A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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So can Coral come back from disaster?…. Well in answer… one can explode an “atomic bomb” or two or three or more.. and study a reef, 6 decades later…. It has happened.
Case study.. Bikini Atoll.
In 2017, Stanford biology Professor, Stephen Palumbi, surveyed around the perimeter of the “missing” coral to estimate how much mass had been hurled heavenward….
“It’s equivalent to 216 Empire State Buildings being blown into the sky,” Palumbi stated. “These tests are the most violent thing we’ve ever done to the ocean.”
“We found, much to our surprise, not just scattered corals, but very abundant, big healthy coral communities — corals larger than cars about the edges of a hydrogen bomb crater.”
“Frankly, the visual and emotional impact of it is just stunning.”
Ok, I am perplexed, confused.. So a radioactive hydrogen bomb, can’t erase the coral forever.. and yet we are told in 2024, a 0.2C degree higher water temp can?
Coral is very robust. And nature generally repairs itself.
Despite being vapourised in nuclear tests, it grew back and the radiation dissipated.
Coral is highly adaptable and has suffered numerous assaults over the last 500 million years since it evolved, such as regular sea level changes and regular, natural, climate changes.
Only ignorant warmists who believe in a static, unchanging earth believe otherwise.
Coral is like the black mould in your bathroom. It just grows where the conditions are ideal. Nothing we can do can stop that. And that’s the silly part. We are spending billions around the world to basically watch black mould grow.
Sorta related, and about the nuclear testing.
Ever wondered why they stopped? And why there was a hurried conclusion to the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
The last test at Bikini was a Thermonuclear (Hydrogen) test, akin to fusion, when compared to the earlier fission tests for Nukes.
It was called ‘The Castle Bravo Test.’
It was supposed to reach the equivalence of perhaps 6MT. (of TNT) It actually registered at 15MT, and literally scared the cr@p out of everyone involved, and the quote was this:
Hence the rapid decision for that Treaty.
The Soviets later detonated ‘Tsar Bomba’ later and that yield was (again, unexpected) umm, 58MT, the last ‘superbomb’ to ever be detonated.
Err, bend over and kiss your *** goodbye, eh!
And still the coral recovered.
The Tsar Bomba was meant to be 100MT but its yield was reduced by removing the uranium-238 fusion tamper to allow the aircraft enough time to escape the danger zone and to reduce fallout.
Friends of Science newsletter #414
Topics include:
Energy Sound Bites on Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein.
(Fossil fuel talking points in three parts)
Elevated CO2 Concentrations Contribute to Greater Vegetation Growth and Water Availability
Antarctic Cold Spells Shattered Records in July-August, 2023
Offshore Wind Turbines May Kill You
Sea Ice Choke Points Reduce the Length of the Shipping Season in the Northwest Passage
The radar thing is a worry.
We’ll have to put them in flight mode.
The 2023 winter was cold in Antartica, but this year its a totally different ball game.
Yes. This August is about half as cold (so far) as August 2023 at Mawson (BoM figures).
Average Aug 2023 min -24.3 and max -16.9
Average Aug 2024 min -12.8 and max -6.9 (so far)
July was 1 & 3 deg warmer on the min and max.
We’ll have to wait and see how 2024 compares to the trend of no warming or cooling since 1954.
WSJ – Ford Shrinks Its EV Rollout Plans as Demand Lags
Ford Motor is canceling plans for a large electric sport-utility vehicle and expects to take $1.9 billion in related special charges and write-downs, as automakers continue adjusting their EV plans because of softer-than-expected demand.
The Dearborn, Mich., automaker said it is scrapping plans for an electric three-row SUV, citing tough pricing pressure as automakers resort to aggressive discounts to move their EVs.
This spring, Ford had said it would delay plans for that model by two years, to a 2027 release date.
Ford instead will offer hybrid gas-electric versions of future large, three-row SUVs, a popular vehicle category that includes the brand’s Explorer and Expedition nameplates.
The company’s moves are the latest example of automakers unwinding EV-investment plans they made years ago, when it looked like there was big untapped consumer demand for battery-powered models. There has been more hesitancy among car shoppers than auto executives initially expected, with surveys showing concerns about high prices and finding places to charge.
General Motors last month pushed back the timeline on the opening of a suburban Detroit factory that is being renovated to build electric pickups and delayed the release of a Buick EV.
Ford also pushed back the launch of a new electric pickup truck by one year, until 2027, the second time it has pushed back the timeline.
In addition, Ford said it would trim its capital spending on fully electric vehicles to about 30% of its budget, from 40%.
Ford has said its EV business is on pace to lose about $5 billion this year. In the three-month period ended in June, the automaker lost about $44,000 on every electric vehicle that it sold.
Remember when car parks where just car parks, and not bonfire sites? I wonder what changed?
