Port Hedland Council had a special meeting on Friday Oct 11, where they voted to call for the immediate suspension of Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines and to send letters about this to the Prime Minister, the State’s Premier, and to every other council in Australia telling them why they should do it too.
Port Hedland is the largest iron ore export port in the world, in the far north west Pilbara area of Western Australia.
Port Hedland Council carries vaccine contamination motion
The motion, based on a recent report by Canadian virologist David Speicher and letters from MP Russell Broadbent to Anthony Albanese, calls on council to send a letter to the Prime Minister supporting Mr Broadbent’s call for the immediate suspension of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
Deputy mayor Ash Christensen, who once described fighting against COVID vaccine mandates as akin to the ANZAC’s battle at Gallipoli, voted for the motion alongside councillors Adrian McRae, Camilo Blanco, Sven Arentz and Lorraine Butson.
There was resounding community support for the motion, with more than 10 residents delivering speeches at public statement time, referencing a range of COVID vaccine conspiracy theories.
The man who moved the motion, Councillor Adrian McRae, said that national vaccine policy was not the councils job, but said that the state and federal governments had failed the community. The council has “grave concerns about the health impacts that could arise from contamination, including genomic instability, cancers and potential effects on future generations.” (Annexure 1)
The council shared a video made by Professor Angus Dalgleish for the Australian audience. The English oncologist explains he has personally seen a dramatic shift in inexplicable cancers among some of his long time patients who had vaccine boosters. He pointed out that a Canadian virologist, David Speicher, had studied vials of Australian vaccines and found levels of DNA contamination 145 times the permissible limit. Dalgleish also talked about recent results from Japan, The Czech Republic and Italy which all showed the number of boosters was associated with an increase in cancer. He described the risks of giving children contaminated vaccines en mass as a “disaster” worse than thalidomide.
The Australian ABC didn’t think this extraordinary meeting, contaminated medicine, or the possible deaths of Australian children was noteworthy enough to report on, even though they practically charter a plane to report on Councils that want to change the global climate. Those councils that lead the way in soaking up subsidies and wasting ratepayers money on grandiose schemes to cool the world are treated like stars. If a far flung council runs a personality test on their residents to prepare for a Hydrogen Boom fantasy, the ABC will be there. If our government agencies turn out to be corrupt clubs funded by the perfidious industries they are supposed to regulate, the ABC will be running cover for the bureaucrats.
The story only became newsworthy when the State Premier responded with petty insults, saying the council had “gone off the rails” and telling them to “stick to their knitting”. We look forward to the day Roger Cook, with a BA in Public Administration, meets Professor Dalgleish, of St Georges University of London, to talk about their slip stitch. Dalgleish has published 495 medical papers and been cited 21,000 times.
The council is raising laboratory results that show we may be harming the gene pool of Australia, and the Premier (and ABC) offer childish ridicule in return. It’s a “let them eat cake” moment.
Why isn’t the TGA (Australia’s “FDA”) even keeping track of cancer cases in people who have had 1 – 4 booster shots?
It’s just another misinformation sausage from the Butcher of news — our ABC.
The ABC writers (not naming any names, Charlie McLean and Jessica Shackleton) de facto declared the studies raised by the Canadian virologist and the Oncology Prof “conspiracy theories”. They didn’t bother to interview either of them, (or read the studies) they just implied the DNA argument was an old one, and said it had been discredited by “international bodies” they couldn’t be bothered naming, and the “Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.” To show how little they cared about making sense, they quoted an irrelevant paragraph from the Department’s website about how DNA is in the nucleus of our cells, and mRNA can’t get in there, or affect or combine with our DNA. Since the council was talking about DNA contamination of the mRNA vaccines, this was wholly superfluous misdirection.
This is the kind of research taxpayers are forced to pay for to cover up government failures. But the more they censor the more we can use it against them. Don’t forget to mention to friends and family about things like this and Elon catching the largest rocket that ever flew yesterday. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to undermine the authority of our inept parasitic public news service, every chance you get.
The letter the Council is sending to the PM and all the other councils contains very specific details about the reasons the TGA has failed to detect the DNA contaminants in the vaccines.
My rough notes from the speech by Professor Angus Dalgleish:
Canadian virologist, David Speiker has found synthetic DNA contamination, in Australian vials of mRNA vaccines. The sheer level of contaminants detected — up to 145 times the permissable limit — means the vaccines are a form of gene therapy.
Professor Angus Dalgleish reports that we are already seeing effects of this in real patients. “Patients who had been cancer free for many years, were suddenly showing rapid progression”. They had been completely stable for 5, 8, 10, or 18 years. “I am used to seeing people progress when they face severe depression, for example during divorce, bereavement, debt etc, but all these patients had only one thing in common. (3:20) They had been forced to have a booster vaccine.”
It is not an isolated issue. His own research shows the boosters suppress the T Cell response and switch the antibody response to tolerizing [the kind of antibodies that reduce the immune response rather than ramp it up]. That means it’s the perfect example where we have part of the immune system turning off the policing of foreign invaders and cancer.
Australia has administered more than 60 million vaccines, but the Australian public health agencies are not tracking cancers in patients.
The Dept of Health and the TGA have chosen not to monitor the cancer incidence in people post vaccination.
It is troubling that the Dept of Health has not made data on cancer trends publicly available.
Each booster increases the chances of cancer across the board. Studies from the Office of National Statistics of Japan, and Checkoslovakia and Italy, and in all these countries shows an increase in all cancers across the board and they are associated with the number of boosters.
The contamination of this vaccine with DNA should have been picked up before they were administered. But the first thing we should do is stop all doses of the vaccines at the moment. This could be an unmitigated disaster, that would make the thalidomide disaster, previously, look very small beer in comparison.
- Annexure_1_Amendment Letter To The Australian Prime Minister (PDF)
- JulesontheBeach has the Dalgleish Video, and all the details of the motion that was passed.
- The whole meeting (2 hours and 40 minutes) is recorded on Rumble.
- Speicher, David J., Jessica Rose, L. M. Gutschi, David M. Wiseman, PhD, and Kevin McKernan. 2023. “DNA Fragments Detected in Monovalent and Bivalent Pfizer/biontech and Moderna Modrna COVID-19 Vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory Dose Response Relationship with Serious Adverse Events.” OSF Preprints. October 19. doi:10.31219/osf.io/mjc97.
- https://x.com/DJSpeicher
For anyone dealing with cancer now, or vaccine injuries, my deepest sympathies. There is a lot you can do. In addition to discussing it with your own doctors, study the FLCCC site for their cancer treatment protocol and their Covid and vaccine recovery protocols. The FLCCC are a team of top specialist doctors in the US like Paul Marik (currently touring Australia) and Pierre Cory. They explain and list the drugs and vitamins they recommend with reasons and all the references. These are excellent resources.
Morning Jo,
The only place I have seen this article was at the Gateway Pundit.
I posted a link to the story this morning on the open thread 🙂
I find it disgusting that their ABC and other supposed Australian Media have not even made any comment or coverage of this.
The ABC reported on half the story. Jo has a link in the article about halfway down.
That’s about the most blatant, despicable lie I have seen from the ABC. Lab test results are not some “theory” … they have no answers so they fib.
Spoil sport. My full time job here is giving the ABC/msm link when someone inevitably writes, “they wont cover this on the ABC/msm”.
And it is totally a conspiracy theory (the reasons and implications, not the existence of DNA) and not a scientific one.
Where in the ABC article does it describe a conspiracy theory regarding “reasons and implications”?
The only mention of any conspiracy theory that I can find in the article is as quoted above, which is clearly in reference to DNA contamination. I don’t see even one single sentence describing either reasons for the contamination or the implications of what it might cause.
The ABC does not even bother to mention that the measurement of DNA was two orders of magnitude higher than the TGA safe level … which in and of itself would already be reason to at least halt the program until this could be understood. None of that mentioned by the ABC at all.
They delivered a story … not the story.
