classroom.

    I became a serious contender at some of America’s greatest schools, including Harvard University, Washington University, University of Pennsylvania, Case Western Reserve University, George Washington University, University of Pittsburgh, Yale University, University of Rochester, University of Nebraska Omaha, and Columbia University. I interviewed at 11 schools while posing as a black man. After all that, I finally got accepted into medical school.


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    Robots in rehabilitation: enhancing physiotherapy with socially assistive robots socially assistive robots (sars) are transforming physiotherapy for post-stroke patients, significantly improving rehabilitation outcomes by providing consistent, encouraging guidance and interaction.

    Socially assistive robots (SARs) are revolutionizing physiotherapy for post-stroke patients, leading to improved rehabilitation outcomes. These robots provide consistent, encouraging guidance and interaction, addressing a critical need in patient motivation and adherence to rehabilitation exercises.

    Key Benefits

    . Consistent Motivation: SARs offer tireless encouragement and guidance, helping patients stay motivated and engaged throughout their rehabilitation journey.
    . Personalized Interaction: Robots can monitor patients’ progress and adapt their interactions to individual needs, providing a more personalized experience.
    . Reduced Burden on Caregivers: SARs alleviate some of the burden on informal caregivers, such as spouses and family members, by assisting with rehabilitation exercises and providing emotional support.

    Challenges and Future Directions

    . Human-Robot Interaction: While patients appreciate the robot’s ability to provide guidance and encouragement, they also desire more human-like interaction, including physical contact and empathy.
    . Robot Personality and Authority: The robot’s personality and authority must be carefully designed to establish trust and rapport with patients, ensuring effective therapy.

    By addressing these challenges and continuing to develop SARs, we can further enhance physiotherapy outcomes for post-stroke patients, improving their quality of life and overall well-being.

    Socially assistive robotics for post-stroke rehabilitation | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation | Full Text
    A Socially Assistive Robot for Stroke Patients: Acceptance, Needs, and Concerns of Patients and Informal Caregivers – PMC
    Frontiers | A Socially Assistive Robot for Stroke Patients: Acceptance, Needs, and Concerns of Patients and Informal Caregivers


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    David Maddison

    Did Zimbabwe send a delegation of 7 athletes and 67 officials to the Olympic Games in Paris?

    Zimbabwe made headlines after reports surfaced that the Zimbabwe Olympic Committee (ZOC) had sent a delegation of 74 individuals to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, with only 7 of them being athletes.
    The reports revealed that the majority of the delegation consisted of government officials, such as Vice President Constantino Chiwenga.

    He and his wife chartered a luxurious Dassault Falcon X8 jet for the trip, which reportedly cost US$11,000 per hour.

    Out of the total delegation, 64 officials were part of the group that travelled to Paris as part of the Zimbabwean team.

    However, ZOC President Thabani Gonye refuted claims of sending 74 people to Paris, stating that the delegation actually comprised 17 individuals.

    This included seven athletes and eight officials, with Gonye and ZOC’s Chief Executive Officer, Marlene Chiedza Gadzirayi, being the only non-technical officials.

    “We are aware, though, that there are many other technical officials and dignitaries invited to the games directly to officiate and as guests, and many other hundreds of Zimbabweans in Paris in various capacities, some to support our team at the Games, who, as ZOC, we can’t account for and comment on,” Gonye said, as quoted by Chronicles Zimbabwe.

    “These are not part of Team Zimbabwe’s delegation but Zimbabweans are all welcome and free to cheer our athletes on.”

    Below is the full list of Team Zimbabwe’s delegation for the 2024 Olympic Games:


    Isaac Mpofu, Rutendo Nyahora – marathon

    Stephen Cox – rowing

    Tapiwa Makarawu, Makanakaishe Charamba – 200m sprint

    Denilson Cyprianos – swimming 200m backstroke

    Paige van Der Westhuizen – swimming 100m freestyle

    Technical officials:

    Chef de mission – Ringisai Mapondera

    Admin and welfare – Sipiwe Nyamande

    Physiotherapist – Abigail Mnikwa

    Track & Field coach – Henry Tabarie

    Marathon coach – Benson Chauke

    Swimming coach – Masi Takaedza

    Rowing coach – Franz Infield

    Rowing manager – Andrew Lorimer

    ZOC Officials:

    President – Thabani Gonye

    CEO – Marlene Gadzirayi


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      CO2 Lover

      22 July 2024 — Prime Minister Anthony Albanese won’t be making the trip to Paris to cheer on the Australian Olympic team.