What happens to the solar panels after their estimated 25 years life and will these panels be made in China using coal fired power?
Plibersek lies by saying a large nuclear reactor is 700MW (lets assume she means electrical output but has no clue what she’s talking about). That is a medium size. A large one is about 1000MWe to 1600MWe.
And as is typical of Leftist liars, she states the power output of the solar plantation as nameplate capacity which is substantially more than average capacity which might be 4 or 5 times less.
And no Aboriginal land rights claims?
And no claims of Aboriginal cultural heritage on the ocean floor to be violated by the world’s longest subsea electrical cable either (4200km, 2610 miles) as was the case with the proposed Santos gas pipeline?
Solar panels are almost black, they get damned hot in operation.
So how much warming is this plant going to ADD to the globe?
Remember, the native ground, even if bare of vegetation, still reflects a large portion of the incoming solar energy back to the sky. This plant is designed to soak up ALL the suns energy, 20% electrically which will be returned to heat where it is consumed and the rest via the dark colouring.
Was this mentioned in the environment effects statement? Would the government minister even understand?
I wondered that. A large black patch would create a heat island, thereby warm air rising.
Would this not change the weather pattern in the immediate area? somebody in a nearby pastheplagon tribe will be able to sue because their weekly washing was ruined by a Willi Willi.
Twiggy walked away from this a while back.
Twiggy has experience developing stuff in the bush. Cannon-Brookes will give up on this project before any serious money is spent.
It has planning approval. The real money awaits a bankable project, which is set for some time in 2027.
UK has a 500km subsea cable that will cost GBP4.3bn. SunCable is proposing a 4,000km subsea cable plus 800km overhead transmission, plus a 12,000Ha solar farm on the end of it and a few batteries thrown in for a proposed price of AUD30bn. I get AUD70bn just for the cable. Maybe they can do a deal with China and get everything, including Labour, at half price.
And their last budget statement was for $35bn. The detailed costing back in 2020 on WUWT indicated the cost would be closer to $1.2T, and by now that cost would have risen to over $1.5T.
Over 2000 comments in The Australian yesterday, virtually all negative. One of the greatest boondoggles proposed, doubt that it will ever go ahead.
Snowy Hydro 2.0 did and they plan something equally fanciful for the Borumba Dam. Good luck with that as there is going to be a choice between power for Brisbane or water supply for Noosa & Gympie communities at some stage. Forget the farmers they have already shown them they will keep increasing allocation for residential in preference to agriculture and industry.
Interesting to read that RFK Jr. DIDN’T meet with Harris and try to get a role in her administration. If that’s true, he really should have done more to scotch that lie. I myself believed it, which (once again) shows that the internet is a tricky place to navigate.
Trump’s smartest move of all was to appoint JD Vance as his running mate. Vance is on top of all the issues and speaks very well to them. Here’s an example (14m 16s video):
JD Vance: Democrats Hate Trump More than They Love America
Elon Musk@elonmusk
This path leads to bread lines & ugly shoes
Kamala’s policies so far
– Price Controls
– 28% corporate tax
– 44.6% capital gains tax
– 25% tax on unrealized gains
The Obama have homes in DC, Chicago, Hawaii, and Martha’s Vineyard
Tom Elliott@tomselliott
.@MichelleObama says her parents were “suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.”
Batya Ungar-Sargon@bungarsargon
Obama spent half his speech demonizing his political opponent and the other half of his speech bemoaning polarization 🤔
‘Two Minutes Of Hate’: Dems Roll Surreal, Unhinged Attack Montage On Loop At The DNC
by Tyler Durden
In George Orwell’s prophetic and seminal work, 1984, the Two Minutes of Hate was a daily ritual of operant conditioning, in which a video reel depicting enemies of the state was broadcast throughout society with the express aim of whipping the masses into a frenetic state of loathing towards any who opposed Big Brother.
Since the appearance of the “Dark Brandon” entity, the non-brainwashed have been wary of the nasty turn politics has taken in the United States, and elsewhere.
If four years of unhinged Trump Derangement Syndrome from the MSM wasn’t enough, now the President and incumbent party was channeling unrestrained animus at roughly half the U.S. population.
While constantly professing to be the party for “preserving democracy” and “inclusivity”, the US Democratic Party is channeling ominous and blatant overtones of repression, dare I say, even hatred toward their fellow citizens who may not be so like-minded.
So far the Democratic National Convention has been a dumpster fire of cringe, disrespect and hypocrisy but one takeaway, posted on twitter (I originally saw it here) takes the cake:
The profanity laden video depicts political opponents as cockroaches (could you imagine the reaction if a conservative made that comparison?), and sprinkles in s@xualized images, including Elon Musk deep throating a phallic object labeled “MAGAsickle”.