Wouldn’t vaccine DNA fragments be handled by the liver? We are talking tiny quantities here. It can’t grow or take over cells.
My liver handles alcohol and it does it very well. Not too sure about the vaccine/gene therapy shite. I never tested it out. Did you?
“Tiny quantities” —
So the weight of one Ebola virion is about 7 femtograms. Maybe you need 100 of these to get infected, but that’s just 0.7 nanograms.
And the Ebola virus is quite a large one. Welcome to world of molecular biology where the whole field is “tiny quantities”. We know short segments of RNA and DNA can have profound effects — turning on and off genes. micro RNA (called miRNA) are only 20 – 25 nucleotides long. They are used to silence genes. If we silence key genes that stop cancer, femtograms can affect a 100 kg human within a few months.
If you ate short DNA fragments, sure, they would be disassembled — just as happens every time we eat meat.
But if you package them into lipid nanoparticles or into a virus shell, and inject them, the liver may not have any say at all… the DNA fragments are bypassing the normal intake route which we evolved to deal with, and getting entry to cells.
DNA fragments are not viruses and they are unlikely to be able to make proteins. How could they possibly have the machinery to enter a cell? A skeptic would call BS on this one and so does Scientific American.
Simon, what makes you think “making proteins” is the only thing DNA does? 98% of our genomes are called “non-coding” meaning they do something other than coding for proteins.
Thirty years ago we called that “junk DNA” then we realized there was so much more to DNA than just being a code for proteins.
The Scientific American article is bizarrely irrational. How can anyone declare “no harm” with no data.? They claim it’s hard for foreign DNA to enter cells, but the Lipid Nanoparticles are supposed to deliver nucleic acid into cells, otherwise, the RNA in them would never be turned into spike proteins. They’ve designed these things to get around all the protection a cell has, or they wouldn’t work at all.
And yes there are barriers to prevent DNA from entering the nucleus, but — for example — a single dose of Moderna contains enough mRNA to effectively dose every single cell of the human body. So what’s the failure rate on the prevention of DNA getting to the nucleus of 30 Trillion cells? What’s your safety margin Simon? Is it OK if foreign DNA only infects 100 cells, or a million out of 30,000,000,000,000?
How many cancers is OK? One can kill you.
Dr. Phillip Buckhault’s testimony explained exactly that mechanism … see Rumble link # below. His claim (based on considerable experience) is that lipid nanoparticles containing DNA are much more dangerous than raw DNA fragments. However, it’s difficult to measure how much of the DNA is raw and how much is coated in any given sample. He also mentioned that based on what he had discussed with other researchers there was significant variability in the manufacturing process … and it’s worse because any given batch might be exposed to temperature variation during delivery and handling.
[SNIP Repeat]
Yes he did, blogged from the “wait 15 minutes to die” room, to show the readers what a good servant he has been… He followed the science, he should be charged with stalking.
I suppose that the liver also takes care of the DNA modifications that are applied deliberately too.
Or is it selective? If so, can you tell me how the liver is switched on to protect against covid shots and switched off for medical intervention.
Genomics Expert Kevin McKernan Testifies to the Massachusetts Legislature on the DNA Contamination Found in the mRNA COVID Vaccines:
“The sequence that’s in these doses, at billions of copies per dose, interacts with the P53 gene. This is a tumor suppressor gene so anything that interacts as a contaminant in the gene is a red flag. Hit the brakes, stop cold. You’ve got billions of copies of something that interact with our tumor suppressor system. This is a cancer risk. It’s in Moderna’s patents. We know it’s now in the Pfizer vaccines. This needs to be a red stop halt.”
Probably better Simon if you and Gee Aye keep taking the jab to prove us all wrong, tHen we will have a win, win situation for all. RIP
Your meaning is a bit obscure Professor.
Allow me to clarify.
Someone needs a cuddle! 😁
G A can you bring this to the attention of the journalist for his information ( and yours?) Cheers Don https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj-1McRiuz0
Why do I bother, just ignored again
The whole fact checking / misinformation /disinformation /causing harm to public health
was theorised by Eric Blair and quantised with the famous equation: 2+2=5.
We can hardly expect the Govt to investigate the malfeasance of their Jab fantasy narrative
especially as those at the top suddenly no longer needed to earn a living 😉
My Oldest brother Paul died 18 months ago from TWO turocancers: SCC and NHL within 4 months of
symptoms and diagnosis. He was jabbed multiple times as he was a transplant recipient. We had
a very short exchange about the danger of Vaccines- his face darkened and he told me “So you
are saying we are all Fvcked?”- a wise man, like many long haul Truck drivers- many hours on the road
My mother had 6 boosters she won’t be getting a seventh.
Died of lung cancer having never smoked anything ever, 1 weeks from diagnoses to death. At the gathering of relies the talk about heart attacks was mind numbing, everyone who had not had one, knew of at least two of their mates who had. I spoke with my mother’s insurance company, the lady I spoke with had both her parents die from lung cancer, 4 weeks apart, never smoked
Infections, I had never heard of an infection in the spinal cord, I now know of three, my ex boss, my neighbor and my Uncle.
My brothers mate from school died of a blood clot in the brain while driving, the people he ran into fared much better.
My brother said to me when he got his first, he thought he was going to die, two days before he could get out of bed to get water. When he went back for his second, he told them it better not happen again, the stupid, it burns.
His advice to my mother was, “make sure you have plenty of water beside your bed. My mother and this brother contracted the “after wedding covid”, both stayed at my mother’s house alone, they sat in the living room in front of the TV wearing masks, should have been a blind fold.
This stupid must be removed from the gene pool.
I went back to work after the mandates were lifted, fully vaxxinated mine site. Almost impossable to operate with the constant rotation of covid and isolation. I have done s#itty jobs in s#itty countries, but that job near on killed me. Filling in for sickness
At a wedding 6 months ago, every attendee got the covid, except me, and they were all vaxxed to the eyeballs and most had the runny nose virus at least twice.
The minds of these people, they only believe what they see on TV.
MP – these medical problems have always been there, and one cannot argue about that when it is raised in counter argument, but it is the frequency with which they are occurring in our circles that is noticeable. Most of the victims seem to be quite complacent about the occurrence and feel unlucky in having got it without any realisation that there is any link to the vaccines.
Our government bodies responsible for the health of our nations have the duty to track the frequency of diseases (Epidemiology 101), after all each disease has a categorisation and there is the compulsion that doctors submit records of these diseases, and to note any changes in disease patterns and to investigate the cause. Armed with this knowledge they have a duty to notify us and to address the cause(s). It is quite clear to me that they have either failed in their duties or that they are fully aware and are criminally hiding the information from us.
One of the most egregious examples that I know of is the UK Office of Statistics hiding their data on miscarriages, foetal deaths, prematurity, still births, congenital abnormalities, and maternal mortality and pregnancy complications. Official requests have been repeatedly made but they refuse to release the data, but have admitted that the manufactures of these products have been given them whilst the UK researchers/public can’t have them.
In his article on New Zealand’s Medsafe releasing data on the ongoing myocarditis epidemic Guy Hatchard in the link below notes – I don’t want to sound too harsh, but now we are aware of the astounding figures Health New Zealand has been sitting on and hiding from the public for the last few years, we have to ask serious questions about the probity of the management. They are supposed to protect and promote public health.
Many thanks for highlighting this Jo.
In spite of the Albanese government promising a full Royal Commission into the Covid saga it appears that ALL governments both state and federal are running away from any exposure to what in reality happened.
There are many thousands of people injured, some severely, and many who are bereaved as a direct result of the MRNA “vaccine”.
I wait with bated breath to see what the government’s own “enquiry” into the federal aspect of how they handled the health emergency – it should be very interesting not least because the individual state government’s are excluded from this enquiry for reasons unknown 🙂
This current passing of this resolution by Port Hedland Council can only help to expose more of what went wrong and the list of those things is almost endless. In addition, the requests for immediate cessation of administering any more MRNA jabs will help prevent countless more injuries and deaths – if only the governments, both state and federal, would listen as it shouldn’t be left up to councils to highlight major health emergencies – the federal government should have undertaken this critical step without any external assistance.
