- JoNova - -

Auroras being seen

UPDATE Friday:– For readers in darkness, there is currently a G4 geomagnetic storm. Satellites at L1 suggest a spike in density (SWEPAM) coming through in minutes (5.30pm WST 8.30pm EDT). See Glendale for live reports of where the action is. Graphs and discussion at SpaceWeatherlive. Nullschool-Space (a very low resolution, generic estimate) is as colorful as it gets. This post is temporarily bumped.

UPDATE: Thursday night! Post bumped up temporarily. For anyone awake and in darkness. An interplanetary shock wave is likely with auroras visible up to Canberra and Adelaide. Highest impact expected at  3:42 AM EDT Australia. London time 5:37 PM. (Sorry, Daylight savings time mix up.)

Just poke your head out the window….

Monday: That x9 CME arrived, proving that Big X flares don’t always release the big CME’s (coronal mass ejection). And sometimes small flares release big CME’s.


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