A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Central bank digital currencies already in force and controlling your money
Unofficial sources say several Iranian banks hit by massive cyberattack
A massive cyberattack that hit Iran last month threatened the stability of its banking system and forced Tehran to agree to a ransom deal of millions of dollars, Politico reported citing people familiar with the case. The Islamic Republic has yet to respond to the claim.
An Iranian firm paid at least $3 million in ransom last month to stop an anonymous group of hackers from releasing individual account data from as many as 20 domestic banks in what appears to be the worst cyberattack the country has seen, according to industry analysts and western officials briefed on the matter.
Unlike CBDC’s, cash is tangible, and the elite hacking groups capable of destroying any digital banking system…
A very interesting article.
I don’t think his preferred opt-out method will work en masse, though. Apart from govt control on bullion and other physical stashes of precious metals, the various exchanges which are able to trade (barter) with physical metallic “cash” will be very easily frozen when the trade size becomes large enough to warrant attention.
Apart from that, most people will never go to the efforts required for this barter setup to become useful.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light if you wish … or choose the T.S. Elliot route (not with a bang, but a whimper). Either way matters not.
I’m obviously aware that comments such as this are called “negative”. There have never been practical suggestions to counteract the deliberate slide into Chinese style social control though. The power of the State is now too strong by orders of magnitude.
Mother Nature at work –
Four-year-old Sandhya was sleeping outside her mud hut in India’s Uttar Pradesh state on the night of 17 August when a power cut plunged the village into darkness.
“The wolves attacked within two minutes of the lights going out. By the time we realised what was happening, they had taken her away,” recalls her mother, Sunita.
Sandhya’s body was found lying next day in the sugarcane farms, some 500 metres from her home.
Earlier in the month, in a neighbouring village, eight-year-old Utkarsh was sleeping under a mosquito net when his mother spotted a wolf creeping into their hut.
“The animal lunged from the shadows. I screamed, ‘Leave my son alone!’ My neighbours rushed in, and the wolf fled,” she recounts.
Since mid-April, a wave of wolf attacks has terrorised around 30 villages in Bahraich district, near the border with Nepal. Nine children and an adult have been carried off and killed by the wolves. The youngest victim was a one-year-old boy, and the oldest was a 45-year-old woman. At least 34 others have been injured.
Seems this is caused by a disruption to the available food (prey) in the area, and disease.
Heavy rains and flooding during the monsoons have drastically altered the landscape. The swollen river has inundated the forests, potentially driving the wolves out in search of food (and water)**. Indian wolves prey on black buck, chinkara (Indian gazelle) and hare. [**makes no sense]
Such attacks on humans are extremely rare and most involve wolves infected with rabies, a viral disease that affects the central nervous system. A rabid wolf will typically make multiple assaults without consuming the victims.
Or are they an Apex predator and have bred up on good conditions and are now forced to search for other food sources?
Same deal for the Wongari on K’Gari or as the old tribal aboriginals used to say, ‘the Dingo on Fraser island’.
As the Australian Aborigine was heard to say in a land of droughts and flooding rains. Such is life!
Sometimes you had to eat whatever was closest to you to survive. With a soon to be empty welfare bucket (Yes there will be a report of an increased budget) it will be interesting to see how these remote communities feed themselves.
The local Mob on Fraser are now selling decorated sticks to visitors to ward off the Dingo’s.
Nice little earner
They obviously need more leopards to keep the wolves under control.
I wonder how reports like this are regarded in Scotland, where enthusiasts are campaigning to introduce wolves. I suspect that some wealthy nutcase will just bring them in and release them without waiting for due process or approval, like the nutters bring tree-felling beavers into England (after all those years of greenies telling us not to cut down trees).
Australia’s covid enquiry ignoring evidence
>Australia’s excess deaths inquiry
just junk
This should be identified by Julie Inman Grant as malicious misinformation.
Red thumbs indicate some disagreement with this opinion but how can anyone seriously believe this Senate Committee Report is anything but junk when the above linked article reveals shortcomings such as for example:
>Two thirds of submissions made to the Australian Senate’s Excess Mortality Inquiry have been suppressed.
>key evidence raised in the inquiry process has been entirely omitted from the committee’s report.
It can only be called misinformation and yet our WEF appointed information police, Inman Grant, gives it a pass.
I would be astounded if it was any different, Govt committees are set up to be faked from the start, just cute sinecures for mates who have done someone in power a favour.
You only ever find truth in dissenting opinions, a main opinion exists to polish the ego of the person making it.
Guards protecting Trump during assassination attempt only had a 2 hour online webinar training
The team assassinating Trump wasn’t any better organised. There were bullets flying everywhere. ‘Alas poor Yerrick’, appears the shooter? on the roof may have been dead while Trump was still speaking.
With the new owner still allowing ‘X’ to publish and Zuck doing a ‘Mea Culpa’ it may be a little harder to cover up the presence of another team and the ballistic evidence. Like J6 (how was a climbing Ashlii Babbitt surrounded by police, secret agents and SWAT shot in the left anterior shoulder by a weapon that does not appear to be shot at her?), J13 has shown little respect for forensic science or journalism. Like J6, the Dark Ops team is still missing a clever continuity department as they have released pictures of under-bite Crooks at two locations at the same time. Having a picnic and strolling for Trump memorabilia.
It seems to me (at the moment), that the ballistic evidence, ie line of flight, supports at least some of the bullets coming from the Crooks direction.
A bullet wizzed off the left end hand rail of the grandstand. If one projects that back through Trump’s position it seems to originate from Crooks position. Same with the bullet that hit the hydraulics of the crane in the background.
Has anyone seen an analysis of that?
Peter C,
You have viewed my post and appear to see what I see in those images.
At J13, we appear to have the ‘Shooter’ shot while Trump continues to speak.
At J6, we have someone ‘unknown female deceased’ attending an insurrection without being known or having anyone personally concerned for her as she is allegedly shot by a gun that could not have been fired at her shoulder or neck, pronounced dead at the scene and then carried out like a lump of meat only to later appear naked in the freezing cold and alive on a trolley being wheeled off.
You are uncertain and ask:
Lets us look at ‘that’
You will notice that not only did a disturbance pass from left to right along the back of the stand with two men dropping and the bullet exiting from that same direction hitting the rail.