I would implore anyone who is “vaccine” injured or knows of family members, friends or acquaintances that suspect they have been to join the Covid Class Action lawsuit (instigated by Dr Mel McCann) at the address below.
This class action recommences in the Federal Court of NSW in December 2024
Again Jo, I really appreciate you bringing this to the attention of your readers.
Malcolm Roberts is certainly not letting it ‘go quietly into the night’!
And others
Never forgive, never forget.
They are covering backsides.
They know they stuffed it up. Mistakes happen but this was a shambles that cost lives, destroyed businesses and $$$Billions were spent on Australias’ credit card that your grand children will be paying off.
For decades I voted for the the party that I considered to be “the lesser of 2 evils”.
Bollocks to that.
Liberal and labor are like peas in a pod and that pod needs to be shredded and dug into the earth and used as fertilizer. It’s about the only good use I could come up with for either of these parties.
They know they stuffed it up.
Which is why they need the ACMA Misinformation laws amended to make social media and blogs “controllable”.
Can’t have the village idiot-(me), criticising the government can we?
Thankfully blogs such as yours allow us to voice our opinions freely.
Why are they so terrified of free speech/differing opinions?
Sounds like their ABC causing a new round of that famous “Mandy Rice-Davies quotation”
Oh, Paul’s last Job was a owner-driver contract with a LPG Gas company to drive to Karratha from Kwinana (Perth) a B double- 3 days each way solo. (240 Km from Port Hedland). Small world!
Think you missed a zero in the distance.
[Indeed! The distance Karratha to Kwinana is 1,570 km, or 1,000 miles. – Jo]
I think Simon is referring to how close Paul got to Port Hedland on his Karratha run. Port Hedland is 240km from Karratha by road.
It’s a small world. But I wouldn’t want to have to paint it. ~ Steven Wright.
Misso recently had a scare with skin cancer and after seeing many different specialist doctors and allied health workers (nurses etc) and having numerous surgeries and weeks of radiation treatment the one thing that all have said to her that stood out was none of them had ever seen a skin cancer form on that part of a hand .
Coincidence? who knows but was only forced to have the 3 Covid shots not any boosters .
We had never seen young mothers with clots in their hands or teen ages with Myocarditis.
The other thing we did not see in 2020 was someone (without already having a long history of illness) having tested positive with Covid 19 showing more than common cold or flu symptoms.
The Council might as well have a go at this health concern, after all their job is in essence public health in that they supply potable water, sewerage treatment, mosquito mitigation, smaller less frequent potholes, etc. There is little doubt, that any promised funding for local infrastructure will be spent on entertainment facilities in Perth and not bridges in Port Hedland at any rate. Just ask the Gulf Shire Mayor in Queensland who has given up after the ongoing failure to fund the promised flood free bridge in his shire.
Council’s are involved in health services and run community health facilities, health education, immunisations, etc. They are also large employers of workers, and are an arm of state government. So while “the national vaccine policy was not the councils job”, it is not totally out of their lane to be involved in concerns over community health and having staff affected by any potential re-introduction of vaccine mandates.
Each state is different with regards to water supply and sewer treatment. I believe in WA they have the Water Corporation that controls reticulated potable water supply, sewer networks and sewage treatment. WA Councils are probably more concerned with non-reticulated sewer such as septic tank approvals and associated building permit compliance. Which is still ultimately a health matter.
Victoria certainly has water boards controlling water and sewer reticulation, rather than councils. Don’t know other state demarcations.
Sorry I should have said that with the exception of some regional shire councils who appear to care for their citizens, ‘Most Councils used to take responsibility for health issues’.
I can add, things like your roof not falling on your head and your local bridge falling down to my list.
Modern Councillors however are primarily concerned with their re-election as they are well remunerated and generally protected by behind the scenes party pre-selection. Hence they are free to spend pots of rate payers money on trips to Paris for up dates on the Olympic venues, Climate Action etc.
Again easy fixed. Bring back meeting fees so Councillors aren’t another level of remunerated Public Servants and get rid of the levels of access on the reporting systems so the rate payer can see where their money is going without the need for FOI.
They are Local Councils, not any part of Government. We had a referendum on this third tier of government, it was rejected. The state criminals wrote it into the state constitution’s anyway (voice anyone). They formed the Local government associations (LGA’s) to administer the “councils. This is where the UN ICLEI are seated. Think globally act locally.
Potholes , parks and pipes, that is their job description, they have nothing to do with health.
Councils in Victoria run immunisation programs. (Not solely. Obviously you can get shots at a GP etc)
They also do the health inspections on premises.
They have community health facilities that provide a range of health services including dietetics, occupational therapy, physio, alcohol/drug recovery, mental health and disability support. Plus more.
Obviously not all councils will offer the same range of services and it might be different across all states. But Councils, at least in Vic, generally have a lot to do with health.
Bunnings runs immunisation programs up here, I think MacDonald’s even offered fries with theirs.
States are responsible for health, not councils, funding is provided by the Fed, the states manage it for the Fed, maybe they subbie it out?
Food safety is State (state department of health).Our council is there to build sustainable stuff, on borrowed funding from ICLEI subbied out to multinationals
Lot of money handed out for health, councils taking their cut? https://www.viccouncils.asn.au/what-councils-do/council-responsibilities
After all it is run by failed bussiness men and house wives, the CEO runs the show and I bet yours came from your LGA, not your IGA.
It is meant to be a council of the people’s representatives, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/council#google_vignette
https://www.aph.gov.au/constitution see if you can find it in here, you will note it refers to “both houses of parliament” no three. This is the constitution that rules over all.
I’m not sure why you’re providing links to back me up but carrying a narrative that you think it doesn’t.
I refer to your statement earlier about councils at #
From your links.
PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELLBEING ACT 2008 – SECT 24 Function of Councils
Function of Councils
The function of a Council under this Act is to seek to protect, improve and promote public health and wellbeing within the municipal district by—
(a) creating an environment which supports the health of members of the local community and strengthens the capacity of the community and individuals to achieve better health;
(b) initiating, supporting and managing public health planning processes at the local government level;
(c) developing and implementing public health policies and programs within the municipal district;
(d) developing and enforcing up-to-date public health standards and intervening if the health of people within the municipal district is affected;
(e) facilitating and supporting local agencies whose work has an impact on public health and wellbeing to improve public health and wellbeing in the local community;
(f) co-ordinating and providing immunisation services to children living or being educated within the municipal district;
(g) ensuring that the municipal district is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
Obviously council’s have a lot to do with health under the Act. and in reality in practice.
I have family providing specialist health services as employees of the council and they have worked for three different municipalities in metro and country Victoria.
You don’t have to believe it. But there’s a pretty strong correlation between the Health Act Functions of Council and the actual services and regulation enforcement that council undertakes. 😉
Your not supposed to follow links, the fact it’s there is proof enough.
Thats why the link was after “Lot of money handed out for health, councils taking their cut?” and “subbied it out”.
Why should my rates be responsable for your health?
(d) developing and enforcing up-to-date public health standards and intervening if the health of people within the municipal district is affected; I thought that was a doozie, giving them the power of force.
Glad your happy with the situation, never bite the hand that feeds you and all that.
They were responsible for spraying DDT to stop Malaria mosquitoes. Would come around and make sure no one had pot plants or plants that held water.
Did a great job, we could live in the tropics and not get Malaria.
Most Local Councils only exist as an act of the state parliament in Queensland. The Greens are only there because they could not get a job anywhere else. Stop paying and the Socialist and Communist suddenly decide they have something more important to do elsewhere.
You know when one turns up in your service organisation. They will suggest a paid position for a mate and it will grow from there to include them. When the money runs out (as it will because the workers get sick of the great ideas that don’t work) they run out.