In case you were wondering what you’re really voting for if you tick the box for the Dems this November – it’s looks like some kind of deranged mutation of Orwell’s 1984 and Ayn Rand’s “We The Living”, replete with wealth redistribution and re-education camps.
Remember – it’s always relatively easy to vote your way into communism – but you have to fight your way out.
Michelle Obama Exits DNC On ‘Eat the Rich’ Palanquin
CHICAGO, IL — Following her inspiring speech last night about the evils perpetrated by wealthy people, Michelle Obama exited the Democratic National Convention stage on a palanquin with “Eat the Rich” emblazoned on it.
The beloved former first lady had just finished raking the wealthy over the coals to the delight of the crowd of supporters and delegates before climbing into the custom-made litter to be carried out on the shoulders of peasants.
“Come, slaves! Carry me out and do not make eye contact!” Michelle shouted as a group of servants scrambled onto the stage with the palanquin. “A feast of Wagyu beef and caviar awaits Barack and I, and we will not be one moment late. Chop chop!”
The Obamas drew rave reviews for their convention speeches, recounting the plight they have suffered at the hands of the rich elites of the world. “They were mesmerizing,” said one DNC attendee. “Dressed in their designer clothing, fresh off their private jet flight from their expansive Martha’s Vineyard estate, you could really hear the passion in their voices as they talked about the hardships endured by normal, poorer people. It was magic. Then, she floated away in her ‘Eat the Rich’ palanquin borne on the backs of their indentured servants.”
Michelle was later seen scolding the catering staff at the DNC for not having any bottles of Duckhorn 2018 Vintage Cabernet Sauvignon before ordering her hair stylist and personal assistant to duel with knives for her amusement.
At publishing time, the Obamas were in talks to extend their $100 million Netflix production deal to include the release of a documentary on the evils of being wealthy.
Michelle Obama, Who Makes $750K Per Speech, Attacks Rich Who Take “More than they needed.”
Class warfare has always been a hobby of the rich.
If Biden Saved the Economy, Why Do We Need Price Controls?
“We’ve had one of the most extraordinary four years of progress ever,” the president said. “We gone from economic crisis to the strongest economy in the entire world,” he claimed, pointing to job creation figures, economic growth, higher wages, and “inflation down, way down, and continuing to go down.”
If so, someone should probably tell Vice President Kamala Harris about all that.
Just four days ago, Harris outlined plans for gigantic government interventions in the economy, including price controls.
Scott Jennings: Democrats Have Controlled The WH For 12 Of The Last 16 Years, Yet Everything Is Still Trump’s Fault
The gap that I see in all these speeches — as good as they were — [Kamala Harris] is in the White House right now.
Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years, and for all of the talk about division and the problems in the country, and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country.
Trump had it four four, the Obamas and Biden had it for the rest of the time, and somehow, it’s still all Trump’s fault, and somehow, she hasn’t been at the center of it.
To me, that is the glaring hole in this campaign that hasn’t yet been solved at the convention. How do you explain all of the problems that will be solved by the person who is currently in there for the last 3.5 years and who is supposed to be already working on solving it?
Is Kamala Harris Dumb? (Illustrated).
A photo look at the evidence of Kamala Harris’s intelligence
Is the Pope a catholic.
Cackles New Name – Bail to the Chief
Kamala Harris’ bail fund endorsement helped put killer, rapist back on the streets to offend again — in the name of ‘social justice’
Kamala Harris helped a controversial bail fund rake in millions of dollars, which it spent on getting violent criminals back on the streets in the name of “social justice” — only for some of them to commit more crimes, including murder.
Among the freed criminals: A twice-convicted male sex-offender who went on to allegedly assault other women before his re-arrest and a man who left a victim with a traumatic brain injury after being sprung from jail while awaiting trial for another felony assault.
Following the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of police, which sparked riots across the country, the Minnesota Freedom Fund received endorsements and donations from several celebrities including Seth Rogan, Justin Timberlake and Cynthia Nixon.
Harris, then a California senator, also asked her supporters to donate in a June 2020 tweet.
“If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” Harris wrote.
Crime watchdogs point out how big bail funds can undermine the system itself, and say Harris — herself a former prosecutor and District Attorney in California — should know better.
Cackles New Name – Bail to the Chief
Kamala Harris’ bail fund endorsement helped put killer, r@pist back on the streets to offend again — in the name of ‘social justice’
Kamala Harris helped a controversial bail fund rake in millions of dollars, which it spent on getting violent criminals back on the streets in the name of “social justice” — only for some of them to commit more crimes, including murder.
Among the freed criminals: A twice-convicted male s@x-offender who went on to allegedly assault other women before his re-arrest and a man who left a victim with a traumatic brain injury after being sprung from jail while awaiting trial for another felony assault.