You will notice at 15 seconds the woman at the rear and centre of the stand with the white cap has at the same instance something ripped in that direction in her left hand.
There is certainly unexplained photographic and video evidence of a second source of bullets. You only have to watch the snipers obscured from the roof shooters position by trees to see that they believe they are under fire from the rear at the same time projectiles are passing along the back of the stand. Both men who fell were admitted to hospital with two gunshot wounds. The one on the right of the stand had taken the video that included the the ‘shooter?’ crossing the roof before he and another guy in the stand were shot. Four motorcycle police in a similar field of fire were hit with one later admitted to hospital.
Lots of bullets, lots of injured, a couple of vehicles maybe containing bombs and yet lots of certainty in the official narrative. A missing ABC cameraman who was filming Trump, a missing Illinois Antifa chap. Many easily solved questions yet no curiosity and no official answers.
Hope I have helped with your specific observation. Clearly the bullet that hit the railing was not from the roof of the AGR building as the direction of the splatter indicates.
In reality we can not be certain of anything about this shooting as computer generated graphics (CGI) are very good at creating support for any narrative and the internet can even create the cast quite possibly complete with a high school romance.
However, in this case there may have been too many cameras. I am still waiting for the phones with ‘hollerin’ and taking video of the ‘shooter on the roof’ to be disclosed with the actual movement of the shooter and why he was found lying in that position.
It seems to me if you were planning to assassinate Trump the last shooter you would rely on would be a risky amateur like Crooks. The plan would actually require pro shooter/s to take the kill shot while enabling Crooks to be blamed after he was silenced/killed.
Pro shooter/s are absolutely essential for any insider assassination plan
Because Vanguard Group (mutual funds) frequently has gotten bad vibes, it is interesting that of 400 social or environmental proxy proposals this season, the Company supported NONE of them. This is seen as a huge win for shareholders (including me).
{reported in the WSJ, by Kimberley Strassel, on Sept. 4th}
Big brother is not only watching you but knows who you are
Friends of Science Newsletter #415
Topics include:
Fijian Coral Reveals the Pacific Ocean Was As Warm 600 Years Ago
Atlantic Niña on the Verge of Developing
Electric Buses Not a Panacea
A Review of Challenges with Using the Natural Gas System for Hydrogen
Record Agricultural Yields Should Allay Climate Fear
New Research May Lead to More Accurate Hurricane Forecasts
‘ … ocean temperature was warm between 1380 and 1553 …’
The LIA in Europe was gathering pace, but it doesn’t seem to be impacting the South Pacific.
Important not to leave of the word “local” in that quote.
Also noteworthy.
LIA = Little Ice Age
We know that sea level fell sharply after 1300, which is a fair indication that the LIA began in the Northern Hemisphere. The drop is sea level was a disaster for the Pacific islanders.
Of course, We Take Orders’, Head of Germany’s RKI Testifies in Court
The junky with a gun angle ignores the dozens of felonies including
chopping cocaine with the president’s foster^ daughters bank card
along with a picture of the 17 year old’s backside.
trafficking prostitutes across state lines
Selling influence to hostile states especially (drumroll) Ukraine
He is simply a broken, bad addict who was stupid enough to document
his crimes. In short the Biden Junta is a criminal regime devoted
to enrichment of the demented dictator. The laptop evidence should
have put many Bidens in Jail for decades.
I had the opportunity to see the laptop contents (published uncensored
in full by a Taiwanese billionaire).
^the Obamas fostered the daughters of the ObGyn that “delivered” Big Mike.
Put him in the Slammer now.
Daddy will let him out pretty soon however.
Hunter Biden offers last-ditch guilty plea in tax case
Hunter Biden has offered to plead guilty in his federal tax evasion case, appearing to surprise federal prosecutors who were ready to begin his trial.
Biden had previously denied allegations that he intentionally avoided paying $1.4m (£1m) in income tax from 2016 to 2019.
Initially Biden said he wanted to enter what is known as an Alford plea – where he would accept the charges while maintaining his innocence – but prosecutors objected.
He then said he would simply plead guilty, but prosecutors have also objected to this latest offer, according to CBS News, the BBC’s news partner.
Here is an outstanding 31 min video.
Who Will Win America’s Next Civil War?
Looks deeply into Left vs right issues.
Usefull but I will have to examine at length.
Several minor matters is that the Timelines are slightly ‘wonky’ e.g. 1660 wasn’t the UK Civil War but the end and restoration of the Monarchy
The army officers were (somewhat) inclined to Trump in 2016
but more inclined to Biden in 2020. Hardly a sign of military conservatism.
I note that Congress & Television News are the lowest in trust. I can believe that.
I think we should link recent military defeats (loss of prestige for the ruling class), rigorous censorship and repression, and the economic loss suffered by the middle class and the poor.
Thus the French (first) Revolution came after military (& naval) losses in America, poorer harvests and repression of opinions by the Church. Followed by radical left wing searching power from the more bourgeois starters.
The second came after the defeat of Napoleon III and Paris was besieged, then surrendered. The working class suffered most and rose in The Commune – which was crushed by the Third Republic, which lasted until the defeat by the Germans in 1940. The Fourth Republic was a dictatorship with repression and murders of opponents, and loss of money from inflation.
Note: Military defeat, Inflation and repression. Much as the current situation in the USA.
United non-compliance is not glamorous, and these extremely brave people suffered a lot for their beliefs. At the time, we had no idea how long this situation would last. The government told us it would last for years, and that we all needed to ‘go get vaccinated.’ However, we knew they were lying, yet even if they were telling the truth, we would never cave and sell our bodies and souls to the state.
When satire died….
Recent sacking of Age cartoonist Michael Leunig….html?e9s=src_v1_upp
Sacking of UK Daily Telegraph cartoonist Bob Moran:
The remaining stalwarts telling the truth are being silenced.
Michael Leunig introduced himself to me at a conference years ago.
He has the most amazing eyes and a socratic persona. He was genuinely inquisitive.
His philosophy is worth listening to.
Bob Moran may be a better campaigner than a cartoonist.
My opinion.
I struggled to find his Telegraph cartoons amusing, or even very topical.
Personal choice. FWIW.