Only got the malaria mozzies, missed the dengue and Ross River mozzies, now that’s good targeting. Pretty sure there has never been Malaria in Australia, it is on a fly in roster not transmission. It was a UN WHO program which was very successful in Australia, they eradicated something that did not exist.
You feel safer, because that’s what’s important, they have a vaxxine for that now.
Organochlorides had been used in fly tags and dip for livestock, banned, something about not being good for our health https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/farms-fishing-forestry/agriculture/animal/health/contamination/organochlorine/qld
We have gone off topic MP.
I am a bit worried you are hanging around with Johnny Rotten and do not have his liver capacity.
Malaria in 1942
Interesting topic though. My understanding is when a group of Mosquito collecting researchers came through North Queensland in the late Fifties crushing mosquitoes as they went, they found numerous viruses and were only able to associate a few of those with known illness such as Ross River and dengue.
Im not so sure about the sweeping “councils ” statement
Their engagement with real health activities varies widely berween States. Our local councils major contribution during covid was to rope off playgrounds and toilets.
My local criminals in council first exempted themselves and all staff from mandates and then went back to work and did nothing. Funny how all governments exempted themselves the judiciary and senior police from the worst pandemic in the history of the planet, while screaming “pandemic of the unvaxxinated’.
I was asked by relies why I did not join the flock, the above plus the fact I do not know anyone prior to the mandates who even caught it let alone died, the pub test!
They also roped off seating in towns.
All those involved must be investigated, prosecuted and gaoled (jailed) if found guilty.
Ignorance is not an excuse (neither is “just following orders”). There can be no “ignorance” when the dangers of the experimental vaccines were fully known but “authorities” (sic) ignored the advice of some of the world’s leading experts. Instead experts were censored, silenced, sacked/fired, prosecuted, had their medical registrations cancelled etc.. And there was extensive censorship of science fact on social media, including pre-Musk Twitter, documented by Elon Musk.
In the Stupid Country, Australia, potential treatments such as HCQ and IVM (taken according to appropriate protocols) were banned. In the case of HCQ, even before “vaccines” (sic) were available. Both were falsely claimed to be dangerous. Even correction of Vitamin D deficiency, known to dramatically reduce the severity and death rate of covid was said to be useless. I documented some of this Government misinformation in my submission against Government censorship. See https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/acma2023-31735-david-s-maddison.pdf
Well said David.
The government and bureaucracy “truths” during covid were so far off the mark that defies belief. NZ PM Jacinda Ardern and her infamous quote…”We will continue to be your single source of truth” comes to mind.
Does anyone really trust what their government says anymore? I don’t. They proved themselves so untrustworthy during covid that I have very little faith in them at all.
And now they expect us to be okay with the mis/disinformation censorship bill?
The komissar of truth?
The so-called “conspiracy theories” of the past have so often been proven to be the truth.
Without free debate/opinion this would never have been known.
Hi David,
nicely done.
Interesting what local councils spend their energy on these days. Ours seemed more interested in the YES campaign and also who you sleep with. People power and all that.
Supporting something like this would go against the trend of being fully aligned with all PC State Government dogma.
Councils are responsible for the health of their citizens (see my comment above).
Really? I seriously doubt that is the case in every State.
Mine does SFA in that regard, with health being very much State role.
Yeah, wrong twice.
Do you chuck things out that are not working or fix them?
Asking for a friend.
Cheaper to throw, unless your friend fixes things.
That’s a rather broad generalisation…
Depends on the value of the item v cost/availability of a repair.
Personally, I always get a tyre repaired/replaced rather than throwing away the car.
Yep, replaced, what I said.
Don’t jump to conclusions.
The first step is to have the claims made by David Speicher confirmed or refuted by independent research. If they are confirmed then investigation is required into how many batches of vaccines this applies to.
The claims of Professor Angus Dalgleish also need to be investigated. As we have been told many, many times, correlation is NOT proof of cause. How many cases is he talking about? What other factors might have contributed (e.g. stress)? Is it all a coincidence – these things happen.
Rational, objective investigation is required, not jumping to conclusions or conspiracy theories.
Fair enough.
But prior to the current claims, ignoring and censoring the presentation of scientific fact concerning dangers of the experimental vaccines and options for alternative treatments or prophylaxis is not a conspiracy theory but fact.
John F. Kennedy:(who was a democrat)
a “nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
Those scientists themselves are asking to look further into this.
We lost a good (VERY healthy)friend who was diagnosed with turbo colon cancer. He didn’t want these vaccines but he was forced to get them, so he could visit his dying mother in Germany. He lived for 7 weeks after his diagnose.
from Brownstone Institue:
‘Researchers Alarmed to Find DNA Contamination in Pfizer Vaccine’
By Maryanne Demasi September 20, 2023
Maryanne Demasi, 2023 Brownstone Fellow, is an investigative medical reporter with a PhD in rheumatology, who writes for online media and top tiered medical journals. For over a decade, she produced TV documentaries for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and has worked as a speechwriter and political advisor for the South Australian Science Minister.
‘Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, and professor at the University of South Carolina has testified before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee saying that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is contaminated with billions of tiny DNA fragments.
Buckhaults, who has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology, said “there is a very real hazard” that these fragments of foreign DNA can insert themselves into a person’s own genome and become a “permanent fixture of the cell.”
“I’m a real fan of this platform,” Buckhaults told the Senate. “I think it has the potential to treat cancers, I really believe that this platform is revolutionary. In your lifetime, there will be mRNA vaccines against antigens in your unique cancer. But they’ve got to get this problem fixed.”
Buckhaults is most concerned about the “very real theoretical risk of future cancer in some people, depending on where this foreign piece of DNA lands in the genome, it can interrupt a tumour suppressor gene or activate an oncogene.”
“I’m kind of alarmed about this DNA being in the vaccine… DNA is a long-lived information storage device. It’s what you were born with, you’re going to die with and pass on to your kids. … So alterations to the DNA…well, they stick around,” he said.
Senator Billy Garrett asked whether Buckhaults could test for DNA contamination in the new covid boosters that the Biden administration just recommended for all Americans aged 6 months or older.
“I would like to do that,” said Buckhaults. “It takes about three hours to check a vial of vaccine to see if it’s got this in it – about 100 bucks of reagents.”
“And I will not get the vaccine again myself unless I get a batch and find out that it’s free of DNA,” he added.
from Brownstone Institute:
‘Questioning Lipid Nanoparticles’
David Gortler, Pharm. D November 5, 2023
Dr. David Gortler is a pharmacologist, pharmacist, research scientist and a former member of the FDA Senior Executive Leadership Team who served as senior advisor to the FDA Commissioner on matters of: FDA regulatory affairs, drug safety and FDA science policy. He is a former Yale University and Georgetown University didactic professor of pharmacology and biotechnology, with over a decade of academic pedagogy and bench research, as part of his nearly two decades of experience in drug development.
Despite over 13.5 billion Covid-19 doses administered worldwide, there remains a lot of fundamental information lacking. Since there isn’t a good article which 1) scientifically, 2) clinically and 3) regulatorily address Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) and the FDA’s role in assuring and regulating novel technologies and ingredients, I am writing one.
from 8 Dec 2020
Department of Pediatrics
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee
RE: Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments related to
consideration of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
Dear Colleagues,
I am a pediatric specialist caring for children with the multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). I am concerned about the possibility that the new vaccines aimed at creating immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (including the mRNA vaccines of Moderna and Pfizer) have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in a way that is not currently being assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs.
….While there are pieces to this puzzle that have yet to be worked out, it appears that the viral spike protein that is the target of the major SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is also one of the key agents causing the damage to distant organs that may include the brain, heart, lung, and kidney. Before any of these vaccines are approved for widespread use in humans, it is important to assess in vaccinated subjects the effects of vaccination on the heart (perhaps using cardiac MRI, as Puntmann et al. did).