Following the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of police, which sparked riots across the country, the Minnesota Freedom Fund received endorsements and donations from several celebrities including Seth Rogan, Justin Timberlake and Cynthia Nixon.
Harris, then a California senator, also asked her supporters to donate in a June 2020 tweet.
“If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” Harris wrote.
Crime watchdogs point out how big bail funds can undermine the system itself, and say Harris — herself a former prosecutor and District Attorney in California — should know better.
Interesting Map when considering the locations of proposed offshore wind farms
Offshore wind farms in the UK and Europe are not in locations subject to tropical cyclones
However, major developments are proposed off the Eastern Coast of the USA!
In Australia, none are proposed off the coast of Queensland or northern Australia – yet!
The joys of weather-dependent energy generation
Queensland’s east coast north of about Bundaberg has a nice little buffer protecting it from the dreaded offshore bird choppers. It is called the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park/World Heritage Area. Brisbane based Orchid Energy has been developing plans for a 6000 MW capacity facility off the coast of Gladstone for the last 2 years or so (to feed Twiggy Forrest’s fading Hydrogen dreams?). But the Feds have now clarified that they have no (current?) intents to include any area within the GBR as part of their offshore wind fantasies. As Tanya Plibersek stated in August 2023 “Our GBR is one of the planet’s most outstanding wonders. I encourage people from around the world to come and see our beautiful Reef for themselves – you’re very welcome”.
WUWT has posted my science education piece blowing the whistle on the NGSS with the usual good discussion in the comments:
Elon Musk calls for a ban on electronic voting machines.
Has monkeypox been manipulated and weaponised by gain of function “research”?
Dr Peter McCullough discusses.
“Mpox: the fake pandemic generates real money”
“There’s more at the link.
Let’s see, now. Speed is a factor, meaning governments and agencies won’t be able to take their time and make a fully informed judgment before shelling out the big bucks? Check. “Pricing is no doubt going to be an issue”? Check. Company needs a good excuse to charge more for forced, rushed production? Check. External pressure to buy the vaccine anyway, regardless of price? Check. Am I missing anything here?”
More to the point, what HASN’T been manipulated.
MP is small fry compared to Ebola, the current GOF toy in China.
“Has monkeypox been manipulated and weaponised by gain of function “research”?”
Of course it has, or it wouldn’t be a problem. Its the approved method to be able jab all those people who missed out on the Covid ‘vaccines’. No-one misses out on their shot of mRNA!
A Tesla big rig crashed in Northern California along I-80 on Monday and ignited the vehicle’s battery, starting a fire that filled the air with toxic fumes and forced the closure of the highway.
Firefighters used lots of water to cool it, and more to keep the fire from spreading to nearby forest.
The future is brighter – and hotter & more toxic – than the models predicted.
The Autolithic Acronyms have taken action against Dr Pierre Kory, and clearly are hurting.
We should not leave him to fight this battle on his own.
I will start by forwarding the links to his two latest postings to our local reps, both state and federal. I posted one here late yesterday. Long, but it seemed to work.
Done. I got called away.
In the video I posted above about monkeypox Dr Peter McCullough also mentions how the Novavax covid vaccine was the safest because the only spike protein you get is the 5 micrograms in the original dose, not unlimited production as in the mRNA vaccines.
Well, ineffectiveness of all covid vaccines aside, apparently Novavax is no longer available in Australia.
After covid, I have ZERO trust in the honesty or competence of Australian Government medical (or other) authorities but here is their reasoning.
“Scientists Make Breakthrough Discovery After Analyzing Cloth ‘Jesus Was Buried In’ ”
Breakthrough discovery of a Flying Horse
Often regarded as Prophet Muhammad’s vehicle in Islamic mythology, the Buraq is a winged creature often depicted with a human head and the body of a horse
“Cyberattack Hits US Defense Supplier Of Critical Chips, Impacting “Ability To Fulfill Orders””
“The WSJ’s “Real Story” of Nord Stream Sabotage Doesn’t Add Up”
It’s worth a bit!
The Oz didn’t publish my comment.
Anybody could have done that. Even a privateer. And they would not have used even one diver. Divers would be too dangerous, too time consuming, and too conspicuous.
All that would be needed is a small trawler, possibly with a crew as small as two, a GPS system and a mechanism to monitor the placement of the charge, which would not be difficult to devise. The regular ship’s sonar might be able to do it. It could be done without loitering at the site. Acquiring the actual charges would be the hardest part, and that would be easy for some people.
Neil Oliver: ‘Are you ready for this?!?’ (video)
“It Looks Like the DNC Is Backfiring on Kamala Harris”
“When Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, it undoubtedly caused a jolt of enthusiasm for her party, which had been looking at a landslide defeat with Joe Biden on top of the ticket. She took the lead in the polls as well as in the political markets.