Cartoonists, especially Leunig and Bob, are the unsung prophets of our day (or to jabbees, dazed & confused). No wonder the authorities do not approve.
NB. Bob’s renditions of Horseface are hilarious and eerily accurate. Thanks for the links MeAgain.
Forgetting Adam Bandt | Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain
Here in England, I have just received a warning leaflet through my door from my electricity Network Operator, titled “Preparing for a Power Cut”. It included this passage:
National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) balances energy supply and demand to make sure there’s enough electricity for every home and business in the UK. [My network operator] may be instructed by the NGESO to implement emergency power cuts if there’s not enough electricity to meet demand… Emergency power cuts across the UK are unlikely and would only happen if there was an extreme shortage of gas or electricity to meet demand. If there is an emergency power cut, you may lose power for around three hours at a time. It’s possible you could lose power more than once. If an emergency power cut is needed, a rota system will be activated across the country… We may not be able to let you know about the emergency power cut before it happens…
If emergency power cuts are unlikely this winter, why have I received this leaflet now, but not in previous years? In 1973/4 Britain shivered in a 3-day working week due to an energy crisis. It was the result of a coal miners’ strike and a 4x rise in oil prices following the Yom Kippur war. In 2024 the government has ****ed up all by itself.
The days when governments worked to ensure people had adequate affordable energy are gone. Politicians in Democracies are now tasked with saving the planet from rapid Global warming.
The UK had the warmest May in recorded history according to the MET. In Australia the hottest August ever according to the BOM. Don’t listen to the miserable gainsayers. This global warming is real and saving heaps on power bills.
In this new steaming hot world there is no real problem with energy supply. The only real fears are the ability to pay for Chinese solar panels, windmills, transmission lines and electric cars. Plus a fear of the return of dinosaurs to the new tropical jungles of the UK and Australia. Luckily both countries are importing lots of Africans and Middle Eastern people who can cope better with the heat and lower our energy consumption by not working.
If only the wind turbines had a power control knob!
Maybe that letter should be “ Preparing to become a 3rd world Country “.
Courtesy of left wing politicians! Don’t feel to aggrieved. It’s now the flavour of the decade,
a race to the bottom rung of the ladder. That translates as the top rung of the ladder if you’re a believer in socialism!
‘ … you may lose power for around three hours at a time …’
Like in South Africa.
Hopefully, our political denizens of the ooze on the left ‘lose power’ for a very long time.
Breaking news from South Africa.
‘In mid-August 2024 President Cyril Ramaphosa approved a new law that marks the most significant change to date in the electricity supply industry. The Electricity Regulation Amendment Act is the beginning of the end of Eskom, the near state monopoly that has dominated South Africa’s electricity sector since the 1950s.’ (The Conversation)
Eskom used to run the electricity grid in SA and north extremely efficiently until the new cadre were put into positions that either required some work or some knowledge. South Africans have adapted and the sound of Honda generators chugging away in the suburbs disturbs the silence during blackouts.
The Green New Deal could make electricity 28 times more expensive
By David Wojick
The beginning: “Below I show how the Green New Deal can cause the average household electricity bill to go up a crushing $52,500. The reason is simple. Wind and solar require a lot of battery backup and we use a tremendous amount of electricity so the cost of all these batteries is many trillions of dollars. Here is the basic derivation. It is kept simple and the numbers are all rounded off so they can be remembered. (The U.S. Energy Department should have done a detailed analysis long ago.)
— The electricity storage capacity required to replace today’s fossil fueled electricity generation nationwide with intermittent wind and solar is 250,000,000 MWh.
— Assume grid scale battery facilities cost $300,000 per MWh of storage capacity. (Today’s cost is higher.)
— Thus the capital cost of this storage is 75 trillion dollars.
— Spreading this cost over 20 years gives an annual cost of 3.75 trillion dollars.
— U.S. household electricity usage is 1.5 trillion KWh per year.
— Thus the household cost is $2.50 per KWh.
— Average household usage is 10,500 KWh/yr.
— Thus the annual household cost of this storage capacity is $26,250.
— Today’s average annual electric bill is $1,800.
— Thus the electricity cost increase is over 14 times as much.
In short everyone’s electricity bill will be 14 times greater than today if wind and solar replace today’s fossil fuel powered generation under the Green New Deal. This will be true of industrial and commercial consumers as well which will drive up the cost of virtually all goods and services. This impact is truly inflationary.
But this does not include the electrification of transportation and gas heat which are also part of the Green New Deal. Electrification is often estimated to roughly double the amount of electricity generated.
— Given electrification the cost of electricity might jump a whopping 28 times today’s cost. The Green New Deal causes the average household electricity bill to go up a crushing $52,500.
Of course the economy would likely collapse before this happened but this simple analysis is the necessary starting point for thinking about the incredible cost impact of the Green New Deal.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
The 250 million MWh storage requirement comes from sections 1.A and B of my NZRC Report: “Constraining renewables is a nation need”
Sharing this nonsense is no better than claiming CO2 changes Earth’s energy imbalance.
It is so easy to shoot down that it makes a fool of anyone posting it. The battery size is just plucked out of the air with no sensible engineering detail offered. USA already has substantial storage in the form of existing perched water dams and pumped hydro. Hydro currently provides 93% of the electricity storage in the USA. It would make sense to follow this path rather than using Chinese made batteries to store the electricity. China is running out of willingness to absorb US debt anyhow. A transition based on batteries would never occur because Chiuna is already reducing its holding of US debt.
I make my own electricity using solar and battery for a dedicated load that has a daily demand of 3kWh depending on season. I get a return of 66c/kWh for the energy it produces. The system paid for itself in 8 years. So the actual cost of power is less than 66c/kWh in AUD terms.
Moving to wind and solar generation in USA would be costly but closer to a 3-fold increase rather than the 14-fold plucked from thin air.
The real cost is loss of manufacturing competitiveness with China. It is impossible to use the energy produced from wind turbines to make wind turbines.
Did you read the explanation of the storage number in the linked report? Ken Gregory took two years. For each he first noted the amount of electricity generated with fossil fuels for the contiguous 48 states. He then took the hour by hour wind and solar generation and increased them to generate what the fossil fuels had done for that year. He then matched this hourly generation profile with the hourly electricity usage profile. Where generation exceeded use he charged batteries and where use exceeded generation he discharged them, all hour by hour. A Herculean analysis.