Vaccinated patients could also be tested for distant tissue damage in deltoid area skin biopsies, as employed by Magro et al. As important as it is to quickly arrest the spread of the virus by immunizing the population, it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on these other organs.
In caring for children with MIS-C, I have been impressed with how widespread the organ involvement is, particularly given the absence of actively replicating virus in virtually all patients. Particular caution will be required with regard to the potential widespread vaccination of children before there are any real data on the safety or effectiveness of these vaccines in pediatric trials that are only now beginning.
from the Pfizer report fourth quarter and full year 2021 ‘Business Wire’
Risks Related to Our Business, Industry and Operations, and Business Development:
…….including the possibility of unfavorable new pre-clinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing pre-clinical, clinical or safety data or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection;…..
from an EMA report (European Medicine Agency), November 2021:
-Missing Information: Use in frail patients with co-morbidities (e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, chronic neurological disease, cardiovascular disorders)
Risk-benefit impact: There is limited information on the safety of the vaccine in frail patients with co-morbidities who are potentially at higher risk of severe COVID-19.
– Missing Information: Use in patients with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders
Risk-benefit impact: There is limited information on the safety of the vaccine in individuals with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders and a theoretical concern that the vaccine may exacerbate their underlying disease.
-Missing Information: Interaction with other vaccines Risk-benefit impact COVID-19 mRNA vaccine will be used in individuals who also may receive other vaccines. Studies to determine if co-administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine with other vaccines may affect the efficacy or safety of either vaccine have not been performed. One protocol study (C4591030 – Co-administration study with seasonal influenza vaccine) is planned.
-Missing Information: Long term safety data Risk-benefit impact The long-term safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is unknown at present, however further safety data are being collected in ongoing Study C4591001 for up to 2 years following administration of dose 2 of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and 2 non-interventional studies (C4591036 and C4591038) are planned.
‘The Free Press’ :
U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say
‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’
By Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. Tracy Beth Høeg, MD, PhD
July 14, 2022
The calls and text messages are relentless. On the other end are doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA and CDC. They are variously frustrated, exasperated and alarmed about the direction of the agencies to which they have devoted their careers.
“It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes,” one senior FDA official lamented. “People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”
That particular FDA doctor was referring to two recent developments inside the agency. First, how, with no solid clinical data, the agency authorized Covid vaccines for infants and toddlers, including those who already had Covid. And second, the fact that just months before, the FDA bypassed their external experts to authorize booster shots for young children.
just a reminder:
September 10, 2021
‘A video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying she could not “require” vaccination for members of Congress has resurfaced online following President Joe Biden’s announcement of a vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees.
Pelosi made the remarks at her weekly press conference on April 29, when she informed the public that around 75 percent of the House of Representatives had been vaccinated at that time.
Biden announced on Thursday that U.S. companies that employ more than 100 people will be required to ensure that workers are either vaccinated against COVID-19 or tested weekly.
The Speaker said: “So—so here is the thing. We are—we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That’s just not what we can do. It is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn’t.”
“I can’t go to the Capitol physician and say, ‘Give me the names of people who aren’t vaccinated, so I can go encourage them or make it known to others to encourage them to be vaccinated.’ So we can’t—we can’t do that,” Pelosi said.
on substack: ‘Injecting Freedom by Aaron Siri’
Instead of FDA’s Requested 500 Pages Per Month, Court Orders FDA to Produce Pfizer Covid-19 Data at Rate of 55,000 Pages Per Month!
A great win for transparency that removes a stranglehold “health” authorities have had on data independent scientists need to offer solutions and address serious issues with the vaccine program.
Aaron Siri
Jan 07, 20222
On behalf of a client, my firm requested that the FDA produce all the data submitted by Pfizer to license its Covid-19 vaccine. The FDA asked the Court for permission to only be required to produce at a rate of 500 pages per month, which would have taken over 75 years to produce all the documents.
I am pleased to report that a federal judge soundly rejected the FDA’s request and ordered the FDA to produce all the data at a clip of 55,000 pages per month!
This is a great win for transparency and removes one of the strangleholds federal “health” authorities have had on the data needed for independent scientists to offer solutions and address serious issues with the current vaccine program – issues which include waning immunity, variants evading vaccine immunity, and, as the CDC has confirmed, that the vaccines do not prevent transmission.
No person should ever be coerced to engage in an unwanted medical procedure. And while it is bad enough the government violated this basic liberty right by mandating the Covid-19 vaccine, the government also wanted to hide the data by waiting to fully produce what it relied upon to license this product until almost every American alive today is dead. That form of governance is destructive to liberty and antithetical to the openness required in a democratic society.
In ordering the release of the documents in a timely manner, the Judge recognized that the release of this data is of paramount public importance and should be one of the FDA’s highest priorities. He then aptly quoted James Madison as saying a “popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy”
The Journal of antibiotics” 15 February 2017
‘Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations’
Andy Crump 15 February 2017
Today, ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.
EUA: Under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), when the Secretary of HHS declares that an emergency use authorization is appropriate, FDA may authorize unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by CBRN threat agents when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.
BMJ, October 2020
Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us
Box 1
Safety and side effects
History shows many examples of serious adverse events from vaccines brought to market in periods of enormous pressure and expectation. There were contaminated polio vaccines in 1955, cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome in recipients of flu vaccines in 1976, and narcolepsy linked to one brand of influenza vaccine in 2009.1819
“Finding severe rare adverse events will require the study of tens of thousands of patients, but this requirement will not be met by early adoption of a product that has not completed its full trial evaluation,” Harvard drug policy researchers Jerry Avorn and Aaron Kesselheim recently wrote in JAMA.20
Covid-19 vaccine trials are currently designed to tabulate final efficacy results once 150 to 160 trial participants develop symptomatic covid-19—and most trials have specified at least one interim analysis allowing for the trials to end with even fewer data accrued.
Medscape’s Eric Topol has been a vocal critic of the trials’ many interim analyses. “These numbers seem totally out of line with what would be considered stopping rules,” he says. “I mean, you’re talking about giving a vaccine with any of these programmes to tens of millions of people. And you’re going to base that on 100 events?”8
‘Medical Musings’ Pierre Kory June 2022
She wrote again before we talked, it was this email below that prompted me to ask her number so we could discuss in more depth:
It’s the inside folks who talk to each other, and you have to speak another language depending on who’s listening. That has been a skill set unto itself. It’s texting, the phone calls from area to area with back stories on patient issues. I was getting texts from my old stat team covering cardiac catheterization lab – the clots. The clots stunned everyone…it continues. My cardiac units – where I spent the bulk of my nursing years – lung and heart transplant included – have so many anomalies presented with patients that never existed before. Re-writing the script for each new problem never encountered. The constant codes (cardiac arrests). Can’t keep up.
Quadrant Magazine: The Curious Tale of Hydroxychloroquine
31st May 2023
Robert Clancy
The author is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database
The discipline of medicine has changed. Its traditional cohesion and leadership have fractured into multiple disconnected specialty groups, allowing powerful commercial and political forces to increase control over both structure and function of medical practice. The COVID era burst through boundaries long taken for granted.
A major driver of opinion about COVID has been the World Health Organisation (WHO). Its Health Emergencies Programme in its proposed form, designed to strengthen disease-specific systems and capacities, including for vaccines, pharmaceuticals and other public health interventions, may be a serious threat to independent local health systems. Given it is an unelected body responsive to powerful lobbies, and a with a performance short of wide approval in its overarching role in the recent pandemic, there is reason to tread carefully.
‘When drug news is no news’
BMJ 2006; (Published 13 April 2006)
Media watchdog reveals how US television networks are broadcasting pharmaceutical promotions disguised as “news”
Drug company marketing people are used to having to work quite hard at product promotion, but now there is evidence that some major US television news outlets are giving them a helping hand—by broadcasting “fake news” reports, graciously written and produced by industry.