      Must be an early election in the works!


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    CO2 Lover

    News from Londonistan

    LONDON — As London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan is one of the most well-known faces in British politics. But he says he often wonders if the job is worth it.

    Threats to his safety mean that, since 2017, he has received round-the-clock police protection, which he has described as on par with the security given to King Charles III and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. This is unprecedented for a municipal official.

    Khan is the first Muslim to serve in that office. And there are reports that he has received violent threats from both far-right as well as Islamist extremists.


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    another ian


    “OUCH! Speaker at Trump Atlanta Rally Ends Kamala Harris’s Career with One Question About Willie Brown (VIDEO)”


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    another ian


    “Buffett Calls The Top: Berkshire Quietly Dumps Half Its Apple Shares Amid Unprecedented Selling Spree”


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    What is a coomb unit of measure

    A coomb is an ancient unit of volume, primarily used in England, particularly in Norfolk and Suffolk, to measure dry goods such as grain, wheat, and corn. The exact original details of the coomb are not well-documented, but it was defined as 4 bushels (~140 liters) in 13th-century England.

    Historically, the coomb was used as a dry measure, and its value remained relatively consistent over time. It was commonly employed in farming and trade, with records showing its use until the late 18th century in Norfolk and potentially later in Suffolk.

    In Norfolk, the coomb was used as a standard unit of measurement for grain, and it was also the international shipping unit for grain, with the 4-bushel bag being the standard container. The coomb remained in use until the widespread adoption of combine harvesters with bulk grain tanks, which ended the practice of handling grain in sacks.

    It’s worth noting that the coomb is not a part of the modern International System of Units (SI) and is no longer widely used today. However, its historical significance and regional importance make it an interesting example of an ancient unit of measurement.

    Unit of measurement – Wikipedia
    Coomb (unit) – Wikipedia
    Coomb – Wikipedia

    + 3 more


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      Graeme No.3

      Joining in retirement with the liquid one – a firkin (as in Ale).


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      Not too distant from a Coulomb, the measure of electrical capacity for charge as in Capacitance.

      Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (born June 14, 1736, Angoulême, France—died August 23, 1806, Paris) was a French physicist best known for the formulation of Coulomb’s law, which states that the force between two electrical charges is proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The Coulomb force is one of the principal forces involved in atomic reactions.


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    CO2 Lover

    Must have been a mate of ScumMo!

    Jack Reuben ran electronics company Bdirect, but won taxpayer-funded contracts worth $110million to supply mostly-useless Covid masks. Then he went on a massive oceanfront Sydney property spending spree…
    Jack Reuben’s company given millions to import masks and gowns
    He cut deals with another company in Cyprus and took profits
    Now, he’s a high-flying property mogul

    A Sydney businessman was given up to $110million by the government during the Covid pandemic to import gowns and face masks, most of which were useless, before he splashed millions on oceanfront properties.


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    CO2 Lover

    “Go ahead punk, make my day”

    Retired Cop Goes Viral After Winning Silver Medal at Olympics Shooting — Effortlessly Cool with One Hand in Pocket and No Specialized Lens!


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    John Connor II

    Sunday funny: the Orstralyan governmint doesn’t want a culture of secrecy

    Start with the bullsh#t vaxx coverup then.


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    David Maddison

    Celebrity snail:

    In the mid-1800s, a fascinating incident occurred at the British Museum involving a snail, Eremina desertorum, thought to be dead. Collected from Egypt, the snail was glued to a specimen card in 1846. Four years later, in 1850, zoologist William Baird discovered that the snail was still alive. The snail had entered a state of dormancy, sealed with a mucus membrane called an epiphragm. After being placed in water, it revived and became a minor celebrity at the museum before it passed away in 1852​.


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    I need to clarify the 3.0% of fossil fuel CO2 in the air. This is NOT per year. This is total since 1750. The increase is demonstrably natural.