Harris had as much as a seven-point lead in Polymarket in the days leading up to the Democratic National Convention. Between the wall-to-wall glowing coverage from the media and the convention coverage, Harris would maintain that lead, if not expand on it.
However, the lead she had before the convention is gone. It’s not only been wiped up, but as of the morning of the third day of the convention, Donald Trump has also regained the lead. By the second day of the convention, Trump had a one-point lead. As of this writing, he has taken a five-point Polymarket lead over Harris.”
Hmmm – + 7 to – 5 in three days!
The coup against Biden has moved the dems closer to the margin of fraud. In my view they are not there yet. That means more advanced ballot manufacturing techniques and riskier forms of cheating will be employed.
Another data point (or several more data points) can be found on
More immoderacy on my part. Perhaps as Cool Hand Luke might have said one day I’ll get my mind right.
“Anyone but Biden” , yeah, that’ll wear off very soon.
Another reason for Harris to replace Biden as POTUS before the November election.
Well, the “AI” party is winding down.
The novelty factor is wearing off the chatbots posing as AI, investment is dropping sharply and consumers are going “meh”.
A fad as I said.
However robotics is moving VERY fast with significant advances almost weekly.
Robotic dexterity can now thread a needle easily, which people struggle with and are pushing 100% in tasks that trained people have a 50% success rate at.
Robotics is the new computer age, with huge investments, masses of players and rapid innovation.
The future predicted to be decades away is mere years away.
They really need to fix that annoying bent knee low center of gravity walking gait though…
Sinwar The Brave supported by Labor Party AlboSleezy, Burke et al – Stuff Australia & Australians!
Oct. 7 mastermind and Hamas leader Yaya Sinwar reportedly adds new demand for cease-fire deal: Don’t kill me
Hamas chief and Oct. 7 mastermind Yahya Sinwar, who previously claimed that it would be an honor to die fighting Israel, has made his own survival a condition of any cease-fire in Gaza, according to a new report
Sinwar allegedly emphasized that his safety must be guaranteed, and that Israel must not try to kill him, a senior Egyptian official told Ynet.
“Sinwar insists on a guarantee that his safety and security are assured,” the official said.
In June, leaked messages obtained by the Wall Street Journal revealed Sinwar’s cold calculations, chalking up the tens of thousands killed in Gaza as “necessary sacrifices.”
“We have the Israelis right where we want them,” Sinwar told negotiators as he pushed for the terror group to reject a cease-fire deal earlier this year.
He even made similar comments about his slain sons, saying their deaths would only “infuse life into the veins of this nation, prompting it to rise to its glory and honor,” according to the WSJ.
Proud to be an Australian……..?
Wednesday, 21 August 2024
Where does Australia fit in, as reader KB rightly notes:
Labor Selected Senate Member Fatima Payman (فاطمه پیمان) shows us where here allegiances lie…
Wears an Isl@mic hijab
Wears a Palestinian flag
Wears a Aboriginal flag
Where’s an Australian flag?
The Australian Labor Party’s View of Australians!
UnTherapeutic Labor PM Albanese’s sick joke to Aussie farmers about Australian Live Beef Exports
Like a lead balloon.
Farmers insulted over Anthony Albanese comments at AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award gala
An off-the-cuff joke made by the Prime Minister at a prestigious agriculture awards dinner has left farmers feeling insulted.
Farmers are feeling “disgusted” after comments made by the Prime Minister at an agriculture awards dinner about banning the livestock trade.
Anthony Albanese made the quip while addressing 600 people at the black-tie AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award gala at Parliament House on Tuesday.
Mr Albanese recalled a meal he shared with the Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Subianto hours before getting on stage at the prestigious event.
“‘We had dinner, beautiful Australian beef – not the live export, we made sure it was dead,” he said towards the end of his scripted speech.
The joke has not been well received by the farming community, as it grapples with the reality of a total ban on live exports by May 2028.
Canberra Hospital hits back after introducing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lounge and ‘menu for mob’
Canberra Hospital to introduce Aboriginal-only lounge
Patients will be able to order off the ‘menu for mob’
A major hospital has defended its introduction of an Aboriginal lounge and a ‘menu for mob,’ following accusations it is ‘separating people by race.’
Canberra Hospital is building an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lounge as part of a major expansion due to be completed next year.
The lounge, which will feature a yarning circle, is intended to make it more ‘culturally safe’ for Indigenous patients and their families, a hospital spokesperson has said.
Patients who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander can also select from the ‘Menu for Mob,’ featuring options like kangaroo stew.
A Canberra Health Services spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia that the ‘menu for mob’ had been developed ‘to improve cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers during their stay, and help them feel supported’ while away from their community.
But Sky News host Andrew Bolt accused the hospital of offering an ‘apartheid menu’.