The Center for Media and Democracy, a public interest group based in Madison, Wisconsin, that exposes “public relations spin and propaganda,” issued a report last week that tracked the use of 36 video news releases (VNRs) aired by news outlets over the past 10 months (www.prwatch.org/fakenews/execsummary). VNRs are designed to look like independently produced news but they are actually prepackaged promotions containing film footage created by corporate publicists or their public relations firms.
More than ever, pharmaceutical companies provide a larger portion of television advertising budgets. The thin line between the editorial and marketing departments is becoming more and more blurred.
The ‘depending’ media couldn’t research mRNA vaccines…. they are sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry….
that is what the ABC is supposed to do.
And they never do as required by their charter.
They just present Government dis/misinformation.
They should therefore be wound up and remaining assets sold to pay off Government (taxpayer) debts.
And before them, the TGA, CSIRO, the Ministry of Health, and 1,000 publicly funded PhD’s who owe this country their time and honest opinion on an issue which appears to be killing Australians, as evidenced by Excess Deaths. It should be easy to show the vaccines are safe (albeit only up to 3 years post vax) if we had done the right studies.
And if they are hiding the data, or not looking, the ABC is supposed to be the next level that keeps asking good questions to expose the corruption.
This is multiple layered failure of every part of the government-industrial-complex.
That was supposed to happen before the “mass jab campaign” one might have thought?
What rot. The ABC is not a scientific research institute.
Indeed. But they need to ask the right questions. They’re not hard to work out, or honest scientists can suggest the questions for them that require answer from “authorities” (sic). Thair ABC never addressed any concerns of scientists and medical personnel who were not followers of the Official Narrative. Instead they would just ignore or ridicule them by childishly calling them “anti-vaxxers” etc..
Being impartial is part of their charter. They failed to do that during covid and in every other way and time. They present only the Leftist point of view, nothing from the Thinking Community.
Ah. You have appointed yourself the thinking community.
Is there any way you can write something that is not heavily embellished by your bias?
No pots and kettles here. The TGA and ABC effectively have one role each and they are both abject failures at the task they were set up to do. The TGA is supposed to investigate Therapeutic Goods to keep Australians safe. The ABC is supposed to investigate our institutions/people/politicians to keep them accountable to voters.
Gee Aye, right back at you: “Is there any way you can write something that is not heavily embellished by your bias?”
Do you think we should have set up studies to investigate potential vaccine harm, or is that a waste of money? Over to you…
you don’t need to be a ‘scientific research institute’ to question and evaluate scientific claims (see, eg, Douglas Walton, Appeal to Expert Opinion).
in any case, the ABC/MSM cites sources lacking epistemic authority (eg experts out of their field) and kowtows to authoritative statements from government (where such authority is administrative, not epistemic).
Where are those ‘independent’ researchers and investigators of which you speak?
I feel pretty safe in jumping to the conclusion that most of them were expunged during the ‘Pandemic’ for asking questions.
Also feel pretty safe in jumping to the the conclusion the ‘Pandemic’ was a conspiracy of a construct we do not yet understand.
Evidence for conclusion jumping …
1) no ‘public health’ entity anywhere is the least bit interested in determining the origin of the ‘Great VIRUS of 2019’.
2) Governments are scurrying like rats to make ‘misinformation’ illegal … because their actions during COVID destroyed their credibility.
Funny how it’s being labeled conspiracy ‘misinformation’ before the the ‘independent’ researchers can get the their jobs back after being fired for asking questions about Pandemic policy.
It is correct to replicate these findings John.
Remember the 20 minutes the Australian senators got to grill two hapless pfizer execs about the
dangerous and ineffective “Vaccines”.
Multi billions of dollars spent…. Twenty minutes.
Oh and the Pfizer execs got away with mouthing platitudes.
Given the complexity of the vaccines, it is PLAUSIBLE that there were manufacturing
defects in the production. We had to accept Pfizers/ Modernas word as to the purity
and efficacy of the final product. It is highly improbable that such a manufacturing
process could be rushed and expanded to man million doses without any irregularity.
Please look up who has the world record for being fined the most for corporate malfeasance.
Given the government has blatantly ignored the obvious demographic irregularities i.e.
a) having a deadly pandemic with no “cure” or “prevention” showing up as a DECLINE in all cause mortality
b) having admitted to coercing a experimental gene product on the majority of the population whilst
the studies of the experimental gene product showed NEGATIVE EFFICACY and INCREASE IN MORTALITY there
was an INCREASE in all cause mortality.
why then are you using the term Conspiracy Theory?
Oh, and please correlate the Australian vaccine rate with the PNG rate and their experience (spoiler- they did better on every “COVID” morbidity/mortality metric with a 4% jab rate)
The point Simon, is that until we know these results are false how can we justify injecting a single person?
1. Suspend the vaccines immediately.
2. Replicate the study. Checking for DNA contaminants is surely only a few weeks at most?
3. Then set up retrospective studies on long term effects of the vaccine.
4. REconsider the cost benefits of any vax based on the data, the efficacy, the safety, the current viruses.
But we all know why they don’t these most banal and obvious tests, right?
Spoken like a true vaxxinated believer.
Not at all. In no way is John saying the claim isn’t true, that there’s nothing to see, or trying to discredit Speicher or Dalgleish without addressing the issue.
John is simply saying that correlation is not causation and no conclusion can be drawn. He also said it should be investigated.
You may note that Jo hasn’t drawn any conclusion in her article regarding the effects of the vaccinations. Is simply raising the concern expressed by the council and highlighted the lack of interest by those who should have been interested. Not least our health regulators.
Or we can let John answer that.
You can’t have causation without correlation.
Who do you expect to “investigate”, Government, the snake oil salesmen? Do you really expect the people behind this genocide to put their hands up?
How many expert claims highlighting the issue with mRNA vaxination do you need to listen to? This blog has been full of them for many years.
The fact Jo put this post up shows the intent, the conclusion draws itself.
We agree that correlation suggests it should be looked at. Particularly with experts pointing the finger.
But the fact that there is a correlation doesn’t mean it is fact. People were getting cancer before the vaccine and unvaccinated people have gotten cancer. So based on correlation the case can also be made that it’s not the vaccination.
Of course it would not be scientific to draw the conclusion that cancers existed away from vaccination so therefore the vaccine can’t be having an influence.
Im not arguing the merits of the concern and neither is John. I’m just highlighting the folly in labelling John, and saddling him with a bias, just so you can dismiss his view because he wants some analysis to draw a conclusion. Particularly as he didn’t say it’s not the cause.
Sometimes you get that engrossed with following systems, rules and procedures, that you fail to see the gorilla in the room
Sometimes it is exactly what it is.
I’m not saying the vaccine isn’t causing the issues. At no stage have I, or John for that matter, said it’s not the vaccine.
I’m saying your labelling of John was inappropriate.
You may want to reread it. It’s got a defiant slant.
John’s comment has a scientific slant.
The more the better in order to achieve some “authority” in the matter. The media/ government/ bureaucracy stranglehold over information is difficult to overcome.
Further detail on Australian action provided by Dr John Campbell video (11:17mins) covering Australian MP Russell Broadbent’s September letter to PM Albo concerning the findings of DNA contamination in mRNA inoculation batches by US, Canadian, German and now Australia health professionals.
Also a follow up video (17:04mins) including vision of Russell talking with Dr Julie Sladden and Professor Ian Brighthope both co-signers of the letter.
This ‘Dr. John Campbell’
The question is whether the good ‘Doctor’ has returned to the fold and exhibit some logical caution to wonder cures or is he a ‘false flag’ / ‘limited hang-out’ prepping his followers for the next iteration of the ‘Great reset’
I have to downgrade undated references, as I can’t compare the comments with other sources.
Do you have dates for the commentary you linked to?
Or you could click on the link?
I did. That’s why I made the comment.
Doing so a second time didn’t help. When was the article written?