    So what happens to all our CO2 emissions? In terms of volume they are trivial and go into the ocean. Fast. They are only old leaves anyway.


    CO2 is extremely soluble, which everyone knows. 98% of all CO2 gas is freely dissolved in the vast oceans.

    Therefore 98% of all emissions end up in the oceans too.

    The little bit of CO2 in the atmosphere, essential for all life on earth, exists only because some escapes.

    Just like most of the water is in the oceans, most of the CO2 is in the ocean.

    And why has CO2 slowly gone up in a straight line? Slight surface warming. It’s exactly what you would expect with any dissolved gas. Slightly warmer molecules are more likely to escape.

    And what effect has human CO2 had on total CO2? None at all.

    More CO2 means more life on earth, more trees, more phytoplankton, more food.

    And does extra CO2 since 1750 heat the planet? It’s a tiny effect, negligible compared with H2O which is the third biggest gas at 1% to 4% across most of the planet and a vastly stronger greenhouse gas. Water vapour, clouds, ice, snow dominate after the effects of sunshine and osciallations in the vast heat bank which are the world’s oceans which never freeze, even at the North Pole.

    So what’s the problem? There is none. The use of Hell Fire to scare people has been going on since Ancient Egypt. And it still works. Send money.


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    As for developments on the near assassination of Donald Trump, today there was a major admission, though no one seemed to notice.

    The rally at Butler was the FIRST time and therefore only time the secret service had sent a counter sniper to a Trump rally.

    The job of a counter sniper is to spot snipers and eliminate them. And he did. After eight bullets were fired at Trump at nearly point blank range from an extremely obvious and likely and totally unguarded position.

    Cookes would have died immediately afterwards whether he succeeded or not.

    So what prompted the secret service to send a counter sniper? And why didn’t he do his job?


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      Leo G

      So what prompted the secret service to send a counter sniper? And why didn’t he do his job?

      Neither of the counter-sniper teams was assigned the task of observing the security zone which included the American Glass Research building complex.

      The offer by the Secret Service, to provide counter-snipers for the Butler PA rally to enhance President Trump’s safety, was no more than a bait-and-switch technique, a deception aimed at reducing protection against assassination.


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      Secret Sniper = Patsy Eliminator.


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    And it’s great to see the battle between the New York Times and GLAAD, Hollywood’s favorite TRANS promoting organization. It’s quite unbelievable.

    “In its investigation, the Times found that Ellis spent nearly half a million dollars to rent a seven-bedroom chalet, for herself and GLAAD staff, in Switzerland for a week while attending the World Economic Forum in Davos. She reportedly billed back approximately $18,000 for a home office renovation at her Long Island residence — including a new chandelier.

    She reportedly took more than 30 first-class flights over an 18-month period. And GLAAD reportedly picked up a $60,000 tab for airfare and accommodations for Ellis and GLAAD COO Darra Gordon to attend the Cannes Lions advertising summit in France.

    Ellis had a base salary of $576,000 for the fiscal year ending in 2022, which is the most recent year for which GLAAD’s financials are publicly available”

    So it’s all about the rights of TRANS people? A bit like the IPCC is about Global Warming. These are money machines.


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    another ian

    “The Energy Transition Ain’t Happening: “Green” Economy in Retreat” ”


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    Meanwhile here’s one for the collectors.

    The creation of a Trillion Dollar Platinum Coin, “was discussed at the highest levels of government.”…

    President Barack Obama had been negotiating with Congress to raise the debt ceiling…

    During Obama’s talks, a radical idea to sidestep the debt ceiling bubbled up from various political and financial blogs: the Treasury Department could simply mint a trillion dollar platinum coin, deposit it with the Federal Reserve and use it to pay down debt.


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    Government censorship is an inversion of democracy itself,” Mike Benz, Executive Director, Foundation for Freedom Online

    Everything You Need to Know about the Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign(video)

    Mike Benz is a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Mr. Benz founded FFO as a civil society institution building on his experience in the role of championing digital freedom around the world in the public sector.

    Watch this incredibly in-depth interview with Tucker Carlson to the end. Benz has connected all the dots of surveillance and censorship and its effect on US and Australian media.