‘Why are we separating people by race like this? In a public hospital for all Australians of all races, paid for by Australians of all races,’ he fumed.
‘How on earth does the ACT Labor government and the Albanese Labor government justify funding this apartheid, this kind of state racism, to divide us by race, to care for us by race, even to feed us by race?’
Mr Bolt added: ‘If you’re concerned about racism, be concerned about this.’
Ahh, ten days to Spring, it was 26 deg in Brisbane yesterday.
Queensland electricity price went negative at 8am today, A nice sunny winter’s day.
The purveyors of grid scale WDGs will be hoping for a warm spring so the air-cons get turned up.
Victoria and SA currently have zero cost electricity but it will be negative by 11am. SA actually peaked at $12,500/MWh at 0740 today.
We may see rooftops eclipse grid scale wind as the most productive intermittent source of electricity in Q4 this year.
14:00, all the Eastern states are negative pricing.
Good to hear the rain has stopped
Where are all the expired and busted wind turbine blades?
Have seen a photo of a gorge, I think in Queensland, where blades have been dumped, and are just lying around on the surface.
A lot of hanky-panky goes on with these polls.The only one I take any notice of is the Rasmussen poll. It appears less political and more realistic.
“Pollster John McLaughlin Says Polls Are Oversampling Democrats to Pump Up Kamala’s Numbers”
Republicans just do not respond to polls when they understand it is about election preferences?
German Gestapo Sends YouTuber “Shlomo Finkelstein” to PRISON for Criticizing Islam!
The assault on free speech is ramping up in Europe: German YouTuber “Shlomo Finkelstein“ has been imprisoned for “hate speech” and “blasphemy,” as his co-host Kasper revealed Monday. Shlomo faces one year in prison in Germany’s Stasi state for criticizing Islam and mass migration.
Aron had become active as an Islam-critical YouTuber after Islamic terrorists massacred the editorial staff of French satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” on January 7, 2015, killing 12. Aron was shocked at the seeming acquiescence of the mainstream media in the West, who blamed the victims, and at state-funded Islamic YouTubers seemingly justifying the massacre.
Criticise the cult of Islam and you’ll be In-slam!
One would assume that the usual suspects shouting “G*s the Jews” in Berlin would get the same punishment at those who celebrated at the Sydney Opera on 7 October 2023 when Jewish women and children were raped, murdered and mutilate by Hamas and their supporters – that is no punishment at all and a police over-up.
“Yesterday, Turkish-German author Akif Pirinçci was given a suspended sentence for “insulting” Green climate activist Luisa Neubauer. Pirinçci was facing nine months in prison for posting the comment, “Sure, I’d f*** her. Even if I’d have to listen to her climate BS for hours afterward” about Neubauer in 2020.”
I don’t see any insult there? What am I missing? Luisa Neubauer should be happy, even honoured that someone is willing to f*** her.
All Covid-Vaxxed Children Now Have ‘Altered Immune Systems’
A bombshell new study has revealed that all Covid-vaccinated children are at a massively increased risk of deadly diseases such as cancer after the mRNA shots left them with “altered immune systems.”
A team of leading German researchers conducted a long-term study that analyzed a group of healthy children before and after they received Covid mRNA injections.
The mRNA Code Injection Attack (Or mCIA for short) strikes again.
Not surprising. Even so, it would seem that an infection of Covid will also cause some long term autoimmune effects in some people. Spikopathy from that damned spike protein. Many immunologists -such as Australia’s Emeritus Bob Clancy believe that the microbiome in the gut may be implicated. He has always believed that Covid 19 is a mucosal disease – & now seems to think that the two are connected. Certainly, the internet contains many studies these days into autoimmune effects both from Covid 19 infection and from the mRNA vaccines.
30m high monkey god statue unveiled in Texas
Kneel down and pray to your new god, savages! 😆
Straight out of Planet of the Apes.
In honour of monkeypox?
Looks like “Hanuman” a Hindu incarnation of the god Shiva (creator/destroyer) and is the god of courage, strength and self discipline though what a Hindu god is doing in Texas is baffling.
New Zealand to eliminate pensions!
In a recent interview with The New Zealand Herald, New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon inadvertently spoke about the pension reform that awaits New Zealanders in the coming year.
The news caused a huge shock and triggered a wave of worries and criticism towards the government. Citizens are concerned that this reform will leave pensioners without any means of subsistence. The general panic is fuelled by numerous reports from citizens that the government has already started cutting pension payments.
Christopher Luxon: Unfortunately, it is time to recognise that our pension system is very outdated. It not only eats up a significant part of the state budget, but also fails to provide seniors with a decent level of income.
Therefore, soon, within a year, the state pension fund will stop paying money to elderly citizens. The bill is already being drafted.
Journalist: Are you saying that pensioners will just stop being paid?