For goodness sake. Figure out the total net harm/benefit of John Campbell to the crooked Establishment. He’s reaching tens of thousands, even millions of people, and interviewing the best of the best that the media won’t touch and flagrantly outing the Ministers, the govt, the WEF and the UN. Like plenty of others he was part of system and he believed in it to start with, but was totally honest as he realized the scale of corruption.
We are wise to be alert to the possibility of “controlled opposition” but we can get carried away if every opponent to the Blob is labelled controlled opposition.
In fact, if I were running the comms for the blob, I’d have teams out spraying around “controlled opposition” labels to make dissidents unsure who they could trust.
Apologies about the link David of Cooyal. Unless you sign up you are only given the age of the related post ie: (1Y)
Dr John Campbell was pro-vax in 2020 as well as pro-ivermectin). He started changing his views on Covid vaccines in early 2021 as data started to indicate they were ineffective in preventing transmission, serious disease and death. He then started to look at evidence of deaths and side effects caused by Covid vaccines. I don’t think he will be, as you say, returning to the fold.
You say “is it a coincidence ?”. Fair enough. However the most Covid vaccinated countries have the highest rates of excess deaths. Near zero deaths are recorded in third world countries with no or very low vaccination uptakes. But around 25% excess deaths in highly vaccinated first world countries like Australia. These statistics don’t lie. Vaccination injuries (non death) are also most distressing and who knows the numbers here?
As tempting as it is, it’s nearly impossible to compare country to country scientifically and get a useful result — most of the third world didn’t do much testing for covid, so wouldn’t even know who did or didn’t die of it, and they are younger demographics as well.
The single best study I’ve seen was the Norman Fenton analysis on vaccines in the British NHS data for excess deaths. The UK data is the best in the world.
I wrote that up in December 2021. It is so rare in medical studies to see such correlation on a week by week basis, controlled for age. To see peaks and turning points that match is as good as any retrospective medical data you will every get.
To find this post in future search google for joannenova Fenton, blockbuster.
Remember the radioactive factor here is that the “unvaccinated” in each age group were dying a few weeks after others in their age group got vaccinated. This was because for two weeks after vaccination the vaccinated are classified (wrongly) as “unvaccinated”.
So glad that I never had the Jab/Boosters. Being retired at the time (and still happily am), I could not be coerced into taking the stuff.
My gut feeling said NO to the Jabs/Boosters. And it looks more and more like my gut feeling was correct.
I hear that there is a new vaccine about to be made available to thwart both Covid 19 as well as ordinary flu & its variants. It is based on the mRNA poison used to produce the Covid virus.
If it’s MRNA technology involved avoid it like the plague it is.
The first Astra Zeneca vaccine nearly killed me so I won’t be letting any of these “ cowboys “ have a second go at me.
The full results of mRNA will become apparent in about 10 / 15 years. It won’t be pretty!!
There are so many deadly strains of everything that it is difficult to keep up with it. At age 71 years, I rely on my immune system and the genes inherited from my Mum. She is 92 years old and never had the Jab/Boosters either.
Be careful: ‘gut feeling’, especially the XY male kind, is referred to as ‘toxic masculinity’ among 50% of the 50% of them those thar other ones… or is it 97%, to quote the Cult of Climate Calamity Jane.
My ‘gut feeling’ has saved me on numerous uh-oh occasions, including Covert-1984 anti-Western gene therapists (odd word that one). Long live the gut!
Yes, and the gut feeling is really intuition. Long may it continue to reign supreme.
Meanwhile Albo
spendssquanders $100M on the “looming arrival” of H5N1.https://www.msn.com/en-au/health/other/australia-spends-nearly-100-million-to-protect-against-deadly-bird-flu/ar-AA1scegV
“Albumen Albo” strikes again.
But like so many diseases, you see their effects years or decades later, but by then it’s too late.
/All info provided by a white haired geezer in a lighthouse. 😆
Bit late to that party. That ferret bolted years ago.
We’ve been hearing various complaints against councils that they should stay out of politics and stick to rates, roads and rubbish. But in this case, considering the absence of any other erstwhile responsible government, health and media organisations, this council has exceeded its brief for a good and vitally important cause for public health. They deserve our gratitude and public acclamation in spades.
I hope further interest in this increased cancer risk will be explored by govts around the world.
BTW why were Covid death rates so low in Africa and low income countries,etc?
See the graphs from OWI Data and just highlight countries or continents at the right with your mouse.
The entire world covid death rates are also much lower than death rates for wealthy countries. This data starts in early 2020 and ends 29 Sept 2024.
Sorry that link didn’t work, I’ll try another way.
Back in the day, the Left used to hate Big Pharma.
Now they are one of the Left’s principal allies and weapons used to control the Deplorables (non-Elites).
E.g. Australia had among the world’s most draconian compulsory “vaccination” (sic) regimes without which you were basically confined to your home and could not work, travel or socialise, if not locked down during the world’s most draconian covid lockups.
Compulsory covid vaccination still exists if you want an organ transplant or certain other areas.
2 things.
1. Do you have a reference for the permissible contamination levels. I’ve not found it.
2. Does it matter? You “gene therapy” comment is, as you know, totally alarmist. Gene therapy is not just putting a bunch of DNA into the body. Nucleic acids are floating all around the body as the result of different processes and are pretty quickly gobbled up. The femtograms found in the x145 level is minuscule still.
Gene therapy requires specific DNA sequences at microgram amounts (ie millions of times more than the harmless bits in a vaccine) administered and localised via a delivery system.
Third thing,
does the vaccine vaccinate?
they changed the definition, so why yes it does!
That is not what I was addressing. Did you not understand my comment?
The commonly accepted level is 10 nanograms per dose, and it’s difficult to know where this comes from because various regulatory agencies simply follow each other while couching it as “guidelines”. If you read the following article, it describes Dr. Phillip Buckhault’s testimony from a year ago (we tend to drag our feet in Australia, as well as our knuckles) … there’s a link to his testimony on Censorship Tube but hey I think it got taken down for being too honest or something like that.
Anyhow … if you are still with me … use the link above and scroll down to “FDA safety limits” then read that section and then follow one more link under the word “guidance” and you will be in a PDF … go read all of page 37.
That points the finger to the WHO (based on what authority do they decide?) and gives this reference:
Rumble has the testimony video.
Let’s all thank Evolution for Dan Bongino.
1. see König, B.; Kirchner, J.O. Methodological Considerations Regarding the Quantification of DNA Impurities in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Comirnaty at link
2. “Genetically Modified Organons
“In this exchange currently blowing up around social media from the Senate Estimates hearings on the 26th October… the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is asked a very simple 2-part question.
“Why weren’t the mRNA vaccines tested for genotoxicity and
Why didn’t the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator look at it in terms of a gene technology?”
What they previously said (wrote) was that it wasn’t tested for genotoxicity because it was a vaccine…
The problem is that for the purposes of drug safety it isn’t a vaccine, it’s a genetic therapy.
Bear in mind that Onpattro (Patirisan) is a siRNA genetic technology, which is a short non-coding double-stranded RNA of only 21 nucleotides length (what could go wrong eh?) which are so effective they can stop the production of a whole protein pathway.
By comparison the COVID mRNA vaccines comprise nearly 4000 nucleotides. Imagine the havoc that could potentially result if you only need 21 nucleotides to shut down production of a single protein – and you now have 4000.
So Onpattro had to have genotoxicity studies, but the COVID mRNA vaccines didn’t?
Makes sense eh?”
at link
3. imagine just trusting the government.
1. Your reference states “permitted level” several times without a reference. Also, as it is German research I don’t see how that relates to Australian regulations.
2. What a bunch of irrelevant statements mushed together without context. Just word pollution.
3. Huh. I am actively lambasting a local government.
MDPI is a totally BS journal btw.
literally first sentence of linked article: “DNA impurities can impact the safety of genetically engineered pharmaceuticals; thus, a specific limit value must be set for them during marketing authorisation”
wisdom cries out in the streets and no man regards it.
but not, presumably, their experts (praise be to authoratuh).
and there you go dismissing knowledge (epistemic authority) by reference to power (administrative authority).
is unattributed in the abstract and not backed up anywhere else. I repeat, each time that papr mentions safe levels or the like, it provides no reference.