The question is what was the maximum amount of storage needed and he got around 233 million MWh for 48 states. I assumed a nice round 250 for the whole country and given some years will be worse than the two he chose.
Looks like marvelous engineering analysis to me. A true breakthrough. How would you do it?
David, without going back and looking at Ken’s calculations, can you please advise the amount of storage hours used in your calculations?
It’s interesting that Simon Michaux, in his latest video (, from the 8:30 min mark until around 10:30, calculates that a minimum of 23 day’s storage would be required. However, I do take issue with his belief that it will be solar unreliability, rather than wind unreliability, that is the major issue.
Regardless, it’s surely clear that, for the power reliability Australians have come to expect from their grids, the CSIRO Gencost’s figure of around two hours’ storage is grosly inadequate to cover the occasional long wind droughts experienced in Australia. Yet the storage batteries currently being proposed for Australia are still only quoting either two or four hour’s storage.
Also I believe that the major cost of the current Labor government’s aim for 82% renewables by 2030 would always be the storage cost, not the cost of the solar/wind systems or the extra transmission lines required. And of course the govt doesn’t wish to discus this enormous cost.
The Ken Gregory work was nonsense. It arrived at a silly figure.
It is riducluos to only build the energy extractors based on capacity factors. The optimum cost solution for a NetZero grid requires massive overbuild on the energy collection side.
With current cost of lithium batteries, the optimum CF for solar or wind is in single digits. My off-grid solar panels achieve a capacity factor of 3.9%. That is close to producing lowest system cost when coupled with a battery.
If you were serious about running USA grid on WDGs you would start with locating solar panels in the red regions of this chart:×663.jpg
Then you would look to locate wind turbines in the dark blue regions of this map:
Then you would look for all the potential perched water sites for pumped storage and hydro. Plus a few hundred GWh of battery storage for fast demand response.
All that is happening now in the USA is subsidy farming without planning None of it will help US meet US energy requirement.
If your life depended on it, how would you engineer your energy supply system?. You need to start with that perspective and work out. It may be that you secure a few truck pads of coal and then find somewhere to store and build the steam turbine needed to convert it to electricity. Excluding fossil fuels, wind would likely be your choice for electricity generation and wood for heating.
When contemplating the system, recognise it is your money that will be paying for it.
The grid planning that AEMO sponsors in Australia is becoming obsolete because anyone owning a roof in Australia can make power at lower cost than the grid can using wind or solar. The fastest growing segment of generation is rooftops. From 9am today, rooftops were the largest single source of electric power in Australia and that will likely persist till around 3pm.
I established the required size of battery to supply the NEM load back in 2016 based on solar farm output. It shows the process needed to arrive at the lowest cost option:
I have been operating some of my load off-grid for 12 years. I have a pilot scale operation of what is actually required.
Using grossly exaggerated values is no better than building a system without a plan by enshrining consumer theft as the foundation stone.
The fact is that coal remains most of the wold’s lowest cost source of energy. Any country that is not making use of that resource is hobbling their economy. China has achieved global manufacturing dominance by burning massive amounts of coal only limited by their ability to find it and dig it up.
Rick, I do not believe that quoting your CFs has any relevance to the solar and wind CFs in the U.S. Simon Michaux’s latest video, around the 8:40 min mark, shows the calculated 2023 CFs across the entire large PJM network, was 17.2% for solar and 28.6% for wind. These figures seem close to the mark for the U.S.
The amount of pumped storage today is less than round off error compared to the 4+ billion MWh usage. There is basically no storage. But 250 million MWh of pumped storage would likely be even more expensive than batteries. Feel free to run that number and get back to us. Keep in mind that unlike batteries pumped storage uses a lot more energy pumping than it produces generating.
Pumped hydro is only a very small part of the story. The is already 175GW of hydroelectric power in North America. That is already 33% of the average demand in the USA. USA is alreadty supplying intermittent power into Canada tio conserve their limited perched water.
Any grid with a high proportion of existing hydro can get economic value from wind and solar by conserving perched water. It is very difficult to build new dams. Hydro mates well with wind and solar because hydro has fast response to take the load as required.
The only reason Germany is reaching its current level of WDG penetration is because it can send power to Norway when wind and sun are producing then take hydro power to keep the lights on when the sun and wind go missing.
No one is going to be buying a 250,000,000MWh lithium battery from China. China is already reluctant to take US debt so why would they supply more stuff in exchange for US debt.
The AI Paradox (article)
There is no AI. There is no Intelligence. There is no Machine Learning. It is all to do with increasing Productivity which is good.
London’s Richest Billionaires Have Left Belgravia! (video)
Spam in my inbox-
” Hello
The NSW Government is hosting a Social Media Summit this October and we want to hear your thoughts.
Take our survey to share your experiences and concerns about social media, online safety, disinformation and misinformation, and the impact of social media on wellbeing, especially for our children and young people.
The results of the survey will help shape discussions at the summit and drive meaningful solutions.
Together, we can create a safer and more positive online environment for everyone. The consultation is open until 8 September 2024.”
…following which we will pretend to have consulted with the public while introducing censorship and penalties for wrongthink…
…and it is full of loaded question, the best being “Who should control harmful and false information on the internet”, with no options but to pick some level of Govt or some media company!
I’ve never found anything harmful on the net, never censored it for my children and never had a problem. I figure the problem is with some people, not the net!
Many things happen and exist that we never see. The question of control is as valid on the Internet as it is for society as a whole. The would be far more convincing if they could demonstrate how they have fully exploited existing law and specifically what the additional problem is, rather than flapping their arms and talking nebulously about highly subjective “misinformation”
Rental Pain Index September 2024 – 28 Page PDF
The Rental Pain Index (RPI) analysis for September 2024 continues to highlight
escalating rental pressures across most Australian states.
Nationally, the percentage of suburb areas (SA2s) with an RPI of 75 or higher has remained at 68%, reflecting ongoing rental stress across the country.
In New South Wales (NSW), the proportion of SA2s in extreme rental pain has slightly decreased from 67% to 65%, though affordability remains strained with average rents increasing by 9% and 33% of income spent on rent.