Christopher Luxon: Yes, the state will stop allocating money for pension payments. But we are already looking at alternative ways of providing for pensioners.—finance-phantom—pensiya–domonet—2-/index.html
Sorry oldies, we can’t afford you any more.
Maybe UBI? Maybe no money but food and power stamps?
No doubt the pollies will still get ridiculous unearned pay rises and live the high life.
In France there were riots over pension reform
A series of protests began in France on 19 January 2023 with a demonstration of over one million people nationwide, organised by opponents of the pension reform bill proposed by the Borne government to increase the retirement age from 62 to 64!
If affordability is an issue perhaps means testing pension payments would be a more sensible first step.
Lol JC! Its just clickbait for these clowns, the usual scam catching old farts who would buy the Brooklyn Bridge..
“The private investment platform Finance Phantom was created to provide people with a higher level of financial security. Unlike the state pension fund, Finance Phantom does not just pay pensioners money from their taxes. The Finance Phantom platform invests savers’ money in the most promising assets. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence technologies, the platform invests funds in currency, gold, and cryptocurrencies. Trading occurs in real-time based on advanced artificial intelligence and transaction forecasting technologies. The profitability of such investments reaches 300-500% per year. ”
Haha! Look at the buzz-words!
‘Trading occurs in real-time based on advanced artificial intelligence and transaction forecasting technologies. ”
It will blow up in a few years and we will find out they were using the incoming money to pay a few of the early adopters and generate exactly those reviews you can read on there.
““I’ve invested about 62,200NZ$ in the Finance Phantom platform, and you know, I feel much more relaxed now. Every month I get about 24,900NZ$ or so into my account, which is enough for absolutely everything, including travelling. For example, this month my wife and I went to Nepal.” ”
A ponzi scheme if I’ve ever seen one!
So to open the magic door you type in your first name, surname and email address press submit and wait for the phone call? Unless the action of submitting the form opens another form that asks for your phone number how are they going to call me? Another check is the limited offer counter at the bottom of the news item which got down to 24,500 odd when I was first looking then when I went back via a private window was back up over 26,000. Baa baaa baaaaah yip NZ is still full of sheep.
The Indians and Nigerians are now upset with you exposing them.😎
Making Sense Of The Ukrainian Invasion Of Kursk
The First Sober Appraisal Of The Ukraine’s Kursk Operation
Since the Ukrainian military crossed the border into Russia’s Kursk oblast two weeks ago, the fog of war has been filled some hysterical claims by both sides. Sergei Witte has written what may be the first sober appraisal of this operation and what it means. It’s a long, detailed post, but Big Serge has generously given me permission to excerpt key parts of it here.
Life In Moscow During The Kursk Incursion
The video below, about a big swim club in Moscow, was uploaded after the Kursk incursion started. As of last week, the war crossing Russia’s borders hadn’t seemed to impact the capital much, judging by this. I’ll be curious to see if her next video references last night’s drone attack on Moscow though.
There have been plenty of sober appraisals, they just arent on the MSM. Bige Serge does good work and is always a good read.
‘In short, the Ukrainian operation in Kursk bears no possibility of being supportive of the other, critical fronts of the war, and even in the most generous range of outcomes it has no potential to exert a direct operational influence on those fronts.’
That is incorrect.
Logistically the Ukrainians are going out of their way to capture Russian troops and trade them. Blowing up bridges and encircling a brigade, fighting for awhile and then surrendering.
A regime change is coming in Moscow and all thanks to this brilliant incursion.
Human swap, bring back our children.
‘During the Russo-Ukrainian War, Russia has forcibly transferred almost 20 thousand Ukrainian children to areas under its control, assigned them Russian citizenship, forcibly adopted them into Russian families, and created obstacles for their reunification with their parents and homeland.’
“‘During the Russo-Ukrainian War, Russia has forcibly transferred almost 20 thousand Ukrainian children to areas under its control,”
Lol! The orphans and street kids living in bombed-out Mariupol, kids living in regions that were trying to get out of Ukraine and join Russia, kids in front-line areas where the chances of death are high. Those kids? How about we discuss the Ukies machine-gunning the families trying to leave these areas, or using mortars and rockets on civilian cars trying to escape?
Being inside Russia is the safest place for those kids.
There won’t be a regime change in Moscow, no matter how hard the Yanks dream of it. The Russians can appreciate that they are under attack from NATO and have been expecting it for a decade or more. They know Ukraine is wasting its best fighters in Kursk and are happy to kill them as they come, while keeping the advancements moving along the Southern & Western fronts.
That is a bit simplistic, remember it was Putin who annexed Crimea and then started a war in Dombas.
We want those children back, they are suffering being separated from their families. I reckon a hundred Russian troops could be swapped foe a thousand children.