2. ie you didn’t have any idea of what you were writing.
3. I am very sceptical of the council’s reasoning.
4. The paper is crap. Does that help?
1. i have told you where permissible contamination levels come from.
otoh, you apparently didn’t even read the paper (hence you were saying above it’s got nothing to do with Australia when the paper actually cites the Australian TGA documents)
2. based on 1. i can reasonably infer you probably didn’t read the Council’s documents, either.
3. merely saying ‘the paper is crap’ is a logical fallacy (bare assertion fallacy or ipse dixit).
Well done Professor!
1. You are probably the most qualified to answer Q1, given your day job is supposedly genetics. So how about it?
2. Answer here: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/10/an-australian-local-council-calls-for-suspension-of-all-mrna-vaccines-due-to-dna-contamination/#comment-2806924
These questions about Covid vaccines have resulted in fewer people getting the measles, mumps, & rubella (MMR) vaccine. Outbreaks have been reported in the UK and the USA. This is not a good thing.
I didn’t find much info for Australia, except a few cases are being imported.
It might not be a totally bad thing.
Natural infection induces strong immunity which may be life long. Measles, mumps and rubella are usually mild and self limiting infections if contracted during chilldhood.
Against that we have the current alarming rate of childhood brain injury causing autism. No one has proved that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism and no one has really looked at since the initially very cautious paper by Wakefield et al.
Joanne Nova, what a great article and refs. Some interesting comments too.
including yours!
took all your boosters, did you?
the motion is (in part) about informing doctors and patients about the dangers of the vaxx. aka informed consent.
that is directly focused on the services and people of the community.
individuals suffered actual injury and damage as a reuslt of the government vaxx mandate (oops i mean that thing where you have to take it if you want to leave your house, but it’s absolutely not a mandate!)
the council also needs to protect its own staff and workers.
Thanks Port Hedland!
Remember back to the COVID bollocks and an “abundance of caution” for preventing infections? The same standard obviously doesn’t apply to DNA contamination of the mRNA vaccines. If the science hasn’t quite caught up yet and the allowable levels of DNA contamination hasn’t been fully validated, then the obvious default position should be as close to 0% as you can get. Certainly below detectable levels.
I have read “The real Anthony Fauci” and have read plenty of articles and watched clips from experts on the “vaccine” and will not be taking any more . I was coerced to have two doses and now have the view that its dangerous at best . The threshold for safety for vaccines should be way higher than most meds as its supposed to prevent disease , not treat it . There are way too many red flags including excess deaths to think otherwise ,including the dodgy safety data and immunity for the manufacturers . I will never forgive Dan Andrews or Brett Sutton .
morrison, hunt, liberals, Nationals Labour, greens, lambie and our next savior of the nation, Queensland’s own ex pig and $600 million dollar man, peter mutton. He wants the job cause the pays great, or he gets to stick in the fork and see if we’re done yet.
I haven’t read that book Old Goat but we are on the same page, so to speak. Took my 2 jabs in order to continue working (consumed 1 turmeric capsule before and after 2nd jab was administered). That was because of a suggestion l read online- maybe because turmeric helps shift aluminium from the body. So, theoretically it affects aluminium salts commonly used as a binding agent in vaccines. It’s not evidence but perhaps that move prevented me from serious
health issues (it was still the worst 30 hours of poor health I’d experienced post-jab). Never had a flu jab, never had a bad flu since they were introduced in 2010.
There are a few “fact-checkers” making comments. You people are either serial trolls or are completely caught up in the narrative presented by the WHO/TGA/FDA.
Take a look at Vax-Unvax by Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker for a pretty detailed review of vaccine side effects.
The media is framing criticism around a councillor’s “Putin” comments. So its smeared with a lack of credibility….rightly or wrongly.
the establishment is counting on the cognitive resistance of those who have taken the vaxx and don’t want to admit to themselves what they have actually done.
The ‘Secret Ingredient’ in COVID Vaccines Has Been Found
A peer reviewed study published Friday documented 55 undeclared chemical elements which have been detected in the exotic Covid gene therapy technology from brands Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V.
“A total of 55 undeclared chemical elements were found and quantified with ICP-MS. Combining these findings with results from SEM-EDX, altogether 62 undeclared chemical elements have been found in the various products,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
Given the exotic nature of these findings, the researchers deduced that the novel Covid gene therapy technology injections are in fact, part of a secret worldwide nanotechnological experimentation program.
“Given the diversity and notable presence in all brands, along with the peculiar characteristics of the elements found, it is extremely unlikely, in our judgment, that the findings reported in this paper are due to any fortuitous events such as contamination, or accidental adulteration. We do not believe that accidents owed to chance could occur so consistently and pervasively across the various brands of vaccines that we studied. Whereas the appearance of the daunting diversity of undeclared chemical elements remains strange, the clues seem to be pointing to some kind of worldwide technological experimentation,” the study said in the ‘Discussion’ section. “Because the lanthanides, as we have noted above, are known to be extremely cytotoxic, their being discovered in significant quantity, and across the whole array of vaccines we have studied here, is suggestive of some kind of nanotechnological experimentation.”
The Covid shots are a pinnacle of diversity and inclusiveness. They successfully contain all categories of elements except noble gasses.
Noble gasses in the next shots!
Well at least Albo has his $4M house and will no doubt get out before it all goes nuclear.
TGA? Mars is nice.😆
Interesting. We really need some analysis though. The data is micrograms per Litre. So probably the injection was 1 – 3ml, so 1/1000th to 3/1000th?
Apart from 9500 of Titaniuum I’m not sure if the other numbers rate compared to say, drinking river water? I’m open to be convinced…
And even on Titanium, I’d need to research to see if that was relevant.
The simple truth is that if you thought climate “science” was corrupt, it is no where as near as bad as health, where the “regulators” are owned and controlled and work for big Pharma. There is no way on earth that anyone would have licensed mRNA technology as anything but the most experimental treatments, extremely vigorously policed and checked for many decades to come … instead, the known dangers and damage and ZERO benefit “treatments” got rolled out because they are an eye watering profit centre for Big Pharma and those politicians they employ against the people’s interests.
“It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged” – GK Chesterton.
I had three Astra Zeneca jabs and now have leukemia. I wonder if they are linked?
Sorry to hear that Chris.
If anyone could confirm a link it would probably be Dr Ryan Cole. You may be able to contact him via AMPS.
The the BIRD FLU SUMMIT…which is now past but the brochure is still there/
… is where to find info….at the bird flu summit etc…and all under one roof.
Thank you for posting this, Jo, I also like your stories on the climate shenanigans.
I wrote this up on Substack here the day after the vote, with plenty of inline links to the research and primary sources that can assist anyone looking to find official reference to the manufacturing process that leaves DNA contamination in the vials for example.
All the bests
The ABC coverage of this story confused the Health Department’s red herring “the mRNA doesn’t change your DNA” with the actual problem here raised by the council of DNA contamination left over from the manufacturing process in the gene-vaccines.
So the ABC is conflating and confusing two separate things.
The Health Department has neither confirmed nor denied the DNA contamination (I have asked twice now and no answer). The testing procedure the TGA are using is outdated and not able to detect all DNA contamination, as Moderna themselves have stated about their own product.
It’s well-known in biologics that it is incredibly difficult to clean the residual plasmid DNA from the RNA strands because they are charged. It’s much easier to clean DNA away from proteins. But this is nucleic acid not a protein. They know it’s likely to be contaminated so they are using an ineffective test that can’t detect.
Thanks for putting up the video address by Prof Angus Dalgliesh.
The article has “Pierre Cory”; it’s actually Pierre Kory.
(People should read his recent book, The War on Ivermectin for more info on the antics of the medical-industrial complex.)