Queensland (QLD) shows amodest improvement, with the percentage of SA2s in extreme pain falling from 78% to 75%, despite rental prices rising by 10% and 32% of income allocated to rent.
South Australia (SA) saw a rise in extreme rental pain, from 80% to 81%, with rents increasing by 11% and 32% of income spent on rent.
Western Australia (WA) experienced stability, with 77% of SA2s in extreme pain, driven by a 16% rent increase and 32% of income going towards rent.
Victoria (VIC) observed a slight decline in extreme rental pain, from 71% to 70%, with rents rising 11% and rental costs reaching 28% of income.
The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) saw a marginal rise in extreme rental pain from 8% to 9%, with affordability tightening further. The Northern Territory (NT) experienced little change, with extreme rental pain stable at 31%, despite a modest 2% rent increase and 25% of income spent on rent.
Tasmania (TAS) saw a small increase in extreme rental pain, rising from 27% to 31%, with rental affordability deteriorating despite a 1% rent increase and 31% of incomedevoted to rent.
Overall, rental affordability challenges persist, with significant portions of householdincome directed towards rent, particularly in NSW, QLD, SA, and WA. These trends continue to strain household finances and could have broader economic impacts.
Targeted interventions remain critical to addressing rental affordability and ensuring a sustainable housing market.
NDIS Minister Bill Shorten could earn $1.8 million in new role as university vice-chancellor amid exit from politics
Bill Shorten’s new prestigious role after quitting politics is under the spotlight with the former Labor leader set to earn an eye-watering sum well above the Prime Minister’s salary.
NDIS Minister Bill Shorten could earn up to three times as much as the Prime Minister in his new prestigious role as a university vice-chancellor.
Mr Shorten on Thursday announced his retirement from politics following a 17-year parliamentary career, revealing he would not contest the next federal election.
From next February, the current Member for Maribyrnong will be taking up the lucrative position of Vice Chancellor of the University of Canberra with the new tenure gaining spotlight for its eye-watering salary.
Mr Shorten could receive about $1.8 million, which is the salary of Mr Shorten’s predecessor Paddy Nixon in 2023, according to the University of Canberra’s annual report.
From the Comments
– For a bloke with zero formal education qualifications, zero private sector employment experience, a stint running a Union many years ago then 17 years warming a seat in parliament, where he helped create two disastrous policies, he has managed to fall on his feet quite nicely.
I think it is called ” failing upwards “.
– The ‘Luvvies’ looking after their own.
– Bills jumping off a sinking ship..
– Champagne Socialists hardly seems adequate in this case.
– Bills jumping off a sinking ship.. – Perhaps the Commenter had looked at Today
And it is not even an Insurance Scheme. Insurance Schemes are fully funded and not paid for by paying Peter by robbing Paul (the long suffering Australian Taxpayer).
Yes – that was the con job re the NDIS. When it was put to the community all those years ago, most people thought it was an adjunct to medical insurance. Most had no idea it would become a basically poorly supervised nursing scheme with specially developed facilities funded by the taxpayer.
From Wikipedia:
“Like most Australian universities, University of Canberra derives the majority of its revenue from the Australian Government through the Commonwealth Grant Scheme, student fees, research grants and contracts, commercial activities, and donations. The ACT Government provides around one percent of the university’s operating budget.
The University’s budget in 2022 was A$312.84 million (2022)[3]. In 2024, the University of Canberra is expecting a $36 million deficit which has triggered emergency spending constraints. The shortfall in income compared to forecasts is largely attributed to a decline in international student enrolments.”
In 2023, Univ. Canberra rec’d just over $100M in government funds. It was ranked 403rd in the world.
I wonder if those “spending constraints” for 2024 will include a reduction in the VC’s salary?
Bill’s daughter at the press conference was in the spotlight. How old is she? I asked as staring at the story on the TV? My wife googled it. 13. What?! Each to his own regarding raising children through the teen years I guess, but wow, times have changed is all I can say.
“How can we predict the future if we don’t understand the past and/or the present?”
“FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data”
As I heard it first – “Those the Gods wish to destroy they first make confident”
“Gene tampering: Big Pharma’s free rein to experiment on us”
“The concerns are very serious indeed: they involve human health and life. In 2021 covid vaccine regulations around the world in many cases virtually excluded any right of choice about vaccine safety and overrode the legal protections afforded by human rights legislation concerning medical experimentation. The growth of biotechnology experimentation and the risks it poses suggest human rights legislation is in need of both updating and stronger clauses to ensure it is enforceable. These concerns speak to a compelling need for the International Genetic Charter. Its simple terms spell out in a few sentences the safeguards necessary to protect human life from genetic degradation driven by government ignorance, corporate greed and academic hubris. Please take a couple of minutes to sign up to the International Genetic Charter here.”
I wonder how many people realise that some new drugs designed to combat high cholesterol are actually “gene-editing” medications? This meddling with our genes is now the new frontier in medicine and is being embraced by many many coronary specialists. Only a matter of time before we see genetic engineering completely mainstream.
Incidentally, a friend has been prescribed one of these drugs. It is incredibly ironic, because she was an active and very vocal opponent of the mRNA Covid “vaccines”.
We really need to now research every one of these novel medications developed by Big Pharma & readily prescribed by GPs and specialists.
“COVID Propaganda Roundup: Dropping Like Flies”
And here they are
Yes, water is life. it’s used to grow food. That photo is like a PhD graduate ceremony.
Complete leftie rabble replete with berets and masks. And with no hint of embarrassment regarding what they are doing to their fellow Australians.
Sport in Australia has only one single gender segregated stream.
There are:
1) Male only.
2) Mixed male and female.
There are no female only sports because legally a man who “identifies” as a woman is in fact a woman.
And this obliteration of female-only sports has not had a word of complaint from “feminists”.
The lard works in mysterious ways. 😆
That latest shooting in the US disappeared quickly
My problem, not being heavy on the social media knowledge, is that I never really know who has posted.
Is it really one actually in favour of – say – always eating your boiled egg from the Big-End – a real ‘Big-Ender’?
Or is it a ‘Little-Ender’ trying to discredit a ‘Big-Ender’?