‘The Russians can appreciate that they are under attack from NATO …’
The Russian people are blissfully unaware of that, but they will think its true if Putin introduces another round of mobilisation. He could try and avoid this and use his conscripts, but that wouldn’t go down too well.
No El G I dont remember that at all, and glossing over the previous decade+ doesnt create a new reality
Daniel Davis Deep Dive: Larry Johnson: Where’s Putin’s Kursk Counter-Attack? (video)
Putin is trying to maintain control over the direction, the agenda and the narrative. He is also trying to maintain relations with Europe such that a successful rapprochement post the war can be accomplished. To that end the USA will be cast aside. And, a strong possibility, also the UK.
The UK government has much to answer for in that whole mess.
What is the betting that another cauldron is in the making?
Putting yourself in a 30klm x 30klm box with no air superiority, and one supply route seems a recipe for a sub optimal outcome.
Thursday challenge: are you smarter than a 1912 schoolkid?
Education is racist!
History 7: Name 2 presidents who have died in office; Three who were assassinated:
– Lincoln (1965)
– Garfield (1888)
– McKinley (1901)
Must be big thing in the USA even in 1912!
>Lincoln (1965)
Lincoln assassinated April 15 1865
I doubt a University graduate could get a decent score on that test.
I read just now that a drug called Lecanemab, which is said to treat Alzheimers by removing amyloid plaques in the brain, is being rolled out in the UK. However, my understanding is that the research which linked amyloid plaques to Alzheimers was discredited because the lead author(s) had faked the data and results. If that’s so, why is the medical profession backing this new drug? Do amyloid plaques cause Alzheimers or not?
There is a lot of debate about cause and effect.
Covered repeatedly b4.
Amyloid plaques are a response of the immune system not the cause of Alzheimers…
Tesla Electric Truck Fire Closes Interstate Highway for 16 Hours! (video)
They had to put a Very Large Fire balnket over the burnt out Tesla Truck (what little that was left of it) after it was loaded on a low loader to be taken back to Tesla Factory and Californian Fire were going to escort it to the Border, just in Case???
Man Thought He Was In DNC Food Line, Gets Accidental Vasectomy
“I thought it was weird when they asked me to get on the truck and take off my pants, but I thought, ‘eh, this must be a great burrito,'” he recounted.
According to sources, it was not worth it.
“I just wanted a burrito!! No!!!” Damien Trevor reportedly cried after being snipped. “Why does this keep happening to me?
This is worse than that time I accidentally got an abortion! Who puts a mobile vasectomy center next to a food truck anyway?”
A vasectomy is reversible – I know 2 blokes that had that done.
But there might be a side effect – both started their new families with twins
How to improve your privacy by blurring your home or business on googlemaps:
It’s WW3, you’re listening to the radio on a rainy night (audio)
Who votes for these monsters?
Russell Brand: This Ends It (video)
Trump arrested! Kamala arrested! Elon arrested, and more.
German warship in the Thames
The FGS Braunschweig is a German naval corvette made for stealthy littoral (shoreline) operations, but the Braunschweig ditched the stealth completely while transiting up the Thames this week on a training mission to London. Instead, the ship turned out its enlisted men to stand on deck in light blue shirts and dark pants while the boat blasted a recording of “The Imperial March (Darth Vader’s Theme)” from Star Wars as it floated past Tower Bridge.
Coming eight decades after Londoners lived through the German “blitz” in World War II and then spent years waiting for a German naval invasion that never materialized, playing the Big Bad Guy’s theme from Star Wars films was certainly a bold choice. But a German naval spokesperson assured the BBC that the music had “no deeper message” and added that it was not some sort of commentary from the German naval staff. Rather, the boat’s commander “can choose the music freely.”
Who says Germans don’t understand humour! 😆
They should have gone with the Dambusters Theme.
Alex M this morning –
“Zelensky Doubles Down, 1/3rd Ukr Combat Battalions Kursk, Visits Sumy; Donbass Defences Break”
Cauldron fodder?
“The Atlantic Ocean is Cooling at Record Speed and Climate Hoaxers Are Absolutely Baffled!”
Great Barrier Reef going to freeze in 3, 2, 1 ?
“‘Show what ABC won’t’: Gaza ‘culture’ shocks Australians amid visa turmoil”
“Donald Trump Humiliates Oprah With Receipts”
Oh Canada!
“Canadian funeral home offers euthanasia parties, for fee”
“How a US conservation group is painting the full picture of livestock emissions”
Instapundit lead in “This is nonsense”
“Government anti-terror ban forces historic British model steam train firm to close after 87 years”
A suitable shirt –
” a man walked past and said, “I absolutely love your shirt!”
It reads, “Proud member of a small fringe minority with unacceptable views”. ”
A deep slips catch?
“Eagerly awaiting ABC News coverage of one of its staff members on drug trafficking charges”