Or a false-flag ‘Big-Ender’ trying – through devious means – to pose as a “nasty ‘Little’-Ender’ trying to discredit ‘Big-Enders'”?
Or a particularly devious ‘Little-Ender’ seeking to malign false-flag ‘Big-Enders’ …
Big Bugs have Little Bugs to Bite ’em.
And so on down, Ad Infinitem.
Auto – none of it very helpful, but it keeps me a little sceptical – even if it is something I agree with. Mostly.
“The Border Czar’s Illegal Friends Ruining Pretty Much Everywhere”
‘Innocent bystander Palestinians’
New footage has emerged of the kidnapping of Yarden Bibas – These are the so-called “uninvolved” Gazans.
Yarden is the father of kidnapped baby Kfir and toddler Ariel Bibas.
— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) September 4, 2024
From the Comments
– 🚨 Eden Yerushalmi Z”L, one of the executed hostages, weighed a mere 36 kg (79lb) at the time of her death.
This is a sign of brutal starvation and malnutrition.
We have not seen evil like this done to J@ws since the H@locaust.
Netanyahu meets the (foreign) press
Prime Minister Netanyahu called a press conference for foreign reporters yesterday. He posted a clip of his 23-minute opening statement on X with the statement “Fighting for the truth of Israel” and the request “Share!” In his 23-minute statement Netanyahu conducts a master class on Israel’s objectives in the war and the rationale of its negotiating position. Netanyahu then takes hostile questions from the assembled reporters and answers every question posed in the ensuing 30-plus minutes. It’s something of a tour de force.
I recommend the whole thing (below).
“The world’s oil biggest reserves”
Guess it is mea culpa time. As a long time curious observer who, due to the results that the “settled science” consistently delivered, had been turned into a bit of a nay sayer I have to own up to the mis/dis-information pool I may have contributed to.
Seems the Hydro Tasmania King Island Renewable Energy Integration Project (KIREIP) is about to prove myself, and possibly others from our pool, wrong, wrong, wrong.
A small scale easily managed and therefore easily scoped and equipped totally renewable energy generating self-sufficient plant supporting a local community is even more possible – from mid next year anyway!
Yes, the project should be able to completely turn off the diesel generators that it has had to rely on all through its short history. Total reliance for backup should be able to be put on its existing, possibly expanded, battery backup which will mean imports of that devil liquid can be stopped.
But the real thanks should be directed to the pending closure of King Island Dairy and inevitable unemployment of some 60 local workers not to mention local dairy farmers. Just think of the power savings to be achieved not just from the plant closure but also when the 60 unemployed leave the island in search of work and farmers don’t turn on their milking machines.
Please note there is no suggestion that power prices/security necessarily influenced the decision to close the plant. Those sorts of issues normally form part of the due diligence of buying a going concern (just ask Air New Zealand how it fared with its purchase of Ansett).
Anyway, mea culpa, all please sing with me “There’s no lights on the Christmas tree Mother, they’re burning big (Earlie) Louie tonight”.
Quite a bit of discussion about the closure of King Island cheese in the last two days in The Australian. My own take is that, while I have enjoyed many of their products in the past, I have found that their more recent soft cheeses seem to be lacking, and it appears that I’m not alone in this belief. Also there are now many comparable products in our shops for well under the King Island prices. Additionally, Saputo, the current owners, changed the name of Coon cheese to Cheers, causing many Aussies to stop purchasing Saputo food products.
The application of Henry’s Law in relation to CO2.
In the Netherlands, they keep two sets of books for the COVID vaccines
The dataset that they give researchers has people who were vaccinated and died removed. This makes the vaccine seem safe. Do any Dutch health authorities have a problem with that? Apparently not.
Data Corruption – Records for 878K+ people who since their vaccination died or emigrated have been removed from the version that was made available to researchers.
Double Ledger – at the Dutch Statistics Bureau: They maintain a (hidden) version of the vaccination database next to a version available to researchers.
As a consequence, the findings of all studies on COVID vaccine effectiveness that made use of this vaccination database paint an overly optimistic picture. Publications from these studies should all be retracted or corrected.
Because all scientific evidence is now demonstrably based on corrupt data, the Dutch government therefore no longer acts in conformity with its international obligations inter alia ex art 2 ECHR (or full informed consent) when claiming that the experimental Covid vaccines are universally safe and effective.
Woke Video Games Flopping As A Non-Woke One Booms
Two new video games that push the propaganda of the Left, like DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), have turned out to be total flops, with a non-woke one booming.
The first-person online shooter Concord — developed by Firewalk studios and published by Sony — came out on August 23 and Sony announced on Tuesday that it was shutting down the game on September 6 and promising that sold copies would be refunded, IGN reported.
It was released only on PS5 and Windows and in a very short amount of time, gamers proved they didn’t want to play the game with weirdly-drawn DEI characters who had their pronouns proudly flagged in the corner, as The Federalist reported.
Good riddance to DEI garbage.
Europe on its way to become open-air museum in one chart.
Eye-opening chart, industries from last century do not require too many semiconductors. Europe on its way to become open-air museum in one chart.
But hey, let’s see what we can regulate next. Maybe X, to stop spreading datapoints like this one and disturb left green utopia.
Amish world cometh?
The chart shows changes.
China/Taiwan are the #1 producer. Some of the increase in the Americas will be Chinese investment aiming to get around US tariffs.
Pre-semiconductor high tech missiles?
Federal Workers Should Be Back In the Office
The government has been dragging its feet when it comes to telework. Taxpayers deserve better.
5 September 2024 By The Bloomberg Editorial Board
Federal workers have scored a significant victory in their standoff with President Joe Biden. More than a year after his chief of staff called for agencies to “aggressively execute” a return-to-office plan, the administration appears to have relented. The goal now is for eligible teams to “move towards” appearing in person — at least half the time, on average.
Taxpayers deserve better.
Biden should tell federal workers that if they aren’t willing to come into the office, the government will find others who are.
And Kamala Harris and Donald Trump should both make clear how they plan to address the issue should they be elected.
‘He Did Not Complete the Degree Program’: Tim Walz Repeatedly Claimed He Was ‘Nearly Finished’ With Doctorate Years After He Disappeared from University
Walz was only enrolled at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota until 2004 but said until 2011 that he was close to getting his doctorate
Walz, Sen. Tina Smith Use Bakery That Closed During His COVID Crackdown to ‘Own’ Vance
Maybe don’t use a business that closed its storefront shop during COVID.
The media made a big deal about Republican VP candidate Sen. JD Vance ordering doughnuts at a Georgia bakery.
Democratic VP candidate Gov. Tim Walz pounced, claiming he can easily order doughnuts.
Minnesota Sen. Tina Smith also pounced with a photo of her and Walz in front of Daube’s Bakery in Rochester, MN.
Well, Daube’s Bakery closed its last storefront shop in 2020 during Walz’s draconian COVID policies.
Greg Price@greg_price11
It turns out the bakery that Sen. Tina Smith and Tim Walz are at in this photo, Daube’s Cakes, closed its doors for good after over 30 years in June 2020 due to Walz’ covid lockdowns
The Look on His Face Says It All – Reporter Trolls Tim Walz: “Any Reaction to Your Family Saying They’re Gonna Support Former President Trump?” (VIDEO)
Vladimir Putin Endorses Kamala Harris for President, Praises Her ‘Infectious’ Laugh
Moscow humour.
Bit of a bugbear of mine these days, is the increasing use of the title Doctor in mainstream society for people who have been honored with the title in academia.
We all know there is a profession called a Doctor. However, the same “honorary” title for someone who completes a PhD seems wrong and the title Doctor for them should be confined to use in their academic circle because in the real world it means very little and only potentially confuses people as to the capability of the person.
Don’t know if it’s coincidence. But the vast majority of politicians running around with PhD’s are Labor and Greens MP’s.
Congrats to anyone here who has completed a PhD. I doubt you shove the title Doctor in people’s faces.
The usual “doctor’s” degrees are
MB BS – Which are
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
So not a Doctor in sight. Specialist training may be indicated by the prefix of “Mr”
“Historically, Australian medical schools have followed the United Kingdom by conferring the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) to its medical graduates, whilst reserving the degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) to be issued to those who have completed higher research studies or given honorarily to those who have contributed significantly to the medical professional community (analogous to the PhD or honorary doctorates). ”
Thus a valid response by a Ph. D. to an “uppish MB BS” is “I’m a Doctor too and I earned mine”
That’s my point. You’re using academic titles which I say are not particularly relevant outside of academia. The qualification is. But outside academia doctor predominantly has a different meaning.
As you illustrate, the further you go in medical training you become a Mr. Which most males are without any study or training. The academic titles are of little relevance outside of academic circles.
Anyway, in my not so humble opinion, it’d be great if the media stopped calling people like Kevin Rudd “Dr Rudd” when referring to him in articles.
Although Rudd probably deserves the title for doctoring facts.
Rudd did a thesis and submitted to Oxford university who gave him the Ph D. Normally there are supervisors involved but Kevin didn’t bother as far as I know
IIRC dentists and vet are now also using “Doctor” for their basic degrees.
It seemed that the most notice of Ph. D.’s was by the legal profession and in overseas consulting.
And seems that Sweden and Norway award reciprocal Ph.D’s to students of one or the other university system.
A bloke from here came home with the double.
His nickname became “Doctor Doctor”
I would prefer dietary advice from a vet than a classic Dr. They make money by keeping animals healthy, not keeping them sick for decades.
I worked with one that would have been the preferred choice for surgery too
And see Saturday #14 too
I knew an Australian Doctor of Medicine. He was Ken Fitch. He was the head of the Olympic Games medical practitioners. He spoke at the Australian Sports Medicine Conference in the 1980s. Most just called him Ken. He was awarded the AO for his services to sports medicine.He was from the UWA. He didn’t seemed to concerned when people addressed him as Ken
Walz Completes Degrees Like He Completes Deployments?
You got to be kidding me. – This can’t possibly be real.
Man couldn’t swing an Ed.D., the most bogus doctorate outside of journalism. Maybe he didn’t want to upstage Jill Biden.
Did he spend too much time in China? Eating donuts?
I’m sure there’s a logical explanation. It has to be a simple one of those “Well, life intervened” kind of excuses everyone has.
Besides – what difference does it make?
Walz wasn’t, like, known for making a big deal out of not finishing up his..
Friday sarcasm
What happens in Cuba and Venezuela stays in
Cuba and VenezuelaAmerica.20
This is (part of) what J.D. Vance said about the latest school shooting:
“… if these psychos are going to go after our kids we’ve got to be prepared for it. We don’t have to like the reality that we live in, but it is the reality we live in. We’ve got to deal with it. I don’t like that this is a fact of life, but if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realise that our schools are soft targets.”
This is the headline to that story in the anti-Trump Telegraph (UK):
“School shootings are just a fact of life, says JD Vance”
No, Associated Press, JD Vance Didn’t Say That About the Georgia School Shooting
When I saw the headline, I knew it was garbage. The Associated Press is back to its old games, and the victim is Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), Donald Trump’s running mate.
The headline read, “JD Vance says school shootings are a ‘fact of life,’ calls for better security.” Vance was speaking about the tragic shooting in Georgia, where Colt Gray, 14, shot and killed four people at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia.
The Associated Press tried to smear Vance as cold-hearted with that headline. Here’s what he said, which ironically is included in the article [emphasis mine]:
“If these psychos are going to go after our kids we’ve got to be prepared for it,” Vance said at a rally in Phoenix. “We don’t have to like the reality that we live in, but it is the reality we live in. We’ve got to deal with it.”
The Ohio senator was asked by a journalist what can be done to stop school shootings. He said further restricting access to guns, as many Democrats advocate, won’t end them, noting they happen in states with both lax and strict gun laws. He touted efforts in Congress to give schools more money for security.
“I don’t like that this is a fact of life,” Vance said. “But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools. We’ve got to bolster security so if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children they’re not able.”
UPDATE: They deleted the tweet.
Deleted post: 2.2 million impressions
Corrected post: 100k impressions
And…here’s Tim amplifying the lie that was so egregious that the AP had to delete its tweet and edit its story.
Dude is a straight sociopath.
This is pathetic. We can’t quit on our kids — they deserve better.…
Everything is like this.
Constant media manipulation based on lies.
250.000 die yearly from medical mistakes in the US (not counting the Plandemicaust).
Rise in gun deaths?*
Try the rise in Fentanyl deaths in the US … 3000 in 2013 to nearly 80,000 in 2022.
The back door to America is open.
Come on in.
In my area I hear ‘Public Health’ PSAs about the latest COVID/Flu vaccines.
I hear none about the dangers of ‘illegal’ drugs.
In fact, most of the local politicians want to create ‘safe spaces’ for illegal drug use.
Basic fact … it is the US Constitution that they intend to destroy … particularly Amendments 1 AND 2.
(*Woke disclaimer for the junior Red Guards: I Honk, before the Inquisition declare All Lives Matter .. oh wait … no … BLM … I am not a witch. I do not worship Tru … I mean the Devil.)
“Shock New Claim: ‘Green’ Hydrogen Produces 37 Times More Global Warming than Carbon Dioxide”
Moving this conversation from Jo’s “Hide Those Climate Plans” article to Friday thread so as not to be off topic with Jo’s article.
Old Ozzie wrote: (original comment HERE)
I think it’s a good thing that money is spent in this area. Subject to it being spent wisely and effectively. (not suggesting Old Ozzie is saying it’s not a good cause. I acknowledge the main point is the govt just throws up $4.7b like taxpayers are growing on trees)
My issues with what’s described there is,
a) how the money is spent, and
b) the use of phrases like “gender based violence” and against “women and children”.
Regarding a)
$3.9b of the $4.7b on legal assistance. To me that’s hardly critical frontline services. Important assistance but realistically one of the issues preventing someone leaving a violent partner is the lack of options regarding where to go, how to manage with funds often controlled by the partner, and having to flee without taking many belongings and needing to git out a new wardrobe for themself, children, and equipment in the accommodation. As well as needing their new location to be secret.
Too much of the support for victims in the community is from not-for-profits / charities who run refuges and other services.
Regarding b)
Making it a gender issue doesn’t adequately cover off on the fact that children involved are the same gender as the perpetrator likely 50% of the time. Simply based on nominally 50% of the population being male and 50% being female meaning there’s a 50% chance the child is the same gender as the perpetrator. It doesn’t account for domestic violence against children being committed almost equally by both the male and female parent. But, yes, the majority of partner on partner violence is committed by the male. But it’s not exclusive.
Predictably reactive not proactive.
Correction of bad attitudes starts in the early school years…
More money for lawyers.
Worst Ever Great Idea: Australia Imports LNG! (video)
The moment he said that we are “under the thumb of big gas”, and also seemed to imply that gas should not be used, I switched off.
Martin appears to believe the global warming hoax
Looking at a recent dispatch interval for WA’s SWIS grid, gas 52.54%, coal 46.55%, distillate 0.07%. No distributed solar, no wind. Renewables are useless at times like these…
G4, so what was your max temp yday, and did Bluff Knoll get a little dusting? Looks like easterlies next week for Perth so it’ll warm up again. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
About 20 Greg. No idea about snow on Bluff Knoll though. The front has nearly finished going through, but should be a rough one for the eastern states though when it hits soon.
Correction – was only 18.5 max.
Thermal and geological evolution is being debated.
‘Lunar samples brought to Earth by a Chinese probe have provided new evidence that volcanoes on the moon continued erupting until as recently as 120 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the planet.
‘The analysis by Chinese researchers not only challenges long-held assumptions about the moon’s geological evolution, but also adds to scientific debate about the thermal evolution of other planetary bodies and the question of how planets cool.’ (SCMP)
Dinosaurs roamed the moon?
Oh… planet. Must be lunatic Friday: am watching the crescent new moon and Venus sinking into the western horizon… you guys will see them in an hour or two… and the Earth keeps turning round.
Biden’s inflation rediction act
In a stunning admission that raises eyebrows and questions the integrity of the Biden-Harris administration, President Joe Biden recently conceded that the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which has done little to curb inflation and instead funneled a staggering $369 billion into “green energy” initiatives, was misnamed.
Now, after seemingly rushing to push this legislation through Congress, the truth is coming to light. The Penn Wharton Budget Model has found that this bill will only reduce inflation by a mere 0.1 percent over five years, a fact that the Congressional Budget Office corroborates. So, what exactly are we dealing with here? A scaled-down version of the failed Build Back Better Act, masquerading as a solution to our economic woes, while in reality, it is “the single most significant legislation to combat climate change in our nation’s history,” as the Biden-Harris Department of Treasury proudly proclaimed in a release last November.
$370B for 0.1% reduction.
The funniest demonrat plan ever?
I don’t accept even that tiny 0.1% reduction. There’s no way that adding another USD369 billion to government spending doesn’t in fact INCREASE inflation quite significantly.
When Joe isn’t up for re-election so can tell the truth.
World War Four – video movie
“The 2024 Russian Collusion Narrative Just Imploded”
“And Moscow, with the knockout punch to the Democrats’ manufactured narrative: Putin is a Kamala supporter, neck-deep in ‘brat’ summer. And now, all Democrats are Kremlin agents. I didn’t make up these rules.”
Master class trolling!
4.7 billion, yes, billion, on “gender violence”.
This country is finished.
Bit like climate justice, I wondwer what the hell they will spend it on. Still, men are murdered at twice the rate of women so the over representation needs looking at.
Sweden is learning the cost of joining NATO-
“The strike on.. the Signal Troops military institute in Poltava..was particularly grievous for Ukraine because it appeared to house not only a vital drone-technical program, but valuable Swedish instructors for the upcoming transfer of Swedish AWACS planes, billed as more future ‘game changers’ that would work in tandem with the F-16s to decimate the Russian airforce from afar… One Ukrainian medic claims 215 killed and 340 injured…Ukrainian sources on the ground insist death toll as high as 190..”
At home it hits home too, seems he will leave politics altogether-
” Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom said on Wednesday he will step down next week after almost two years in office, during which his traditionally non-aligned country joined NATO.”
..and in 1709 the Swedes were defeated at Poltava as well!
” The battle put an end to the status of the Swedish Empire as a European great power, as well as its eastbound expansion, and marked the beginning of Russian supremacy in eastern Europe”
Mass resignations/firings in the Ukraine parliament too.